#caos dark lord
jadegrey711 · 1 year
Hey do u think u would make pt 4 of unwilling queen with dark lord caos there isnt that much stories with him?
Hey! I don't actually have plans to continue Unwilling Queen.
The final seasons just killed my inspiration for the story. If I did continue it it would be a total remodel. Thank you for your love and interest in my story though and I'm sorry.
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lapetiterosenoire · 5 months
Une force capable de défier toute divinité !
Un caméléon pouvant s'adapter à chaque individu,
Son environnement et le moindre imprévu.
Un être qui se fond dans la masse et devient...
░▒▓█►─═ 🥀 ═─◄█▓▒░
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bichopvpao · 12 days
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' you didn't expect me to stay in the dark forever... did you? '
Atenção, atenção, quem vem lá? Ah, é KOZMOTIS PITCHINER, mais conhecido como 𝑷𝑰𝑻𝑪𝑯 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 ( 𝐵𝑅𝐸𝑈 ) , da história A ORIGEM DOS GUARDIÕES! Todo mundo te conhece… Como não conhecer?! Se gostam, aí é outra coisa! Vamos meter um papo reto aqui: as coisas ficaram complicadas para você, né? Você estava vivendo tranquilamente (eu acho…) depois do seu felizes para sempre, você tinha até começado A MANIPULAR SEUS FANTOCHES EM FINAL STATE… E aí, do nada, um monte de gente estranha caiu do céu para atrapalhar a sua vida! Olha, eu espero que nada de ruim aconteça, porque por mais que você seja ASTUTO, você é SÁDICO, e é o que Merlin diz por aí: precisamos manter a integridade da SUA história! Pelo menos, você pode aproveitar a sua estadia no Reino dos Perdidos fazendo o que você gosta: GERENCIANDO SEUS EMPREENDIMENTOS NO RAMO DO "ENTRETENIMENTO".
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Outrora, Kozmotis Pitchiner era o dedicado Lorde Alto General das Galáxias, líder dos Exércitos Dourados, que tinha por função proteger o universo dos Piratas dos Sonhos e seus semelhantes. Foi nessa época que Pitchiner se ofereceu para guardar o planeta prisão em que estavam presos os Piratas dos Sonhos, mantendo vigília por anos, forçado a ouvir os constantes sussurros e súplicas dos prisioneiros. Porém, essas entidades da escuridão e dos pesadelos, sentindo sua maior fraqueza, o enganaram para que pensasse que haviam feito sua filha cativa. Contudo, tudo não passou de um engodo. Hipnotizado, Kozmotis acreditou que a filha estava presa junto dos Fearlings no interior da prisão. Frenético, ele abriu as portas para libertá-la, momento em que foi possuído por uma legião de pesadelos, tornando-se, assim, o Breu que conhecemos na atualidade, o Rei do Pesadelo.
Sua mente e coração estavam tão distorcidos com pensamentos de vingança que ele procurou destruir a Era de Ouro, transformando todos os bons sonhos em pesadelos: saqueou planetas, extinguiu estrelas e roubou todos os sonhos que encontrou, deixando apenas miséria a desespero em seu rastro.
Hoje, Pitch é um poderoso mestre do pesadelo devido ao grande medo e terror da humanidade pelo escuro nos tempos anteriores aos Guardiões. Porém, depois que o Homem da Lua escolheu e enviou os Guardiões para dar luz, felicidade e esperança às crianças do mundo, as pessoas perderam sua miséria e medo do “bicho-papão”, fazendo com que o poder de Pitch diminuísse até que sua existência se tornasse tão frágil que ele não pudesse ser visto ou ouvido. Essa existência solitária, em comparação com os Guardiões da Infância que são amados e acreditados em todo o mundo, fez com que Pitch alimentasse um ódio amargo pelos Guardiões.
No Mundo das Histórias, foi relegado por um tempo a viver em Malvatopia após o felizes para sempre de todos (não o dele). Porém, aquela vibe de fracasso estava minando sua confiança, motivo pelo qual deu um jeito de escapar de lá para viver em Final State, onde ainda havia espaço para a disseminação do caos e da desgraça, nas sombras. O que ninguém sabe é que boa parte da desgraça do reino pode ser creditada a ele.
Breu é atormentado por dez mil vozes desde que foi possuído pelos Pesadelos, as quais sempre garantem que ele se manterá do lado errado da força, impedindo que demonstre qualquer sentimento que remeta à sua humanidade. Aliás, não é difícil vê-lo debatendo com as vozes de sua cabeça em seus momentos de maior loucura.
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Sendo um mestre manipulador, Pitch frequentemente ataca suas vítimas psicologicamente. Seu conhecimento dos piores medos das pessoas lhe permite enervar seus inimigos. Gosta de vê-los se contorcer, muitas vezes deixando seus destinos para sua imaginação por meio de ameaças veladas antes de acabar com eles. Como mostrado várias vezes, Pitch tem um nível perverso de prazer em atormentar de forma brincalhona suas vítimas. Apesar de possuir um ciúme doentio dos Guardiões, Pitch também considera sua rivalidade com eles agradável, de certo modo. Em que pese sua natureza cruel, Pitch tem um lado simpático. Em contrapartida, prefere ser temido em vez de amado. De modo geral, ele está cheio de desprezo e rancor, usando e manipulando que estiver em seu caminho.
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Trata-se de um antigo palácio que afundou no fundo do oceano, cercado por lama e rocha. É uma enorme base subterrânea com várias gaiolas, pontes e escadas rolantes. Todo o ambiente é construído em um ângulo e parece que está caindo de um penhasco em um abismo. Além disso, tem elementos negativos de todos os mundos respectivos dos Guardiões. Por exemplo, ele tem um globo, assim como North, para manter o controle da crença das crianças do mundo, mas é colorido de cinza e preto. Embora este antigo palácio esteja localizado em Veneza, Itália, ele tem múltiplas entradas que o conectam a diferentes partes do globo. Depois da impossibilidade de acesso aos portais do mundo humano, recriou a Toca no Reino dos Perdidos, sendo seu acesso em um canto mais abandonado da praia.
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Boate "Eclipse": uma casa noturna de ambiente sombrio e misterioso, inteiramente iluminada por luzes fracas, com sombras profundas em todos os cantos. O ambiente surgiu quase que imediatamente após o Reino dos Perdidos, e foi projetado para criar uma sensação de desconforto e mistério, com névoa espessa, espelhos deformados, e jogos de luz que distorcem as formas ao redor. Cada noite poderia conta com um tema diferente, todos baseados em medos e pesadelos comuns, como "Noite dos Espelhos" (onde as reflexões mudam e distorcem), ou "Dança nas Sombras", onde as luzes piscam e figuras obscuras parecem se mover pelo salão. Os coquetéis têm nomes que evocam o terror e o desconhecido, como "Pesadelo Interminável", "Abismo Sombrio", "Sombras Dançantes" e "Olho do Medo". Algumas bebidas poderiam ter efeitos ligeiramente alucinógenos, intensificando a atmosfera de mistério e distorcendo a percepção dos frequentadores. Conta, ainda, com uma Seção VIP Secreta; uma sala oculta, onde os visitantes estão livres para fazer o que bem entenderem, desde que paguem pelo seu preço.
A verdade, no entanto, é que, aproveitando-se da fachada de boate exclusiva e envolvente, Pitch Black usa o local como um "coletor" de medo, manipulando a atmosfera e as experiências dos frequentadores para despertar seus piores temores, se alimentando da energia gerada pelo pavor sutil que permeia o lugar.
Vagas para Perdidos:
Como está a posição dele em relação aos perdidos? Odiou ou amou? Responda em um parágrafo simples!
Não odiou nem amou - ele não está muito aí para os humanos, já que estava acostumado a invadir seus sonhos, os considerando pouco intrigantes. Além disso, não é como se sua história tivesse se alterado drasticamente - ele ainda está na merda em relação aos Guardiões mesmo em sua nova história. Porém, essas reviravoltas todas nos contos lhe deixaram intrigado sobre quem está por trás disso e de que não é impossível, como dito por Merlin, que tivessem um destino diferente do traçado na história original, o que abria um mar de possibilidades. Não precisaria ser um saco de pancadas para sempre.
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transbookoftheday · 5 months
The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo
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The Cleric Chih accompanies a beautiful young bride to her wedding to the aging ruler of a crumbling estate situated at the crossroads of dead empires. The bride's party is welcomed with elaborate courtesies and extravagant banquets, but between the frightened servants and the cryptic warnings of the lord's mad son, they quickly realize that something is haunting the shadowed halls.
As Chih and the bride-to-be explore empty rooms and desolate courtyards, they are drawn into the mystery of what became of Lord Guo's previous wives and the dark history of Do Cao itself. But as the wedding night draws to its close, Chih will learn at their peril that not all monsters are to be found in the shadows; some monsters hide in plain sight.
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excalisi · 9 months
Title: baobei i'll be honest shizun's about to kill himself
Fandom: Bleach, Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationship/Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo/Urahara Kisuke, Aizen Sousuke/Urahara Kisuke, Aizen Sousuke/Kurosaki Ichigo, Aizen Sousuke/Kurosaki Ichigo/Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo & Urahara Kisuke, Aizen Sousuke & Urahara Kisuke, Benihime & Urahara Kisuke, Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo, Shihouin Yoruichi, Unohana Retsu, Aizen Sousuke, Benihime (Bleach)
Rating: T
Status: ongoing
Word count: as of chapter one, 6392
Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe - Scum Villain Fusion, uraichi prompt challenge #8, kisuke as sqq, ichigo as lbh, aizen as sqh, Urahara Kisuke Being Urahara Kisuke, Crack Treated Seriously, except i have for the nth time taken it too seriously, it's not much of an exaggeration to say that, getting to writing aizen!sqh was 90 percent of my draw to this wip
“Your Qing Jing Peak, shixiong,” the doctor said slowly. Qing Jing Peak? The peak of scientific innovation and scholarly pursuits, as well as the setting of the first forty chapters of Hollow Sword Path, led by Kurosaki Ichigo’s shitty master who also happened to be called Urahara Kisuke? The very same shitty master who was Ichigo’s first human kill and inarguably one of the most prominent reasons for his fall into darkness? Kisuke’s mind whirred, recalling the electronic voice’s claim that this was his afterlife; he’d recognized that he’d transmigrated within the first moments after his return to consciousness, but into Hollow Sword Path, of all the medias? And considering the name coincidence… Was he Urahara Kisuke, kid punter and puppy kicker? Whatever higher beings there were probably weren’t that cruel, right? “Urahara-san? Has your memory been impaired?” the doctor—Unohana Retsu, peak lord of Qian Cao Peak and head of Cang Qiong Sect’s medical division, Kisuke rapidly realized—asked, a line appearing between her furrowed brows. Yeah, okay, fuck. 
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povofjustme · 1 year
Reader Coming Home Drunk
Ambrose S x Prudence B x FemReader
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If you are a Moral
Going to your first party
Will your first party you would be drinking at.
Being the DDR to your friends, let’s simply say
Ambrose and Prudence have been busy with dark lord shit and you have been alone, A lot
You told one of your best friends from school and she had you come to a party and drink the feeling away
And you did just that. You had told your mom that you was stay at friends houses. But the drinking made you miss them even more.
That night Ambrose and Prudence wanted to surprise you and come spend some time with you. They called but you didn’t hear your phone due to the music
You had to use the bathroom. You drank more than you than you could that night. Your friend followed you. Right then and there is when you see all the missed calls and texts from both
You felt bad but your emotions were everywhere. You saw Ambrose caller ID popes up and you handed the phone to your friend
At the same time you where feeling asleep, slowly sliding down to the cold bathroom floor
We have been looking for you, where have you been? -Ambrose
Hi Ambrose, this is her friend. I believe she to drunk to talk on the phone right now -BFF
Is she okay? - Prudence
Yes, I think you should come get her. I would take her home but she been calling for you two all night. -BFF
Ambrose told her on the phone to send the address and wait with me outside.
Not even 7 minutes late. Prudence and Ambrose show up at the front of the house party. Prudence was driving, and hadn’t stopped, Ambrose hopped out of the car to get to you.
You were falling in and out of consciousness. You see Ambrose running to you.
Ambrose, what are you doing here- you
Your words were all over the place but he was Abel to understand
Let’s go little one. Thank you so much- Ambrose
Anything for her - BFF
Ambrose somehow got you into the car. Putting you in the back sit. In the car ride the were talking but not making out what they were saying.
Now back to the Spellman house, they were having a hard time getting you out of the car without you trying to throw up. Prudence was saying teleport you to his room but you yelling about how it was gonna make you nauseous
We can’t have you sleeping in this car -Prudence
What will make it easier for you? -Ambrose
Carry me, please- You
So they did just that, you were to cute to say no to. Ambrose had to bring your arm around your neck. Your head in his shoulder, and lefted your legs around his waste.
You were holding on to him like a koala. Prudence was right behind him. Taking her finger to your face, moving your hair out the face.
They finally got you to his room. In his mattress, you got yourself off of him. Now walking in your own , you took every single clothing off. Leaving you with your shirt and underwear.
Can someone help me take off my makeup please- you
How could ever say no to that face - prudence
Ambrose got prudence some water, face wash and a towel. Prudence had Ambrose sit you in between his legs so you wouldn’t fall over
She grabbed your face softly and started taking off your makeup. She ended up doing your whole night routine. She knew if you wake up in the morning and be upset that you skipped it
You started crying at the little thing that they were doing the whole night
Why are you crying? Is there something wrong- prudence
She stopped what she was doing to help out with your mixed emotions
Nothing wrong- you
You would be crying if something wasn’t wrong- Ambrose
You landed your head back onto his shoulder
It’s just, you two are too good for me- you
Baby, there is no need to cry. We love you, and deserve everything in this world - Ambrose
Prudence finish with your routine while wiping the tears away from your face. They tried to help you back up but to told them you had it.
I waking up to the bed, pulling up the bed sheets and going under. Walking into his room. You she they were gone, but you could hear talking coming from downstairs.
Putting on pj pants and walking down. You see that it was only Ambrose, Prudence and Hilda. Hilda was cooking breakfast, while the two was sitting at the left end of the table
Walking to the table, said good morning to Hilda, and sat at the right end of the table. Putting your head down on the cold table.
I know you had a Long night, so here. It will help with that headache of your- Hilda
You are a lifesaver, Hilda, Thank you so much- you
Hilda handing you a morning after drunk to get rid of the headache but saying her goodbye to head up to work
Looks like you joyed yourself last night- Prudence
I don’t even wanna talk about it Pru- you
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judgeitbyitscover · 4 days
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Singing Hills Cycle by Nghi Vo
Cover art by Alyssa Winans
Tor, 2020-2024
The Empress of Salt and Fortune (2020)
A young royal from the far north, is sent south for a political marriage in an empire reminiscent of imperial China. Her brothers are dead, her armies and their war mammoths long defeated and caged behind their borders. Alone and sometimes reviled, she must choose her allies carefully.
Rabbit, a handmaiden, sold by her parents to the palace for the lack of five baskets of dye, befriends the emperor's lonely new wife and gets more than she bargained for.
At once feminist high fantasy and an indictment of monarchy, this evocative debut follows the rise of the empress In-yo, who has few resources and fewer friends. She's a northern daughter in a mage-made summer exile, but she will bend history to her will and bring down her enemies, piece by piece.
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain (2020)
The cleric Chih finds themself and their companions at the mercy of a band of fierce tigers who ache with hunger. To stay alive until the mammoths can save them, Chih must unwind the intricate, layered story of the tiger and her scholar lover―a woman of courage, intelligence, and beauty―and discover how truth can survive becoming history.
Into the Riverlands (2022)
Wandering cleric Chih of the Singing Hills travels to the riverlands to record tales of the notorious near-immortal martial artists who haunt the region. On the road to Betony Docks, they fall in with a pair of young women far from home, and an older couple who are more than they seem. As Chih runs headlong into an ancient feud, they find themself far more entangled in the history of the riverlands than they ever expected to be.
Accompanied by Almost Brilliant, a talking bird with an indelible memory, Chih confronts old legends and new dangers alike as they learn that every story—beautiful, ugly, kind, or cruel—bears more than one face.
Mammoths at the Gates (2023)
The wandering Cleric Chih returns home to the Singing Hills Abbey for the first time in almost three years, to be met with both joy and sorrow. Their mentor, Cleric Thien, has died, and rests among the archivists and storytellers of the storied abbey. But not everyone is prepared to leave them to their rest.
Because Cleric Thien was once the patriarch of Coh clan of Northern Bell Pass--and now their granddaughters have arrived on the backs of royal mammoths, demanding their grandfather’s body for burial. Chih must somehow balance honoring their mentor’s chosen life while keeping the sisters from the north from storming the gates and destroying the history the clerics have worked so hard to preserve.
But as Chih and their neixin Almost Brilliant navigate the looming crisis, Myriad Virtues, Cleric Thien’s own beloved hoopoe companion, grieves her loss as only a being with perfect memory can, and her sorrow may be more powerful than anyone could anticipate...
The Brides of High Hill (2024)
The Cleric Chih accompanies a beautiful young bride to her wedding to the aging ruler of a crumbling estate situated at the crossroads of dead empires. The bride's party is welcomed with elaborate courtesies and extravagant banquets, but between the frightened servants and the cryptic warnings of the lord's mad son, they quickly realize that something is haunting the shadowed halls.
As Chih and the bride-to-be explore empty rooms and desolate courtyards, they are drawn into the mystery of what became of Lord Guo's previous wives and the dark history of Doi Cao itself. But as the wedding night draws to its close, Chih will learn at their peril that not all monsters are to be found in the shadows; some monsters hide in plain sight.
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fistfuloflightning · 1 year
crocodile tears pt2
pt1 here
He watched Mu Qingfang closely as the healer bent over Shen Yuan’s supine body. His disciple’s robes had been pulled away from his shoulder and arm and the bloody pinpricks stood out starkly against pale skin. Shen Qingqiu flicked a glance over him before averting his eyes and continuing his pacing. He had seen so much worse, so why was he reacting this way?
The delicate tink of needles being put away made him come back to himself. “And so?” Shen Qingqiu demanded bluntly.
Mu Qingfang stared at him over the rim of his spectacles. “The poison is burning through his meridians. I’ve been able to slow its progress, but it is called Without a Cure for good reason and soon he won’t even have a core. And when it’s gone—” He drew back from the bed Shen Yuan lay on, with a shrug that did little to distract from the darkness in his eyes. “This decision lies with you, as it is a matter for the Peak Lord alone.”
Shen Qingqiu hid the squirming fear behind a mask of anger. “Are you saying he will be unable to continue his duties as my head disciple?”
“I’m saying that as a cultivator, your head disciple is now effectively useless.”
Shen Qingqiu’s fan suddenly halted, green eyes narrowing dangerously. But his shidi would not be cowed by such displays, not after surviving under the previous Qian Cao Peak Lord, a brutal man known for killing two of his martial siblings before being killed himself. “You will have to make that decision, Shen-shixiong,” Mu Qingfang repeated patiently. “He will be little more than a mortal if you keep him here, or you can free him from Cang Qiong Sect.”
Free him from—
Shen Qingqiu flicked a glance down at the unconscious body. Shen Yuan’s face was sheened with sweat, the muscles in his throat tight and tense as if in great pain. But still he did not wake. To free him, let him live a pitiful mortal life, have him give up the immortal path he had followed for years—! Shen Qingqiu knew there had to be some way of reversing the effects. But who to approach—
He emerged from his thoughts to find Mu Qingfang watching him with worried eyes. “Very well,” he snapped. “I will think on your words, Mu-shidi. But in the meantime, do what you can.”
Mu Qingfang bowed. “This shidi will do all in his power.”
He didn’t even watch the healer leave, his eyes never leaving Shen Yuan’s limp, poisoned body. His foolish head disciple had always been softhearted, kind to a fault. But his need to save everyone had only hurt him again and again. Yet he continued to do so. “What am I to do with you?” Shen Qingqiu muttered, lips curving into a frown. His fingers plucked at his fan but didn’t open it. There was no need to hide anything, not here.
“Aren’t we a matched set?” he mused softly.
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
Victor Hugo + Romance of the Three Kingdoms crossover!
[I read a post somewhere talking about how cool it would be if 3k was written in the style of victor hugo. Here’s a missing scene about Dong Zhuo and young Cao Cao fighting the Yellow Turbans.]
There is a great machine crawling across the land, it is long and thin, having just a single head, but many thousand hooves, feet and wheels. It is tremendously expensive to operate, moves at a tortoise's pace and its job is to stir up a great deal of dust. This machine is known as an “army.” 
On a clear day, a man standing on a hillock can see the tell-tale plume long before he sees the marchers and with all the men and horses traveling non-stop for weeks on end, chances are he can smell the army before he sees the dust. This phenomenon is most pronounced when the land is dry, and the land has been usually dry for many, many seasons. ‘The gods are displeased,’ the villagers and townsfolk mutter, although they are always careful to omit what exactly the gods are displeased about. Now is not the time for careless talk. Now is not the time to travel after dark. Now is the time to pull your hat brim low and bite your tongue when soldiers cut through your wheat fields—it’s not like there’s much left to trample, anyway. Every year the harvests grow slimmer, and the war machine grows fatter.
Riding at the head of this column is Commandant Dong Zhuo, styled Zhongying. He is a large man in body and status, buoyed by a righteous purpose that makes every room he steps into feel crowded. The Emperor has issued a royal decree ceding power to the local lords in order to stomp out the Yellow Turbans, a series of peasant rebellions which had sprung up all across the nation. Little does His Royal Highness know, he's sowing the seeds for the Han Dynasty’s downfall. In time, these lords would become a greater threat then the rebellions they were tasked to quell, having developed powerful militias and a newfound distain for servitude. The resulting chaos would rend the kingdom asunder and be immortalised in folklore for centuries to come. A historical epic is in the making, and every great story needs heroes and villains. 
But that is for another time, today Dong Zhuo is only the Magistrate of Yanmen and a loyal subject of Han. Today he is going to bring the full extent of his military might down on the unruly peasant-warriors who dare take up arms instead of starving peacefully in their fields. Attending to him are a row of junior officers, gentlemen and the sons of gentlemen, bright eyed and fresh-faced because they have yet to taste war. 
[insert 50-page-digression about some Random Background Character Who Only Appears Once, weirdly personal opinions on stone masonry and a wikihow on horse husbandry that's like 80% conjecture]
----Extract #2----
Great men are known to have great tempers. Dong Zhuo gives a gruff reprimand, half question, half accusation, for a moment there’s silence and then as if drawn by a lodestone, the officers subtly turn their eyes towards calvary commander Cao Cao, styled Mengde. He is 24 years old, of a slight build and middling height. Not the leader of the pack by any means—lacking both the raw charisma and esteemed family name to be truly popular—but he has a sharp wit and plenty of nerve, all the markings of a man who is generally respected but rarely well-liked. At age 20 he had been appointed district captain of Luoyang and caused a scandal for daring to apply the law equally to anyone who transgressed, going so far as to flog noblemen in public. Complains were made by higher-ups and he was “promoted” to governor of Dunqiu County, ostensive to remove him from the capital. In peaceful times he might have served out the rest of his term competently, sired unremarkable sons and eventually fade into obscurity as the bookish, pedantic type who cared about things like crop rotation. But that is not our story either. 
Cao Cao steps forward and takes a knee, eyes downcast. When he speaks his voice is unexpectedly strong and authoritative—almost amusingly incongruous with his appearance; he’s not much to look at and the goatee on his chin needs another decade of work at least, but when he talks people stop and listen. 
Cao Cao says a few words and the thunderous look on Dong Zhuo’s face abates. A few more, and Dong Zhuo nods. Then, right before scores of disbelieving ears, Cao Mengde tells a bawdy joke right to His Lordship’s face; a double-entendre alluding to the shape of their vanguard. It’s filthy, low-brow and Cao Cao says it as drily as a monk reciting his mantras. Lord Dong Zhou howls with laugher. The other officers chuckle too—mostly out of relief. Letting Cao Mengde speak is always a gamble, sometimes it pays off, sometimes you get latrine duty for a month. The damage he does with his mouth takes most men to do with a hatchet. The meeting adjourns with no corporal punishments. Later that day, orders are passed up the line for adjustments to be made to the vanguard's formation.  
notes under the cut:
“Dust to dust,” somehow I always end up making a reference to the 2nd century warlord, which in turn was inspired by 3k where Zhang Fei successfully uses the “horses and branches” technique against Cao Cao. Call that circular plagiarism <3. 
Hugo was a big supporter of failed rebellions and was very sympathetic to the miserable and downtrodden. I think he’d really care about the plight of the peasants and jump at the chance to tear down the bickering nobles.
“The gods are displeased” the Han dynasty was in decline due to a combination of corruption and natural disasters. Many people, especially those in the Yellow Turban Rebellion believed the Emperor had lost his divine right to rule. (shhh that’s sedition) 
Wheatfields: this takes place somewhere in Northeastern China where it’s too damn cold to grow rice. IRL Cao Cao organized a lot of agricultural reforms which kept his people fed. Later in the book he forbids his soldiers from trampling fields on pain of death, and when his own horse does it, he cuts off his hair to avoid being hypocritical (very big deal, hair is sacred).
“A bookish, capable governor.” According to legend a character-describer told Cao Cao he’d be “a capable administrator in peaceful times and an unscrupulous hero in chaotic times.” To which Cao Cao laughed. Oh and he was a poet. A really good one.
Just some guy: "raw charisma" describes Liu Bei and the "esteemed family name" describes Yuan Shao, two of his biggest rivals.
My Pen Is Big: Luo Guanzhong’s novels have a ton of dirty jokes. Water Margin in particular has this passage about a guy’s colossal donkey schlong. 
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Sneak peak of something I’m working on atm
Let me know if I continue and publish it ?
Caos Lucifer x Reader _____________________
You were kneeled on the ground of the church in front of everyone, your hands tied together.
“You are here before us today accused of killing another witch for her power” Father Blackwood said pointing a finger at you
“Please” you begged,
“I didn’t do that, I was just taught by other witches on my travels ” you cried out
“Lies!” He yelled accusingly and slapped you across the face.
You cried out in pain
“You are here by sentence to death!” Blackwood said very dramatically
Right as he went to kill you the doors of the church burst open and there stood Lucifer with a look of upmost rage on his face.
Gasps we’re heard throughout the room and murmurs of praises to the dark lord.
“D-dark lord” Father Blackwood stuttered as Lucifer walked down the isle towards Blackwood and you.
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sideeffx · 2 years
Intelligent systems probably took the idea for 3H to koei tecmo because of them basically being one of the biggest adaptors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms as an IP but it also exposes the hood of their storywriting conventions. I think a lot of The Discourse(tm) we had for years exposed a fundamental misunderstanding when it came to what they were pulling from. Namely, grafting a very popular asian war narrative onto Europe and trying to obscure this with poorly thought out plot points (Those Who Slither in the Dark).
The dynamics of Wei, Wu and Shu as written in KT's primary adaptation Dynasty Warriors can be pretty easily related to each Lord and the general blueprint of their story arc and how they're supposed to be perceived. Romance of the three kingdoms is a prolific novel that's been referenced into the ground and everyone's interpretation of it is going to be different so I am purely sticking to how koei represents each of them and not any possible inconsistencies re: the actual story itself.
For one thing, unification is viewed as an inevitability no matter which route you pick. Much like how in the Three Kingdoms the ultimate goal of each faction was to unify China under their banner, depending on your choice of lord Fodlan presents itself as a single unified continent rather than the splinters of kingdoms it was in the past. In every route except Edelgard's much of this power goes through Byleth and a "reformed" church. Whilst in Edelgard's the kingdom is beholden to Adrestia until she structures it into a republic and abdicates.
Shown to have a brilliant but brutal warlord at the helm and is by far the most powerful in the narrative. Cao Cao's design and characterization portrays him as a villain at his worst and an anti hero at his best. Wei ultimately triumphs in the Three Kingdoms conflict due to their underhanded tactics and being the most politically savvy. Cao Cao's main tactician is a sly snakelike schemer named Sima Yi who is instrumental in helping his victory but will also do anything to win.
Cao Cao kickstarts the Three Kingdoms conflict and exploits the other regional lords complacency via this headstart. The idea of unifying China does not cross the other two main factions' minds until he's already in the ending phase of his formal campaign coming to fruition.
Black Eagles
If we're to look at Adrestia's position when war is declared and how things fair without Byleth's interference. Edelgard is by far in the best position to win the war and nearly does before Byleth awakens 5 years later. To view the story objectively, it seems as if she was intended to be an antagonist that was (gasp) a villain at her worst and an anti hero at her best. The other two Lords in the story are complacent in the idea of unifying Fodlan until her campaign has already begun and they have no choice to participate in it.
Edelgard makes an objectionable move in allying herself with TWSITD despite their being evil to ensure that she's able to formally put an end to the church's stranglehold on the continent. Her primary retainer is Hubert, a sly snakelike schemer who will do anything to win and isn't above getting his hands dirty. Byleth's presence in Crimson Flower is thus not an against all odds miracle, rather it's a victory lap meant to help Edelgard push herself over the finish line without completely shirking her morals. As she's able to immediately turn on TWISTD and begin expelling them from her ranks in the epilogue. When you look at her side of things and dig into the general lore of the church's formation and how they've managed to consolidate power, it makes sense why this war began in the first place. But this is only if you play her route first.
A faction led by Liu Bei that prioritizes the common people. In Shu stories, Liu Bei is looked upon as a benevolent almost saintlike figure who is so down to earth that even peasants will follow his ideals. He is surrounded by a group of loyal retainers, inparticular, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu who are also his sworn brothers. And a brilliant tactician in Zhuge Liang. Shu is not an appeal to politics, rather their narrative is focused on emotion and how that is their downfall. They may be the most honorable, but they certainly aren't the winners. Because that's not how war works.
Much like how Cao Cao looks objectively evil when not seeing things through his eyes (best example, Changban is a high profile battle in every single Dynasty Warriors game where the Wei army brazenly cuts down peasants to prevent Liu Bei, the man of the "honorable" Shu faction from escaping). Edelgard is at her proverbial worse in Azure Moon. Where she's backed Dimitri so far into a corner that he has no choice but to take refuge in the ruins of his church due to his kingdom being fully taken over.
Liu Bei's emotion being his downfall displays itself best at the battle of Yi Ling, where in every Dynasty Warriors narrative. A moment of sincere anger at the faction of Wu betraying his sworn brother Guan Yu and killing him at Fan Castle turns into a catastrophic loss at Yi Ling where a fire attack wipes out a majority of his forces.
Blue Lions
In Azure Moon, Edelgard is in the middle of her victory lap. Faerghus has been completely taken over by the Adrestia backed Cordelia in a coup. Dimitri's forces have scattered throughout the continent. And your first real meeting with Claude is him making a last stand against her army as they close in on fully assimilating the Leicester Alliance into the Empire. When you begin turning the tides, it culminates in her willingly turning herself into a monster in a last bid to defeat you. Then subsequently dying on her own terms instead of being imprisoned. Edelgard comes off as unreasonable, tone deaf and fundamentally misunderstanding what the common people want. Because that's the way Dimitri sees her.
Putting aside the fact I find Dimitri's route to be the SECOND least politically involved one (least politically involved goes to Claude, who does everything he can to ignore the war for some reason), mainly due to it shoehorning his political philosophy into the back half of the game after you spend most of it watching him live out a psychotic break. It's no surprise if you play this route first you end up having a poor opinion of Edelgard.
She's a beat for beat copy of Cao Cao's playbook where despite her not being heroic about it, her victory in this war is assured. If not for you and your Sothis nepotism baby powers swooping in to save Faerghus from total annihilation. The narrative's primary function here is to appeal to emotion, you've spent the last 20+ chapters personally connecting with Dimitri and handling his struggles. You don't completely understand why Edelgard masqueraded as the Flame Emperor, and her kickstarting this war feels as if it's brought forth senseless violence. She's cast as the undisputed villain, and while the game "attempts" to make a play at grey morality, the morals here are quite interestingly black and white. Edelgard is wrong and you are right, by virtue of Byleth's existence you can reform the church.
A bit of a wrench thrown into the traditional three kingdoms narrative here, because in all canonical retellings, Cao Cao wins the war. Shu and Wu's bids for unification are nothing but a pipe dream as they completely crumble and eventually surrender to Wei.
Personally perceived by me as the biggest do nothing faction in the franchise. Wu's biggest reputation within the narrative is consistently joining the winning side to preserve themselves instead of being proactive. In the battle of Chi Bi Cao Cao suffers a defeat at the hands of a Shu/Wu alliance. Sun Shang Xiang is betrothed to Liu Bei in an effort to unite the two factions. Yet Wu turns around and sets a trap at Fan Castle to kill Guan Yu and cripple Liu Bei's forces and therefore becomes his worst enemy.
Their leader, Sun Quan is shouldering the ambitions of both his brother Sun Ce and his father Sun Jian who have both died during the campaign. Instead of pushing forward in a serious campaign for unification. Sun Quan's decisions are firmly to protect his own home and thus save his skin (probably something to do with the fact he was only 18 when Sun Ce was assassinated and thus wasn't exactly the most experienced leader). As such you could probably cast Wu as the ones who favor "neutrality" over active participation.
Interestingly, Sun Quan's biggest trait despite being young and inexperienced was his ability to find brilliant men to serve under him and thus handle political affairs. He was well liked by the common people because of this.
Golden Deer
Like I alluded to above, Claude is so hilariously irrelevant I almost question why his route was added if Silver Snow was always intended to be a thing. Verdant Wind is Silver Snow reskinned with a few Claude specific events stapled on. The unification of Fodlan practically falls into his lap because he is purely reactive and due to Byleth's interference once again, Leicester is able to maintain its idea of self preservation above all else. Claude's main interests beyond learning of the church's secrets is preserving his home whilst the other two factions tear each other apart. The narrative forces him into a predicament where securing Leicester's continued existence involves fighting Edelgard due to Adrestia's meddling causing the nobles to splinter off into two different factions.
You probably see the similarity to Sun Quan almost immediately here. Because while Claude has his reputation as a schemer whose not totally forthcoming about everything, his participation politically is all in the name of self preservation rather than any real ambitions.
Interestingly, his prioritizing the winning side is able to be utilized in Three Hopes particularly. Golden Wildfire is actually my favorite version of Claude, if only because he takes a much more active role in the story and backs up the hot air he blew in Three Houses about sorta kinda maybe doing something morally questionable to get ahead. In his own route and Scarlet Blaze, he joins the Empire because they're the most poised to win the war and he has personal beef with Rhea. A mirror of the Wei/Wu alliance, where Claude is purely participating out of self interest to protect his homeland rather than pure ambition. Though he does progress past this as the story goes on. Admittedly, this is kinda where my match gets a little flimsy. But you've been with me on this crackpot theory long enough, so I'm sure some of it made sense.
Me writing all this out doesn't really have a real conclusion. I mean the Three Kingdoms was a literal cultural reset for all of Asia. Most people have read it and if they haven't they've probably heard of it considering how many east asian writers are addicted to referencing passages of it. I just found it interesting how so much of the makeup of the war and the story format so closely followed those conventions right down to them having an identifying color (though tbh this is something that's more done for easy recognizability, it's a video game after all but so was Dynasty Warriors).
I still maintain this story sucks, because grey morality does not mean not taking a firm stance on anything and KT keeps playing this back and forth depending on which route you pick where the Church isn't all bad so that's justification to defend them but also you have to take them down to have the continent meaningfully move forward. Not to mention the ridiculous plot holes. Great worldbuilding and characters (not all of them were even great, mind you) ruined by absolute dogshit storytelling. But I got to use my RoTK knowledge on something!
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musicshooterspt · 11 months
Agenda de Novembro, 2023
02 a 30 �� Festivais de Outono
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro
02 – Mr. Blues Sessions
Cine Incrível, Almada
02 – Hércules
Maus Hábitos, Porto
22:00h . 10€
03 - Gary Yamamoto Saci Perere Ao Vivo
CRU, Vila Nova de Famalicão
23:00h . 5€
03 – Cuca Roseta “Amália e Orquestra”
Culturgest - Fundação CGD, Lisboa
03 - Indie Fest
Pátio do Sol, Barcarena
23:00h . 10€ com oferta de bebida
03 – Carminho
Coliseu dos Recreios, Lisboa
03 – Titãs
Altice Arena, Lisboa
03 - X-Miles
Casa das Artes, Porto
03 e 04 – Festival Profound Whatever
Moagem, Fundão
03 e 04 – Viseu Death Fest
Fora de Rebanho Ass., Viseu
04 – Emmy Curl
Teatro Municipal da Guarda, Guarda
22:00h . Entrada Livre
04 – Music Azores 2023
Museu Francisco Lacerda, Calheta
17:00h . Entrada Livre
04 e 05 – Estoril Folk Fest
Casino do Estoril, Lisboa
05 - Spitgod + Dead Club + Idle Hand
Promotor: Ópio Events
Socorro, Porto
17:00h . 7€
05 - Corinne Bailey Rae
Casa da Música, Porto
Sala 2 . 21:00h
06 – Madonna
Altice Arena, Lisboa
08 a 12 – Sunburst Fest
Cine Incrível, Almada
08 a 29 – Jazz à 4º
Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Bragança
(Este evento repete-se todas as quartas-feiras de Novembro)
10 – Bárbara Tinoco
Centro Social e Cultural De Olival, Vila Nova de Gaia
Entrada Gratuita, mediante reserva para [email protected]
10 – Process of Guilt  + Wells Valley + Murro
RCA Club, Lisboa
10 – Jakaranda Blues
Clube Farense, Faro
10 - Cartaxo Sessions: HETTA + BØW + Critical + Damage Djset
Centro Cultural do Cartaxo, Cartaxo
10 e 17 – Power Stage Fest
Pátio do Sol, Barcarena
11 – Mosher Fest
DRAC, Figueira da Foz
Reservas: https://www.mosherclothing.com
11 – GNR
Cine-Teatro de Alcobaça, Alcobaça
13 - Lord Friday the 13th
MINA, Bragança
22:00h . 10€
15 – 800 Gondomar + Facakill + Lizatron
Galeria Zé dos Bois ZDB, Lisboa
17 – Bezegol & Rude Bwoy Banda
Hard Club, Porto
Sala 1 . 21:30h
17 – Lebanon Hanover
Hard Club, Porto
Sala 2 . 21:30h
E no dia 18, no RCA Club em Lisboa
18 – Tons de Bossa
Casino Figueira, Figueira da Foz
23:00h . Entrada Livre
18 – Ao Lado | Outono CulturArte
Auditório Municipal de Reguengos de Monsaraz, Reguengos de Monsaraz
21:30h . 5€
19 – Tatanka & Tiago Nacarato
Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa
19 – The Saxophones
Promotor: Os Suspeitos
Auditório Francisco de Assis, Porto
19 – Mannequin Pussy + Veenho
Galeria Zé dos Bois ZDB, Lisboa
21:00h . 12€
23 – Filipe Sambado
Auditório CCOP, Porto
PORTAS: 21:00h
24 e 25  – Festival para Gente Sentada
Theatro Circo, Braga
24 e 25 – Super Bock em Stock
Coliseu dos Recreios, Lisboa
25 - SpiritFest10
Promotor: Dedos Biónicos
Vários Artistas: Dark Alchemy, Gum Takes Tooth
TBA, Bragança
25 – Slander Tongue
Village Underground, Lisboa
25 – FFC Hardcore Fest II
Hollywood Spot, Estrelas do Feijó
25 a 26 – Vai-te Foder
Vários: Caos + Systemic Violence + DOKUGA + Pé Roto
Hard Club, Porto
PORTAS: 20:30h . 10€
29 – Jimmy P
Casa da Música, Porto
Sala Suggia . 21:00h
30 – Melanie Martinez
Sagres Campo Pequeno, Lisboa
30 – Carolina Deslandes
Altice Arena, Lisboa
30 – Luca Argel & Vânia Couto
Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Bragança
*OBS: Recomendamos verificar estas informações junto dos promotores ou sites oficiais
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[Extract: morality is in the eye of the beholder]
Cao Cao sits in prison and considers his options...
This was the first time he had been able to sit down and think. How long had he been on the run? Eight days? Ten? Time had blurred together during his mad flight and he had only been concerned with his own safety. Now his thoughts turned to his family, back at his hometown of Chenliu. Things should be relatively stable at the moment,  Pei County was fairly remote and the people had no loyalty for Dong Zhuo. His wife and children would be protected by his cousins, but for how long? Dong Zhuo was no doubt preparing to launch an retaliatory attack on his clan, it was not a matter of if but when. Their only choice would be to meet him in the open field. His Lady Wife could hold the fort for now, rallying his cousins and loyalists, but she was just a woman and they would never follow her into battle. His eldest son was still a boy. His cousin, Cao Ren, was reliable but lacked foresight. His Lord Father had plenty of gold but no backbone. If Cao Cao perished, everything would fall apart. His family would be slaughtered and his entire clan exterminated. 
For the first time since his mad dash from Luoyang, Cao Cao began to fully comprehend the avalanche he had set in motion. There would be war. Not isolated rebellions and skirmishes. Open war. State against state. Brother against brother. Fields would burn, cities would crumble, after nearly four hundred years of peace, the face of the Han Empire was about to change forever. It wasn’t just his own life on the line, it was his clan, the family name, everything his forefathers had worked for. 
The weight of such responsibility might have crushed lesser men, but it lit a fire inside him. If his mind had been a dark forest before, now he saw a clear, blazing trail. Every doubt and petty fear melted away into mist in the brilliance of that single, beautiful, unwavering line. Cao Cao felt calm. The obliterating, all-consuming nothingness you feel when you leap off a cliff towards a narrow ledge. You either made it or you didn’t. You either died or you didn’t. Once you were in mid-air, with nothing but heaven above and rocks below, there was no room for anything else. Cao Mengde would not fail because he could not afford to fail. He was going to get back home. He was going to drag his body to his doorstep, bleeding and broken, if it was the last thing he did. 
notes under the cut:
Wife < Guy: I wanted explore the attitude men (especially warlords) had for their families. This weird mixture of self-absorbed patriarchal values + a general confucian belief that he has a strong duty to protect his dependants. His main priority is for the primary wife and male heirs, (concubines and daughters are basically accessories.) His affection for them is strongly rooted in their usefulness in relation to him. It's might be love, but I didn't want to go too far and make it y'know, sentimental, but he is a human being and he is not as callous as he pretends to be.
Wife Guy: This was semi-inspired by historical events. Lady Bian (a 25 ish yr old concubine at the time) managed to rally his supporters and keep them together when Cao Cao was on the run from Dong Zhuo and presumed dead. Cao Cao was so impressed by her conduct he made her the main wife after Lady Ding divorced him (for getting her son killed). Han Women were allowed to own property and advise their husbands in politics/strategy albeit in limited ways. Lady Ding was very respected by Cao Cao and she even allegedly convinced him to vegan at some point.
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know-the-way · 2 years
1, 3, 10, and 49 for the fic asks!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Hm. Considering most of my fics are for a ~*controversial*~ ship in a fairly dormant fandom, it would depend on if the reader likes that ship or not. If they do, I’d probably say “Steep to Taste” ‘cause that kinda captures my feelings and perspective about them as well as the rest of the show’s characters - or - if they just want smut, “Bitter and Sweet.”
If they don’t like the ship, “Sharp Edges” is my only genfic that has no overt Spellwood in it. So. Yeah. That one.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
15/22 of my posted fics are marked Explicit, so… sex is a heavily recurring detail, but 22/22 of my fics are hurt/comfort, so there’s also that lol
10. How do you decide what to write?
Good question. I guess I decide to write things that I desire to read myself. And it’s usually because no one else has written it yet. (Cue the tumblr post that’s like “you mean I have to CREATE what I want to read?” And a shrimp fried this rice, Becky, yeah you do, so get to it!)
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I’m currently writing a very kink-heavy climax chapter (pun intended *bah boom tiss*) of a caos/spellwood fic I lost motivation for almost a year ago. I kinda thought I’d be posting to crickets when I updated it recently, but surprisingly and thankfully - folks are still around. 🥰 Nearly done, so fingers crossed I can update it very soon, but obviously it’s not gonna be for everyone. Small sample below if you want a peek, though:
Her lack of self-control is something he finds truly mesmerizing. In the halls of the academy, the parlor of her home, or sat reverently in mass, she’s the epitome of elegance and composure. Rarely is there even a single hair out of place as she charms the entirety of the academy’s staff and church leadership, effortlessly executes master level spells no other student would even dare to attempt, and hushes her critics with little more than one deadly look. As such, she’s convinced all the covens in the tri-state area that she’s somewhat formidable; that she possesses such a stratospheric level of self-confidence, the deadly sin of Pride may just as well have been named so because of her. Faustus has always known better, though; always known that underneath that mask of bravado has been a fragile little girl who only needed to be given permission to get just a little bit messy. In the bedroom, she’s exactly that. She cares not that her hair is mussed, that her mascara and lipstick are smeared, or that she’s screaming all manner of undignified things until she’s hoarse. No, there she’s unbridled and uninhibited, possessing a raw, hungry kind of greed that the dark lord himself would marvel at.
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makeoutcreekrpg · 3 months
Tumblr media
⋆·˚ ༘ *@first love/last spring 初恋、去年の春:私にインスピレーションを与える音楽 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚 by lorde
Melodrama es el segundo álbum de estudio de la cantante estadounidense Lorde, y su primera colaboración con el productor Jack Antonoff, que marca fuertemente su huella en este éxito de las radios. Seguido al éxito de ventas de su primer álbum “Pure Heroine”, Lorde se alejó de los focos y viajó entre Nueva Zelanda y Estados Unidos durante un tiempo. Inicialmente inspirada por su desilusión respecto a su recién descubierta fama, escribió Melodrama para capturar la sensación de desamor, soledad y el corazón roto después de su primera ruptura.
A. GREEN LIGHT La canción comienza hablándonos desde una sensación de resentimiento hacia una ex pareja. Esta persona sigue su vida y tú sigues la tuya, pero recuerdas las mentiras y de alguna forma esperas que esa persona reciba su karma. Pero dentro de todas esas sensaciones, también tenemos la seguridad de que finalmente esa persona se ha ido y ya no está, y que tenemos ‘luz verde’ para movernos hacia el futuro, incluso si tenemos el fantasma de esa persona cerca.
B. SOBER Existe gente, aunque Lorde lo ha negado, que plantea que este álbum es un álbum conceptual que gira en torno a una noche de fiesta. Canciones como esta nos enfocan en esa temática, presentándonos a una pareja que son el rey y la reina del fin de semana, ahogándose en el descontrol de la vida rápida, pero a pesar de esto, la narradora nos cuestiona constantemente durante toda la canción ¿Qué pasará con nosotros una vez estemos sobrios? Las relaciones no pueden funcionar solo en efusión y alcohol ¿cierto?
C. HOMEMADE DYNAMITE En esta canción Lorde nos habla de dos cosas: por un lado, de la efusión que sentimos estando enamorado de una persona, sintiendo que somos capaces de todo a su lado, causando caos como si fuera ‘dinamita casera’, y por el otro, como engañamos y aparentamos para gustarle a esta persona, diciéndole nuestras mejores mentiras y mostrándole el mejor lado de nosotros, con la esperanza de que no se decepciones.
D. THE LOUVRE Esta canción es muy sensorial, y nos habla de la emoción de estar enamorado de alguien. A través de expresiones como “me pondrán un megáfono en el corazón y escucharán el boom-boom” y la metáfora de que su amor es lo suficientemente épico para ser colgado en el Louvre, Lorde nos sumerge en la sensación de infatuación con una persona.
E. LIABILITY Liability se traduce como Debilidad y, tal como el nombre lo indica, esta canción nos habla de sentirnos una debilidad para las personas que nos rodean. En especial para personas neuro divergentes, puede ser una sensación común el sentir que eres ‘demasiado’ para tu pareja: demasiado intenso, demasiado emocional, demasiado que soportar. ¿Alguna vez te has sentido así?
F. HARD FEELING/LOVELESS Este tema es una canción “medley”, es decir, son dos canciones en una. Por un lado Hard Feelings nos habla de la sensación de desenamorarse, enfrentarse a la desilusión de el final de una relación y de dejar de amar a una persona, mientras que Loveless por el otro lado nos habla, de una manera algo caprichosa e infantil, lo que Lorde define como “la epidemia de desamor de la juventud”, en la cual buscamos relaciones tóxicas y dañinas.
G. SOBER II (MELODRAMA) Esta es la continuación de Sober, y mientras la primera toma lugar durante una fiesta, Sober II ocurre después de que la fiesta ha terminado, a la mañana siguiente, cuando el narrador está completamente sobrio y puede pensar en todo lo realizado la noche anterior y en el estado de la relación, teniendo que enfrentarse a su realidad y dando paso al melodrama que es enfrentarse a la consecuencias de sus acciones.
H. WRITER IN THE DARK Writer in the dark nos habla tanto de la fama como de estar enamorado. Lorde nos cuenta cómo no disfruta escuchar su nombre de parte de una multitud, pero si lo único que deseaba era existir para esta persona. De manera posterior nos habla irónicamente de que debe sentir esta persona al haberse enamorado de un artista, sabiendo que su relación quedará por siempre plasmada en sus canciones y su arte. ¿Alguna vez has sido un artista escribiendo de su ex, o ha salido con alguien y has visto cómo después de la relación hace arte de ti?
I. SUPERCUT Un supercut es una compilación de pequeños videos juntos, usualmente la repetición de ciertos gags o situaciones. En esta canción, Lorde nos habla del anhelo de una relación pasada, diciendo que reproduce un “supercut” de la relación en su cabeza, pensando en todos aquellos pequeños momentos ¿Alguna vez te ha pasado algo similar?
J. LIABILITY (REPRISE) Un reprise, en las obras musicales, son cualquier repetición de una canción o tema anterior, generalmente con letras modificadas y música más corta para reflejar el desarrollo de la historia. De esta forma, Lorde nos hace un reprise Liability, en la cual hace una reflexión sobre sí misma y llega a conclusión de que las duras palabras que ocupaba para describirse antes, considerarse una debilidad para las personas que amaba, no son ciertas, y es solo su mente siendo cruel con ella.
K. PERFECT PLACES Perfect Places nos habla de buscar la felicidad, pero más que eso, de preguntarnos si realmente podemos encontrarla. Lorde vive un tipo de vida: sale a muchos lados, bebe en abundancia, tiene sexo casual, pero no parece encontrarle sentido a la vida adulta, y eso de alguna forma le hace preguntarse ¿Dónde mierda quedó esa vida adulta maravillosa y perfecta que la publicidad y los cuentos te prometen? ¿Realmente podemos alcanzar esa felicidad o debemos buscarla de otra forma?
𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒: 150 fichas
𝐃𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎́𝐍: Sin límite
Para participar, debes elegir una de las canciones propuestas y entregar un escrito de mínimo 200 palabras, un poema de al menos cuatro versos, o bien una edición (visual o audiovisual).
El código se completa con la letra correspondiente a cada canción. Por ejemplo, si quieres usar "Sober", el código sería #FLLS09_B.
Puedes hacer una, dos o bien todas las opciones ¡No te sientas limitad-! Cada una contará por separado en tu cronología.
Recuerda compartir tu creación en el grupo PINK IN THE NIGHT y comentar la publicación con el siguiente formulario: NOMBRE + #CÓDIGO - LINK
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magaprima · 1 year
Default Verses for Crossovers
AUs within the CAOS universe that work as my default verses for any interactions or threads with non-CAOS muses interactions (unless I have a specific crossover verse for your muse's fandom (e.g Buffy, Good Omens etc), or unless something else makes more sense for our interaction (for example, if your muse is a high school student...then Lilith in her time as a High School Principal works best) or we've plotted something specific, obviously). Basically, this is just here so non-CAOS muses can have a go-to without having to plot or over-think how to interact, but please feel free to look at my verse page in case there's a verse you'd prefer! The verses below are taken from my verse page, but have been tweaked a little to allow for ease of use as a default basis for threads.
Witch of Hecate.
In this verse, Lilith has remained with the Order of Hecate in Greendale. Originally, a decision made to keep her newborn son safe, she lives in a room at the Unseen Academy, and slowly begins to attend some of the coven's events and rituals, and though she doesn't consciously notice it happening, she slowly becomes a part of the coven, honouring Hecate alongside them as the world of Hell seems further and further away. Living in the mortal realm semi-permanently means she slowly develops a life there, and having enjoyed teaching at Baxter High (though it took Hilda's friendship for her ever to admit that out loud), she does unofficially teach at the Academy in her role as First Witch and Mother of Demons, as she has knowledge that books just can't provide. She doesn't have a surname, but for interactions with any mortal muses (those who don't know who she really is), she either uses the surname Morningstar or Marsters depending on the situation. A good crossover default verse for muses that are witch, mortal or anything in between that are hanging out in the normal, human realm.
If your muse cannot be in Greendale, then there's this verse:
On The Run.
Maintaining a desperate, shred of hope that she can keep out of reach of Lucifer, in this verse Lilith has followed Hilda’s advice and packed a bag and taken her son and just keeps running, trying to stay one step ahead of the Dark Lord at all times. Realising she’ll be running for the rest of her life with Adam if she doesn’t kill Lucifer, she becomes determined to get a hold of the Spear of Longinus. But as going to the Ninth Circle to retrieve it would mean she and Adam would flash up on the Dark Lord’s radar, she must find another way…and possibly find help.
And then for muses that are supernatural or mythological, demonic or dead etc, those kinds of muses that can be in the Infernal Realm (either as visitors or as permanent residents), there is
Queen Mother
For full details of this verse, check the verse page out, but simply put; Lilith is Queen of Hell. Her son, while now of age and so technically the official King of Hell, is more interested in the perks of rule, and of exploring and enjoying himself than in the mundane tasks and all the admin of ruling, and so Lilith rules as Queen Mother. As she is in debt to Hecate for her son's life, Hell is Lilith's Kingdom, but falls under Hecate's domain, as one of her many underworld kingdoms.
Her son is 17 year old flirt with God like powers, so if your muse is a teen who would be into that, feel free to write them in as Adam's latest partner.
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