#captain faust au
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Various Faust AU Thoughts
So many aus with the Fausts rotating in my mind. I can't write full on fics or other things for them so I'm just gonna vomit it out in this post.
Jaded Morgen AU
Nacht dies because of the breaking of Lucifugus' relic instead of Morgen.
He takes up the role of Master for the Bremen devils.
So wracked with guilt over Nacht's death, Morgen's whole mindset changes. Hopes and dreams? They mean nothing. It's all talk with no results in Morgen's eyes. Optimism does nothing for people except blind them to reality, like it did for Morgen. And if you aren't decisive, you're just asking for trouble.
House Faust doesn't fall into disrepair. Morgen keeps it together but all the servants are very cautious around him because of the change in his behavior.
He becomes the vice captain of the Black Bulls.
Morgen isn't an absentee vice captain to the Bulls the way Nacht is in canon, although he is gone for long stretches of time to being in Spade. The Bulls know who Morgen is.
Where Nacht cruelly criticized the Bulls, Morgen instead enables the Bulls' worst impulses. He buys drinks for Vanessa, goes along with Finral's mixers, allows Gauche to sneak away and see Marie more often, telling Magna and Luck to be as destructive as they like.
He wants them to stay at their worst. Because if they try to be anything better, they'll see that they can never actually achieve anything.
Morgen will still insult the Bulls every now and again, with the biggest, brightest smile on his face. But he'll say it like it's a good thing which... no.
The Black Bulls are really uncomfortable around Morgen because he both insults their vices but also encourages their bad behavior.
He would hate Asta with a burning passion. Asta reminds Morgen of his past self so he'll try to discourage and disillusion him every step of the way.
He tells Noelle that she is in fact a failure and to accept it. Because trying to be more than what she is in the present will only hurt her.
That's kinda the point where Yami would draw the line. Noelle's fragile state of mind doesn't need Morgen's attacks.
Morgen is given explicit orders not to speak to Noelle until he gets over himself.
Morgen watches the squad through the shadows. And he grows increasingly jealous of Asta's ability to inspire and uplift the Bulls the way Morgen failed to do for Nacht.
Why can Asta do so much for complete strangers when Morgen couldn't do a thing for his own brother?
Captain Faust AU
Morgen was temporarily suspected of being "Licht" which made him very eager to catch the real criminal.
You can bet that Morgen was a crying mess when he found out Fuegoleon had woken up. Hugged the life out of his friend.
Offers the remaining elves a place in the Aqua Deer squad.
"You four ought to do a little work to make up for the trouble you caused the kingdom. I want you to see how hate blinded you to how elves and humans aren't so different."
"Morgen, you realize that their emotions were being manipulated by a devil, right?" Yami asks to which Morgen shoos him off.
Sometimes, Nacht and Morgen actually switches positions, as in who is running the squad and who is spying in Spade. With their different appearance (because Nacht continues to dye his hair in this au) and the different attributes, it will confuse the Spade forces on how many spies there are in their kingdom. If they try looking for a Light Magic user with dark hair, they might not pay attention to a Shadow Magic user with light hair.
Morgen uses Slotos most often. Light Magic excels in attack and healing spells and while Morgen does have defensive spells, he wants to boost them with Slotos' power.
Plumede is the devil he Unites with the least since Light Magic is already so fast.
In canon, the Green Mantis squad is known for mostly being commoners. Well under the lead of Morgen, the Aqua Deer is more open to commoners and even peasants. "Everyone has something to offer. Everyone has the ability to be strong," is what he believes.
The Aqua Deer really do love Morgen. You know how much the Black Bulls adore Yami? That's how the AD feel about Morgen.
The Golden Dawn is still the top squad in this au, especially biased with nobles, but the Aqua Deer is definitely the favorite squad for commoners and peasants. A lot more of them would find the courage to take the Magic Knight exam if there's a chance the beloved Captain Faust is there to witness them.
Some people are of course scared away by the tales of Morgen's dark side (Nacht posing as Morgen) but more people are drawn in by him.
Twin Lights AU
Morgen is the host to Patry's soul instead of William.
Patry would awaken in Morgen when Patry is 15 and Morgen is 18. Just around the same time when Nacht's devil training would've started.
At first, Morgen is horrified by the idea that a second soul exists within his body. He eventually grows accustomed to it. He's already got a physical twin in Nacht so Patry is kinda like Morgen's spiritual twin.
When Patry takes over Morgen's body, Morgen's hair turns white, making him look like Nacht (remember dyed hair).
Patry would sneak out of House Faust a lot which got Nacht in trouble because of mistaken identities.
As Morgen learns more about Patry's life and specifically the details of his death, Morgen connects how Licht used the Magic Stones and the recent changes in Nacht's own magic.
He realizes that Forbidden Magic is at play in House Faust.
Morgen also suspects there's more to Patry's death than what Patry believes but he knows he won't be able to talk Patry down from his vengeful thoughts for the time being.
Despite disagreeing and bickering more, Patry can't help but feel Licht's kindness and warmth from Morgen, so he grows a little attached.
When Morgen confronts his family in the underground chamber, Patry (not in control but vaguely aware of the events), realizes how the negative mana of devils feels familiar.
At Patry's insistence, Morgen is more aggressive in the confrontation and takes away Lucifugus' relic before Nacht can start the ritual.
Morgen and Nacht survive the encounter, but Nacht does get imprisoned for practicing Forbidden Magic.
Patry feels pity for Morgen at the loss of Nacht and so breaks Nacht out of prison. "Don't waste this opportunity. Run away and hide yourself for a time," Patry tells Nacht. "For the sake of your brother."
Nacht will eventually turn up again, as the vice captain of the Black Bulls. But for the longest time, Morgen is kinda pissed at Patry for telling Nacht to disappear.
But also, when everything is said and done, Patry wonders if devils were involved in the genocide of his people.
Morgen and Patry strike a deal. Morgen will allow Patry to seek revenge agains Clover Kingdom, primarily against the nobility, but they'll also work together to uncover how devils might've been involved with the killing of the elves.
"There is corruption within the ranks of Clover's nobility. Not simply discrimination but also the work of devils." That's what the two agree on.
Morgen tries to keep Patry from being too ruthless when he plays "Licht." For example, when Patry plans on taking the Magic Stone from Fuegoleon, Morgen takes enough control of the shared body to save Fuegoleon's arm.
It comes at the cost of giving Fue a nasty scar across his body, even reaching up to his neck and face. The severe blood loss from the neck wound still puts Fuegoleon in a coma but he manages to wake before the night of mass elf reincarnation.
Which means Fuegoleon is hot on Morgen and Patry's trail once he is awake.
"What do you mean you're trying to uncover the corruption of Clover's society?! You attacked and nearly blinded me!"
"Well my elfsona kinda died 500 years ago because of the royal family so-"
Morgen is the first to realize that Patry's obsessive thoughts with revenge might actually be a devil influencing Patry's feelings. He starts to feel very afraid for Patry.
Morgen almost lost Nacht to devils, he doesn't want the same thing to happen with Patry.
Female Morgen AU (lowkey inspired by @marune2's female Nacht AU)
Morgen is far more sheltered in this au. She's treated like a helpless and delicate doll by her parents.
Not out of love but in a patronizing manner. She's still the black sheep of the family and her parents want her under control.
Nacht is pressured to show a little more care for Morgen, to watch out for his sweet, dainty, helpless little sister.
To which Nacht would argue that Morgen wouldn't be so helpless if she was allowed the chance to grow stronger.
Still, Nacht believes that Morgen deserves so much better in life but also nothing will ever be good enough for Morgen. There's no dress pretty enough for Morgen to wear. There's no people nice enough to be her friend. There's no man good enough to be her boyfriend.
Lowkey, this behavior drives Morgen up a wall. She's constantly telling Nacht to cool it and that she's content with what she has.
I imagine Morgen, as a dude, had to deal with a lot of unwanted suitors because he was so desirable. And it's much worse as a pretty young lady.
Considers joining the Blue Rose Knights in this au as a means to driving off suitors. Which leads to her being much closer to Charlotte in this au.
Morgen frequently visits the BRK base and even House Roselei to see Charlotte. They chat over tea about their jobs and their hobbies. Sometimes, marriage (and how unwanted it is) comes up.
Charlotte reminds Morgen often that she can't be afraid to give men a hard "no" when it comes to their advances. A bit of violence might also be necessary.
Morgen and Yami look like one of those "sweet girl next door and resident bad boy" couples when together. They are suspected of dating quite often but Morgen is very quick to deny those claims.
Morgen senses potential between Charlotte and Yami early on. Char is the kind of strong-willed lady Yami respects and appreciates. And Yami is the kind of change of pace Char needs from the men vying for her affection.
Might've set up a double date: her with Yami and Nacht with Charlotte. Only, uh oh, their group got split and the twins' dates ended up stuck together instead!
Morgen would look really pretty in sundresses. She likes how loose and light they feel.
Nacht had threatened to gouge out people's eyes for staring at Morgen too long.
Nozel has an interest in Morgen in this au. It's her kind smile and nurturing behavior towards others which reminds Nozel of Acier and has him going "wife? 👀" Cue Nacht giving Nozel the death glare.
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mistress-violence · 27 days
Prompt: Important from @into-the-jeggyverse (August 24)
Word count: 488 words
Pairing: Jegulus (highschool modern AU)
⚠️ Warnings: none
"We need to discuss something important" is a sentence that usually causes anxiety. For Regulus, however, it was only a confirmation. He had expected it to happen at any moment. He and James had fooled around for a few months, but the fun was about to end.
James and Regulus were destined to live their high school lives like a bad teen movie. James was on the clear path to the stereotype of the captain of the football team, with impeccable presence at every party, a girl on each arm. Regulus, on the other hand, was the top tier in academics, a withdrawn and silent boy who spent his free time in libraries or in some obscure place with his few friends. What had saved Regulus from the normal path of nerdiness had been both his gorgeous looks and his status as Sirius Black's younger brother.
Although he didn't like to believe in clichés, he knew that he and James were too different. What had attracted him in the first place was a frighteningly sincere smile. Then a twinkle of the eyes. Then a snap of the fingers. He started to follow his small gestures during the lunch break, when he pretended to read "War and Peace" or "Faust". Somehow, Regulus had gotten close enough to make James curious. A few months of hide-and-seek games followed, with fleeting kisses and slightly too bold touches.
Regulus knew, however, that it would not last. James was just curious, and Regulus was looking for some fun. When the moment would come, one of them would break it from the other. The younger boy was so convinced that their little adventure was already over, that he was paralyzed for a few minutes when James poured a "Will you be my boyfriend?" out of nowhere. They were at a cafe in the city, at a table in a secluded corner, each with a cup of green tea in front of them.
James was clearly nervous, and sweat was running down his back as if he had just returned from a walk in the desert. He waited for any kind of reaction from Regulus, who stood like a stone, rarely blinking. Neither of them moved a muscle. In the end, the silence was too much to endure for James and he cracked.
"I understand... Sorry if I caught you off guard" he began, gathering his things. "It's ok, I think I interpreted all of this wrong. I'm going to go now so I don't humiliate myself even more".
James threw his backpack on his arm, ready to run to the first gas station he could find, to lock himself in a toilet and hit his head against the walls. However, Regulus woke up from his trance and grabbed his shirt sleeve firmly before running away.
"No, wait!" Regulus had shouted, standing up suddenly. "You can't leave. Not until I tell you something important too..."
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no-see-um-incorrect · 10 months
Yv  Acting AU PT 3
(this is pt 1)
(this is pt 2)
Slight NSFW warning⚠️⚠️
 Interviewer: this first question was submitted by @everything-redacted-and-others
(I answered the second question in the first part)
Interviewer: who forgets their lines the most 
Alphonse: Wow! What a tough question. I’m really going to have to think on this for a second….👀
Seth: Wh- don’t look at me like that!
Alphonse: Oh Kiss my candy ass! you know I’m right!
Seth: OK name one time! that I forgot my lines 
Sugarboo:  in the beginning of your birthday episode, when you and Alphonse were about to go beat the shit out of the goons and Charlie, almost All of the lines in the last episode of Campfire confessions WHICH YOU WROTE!
Alphonse: the conversation before I walked out of the bathroom in bittersweet, when you were in the recording booth for your werewolf special. Would you like me to continue? 
Seth: all right, ya pricks I get it 🙄
Interviewer: these next questions were submitted by  @antipasto-the-theif
 Interviewer: Seth, what’s your favorite memory on set so far?
Seth: my favorite memory onset so far…..let’s see… OK I got one. it starts out Kind of sad. so basically.  our characters birthdays match our actual birthdays. and on my birthday Alphonse was out of town. You see He wasn’t supposed to be in my birthday video…so I was kind of upset…and all melancholy throughout most the day…until we’re filming and it’s the scene in the kitchen where sugar was supposed to be  the only one there and singing me happy birthday, and Alphonse just pops in!
Alphonse: did you honestly think I was going to miss my favorite cowboy’s birthday~
Seth: so somewhere, there is an outtake of me, spontaneously bawling my eyes out and running off camera to go hug Al 😅
interviewer: OK next question. So, Casper and Charlie, how many times was the prop weed just prop weed?
Casper: we are constantly high on set 
Charlie: like for real 
Casper: we both focus more when we are um…in the clouds..so Yuuri lets us
Charlie: and it’s not like smoked for six hours  before filming high..it’s more we split a special brownie at 5 AM and washed it down with a monster energy high. So we’re not like a danger.
Casper: but yeah, for the 420 video. yeah, that was real 
Charlie: BUT For my birthday, the brownies we were eating were normal brownies, and not special brownies because I was given some special birthday brownies, and wanted to eat them later after dinner..so I guess you could say those were prop brownies,
Interviewer: next question. Auron, the world wants to know the workout routine!
Auron: oh boy well I’m a father running after a toddler with a need for speed which pretty much replaces any sort of missed day at the gym. But other than that and other activities that may or may not involve my spouse…..it’s kind of embarrassing… when I was younger I wanted to be in the MCU and my mother had told me “well those kinds of actors have really strict workout routines. If you want to be like them, you gotta get that down”…… so after much research that’s what I’ve been doing since about 16 years of age…captain America I’m coming for your Brand
Interviewer: onto the next one. What’s the worst blooper you know of, Sugar-Boo?
Sugarboo: 😈 there’s a scene in bittersweet and it’s when Seth finds Alphonse about to essentially kill Charlie, and alphonse grabs Charlie’s face and…..he’s like really aggressive about it so when he grabbed his face, Charlie let out the most….porn star like-moan I have heard come from an individual…And we had to take a five because nobody could stop laughing!
Interviewer: onto the next one. Which cast mate is the least like the character they play??
Seth: I want to say Auron
Alphonse: yeah, yeah I can get behind that
Charlie: I mean, Finn swears like a sailor but other than that….yeah, I’d say Auron 
Seth: Yea Auron in real life is a very sweet man  with a Darlin spouse, and a daughter he adores 
Alphonse: yeah, nothing like the cold Dom boss that you see on the screen.
Charlie: he’s a real sweet guy and he takes time to listen to everybody and help everybody. He helps me with line delivery, helps Faust with costume designs, he helps Jackie with photography when it comes to these snazzy thumbnails we’ve been doing recently.
Alphonse: he’s a lot more like a really helpful and quirky art teacher versus a mysterious and dominant boss.
Interviewer: the next three questions are from @oceanlue
Interviewer: what was rooks reaction during the shower part?
Rook: 🤭
Auron: you are a shameless Thot my dear~
Rook: A THOT is a Admirer without Action I AM A WHORE i act on my thoughts
Auron: here we go🙃
Rook: SO if you don’t know. I think this was mentioned before BUT…he’s my husband in real life 
Auron: I am. I am your husband
Rook: So when I saw him come out of the Dressing room in nothing but a towel….I Started Catcalling him like a construction worker🤣
Rook: And Then Yuuri gave us the script for the shower scene and I Said OUT LOUD-
Auron: “AWOOGA!” quite enthusiastically…which I found odd because you see me like that EVERY DAY
Rook: Never gets old *Sips coffee*
Interviewer: did auron or rook trip on set
Auron: Yes I did! I completely tripped and fell into Alphonse And I’m so sorry for that!
Alphonse: IT WAS FINE. But that an’t the first time you tripped You also fell into the wall because you stepped on ya own Boot laces 
Interviewer: did auron actually cry in the car ride home?
Auron: yes that was the one time I cried in a scene that Didn’t end up in an outtake
Yuuri: I kinda felt bad too because I didn’t realize he was getting choked up until we finished and he asked for a tissue!
Auron: it’s not uncommon for me to get emotional during scenes like that. They’re lucky that I only got choked up. I would’ve full on sobbed if the scene went any longer. 
Hope you all enjoyed 
Feel free to ask “interviewer” questions 
I do prefer reblogs and replies, but you can send an ask too if you want 
Make sure to check out pt 1&2 I love making these
I was not Abel to get to all the question I apologize for that🙏
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Thinking about a pirate AU with the boys n their listeners. Idk if I want the listeners being one crew and the boys being another. OR having every yv couple having their own crew together.
If the Listeners are a crew I think...Sugarboo would be a good captian and cook, vice captain can be Rook, Navigator is Buddy, Sunflower is the gardener growing vegetables, Angel is the medic, Star is the main entertainer of the crew a musician who wanted adventure, Scout is the one in the crow nest, and Casper is the thief of the crew.
Sugarboo only became captain by helping Rook get away from another crew that wanted to kill them. Rook keeps track of money and supplies. Buddy has always been the best navigator and joined Boo for shits n giggles. Sunflower always wanted adventure and to find Finn that was taken by pirates. Angel is the medic they found drifting on the sea and decided to take in. Scout saw Boo's ship and wanted to get off their island where they couldn't be themselves. Casper was tired of waiting for Charlie to come back to them, so they decided why not a little bit of adventure to look for him? Star was a child prodigy in music pr entertainment they hated it and wanted to be free so SB took them in.
Sugarboo and Alphonse's relationship is more complicated bc he's kinda just there on the crew? Seth at first was a prisoner bc he got in Boo's face and Scout didn't like that. Charlie meeting the crew went a little crazy bc they thought he was going to steal from them and Casper had to save him from getting stabbed by Rook. Auron meeting Rook is a bit more tricky bc they were already together and though Rook died when the crew after them killed them or something. Sunflower finds Finn and the Listener crew takes over the one that kidnapped him. Buddy meets Jack who is on Auron's crew he's the reason why Rook was able to see Auron again bc Auron told his crew what Rook looked like in case they ever found them. Angel finds Lucien from a book and accidentally summons Lucien but SB let them keep him on the crew bc he learned how to cook for them. Star meeting Faust was bc he heard their music and wanted to speak to them about performing at one of his parties he has in his dad's mansion passed down to him.
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catboyyisang · 1 year
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Captain Faust, pilot of the Iroh, always had the reputation of making "realistic" choices for her ship.
...Except when Security Officer Ryoshu succumbs to a different strain of husk.
(Limbus Company Barotrauma AU edits. Thanks to Koko for helping me.)
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2broschlininahotub · 1 year
@channelinglament Here is the continuation of the hsr x alchemy stars au. We have a continuation of the alchemy stars au with Faust and Eicy. Through some unspecified means. They entered via a portal. Faust brought his brief case. He went there to meet with his Captain. He would want him for you to join him. He wants to meet with his dear friend. Eicy wants to meet her commader. Him being a member of the true order whose goal is to see the truth. He went on a personal mission to find out why you died and why so sudden. He needed answers. He wants the Captain to join him on as his God. He thinks that maybe he should bring you into his world just so he can show the true world that you are A god. Meant to be worshipped. Eicy want s you back. She didn't want you to go away. She wanted her commander. Maybe she should torture these people for taking her Captain away. Victoria wanted to meet the navigator just as her God desires. The truth that the navigator of the colossus is a God. Shall be revealed and in making that true. She wants you to be with us the true order all for you. Maybe even get married, O how that wish should come thru. I hope Victoria wouldn't mind if I comeback with you and a wedding ring. The hsr characters aren't ready to lose their Aeon. The nicest one. They are going to fight. Welt is going to fight Faust as Faust unleashes his crimson mass. Eicy laughs and say we should subject these heretics to punishment.
That ends of this part of the SAHSR au with alchemy stars.
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This is a picture of Faust. Yes, that flesh thing in the back is something he can summon.
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Yes, those eyeballs will be used against her foes. Why does she like torturing people. Her job is to be the interrogator and executioner of the true order.
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wastelandsrecede · 3 months
A List of Canon Characters I play
Louis de Pont du Lac Nicolas De Lenfent (AU) Armand Daniel Molloy Lestat de Lioncourt
Jon Kent / Superboy Clark Kent / Superman Dick Grayson / Nightwing Damien Wayne / Robin Jason Todd / Red Hood Bruce Wayne / Batman Dream of the Endless
Tony Stark / Iron Man Peter Parker / Spider-Man Steve Rogers / Captain America / Nomad Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf / Captain America Eddy Brock and Venom
Johnny Faust
Stiles Stilinski Scott McCall Derek Hale Peter Hale
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
D&D anon here... I did mean "Dungenos & Dragons". Whoops. For clarification the Cleric is like a person who uses magic through holy parying and stuff (a "whiet mage" in JRPGs). It suited Morgen to me. And Barbarians (for the reader) are the ones to take a lot of hits and hit hard themselves.
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{1700 event}
So I'm finally here! So... I have no idea What dungeon and Dragons is before this. I did a little R&R and with some help from my mutuals, I learnt a thing or two. But there's really so many variations? Like different website would have different types of characters? I was really confused lmao.
But okay lemme summarise a little for the readers as well... so D&D is actually a game, where you have different characters and roles and they complete quests and battles as a team.. So anyway for this fic:
Morgen is the mage healer
Reader is barbarian fighter
ps: Sorry if my version is different from the one you know!
AU: Dungeons and Dragons Characters: Morgen Faust x F! reader ft Julius Novachrono tw: unchecked works
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"hey there, healer~ what's your name?" you asked.
"Morgen Faust." he shook your hand with a cheery smile. But he didn't ask your name back.
"haven't seen you around~" you tried to maintain the conversation with the raven haired man.
"I wasn't from this department." he maintained his smile.
"Let me guess, you're from the thief group previously?"
He nodded.
"why the switch?" you continued to ask, but he just chuckled to himself and shrugged.
What the hell? Is he some kind of introvert or what? But boy oh boy does he look good. sky blue eyes, long raven locks, pale clear skin. His mysterious aura seemed cool and you were intrigued to know more about him.
"Who goes there?!" you met a group of gnomes. Hostile Gnomes.
Morgen let out a small sigh, "why are gnomes always angry..."
You giggled at his joke.
The gnomes attacked all at once, and it was your duty as the fighter and the thank of the party to take hits and fight. Well, you were a raging bull and you never backed down from a fight since day one.
Morgen backed you up quietly, seeing that you were able to handle the gnomes pretty well.
A few gnomes were nothing to you, as they were defeated quickly and scurried away into the bushes, but you were a little beat up here and there.
"you're hurt." Morgen came up to you in the flash of a light.
"This nothin' but a scratch." you waved him off, "let's continue."
Morgen just stood still and healed you, despite your protests of you being fine.
"Are all fighters stubborn, aren't they?" he shook his head a little, "just like Yami."
You couldn't help but laugh, he was right, Yami was indeed unconcerned about his injures all the time.
Out of nowhere, an ambush attack came from behind both of you. There was no time to react so you wanted to stand forward to shield Morgen, but in one swift move, Morgen blasted the perpetrator into half.
Your mouth hung wide open, was this man the definition of perfection? Tall, handsome, powerful...
"Why didn't you tell me!!" you questioned your captain Julius when you came back to update him about the quest.
"tell you..?"
"about Morgen! the healer!"
"Tell you what about Morgen, exactly?" Julius was confused.
"That he's so strong and can fight well! I embarrassed myself in front of him!" you covered your cheeks with your hands, thinking about how you were all over the place fighting the gnomes while he fought calmly and gracefully. "I must have looked like a monkey to him, oh lord!"
Julius laughed heartily.
"And also, why did he convert from thief to healer?" you spoke in a hush tone, "isn't his talent wasted as a healer?"
"well, why not you ask him yourself?"
You blinked at your captain who gestured towards the door.
You turned around and you saw Morgen standing at the door, waving at you with his usual polite smile.
You never wanted to dig a hole and hide so badly in your life before. "why are you here!!"
"er.. the same reason as you?" he gave you a sheepish smile, "we were on the quest.. together you know?"
"S-since when did you get here!" you were bursting with embarrassment at this point.
"about the time when you said that you embarrassed yourself in front of me," he gave a little awkward chuckle.
Julius was trying his best not to fall of the chair giggling at this point. "I'll give you two some space.." he said as he left, calling for Marx and Yami to join him for lunch.
"so... you wanted to ask me why did I become a healer?" Morgen asked.
"But you didn't feel like sharing, no?"
"firstly, I got tired of the secret and mysterious life. I used to do it with my twin, but now he's with Yami more, so i don't find a point to do it anymore. And also, being a healer feels rewarding.."
"that's it?" the reason felt so simple you didn't understand why he didn't want to say it back then.
"and also..." he spoke slowly, his cheeks slightly flushed pink, "being a healer means I could go on a quest with you."
"yeah, I saw you fight on one of your quest awhile back, when I was on my own personal quest, and I wanted to get to know you." he admitted shyly.
You felt like steam was coming out from your ears.
"To be fair, you were really all over the place when you fought," he let out an endearing laugh, "but I never thought of you as a monkey, I think you fight gracefully as well, as if you're dancing."
You fumbled to find the right words to say. "T-thank you."
"I'll make sure you won't get hurt again, miss y/n." he patted your head and left.
And that was how you met your husband.
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Ps: kudos to those who remembered the "this nothin but a scratch" hehe. it was from another fic :P
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marune2 · 1 year
Manales Nacht Faust Au Chapter 7
Nacht don’t know what going on He is in the HQ from they grey dear now in he’s new room He don’t trust the people here so he put a secret room up so fare and put in both room’s stuff
Then came Morgan yami and a guy he don’t know muss be there senior
Morgan: hey Brother“smile
Guy: so you are the last new here I’m Enki bremer
Nacht Stare at him he don’t show any mistakes so fare and don’t comment he’s lack of Mana so fare
Nacht:I’m Nacht Faust……“glare up
Enki: interesting so fare I will show your all araund captain will meet you again even Yami know already………
Nacht Stare at him: good
Then go all araund the other gray dear stare at Nacht they know it and Nacht don’t like it and hide behind yami and Morgan he hate it
Morgan: It’s fine brother I will take care
Yami: year even you are strong they will know and don’t stare at you
Nacht: year sure you tow you have a good talk but what ever
Enki: sure people are cruel but too be honest I don’t really care abaut you and the lack of Mana even it’s interesting you are all new here so staring is Normal even I did hear of your Faust twins……….
Yami: at least he is honest
Morgan: sure I believe this“smile
Enki show them the cafeteria the bath training‘s room the nursery and all other stuff as julius come up
Julius: hello you 3 how are you so fare?“as he say it see he Nacht glaring at him like if he thinks is he a tread ore not
Morgan:hello captain
Julius: hello Morgan
Yami: sup old Man
Julius: it’s nice too see your all
Nacht: too be honest I don’t under stand why did you take my? So fare I heard you are a magic lover?……
Julius:awwww it’s ok I believe you have potential Nacht I believe you will show the people how strong you are and this people like you can be strong
Nacht:sure“glare at him unsure but begin too relaxing a bit
Enki: do you need my sire ore can I go finally?
Julius:oh it’s ok I will take care from here“smile
Then Gose Enki away
Yami: wired guy…………
Julius: then let’s talk what going too happened you tree“smile
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Mob versus Law? ...what kind of Mob does Terra and Faust run?
I am SO sorry for missing this!!
My brain went VROOM and then I came back and realized I never answered!
Ironically, Terra isn't a mob boss and neither is Faust (technically...).
In the sketch with Faust, Bump and Terra, Faust is actually the commander of his district in Chicago and Bump is his Captain of the Organized Crime division. AKA - the Law side of this AU.
Terra on the other hand is neither Mob aligned nor Law aligned.
She's sorta both...
She owns a teashop and several apothecaries on a street in a particular neighborhood. And while some might suggest she knows a little too much for a widowed lady with some money to her name, it turns out she knows just enough too much for her own good, because she's an asset to both sides of this equation.
Hence why she's chummy with The Law as pictured, but also serves tea to each and every boss that visits her quaint little shop~
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Ooo your AU’s seem so cool Wild 😱💕! I’m curious about the “Everybody Lives” AU and the “Time Travel fix it” with Finral and Vanessa 👀. What has been your favorite part about those two AU’s 🤔?
My favourite part of the Everybody Lives au is tracking just how different the world ends up with all the people that survive.
Everybody Lives au cast list;
General Magic Knights Julius Novachrono (42), Wizard King Fiona Roulacase (42), Finral's mother and Julius' right hand. Tondra Sturm (41), spymaster and chief strategist Zara Ideale (42) Marx Francois (25), the Wizard King's assistant, and the third of Julius' wards.
Silver Eagles: Former Captain Acier Silva (48), Acier stepped down from the post of Captain when she thought Nozel was old enough to deal with it as her battle with Vanica left her with a curse that massively reduces her strength. She's still around the base though and acts as an advisor. Captain Nozel Silva (29), Nozel is currently looking for a Vice-Captain Nebra Silva (25) Vivian Shiply (17) Solid Silva (18) Lana Vaude (17), Langris' younger sister, Lana has Fire magic and a rivalry with Solid. Angela Clarkson (17)
Crimson Lion Kings: Captain Mereoleona Vermillion (32) and Captain Fuegoleon Vermillion (30) Vice-Captain Randall Luftair (31) Leopold Vermillion (17)
Blue Rose Knights Captain Charlotte Roselei (27) Vice-Captain Lerola Roselei (26), Charlotte's half sister, Lerola works more in the shadows leaving her fellow Vice-Captain to be the front-facing one Vice-Captain Yami Ichika (24), Ichika fights primarily using ki, which she learned from scrolls 'borrowed' from Hino when she and her brother left. Puli Angel (26) Sol Marron (18) Aella Clarkson (16)
Green Praying Mantises: Captain Jack Summerfield (28), commonly known as Jack the Ripper Vice-Captain En Ringuard (24) Hannah Gerver (24) Madlyn Fiore (23) Dalila Lister (19) Sekke Bronzazza (15)
Coral Peacocks: Captain Dorothy Unsworth (27) Vice-Captain Kirsch Vermillion (20) Silas Vaude (25) Levi Roe (20) Cornelia Franklin (20) Juniper Kay (18)
Purple Orcas: Former Captain Kaiser Granvorka (49), Kaiser's last act as Captain before retirement is to pick newbies in the entrance exam for Asta's year Captain Gueldre Poizot (28) Vice-Captain Xerx Lugner (32) Revchi Salik (32)
Grey Deer: Captain Morgen Faust (29) Vice-Captain Nacht Faust (29) Apprentice Vice-Captain Rill Bosimortier (19) Fragile Tormenta (20) Sylvia Vaude (19)
Golden Dawn: Captain William Vangeance (26) Vice-Captain Langris Vaude (20) Alecdora Sandler (24) Shiren Tium (23) Letoile Becquerel (21) David Swallow (21) Hamon Caseus (20) Klaus Lunettes (18) Mimosa Vermillion (15) Yuno Grinberryall (15)
Black Bulls: Captain Yami Sukehiro (28) Vice-Captain Finral Roulacase (21) Henry Legolant (26) Gordon Agrippa (26) Zora Ideale (25) Vanessa Enoteca (24) Grey Wechsler (24) Gauche Adlai (19) Magna Swing (18) Luck Voltia (18) Noelle Silva (15) Asta of Hage (15)
(Fiona, Tondra and Lana are mine. Vivian, Angela, Lerola, Aella, Hannah, Madlyn, Dalila, Silas, Levi, Cornelia, Juniper and Sylvia all belong to the lovely @crazedstoryteller.)
The time-travel fix-it au- so, the Dark Triad win and the gates to the underworld are open. All of the Bulls except Vanessa, Finral and Gauche die when the gates are opened.
Gauche figures out that, theoretically, Finral and Vanessa can go back in time and change things. He doesn't go with them.
Finral and Vanessa arrive about a year before Asta and Noelle join the squad and, whilst they don't drag the Bulls out their hole--they don't want to change too mcuh too early--they do stop them from digging the hole any deeper
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hello my dear Loo
I would ask for Johan and Sterling it’s platonic of curse (the. Are siblings in my eyes)
💝 ❤️ 💖
Have a good day I hope you do fine my dear Loo 🤭
Hiya there, Marune~! Lovely to see you in my inbox again! Thanks for the support!
Kyaaa~! Sterling and Johan. They're such a cute pair of cousins so of course you can ask about them!
💝 - Future
In the future, Johan of course joins the Black Bulls. He's a little disappointed to know that Sterling isn't in the squad with him, or in the Magic Knights at all. But he knows where to find her for when he needs help researching for a mission. It doesn't just involve Sterling using her Divination Magic to predict the best course of action.
Sterling is great at searching directories and skimming books for information that's needed. If Johan's mission is to investigate a re-opened dungeon, Sterling can help him scour for the old reports on the dungeon. If Johan is chasing an escaped convict, Sterling will find the towns or cities that they might return to and the details regarding their skill set so Johan can fight more safely.
Johan also helps Sterling with her job. She's always cleaning and reorganizing her work space. And she works with a lot of heavy objects. As strong as Sterling is though, Johan's physical abilities as a devil far surpass hers so she'll stack boxes into his arms and then direct him where to take everything.
❤️ - Secrets
Sterling killed to save Johan from some scummy Magic Knights who didn't trust Johan and trapped him, planning to off him. Using her Divination Magic, Sterling discovered that Johan was in danger and went to his rescue. She killed one of the Knights that had trapped Johan. The others got arrested when the rest of the Black Bulls came to the rescue as well. Sterling did serve time (Damnatio was sympathetic but wasn't going to let Sterling off entirely) but the trial was very private with only Nacht, Josele, and the captains and vice captains of the squads present. The records of the trial aren't even kept public. They're privately held at House Kira, with Damnatio's daughter and wife being the only ones with keys to the cabinet holding the information.
It's a dark secret that really bonds Johan and Sterling. Johan is Sterling's cousin and first friend after all, so threatening him is a big mistake.
💖 - Alternate Universe (AU)
Modern AU where Sterling is historian researching relics and artifacts from some old German nobility. Her most recent research subject is a jewelry box. As she's examining the craftsmanship and material and all those other details, she uncovers that the box is haunted by the ghost of Johan Faust.
Sterling at first shuts the lid of the jewelry box, which keeps Johan's spirit from drifting out and about because "nuh uh, now way! Ghosts don't exist! I'm just hallucinating!" Sterling eventually needs to resume her research and goes back to the box and Johan.
Sterling and Johan get to talking. Johan talks about his family, in particular his father Heinrich who studied demonology. His accounts are great for Sterling's research though she'd still need modern sources to corroborate Johan's telling of things, because she can't just say "oh yeah, a ghost told me" without sounding crazy. And yes, Sterling did test if anyone else could interact with Johan with the results being that only she can sense Johan's presence. Anyways, Johan's stories and accounts would also lead to Sterling realizing that Johan is actually her adopted father's ancestor, making her even more invested in researching the ancient Faustus nobles and how their position was lost.
As for why Sterling can communicate with Johan, she might've been into tarot and other mysticism as a teen and she unknowingly unlocked abilities to interact with the supernatural.
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nakuuro1994 · 11 months
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So, here’s a quick storyline/plot summary and some quick redesign sketches (plus one art commission sketch) of my own personal AU version of the highly obscure Golden Age and Public Domain furry superhero named “Pussy Katnip” that I drew and wrote down just recently. So, I hope that you all like this and enjoy.
Pussy Katnip: Private Eye
~ (The Main Storyline/Plot):
So in the particularly strange midwestern metropolis of River City, USA on an alternate earth that is vastly populated by both regular humans, super-humans & anthropomorphic mutant animals, the normally fun-loving, thrill-seeking, easygoing & adventurous Priscilla “Pussy Katnip” Katz happens to be a famous torch singer and sometimes a private investigator who regularly operates at the local “Kitty Kat Lounge” that is located deep within the dangerous streets and slums of River City’s Mutt-Town.
However, whenever she “smells trouble” or any kind of danger, Pussy will sneak away to find some privacy as she takes a swig from either the hip flasks she often carries, or from a large bottle hidden in her apartment upstairs from the club, of a highly psychedelic super tonic she had invented which she calls "The Fizz” or “Katnip Fizz” that for a short time boosts her natural feline strength, speed, agility and reflexes to superhuman levels, while at the same time raising her “trouble senses” to full blown clairvoyance that lets her tell when “mugs” much bigger than herself were about to take a swing at her, among having various other psychic abilities such as telepathy & telekinesis. Thus with her enhanced abilities, she keeps the people of Mutt-Town safe from evil-doers and keeps them entertained as well.
~ (The Main Heroes/Protagonists):
* Priscilla "Pussy Catnip” Katz (The Famous Torch Singer & Super-Powered Part-Time Psychic Private Eye)
* FC. George “The Duke” Lupo (The Local Fire Chief of Mutt-Town & Pussy’s Partner)
~ (List of Pussy Catnip's Main Allies):
☆ (Mutt-Town Police Department):
* Captain Hobo Harper (Bloodhound)
* Lieutenant Bullseye Bannon (Doberman)
* Lieutenant Hunter Bowman (Labrador)
* Detective Chip Collins (Basset Hound)
* Detective Rocky Hall (Siberian Husky)
☆ (The Cloud Nine Tavern):
* Flip Falcon (Peregrine Falcon)
* Yank Wilson (American Bald Eagle)
* Black-Wing Turner (California Condor)
* Perisphere Payne (Great Horned Owl)
~ (List of Pussy Catnip’s Main Enemies):
☆ (The Mutt-Town Crime Lords):
* Remus "Uncle" Freeman (Mutt Town’s Local Crime Boss & Nightclub Owner)
* Nancy “Auntie” Freeman (Remus’s Right-Hand Woman & Beloved Witchy Wife)
* Prince Ferdinand Faust (Pussy's Arch-Enemy & A Former German Royal Turned Satanic Mad Scientist)
* Dr. Silvia Soulless (Prince Ferdinand Faust's Loving Wife & Main Henchman)
☆ (The Brer Patch Gang):
* Bumpy Freeman (a.k.a. “Brer Rabbit”)
* Gabe “Grizzly” Dunn (a.k.a. “Brer Bear”)
* Marianne Rose (a.k.a. “Brer Fox”)
* Suicide Smith (a.k.a. “Brer Wolf”)
* Tar-Boy (a.k.a. “The Tar Golem”)
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xxj4zzxx · 2 years
Trotzdem dachte Sie jede freie Minute an Harry. Sie konnte ihn einfach nicht vergessen. Sie hoffte immer noch darauf das er zu ihr zurück kommen würde. Sie hielt ihr Perlenarmband, das Harry ihr gemacht und geschenkt hatte, fest an sich gedrückt und dachte an ihn. Plötzlich kam Aiden um die Ecke. Evie saß auf einer Bank etwas entfernt von der Schule. Aiden setzte sich zu ihr. „Hey, wir haben dich schon überall gesucht was machst du hier?“ fragte er Sie. „Ach nichts, ich denke nur nach.“ sagte Sie zu ihm. „Denkst du immer noch an Harry?“ fragte er Sie. Sie nickte. „Evie du solltest ihn nicht so lange mit dir herum tragen. Du solltest dich auf das hier und jetzt konzentrieren. Ich mag dich Evie. Ich mag dich wirklich sehr. Ich kann es nicht ertragen dich so traurig zu sehen.“ sagte er ihr und wischte ihr eine Haarsträhne hinter ihr Ohr. Dann nahm er ihre Wange und beugte sich zu ihr. Harry verfolgte die Situation auf Evies Zauberspiegel. Er kochte vor Wut und Schlug mit seiner Faust gegen die Wand. Ohne den Ausgang der Situation zu sehen schmiss er den Spiegel auf sein Bett und verließ sein Zimmer. Evie stoppte Aiden sofort. „Aiden Ich kann das nicht. Ich liebe Harry und das wird sich nie ändern. Er wird zurück kommen das weiß ich.“ sagte Sie zu ihm. Aiden verlor die Geduld und schrie sie an: „Wirklich nach allem was ich für dich getan habe liebst du diesen dreckigen Piraten immer noch. Er wird nicht zurück kommen weil Captain Hook dafür sorgen wird das das nicht passiert.“ plötzlich bemerkte Aiden was er grade verraten hatte und beruhigte sich sofort wieder. Aber jetzt kochte Evie vor Wut. „Was hast du grade gesagt? Was weißt du? Wo verdammt ist mein Freund?“ sagte Sie und bedrohte ihn mit einer Entzündeten blauen Flammen in ihrer Hand. „Er ist bei seinem Vater Captain Hook. Er brauch ihn damit Harry für Ihnen einen Schatz finden kann. Denn der Schatz lässt sich nur öffnen wenn der Sucher ein reines Herz hat. Captain Hook hat Harry eingeredet das er nicht gut genug für dich sei damit er mit ihm mit kommt und er hat mich angeheuert damit ich dich von ihm ablenke so dass du nicht nach ihm suchst.“ erzählte Aiden ihm. Evie schlug ihm ihre Faust ins Gesicht so hart das seine Nase anfing zu bluten. „Du mieser Verräter. Ich habe dir vertraut und du wusstest die ganze Zeit was passiert ist.“ schrie Sie ihn an. Sie rannte wütend nachhause. Aber nun fest entschlossen Harry zu suchen. Sie befragte ihren Zauberspiegel und fand dadurch heraus das Harry an einem Haven 3 Stunden entfernt war. Sie zog sich ein von sich geschneidertes Piratenoutfit an, nahm Harrys Schwert mit und machte sich mit ihrem Motorrad auf dem Weg zu diesem Haven. Mittlerweile war es Abend geworden. Evie kam an dem Hafen an. Sie schrieb Mal und den anderen eine Nachricht mit ihrem Handy. Dann ließ sie es in ihrem Motorrad Helm zurück. Sie stopfte Ihre Haare unter ihren Piratenhut damit Sie nicht erkannt werden konnte. Sie sah nur ein Schiff das am Hafen anlag. Sie entdeckte niemanden auf dem Schief. Also schlich Sie sich auf das Schiff und sah sich etwas um. Doch plötzlich hörte Sie eine Stimme hinter sich: „Stopp wer bist du und was machst du hier?“ fragte die Stimme und zog ihr Schwert. Evie drehte sich um. Sie erkannte Harry sofort. Er richtete sein Schwert auf Sie anscheinend erkannte er sie nicht. „Versuch es doch herauszufinden?“ sagte Sie zu ihm und grinste dann zog Sie schnell ihr Schwert. Harry und Evie kämpften gegeneinander. Harry war verblüfft wie gut die Person ihm gegenüber mit dem Schwert kämpfen konnte. Ihre Bewegungen waren fast identisch und all seine Tricks erkannte die Person vor ihm sofort und wendete dieselben an. Evie hatte all diese Kampferfahrung von Harry gelernt daher wusste Sie genau wie er tickt. Doch Sie war lange nicht so gut wie er. Sie hatte nie gegen ihn gewonnen gehabt. Auch diesmal nicht. Harry schaffte es ihr Schwert aus ihrer Hand zu schleudern. Evie stand nun unbewaffnet vor ihm. Er richtete sein Schwert auf Sie: „Sag mir sofort wer du bist?“ fragte er böse. Evie zog ihren Hut aus und ließ ihn auf den Boden fallen.
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arwenkenobi48 · 3 years
Captain Slavin: I think good art’s a fable
Thrawn: Aye, think so still, ‘til experience change thy mind.
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Miscellaneous characters masterlist:
Leopold Vermillion
First encounter
Hugging headcanons
Rill Boismortier
Artist s/o HCs
Realizing he’s in love with a man
Fluff with a male reader
Rill with a trans man s/o
Valentine’s date
Jack the Ripper
Artist s/o
Comforting after a fight
Mimosa Vermillion
Falling for Yuno HCs
Gordon Agrippa
Getting married (male reader)
Love letter to reader
S/o with dragons HCs
Trans fem Asta telling Sister Lily about being trans
Daydreamer s/o
Kirsch Vermillion
Kirsch with a self-absorbed noble woman (platonic)
Hugs and kisses HCs
Solid Silva
Dating/boyfriend headcanons
First date 
Solid with a self-absorbed noble woman (platonic)
Gauche Adlai
Blind s/o
S/o who gets jealous easily
Alecdora Sandler
Hugs and kisses HCs
Fluff with a male s/o
Kiss on a field
Nacht Faust
Song prompt “The worlds a beast of a burden”
Fluff headcanons
Taking care of sick s/o
Nacht proposing
Visiting s/o in secret
“Doppelgänger” sex (NSFW)
S/o with a beautiful singing voice
Talking about period problems
S/o with a summoner type of magic
S/o who wants to try new things
S/o’s period spill on the bed
Thinking his devils are CUTE
Valentine’s date
Morgen Faust
Cuddle time
Zenon Zogratis
A faint sense of familiarity
Henry Legolant
A lot of animals in his room
Finral Roulacase
“You are worth risking a broken heart”
Hugging HC
More hugging headcanons
Blind s/o
A meowing s/o
S/o with a beautiful singing voice
He gets jealous
A meowing s/o
Langris Vaude
He confesses to reader (100 followers special)
Valentine’s Day; emerald green + ring
Hugging headcanons
Slowly falling in love
Early steps of the relationship
S/o with a beautiful singing voice
S/o who’s father is a famous cagefighter
S/o who’s father is a famous cagefighter
Chubby s/o
Prompt: Just watch me tie you to this bed for today (nsfw)
Prompt: Aphrodisiac (nsfw)
Love letter to reader
Jealous outdoors sex (nsfw)
s/o with Schizophrenia HCs
Other works
Ship of Theseus
Captains + Mereo + Julius: The sounds the make in bed (smut headcanons)
Dorothy gets angry at a meeting
Noelle dies AU; Noelle’s spirit visits Nozel
Zora and Gauche befriending each other
“Sleepsong” inspired fic with Acier and the Silva siblings
Noelle dies AU; Nozel having to face Noelle’s death (requested AU)
Noelle dies AU (requested AU); Yami & Noelle having a talk prior to her death
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