giordanorizzardi · 6 months
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Greetings from #forestadelcansiglio , #provinciadibelluno #veneto #italy🇮🇹 #boscodareme #serenissimarepubblicadivenezia #cansiglio #alpago terra dei #cimbri (presso Altopiano del Cansiglio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmw43TpMXRB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magauda · 7 months
All’8 settembre non erano presenti nel Vittoriese tipografie clandestine
Gli atti del convegno “La Resistenza nel Vittoriese e sul Cansiglio” (1976)243 raccolgono i racconti dei principali protagonisti della Resistenza nel Vittoriese. Similmente al Trevigiano anche qui “prima del 25 luglio 1943 la trama antifascista più coordinata era in mano al partito comunista”. <244 L’organizzazione di tale partito fu riattivata per iniziativa di Vittorio Ghidetti <245 e Pietro…
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condamina · 7 months
All’8 settembre non erano presenti nel Vittoriese tipografie clandestine
Gli atti del convegno “La Resistenza nel Vittoriese e sul Cansiglio” (1976)243 raccolgono i racconti dei principali protagonisti della Resistenza nel Vittoriese. Similmente al Trevigiano anche qui “prima del 25 luglio 1943 la trama antifascista più coordinata era in mano al partito comunista”. <244 L’organizzazione di tale partito fu riattivata per iniziativa di Vittorio Ghidetti <245 e Pietro…
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collasgarba · 7 months
All’8 settembre non erano presenti nel Vittoriese tipografie clandestine
Gli atti del convegno “La Resistenza nel Vittoriese e sul Cansiglio” (1976)243 raccolgono i racconti dei principali protagonisti della Resistenza nel Vittoriese. Similmente al Trevigiano anche qui “prima del 25 luglio 1943 la trama antifascista più coordinata era in mano al partito comunista”. <244 L’organizzazione di tale partito fu riattivata per iniziativa di Vittorio Ghidetti <245 e Pietro…
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adrianomaini · 7 months
All’8 settembre non erano presenti nel Vittoriese tipografie clandestine
Gli atti del convegno “La Resistenza nel Vittoriese e sul Cansiglio” (1976)243 raccolgono i racconti dei principali protagonisti della Resistenza nel Vittoriese. Similmente al Trevigiano anche qui “prima del 25 luglio 1943 la trama antifascista più coordinata era in mano al partito comunista”. <244 L’organizzazione di tale partito fu riattivata per iniziativa di Vittorio Ghidetti <245 e Pietro…
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bagnabraghe · 7 months
All’8 settembre non erano presenti nel Vittoriese tipografie clandestine
Gli atti del convegno “La Resistenza nel Vittoriese e sul Cansiglio” (1976)243 raccolgono i racconti dei principali protagonisti della Resistenza nel Vittoriese. Similmente al Trevigiano anche qui “prima del 25 luglio 1943 la trama antifascista più coordinata era in mano al partito comunista”. <244 L’organizzazione di tale partito fu riattivata per iniziativa di Vittorio Ghidetti <245 e Pietro…
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bigarella · 8 months
La Divisione partigiana Nannetti aveva competenze su di un territorio compreso tra Friuli, Trentino e Veneto
Agosto 1944. Zona di operazioni della Divisione “Nino Nannetti”. (Allegato alla Tesi di laurea di Fausto Schiavetto). Fonte: Luca Nardi, Op. cit. infra Il 17 maggio 1944 la Brigata Ferdiani assunse il nuovo nome di Brigata “Nino Nannetti”, in ricordo dell’omonimo garibaldino morto in Spagna. Essa trasferì la sede di Comando nel bosco del Cansiglio.Il 29 giugno 1944 dal Comando Militare Regionale…
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theodoradevlin · 1 year
Old Habits and All That
SUMMARY: Silly/Random drabble/imagining of what MC x Ominis x Sebastian are up to in their future endeavors, on assignment for an artifact in the Dolomites. Sort of a continuation based off of this old imagining I had dreamed up about Seb being a magical artifact hunter. Using Theo as the MC....cause ya know. we can't be separated at this point.
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WOW actually had a brain cell for once. Felt good to write a little again...so this may be more for me than anyone else (lol).Would be nice to turn this into an actual fic if my creativity wants to cooperate...but we'll see.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Theo cursed as she dropped what must have been the third thing this week. This time - a mug. A mug…that had previously been holding the glorious caffeine that her body most so desperately needed right now.
At the curse, and the shatter, one of her companions jolted upright on the chaise they had previously been napping on across the room, unseeing eyes already full of alarm none the less. 
“Theo? What is it? What’s wrong?” 
Ominis’ concerns were never tentative, but immediate. For that she was grateful…because what came next was an accusing curse to match hers from the other side of the room as the unshaven man who’s face had previously been buried in his research also shot up to see what the commotion was about... only to immediately be followed by a groan.
“Damn - that was my Montrose Magpies mug wasn’t it? That was my favorite one.” Sebastian’s whine crawled under her skin as she let out her own exasperated sigh. 
 They had all been on the search for weeks, having been funded by a mystery donor for a six month stint in the middle of the Dolomite region in the Cansiglio Plateau. Muggles had always spoken about an ‘energetic boundary’ in the area they believed to be spiritual…but the minute Theo had stepped foot here she knew what it really was. It had called to her instantly, as it always did.
Ancient Magic. 
Sebastian had been researching tales on the region, about another object that could remove essence of magic from individuals, ancient or not, and it was something that needed to be apprehended and locked away as soon as possible.
Theo could only imagine if it got out…one could potentially steal magic from anyone they wished. And….no one deserved that fate. Loosing magic was comparable to loosing one’s part of their soul.
They knew from experience that even Sebastian’s experiments with dark magic had irreversibly altered his own magic trace, to this day. 
And Ominis, having become an expert Curse Breaker in their years after Hogwarts, was also well aware from his own experiences on what risks usually came with an object like that.
They suspected the object was located in an ancient tomb somewhere within the mountains, but ...where exactly this tomb was they could not say...yet.
However….all that to say….Theo knew full well if finding this object wasn’t going to test them all, then her lack of sleep certainly was.
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’ll…try and replace it.” She growled at Sebastian.
“Now, now Theo. If you want to get into my knickers you needn’t go around terrorizing my mugs to do it.” 
Despite his own lack of sleep, the quick wit was never idle. Ominis let out a scoff as if to remind them he was ALSO in the room, and not currently interested in seeing Seb’s knickers. 
“Try and keep your trousers on for once. I know we’ve all been cooped up in here, but really Sebastian.” He scolded playfully. Not as if he hadn’t seen that part of Sebastian before… the first few weeks here, the three of them had taken too many shots of fire whiskey…and…well. For now, they would have to save that for another time. 
Sebastian shot him a withering look…though in his disheveled state from his corner of the room, tucked behind the table underneath stacks of old texts, some of that glare lost its power. Ominis had still managed to sound and appear as calm, cool, and collected as he always was. 
And yet with Ominis, Theo could always spot the signs when something more feral was flashing beneath the surface. Yes…they had all been cooped up in their hideout for far too long, with all of them needing some form of release. Whether a break-through in the research…or perhaps something else. 
Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she bent down to pick up the mug shards, surprised to see that her own fingers were shaking. 
Cautiously, Ominis came over to her as if sensing this, bending down to her level and taking her hands in his own, rubbing a finger along the skin as if in a small attempt to soothe her. 
“Perhaps one too many cups of coffee, hm Theo? When was the last time you slept for longer than twenty minutes?” 
Even as her breath calmed at his touch, her chest immediately turned tight at the fact that she knew her body demanded sleep, but their situation could not allow it. 
“We…we’re so close to finding the relic. So close. I’ll sleep afterwards.” Her voice came out tight, and stubborn, so much so that Ominis sighed. 
“She’s right you know. Ominis - we can’t stop now. That would put off all the progress we’ve made —“ 
The man still had not released her hands, but turned to snap his head in Sebastian’s direction.
 “Neither of you are getting anything done in the state you’re in. Theo can’t even hold something in her hands for two seconds without dropping it, and you…I know you haven’t shaved in forever judging by the feeling of hair that attacks me every time I’m near you, so I can only assume what state you’re in. I can certainly smell you. Now….maybe you both can pause for some food and a bath.”
Ominis cut off Theo’s protest again.  
“Enough of that. You need to soak up the caffeine, and Sebastian needs to be in a world outside of his textbooks for a night.”
Despite the objection from them both, Theo knew he was right. She could see Ominis needed it too in the tense muscle fluttering in his jaw. 
“Alright fine. Agreed. Food…and a break. For a bit. Then…back to work.” She agreed, with a tight and shallow nod. 
Ominis smirked, dipping his own head in a slight nod, pleased clearly that he’d gotten her to agree. “Always so diligent. Alright then. And Sebastian… bath first please.” 
More disgruntled noises from the freckled man, but no more objections as they went to get ready. 
Luckily, since they were staying close to the valley…the walk to the nearest tavern was a short and welcome trek from their hideout. As they walked, her eyes skimmed over the pale mountains looming in the distance, forcing her mind to forget the secrets they might hold….at least for a time. 
Theo wasn’t going to deny that the stew placed in front of her had thawed all remaining feelings of tension and warmed her from the inside out. For the first time in days, she felt like more of a human and less of a run over dugbog. She could see it on all of their faces as they sat in the booth of the tavern, no one speaking words, but just enjoying the comfort of the food. 
Even Sebastian was at ease, despite the small tinge of nervousness that still followed him when they were out in public. It was half the reason their work in tracking down artifacts took them around the world, and nowhere near Hogwarts. 
All those years ago after their fifth year, she still remembered when she saw him for the first time after that summer. The unfamiliar look of doubt that had worked its way into his previously unbothered and careless demeanor. He had showed up at the Three Broomsticks, having been taken in by Sirona after the events that had happened in the catacombs. It was the first, and only time, she had seen him frozen in their presence…unsure of what they thought of him.
 Theo hugged him first, rushing over and holding him tightly, not questioning a single thing. Ominis was slower to embrace him, but did all the same. Questions would still come from him, they always would. And that’s why they needed each other. 
Like he had said all those months ago, whatever they were in for…they were in it together. 
And they still were. 
They had eaten stew that day too. 
The thought of how far they’d come welcomed a grin to her face as she looked down into her soup, Sebastian immediately picking up on it. 
“Hm. And what, may I ask, are you smiling about over there?”  His voice was light and teasing, already so much less strained than it had been earlier. Theo made a face at him.
“Just nice to see your face again, Seb that’s all. I had forgotten what you had looked like under all that wolfish facial hair.”
Ominis let out a snort, as Sebastian rolled his eyes, but the smile still remained on his face.  “Always warms my heart when you say you like my face, Theo. You know what….just for that. I’m ordering us a round of drinks.”
Ominis eyebrows immediately raised in curiosity, no doubt remembering the last time they all drank together.  “Oh?” 
“Oh, indeed.” Theo echoed, leaning closer and resting her head in her hands in intent interest.
“Well- we all agreed we deserved a break. Don’t we deserve a little fun too?” 
None of them disagreed as Sebastian came back over, with three shots of fire whiskey. 
“In it together, then?” Ominis said, raising his glass. 
“For better or worse.” Theo concurred. 
“And more of it worse, knowing us. Old habits, and all that..” Seb added his quip, before the three of them clinked and threw it back.
She chuckled, knowing that he was right. Their philosophy seemed to be one of being in trouble or being bored. 
Theo knew a lot had changed, and probably still would. but, perhaps these old habits wouldn't.
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theultrablog · 2 months
Pulp Storytime #32: What I did for my summer vacation!
Meet me by the moonlit hedges. Don’t bring any spies. Today’s session was supposed to be focused on two historical oddities: American fascist summer camps, and “Stonehenge USA”. The players (Simon, Oksana, Javid, and Penny (with a new player) were staff at camp Winnemucca in New Hampshire. They feuded with the counselors of Centro Estivo Cansiglio, and there was a climax at American Stonehenge, with mystical barriers weakened by the Fourth of July fireworks. But the real drama was created by competition day*. The boys’ camp, CEC, came over. The night before, Oksana had infiltrated the camp and found out it was run by Luigi Cadorna, a former Italian general. Italy wanted to study American mysticism and create fascist sympathy in American youth. And to do that, they wanted the spirit stick, a Penobscot artifact held all year by the winning camp. Not everybody knew this, so Penny An'Te, Hawaiian gambling queen, decided to bet a week’s salary against her own camp. Devika was the head of a girl’s cabin, so Lord Simon, her number one supporter, felt compelled to cheat on her behalf. He asked Javid to help, who sabotaged one of the kayaks. The players cheated to influence all three of the competitions. Lord Simon stole the list for the scavenger hunt. Lifeguard Penny rescued the kayak team before they sank, and gave them a boost from underwater. Tactician Javid gave the girls advice to win the tug-of-war. These (and other lies) came out during the group’s night off. Lord Simon lied to the snitch counselor Darlene that he was happy to take her to dance. When she got the wrong idea, he meant to say “I’m not interested in women” but it came out “I would never be with someone who looks like you.” MORE DRAMA. Worse, she was the party’s ride. Penny yelled at Simon, Oksana reprimanded Penny, and Javid played innocent. While the rest of the scenario was filled with incident (including Oksana disrupting a ritual site by throwing beer bottles into a sacred slot), player drama is a thing to cherish. *You know you had an action-packed adventure when you truncate the opening, which was a nature hike interrupted by a bear attack.
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Darlene, the snitch.
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Il record sulla Marmolada
Brusco calo di temperature nelle ultime ore nelle località di montagna del Veneto.     Il record spetta ala Marmolada, dove all’altezza dell’arrivo della funivia si segnano -17,3 gradi. Minime rigide anche con -10,8, Pian del Cansiglio con -9,2, Asiago con -7,8 e Arabba -6,2 gradi.     Riproduzione riservata © Copyright ANSA source
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korrektheiten · 10 months
Der Weihnachtsbaum auf dem Petersplatz stammt 2023 aus einem okzitanischen Tal
katholisches.info: (Rom) Gestern wurde auf dem Petersplatz der diesjährige Weihnachtsbaum aufgerichtet. Wie schon in den vergangenen Jahren bietet die Herkunft des Baumes die Gelegenheit, eine zumeist unbekannte kulturelle Seite aufzuschlagen. Eine Seite, die in die Heimat von Sprachminderheiten führt, die es in Italien gibt. 2018 kam der Christbaum für den Papst aus dem Cansiglio, einer weitgehend ... http://dlvr.it/SzG7LD
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fabriziosbardella · 1 year
L’ACI di Treviso ha organizzato la quarantunesima Vittorio Veneto-Cansiglio che è programmata per sabato 26 e domenica 27 agosto nel territorio del Comune di Fregona.  #cronoscalata #vittoriovenetocansiglio #fregona #ACItreviso #valsalega #sp422 #autostoriche #motori #sport #inprimopiano #inevidenza #tazionuvolari #fabriziosbardella
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ilmondodigerry · 2 years
Goal 15 VITA SULLA TERRA #agenda2030 #classediconcorsoa050 #flippedclass... Goal 15 VITA SULLA TERRA #agenda2030 #classediconcorsoa050 #flippedclassroom #GOAL15 #earthday Ciao in questo video vediamo  quindicesimo Goal dell'agenda 2030 sconfiggere la povertà.. seguiranno altri goal in questo format. Nota bene questo rapporto è del 2021 00:00 Introduzione e presentazione canale 01:47 Goal 15 "vita sulla terra" 13:13 Confronto con altri Paesi UE 15:37 Proposte e Regalami un sorriso iscrivendoti al canale Grazie Il cervo del Cansiglio: https://youtu.be/3AyeOH7usFg
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picsofmothernature · 4 years
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adrianomaini · 1 year
Fu così che il progetto delle formazioni partigiane Divisione Nannetti e Brigata Mazzini fallì
La mitragliatrice Breda della “Mazzini” spara al passo di S. Boldo contro alpini repubblichini il 28 febbraio 1945. Fonte: phaidra.cab.unipd.it Dopo la ritirata dal bosco del Cansiglio nei quadri di Comando e nell’organico della Brigata Mazzini e della Divisione Nannetti si verificarono importanti cambiamenti.Entrambe vennero ricostituite prima della fine del settembre 1944, ma il numero dei…
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