#cant even do that you cash cows
thedoggiestdog · 6 months
thinking about hucow transformation~
(inspired by an ao3 fic) i’m running out of money to spend but when i look at my phone i see an ad, it reads “low on funds? come down to farmer ted’s barn! pays $10,000 in CASH DAILY!!!” now, i’m too dumb to think about the consequences or even how this could be fake, i mean the farm is only 30 minutes away!
once i get there they ask me to fill out some paperwork but of course i don’t read it, why would i! (little did i know it was a contract stating i consented to anything and everything that’ll happen! that way if my friend and family called law enforcement to find me, they would find out im just a greedy little slut who just signed away the rest of my life to be a fat milk filled cow!)
now that paperwork has been filled out they take me to a private room, looks kind of like a doctors office? ‘hmm….this is a bit strange for a farm’ i think but then a man in a white coat comes in! he gives me a pill to swallow, not telling me what it’s for and when i’m not looking administers a shot that knocks me somewhat unconscious. i can feel everything but im so sleepy i cant move, all my limbs feel so heavy! my mind tells me to panic but im so sleepy i cant…wait…fuck…why am i so wet??? my cunt is THROBBING and just BEGGING to be filled! w-what?? i feel something pushing agaisnt my skin right above my tailbone from the inside, is that- no it can’t be…(it infact was a pretty little fluffy cow tail emerging from her back) ouch! my head hurts so bad!! like there’s something splitting my skull!! they’re so pointy, almost like…HORNS??? and my tits are feeling so full all of a sudden, almost like i need to be milked? this is so weird, im not pregnant! why would i feel like this! what is happening to me!! more importantly, why do i feel so good
“w-w-whatsssss h-ha-happening to m-me?” i ask the man in the white coat. “shh don’t worry about it Daisy, soon you’ll be the prettiest, FATTEST, cow we got! god, i can’t wait to see how big you get when big ben fucks you full of his seed, forcing you to carry his calf’s. shh don’t worry that pretty little head of yours momma, everything will be alright pretty girl~”
i groan lowly from the pain and pleasure of everything that’s happening, feeling myself get wetter and needier by the second. i’m on all fours now, the man petting my head and whispering about everything that’s going to happen to me, saying that i’m gonna get so big and round. my body’s starting to sag with how full my UDDERS tits are using a gloved hand he starts to remove my clothing, two tiny milk stained patches form on my shirt and my pants and panties are soaked from how wet i am. i’m so out of it i don’t even register that im fully naked until i feel something in my swollen and enlarged clit
“shhhh it’s okay daisy, everything’s alright now darling, easy now. we’re gonna take gooooood care of you. you’re leaking already! good job pretty girl! most cows don’t produce until the end of the first week, you already got a little bit goin' there now! god, farmer ted’s gonna be so happy and pleased with you now!” he tells me he needs to do an inspection but i’m too gone to even register what’s happening, i let out a low moo groan when i feel his thick gloved hand on my clit
he begins his inspection by measuring how big my clit is, saying is .5 centimeters bigger than it was when we started and how that’s totally normal! hes so proud of me and his praise makes me so happy! embarrassed and humiliated!! why is my tail wagging why am i enjoying this? what’s happening to me?? without warning i suddenly feel him push two fingers into my sopping cunt, i let out another moo moan at the shear size of his fingers. he states that im now open and wet enough for the plug! “wh-what plug??”
he begins to work in the large dildo plug with a knotted base, stating that it’s an exact replica of big ben’s bullcock (same as for women, men can be turned into bulls here, kept only for the sole purpose of breeding hucows, big ben just happens to be the biggest and most fertile bull they have!) he makes it about half way when i let out a series of whines and moans, not even hiding my pleasure anymore. my udders tits are just so full of milk i’m now hunched over, tiny little beads of milk spurting from my nipples. (when aroused hucows tend to produce more milk!) my tiny frame can’t even hold me up anymore. the man notices this, saying that once im all big and round i wont ever have to deal with this problem again.
he continues working the fat silicone bullcock into my tight little hucow cunt, petting my hair and trying his hardest not to get wacked in the face by my rapidly swishing tail. he announces that now it’s the hard part- getting the knot in. “shhh it’s okay girl, we’re gonna get you through this knot and you’ll be a happy happy cow, isn’t that right girl! god you’re such a beaut! i can’t wait to show you off at the fair! you’re gonna make us so rich Dais!” i start moaning and mooing in a mix of pleasure and pain when he starts working the knot into me, he’s trying his hardest to calm me down by whispering and shushing me, but noticed how swollen my clit is. he knows he’s not usually supposed to do this but he can on *special* occasions. he realizes how scared i am of the knot and with his free gloved hand begins rubbing my clit while working in the knot, making me arch my back insanely deep, opening up and accepting the knot.
i’m instantly cumming, taking the knot like the good little cow i am. he’s praising me for doing such a good job, being such a good girl and saying how beautiful i am. i’m so fucked out and still out of it from the drugs he gave me that i don’t even notice when he slips a lubed up finger into my ass, prepping me for the silver metal size 1 buttplug.
“shhh it’s okay girl, we need you allll filled up and ready for when it’s big ben’s turn to have his way with you, sh sh sh sh, i know it hurts momma, but you’ll be okay girl, you can take it. you’re almost there baby girl” he’s about halfway through getting the metal plug with a pink rhinestone through my tiny tight hole when i let out the loudest most humiliating sound of my life.
“enghhh~ ahh! MOOOOOOOOO”
he chuckles when he notices how my body tenses at the sound that just came out of me. “ha, now ain’t that a pretty noise darlin! just wait until big ben uses you! i wanna hear more of that!” once the plug is fully in, my greedy hole swallowing it like it’s nothing, i feel so insanely turned on and full.
the man takes off his gloves and before he gets a new pair, using his bare hand slaps me asscheek. using both hands he starts playing with my globes, saying how pretty and milky they are. they’ve gotten bigger since i got here, that mystery drug making me bigger there as well as my hips and thighs, making me all soft and pliable, my hard muscle turning into nothing but soft pliable fat.
he brings around a tray with supplies, administers another shot which is supposed to numb me of any feeling including pain. he slips on his new gloves and sterilizes something gold on the tray but i can’t see what it is, too gone to feel or notice anything. i can’t see or feel it but he’s just pierced my septum and added a gold ring, saying how i look so beautiful like this. he massages my belly and he and i can both feel the giant bulge in the pit of my womb. the 18 inch bullcock so impossibly deep inside of me. he attaches a black leather collar with a gold cowbell on it, and wiggles it just to hear the jingle.
now, in his protocol, since he’s the farms head milker and cow trainer, he’s allowed to do pretty much whatever he wants that is in the name of improving the livestock. his bulge is painfully hard, so he wakes me up a little, not enough to be fully conscious but enough to have some function. he shoves his 9 inch dick into my warm, soft and wet mouth, making sure i take it to the base. i become more aware during this, panicking and groaning at the sudden force. “ahh- that’s it girl, nice and easy” he says, meanwhile i’m groaning around his member. thoughts of ‘this isn’t right, somethings wrong’ quickly being silenced and turned into ‘he feels so good, i’m so full, i love being full’. i’m so confused, this isn’t right so why does it feel so good? why am i enjoying this? is that my tail wagging?? did he just cum in my mouth? why does this feel so good? why do i want more…
he quickly puts his pants back on, his half hard dick haphazardly being shoved back into its confines. he dresses me in a cow print bikini, making sure to test my milk production before, i only was able to produce a few drops but that’s more than anyone is usually able to on the first day. “i guess you were just destined to be a cow dais!” why does he keep calling me daisy and why do i like it. why does it feel right
he hooks his arm in between my thighs and stomach to lift me off the table like he would a farm animal. he takes me to my stall/pen which is complete with a bed of hay, and two troughs. one with water, and one with something that’s reminiscent of what a cow would eat. i’m not an actual cow, what the fuck??
he sets me down gently on the hay, i’m too gone to respond to it. “great job girl, you did so good today. you’re really gonna make us all happy here. welcome to hucow farms Daisy.”
teehee hi guys this got longer than i intended it to, uhhhhhhh reblog and comment if you want more, i intend to make this into a little series :>
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How much did you pay for the tumblr blaze’s reach?? It has been legitimately the only ad I’ve seen on the site and it’s after every 3rd post 💀💀
wait its the only ad youve seen? ill answer your question in a moment but im... a bit stupefied by knowing THAT detail specifically. as for how much i paid for it, well time to spill the beans i guess: i have blazed this SPECIFIC post (but i blazed other posts on this blog earlier this month) for $150. and thats only from THIS month. i have blazed this other times and i cant give an exact number, but honestly i can say in total i paid MORE than $200 on that post in general. now why would i do that? because i love seeing some people make jokes about it, getting REALLY pissed off from seeing it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, like just that knowledge is SO FUCKING HILARIOUS TO ME. the thing is about that too is THE PEOPLE TOOK THE BAIT! they took the bait, literally reblogging how much they hate it, how much its complete DOGSHIT and probably thinking about how i should be a cow on a trash farm like that one german dude on twitter said to edmund mcmillen. but theres also the polar opposite, the people who find it very funny, people who oddly enjoy it, like genuinely enjoy it. or people who just saw the blaze and think its based. i like that, too, honestly. i like this polar opposite dynamic with the post and how people see it over and over. its funny, at least to me. it gives me genuine enjoyment, seeing how much people both genuinely seem to like it bc funny, and how much people hate it. oh and yes i can afford this, so you all are probably stuck with this for a GOOD LONG WHILE, because i feel like i practically live in a factory job that pays me well enough.
oh and also, i see a lot of people dont notice what that post is referencing. originally referencing, i mean. people also dont seem to get the whole mordetwi thing so im just going to explain that, too: so i mentioned this horribly made mordetwi fanart made YEARS ago on deviantart with literally the same exact lyrics and a VERY similar background to the art my good friend harvey made. this is the art it was referencing:
Tumblr media
so yeah, i mentioned that artwork to my friend harvey who was trying to come up with something for me to post on this tumblr to specifically make jokes about our cursed, horribly written at first crackfic that turned serious at some point (which to be fair, during this time i wasnt writing much but i got into it a bit later, came up with a lot of plot and helped the best i could with consistency on frantic fanfic writing, but enough of THOSE details!) and got genuinely better, storywise. i made that joke about the fucking ship we put in there, YOU CAN GUESS FUCKING WHAT I DONT THINK I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT. so i made a joke about him making parody art of that and the dude really did it. i was so shocked, astounded, and overjoyed with this POWER I HAAAVE that i blazed it and successfully knew i got people to go through some serious mental anguish, cringe, and even a small bit of trauma from viewing that. but also some people who genuinely enjoyed it, which KUDOS TO YOU PEOPLE YOURE GREAT!
but yeah no i spent too much cash on this and it probably wont stop anytime soon, SUCKS TO SUCK, GUYS!
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luna-nigthshade-wood · 7 months
What they don´t know, will hurt them
Summary: Dean Winchesters attempts suicide on a dirty motel bathtub, ending brain dead on a hospital. A trickster promises John and Sam that he will save him for “free”, as long as they both get through watching a series of Dean´s memories, good and bad. The twist is that they will feel everything Dean did at the time and they can stop it at any time, but then Dean will die. They both accept thinking it cant be that bad. Spoiler: it is worse.  
Chapter 36
When his sons were younger, John used to have all these ideas of how his kids would turn out, he had fears and expectations, just like any father did, and yes most fathers didn’t have a clue about the supernatural, but the sentiment was the same, however as time kept passing those expectations turned into demands, and his words turned poisonous inside their minds, specially in Dean´s. He wonders where that hopeful and protective father had gone because he sure as hell didn’t know.
The screen lights up again and this time it starts with Dean inside a run-down bar and Sam wants to scream, he doesn’t think he can take another memory of his brother getting money on his knees, however the scene doesn’t play like that, for once Dean is only playing pool to get some quick bucks, of course Dean´s hips sway a little bit too much with the music, for Sam to know that his brother is distracting the other player but at least there is no abuse for once. That is until, Dean gets out of the bar, holding his money triumphantly only for his younger self to berate him for how he is getting cash. And really the quicker here, is that for more that Sam used to complain that they could hold odd jobs, he never really took the initiative to search for one, did he? No, of course not, big brother Dean was always there to support both of them and who cares what he sacrifices for it, right?
The scene progresses as “Sam” tells Dean he found a case of a worker who supposedly die of Mad Cow Disease, however the strange part was that the victim´s brain disintegrate in an hour, which led “Sam” to believe that it must be their kind of case and Dean agrees. The brothers arrive at Oklahoma to talk to the victim’s coworker, who was the last to see the guy alive. The coworker tells them that he seemed fine right before his death, and that he had found him inside a hole with blood pouring out of his eyes and nose, so they decide to investigate the place where he died and then proceed to give John a heart attack when they decide to get inside the hole where the victim was supposedly attack. At this point it shouldn’t surprise John, after all, they learned it from him. “Sam” gets inside the hole and discovers a few dead beetles, with not much else to go by, which led him to theorize that perhaps the insects have something to do with it, with Dean not entirely convinced. They decide to investigate the neighborhood by going to an open house party the owners of the land were throwing, Dean remarks that he would have never been able to live in a place like that, but there a taste of longing and jealousy in the air, that makes the Winchesters watching sick to their stomachs, Dean never really stood a chance, didn’t he?
The brothers knock on the door, pretending to be interested in one of the houses and they are welcome warmly by the developer of the houses, Larry. Dean goes with him to question him more, but as they are walking they encounter a few jars with bugs, which the man tells Dean are from his sons, the smile Dean had before those words turn faker as the man complains about his son interests, and with every second that passes John feels the injury get deeper, there are no guesses with who Dean is comparing it to, which is even more surprising with what happens next:
-He reminds you of someone?- “Sam” asks- Dad?- he says, taking in Dean´s “bewilder” expression
-Dad never treat us like that- Dean defends, and to anyone that cannot feel it, it might even come as sincere, but the Winchesters know better.
-You, maybe- “Sam” scoffs- You were perfect, but he was all over my case- he says, and this time there is no mistaking the flinch Dean gives to that, before Dean stirs the conversation away from the topic.
Dean tells “Sam” he found out about another bug related death while talking to Larry, with both hunters trying to find a connection that could be causing the deaths. Dean theorize that perhaps it is something or someone controlling the animals, with their prime suspect been Matt, Larry´s son. Since they kind find any other clue, the brothers decide to squander for the night.
Next morning rolls around with another death, this time the realtor that they had met at the barbeque. The brothers break into the crime scene, finding dead spiders, which led them to believe that Matt might have something to do with it.
The brothers follow the boy as he gets off the school bus and find him in the forest surrounding the land, gathering new insects. They strike a conversation, with Matt catching on that the brothers think he did something wrong, however he defends himself and tells them that there is something going on with the insects, leading the boys to a clearing. On the way “Sam” sympathize with Matt and tells him that he can escape his family as soon as he is eighteen. The “Sam” in the scene is too entitle to realize, but the Sam watching feels the hurt his brother gets at hearing those callous words and then he spares a look towards his dad and flinches too at seeing the pain in his eyes.
On the screen, Matt shows them his findings of a congregation of insects, with Dean finding human skulls underneath the bugs. The boys head towards a local university to get more information, and at arrival, Dean confronts “Sam”, and somehow with every word, Sam feels smaller
-How could you tell the kid back there to just ditch his family?- Dean says with his words barely containing his hurt
-Just, I can relate to him- “Sam” callously says- Besides, this isn’t about him, this is about dad, and you thinking I didn’t respect him
-You know what?- Dean says- It doesn’t matter, I am sorry I brought it up- he whispers
-I respected him- “Sam” says- But no matter what I did, it was never good enough. Most parents are proud when their kids go to college, they don’t throw them out of the house- and just as Sam´s shame seems to grow, so does John´s guilt
-I remember that fight- Dean says- I seem to recall a few choice phrases coming out of your mouth- he exclaims
-The truth is that when we find dad, I am not sure he will want to see me. “Sam” exclaims
-Sam, dad was never disappointed in you- like he was on me, Dean doesn’t say and somehow his family still hears it- He was scared of what could have happened to you, but even when he wasn’t around, he used to swing by Stanford, making sure you were alright- Dean tells him with a melancholic voice and a sad smile, before saying- C´mon we are late for the appointment
Inside the room, Sam feels terrible knowing he had hurt his brother while trying to justify himself. He knows now all the things his brother sacrifice for him, only for he to basically tell him that he couldn’t wait to get away from their family. The sentiment is true though, he did felt alienated when he went to college, but he took his anger out on his brother and for that he can’t forgive himself.
John feels guilty at hearing both of his sons, what is worse is that every word Dean used to defend him feels like a knife to his already fragile heart, he doesn’t deserve his eldest defense, he knows he screwed up royally, somehow making both of his sons feeling like he was disappointed in them, one for going away and the other for staying, is it any wonder that they are here now?
The scene resumes with the boys talking to a professor, who tells them that the tribe that used to live in the area was forcefully relocated to a place nearby, so they decide to check it out. At arrival, they are directed to the eldest of the tribe, with “Sam” telling the man about the deaths that occurred and the bones they found. The man tells them that oral tradition passed from generation to generation states that after the American cavalry arrived to relocated them, they murdered and raped the people living in the tribe, and as the sixth night the chief village cursed the land so no white man would ever habitat said land and that any person living there would die as nature will rise to protect it. The boys thank the man and quickly realize that that night is the sixth night since the first death, which mean that Larry and his family are in danger, so they hurry up to save them
Dean calls Larry trying to get him out of the house, but the man hangs up on him. “Sam” decides to call Matt and tells him that they have to get out of the house immediately or something bad will happen, Matt tells him that he won’t be able to convince his dad in time so “Sam” asks him to tell his dad the truth, Dean gets exasperated at his brother and takes the phone telling Matt to pretend a medical emergency instead as they hurry to get to the house.
Upon arrival, they find that Matt choose to tell his dad the truth, forgoing Dean´s advice. Larry comes out of his house to yell at the brothers for putting ideas inside his son´s mind, with “Sam” and Dean trying to reason with him, but it is too late, suddenly they start to hear buzzing around them and the electric lamp goes crazy as more bugs crash against it. They try to escape but the bugs start swarming the house so they decide to get inside to try and wait it out. John feels his heart stop at seeing his boys inside the curse land, not sure how they will be able to get out of this one alive.
Dean and “Sam” get into action blocking the doors and windows as the bugs start to surround the house. Dean thinks quickly and gets bug spray before the insects enter the house. He tries to deter them using the spray and his lighter, herding everyone inside the attic. For a moment they think they had outrun them only for the celling to give up as thermites eat the wood, letting the bugs inside. Dean tries to deter the bugs but it is not use, and Sam and John can feel the little bug bites littering their bodies as Dean is bitten and stung.
The family, “Sam” and Dean huddle together to try and protect themselves and for a minute all hope is lost before the first ray of sunshine fills the house and the bugs leave, ending the scene.
A few hours later, the brothers arrive to Larry´s house to find them in the process of moving out. Larry tells them that as long as he is alive no one is living in that land. The boys say their goodbyes and “Sam” tells Dean that he wants to apologize to their dad, before they get into the Impala and hit the road, as the scene ends.
An apology that he should have given Dean, Sam thinks as he takes in everything that happened. An apology he never said and now he doesn’t know if he will have the chance to.
John cant believe that his sons got out alive of the house if only by luck. Because for more that Dean told Sam that he was always watching over them, he is man enough to admit that it isn’t true, cases like that show him more and more how he failed his sons, and he doesn’t know if he will get the chance to even try to make it right
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
bladee - let's ride (slowed + reverb)
 all day i was thinking about whether or not to make a post that was basically expanding on an oft repeated phrase of mine “indians are just professional bag holders for the jews” whether that even needed more explanation when i tried to google “is it possible to get rock n rye with caffeine include”? i know the answer was gonna be no but i just wanted the conversation you know? but no matter how i worded that phrase i couldnt find any relevant discussion, which if you are a zoomer thats normal but google didnt used to be that way, so then, again knowing the answer i googled who is the ceo of google and the answer is “ Sundar Pichai and hes indian mans. so i will expand a little. when i say that indians are professional bag holders for jews what you need to understand is that dravidian indians are most closely related to aboriginal australians, who have the lowest IQ on planet earth (the darker gypsies of england are descended from dravidians and therefore related to abbos as well) pygmy africans might be a bit lower but at this point we are splitting hairs, the difference between an african american and an aboriginal australian in average IQ is far greater than between an african american and an east asian, which is to say its very significant. these indians cheat, it is a point of pride in their culture to scam and cheat, and they make up a lot of their credentials, they arent very bright and they are almost always leftists, they are so glad to be out of india and in a position of power that they will do anything to maintain it. what jews do, is they will completely gut a service like youtube or google, just absolutely destroy it from the inside out, and then hand the reigns of the company to some gullible indian dip shit whos left holding the bag when the company goes belly up. you see it everywhere now, ive already mentioned google and youtube and i think youtube is one of the clearest examples, its turned into such dogshit in just a few short years, most of the changes happened while the company was headed by the edomite susan wojiki (will not google the spelling of hittite surnames) and the damage was so thorough that a huge portion of the major content creators abandoned the website entirely, and now some indian is holding the bag. another great example is bethesda, bethesda had already shit the bed with fall out 4 completely besmirching a respected cash cow of a franchise, if it wasnt for the even more disastrous release of fallout 76 soon after i feel fallout 4 would have a much worse reputation today, and recently they released a game that you can straight up tell was initially a fallout game before they hurriedly retooled it into a space game, and its fucking DOG SHIT, first of all space is gay and its a boring as fuck backdrop for science fiction but ive made posts about that already, but everyone in the game is pig fucking ugly and there are too many women in places they dont belong, this is a billion dollar triple aaa game that despite a bunch of hype before its release has lead to lukewarm reception at BEST, and it will be forgotten about in one week before its only brought up again with scorn and derision, and if you watch the credits for the game its like a bangladeshi phonebook. its not indians who are at fault though i want to make that clear, company policy and culture has already been firmly established by some jew and then they hire a bunch of indians so that when the company inevitably goes belly up the less discerning of us will point the finger at indians. they arent blameless either, indian men do this thing that i cant quiet explain, leftist men and boomer men do it too. they are over socialized, so if you really single them out and point out the absurdity or faulty logic in something they are supporting in a way they cant counter they get all glassy eyed and “glitch out” like “im letting the team down cant let the team down just dont say anything dont cry ranjesh dont cry” does anyone know what im talking about here? i hate to see it in a man.
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penisstormcomic · 1 year
[transcript] dude… gay sex
Texas Jesse needed some extra cash. Chewing on some wheat he picked down in texas, he looked in the newspaper for available jobs, looking for anything interesting.
"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza? Well back in 'ole texas my ma and pa used to cook colesaw for me on the daily... but i do like me pepperoni's when pa used to shoot old Bella the cow" He called the number and applied and guess what he got in
"Nah we got a texan???" Freddy fazbear employee #69 said dreadfully
"HOLLLLY SMOKES!!!!!!!! THOSE TITTIES AR SO HOTTT NGHHHH IM AISJDASOD AHAAAAAAA GLLPLPLP" ay" texas jessee immediately whipped out his shlong and startd 69ing himself as soon as he saw toy chica on camera
"dam this happens every time" toy chica sighed
"I mean im always down for some good shlong" toy chica the icon walked off into texas jesse's office and saw him sucking his own manhood
"awh are u fucking serious again" toy chica sighed and began racing over whipping out her 24inch cock and began thrusting into jesse vivaciously
"not my fault i came with a shlong feature" toy chica stated as she whipped out 2 more shlongs "and theres more where that came from" as she slipped 69 manhoods inside texas jesse
"wait maybe i am gay"
"S-SO MUCH M-MANHOODS I'M GOING TO PROJECTILE CUM ALL OVER THE PLACE IT'LL BECOME WHITE" jesse moaned loud, one of the manhoods was in jesse's mouth and then jesse started sucking on it "is your name jesse?" Toy chica stated? "Yeah SSSSSLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" jesse stated before SSSSSSSASLLLLLLLLURRRRRRRRPPPPP SO MUCH slurping I CANT EVEN TYPE WITHOUT SLURP "BACK IN MY DAY MY DAD SLURPED COLESLAW NOW WE SLURP MANHOO-SSSSSSLLLLLURRRRRRRRPPPLP AUGOOGOHOHOHOHOOWOWOWOW~" then jesse shows his shlong to toy chica and toy chica starts sucking on it
"is your name jesse?" Toy chica stated? "Yeah SSSSSLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" jesse stated before SSSSSSSASLLLLLLLLURRRRRRRRPPPPP SO MUCH slurping I CANT EVEN TYPE WITHOUT SLURP "BACK IN MY DAY MY DAD SLURPED COLESLAW NOW WE SLURP MANHOO-SSSSSSLLLLLURRRRRRRRPPPLP AUGOOGOHOHOHOHOOWOWOWOW~" then jesse shows his shlong to toy chica and toy chica starts sucking on it SSSLSSLLLLLLURRRRRRRPP "I-I think i'm about to nut soon get ready" moaned jesse, jesse started blushing and sweating from all of that pleasure, then jesse went "I'M GOING TO C-CUM~"
Jesse screamed with pleasure one last time before letting all the cum from his microscopic penis explode into toy chicas mouth
Toy chica coughed as she took jesse manhood out of her mouth
jesus christ bros manhood is tiny goddam toy chica thought to herself
"aa-ahh.. again again!! pls destroy my insides with your 69 manhoods-" jesse moaned
"jesus christ ok homo" toy chica said, whipping out her manhoods once again
"Y-yes yes.. WAIT A MINUTE DID U JUST CALL ME GA-AUAUGHHH" jesse said, being interrupted by his own moaning after toy chica slammed her penis up his ass
this continued for the rest of the night, the sounds of jesses moaning scarred the rest of the toy animatronics for life
Penisstorm goes up to freddy and goes "ARE YOU READY FOR CUM BLASTING?!?!" Freddy goes "oh yeah thats funz" PENISSTORM STARTS TOUCHING FREDDY'S FREDDYCHEEKS AND THEN STARTS FUCKING FREDDY "OH MY THATS DEEP~" "HARDER~" "SOME UNUSUAL ACTIVITIES HERE TO MY FAZBOOTYHOLE~" penisstorm thrusting in and out of freddy fazbear its so hot to look at
Freddy fazbear's massive manboobs and cumalicious weiner is bulging so hard rn and penisstorm begins stroking it so hard as freddy goes "DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR DUR!!!!" and that turns penisstorm on further leadiing him to let out hot purple cum and freddy fazbears robotic schlong churns out milk
"bro why would they add a penis to an animatronic for kids" penisstorm says breaking the 4th wall
"bro its a milk dispenser........................................................................................... ur so dirty minded werido"
freddy fazbear walks out of the office
Penisstorm cries as he feels self consciousness spread over him
"Im not a penis head... am I??"
the penisstorm proceeded to look into the mirror, and thats when it realised that is was indeed, a penis head. Infact its entire body was a penis how the fuck did it not notice before.
It started dramatically sobbing due to freddys insult, then went to fuck its butt buddy (the witherstorm) for 1 week straight
ok that’s all. we should set up like a ko-fi or a patreon cuz these stories r fire 🔥 🔥🔥 -longshlong3000
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snobgoblin · 2 years
i think we should start putting channels down as soon as they go off topic. MTV is no longer about music, The History Channel is just about conspiracy theories- these arent even expanding their horizons either, it's just that theyve become completely different things. please change your name or kindly delete yourselves, imposters
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hermitcraft9 · 2 years
i guess in a way Calling your own minecraft roleplay cringe is a way of protecting yourself from the fans and even other creators you interact with Daily who might call it cringe.atleast its a Leftover version of that from fucking 2020 when those types still existed.okay Well, i guess they kindof do still exist But not in abundance.those types of people kind of died out when everyone realized how cool the dsmp Actually was (or what a cash cow it could be).the only people who still Think this way are the haters who care less about the Cringe and more about the moral wrongdoings of the ccs and fans, which they Apparently know everything there is to know about in regards to that.but basically this is the creators way of Protecting their feelings on something they put hard work intoBut is not seen as "cool" (meaning therefore that its "cringe"). As in like They cant make fun of me if i make fun of myself First!its a leftover survival mechanism that is just straight up Not rly necessary anymore
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So I am literally just speculating but something does not sit right with me about this last season. It doesn’t sit right with a lot of people but here’s my thing:
-knowing this is going to be the last season (I don’t know when they announced it but it was pretty early) and you went in, you started plot lines in s14 that would continue into s15 that just... didn’t go anywhere.
-you brought characters in and back for storylines that only fit to further the boys’ plotline, which would have been fine if you didn’t insist on killing them right after when the fandom has been asking you for years ‘please stop killing my faves’
-one of your actors, who’s been trying to convince you for years, goes full down knock down drag out for one whole ‘I love you’ scene to canonically make him gay (which you’ve been denying for years and made him sleep with women) and you decide to pepper little things throughout the entire season that shows Cas and Dean feel more for each other than just friendship. And instead of making Dean reciprocate, you kill him because of literary symmetry that stopped being relevant to the story in s4 or s5
-you then started a bunch of plot lines (and here is where it REALLY gets me) that were good this season. That were leading you up to the finale. And then you got to the middle of it. AND IT ALMOST SEEMS LIKE YOU JUST DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR CHARACTERS OF 15 YEARS SO YOU JUST DECIDED TO THROW OUT AT LEAST 9-10 YEARS WORTH OF CHARACTER GROWTH IN ORDER FOR IT TO REALLY ALL TIE TOGETHER ( I mean, come on. They did a whole ass episode bout why being normal sucks and then all they wanted at the end WAS TO BE NORMAL I CANT EVEN THIS SHOW WAS EVERYWHERE THIS SEASON)
-and then you just LITTER the season with meta and foreshadowing (Dean and Cas in purgatory, Dean and Cas ‘what’s real about any of it?’ ‘We are’, Sam and Eileen not knowing if it’s real and breaking up because of it ((which didn’t even matter come sam wanting to get his dick wet but I digress 🙃)) and then you have Garth who got to live, his episode is ‘the heroes journey’ and he ends up safe, happy, still settled with his wife LIKE A MIRROR FOR OUR BOYS) and then you just DECIDE THAT NONE OF THAT MATTERS
-and then you did exactly what we asked you not to do for years. No matter how many times we all said ‘we want to see the boys happy, together, all three of them. We want them together as a family, even Jack too and Claire and the wayward sisters, we literally wanted everyone safe, happy, alive.’ So it doesn’t matter which ending they were going to give us, it was always going to end in a way we never wanted or asked for. They literally heard... okay. We kill the boys. And then everyone, even if they aren’t dead yet... will be in Dean’s heaven. That sounds right. EXCEPT THE PEOPLE THAT WE WOULD HAVE WANTED THERE, THAT WOULD HAVE MADE IT REDEEMABLE FOR US (Samantha Ferris, Chad Lindberg, Osric, etc) WERE NEVER GOING TO BE THERE. it was going to be filled with his abusive father, a mother that we fleshed out and mourned for a second (or third I can’t remember) time, a vessel of the guy that very much tried everything to get away from you and your brother and this life and was super not okay with it and only did it to save his daughter but sure, he cares about you, and the actual fucking band Kansas. Who isn’t even dead!
So you did that. You did all that. And so here’s where i absolutely eat fire. Besides wanting to know why on earth this was done to our show after years of asking them not to, I want to know why it nearly felt like they were setting us up for another season. They knew that s15 would be the last way before they started writing. They had the time to write this well thought out ending and they could have taken it so many ways. They could have closed a loop, they could have tried again with the spinoff as I’m sure it would be phenomenal now. But everything they did, every plot hole and plot line they opened and never closed again... feels like it should have been a set up for s16. Now maybe I have too much anger and this was done accidentally, but I don’t think so.
Now I want to add a disclaimer that there a no proof here, I’m speculating, of course. And there were never rumors about a s16. But with the way the season went, I can’t help but wonder if someone had already planned for one. And when j2m said no, we’re gonna hang it up, it fucked a lot of peoples plans of this show being their cash cow. Now, it’s completely possible that the writers are just bad as this show has given us some doozies before. maybe they recycled plot had they been planning for a s16 but Cas’ declaration scene was the first thing to be written so... I doubt that.
But here’s my thing alright, and if you’re already here with me, guys, stay with me: why would you leave all these open ends knowing there will be no other season, throw away all this character growth you’ve been writing and telling the fans about for 15 years, and do exactly what the fans asked you not to and leave them separated and stuck on blood when for years you’ve been telling us ‘family don’t end in blood’?
It was a fuck you. It was a big fuck you to everyone involved. And I don’t mean just to the fans, which is exactly what it was to all the people that asked for them to end up alive and happy (so most of us). Again, I say, I’m speculating but it sounds to me like producers, show runners, went out of their way to make this season not make any sense. To make it bad (the fight with Dean and Cas having been written more sad than angry, the way we had an entire holiday episode for the first time in a while but without Cas, the way they literally told us the ending in beckys scene and then had the nerve to make fun of the GOT ending, I won’t even mention saileen again, the way they knew it would only reach about 30% as a good ending). It sounds to me like someone was being a petty bitch. And especially towards Jensen and Misha. Going back to look at this season, those two boys were put through the ringer and were put at the forefront of our screens and made to go outside of their character especially in the last few episodes, and yet it was all a plot device for Sam to live on.
Jensen who went tooth and nail for his characters ending and hated it (even the original one because I’m pretty sure it was pitched to him precovid) got a car ride for the send off to his character. Misha who fought for Cas to be queer for years got to die and have 12 years of love be for nothing (as dean dies a week later). These are the two that have been trying to tell the show who their character really is for years. If you go back and watch panels, Jensen has been trying to tell them for years where he thought his character should go and he said multiple times that it got swept under. He said he left the meeting feeling drained and they told him he was too close to the story. Bitch, he’s Dean!
I can only speculate that Jared didn’t have as much back and forth with the writers and show runners, but I don’t actually know. I’ve seen a panel in which he said he’s done that stuff but they’ve literally either not listened or done the opposite so I have a feeling he stopped trying so hard after a while. But I can take a guess, after hearing what Jared said at his panel about the ending being good and right, that they brainwashed him just a little to believe that this is the ending they’d always been fighting for. They say forget AKF, forget pretty much all the growth you’ve had for the past few seasons and he had to go along with it. I can also speculate that with the new show coming out they were like ‘shhh this will be good for your ratings’.
TL; DR: I think the show runners/ producers purposefully set us up with a bad season because the producers/show runners are petty bitches and they broke our boys to do it.
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cherry-nachimbong · 4 years
green bracelet~lee felix
a/n: this is my first time writing and actually posting so i’m v nervous ;-; i might post more if you guys like it though :)) this is loosely based off of my own experiences at the fun-o-rama on short sands, those were some good times bro
‘Game Over’, the screen read. you pouted and dug into your pocket for another quarter. Pac-Man had to be your favorite game at the arcade, even if you sucked at it. even after three years of coming to this beach and playing at the arcade on the boardwalk, you somehow couldn’t find a game you were any better at than when you were eight.
no change in that pocket. try the other one? nope. sigh again. you turned away from the game, but you felt a tap on your shoulder and spun back around.
the boy who tapped you looked about your age, which was around eleven at the time. he wore swim trunks and a rash guard like most of the kids at the beach and a faint pink sunburn shadowed his freckled cheeks.
“here,” he said, holding out a few quarters in his outstretched hand. “i have extra,”
you hesitated, because STRANGER DANGER OBVIOUSLY.
he seemed pretty non-threatening though. very cute and small.
“are you sure?” you said, tentatively reaching out.
“yup! you don’t have to stop playing just yet,” the boy grinned at you. his smile was warm, and reached right up to his eyes.
you let him drop the change into your hand with a clink and watched him go back to the Street Fighter game right next to your Pac-Man. you were able to make it through a few more minutes before the Game Over screen flashed at you in purple, and you were out of quarters again. looking over, you noticed the boy was still playing his game. you watched, and he seemed pretty good but got knocked out soon after you.
“you did good!” you said, as he collected the tickets from the machine. “thank you,” he smiled, “by the way, what’s your name?”
“y/n, what’s yours?”
“i’m felix, let’s be friends,” felix told you. you grinned. “okay,”
noticing that you each had a similar amount of tickets, you decided to pool them so you could at least get some prizes.
which ended up being a popsicle for each of you, a handful of Tootsie Rolls and a two cheap green friendship bracelets. outside on the edge of the boardwalk, you sat side by side, talking and watching people walk by getting their food stolen by seagulls. you sucked absentmindedly on the popsicle, twisting the green bracelet around your wrist and swinging your legs over the edge. beside you, felix had already finished his popsicle and was reading you the joke on the wooden stick. he too, wore the matching bracelet but on the opposite hand from yours. the sea breeze blew through his dark brown hair and made him scrunch up his nose. you smiled and looked away, this new friend was much too adorable for you to handle.
“what do you call a sleeping cow?”
“i don’t know,” you said.
“a bull-dozer,” felix said, trying not to laugh at the dumb joke.
you rolled your eyes, grinning. “that’s bull-crap, i bet mine’s better,” you told him.
“what is it then?”
“let me finish it first!!”
“okay, okay! don’t yell at me,” felix pouted. you made a face at him, and both of you burst out laughing.
just then, you saw two girls walking towards you, who felix waved at.
“lix, where have you been? mum says she wants you back at our spot to check in,” the taller of the two said. they were probably his sisters, or something like that.
“okay,” felix said. he turned back to you. “do you want to come back here when i’m done and i can bring my boogie board?”
“yeah, i’ll bring mine too!” you said, and waved as you each started walking in different directions.
after checking in with your own parents, you grabbed your board and skipped back to the boardwalk, in front of the arcade where the pair of you had sat before . felix wasn’t there yet, so you thought he was probably still just walking back from his family’s spot. you waited, swinging your legs over the edge and finishing the popsicle.
‘how did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? he gave her a ring,’ it read, and you rolled your eyes again. too cheesy. you waited about ten more minutes, but felix never showed up. he probably had to go home, you thought sadly. you twisted the bracelet around your wrist again. maybe you’ll see him another day you visit the beach, and you could tell him the joke.
you didn’t. at least not that summer. and not for several more. about six years had passed since you met the boy, and you had pretty much forgotten about him except for the cheap green bracelet you still wore on your wrist every time you went to that beach.
you were working shifts at the ice cream shop on the boardwalk of that same beach you had been going to since you were small. it was minimum wage, but you were broke, needed a summer job and the ice cream was tasty.
“how can i help you today?” you stepped up to the cash register, where a dark haired boy was waiting-the only customer in line during one of the quieter times.
“a strawberry cone with rainbow sprinkles, please,” he said, and handed you a five-dollar bill. you handed the boy back his change and went to scoop the ice cream. since your back was turned, you didn’t see the small smile on the boy’s face after you gave him the change. he couldn’t help but notice the old and faded bracelet tied around your wrist-almost identical to the one on his own, and the passing of quarters gave him a strange sense of deja vu.
you turned back around and handed the boy his ice cream with a smile. “have a nice day,” you said, but he didn’t leave quite yet.
“excuse me, but your name wouldn’t happen to be y/n, right?” he asked, to your confusion.
“who’s asking?” you raised an eyebrow.
“felix,” he said. your eyes widened when he held up his wrist that had an old , worn out green bracelet on it.
“you’re kidding,” you looked closely at his face, recognizing the boy you had made friends with so long ago. “you’re joking! i didn’t even realize it was you at first!”
“well, it has been a couple years,” felix laughed. man, his voice had gotten deep. but, you noticed his smile was the same you vaguely remembered from the old memory, and so the same were the freckles splayed across his nose that you hadn’t noticed earlier.
you couldn’t keep your own smile from spreading across your face. it might sound stupid, because kids do that sort of thing-meet, play for a few hours, and never see each other again-all the time, but you had always worn the cheap green bracelet in hopes you might see your friend again.
“this is starting to feel like a soulmate au,” you joked, and felix laughed again. you wished you could hear that laugh all the time. six years really makes you realize how much you can miss the simple sound of someone laughing.
“well then,” felix said, “if i remember correctly, you never ended up telling me your popsicle joke, so the first order of business would be for me to get your number so you can tell me on, like, a date or something,” he finished, with a shy smile.
are you BLUSHING
you smiled at him again, praying that the summer heat might hide your peach-tinged cheeks.
silly y/n, the ice-cream shop has ac
“and if i remember correctly, you never ended up going boogie boarding with me, so i guess we gotta go out on a date or something.” you told felix, shrugging, and his grin grew wider.
“alright then, maybe at the arcade? bring enough quarters this time,” felix told you, and you laughed.
“where’s the romance in that? maybe i’ll forget my money so you’ll have to pay for me again, and we can relive the special moment” you said.
“okay, okay, sucker. you win,” felix chuckled, pulling out his phone.
you each saved your contact info into the other’s phone, both not realizing yet that the other put a green heart next to their name that matched the old bracelets. 💚
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popflythesky · 3 years
Kinda wished Dororo got more into stealing things and other shenanigans after meeting Hyakkimaru. Ya know?
If you're character is a thief you should make them do thief things. I can't remember half the stuff they did because the sword boys stole the show.
good point!! makes sense they'd steal less with hyakkimaru being their cash cow, but even when they're starving because they cant find/defeat a demon (like with the spider) they don't bother trying (and with the spider ep, it'd make even more sense for them to try stealing from the authorities?? it'd make more parallels to dororo's dad too)
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