#caos & lucifer tv crossover
rqtcaos · 3 years
Your father is here now
Ok, in summary: Lucifer of CAoS is not the real Lucifer, he spent millennia pretending to be the Devil right under Lucifer's nose when in fact he was just a normal demon that absorbed the power of satanic witches and souls that shouldn't be in Hell to be powerful. To be sovereign of Hell, you need to have angel blood, the goat does not. He needed someone with angel blood and he’s not crazy to defy Satan, so he needed to create someone he could manipulate (or at least that was the plan.) So he got one of Lucifer’s feathers and used it to make a sort of "angelic artificial insemination" in Sabrina's mother and the antichrist is on the way! Now just wait for her to turn 16 years old to sign on the Book of the Beast, giving up her free will and agreeing to obey all his orders!
Her biological father is the first rebellious son in history and almost literally sent GOD to fuck himself, and her mother was a Catholic mortal who married a satanic warlock high priest of the night church and when she failed to conceive she made a pact with Satan ... I don't know what he was expecting.
While the goat was trapped in Nick the kings make an offer for him, there is only one way for someone without the blood of an angel to become the sovereign of Hell: The Profane Regalia Challenge. They needed to convince the half witch to claim the throne for herself so that their "representative" (Caliban) could challenge her. The proposal was simple: Help with the plan and let the two compete normally, if Sabrina won, the crown would indirectly belong to the goat, if Caliban won, the crown would indirectly belong to the kings. They already knew that she was coming to get her boyfriend, she had been trying to break down the gates for weeks.
Done deal.
(Unbeknownst to any of the representatives, of course.)
You know the rest of the story.
Until Earth and Hell start to merge ...
Sabrina Morningstar, Caliban, Lucifer and Beelzebub were checking the Greendale plaque when a tall being with flaming eyes and red and twisted skin as if it were completely covered in horrible burn scars entered the room, very VERY pissed off. With the abrupt entry of the unknown creature (man?) Caliban pulled his wife behind him to protect her in case he was an aggressor (There was already more than one attempt on her life and he was not willing to risk it, thank you very much. ).
"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!!" Did the creature demand in a monstrous voice with a ... strong English accent?
The young queen left behind her husband, furious, and went towards the creature. Who does that think it is to speak to royalty like that?
"Excuse me ?! Who are you, who do you think you are to come in here like that ?! Who let you in here ?!"
The being looked at her as if she were some kind of ET and his anger seemed to dissipate as his face changed to that of a white man with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes that spread hers, the man's anger was replaced by confusion when he tilted his head slightly to the side, looking a little like a confused puppy. When he spoke his voice seemed a little friendly and even ... worried?
"I could ask you the same thing, child. Who are you? Who was the incompetent who let a living human in here? Come on, I'm going to get you out of here, where do you live, girl?"
Well, that explained why he came in like that making demands, he had no idea who he was talking to. Sabrina had to admit that she gained a certain respect for the man, after all it is not every day that you see a demon concerned for the welfare of a mortal, much less an unknown mortal.
"I am Sabrina Morningstar and I am not going anywhere, I am the queen of Hell, I live here."
The man looked at her incredulously. "... Morningstar?"
"Yes. Morningstar. I'm Lucifer Morningstar's firstborn and-"
"This is impossible."
"Both statements are impossible. You obviously cannot be the daughter of the Devil, let alone Queen of Hell." He looked very confused and even slightly amused, as if she had just claimed to be Santa Claus. This was starting to irritate her.
She gives a scornful laugh. "Impossible? And can I know why that would be impossible?"
"Because I don't have any children! Obvious!"
"My lady!"
She looks back and sees Caliban struggling to physically and magically hold Lucifer and Beelzebub to keep the two from escaping the room. They both had a look of deep panic as they looked at the man in front of the queen.
The man also looks at the unusual scene in confusion before his gaze settles on Beelzebub his eyes returning to flaming red as he slowly came to the conclusion that something was very wrong there. He did not seem to be very satisfied with such a conclusion.
"Now, Beelzebub, why don't you tell me what the hell is going on once and for all, little fly?"
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rdqt · 3 years
Ok, can someone explain to me why nobody is using the AMAZING opportunity of crossover fanfics and fix it fanfics which is ep 5 ????? Like, Sabrina M goes to ANOTHER DIMENSION! We could write she going to any other universe and COMING BACK WITH HELP!!! Think of the possibilities! Shadowhunters, The Umbrella academy, Lucifer(TV), Supernatural, Good Omens etc etc etc. WHY NOBODY IS WRITING ABOUT THIS????!! Am I going to need to write this?!
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thoughtsaboutshows · 3 years
Nabrina Winterfest Day 4
What is your favorite Nabrina moment from part three?
Part three was rough. There were some good moments, and you know I love angst. But there were a lot of parts that were out of character and I really didn’t care for how they handled Nick’s trauma.
That being said I’ll share two of my faves. When Sabrina finds Nick in that Acheron red room type situation and tells Nick she loves him for the first time is so perfect. I love how Nick continued to try and protect her by encouraging her to leave and forget about him. But come on, she can’t. SHE LOVES HIM. I wish they could have done it without Lucifer right there but oh well.
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And my second fave is an angsty one, and that’s their breakup. It’s kind of a weird one to have as a favorite but you tell how much they love each other in this scene and how breaking up isn’t what either of them want. It’s so raw and emotional and has me crying and my heart breaking every time. The acting was phenomenal and it’s probably the best break up scene I’ve seen on TV.
Oh or the woods scene. That was some top tier angst.
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What other shows/books/movies/etc would you have liked Nick and Sabrina to crossover with?
Ooooo I feel like it could have been cool to see them in the Sitcom Sabrina world since it’s so different. We got the aunties with Sabrina Morningstar but I would have loved to see sitcom Sabrina and Himbo Harvey be like “who’s this nick scratch guy? Where’s Harvey!” And then they’d just laugh.
Also I feel like CAOS would fit in with Nancy Drew. (A hell of a lot better than in riverdale). All the ghosty witchy stuff would be cool to see play out. And maybe Sabrina can become a Woman in White?
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rey-of-luke · 3 years
2020 Fic Review
I was tagged by the lovely, amazing @musicboxmemories! Thank you so much!!
Total number of completed stories: ....do oneshots count as finished stories? Because in that case I have 3 (two of which are part of a larger oneshot collection). Most of mine are still being written very v-e-r-y slowly because my muse is VERY fickle as anyone who’s had to deal with my creative outlets well knows *looks at the like 10 vids I uploaded on my fanvid channel in the entire year and everyone else is uploading like 25+*
Total number of words: Uh.... *runs to get calculator* So if we are JUST talking about things I’ve written this year (including unpublished) I’ve written a total of... 9,445 words. In terms of PUBLISHED, I’ve written... 4,738. 
Fandoms written in: Published? Supernatural and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (literally my shortest piece and it’s because I wanted it’s version of Lucifer to interact with Sam). Unpublished? NCIS.
Top 5 Ranked by Word Count: 1. we will always end up here 2. brother (let me be your shelter)
Top 5  Ranked by Kudos 1.  brother (let me be your shelter) 2.   we will always end up here
Top Fic Overall: Without a doubt, ‘brother (let me be your shelter)’. It doesn’t help that it was written not even a week after the Supernatural series finale aired, probably. And the fact the only other contender was my multi oneshot Samifer series.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? More, I guess, especially if we’re including unpublished? Largely because despite it being the first half of my last year in college I still had a lot of time to do so (we’ll see how much time I have when my internship this semester starts - which I also need to pass in order to get my degree... yay social work requirements)
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Honestly I really like both stories I posted, mostly because they’re larger parts of oneshot series. brother (let me be your shelter) has evolved into me writing more pieces about Dean Jr’s adventures in heaven with everyone and will probably include bits about his wife and kids that are still alive. Also I have sooo many ideas for my Samifer oneshot series it’s... kind of embarassing, really. 
Also in terms of unpublished... the largest word count is for my NCIS x Supernatural crossover series, which is going to comprised (if I can ever finish it) of multi oneshots involving Gibbs (and later Team Gibbs in general) taking in the Winchester’s as surrogate sons/brothers. Especially Sam because tbf he deserves to have at least SOMEONE in his corner throughout the entire series and damn it, if I want that make that person Gibbs (+ the rest of Team Gibbs) then I damn well can!!!
Did you take any writing risks this year? *gestures to ‘we will always end up here’* This entire damn series. Anything dealing with the pairing is asking to get sent hate and death threats in the fandom because of the implications... which is entirely why all the oneshots are dark and fucked up because there’s no way to NOT write Samifer without those things included. Unless it’s Sam x Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) then that can actually be considered semi healthy because Netflix!Lucifer is WAY different from SPN!Lucifer (or CAOS!Lucifer to be fair). Though honestly, I’m trying to get back into the mindset that it’s OKAY to write in fiction what Tumblr + Twitter would crucify me for, because I make sure to tag and warn accordingly. And honestly, fiction doesn’t tell you jack shit about a person in real life. I’m a social work major, and I know a LOT of people in my classes who like true crime and horror movies. Me exploring darker aspects of humanity SAFELY IN FICTION doesn’t mean I’m going to end up snapping and commiting mass murder or something, jfc. This is legit a conversation I brought up with my advisor my freshman year of college and she was so confused that people think liking certain FICTION things means you like those same things in real life. That same professor is now I believe the head of a social work department at another university.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? Maybe just get more published/finished? Then again, that’s always my goal, haha. But I’m hoping once Walker premieres I’ll get my juices flowing again so in between my internship and fanvids I can crank out a couple stories once in awhile.
Most popular story of the year? ‘brother (let me be your shelter)’
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: ...I’m going to say ‘we will always end up here’. Just because I kind of like how creepy and fucked up I wrote Samifer in my 12x01 AU chapter and would like to know if I wrote either character decently. Also if I’m the only one who finds themselves mentally reviewing different times in the series where Lucifer’s creepy obsession with Sam can pop up, because I am forever bitter about s11+ because you literally can not convince me that Lucifer would willingly leave Sam permanently truly dead. The entirety of s5 says otherwise and that is what I hold to.
Most fun story to write? Both. ‘brother (let me be your shelter)’ lets me explore Dean Jr’s relationship with EVERYONE (Sam + Eileen, Dean, Jack, Cas, John + Mary, Eileen’s Parents, Adam + Michael... Magda... everyone I want basically) and ‘we will always end up here’ because Samifer is my guilty pleasure with little fics (especially crossover/au) so I’m indulging in it myself.
Most unintentionally telling story? ...depends upon what way you’re talking. In Tumblr terms? ‘we will always end up here’ because this site will say I’m a terrible human being and psychopath (which is actually outdated; it’s now referred to as anti social personality disorder) laying in wait. Personally? ‘brother (let me be your shelter)’ because my excited to continue the story with Dean Jr in the version of heaven created by Jack + Cas in the series finale is largely my hoping that whatever life there is after death is similar to that, aka you get to see everyone again and it’s peaceful and happy.
Biggest disappointment? My second chapter of ‘we will always end up here’, the 12x01 AU. I personally really liked it but only one person has commented and there have been no new kudos or anything since I published the CAOS x SPN chapter.
Biggest surprise: People actually liking my stuff, haha.
I tag anyone who sees that and wants to participate!!
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