#capture mn
midwestphotography · 1 year
Dessa live at the Sheldon Theatre in Red Wing, MN- 4/1/23
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suiana · 16 days
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(yandere! prince x female! reader) (for @violetvase) (again im sososo sorry for the late commission catch up😭😭😭) (tw: implied dubcon mentioned?)
"you know i'm mad at you, right?"
he mumbles, staring outside of the window. you gulp nervously, not daring to break the cold tension as you nervously sit at the foot of his bed.
alas, you had been captured by him, freedom forever gone as you had to face the consequences of leaving your dear ex crown prince turned king alone.
you yelp as he suddenly turns to face you, looking at you with cold eyes.
"but you've birthed our two lovely children and... i cannot imagine how they'd feel if they saw their mother miserable."
the king mutters, a hint of a smile gracing his lips as he approaches you slowly. he stops right in front of you, a gloved hand caressing your cheek fondly as he smiles softly. though his smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"how shall i ever punish you for such a grave crime, hm?"
he mocks, hand gripping your chin tightly as he forces you to maintain eye contact with him. you could only muster put whimpers, shaking under his gaze as you remain silent. you didn't want to anger him even more than you already had.
"say something darling. i want to know how i should punish a queen who ran away from her kingdom and husband."
he hums, relishing in your behavior and silence. finally, you learnt your place, haven't you?
"mn... maybe I'll put another baby in you?"
he suddenly mutters, looking at you with glee in his eyes as you immediately sputter, shaking your head. no! you didn't want more kids! especially if you didn't really want them in the first place!
"just kidding. having too many kids will be bad for you."
he chuckles, patting your head as he lets go of your chin. it's as if he could sense your every emotion and feeling, manipulating you by keeping you guessing about how he's going to punish you.
"i think I'll just punish you by placing a pretty little collar on your neck. one embedded with jewels and the prettiest of laces."
he hums, hand drifting towards your exposed neck before his eyes darken. you avert your eyes from him, staring down at your lap as you chew on your bottom lip. damn... it was going to be super embarrassing... oh well, at least it was better than another baby.
"I'm being very lenient because I don't want my children to be mentally deprived of a mother. don't disobey me again, understood?"
he speaks up, tilting your head up to meet your gaze yet again.
"I don't want to hurt you, please understand. i just need to... remind you that your place is beside me."
you nod, obeying silently as your husband chuckles softly. you really don't want your punishment to be worse so you'll just suck it up and pamper him for now.
"that's a good girl. i love you."
he mumbles, kissing your forehead before sitting down and cuddling into you. you stare at his innocent behavior, eyes softening slightly as you hesitantly lean into his touch.
man, it's always moments like this that cause you to forget that he's crazily devoted to you. you wish. he were more sane, maybe then you'd be able to fully love him.
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egonspenglerishot · 2 months
Could I get a scenario for egon spengler x reader: where the reader is a sketch artist (like an artist that works for the police and does sketches) but in this case it's for the ghostbusters, where they sketch the ghosts based off a witnesses description and document them in a ghost journal of their cases. After one of their cases, Egon wanted to make a note in the ghost journal but ends up finding a different notebook that are not ghost sketches, but sketches of the ghostbusters and most of the sketches are of him. Reader walks in to see Egon found their personal sketch book and freaks out and becomes a stuttering mess. They end up confessing to each other and please make it extra fluffy. Maybe throw in a kiss or two lol. Sorry if this is long, but I had some inspo and your work has been lovely 😊
Awww of course I can do this!
“Your arts amazing..”
Egon Spengler x reader
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You sighed as you closed your personal sketch book. You were in need for some decent coffee and you knew who to bribe. You went to the garage where Ray was and poked his shoulder “wanna get coffee? I need the caffeine” Ray chuckled and put his hands on his hips “let me get cleaned up and we will take the Ecto 1”
You nodded and got into the Ecto 1 smiling “hey girl. You’re just going to a coffee shop today nothing exciting” you patted the seat and yawned, meanwhile Egon was looking for some photo evidence of the recent ghost they’d captured. When he opened the sketchbook it wasn’t Ghosts but him and his fellow ghostbusters..strange…as he flipped through more most of them were just of him.
He lost track of time looking at all your sketches so much so you and Ray had gotten back from the coffee shop and you were outside the lab. You froze as you saw him looking into your personal sketch book cheeks ablaze with heat “e…Egon uh…mn”
He looked up and kept his calm composure. He was flattered that you’d drawn him so many times “your arts amazing” your heart began beating faster and because of the coffee “oh uh…thank..thank you?” He put the book down and went over to you kissing your forehead “and I saw the confession I love you to” you whined and hid your face in his chest as it rumbled with laughter.
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crheativity · 9 months
SUMMARY: thanks to two certain idiots, you were yet again landed in detention. As if your luck couldn’t get any worse, of course it has to start raining! But no worries, a certain Hyena has your back.
WARNINGS: mentions of Ace Trappola, Ruggie says D*mn. Other than that it’s just tooth rotting fluff!
COMMENTS: Anndd here’s the Ruggie fic! It’s not very long but I thought it turned out pretty cute. I hope you guys enjoy!
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How perfect, you thought dully, staring out into the rain that bucketed down just outside the entrance. As if your day couldn’t get any worse.
Actually, scratch that. Your day hadn’t really been all that bad, come to think of it. Other than those dirtbags Ace and Grim ‘generously’ gifting you a pretty seat in detention from their shenanigans. Granted, it had been pretty funny. Not detention-worthy, but still funny.
“Shishishi, penny for ya thoughts, Prefect?”
You grinned; that adorably contagious laugh could only belong to one person - your crush.
“Hey Rugs.”
Ruggie Bucchi appeared to your left, hands held behind his head and smiling widely, revealing his little fangs. His dirty blond hair was just as messy as usual, and his drooping blue eyes held that usual mischievous glint that never failed to capture your attention and make your heart skip a beat. “Hey yourself. Whatcha doing out here this late in the afternoon?” He crossed his arms, curiosity in his eyes. “Almost never see you out here this late.”
You thought for a moment, then shrugged. “I got detention.”
He let out a low whistle. “Damn, Prefect. Never took you for the type.”
You smiled. “It happens. Still, though…” you looked out at the downpour and cringed. “That rain is coming down fast. Wish I’d had time to grab an umbrella.”
Ruggie raised an eyebrow, genuinely impressed. “You can afford an umbrella?”
He laughed and shook his head. “Shoulda guessed. Welp, you’re in luck then, Prefect. I got one in my bag.”
You looked at him curiously. “You own an umbrella?”
He cracked a charmingly crooked smile. “Nah, it’s Leona’s.” He winked and held his finger in front of his mouth. “If you keep that on the down-low for me, I’ll let ya use it if you want.”
“Really?!” Your eyes lit up with hope, and you could’ve sworn his expression softened for a second, before returning to his signature cheeky grin.
“‘Course!” He grabbed his bag and, after digging around for a while, pulled out a black umbrella. “Take it.” He held it out to you, but you hesitated.
“Are you sure? We could both share it. That way we’d both stay dry.”
He looked startled for a moment, an almost unnoticeable pink briefly dusting his cheeks before he recovered and smiled. “Nah, I got errands to run. You should head back to Ramshackle before this rain gets any worse.”
“Alright, if you’re sure… thanks, Ruggie!” You reached to take the umbrella.
As you took the umbrella, your hand brushed his. For a split second, it looked as though Ruggie had been jolted by static electricity. Then, he shakily laughed it off, shrugging off his jacket and lifting it over his head.
“Welp, gotta go, later Prefect!” He smiled, a little nervously, and plunged into the rain.
Warmth spread over your face as you watched him disappear with a smile. Maybe one day you’d be able to have a conversation where he didn’t try to escape before the end.
Not yet, but soon.
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♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
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esamastation · 8 months
Shizuroth, part twenty five
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four
Warning for some implied medical horror in this one.
"... Welp. Now, I don't like saying I told you so - but I totally told you so," Reno points out, pointing at the screen - frozen on the very final frame just before Sephiroth destroyed the cameras. "I absolutely told Tseng this would happen."
"No one was injured," Rude points out, shifting through papers.
"That we know of! SOLDIER closed ranks real quick," Reno hums, shuffling through security feeds. They captured the flight of the technicians and the Department Head of Shinra Science from the scene of the ongoing incident, but after that, it's hard to say. There's a bunch of SOLDIERs literally in the way, blocking the view to the virtual training room with their bodies. They'd allowed no one but other SOLDIERs into the floor since.
Sephiroth is still there, as are the SOLDIERs, and unbeknownst to everyone else in the building, they have a damn situation on their hands. A potential rebellion situation.
"So," Reno says, rocking back and forth in his chair. "Sephiroth gets over-overdosed, flatlines, is brought back, loses his memory. Shinra Medical lets him go because that's what they do. He acts funny. Actually takes time off. Makes buncha random purchases. Puts on a shirt. Seems, for about a day, like a normal human being. He even gets takeout!"
"Mn," Rude agrees.
"The Crimson Commander takes him out, they do some shopping, probably have a heart to heart, make it into a few gossip columns," Reno continues, picking up the latest copy of Midgar Mail - Sephiroth sitting shotgun in Genesis' convertible and looking irritated had made the front page. "... Who are now absolutely convinced that our two Elites are romantically involved."
"A natural conclusion," Rude comments without looking at him.
"And so sad for poor Hewley, who's been in love with Rhapsodos since they were kids, according to this," Reno hums, giving the magazine a little flip. "The lives of SOLDIER First Classes are truly full of struggle."
Reno throws the magazine on the desk. "So, Sephiroth has a nice day, feels all normal, and the next morning he decides to go do some training, as SOLDIERs do," he continues, rewinding the video back. "He does some funky magic sword stuff for a bit, and then, boom, Professor Hojo launches a Behemoth at his ass. And Sephiroth proceeds to absolutely lose his shit."
Rude looks up. "I'd call that reasonable cause," he comments. "For a panic attack, if nothing else."
"Yeah, especially if the poor schmuck can't even remember what a Behemoth is," Reno scoffs and leans back, crossing his hands behind his head as he peers up at the ceiling vents. "So now we have a totally sane Department Head who was almost killed by his own son, two traumatised lab techs, a whole lot of SOLDIERs on high alert, an entire floor that's barricaded itself… and no eyes on Sephiroth and no idea what his status is."
"That about sums it up," Rude agrees and turns a page.
Reno glances at him, frowning. "You are not even listening, are you? What are you reading?"
"List of all the non-classified medical procedures Sephiroth has gone through," Rude answers. "The annotations by Professor Hojo are… interesting."
Reno blinks and then grabs the file from his hands. He takes a moment to skim through it before landing on what Rude has been reading. "Subject shows improved humour, will continue to administer preventive care - that doesn't seem too weird?"
"The two previous reports," Rude explains and Reno leafs back. "Reading between the lines, Sephiroth objected to an operation, and was assigned another immediately after," Rude adds. "I'm no physician, but I didn't see anaesthetic in the medicine list."
Reno frowns, reading the files more closely. "Exploratory surgery? Wait, wait, wait. What? Sephiroth showed a bit of an attitude and as punishment Hojo did open surgery on him without anaesthesia?"
"That's my reading of it also."
"Holy shit, that guy's life sucks," Reno says and then takes another look. "The poor fuck was seventeen?"
"There was a similar operation when he was nineteen," Rude adds. "For similar reasons."
"So it's a fucking pattern," Reno mutters. "Damn. No wonder they wrestled the SOLDIER program out of Hojo's total control as soon as they could."
Rude hums in agreement. "I thought it might shed light on what Professor Hojo's reaction to this might be."
Reno's face falls. "Fuck," he says emphatically. 
Now, he doesn't have much sympathy for SOLDIER, they willingly signed up to all the bullshit they went through - plus, when SOLDIER went off the beaten path it was Turks who had to clean their crap up. Sephiroth is a bit different, the poor asshole was born into the life, but that doesn't mean he has anything to do with Turks. At least not unless he made himself their business - and usually he didn't. And that was good! Live and let the freaks live, Reno was more than happy with that.
But this… yeah.
The idea of Sephiroth who had already lost it once being subjected to his crazy father's idea of discipline - probably while on company property, full of all these squishy and vulnerable company people! - did not appeal to him. Tseng was right - life at Shinra would be so much easier if the Science Department stopped treating the SOLDIER like their personal playthings and seen them for what they are.
Really fucking dangerous human weapons. With all the bullshit that came with it.
Rude looks at him levelly and then takes off his sunglasses in order to clean them - sure sign of how stressed he is. "How do you want to play this?"
"Preferably from another continent?" Reno asks a bit incredulously and then thinks about it. "Yeah, actually, that sounds about right! You have Deusericus' location?"
Rude checks his PHS. "Logs put him in his office," he says.
"Great, good, wonderful," Reno bounces to his feet, taking out his own PHS, hitting the speed dial. "Let's go. Hey, Tseng!"
"Reno," comes very tiredly through the hand held. "Please tell me you have eyes on Sephiroth."
"I have his rough location - still on floor 49, with just about every SOLDIER sitting between him and the elevator. No idea what's going on in there, but he's not moved from the training room yet. What about Hewley and Rhapsodos, what's their status?"
"Out on missions - Deusericus has recalled both of them."
"Excellent," Reno says, hurrying for the elevators. "What say we punt this whole mess speedily to Wutai before the good Professor decides to poke at the already sparkling bomb in our midst?"
Tseng sighs. "What?"
Reno explains their conclusions about what they should expect from Hojo. "And if today is any indication as to how the current Sephiroth reacts to Hojo's style of child rearing and discipline… well, I wouldn't like to see the Science Department afterwards! Or the building." Or the entirety of Midgar, for that matter.
He's seen Sephiroth's stats - there's not much they could throw in the guy's way to stop him.
"I see," Tseng says over the line, and it sounds like he's pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes, I think it might be best if Sephiroth vacated the premises as soon as possible."
"My thinking exactly, boss."
"Very well. I'll arrange a transport," Tseng says. "You'll deal with getting him there?"
Cheers, boss, well done throwing him under the bus! But as it happens, yes. "Heading off to pay Director Deusericus a visit now," Reno says while Rude punches in the floor number. "Here's hoping the SOLDIERs are willing and able to wrangle Sephiroth into a plane."
"Here's hoping," Tseng agrees and then, damningly, adds, "Call me once you get to Wutai," and hangs up.
Aw, shit.
Reno looks at Rude. "Ever been to Wutai?"
"... No?"
"It's wet, miserable, and full of bugs."
Rude sighs. "I'll pack accordingly."
Yep, Sephiroth's existence has nothing at all to do with any Turk, nope.
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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I wanted to open my eyes to see whose cold hand was touching my forehead, but my body refused to move, and I slipped into unconsciousness once more.
After checking Mitsuki’s condition, Galileo returned to his room and stood there for a while.
Galileo: “........”
After hesitating, he opened a drawer on his desk and took out a worn-out origami crane.
Galileo: “I thought as much...”
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The scar on Mitsuki’s forehead, which he had just seen, and the story he heard last night about the origami cranes, triggered a memory in Galileo’s mind.
It was from the time when he traveled through various countries and eras, using the door.
When he arrived in a certain eastern country, he witnessed a scene where a vehicle was about to hit a girl.
Realizing that the girl wouldn’t survive, his body moved on its own. Before he knew it, he was holding the girl in his arms and lying on the roadside.
Girl: “Thank you, big brother. You’re my lifesaver.”
Although he had caused her a slight injury on her forehead, the girl smiled, and the origami crane she gave him as thanks was still in his hand to this day.
Galileo: “The girl I helped back then was Mitsuki.”
Galileo: "That was an event from when I traveled to the future, which means Mitsuki came from the future using that door in the mansion."
With the strange fate involving Mitsuki playing out in his mind, Galileo couldn't help but sigh as he sensed his own fate intertwined with hers.
Galileo: "Even if she doesn't have any special powers, it seems she's still the woman of destiny."
Galileo: "How ironic."
His self-deprecating murmur faded away into the room.
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Mitsuki: "Mn..."
When I woke up, the sun was already setting.
I moved slightly despite the lingering heaviness in my body and noticed something gently resting on my forehead.
(Ice pack? Did someone take care of me?)
(Was it Drake? Or maybe...)
At that moment, I heard a knock.
Galileo: "Are you awake?"
Galileo entered, holding a fresh ice pack.
Mitsuki: "Were you the one taking care of me?"
Galileo: "You got injured because of me."
Galileo: "It would be embarrassing if you fell ill because of that."
He said this before I could respond, and a small smile escaped my lips.
(This guy really has a strong sense of duty.)
But whether it was out of obligation or genuine concern, it was heartwarming to have someone look after me.
Mitsuki: "Thank you, Galileo."
Galileo: "........."
He accepted my thanks silently and approached the bed.
My heart raced wildly in my chest as he removed the ice pack and placed his hand on my forehead.
(This is the gentle, cold hand I felt while I was asleep earlier.)
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Galileo: "It looks like you're recovering enough to speak, but you still have a fever."
Galileo: "Rest a little longer."
Mitsuki: "Okay. Thank you."
After placing the medicine and drinks he brought on the table, he quietly left the room.
Though I was alone again, I didn't feel as helpless as earlier.
(My chest somehow feels warm.)
(Is it because he was here with me?)
Feeling calm this time, I drifted into another sleep.
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A few days later, my health had fully recovered, and I resumed spending my days with him.
We passed through the door and found ourselves on another moonlit night, and each time, I witnessed him struggling under the miasma.
That night, I reflected on the various times I had seen Galileo.
(Why does he keep going out on nights of lunar eclipses?)
All I knew was that he was looking for something, but I still didn't know what it was.
Even though he was suffering, he took some time to recover and then traveled again.
Realizing that he was repeating such actions, I got worried.
(I can't bear to see him like that. I want to stop him for his sake.)
Every time I got to know him better, I found myself unsure of what to call the emotions I had towards him.
He was a frightening man with intense anger hidden beneath an icy, cold facade. Yet he was also compassionate, engraving his sorrow and pain onto himself.
(Seeing him like that is painful.)
Despite aspiring to destroy the world, he tried to help his brethren and even took care of me.
(He has his kind side too.)
Each of these extreme aspects seemed to be part of his truth.
(The way he appears changes from time to time, like the phases of the moon.)
But I still felt like I hadn't discovered the true "him" yet. Just then, I heard footsteps from outside the room.
Curious, I stepped out of the room to find him and Sidereus getting ready to go outside.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, are you going out at this hour?"
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Galileo: "Yeah. Sidereus finds this place too confining."
Galileo: "Besides, the sky is clear tonight."
I noticed he was carrying a telescope in his arms.
(Maybe he's going stargazing while walking Sidereus.)
Suddenly, curiosity piqued my interest.
Mitsuki: "Can I come with you?"
Galileo: "Is that to get to know me better?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. You said you wouldn't hide or run away from me, remember?"
While it's true that I want to understand the real him, I'm also intrigued by his personal life.
After a brief moment of silence, Galileo spoke up.
Galileo: "It's your choice."
(Does that mean it's okay for me to go with them?)
Mitsuki: "Then, I'll go with you."
I quickly got ready and followed them until we arrived at a flower field.
Sidereus: *Bark! Bark!*
Sidereus ran around happily in the wide-open field.
Smiling at his puppy-like innocence, I looked at the sky to see the crescent moon and stars sparkling like gems.
Mitsuki: "There are so many stars out tonight."
Galileo: "Yeah. There are no clouds today, so it's the perfect time for stargazing."
He chose a spot and swiftly assembled the telescope.
Once everything was set up, he peered through the lens, occasionally lifting his head to gaze at the night sky.
For some reason, as I gazed at his profile, I found myself captivated by his eyes.
(Is this how he looks when he's stargazing?)
His amethyst eyes were filled with passionate longing, as if yearning for something unattainable in the distance, evoking a sense of melancholy.
(His eyes are really beautiful.)
I found myself admiring his eyes more than the stars.
Galileo: "Want to take a look?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "You've been glancing at me since earlier. Isn't that because you also want to see the stars?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah! I'd love to take a look!"
(Thank goodness he didn't notice I was admiring him.)
I stood in front of the telescope, feeling relieved inside.
It was my first time stargazing through a telescope, so I was really excited.
Mitsuki: "Huh? It's blurry. I can't see well."
Thinking I might have messed something up, I tried to adjust the focus, but...
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Galileo: "Let me see."
He leaned over me from behind, his warmth enveloping me.
As he adjusted the focus, my heart beat loudly.
(My heartbeat is so loud.)
(Why am I feeling so nervous?)
Galileo: "There, try looking now."
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Galileo gently guided my hand to the telescope.
My cheeks flushed as I peered through the lens, feeling the warmth of his cold hand.
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Mitsuki: "It's beautiful..."
I sighed in awe, seeing the stars before me.
I glanced up and saw Galileo looking at the stars with a serene expression.
Galileo: "No matter the era, the brilliance of the stars remains unchanged."
Galileo: "They illuminate everything on Earth, regardless of hatred or sorrow, urging us not to turn away from the truth."
His words stirred something within me, reminding me of certain words.
Galileo: "Fine. If you're going to speak as if you understand everything, then go and see it with your own eyes."
Galileo: "See with your own eyes what I am trying to accomplish and what my true desires are."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(One of the few things I've learned about Galileo is his belief in confirming the truth with his own eyes.)
“But why have you not observed this instead of reducing yourself to having to believe the tales of others? Why not see it with your own eyes?”
The words from the book he lent me echoed in my mind.
(He's someone who seeks the truth with his own eyes.)
(Huh? Didn't I have a conversation about someone seeking the truth before?)
Galileo: "Even if the truth is revealed, if it's inconvenient, they'll be condemned and excluded."
Galileo: "I know a fool who pursued the truth despite knowing this and ended up with a life sentence."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Suddenly, his words came to mind.
(Could that be…)
(Could that be him?)
It was one possibility I had arrived at.
However, I couldn't bring myself to voice it because I didn't want to disturb him as he gazed at the stars with fervent eyes.
(If it's true that he got a life sentence, then what could have happened in his past?)
(I don't really know how he lived as a historical figure, but I know he supported the heliocentric model and left the famous quote, "And yet it moves.")
It was frustrating that I only knew fragments of his history.
(I want to know more about him.)
(I want to understand him and touch his heart.)
Those feelings grew stronger.
Galileo: "Had enough of the stars?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "You've been lost in thought for a while now."
Mitsuki: "I was just..."
I looked up at the sky again, swallowing the rest of my words.
Mitsuki: "I was just thinking that they're still beautiful, even though I don't know their names."
I made that comment to hide my true feelings, but then a streak of light flashed across the sky above us.
Mitsuki: "A shooting star! Did you see it!?"
Galileo: "I saw it. Don't get too excited just because you saw one."
Mitsuki: "Sorry. But it was so beautiful! It was over so quickly."
Excitement bubbled up within me, and Galileo let out a sigh.
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Galileo: "I didn't expect to see this side of you."
For a moment, I felt like my breath had caught in my throat.
The smile I saw for the first time was so gentle.
(I really don't understand.)
(What are these feelings?)
My chest tightened, and I found myself unable to speak.
As if a shooting star had fallen, a nameless, tiny sparkle settled in my heart.
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ventique18 · 2 years
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(Full fanfic under the cut)
Type: Fanfic + Fanart (🌶️)
Pairing: Malleus x afab!Reader
Length: Long (no plot, only smut)
Warnings and notes:
SMUT! Minors DNI!! I am not responsible, in any way, for any damage reading this may give you. You are responsible for your own actions. You have been warned.
Malleus POV
Pwp, oral (F receiving), penetration, self-pleasuring, Mal gets a bit unhinged/weird but not in a harmful way. Pretty vanilla otherwise.
Art warnings: Two smut sketches. Quickly scroll past if uncomfortable.
This you, lovely and pure above the filthy surface. This you--shy and unsullied, trembling each time my palms glide across a curious inch of your body. This you, basked in divine beauty, sinfully unadulterated; so long ago debauched and tainted over and over again in the muddy waters of my corrupted mind.
- Fanfic Start -
"Mn, ah..."
"Aah! Ha, ha..."
How many minutes has it been? How many seconds-- how many times have I taken the wind from your lungs?
"Are you not feeling hot?" I whisper airily; rasping in between stolen breaths, "Under all these layers."
You lightly tug at my lower lip, "It's a bit suffocating," you purr as you teasingly swipe your tongue at it.
I capture your mouth deeper, and my hands leave your hair to tug at your necktie. It sweeps off your neck in an arc, and my fingers waste no moment in lunging at the remaining covers.
Must you really wear this troublesome vest?
"Why are you in a rush?" You trail a finger along my jaw, "Let's enjoy our midnight stroll."
The chuckle that escapes my lips almost distracts me from unbuttoning your shirt.
A midnight stroll. Indeed, that is what this is. You and I, a pair of acquaintances getting to know each other. Curious friends sharing stories of legends from old, of fantastical heroes clad in iron armor, of the scent of homely dishes not from our own.
That is what my retainers know. That is the story your beast companion knows. And yet not one of them has had a clue of the frequent "rests" we take along the path.
I dip my tongue deeper into the crevices of your mouth; wet sounds lapping and mingling and resounding in this quiet little space you call our 'secret base'. I angle my head to better access you. Your cute little tongue meets with mine, but my inherent instinct for dominance has my fangs pricking at it to punish you for such insolence. You whimper. I seize it as an opportunity to further conquer you.
And this tongue, terrifying as it is with the cruel curses it can utter, descends into your throat without a kindly warning. In and out, sliding up and down through your tastebuds, licking and sucking and tasting the mixture of you and I. Planting pretend curses along every inch of your mouth.
That you will only ever taste me. That you will speak of your want for me. That you will ever only want me.
And when you pull at my neck to invite me further inside, I almost utter the curses to life.
If I do, will you look at me as if I were a bad man?
But what constitutes a bad man?
Is it the anger that ignites when I see you with another?
I rip the cloth off of your shoulders; my lips finally leaving the warmth of yours as they travel to the point of your chin, the column of your throat, the dip of your clavicle. My tongue dances and flicks at the sweat of your excited form. My fingers massage the crook of your neck, winding down, tickling at the sensitive skin of your underarms, and gliding to the sides of your brassiere.
Light as a feather.
Is it the when I secretly wish to leave all responsibilities behind-- to doze off and indulge in the softness of your bosom, like a common sloth?
I pick your brassiere's bridge string (or whatever such name it holds) between my teeth. I tug at it; lightly laughing at the way your two mounds rub and squish together, completely molding and obeying my every command. I release it and it tears apart with a snap. Your breasts spill out beautifully. They shake in a way that could send the mightiest of dragon to its knees.
And that is I, both fortunately and unfortunately.
"Heavens, your breasts are lovely." I whisper enchantedly, and you lightly slap at my forehead in what appears to be embarrassment.
"Stop destroying my bra, you dummy."
"It is simple to mend a ruined cloth, but my sanity when I take in your lovely visage? Not so much."
"Stoooop! You're so cheesy!" You whine as a giddy laughter rises and falls against your chest.
Indeed, what makes a bad man? Could it be this twisted feeling bubbling under my stomach, of me wanting to take you for all you are worth? Of one day asking for a kiss, then a few touches the next? More and more, more and more... This neverending greed...
I wrap my mouth around one of your breasts' peaks. A melodious gasp enters my ear. Gently, I suck at the tiny bud that shyly entices me. Slowly, I push you down and probe around the sensitive red that decorates your skin.
Swirling, twirling, deliberately missing the aching fruit that you are desperately guiding me to taste.
This you, lovely and pure above the filthy surface. This you--shy and unsullied, trembling each time my palms glide across a curious inch of your body. This you, basked in divine beauty, sinfully unadulterated; so long ago debauched and tainted over and over again in the muddy waters of my corrupted mind.
The tip of my tongue very, painfully slowly encircles your pert nipple. I push at it deliberately; my eyes drifting onto yours in lascivious seduction. Oh darling, how I've held back so long to feast on you.
Day after day, holding back and gritting my teeth in forced patience. Oft, my mind wanders to thoughts of only you. Oft, my eyes run to you from across the hall, watching in silence as you chat and sing and laugh with everyone else not I. It occurs to me that this is envy, and I turn away in disappointment at myself.
Which is why, I whisper in my mind, if I cannot sing with you under the sun, then I shall dance with you in the moonlight.
Night after night, a little kiss at a time, escalating gradually--agonizingly slow, feeding your mind and body to want me more and more.
Truly, I say to myself as I indulge in the softness of your bosom, envy makes one grow mad.
And yet,
Pressing your breasts together, my lips run across the tight cleft; nose inhaling the sweet aroma of your pheromones and sweat. Desperately drunk on the salt on my tongue and the warmth of your beating heart against my cheek.
Who wouldn't succumb to the maddening temptation that is you?
Rubbing them together, teasingly pinching at each peak, dripping hot drool as I selfishly and hungrily devour your flesh-- each and every action to your chest composes a unique melody that I swear to remember like a crest.
Though, voracious as I am, gasps and sighs aren't nearly enough to satisfy my appetite.
I need you.
I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you.
I lunge at your throat; scraping my fangs across the vibration of your surprised moan. The tip of my tongue flicks at the bone pressing beneath your thin skin. I slither down. In between your supple mounds, on the plush of your abdomen, grazing the dip of your navel, touching the area where your womb is.
I wish to conquer this. I want you to be mine.
I fly back to where your mouth is and cover it with my lips. Caressing your tongue with mine, I attempt to pacify you while my hand-- lazily but with purpose-- roams to your leg. Up and down do I caress you tensely until a sigh from you emboldens me and urges my fingers to drift to your thigh.
Your sighs grow deeper. Longer. Sweat drips from your neck and falls to your clavicle; funneling towards your cleavage like a naughty stream. And when my fingertips brush across your moist underwear, your nervous sigh snaps into an unbridled moan.
As if embarrassed, your hands attempt to muffle the sound, but my free hand traps them above your head.
I angle my face to whisper in your ear, "You seem excited," I say as deeply as I can while caressing you against your underwear.
You shudder and I chuckle, "It's..." You stutter between hitched breaths, "We've never gone this far before..."
My fingers glide through the seam that separates your thigh and your special place, "And I intend to make up for all the times I wasn't able to make love to you. A chaste kiss was never enough for me."
"Huh? Make?--"
I ignore your stupefied face and dip the tip of my ring finger into your warm core.
You gasp again and I cannot stop the wide grin that curves across my face. Wet. You are completely, soaking wet.
My finger intrudes further in you and my teeth bares into maniacal amusement. You're soft and squishy, like a sponge. Warm enough to sear my cold skin. And ah, how moist and slippery you are-- so much that when you unconsciously contract, the length of my finger easily slides in to the knuckle.
Greedy, so greedy.
I pull back, only to plunge back in with an additional finger. You scream again. I pull back while prodding at the roof of your entrance. Your back lifts into a perfect arc.
Ah, beloved, such a lovely tune. Ah, ah, ah. Repeatedly do you sing as I violate your crook and cranny that no one else is allowed to explore. No one but myself. Scraping against your walls, forcefully spreading you apart, caressing you in places not humanly possible.
Places that no one else can reach apart from myself.
My darling, do you see that nobody can take you high like this? Do you see that no one else,
"Ah? Ahh... Ahhh... Why... Why do I suddenly feel so..." You breathe out, eyes unfocused and drifting in and out of rationality, "weird..."
My nails playfully draw cursives across your pulpy walls; flecks of yellow green floating around us that you are far too unfocused to notice. I smile a slight one and kiss your forehead.
"Don't think too much. Give yourself up to me."
That only I can possibly make you feel like this?
You grip on my arm as if holding on to the last threads of lucidity that you have left. But that's not good, not good at all. You need to fall. You need to plunge so deep into the abyss that your body can no longer seek anyone but myself. You need to be addicted to me.
"What are you... what are you doing--" Your string of garbled words stop with a long moan.
Ah... Like a parched man, I drink in your scent. So strong, so sweet, so you. My tongue draws a languid line from the entrance of your hole to the sensitive bud waiting for my affection-- and then back. Down and up, then sweetly encircling your swollen peak. Sucking at it and chuckling to myself when your hips jump up in glee. Perverted glee.
Chu. One suck and your legs wobble.
Chu. Another and you clasp at the bench.
Chu. A kiss and an intrusion, and you reach for my face; desperate to prevent me from watching your indignant pants and moans and the splash of fluid that aggressively flows from your entrance. But I stop you of course, for no one in this world shall ever hinder me from claiming what is mine. From drinking myself silly at the essence of you. From drowning in the addictive ambrosia that is you.
Oh my love, no wine-- nothing in this world can intoxicate me as much as you do.
And as exquisite as you are, of course, one glass is never enough for me. I still hunger, I still thirst-- this overflowing voracity, this sinful gluttony... I shall swallow you whole.
I grip your hips and knead your plump behind. You peek at me with your bleary eyes to mutter something but is too unintelligible for me to understand.
Nevermind, I'm far too inebriated for gallantry and niceties.
And so, after an impatient swish of my magic to strip myself off of every piece of cloth, I reach a hand to my member and guide it to your warm entrance. You watch my every movement. You look faint. Does this frighten you?
"There's no way..." You whisper hurriedly, "How would..."
I glide a palm up and down your thigh to reassure you, "I guarantee it won't hurt." I answer with a secretive smile.
You inhaled a shaky breath, then nodded, "Okay, I trust you..."
Upon your affirmation, my fingers spread your plump petals to prepare you for a stretch. Slowly, or at least as slowly as I can endure, the tip of my length sinks inside you. Your legs squeeze at my waist, and as I expect, your mouth hangs open to let out an uncontrollable moan.
Gradually, bit by bit, your lining gives way to welcome my warmth. By the way your fingers are turning white from digging at your ribs, it seems the pleasure is overtaking you effectively. Verily.
Smirking, I playfully caress your stomach, "Does it hurt?"
Tense, you shake your head. You're trying to keep your mouth shut, but very soon you will lose all your common sense and start crying and wailing like a cute little thing in heat.
"How--" You gasp out.
Another inch pushes inside of you, and I feel your warm blood trickling from the stretch.
Halfway through now, and your legs are already shaking uncontrollably from the amount of pleasure rushing through you all at once.
"It feels so good--"
Impatient, I plunge into you the remaining of me.
And, as if this were a play with a cue, an uninhibited cry of salacity rips through your throat, down your stomach, and vibrates around me. A shocked gasp streams from my lips. I hold onto your thighs to steady myself.
How good must you be feeling, for you to clench so tightly around me, that I have to grit my teeth and close my eyes to reel my id back in? How could I have almost completely lost control of myself, this I, in the overflowing throes of rapture that you so suddenly trap me in?
Oh my love, my treasure, my goddess--
"... Hey."
No response.
"... Beloved."
Still nothing.
Hesitantly, I lean towards your face and inspect you. You are still heavily breathing, yet your eyes are closed as relaxed as they can get. Sweat trickles down the sides of your face, yet when I snap my fingers to your ear, you do not stir even a single inch.
... The spell that turns all pain into pleasure must have been too much for you.
I grumble and reluctantly pull myself out of you.
"How dare you sleep in my presence..."
I can only shake my head in disbelief. Still, smitten as I am with you, I cannot just leave you here. And so I clean you up, wrap a blanket around you, and lay you safe and soundly on your bed. The little monster is there too, and what I wouldn't give to throw him out of the window and take his place beside you.
But I don't do it, of course, as that will anger you. Instead, I begrudgingly teleport back to my chambers and slump on my bed in dejection.
I should sleep, just as you did. And yet... And yet...
The image of you cannot seem to escape my mind.
Your visage, lovely and weak, shyly avoiding my gaze as I take in the reddened swell of your bosom. The cute squish of your belly, the intoxicating aroma of your arousal. My fingertips shallowly dipping and stirring the place most special to you.
Unconsciously, I bring my hand to my face. The fingers that pleasured you not too long ago. The scent that still lingers and attracts me; the pheromones that invade my brain and destroys what remaining reason I have in my body.
And then I swallow it, thinking of you. My fingertips rub my tongue; tastebuds desperate to remember you. I lick and groan from the memory of you.
My other hand reaches for my trousers to free the still-hard sex that longs for your body. I imagine you here, on my bed, completely naked. Lovely. Stunning. Beautiful.
I see myself on top of you, kissing your trembling back, tracing marks down your spine. I lift you-- your knees no longer touching the sheets to keep up with me-- and let my sex kiss yours. Slowly, so slowly while I massage your breasts and whisper filthy words to your ear, I push myself inside you. You would again whimper from the size of me, but when I retract and slam back into you, you would scream my name tell me how good you feel.
And then I would tease you, torture you, with shallow thrusts that can never satisfy you. You would look behind you-- look into my eyes-- and beg for me to pound you harder. And I would oblige, of course I would-- weak as I am for you.
I imagine you collapsed on my pillows, drool smearing my belongings, gasping and moaning and stuttering for air as I have my way with you and push and pull and roll my hips and teasingly mix my premature fluids with yours; the thrill of whether or not you will conceive sending me spiralling to the edge of my sanity.
"Get me pregnant," you would scream, "Please, make me yours--"
Ribbons of white sputter and splatter across my stomach. I breathe heavily; hot and buzzed from the sheer intensity of the delectation that thoughts of you give me.
I collapse on the bed. I bring a hand to my forehead, but recoil at the thick saliva that drips from my fingers. Embarrassed, I force myself to clean up in the bathroom.
If you were to see these fantasies of mine, what will you think of me? Will you think me a bad man? Will you sneer at me, or will you look at me in admiration, returning the enraptured eyes that I follow you with? Will you pucker your lips at me, glossy and red, and ask for a kiss? Will you lead me to lay in bed with you--
I grip tightly at the faucet and almost break it.
More than the anger I feel when I am not with you, more than this envy that overtakes me when you're eating out with somebody else... More than any of that, my greatest sin of all...
Is this uncontrollable lust for you.
And yet, and yet, wrong as it is... I cannot control it.
I do not want to stop it.
I cover my face with my hands. These hands that touched you. These fingers that entered you. Delightful.
Tomorrow, I swear to myself that tomorrow-- you will voluntarily lay yourself on my bed. Tomorrow, definitely tomorrow, you will want for nobody else but I.
Tomorrow, I will make you utterly, completely mine.
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jessaerys · 3 months
your fav mello/near fics??? thank yeww (also love your drawings!)
oohh this reminds me i should pick up my ff.net archival reclist project up again...
it is of note that it's been a looooong while since i've combed the archives and there's a couple of common tropes i don't usually read due to personal taste, so i'm sure there's a lot of good fic i'm unaware of and/or forgetting about! this has totally renewed my interest in making a comprehensive personal reclist >:) perhaps i'll come back and edit this post every now and then.
i owe comments to nearly everyone mentioned here i am SO sorry. it's a lost skill that i am working on developing again. at the very least i've got everyone in one place so i can go down the list this year. i encourage everyone reading from this reclist to leave a comment too!
i wrote "off the top of my head" but this got VERY long so under the readmore it goes
obligatory classics
• the famous @tierfal 's sidetracked (2010) and full of surprises (2009). rated e and m respectively. these are like the allegorical little black dress in the wardrobe of the platonic ideal of the mellonear oneshot. seem to be pretty well known across the ship fandom • stripped (2009) by blueberryash/@tka-trashfire on tumblr. explicit. i haven't read this in a while but i remember it capturing the delicate gossamer tension of the ship in a way that was sooo bittersweet and nostalgic. • to speak of rules and privilege (2008) also by blueberryash/@tka-trashfire, gen, a manifesto on tenderness, soooooooooo soft, changed the game, near being afraid of thunderstorms was immediately adopted into personal canon. big time influence for the way i write near and mello's pre-canon relationship re: big brother, little brother. • an understanding (2008) by blueberryash/@tka-trashfire, rated T, short and sweet, razor sharp prose, the aesthetics of the little piece live rent free in my head. • dual(2011) by ramasi, @ramasi here i believe. rated m. historians say this might be one of the first examples of mellonear choking kink ever recorded,
•scarification (2012) by gacrux11 on fanfiction.net, rated m, big time dead dove do not eat. sorry this one leans early 2010s era grimdark melodrama but i love it sjkdfkjfd. not enough dead dove fics about the boys if u ask me. • salt in the wound (2007) •tempus fugit (2007), and • white out (2006) by vaudevillain king on fanfiction. net. a beloved rare find. all of them are rather grimdark edgy products of their era, but some of the best the era had to offer. they make me so nostalgic for my teenagehood on fanfiction.net. i get the impression these might've been written even before death note was finished? • birthday smut (2009) by kleine_aster on livejournal. explicit. this one is SO funny to me because it is both really, really good, very in character, but unfortunately it suffers from almost satirical misogyny that afflicted fujoshis back in the day. near literally is like oh that bitch... like. he would not fucking think that but i can edit quickly in my brain as i read. bisexual mello rights! otherwise really sexy imo. i might be writing something that's kind of in conversation with this fic.
RARE finds
(please tell me if you enjoy any of these, i want to feel like an explorer that's brought back treasures from far away lands)
contemporary favorites:
• you've heard about it before and you will hear about it again: the archer ensnared (2023) by jabbernatty, rated e. a jessaerys obligatory syllabus read, the fic that made me go fulltime yaoi disease. i owe so much to jabbernatty they are my white whale my friend my enemy the writer i've psychically imprinted on from the beginning. honestly too scared to even leave a comment given the jessarys archer ensnared lore. may one day may contact and pray i don't come across as insane • postmortem (2023) by the_hemlock true gen, a favorite of ALL time. it's only tangentially mn really, it is 99% about near trying to piece together the mystery of lawlight post-canon, but the characterization and prose are some of if not the best i've ever come across. reads like it could be a piece of canon material. if you only read one fic on this list i'd pick postmortem. • it's friday i'm in love by neallo/@neallo rated m. possibly my all time fave in the neallo cinematic universe. something about the after-hours longing and the standing in the kitchen by the refrigerator lights, as the poets say. i love when stories feel like you're cutting out a window to peer into a larger universe that is just out of reach. perfectly captures what it is like to have a maddening crush • i want to hold you (hostage)(2023) by neallo/@neallo rated e. thee defining fic of this current modern mellonear era. manages to walk the line of kinky/sexy/sweet/fluffy all at once. plot twist of the century in the last chapter. near is properly as bananas insane as mello is in this fic, which is the marker of a good mellonear dynamic. really everything by morgan neallo is a safe bet for a great read • there's nothing i want but you (2023) by neallo/@neallo rated t. wammy's era mellonear obsessiveness that is soooo teenagery and yet a portent of just how codependent they might one day get. cute and ominous. • armageddon/kill game (2024) by bolide/@bolide-archive came out of nowhere a couple of months ago and ascended to the top of the game like a dark horse. rated m, chess au. one of my favorite interior mello narrations and one of the most similar to my own interpretation. such naturally talented prose. i rotate lines from this in my head all the time. still in progress but i have faith that it will be completed :') • how to burn down the sacred loom (2023) by dornishviper/@vriskarlmarx a contemporary CLASSIC. the less you know going in the better. beautiful prose, beautiful structure. they don't make fic like this anymore • the house always wins (2023) by mer_curia/@vivi-scera. screaming with my mouth closed. holds a special place in my heart given that it is my posting that convinced vi to give the ship a try, and i was rewarded with a fic that is so catered to my tastes i honestly had to read it through my fingers. SO good, the manifesto on wammyscest, so rather controversial. heed the warnings. • moonlight (2023) by tsukinousagi/@quicktimeeventfull rated t. an austere, cold little glimpse into a vampire au. it's giving let the right one in. so melancholic. one of the saddest near examinations out there. •proximity tells (2018) by abysmallypresent, rated m. truly lives up to death note's second-by-second minutia while managing to keep up the tension the entire time. great characterization. •silhouettes (2015) by bad blood/eroticcodependence, @wxmmyshouse on tumblr. unrated, post-canon compliant. made me CRY! elegantly short and simple, bittersweet and so so wistful. •arsonist's lullabye (2023) by tzviaariella/@tzviaariella. rated t. this one has a heart-wrenching air of realism to it that exists outside the chaotic universe of death note, one of those examinations of picking up the pieces after the titans have all gone away. very bittersweet.
honorary mentions
• let's die somewhere prettier (2020) by firesafinething also one of my absolute favorites, unfortunately it is discontinued and it is likely it will never be completed. sad! the premise seemed SO promising. in my mind i file it right next to postmortem mentioned above. the exploration of the tragedy of 27 year old near we could have had in a better timeline. one day i will leave a comment so good maybe it will bring back the fic from the land of the dead • august underground by me & @firebuggg rated e, in progress. >:) (shamless self promo)
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type1dragonwolf · 3 months
How I thought the latest episode went. (Spoiler)
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Is it the best? No. Does it somewhat capture what I was going for? Yes.
“I’m not a bad person… right…?” “I’m finally free!!” “HE’S THE ONE WHO’S BAD!!” 😭😭😭
D*mn, Lunars had it thrown at him this last month. Jack o’ Moon, Moon working with Eclipse, Falling for Gemini, Gemini (basically) rejecting him… And now THIS.
He needs a hug.
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scamarchive · 1 year
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Capture of the scam blog 'panspain' and its pinned post.
Scam evidence in capture:
The Paypal thru-link says 'PH' for Philippines (where Philippine Pesos are used), despite the post being in USD/CAD and the vet bill being from Woodbury, MN, US
The post asks people to send money through Paypal's 'friends and family', because it doesn't have scam protection
The paypal, jamiej425, is reused from multiple previous scams (each word is a different link)
The dashboard header is reused from their previous scam blogs (each word is a different link)
The avatar/icon is reused from their previous scam blogs
You can report this blog with 'report something else', 'unlawful uses of content', then 'phishing'. For a comprehensive rundown on how to identify a pet scam blog, read this post.
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midwestphotography · 11 months
Josie Sanken live at Annandae City Park in Annandale, MN- 6/30/23
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0 notes
Wangxian Mermay 2023
Day X: The Hunt.
War was a human invention.
Their blood, and fights, and bodies filled the rivers and shores. Providing food for every creature that came across them. The natural world did not hold their beliefs, they did not care for things such as 'soul' or 'respect'. The Cycle was what dominated. Everything was a part of nature.
Humans just believed themselves exempt.
They cursed when they found their half eaten brethren, tossed ash and perfumed soap into the water, spiked nets with barbs, and when they spotted them in the rivers, took endless pleasure in hunting them.
This time they made a mistake.
They took his son.
Wei Ying hunted them for ten days, inland through the waterways, human built dams, destroyed the traps they set to catch or slow him.
The foolish ones became his prey early on. Keeping his son chained like their four-legged hunting animals, and venturing to the water to wash or relive themselves. They fell first and tasted the worst. He tossed their bodies back on land, daring more to come to avenge their fallen, to come to him in the deep.
Unfortunately, they were smart enough to know better.
As he followed their scent and the smell of his son, he dwindled their numbers down to a scant few. He lured them to the lowlands, then waited, knowing the high tide would cut them off from the shore.
They would have been at his mercy. Had the others not come.
They smelled of winter, of freshwater and crystalline rivers, of an earth ash that stuck in the back of his throat and made him yearn for more.
He watched them drop from the sky, swords gleaming, reflecting firelight and the dark waters as they fed the land the blood of their enemies.
"The reports said there would be more." One of them said, smooth and even toned. His voice did not grate against Wei Ying's ears like so many did.
"Mn." The other hummed.
He stood against the firelight, his white edged in the orange glow. His dark hair hung straight and thick against pale skin that smelled of that scent. Wei Ying wanted more, he wanted that flesh against him, he wanted to breathe it in. He wanted to hear that melodious voice speak to him.
Wei Ying swam closer, intent upon finding his son, and seeing more of this human if he could.
"Wangji!" The other shouted.
His son screamed, he darted around grabbing hands, heading for the dark river.
Wei Ying leapt from the water, coiling around his son, holding his trembling body. He snapped at the hand reaching for his son just catching the edge of his sleeve.
His hearts beat a drum in his ears. The clothes were smooth, like an eel, between his teeth.
His eyes. Oh. His eyes. Bright like every day of sun breaking over the waves. Like the glow of fish in the rivers. Like the human made fire behind him.
Wei Ying released the sleeve, pulling back, holding his son close.
The humans stood upon the wet soil, staring at him with blades bathed in blood, the reek of it permeating the air, mixing with the thick ion of the incoming storm.
"He…is yours?" The one said, his voice resounding through Wei Ying's ears, his longer fingered hand gesturing towards his son.
"He is mine." Wei Ying stroked his sons hair, smoothing it away from the bruise on his temple. His son hiccuped a sob, pressing himself closer.
"Shh baobei, shh, I am here." He kissed the bruise, humming as he rubbed circles around the skin. The bruise began to glow gentle from below, spreading across his skin until it was gone, only healthy, unblemished skin remained.
"That was.." the one said, he handed a dark cloth to the other, putting his blade away. He looked from the bruise to Wei Ying. Folding his arms, he bowed at the waist. "I am Lan Xichen of Gusu Lan, have you heard of us?"
Wei Ying tipped his head.
There were stories sung years ago, one of their own who had been captured and forced to stay. She found her escape, but not after she bore two children. Wei Ying had never met her, Qing-jie had, when she came from tending to her, she always smelled of…
Wei Ying bent closer, breathing in the man's scent. Earthy, spicy, it stuck in the back of his throat.
"I haven't." He said "There have been no formal introductions made since before you." He nodded to Lan Xichen, "Until now, that is. I am called Wei Ying."
"Wei-gongzi, have you been hunting the Wen's? We noticed their decimated numbers."
Wei Ying held his son, kissing the top of his head, "They took what was mine. I had every right." He coiled tighter around his son, bearing his teeth. He dared these men to challenge him, their ends would be as swift as the dead he left behind him.
Lan Xichen held up his hands, "We mean no offense. I was just…the rivers are laid with traps and snare nets to prevent Jiaoren coming this far inland."
Wei Ying scoffed, "We have lived before your forefathers, when you weren't even a thought yet. There is nothing you can do to keep us from where we desire to be."
Lan Xichen shared a look with the other, Lan…Wangji perhaps was his name. Wei Ying only knew him by smell, earth and sea, sunset and spice.
They shared a look for a long time before Lan…Wangji looked back at him, bowing as Lan Xichen had before.
"I am Lan Zhan, courtesy: Wangji. My xiongzhang would like to ask for your help in our efforts against the Wen."
The Wen's were not a singular threat. They knew of the Jiaoren. Qing-jie and A-Ning had worked in his castle before he wanted to conquer the world. They knew his threat would not end at the shore. Conversations amongst elders and Shifters had been tense and long these last few months. Wei Ying was ambivalent towards any decisions made, he knew he would likely be held back until the last minute.
Until they had taken his son.
"We have noticed Wen Rohan's movements. We know he threatens all of us. Not just those that choose the land. However, I must return home, to tell my jiejie that my son is safe." He looked at Lan Zhan, meeting those golden eyes. His hearts racing, the only other time he felt this excited was when his son was born.
"Come with me. I can tell you how the elders decide to help."
"Wangji." Lan Xichen put a hand on his brothers arm, tightening his hold.
It pleased Wei Ying to see Lan Zhan struggle to pulled his eyes away, he bowed to Lan Xichen,
"I will not be gone long." He put a hand over the one on his arm. "I promise to return to you shortly."
"Wangji." There was a wealth of meaning in that single word. 'stay with me' 'be safe' 'don't get hurt's and finally 'come back quickly'
Wei Ying heard it all because he had said it all before. He nuzzled the top of his son's head, pressing kisses into his hair, smoothing the rotten stench of humans away with his own. Truthfully he hardly smelled better, and he would rather his own smell of human-choked riverways on his son, than the reek of them.
"Are you well A-Yuan?"
Tucked in his tail, wrapped up like a octopus does its pretty, A-Yuan blinked his pretty eyes open, smiling at him, "Yes diedie, I'm okay."
Wei Ying looked up, blinking water from his eyes. It had begun to rain without him noticing.
Being around this man was dangerous, between him and A-Yuan, he forgot all surroundings, made no notice of anything except them.
"You will come with me, yes?"
He nodded, a single polite action.
Wei Ying smiled, "Good, I'm sure your mother would like to see you as well." He turned, pointing to the end of the island, "Meet me over there, we will travel together."
His arm was grabbed, he was not pulled, only held.
Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen had wide eyes, staring at him. Faces pale and mouths hanging open.
He looked between them, turning back around to face them, he laid a hand over the one on his arm.
"You didn't know, did you?"
"We…were told she had…passed " Lan Xichen said. A tiny frown, "Are you sure it's her?"
"You smell like her." Wei Ying bent close to Lan Zhan, breathing him in. He could hear the rushing of blood through his veins, how his heart pounded with Wei Ying so close.
He let his lips drift across his cheek as he pulled away.
"Will you still come?"
"Wangji…the war." Lan Xichen sounded torn between his personal desire, and duty.
Wei Ying did not envy him.
"I am going to ask the Jiaoren for help." He took Lan Xichen's hand, "I will write often. You will know if I am safe."
"I will protect him as I do my son." Wei Ying stroked A-Yuan's hair.
Lan Xichen closed his eyes, taking in a breath. The water was lapping at their ankles now, he couldn't not be aware of it.
"Be safe." He looked between them "keep each other safe. Write to me. I will pray that the Jiaoren are willing to help."
He pulled his sword from his hip. It hummed a song Wei Ying could not name, but resonated down his chest, settling into him like the songs of whales, or dolphins, or the way that sharks hum when they're close.
Lan Xichen stepped onto it, flying above the carnage, and away from his brother.
Wei Ying looked back to find Lan Zhan's eyes already in him.
He smiled, "Shall we go?"
Started out as a sort of dark!Wei Wuxian hunting down Wen's who kidnapped his son. In true mirmb fashion it manifested itself into something else completely.
Was it a good something?
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bnnywngs · 6 months
tw // cw : no head wwx (non explicit)
Wei Wuxian had a guqin string against his throat, and a filet of blood running down to his shoulder and staining his clothes.
Lan Wangji was staring at him, face whiter than snow.
"Lan Zhan! Don't lower your sword! Don't listen to him!" Wei Wuxian's expression was fearful and it was clear that he feared for his life, fear that almost paralyzed Lan Wangji himself.
Lan Wangji hesitated for a moment, but put down Bichen on the ground beside his feet. He couldn't play with his luck, not when it would be so easy to—
"Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Hanguang-jun!" Wei Wuxian nearly screamed "I love you! I know you always hated me, but... But! That time, I really wanted to sleep with y—"
Startled with the confession, Jin Guangyao pulled the string, and soon his robes were red with blood, as well as his and Lan Wangji's boots.
Lan Xichen's sharp gasp was the loudest thing in their corner of the temple.
"No..." Lan Wangji said, falling to his knees on the pool of blood "No..."
His hands trembled, touching the red liquid.
"Wei Ying!" with a loud gasp, Lan Wangji opened up his eyes and sat up on his bed.
It was night outside, calm and silent, only the wind on the tree leaves making any noise outside. Inside the Jingshi, Lan Wangji hyperventilated, panic running through his veins, not knowing if he was still dreaming of already awake.
Slowly, he calmed down. And as he did, light came from beyond the forest, with the sun rising.
A dream. It was just a dream.
Or was it...?
What did he see? Why? What was going on, who was the Jin disciple? He should talk to his brother.
Getting up from his bed was tougher than he expected, but he persevered. It was not long after that he opened his room's door and inhaled the cold early morning air.
"Wangji, good morning." Lan Xichen smiled at him a little sleepily, having just woken up "Is everything alright? Do you want to eat breakfast together?"
"...Mn." Lan Wangji nodded.
His brother looked at him with curiosity, but let him get inside, making tea for them both.
"Brother." Lan Wangji started, after taking a sip "I had a strange dream."
"A dream? What of it?"
"Wei Ying."
"You dreamed with Wei Wuxian?" Lan Xichen was highly curious now, not even blinking as he stared at his younger brother.
"He died."
"Died? Wangji... Can you tell me from the beginning?"
After a moment and another sip, Lan Wangji nodded.
"We were older. I was a teacher, Wei Ying had recently come back. Apparently, he was dead for 13 years. I waited for him, I was the only one who believed he was innocent. We were in Yunmeng, Jiang-gongzi was the sect leader. He and Wei Ying... Jiang Wanyin hated him and did not feel he had to pretend otherwise. He said bad things and made Wei Ying faint." Lan Wangji frowned visibly.
"Wei Ying was too weak. He was resurrected against his wishes, in a body with a small golden core."
"I see... Was there more?"
"Mn. Someone came, I could not recognize, he had Wei Ying's sword with him. He told us, Jiang Wanyin had his golden core melted by the Wens when Lotus Pier were attacked. Wei Ying felt it was his fault, and that he owned the Jiangs his life. He insisted that Wen Qing surgically remove his golden core to implant on Jiang Wanyin's body."
"After the surgery, Wei Ying was capture, tortured and thrown on the Burial Mounds, with no golden core. There, he founded the ghost path, demonic cultivation."
"Demonic cultivation?! Was this why... he died? 13 years before?"
"...Mn." Lan Wangji nodded again "We went to a temple, where a Jin disciple had a guqin string against Wei Ying's throat. He..." Lan Wangji gulped, putting his teacup down with a light tremble.
"He died again?" Lan Xichen asked softly, receiving a positive answer. He sighed loudly "Did you know why this Jin person did that?"
"He was using Wei Ying against me." he hesitated "Brother was his friend, and he often talked about me with that person, so my feelings were common knowledge."
Lan Xichen inhaled sharply, feeling the accusation deeply, although he knew Wangji would never.
"That is a strange dream." Lan Xichen said at last "It almost feels as if you saw the future."
"What are you going to do with this information, Wangji?"
"What brother suggest?"
Lan Xichen smiled softly.
"I think, you need to talk more with Wei-gongzi, and understand him better." he chuckled silently "Then, you can leave your big brother do the rest."
Lan Wangji looked slightly annoyed, and sighed silently.
"I want to help."
"...Alright. But only if you tell Wei-gongzi your dream."
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oh-hell-help-me · 10 months
July 30: Paperback Book Day
Bowser was aware that Iggy had a hard time NOT making explosions-
Or spills-
Or overall destruction of his surroundings when experimenting.
However, his track record with other interests and hobbies couldn’t be described in anything other than meticulous.
And that included reading.
If not for the Royal Library, which already held a notable amount of reference books, Bowser is sure that Iggy would have spent nearly all of his allowance on academical books and journals.
(He’s not sure if that would have been better or worse for the Royal Lab’s integrity.)
Regardless, it wasn’t a secret that Iggy liked paperbacks more than hardbacks, and his husband was the kind of person to latch onto that information.
Next thing he knew, he is acoosted by an ecstatic Iggy, who was rambling about the book he found wrapped on his work table and ‘was it you dad?’.
Apparently, it was a newly published academic journal that featured research from his idol- Professor Elvin Gadd.
Bowser felt a sense of ‘deja vu’ -or is it ‘presque vu’- at the mention of him. It was like an itch in the back end of his brain that he could barely scratch-
“The one that makes vacuums-?”
“It’s a Poltergust, dad! He’s a famous for Ghost Research, remember?”
“Oh, yeah!” He didn’t, but now that Iggy mentioned it- “The same one Luigi works for?”
It took a few seconds of silence for Bowser to recognize that Iggy had stopped talking, and a glance at his wide-eyed, gap-mouthed expression had inflicted a certain sense of trepidation.
Bowser finds himself almost jumping from surprise, not expected Iggy of all his kids shouting.
“You know- when his brother got his a- butt captured by King Boo?”
“YOU MEAN HE’S BETA TESTED THE POLTERGUST 3000?!” And barely gives him time to answer before abruptly running out the door.
Oh boy.
The next time he hears about the journal development, it’s through a tuckered-looking Luigi who barely bothers to change into PJs before crawling under the covers of their bed and curling into his side.
Ironically, it was right when he was reading one of the few paperback journals he owns, reading glasses hanging on the tip of his nose.
“Are you… alright?”
Oh, he’s gone un-wordy. “Is it about Iggy?” Cause no way is it not with the way he ran out.
“…Is it about science?”
“Hhhhn, mhhm.”
Just about, but not quite? Then- “Did he ask you about his idol?”
Ah. “He interrogated you.”
He reaches out to pet his hair, “Do you want to talk about it- in the morning, anyway?”
There was a little bit of silence as he continued petting his husbands hair, throwing in a few scritches that he’s been told to be pretty soothing.
The only reason that he knew Luigi was still awake was the insistent push against his claws for more.
“Alright.” He stops scratching, but the high pitiful whine from his husband incited him to continue. “The morning then.”
It only took a few minutes, but Luigi eventually dropped off to sleep- making his usual cute snores as he curled closer to his side.
With a nuzzle into the lump where he could make out his husband’s head, Bowser joins him.
After all, he couldn’t resist the draw of simply curling up with his love, even against the escalating plot of his favorite paperback.
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sexysaydee · 12 days
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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Birthday Event: My Beloved
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors. This is a rough translation.
Blank, and ageless blogs will be blocked.
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Mitsuki asked me when my birthday was, and I told her I didn't know. As a result, I recounted a scene from the royal family in the past.
My birthday was something I didn't pay much attention to and just went along with, but Mitsuki seemed to see it in a different way.
Mitsuki: "I made a bento box today. Look!"
Drake: "Wow, that's impressive."
My stomach growled as Mitsuki opened the picnic basket, loaded with delicious dishes.
Mitsuki: "I made various dishes since you like both meat and fish. There's also a thick-cut bacon baguette sandwich, cheese-salmon quiche, and pudding!"
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Drake: "Really? Haha, I'm looking forward to it."
Drake: "I don't get to enjoy your cooking as often as I used to, so I'm going to enjoy it with all my heart."
Mitsuki: "Sure! Please enjoy."
I clasped my hands and reached for the baguette sandwich.
Drake: "By the way, Mitsuki, do you like picnics?"
(I'm glad I get to eat her cooking, and it's nice to have a fun first date as lovers, but...)
She was acting kind of strangely excited, so I couldn't help but wonder about it.
Mitsuki: "Not really, but..."
(Is there something else?)
She paused for a moment, then stared at me before speaking.
Mitsuki: "I really went all out today 'cause we're celebrating."
Drake: "We're celebrating?"
Mitsuki: "Yup. It might not be as fancy as those royal parties, but I really wanted to throw a birthday party for you. So, happy birthday!"
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Drake: "-----!"
Drake: "Could it be that today is September 7th?"
Mitsuki: "Hehe, that's right."
I finally understood why Mitsuki was so excited.
(Come to think of it, she's probably pretty worried about me after all that talk.)
Especially since she was such a kind-hearted person.
Drake: "Sorry, but I just randomly picked that date on a whim in the past."
She shook her head when I said that.
Mitsuki: "No, it's fine. I'm glad there was a reason to celebrate. But you know, I don't think the date matters."
Mitsuki: "I'm just happy you're here with me, even if I don't know your actual birthday."
Mitsuki: "So, happy birthday. Thank you for being born."
Mitsuki: "That's what I wanted to convey."
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Drake: ".........."
(She's so happy that I'm here and is celebrating me.)
At that moment, a faint memory of "happy birthday" and "thank you" from the past crossed my mind.
(Oh, right. I think someone said something like that to me a long time ago.)
Mitsuki: "Today's celebration isn't about taking advantage of the Queen's birthday or showing consideration for your friends. It's purely for you."
Drake: "Just for me?"
Throughout my life, I had only really cared about my birthday during that party. But now, receiving such genuine feelings felt strangely special and embarrassingly heartwarming.
Drake: "Alright, I understand."
Drake: "You've gone through all this trouble, so I'll celebrate it with all my heart."
With that declaration, she smiled, and I took a bite of the sandwich she had prepared.
Drake: "Mmm, it's delicious!"
The voice I unintentionally let out sounded like that of an excited child.
(I don't want to send her home yet.)
Following that selfish emotion, I invited her to the Seine River after sunset.
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I sat behind her and embraced her as I observed her expression.
Mitsuki: "It's beautiful."
(Mn, just as I expected.)
She was mesmerized by the city lights reflected in her eyes.
Mitsuki: "I always love the view from your boat."
Drake: "Mhm. Even when I first took you on a boat ride at night, your eyes were sparkling."
Mitsuki: "Hehe, you see right through me. Thank you, Drake."
Drake: "That's my line, you know."
I rested my chin on her shoulder and hugged her tightly.
Drake: "I was really happy today. Thank you, Mitsuki."
Drake: "Wait, just saying thanks doesn't seem like enough."
Drake: "I wanted to do something that would make you happy, so I brought you to this place."
(Although it may not be enough to match the feelings she gave me.)
As I reflected on this day, old memories resurfaced once again.
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Drake: "Hey, lil' fawn. Your celebration today made me remember something."
Mitsuki: "What is it?"
Drake: "My friends congratulated me and thanked me at that party."
(I remembered it thanks to her words.)
That was during the Queen's birthday party.
Crewmate 1: "Captain, when is your actual birthday?"
Drake: "I honestly don't remember. I can't even recall the season."
Crewmate 1: "I see. Well, as long as we can drink, every day could be your birthday, Captain!"
Drake: "Haha! Geez. You were so shy just a moment ago, but now you're all in high spirits."
I laughed heartily, and one of my crewmates offered me a glass of wine.
Crewmate 2: "We'll celebrate two, no, three, no, four birthdays if needed."
Crewmate 2: "You showed us that sailing could be fun and that even pirates can compete with royalty. We're glad we followed you, Captain."
Drake: "You guys..."
Crewmate 2: "I know it's an impromptu birthday, but Happy Birthday, Captain. Thank you for leading us!"
---------Flashback Ends---------
(We raised our glasses again, laughed, and made a fuss.)
Now that I remember, those days were so bright that it hurt my eyes.
I never expected that my heart would be painted with despair after the betrayal that followed.
Drake: "Mitsuki, I'm not willing to be betrayed by someone I trust like you are."
Drake: "But the days I spent having fun and the trust they showed by calling me Captain, I think it's safe to believe that those feelings back then were undoubtedly genuine."
(I'm still not used to saying words like 'believe' myself.)
I couldn't find more fitting words. Besides, I didn't mind feeling this way now.
Mitsuki: "You're right. The feelings that existed between you and your comrades were definitely genuine."
Mitsuki: "I believed that too."
I felt my cheeks relax naturally as she spun the same thoughts.
(She's the one who taught me these feelings.)
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(She's really amazing.)
An overwhelming feeling welled inside me as I held her in my arms.
Drake: "Alright, it's settled."
Drake: "I'll officially make September 7 my birthday."
Mitsuki: "Okay! I'll celebrate it next year and the year after."
Drake: "Haha, you're getting ahead of yourself. Today isn't over yet, you know?"
Drake: "I know I'm being greedy, but can I ask for one more present?"
Mitsuki: "Of course! You can ask me anything."
I peeked behind her, and she nodded with a smile.
Mitsuki: "Oh, but depending on what it is, I might not be able to give it today."
Drake: "It's okay. It's something you can give right away."
I traced my finger over Mitsuki's soft lips as if to tell her that it was an unnecessary worry.
Perhaps sensing my desire, she took a small breath.
Mitsuki: "Ah, Drake..."
Drake: "Remember when you asked me what I wanted the other day?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. Back then, you teasingly said you wanted me."
Drake: "My answer is still the same."
(A cute, beautiful girl and my destiny.)
(You're someone I can feel like I belong with now.)
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Drake: "I want you no matter what."
(I want only you, Mitsuki.)
As I gazed at her, Mitsuki returned my intense stare and smiled gently.
Mitsuki: "Sure. I'll give myself to you, Francis."
Mitsuki: "Because I'm yours and yours alone."
Drake: "I love you, Mitsuki."
Feeling content, I gently pressed my lips against hers, savoring her warmth.
Mitsuki: "Francis, ah...nnn..."
(Being gentle alone is not enough.)
I parted her lips with my tongue and invaded her mouth.
Our tongues danced together, and she let out a muffled moan.
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(Damn it, you're so adorable.)
Her desperate response to the kiss only fueled my desire.
Mitsuki: "Mmm... Francis...?"
I traced my fingers from her belly to her chest and started undoing the buttons of her blouse.
The bloodlust began to show itself, turning me into a fierce beast.
Drake: "Mitsuki."
Drake: "Can I continue beyond this point?"
Suppressing my growing desire, I let my fingertips trail along her delicate neck, and she trembled faintly in my arms.
Mitsuki: "It's okay. You can bite me."
Mitsuki: "Take me even deeper."
Drake: "Mitsuki…"
With her permission, my impulses accelerated.
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(My body feels hot.)
(I won't be satisfied until I have more than just your blood.)
Following the desires that emerged from the depths of my heart, I brought my lips closer to her skin.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium End ╎ Epilogue
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