#capcom really likes chris
fan-fangirl-world · 2 years
Capcom: We’re gonna have VILLAGE Golden Edition, now with the Winter’s expansion.
Fans: So the poster promos are gonna be about the Winters right?
Capcom: yeah, right...
Also Capcom:
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Love they keep on giving us Chris but so far we don’t even know if the 3rd person is gonna be for both Ethan and Chris.
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sizzlinbaconpeach · 1 year
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Excited for Resident Evil Death Island!
I mean, part of myself is not trying to get my hopes up, but I like these two too much not to.
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friendly reminder Mia is the only living person that we directly have contact with who worked for the connections and her story is very much not done
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icepandawarrior · 2 months
Man, oh man... I don't know if it's just me or if it's my setup and strategizing, but I remember RE5's CPU, for the most part, being soggy wet buns. And now replaying it, Sheva throughout the entire run was (as overused as this phrase is) STANDING ON BUSINESS! There were times she had to save my ass from goons or heal me, and sometimes I would sit there thinking, "This can't be the same game I was struggling for hours playing in my elementary years there's no damn way."
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highlifeboat · 4 months
Chris is in it, but he spends majority time being supportive ally, to his transgendere bro :p
So that's no valid argument, hehe! /hj
That's 100% not true and you and I both know that pff
I do choose to believe he helps Jill stay in the closet until he's ready to tell other people, though.
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bro... ashley is ACTUALLY voiced and mocaped by the same actress that did everything for jill in re3r. wth. 
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miawinters · 2 years
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I forgot she existed
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tru-daddy · 27 days
Even if Capcom didn't plan anything with the writing and Project W wasn't a thing until RE5, I still love the fact that the reveal recontextualizes Wesker's line to Chris in RE1:
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It's meant to be all smug he's like "I've always been with Umbrella 😏" But now knowing Wesker's backstory it's quite a sad and ironic line. Like he really has always been with Umbrella... This is one of my roman empires my guy thought he was chilling as Dr. Frankenstein when instead, he was actually Frankenstein's monster.
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cenorii · 5 days
BOW Chris
I got a chance to take a detailed look at the BSAA soldiers at the end of re8, and that's what I saw.
I even extracted some textures for this.
(3 bonuses inside)
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If anyone is still unaware that it's Chris, read this.
What is usually invisible due to the camera angle is the relief of the skin. This is not on the concept, and it resembles scales. It is unclear whether this is the result of the death of this subject or whether such a skin mutation is present in every clone.
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You can also see in detail the black substance that flowed out of the eyes, nose and mouth. It could be Mold, but what if it's their blood? After all, this is a completely new bioweapon and we still don't know what it really is, so it really may turn out to be blood that flowed due to injury or is a consequence of death.
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Next, I noticed the eyes. The concept shows a narrow pupil, but the color looks different in the game. The narrow pupil refers us to the strains of the progenitor virus, specifically to the prototype that infected Albert and Alex Wesker. This is a very characteristic mutation that may hint at what the virus involved here will be associated with. I could assume it's Uroboros because of the presence of black substance and similar eyes, since that's what could be found and seen in re5, but I don't think there's anything left of Uroboros after rev2.
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Bonus 1: this confused Chris's face expresses a huge range of emotions. Chris looks at his own dead face, realizing the situation he's in. The nightmare he's been fighting isn't about to end. Now the horror is fixated on his flesh and blood.
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And also… now think about it even more carefully… These are Chris's clones. Chris's clones use Wesker's weapon (Albert System Weapon), and they also have eyes like Wesker's. This truth sounds so absurd, to be honest. Someone at capcom or in the world of RE really likes to cross Wesker with Chris. This is a dangerous and powerful combination.
Bonus 2: I got under the helmet
Bonus 3: comparison of BOW and Chris textures (identical).
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fan-fangirl-world · 2 years
Capcom: We hope the DLC was worth the wait
The DLC:
Rose VILLAGE extra mission talking about her mutation and powers.
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The Mercenaries now with Chris, Heisenberg and Alcina. Yes, we’re gonna be able to play as some of the Lords!!
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Ethan 3rd person edition. Okay it looks like a simple change but the idea that they really took the time after some fans made moods. Ethan looks so cool, really want to see his movements in the game!
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In conclusion
It was worth the wait and more
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c1a1r3r3df1e1d · 1 year
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I just have to bring something up about this scene. How these two already acted like a married couple during this scene and this is our first time seeing them together. Just the way they are communicating here like how Chris was worried because Leon was in the city and Leon knew there was something wrong just by the way Chris's voice sounded. And even how Chris just went right ahead and asked where Leon was instead of just coming right out and telling him the missile was hitting, almost like he didnt care that it was hitting if Leon wasnt near it, this proved he was really worried for Leon. Chris just seems to have this protectiveness to him when it comes to Leon, not to mention that he couldn't remember anyone but he recognized Leon right away. I just wish that Capcom will finally man the hell up and do something with these two in the future because it just really seems that Chris and Leon have something between them that Capcom is too afraid to go canon with and its driving me absolutely nuts!
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I actually want to add on to this post and just say how Chris checked back in with Leon to see if he was okay. And Leon answered with a "yeah" like it was the most casual thing in the world. I'm still convinced Capcom is hiding something from us
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broken-shotgun · 3 months
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Making out with your old boss turned nemesis is totally normal right.... right? 😳😳
Idk what kind of AU or timeline this is but uuuh Wesker in a waistcoat is something I just needed to draw alright 😆
[Pls click for better quality!]
Despite these two being one of my very first ships, I've never drawn them and that's a crime honestly lol I'm gonna blame it on the fact that I stopped reading chrisker fics after a while cuz there were just so many like dub/non-con and tentacle stuff and all that and that's not really something for me so I stopped and only recently got back into it and I'm glad I did! Feels like there's more S.T.A.R.S. era fics now and not so many dubcon stuff, so I'm happy about that 😄😄 and also if there's any chrisker fans out there who hasn't read "A God needs worship" by OneShotRevolt pls do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece!! It's got like everything I've ever wanted from a chrisker fic, like they're first meeting, their lives throughout the S.T.A.R.S. era, and Chris being so madly in love and Wesker falling in love and being midly annoyed by it lol but god he loves his pointman and I love this fic so much there are so many scenes I wanna draw and pls go read it 🥰😍🥰😍🥰
ANYWAY long live chrisker and Capcom better crank up the powerful homoeroticism even more in the inevitable RE5 remake 🔫🙂
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adasknife · 1 month
this a sort of complain of capcom and some fans.
i have been *seeing posts of people 'trying' to slander claire and trying to uplift ada. when you see why they try to make those conclusions, it sort of makes sense why. ada is a character in resident evil and the fans solely base her around leon and her bad actions. it makes sense why people try to defend her especially when some (not all) claire fans mention ada's name over and over in attempts to slander her.
the line of defense of ada is, "well, without ada, nothing would've happened. leon wouldn't have survived raccoon city. oh, well, she sold plagas and continued the story in re5. she caused the issues of re6 and fixed them. she helped leon with the information in the end of re6. ada isn't really bad if she..."
blah, blah. all are valid points, but we are missing the biggest detail. why is ada's character written like that? why did ada patch leon up? why did the cold mercenary gain a heart in the original re2? why does she have to be there for leon?
it's fucking capcom.
you guys are allowed to like ada. guys, i like her. i fucking adore ada, but let's be honest. capcom doesn't know what's ada's motives were in the original game. the only reason ada does those things is because capcom doesn't know what to do. why did ada save leon if letting to die would be faster and quicker for her? idk.
or why does ada feel obligated to help leon in the og separate ways? idk.
why is ada a morally gray character? oh, yeah. for capcom it's for keeping leon safe.
why does ada do her actions?
"oh, it's because she is mysterious and we aren't allowed to know."
why not? why aren't we allowed to know if the time skip of re2 and re6 (in real time 14 years), all we know is that her name isn't real.
all of ada's actions are:
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when people ask, why don't we have an ada game? bro, do you honestly think capcom knows what to do with her? we barely got the remake and she makes a bit more sense than last time.
like even the original guy of re2 was like, "wow, i really like the kiss. it shows how much of a manipulator ada is!" [X]
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and let's not pretend that capcom and some fans treat her as a raging stereotype of asian women.
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trying to shit on claire/ada just pisses me off because girl characters have to stick together. capcom sexualises women every single chance it got. they queerbaited chris. capcom has a male dominant fandom base. they do things for the guys. why do you think ada's interaction with leon is all the time flirting? like guys, think it through.
why is it so hard to possibly think ada is a victim of bad writing from capcom? ada deserves fucking better and i'm tired of repeating it over and over. settling shouldn't be an option
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ovaryacted · 30 days
CW: Discussions about Resident Evil Leaks
Been seeing posts about these Resident Evil leaks surrounding RE9 and a possible RE1 remake. If Leon Kennedy is somehow the lead character of RE9 (which I don’t believe), I will either scream or cry but I don’t know if I’ll be a good reaction or a bad one. Either way, they’re gonna milk him till the end so let’s see what they come up with, especially when you consider how the face models and voice actors are treated by “fans”. Pero jajaja.
My only request is that if Leon is relevant to RE9, they should make him older and give him longer hair. If they can give us Chris when he’s like 40 something and graying, I want the same for Leon. GIVE HIM THE GRAYS! I also am secretly hoping that eventually, we get Leon having a breakdown. Idk, after all the shit he’s been through I need him to do some manic shit and have a cathartic moment where everything comes crumbling down. I want to see that man haunted by his demons and come back like a phoenix even if it’s one last time.
I love Leon to death, I do, but I also don’t want him to be the main character of the next installment lowkey. I also don’t really know if that makes sense considering they just dropped RE4R last year with Leon, and the context of the Winters family is allegedly supposed to be a trilogy so RE9 can be a conclusion to Rose & Ethan AND possibly Chris to figure out more about how he got involved in the first place or what happened to make him go rogue from the BSAA. We already know Capcom is remaking the prior RE games, we just don’t know in what order or what games they’re prioritizing. I would kill to have a Code Veronica or RE5 remake, or having something regarding Jill and Claire because I want them to return to the franchise as the important characters they are but Capcom just hates the RE female characters so we’ll see.
I never really trust leaks cause I just don’t think RE9 is anywhere near done and considering the inconsistencies in the RE “canon” timeline anyway, we just have to wait and see for any real announcements. But, I will continue to manifest the RE5 remake, I think a complete overhaul of that game and a reintroduction to Wesker, Chris, Jill, and Sheva would be so cool. Again, I don’t know shit, this is just me speculating but I don’t think those leaks are real either way so snooze fest. 🤷‍♀️
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Let's say that some "no way home" shit is happening and the universe collides and stuff, and instead of multiverse villains coming in the main one, the boys just discover AO3/Tumblr/Wattpad, etc.
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Would chuckle and try to hide his smile. He would also blush when he read steamy stuff. He is amazed by how many people he is shipped with and would spend nights reading fics about him.
He would make an account to mostly keep his favorite works. He would also try to write some stuff with him, thinking it would be easy since it comes from the source, but people say it's OOC. 
"Well, story of my life..." Thus, "@the-story of-my-life" was born. He gets sued by Capcom for copyright infringement. Poor guy can't catch a break, even in another universe. 
Also, his hair has its own fandom.
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First, what the fuck is a "ship" and why people are "shipping" him with Chris? His eyes widen at the intense NSFW content made with him and his archnemesis, but the "x reader" stuff boosts his ego.
"They know me so well, it's amazing." He'd say it with pride in his tone.
It turns out he doesn't need a virus to mind control anyone, a shirtless picture would do just fine. Thus, "@realalbertwesker" was born on Twitter.
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Why people ship him with his archnemesis is beyond him. Still, he quickly falls into addiction and stays up all night reading fics about him. They just put a smile on his face.
He is shocked to see how many people got him right. They got his preferences right—how he cuddles and what he likes to eat—and goddamn, even his dick size is accurate.
"Am I that transparent?"
No, Chris, we are just obsessed. You're hot.
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Why is everyone calling him a "DILF"? What's a DIFL? And why is Mia either dead or divorced in almost all fics?
After some quick research, he laughs out loud, finding all of this hilarious and quite enjoyable. He likes all the fics, both SFW and NSFW, and he has no shame reading steamy things next to his wife.
He is addicted to slow-burn fanfiction because it keeps him hooked, and he lives for the drama. He starts a Wattpad account to write his life story: "Ethan Winters: from ordinary guy to mold." Everyone says that it’s OOC.
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This man never thought he'd be worthy of being simping material. Still, his ego is increasing with each fics he reads about him.
He has a Tumblr account called "@ask-heisenberg-203". He also buys many checkmarks using Miranda’s credit card. He really wants the rainbow.
He lives for the "x reader" stuff mostly because he feels loved with all his flaws.
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He is a ladies' man and would be so proud to see all the fics and headcanons about him.
He can’t stop blushing at all the cute headcanons, and he even submits. His username is "@definitely-not-carlos" and he reblogs content about himself or Jill.
He lives for the spicy stuff, and at some point, he writes too (from personal experience).
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Let’s face it, he makes a Tumblr account just to write fanfics about himself. Luis is a very good writer and gets many followers in a short time.
"My, my, these people are very horny. And why is everyone shipping me with Sancho?" He said after reading a few smuts that it's ok 'cause he likes the attention he gets.
"Damn, Leon looks good in those thongs..." He would say that after seeing some pictures. He thinks of getting a tramp stamp too because if it looks good on Leon, it would look stunning on him.
Taglist: @rokurodokuro @shadow-wolf510 @skylar-todd @lunarastrobabe @alewesker
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rallamajoop · 5 months
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Chris Boulder-Punching Redfield and the Genius of the Karambit Knife
If you've played Chris' section of Resident Evil Village, you probably know that Chris' arsenal includes a karambit knife ‒ a way more effective weapon than the blunt POS knife poor Ethan's stuck with. You may even have picked up that the karambit is a real knife used in Indonesian and Filipino martial arts.
But I'm guessing most of you don't realise what a stroke of raw genius it was to give Chris, specifically, a karambit to wield.
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Now, I'm no expert on knife-fighting, but up until it was canceled for covid-reasons, I used to take this eclectic martial arts class run by a jedi ninja stuntman mate of mine, and the karambit was his favourite knife. We only got to use it a couple of times (knifework wasn't generally our focus), but I'm at least qualified to tell you that in some respects, a karambit may actually be easier than a regular knife for someone with a bit of bare-hand combat experience to pick up.
Why? Well, get this: a lot of karambit moves are basically just punches, with a knife in your hand.
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And if there's one thing Chris is known for (canonically, and possibly worldwide), it's punching things.
Sadly, I could not find any online resource to demonstrate this aspect of the karambit nearly as effectively as watching one of my classmates get really excited by how all these moves we were learning felt just like throwing a familiar old punch (something our instructor enthusiastically agreed with, FWIW). But here's a couple of videos which kinda touch on the subject at least.
(Have some sources for those other two pics while I'm at it too, though neither say anything much on the subject of knife-punching.)
Obviously, there's more to using a karambit like a pro than just 'hold knife do punch', but it's not like Chris uses it in any way that demonstrates that, so I think the point stands.
Now, is this why they gave Chris a karambit in RE8? I cannot say for sure. The whole "a great knife to punch people with!" aspect of the karambit isn't nearly so storied online as it deserves to be, and I can't speak to its overall reputation among pros.
But given that this is the same game that went out of its way to call Chris a boulder-punching asshole, and that reworked his whole move-set in Mercenaries mode to be no-blocks-all-punches, I'd certainly like to think there's a stuntman somewhere on Capcom's RE team whose eyes just lit up when asked what the perfect knife for Chris Redfield would be.
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