#cannot stress enough that when sanji is not doing….all that that i really do love him
ozymandiasdirge · 9 months
me ten minutes ago (ignorant): why have i seen so many people online complain about sanji in thriller bark, yeah the white knighting is starting to wear really thin but it’s definitely not the most annoying anime bullshit i’ve put up with in order to enjoy a piece of media
chapter 464:
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duckielover151 · 7 months
Some OPLA Thoughts: Episode 6
Holy crap, you guys were right. This one WAS even better than the last episode. I don't even know where to start.
Okay, the only possibly negative point... Honestly, Zoro's wound didn't look that impressive to me. I was expecting something a little more dramatic for what was-- rightfully-- meant to be a life-threatening injury.
But everything else in this episode was absolute gold.
I love that this is the event that's really impressing upon Luffy what it means and what it takes to be a captain. I honestly don't remember that being such a big deal until later into the anime, when Nami's sick and Vivi's berating him for not being willing to bow down to the Drum Island guards-- to do whatever it takes to save her. He's so visibly shaken throughout this whole episode, until Zoro wakes back up... It was some really great character development. And I loved how often he continued to smile... even when you could tell he really wasn't feeling it.
And damn. All the child actors have been pretty good-- no complaints, at least. (My issue with Kuina was a writing one; I think both young actors did a great job with the scripts they were given.) But Christian Convery as young Sanji was, like, just on another level. I hope he was having a great time doing so many dramatic, emotional, angry scenes, because they came out great. (Okay, maybe I was expecting a little something more with the special effects, as far as him looking starved half to death goes... but they did a great job with the sunburns and general skin deterioration so... I'll give that one a pass.) And I cannot stress enough how glad I am that they didn't censor the origins of Zeff losing his leg like they did in the anime.
I loved the little Easter egg of Nami reading about Noland to Zoro while he was unconscious. There's an added depth to a liar reading a children's tale about a liar.
The fish-men look great. (Arlong's voice is fantastic. Love that casting.) And I really love that they're not downplaying the racism that exists towards fish-people in this world. That yes, Arlong hates humans, but there is a reason he is the way he is. That's something that doesn't really get addressed until much, much later in the anime, and I think they made the right choice in bringing it up.
There are so, so many things... The way they're continuing to incorporate Buggy, the reveal of Nami's betrayal, Zeff's little argument with Sanji about how he didn't save his life so he could give up on his dream and work in a restaurant for the rest of his days... I loved them all. There was not a single scene in this episode that didn't hit exactly the mark it was meant to, and I'm more excited than ever for the next one.
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misqnon · 6 months
nhello monti! it is March Again :v i feel like it's super obvious who i am so thank u for humoring me and using the name i gave u LOL.
my bad, ive never really celebrated april fools so i forgot it.. was... that day. im also glad u checked ur inbox. also theres no pressure to reply in a certain time frame!! i see ur posts that u have seen my asks and thats enough to put me at ease. so . take ur time!
fellow zoro fan!!!! i have a hard time choosing a favorite straw hat tbh.. they r all so special to me. i do probably like brook and franky just slightly more though. old men my beloved (tbh franky isnt that old but hes old compared to the younger members so). wano is the arc of buff men!! as a man liker... it pleases me.
the edit u sent Is So Good. thank u for sharing. i keep seeing sanji tiktoks and wanting to send them to u but i dont wanna spam ur inbox </3 my messages r already So Long..
ive listened to a bit of the dub (through clips) and tbh i do like it!! i like brook's voice acting a lot (hes who ive heard the most of. also he nails the laugh, which is very important to me) but luffys voice is so jarring to me i just cannot.. get past it. i think im just too used to the sub luffy after . a decade . of hearing him sound like that. plus i usually have to use subtitles anyways cuz i have an audio processing disorder so. sub is just what i default to. but yeah definitely valid to watch dub instead!! they do a great job from what ive seen :)
i have seen a bit of extra content involving the live action cast and tbh usopps actor.. is my favorite. he nails usopp. hes real life usopp. and i love usopp a lot so,,. tbh i might just pirate it (ahaha.... pirate.... pirate.... pirate the pirate show .......) because i really want to watch it!!
YEAH u have plenty of time!! plus i imagine there will be a part of the story where they go back and visit places they said they would return to (like u mentioned laboon). so 2 more islands plus however long it takes to revisit everything! no need to stress
stay strong 🫡 egghead will be so much better going in blind!
catholic guilt about liking sanji is ... i get it. thats funny /lh. i also feel intense guilt for the weirdest and simplest of things LMAO. im glad i didnt make u feel bad about it!!
YEAHH FELLOW DOFFY LOVER!! ive seen a few videos by melonteee and theyre super good. i would watch more but.. ironically (considering i got 800 episodes through one piece..) i cant watch a lot of longform content because i space out so bad. it takes a lot of effort for me to give my full attention and it gets pretty exhausting so i dont do it often. ur art of him is lovely!!! tongue piercings..... 😳.
i got to like .. stardust crusaders. in jjba. and i imagine i just havent seen enough of dio to feel attached to him like i do doffy, but i have seen a few people say they feel the same!!! ive kinda been wanting to go back to it but i just hate old man joseph joestar with such a passion.... i get too angry when hes on screen LOL. its way worse than how i feel abt sanji bc i dont simmer with intense RAGE every time sanji's on screen and i have a lot more positive feelings towards him. that was a bit of a tangent, whoops.
thabk u for validating my sanji hatred. actually i have come to enjoy a lot of sanji content recently though, and i dont think i hate him as much?? as i did?? i will credit this to u. idk if me just talking about it with another human being helped or if its because i see how much u love him but. i think this is good for me!! less rage .. is always good for me. watch me go back to hating him with a passion again now that ive said im fond of him. because im That Inconsistent 😭😭 (i hope this doesnt happen)
it was only super recently where i realized its not inherently a bad thing to like problematic media. to be fair tho there are definitely a lot more problematic fans when u enjoy problematic media, and i see it with one piece a lot. there is a WEIRD amount of transphobes in this community and i cant help but feel like part of that is because of oda's writing spreading some common transphobic ideas. i think hes redeemed himself a lot with the most recent trans characters, and i adore them, but the damage.. is done. but yeah im sure another big part of why theres so much negativity is just because one piece is insanely popular. the bigger the fandom, the bigger the shitty part of it is.
THEY *HAVE* EARNED THE RIGHT TO BE REAL PEOPLE.. UR SO RIGHT. i love that u can see their morals so clearly in like. every action . or inaction. they take. ughh. people talk about luffy falling asleep during people's backstory and say hes rude for it. and its like!! thats a core part of his character!!! he doesn't care about what happened in the past!! he just cares about how you are NOW. tbh though i WOULD be offended if he fell asleep while i was traumadumping LOL. like as a character decision its genius, but as a person .. i am too sensitive for that. BUT IT SHOWS HIS CHARACTER SO WELL!!
IM SO GLAD U NOTICED AUJFH. that moment is so special. u ARE my favorite sanji lover!! my favorite character?? honestly its law... hes so stupid (/pos)... but like.. its hidden behind a very serious mask. i just love people who are extremely silly. and someone who hides their silliness with all their might (and fails) makes them more silly. some of my favorite law moments are in wano and i Really .. ugh. i wish i could tell u but i refuse to spoil even the most minor of things!! so i will wait till u get there. also his backstory just Kills me. it . it hurts. i love tragic characters. looks at choso from jjk. i have a type .
law may be my ultra favorite but i have .. at least 30 different Favorites. including the straw hats. and tbh everyones at about the same level.. in terms of how much i love them. i think its safe to say i adore one piece characters. its because everyone is silly!!! i can list all the ones im aware of (since there r so many op characters.. i have. a list . but i keep adding to it.) if ur curious LOL. if not, no worries :)
YEAHHH ZOROOO MY LOVE!! thank u for The Food. yum. his one eye is very pretty in ur style 🥺. i havent tried to draw him yet tbh but i understand the struggle!! i tried drawing choso a while ago and his hair is so insanely painful.. art is hard.
hello march!!
is. is it super obvious
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i have a guess but i wasn’t feeling super confident about it or anything JSAHBZJVHFD
More below ↓
i actually had like no idea until i received a reply earlier and now im wondering if ur possibly a recent mutual of mine 🔍🧐 maybe starting…with @ a….but i will not make u answer if u dont wanna HAHAHA
i will humor u as long as u want 👍
good to know there’s no pressure!! as soon as i get a message i like to reply as soon as i can but thats bc i get excited lmao. however this does make me feel more at peace
YEAA FELLOW ZORO FAN!! originally my favs were just the top 3 of 1. sanji 2. robin and 3. franky but as we got past water 7 and franky didnt get much more development spotlight he fell a bit just bc i dont get to see him doing much :( still love him though. bc of Shipping Reasons (embarrassing) Zoro got on my radar more and i started to appreciate him as a character more and more. plus he’s just. really badass im ngl. and in addition to that he is. so fucking stupid and uncool and goofy at the same time and that just makes him more likable. so now i just have a quartet of favs cause zoro wormed his way in there somewhere and i hold him dear to my heart. (plus im so bad with directions it is QUITE LITERALLY almost as bad as zoro and so i. genuinely relate to him on that LMAO) but i agree !! i LOVE ALL THE STRAWHATS VERY MUCH. I CANT EVEN CHOOSE A LEAST FAVORITE BC I LOVE ALL OF THEM A LOT. also god yes we fucking love an old guy in this household. and i LOOOVE FUURANKIIIII my silly king!! franky is fairly young but early on in the story when its just a bunch of teenagers and 20 somethings and then 34 year old franky is there its. kinda funny and i love that for him. also speaking of old men i called dofuwani old man yaoi once and someone called me out saying 41 and 46 was not old enough 😔 /ashamed. sorry yall lemme pull out some slash of rayleigh and crocus real quick-
aside from the strawhats my other favs are doffy, crocodile, corazon…god there’s so many characters now that i think about it lmao. secondarily i also like bartolomeo, kizaru, kid, bon clay…i have huge crush on katakuri even tho i havent met him yet…im sure there will be more as i continue and meet more
omg im so flattered u consider sending me sanji tiktoks sjnkjcnd!??! someday. someday u have to do this for me. i will send u more funny edits and op posts
i got used to luffys dub voice bc i watched it first but ive always been meh/neutral dislike towards it and once i heard mayumi tanaka in sub i was like damn. its the only voice i dont like but hes the Main Character. his sub voice also makes me like luffy more as a character mvkjdnvf dub just makes him sound more like a selfish weird boy instead of a silly selfish little guy. you feel me (and no i feel u even with dub i have captions on bc. yeah </3)
taz inaki and jacob are a trio of mischievousness and silliness that i adore. emily is also fun and goofy but on a more ~ refined ~ scale. and mackenyu is so professional to them all in comparison but it makes it hilarious tbh. i follow all of the main 5 on instagram and love seeing them post about it. the recent april fools video starring jacob (usopp) was. hilarious. like what is
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(and yes…pirate it….do it….yohohoho or whatever nami would be proud)
i am so ready for wano and egghead i will stay strong for u march 🫡 must avoid spoilers…and still take my time to enjoy the story..
i understand not being able to do longform content lmao. i did watch their 3 hr stream comp of one piece odyssey but like…i had it on in the bg while doing other things. im glad uve seen their stuff tho!! its one of my fav one piece content channels. im glad u liked my doffy 🥹i embellished a Little bit but his piercings are actually from this colorspread !!
i was insane and in highschool when i was into jjba. a lot of it was also during the summers and i had a lot of free time so i. read all the way up through part 7 after watching parts 1-3 (or 4? cant remember). im not as into it anymore but jojos (and araki) still hold a place in my heart <3 HATING OLD MAN JOSEPH IS SO FUNNY KDSNFVK NO OFFENSE JUST LIKE. YEAH. U SHOULD HATE HIM. THATS A VALID RESPONSE AND HE DESERVES IT. KICK HIS CHEATING OLD ASS. i loved younger joseph and like a lot of ppl him cheating on suzie q pissed me da fuck off. but in pt 4 he’s frail and old and they make u feel bad but still. i KNow What You Did. appreciative u hate someone more than sanji tho like hell yea my boy aint at the bottom LMAO. its cool others have noticed the similarities between dio and doffy too! i always wonder if long running mangaka take insp from each other sometimes
omg…im converting u…my influence as the fav sanji lover /j. but that makes me happy!! hell yea we’re changing outlooks over here. i validate ur sanji hatred but i also wont be mad if u like him a little teehee. his fanon is. a lot better than his canon tho so. that helps. we are fixing him. taking him away from oda and dressing him up like a doll . and if u go back to hating him thats ok too at least he isnt old man joseph 
i only interact w one piece here on tumblr or in the 2 op discord servers i happen to be in. with it being so mainstream (and i have. never been in a mainstream popular fandom like this before) i know theres a ton of gross dudebros who like it so i try to avoid that. sucks to hear there’s a bunch of transphobia but im not surprised :/ i still do see yamato discourse and its like got damn how much convincing do u need yall. but no i agree it probably is the audience oda cultivated + his earlier portrayals…though i do really like that he. tried again and did better. though even with yamato i sometimes feel like he puts him in situations that go against canon (like why did he draw yamato as a geisha and include him in the womens day colorspread…oda why) but alas. give and take
YES THERE;S SO MANY CHARACTERS WHO HAVE INSTANCES LIKIE THAT!! SO MANY MORALS AND CONVICTIONS THEY STICK TO AND SO MANY STRONG CHARACTER TRAITS. thats why i find so many op characters easy to write, bc they’re outlined so heavily in the show in what their archetypes and ideals and behaviors are…it kinda bothers me that luffy falls asleep during moments like that too bc it would make ME upset but like. YEA THATS IN CHARACTER FOR HIM DFKNFV
AH A LAW LOVER!! he’s very popular !?!? i know he comes in again in wano but during punk hazard and dressrosa i was like is this enough screentime for how popular he is omg. i guess he’s just pathetic and sad and grungy punk emo boy . tbh if i didnt already have so many favs who fill that spot i would probably have him as a fav as well. but i do REALLY LIKE law. his backstory with cora….fucks me UP!! and he’s been through a lot and come out stronger. plus his juxtaposition and interactions with luffy and the strawhats is so fucking funny kcncd. the op server im in has PLENTY of law lovers so i see him often. i think i stole this from a tumblr post recently but i saw this and saved it to my phone bc i loved it so much
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i relate to him here. he is so me. this was me dyking it up at university fr
ik this is from one piece party but i think it shows his secret silly here. he got it from cora i think how could he not. but he hides it under that I Am A Serious And Scary Doctor . like sure trafalgar 
YES send me the full list!! in return i will list more favs as well. mayhaps a tierlist of some kind. we will see
glad u liked the zoros :^) idk anything about jjk but i will look up this choso man one moment. [...] okay i actually really like his design (and hair) but that looks like hell to draw i wish u the best </3 i have a degree in art and ummm its still really hard sorry to tell u it does not get better </3 [JOKING THATS A JOKE A JOKE CJNCD]
here’s a question to leave u off with: what do you think each of the strawhats eye colors is? since most of them are just drawn with black dots. and IF DIFFERENT what are your headcanons/what do you Wish they were 👁️ eagerly awaiting ur response bc i have Opinions on this
talk to u next time!
0 notes
kodzuken-chan · 2 years
Monster Trio + Law and the types of Hugs they give to their S/O Headcanon
A/N: Sooo I got this Idea while I was doing the dishes, these ideas really appear at the weirdest times. Anyways, Enjoy this tiny SFW Headcanon until I post the final chapter of Regret Veins 🫂
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Luffy: The Bear Hug
A Genuine and meaningful hug
And its given by Luffy so you can't ask for a better thing
He might seem like an air head sometimes
And probably won't give you affection at the times you want
Except when you/him/both are super clingy
But when he wants to show you how much he loves you
He would just appear out of nowhere
Without a single alert
And jump, wrapping his stretchy arms around you
Giving you the tightest yet warmest hug you could ever ask for
He's not that dump, so whenever you're stressed, anxious or tired
He would give you his iconic bear hug and it never fails to makes you feel relieved and loved
Luffy's bear hugs always gives you the reassurance of how much he care for you the relationship you both share❤️.
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Zoro: The Long Protective Hug
A comforting and a Strong hug
Zoro isn't a man of words
Yet he's a man of actions
He seems like a tough man that is rarely interested literally in anything
Of course except for his swords
And you
To him, showing affection isn't something he's good at, especially verbally
But when he wants to show you how much he loves and cares for you
He would just pull you into his embrace
And let you snuggle into his chest as he rests his head on the top of yours
His buffed arms would be wrapped around you in protective manner
As if he tells you that as long as his lungs are breathing air
He'd be there for you, to protect you at all costs
You wonder how he does it
But you swear that he can read your mind
Because whenever you're feeling Low or sad
He'd be right there holding you tightly with his strong arms
And it lasts as long as you part away willingly telling you're feeling much better
Zoro's protective long hugs will always provide you with warmth and emotional support
It just speaks your incredible Love chemistry💚
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Sanji: The Straddle Hug
A Deep and an Intimate hug
Opposite to Luffy and Zoro, Sanji is extremely a romantic lover
You can't have enough of the unique ways he shows his affection to you
He nearly showers you in hugs and kisses every minute
But when you're alone or its the before bed time, he loves to express his affection in a different way
Because to him, hugs are good physical connection between lovers
Wherever you both were, cuddling on bed, or giving each other comapny in the kitchen alone
He'd place you on the counter or pulls you closer to his lap on the bed
And gives you a full body embrace
With a deep eye contact, delivering what can't be expressed in words
He'd snuggle his face in your hair, stroking it gently with his fingers
And you'd inhale the colonge scent in the crook of his neck
It feels like time have stopped
Until you hear your captain's desperate hunger whines from the distance
Or when tiredness has the upper hand and both of you end up sleeping
Sanji's straddle hugs highlights the mutual love and feelings between the two of you💙
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Law: The Back Hug
A Fonding and Surprising hug
Similar to Zoro, Law isn't a man of words
But of course not to Zoro's level
Law's actions and words appear when you let your guards off
He never shows intimate affection towards you infront of his crew
You can't say he's a shy person
But to him, showing his love to you should take place in private, between just the two of you
He'd show that he loves and cares for you in other different way during the day
And in ways that you will only understand
He would surprise you with a warm back hug while you're standing infront of your dresser table
He'd lock his arms around your chest and buries his head in your shoulders
You can tell how he signifies his deep feelings each time he back hugs you
And how those gentle backstrokes can express what a million words cannot
As if he tells you how fond he is of you in his own way
Law's back hugs indicates the mutual deep trust and love you share towards each other 🖤.
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The Evolving Dynamics of the 5 OG Straw Hats
1. Luffy recruits Zoro. Zoro is originally an infamous bounty hunter known for going after pirates specifically. Despite his reputation and initial resistance to joining Luffy he’s not really opposed to pirates on principal and he and Luffy actually quite similar people who see the world in similar ways. But while Luffy is happy enough just meandering through life and enjoying the sights and side quests that come with achieving his dream Zoro has a very strong sense of purpose. So when he accepts Luffy as his captain he takes that very seriously and goes about his role as Luffy subordinate with true loyalty and obedience to his captain despite his laidback personality.
Also, Zoro is the only crewmember to date that Luffy actively seeks out. Weirdly enough specifically because of his reputation which Luffy normally would disregard. It’s probably just because they are the first and Oda’s earliest work, though never bad by any standard, will always be less polished than later material just due to less overall experience on his part. IDK thought it was worth mentioning.
2. Luffy and Zoro meet Nami. When talking about just Zoro and Luffy Nami is very much a foil for them. She is weak where they are strong, smart where they are dumb, materialistic where they are not, you get the idea. She’s the only one of the OG five Straw Hats to have a strongly negative view on pirates even though all of them know what pirates are and the harm they can do. As the crew grows in East Blue Nami sets herself apart by being the uptight one. The one who barks orders and makes sure what needs to be done is done so they can continue on their way and not die. In a very real way this makes her more of a leader on board the Merry than Luffy. And that is a problem that is never directly called out and addressed but is corrected over time. It’s also reflective of the fact that Nami has more experience in both sailing and crime than anyone else by far. So she has to take responsibility and bark orders because no one else really knows what needs to be done... yet.
3. Luffy, Zoro, and Nami meet Usopp. Usopp compliments Nami in the quartet. Both are physically weak and cowardly yet intelligent and tactful with commonsense in spades. But they don’t see the world in the same light at all. Nami’s perspective is informed by trauma and fear. When she acts cowardly it’s because she experienced real pain and suffering and knows the consequences of getting caught. When Usopp acts cowardly it’s because he hasn’t. Early Usopp is childish in ways not even Chopper ever is. He quite literally plays at being pirate with actual children. While Nami was an established criminal Usopp led a fairly peaceful civilian life with not much trauma to speak of. He has the most idealist idea of piratehood but is the least equipped to actually take it on. His pirate-positive views and childish antics make him a good friend to Luffy but oh boy does this all come to head in Water 7.
4. The gang meets Sanji. Amongst the 5 OG Straw Hats Sanji is fascinating in that he acts as an equalizing force amongst the cast. He is strong but not a musclehead obsessed with fighting like Luffy and Zoro, he’s smart but not a genius, he’s cool unless he’s trying impress a woman. He’s the guy who can do a bit of everything but none of them are the focus of his character and in that way is the most well-rounded and also the most independent. Hence why he often wanders off to accomplish small but strategically important missions. He rivals Nami with relevant experience and a traumatic backstory that taught him that the world is harsh but instead of making him fear the world it just made him kind. And I cannot stress enough that Sanji is, fundamentally, a kind and empathetic person. Which also makes him in a way the emotional core of the group. If Oda ever needs a mouth piece to explain to the audience what a character is really feeling, Sanji is his guy. God, I love early Sanji. The good old days when he was a common simp.
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hergan416 · 2 years
Okay, for the fanfic ask thing, how about:
18. 😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
19. 🤔 The first fic you think of when I say [uplifting]
If you've already got those lined up, your choice!
Ok, so first of all many many many apologies. I started drafting this and then I guess drafting it got rid of the ask? And then it was in my drafts which I don't use and I literally forgot about it. I'm so sorry.
@chromatic-lamina Thank you for the ask, I really appreciate it.
I had like... 4 fics for 18 in here and I remember also planning to add a 5th which I apparently didn't do? Which is because 18 is literally peak fic dynamic. I cannot stress how important emotional pain is to the fanfic experience. I'm not going to add the 5th because I want to actually post this this time.
There are SO MANY fics for this so I will try to be brief, but I make no guarantees. Multi fandom response because nothing was specified and that is how I roll.
First up is Opera Goose's "The Last Christmas" Yu-Gi-Oh, rated T(een), violetshipping (puppyshipping) divorce angst goodness. Seto and Jounouchi have a sweet, caring relationship, and have for years. Their past is carefully folded into the fracturing present, in which Seto's eyes have roamed elsewhere. Jounouchi's insecurities are palpable, but Seto is portrayed with such care that it's hard to hate him when it is so clear just how much of a mistake he's making. Of course, like in any good tragedy, he won't realize his folly until it is too late to do anything about it.
Next I'll plug "Heartwright" by silverwolf_fox. One Piece, rated E(xplicit), Sabo/Rob Lucci arranged marriage omegaverse. Imagine if Sabo never escaped from his parents. Imagine he still lost his memories and shamed his family by getting in the way of a celestial dragon. And also, imagine a strong parallel between an omega education and that that a nobelwoman might have received in the 1800s. Further, the arranged pairing is only part of Lucci's cover story as a shipwright for Galley-La. The fic is still in-progress, but there is more than enough written to fall into Sabo's traumatized mindstate and to be fully invested in his journey of self-discovery as he struggles between what he's been told an alpha will want, Lucci's unconventional expectations, and his own desires.
Trixree's "Breathing Easy (And All Its Associated Complications)" One Piece, rated E(xplicit), developing zolusan with a beautiful wistful tone. The two chapters that are out so far follow the Straw Hats pre-timeskip as Zoro and Sanji both come to terms with their feelings for Luffy and each other. I don't think I can say much more without spoilers, but this is great if you are looking for bittersweet moments exploring human weakness, love, insecurity, and desire.
"A Cornstalk Fiddle" by notbecauseofvictories. Rated T(een). If you have ever seen that viral tumblr post about the Devil Went Down To Georgia fic, this is it and it is solidly on my list of hurt me fics, even though it has a happy ending. The tale is expertly and artistically crafted, creating real, complex, original characters, facing the gritty reality of life. People get sick, life costs money, and a community is plagued by man with too-weak a chin making deals too good to be true. Johnny beats the devil at his own game, over and over again. Being the devil's friend is certainly bad for business, but both seem to be enjoying the arrangement until the devil targets Nina, Johnny's sister-by-choice, for his next deal. The pure emotion between these two is so powerful and timeless, and the careful exploration of their bond tells a gorgeous tale about conflicting desires, the intersection of folly and genius, creative reinterpretation of nature's supposed laws, and the outer bounds of metaphor. The point when it all falls apart never fails to give me feels, even though I already know how the story will end.
19. The uplifting fic. My first instinct for this was perhaps not a conventional understanding of the word "uplifting" which is likely why I didn't answer it and I had saved this as a draft. But I'm going to go with it.
It's A Gift Willingly Given by SalaciousMind. Rated (E)xplicit, Ace/Sabo with Ace as the deity that Sabo is not scarified to during the festival. There are hefty trigger warnings: description of the process of dying, of being involuntarily drugged and ritually scarified, and lots and lots and lots of pain. The writing is beautiful, full of striking imagery and gorgeous prose. I don't think I can give away why this went in "uplifting" and not "hurts so good every time" without spoilers, so I'm just going to have to spoil it under a read more.
So, the point of the fic is that Sabo has disgraced his terrible, noble parents one too many times, so they volunteer to have him be the sacrifice to Whitebeard (the head god of the Pantheon) to restore the family honor. Never mind that he doesn't seem to actually being the one doing the disgracing.
The only trouble is that Sabo's always worshipped a different god more: Ace, the god of fire. He's worshipped him more wholly than any priest of Ace's, because Ace has always been free in a way that he cannot be in his current life. And so, after getting to the temple, Whitebeard offers him a choice.
If he can haul himself over to the pyre where Ace's scarifies go, he can choose to dye for his deity instead of Whitebeard. As a last bit of rebellion, he manages it. Despite being drugged and bound and poisoned, he manages to drag himself over to the pyre, and burn alive, until he meets Ace in the afterlife, where his soul is remade as glass, partner to Ace, earning his own divinity and place in the Pantheon.
There is something just so beautiful about that story, where Sabo manages to find agency in his death, be remade and become something more not only in spite of his family but to spite them, that I just love. And I suppose that is why even though the story is extremely intense, it was the first to come to mind.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Congrats on 300! Can I request 36 for Sanji please? Have a lovely day
Okay! So this one was a bit of a challenge, obviously to keep it SFW, since I don’t do the sinful things, and then I nearly made it super angsty, but worry not! It is still a fluffy wholesome little scenario! I really liked writing this? I know I say that often, but this one especially, just really worked in my head somehow even though I dove in without a battle plan? I hope you like this love! 
Cliché with bae event - prompt #36: Friends with benefits and both people catching feelings. Character: Sanji - Word Count: 1.6k  Obvious warning for suggestive themes, but nothing explicit.
With more than benefits - Sanji x Reader 
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How did this happen? Why did you ever let it come so far? You had no idea. You always thought you were good at controlling emotions. Cancel them out when necessary, in the battlefield, and in between the sheets. Turns out, it was harder than it seemed and your overconfidence in managing it had finally turned around to bite you back in the ass. You had no idea what you were going to do.
It had all started out as simple tension. Sanji would swoon over you, like he would over any lady that he met, but you had actually given in a little more than the average woman he’d meet. and thus the admiration turned into some playful flirting, and turned into some actual serious flirting whenever it was just the two of you alone. 
It was all fun and games, and mostly physical attraction, and from the very first kiss on you had decided that it would never be something more than that. You had code words, and pretty specific rules and times where you’d get together. All to ensure this never got out to the rest of the crew, no strings attached, just a way to relieve some stress and get taken care of some of your more primeval needs. It was amazing. It was perfect. You both seemed satisfied. 
Then why were you feeling worse every time he left the room so you could shower and he could go smoke a cigarette? It’s not like aftercare was nonexistent, he was ever the gentleman with you, but you were craving more and more actual intimacy lately, even at times you weren’t even hooking up. 
You wanted to hold hands as you walked around an island in search for supplies for the sunny. You wanted to watch him cook, very well knowing that he wanted to focus, and still suppress the urge to wrap your arms around him from behind, and inhale the scent of his cologne -he always smelled so nice-. You wanted to run your fingers through his soft blonde locks at a tender moment. You wanted him to stay, share the bed for the night and not just for a moment. 
You realized you had fallen hard and you absolutely hated it. It was an agreement. No strings attached, and yet here you were, attaching all the possible strings you could, wanting to entangle him in them and never let him go. But that was not how it was meant to be. You felt like you were disrespecting him just by feeling this way. There seemed to be only one plausible option: breaking it off, before it became worse. You didn’t want to lie to him or yourself. 
So the next night he knocked on your door, hungry lips immediately clashing with yours the moment you opened it, you gently placed your hands on his chest and pushed him away. He responded by pulling away immediately, some concern in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, are you not in the mood today?” his question wasn’t accusing, just him genuinely trying to figure out where the sudden rejection came from. He would never overstep your boundaries, even with all the things you’d done with him already. It squeezed your heart in the worst possible way, and you felt tears well up before you could even say something. 
You closed your eyes, taking a few breaths, gathering your thoughts. You had practiced before what you wanted to say, but now he was standing before you like that, it was suddenly harder to get those carefully practiced lines over your lips, and instead you really just wanted to kiss him again. But it wouldn’t be fair. 
The room was dimly lit by only a lamp on your nightstand but Sanji could easily see your eyes sparkling with tears instead of the mischievous glint they usually had during these encounters. You had yet to say something, and he was getting worried, sliding his hands from your shoulders towards your hands, and carefully holding them in his, firmly enough to reassure you, but loosely enough so that you could pull away in case you weren’t comfortable with that either. 
You sniffed loudly, stepping forward, making him release your hands, and wrapping your arms around him tightly. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, rubbing soothing circles over your back as he felt you shake with your sobs. You felt so ashamed, this was the worst possible scenario you had in mind to break the news to him. 
“Y/n, whatever is on your mind. You can talk to me about it. I know our ‘agreement’ states we’re nothing more than friends, but I am still your friend. If I can do anything to help, you have to let me know.” The way he spoke was soft, non-accusatory, and you felt his heartfelt concern. It only made your sobs worse. He gently shuffled the both of you to the bed, so you could at least sit down, handing you a handkerchief the moment you felt okay enough to let go of him. 
“I can’t do this anymore Sanji”, you choked out in between sobs. You figured you weren’t going to stop crying for a good while, so might as well just get it all out. You didn’t want him to offer you comfort for getting rid of him. You rubbed your knees with your hands nervously, clutching the handkerchief and looking down. It was all too overwhelming. “I thought I could do it, but it is just too much. I’m sorry for lying, I am sorry for leading you on. I just.. can’t.” 
There was no immediate reaction on his face, he seemed to be thinking about your words. You barely dared looking up. Was he angry? Was he sad? Disappointed? All of them? Probably all, and it was your fault because you just couldn’t keep your feelings out of the way for this one thing. He took a deep breath, and created some physical distance between the two of you, again, a gesture to make you feel comfortable and again, it broke your heart. 
“Do you want me to leave?” his voice sounded oddly strained, and you now knew you had effectively hurt his feelings. You were so mad, this whole ordeal was not to get feelings involved to avoid situations like this. “No, I mean, yes, I guess. If I am entirely honest…”, you took a deep breath, wiping some tears away, “I have to be honest. I just need to get this off my chest. Think of me as you want, I know I am breaking the deal, but I don’t think I’ll be able to live with myself if I don’t tell you why.” 
He moved off the bed, sat down in front of you on the floor, looked you straight in the eyes. “You can be honest with me, y/n” It was enough to make tears well up again,as you choked out the rest of your sentences, the so well thought out discourse you had made up in your mind completely abandoned. 
“I…. I love you Sanji. It’s not like I don’t want to do this, it’s just that I want so much more than this and it’s not fair to ask that from you. I don’t want meaningless sex, don’t get me wrong, it’s been beyond amazing, you’ve been beyond amazing, but I want all of you and I cannot ask that of you. So, I think it is better to just.. stop, you know. Just quit before it will hurt too much.” 
It was a waterfall of words, and there was not even half of what you wanted to say in there, but you could barely make it there before you were full on sobbing into your hands again. You heard him move again, and then felt the bed dip right next to you before he very carefully wrapped an arm around you, inviting you to cry out on his shoulder again. Overwhelmed by emotions, you did so. 
When your sobs died down again, you lifted your head from his shirt, apologizing for making it all wet and crinkled. He chuckled softly and rubbed some of the wetness of your cheeks away with his thumbs. “Y/n… it truly hurts me to see you like this. Have you been struggling with this for long?” You weakly nodded in response. “I … just didn’t want to disappoint you.” “Oh, my beautiful y/n, you would never be able to disappoint me.” He smiled a little, carefully tilting up your chin so you would look at him. 
“Y/n. I’ve loved you for so long now. I just didn’t want to impose on you. We set these boundaries, and I didn’t want to cross them. Of course, if you wanted this to be nothing more, I will leave right away. But.. I can stay if you want.” You were not sure if your ears were betraying you. Did he really say that. “Are you serious?” “I would not lie to you, especially not about something like this. It was never just about your body for me.” 
You leaned forward again, pushing your lips against his, a kiss so much different than the one you had shared a little while earlier. The hunger and pure passion had been replaced by a mixture of emotions neither of you were able to express through words, so you poured them into this kiss, hoping the other would understand. He closed the physical distance between the two of you even more, making it as comfortable as possible without you having to crane your neck too far from the position you were in on the bed. 
You broke away for air and hugged him close, resting your head on his shoulder again. He held you close as well, and this felt so much more intimate than all the things you had ever done before. “I love you y/n” “Please stay.”
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One Piece and 1, 7, 11, 14 for the ask thing c:
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Kata//Lu c: they just fought and all of a sudden everyone just go really obsessed with them? Especially for NSFW. I don’t know it was really everywhere for a while and I had to blacklist Kata//kuri’s name in the end when I didn’t even care about it at first... 
Otherwise, Crocodile x Doffy is weird but I think it’s funny :’D
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7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Bellamy’s character: I used to like him, but he just pissed me off in Dressrosa, and the obvious: women’s bodies... (look at this 16 yo girl in her very efficient armour)
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...and Sanji’s behaviour. I cannot stress enough how much I would love him if he had the character development he deserved...
THIS was funny/cute/OK:
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THIS just sucks and is annoying/disgusting/useless:
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11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I’ve seen people disliking/hating Boa Hancock and I don’t know why exactly, they have their reasons (but like, she’s clever, strong, and loyal? of course she has flaws but we don’t have that many independent and self-sufficient women in OP when many had great potential *staring at Rebecca*) she is my wife fight me.
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Also, I love Geko Moria for absolutely no other reasons than his laugh. God why is it so funny to me
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14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Well from what’s I’ve seen we’re sweet. Everyone is incredibly supportive and adorable, but it’s not an unpopular opinion :’D I just love us. 
My only regret is that I don’t meet that many OP lovers irl? Oh yeah actually, we also don’t really have many events online? It’s a bit weird our fandom is so old and huge, but we don’t have many events - zines, big bangs, exchanges etc. - going on, in comparison to other fandoms such as BnHA or Voltron (or what it used to be). It’s a shame, and I hope it gets fixed (don’t look at me I’ve literally been an admin for the Zosan week in 2017 and 2018 and I’m one of the mods of an OP zine so I’ve done my part :’D)
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640-642: "Explore! Fairies' Island - Green Bit!", "The Unknown World! The Tontatta Kingdom!" and "The Stratagem of the Century! Doflamingo Makes His Move!"
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Doflamingo using Fake News before it was cool.
Watched three episodes to make up for not posting on Saturday. Damn, am I glad I watched up to 642. The reveal of the Tontatta people and what Violet was up to *did* move the plot along. But Doflamingo is the centre of trouble and strife. When he shows up, you know it’s about to get real.
And boy, Doflamingo really is a proper joker, isn’t he? Just loves to play little tricks on people. Little tricks like taking control of the press and releasing fake news just so you can murder another pirate.
Such a prankster!
Zoro Ages 40 Years Through Confusion and Stress
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Before I get to the Main Event, gotta update on Franky and Sol, plus Zoro and his new pal Wicka!
In Zoro’s storyline, the action kicked in with him dashing about Acacia Port Town, seemingly yelling and muttering to himself. A small child was scared. His mother advised him to not look Zoro in the eye.
Meanwhile, somewhere about Zoro’s person, a small voice ordered, “Get to Flower Field already!”
Ah, thought I. Zoro has teamed up with the thieving little fairy from earlier.
Sure enough, a flashback confirmed it, along with another tasty nugget of news that tied Zoro’s story neatly into the main plot.
After the sack of stolen stuff whacked Zoro on the head, Zoro spotted the little thief. The game was up. Tiny thief introduced himself as Wicka. He belonged to the Tontatta Tribe’s scouting unit and he was freaking out about Zoro - a Big Human - having seen him. Of course, Wicka couldn’t share any information - apart the fact he was supposed to report to his chief that the Donquixote Family were about to destroy the Strawhat Pirates’ ship.
Obviously, Zoro was interested in this development. He was about to haul ass back to Sunny but, alas, his faulty GPS kicked in. (He is the only one who hasn’t left Acacia Port yet, lmao). As Wicka had broken his ankle in the fall, he offered to guide Zoro back to shore in exchange for a ride to a place called Flower Field.
Turns out the Tontatta People have a conflict with the Donquixote Family too, though Wicka wouldn’t spill the details. (I’m still thinking a lot of them are being forced to work in the Smile factory.)
As for Franky and Sol, they are heading the same way, funnily enough. (Maybe Flower Field is the headquarters for the Resistance.) On the way, Rebecca spotted them from a Colosseum window. She shouted after Sol, who acted pretty weird about the whole thing. Pretty much was like, “Oh, so you entered the competition even though I told you not to. Okay.”
There is obviously a crap ton of history between these two because Rebecca cried and shouted back, “I’ll win so we can live together!”
Sol was all surly about it. “A warrior who cries will not easily win,” and rode away on Franky. Then, when he was safely out of earshot, he told Franky how he had something he wanted to protect and that he could not shed tears from his tin eyes.
Gotta say, I’m getting weird vibes from this relationship.
Ceci N’Est Pas Une Punch
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As for Luffy Lucy, the Block C battle is officially underway! I was super hyped to see this fight but the action kept cutting away from it. Now the Feathered One has flapped onto the stage, he’s hogged the spotlight and some of the hype has worn off.
Still, that whole sequence of Luffy winding up Gomu Gomu stretchy punches and declaring, “That was a normal punch. Oh, that one? That was a normal kick. A completely normal kick.” Even after several fellow competitors observed, “Hey, that guy’s arm stretched. Isn’t that exactly like that Strawhat Luffy guy’s power?”
No it wasn’t.
It was just a normal, run of the mill stretchy punch. 
Do not listen to Cavendish who is being manhandled from the area shrieking “I’LL KILL YOU, STRAWHAT!” at the top of his lungs. Do not listen to Don Chinjao, who is stomping about, growling about murdering Garp’s grandson every five seconds.
All trickery and lies.
And speaking of...
You Just Lost the Circle Game
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Ah, I am so glad Sanji’s little subplot has merged into the main plot. It had begun to border on unwatchable. I breathed a sigh of relief when Violet turned the tables last episode. I thought she might even be a CP0 member in disguise, seeking to shackle Sanji and trade him for Luffy.
It’s less complicated than that.
It turned out Violet was an assassin hired by Doflamingo to prey on Sanji’s weakness for women. The chuckling thugs surrounding her laughed it up. This guy is worth 70 million and he was fooled by Violet’s act? What a dumbass.
She shit-talked Sanji for about five seconds. “Did you really think a guy like you could win my heart? How funny!”
This was before she unveiled her Glare Glare fruit power which allows her to see into people’s minds (legit amazingly useful power, to be fair). She asked Sanji some Important Questions. Why had Strawhat and Trafalgar Law become allies? What brought them to Dressrosa besides the business at Green Bit? What was their ultimate plan? What were they up to?
But inside Sanji’s mind, all she saw was PINK PINK PINK. Which, I am guessing, means Sanji’s head was filled with nothing else but thoughts of LADIEZ. (Bit of a disservice to Sanji, but okay.)
Understandably, Violet was freaked out. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking of you,” Sanji answered. “The way you looked at me in that moment, I knew you were telling me the truth when you asked me to kill someone for you. I believe in women’s tears!”
I blinked and reached for my sick bucket.
Amazingly, Sanji’s charm worked on Violet. Not only did she turn on the hired thugs, she also ran away with Sanji and let him peer into her mind to discover the trap Doflamingo had laid for Trafalgar Law.
Very generous. Sanji, I take it all back. You are a smooth operator, after all.
Little People: The Only Thing That Has Legit Scared Robin Since Enies Lobby
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Back at Green Bit, Usopp was having flashbacks to Bowin Island and Caesar was shrieking for Doflamingo. Law basically told him to hold his horses because they had a bit of walking to do first. Caesar would be handed over at 3pm at a further distant point of beach.
Then Usopp’s keen sharpshooter’s eye spotted an ominous object. A Marine ship grounded on the bay, snarled in a plant’s grip. Robin concluded the cuts that freed the ship from the plant were fresh and that the ship hadn’t sustained much damage. 
Ruh roh. That meant the Marines were on Green Bit.
Caesar freaked out. He was a wanted man with a sky-high bounty and a list of crimes that would make Magellan’s hair curl. Now Doflamingo had resigned from the Shichibukai, there was no law protecting Caesar anymore. If he was left on Green Bit, cuffed and defenceless, they’d arrest him! “THIS IS HELL!” he wailed. “I’M DOOMED!”
While Usopp hissed at Caesar to stfu, Robin side-eyed Law. “Why are the Marines here? You look like you’re hiding something, Law?”
Law claimed it was a coincidence. How could he control the Marines? (Though the flashback to his chat with Smoker when he admitted he was headed for Green Bit says otherwise. Not control. More a subtle manipulation.) Still not sure how much of the Marine presence here is Law’s or Doflamingo’s doing. I’m thinking Doflamingo’s to be honest. Maybe Law expected Smoker and found Fujitora instead? More on that later, though.
At any rate, Law set up a recon plan. Robin and Usopp would scout the area, searching for Marines. He would walk to the handover point with Caesar.
Robin and Usopp saw some shit in that forest, let me tell you.
A gang of fodder Marines fell victim to some of Wicka’s fellow tribespeople. A spokesperson called Leo demanded to know if the Marines were good or bad people. 
“We are Marine soldiers! We protect people!”
But when they would not hand over their weapons, the Tontatta fighters stripped the Marines almost butt-naked (they left the underpants for their cousins, the Underpants Gnomes).
A similar thing happened to Robin. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a small, shadowy figure retreating with stolen clobber in hand. She set a mille fleurs and caught a very angry little dude. She did try to ask him if they had robbed the Marines, but the Angry Little Dude’s friends returned with anaesthetic slingshot ammo.
The next thing, there are a few shots of shadowy stitches and Robin stirs awake to find lots of Tontatta people slithering about under her clothes (kinda creepy) and going through her stuff. Notebook, candy, den den mushi. Oh yeah, and her body was stitched to the ground by Leo.
Luckily, Robin is the kind of person who can stay calm in trying situations. She kept her cool and asked questions. Where was she? Was Usopp okay? Had they grown all the massive plants on the island?
The answers were that she was in the Tontatta Kingdom, they had captured Usopp and he was fine and, yes, the plants were their doing and there is no plant they cannot grow. 
Robin figured she could easily escape with her DF power but that she had to be careful not to cause a stir. When they asked her why she had kidnapped one of their own people, Robin answered she had caught him out curiosity. That was it. She hadn’t meant any harm and she would never tell anyone she had seen them.
That was funny. 
It was all going well, until Robin discovered she only had two minutes to meet with Law at the handover point. She made to leave but the Tontatta people were like, “NO. NO ONE LEAVES. GIVE US YOUR WEAPON.” (What is it with them and weapons? Are they planning to go to war with the Donquixote family? They’ll get their tiny asses handed to them.)
They were about to strip Robin, but another Tontatta random ran up, saying not to harm Robin. That she was the partner of the Legendary Hero! The Big Human who had come to save them all!
Yes, I thought! The Legendary Hero? There’s only one person that could be. Usopp’s bullshitting skills have come through!
Law Falls for Doflamingo’s Fake News
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For that reason, Robin and Usopp didn’t make the the handover on time.
Well, Robin did.
Sort of. The usefulness of her Devil Fruit power has climbed a few notches. Remember she showed she could clone herself in Fishman Island? Turns out she can do this long-distance too. Even though she is underground with the Tontatta people, she was still able to send a message to Law.
Unfortunately, Robin’s clone arrived just as Sanji’s Bad News did.
While Law and Caesar were standing on shore like they were waiting for Godot, Law’s DDM rang. It was Sanji with the best damned plot twist.
“You’ve gotta get out of there! Doflamingo didn’t resign from the Shichibukai. Even if you hand over Caesar to him, there is no trade!”
Law was shook. “Wait, that doesn’t make sense--”
“We’ve been doublecrossed!” Sanji shouted. And told Law everything Violet had shown him. The flashbacks revealed something very interesting. The crowd below Doflamingo’s rooms, begging him not to abdicate, were assuaged when CP0 turned up and told them the newspaper reports were “a mistake. Just a false report. We will let the world know through an extra edition of the Coo News at 3pm. You mustn’t tell anyone until then.”
3pm, eh? Convenient timing on Doflamingo’s part. Now the residents of Dressrosa being awfully calm for a nation whose king has just abdicated makes a ton of sense.
But the news came too late for Law. Out of the trees, Admiral Fujitora marched with his men. Fujitora did not seem pleased to have been fooled by the false report. The jury is out on how much Akainu really knows, but he is going to talk with the Gorosei at Mariejois (that’ll be an interesting conversation). Right now, Fujitora is still following orders to be there at the handover point.
Law realised he was screwed.
“You’re the new Admiral, aren’t you?” he said.
Then Doflamingo flapped down.
In his shrieking enthusiasm, Caesar almost ruptured something internal. “JOKERRRRRRRRRRR!”
But Doflamingo only had eyes for Law. (Murder eyes. I cannot stress the murder part enough.)
“Hey, Law. Well done! I didn’t expect to see a Marine Admiral here. Since I’m no longer  Warlord, I’m scared as hell.”
Now I think about it... maybe Law had deliberately led the Marines to Green Bit under the mistaken assumption Doflamingo really had resigned. If everything had gone as Law had planned, the Marines would have rocked up, arrested Doflamingo and Caesar and Kaidou’s supply of Smiles would have dried up.
But it didn’t work out like that.
“Liar!” Law growled. “Answer me, Doflamingo! You used the authority of the World Government to fool the whole world only to deceive ten people? How?”
“Often the more spectacular the magic, the simpler the trick,” Doflamingo replied, giving nothing away damn it.  “People usually have a stereotypical idea or assumption like, ‘that’s ridiculous!’ and that’s what causes a blind spot.”
He was clearly referring to Law here. Law had assumed there was no way Doflamingo had the power to pull such a massive, world-scale trick. I mean, CP0 have been drafted in here. They report directly to the World Government. Doflamingo has some hefty connections. There is no denying it at this point.
“Nobody can really do such a thing, even if he hatched some scheme. You’re a pirate!” Law seethed. “Even if you’re a Shichibukai and a king you don’t have the power to spread a lie over the world! The only people who have the power to do such a ridiculous thing are the Celestial Dragons--”
Law’s words caught in this throat. He remembered what Vergo had said to him at Punk Hazard: “You don’t know Joker’s past and that will cost you your life.”
My jaw dropped. SURELY NOT??? Was Doflamingo a Celestial Dragon?
Even Law thought the same as me. “Don’t tell me you’re--”
Doflamingo, cagey as always, said only, “It’s a bit more complicated that that. But I have only one purpose here, Law. I just want to kill you.”
Dem veins, man.
Vein’s a-poppin’
I hope Law has some tricks up his sleeve because he is caught between an Admiral and Doflamingo. It ain’t looking good for him right now.
Should’ve checked Snopes, Law. Verifying fake news is super important, man.
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Pan’s Labyrinth? Is that you?
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plagued-yakuza · 6 years
To Have You Back
So apparently I can’t read, or if I did I forgot, because I totally missed the deadline for posting the OP x BNHA hub event! ;A; Honestly, I almost cried when the mods of @onepiecerphub​ contacted me. I’m terribly, TERRIBLY sorry!! @askblackleg-sanji​ please have my apologies alongside your gift! I loved your content and I think you’re a great artist and such a chill person. I’m willing to write you another one to make up for the delay if you want ;w;
This piece has been half-finished in my drafts since the beginning of September, and since my class today was canceled, I took the time for some tweeking and updating to make it more manga-compliant. Once again, I’m really sorry for the delay! No content warning for this that except for innuendo and manga spoilers - but it’s kinda big, so it goes under a read more.
Summary: They finally meet again in Wano. While things may have changed, others are exactly as they should be. (ZoSan | One Piece)
Moonlight paints the ruined castle in shades of silver and black, glossing over the remains of destruction, less of a tragedy and more like a dream. The existent warmth comes from the embers of their bonfire, already dulled by Wano’s insistent winds, only strong enough to create a smaller circle of golden light and heat. They’re scattered around it, wrapped around themselves to keep precious body heat, the only sounds those of a peaceful night after the stress of the afternoon and the emotional tales of the evening.  
Still, one of the pirates has not fallen asleep. Despite the tiredness weighing down his bones, Sanji is wide awake, the light smoke of the cigarette and the pleasant twirl of his thoughts to his company. He has never been to Wano before, and yet it feels like home, like belonging. During the dreadful time in Whole Cake island, he has longed for this - for the sight of his asleep nakama nearby, for the safety and comfort of their presence. Luffy’s light snoring to disturb the occasional song of the cicadas, Chopper bundling up with Nami and Carrot to share a cover, Momonosuke laying against Kin’emon, even Torao asleep with that silly hat over his face. After almost giving up on it all, even if for reasons he thought for the best at the time, he treasures it even further, and the quiet joy keeps him awake for longer than he thought that night.
There is the light shuffling of cloth nearby, along with the tinkling of metal as it shifts in its leather band with the owner’s movements. Sanji makes no comment as the green-haired man takes a place beside him next to the dying fire, seemingly too caught up in his own thoughts to care. Zoro lets a long sigh escape his throat as he stretches his tired muscles, knowingly calling to himself an attention that he already had.
“So…. The girl?” The swordsman asks casually, fingers drumming against his hurting neck. His good eye is closed, his silhouette drawn in yellow and black against the fire, a sight that Sanji is pleased to be the only one awake to see.
“Didn’t really work out.” The chef shrugs lightly, taking in a deep puff from his cigarette rather than expanding more on what happened in Tottoland. He needs the calming numbness of nicotine to push it away from his mind, a sign he knows the other will understand.
Zoro snorts, a tiny smile playing on the edge of his lips - the mere sight makes Sanji frown, the edge between his brows deepening with the following comment. “I bet it didn’t.”
“What are you implying, eh?”
“That not even Big Mom’s ugly kid wanted you.”
“Fuck off! She was really pretty!” The blonde huffs, smoke puffing out from his nostrils as he glances beside him in annoyance.
“Oh, was she then? Then why all that trouble of sending Bege and shit to get you there? Like you wouldn’t do a thing for a skirt.”
“You’re wearing one.” The reply is smooth and self-assured both, a playful jab with a not at all subtle hint. He can see Zoro grim with the edge of his eyes, and he knows this means a small victory in their rather particular way of flirting.
“Last time you met a nice lady you got all beaten up. Or did you?”
“I’ll beat you up myself if you keep up with this bullshit, Marimo.”
"Would you?” Zoro’s reply is as sharp as his swordsmanship, an eyebrow lifted slightly in provocation, and in between his words is a promise that paints the tips of Sanji’s ears red.
“I will.” The chef is quick to assure, breathing in smoke to hide his embarrassment as his gaze shifts away, back to the fire, to recollect himself and change the subject. “What were you up to, during that?”
“Was accused of killing some dudes. Had to leave the capitol for that - Torao was pretty pissed.”
“And did you cut them?”
“Of course not. He only wanted Shusui.” He makes a mention to the swords held close to his hip, his index finger laying on the flowery handguard of the dark-bladed treasure. The touch is soft, as caring as he is when they’re alone like this. “They thought I stole this from an old samurai, but it was that creepy shadow dude that got his body and brought him back. He gave it to me after we fought.”
“That was back in Thriller Bark, right?” At the time, it had been terrifying; two years later, Sanji is surprised on how nostalgic it feels to remember the decaying boat and its inhabitants. “Such a long time ago.”
“You’d figure they’d have found out earlier I wasn’t here all that time back. But the attacker himself was the judge, and tried to accuse me of using it against some others, so I cut him down.”
“You cut down the judge?”
“And the building.” Zoro adds solemnly, with a light nod of his head.
Sanji cannot hold it anymore - he laughs aloud, almost wheezing in between breaths. The fingers that hold his cigarette are trembling slightly as they bring it back to his mouth, an effort to keep himself quiet and not awake their companions. It is their moment, and he does not wish to interrupt it. “That’s such a Marimo thing to do. Bet you didn’t even think of the consequences, did ya?”
“What for? I’ll just cut whoever comes my way.”
It takes more willpower this time to hold back the laughs, and he fails to control the smile that insists to come out when he hears such things from dumb Marimo. It feels so easy, so liberating - he envies it, and the feeling comes out the smoke as the cook sighs. “I wish I could be as straight-minded as you and the captain. Sometimes I think about things too much.”
“That’s your fault.” The swordsman replies in the same beat, an accusatory finger poking against Sanji’s temples as he glares at his companion with a narrowed eye. “You and this swirly eyebrow, it catches your thoughts and prevents them from leaving your brain.”
“It what?”
“You’re a dumbass.”
“Says who?? Nothing you just said makes sense!”
“Makes more sense than your face.”
“I’ll put sense in you so hard you’ll remember my shoe size forever!”
“That’s if I don’t cut you up and serve you for dinner first!”
They’re up to each other now, hands on collars, faces close enough for their noses to touch, and it is a miracle the altercation has not awaken any of their companions. Sanji’s long-forgotten cigarette is turning to ash on the floor, a different kind of drug in his veins as he leans closer, the grip on his clothes softening as his lover does the same. The hidden touch of their lips is what he missed the most - the way their tongues seem to meld against each other, to be close enough to feel his body heat and his scent, to dig his fingers into that stupidly soft green hair. He missed those stolen moments in the Sunny, away from the well-intentioned but nosy eyes of their crewmates, and the dance of competition, playful insults and teasing provocations they share in their own pace.
He missed Zoro, most of all, and he has no heart to put in words how he dreaded never seeing him again.
They back off slowly from each other, in between heavy breaths and burning cheeks, fingers intertwined and foreheads touching in the feeling of longing and the thrill of danger. They could very well have been caught, kissing right there where any of their nakama could see, and it makes Sanji’s heart drum faster in his ears with the need of doing it again.  
Yet the swordsman backs off, green hair brushing against the cook’s cheek as he moves to lay his head on his shoulder. Almost instinctively, the prince’s hand rises to caress his lover’s hair, long, skilled fingers combing through in a calming gesture. It is only due to the quiet environment that he can hear Zoro whispering against his shoulder, the grip in his other hand tightening. “I missed you. Dumbass. I thought you’d stay with that girl forever.”
“I would never leave the crew. Or Luffy. Or you.”
“Nice to see your level of priorities.” The green haired grumbles, shifting his position to glare annoyedly at Sanji in between long eyelashes. “I come last, eh?”
“Suits you well for how annoying you are.” The blonde teases back, a smirk playing in his reddened lips. His gaze softens despite that, the proximity and softness under his fingertips mellowing his teasing lightly. “You know I’d never truly leave, right?”
“Fucking no.” Zoro buries his head on the chef’s shoulder again, half-hiding from his own embarrassment, half-eager for the closeness. “You’d leave us and marry the girl just so we could all be safe or some bullshit. Stop putting yourself on the line, Swirly Eyebrow. How am I supposed to deal with that?”
“I’m sorry.” Sanji mumbles back in quiet remorse, the echo of Luffy’s words fresh in his mind. I just wanted to keep you all safe, is all he wants to say, but Zoro knows it; he can feel it in the way the swordmaster pulls him closer, in the light huff of anger he lets out. He knows and he hates it, and they will butt heads for this and for so many other things in the days and years to come. For once, Sanji does not want to think of sacrifice. He just wants to stay there for a while longer, to kiss the top of Zoro’s head and whisper: “But I’m here. I’m right here, and here to stay.”
It won’t last forever, they’re both aware of that. As morning comes, their nakama will awake to find Sanji making breakfast and Zoro napping, and think no else of it. But for now, they have this moment - a place to belong, even in the dreadful Wano country, and a memory written in moonlight amidst those ruins.
“......At least I’m glad to have you back.”
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generaldevi · 6 years
Chapter 2:  Vacation Goal
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Law x Luffy
Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Usopp, Donquixote Doflamingo (mentioned), Donquixote Rocinante (mentioned, Dr. Kureha (mentioned), Sanji (mentioned)
Warnings: References to Depression, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Dependency
My part for the @lawlu-events BigBang 2018/19
The story got illustrated by the awesome artist @novicecomics
“Woaaaah!” Usopp and Luffy shouted in unison. They finally arrived at the harbor, where the cruise-ship was located. Both of them had been eager to finally see the ship in person. Counting from the day the tickets were booked, Luffy and Usopp had searched for boats and ships online, compared multiple steamers and cruisers, getting more and more excited.
“That looks so cool!” Luffy exclaimed loudly. He had been energetic and excited the entire train-ride towards the harbor. Usopp and Luffy had chatted non-stop about the soon-to-be-starting trip, waking up Zorro multiple times and annoying the hell out of Nami, while doing so.
“And so big! I did not expect the ship to be soo big!”
The pictures they had looked at online had shown a big cruiser, but it was different in person. The size was somehow intimidating and at the same time, it felt majestic. Luffy felt joy. This was going to be an awesome adventure. He had dreamt about voyaging since he could remember. As little child he had talked with his friend Shanks about traveling. It was one of his very first memories. Just him and his friends. No school, no duties, freedom and adventure! Meeting all kinds of people, making new friends. Changing fates.
“Oi Nami! Did you know that boats could be so big?” Luffy had only known and seen the little ships using the rivers. Even at the harbor close to the city he had never seen a ship of that size. Bigger boats yes, container ships even. The cruiser in front of them played in a different league considering size though.
“Of course, it is big, or do you think, I want to spend two weeks in a little nut-shell of a boat?” She sighed heavily with a hint of amusement on her face. She had overcome her earlier irritation. Luffy being energetic was exhilarating to watch. Somehow, he always managed to put his good mood on others. Nami was not sure how he did it, in the end it did not even matter. Luffy was just Luffy…
“Hey, as if you could be annoyed by us!” Usopp grinned. He had finally stopped gawking at their home for the next weeks. “I cannot wait to see the deck! Online was written, that they have many pools and slides. They have gambling rooms and several bars!” He wanted to explore it all!
“Hach, the gambling rooms.” Nami smiled. Maybe she had more money after the trip, then before. Well, having less than nothing was hard to achieve. She could have never afforded the tickets on her own. Paying Luffy’s and her train tickets was already blowing her budget by far. If she wanted to bring home some souvenirs, she either had to earn some money by gambling and playing against other people or she had to steal something, again. Nami knew, that Bellemere, her adoptive mother, was against stealing or illegal activities in general, but sometimes Nami felt, like it was only fair.
Her mother was a hard-working woman. She had managed to raise two children (and Nami knew, that neither she, nor her sister Nojiko had been easy), while working fulltime. It had been stressful. Nami never had been able to get new things or go shopping for cool clothes like other girls her age. They never had spent a holiday in another country. Too expensive. It was the main reason, she felt honored and blessed being able to take this trip with her friends now. If her mother could not visit a different country, Nami at least wanted to bring her some nice gifts and Souvenirs! Maybe one day, she earned enough money to pay for a trip for her mother. It was something Nami was going to work hard for.
“I cannot wait to check out their bars. There are multiple on every deck!” Zorro’s voice was rough from sleepiness. He had just woken up a few minutes ago. Sleeping on the train had been difficult with Usopp’s and Luffy’s eager chatting and Nami scolding them. He had managed to get his nap though. “So even if you get lost, you will still find something to drink!” A big grin was showing on Luffy’s face, as he looked at Zorro. His friends’ sense of direction was not the best. Not by far. Zorro did not even try to argue. Pointless.
“Let us go! It will take some time to check in!” Nami held their tickets. She was, next to Usopp, probably the most responsible. It felt unreal to finally see the ship, be on the ship. They all had been eager for the trip, since they got the tickets. It had not been easy time to decide on a goal for their vacation…
Zorro had been fine with everything as long as it contained enough napping time, as well as enough booze. He was neither a picky eater, nor was he really interested in deciding about where to go or what to see. Spending time with his friends and enjoying his free time, before he had to go to work again, was all that mattered to him.
Nami on the other hand wanted to travel further away. Exploring the world, different cities and countries. Enjoying foreign cultures.
After the holiday she was going to start to study at the local university. Even though she could stay at home with her sister and her mother, saving on rent and money for food, she knew the times would be rough considering money. They did not have a lot of free money to spend. Especially with Nami not being able to work full-time anymore due to the university courses. She felt rather happy and blessed, that her mother Bellemere had saved up some money for her to go studying. Traveling had always been a dream of the redhead. Knowing very well, that this would be the only vacation she could afford in the next years, she had tried to stand her ground.
The person she had argued with most was Usopp. He had wanted to visit a tropical island at first, only to retract as soon as he heard about all the different kind of vaccinations he needed to go there. Weird diseases, possible parasite infections. Nope.
Next destination he had in his mind was one of the shooting places of a movie Luffy and he were fans from. Something with robots and ninjas and pirates. Nami had argued heavily against it. She did not want to visit an isolated island filled with only snow, ice and moose! Never! She would probably fall sick there.
Another possibility was the desert. Nami had always been fond of warm and sunny places. Visiting one of the famous desert cities of Alabasta, maybe they could have even meet Vivi again. A former exchange student in their school times. Seeing her again would be really nice. The tickets were too expensive though.
Luffy had been rather easy. As long as it was a fun place and his friends were there, he would have agreed on anything. Of course, he had his preferences. He would have liked the tropical island and jungle. The thoughts of cool bugs, insects in general, as well as cool predators excited him. A desert island would have been fun too in his opinion. He had talked about sand-surfing and trying out the exotic foods…
Their bickering went forth and back and at some point Nami was sure, that they would spend their entire free time arguing without actually going anywhere. The discussions about their vacation goal came to an abrupt end, when Luffy one day arrived with two tickets for a cruise trip.
“Grampa got these from some of the people he trained. They said, that some vacation was good for him, something about finally retiring. Gramps beat them up and gave the tickets to me” Luffy shrugged and looked at his friends. “Let us take the trip! There will be different islands!” Nami slowly raised one eyebrow, before taking a closer look at the tickets. Multiple islands? That sounded fancy. She did not question Garp beating up his poor Marine trainees.
As weird as Luffy was from time to time, it seemed to run in the family. Nami had only seen his grampa a few times. She could not exactly say, that these were pleasant memories. Garp was loud, brutal and loving at the same time. He ate as much as Luffy, had a tendency to fall asleep and Nami had never seen someone making Luffy run away. Usually the Strawhat fought everything and everyone, apparently Garp was on a different level. Nami was not sure if she should admire Garp for that or be scared of him.
“These are only two tickets though, we need four, don’t we?” Zorro asked, while Usopp was checking online if they could buy more tickets. “We just buy two more!” Luffy leaned over the shoulder of Usopp, looking at the Webpage. “Woah! This ship looks amazing! There are slides and loops! Swimming pools! All you can eat!!” From second to second he got more jittery and excited. He could not wait to be on the ship! There were so many things to explore and to do! He could do them with his friends. That was going to be awesome! Absolutely Amazing!
“That is.. expensive. How were those trainees able to pay for the two tickets?” Nami frowned. Even if they divided the price of the remaining two tickets, it was still more than she could afford. She bit her lip. Maybe the others should go without her?
“Don’t know. I think some other Marines helped with paying. They probably wanted to get rid of gramps too.” Luffy noticed Namis look. He hummed. “Oi, Usopp. Buy the two tickets! You can write in Grampas name! He is gonna pay for us! I will get his money card”
Nami frowned. His credit card? Was that even legal? She should not question Luffy. He was going to do, what he wanted anyway.
Their check-in did thankfully not take long. It was difficult for Luffy to remain still for a longer period of time. Waiting in a line, adventures and fun ahead. Nami was not sure, if Luffy had managed to stay in line for ten more minutes.
“Uff. Okay, should we check out our rooms?” The redhead sighed before walking towards one of the maps of the cruiser. It did not take long for her to memorize everything.
“Okay, here we are!” Nami smiled before giving each of them their key card to unlock the room. “Do.not.lose.it! Actually- I keep my card and Zorros. Usopp you take yours and Luffy's.” That way the cards would not get lost. Hopefully.
After exploring their rooms, they all went to the deck together. Soon the ship was going to hoist anchor. Usopp rested against the railing, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the soft breeze of wind on his skin. It felt wonderful. Zorro stood next to him, eyeing the sea. It was a relaxed atmosphere. Somewhat calm, even though there were a lot of people standing on the deck, wanting to see the start of their travel.
“Oi, Usopp!” Luffy looked around, observing the many people. “Don’t you think it is cool, that we are finally on our adventure!” He was curious about all the things they were going to do, the places they were going to explore and the new friends, they were going to make!
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609-610: "Luffy Dies from Exposure?! The Spine Chilling Snow Woman Monet" and "Fists Collide! a Battle of the Two Vice Admirals!"
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Surrounded by trash, unsure of location or direction. Too real, Luffy. Too real.
I feel like a broken record at the moment but Punk Hazard really is delivering.
Across 609 and 610, we had Law vs Vergo with a surprise interruption by Smoker. Caesar was the subject of unexpected character development. Even Luffy vs Monet had a twist, with Luffy falling into a trash compactor and meeting a tiny talking dragon.
I bet that’s Foxfire’s son. The little dragon had a kid’s voice.
I’m just glad the big dragon the Strawhats roasted wasn’t Momonosuke (@mrkashkiet, I am looking at you sternly. xD)
Law Just Cannot Quit Smoking
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And does not want to.
The action picked up with Vergo hoofing it to the SAD Room. Speed lines ahoy!
Inside, Law slowly drew his sword in front of a vast tank of SAD Gas. Not sure what he was planning to do, but let’s not dwell on it, in case his plan was literally explosive.
Vergo appeared at the door. “I feel like my hand has been bitten by my own dog. This is too much even for a mischievous child. You were always too smart for your own good. People like you tend to die young.”
You know, I’m not keen on stoic villain types but I’ve got to admit that Vergo has some killer lines.
“It would be easiest to crush your heart but I won’t do that. I’ll torment you slowly as I please and warp your smart ass face with fear.”
Like I said, good lines.
He wailed on Law with grim purpose to the point I found myself shouting, “Come on, Law! ROOM YOURSELF OUT OF THERE!”  Law was not having a fun time. (Dare I say, he was SAD?)
But his instinct for shit-talking was irrepressible. “Are you guys frustrated because your scheme is coming crashing down? Is this thing that important to you?”
Well, yeah... If Caesar is *the only person* who can make whatever it is that Doflamingo wants, then SAD must be profitable. Profits before pals seems to be Doflamingo’s modus operandi, but I don’t get the feeling Law is all that surprised Vergo is trying to kill him.
Law did fight back. There was an attempt.  He tried to Room his heart back. But Vergo is fast and snatched Law’s heart from the air.
The worst thing, though? Vergo punched Law so hard he lost his hat. That is not cool. It must have riled Law enough for him to try his (awesome) Counter Shock attack. It was big, flashy and high voltage, but it only left Vergo lightly toasted.
Vergo must have decided to kill Law then because he said, “I have a message from Joker. He said, ‘What a shame.’”
Law was weirdly zen about the whole situation. “Oh, well. It didn’t work. I was pretty sure I could take my heart back from Caesar, but I didn’t expect you here, Vergo.”
The lack of -san honorific was the last straw for Vergo. He squeezed Law’s heart like a stress ball. Toei’s red filter descended. Soul-shredding pain was experienced. Law screamed a lot. As you would if your heart was being squeezed by a maniac.
Then, a shaft of light descended from the vaulted heavens.
Except not really because it was Smoker.
It’s almost the same thing.
Vergo was typically cool about the interruption. “I’m in the middle of something. Does it have to be now, Vice-Admiral Smoker?”
And I did a backflip. Yes. Excellent interruption. Great timing, Smoker! Now stop being so fixated on the Big Tanks That Go “Blort” and execute your glorious revenge!
Really, now I think about it, Vergo is almost as bad as Caesar. When Smoker called Vergo out on his deceit and told him not to tell the G5 Men as he was a father figure to them, Vergo said, “Don’t tell me you actually care about those guys? I’m a base commander. I can do whatever I want to my no-good subordinates.” Another one who treats other people as disposable pawns.
Unsurprisingly, Smoker and Vergo came to blows. Smoker seems to be having more luck than Law, but then Vergo does not have Smoker’s heart in a box. What I’d like to happen is Smoker retrieving Law’s heart and they tag-team Vergo into oblivion.
That sounded wrong. But you get what I mean.
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Rubbery Hope
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How did Luffy end up in the Death Star’s trash compactor? 
His battle with a bird woman from Hoth went south. Literally.
And I cannot believe I am about to say this, but I kind of wish Luffy’s fight with Monet was a little bit longer. Her powers are great. Her self-awareness and cunning are too.
She maintained those ten layer kamakura walls without breaking a sweat. When Luffy smashed one layer, she wrapped another around her frozen prison without missing a beat. Luffy knew she was stalling for time and said he’d just break every layer quicker than she could replace them.
“I bet,” she said. Then swept up behind Luffy and, in an oddly flirty manner, whispered in his ear, “I don’t think I’ll win if I fight you, but the strongest isn’t always the winner in a fight.”
Then she grabbed him and wrapped him, literally, in winter’s embrace. 
That hypothermia power was quite cool (no pun intended). Paired with those desolate, snowy vistas and her eerily calm voice urging Luffy to let go, to sleep, relax and let it be, Monet’s Devil Fruit seems pretty strong to me.
But just as Luffy was about to pass out, Zoro’s voice - the very warning he yelled at Luffy a couple of episodes ago - cut through the darkness. “THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW WORLD!”
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the blue filtered haki moments. When he sprang up and let loose that Jet Spear attack, I cheered.
Then he fell through the floor into a garbage chute and I laughed.
It was cool, though. He’s rubber. He’d bounce. And sure enough, it wasn’t long before he was raking through broken gadgets for food. At which point a tiny dragon spoke to him and that is where the story ended.
I am now 75% sure that tiny dragon is Momonosuke. It had a kid’s voice. Probably should be a higher percentage than that but I like to hedge my bets, haha.
Chopper Looks Like Every Harried Substitute Teacher Ever
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While Luffy was readjusting to life in a trash compactor with a small talking dragon, Monet flapped away to tick off another box on the never ending to do list: securing the Addicted Experiment Kiddies.
Said kiddies were knocking lumps out of Chopper with their ferocious addict strength. He could not restrain them without hurting them. He tried to convince them not to eat the candy. “I know it’s hard but you have to endure it!”
The thing is, Chopper was dealing with a double helping of trouble here. Not only are they kids, who are naturally more self-centred due to their developing brains. They are also addicts who are so far down the rabbit hole of whatever drug Caesar was peddling they’ll do anything for a fix.
When Chopper’s rumble ball wore off, the kids trampled him and thundered straight for the Biscuit Room, where Mocha was waiting alone.
Luckily, he was picked up by Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Brook and Foxfire. (Do not remember Brownbeard hanging around. Did he leave or did he just not have any lines?) 
Robin tried to restrain the kids. That was interesting for two reasons: one, I didn’t know Robin could feel damage sustained by her extra hands, and two, she asked Usopp and Brook to try and find a pair of Sea Prism Stone cuffs because Luffy had asked her to. (I bet his plan is to cuff Caesar!)
The kids charged Mocha, who tried to tell them the candy was evil! Then Monet whirled into the room on a frosty zephyr. (The best part of this entrance was when Usopp shouted: “I TOLD YOU THERE WAS A BIRD WOMAN!” He was finally vindicated.) 
Yay, thought Mocha. It’s Monet-san. She’s lovely!
Nooooope. Monet told her, in a sweet, ever-so-reasonable voice that it wasn’t nice to keep all the candy for herself. Mocha should share it with the others, like always. Mocha’s little face when she sensed betrayal was just heart-wrenching. “Why?” she whispered.
Because Monet is a nasty piece of work just like Caesar? Just a thought.
Not sure what’s going to happen here. There are a *lot* of Strawhats in the room, so I’m guessing Monet will be defeated by them. Then they’ll push through, deliver the cuffs and - BAM - we have one angry, kidnapped scientist. 
Sanji Acquires Unexpected Fans
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This was a short scene but the fact that Sanji has a cadre of devoted fans in the G5 is hilarious. Yeah, he claims he doesn’t want their approval. And he probably doesn’t.
But Sanji cannot stop himself running back to save the poor saps who can be saved.
This is the Sanji I like: surly on the outside with a golden heart on the inside. More, please!
And the Academy Award for Best Actor goes to . . .
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The yarns this guy can spin could crush the GDP of a small textile-dependent country.
Caesar should run for office somewhere. Then he could appoint himself head of the science department.
For that is exactly what has been bugging him for years, it seems. He wants Vegapunk’s job.
Well... maybe not the job. (He’s getting by just fine thanks to pirates. A Government job would ruin that). It’s the fame and kudos. That’s what he’s after.
Plus he has a weird goal: to achieve world peace by obliterating all sources of conflict - collateral damage be damned. Unless he’s lying about that. Given his oscar-winning performance, that would not surprise me.
The action picked up with Caesar caesaring through a pipe and landing outside the Secret Room (I laughed when I realised everyone on Punk Hazard literally calls it the Secret Room).
He was bitching about having to enter the room because it was Vegapunk’s old office. Still, he claimed it was the only place where he could “pull it off”. (I am unsure why he had to go to Vegapunk’s old office just to close some doors, but I’ll chalk it up to plot and say no more.)
He promised to make Luffy, the Strawhats, G5 and Trafalgar Law pay for ruining his plan. It was all their fault! The experiment could have been a great show - everything perfect and beautiful and befitting of the world’s greatest scientist (Vegapunk says hi!) But they screwed it up. He couldn’t let the Strawhats do as they liked. They’d pushed it a little too far and he has Joker on his back now.
He ordered a minion to close the gates to Buildings C and D. This would lure all survivors into one narrow room. His plan? Trap them in the bottleneck and pump the room full of his poison gas through the air vents. He would broadcast it as a snuff movie for the brokers. That would show them what he was really made of!
But the minions hang on his every word and they caught one small discrepancy.
“Um... did you say that *you* had created the poison gas, Master?”
Caesar’s haughty reply was, “Yes, I did.”
“But it’s like Vegapunk’s gas. It freaks us out.” Understandably, the minions probably have ptsd from four years ago.
The moment when Caesar realised he’d let his ego run away with him and opened his big mouth was glorious. How could he spin this? How? The animators did a great job here. You could see the evil, conniving cogs turning in his mind. 
Then he broke out his Oscar winning performance. 
“This is . . . an avenging battle of science. My people! That day, I tried to stop the mad scientist, Vegapunk. No! If such a weapon exploded, what would happen to the people on the island?” Caesar even threw in a melodramatic “YAMEROOOOO, VEGAPUNK!” for some extra emotional sparkle.
“But the accident happened. And he still lords if over us as the head of the science department of the Marines. and he’s considered the world’s greatest scientist. I cannot tolerate it! He’s the cruel man who hurt you all! Do you think it’s right that people still call him the number one scientist? That’s why I want to prove them all wrong. I didn’t want to make a weapon of mass destruction! But I want to show them that there is a greater scientist here. That I am the greatest scientist in the world! When the Marines acknowledge it and when I become head of the science department, my dream will come true. I can use my scientific knowledge to bring peace to the world!”
I honestly had to stop myself giving Caesar a standing ovation. What a performance that was.
You know, it’s weird. Every lie Caesar told there has a basis in truth. That’s the most dangerous liar right there because the lies they tell are more believable. Does the Gas-Gas Fruit confer gaslighting powers too? Because Caesar is a hellishly efficient manipulator.
And while Caesar was congratulating himself, a flashback happened!
Caesar is Prime Material for /r/IAmVerySmart
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Caesar with a bob was weird. I’m guessing when he moved to Punk Hazard, there was a lack of stylists, so he just grew his hair out. That hair you see right now? That is four years of growth.
At any rate, Caesar was doing something a bit more important back in Vegapunk’s lab. He was debating morality with some other scientists. They begged him to stop his experiment. If it exploded, it would kill everyone on the island. 
Caesar was typically receptive to criticism. “STFU, boneheads! Where do you think you are? This is a Marine research facility. They want to kill as many pirates as the can. What they need is a weapon that will do it for them.”
“But they don’t want one that will also kill civilians!”
Caesar’s rebuttal? “It’s called collateral damage! If we blow away everything, we can bring peace to the world.” (Does he genuinely believe that? That’s a properly depressing view of the world he holds there, if true.)
“You’re so...”
Caesar had a, “I’m gonna stop you right there” moment. They wanted to say he was cruel? What a joke. They were using prisoners as guinea pigs as if they were trash. What was the difference? (Fair point, Caesar.) Moreover, Admiral Sengoku was too soft, but Akainu, if he was in charge, *he* would want a weapon Caesar made. (Also interesting. I hope Caesar never decides to change sides again. He would be dangerous in Akainu’s hands.)
He went off on one about how Vegapunk had failed to turn people into giants again. Caesar knows you can’t turn people into giants in a short period of time unless you use magic, so had suggested Vegapunk just kidnap some kids and feed them drugs until something worked. What a lovely idea, Caesar! xD
The flash forward revealed Caesar’s “William Birkin Moment”.
Just as he made a significant discovery, Marines burst in and cuffed him with sea prism stone. Vegapunk himself came to see off his old colleague. I was ONE HUNDRED PERCENT HYPED for about half a second. But there was no face. 
Blue balled. Again. xD
Caesar was summarily dismissed from the Science Department. “Your eccentric behaviour is intolerable and I cannot protect you anymore, Caesar.”
Interesting that what the rest of the scientists did was viewed as fine and dandy, but Caesar taking it a step further was regarded as “eccentric”. First off, eccentric is a gross understatement. Secondly, what they’re doing is pretty evil too. Caesar is just overtly, unashamedly amoral. They hide it better.
Suffering such a humiliation, Caesar had his “SCREW YOU!” moment and pushed the big red button. Punk Hazard went up in a Mighty Kaboom-Boom Cloud. 
Still wondering how they all survived that, but I will chalk it up to plot and say no more.
Of course, after Caesar’s theatrics, his minions fell over themselves to apologise. Sorry, Master! You are the saviour, after all.
“Thank you... thank you all,” Caesar simpered, while inside he called them unintelligent fools. So easily manipulated. Dumb as bricks.
This guy needs taking down several pegs. Maybe an entire cloakroom rack.
Luffy, please oblige asap.
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Caesar tells a rip-roaring, thigh-slapper of a yo momma joke. 
(No one laughed.)
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517-519: "The Beginning of the New Chapter! The Straw Hats Reunited!", "An Explosive Situation! Luffy vs. Fake Luffy!" and "The Navy Has Set Out! The Straw Hats in Danger!"
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The hat is back on!
I was excited about this. Was also oddly excited to click on the “Fishman Island” arc on CR, finally, after so long on Marineford.
These episodes were another curve ball for me. I thought the timeskip would go one of two ways: either they’d all meet straight away at Sabaody, group hug, then sail off into the New World, or we’d get a training montage for each Strawhat before the meeting.
Then I remembered you guys mentioned there would be a mini-arc and I cursed myself for being dense.
There’s not much plot to it. Some fake Strawhats are blighting the real ones’ good name and reputation. Unfortunately for them, 3D2Y is kicking off and the real Strawhats are gathering on Sabaody like the Avengers Assemble. Plus, pretending to be an infamous pirate crew isn’t a great idea when the Marines and World Government are after them.
I think I can see what’s coming. The fake Strawhats are light-hearted fodder, there only to show off their real counterparts’ training. And bring some lulz. No idea how it’ll unfold, though. That’s half the fun of watching One Piece, to be honest.
It was good to see Oda hasn’t tinkered with Luffy’s design too much. (Saying that, I liked the Strong World outfit).  He still has those flip flops and cut offs, but now the red vest has sleeves and is open at the chest. (Gotta expose dat 8 pack and scars, right?) 
Of course, the iconic straw hat was picked up at the beginning of the episode. He was ready! Hancock and the Kuja pirates were there to see him off. Hancock packed Luffy half a year’s worth of supplies in a massive pack and gave him a handy-dandy Groucho Marx disguise in case any Marines spotted him prior to sailing out.
(Is it me, or does Luffy finally realise Hancock likes him? He kept saying, “I’m not getting married.” Though I did like the part when he refused to say goodbye because he wanted to see her again. That was nice of him. He acknowledges just how much Hancock helped him - and she helped A LOT. You could argue Luffy is as indebted to Hancock as to Rayleigh, Jimbei and Ivankov.)
Then, he set off! The next time we saw him, his massive backpack nudged Fake Luffy. There was an altercation. 
Of course, Luffy couldn’t retaliate. Drawing attention to himself and bringing the Marines down on his head before he reunited with his crew would be a Bad Idea.
He did get his own back. Just not in a way that would draw attention.
When Fake Luffy fired the gun, I cheered because Real Luffy gave us a teaser of his new power. Observational Haki! Armament Haki! Conqueror’s Haki! He deflected the bullet, dodged it, then floored the Fakers without lifting a finger.
Honestly, I cannot wait until Luffy’s next big fight. Sentomaru has returned with some Pacifistas. I hope the Strawhats get their rematch. Oooh, maybe the Pacifistas will be fodder now....
Nami and Usopp
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Look at them.
Look at how beautiful Nami and Usopp are. 
It seems that over the course of two years, certain Strawhats have ended up with less clothes than they started with.
Nami has lost her t-shirt, but at least she has that bikini, right? Like Luffy, Usopp has buffed up and has a shirtless look to show off his gainz. They both have longer hair too - and it looks good on them.
Not sure about this comment from Usopp, "I don't belong to the weak trio with you and Chopper. I became a warrior who is not fazed by anything!" I guess (or I hope) it was acknowledged by all three that they were the weakest members of the crew, but it’s a bit much saying he’s graduated to a higher tier. Especially since he doesn’t know what Nami and Chopper have been doing. I like that Usopp has found some more confidence, but don’t find it at the expense of your friends.
Or, it’s classic Usopp overcompensating because he’s underconfident. Or he’s just joking. 
Nami must have quiet confidence in her fighting ability because she sat at that bar in Sabaody on her own and talked back to Fake Luffy who had just shot someone. She can control the weather and summon thunderclouds indoors. That is not someone you’d mess with.
Usopp has some new weapons in his arsenal too. He’s weaponised the plants from Bowin Island and I’ll bet he has much more than carnivorous plants up his sleeve. 
I love how casually they walked out of the bar, talking about their training, “Yeah, so I was studying new weather tech on a Sky Island...” while thunderclouds tore the bar apart in the background.
And Nami was driving a hard bargain for a discount. Never change, Nami. Never change...
Zoro and Sanji
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Never realised how much I missed these guys and their bickering until I had a genuine laugh-out-loud moment (in 519, I think?)
I love Zoro’s new design. I think it’s my favourite out of the new outfits. The green robe looks great. It gives him more gravitas, as though he has now graduated from Sword Training School and is allowed to wear the academic gown. Not sure what kind of garment it is, but it’s definitely more traditional.
Sanji is still in a suit. I liked his previous style, so I’m kind of glad Oda didn’t mess with it too much. Sanji and suits are like Luffy and flip-flops, you know? He’s changed his shirt, has grown a goatee (which, of course Zoro noticed and roasted Sanji for it) and maybe his hair’s a bit longer?
Zoro arrived at Shakky’s bar first. This was a source of woe for poor Sanji, who arrived seventh after Franky, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Brook. (Robin was eighth because she had to shake some CP goons off her tail.)
The fact that Zoro arrived first was nothing short of a miracle. I’m still not sure how he managed it. Maybe Perona dropped him off right at the door. When Sanji arrived, he was overcome with emotion at the sight of women to the point his enthusiasm freaked out a couple of innocent ladies. Then Sanji met Duval (I love how they’re friends now) checked out the kitchen and went food shopping.
On the way, he met Zoro.
Zoro wanted to go fishing. Rayleigh and Shakky shouldn’t have let him out of their sight. Instead of getting on a fishing boat, he boarded a pirate galleon and fell asleep. Sure enough, the ship set sail with him on it. “THAT IDIOT!” Sanji yelled. But it was okay. Of course Zoro would do something like that. At least the ship was headed for Fishman Island and they knew where Zoro would be.
I was annoyed for a half a second (rob Zoro of the big reunion? How dare you!) But then he showed off some of his new skills. Mihawk-esque skills. He sliced an entire pirate galleon in half. It was awesome. He still has great lines too. “I ruined your New World dream? No. It was your fault for allowing a plague on your ship.”
Has Zoro taken a Mihawk level in edginess? I think so.
Then they started arguing on the way back and I honestly laughed out loud at their shit-flinging contest. 
“Stay with me, or you’ll get lost!”
“Who’re you talking to, moustache eyebrow!”
“Shut up, lost moss!”
“How could number seven talk bossily to number one?”
They love to pretend they hate each other, don’t they?
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Aw, Chopper. He has definitely take an level in cuteness.  Chopper is a rare example of more clothes. He has acquired a cute, stripey shirt and red shorts. The hat is okay. It’s huge. Maybe to accommodate his massive brain (because he has absorbed the contents of all those medical books, right?) Must say I prefer his old hat. Mainly because Dr Hiluluk gave it to him and it’s a huge part of his identity. Parts of it are still there, but I guess it’s difficult to change Chopper a lot, so the hat is an obvious target.
Haven’t seen any of his new abilities yet, so Chopper hasn’t changed at all personality wise. He still loves cotton candy and, like Luffy, is still absolutely hopeless at seeing through lies and bad disguises. The part when Chopper was running after the Fake Strawhats and crying out at them to rescue Fake Robin was a bit daft. I mean Chopper did admit later on to Nami that the Fake Robin, “didn’t smell familiar.” But then, that’s the gag. It goes all the way back to Sogeking, so I’ll let it slide. :)
He really thought the Strawhats had changed so much, though. It was  interesting to see that he’d stick to his principles and go rescue Robin himself: a real marker of Chopper’s new determination and confidence in his own abilities!
After that stressful moment, it was nice to see how glad Nami and Usopp were to see him, hugging him and telling him how much softer his fur was, how much bigger he’d grown. And Chopper’s outrage once he realised there were impostors about: “WAIT, NOW I’M MAD!”
Even though he’s stronger, kind, innocent Chopper hasn’t changed that much.
Robin and Franky
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Again, how good do these two look? Robin is the most drastic change out of all the Strawhats. Could you believe I actually didn’t recognise her at first? (Only the eyes and the voice acting finally gave it away.) The blunt bangs/fringe/whatever you call them were iconic to her look, so it’s a definite departure. She looks great, though. Similar to Boa Hancock.
I’m 100% being Franky’s new look. The colour scheme is the same (red/blue) and he has his loud fashion sense, but the chunky cybernetic enhancements, the sharp shades and the buzz really add an intimidating edge to Franky that he was missing pre-timeskip. And apparently, the Sunny has some new weapons as well as a Full Underwater Coating courtesy of Rayleigh. Can’t wait to see what nightmarish destroyers of ships Franky has constructed! >:D
Franky injected some tension into the narrative, which was cool, even though I am 99% certain it will turn out fine in the end. While losing the CP9 goons trailing her, Robin picked up a poster for Brook’s concert. Quite rightly, she WTF’d over it and asked Franky if he knew what was going on.
“Brook's quite the star now. From the lonely shadows to a place where everyone cheers for him. He might not come back to pirating again.”
Surely Brook would not be so ungrateful to abandon the friends who lifted him out of loneliness into the spotlight again?
Nah. Brook’s not like that. I’d bet money it.
Soul King?
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Brook has now graduated from garage band Slash-wannabe to issuing health and well-being advice via the genre of soul and the medium of arena tours. 
He has acquired a manager. Before the gig, Brook had something to tell him and I’ll bet it was about quitting. 
I’m still wondering how Brook got away with becoming so famous. Wasn’t he identified at Sabaody when Kizaru kicked their asses two years ago? Hasn’t his bounty poster been updated since? Did not a single Marine think, “Hey, there was a talking skeleton in the Strawhats’ company at Sabaody. Here is another one on TV. Coincidence?”
Love that we got to hear most of the song, though. Brook hasn’t changed that much, either. He still loves those skeleton puns.
(I am very behind on replies, btw. I know. I will reply to every single one tomorrow. ^_^)
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“Move, bitch. Get out the way. Get out the way, bitch. Get out the way!” - Ludacris
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