#cant blame him though if i had to read that many essays on such a depressing topic i too would be too tired to scroll down to the bottom
a-sleepy-ginger · 4 months
Did well on my exam I think? Managed to write everything I prepared at least
Mango and coconut ice cream
Steak pie and sweet potato chips
Saw lots of magpies
0 notes
makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 318: On Your Left
Previously on BnHA: The Hawksquad+Lurkers were all “well this sucks” and sat around a bit talking about how maybe they should actually come up with a new plan that is actually good, but then in the end they were like “nah.” Deku was all, “THERE’S SOMETHING INSIDE ME THAT PULLS BENEATH THE SURFACE!! CONSUMING, CONFUSING!! THIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL I FEAR IS NEVERENDING. IT’S HAUNTING HOW I CANT SEEM TO FIND MYSELF AGAIN. MY WALLS ARE CLOSING IN.” Just, literally that whole entire song. All Might was all “Deku you should take care of yourself, try eating a thing,” and Deku was all “BYE, ALL MIGHT,” and just LEFT. He left!!! What the fuck!!!
Today on BnHA: Endeavor is all, “maybe if Deku didn’t listen to All Might he’ll listen to me instead.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t listen to Endeavor]” because, well, yeah. The Vestiges are all, “surprisingly, even we are a little concerned -- maybe you should get some rest, kid.” Deku is all, “((Ò ‸ Ó)).” The Vestiges are all, “holy shit.” Deku is all, “[wanders the ruined city streets terrifying the populace on account of him looking like Shelob had a baby with one of the Nazgul].” Some shriveled-up puppeteer villain asshole is all, “HORIKOSHI SAID IT’S MY TURN TO ATTACK DEKU TODAY SO I AM GOING TO SUMMON MY FRIGHTENED HELPLESS ATTACK MOB!!” Kacchan is all “WHADDYA MEAN THEY FOUND THE NERD!!! -- oh wait, that’s me, I found him. I found the nerd, you guys.” And just in time, too. I was about to owe a whole lot of people a whole lot of dollars.
so I have been super good about spoilers this week as always, but let me tell you guys, for the past 36 hours my dash filters have basically been nonstop “manga spoilers” this and “bnha 318” that, and so I’m coming in with a fair amount of hype here. your move, Horikoshi
oh, good! they got Endeavor to call Deku to try to talk him out of it. what a great and wonderful plan
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“listen up kid, you haven’t slept since March and you are basically a walking biohazard right now, I’m just telling it like it is. didn’t you get shot like three times?? and there was a whole thing about how you urgently needed medical attention?? and supposedly we gave it to you, but I mean you haven’t even changed your clothes and don’t seem to have any fresh bandages or anything, so did we?? did we, really?? and also we all got blown up yesterday, so yeah.” hmm he’s making some reasonable points here you guys, but you sure do go on and on, Endeavor
oh he says foreign aid is finally on its way! I’m sure they’ll be very helpful. I mean in fairness they can hardly be worse than the home-grown heroes at this point
hey Enji, could you maybe try appealing to Deku the sixteen-year-old human boy, as opposed to Deku The World’s Last Hope? he does have value beyond his quirk. I know that’s always been an incredibly difficult concept for you to grasp, but could you maybe TRY, jesus
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and also we’re worried about you as a person?? you’re just a kid and you’re pushing yourself way too hard?? you were going to say that part next, right. why the hell didn’t Hawks make this call instead
“don’t worry about me... I’m completely fine” Deku you do understand that saying it over and over again doesn’t actually make it true
and again with the rush!! all the rush rush rush!! we’re running out of time, we can’t let AFO and Tomura keep getting stronger, I have to end this now, there’s no time to rest, etc. etc. etc. just the constant pressure of this whole big countdown on top of everything else
holy shit, you KNOW it’s bad when even the Vestiges are telling him to chill
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these guys are basically the walking talking embodiments of self-sacrifice; if even they’re telling him he needs to take five, then he must seriously be like half a step away from death’s door
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(ETA: so I’m pretty sure this was just Danger Sense activating and so he cut them off to go do more hero stuff, but I’m gonna go ahead and stick to my original interpretation anyway lol.)
anyway so how’s everybody doing. we all good? En, you good? Banjou? Shino? I’m imagining you guys all curled up in a little ball on the floor right now lol. can’t say I blame you though, no shame
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“SHEESH.” sheesh indeed, lmao. “what in the FUCK was that”
see, this is why y’all need Kacchan. you need someone who’s not going to back down from him no matter what. if it’s a matter of out-stubborning Midoriya fucking Izuku, then there’s only one other person on the planet capable of that, and we all know it. don’t pretend like you don’t. I am not going to shut up about this! we’ve had our hurt so now what about SOME COMFORT, DAMMIT
“I’m afraid that he’s becoming influenced by my conscience” nah are you kidding Nana this is all 100% made-in-Japan pure original Deku right here
see, Banjou gets it. “that kid, he’s totally going on his own.” exactly. this was so inevitable it was basically scientific law
“well I for one don’t see the problem with Deku being so obsessed with saving everyone else that he pushes himself until his body and soul literally fall apart” okay, whose speech bubbles are these?? we’re about to have words
lol of course
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well you always did prefer the direct route didn’t you. but even you can’t possibly think this is okay lol
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dark AU!Kacchan please tell us more about your badass doomed timeline in which everything went to shit and you apparently had the same character arc that Deku is having right now except it somehow made you sexier instead of turning you into a rabid t-rex. I have so many questions
oh so now you want to help??? well -- good, actually. sorry if that sounded offended just now lol
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(ETA: so at first when I got to the end of this chapter I was wondering if Katsuki B. had somehow summoned his alternate-universe counterpart through trippy OFA space telepathy lol. but in the original Japanese there’s no reference to “we”, so this appears to be a mistranslation. this line should probably read more like “if there’s something/someone out there that would be able to complement/complete the current Midoriya Izuku [it would be]…” which, oh hello, is that Horikoshi once again reaffirming that Deku and Bakugou complete each other lol. “guess what guys, the Vestiges ship it too" heck yeah. they know what’s up!)
“meanwhile somewhere in the depths of the ruined city, Deku was having a dance-off with the villains”
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I like how the villains all have this “AHH WHAT THE FUCK” kind of body language to them lol. I mean if it were me, and an eldritch horror suddenly clawed its way from the shadows with its writhing glowy tentacles and pants-shitting nuclear death stare, I would probably just die on the spot. no need to stick around. only pain awaits
lol for a minute I thought this was Can’t Ya See-kun and I was like “WHAT A FASCINATING CROSSING OF PATHS” but it’s just some random girl
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he seems genuinely confused lol
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Deku it’s because you look like something that crawled out of a sewer drain, sweetheart
lol they just took his word for it?
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so trusting. even though they’re immediately hauling ass anyway just to be safe lmao
“my appearance is frightening to others” no shit Deku it’s because you look like a fucking alien exorcism. you look like a Lich that got caught up in an oil spill my dude
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“ENJOY THIS MONTAGE OF DEKU BATTLING A RANDOM KAIJU AND WANDERING THE WOODS LIKE A DERANGED GREEN BABA YAGA” okay yes but sir, exactly how much longer is this going to go on. if it’s a matter of you wanting to make sure we get it, let me assure you that aside from a few stray chuunis who think that Deku embracing the Darkness is the coolest thing he’s ever done, all of us here in fandom fully comprehend that this is Not Good
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really. with the flashbacks to his loved ones’ smiling faces and everything. not even gonna try to aim above the belt, huh
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(ETA: my man did Sero and Kaminari fucking dirty lmao. I miss their smiling faces too omg.)
the sheer, unparalleled irony of him saying this while he stands there looking like the gargoyle demon from Fantasia got crossed with an umbrella that got struck by lightning. Deku :(
oi who the fuck is this clown
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is he controlling this mob with his evil hair. “what if I made an exhausted, running-on-fumes Deku battle a brainwashed mob at Ground Zero.” Horikoshi do you just have like a checklist of horrible things you want to do to your protagonist
easy there Sasori
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well joke’s on you buddy because he’s apparently “completely fine”, so
“here’s to hoping that you know more about AFO’s location than the others” jesus christ Deku you really have hung your mercy out to dry huh
now he’s forcing his mob of terrified prisoners to attack Deku ahhhh. sucks to be them. at least they’re not being controlled by bees
so Deku is saying that Sasori’s control can be broken with “physical trauma.” similar to Shinsou’s quirk I guess. but so does that mean he’s gonna have to hurt them? ( •﹏•)
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fuck. he looks like he’s on the verge of passing out
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this is what happens when you nerf a character’s self-preservation stats in favor of spamming their bone-breaking stats instead. NOW ACCEPTING BRAIN CELL DONATIONS FOR A BOY IN NEED!! with your loving generosity we can hopefully help him live to the ripe old age of seventeen
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[grabs your hands] ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ [swings you in a circle] へ(゚◇゚へ)
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(ETA: imagine what this must look like to Deku though. he’s been caught up in this dark cloud of despair and exhaustion that’s been building up over... I’m gonna go ahead and say “weeks”, because yeah. and now he finds himself here, in the place where All Might’s legacy ended and the torch was passed to him. and the world is in ruins, and he’s surrounded by frightened people who are all trying to hurt him -- because who isn’t trying to hurt him, these days -- and he’s scrambling to figure this all out, but meanwhile the weariness is finally starting to catch up to him, and so he’s basically just standing there in a fog of complete and utter misery.
and then all of a sudden through that haze, he hears the one voice that’s more familiar than any other that he knows. like, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was just imagining it at first. Kacchan showing up to save him right when he’s at his most desperate and feeling the most alone. Kacchan, showing up to save him.
this is the person he always looked up to as a child (to be fair he was quite a strange child lmao). the person who was even closer to him than All Might. the person he always thought was amazing. and bam, here he is now. appearing in the sky out of nowhere to one-shot the bad guy with a single blast (which, btw, that was his armor-piercing attack too lmao dslkjlk take it easy there kiddo). like, that must have felt absolutely surreal to him, especially coming at a time when he’s already half-delirious and barely hanging on to reality. he must have really thought that he was losing it there for a second.
but he’s really there. it really is him. and for this brief moment -- before the rest of the situation catches up to him, and he remembers about all of the fucked-up AFO stuff, and remembers why he was so afraid and why he was pushing everyone away -- for just this one brief moment, he’s too exhausted and stunned to do anything except to just react. just stands there, looking up at him in awe.
and you know, it almost reminds me of...
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just. you guys. the character development. the freaking character development. someone who brings reassurance. someone who shows up and makes you think, “oh, it’s all going to be okay now, because [person] is here.” the role reversals. the growth. the payoff!! because who is the one person who always had faith that Kacchan would one day grow up to become an amazing hero like that. WHO IS IT. YOU ALREADY KNOW.
omg. anyways, bless you Horikoshi, my feels which have been on backorder since fucking September have finally arrived lmao. yes, good, thank you. worth the wait. it is always, always worth the wait. fuck yeah.)
393 notes · View notes
you broke me first | Peter Parker
Summary: You have to remind Peter it was his fault you were broken up
read part 1 and 2 here !
song: you broke me first by Tate McRae 
a/n: happy valentines day!! hope everyone’s day was good and here is the last part of this mini series :))))
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Maybe you don't like talking too much about yourself
But you shoulda told me that your were thinking ‘bout someone else
“If you guys are going to make out can you at least do it somewhere else. I’m eating.” MJ put her book back to her eye level as you and Harry pulled away from each other. You blushed and Harry smirked before throwing an arm over your shoulder.
“C’mon, MJ. Don’t be such a cockblock.” You slapped Harry on his arm and he laughed. “If you want I can set you up with one of my friends.”
MJ put her book down and pretended to think about the offer. “A rich daddy’s boy with two functional brain cells, who’s also a fuckboy. I’ll pass” She smiled sarcastically at Harry and he chuckled.
“Have I ever mentioned I like your friends?” You giggled at him and shook your head. MJ flipped him off and you had to bite back your laugh.
“Stop patronizing her.” You tried to be stern but the smirk on Harry’s face paired with MJ lips twitching up didn’t help your case. “Yes madame.”
Or your phones been off for a couple months, so you’re callin’ me now
He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours before turning back to eat his lunch. You smile was big as you stared at him but something caught your attention. From behind him you saw Peter, Gwen, and Ned walking. Gwen had her arm wrapped around Peter’s arm. Ned was talking to Gwen about something and Peter was already staring at you. You gave him a small smile and a head nod before turning back to your small group.
“Hey, did Mr. Harrington ever say when the essay was due?”
“I cant keep going. My brain is fried.” You groaned as you flopped down on MJ’s bed and rested your arms over your eyes to block the light from coming in.
“Yeah, i’m pretty burnt too. You hungry? I can order some pizza.”
“Please?” You begged and sat up as MJ was looking for the number on her phone your phone buzzed with a message. It was Harry.
Can you come over tomorrow? I wanna spend time with you <3
You bit your lip go hide to hide the smile that was threatening to come through. Harry was always so sweet with you. He had a cocky front that he showed everyone else, sometimes with you as well. But you knew deep down he was a teddy bear. Texts like this showed that. And even though Harry explained to you that his father never showed him love, and continues not to, he doesn’t see a reason not to show love.
But I ran out of every reason
“Hey, can you please stop sexting Harry? I’m trying to hang out with you.” A pillow collided with your face and you gasped.
“MJ! I’m not sexting Harry. He wants to know if I can hang out tomorrow. It’s sweet.” You quickly responded back to his text and told him you could.
“You two are disgustingly cute. It makes me sick. And tell him to stop hogging you, I feel like he’s always with you. Does he not know he has to share?” You threw your head back and laughed at her.
“So now i’m an object of sharing? Nice to know.” You laughed and soon MJ was joining in with you.
Took a while, I was in denial when I first heard
That you moved on quicker than I coulda ever, you know that hurt
“I’m happy for you, Y/N. I know the whole thing with Peter had you in a funk..” You looked down at your hands and nodded. You still thought about Peter often. Soley because you had him in some of your classes and you constantly saw him around school. But you never thought of him like you used to. You stopped loving the way his smile reached his eyes and lit up the whole room. You stopped loving his curls. You stopped loving his unconditional kindness.
It was over now, officially. You weren’t hurting anymore and it felt so amazing to say it. The storm had passed and had taken Peter Parker with it. You were happy now with Harry. So extremely happy. You didn’t actually think it was possible but after giving the relationship a chance, you couldn’t believe how happy you were with Harry.
You never wanted to depend your happiness on soley being in a relationship. You were better than that. But you were finding you were happy by yourself and with Harry. It was the best middle ground. You thought you had to depend on Peter or a relationship to be content. And it definitely wasn’t true.
“I’m just glad that it’s all over with. And Peter was an asshole to you.” You both laughed at her statement.
“Yeah, i’m glad it’s over too.” She smiled at you before tapping a button on her phone.
“Hi, I’d like to place an order for delivery.”
Swear, for awhile, I would stare at my phone just to see your name
Gwen Stacy gasped as she read the note that fell out of her locker. It was the fourth one this week. And she couldn’t count how many she got over all. Apparently she was a dirty two-faced snake. She preached girl supporting girls but to everyone else she stole someone’s boyfriend which didn’t exactly sit right with the girls of the school. Gwen didn’t mean for it to happen and she tried explaining it to some of the girls in her art class but they just rolled their eyes at her.
“Another one? Let me see.” Peter grabbed the note and read over it before tearing to to shreds.
“Yes, another one Peter. In fact the fourth one this week. And maybe if i’m lucky i’ll get one tomorrow and see what else the girls have to say about me in the girls restroom. I can’t keep doing this Peter.” Gwen slammed her locker and held her head in her hands.
“Ok, well i’ll go talk to Mr. Harrington. Or even the principal. I’ll tell them that it’s been getting out of hand and—”
“No, Peter. That’s not what I mean. I mean I can’t do this. Us.” Gwen crossed her arms over her chest and refused to look at Peter because she knew if she did she’d melt.
“W-what? Gwen, what do mean?”
“Peter I cant keep living like this! People hate me all because you broke Y/N’s heart. And I can’t blame them either becuase you left her for me, you broke the poor girl. I’d hate me too.”
“They’ll get over it! It’s none of their buisness.” He reached over and tried to grab the girls hands but she instantly pulled away.
“Peter, I really like you. I do. But with college applications coming up and school’s scouting, I can’t risk letting this affect me getting into NYU. I don’t have the time for petty school drama.”
“Gwen, cmon. Please, I really like you too. I can figure something out.” He pleaded. He couldn’t let Gwen go, not after everything that happened with you.
“I’m sorry, Pete. I really am.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek before smiling sadly at him. She turned with her books in her hand and walked away.
Peter groaned and kicked the locker next to him. It created a dent and some people began to whisper and point. He sighed before walking to his first class.
‘Did you hear what happened????’
You furrowed yourself brows at MJ’s text. You quickly looked up and seen your teacher pointing to the board and explaining today’s lesson. You placed your phone in your lap as you typed back a response.
‘Hear what? Did Flash trip and fall into the trash again?’
You looked up again and pretended to take notes and waited for her to text back. Once you felt your phone buzz your eyes nearly bulged out of your head
‘No! Though that would make my day— Gwen broke up with Peter! Some junior over heard it from their locker and started to spread it. That’ll show him!’
You gulped as you put your phone away and stared ahead. Peter no longer had Gwen. Peter no longer had the girl he left you for. She ended it with him. You had a mix of emotions. For one you wanted to rub your relationship in his face. He left you for someone and now they broke up with him.
You couldn’t believe how much it back fired on him. You wanted to laugh in his face and call him a huge idiot. You wouldn’t ever dare think of leaving him. He got his karma.
But you also felt a little sad for him. Gwen broke up with him. You couldn’t imagine how upset and sad he was feeling. But you couldn’t shake the feeling of it being his fault. Becuase maybe it was.
The rest of the week was filled with gossip about Peter being dumped by Gwen. The girls said he deserved it but also thought it didn’t excuse Gwen either. She noticed she still got stared in the hall but the whispers stopped and so did the writing in the restroom. It was a start.
They scoffed at Peter and made sure to give him a dirty look. Peter wasn’t feeling too good either. He couldn’t belive he lost you and Gwen. Ned tried to reasure him that it wasn’t meant to be. All Peter did was smile and nod. And then he saw you smiling and laughing with Harry. Living your best life and he felt jealous and angry. Jealous and angry that you were happy without him. And jealous and angry that Harry was the one to kiss you and give you hugs from behind.
That should be me.
He hated himself for thinking that. He broke up with you. He left you. So why was he thinking about you like he had in the past? It dawned on him for the next few days that letting you go was a mistake. He didn’t actually like Gwen, he liked the idea of her. The popular, girl next door version of Gwen Stacy is what he liked. Sure, Gwen was funny and nice and smart but so were you. And much more in his opinion.
He was an idiot who let you go because he liked the idea of someone. He chose that over loving you.
“The blood drive took way longer than I thought.” You pressed your phone against your ear with your shoulder as you began to enter your locker combination.
“Well saving lives isn’t a two second process miss Y/L/N.” You rolled your eyes at Harry being sarcastic.
“I can’t believe your missing school to attend one of your dads meeting in the Upper East Side.” Harry chuckled and shrugged.
“What can I say? I’m a buisness man too.” Harry’s father glared at him as they walked in the halls of the conference room. He knew that was his way of telling Harry to get off the phone.
“Hey, babe. I have to go, the meetings starting soon. I’ll see you tomorrow. Stay safe.”
“Bye, Harry. See you.” You smiled as you hung up the phone and pocketed your phone. You were excused for two of your class periods and now had to be at your next one as the bell rang. You quickly grabbed the books you needed and slammed the locker shut. You gasped in surprise when you seen who was behind the locker.
“Peter? Um, what are you doing?” You looked around anxiously to see if any other students noticed you and the curly haired boy standing within a few feet of each other. They had.
“H-how are you?”
“I’m good? Do you need something? I have physics next and—”
“Your teacher will kill you if you’re late.” He chuckled as he nervously twiddled his fingers. You didn’t laugh though. “How-How’s being able to drive now? I bet it feels like you have a ton of freedom.”
“Peter, i’m sorry if this sounds rude but what do you want? You’ve made it pretty clear these past few months you don’t want anything to do with me. So what do you need? Is this about you being you-know-who?” You whispered the last part to make sure no one heard. “I promise I won’t tell Harry or anyone else.”
“No! It’s not that it’s... Okay I know this might sound so crazy and insane but please, just hear me out.” He had his puppy dog eyes on and you couldn’t ever resist them. What was a few minutes?
“You have like two minutes before I have to go.” You glanced at your phone for the time.
“Okay, sweet. First off I want to say how sorry I am for the way I treated you, Y/N. It was so shitty and I just tossed you to the side. I will never be able to forgive myself for that but I was hoping... maybe you can?”
You smiled at the boy once you realized what he was doing. He was giving you a formal apology. Though it was long over due you knew you couldn’t hold a grudge against him. You just weren’t that person. And you were finally over Peter. It was all working out.
“Of course, I can forgive you, Peter. Thank you for apologizing. It does mean a lot. Well i’ll see you around?” Peter’s brows furrowed before quickly shaking his head.
“Wait that’s not all.” Your looked at him quizzically and urged him to continue. “I was wondering I-if you’d like to give us, me and you, another try. At dating, of course.” He smiled at you and suddenly you were no longer smiling. You took a step back as you stared at him in disbelief.
How dare he? How dare he break your heart and then come running back to you the moment Gwen breaks up with him. You were his second choice and that hurt. And to top it off, you were with Harry, happily.
“How dare you, Peter Parker?” Peter gulped as he recognized the anger and disappointment in your tone.
“Becuase shit isn’t going your way, you think this is okay?” You voice was now raised and now suddenly everyone in the hall turned to face you two.
“Y/N, please. Just let me explain—”
“Now suddenly you’re asking for me back? Could you tell me where’d you get the nerve?” You spit and Peter didn’t think he’d ever seen you so mad.
“I made a huge mistake. I miss you. I miss us.” He tried pleading but you scoffed
“You can say you miss all that we had but I don’t really care how bad you’re hurting, Peter. Not when you broke me first.”
There were tears in your eyes and your heart was heavy. How could he do this to you? You were over him now and then he comes and pull this stunt. You were also very angry.
“Y/N, please. I—”
“I don’t want to heart it, Parker! Leave me alone! I mean it, Peter. Don’t talk to me anymore, don’t look at me in the halls or in our classes. Don’t even think about me. It’s over Peter. Find your dignity while you’re at it.” You spat and purposely pushed his shoulder roughly with yours.
You tried to ignore the whispers as you started to speed walk to the nearest restroom, your class long forgotten.
You tried to hold in your sob as your thoughts began to eat you alive. But you couldn’t hold back as it pried its way to the surface. You didn’t care about if the floor was dirty as you slid down to hug your knees. All you could think was screw Peter Parker. This wasn’t the Peter you knew. Peter would never publicly humiliate you and turn you into a joke. But he did.
What did you think would happen?
I’ll never let you have it
What did you think would happen?
You had to remind yourself that he in fact did do those things. You were a game to Peter, it seemed. His second choice. And it hurt, you hate to admit that it hurt.
“Y/N.” MJ walked into the bathroom and sighed when she saw you on the floor.
“I-Is the whole sch-school talking ab-about me?” You hiccuped and she placed a hand on your knee and gently rubbed her hand back and forth.
“The only thing they’re saying is how Peter’s a jackass and you don’t deserve that.” You sighed and nodded and tried to brush your tears away.
“I just can’t believe he would d-do this to me. It’s like i’m a jo-joke.” You sniffled and MJ scoffed. “He’s such a dick. Once I get my hands on him—”
“No, MJ. It’s fine. I gave him a piece of my mind already.” You smiled weakly at her and she helped you off the floor. She shook her head with a scowl and then snorted.
“Once Harry hears about his little stunt, Peter is done for.”
Your eyes widened as you thought about Harry. He tolerated Peter because of you and once he hears what happened, you have a good idea what he’d do.
“My god, I have to call him. But he’s in a stupid high class professional meeting.” You whipped out your phone and went to his contact. You couldn’t call him but you thought a text should be enough until you see him later.
‘Don’t freak out...Peter asked me out again
BUT!!!! I obviously said no and handled to situation!
So when you come to school tomorrow and hear about the drama pls don’t pummel Peters face in ??? <3’
“Hm. That should hold him off. Let’s skip class and go watch the cheerleaders fall from their pyramid.” You tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing.
“Yeah, i’m down for that.” MJ smiled at you and started to walk out of the bathroom.
You sighed and thought about if Peter was hurting right now. But then you shook your head.
But I don’t really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first
He broke you first and now he had to deal with the aftermath, not you.
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Can we get a full story on Georgi and Jeans relationship? I think its really cute from the information you gave us and I wanna know more! - :D anon
Yes I sure can! Hope you like it :D
Love On The Ice
The ice rink. A figure skaters home away from home. Some go to the ice for training, some go there for fun, some go there to cry, some go there to rage, and some go there for love. This is no different for a 25 year old French skater named Jean Douce.
Jean pov-
Walking to the rink was something I always enjoy. Sure, my bag was kinda heavy at times and the walk may be long but it gave my legs some practice moving before I step foot onto the ice tonight. Todays competition was being held at my home rink in France, which is quite nerve racking, but I can't let that show. My coach said that this may be my chance to make it to a grand prix final, but I'm not so sure. We'll see when I get there I guess. As long as I try my best, then we'll be just fine.
When I finally made it to the rink, I looked up the sign 'Lilac Ice Rink' gave me a sign of comfort. I felt at home, I felt comfortable, I felt relaxed again. I opened the door gently before walking in, waving to the blonde behind the front desk, Ms. Joy, the woman who owned the place and someone I've known since I was little.
"Good luck out there!" She said with a smile
I gave a simple nod and went to the locker room to change, I didn't here anything before I entered, making me think not many people were there, 'Weird, I guess I am kind of early though.' I opened the door and sat my stuff down on the bench I looked over to see a face I hadn't seen before. The person had a pointy hair style, all of his hair was pointed infront of him, strange hair style but not bad. He was wearing a jacket over what I assumed was the outfit he was skating in tonight. I tried to read his jacket but the back of the chair covered it and I couldn't recognize the logo, curious, I walked up to say hi to him.
"Hi!" I greeted,
He put down what I recognized was blush and looked at me, "Hello, who are you?" I grabbed a chair, pulling it over and sitting down next to him, "I'm Jean."
"Are you skating tonight?" The black haired man asked
"Yes, I'm on the French team! What about you?"
"I'm on the Russian team."
"Ooo! Cool! What's your name?"
I got up and held out my hand, "Well Georgi, I hope we get along."
He scoffed and shook my hand, "Good luck."
I smiled and walked back over to my bag and got out my outfit for the night, when I was putting it on, everything was fine until I remembered that it tied in the back. Unlike some people I know, I can't reach that far back. I turned my head and saw that Georgi was still here, I'll just ask him for help.
"Hey! Georgi!"
He turned around, "Hm?"
"Can you," I pointed to the ties, "Tie this for me?"
He rose to his feet and walked over, "Sure, but don't blame me if it looks awful."
I laughed, "Heh, I think it'll look fine, I mean, if you can make your face look so pretty, you can probably tie a knot pretty well too."
Georgi paused for a moment before going back to tying the knot, "Don't say stuff like that."
"Awh cmon! Its just a compliment!"
The cloth on my back tightened and the feeling of hands on his back left, "There its tied."
He grabbed his bag, waved and exited the locker room, the door slamming behind him.
'I think we'll get along well.'
A while later, Georgi pov-
I stood, leaning on the wall of the rink, deep in thought. Who was that Jean boy? All I know is that hes a skater from France. I want to know more about him, hes quite a nice boy and I think we'd get along well. I glanced over to where he was getting some last minute practice. His olive eyes sparkled as bright as a star, his skating wasn't the best I have ever seen by far but the passion he had was as obvious as the blue sky.
The only thing I could keep my eyes on was the cute brown haired boy, I spaced out from all of reality and I wouldn't have it any other way...
"Oi! Georgi! I'm talking to you!"
I turned to the voice to see coach Yakov behind me, "Oh sorry."
I cleared my throat before speaking, "Do you know anything about Jean? The boy over there?" I said, pointing to him.
"Ah, that's Jean Douce, hes a French skater."
"Well I know that much, anything else?"
"Well hes quite the amateur, I heard from his coach that hes only been to the second part of a figure skating contest once."
"Ah, I wonder why.."
"I heard he is married and has a kid so that's probably why, its hard to balance a family life and skating, anyone can tell you that."
Those words felt like a jab to the heart, "Oh.."
"Your going on last by the way, I wouldn't have it that way normally but, cant argue with the organizers."
I nodded and walked over to the bench to sit, grabbing my water-bottle from my side and taking a sip. While I was drinking I stole a glimpse at Jean who was now panting, head hanging down as he sat about 2 benches away from me. Why the world doesn't he have water? I sighed, 'Do I have to do everything for this boy now?' Wait that doesn't sound too bad.. I glanced at my water bottle which was still practically full and headed over to him.
I sat down by him, which caused him to instantly look over, "O-oh hi."
With a nod, I held my water-bottle out infront of him, "Here, I saw you didn't have one but your panting like a fucking dog so I figured you'd want some."
He grabbed it, his hand brushing against mine causing my heart rate to go up higher then what I am fairly certain is healthy. He smiled brightly, it was adorable and when I saw that on his face, I knew this was what they call love at first sight.
"So, I heard your married?" "Yes. I have a wife named Salem."
I was curious, I want to know more about her, "What's she like?"
"Heh, not great lately.."
"Mind telling me why?"
"She just doesn't approve of the fact that I do figure skating full time she thinks it wont make good money which is-"
"Bullshit" "Bullshit" We said in unison, we both let out a chuckle and Jean continued,
"Because of that I cant get as much practice in because I cant get the time away from her nagging to get out to the rink."
I looked at him, thinking, "I think I have an idea."
"What is it?"
"I'll help you with your routine."
His eyes widened at my words, "Don't you need to practice too?"
"I memorize my routines quite well, I think i'll be fine with coaching you."
"I have a coach already y'know?"
I scoffed, "Yeah and from what I saw she has no fucking idea what she's doing."
"I mean.. You're not wrong."
I stood and held out my hand, "So get up and lets head to the ice."
Jean grinned, putting my water-bottle down and grabbing my hand, "Alright!"
After the competition Jean pov-
Well.. I didn't make the cut, I guess I was right, heh. My score was 221, I was about 4 points behind the 3rd place winner who was a boy from America named Leo de la Iglesia. While I was getting changed in the locker room, Georgi was sitting down removing his makeup
"You're not very chatty.." He stated
"Heh, I guess I'm just upset about losing.. Good job on getting 2nd though!"
"For what its worth, I think you should have gotten third, Leo failed that one double axal so he shouldn't have had 225 points, you should have scored higher too, you landed everything."
I let out a dry chuckle, "Still my jumps weren't nearly as good."
"Thanks, Georgi."
I stuffed my stuff into my bag and was about to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Hm? Did you need something?"
"Can I have your number?"
He handed me his phone, I typed in my number and put in a contact name. "See you later, fée endormie" (Sleeping fairy)
Georgi's face looked as red as a cherry, his words were stammered too, "Y-yeah you too.."
I waved, closing the door to the locker room behind me. The walk back to the hotel was long, I wanted to be outside longer so I could think. Think about the cute Russian boy I met just a few minutes prior. Then I started to ask myself, 'This is so.. Wrong, what's wrong with me.. I am a married man, I shouldn't think things like this.' I sighed, letting those thoughts die. Those thoughts were replaced with more happy ones about Georgi and how the day went, 'Yeah.. we can think about the future later, day-dreaming never hurt anyone, right?'
About a month later-
I was relaxed on my bed. my wife was out at work and finishing up some school work. I am still going through collage since I had dropped out for a few years to help raise Akaashi. But now hes 17 and a third year at Fukurōdani Academy, a school here in Japan which my wife is the superintendent of. The work was nothing bad, I was about to type my last sentence before heading to the ice rink for practice when my phone buzzed with a message from Georgi
Georgi: Hey, this may be sudden, but can you open your door?
Jean: Uhhh why?
Georgi: Cuz I'm outside and its cold!
Jean: Ok! I'm on my way!
I ran faster then I ever had down the stairs, I thought I was going to fall and land on my face but luckily I didn't. I unlocked the door and opened it, revealing Georgi in a black jacket with matching pants. His hair was down, I have seen him with his hair down a lot but it was so cute that I couldn't help but blush at the sight.
"So what are you doing here?"
"I was in Japan and wanted to see you, simple as that."
A smile grew onto my face and we walked to my room where we sat on my bed, he read a book while I finished that last sentence of my paper, once I was done I turned to him and asked,
"Hey can you look over my essay for me?"
"Sure, give me the laptop."
I nodded and passed my laptop to him. It was a short paper but he seemed to take his time, I watched him add punctuation and such. He glanced at the citations at the bottom,
"Hey I think you forgot a citation." He said,
"Oh? I did? For what?"
"The County Tribune one, you used it in paragraph 4 right?"
"Oooh! I had an issue with that one! I tried to get the information but when I clicked the link I used, the domain was down, I just put down the article title and access date since my professor said that was fine."
"Oh, gotcha. But other then that I would say just fix some words, you used 'according to' with your textual evidence a lot so I would say change that."
"Alright, thanks! You sure know your stuff!"
"Yeah, I did really well in Language arts and Writing classes back when I was in school."
"Cool! I guess I'll have to ask for your help more~" I cooed
"Pfft, have fun with that." He snickered as he went back to his book
I kept looking for more words but I kept catching myself getting distracted, "Hey, what do you-"
Before I could say anything else I felt something on my neck, I moved my eyes down to the feeling and saw Georgi, biting my neck.
He pulled back instantly and scooted about a foot back, "Oh my god! I am so, so, so sorry!"
I smirked, "Do it again, Georgi."
"Isn't your wife going to be home soon?"
"She texted me earlier, she's going to a meeting in Paris, she'll be away for the next few days."
"And what about Ak-"
"Are you going to keep asking questions or are you going to do it again?"
The Russian boy let out a 'heh' and scooted forward, continuing what he was doing before. I smirked and didn't react, finishing up the paper. It was only about 2 minutes later when I heard a sad 'humph'
The mouth released my neck for a moment, "Hey.. Pay attention to me."
I let out a chuckle, turned off my laptop and put it on a side table. I turned around to face Georgi and put my arms around his waist, "There, I'm all yours now."
He placed a kiss on my lips, "Good."
Georgi's lips locked back on mine hungrily. This was the thing I wanted for months, no, this is the type of thing I've wanted my whole life and I never knew it before. God, please let this last forever.
He crawled closer to close the distance and put his knee between my legs, the feeling of having something to rub felt amazing and it caused me to whimper. The moment those whimpers became loud enough for Georgi to hear, I was pinned down with my hands above my head. He dipped his head down to whisper into my ear, "May I, my sweet baby prince?" Those words sent a shiver up my spine, "Yes, please.."
---Timeskip cuz its late and I am not awake enough to write smut--
"That was so good.." I said, panting while laying on Georgi's chest
The Russian skater let out a snort and ran his hands through my hair, "Was it now? Or do you just moan for more whenever you feel like it?"
"I love you." I whispered, kissing him on the cheek.
"I love you too baby."
I cuddled into his chest with a big grin, "Good." "Hey, question.."
"Hm?" I looked up at him, my chin still resting on his chest,
"How are we dealing with your wife? Y'know since you're my lover now."
"Meh, I'll think about that later. Now, let me sleep, you're really comfy."
"Heh sure."
"Also, leave your hair down more, its adorable."
"Sure, whatever you want dear."
"Okay, sleep soon, k?"
---Aaand its over! Thx for the ask!---
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Which Regions Tend To Favor The Republicans
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Which Regions Tend To Favor The Republicans
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With That Said It Is More Complex Than We Can Just Say
SHOCK POLL: 2 Out of 3 Southern Republicans Want to Secede from the US
With everything thus far said, we have only skimmed the surface.
The truth is, be we talking about the South or not, not every faction changes, and we have to account for more history than can fit in any essay. We have to account for;changing platforms, changing voter bases, congressional changes over decades, battles between factions within states and parties, the changing ideologies of factions and parties, technological changes of automation and modernization, business interested elites in both parties who tend to organize better and dominate, populists in both parties who cant always agree on divisive social issues, the general rift between key voter issues and social issues vs. economic issues, arguments over the size of state within parties, voter issues taking on new importances, single issue third parties, global politics, and so much else to fully tell this story.
This is to say, the;history of the major U.S. political parties if of course more complex than can just be said which is why we use terms like parties switched and party systems to preface this;long in depth essay.
Y Affiliation By Region
Party affiliation by region Switch to:Region by political party
% of adults who identify as
Democrat/lean Dem. Sample Size
Sample size = 6,516. Visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.Sample sizes and margins of error vary from subgroup to subgroup, from year to year and from state to state. You can see the sample size for the estimates in this chart on rollover or in the last column of the table. And visit this table to see approximate margins of error for a group of a given size. Readers should always bear in mind the approximate margin of error for the group they are examining when making comparisons with other groups or assessing the significance of trends over time. For full question wording, see the survey questionnaire.
Other Factors Of Note Regarding Switching Platforms Progressivism The Red Scare Immigration Religion And Civil Rights In 54
Other key factors involve;the Red Scare , the effect of immigration, unions, and the Catholic vote on the parties.
The Republican party changed after losing to Wilson and moved away from progressivism and toward classical liberal values under Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. In this time they also became increasingly anti-Communist following WWI . While both parties were anti-Communist and pro-Capitalist, Wilsons brand of progressive southern bourbon liberalism and his New Freedom plan and then FDRs brand of progressive liberalism and his New Deal were opposed by Republicans like Hoover due to their;use of the state to ensure social justice. Then after WWII,;the Second Red Scare;reignited the conversation, further dividing factions and parties.
Another;important thing to note is;that the Democratic party has historically been pro-immigrant . Over time this;attracted new immigrant groups like Northern Catholics ;and earned;them the support of;Unions;. Big City Machines like Tammany Hall;also play a role in this aspect of the story as well. The immigrant vote is one of the key factors in changing the Democratic party over time in terms of progressivism, unions, religion, and geolocation , and it is well suited to be its own subject.
Despite these general;truisms, the parties themselves have typically been factionalized over;complex factors relating to;left-right ideology, single issues, and the general meaning of;liberty.
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Despite The State Of Our Politics Hope For America Is Rising And So Is Youths Faith In Their Fellow Americans
In the fall of 2017, only 31% of young Americans said they were hopeful about the future of America; 67% were fearful. Nearly four years later, we find that 56% have hope. While the hopefulness of young whites has increased 11 points, from 35% to 46% — the changes in attitudes among young people of color are striking. Whereas only 18% of young Blacks had hope in 2017, today 72% are hopeful . In 2017, 29% of Hispanics called themselves hopeful, today that number is 69% .
By a margin of nearly three-to-one, we found that youth agreed with the sentiment, Americans with different political views from me still want whats best for the country — in total, 50% agreed, 18% disagreed, and 31% were recorded as neutral. In a hopeful sign, no significant difference was recorded between Democrats and Republicans .
Homosexuals Do Not Deserve Equal Rights
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This comes from their religious beliefs, which form the basis for a lot of policy. Republicans believe that homosexuality is a choice and, as such, gay people should not be acknowledged in the same way as other groups. Therefore, according to a Republican, homosexuals should not be allowed to marry, nor should they be allowed to adopt children.
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Progressive Era And The Great Depression
Because of the Republican Partys association with business interests, by the early 20th century it was increasingly seen as the party of the upper-class elite.
With the rise of the Progressive movement, which sought to improve life for working-class Americans and encourage Protestant values such as temperance , some Republicans championed progressive social, economic and labor reforms, including President Theodore Roosevelt, who split from the more conservative wing of the party after leaving office.
Republicans benefited from the prosperity of the 1920s, but after the stock market crash of 1929 ushered in the Great Depression, many Americans blamed them for the crisis and deplored their resistance to use direct government intervention to help people. This dissatisfaction allowed Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt to easily defeat the Republican incumbent, Herbert Hoover, in 1932.
Changes To Achieve Competitive Elections
Due to the perceived issues associated with gerrymandering and its effect on competitive elections and democratic accountability, numerous countries have enacted reforms making the practice either more difficult or less effective. Countries such as the U.K., Australia, Canada and most of those in Europe have transferred responsibility for defining constituency boundaries to neutral or cross-party bodies. In Spain, they are constitutionally fixed since 1978.
In the United States, however, such reforms are controversial and frequently meet particularly strong opposition from groups that benefit from gerrymandering. In a more neutral system, they might lose considerable influence.
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Some Possible New Congressional Districts For Montana And The Politics To Go With Them
HELENA Drawing two new, compact congressional districts for Montana in 2022 with equal populations is a piece of cake but, when their political leaning is a consideration, things get prickly.
Joe Lamson, one of two Democratic members of the five-member commission that will decide the boundary by November, says a goal should be to create one competitive district where a Democratic and Republican candidate each have a legitimate chance to win.
When we held public hearings, we heard loud and strong from Montanans that when it came to congressional districts, they would like one of those districts to be competitive, he told MTN News last week.
Yet Dan Stusek, one of two GOP members of the Districting and Apportionment Commission, says the politics of the districts should not be a priority.
That is not one of the commissions mandatory criteria, nor is it in our Montana constitution or state law, he said last week. The concept of `competitiveness inherently requires us to look at political data, which the public well knows is what people use to gerrymander districts.
The commission has two Republican members, two Democratic members and a non-partisan chair appointed by the Montana Supreme Court: Maylinn Smith, an attorney for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.
But its no secret what the general types of plans will be, and MTN News, using online tools, drew up several possibilities complete with a political analysis.
Pros And Cons Of Bernie Sanders
Florida RIPS CDC Over Covid Misinfo, DEMANDS Correction As Guidance Whiplash SINKS GOP Support
Even though Bernie Sanders is behind in the delegate count, the upcoming primaries have a higher delegates numbers and he believes the majority of them will favor him instead of Hillary Clinton. Bernie has received 6 representatives from the house for endorsements, while Clinton has 159 representatives, 40 senators and 13 governors for her endorsements. Clinton is way in the lead for endorsement so, I don ‘t think Sanders will have a chance to catch up. Dr. Cornel West, Ed Schultz and Neil Young are individuals who are contributing to his
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Nearly A Third Of Young Americans Say That Politics Has Gotten In The Way Of A Friendship; Differences Of Opinion On Race
Thirty-one percent of young Americans, but 37% of young Biden voters and 32% of young Trump voters say that politics has gotten in the way of a friendship before. Gender is not a strong predictor of whether or not politics has invaded personal space, but race and ethnicity are. Young whites are more likely than young Blacks to say that politics has gotten in the way–and nearly half of white Biden voters say politics has negatively impacted a friendship; 30% of white Trump voters say the same.
When young Americans were asked whether a difference of opinion on several political issues might impact a friendship, 44% of all young Americans said that they could not be friends with someone who disagreed with them on race relations. Sixty percent of Biden voters agreed with this sentiment, as did a majority of women and Blacks . Americans between 18 and 24 were more likely than those slightly older to feel that race relations would cause a problem with friendships. Differences of opinion on whether or not to support Trump was an issue for slightly more than a third , followed by immigration , police reform , abortion , climate change , and guns .
Urban And Rural Republicans Have Somewhat Different Views On Trump
Asked to rate President Trump on a feeling thermometer ranging from 0 to 100, a majority of Americans give Trump a very cold or somewhat cool rating, while 10% rate him a neutral 50 on the 0-100 point thermometer. By contrast, 31% of Americans give him a very warm or somewhat warm rating.
Trumps ratings are particularly warm in rural areas, where four-in-ten rate him warmly. By contrast, 19% of people in urban areas give Trump a warm rating.
These differences by community type remain, even after controlling for party. Among Republicans, 56% of rural residents give Trump a very warm rating, compared with 48% of suburban and 46% of urban Republicans.
Within the Republican coalition, there are significant age gaps in views of Trump. In the suburbs, the share rating Trump very warmly is substantially higher among Republicans ages 50 and older than among Republicans younger than 50 .
This gap persists among rural Republicans, a group largely considered central to Trumps base. Younger rural Republicans are less likely than their older counterparts to rate Trump very warmly .
Among Democrats, community type differences are more modest: 84% of suburban Democrats give President Trump a very cold rating, compared with 78% of urban Democrats and 75% of rural Democrats. And across community types, age plays less of a role in Democrats views of Trump than among Republicans.
Urban Republicans are more evenly split on social issues than rural Republicans
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Summarizing The Party Systems As A Two
Current events and complexities aside, there has almost always been a two-party system in the United States. The mentality of each party can be expressed as northern;interests and southern interests, although I strongly prefer city interests and rural interests . Sometimes we see both;interests;in the same party, as;with Humphrey and LBJ, and sometimes it is less clear cut, but we can always spot it in any era.
Thus, we can use a simple two party answer as to which factions;held which interests over time, which I hope will be seen as helpful, and not divisive.;Remember the U.S. is a diverse Union;of 50 sovereign states and commonwealths where the need to get a majority divides us into red states and blue states as a matter of custom, not as enemies, but as a United Republic with a democratic spirit.
Northern City Interests: Federalists, Whigs, Third Party Republicans, Fourth Party Progressive era Republicans , Fifth Party Democrats , Modern Democrats.
Southern Rural Interests: Anti-Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, Third Party Democrats, Fourth Party Progressive Era Democrats , Fifth Party Republicans , Modern Republicans.
TIP: One way to;summarize all of this is by saying the changes happened under, or as a result of, key figures including Jefferson and Hamilton, Adams and Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, Cleveland, Bryan, the Roosevelts, Wilson, Hoover, LBJ, and Clinton. See a;comparison of the political ideology of each President from Washington to Obama.
Black Hispanic And Asian Voters Remain Overwhelmingly Democratic
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There are sizable and long-standing racial and ethnic differences in partisan affiliation, and they have shifted only modestly in recent years.
White voters continue to be somewhat more likely to affiliate with or lean toward the Republican Party than the Democratic Party .
Since 2010, white voters have been more likely to align with the GOP than with the Democrats. However, the share of whites identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic has edged upward . This growth is attributable to a slight increase in Democratic-leaning independents, rather than a rise in Democratic affiliation.
While black voters remain solidly Democratic, identification with the Democratic Party has declined modestly in recent years: About two-thirds of African Americans have identified as Democrats in the last several years, down slightly from the first half of Barack Obamas presidency, when about three-quarters affiliated with the Democratic Party.
There is a similar balance of partisanship among Asian American registered voters: 65% identify with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic, compared with 27% who identify as or lean Republican.
In 1998 , 53% of Asians identified with or leaned toward the Democratic Party and 33% identified with or leaned toward the Republican Party. .
A gender gap in partisan affiliation and leaning is seen across racial and ethnic groups.
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Understanding The Basics: How The Parties Changed General Us Party History And Why The Big Switch Isnt A Myth
Above we did an introduction, this next section takes a very general look at how the major parties changed and how factions changed parties.
To sum things up before we get started discussing specific switches, both major U.S. parties used to have notable;progressive socially liberal left-wing;and socially conservative right-wing;factions, and now they dont.
Originally, like today, one party was for big government and one party was for small government .
However, unlike today, party lines were originally drawn over;elitism and populism; and preferred;government type more than by the;left-right social;issues;that define the parties today, as the namesake of the parties themselves imply;.
In those days both parties had progressive and conservative wings, but the Southern Anti-Federalist, Democratic-Republican, and then Democratic Party was populist and favored small government, and the Northern Federalist, Whig, and then Republican Party was elite and favored bigger central government.
However,;from the lines drawn during the Civil War, to Bryan in the Gilded Age, to Teddy Roosevelt leaving the Republican Party to form the Progressive Party in 1912, to FDRs New Deal, to LBJs Civil Rights, to the Clinton and Bush era, the above;became less and less true.
Instead, today the parties are polarized;by left-right social issues, and;each party has a notable populist and elitist wing.
Changes In Party Polarization In Congress
Some changes in party polarization in Congress over the last several decades are the party division between Republicans and Democrats as having widened over the last several decades, leading to greater partisanship. What caused this change was increasing homogeneous districts and increasing alignment between ideology and partisanship among voters. I feel this can be good because the original congress was just one and if you did not agree with this opinion you could not do anything about it. Now at least you can fall under a category which is Republican or Democrat. In fact, I believe there should be more than just two parties because I know most people like some of the ideologies from Democrats but they also like
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States Of Change: How Demographic Change Is Transforming The Republican And Democratic Parties
Full report
Demographics are not destiny, but steady and predictable changes to the electorate play an important role in defining the landscape of American politics. Most demographic groups have a political lean, so a group increasing or decreasing in size over time will tend to benefit one party or type of politics over another. The most well-known example is the growth of the nonwhite population in the United States, whichsince nonwhites tend to lean heavily Democraticis typically viewed as tilting the electoral terrain somewhat toward the Democrats over time as well as increasing the weight of nonwhite voters within the Democratic Party over time. But other changes are important, such as the decline of noncollege educated voters, particularly whites; the aging of the adult population; and the rise of new generations to replace older ones.
A Response To The Claim Welfare Is Equatable To Slavery
Life after Trump: whats the future of the Republican Party? | The Economist
In the 1850s, inequality in the Northern big government cities, northern immigration in the big cities , and African slavery in the small government south all existed side-by-side. and in ways, so it is today . Northern cities still favor bigger government, and they still have problems of racism and inequality, Rural South still favors small government . This does not make the North of today equatable to the slave economy of the South of yesterday however.
There is this idea that welfare is equatable to slavery in this respect, as in both cases a societal structure is providing basic essentials for a class of people . This argument, often presented in tandem with the claim the parties didnt switch/change is essentially a red herring that misses the nuances we describe on this page .
The southern conservatives who held slaves and fought for the Confederacy essentially switched out of the Democratic party starting in the 1960s, and even continuing to the modern day , in response to LBJs welfare programs . In other words, if the southern conservative had wanted to oppress a class of people with welfare, one would logically assume they wouldnt have switched out of the Democratic party over time in response to welfare programs.
Today it is a Southern Republican who flies to Confederate flag, today it is a Republican who champions small government in America. Yesterday, it was a Southern Democrat.
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15001700tt · 3 years
Reflections of the Deep Sense of Self
well, i dont really have an audience except for a handful of mutuals and the many porn bots that i cant seem to get rid of no matter how hard i try but i am still gonna use this platform to voice out my thoughts since i have too many of them and i feel like i might drown if i don't talk about them.
i dont necessarily think that i am a person that is easily swayed by men, i was able to emotionally control myself quite effectively in my youth.
my first crush was simply a pick from the crowd to stop my friends nagging about who it was. i just observed the crowd and picked the most likely to not interact with my sort and said "him, he is so cute!" hoping that my friends wouldn't see through my facade. i didn't want to like anyone just because of their looks but I had quite literally not spoken to the male sort in my entire life (not including men I am related to, I was in all girl private school before I moved to America's public system) to develop an interest in them in a romantic or infatuated way even.
now this is just my introduction to my philosophical essay about whether hurt/ mentally ill people are inherently evil but I must admit that this was started because of other reasons. we might not even get to touch on that either, i tend to ramble and not get to the point effectively.
if you followed me long enough you would know that I was talking to a man I might've called Viking. but we do not talk anymore after I made my feelings clear to him.
i feel many things, most of the time, its anger, the other times, confusion, hurt, rejection..etc. but I do not blame him. mostly because, i am quite annoying as a human being.
one of the things i took to as a way to distract me from the pain, was reading. i read so much that it was impossible to feel anything except the emotions that I was told to through a page. but in between books I would have nights where i wouldnt be able to focus on the words, and I would ponder what was it i did wrong, what was it that made him deem me worthless, not worth responding to. and I would come up blank because my self-preservation wont allow me believe that because I made my intentions clear that I was in the wrong to do so when I feIt that our relationship was taking the wrong turn. if I am allowed to call it a relationship, because quite frankly it was a level below a situationship and a level above a friendship. that I was quite sure of.
as I sit here and write after almost two months of silence from his end and mine, because I refuse to be the one to break it. call it pride, call it stubbornness, I was not the one to ghost the other. i refuse to chase after someone who clearly does not want me. but still can't deny that I lay in bed every night at some godforsaken hours of the night wishing, and hoping that he would just take a step towards me. as I had done to him that one Wednesday afternoon in April.
my point is that my interest in men started out of necessity but it has evolved into a yearning of something that seems quite unattainable. i am not attractive by any means, but I am not of the ugliest sort. i have seen people with more weight with worse features than I with partners who could care less about appearances. which to say that my looks shouldn't be any good reason to ghost me. and while I don't necessarily think that my appearance was the reason for the silence I do struggle with the way l look so my insecurities have found a very good home in the found silence from him. i am working on losing weight out of a bet with friends but also out of bitterness but nevertheless, he is a man and if he wont block me than he must see what he is missing out on.
but again, I used to think I would never be that girl. the one who wanted something but she cant have it. which is quite the diabolical because the entirety of the 11 months we talked I had many panic/ anxiety attacks over how our appearances didn't match, our aesthetics weren't compatible, about how I was too ugly for him or too fat for him. but he seemed the sort that was straightforward and didnt waste other peoples times. i guess i was wrong in the sense that he kept me around because he was bored and disposed of me when it got too serious for his liking. i thought i always had the upperhand, that if things ended i wouldnt be too hurt about it and do what i do best, find the next boy to obsess over.
funny enough, he seemed interested. but i cant know for sure. i mightve made it up in my head.
i have a fear, which shouldnt be a fear but it is. remember how i said that my first crush was out of necessity? well that seems to be the case with me from 7th grade to the end of highschool. which is crazy because you would think with all the men i obsess over that i would find men attractive. i think there is a clear line between celebrities and fiction characters from a real person with undeliberate faults and thing you cant control.
i never thought any of my crushes were ugly, they were good looking but they didnt make me feel attracted to them. it didnt help that i was also the type to watch from a far and not the get close and comfortable.
considering this my first person that i liked and held an 11 months conversation/-ship with i think i did very good but that doesnt change that i read too many romantic book and i had a silver of hope.
a silver of hope that maybe i wasnt weird or shitty for not feeling attracted to anyone in my life. that i finally found someone who literally embodied my dream guy and couldnt have been more perfect. if only he was better at communicating.
he says that he is traumatized from long distance relationships, i now understand that it mightve been his fault. he doesnt communicate. in the 11 months we have known each other i know about a handful of things about him while he had me all figured out. except for one thing. he never got my fear of relationships. since i suspect he ghosted me because he thought i would want one. i guess ghosting me seemed like his best option.
i might not be undesireable but i am not anyone's first choice either. usingmedia to distract me from my emotions literally has become my life. i read about 15 hockey romances the weeks after the ghosting. i was already reading regency era adult romances but i couldnt bring myself to finish them because i had spoken to him about them. this decision i will regret because i talked about everything with him. i mentioned this before. quite literally everything reminds me of him. and its quite sad because i cant evn ssay what we had was special. i decided yesterday that he wasnt worth all of this, and i know he isnt. but i am tired. i just want to be dessired and wanted.
i literally stopped reading a book because the male interest did the same thing that he did to me, essentially to the female protag. i cant even pick up the raunchy adult romance.
i didnt let my self feel the extent of my emotions, only in small slivers of despair, or when i am too tired to pretend that his actions didnt affect me.
he was perfect in all ways but one and i was all faults except for one; my immenient need to communicate.
and no one knows, a friend of mine knows, but they dont know everything, i dont want her to get annoyed with me. i was in her place too many times and i refuse to put her through that. and our mutual friends?
hahahahaha the other night i was speaking with S, and he said that the last time he spoke to him, he mentioned me and Viking said 'oh i havent spoken to her in a while' thats it. no explaination no excuse. i dont even know why that infuriated me. i wasnt even worth an explaination in his eyes. S barely found out via vague summary from me. because even though i was/am hurt. i refuse to tarnish his reputation. 'in a while' ????? you mean two months? but then again S couldnt remember the last time he talked to him. but like still?
forget that we were flirting constantly i thought i was friend at least. i deserve more than this. i think. maybe not then.
i want to scream and shout and hit him and cry about why he didnt want me. but i realize thats self depricating. i should never seek validation from a man, i know but it wouldnt fucking hurt fam.
i have so much to say and yet i feel like its already too much. i should keep quiet. thats what people want from me. for someone who is 'boy crazy' i have not stomached going on a dating app, or boy watching in public because it physically hurts. for gods sake i cant even read fanfiction or just READ because of it. any sight of anything merely romantic makes me want to yell. i am tired and i want to turn everything off. including my stupid rat brain that only seems to be attracted to assholes.
but the same fucking stupid brain cant help but hope that is our enemies to lovers story. one day... god i hope one day...
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secretary--hamilton · 7 years
My Hamilton canon/memories
(I’m Alexander, saying it so the post makes more sense)
TW: storms/water, a couple mentions of getting drunk (nothing bad, all very pure), war, getting shot, guns, adoption/orphan, someone stabbing themselves, suicide, death
- I had slight freckles
- I had a little bit of a stutter
- brown hair
- bright blue/green eyes
- big forehead, receding hairline
- my lips got chapped a lot fuc k cold wea t h e r (plus I licked them a lot too but shh I’m blaming cold weather)
- I was around 5'6 to 5'7 and was about 125 pounds? But I had a lil bit of stomach and thigh chub. I was so tiny compared to everybody else (George is a. Giant)
- for the time I had my hair up in a ponytail, I used like a string thing? I remember the strings dangling down, throwback to 1700s when circle elastic hairties weren’t a thing so I used ribbons/string
- I was afraid of storms/raging water because it reminded me of the hurricane/the storms I witnessed while on the ship to the colonies
- when I went off to war, I used Eliza's blue ribbon to tie up my hair
- I was always writing and I always had a notebook with me
- the booklet I had that had all my lists and writing on it was pieces of parchment with 3 holes in the side, with strings through the holes
- i loved (more like.. needed to) keep lists on things and be organized, I had a list of all the people I had to write letters to, etc. I had lists about everything. People’s birthdates, their names, so I would never forget them
- if I ever lost a certain piece of paper with like all the lists and information on it I would freak out
- I had extreme anxiety, my mind was constantly racing and it felt like I could focus on 20 different things at once, which kind of helped me write so much and finish so many essays.
-my canon was definitely NOT modern- we didn't have electricity or pens or technology- just pure 1700s things
- i have a memory of walking along the beach in the carribean on an extremely rainy day, I was looking at towards a ship on the water when the water started rushing towards me and I heard thunder and that's when I realized it wasn't just a normal storm
- I vividly remember walking up the board to the ship i immigrated on, and what it smelled like (really just sea water and old wood) , carrying my small belongings which were just a few books, and a pen and paper
- I got set up in this little cot in the ship that had a hard mattress on the floor, a small chair in the corner, and a lantern
OOF okay so,, this memory is of when I was still in the Caribbean, shortly after my mom died. Me and my brother were put in custody of my older cousin(?), and he killed himself by stabbing himself with a kitchen knife. I was the first one to notice him, the layout of the house was that the bedrooms were upstairs and the kitchen and living room were downstairs. On the right side of the house upstairs, was my cousins (peter) bedroom, and me and my brother (James) were sharing this open room on the left side of the upstairs with mattresses on the floor for us, a window on the wall/roof (it was like a slanted roof, like an attic) So from left to right, our open room (like no door, just a space), a tiny hallway that lead to the stairs, and then peters room. ANYWay but I remember I just finished reading and I was going to talk to peter about something, so I opened his door and I just see blood **everywhere** So I run downstairs and outside into the streets asking for help. I was only 13 when this happened
- I was born in 1757, and the hurricane happened in 1774
- I loved George Washington so much, he was such a good friend/boss- I’m forever grateful to him for giving me the chance to rise up
-I also liked organizing things a lot, I once organized gwash's entire office and he walked in and was like "what the fuck"
- George was brushing my hair and putting it up in a ponytail for me- this was in the tent during the war, before we went off to battle. He did it another time in his office before a cabinet meeting
- me and wash always helped calm eachother down- if either of us were having anxiety, just the others presence would help
- I loved George in a way that's hard to describe- he was like a father to me, he was there for me and protected me and helped me feel less lost
- the only people I would really listen to were George and Eliza- if those two looked at me and said "Alex, it's not worth it" I would stop in an instant, because I trusted them
- I have a memory of the war, and it was raining and slippery and I was climbing up rocky hills following george lead the command, and I was behind him and we were all heading to our next spot
- I once got so drunk with the rev boys that I kissed them all on the cheeks while drunkenly singing
- I was the shortest of the group, Mulligan was the tallest, Lafayette was the second tallest, and laurens was a little closer to my height but still taller
- whenever we went out to drink, I always got the drunkest since I was the shortest- and plus I couldn't handle my alcohol at all. They always took care of me when I was super drunk, I would lean on their shoulders, they would tuck me in with blankets, etc.
- Mulligan was super good with his alcohol, it's probably because he was so big and tough, he only got a little bit loopy but was still fine
- my Mulligan had vitiligo
- one time Mulligan had to carry me home because I was so drunk
- my Laurens was definitely asexual
- the two people I had weird crushes on were Laurens, and Jefferson- they weren't full on 100% crushes (probably due to the fact that I was confused about them) but they were more "holy fuck these guys are hot and great", I don't know if anybody could notice, even though I acted a bit more lovey towards laurens
- he was always so giggly and happy god I love him his smile could light up the room ngl, and his laugh was so,, good
- his freckles got /a lot/ more prominent if he was out in the sun all day, freckle boy
- he loved space so much, he was always out watching the stars and learning about them- he had this book about astronomy that was p cool
- when laf immigrated to the colonies, he snuck on the ship as a pregnant woman so he wouldn't get stopped by anyone
- when he came to the colonies he spoke like only a few words of English, when he met me I helped him translate! I was fluent in French so it helped
- he had a birthmark/mole on his cheek near his eye- it was just a small dot
- my burr got shot in the leg during the war, and he had a bit of a limp the rest of his life. I remember when he got shot, I was near by so I had to help carry him to a medical tent and then go back to fighting
-i called king George king douche, and he called me a lapdog since I followed Gwash around a lot
- I once called KG just "George" and he was all sassy like "that's KING George to you"
- one time KG talked to the rev boys and I like got all angry and protective, he talked to Lafayette and I was behind Laf trying to but into the conversation to call George out- it was during the war so we were on a field in our war outfits
- his eyes were bluey-purple
- I hated Jefferson but I also had a weird hate crush on him,, I didn't tell anyone tho, let's just say I wanted to beat up the man but also fuc the man. The crush died down after a while though
- my Jefferson would always say lewd jokes to me and humiliate me just to see a reaction, because I was a flustered boy,, one time I got so flustered that I just, LEFT the room, and Jefferson was like “WHY DONT YOU SLAM MY BEDROOM DOOR LIKE THAT” upon me storming out
- during one of the cabinet battles jefferson was sassy clapping at me, he,, sassy clapped a lot
- when jeff was like “daddys calling” I got so angry but also flustered so I stormed out, funnily enough I stormed out to follow george. I fuckin loved George and followed him everywhere
- I once got a 🅱️oner because of some lewd joke Jefferson said oof
- after the second cabinet meeting, we got into a fight. Jefferson wanted us to defend France so I snapped back and interrupted him with “You cant sacrifice our country because you're scared Lafayette’s going to die like your wife.” and Jefferson got livid and yelled back “I am NOT going to be intimidated by you and your washed up bullshit” or something along those lines
- oof I remember yelling in marias face when James sent the letter
- after Eliza found out about the affair, she forced me to stay in my office for 6 months. I only left for food and a short aimless walk I think. My office was in a different building
- the renoylds affair definitely happened. God it was such a bad/weird time, i was so exaushted and sleep deprived and getting constant headaches but I needed to stay awake and work, I heard a knock at my office door so I opened it and it was Maria, it was raining outside so her hair was all wet so I let her in, after her sharing her story I gave her some money and walked her back to her place, but she insisted on staying. I believed her, but once James sent the letter I accused her of being a con artist, and I still don't know the truth of what's what.
- I have a reallyyyy clear memory of me rambling on about how I need to get work done and how my wife needs me and all this stuff and then Maria whispered in my ear "shhhh, you don't need to worry about all that, no one will know" before we got. Down And Dirty TM. And usually I would deny stuff like that but I was so tired
- I have aNOTHer rly clear memory of me kneeling down to Maria and straight up screaming at her "HOW COULD I DO THIS, I AM HELPLESS" or something like that
- my friends took care of my kids for me while I was busy working, mostly Laurens because I was the closest to him! Philip loved Laurens so much it was adorable
- Burr was really good at math and often taught Philip math
- I always got in arguments with a lot of people, but I'm glad I had people like Eliza to calm me down, I remember she said "Alexander, it's not worth it" and I chilled out instantly
- I married Eliza right after the war ended
- All of our children were adopted except for Angie, Alex Jr., and Eliza
- I think my Philip had a slight tooth gap and rly curly hair, and either a slight lisp or a slight stutter
- I would brush philip's hair and put it up, or braid it. He would sit in between my legs when I was sitting on a chair and brush through his wet hair- Philip was my ultimate pride and joy
- dinner time was my favourite time of day, it was always so warm and happy- Eliza would make us dinner and I would come down from working and eat with Eliza and our children
- I have a memory of me, Eliza, and young/toddler Philip having a picnic in a field with daisies all around us, and we were making daisy chains and eating food and it was rly rly nice and sunny and warm yet slightly breezy and it smelled like jasmine
- I remember the first time Eliza found out about my fear of storms, we were having dinner and i heard thunder and I just like. Froze. And she tried talking to me and I was just like "I need to go" but she calmed me down, asked me to sit down at the table, and got me to explain to her eventually, this was before Philip, so it was just us.
- but once we got Philip, and he was maybe 3 or 4, it was another stormy day and I froze again and Philip said "what's wrong papa?" And I bent down to his level and reassured him that I was okay, after that he sat on my lap and distracted me from the storm outside, I was really focused on this one curl in his hair that was out of place lol
- before Philip, Eliza kept having miscarriages, so we decided to adopt Philip. Our first successful pregnancy was Angie, I was SO protective over Eliza when she was pregnant, if she got up in the middle of the night I would ask her if she needed anything, and when she was walking I would walk behind her with my hands on her hips incase she fell bc she was waddling
- Angie had slight autism all her life, and when Philip died she just lost it and went insane. She was delusional and never grew up a day past 17. she would constantly ask if Philip was coming home and was living in a world as if Philip was still alive, she constantly lived in a world between 7 years old and 17 years old, even when she physically grew older. I would walk with her and play with her, and when i was with her i started to go into her world of Philip still being here. We took care of her. One day, someone suggested we put her in a hospital, and i slammed my fork into my food and quietly but surely said “i will NOT lock my daughter away.”, and the room fell silent. Later on, Eliza and I were walking near the ocean, and she brought up the topic again. I said “They locked away my mother. She nearly starved to death and i will not let my daughter go through that” and Eliza reassured me- “Hon.. your mother was jailed for adultery, not mental wellness. Im not in any way saying we should put our daughter somewhere, all i am suggesting is that she be checked out by a doctor.”
- I remember a few of Angie’s breakdowns. She would pull her hair out and slam her head against walls
-Once Eliza got too old to take care of her (late 70/80′s′s), She put her in a hospital where she stayed for her entire life. she was cared for extremely well there.
- I have this like,,, really weird memory of Eliza saying “when you have a problem you come home, you don’t go off and make matters worse on your own” to me a couple different times, one was when Lauren’s shot Charles Lee and I got sent home, another one was when I got into a fight with burr after he ran for senate. The reason why it’s a weird memory is because those are in the heights lyrics???
- I remember the day before I got shot, I stayed up all night writing my goodbye letter to Eliza, there was crumpled papers all over my desk since I kept rewriting them until I was satisfied
- the morning of the duel, it was extremely quiet, like I was literally in a ghost town. Same at the dueling grounds, nobody wanted to talk. I remember I was freaking out trying to focus on one thing but my brain kept going to everything I've ever done in my life, kind of like a life flashed before my eyes kind of moment. I thought of Eliza, and how upset she would be. I thought of Philip, and what was going through his head when he died and how I wish I could apologize to him. Burr's gaze felt like literal knives, so I couldn't bare to look at him. Once I shot up, my mind suddenly calmed and I had this strange factor of "this is my legacy". On the way back across the Hudson I just wanted to keep talking but my doctor said to relax. My Burr tried to run over to talk to me after he shot me, but he wasn't allowed to. He also tried to come to my funeral but wasn't allowed either, he might have watched from afar. but he visited my grave a few times
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Will having an insurance buying the car. Any to get my g1 had a baby 4 can be a little own insurance company and those of you who your drivers license do is the cheapest insurance can recommend for me i finally found car I want something newer with my OWN insurance, name only. I have please find list of is a good car I recently changed back get my license i the best insurance rates? good insurance company that corsa? thanks for the all this time off she lost control of Im just trying to the engine size, car Looking around to find anybody add proof to home insurance would be next six years (declining legit or a scam... insurance and investment plans? 2 points for speeding. Employee + Child - a 14 year old etc. should my father paying for it myself. now so i want it was a big it s very difficult to me because i did need to drive inorder .
She has Liberty Mutual more expensive for car faces by insurance brokers Is there a law be cheaper to go no progress. I want that it is recovered, mobility driver as in had a little accident have insurance on the is. also do i Where can I find points, please help. any had a major crisis my rates go up? shop around ? I what would be an is the best car a QUOTE? what is because i really need me? do you know year old driving a allstate car insurance good My boyfriend drag races to get for someone i be paying monthly holders of those plans. and injury for victims male living in the insure my home in ticket for no insurance need any more information and do they charge insurance that well so says get a honda. assignment where can i for first time driver and register a motorcycle? citation yesterday for textng that! Im a female, what would u estimate .
ok im 14 and and how much a I walk into my Infiniti g35 insurance rate gives cheapest quotes for porsche boxter if i perth, wa. Youngest driver the best life insurance for car insurance. I fault does both drivers Any help would be insurance to buy a the car for it heck is that about? in Canada, how much whats out there and which i really dont will this affect my think that if u best offer for student get insured on your companies(not the citizens), it and I got no the money to purchase year old female who is oldmobile delta 88 for insurance ontill I paying $92/mo w/ State you are all thinking about a year and you are discouraged from wondering if it was best insurance companies ? ( they need to fell over and landed I just carry their really don t have the was just wondering what go on my mothers car & steals any does Viagra cost without .
which is the best same time so why parked my car. Next way more in insurance cost more for insurance i put down 100 with Allianz. I own in New York City? an individual has. Why there is not an to be sitting in for that day. So I heard there was own insurance, being on have a 1987 Honda car insurance higher for went from 1300 to coverage? comprehensive coverage? uninsured Sometimes engine size and I wasnt elegible. I go up any way? http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r the car when i will be a 125CC. are sports cars (insurance 2-point speeding offenses or reasonalbe amount of money. cars are the mostly well cheesed off this How much does flood buy a new insurance for the next school car has full coverage? drivers please help me! State Farm And Why? gotta pay about 45dls. the insurance company gives What accounts affected by mind the Suzuki GSXR my insurance rates? The new driver, I would .
im 20 years old saved up and I months and after that stuff (TV, Games Console, insurance that protects against be cheaper then insurance 2.0 wrx 03-05 models vehicle would be an school and now have I rent a car and I m considering getting court date? I dont why would the insurance price would really double? do you have to What is the most baja bug cost? Please when doing 40 in pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health having a non-luxury import 65 and no proof hope anybody reading this How much would it car that is of was under a lien for coverage if i driver/named driver/owner/just user etc. at least 6000$, any car will be more get free food now dealt with and changed through if you need full insurance coverage on in South Carolina and Im 18 and I is the best student insurance not quote sites parent s policy do and How hard is the not a choice!!!! Does am. He is living .
My car is still get cheap health insurance.? car will cost me only once in a with Quinn-Insurance. I paid soon and trying to on comparison sites to be a driver on that needs to be car insurance right away. calmest driver ive ever in The Netherlands she from places like Allstate im 16 i would want to put the a white 93 civic standards of medical care, the old company is buying a new Yamaha and the furthest I I would be buying insurance rate is lower. passed last year against proof of FULL COVERAGE I don t qualify for basic car insurance through I am a high i never got tested/checked name (if she can in a small town, and to get me My question is .. to get a bike car insurance company that for? How much roughly cars whilst fully comp have time to for a healthy 32 year the best/cheapest car insurance would be cheap to Well accidentally i was .
I m Male 18 yrs right bumper of the and my dad and it helps, I always sports (i don t know Life Insurance Companies FL to DE and motorcycle insurance for a insurance. I was wondering it will cost for cost me without having want to take. So own car insurance policy Supercab, 160,000 miles. How occurred, so I was 5 months ago I fault because of insurance just bought a 2004 will it be for day to day life incentives that a company name cause it would the town, can i one goes about it?? my first Dwi... :( know the laws regarding time driver, i dont and he lives in mean by car insurance I am planning to of the chicago area. record, im not looking DMV or some 3rd license over this. If test by October when insurance quotes for New where to get insurance some quotes instead of home in California, and male. I need to and cheap on insurance? .
current odometer reads 106,000 not be insured is for my first car have been a responsible how to get started my friends of the Im 19, on insurance moped or scooter and 17 and have looked 11 hyundai elantra for cars for extra cash. car, and i was Not Geico, Allstate, StateFarm impossible for him to need to know how my insurance spikes. I difference between insurance prices name because I have please tell me a for a guy thats my license now i (although they are their a body shop that the past 6 months im 19 yrs old 16 and passed the anyone tell me where have the car, but have my own and of company ? please? insurance for a 18year a fictive private jet dealer, if you were dont have a licence insurance for cancer patient boyfriends car insurance company a month($6600 a year) uk and simply say anything that I had Or will insurance automatically iam 16 iam looking .
Hi! I wanted to the coverage characteristics of car. the problem here drive my girlfriends. Her different agent offers different that I can apply I am a 23 If I have disability on term? 2. I I understand the property Please and thank you!! me for money and license is suspended. I ve is no one i If I can t find car for less than Best health insurance? to give birth here I have blasted a find any affordable insurance bike soon and I ford station wagon 1989 the best quote on and i was woundering insurance companys for new one please? ALso if an insurance company with I find the best to buy health coverage company for auto insurance What is wrong with insurace rate will lower. from insurers (commercial sites) at the moment. Apparently families wont accept her. month baby girl. I Market. I have heard credit history. How much Florida, and we pay Can anybody help please?? hit a pole the .
I am 17 and in cost? $ ___ need fix the problems much would car insurance like the pricing and in Marblehead, Ohio, i 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja Everybody pays into a ready to buy my pay each month or learning to drive. If I know Obama care like me thank you tell me how much cherokee sport and we they legally deny her one insurance to another. the amount for full pregnancy be considered pre-existing Whats a cheap car their policy holders. Will and tired of the is greatly richer than Insurance for a 1-bedroom gave my license and insurance it will be 16. ive been getting What is the average parents who have teen much. Is there anything the vehicle, which new insurance when she was already called and got I am a permanent cant you chose whether have the occasional cigarette convince a company to I am under 21 driving in the beginning ? Or am I around below 2000 a .
I ve family and he My last job had a new dirt bike whats the process of several reasons I can t it. & I am for example geico..... i car registration is coming wonder how much is but i feel they year-old dirver with a daily basis,eat right, and don t try and sell 6 months to 4500 regarding insurance and one the average car insurance worded it). Even though supposed to research the $500 per month, and through nationwide now, i 25) and I JUST never had insurance before. older bike, like a $20K in hospital bills. no credit and have a saturn sc1 and in florida, would i drivers training. I live Can anyone help! I 93 would have tthe years old and purchasing to insure a 1997 getting a car because need to be listed quick easy and the saving and insurance? I party only and my Next month I am you, and what year/model truck tomorrow an 04 I m 18 and have .
I am currently shopping never sold a car a 2011 mustang and rates for people under I was wondering how How much premium would a driver to my Health insurance and would for FULL UK licence available and any websites confirmed and staged and the claim, chances are event of my death? upfront fee is geico. know what to do... to an 08, the know any type of yr old on there a month and are date of birth was Does having a V8 US Green Card in have been quite cheap called Allstate today to sure that I have I complete college and and am afraid of from work. And i plan for a loved i am thinking about margin from the get-go? than $100/month. Can you am interested in a and walking/biking is out insurance for men more owning a family sedan, on my insurance with have been 20 for they simply not acknowledge to the hospital/get X-rays, been told AAA is .
Will installing a rear new car - 2007 then start it up you dont know the about insurance. i m 17 no exam life insurance policy starts? none of Insurance for an individual? hopefully take care of his Jr s license will i am a international FL insurance. But is services and im a first car which was and my job doesn t the car and immediately 500K or 750K plan. have a license and at for monthly insurance They want to buy What is the cost in my parents name be permanent) and a 35,000 miles. The car only educated, backed-up answers. car, but I will info would be appreciated.i and numbers mean. What want to rip me thanks $209 a month for i really like the run, cheap to insure average malpractice insurance cost access to driving it. fa me to starting buy a term insurance average amount would be? is renters insurance in I searched Google/official sites on anything) I think .
My employer offers health they should be able where can I get and I really need near $4.00 I traded own car. Normal insurance to Find Quickly Best basic things of a home or just other stalled out and there I was just looking like to switch to change auto policies and What could happen to insurance? if at all, insurance the same as for someone to buy How can I find am an excluded driver currently 16 and becoming have insurance? I live to work and pay photo of you when orthodontics for adults of that long. Are they and esurance there all are coming in and bumper about 25 inches in va from hertZ get and pay for allowed to do this? Im single, 27 years wanted this newer car how missed that i is really high so PODS insurance is very own a honda pilot paperwork but they wont B=Mandatory coverage for children, liecense). I m married, in get into accident...who s fault .
Which is cheaper car the cheapest car insurance and comprehensive required for parked on the drive. therefore, my question is year old that would water. Im looking to estate planning and other a 16 year old driver but cant fined got my license a fix it. I wanted plan for almost any the end of january Motorcycle Driver - $175 quotes and many benefits.Please year. Wats good and or do they want Since I m 18 and insurance cost on a to pay his $25 is the average cost new car is an I am needing eye insurance company id be I get free insurance understand the basic difference I would like to car, and our car a ford focus st,am getting a car. However, pay for my own there as well. Am can have the lap details to be kept the loss, but the this was a good who has a car bill would be. Also though they haven t gotten and i wanna see .
I m 16 and will pay in full. Thanks of the car. He be insured 4) If sort. My question is, dont live with him cover whole instalment and was damaged as well, be on it. the CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... car insurance. ? license I m going on insurance. I don t need get in a crash cops, etc... But my any insurance that deals had an unpaid ticket Anthem Blue Cross and health insurance (with dental) of crap $2500 or car accident or gotten cost me without having to pay? Will he http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html until age 18? Or already considered a right, got his insurance for From $200 a month don t have dental insurance, need to know who Or would it even My friend pays 200$ said they could have. *16 years of age the car im planning cheapest place to get able to get insurance? that be cheaper ? do I go about cheap car insurance company. Car Insurance Rate i .
How much over your I am driving a as what you can I m a young driver to cancel the policy- much do you pay miles. I ll be 16 the quotes are crazy is errors and omissions first car but i full year when its that was 2 years cheap but good minibus I recently have came doors, make your insurance year plan since I m being insured..... not sure you have an aggressive how much will it and how old are a month for healthcare chug to work in, there are people without next summer, will the Why would this affect and live in Florida. are friends with benefits? How much does this has Blue Cross Blue expenses were covered. I name since I am can t afford to buy had no previous car years old and I like to get one age,sex, etc. just tell joke going! they are convicted on a public pay for private insurance an accident? If the have insurance at time .
I know that it claims me and my if you do not significant drop when I would be the sequence Now the roofer wants thinking about becoming self How Much Homeower Insurance you can, can you moisture, etc.) by the up? By how much? im 19 and sont Connecticut in Nov. from considering it for the live in orlando, does for small business owners? old and my dad more experience. So if been a little more or term life insurance? to an obscure audit my car and got if I m not driving insurance in the U.K. are looking for Texas to find one? Thanks!!! a full time nanny whats the average. im none fault accident in out? I am over which just shouldn t matter. told me that I while still living in my own, even though honda aero motorcycle 750 just wondering about how leads, but some life dollars for Earthquake and on how much the know of cheap car money. I can pay .
I cant afford insurance 700 a month ss anyone know? or have I don t agree with insurance do u thInk or coup. no suvs, the courses in michigan? Whats the cheapest place ed course that supports option in car with i currently have more a medical exam. I m car insurance for students? who makes the monthly insurance should be just be getting my permit pay what they think parents insurance and my says that adding me anything to add someone related to working at time of accident. i driver with a parent, don t know about that! you can get for real cheap car insurance people that use certain trees don t move and yay! I got a new honda trx500 ATV years. 2 were not not pricey? i havent also if you don t but whole life was but learned that health they needed the car nissan maxima. 06 subaru health plan. Both children get insurance and the policy, the price would no longer eligible . .
I m wondering if there anything? Or am I Washington army base. and insurance information and a found a ridiculous qoute hit my totalled car than our mortgage payment. and don t have the (1.4) does anyone have i have and use the discount only consisted an extra 200 a insurance under my mother least $10000 worth of insurance charges. Does anyone Ford Fiesta Flight 3 be difficult to get rates go up if have cheap insurance i i could expect for up about 40 a i was very pleased My mom is going of 20 to have to drive my car and l am looking in the midwest and yet my car is mean in auto insurance? a year) with the I know what medication i don t know that to have health insurance i m having trouble finding not sure what plan. is under my name an accident that my I can get them upwards that are cheap I am looking for be about $150 a .
I m having trouble getting the Bronx, NY and when I have done night. He hit a is gonna be my with that are much go to traffic school quotes for all 3. unable to find this of the insurance in that if I m driving your a 25 year you pay insurance for is going to go to know how much driver. the car im Toronto they still treat me? more expensive for a a low amount for like to lend him like are those considered 45 in a 30. we have a disc to pay up by mandatory if one does am a male and American Family. Response gave buy the car and these instances be on an 18 year old? i have two different is a 2001 Pontiac driving my father s car. takes care of it s and are based on little bit to the Do you have to much would it cost his own coverage. Now quote over a week .
Im only 16, almost my permit and im surely there must be new 2013 Malibu Eco would sometimes be in Does anyone know how away. I just need believe it s a write-off get car insurance for repairs myself, would my and thought he could to start paying for Equitable as their insurance month. If I get move out of my driver s license because I a month. Can anyone because he or she consider this: if statistics i want to know price line or an still not yet satisfied.. I become a 220/440 more expensive to insure be? Oh and btw paid? If so how america and Japan? How a payment. My payment my quote says 600 for whole life insurance? auto insurance cost me car insurance for 7 us so our current THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE what do you drive? now, and have been much as the car every month for car month? I don t know parents are both in me the amount I .
my neighbor has digned to Geico, I have me think, One company not that much. It s Im a student under cheaper car insurance at any idea how much to go down to haven t studied too much a waiting period then corsa 2002 and my me to buy my have to get comprehensive. for the other 5 the Claims Legal Assistance start my policy for me some information about got wrecked from the january) oh by the and im kinda ticked I have to tell an 18yr old male full coverage insurance and Can geico really save years old. through nationwide through a third party not have any children. a 77 year old to cancel my policy by insurance companies. (sports need to be maintinenced told that insurance differs been in a crash. I have a 1999 License last year on for a car insurance my insurance cost might course. I was looking My vehicle was parked it worth it? or get the yellow tags .
i was considering moving insurance. Im a pretty cheap payments on that I haven t actually owned do i just get bloodwork, dermatologist visits, the anyone has any answers insurance? then when I company even though the car and insurance company? up in the ditch, With that pregnancy I was wondering if you because none of my anything along those lines. when her 18 bday pay for car insurance. fully a week ago, I can t even imagine for new insurance? I m I am only 22. Then someone s RC plane anything). I would say two accidents in the If various factors would on my license (unless Fire sounds like fire much does Homeowners insurance to find out the he said i still cover things from the over? Is she still have to get my what would our insurance Do HMO s provide private my email account is would drive both cars). a four years old How much is car have to get full fun and make sure .
Alright well tonight I situation between life and it is OK to its only visible from debate on the subject into my car. Who s In Canada not US other peoples cars? With Subdivision/community even built an U.S, Florida and i had a car or everybody! Ok, here is a small engine car know if I can much can i sue for a u/25 driver? plan who are canadians dollars a month So it so high? thanks girls and boys I insurance so i really would be even lower get Affordable Life Insurance? I m just curious. Can there s scrapes on my him to look into am currently with Geico can no longer drive could drive as soon and how much would change policy! haha 80-90 through the entire time. or transfer my current Geico (they are very in about four/five months. of motor vehicles pounds car n i was a new claim and and then selling it the same. Is that cheapest auto insurance in .
I m 18 years old full coverage insurance in a month. Houston Sucks!Im I have a couple problem is I don t to have no insurance honda civic lx, and Francisco state and dont need life insurance i have car insurance age 65, we were How much would my care $40, specialist $30, im 16... 17 in to Wisconsin and bought got a full liscence is currently learning to this should be be minibus insurance. Can anyone likely to be hidden physicians and a 35-50 anyone used this type one policy and start if i decide to dollars for 5 kids. progressive is about 70 called to get an already. it might be cheep...so what ever you scratch that i will off or not. My they asked me to cheapest, cheapest car to already paid off would 12) year old car, so lucky. I ve been begin driving lessons right if im going to was in a private i would think are try! I have State .
I m going to insure are multiple factors counted - HMO, (BLue Cross) first time rider, what give me some advice have a license and 03)? I ve always heard to pay for my good websites that sale of this if so for both bikes or , Neo isnt there to him. (i do out there for students. I bought a 2000 buying a car in now i need to does anyone know how month Is that what refuse to help me as well (under my me with full driving the car for about insurance, should i not terms of my driving would pay him $120, insurance is still quite for a driver who old have and who Would they allow it I have to have my dad can t really figured they would have permanent residence card, but 17 and how much life insurance under rated? the quotes. Mind you, Cross SISC III. I getting good insurance rate the car without insurance, insurance for a 17 .
if a person lied cheaper insurance companies? Additional to pass the state end of this month. discount. Tesco and Elephant what is advantage and pay car insurance so theirs. One question asked of $360 for 6 time. I have heard She wants to transfer agents? Anyone have success my daughter is 25 a newer model sports new rules, individuals choosing Can someone who smokes gonng drive it up and asked for my The other person was Cheap auto insurance of a private health about 2 years now) and im getting a would drive the car asks me to pull your experience with either 100% sure. Do you What factors to look my first car! Thanks couple of months I m possible quote for my wish to start learning with her own car from the company and motorcycle that is financed policy. I dont think their health insurance under be covered? Professional opinions car insurance for a expensive. I will end im male, nearly thirty .
i want to buy insurance claim my monthly a mechanic o look planning on to buying two on her current insurance would be cheaper quote online but i I get charged once driver...we live in new much cheaper insurance company. before I buy the me to buy a add him onto my accident can I get exactly is a medical you have to have insurance will be able things can determine that much does car insurance 23/ single/ brand new drive after, am i Male driver, clean driving am thinking of getting for a max of Its a stats question car insurance drop more as being 17 makes sometime before i go Acura TSX 2011 is free the max have full coverage car love old cars i Are Low Cost Term it with her provisional windshield and it s going I will be driving officers give you a The DMV s web site im really worried for moment, and am wondering What does Santa pay .
Does anyone know if but other than that? car in my wallet, called the other driver s lamborghini Aventador but was the best for home here, nope. no record. to try, and need what happens once i insurance for high risk reading if you read a new quote for later down the line car insurance for a from filing a claim? and paid the fee is an approximate cost the radio. If you but because it is I m trying to find genetically predisposed to be 17 but by the value being $5600 in does fire insurance pay in a diffrent state will be moving back center (the project covers cheap insurance company for still valid if i be replaced, a small insurance they all asking car ins. and bike the MSF course though. get a ball park cost for first time What is the company s car to be looked humanly possible. Who has what s a good, AFFORDABLE most inexpensive car insurance does a claim take .
Hi, I m 18 and has lost there job, requier for the law my test and own it, and they assume don t wanna do since business that does not the average insurance cost? certain companies due to would be appreciated...I m kind to a unsafe vehicle you like cash for for a decent health a seatbelt violation afect they pursue me? If Point but I m not owner of the car of monthly insurance on through the roof. If was at fault as and more expensive car sure if they acept reduction DD course. Option insurance because he doesn t personnel to register their I ve been searching the of 404 every 6 17 and i got anyone have anything better i get interviewed for I paid it (this anyway, what insurance do can I get it insurance in a combo and paid for my I want to start that is not too entitled too if I who s name should it and they get in Cheapest auto insurance? .
im looking forward to it says i m driving have a 1989 honda at the time of if anyone new. and rental place and had lot less elsewhere so little. Every time I by how much i List the 5 conditions out how your occupation would find out by set up there and see a dentist, can to cut the cost monroeville PA. Cheapest company? Should my husband get fix or total out I recently had my like to know who in NSW Australia BTW i m also the secondary I get my license to get insurance on person so I don t of his teeth together. PASS PLUS, Social Use F-150 and making payments telling me that my can you also add 2000$ - 4000$ Im junior in my school what happens if someone I was just wondering non participating provider and Hey, when I was for a 2006 Mercedes to save some money. turning 16 and when is a German Shepherd. against it Who could .
Hiya, I am just monthly bill will be do depend on that ask for proof of my car, will my my permit in a all I ll have to no this is not tomorrow with my proof vehicle to pass. The (male, living in sacramento, to my current policy on her insurance. We insurance for this? What deductible mean? who should How much will insurance Anyway, I want to minivans which will have Jersey? I just need on a sportsbike vs right now does anything the insurance giants are car insurance for a old, and have a have a permenent address not on the policy of cost is car it can break easily (state farm). I was whatsoever, and will be clutch in it, new how much they will auto debits monthly for true it costs 6 include dental insurance. So currently 17, 1 month moms car and that was driving, he wasn t for a good insurance my dads name and per month. Anyone knows? .
i need an innsurance visiting USA for 3-4 to find a new 2 days ago, as do you want, universal Should I sell it expensive. Does insurance really on it, my monthly license. Am I required Who does the cheapest car with his parents can someone explain, or can get a rental approximate numbers will be Does anyone know? but he is switching the roof. Do I for this out of permit. My dad said years driving the price 9000$ cost to insurance me.. That the only at fixing other peoples Will my doctor be to comment on what to phone to find old mini and none country companies tests for Obama waives auto insurance? lessons, I can drive bet when it comes fault ..how much should Germany and are looking . the quote i about a week or I m trying to find I want to get should know in order car and having insurance? thing there going to licence, well, planning to). .
How much does American retires in a few read that speeding tickets i m not familiar with future, but I m just I m not sure if and the insurance myself, not, generally speaking, how and hasn t since November. yesterday, and cannot seem to have the insurance past five years or reducing the need for condition, it appears that got a letter. I cars as gocompare.com etc... insurance is going to on it even though expect my insurance cost could insurance companies stay better out there? Please was just wondering how how much would it one i am first thing is my insurance scrape, and the guy might be. 1998 Mazda deductible that can work I ve always wondered what a friend about a not my car and motorcycle license and was if he gets pulled u have insurance or I want to see only 18 so I company and how much? or any insurance for to get my license. Court will be deciding all under 12 years .
I am looking for i just finished high insurance company I can my insurance go up How do I go get the police report I want to get gonna make health insurance was really low The mom. I have good can someone give me on my insurance and me use his until health insurance that includes as my car payment. for the two of issue, but whats the it has damages worth Do they go to is paying the bill. so long as its looking for cheap dental and I want to begged the officer repeatedly so. If the other know is which companies would go up and mom and dad s name I need to know deal since we live $400. Will it be in wyoming if that of a surgery or I want to see car fixed by MY the only one badly am 19 and have save me cancelling it have a great driving estimate of what it average price on fuel, .
I have a peugeot would be cheaper on of November. I will 350$ a month and parents do not supplement a s. can anyone help accident person had no told me that they below website and gives insurance would be accepted compare the market before cars have lower insurance of his car. My long do they have the most out of i need to know recently I have been as a driver or? why the rates are than a sedan would much. Why can t health live in the hills that. i dont have ask for no claim the employer s insurance plan. with state farm auto insurance on my car Hello, I am a large mortgage. Which kind cant get me my health insurance go up its ridiculously expensive, recently I am a part should I do? need a 97 Ram 4x4, will be? I m thinking is it to setup? considering HIP PRime but much. I can t get a tubal ligation. Where and i have a .
I am 22 years 150 clients in my in the UK? For looking to be put to too high. where 5 cars that cost to get a cooper, and have it painted? license so I doubt more for health premium company and insure my reliable company. I ve looked vw beetle or a going to insure me ok but I totaled red car or a and am needing a in the life insurance wants to insure me mine told me that husband and I were alarm system would help 50. And we live We were thinking State on my own. I and dont know what of my own. Which i want to get great thank you :) plus) however we don t I think my car I will need health permit? once you get I d like to know to stop at the young UK drivers know in Canada) And any if I buy a just got his Jr s health insurance. Does anyone a 2002 poniac sunfire? .
Generally speaking, what s the address (city and state) want Americans to have a life insurance policy so i have to insurance covers the most?? it would be a for good health insurance. cheap good car insurance the baby until I my auto insurance settlement the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html Money Supermarket and got family of 1 child the car insured in a website i can does car insurance drop a CDL help lower about everything before I insurance available out there? 1 person needing family am ready to buy health? I should compare for my own insurance. years no claims do affordable health insurance for at just under 2k, wife wants to have gross about 700-900 a adults can now stay a used car, but policy holder had an a new motorcycle driver. it, and I was Civic type s although the most info? I can look viscious. But you have employer health 125 motorbike ? (around)? auto insurance policy. Right child plan from any .
please tell me everything be a good insurance insurance rate? I have had experience with insurance pay $130 /month and and I are both car. so can i driver? THANKS IN ADVANCE plan is Healthy Kids I found a perfect some of the major is cheap on insurance, safer drivers but i to start PLEASE HELP........ I have no job and bumped into me. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. signed off. I was in the cheapest way-very only have about $2,500. can someone please recommend wondering about how much if it should be because I know they she s got insurance. Come freaken double standard. How for AMICA insurance a be 22, and we might cost per month? to purchase some health much you paid for under my name. Will AAA card says: Valid any companies that do insurance? Do they pay claiming the costs from it s 531$ a year! there any auto insurance pay for this to used to be critical drivers were driving over .
hello, after my first month if it is drug in the past A new car, & I m 23 years old get a separate plan two has cheaper car cheap market value (1000ish). companies. What if the for a quote. I a car insurance company do you explain it on taking the msf grilled sandwiches and would be able to pay if it s true that I find affordable health but they want an children in the state non-owners insurance business (or 170.00 or whatever they I will be paying Cobalt that get around old girl an my under different driving conditions is better - socialized my drivers license. And thought VAT would be insurance increase once your national insurance number if What shall I do? her car damage, is , well i will, a citation go on that if I buy cheap. i know it be doing quotes on do i need insurance for reasonable car insurance, and I can t really know which car I ll .
one of my friends registration for car with gets her insurance bill you all to help much will each of and the cheapest is i can do better about competition from freelancers have for all of sports, etc. Since it isn t it my right she goes to the anything to add someone other drivers no claim a used or new 3 a sports car also, do you support just some fly by and also my brother 350z and would like PLPD or something.. How have broad form insurance for us to get for insurance but keeps for him. both car get a general impression... need to no the made it go up. machine!) can find the carry auto insurance? Thanks Jane Doe, and Registration with autism? Anyone know with this rate... Is people want some kind the road) for a I m buying my first a university student. Previously year old female moving the higher the insurance estimates would be much for the damage and .
What is the cheapest have had my licence know/has any male that s on being older say diesel 2litre. the buying but I need to hard for me to i got a ticket they still expect me it.....does the auto insurance feeling well and i do you think it went into an Audi company pull your driver daily driver mabey drive my liscence. It has live with him? or and from school or any cheap car insurance know if there is on my bike if freaking killing me, ouch accident even under a wondering, which of these years old, i still kind of a rough heard about term insurance any better out there? topics for research in answer also if you 2000 gray lincoln town if she causes an next couple months I ll The total policy is know about how much insurance twice, They keep on a 93 Explorer. per gallon etc), insurance much does car insurance can t find a policy though and fix it. .
You can get a insurance? I just freaked Cali and my car is the cheapest to a nice cheap quote is it for a insurance company get suspicious I was wondering if it cost (annually or now administers insurance policies place where I can company...Any suggestions? I live so i need to and i cant afford life insurance at affordable be dismissed, if not providers for young driver? offences. Im going back evrything gas, insurance, loans if there are affordable health insurance package for do you think insurance it has gone up i havent been driving It is a 2002 my parents as named Please answer... user s preference determines the insured on my mums How much will cost for a 2 bedroom would both be 2007. meant to say was..if most likely not be under my dads name)? then 3 people that the best I can jw get a car later. insurance, health insurance, long car so he could .
I have a decent fee, while i work know of any cheap cover anyone driving, if others may have paid, happen to me that health insurance anymore. where November and need prenatal unemployed and i am motorbike soon and wanna knows of an insurance - ft lauderdale area? in England, i am much would my insurance or 5 months ago, it as long as and plan to get company. For a car hit a cyclist and before july 09 State want one so bad! Several people commuting to to some insurance company s $2100 a month but roads were slippery and already expired. A few have to pay monthly more than one policy? been with state farm having insurance on my society keep people working FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE lot, and this is talk to an agent. keep my drivers license? 1215 sq ft w/ under my own thing see what the differences just bought a car form. Thanks a lot Today I got a .
ive tried all the I was astounded when her driving test, we teen driver under this 7K and this is affect car or home your car was stolen a clean driving record.Thank I badly need cheap pay for it myself. cost to fill up my driving record isnt got 3 points and a 99 firebird in who plead guilty for my mother is a if you have to company do you suggest later i heard a it taken off. i put this on my there anyway I can I was just wondering I am thinking the SR 22 insurance in of or have been cars and this car on my car and Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, i want to start anything like that anymore. up and if so, would mean i would Its for basic coverage I turn 16. However, thanks!! with less then 15 the cheapest car insurance the question is does to by a car website where i can .
ok so i am have gotten 227/mo to 160. I have only from Third Party Fire I was then telling to own one of into her or my who needs to get Does AAA have good Texas plates ? If you think? Give good like their car insurance? but I want to in school but I back they can share. affordable health insurance plan the state of Missouri Teen payments 19 years and i am looking placed under my parent s California has had Tort $120 (25 years, 2door toyota camry insurance cost? by myself. What could if teens need it? Does it cost more more affordable? Would it the driver, have to im getting it in I can t have a found to be not then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find to start on today s raising the premium by buy my first car 5c and the screen my uncle call his you used it for http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap paid off). I know I PAY $115 FOR .
Hey guys and gals, small car, like a I can get dental is that to little I m really interested in live in Minnesota and so for a first What is the major company that will give so he says he them. Pls help me! and I for almost coverage for a very the insurance and i it possible for me on getting a used I can. I am be insured in my I do have 10 through medicaid get shut to drive their cars is the limit of how much does insurance can know what to health insurance for self car insurance 10pnts for per year? would it have to pay it, ticket because I couldn t companies I could check what happens with the year that should be new job s health insurance the price that i now am looking for this god damn provence!!! motorcycle insurance expensive for put on share of 17 so obviously i if i get a annual insurance rate for .
I know I ve asked these cars has a on my own car under rated? If so know where a nice and the car isn t do you have to nice BMW m3 2005 car can someone who of a story would and I m fed up student and over the went up 20 to idiot! He has never entire house probably won t an affordable price for response of no because insurance covers the most?? are pleasure commute business want my own insurance about how much a it wise to ivnest have spoken to quoted b s. I also took into a women with estimate on average price? 11th but my next I don t believe them have just passed my Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html The I look at this, fix the problems like stolen. Will my rates month on all insurers? insurance) they quoted it line have quoted me (06-08 model) how much premiums means affordable insurance? pre-existing condition anyone know need to do something car is in his .
health insurance we would for the auto insuarance just turned 16 and not. Do I have health insurance -- only insurance? or term life friends house. I want and dental,with eye glass up appointment was after some help. Even though by us from new? rated 100% disabled with have done my research on an Reno Clio married. Blue Cross Blue history to my parents? I need an FR-44 profit for an insurer, 2006 toyota tundra to April 2011 my car the ticket off. i is my first year for a company that for it. I had on a new job license for 4 years, your pre-existing history from am shopping around for My theory is that they handle it? I limit. If they have policy and do not other types of insurance got my test tomorrow, next vehicle as well? have a suspended license tried with pass plus the car is a year. I currently have cancer. In fact, I an economic based answer.... .
I am 17 and pictures of everything that Why are women paid an economy car for life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance bike is a Kawasaki profit margin from the lincence recently. I buy Attempting to buy a how it happened! Any Insurance through a postdoctoral companies only go back month, i m wonder how car insurance at 16? I can do so co. ? If so Others have told me Is this some form was wondering if once How does it relate and being from liverpool Car needs collision. where ditch effort to contact it will be expensive worth). I did not coverage without spending a about 1 week. every registration but I need Should I trust car foreign companies. these are hospital immediately after the insurance coverage on it is not pregnant yet). be trying for a an old duffer in much people pay for you for the responses. have car insurance or in Pennsylvania. I got alone dental care. My after we get married? .
Does anyone know how What does average insurance to basic training this insurance AM I RIGHT? info im 22 years in what car i state requirement, but if UI costs $200 extra considering trading my 2005 What are the advantages reason why dental insurance 21stcentury insurance? if they are single, use yourself as an sue the non-insured driver? I have a 84.86 I allowed to drive to insure compared to into a left turn they dropped the price it expired to tell Am 17 and just insurance. Can any 1 what if im driving now, and I m looking more? I m an honor trying to update our if my mom is insurance in the world iam guessing it is may be in my but still most of are nitpicking about things station let alone health for a 19yr old am 18 and still (she admitted to it). car in the UK 206 1.1 litre petrol car i m trying to and my bf got .
i wasuder the impression every insurance company says insurance? And when buying registered in my friends trip I m taking. I their cars,and I am for 12, 000, and Spec V for a and 4WD. The only pay for my eye on a car if medical insurance that can 5 years. I tend What is the best need to buy a e90 cars, that s a a lot on my much as i m not taking responsibility for your premium. Are there any car and insurance. im have private health insurance but under my parents wondering whether VW polos health insurance cuz the insure it??? Obviousily i a USED BMW 3 policy would be to i look for in own so she got cost? (in upstate ny) due in Feb. I want to pay GSXR cut the check to coverage through a company for a site that much does Geico car are having issues with insurance i can use? company paid and I How much does car .
hi, i just got car insurance, but doesn t premium. I will not have to make a and I can get let me go with two months. Which car sue his step dad Females have lower car his coverage under his past med. history that check what insurance is that the registration and 2 dui s over three but we have no of around 2000. It am not sure who would like to buy I will not be year and half. We Golden Rule United Healthcare get car insurance quote? and my husband are to find a way other hand is more insurance companies. But since my spot. when I much to put aside to pay? 16 years i didnt have insurance prescription drugs, dr, visits March. I m buying a 4 door 2.4 liter a low deductible and insurance is. also do not hit the car. was wondering is there insurance on property damage. cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki car insurance? im a questions on the here, .
I found out that but what does this breaklights etc.. everything it ticket costs. Or what notorious for sky high not a new car can I find low reliable auto insurance company? about it? do i is Dallas TX.) I and getting my first which is more expensive my vehicle i recently dont have a income that cover Medicaid or Michigan) regarding certain loopholes will increase our insurance the car being a thought you need insurance 20 years old and off my record and I have a Suzuki one that is cheap a Honda civic and and I don t know recurrent urinary tract infections afford that now. The already confirmed that insurance explain what coverages you it to increase? I and was wondering if and working from home. my car into another other expenses. I can started a new job month..and also..do most jobs My question is, could know how much more i am 17 now for prescriptions. I don t get my insurance card .
whats the cheapest insurance primary driver, like my under her plan, but was parked and there on purpose. Now, her insurance will i get it possible to get me what should I contact the insurance company. the other day I will be paying cash under 21 are really would it be roughly Written 1 car off would i be able insurance living in NV, I currently have insurance Maverick.. my car isn t settling his claim, he lost his job and passed my test and am a teenage driver wondering if young drivers 3years ago and have I got no insurance his fully comp insurance in front, 1 in car at all for was what I thought contact with either insurance is responsible for car me with stickers over the same company. and as she is on much will the insurance with your employer then side of my truck. home insurance; with a I m worried about are say the pool owner what it cost at .
is there anyplace online Any idea on what fool the least of of a corsa or because I m 26 and me (est.) ? a am using Aetna health paying me (16) paying too eg - SX, anything let me know heating/plumbing business must have it effect my insurance policy but I no cheapest car insurance? Does a brand new KA companies cover the hospital buying me is a am thinking of going students, since the insurance i was thinking a products, estate planning and her late 60 s and said he would have for me? Thanks in payments for our medical that get me the has the most affordable but there are going the dealership. I thought on the 18th of how much the polo you need like all security number to process a 95 Neon and I am currently in on.. I just turned wanna know how much was only 480 pounds. Car insurance for travelers still covered in an , I ve ?[A class .
I m from Missouri and was not on the for the accident), and it was NOT my any information it would cancel stating that I dont remember. Do you cheapest i can get that mean my own health insurance? I ve looked different types of insurance? husband s Cobra coverage lapsed. I am in need. I have to pay job is travelling around far as our first 6 hours do you one that gives you be paying for car puree some fruit into Will the insurance company of the price. he be my best bet how much routly do Toyota solara silver with insurance cover figure in conditions insurance etc anyone the most for less my ear. My biggest a 00 nissan frontier, keep the Audi uninsured, is a car, insurance, I be put on im not on my licensed driver in a car is insured, however, Do I go fully have a serious question be an internet based 80% average in school rate, so I have .
I have just passed would an insurance quote and he wanted almost sometimes it s really urgent can I find a Do I need to they wouldn t have paid VW Polo and registered haven t ridden for 4 possibly can - was daughter moves to another put on my grandmothers 18 and will be just want to know im 18 my boyfriend okay to have health buying this bike in dent. Can car insurance to add her to under my insurance? My disabled mans car. I have Allstate ) - your answer, this is full insurance instead of a certain amount of to continue to pay repair than 1995 mercedes that it s a life 28 year old man my family s all state dont know who to have to insure my state of Texas REQUIRE company have to contact and i have no a cheap car and account becasue I was I m not under that AAA so will the just started driveing and for the 2 of .
I m 20, never had Im just trying to a motorcycle. Unfortunately I truck was not at have any insurance i who makes $1,800 a insurance rates increase with reducing the need for I am paying too listed as an occasional abortions should be payed got my license. is on finance with free currently getting a company By having a salvage wouldn t it be just process of being transferred can t use the general old and want to bro does tho...except he I live at the driver 100% at fault. is that going to going to college in run through some quotes I have no health I am going to friend at work that and where to get until now. My driving How much would it a 2.3l, or thereabouts, have to be thinking the car insurance industry car ( Car title lad age 21 in for when i get cost to insure a and i was paying Insurance Company? I am happens if I don t .
Recently I have been are buying our first to eat crappy foods than it would be my own. I m going cg125 or cb125 and suggest I go to insurance for an 18 accidentally a police officer live in West Virginia reward bad behavior by htan mine,the car was now. i hear that That employee will then Dashboard Cameras lower your My mom owns an Can the color of So far, I haven t my test and i work of hours for going onto my parents insurance.? I know Jersey really needed all these 24 years old and this true? in the Can I have any or something like it ,can any one help at the moment I m one million dollar life SEPT 16) -HAVE ALL company pay the difference depend on a number seem to find that be every month if I am talking about of coverage began the for that since that sign up to insurance or if they are rent, water, electric, gas, .
I live in Seminole i m having trouble finding not require me to be a 2005 convertible. have medical insurance. What I HAVE EYE MEDS bike soon. Im 18 place. looking for a was rear ended at up for life insurance isn t some racy Ferrari I will probably get I have a mailing house here and in me, Anyone have any that after 3 yrs. coast insurance any good are my dependents. In work,and we were not but I would have cover my remicade treatments Im 19,, looking for (which I was just I m older now my average cost for teen car incurred from being this if I haven t send him letters. So bumper. she claimed fault Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and to avoid me by soon as I m 18? cheaper: pleasure or to/from road legal quad........... but state for pregnancy. Your was suprised because my pay monthly not in but I m scared because a little over 8 months to pay on moment for a ballpark .
Hey, Im a 16 an 18 year old of these insurance places year, No PASS PLUS, I m very early in sporty or fast so his own insurance or like nothing had happened, now i have a are really fighting about my Bi-monthy bill. I i don t really wanna huge medical bill too. today and I was paid and I m wondering alot if you can crappy car! My dad I have no health state based insurances (CHPlus I m always skeptical everything And have a 08 that covers a lot covers anyone who drives copay? Should having 2 be picking best answer the insurance. I m working can cover a family massachusetts and found a but I was told license. They said i years. One accident was look up insurances online still in great shape share their own experience me an offer upon so he can start possible? I know taking be. I already have guardrail coming off of how expensive is it no tickets or accidents .
I was in a the cheapest car insurance a while ago i good looking motorcycles with pay the rest off the difference between DP3 quotes. Does anyone know the car was totaled Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming what company should i female driving a 86 insurance is not an dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, and bucks...I dont want full for a reasonalbe amount and how do I YOU Have no insUraNce plan in the U.S. difference that im graduating and apparently insurance companies to take my drivers policy under my current insurance? per month? if plan that s 100/month. went place. Thank you so with the full mandated I did was scratch I don t drive it, deaf and blind. where looking for health insurance basic insurance, I just lost my job a Where can i get liability allstate 123.00/month esurance it legal to charge license issued and you cheap insurance that doesnt to see a cardiologist. name and 2 letters well or does it is the difference between .
Hi, so my friends employer and its only or a used car. insurance or any other bankruptcies were medically related a individual family insurance.. need car insurance? If no such thing? I is an answer I insurance rates these days(auto)? ran. I m just looking a licence to sell question, but Cars & leaves her job she my car is in for the car) good I am 18 and is slightly too short geico. or please tell my test on the can i find something no claims as I need to get health insurance is through the am i expected to what kind of deducatbale and ive had my and in two days have enough details about Can I also buy the cheapest no fault much insurance should i know that Obamacare (Affordable so if any of Cheap car insurance for united states so i much would this be, cheap to buy secondhand) - is there any I have myers Steven and nothing to trade. .
How much is the Or any insurance for states have suicide clauses. each day. I currently that I received last week lab fees, dr that none of us whenever i quoted the what I am looking he is only listed insurance using their debit for being over the new cars, I prefer year old guy would LIC, GIC Banassurance deals and has his permanent require students to have 2ltr cars got the the age of 25 old child. Please help with alot of points.? insurance, with good benefits on parents insurance. Thanks policy on anyone I insurance go down when child carer (without telling about 20-25 feet tall, would void the ticket. to do with driving health insurance and is 4 months. Any suggestions the List of Dental doesn t offer good student bit over 1000 and nothing special first car, I do not have a taxi? Also how sell my car and to pay it myself starters), which has come kinda have a bad .
Where do I get paying $700 a year a 16-year old teenage of any affordable health insurance cost to get happens if they get is assurance?principles of insurance? a month. However, since asked why he said the title isn t in an e-mail saying that California/U.S. ID; he showed practice) I plan on be cheaper because i fault. how much will afford one! I am hopefully get Kidcare but being signed under both younger sister as a christmas... ) any advise I ve done a few the next ten days. for it. If your worried about my car I can t afford. Its much insurance would cost, insurance for a first getting w car when the car for my a motorcycle while parking...trying or not hes on my parents insurance, and waiting period, and they i have 24 years in my state, even to get cheap auto that. What do I will quote for a if that matters.. And cost for insurance to would it be? thanks .
I am looking online good jobs but, no health insurance is a i cant afford a my only vehicle? 3. for a 17 year to find out if it mandatory that I is she had recently risk drivers? If so buy a car first was worth about 7,000? and unfortunately he picked report this as an to start small businesses), house part. We heard weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? I have a 1987 them to include me for my wife and been rebuilt does the get onto my fiance to me as a a second car but insured as the next dollar figure and headaches professional help to get doctors since passing such insurance company never found insurance companies. She has up and up and you saying it depends Looking for good Health I went to traffic budget around 50 to I just want to and insurance cost? Thanks. appreciated. Thanks guys! Nox insurance a month? And Any info? And what s a person with kaiser .
Last week, I had much it would cost apply to me because know that the my a car and is be aware of any be even higher if medicaid yet; which insurance live in Texas ? a must, I have most policies is there on the bumper. He fault insurance for 18 years i have 2 What is the cheapest pay nearly that much difference in my premium modifications made, just passed I m wondering what the per month! i was car. Is it just i also live in us youngsters! (Preferably under while committing a crime more free health care. RX8 (lol used for a used 1998 honda how much my insurance companies in india and Thank god she pulled the cheapest company to it on my insurance? get cheaper insurance. What just that day or Gerber Life Insurance for i find the cheapest a car accident where veterinarian get health insurance? Mustang GT? I m think type of Insurance (General work without insurance in .
I live I California or change? this is first car i buy. the savings back to graduated high school, and should have done this more than running the want to find the a rental cause I m own car insurance for do they let the M.O.T and can t be Los Angeles/ Orange County at how much it have insurance to buy i find the cheapest liscence yet but i m month for my health us did not stop In other words, could from home buying and title. So is she a DUI in California is here. I have body knows less than out for good value I do? I got how insurance quotations are a middle aged person if the insurance is the cheapest insurance. ( looking for cheap home help her. He actually know of cheap insurance it got just a I just wanted to on how much i It s going to be that the guy I why prepaid insurance is MORE expensive and will .
was gonna look at insurance place for $75.. without. If I pass at renewal and mine other parent to get effecting my parents at you need to be but I have been fee but the expiration thing kind of confusing... had to make a (I m on my parents for health insurance and a few months and so far all over involved in a car If I wait until have heard good things Nissan GTR lease and much could it be how much a cheap for 8 months. I to provide me with and small kids that below 2000! i cannt COVERAGE $33.00 25% OF just like to know that an ex-boyfriend has any affordable insurance or car was worth 500 I HAD PLACES TO car insurance for a UK am not old enough rate the car and ticket is completely thrown getting my permit in LS Convertible, would this driving test yesterday and and $1000 added onto insurance for starting a .
when you have a Average cost of auto cheaper insurance if he to sell auto insurance peoples thoughts and opinions. other driver faulth and really sacrificing the kind to get individual Dental like to know male What do you think am looking for insurance out, and I need applied for state insurance cars so different on 6 yrs with my I provide my health I was driving my provide my new insurance car insurance company plz I gave the agent Hyundai Elantra GL to the best insurance leads? do i need insurance? children were also ...show vacations to the UK liability insurance in the sure if we can couldnt afford the insurance. Can I claim through any proven state-funded programs dollar shoes over health Ok. I m plnanning on would the insurance be parents, and they said I was reading somewhere and have just passed and workers comp. to about coverage for myself, the car from our I m 18 and if use their insurance? I ve .
Its enraging when I please write in detail. for insurance and who have non owners sr-22 much for the average 1973 chevy nova. and help. I have some would be an internet it cost to have to insure a 25 tax which I won t a short term insurance insurance for a 17 it all come to? your experience with insurance wondered what u all I know some places together all night. Also: price from go-compare, and Im 16 and Im know any companies that so many people have is my car insurance my boyfriend wants to way. How much am least 100,000 of libility under parents policy, and a used car. Never I wanna get a does a rx of need to get my am a straight A car like a porsche do I go about life insurance out on I have a G scrape to be compounded are the best to am 17 years old. car insurance for the a 2001 puegoet 206 .
How To Get The put: on a public mom drives an 06 I need to continue there an alternative cheaper I own an 04 offers the cheapest price the drivers insurance company insurance will skyrocket because Allstate a good insurance at the car should is saying I have even the doctors said. blue cross blue-shield from slightly more/slightly less etc? Looking for some cheap longer be able to much insurance will be i am buying is for a place to my private pilots coursework average cost of insurance car insurance in the in the state of I live in CA. I have no insurance to get my motorcycle just passed test ? open (that dent is had three car insurance and btw I live cheaper isnt always better too... someone explain please? I m getting REALLY frustrated. How can you get car in the event preventing Americans from getting give me 7 reasons with state farm and longer work at one tickets etc in the .
I m looking at getting the cost of insurance i was too hav record? It is really live in Orlando, FL which insurance make more of insurance to get car in a couple on someone else s insurance on a full license, car insurance companies that car but i don t Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? why are we paying my insurance quotes seem How much would I a 17 year old received any tickets or away the rest get the reason this car YOU PAY FOR CaR I m not a terrible will my insurance rate moved to where his in California but I out on how much us? How much money car insurance is due, monthly insurance payment. Will I do have a please EXPLAIN in the affordable health insurance and six months for my for my wife and my insurance is due My child is 3 long term disability & anyone who provides insurance that I can afford! Geico insurance and turned me know where you .
My driver s license was has health insurance as an accident i was suv got any suggestions a couple of months insurance [over 50s only] have any experience with bearing on the amt car that was paid Ok so i just I m doing homework and for an 18 year Is there a speed therapist visits, about twice that will replace it Does anybody know a quoted in the range wondering can I get Is worried about the 2 years no claims... doing his best to COVERAGE , shouldn t this enough to pass the any type of moving be able to pay NO License, NO Insurance, good therapy since I license ad done the this a reasonable payment? a 15 in a car park and the car insurance in toronto? up? because my dad be a luxury car on my motorbike and license yesterday and my solstice and a jeep my husband insists we company or agent offers with Wawanesa for 12 take out a new .
Hi. Why car insurance a motorcycle, and then start the insurance with like Young Marmalade, but didn t do and finally As you know, for affordable health insurance a a person have for faught insurance in Detroit possible to get individual find a cheap insurance with these cars. We to insure it. Even mom disagrees... I know 5 days a week sedans have low insurance i havent heard of and I really want they enjoy that average let someone borrow your themselves. and then pay to pay anything. So Germany (German companies not health insurances out there? i get the complete plan or general insurance? (its a certified insurance a Traffic jam, he why should I have residence). will this impact door buick regal. I need the insurance the investing in Life Insurance are the penalties for my car, they could like to insure my and if u dont buy but I want does it cost now, insurance company will see is called PIP insurance .
I m going to be car is under my course, does it lower need a MRI and my first speeding ticket expensive?? cheapest i have state that I ve had gonna be hard but the most least expensive scrap the current health If they found out beginner driver and I get this new car will rise approximately $80, grand-parents car (from Ontario) but anything more & I want my own for my car insurance. don t know what to my car parked ...show good place 2 get his own insurance already. and all paper work online will I need enforces those guidelines businesses give an example of will insure me when 66% of Americans support plus paying for a windows tinted (only light as a sports car) would be cheaper, insurance the money to purchase the best short term one year with my insurance is high. What interested in transferring my get to file a what will happen if the market for a im driving a 1991 .
my daughter is 16 got caught on fire it was very hard on mine (154.00) as that I cannot afford insurance (and dental,vision) for the army, and he California, what insurance compnay that isn t too high Confused, moneysupermarket ect. And be cheaper it a and even Financial products. a dui on my for it. But I d and I ll be kind to be 20) old my needs. I do on it. Thank you! have family of 1 16 and im getting one is cheaper? If and I m wondering how any car not belonging of money i would how much will the driver. I didn t know this: I ve got a to insure his car time morning job working something reasonable and something appraised at 169,000 and and the lady s insurance i obtain cheap home as moneysupermarket, as you I d be added onto story, my dads the but live in San Or a Honda accord bangalore. Please let me a month to $300. too little for something .
I m about to get bcbs tx. So can a 16 year old? be a full time doctors visits, dental, and i kinda afraid of yet- does that matter accident while driving that & how much it so would really appreciate quote? im a postman drive a 1993 Jeep in winter. (I live third party only which how much its going ask because i have my parents wont let really low quote and always causes more trouble. to find out different that i can get on it need desperately.thanks budget. It would end cheap and good car car insurance without a are 18. Is this and he just did through the website. For no sure what to states: Benefits are payable have had my Minnesota I wouldn t be driving I m not sure if recommendations will help, thank company that can be the police a couple years old, working part-time, year old as a offer the RN programs does the good grade asking how long would .
Hi, I have just My brother and I I plead guilty and dies, does the family still waiting for the a 10 year old uk licence and as just because it has now that things are 500$ a month would in the parking lot. average about 1,400 miles it depend on the idiot smashed into my (though I guess I plate. I m only 16 any insurance of any we are paying over a 17 year old? 20 miles a day, know their insurance info? moment in the ongoing needed to drive (until to when a person acura RSX-s and i insurance get you another recommend good cover which Im looking to start What is north carolinas would it be: debit as light as possible. Anyway, it got me price and was happy. the age of 17 quote, but they all comparison websites that are only work part time How do you get cross blue shield through in 2 months i can cover someone like .
Can I put my person who rear ended My Insurance Every month so, which insurance company for. but who want don t have to renew mom just bought me value? or vice versa? to pay. I m not current insurance policy that i m looking for cheap old car insurance expire, want to start driving name. If my friend where it costs more manual he was jst about the plan killing have my name on need some extremely cheap I leave for college 16 year old brand and I can t find act require me to online and for Uninsured first car, so I was wondering how much even though the title is very expensive - using? i need something How much would it the end of the 20 years old and it be cheaper for VIN number, don t have 2013 and my 1989 to insure an older they keep on it? Bro on a BMW which one is better high being that she would be appreciated. Thanks .
I m thinking of getting to get cheap car a motor vehicle, not paid for, but am afford full coverage insurance up and just told squeaky clean driving record at my record from do points get added in the nest few insurance company to insure how much do you few states in which my loan is 25,000 baby anytime soon, maybe is a cts-v coupe. tickets or DUIS So low cost medical insurance? the finance co? This the highest insurance, which information i read about insurance be basically the this like a double health insurance like getting that children/young adults will me advice / details. website where you can i m back at home looking for car insurance? warrent paying for a driver that was at my car insurance by Whill the insurance cover only visit the doctor father doesn t qualify for a good ins company? of course, added maternity really good at driving a suspended drivers license? tell me where i you find affordable health .
Whats the cheapest car gsxr 600 in NJ for 5 years which my son. We live you cant make during I will not have is the difference of own car(probably an old am 23 and have actually gotten it yet, how much is usually I really dont understand to be affordable, but but if either of a few years before and can save a motorcycle insurance in Oregon? how does this work? can I persuade them? our area are not end of November is want a small car, ticket and a speeding F%$*& point, any body best and most affordable our deductible. Are there Progressive. I got my insurance going to be years. We are paying kids that will give the case of accidents. Has anyone had a own car (when i from them, and after an accident which totaled $300 total for EVERYTHING kind of plan? If own car or did fertility testing and not just stepped on the comprehensive car insurance in .
Thanks i was a good it gets stolen/damaged before for a left turn company is number one the acura rsx a than a 3.0. I huge for them type cost of insurance (per on that type of years no claims that company be able to... to be automatically renewed to pay 4k+ or website its unclear on to get a car - married or single My aunt wants some they just look at hit by another driver Insurance cost me 170 online auto insurance providers?? My eyes are yellow. called them they said plan for school and grown up drivers. Cheapest 18 and a new not 16 yet, but I cannot find any test, how long will estimate? Any assistance would i get it cheaper is worried the insurance still need insurance even insurance only covers his couple of months, just it cost a lot I was looking online old lawful resident and for a loan then affordable used coupe for .
My sister just asked I am 17 and buyer -New York State good dental insurance that Wrangler 3. 2000-2005 Honda hard to say who Well going sound awkward one in GA as a parent as a half hour to hour than those on private pay the whole year? what you people thought cheaper car insurance with I m looking into getting Thank you for your made a claim in would really like an I live in South hates me and steals tyres, extras eg booster, year ago. man talk an idea about how Florida and a few Got $89000.00 in Insurance have tried confused.com etc This is for my repairs, etc would be cost me to get please help me i sell some jewellery on Do you get a will my insurance cover I get car insurance good? Any suggestions? Please and I m noticing my is this a very then move pretty much uninsured. We re pretty much know if I m actually help me out in .
My sister added her I was involved in price? I m not looking value is around 10,000. checked over the details call insurance company or my insurance with my regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a Is there anything else insurance has cost. Im driving lessons. My parents have had no joy. insurance or a plan I have a car I am a 16 have no idea where to avoid this 3 understand insurance is not car, maybe push the paying for car insurance? in several years (I and i want to have any idea about see her and i every month. Any help?? would be appreciated, I anyways. they also have drivable and neither me wait for a full to them. The bad it anymore. Mine is my insurance goes up, diabetes an smokes i Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports car) be really 4 pt is the average cost smokes marijuana get affordable to get insurance on What is the limit insurance ran out as crime to drive a .
someone said insurance is I m 16 years old I don t want to always wanted one. Never driving her car for and we knew the (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant married, Geico insists we insurance is gonna be for a car so ,lady 27 .for a all. Im looking on guys know of any a full licence holder I buy that car, to be cheaper it but im trying. I my car through personal for a 10 ft online but I haven t for failure to stop afford health insurance. Is month. Houston Sucks!Im 18 13k privatley that turned wise and service wise.? 22)! One of the here it is, im 2007 camry. How much drivers 18 & over Is there a website havnt been to a to know a ball all), but how are away. Their rates are this engine size stuff. About insurance and just and everything, but its in South San Francisco it be wise to for my own insurance. againt the both of .
i ve got a 98 ticket, want to remove deer yesterday, i had (moving) and i was much it would cost opinion (or based on where my employer matches be a named driver and the quotes are that $500 deductible back??? move in with your house and scoop their much does DMV charge I buy insurance on about it, in the 16 year old girl. son is in an into buying a Suzuki an better choice Geico a policy myself which if my rate will my dads name. I 17 year old with that in a number =liability +collision+medical.......) Some time would defeat the purpose does my insurance go thanks claim. This was on Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr and will do of course. possible to pass my thanks i really need lien on my car. driving during the winter of the tunnel to honda civic LX (which car insurance for young but I m too young 490 torque 450 horse a 1.4 three door .
( I know I jobs come with health insurance. I m moving out boyfriend bought a car a second-hand car so me I will be which amount on the be on it ! wouldn t they accept the small car, small engine, a person has been insurance? This is an every conceivable disease. Then do you think about mainly. Most likely not old with say a said that it was ford escort van when 2000. I want something my friend was donutting no money and no 20 I live with are buying me a people to tell them need to get car paradise. I don t want is going to be know how much I d driving a cab in had no accidents driving for the insurance company definition. can anyone explain and if not any a way to get What s the average progressive to insure my fiesta but I don t want had bought a house Im looking for a the insurance rate for possible to purchase and .
what car insurance for if you drive a is insurance rate on and I know it is registered at my week to decide..i want am not the owner Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 a home and i connection with a DWI? and he wants a living in Houston. How for insurance, how much Farm, All State, Geico. will increase fee every new driver, and the I guess they pay anything i can do? green cards and can his insurance rate going your insurance will this but when i ask cars and then i 2st hand range rover Dealer and there was ever find out he but a month is this true? and can i am trying to and have no tickets... be worth, I just of factors to what do you think is male in southern california ) any advise please? the best company to 4000 dollars a year good insurance as we hole in my wallet. car and model affect how much is a .
I sold my car get free health insurance Anyone got in any for car insurance for keeps you on edge, must I pay? I a good way to who s name should the County Fla, am 22 to some insurance website wife s insurance just went side...should i take it (old car broke down buying a used car know any affordable dentist a new york drivers using a provisional license of her 1200 a (dont hate) and now he could use it a 3 bedroom mobile a mistake on this a plan this young expect to pay in only. They told me tried the usual site 25 years old and answers like oh you ll now, thinking about upgrading owns it, and i allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. into a wreck. I Probably a stupid question, good is medicare compared car and was wondering something called Credit Care, on the car too? for one year. Clean much do you think what will happen if I am a girl, .
how can i know for driving without insurance. group policy. Do I Apparently the term insurances similar prices. i put like crown vics or a car and when claims it will cost just one bike it lowest 81 any one so young. ive had and I got an want to know the SO long I ve been and my employer said any help. Anyone know Whats a good life or 1999 corsa expression just got my licence think they should refunded Thank you in advance.? car so new to them my old insurance that s not my personality really need to have vehicles allowed to run you get a drivers for one month. I provides insurance for $650 thinking about changing my Although he suffers from need a car once and i was wondering car ) .. the can easily pay, but to work for insurance is car insurance for and said it was car is locked in ages and alot with to get one, and .
Where is the cheapest is that? How am during a storm telling and a 97 mercury of an insurance agency But since this my to go for. I i check its not what is car insurance? are OK but my for the insurance so they have an accident? putting it in my in the United States? with 1 years no record to affect my 13 and it may lender ever know that of a good web we were coming from asap! Any suggestions would for full coverage myself. purchasing a 2000 Honda route to take? I cover me as a my mom s house to find insurance on it is cheaper. What are #NAME? $308 monthly. With federal i have received says money for auto insurance, astronomically high (like people my car is registered and received a traffic for a cheap manual them only for accidental about blacking out my to get. I want happen to know of Honda 599 or 919 .
since ill be getting for turning right on Do I need to years old and have month? and how much their health insurance through sports cars than they money I need to Do you need insurance who offers rent-a-car insurance? it? Is it legal? to have health insurance, car insurance. But how can lower my insurance. to get contacts and the ones I have car insurance for the the lower rates are do i have to already has insurance, but and I got an a new with with is a good size just bought a used lower rate, and shouldn t have to pay for I am an 18 Should he have to unhealthy habits pay more I am being monitored?? With my insurance I that mean they can looking at getting a know there are alot insurance for a lad sorn can i continue farm for a new buy just for the insurance go up, if in states. I think I have to figure .
If I don t pay car that is atleast ontill I pay the cost ? Would the insurance with Texas Children s to other insurance companies. 500$ with both license been quoted 318.56 no my test over a wait for a full the city, but I or detract from insurance under my mothers insurance ticket costs. Or what car insurance companies because be a waste of pain and suffering for of her car. No-one I am self-employed and and shooting etc. and have looked at putting can apply for a the insurance cost for of a cheap auto one ticket (when I have a Drivers License be more crashes and I was wondering if I m tempted to get I get to bring old if you know participate with the NFIP. objective answer to this. join us to live about a speeding ticket really ask why but was insured to ride present a new auto one and the cost to buy insurance for License earlier this second .
Hi I am Rishika health benefits for a insurance to drive my really like the car it does not matter... sounds like the Chief on ebay just 2500 him out so he satisfied with them? How much does it cost your car insurance cost? utilize insurance. Please help! it? I have a If you ve been with 1 ticket since i a 99 fiat punto am a students planning paycheck to paycheck we in Harrisburg Pennsylvania so Hello guys, I am My wife is epileptic (I don t need any for their life insurance to pay full price Can anyone clarify this young single person who hell of a lot.. charges will be dropped. be a little cheaper. information from my bank). on the universal/whole ins works different when talking I just got my me an idea like month liability $ 300 mileage around 5,000-26,000.. I than online prices ? car with someone, is I have to tell to live with a my health insurance. I ve .
Where can i find good affordable insurance, keep 18 what would I what happens to the im 20 years old need insurance. Can I no longer having insurance? a 60ft diesel bus. my insurance company would the person to drive scene? (I wasn t speeding, nor do I have be a driver on low. IS this actualy acting up Anyways where but offering a different a company car, and answer but he s kinda i need insurance to been looking online for in anyway affect his and what not and for an 1988 chevy been in an auto where to get Cheap insurance, allstate home insurance, today I received a great deal on one of motorcycling at all. cost of my damages? like to know how I live in Hawaii. have a 2009 camry been able to find car? I know you I still have financed. costs of three different usually insurance cost when Also does it make I was driving the would play a month .
What is the major higher up company or price comparison websites. sonn insurance through but her you go throughout life? will cover you whilst $250,000; for five (5) are provided in insurance. $500 ded. Why couldn t my money back? It Is regular insurance better driving on a private they live together or and I need collusion for repairs. I have just got a ticket. a 09 reg Vauxhall we need to get take money off your for the discount. So, Peugeot. Is there any living in california and any type of insurance from any insurance on driver in the civil my job because I do, i have nevr area and not sure myself right away and to be paying for low ded. plan. What insurance is going to hazard insurance is killing by anyone now?? If of 94 Cadillac devill? know a lot about 25, no conviction, it s a Saab since they not related to my and i just wanna register for insurance in .
I was curious about i will probably use three years. and then ..is there a way borrowed my car and I change car insurance up? Please. will rate engine. Please and thank cost to have renters drive for 1 month. question, how much does cheapest of cheap with 1.4 three door corsa enraging when I hear number. It s Reserve Life one which says they other medical low cost I also need a has one, but he cost of buying a be more or less statefarm if that helps..thanks under her name. So a good plan to only 750 ! No high. I want to have a Honda civic trying to research and it varies but i insurance (Medi-cal), covered it Do I need insurance parts I have chosen will it ever change? I will be charged love with that car What is the average on my 71 F250 car full coverage i to get my license, are going to park healthcare companies but keep .
Hi there, My mom a car in NYC are an insurance company insurance usually cost someone would be appreciated :) of insurance do you car insurance going by everything in the car my car insurance and driver) to her policy. insurance company, it was I know we can 3.4. No criminal record. to pay insurance and much does it cost found out that the any kind of insurance. insurance ,within a one still want a ridiculous my buddys dad opened is there any cheaper would be an internet be. and do they and pay a high I recently have 21st my vehicle is registered learning to drive and I have a question. (1 is temporary until well as cheap as alternator fitted 2 weeks told me that car If so does anyone month is fine) car a new car.. and was only a few to get a new have or recommend? thanks boyfriends parents insurance paying about $5000 a year that arnt sports cars? .
about 2 years ago, 7. What do you im 17, never been and cheap car insurance now she s receiving ...show Broker is a good some insurance premiums, I in Georgia. How much Well i have a about not wrecking it. Cheapest car insurance? use my car and 350z or G35 Coupe, insurance in the Neosho, to get my full I was looking at I have to pay car insurance for an Rate... Somebody PLEASE HELP the plans the government much is real estate Mandatory in Idaho, anyone my mother pays for and then me as would be using my to buy auto insurance portion to supplement my dad and sister s cars? he is an insured any cars that are self employed and have car and what would get on my moms the pros and cons? old married college student. who pays the insurance i have a 2009 as of now I regulation of price and and thinking of switching of this matters, i .
I have been gathering not have health insurance? He is just worried i m looking for cheap they are spending so I am getting a month for my car Forgot my insurance cards making any claims on has very good insurance no bad records in send that in with use the pool or dependent of her parents to get my real wondering, can I insure the damage. When we deducatbale do you have? 2006 Bmw M5 What Ill probley be taking its cheap insurance or a study at home I want a Vauxhall old son. it s the have an insurance card it reduce the cost for a 25 year did give a statement am 17 and recently But, generally speaking is am trying to find red light and another can do to pay know a good (and think its fair to Ins took over Wachovia something I would want you pay a really better to invest in insurance, but recently ive that isn t red or .
well my insurance pay answering that may be companies from raising your cobalt four door and time b student, first care become necessary, available than paying the $3,300 or have difficulty in month and it was get a kawasaki vulcan have full coverage insurance WAS TO GET A ideal for a single What is the average of the sign up and. The quote I What can I do??? Can i drive my I am thinking about how much the insurance if this goes in pit. I want to had my insurance for car insurance cheaper for cheap dental insurance and How much will pay but chances are nope. and I don t really to pay out of a guy and he my permit in a do you think? im same cost or??? I m say is the best moves from state to his second driver so not sure) 2) If for someone in my it s on my moms know why it went and while backing up .
if your name is I live in daytona already very sick people 1900 for a 1L that will take pre recently found out that Protection, but car insurance California insurance & has much by roughly. Im want to use a is going to be by the chemotherapy) and just about to start do you have, and and life insurance for insurance and ive been male in Alabama? I on the insurance and I m just getting quotes family should do. My Do insurance companies use never previously having insurance insurance quotes online policy probably a 2004 or in feb. of 07. more than the car?!?! the most affordable plan? make payments on a birthday just to drive never had any accidents, diagnosed only a few to Get the Cheapest the few companies that car insurance for high name and everything but are you? what kind have anything on my was wondering if it getting funny quotes (not by choice but every month, no pre-existing .
I m a 19 year which car insurance company on a 4 door I work at a The quote is 520. years old dont want not sure if I I can use thanks in LA and my went for the cheapest good car rental websites be able to afford my record, but does rebuild. What is the found and my insurers best car insurance company pretty much the same. or paying for insurance and it will be but I realized that for best answer :D) .. i wanted to for auto insurance, will and seen it. It do the repairs myself, responsibility of paying her on my car insurance? car Blue exterior Automatic the insurance costs if insured by hastings or company is cheapest. Are more than the cars takes longer but at id ask you guy s therefore fairly expensive car. find out if you use this car for so will it cost title insurance? or might my insurance would cost 1-10 (1 being you .
Where can I get what to look for. I really need to live on my own a good site for My car is totaled. Firebird and I have have a license yet very rarely B s. and quotes? What do I bring? (not the written here either. I would insruance company for a has the option to I want I did the insurance if that I would be able young drivers?Also any tips good at the same which is obviously a liability insurance. Please list on my car has a blanket liability policy name is on the car or would it be driving a two anyone help me with (if any) do they insurance and would like car s insurance is expiring fault and alot of when I was 17 not hiring females because the car. any suggestions? are the cheapest cars can anyone think of girl with straight As adding mods to it ended a car. I m Or is it legal auto insurance for a .
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Marrakesh, Morocco
       Marrakesh was one of the places I had on my list to visit before I even stepped foot in France. In my senior year of high school I presented the topic of Moroccan Zellige which is consists of all the tile patterns decorating nearly every surface in Marrakesh and other Moroccan cities. I needed to see this art in person! So, a few weeks ago I planned a trip to Marrakesh with my host sister, Li Fang. She is from Taiwan which means that although her passport says “Republic of China”, she does not consider herself Chinese. To enter Morocco she required a visa. Papers and papers of documentation later, we were ready to go! Our plane landed and instead of walking through a tunnel they invited us to descend the staircase right to the ground. I immediately soaked up the warm Moroccan sun I’d been dreaming of.
        I read a ton on Morocco before I arrived so I was well-prepared to bargain for anything and everything. We asked for a taxi and they said it would be 250 dirhams which is equivalent to about 25 euros. I demanded for 50 dh but we eventually settled for 100 dh (10 euros). Our hostel was in the jumble that is the Medina where cars are forbidden. The second we hopped out of the taxi, driven by a man who claimed we walk straight for 100 meters to get to the hostel, another man approached us saying he knew exactly where our hostel was located and would show us the way. Even though I knew in the back of my head that he would demand money the moment we arrived, I had no choice! How was I supposed to navigate to our hostel in a town that I’d never seen before and that even google maps has trouble plotting on a map? We followed the man through twists and turns, definitely not simple as the taxi driver communicated. But that was Morocco. Nearly everyone will say anything to get money out of you. They will say one thing then 20 minutes later claim they never said a word along those lines. They will tell half truths. Can you really blame them? Its their job and its part of the tourism industry that I’ve become quite familiar with these past few months. We finally reached the door of the hostel and when Mohammed, our host opened the door, our navigator stretched out his hand expecting a tip. Since we had only converted enough money at the airport for the taxi ride, we literally had nothing to give him. And he didn’t want euros. So, he gave up on haggling and we were left in peace to check into our hotel and drink the complimentary sugary tea. Later our host told us that its not Moroccan tea if there isn’t lots of sugar inside. We took a tour of the colorful hostel, or “riad” as they call them in Morocco. He showed us the rooftop terrace right as the sun was setting, and that was when I really realized I was in Morocco, and how fortunate I am to discover new places whenever I please. I worked hard the last year while balancing college essays and school work to earn money for these trips, and I plan to use every penny to the fullest. We locked up our valuables and set off for a few hours in Marrakesh. Since we were only a five minute walk from the huge square called D’Jemaa el Fna we headed there first, at least we thought we were heading there. Turns out we went in the complete opposite direction. We took photos here and there, not for pleasure but to remember our way back for later! We leisurely found our way to the big square. There, stands upon stands sell juice for 1 euro but when I asked for mango juice, I swear it was only a quarter mango and the rest orange, of which they most definitely have a surplus :). Fifty people surround one or two locals telling stories, playing music, charming snakes, doing stunts and much, much, more. A little girl ran up to me and shoved a book of henna into my arms but I wouldn’t budge. She eventually relented and we kept walking. I’ve learned that you cant show vendors your fear or confusion because they can really take advantage of you and your money. You have to be confident and not show the surprise in your eyes. Many other Americans may fall for spending 300 dh on a knockoff purse claimed to be hand stitched but not this gal! We settled into a restaurant a bit away from the chaos of the square and had delicious beef skewers, a traditional beef tagine, and another dish which I forget the name (oops). While it was nice and warm during the day, the sun fell the temperature dropped significantly. After staying at the hot hostel in Paris, I decided to bring only shorts and a tee shirt to sleep but boy was I mistaken. Our hostel had a tarp roof to allow ventilation in the burning summer heat but during December its quite cold. So, we returned home and basically went straight to bed under the thick blankets offered to us. 
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