#captain ameria x black widow
hileywwe · 6 years
1. Ship you'll always love ♥️
GOT- Jonerys: (duh like...🤣✌🏾)
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2 . Current Obsession
Star Wars- REYLO ♥️👊🏾
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3. A ship you never thought you'd like
The walking dead - Richonne 🎇✌🏾
I dunno. I just thought everyone shipped them because they wanted a friend's to lovers romance 🤣. And at the start I didn't see it at all...until the actors, fans, fan videos and Tumblr hyped it up 👀♥️ lmao. Now they are my babies.
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(also Reylo for the exact same reason 👀)
4. A ship that you like but don't anymore
Riverdale - Varchie
I dunno....they are just Hella annoying for me now lmao. All of the situations and morals surrounding this couple just erks me in a way. No offense but them kissing in every corner don't do it for me tbh 😂
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5. A ship that you think should be canon
Avengers - Captain America x Black widow
Because....come the fuck on! 🙄 I still don't understand why they ain't together yet like...it's offensive 😭.
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6. A ship you dislike
GOT- Jonsa
Because....yeah. 💀✌🏾
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7. A ship you've shipped for years
This has been the ONLY ship I've shipped for this long so 👀👊🏾🤣 yas!
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8. A ship everyone loves but you don't care about
Varchie (again) I just couldn't care less . Don't attack me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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9. Fav rare pair:
I dunno what this could mean but I guess
NOORHELM in SKAM (because I don't think hardly no one on here watched it was it's a Norwegian teen show 🤣✌🏾) bad boy meets good girl x
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(seriously though watch it! Its an amazing teen show! ♥️♥️♥️♥️)
Anyyywaaay. Im gonna tag @glitta @qualeesi @dragons-daughter-blog @daenerys1417 @akorotori @zae82
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shadowhunter250 · 4 years
Avenger Preferences #2 How you Officially Meet
You were walking around when you saw Director Fury. You were supposed to be on a mission with Clint who at the moment decided to sneak out on you and go somewhere with Natasha. You sighed but followed him to see a man with dark, chocolate, brown eyes, black messy hair and in a suit. You raised an eyebrow and noticed that it was the man the lab. He walked up to you and you crossed your arms. He smirked as he put an arm around your shoulder. "Hey Beautiful I'm Tony, Tony Stark."
"I'm (name)." you said giving him a glare. "Aw come on don't be mad at me." He said giving you a pout and you couldn't help but smiled back and said, "Fine Stark."
"(last name)!" Fury yelled from down the hall. You sighed but said bye to Tony and ran down the hall.
You were up on deck when you heard a chuckle. You turned around to see a man with black hair and dark brown eyes looking down. You walked up to him since you need help with direction and you didn't see anyone else. You gave him a smile and said "So... you're?"
"Hu? oh hi, I'm Bruce banner." He said nervously as he gave you a closed eyed smile. "Oh, so you're the doctor I've been hearing about."
"What have they been saying?" Bruce said with an eyebrow raised and you could sense the worry in his voice. "Oh, nothing really, just how you help out a lot of our agents when they come back from missions."
"Oh." He said with a smile, "So do you need help with anything?"
"Well I was looking for the meeting room since Fury wants me to meet him there, but I don't know where that is."
"Oh I can help you Ms...?"
"Oh right, I'm (name)."
"Well nice to meet you." He said with a smiled as he leads you to the meeting room.
You took a deep breath, you put on your parachute and looked to Tony. He gave you a smirk and said, "Well I'm not going with you this time."
"Why not Tony?" You ask giving him a slight pout, the two of you were close and did almost everything together... and it would get on Fury's nerves most of the time. He chuckled and said, "Well Fury want's the Captain to go with you." Just then Steve walked in and he was having trouble getting his parachute on. Tony was laughing at him and you rolled your eyes and went to help him. You knew that he was still adjusting to the way things were now and that the new parachutes were a little bit different from those before. He gave you a smiled and said, "So you must be (last name), Tony talks about you a lot."
"Do not!" Tony said quickly as he went and pouted. You gave Tony a small smile and said "Aw... Tony you do care." He just smirked and left the room. "So, you're the Captain, right?"
"Yes Ma'am, but you can call me Steve."
"Okay then you can call me (name)." You said with a smile. "You ready?" You asked he nodded and the two of you jumped out of the plane.
You were climbing a tree just for fun when you got to the top you grabbed your bow and arrow and aimed it at the target. You were about to fire when someone tackled you. You hit them with your bow and then you two were free falling from the tree. You were both wrestling to use the other one to soften your fall when suddenly you landed on something hard. You groaned, and you pushed yourself up. "Next time wait for me." You heard a woman said with a sigh. You quickly put up your guard and got into fighting position. You took a deep breath and turned as you saw the man you were supposed to take out with a woman with red hair and in a tight black cat-suit. "Whoa, whoa, whoa wait a second we-" but you cut her off by swiping her feet from under her and she landed with a thump. You looked at Hawkeye and you tackled him. You both fell off the flying car as soon as the woman got up. You were again fall and when you hit the ground with a thump. You were about to punch him in the face, but you couldn't you sighed, and he flipped you over quickly. He pinned you to the ground and you couldn't move. "I want to help you. Join our team and don't be what you are."
"Why should I trust you?" You said as You fought back the tears that were threatening to hit your eyes. You have been told that lie too many time to start believing it now. "I'm Clint Barton, I work with the Avengers trust me." He said.
You looked into his blue eyes and you saw the man he was, and you found yourself slowly nodded. "I'm (name), but I go by (code name)."
"Okay, welcome to the Avengers.... well you may want to say sorry to Black Widow first." He said with a slight chuckle as the two of you looked towards the angry red head.
You were walking in the park when you saw the man from earlier that week. You were surprised that you would get to see him again, this time he was wearing normal clothes and you decided to go up to him. He was sitting on a bench and then you decided to sit next to him. "Hello?" You said slightly nervous since he looked like a giant next to you. "Oh, hello fair maiden!" He boomed as he looked at you. You were slightly taken aback about how loud his voice was but your recovered quickly before saying. "Hello um... what's your name?"
"It is I the mighty Thor." He said trying to be quieter since he noticed the scared look in your eyes. "Well then Thor, I'm (name)." You said giving him your hand to shake and he kissed your hand instead making you blushed. "Uh... Thor what are you doing?" You heard a man ask from behind you. Thor looked up to see Tony Stark. Thor smirked at you and said, "Well it looks like I have to go (name)." He said before he left but he got your phone number, so he could talk to you later. As he walked away you heard him asking Tony to teach him how to use a phone without breaking it and you let out a slight laugh.
You were in a library getting some books when you heard someone growl in anger from the bookshelf behind you. You quickly walked over to see if they could use some help. You were surprised to see the same man from the coffee shop. You walked over to him and said, "Do you need help?" the man turn, and it was clear that he was about to yell until he saw that it was you. "Oh, um hello..." he said unsure of what else to say until he remembered that you asked a question and he said, "Well I was looking for (favorite book), do you perhaps know where I could find it?"
"Yes follow me. I have checked it out three times before I bought it. By the way I'm (name)." He gave you a smile before saying "I'm Loki."
You were running down the street and what were you running from? Hydra agents, they started to shoot at you and since it was supposed to be just recon you didn't have a gun or at least enough bullets or refill your gun. Your lungs were burning since you had been running for almost an hour. You tripped, and your vision was starting to give out. You saw the men walk up to you and one of them aiming a gun at you, then you saw someone punch them and that was when everything went black. When you woke up you were in a dark room and you looked out the window and saw that it was dark out. You also noticed that your shirt was missing and then bullet wound that was in your stomach was patched up. You sat up slowly and then the light went on. it was the Winter Soldier. he still had his mask on, but you could tell that he was slightly blushing under his mask. you were too tired, hungry, and worried to care that you weren't wearing a shirt. he walked up to you and handed one of his. you put it on and then he said "I'm um the Winter Soldier, but um I think my um real name is um Bucky." You looked into his eyes you could tell that he wanted to make conversation. You smiled and said "I'm (name)."
"Well I was able to patch up your bullet hole it will take a while to heal." You nodded understanding as you said "So can I take you into S.H.I.E.L.D., I know that you will probably say no but just hear me out. We want to help you figure out your memories. I'm not say that it's going to be easy in face it's going to be hard as hell. You are going to want to give up and you are going to get angry but trust me, it's going to be worth it." He slowly nodded his head "How else are you going to get out of here without killing yourself?" He said, and you could tell that he was smirking you rolled your eyes and he helped you downstairs and to the car. When you got in you took him to the S.H.I.E.L.D. hell carrier.
Grant Ward
You were walking towards your new Hydra base and as you walked in you saw Grant Ward. He was standing tall and proud and his arms were crossed over his chest. You started to walk to him and you could tell that the new recruits were looking at you like a piece of meat and thinking about what they could do to you if the two of you were alone. You rolled your eyes and once you were a few feet away from him you said, "You going to be helping me, Ward?" He gave you a small smile as he turned to face you and give you a smart remark until he saw you. He was awestruck and you stood there awkwardly as you opened your mouth to say something until he said, "Um yeah, I'm going to help you whip these guys into shape." "Very well then, you start with the left and I'll start with the right. You all will have thirty minutes until we switch. And just know that if you don't finish don't expect not getting beaten to a pulp. Understood?" You said as you gave them death stare waiting for them to speak up and they all nodded in agreement. And you and Ward split up but you didn't notice that Ward was staring at you nearly the whole time.
You were walking down the halls when you got called into Phil Coulson's office. You sighed as you walked in and you were surprised to see Peter and the others here. They were just as surprised. Then the six of you were taken to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Peter walked over to you and said, "Wait didn't I bump into you earlier this week?" "Um yes?" You said but it came out as more like a question than an answer. "Peter, by the way, Peter Parker." He said as he stuck out his hand for you to shake. You let a faint smile come to your lips and you shake it and say "(first name)." "What's your last name?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and you were about to tell him when to doors opened to show Fury.
Black Widow
You were being assigned a new mentor today and as you walked into the room you saw the same redhead from when you first started to work here. You were shocked but didn't show it. You gave her a smile and then looked at Director Fury. He took a deep breath and said "I am pairing the two of you up because I know that you two are going to improve each other's skills and experience in the field. Agent (last name) this is Black Widow and she will be your new mentor." You both sighed but nodded in agreement and walked out.
You sighed not being able to get the girl out of your head. As you walked down the hall you saw her. You decided that you might as well try to talk to her. You walked over to her and said " Hi, um I just wanted to say if you need help with anything you can go ahead and tell me. Beside Coulson always has me keep an eye on the new people anyways. And this way it won't be as creepy." She gave you a small and said: "Sure so what's your name anyway?" A light blushed came to your cheeks and you blurted out "(name)" and then ran down the hall not looking back to see the smile on Skye grow.
You sighed as you walked back to the lab to drop off some papers when you bumped into the man who screamed about the money earlier that week. You saw his eyes widened and a light blush come to his cheek. You gave him a small smile and then said: "You are the guy that Jemma wanted to introduce me to right?" "Um yeah, oh um hi I'm Fitz." He said as you set the papers down and shaken his hand. "(your name)" you said with a smile and he said, "That's a beautiful name." You blushed and said "Um thanks..." and then Jemma walked into the room and said "Oh hey! You two finally met!"
The was the day after you saw the newbie and you were training by yourself with music blasting through the room. You were hitting the punching bag when all of a sudden it flew off towards the door and hits the person the walked through it. Your eyes widened and you ran over to them. You said sorry about ten times before you saw who it was. It was the newbie. You helped him up and said "Sorry about that I guess I should have my strength down by now but the past is kind of hard to forget and- well it doesn't matter. Hey, I'm (your name) by the way." You held out your hand and he shook it with an eyebrow raised "Logan." He said and then looked at the punching bag that busted open. You rubbed the back of your neck and said: "Sorry about that again." "No problem, it was an accident," Logan said with a small smile. "So if I wasn't a girl you would have tackled me already right?" "What makes you say that," He asked looking into your (eye color) eyes. "That fact that when you were looking up you looked about ready to kill someone but when you saw that it was a girl it quickly fade but it caught her." You said with your hands behind your back with a smirk on your lips. "Well, I don't normally attack pretty women." He said with a smirk as he left the room. You stood there shocked but didn't say anything as he left the room. You felt a blush on your cheeks and you made yourself look away from the already closed door. Bother's didn't know that your sister and brother were looking at the two of you through the window surprised that you were actually blushing and for him.
Hank/ Beast
You were training with Logan and as you pinned him to the mat someone walked in. You looked up and saw that it was the guy that you bumped into earlier that week. You got off of Logan and Logan walked over to him as you went to go and get a drink of water. As you did you noticed that he was walking over to you. You put down your water bottle and looked at him. "Hello!" You said with a slight smile. He returned it and then said, "Um you dropped this when you bumped into me earlier this week." He said as he handed you a ring that you were wearing that you thought you lost. " Oh, thanks um..?"  " Oh um I'm Hank." He said with a light blush came to his cheeks. "(name)" you said as you shook his hand with a smile.
You enter the building of Stark Tower. You walked in and put on your best smile as you ran into Piper Pots. " Oh hey, Piper sorry to run into you. I was just trying to find out where Tony was." "Oh, he's upstairs. He's trying to figure out where you are." "Oh well, I better not keep him waiting." She said as you gave her a smile and head towards the elevator. As you got to the top floor you saw Tony standing there. "Hey, Tony." "Oh hey (your name). hey, do you know where my new assistant is?" "Yeah, you're looking at him." You said with a laugh. "Oh OK then since that makes me your boss I hired you so you could help me out with the Avengers." "Well OK... I guess I could do that." "Great because you have no choice." He said as he called them in. You rolled your eyes as he introduced the Avengers but one caught your eye. You saw the girl that helped you picked you up. She noticed you too and you gave her a wave and said: "Hey I think I've seen you somewhere before." She gave you a smile and said: "Yeah sorry about my brother for running over." "Oh, that was you? Sorry man I thought that you were someone else. No hard feelings though right man." You gave him a smirk and said: "Yeah if I can date your sister." Tony laughed and Steve groaned and said "Great another Tony." "No need to worry Steve I just flirty nothing else. I don't like taking advantage of women no matter what." Tony smirked and nodded his head and said "He still is trying to find "The One." Tony said with air quotes. You punched him in the arm and said: "There is nothing wrong with that." You head a small giggled and saw Wanda trying to hide her laugh behind her hand.
Victor Creed
You were trying your best to keep an eye on Victor and James so when they finally decided to join you were glad. You have grown to like Victor and Logan. You were called to Striker's office and you quickly went there knowing that Striker wanted you to show the newbies around. You walked over to them and you sighed as you opened the door. Wade pounced on you and growled at him and pushed him off. "Hands off the merchandise." You said as you walked up to the desk. "What do you need a boss?" "Well, I need you to show Victor and James around." "Wait didn't I-" "Yeah, we kind of fought I mean you lunged at me and Striker called me back so I don't think you can call that a victory but anyways call me (your name)." You said as you walked out and Logan and Victor started to follow you as you showed them what they were going to be doing.
You were hanging out with the Avengers when Tony said: "Alright we have three new people that will be joining the team." As he said that three new people walked in and Tony continued "Pietro A.K.A Quicksilver, Wanda A.K.A Scarlet Witch, and Vision. These three will be joining the Avengers so talk gets to know each other and what not." Tony then went somewhere but you were just looking at Pietro. You gave him a smile and said: "Hey haven't I've seen you around before?" Pietro smirked and said, "Maybe... so you must be (Code name) right?" "Yeah but since you're an Avenger now you can call me (Your name)." "(Your name)? Hu, I like it." He said with a smirk as you took a sip of your drink. "I think we are going to get along just fine (your name)." And with that, he left and went to go talk to the other Avengers.
Phil Coulson
You were trying to find James Cameron. He was an ex- hydra agent. You were chasing him on the rooftop. And as your feet slammed the ground of the building you jumped on you looked up to see SHIELD agents. You sighed you were about to pull out your guns when you saw him. The man that you save a few days ago. You looked at him through your mask. You had your (favorite color) hoodie up and you were wearing black jeans with it. You had multiple weapons hidden all over you. You sighed and then said " Alright SHIELD I knew you were recruiting but I didn't know you would stick so low as to take in ex-Hydra agents. Especially the likes of him. Do you even know what he's done?" You spoke with venom in your voice and then James stood up straight and said "  (Your name)? No, it can't be you. I killed you and your brother when you were five. "You let out a cruel laugh and said " Yeah you killed my brother with a gunshot to the head and you made me watch. He told me to run and I did. Into the woods and you shot me in the arm but I fell down just so you could think I was dead. I already knew that you wouldn't dispose of the bodies because you always were sloppy and you thought that the explosion would take care of it but it didn't. And ever since that day I have been training under Victor Creed so that why I could be strong enough to kill you. You should stop doing half the job and finish them. S are you ready to finish what you started James?" James smirked and said, " You really think you could take me?" You laughed and said, " are you going to attack or not?" James gave you a cruel grin as he lugged at you with a knife. You quickly dodged and blocked all of his attacks. Your hood came down to show your (Hair length) (hair color) hair and your (eye color) eyes filled with hate. You remembered what Victor taught you and you quickly kneed him in the stomach grabbed his knife as he fell on his back and just as you were about to stab him in the chest you stopped. You sighed and got up and said: " You're not even worth it." You started to walk to the end of the building and before you let you turned and looked at the man from before and said: " See you around Phil." You smiled as you tossed him his badge and you stepped back. You smiled you knew that Phil was someone you could trust and you knew that you would be seeing him again.
Agent May
You were being moved to another team by Nick Fury. As you arrived at the base you noticed that it was in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing but a plane. You shrugged your shoulders as you walked over to it with your bag. You walked on board and the doors closed behind you. You noticed that there was someone behind you and you quickly turned around and grabbed their fist in the process. You gave them a smirk as you saw Grant Ward. He smiled as he said, "Good work you might be good enough to go against me." You rolled your eyes and right when you were about to shoot him a remark you heard someone say "Grant." You both turned towards the sound and saw that it was The Calvary. "Hey, it's good to see you again. Last time I saw you we were in a fight against Hydra." "I remember you were the guy taking them our left and right. You got what it takes to be on this team so don't blow it. I'm agent May and you are?" You already knew that she knew your name but you decided to just tell her anyways. "Agent (last name)."
You were working on your hand to hand combat with the person that you were closest to, Victor Creed. You were pinned to the ground as you growled at him. "Give up yet (your name)?" "In your dreams Creed." You said as you flipped him over on his back. You were about to give him a blow to his face until you got tackled yet again by the red and black suited man. You growled and pushed him off of you as you got up and grabbed him by the collar he gave you a chuckle and smile by what you could tell through the mask that he wore. He stuck out his hand as he said: "Nice to meet you, fair lady." You raised an eyebrow but a small laugh came from your mouth as you set him down and said, "Nice to meet." "I'm Wade Wilson but everyone here mostly calls me Deadpool." You smiled at him as you said, "(your name) but most people just call me (code name)." Wade nodded and then smiled at you as he said, "Well I got to run before fur ball find out what I did too-" "Wade!" You heard a very pissed of Logan yell and you saw Wade's face drop as he ran out of the room before he said, "I'll see you later alligator!" You laughed at him but couldn't help saying "In a while crocodile."
Black Panther
The three of you arrived at the meeting place when you sat down Fury said "So as you can see there is a new member that has come to join our ranks. He will be joining you as an Avenger and will be living at Avengers Tower. Agent (last name) will be showing him around today. If you have any questions ask-" but he was cut off when Tony said "Aw... but I don't want to share (name) with anyone else. I already have to share here with Capsical." Fury gave him a glare but nodded towards you two letting the two of you leave the room. once the two of you exited the room you said "I'm (name) by the way." He gave you a small smile due to his mask not being on so you could see his face. "I'm T'Challa." He said and you smiled at his as you showed him around the hell carrier.
Agent Zero
It was tomorrow at six in the morning. You sighed as you walked into the training room to see the men in their uniforms. You gave them a smirk as you said "Give me your first name. If I'm going to yell at you I might as well know who the hell you are." "I'm Wade Wilson." The one flinging the swords around said with a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes as you said "Okay Logan, Victor I already know you two. He what's your name?" The guy in the corner looked up at you. You saw him holding a gun and you smirked as he said "Agent Zero." You smirked and nodded as you said "I'm (code name). No run eight laps. Then we will start on the rest of our warm ups." They all groaned but started to run laps along the forest following behind you. You smirked as you thought "Agent Zero..."
Peter (DOFP)
You broke Eric out and that was when he finally introduce himself. " I'm Peter." You gave him a smile as you looked at him. A light blush was on your cheeks as you held out your hand and said " (your name)." He gave you a cheeky grin as he kissed your hand and said " That's a beautiful name." Unit Logan picked you up and put you on the other side of him blocking the two of you from talking to each other anymore. You gave him a glare and he smirked at you as he whispered "He's too old for you. He'll be twice your age when we get back."
You have been apart of the X-Men for a year now. You haven't seen battle as much as you train. You know why the X-Men fight with the Brotherhood so much and to be honest you wanted to fight too. You don't think that human should be under your foot but at the same time you don't think that it should be the other way around. You want to be treated as an equal which is why you hid your mutation for so long. You wanted to stop hating yourself for being different. But it didn't mean you hated them for making you feel this way. In fact when you thought back to it you would understand why they hated mutants. They were different, they had abilities that can change the world around us. Some can kill with a single look, or flick of their fingers is they wanted to. Even if they consider themselves good what is stopping them from using their abilities to get what they want? You knew what was to come and you hated it. This fear, this hatred the humans have towards mutants like you is apart of the reason you want to join the brotherhood. They will make sure that it doesn't happen but at the same time you know that it isn't the way you would want it. You don't want them to be slaves or for you to be slaves. You don't want either race to be restricted. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to see Scott. You gave him a small smile and said, "Hi, do you need my help planing the next mission?" "Actually the professor was thinking that you could be in the action this time." Scott said as he adjusted his ruby quart glasses." Your eyes slightly widened but you nodded and said "I'm ready, so where are we going anyways?" "We have to go to Genosha, we need to talk to Magneto himself." Scott said as you two started to walk towards the Blackbird. You gave a nod as you tried to see what would happen once you made it to the island but you couldn't. Your ability to see the future wasn't fully under your control. You put on your suit before entering the Blackbird. You sat down next to Logan playing with your hands and looking out the window trying to calm yourself down. "It's going to be okay kiddo."
You pouted slightly when he called you that. "Can you please stop calling me kiddo, I'm 21 I am an adult."
He gave you a small chuckle. "It will be alright , there is nothing to worry about."
"Oh so that's why we brought you along Wolvie." He let out a small growl when you called him that. He hated when you called him by your nickname for him. You just rolled your eyes and turned to face the window. You were glad though , knowing Wolverine was coming along was somehow calming to you. You bonded in a way that the others wouldn't expect. You dozed off for what felt like a few minutes until you pillow shrugged you off. You groaned but got up and saw that Rouge was your pillow for today. You gave her a small smile as you tiredly got up. You followed the rest of the X-Men off the Black Bird to meet Magneto. You saw that he brought along some "friends" which you were expecting considering the amount of backup Charles had with him. You noticed Pyro, Sabertooth, which you have heard much about from Logan, and the blue woman named Mystique. You were glad Jean was there to give you a run down of who everyone was. Magneto took quick notice of you and gave a small laugh, "I see you got our little predictor. Did she tell you how things were going to turn out when you came here?"
"Now, now Eric you know that's not why I came here." Charles said and you began to tune out of their conversation until you felt an arm pull you away. You were quickly on alert as you pulled away and got into fighting stance. You faced your opponent to see that it was Mystique. You tilled your head slightly but kept your guard up. "Are you going to lower your hands now (name)?"
You froze when she said it, "How did you-"
"We were planning on recruiting you that day in the park, of course we know you name. Even back then we knew your name. "
You slowly lowered your hands and said, "Why did you pull me away from the others?"
"Because I want to know how this is going to go down. How far can you see in the future. Can you tell me which side wins?" Your eyes flashed back to your nightmares where you can't control your powers at all. You don't know which year it happens but all you do remember are the cries and screams as the sentinels kill the mutants. You forced yourself to hold the tears as you whispered, "I can't see that far  into the future." She sighed but pulls you back to the group and you hung your head as you just thought about what was to come.
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mwdders · 5 years
Summary: Bucky goes missing whilst on a mission leaving you and your 6 month old daughter wondering where is, will he come home?
Warnings: death, swearing, violence
Word count: 3.6k
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Dad!Bucky x reader
This is my last non requested piece of writing before I start my requests that I have received.
Requests are open!
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“Hi cutie.” You say as you reach down and pick the giggling baby up from her crib.
“Ooh you’re getting such a big girl.” You place her on your chest and bounce her up and down a bit. “You hungry? Yeah I think you’re hungry.” You walk from the bedroom and into the kitchen, heating her up a bottle. “We should feed you and then go for a walk, how does that sound?” She gurgles in response pulling a bit of hair from your bun. “Okay.” The microwave pings and you walk over to the sofa and reposition her in your arms ready to feed her.
She was 6 months old now so you had slowly started weaning her off being breast fed and moving onto bottles before solid food.
Her hands were wrapped around the bottle as she stared at you with her big brown eyes, something she’d inherited from you rather than her dad.
“After this baby we’ll go and see if your daddy is back, yeah?” She finishes her bottle and you pick her up, placing her lightly over your shoulder to pat her back and burp her.
While you burp her, you move around the room, placing her used bottle in the sink and then getting her a blanket to keep her warm.
“Alright angel, lets go.” You lay her on the bed before wrapping her in her blanket and picking her back up. She was so tiny to say she was 6 months old, you’d never seen a baby so small.
You leave the room and lock the door, “Miss Y/N, Tony wants you in the common room.” Friday sounds just as you’re leaving. “Thanks Friday.”
You make your way to the common room to see Tony and Steve.
“Hey guys.” They barley look at you, faces to the floor, “What’s going on?”
Tony gestures to the sofa, “Take a seat.” You do so, sitting down and repositioning Elisa so you can bounce her on your knees and keep her settled.
“Again, What’s going on?” Steve sits next to you as the confusion is evident on your face. He takes Elisa from you and holds her in his arms. “We er, there was a mission this morning, that me, Nat, Sam and Bucky went on.” You nodded, you knew this because Bucky woke the baby up as he was leaving and it took you ages to get her to stop crying.
“Well, things went south, Buck, he- he went rouge, we’ve lost all communication with him, we can’t track him, we have no clue where he is.” You listen to his words anxiously. “You lost my husband?” Steve’s head drops and he looks at the little girl in his arms as she plays with his fingers. “We’re doing everything we can to find him, we just wanted you to know that he’s missing, and we only have another 10 hours to find him before it becomes official.” You cough, “Where were you?” You rub your hands over your face, “South Carolina. A military operation went wrong and they wanted us to track rouges.” Pressing your fingers to your forehead, “He wouldn’t of just gone off, what the hell happened?” Elisa gurgles as she puts one of her hands in her mouth, “We thought it’d be better if me, Sam and Buck went with us all being ex officers we figured we’d understand the situation better, which worked at first but then one of the officers we were tracking disappeared so we split up and I found the officer and me and Sam met back up at the base but Bucky never came back, we waited hours for him, Sam even did an aerial search of the area but it was like he just vanished.” You purse your lips, “Where is Sam now?” You look at Elisa who is leaning against her god father, her fingers wrapped around his hand. “Still in South Carolina, he stayed as a precaution in case he came back but no luck. His com’s have been off since he disappeared too.” You just nod, “Tony, What’s the process now? We need to find him.” You stand up and walk over to him. “Don’t worry we will, we have intel going into the base, searching the area. The best agents will also be sweeping the area for forensics and anything that’ll lead us to him. Don’t worry we’ll find him.” He’s interrupted by Friday, “Mr Stark, the Secretary of State is in your office.” He excuses himself and leaves the room.
Steve stands up and walks over to you, “We’ll find him.” He hugs you, Elisa still in his arms as she grabs a fistful of your hair, you laugh as you fight back the tears and take the baby from his arms.
“I’m gonna go and call May, she if she can look after Elisa and then I’ll meet you in my office. I want to know everything, and anything about the mission and where he could be, you don’t leave out a single detail.” You leave the room and shut the door behind you as you walk to your room and cling to your daughter, you were so close to falling apart, how could he just disappear like that? Without a trance.
You call the baby sitter and she says she’ll be there in 10 minutes, you put Elisa in her crib, it was time for her afternoon nap anyway, so you set the baby monitor, but you also alert Friday and the AI said she’d watch her.
“Tell me everything Rogers.” You enter your office and sit in your desk chair, “I want a play by play, leave nothing out, at all.”
— —
Steve briefs you on everything, and there was nothing out the ordinary that could of spooked Bucky into running away. “Someone has to have him then.” Steve nods, “Didn’t take me long to realise that, he wouldn’t just leave.” You pick up papers and pictures from the base, “We just need to figure out who.” The door opens and Natasha comes in. “I think I know.” She grabs your keyboard and opens up a file attached to her email, it’s security footage from the base, in the shot is Bucky and Steve but then there’s a guy stood behind a car, clearly watching the pair. “Can you tell who that is?” Steve shakes his head, as he continues to watch the footage, he walks off in a different direction and you can see Sam’s shadow as he flies in another, Bucky walking in the direction of the car that the guy is hiding behind before he goes out of shot.
“He’s our prime suspect then, find him and we could find Buck.” Nat places a file in front of you, “Way ahead of you. His names Slavan Cortet. Ex S.H.I.E.L.D or ex Hydra. He was one of the main instigators, of the Hydra take over of S.H.I.E.L.D.” You gulp, “Shit, if Hydra have him we’re fucked.” You put your face in your hands, “Get us a location Nat. Let’s find him.” She leaves the room and you stare at the file more, you couldn’t lose Bucky down the worm hole that was the winter solider again.
“Hey, don’t think the worst.” You look up at Steve, “I cant lose him, not again, not so soon after getting him back. Even after everything Shuri did, I’m not sure we’d get him back again.” He sighs, before standing up and walking out, turning back as he’s stood in the door way, “Suit up, we’re going to South Carolina.” You rush to your feet, you hadn’t been on a mission for over a year, you couldn’t exactly be a superhero and a full time mum.
— —
You smile at May as you enter your room, she was sat on the sofa reading. “May do you mind staying all day? I’m going on a mission with the team and not sure what time I’ll be back.” You pull on your leather jacket, which completed your attire, “Oh no dear I don’t mind.” She’d stayed over multiple times when you’d been on missions so she knew her way around. “Thank you.” You enter your bedroom and lean over the crib, you place a light kiss on Elisa’s forehead, “Bye baby girl, be good. I’m gonna go get daddy.” She doesn’t even stir as you leave, that’s one thing she did get from her dad, being able to sleep through anything.
“Thanks again May.” You leave the room and rush to the quinjet.
— —
“We have a location. We go in, search the place, no casualties, this is a civilian area.” Steve says as you wait outside a hotel in the middle of the city.
You’d been to the military base and surveyed the area with no luck, and you were giving up hope until Nat received a witness statement from someone who saw Cortet at a hotel in town.
You all nod, you know the plan. The door opens and everyone exits the vehicle.
You go around the back and up the fire exit, you can hear them all talking through the com’s as Sam goes to the roof and Nat goes to reception to try and find out which floor he might be hiding on.
“Why thank you so much, I can’t believe I was stupid enough to lose my key.” She says in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Nat?” You hear the elevator ding, “8th floor, room 802.” That’s all you need and you’re running up the fire escape to the 8th floor.
The door was locked so you kick it down and keep your gun high. 802 comes into view and you knock, this wasn’t part of the plan but you wanted Bucky back more than anything.
The door opens and you point your gun at the guys head, you recognise him as Cortet.
“Walk backwards, nice and slow.” He does that and you kick the door shut.
“Have you seen Bucky Barnes?” He shakes his head no, “First mistake is lying to me, I know you have, you were at base this morning. Lie to me again and you’ll be dead within seconds.” You press the gun harder into his forehead. “Tell me the truth.” The colour leaves his face as he turns pale. “They took him. He’s in the basement.”
Just as you’re about to drop the gun, Sam and Steve come bursting into the room and startle you causing you to pull the trigger. “Well shit.” You mumble as Cortet falls to the floor dead. “What the hell?” Steve says as he walks over and picks up Cortets body, checking he’s dead before dropping him again. “Nice going Y/N.” You roll your eyes, “Yeah well if you idiots hadn’t of barged in, I wouldn’t of killed him.” You put your gun in its holster. “What’d he tell you?” You load your second gun knowing you’ll need it. “They have him in the basement.” You exit the room and walk towards the window, leading to the fire escape, “Y/N now hold on, we can’t just go in all guns blazing, we don’t know the situation.” Sam grabs your arm pulling you from the window. “We never will unless we go down there.” You put a hand on your ear, “Romanoff, meet us in the basement.” You pull your arm away from Sam and jump through the window and walk down the stairs to the sub level.
“Are you losers coming or do us girls need to show you hows it done?” You reach the basement door and Sam lands next to you as does Steve.
“I’m inside guys, there’s only 1 guard at the back door, I’m by the vault which is where I think they have Barnes, there are four guards.” Natasha says and Sam does the signal before kicking the door down, taking the guard stood behind it out.
“Okay, eyes up, stay sharp.” You pull your gun out and walk the corridors, finding the vault and finding Nat.
“Let me take them out and then we can go in and get Bucky back.” You stay in your hiding place and point your gun at the guards, one by one shooting them.
“Go go go.” Steve pulls the door open and is instantly being fired at but protects himself with his shield.
Nat uses her neutralisers and stuns them all.
The room you were in was empty but there was another door, you strut over to it, you could hear voices behind it.
Taking a deep breath you hold your guns up and open the door. There were 4 guards and Bucky tied to a chair in the corner.
“Let him go and we might not kill you.” The guards turn to you, and laugh. “And what’s a little girl like you going to do to stop us?” You cock your gun, “Little? I’m insulted. You know what they say, small and mighty. But I think they might help.”
They look confused as Steve comes from the shadows along with Nat and Sam. “Ah the Avengers. Where’s the rest of you? Still fighting each other?” You point your gun at the guy who talks, “We’re not here for a friendly chat. You took what’s mine and I don’t like sharing.” His eyes light up, “Ah you must be the wife, on the contrary, not what I imagined.” Annoyed you shoot him in the leg, “Is that what you imagined?” He groans, “Let him go now.” Steve says, “Captain America, it’s nice to see you again.” A guy you recognise as Dribon says, an old agent of Hydra. “Dribon, thought you were dead.” He laughs, “Well you thought wrong and we have something of yours.” He puts his hand on Bucky’s face lifting his chin.
“Touch him again, and I’ll kill you.” You say walking closer to him gun directly at him. “Well darling if you do that, I can’t tell you how to wake him up now can I?” You stare at him wide eyed, “What did you do?” You keep your gun pointed at him as you walk over to Bucky, “Ah, that’d be telling.” Steve chucks his shield at him, missing his head by centimetres, “Tell us now, or next time I won’t miss.” He places his arms behind his back and walks over to Steve.
You kneel in front of Bucky, “Baby? Can you hear me?” You place your hands on his cold face but he doesn’t wake up. The conversations they’re having are now irrelevant to you, your main focus being Bucky. “Darling wake up.” You run your hands through his hair and he moves but his eyes remain shut.
“Steve lets just kill them all.” You stand up and turn around both of your guns pointed at two of the guards. “Hold on Y/N. If we do that, we might not get Bucky back.” You ignore him and shoot everyone but Dribon, “You’re next if you don’t tell me what the hell you did.” For the first time he looks scared of you, “Answer me.” Nat smirks, “I think you should answer her, she gets very impatient.” Dribon puts his hands up, “Fine fine, we didn’t do anything! It’s a sedative, we were going to use him to get Hydra interested in the winter solider programme again, we wanted more like him.” You scoff, “I’m gonna kill you for that.” You put your gun to his head, “Wait Wait! Please don’t, let me go and I-I’ll never speak of this again.” He shakes as he talks but you don’t give second chances.
You shoot him and his blood splats all over you. You wipe some of it away before turning to your team, “I’m not really sure why we’re here. She didn’t need us.” Sam says sarcastically, “Nope definitely not.” Nat says, “Shut up.” You walk back over to Bucky who’s still out cold, “Steve grab his other arm.” You untie him and hoist him up. Steve takes most of his weight though as you attempt to get him back to the jet.
Eventually Sam ends up carrying him, it being a lot easier for him with his pack and you board the jet.
Sam places him on the table, and you sit next to him, running your hand over his forehead.
You’re 2 hours into the flight and are nearly home when Bucky’s eyes flutter open looking at you. “Hi.” You say happily until a look of worry shoots across his face, “Where am I? Why are you covered in blood? Are you hurt? What happened?” He springs up from the table, and grabs your face in his hands running his thumbs across your cheeks.
You giggle, “Baby I’m okay.” You put your hands on top of his before kissing his palm. “It’s you I’m worried about.”
He slumps down and sits on the floor, and you slide out of your chair sitting next to him, “I remember what happened. They attacked me, knocked me out it was Hydra, Cortet and Dribon, did you get them? We have to find them.” He stands up and walks up to the cockpit where Steve and Sam are. You pull him back by his hand and he turns to you, “Love this isn’t my blood I’m covered in. We got them, they’re dead. They’ll never come after you again.” He sighs and hugs you tight, although it is short lived as he pulls away abruptly, “Where’s Elisa? Who has Elisa?” You giggle at his panic, “Calm down, she’s with May.” He sighs, and just as he’s about to talk again, you’re landing back at the compound.
“Oh hey buddy, welcome back to the land of the living.” Sam says as he exits the cockpit. Buck just nods at him, “Buck, nice to have you back.” Steve hugs him, before smiling at you and walking off the jet, “Let’s go see Elisa.” Before you can say anything he’s dragging you off the jet eager to see his little girl. “Baby you’re going to pull my arm off if you drag me any faster.” He loosens his grip, before walking at a pace beside you. “Sorry doll, I just want to see my baby girl.” You smile at him warmly as he opens the door to your shared room. “Hi May.” He says as he walks into the kitchen and kicks his shoes off before scurrying off to the bedroom before May can greet him back, “Don’t mind him May, he’s had a long day.” She smiles, “That’s Alright Mrs Barnes, I know what men can be like.” You laugh, “Indeed.” She stands up and bids you farewell before leaving, as Bucky comes out with Elisa in his arms, as she giggles away.
“Oh little miss I’m surprised you’re still awake.” You say as you walk over to them both, kissing her cheek and wrapping an arm around Bucky’s waist. “Of course she was, she wanted to see her daddy.” You narrow your eyes at Bucky, “Love she was still awake wasn’t she? You didn’t wake her up?” Bucky turns his head so he’s not looking at you, trying to hide the guilt in his eyes. “James Buchanan Barnes, I swear if you woke her up!”
When he nods sheepishly at you, you groan, “She’ll be up all night now James!” You turn from him and grab a water bottle from the fridge, “You’re staying up with her.” You pass him the bottle as he passes you Elisa. “Of course I will Y/N, she’s my angel.” Your lips are still pouted angrily and he notices, placing his hands on your hips, “Baby don’t be mad at me, I’m sorry I woke her but today could of gone very differently and I can’t imagine what I’d of done if I never got to see her again so I just wanted to hold her and tell her I love her,” He kisses you lightly getting rid of the pout on your lips as you smile, “Forgive me?” He kisses you again this time more passionately and you hum into the kiss, “How could I stay mad at you?” He smiles, “I love you Y/N.” You hand him Elisa, “I love you too James.” You smile as you walk away, leaving him confused, “Baby where are you going?” You turn to him, “Oh I’m going to bed, have fun.” You say as Elisa gurgles loudly and you leave your husband stood in shock. “But doll-“ He whines but you shut the door and lock it, “I told you, you woke her up so now you have to stay up with her and then put her back to bed.” You wave sarcastically at him and proceed to remove your clothes leaving you in only your t shirt and pants as you fall into the mattress.
You don’t even get 10 minutes sleep before the bedroom door is being unlocked and opened and Bucky comes in, Elisa in his arms. He places her on the bed next to you, as he gets undressed before picking her sleeping figure back up and putting her in her crib covering her with blankets.
Bucky joins you in bed and you don’t move pretending to be asleep even though he woke you the moment he came in. Your weight shifts as he gets in bed and you roll slightly towards him, he gets comfortable before wrapping his arms around you and tangling your legs together, sighing in content you nuzzle your head into his chest falling asleep again.
— — —
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F/O List
(All depicted as 18+)
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- Captain Ameria 2099 Ship Name: tbd
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Psylocke Ship Name: tbd
- Jean Grey Ship Name: tbd
- Kitty Pryde Ship Name: tbd
- Abigail Brand Ship Name: tbd
- Maria Hill Ship Name: tbd
- Mockingbird Ship Name: tbd
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Billy The Kid Ship Name: tbd
- Saber prototype Ship Name: proto Saben
- Nero Ship Name: tbd
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
 Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken, Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Ann Takamaki Ship name: tbd
- Akira Kusuru Ship Name: tbd
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
 Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
 Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you, Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heartfelt
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
 Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
 Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
 Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
 Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
- Gogo Tomago Ship Name: tbd
 Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
 Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
- Fran Ship Name: tbd
- Lightning Farron Ship Name: tbd
- Celes Chere Ship Name: tbd
Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
- Cora Harper Ship Name: tbd
- Garrus Vakarian Ship Name: tbd
League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
 Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
  Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
 My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
 The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
 Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
 Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
 Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
 Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
 Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
 Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name: tbd
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
 Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
- G36 Ship Name: tbd
-G36C Ship Name: tbd
- M2HB Ship Name: tbd
- M590 Ship Name: tbd
Azur Lane
- Brooklyn Ship Name: tbd
- Phoenix Ship Name: tbd
- Pennsylvania Ship Name: tbd
- North Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Tennesse Ship Name: tbd
- Washington Ship Name: tbd
- Prince of Wales Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
The Dragon Prince
- Amaya Ship Name: tbd
- Sarai Ship Name: tbd
- Claudia Ship Name: tbd
- Cynthia Ship Name: tbd
Attack on Titan
- Annie leonhart Ship Name: cats and crystals
- Mikasa Ackerman Ship Name: benkasa
- Morgan Yu (male) Ship Name: tbd
- Morgan Yu (Female) Ship Name: tbd
 Street Fighter
- Chun-li Ship Name: tbd
- Rainbow Mika Ship Name: tbd
- Poison Ship Name: tbd
 Mortal Kombat
- Cassie Cage Ship Name: tbd
- Sonya Blade Ship Name: tbd
- Kitana Ship Name: tbd
- Mileena Ship Name: tbd
- Jade Ship Name: tbd
 The Walking Dead Game
- Molly Ship Name: tbd
 Original Character
- Aroar (ork warlord) Ship Name: tbd
- Shiara (created by theangelslittlecanary) Ship Name: The knight and her neko
 Magic The Gathering
- Knight of Sorrows Ship Name: tbd
- Doom Marine/Guy/slayer Ship Name: tbd
- Chell Ship Name: tbd
- Alyx Vance Ship Name: tbd
- GLaDOS Ship Name: tbd
- Mithrax the Forsaken Ship Name: tbd
- Mara Sov Ship Name: tbd
- Lord Shaxx Ship Name: tbd
 Parental & Platonic F/O’S
- Count Dooku (Star Wars) Relation: Father figure
- Kate Kane (DC Comics) Relation: Adopted mother
- Dick Grayson (DC Comics) Best Friend/Brother
- Damian Wayne (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) Friend
- Catherine Halsey (Halo) Mother Figure
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mwdders · 5 years
Unexpected love
Part 2
Summary: You’re Tom’s older sister and as your relationship sourly ends, you retreat to L.A. for some time away, not expecting to meet Sebastian Stan and fall for him. (There is a longer summary on my blog if you want to read that before reading this)
Paring: Sebastian Stan x reader and Sibling!Tom x reader
Warnings: swearing (I think)
Part 2/?
This wasn’t requested but if you enjoy this, and like my writing please message me requests.
Update: link to part 3
You must of fallen asleep because when you woke up, Tom wasn’t sat next to you but you could hear a voice in the next room.
Standing up, allowing all your muscles to stretch you walk towards the door, feet padding across the floor.
“Haz, she’s broken. I’ve never seen her so upset before.” Tom said, and Harrison mumbled something you couldn’t hear, to which Tom replied, “She must of been putting on a brave face in front of you and Harry.” You furrowed your eyebrows before knocking on the door and opening it.
“Hey you’re awake.” Tom said as you entered the room, he was now back in jeans and a t shirt rather than his Spider-Man suit, you nodded, not wanting your words to fail you.
“How you feeling?” All anyone has done is ask if you’re okay, “I’m fine, please stop asking.” Your attitude shocked Tom and Harrison who both looked at you surprised.
“We just want to make sure you’re okay.” You rolled your eyes and walked out the door, they both followed you.
“Y/N.” You sat down and ignored them both, “Y/N! You can’t ignore us.” You picked up a magazine and began to read it. Harrison sighed, so did Tom, “Y/N look at me. I called Cam.” Your head shot up as the words left his mouth, “What do you mean you called Cam?” The anger was bubbling up inside of you,
“I spoke to him about everything, obviously after giving him a piece of my mind.” You stood up, “Tom you really shouldn’t of done that.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you glared at your brother.
“I had to! I saw how upset you were and I couldn’t just let him get away with hurting you.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “How dare you! This is my life, he was my fiancé, it was my shit to deal with Tom not yours!” Yelling was getting you nowhere because you could see Tom shaking his head disagreeing with you. “Y/N I’m your brother, I’m suppose to protect you and look out for you, and I had to do this.”
“No Tom, you didn’t.” You walked into the bedroom of the trailer and slammed the door shut, locking it behind you.
“You can’t hide in here forever Y/N!” Tom yelled as he shut the door to his trailer ending another argument.
You’d been arguing on and off for 4 days now, after the photos Cam sent you, you’d shut down, not talking, not eating, you felt so low, and so empty you didn’t know what to do except hide away and avoid everybody, also after what Tom did you didn’t feel like talking to him.
When new photos of Cam surfaced online with a new girl on his arm, not even a week after you’d separated, it made things worse, you didn’t feel human, you felt like a mind in an empty shell sinking deeper and deeper into the world of social media, reading everyone’s opinions about your break up wasn’t helping but it made you feel normal, it made you feel sane.
Tom tried to not be angry with you but as much as he hated seeing you upset he also hated you isolating yourself, mumbling words under his breath as he walked onto set everyone could tell he was angry.
“Woo, kid what’s wrong?” Chris asked him as he accidentally walked into him, Tom too caught up in his own thoughts.
“Oh sorry Chris, I was too busy thinking.” He said with a huff as he sat down in his chair. “What’s on your mind?” Tom sighed and put his head in his hands, “It’s my sister, she’s going through some stuff and I want to help but I don’t know how, she keeps pushing me away.” Chris nodded as he listened,
“Well what’s going on with her?”Tom sighed and explained everything, “Well she’s just broken up with her fiancé, well actually he broke her heart and naturally she isn’t taking it well and needed to get away so she flew out here and I thought it’d be a good idea, she could be in between set and my place and she could spend some time in the city, just taking her mind off everything?” Tom held his hands out using gestures to emphasis his words, “But all she’s done is hideaway in my trailer, she doesn’t talk to me, Harrison or Harry, she doesn’t eat, all she does is watch TV and cry.” He groaned, as Chris nodded and stayed silent for a moment as he processed Tom’s words.
“Okay so she’s going through a break up? And all the not talking and not eating is normal break up behaviour, and maybe she does just need time, to adjust to the realisation her relationships over? I mean it’s bound to hurt, she was going to marry the guy right?” Tom nodded, “Okay so just give her another day or two and see how things pan out and if she’s still the same then you can schedule an intervention and bring her to set! We’d love to meet her and help keep her distracted.”
Tom sighed, he knew Chris was right, and you did just need time but he still had a sinking feeling in his chest.
“Alright Tom you’re up! Let’s set for scene 30, is everyone ready?” Tom got out of his chair and ready to shoot the scene, he tried so hard to focus but his mind was only on you.
You reached for another tissue as you read another article online about you and Cam, you’d read so many you were running out of articles to read.
Social media was also boring now too, your relationship drama had passed and it seemed no one was talking about it anymore and you’d lost your sense of normality.
You stood up, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders as you went to the kettle to make a cup of tea. You looked like hell, you’d not showered in days, let alone brushed your hair or done your make up, you were a living breathing ogre.
The kettled whistled as you sniffled, you’d not seen Tom this morning or Harry or Harrison, everyone was avoiding you and you were happy about it at first but now you were craving company.
Your eyes were heavy as you poured the water into your cup, adding milk.
Your phone was in the other room and before you could finish your brew it was ringing loudly. “Fuck sake.” You muttered under your breath, running slightly to get to the phone on time, but it rang off before you could and you were surprised that the missed call was from Cam and before you could even consider ringing him back he text you.
Cam: Didn’t mean to ring you, meant to delete your number, sorry. I’m deleting it now, maybe you should delete mine too?
The message knocked the wind out of you as you struggled to breath, he was taking this break up seriously and cutting all ties, you were still in denial about it all, hoping that maybe you could get back together but that was little chance of that happening by the way things were going.
You stumbled back slightly and into the living room, your back hitting the sofa as you fell, bringing your knees to your chest as you cried on the floor. You couldn’t breath, the sobs escaping your lips were silent and everything was blurry as tears clouded your vision.
“Hey Tom I couldn’t find-“ The man stopped talking when he saw you curled up in a ball behind the sofa, crying your heart out, and even though he didn’t know you, he walked over, crouched down in front of you, placing a hand on your knee and asked, “Hey,Hey, what’s wrong?” You looked up surprised at the man with the soft voice stood in front of you, who you realised was Sebastian Stan.
“I um-“ you composed yourself and swallowed the lump in your throat, “What are you doing here?” His eyes were full of sympathy, all though you got lost in the blue of them.
“Tom, he asked me to get his script and then I couldn’t find it or him so I came here thinking he might be here.” Sebastian stood up, and scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh erm, I haven’t see him. I’m Y/N, Tom’s sister.” You stood up and put your hand out for him to shake, he looked down at your hand noticing the huge rock on your ring finger, his heart dropped, of course a girl like you would be spoken for.
“I’m Sebastian.” He shook your hand anyway. “I know.” You said slowly with a giggle but it kept out more of a strangled sob, this surprised him, “Don’t look so scared, Tom talks about you and I obviously recognised you from seeing you on the big screen.” He nodded as if realisation had hit him that he was famous and of course you’d recognise him.
There was an awkward silence before he asked the question on the tip of his tongue, “You sure you’re okay? I thought you were going to drown in your own tears when I came in.” Your mouth opened slightly with how forward he was, “I’m okay, thank you.” You didn’t want to tell him anything, it was too soon to talk.
“Okay, well if you see Tom, tell him I was here. Bye er Y/N.” He smiled weakly before he left, leaving you to think over everything again.
Tag list: @melp1219 @memesmyselfandhate @marvelouspottering @coohlwhip @tastefulknife @vaultures @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @helloitsmeamie203 @kiran1245 @augustnightsx @meowmeow230 @coffees-and-constellations @celebsimagines @myfanstories
Part 3 later today or tomorrow!
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mwdders · 5 years
Should I write this??
I had this idea today and wanted to post a summary before writing it. It’s a Sibling!Tom x reader and Sebastian Stan x reader
Summary; Being Tom Holland’s older sister was hard and your life was far from private, so when you and your fiancé break up, everything around you falls apart. With Tom filming Avengers: Endgame in L.A. You decide it best to get away and visit him.
Spending days on set in his trailer and away from the rest of the world, you barley leave, but when Sebastian Stan mistakenly interrupts your wallowing, and falls for you, will life pick up again? Or will the fact that you forgot to take off your engagement ring give Sebastian the wrong impression?
If these gets 20 notes I’ll write it ☺️ also if I write this and you want to be tagged please comment, otherwise I won’t tag anyone
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mwdders · 5 years
Unexpected love.
So I was going to post part 4 tonight but I’ve just finished a 13 hour shift and I am exhausted, so I’ll post it tomorrow!
I’ve had a lot of people request to be added to the tag list, and I’ve lost track. So please COMMENT on this post saying ‘TAG ME’ so I can make a new list and tag everyone, even if you’re on the original list please comment again.♡
Seeing as I’m not posing straight away, if you haven’t already read parts 1,2&3 ♡
https://bluediamondsevie.tumblr.com/post/184700520417/unexpected-love Part 1
https://bluediamondsevie.tumblr.com/post/184710177662/unexpected-love Part 2
https://bluediamondsevie.tumblr.com/post/184715355227/unexpected-love Part 3
Just want to say thank you, for all the love on this series so far, it’s been great seeing everyone enjoying it. I can’t wait to see where my writing takes me with this story. ♡
Original tag list: @melp1219 @memesmyselfandhate @marvelouspottering @coohlwhip @tastefulknife @vaultures @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @helloitsmeamie203 @kiran1245 @augustnightsx @meowmeow230 @coffees-and-constellations @celebsimagines @myfanstories
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hileywwe · 6 years
Tumblr media
This is sad and all but is black widow and captain America gonna get together or? 👀💀
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