#caregiver severus
Hi can I request a caregiver Snape little reader where Snape is the caregiver of one of his students and he notices they're small in class but trying to hide it so subtly makes sure they're safe until he can call them back afterwards reprimand them for trying to brew while small and do a look after sorry if this is too specific is cool if you don't want to do
Hii Darling! I absolutely can, I really liked this idea and I hope I portrayed the idea correctly with this! <3
"It's Dangerous.."
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Paring: Platonic!Caregiver!Snape x Little!Reader.
Summary: You slip in class and continue to try to work, Snape isn't overly happy with this.
Warnings: Talk about not being able to regress, Exam stress, Out of character Snape, Nicknames (Kiddo)
(Gender neutral reader)
NOT Proofread
Snape was observant. He was praised by Dumbledore for this as it made him a great professor, despite if his students liked him or not.
Within a few lessons of teaching you he knew you were not like everyone else in the class. He had noticed your legs swinging under the desk, he noticed how your eyes went wide anytime something happened to a potion in class, almost a child like glee.
He even noticed the small plushy that sat in your bag, hidden just enough for no-one to see it except you. And well him.
Snape quickly figured put that you were an age regressor and had no difficulty approaching you on the topic. So after class one day he pulled you aside and once everyone had left he questioned you.
He asked if anyone was looking after you and after finding out the answer was no he offered,
Claiming it unsafe for a little to be roaming Hogwarts without supervision of some kind.
It had been months since then and Snape had become your caregiver. He was amazing at it. Considering he seemed so strict it was shocking to find out that he had a caring side too.
Exams were rapidly approaching and there had been no time for you recently to regress, studying in any free time you had.
You were now sitting at your desk in potions, leg bouncing, biting your nails anxiously.
You wanted nothing more than to be small right now. To go over to Snape and ask for a hug.
Once again Snape was observant and didn't take long for him to realise that you had slipped. Clearly not intentionly. That wasn't the issue though, the issue lied in you currently trying to carry on with the lesson. You were using dangerous things whilst little.
Snape decided that you could be doing that so he stood at the front of the classroom, gaining everyone's attention.
"Since so many of you are getting this wrong I will do an example."
Everyone was confused, Professor Snape never did examples.
He went to stand by you and took the ingredients from your hand mumbling at you to sit down a seat over so he could stand where you were. You nodded and Snape proceeded to do the Potion.
Everyone got back to their places and continued there own potions as Snape turned to you.
"Please stay after class.."
Class ended shortly after and you approached Snapes desk.
"Are you okay?" Was the first thing he asked.
You nodded carefully, not making eye contact.
"We spoke about this didn't we. I told you if you were little you could not do potions. Its dangerous."
You nodded again.
He carefully pulled you into a hug, noticing you were tearing up.
"... your not in trouble kiddo. You need to understand that you could of got hurt, okay?"
"Okay. Well your too small to go to your next class, I will tell your next professor. You will stay here and you can do some colouring for now, yes?" He spoke.
And with that you spent the rest of the evening up until dinner in Snapes classroom colouring whilst he graded work.
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sweetkiwisworld · 1 year
Theories of Happiness - Chapter One 
Remus abandoned his wolf pack and is now without a home or protection from Voldemort. Severus has been a secret Little for years and has been managing on his own just fine, thank you very much. However, when Remus shows up on his doorstep with Dumbledore, begging for a place to stay, Severus is put between a rock and a hard place. Unable to say no, he reluctantly opens his home for Remus for the Summer until they can return to Hogwarts, but how long can he hide his age regression and his dark mark?
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everythoughtihave · 10 months
If a character adamantly believes that they will never be liked/loved/cared for to the point where it makes them incredibly bitter on the outside, please know they will be the kindest and most loving person on the inside. Like they just want love :(
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snapeslittlebean · 2 years
Severus Snape as a Caregiver
I guess this is headcanons for Severus Snape being a caregiver.
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When confronted with the concept of age regression he does extensive research on the subject and has an entire shelf dedicated to books about it.
Became a caregiver thinking it'd be a temporary thing until the little found someone better to look after them then they both got attached.
Caregiver titles take some getting used to. Whether he's been called dad, daddy, dada or papa it doesn't matter he needs to process this before deciding it's ok.
He doesn't use many pet names, he does use stuff like child, little one and sprog (English slang for child). He'll also often call his little things like my child or my little boy/girl.
He secretly loves reading stories to his kiddo. He says he doesn't do voices but he absolutely does once he's got into it.
"I don't do cuddles." Said while his little is sat on his lap snuggled up to him while he holds them protectively.
Touch is something he didn't think he'd ever be comfortable with. However as time went on he started noticing he really didn't mind giving and receiving hugs or cuddling and actually they are kind of nice.
He's very strict about bed time but knows the best ways to help them sleep, giving them a routine to follow and plenty of before bed chill out time.
He also is very keen on his little eating proper meals and having plenty of snacks. Likes to keep a meal routine with scheduled snack breaks during the day. Doing this for his little actually helps him take care of himself better as before he would often forget to eat but not if he's looking after someone else and eats with them.
Once he knows the signs he's really good at clocking whether his little is regressed. He'll quickly switch to being surprisingly gentle and patient with them.
He doesn't adjust his speech pattern much for his little. He still uses a mostly formal manner of speech but usually with a softer tone.
He's always subtly keeping an eye on his littler ready to swoop in should they get hurt or upset. If they're hurt he'll patch them up using potions.
To comfort his little he'll instinctively will hold them and rock steadily while murmuring reassurances until they feel calm.
Is very particular about his little having the little gear they need. He carries a magically shrunk down toy and anything else they might need around in his pocket in case they regress away from home.
His little is one of the few people actually able to draw a genuine smile out of him. He'll often watch them play with toys and smile very slightly before going back to doing whatever he was doing before (Usually reading or marking homework)
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lilhunterpedia · 2 years
quick!! someone dm me so we can rant about caregiver snape and caregiver lupin. ooooor regressor snape paired with caregiver lupin :)
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thetinyblossom · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for bothering you but you can maybe do some headcanon of Severus Sanpes as Caregiver? Thanks, have a lovely day! ^^
Hi! You aren’t bothering at all! Yes I can do that!, have a lovely day you too!
I don’t do HP stuff cuz I don’t like the writer but I can do it just this once!
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🪄Caregiver! Severus Snape headcanons🪄
🪄Teacher or Parent caregiver, also babysits
🖤Let’s you call him “Teacher” instead of “Professor” when you are regressed
🪄He can’t get mad at you, he just calming explain why you shouldn’t do certain things
🖤Let’s you play and braid his hair
🪄Already knows about age regression cause we studied about it as a side affect from certain spells, but he found out it can also be a coping mechanism
🖤You find it hilarious when he is grumpy, your laugh makes him happier every time
🪄Helps you with your spells studies, after it he always gives you a little treat
🖤He acts like he doesn’t like physical affection but always showers you with it, lots of hugs n head pets
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danpuff-ao3 · 6 months
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@hprecfest: a favorite series
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Needs Must
by silvereye5 (@silvereye5). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 115,891 (incomplete). Works: 3.
After Ginny Potter dies suddenly, Severus Snape is among those called in to help Potter juggle his new reality. As the other helpers fade away, a desperate and penniless Severus agrees to become the regular caregiver to Potter's three young children. But Severus finds that the Potter household is not the sunshine and roses he'd imagined.
So many good ones out there, but it has to be this one! Deliciously angsty. A kidfic (which I'm a sucker for). Best of all is how imperfect Harry is in this story. So often I read about a soft and impossibly good Harry, so it's good to see him as a bit of a mess and a workaholic, and his own flaws being showcased just as much as Severus'. I'm obsessed with it!
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agerefandom · 1 year
Agerefandom 2022 Masterpost
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This is a belated collection of my content from 2022! If you’re interested, here are the previous years: 2021 and 2020! 
In 2020, I wrote eighteen fics: In 2021, I wrote twenty-two. In 2022, I only wrote five full fanfictions, but that’s probably because I was writing so many more headcanons this year! Here are the fanfictions I wrote last year: 
Angels At The Window (Hazbin Hotel, caregivers!Charlie and Vaggie, regressor!Reader) As Sleeping Amber  (Phantom of the Opera, regressor!Erik, caregiver!Christine)  Flourishing In Sunlight  (Avatar: The Last Airbender, postcanon, regressor!Katara, careiver!Zuko)  Fancy Tuna and Frantic Texts  (Ouran High School Host Club, regressor!Haruhi, caregivers!Tamaki and Kyoya)  Natasha Is Young (Great Comet of 1812, regressor!Natasha, caregiver!Helene)
In 2020, I wrote thirty-two headcanon posts! In 2021, that went down to nineteen, but in 2022 I wrote forty-three headcanon sets! 
regressor!Gary King (World’s End)  caregiver!Jareth (Labyrinth)  regressor!Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)  flip!Sans (Horrortale)  regressor!Adam/creature (Frankenstein)  caregiverse!Sundrop and Moondrop (FNAF Security Breach)  regressor!Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)  regressor!Severus Snape (Harry Potter) caregiver!Pennywise (It)  caregvier!Annabelle Crane (Magnus Archives)  regressor!Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice musical) regressor!Jade Harley (Homestuck) caregiver!V (V for Vendetta)  caregiver!Val Frizzle (Magic School Bus)  regressor!Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)  caregiver!Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!13th Doctor (Doctor Who)  regressors!Anna and Elsa (Frozen)  regressor!Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!Count Dooku (Star Wars)  caregiver!Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)  caregivers!Ruby and Sapphire (Steven Universe)  regressor!Dana Scully (X-Files)  regressor!Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)  regressor!Stevonnie (Steven Universe)  caregiver!Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)  regressor!Sam Winchester (Supernatural)  regressor!10th Doctor with caregiver!Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)  regressor!Eleven (Stranger Things)  regressor!Bea and caregiver!Mae (Night In The Woods)  regressor!Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club) 
Disney Caregivers Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)  Belle (Beauty and the Beast)  Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)  Bruno (Encanto)  Tiana and Naveen (Princess and the Frog)  Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas)  Ariel (The Little Mermaid)  Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet) 
Under the ‘keep reading’ I’ve collected links to my thirteen favourite moodboards from the seventy-three I made in 2023, and some of my favourite art and edits as well! 
Favourite Moodboards: 
regressor!Will Graham
regressor!Dipper Pines
regressor!Peter Parker
regressor!Kylo Ren
caregiver!Count Dooku
regressor!Charles Xavier
regressor!Cal Strider
regressor!Noah Czerny 
caregiver!Jasper Cullen
Favourite Art/Edits: 
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow
regressor!Jade Harley
regressor!Angel and regressor!Charlie edits
regressor!Himiko Toga
regressors!Mae and Gregg
regressor!Ashton and cg!FCG
regressor!Bruno Madrigal
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ashesandhackles · 1 year
Chamber of Secrets reread
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Chapter 1, 2, 3,4
Harry's hope that Dursleys have not forgotten his birthday (hardly daring to believe it) - because it means Harry has not fully rejected them as caregivers yet. He does this in the next book - which is where Sirius steps in as the parental role Harry finally moves the Dursleys out of. There is this push and pull with Harry - he wants their approval, he wants to stay out of their way and not catch too much of the heat that comes with their attention. It is a very fragmented way of dealing with possible abandonment.
Vernon promised Harry he would flay him "within inch of his life". This, with descriptions of threatening body language gives such a strong implication that Harry was beaten up before being locked into the room with bars with lines like: "Uncle Vernon was as bad as his word (fade to black into next scene with Harry in room)". No wonder in Deathly Hallows that both Vernon and Harry wonder if Harry would actually rescue him.
love how charming The Burrow sounds, and how deliberately it is contrasted from the order of Dursleys. And how the most unusual thing about the Burrow was everyone there "seemed to like him." My heart.
The Weasley dynamics! Both Fred and George are so excited when Arthur is back home and genuinely want to hear stories of his job ( in contrast to Percy, who admits to being embarrassed of his father's reputation at the Ministry)! The other interesting festering family dynamic is that when Molly rages about them and brings up Bill, Charlie, and percy - Fred mutters, "Perfect Percy". It is a way to indicate jealousy of the approval and regard Molly gives Percy, although I doubt Fred would admit it.
"her face glowing like the setting sun". The sun imagery follows Ginny through the books. Harry refers to their first kiss as "several sunlit days" or the time he couldn't look in her eyes - "like gazing into brilliant light" "blazing look" and when Ron confronts him about kissing Ginny after the break up, this is the description when Harry says it won't happen again: "The day was cloudless, but he felt as though the sun had gone in."
Lucius Malfoy: ex terrorist and now a Tired Indulgent parent. His dialogue with Draco is hilarious. "You have told me dozen times already" - he tells Draco after Draco complains about Harry.
That said, @indigo-scarf has lovely meta on Hand of Glory and what it means for Draco's arc.
Chapters 5,6,7,8,9
Snape's Dramatic Entrance for this book - waits for appropriate moment behind 12 years olds to announce: "Maybe he's waiting to hear why you two didn't arrive on the train." Life of Severus Snape: Stuck in a job he hates, plans jump scares on 12 year olds for cheap thrills. (@incalculablepower also pointed out Snape's history with the tree in the infamous prank when he talks about Harry and Ron caused damage to a valuable tree)
Also his emo goth office with jars full of "revolting things Harry didn't want to know the name of"
Hagrid also picking up on Ginny's crush on Harry.(also for mystery plot, Ginny is scoping out the house cos of the roosters).
The macabre Headless Hunt goes with gothic vibe of CoS: something lurking in the castle from the underworld. A young girl possessed by a great evil etc etc. (going to reference this meta by @stuckwith-harry about Ginny's experience in the books and how her gender plays into it)
As was pointed out about Draco and hand of glory in early CoS chapter, we get Peeves breaking the vanishing cabinet here in this chapter. The cabinet Draco repairs in HBP, once he discovers the connection with the one in Borgin and Burkes, thanks to Fred and George shoving Montague in there.
the attack on Mrs Norris enlightened Hermione more clearly to dangers of being a Muggleborn. She was doing nothing but reading after the attack - and it feels like a measure of control she is trying to exert over her environment.
Chapter 10, 11,12, 13, 14,15
the opening scene where Harry had to enact a scene from Lockhart's book is comedy gold. Where are the fanartists with this scene??? This book is so funny, I swear to god.
"I never thought I'd see a day where you would be persuading us to break rules" - ah, Hermione. We see that its creeping up to her, the fact that she is another in the wizarding world and she deals with it the way she knows how - cognitively, making a plan of action: Polyjuice.
I have a lot of feelings about the political consciousness that Dobby showed here. "ah if Harry Potter only knew! If he knew what he means to us, to the lowly, the enslaved, us dregs of the magical world - but mostly sir, life has improved for my kind ever since you triumphed over He Who Must Not Be Named". I have written about how slavery is handled in the books here.
Hermione, the pyromaniac, book 2 edition. She is conjuring waterproof fires now, graduating from her blue flames in PS
Harry picks up the Expelliarmus from Snape, as he sees from duelling club. The only time Harry ever refers to Snape as a professor voluntarily - "shouldn't have let professor Snape teach us that one"..
Snape throws Harry a shrewd, calculating look when Harry speaks Parseltongue. I think this aspect of Harry makes him a bit curious - as he pretty much says this as a half truth in Spinner's End chapter in HBP. (that there were rumours about Harry being a dark wizard, and he was curious and not at all inclined to murder him. Spinner's End chapter is masterful in lot of half truths).
what a lonely braggart Lucius Malfoy is : he is sending his 12 year old son newspaper clippings of how his work colleagues he loathes is facing an enquiry. Who does this, lol? Probably because most of his friends are in prison, he needs to tell his son the gossip.
i love that what Ron sees in Mirror of Erised is that he is Head Boy, Quidditch captain, and here, he says in disgust, "Prefect, Head Boy - probably top of every class". It shows his tendency to devalue his needs and wants (of course, that's not truly what he needs - it's recognition, but it's interesting he sees this in the mirror and still reacts like this). refer: "I have seen your heart: exploring Ron's arc" by @bluethepineapple
Harry notes that Tom "had jet Black hair" ("strange likenesses ...we even look something alike" Tom notes in the final chapters. The twin imagery is strong with Harry and Voldemort, not just with the appearances but the twin cores as well.)
it's interesting to me that the injustice Hagrid suffers is also integral to the vein of CoS (he is a suspect, he was expelled and had his wand broken) and in POA (the Buckbeak trial).
"you will find that I have only truly left the school when none here are loyal to me". Dumbles being god like.
really have to admire Ron that he was even able to move and grab Fang when the car came in when they were talking to Aragog. He was apparently frozen with his mouth open and eyes popping. Ron Weasley is extremely brave.
Chapter 16,17,18
Tom displays bitter rage against his father, and emphasises his lineage from his maternal line. He also seems to think his father abandoned Merope because she was a witch, which I think is what he found out or guessed, as opposed to the story we know.
Fawkes enters with a song, and it makes Harry's heart grow twice its size (metaphorically). But we see a version of this in GOF - where priori incantentem between wands also makes Harry hear the phoenix song. It's very good vs evil. Also, the phoenix is described in such a grand, colourful way in this dark underworld chamber - a splash of colour. It is a very nice image.
Ginny wakes up from a harrowing experience and sees blood-soaked Harry holding the destroyed diary. No wonder that she "never really gave up on you, not really". I think this kind of thing would be embedded in her psyche.
I love that the story combines the grand, mythical nature of things - Dumbledore as God, Fawkes as Holy Spirit, the chamber as the underworld, and then it's also a story where themes of classism, systemic injustice against Muggleborns, slavery is introduced. The banal evil antagonist is Lucius Malfoy - who tries to discredit a poorer Arthur Weasley by setting up his daughter, who gets Hagrid sent to Azkaban and gets Dumbledore removed - all by using his power and position. I think this book toes the line between mythical evil (Basilisk that needs to be slayed, Tom Riddle diary) and banal evil well.
@urupotter made a post about how Lucius appears to be using Occlumency against Dumbledore in the final scene between them.
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Hi I reeely like your cargiver Snape fic if is ok an you stil take requests can I request a prequel to that of the Snape offerin to be littles caregiver? I jus want know how that talk went is ok if not want to
Hellooo!! :)
I'm glad you liked it, I really like your idea and I hope I've done alright with this. I apologise that it's shorter than the last one, I wasn't sure what to exactly write. <3
"It's Dangerous.."
(Part 2)
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Pairing: Platonic!Caregiver!Snape x Little!Reader
Summary: Part 2. <3 The one where Snape asks to be your caregiver.
Warnings: Nicknames (Kid)
(Gender neutral reader)
NOT Proofread
You had just had dinner and everyone was being dismissed from the great hall. As you went to leave Snape stopped you asking if he could speak with you for a moment.
You followed him back to his classroom where he told you to sit down.
"Obviously I am now aware that you are an age regressor.. I was curious on if you have anyone looking after you when you are little?"
Shaking your head slowly Snape nodded.
"Don't feel the need to say yes however would you be interested in me being your caregiver of sorts. That way I could make sure you don't try to do things that will get you injured whilst regressed anymore"
You were basically jumping up and down from joy. You'd always wanted a caregiver and Snape had offered. Most people would of probably said no, deeming Snape to 'scary' to be their caregiver but he isn't really scary at all. He's actually very caring he just doesn't like to show it...
Snape laughed under his breath slightly.
"Okay then kid, would you like to continue to play for a bit, you have to do to your dorm in about an hour but for now you can stay in here if you'd like?"
"Yes please!!"
"Okay then."
And with that you spent more time playing in Snapes classroom whilst he marked classwork however this time there was a new aura in the air. It was no longer nerve wracking and awkward. It was more peaceful and calming...
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saintsenara · 5 months
subluxation is a need and i would like you to talk about it
also please god talk about gardener’s question time. i’m so serious
thank you, pal, for two exemplary choices from the work in progress tag game list!
very funny to me that - having once declared yourself to not be a rare pair girly - you have come out swinging in favour of the two rare pairs on the list. the corruption continues apace...
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gardener's question time is the result of a prompt i saw last year for a rare pair fest - which i didn't have the time to dive into at the time but which has stayed gnawing at my brain ever since - for a post-war fic with severus snape/andromeda tonks as the pairing.
and you'd better believe i was intrigued...
we're still in the early stages with this one, but the basic idea is to bring these two together through the complexity of their grief. [cheerful...]
the struggle when writing things in which snape lives is, of course, how you approach the fact that he has been living according to a script which has now ended. for all the implication of canon that dumbledore expected him to survive [why does he tell harry at king's cross that he intended snape to be the true master of the elder wand, if he wasn't planning for his loyal spy to reveal his true loyalties by helping deliver voldemort's final death blow?], snape can be very easily viewed as having presumed - and maybe even hoped? - that he would die in the second war.
how he deals with - for the first time in his life - having no master and having the freedom to choose to live on his own terms is something i think is always interesting to explore.
but i think it's particularly interesting to mash into andromeda's own finished script - the fact that her war has ended so devastatingly, with her husband, daughter, and son-in-law all dead; that she has gone from being a grandmother to teddy's primary caregiver [and the resentments that brings up - as we've talked about before, i'm wedded to the idea that she doesn't really like harry and isn't thrilled that he's teddy's godfather]; and, most thorny of all, that her sister is dead and there is now absolutely no chance of bellatrix seeing the error of her ways and trying to make amends [which, while i loathe the common trope that andromeda and her sisters would reconcile easily, is something i believe it's entirely reasonable for her to have hoped could be possible, even if she recognised it's unlikely it ever would have been.]
snape's post-war relationship with the malfoys - presumably absolutely torpedoed by the reveal that he was a spy - also has parallels with andromeda's post-war reckoning with narcissa.
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the title is because andromeda wanting to grow a kitchen garden of medicinal plants [and healing through it! omg, a metaphor!] was the premise which sprang to mind when i came up with this. i may have been watching gardener's world [i'd risk it all for monty don] at the time.
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subluxation is obviously something we've talked about a lot, seeing as its development has definitely run alongside percy entering his post-war flop era in beasts.
for the uninitiated, it's - in the main - the story of what percy's year of working for the death eater-controlled ministry during deathly hallows looked like.
i think we've both been struck by the fact that pretty much every fic which deals with this question has percy offering some sort of behind-the-scenes resistance to voldemort's regime - maybe not as flashy as that offered by the order members in his family [although, let's be real, what the order actually does in that year is... debatable], but fundamentally aligned with the goodies against evil.
and, i want to be clear, all of the percy-the-resistance-fighter stories i've read have been amazing. but they've still never managed to shake me from my conviction that he probably... didn't do anything substantive against the regime at all. that he just fucked around and then, as the battle of hogwarts approach, began to find out...
and i am choosing to take 'fucking around' literally...
have a little snippet from this month's chapter:
Audrey's gripping his hand.
Her palm is clammy. His isn’t much better.
She was called back from her day off an hour ago. The Minister’s full support staff is assembled in a row against the wall in Meeting Room J. Biagio is crying. Clarice looks like she’s about to be sick.
Rookwood - Mr Rookwood, they have to call him now - is slithering up and down the line, snapping at anyone with wonky knots in their ties or lint on their robes. The hum of chatter rolls in from the Atrium. It sounds warm, the ordinary murmur of people greeting old friends or needling each other over Quidditch rivalries. The staff from the canteen mingle among them with platters of canapes - the Death Eaters have upped the usual standard of refreshments, but perhaps that’s part of pulling off a coup, Percy wouldn’t know - and champagne. 
Hands are being shaken, and partners and children are being asked after, and holiday plans are being discussed, and absolutely nobody - not a single, solitary member of the great and the good of wizarding Britain - seems shocked to discover that the entire world has been upended in a matter of hours, on this completely ordinary day.
It's this which is so terrifying, that the Minister didn’t see any of this coming, but everyone else did.
Agnes Skim, who presents the six o’clock news on the WWN, kissed Mr Yaxley on both cheeks and asked if he and his wife were still coming over on Sunday. Mr Selwyn was laughing uproariously at a joke told by one of the Wizengamot’s most distinguished members as he showed him to his seat. Half of the Hogwarts governors are milling around the place, making cheerful conversation with mass-murderers. There are representatives present from Gringotts and St Mungo’s and the Diagon Alley Shopkeepers Guild. The Prophet’s chief political correspondent breezed in five minutes ago, gabbing away to Travers - Mr Travers - like he was an old friend.
Which, Percy supposes, he probably is.
The Unspeakables have crawled out of their domain to greet Mr Rookwood like some conquering hero, miraculously returned from a mission all thought doomed. And, out of all the mundane horrors of that afternoon, it is the sight of Mr Croaker - who sends his father a card every Christmas and complimented his mother on her hat at the last staff party - thumping him on the back and saying ‘bloody wonderful to see you, Gus’ and Rookwood saying ‘likewise, Saul’ and Croaker grinning and saying ‘this is quite the event, isn’t it? I hope he’s paying you overtime’ and Rookwood winking at him and saying ‘I shall pretend not to have heard that’ and both of them collapsing into laughter, which makes tears start to slide down Percy’s face.
But not for long. There is no time to panic, because Rookwood clicks his fingers at them and tells them to line up on the dais in the Atrium, as a hundred camera bulbs flash and blind them. Banners are draped everywhere, and while they show the Ministry’s insignia and not the Dark Mark, the fact that so many people are walking around with rolled-up sleeves makes clear that they are one and the same now.
The only comfort, he thinks, the only comfort, is that - as he looks out at the sea of chairs, signs affixed to them reading Avery - Dolohov - Mulciber - Carrow in elegant calligraphy, he doesn't see one labelled The Dark Lord.
A hush falls over the room as Mr Thicknesse, in magnificent burgundy robes, his hair slicked back, displaying his high forehead, steps on to the dais and places a series of notecards on a lectern. It is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Percy wonders if the hammering of his heart is echoing in the room.
‘Wizards and witches of Britain,’ says Thicknesse, and there is an outbreak of applause. He holds up his hands to still it.
‘Wizards and witches of Britain. My friends.
‘This afternoon, following a special meeting of the electors, in which they voted unanimously in my favour, I was invited by the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot to accede to the office of Minister for Magic. It was my profound honour to accept the position. I am humbled by your trust in me to steer our great nation through this time of turmoil.’
There is another outbreak of applause, another barrage of camera flashes. And Percy notices that Lestrange is standing at the back of the room, talking to a man who greatly resembles him. Who must, he supposes, be his brother.
‘I have sworn before the court and swear before you now that I will uphold and defend the values - and the dignity - of the Ministry of Magic.’
In the years to come, he will look back and wonder whether he can pinpoint the exact moment when his life changed. If he can unravel a single thread from the tapestry of a hundred thousand ordinary days and follow it back to one pivotal second.
‘But I consider it my duty to go even further. I consider it my duty not only to defend the dignity of the Ministry, but to defend the dignity of magic itself.’
And he will conclude that he can. That he can trace all of it, every single bit of it, back to Rabastan Lestrange leaning forward, and accidentally brushing against Rodolphus Lestrange’s injured shoulder, and Rodolphus wincing - only slightly, but enough to make clear to Percy that he is not a monster at all - and revealing himself to be an ordinary man, who is tired after a long day and who aches.
‘Because are we not tired? Do we not grow weary at the sight of our traditions being torn down and soiled? Do we not feel crushed as more and more of our values are washed away, as the ordinary, hard-working witches and wizards of this country are told that they should be ashamed of themselves for their faith in the might of magic?
‘I will be a Minister for those people. I will be a Minister for those who are proud to be set apart by magic. I will rid them of the filth which pollutes their lives and forces them into compromise and shame.
‘I will bring them something clean and true and refreshing.
‘Something proud.
‘And pure.’
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[if you think this speech is copied from succession... you would be one hundred percent correct.]
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myra-mcqueen · 2 years
The Babysitter
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Severus Snape had a conundrum.
In the past, an invite to a weekend of conferences at the International Potions Convention in Germany would not have posed any form of problem for him.
But that was the in the past. Not now.
Now, he had an entirely new set of considerations when it came to such travel.
Namely, Harry.
Glancing up from his desk, he glanced across at the almost-seven-year-old boy, who was content to lay in front of the fireplace in his office and draw.
Yes, there was the small matter of his adopted son and whom might take responsibility for the boy in his absence.
Severus’ brow furrowed. Since Harry had come into his care over a year ago, the child had, seemingly, grown very attached to him. And though Severus was loathe to admit it, the feeling was fast becoming mutual.
He and Harry had not spent a night apart in that time. Let alone two.
Yet Severus could go, he knew. It was simply a matter of choosing the most appropriate caregiver.
And therein lay the problem.
Dipping the tip of his quill into the inkwell, the potions master began to write a list of possible contenders.
Albus Dumbledore.
No sooner had he written the name down, he immediately struck a line through it. The old man would talk in nonsensical riddles to the child all weekend and fill him full of sugary treats which would no doubt ruin his teeth.
Severus did not wish to return to find his son had become an unstoppable ball of energy. Or worse, a raving lunatic.
Albus Dumbledore was definitely not an option.
Minerva McGonagall.
Severus sighed. A perfect solution under normal circumstances, but he quickly remembered that the deputy headmistress had left the castle that weekend, to visit family.
Filius Flitwick.
He pondered it for a moment but rapidly ruled it out – Harry was already taller than the charms professor, and knowing the boy’s penchant for finding trouble, it was likely a recipe for disaster.
He didn’t even bother to add Pomona Sprout’s name to the list. Last time he had entrusted Harry to her for less than half a day, the boy had ended up alone in the Forbidden Forrest.
Setting down his quill, he sighed.  Perhaps he should ask the boy where he’d like to go?
With a shake of his head, Severus swiftly dismissed the idea. He would only end up having to make not one but two trips to The Burrow, where copious amounts of tea and rock-hard cakes would be forced upon him as he sat surrounded by those snot-nosed Weasley brats. He simply did not have time for such atrocities.
It really was a conundrum – at this rate, the Dark Lord might be a serious contender for the title of babysitter, Severus thought bitterly.
There had to be another choice. Somebody he hadn’t yet thought of.
Who would Harry be happy to stay with? And most importantly, who could he trust?
And then, it dawned on him.
He left early the following morning. He would, of course, travel by floo to the convention, but Severus Snape had never been one for tardiness.
And as he walked back across the ground of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he cast a glance over his shoulder at the caretaker’s hut.
Albus Dumbledore may have been an eccentric old fool who talked in nonsensical riddles most of the time, but there was one thing he often said which Severus found himself agreeing with.
He would trust Hagrid with his life.
In memory of Robbie Coltrane 1950 – 2022
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ronniescribbles · 2 years
Witchy Tantrums
Severus Snape x Little!Reader
1,006 Words
You can read it on AO3 here!
One dropped vial of painstakingly brewed potion is all it takes to send you into an enraged fit on the floor. Lucky for you, a certain potionsmaster strides onto the scene to make things all better.
A/N: This is the first full fanfic I've written in years - how exciting (and nerve-wracking)! There aren't many regression fics for Severus as a caregiver out there, and since he's a huge comfort character for me right now, I thought that I might spoil all of us Snape fanatics out there💖 
I hope you enjoy! Feel free to reblog/comment and let me know what you think - or send in requests if you have any!😊
"Merlin's beard, I am not redoing this potion again! Ugh, I'm so done!" 
Glass shattered across the classroom floor. Immediately, a cry of your frustration followed, echoing against the walls of the otherwise empty room. 
Tears were already streaming down your face. You had spent hours hovering over this potion, watching its every move in order to insure its success, and after being only partly successful in brewing a usable potion, you had carelessly dropped the entire vial onto the floor. 
"I can't do this, Merlin's beard, I can't do this," You rocked back and forth on your feet. Every feasible negative thought swarmed your mind, and all you could even think to do was sink to the floor and sob. 
So that's exactly what you did, slumping to the floor in rage and muttering swears to yourself about your carelessness. Your fists balled as you curled inward; you couldn't even register how quickly you were slipping into little space. But there you were, slamming your fists to the ground angrily and whimpering through tears like the angry, exhausted child you had internally become. 
Over your wailing, you couldn't hear the classroom door creak open, nor the clack of premeditated footsteps approaching you. You could only hear the thudding of your feet and the pounding of your hands and your shrieking that filled the entire room. But then his voice came, temporarily averting your attention from the tantrum you hardly realized you were throwing. 
"What has happened here, child?" It was Severus, looming above you with concern. His eyes scanned for possible injuries as you continued your fussing. "It appears to be just a spill. Not to worry-" 
You perked up at this statement, only to angrily strike a fist against his shoe. "WAS. NOT. JUS. SPILL! Is all ruin, all gone!" 
Severus gently bent down to your level on the floor, lifting your chin and guiding you to look at him. "There, there, little one. There is no need to worry about the potion at the moment, we will discuss it when you are no longer regressed." His arms then wrapped around your torso and he lifted you up, holding you to his chest. 
Almost instinctively, you pressed your face into him and sucked in a shaky breath. Severus's hand rubbed the small of your back to ease your soft cries. He began to bounce you a little, and, with gentle fingers, swept a lock of hair out of your weary eyes.
"Although rather careless of you, dear, you have been stressing far too much over this one potion." From his lips came the same monotone string of words that always did, but this time, with a more forgiving demeanor. "We simply cannot let it become so strenuous on you to where you are throwing a fit on my classroom floor."
You knew he had a point, but you couldn't help but crinkle your face into a pout against him anyway. He must have felt your brows furrowing, because he continued to speak, almost as an afterthought. "Though I suppose that is what littles will do, yes?" 
The words blurred together in your small mind, but you thoughtlessly nodded in agreement. You felt the faint hum of approval vibrate throughout his chest. Severus lifted you up closer to him and planted a soft kiss on the top of your head. The faint swishing of his wand followed, and you finally found yourself drifting asleep.
You woke up to the smell of brewing herbs and firewood, a soft blanket resting on top of you and your weight pressed into the couch. Your eyes, still blurry from sleep, glanced across the room to the dark figure standing at the kitchenette. 
"Sevvy?" You lifted yourself up with wobbly arms. 
He only hummed in response, not turning from the counter to face you. You tilted your head and repeated yourself, unhappy with his lack of words.
"Sevvy, can c'mere?" 
"In a moment, darling, the tea is almost ready." A faint pouring noise came from in front of him. 
You blinked in confusion. "Tea?" It wasn't a common drink for you to enjoy while small; it was much too hot. Though, now thinking about it, you did enjoy the thought of Severus blowing on a warm cup of it, just to be sure it was cool enough for you to drink before lifting it to your lips. 
"Mhm... Perhaps you'd like to try it?" Finally, he turned to you, holding a single teacup. 
You reached out to him with grabby hands. With that, he made his way towards you, sinking into the couch and setting the teacup down in front of himself. As you reached out to take it, he gently grabbed your wrist. 
"Ah-ah, little one, we need to wait for it to cool." Noticing your frown, he continues, "But, you may sit on my lap in the meantime, if you wish." 
You nodded, easily pacified by the thought of the warmth of his arms. He seemed to have a way of grounding you, just by holding you close to him. It surely wasn't an offer you were going to pass up either way.
He reached out and lifted you up onto him, allowing you to rest your head on his chest again. You babbled a few half-words in thanks. Severus began to run his nimble fingers through your hair, earning another nuzzle against his chest.  Sometimes, no words needed to be said between you two; the way he protected you in this most vulnerable state, when you entrusted your regressed self to him, spoke volumes. 
Just as easily as you were distracted from the tea, you drifted back into a light slumber. He wrapped a firm arm around your waist as his hand continued stroking through tangled locks of hair. Before finally drifting off, you pressed your lips against the fabric of his vest. "Tank you for helpin, Sev.." 
He softened his voice as though not to stir you. "Always, little one. I promise to keep you safe."
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memelovescaps · 2 years
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The turning point for Severus, when everything changes.
His eyes were open, the blindfold had fallen. The truth was out.
The truth that nothing Tobias did to him was his fault. He hated the magic running through his veins, pulsating with life, and therefore nothing he could have done would have prevented his hatred for his son.
The truth that Black and Potter hated him for reasons he could not yet comprehend, and perhaps never would. But what happened to him mattered. What happened that night at the Shrieking Shack mattered, what happened afterwards mattered.
Because you matter.
The lies he was fed, and he hopelessly believed. The deceit, the guilt, eating at him from a very early age. Tobias’s inability to love and accept his son, Eileen’s inability to save him. Albus’s trust in him, only to the extent that he could be of service to him.
“You were fed lies all your life, and you believed them.”
That voice made Severus’s heart stop. For a second, everything stilled.
His voice came out strangled and in a higher pitch than normal.
“I see you, Severus Snape. I always saw you.”
Slowly and gracefully, a white figure appeared before him, as if coming down from the heavens. Her dress was white, a stark contrast to her red hair blowing in the ethereal wind, and she had an aura of holiness that made Severus gulp.
But it was the eyes that undid him.
Those green eyes, flickering with life and something else, an emotion he hadn’t seen in a long, long time.
“Lily… my Lily…”
Severus gasped, one of his hands coming to cover his lips, and he didn’t feel the tears that filled his eyes to the brim, cascading down his cheeks.
He didn’t dare to stretch out his hand, to try to touch this angelical figure that was now focusing her eyes on him. His eyes looked down, feeling his chest tight and his chin trembling, his throat dry.
“I know how hard it’s been for you, my friend. I know.”
That voice, the warm cadence of the tone Severus had thought he’d never hear again. He sniffled and tried to gulp, to go past the lump in his throat.
“I know you have known pain and loss of the worst kind. But I also know that those few people you allowed in, those few people you trusted, saw you for who you are, the brightness you can bring to this world. I saw it, Rosie saw it. Minerva, Molly, Charlie and the Weasleys… and Harry.”
At the mention of Lily’s son, Severus’s heart jolted in his chest.
“Harry sees you for all that you are, Sev. With the darkness inside, the anger, the hurt... but also the joy. And he’s not going to abandon you.”
Lily paused, and she seemed to focus on the man huddled on the floor, taking in Severus’s stance. He didn’t even blink, his eyebrows pressed together, his mouth open in awe.  
“He’s out there, in your living room, waiting for you to come out. Waiting for you to hold the hand he’s extending you.”
Severus’s eyes darted to the door, behind the angelical figure that stood before him. He knew Harry was there, probably going mad with anxiety but still respecting his wish for privacy and space.
“You have learnt to forgive him, even after everything you did and said to each other. Will you forgive yourself too?”
“What do you mean?” and his voice sounded harsher than he intended, he flinched at his tone. Lily seemed unfazed.
“You need to accept that when your father used his belt when you were two, you had no way out. When James and Sirius attacked you, you tried to defend yourself as well as you could. It simply wasn’t enough, they were too many against one, and no one lifted a finger to help. But it isn’t your fault.”
Severus tried to register Lily's words, the words he had wanted to hear for years.
“It’s not your fault that everyone trusted them and dismissed you, and your feelings. It’s not your fault that you were forced to hide your feelings even more, to protect them from everyone, even from yourself. And I am sorry for my part in it too.”
“You… you did nothing, how could you…?”
“We both know I did, Severus. I turned you away, ultimately deciding both of our fates. But I’m not here to discuss who is more to blame.”
Also available on FANFICTION and WATTPAD.
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houseofsnarry · 2 years
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💚 HoS Members' Recs: Gateway Snarry ❤️
The following fics introduced some members of House of Snarry into the wonderful world of the Potions Master and the Boy Who Lived.
The Beating of This Fragile Heart  — Writcraft Rated E, Word Count 33k
After the war, the last thing Severus Snape needs is the memory of a fleeting wartime kiss and a very persistent Harry Potter thwarting his plans to live a peaceful and solitary life. It’s only when Harry’s life is endangered that Severus is finally forced to confront his feelings head on.
The Dreaming Spires  — Dementordelta Podfic by JocundaSykes can be found here. Rated E, Word Count 30k
Severus Snape gets on with his life after the war.
Final Examination  — asecretchord Not Rated, Word Count 23k
"Is this some sort of test?" "Everything that doesn't kill you is." "Mind you," he added, "surviving doesn't always mean you passed." ― Michelle Sagara West
Needs Must series  — silvereye5 Rated E, Word Count 115k+
After Ginny Potter dies suddenly, Severus Snape is among those called in to help Potter juggle his new reality. As the other helpers fade away, a desperate and penniless Severus agrees to become the regular caregiver to Potter's three young children. But Severus finds that the Potter household is not the sunshine and roses he'd imagined.
Discord || Recs Lists
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danpuff-ao3 · 6 months
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@hprecfest 2/3: Days 11-20
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Day 11: a dark fic
The Dreams We Forget (Are Those We Most Regret)
by Serpenscript. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 4,738. Rape/non-con. Forced infidelity. Obliviation. Mindfuck. Angst. Fairytale. Angst. 
Once a month, Harry Potter is summoned to the Ministry for personal Auror training. Afterwords, he never remembers what he learned….but he dreams of empty eyes and black hair.
It’s sad, it’s dark, it’s fucky, I love it.
Day 12: a WIP you're following
The Afterlight
by perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 45,661 (as of chapter 6). 
After surviving the Battle of Hogwarts, a long convalescence, and a short trial, Snape walks free and promptly vanishes from Wizarding society. Six years pass before he shows his face again. A lot can change in six years, and a romantically disillusioned and inebriated Harry hits Snape up for a friends-with-benefits arrangement. After all, they share an experience most people have never had: they both know what it’s like to be dead. Their liaison works surprisingly well until Harry’s reckless behaviour as an Auror leads to unethical practices and personal calamities, and things start to fall apart.
Listen, I don’t read many WIPs (I’ve been burned many times in the past), but PI???? I can’t stay away from a PI fic. I’m so obsessed already. I was SOOO hooked from the start. It’s AMAZING. Snarry done just how I like it!
Day 13: a fic over 100k
Nights of Gethsemane
by starcrossed. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 363,198. Dark. Angst. Torture. Rape/non-con. 
Harry is a prisoner of the Dark Lord and Snape, his prison guard. Completely cut off from the outside world, Harry struggles to hold himself intact as he is forced to rely on Snape for everything. Yet Snape may not be all that he appears….
This is one of the fics I’ve read most over the years. I cannot start this fic and pause while reading it, despite the length. If I’m going to read this fic, I’m going to INHALE it. 
The link above is AO3, since most people will prefer it, but I originally read it on LJ and recommend reading it there instead (the AO3 version has some formatting issues in places. I don’t think it’s egregious, but worth note). 
It’s also worth noting how friggin’ COOL this is. One, I love how true to Harry’s POV this fic is and what a very thoughtful consideration for his voice, as a teenager in a dire situation. It’s interesting how the story is told from such a limited POV, to then move onto the companion piece (Invictus) which tells the same story from Severus’ perspective. Then to read both side by side and see where they misunderstood one another, or made assumptions, or how they each viewed a situation differently, etc. This concept is one I love and what inspired me to do similar with my fics Contempt and Devotion! 
Livejournal Links: Nights of Gethsemane, Invictus, Release of Sisyphus
Day 14: a favorite series
Needs Must
by silvereye5 (@silvereye5). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 115,891 (incomplete). Works: 3. 
After Ginny Potter dies suddenly, Severus Snape is among those called in to help Potter juggle his new reality. As the other helpers fade away, a desperate and penniless Severus agrees to become the regular caregiver to Potter’s three young children. But Severus finds that the Potter household is not the sunshine and roses he’d imagined.
So many good ones out there, but it has to be this one! Deliciously angsty. A kidfic (which I’m a sucker for). Best of all is how imperfect Harry is in this story. So often I read about a soft and impossibly good Harry, so it’s good to see him as a bit of a mess and a workaholic, and his own flaws being showcased just as much as Severus’. I’m obsessed with it!
So it is
by Threadbear (@ogthreadbear). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 8,291. Works: 4. Background Harry/Ginny.
Harry Potter was getting married tomorrow. He was thrilled.
This series has so much I love. The infidelity, the angst! The breeding kink. The intensity and passion and hurt of it all. The mess of it. It aches so beautifully and I love it.
Day 15: the most recent fic you bookmarked
For I Have Found Salvation
by lumosatnight (@lumosatnight). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 7,117. Priest Severus. Muggle AU. Written for Snarry Auctoberfest 2023. 
Severus is a priest, and Harry is the parishioner who may just make him break his vows of celibacy.
Super spicy. Super sacrilegious. I’m still obsessed. Also seeing the gift notification on this one MADE MY DAY.
Day 16: a fic that made you laugh
Spy Glass
by suitesamba (@suitesamba). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 18,135. Spying. Voyeurism. Humor.
England wants to insure star Seeker Harry Potter and his fabulous broom. Enter Severus Snape, wizarding investigator extraordinaire, ready to calculate risk and assess value. Tailing Harry Potter turns out to be the job of his dreams, though he wishes it could be done without the disguise. A tale of a man’s obsession, another man’s obsession, and a heartwarming ending where everyone ultimately gets what they want – or what they need.
This fic is such a good time.
Old Dogs and New Tricks
by youcantseeus. Draco/Sirius. Rated: T. Words: 14,099. Humor.
Draco isn’t gay, he just appreciates a good looking man when he sees one. Honest! And Sirius Black is a good looking man.
This is my favorite Drarius fic! It’s funny. Draco’s voice is great. 10/10. What a good time this is.
Day 17: a fic that made you cry
Loose Ends
by Arrisha (@arrisha-ao3). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 9,865. Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings. Heavy angst. Dark. Trauma. Mystery. Psychological horror.
I love you, Severus wants to say. But the timing is never right. 
DAMN YOU, ARRISHA. (But also ily.) If you’re gonna let anyone wreck your heart and soul, let her do it.
Day 18: a fairy-tale inspired fic
Red as Blood
by Likelightinglass (@likelightinglass). Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 9,942. Vampires. Fairytale retellings. True Love. Snow White.
Once upon a time there was a strange and magical land. One filled with ordinary villages and ordinary people, a dark and forbidding Forest, and a castle shrouded in mist. In the castle lived an Evil King, whose court of Death Eaters did his evil bidding. And there was a curse. There was a curse, and a magic mirror, and a boy as white as snow. But first, there was a Huntsman.
I'm such a sucker for fairytale fics, and this was the first one that jumped to mind. Such a lovely story! I remember one year I read it during a hurricane when our power was out. I was worried about my Kindle battery draining, but I couldn't put it down!
Day 19: fic with the hottest smut
by perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll). Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 11,323. 
Severus still suffers the after-effects of Nagini’s venom, especially in winter. Harry knows just how to warm him up.
This might be my favorite established relationship fic ever. Not to mention, like??? Bottom!Snape?? And rimming???? And just????? Everything???? Sorry, fic too hot, brain no work. OBSESSED.
Day 20: a fic rated G
by emeraldlove (@givereadersahug). Harry/Severus. Rated: G. Words: 1,366. Humor. Crack. Curses. Love Confessions. 
“You’re cursed,” declared Hermione. She dropped several books onto the table, scattering the flowers lying about, and took a seat. There were petals on the table and on the floor — especially on, above, under, and surrounding Harry.
It’s funny. It’s cute. It’s got flowers. I love it!
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