#carlos and the white compression shirt
petit-naldo · 8 months
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theringers · 3 years
V-card anon: hi sorry about that first ask i kinda went into a fugue state (spelling?) altered state of reality maybe when i wrote that and damn near outlined a fic in your inbox
The way we played hot seat was either part of a larger drinking game when a certain card was pulled from a deck, or just on it's own. You sit in a circle, everyone has a drink, usually a beer or cider. In the card pull version, the one who pulls the card gets asked a question by every person playing and if they refuse to answer they drink from their drink. In the standalone, you do that but everyone gets a turn being asked until people get bored and leave. Fun way to find out shit about people. Usually the unwritten rule is that you can't lie. I imagine everyone sitting on shitty chouches and chairs in a semi circle around a table full of cups and bottles playing it
Questions i have been asked: are you a top or bottom? Do you like anal? Wheres the weirdest place you've fucked? Body count? Favorite position (sexual)? Fuck marry kill/ignore people in this room (EVERY TIME I PLAYED I GOT THIS QUESTION)? Tits or ass or other? Favorite non sexual body part ex. Thigh? Ideal fuck buddy? Sex regrets? Etc
Also more weird details i have head cannoned out for some drivers and most likely does not fit with irl personalities, do with this what you will, use it or don't i just have feelings. Also everyone is like compressed in age to like 20-27ish except for some of the grid who i will just think of as younger alumns who come back:
Danny R: social chair, owns a jeep he takes the doors off of in the summer, walks girls home at night to make sure they're ok, tries to DJ house events and is rebuffed by literally everyone, has like 30 pairs of vans you trip over in his room, stolen roadsigns everywhere, masters in something arigcultural or physiological, cutoff frat shirts for days, fuckboy but nice, a bit cringe, will drive around with you at night so you can scream, met reader bc she had a band tee on and wanted to talk to her about it (no gatekeeping)
Charles: some kind of engineering or math degree but no one has any idea how the fuck he's gotten so far, 4.0 never studies, games with other house members, will show up at events randomly you will have no idea how he gets on your couch but he is there, the best and worst taste in clothes, is the only one allowed to play the piano in the house, sweet, cannot help you with studies but is always down for helping you out after, has to be reminded to clean stuff, disaster bi, reader met his gf first and they probably met through that
Pierre: good fashion and music taste, shirt is gone halfway through the night, also fuckboy but wholesome, actually studies, plays a sport for sure probably soccer in some way either club or Division he's too good for rec, will hold your hair back so you can throw up, will tell you your outfit sucks, good at math, also part of the squad that games, econ major, workout buddies with reader anday have taken a math class together
Max: is part of the hockey team he will go pro, also actually studies, got into gaming because of Charles, has the nicest car, is serious until he gets a couple drinks in him, he and Daniel are close and roomed together at some point, owns like 30 sets of the same outfit a white tee and jeans, knows reader through Dan and they get dragged by him to some of the same stuff
Lando: is a pledge or new member his big is Carlos, undeclared major, just happy to be here, gaming squad, used to play lacrosse or something equally obscure, king of knowing where the good snacks are, weirdly good at beer pong, growing into a fuckboy wholesomeness level tbd, probably sweet with reader as she helped him through a blackout or something, met her because she's basically house mom for some of the new boys (the kind of mom who will teach you to do laundry or iron ONCE)
Carlos: hockey flow but does not play hockey, actually studies and is smarter than what people give him credit for, came from a private high school and uni really opened his horizons, also good study buddy, gets along with most people, goes to office hours the most out of the actually studies gang, fun at parties, owns the frat dogs, he and reader met at Office hours (they were the only students) and found they had mutual friends too
Lewis: is/was president of frat, great grades greater bod, did full evolution from fuckboy to good man, has the back tests and the moral support, up for late noght talks about life, definitely was a D1 athlete, best fashion game, implemented no hazing policy, fits into notable alum or PhD category
Mick: undergrad like Lando, also plays soccer or something, too sweet, also walks girls home/holds your hair back etc, cleans parts of the house that aren't his responsibility, higher alcohol tolerance than you expect, everyone is bizarrely protective of him, legacy member (his dad was a legend), drives a motorbike around campus and can't decide between law and psychology, actually studies, met reader through the frat and she would die for him, brings her to class on the bike sometimes because the bike is faster
George: business major, frat treasurer, three ring binder business casual in class kind of guy, nice enough, shirt comes off when drunk, runs marathons and a podcast about investments, best notes in the game and great study partner, actually studies, is drinking monster at 6AM but not because he stayed up late, he and reader met through the frat and sometimes drink wine and bitch together
Lance: hockey player, legacy member, studies sometimes, sarcasm on point, great at stack cup, very chill, knows every good nap spot on campus, also has high alcohol tolerance, is the kind of person who does well in the cold but does not like it, wears headphones so people don't talk to him, great one on one but not in crowds, business major and minor in computer science, probably also met thru Lance's gf but vibe as more introverted people and will cover for each other if one does not want to go out
Nicky: a good boy, part of the walks people home squad, sets up designated drivers for parties, good snack game, future in medical field, good listener, pretty good study buddy, midnight snack enabler, met reader through frat and his gf he and reader are on babysitting duty together sometimes when others get too drunk/high
Yuki: also a pledge or new, majoring in games or computer science as they gave me the same energy as him, games squad, bit of a mad lad, has several stolen street signs, good, met reader through frat and Yuki is the only one patient enough to explain some games to reader, they cuss people out on mic
Esteban: good man, has a full ride scholarship, actually studies, also good study buddy, Dan's little, plays soccer but maybe on a rec team because he prioritizes school, very sweet guy as well, probably chose a really practical major/dual major, met reader through Dan and are also dragged similar places by him
Antonio: manbun, philosophy or classics major possibly business dual, generally good natured but can be seen supplying his own wine at parties, used to be really into metal but kept the hair, does not know that people find him attractive, soccer boi, met reader through frat and she's the only one who will (pretend) to listen to him rant about philosophy
Alex Albon: another full scholarship guy, somehow gets along with everyone, switched majors due to an asshole professor, electrical engineering or computer engineering, actually studies, helps with frat pets,will show you pictures of his cats at home, sweetie, another contender for will hold your hair or walk you home, probably met reader through a class or club and found they had mutual friends and that reader is friends with his gf
Notable alums:
Checo - dad, successful in finance somehow (he looks like an really successful accountant of CFO to me idk why)
Kimi - dad but people forget he is, holds the record for most drinks in 24 hours that will never be come close to by anyone else, shows up on random alum weekends with 2 kegs, legally cannot tell you what he does or he would actually have to murder you
Valterri - was good at a sport when he was there, now a very effective lead engineer at an architectural firm
Seb - environmental or mechanical engineering, all around good guy with someone the best grades in frat history
Alonso - legendary for sexual exploits (consensual)
Anyone I put as actually studies is probably the type reader would hang around for more serious stuff/schoolwork and would probably be closer to, with the exception of Dan bc I feel like he'd be like we're friends now :)) we shall hang or Charles bc he will just show up. I also imagine she has a pretty good friendship with any existing gf, however if a driver does have a gf and he is the love interest sorry bb girl u gotta go for the purposes of this fic
Sorry this is so long hahaaaaaaa glad you liked my Charles thoughts ilu
i honestly wasn’t going to share this like the rest of the anon asks i’ve gotten that i keep close to my heart but this was just too good to keep to myself.
f1 drivers as frat bros/college students headcannon
i’m writing a series - each “chapter” will be a smut with a different frat bro and i’m hoping to post a sneak peek this week some time but here’s something to hold you over and give you some ideas
to my vcard anon - i appreciate this so much. my inbox is always open for ur thoughts bc they are SO GOOD !! can’t wait for you to read the first part of the series bby
PS if some of this doesn’t make sense to u feel free to send in asks (i know a lot of this is focused on american college culture so if u don’t get it i’m happy to explain)
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
Garvez Moments part 4
Chapter 4: Meet the Garcias
Luke and Penelope had been dating for several months now and Thanksgiving will be in a week.
Penelope and him thought about going to Emily and Andrew's new house. The BAU invited them all to her house but Spencer had to say no because he and Max will be at her father's and JJ will go New Orleans.
So only Tara and her boyfriend, Dave and Krystall and the Simmons were able to go.
They were about to say yes when a phone call changed everything.
"Hey big sister!" Carlos said on the other side of the phone.
"OMG Carlos! I missed you" she smiled at the voice of her brother.
"I missed you too. Last time we spoke you were dealing with a terrible situation and I'm sorry once again I wasn't there for you" he said with a sad voice.
"Oh don't worry silly. I love you and you know I would never be upset with you"
"I know" she smiled and could imagine his smile as well "I was calling you to invite you to come over for Thanksgiving. You can come with your boyfriend if you want to"
She bit her lower lip "and there will be Manny and Eddie?"
"Yeah. I invited them too oh and Ralphie"
She sighed softly and looked at Luke feeding Roxie and Sergio "let me talk with Luke about it and I will call you back"
"Umm... Sure no problem" they hung up and she walked to Luke.
He looked at her and got worry "Chica? You ok?" He walked to her in case she fainted at any second so he could catch her.
"Y...yeah" she sat down and looked at him "my brother Carlos want us to go to California for Thanksgiving"
Luke sat down next to her "do you want to go?"
"I'm not sure. Carlos and I fixed everything after the Believers kidnapped me and Reid but my other brothers... I don't know if they will forgive me for letting the man who killed our parents go"
"If they mess with you. I will be there for you" he held her hand softly and squeezed it "and that's a promise"
"I know my love but I would hate to see my two brothers saying bad things about me"
"Penelope. Thanksgiving is a holiday for families and I just want you to be happy so it's up to you" she nodded and kissed him gently.
"Did I ever tell you that I love you?"
"Yes but I love it and I love you chica" he smiled "so... How is California's weather?" She laughed and hit him softly.
She called her brother while he made reservations for their flight and the nursery home for their pets.
Then both fixed their suitcases and they left on Wednesday morning.
The flight was calm as long as Penelope held his hand. She was nervous.
"Luke..." She said looking at her boyfriend.
"Yes?" He looked at her.
"Do you remember what I told you about my parents?" He nodded "well umm I... I lied" she said looking away from him "my mom married Emilio Garcia, he adopted me as his daughter. I was 18 when they died so I never was in an adopted home after they died"
Luke looked at her hand holding his "I... I thought so... Because of your hostile attitude towards me. And I understood because I was the new guy and I learned more about you and I was waiting for you to tell me the true story"
"Gosh... I hate profilers" she said laughing a little "I can be so childish"
"Yeah but that's your best quality" he smiled "your adorable attitude" he smiled "you know I... I booked a room for us at the hotel of the town. I know you or your brother would like to have you in his house but I learned that being in someone else's house, even family, can be exhausted"
She nodded "I understand and I think you took a good decision" he nodded and the rest of the flight was calmer. They even took a nap.
When they arrived to the town they left their suitcases in the hotel and she called Carlos.
"Hey Penelope!" He hugged her "and you must be Luke, her boyfriend" he shook his hand "I'm Carlos, her little brother"
"Nice to meet you man... I heard lots of things about you" Luke smiled.
"Hope they are good"
"Of course, dude"
"Awesome" Carlos laughed "why did you booked a hotel room? I have enough room for you"
"Luke thought it could be more comfortable for us" she pointed at the three of them.
Carlos nodded "I understand, don't worry" he smiled "do you remember our mother's recipe for the turkey? I lost it"
"Yeah I have it in my tablet" she showed him the table "do you have the ingredients?"
"Manny is buying them. And Eddie will bring the drinks. Ralphie offered to make the apple pie" she nodded then they walked to her brother's truck and they went to his house.
They decided to get the turkey ready that day so the next one would be more relaxed.
So when they arrived Manny was already there. He was with his wife and kids. They were playing outside while the Garcia siblings cooked.
Carlos was nice and warm with his sister but Manny was not as warm and sweet as she wished. She knew Carlos told them her decision about the man who killed their parents.
Manny, Eddie and Ralphie were not as compressive as Carlos and they did not know what she had been through the past few years.
She still love them but was hurt by their cold attitude.
They spent that day there cooking together and were agree to met on Thursday at six.
When Penelope and Luke arrived to their room, they took a shower and laid in bed.
"They hate me" she said laying her head on his chest.
"No. They just don't understand why you forgave that man. You should explain them everything. They will understand" he kissed her head.
"I wish you are right but I know them. They won't understand. If I'm stubborn they are more, if you didn't know we aren't related by blood you could bet we are just because of our stubbornness"
Luke laughed softly "yes I know that but... Chica they deserve to know and they will understand. I know it"
She just kissed him deeper and ran her hands into his short hair "you are amazing at cheering me up. You know that, right?" He laughed and just hugged her.
"Yes I know and I'm proud of that"
That night they slept after a good round of sex. The next day they woke up, ate their breakfast and she left to get ready at the beauty salon.
He wanted a little hair cut so he went to the barber shop then bought her a nice necklace he saw and it reminded him to her.
At night they got dressed and he gave her the necklace "I bought it for you. I hope you like it California Chica" it had little cats all around it and was long. She made an excited squeal and put it on.
They went to her brother's house. She was wearing a light blue dress with dark flowers on it, blue high heals and the necklace he bought her.
He was wearing a white dress shirt, dark blue jacket and jeans. Casual but elegant, just how she liked.
They arrived to her brother's house and there were the others with their families or girlfriends.
The night was tense like yesterday. The turkey was in the oven so it was hot for dinner.
It was just a few minutes before dinner. Manny started to scream to Penelope how she could forgive that man who killed their parents.
The other two brothers stood by the other and Carlos was next to Penelope.
"Manny this isn't the right time to do this" said Carlos trying to calm his brother.
"Are you defending her? She is a traitor!" Said Eddie.
"She was the only one here" said Carlos a little bitter.
The other brothers looked down "I wasn't happy about it either but she had been through a lot these past few years"
"Do you want to know why I did it?" She said standing between her brothers "I will tell you. But please sit down" all of them did it.
She told them everything, she told them how she felt all those years and why she could not even return to California to visit them.
The four Garcia brothers had tears in their eyes and after that they all hug her and asked her to forgave them after what they said to her.
She did it and they finally ate, happy and in peace.
"I'm grateful for this moment, I know mom and dad will be proud of us and would be happy to see us as a big happy family" they all raised their glasses with tears.
After dinner they watched football and went to sleep. Penelope was so happy and proud of her brave attitude facing her brothers.
The next day Penelope invited Luke to her parents grave.
"You know this is my second time here?"
"I thought so according to what you said yesterday" he smiled.
She rolled her eyes but continued to walk until they reached the grave.
Barbara and Emilio Garcia.
Lovely parents and friends.
"hey... Mom, dad" said Penelope holding Luke's arm "it's been a long time since I came here, I want to introduce you my boyfriend, Luke Alvez, yeah Latino like you mom and dad" she bit her lip "he is amazing and I love him"
He smiled and kissed her forehead "nice to meet you Mrs and Mr Garcia"
"Oh please, call them by their names"
"Ok ok... Barbara and Emilio. I love your daughter and.... Here with you as my witness... I promise to marry her" she looked shocked and speechless "when she's ready, of course"
She pushed him softly but blushed. She never thought about it but with him... Could be a possibility.
I loved every minute of this chapter and I hope you, my beloved reader, love it too. I wanted to show how her brothers were still upset about her forgiving the man who killed their parents and I wanted a nice resolution.
I hope you enjoyed this. Next chapter will be his family. Maybe Christmas?
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mrsjaxtellerfan · 6 years
Love, Marriage, Baby
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Hey, y'all!  I conspired with my girl @lookprettyliveclassyplaydirtyyt to write this one for ya!
Requested by @spnhollis  Hope you enjoy!  Sorry it got a little long!
Reader is the new mechanic at TM, builds a strong relationships with all the guys and starts doing things for the club. Juice ends up with a crush on Reader and it’s super fluffy or whatever you get inspired to write.
Warnings:  mention of serious medical conditions, PURE FLUFF
Here it is a hot summer’s day and we are sitting here in the hospital waiting for our baby to arrive.  I can’t help but think back to the first time I saw y/n, the love of my life.
A car I’ve never seen before pulled into the T-M lot and parked by the bikes. I saw a girl with long, curly, blue hair, wearing shorts and a black band tank with a flannel tied around her waist, get out and walk toward the office. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, staring at the now closed door.
“Juicy, boy.  You okay?”  Chibs asks, glancing over at the starstruck lass, snapping him out of his thoughts about the mysterious girl.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.  What were you saying?”  Juice turns back toward the elder gentleman, keeping an eye on the door hoping to get another look at the stranger.
I felt her squeezing my hand. Knowing she was having a contraction, I did my best to help her through it.  When she lets up, I glance down at the women I never would have guessed I would have fallen in love with or who would love me back.
“Hi, I’m y/n.”  The mystery girl says, holding her hand out to the dumbfounded Juice.
“Oh, uh, hi.  I-I’m, uh, Juice.”  I reply, snapping out of my stupor.  Y/n giggles, grasping my hand. Her hand is so small, and warm in my much larger hand.  I can feel the callus’ she had, leaving me to wonder what it is she is doing here.
“Juice, like the drink? How did you get that nickname?”
“Well,” I say pointing over my shoulder, “it’s better than Half-Sac.”
She let out a laugh that made my heart flutter when I heard it, secretly hoping I’d be hearing it for the rest of my life.
Present Day
Knowing she was in pain, I decided to tell her a joke. “Hey babe? What do you call someone who builds dog houses?”
“What do you call them, Juice?”  Y/n gasps out, pain evident in her voice.
“Bark-itechts.” She let out a small laugh, not wanting to hurt anymore than she already was.
“You’re a mess, Juicy.”  She giggles, clenching down on his hand as another contraction hits.
The monitors start beeping erratically, and a group of nurses come running, checking the fetal heart monitor. They put an oxygen mask on her face.  Pulling back the blankets, there is a puddle of blood.
“The baby is breech, compressing the cord and it has prolapsed! She’s hemorrhaging!  Get the doctor!” The nurse yells, preparing her to move.  Everything is happening so fast.  I can barely understand what’s happening until I’m being pushed out of the way.
“What does that mean? Is she gonna be okay?”  One nurse stays behind.
“We will do everything we can.  Your wife began hemorrhaging, the cord was protruding causing the oxygen to be cut off to the child and causing changes in your wife’s circulation as well.  We are doing an emergency cesarean.  I need to get back there.  Someone will come out as soon as we can.”  The nurse stated, rushing through the double doors they took my wife through.
“Just please don’t let her die!”  I drop to my knees, beginning to pray, something I haven’t done in ages.  Gemma comes running back wrapping her arms around my shaking form.
“Oh, baby.  She is going to be okay.”  Gemma soothes.
“She has to be.  I can’t lose her.”  I sob, putting my face in Gemma’s shoulder, my only focus on my wife and unborn child.
“Juice, give it back!”  Y/n giggles, playfully pushing my shoulder and jumping to reach the tool.
“What?  I can’t hear you.”  I snicker, continuing to tease her by holding the wrench she needs above my head.
“Juicey, please give it back.”  She bats her lashes, glancing up at me through hooded eyes.  The air is knocked out of me when she slams her body against mine using my surprise to grab the wrench out of my hands.
“HA, I win!”  She tonts, skipping back to the car she was previously working on.  I watch as she bends over the car, looking back at me over her shoulder, giving me a wink while the look of shock still graces my face.
“You going to help me, big boy?”  She purrs, grinning at me with a knowing look.  I snap out of it, with s smirk of my own, making my way up behind her leaning form.  I can feel her breath hitch, goosebumps appearing on her exposed skin.
“Oh, yeah, baby.  I’m going to help you.”  I purr into her ear, placing my hand on the base of her back, feeling the soft skin that has become exposed with her shirt riding up.
Present Day
“Juice!  Have you heard anything, man?”  Jax asks, pulling me into a hug.
“No, nothing yet.  I can’t lose her, man.  I can’t.”  The tears begin flowing again.  I feel myself being pulled into a group hug, full of people I call family, while I wait to hear if my new family is going to survive.
“Juice, come on, my family isn’t that bad.”
“Not that bad, babe, they’re awful.” I murmured looking down at her, pecking her on the lips before turning back to the ominous, red, door.  “I can’t believe you grew up here.”  I glance up at the big, white, soccer mom house wondering how this little spitfire came from a home like this.  She giggles, knocking on the door, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“Hi, baby!  I’ve missed you!  Who is this handsome fella’?”  A small, older version of y/n glances at me, pulling away from the massive hug she had pulled y/n into.
“Mom, this is Juice.  My boyfriend.”  Y/n states, smiling at me.
“Boyfriend? You didn’t say you had a boyfriend when we talked last.” Her mom stated, looking up at me.
“Yeah, it happened recently.”  She smiles, clenching my hand in her smaller one.  I smile at them relieving some tension that started building.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Juice, was it?”  She states, reaching a hand out to me.
“Juan Carlos, mom, Juice is just his nickname. Is grandpa around? I haven’t had him offer me any brandy yet!” She asked, her white teeth showing.
“Oh, you know your grandfather, dear.  He is in the living room watching the game.  I’m sure he has some brandy to offer.”
“He hates when I interrupt him when he’s watching the game, but he can never stay mad at his favorite granddaughter! I’m gonna go!  Come on babe, he will tell you all his war stories from Nam.”  
“More like his only.”  Her mom laughs.  “Oh, dear, come in, come in.  You can call me Rhonda by the way.”
“So you’re telling me, she ran around naked outside in the winter because she wanted to feel the snow on her tush?” I laugh, glancing at the girl I know I’m going to marry.
“I was a nudist okay, when I was a baby, I HATED wearing clothes. Any chance I got to not weAr then, I didn’t. But I also got sick that day too!”
“Babe, I think you’re still a nudist!”  I laugh, instantly turning red at the thought of what i just revealed in front of her family.  Rhonda busts out with laughter nearly spitting her wine out.
“That is NOT true, I just don’t like to wear pants, or bras. Not fully nudist, just half.” Y/n replies, trying to save me from her dads questioning.
“How would he know that if you guys aren’t married?”  I cough, looking at my laugh, hearing a smack.
“Leave these kids alone, can’t you tell how in love they are.  Remember how bad we were when we were their age?”  Rhonda laughs.  He shakes his head with a small glare.
“And when grandpa caught you guys making out?”  y/n giggles, grabbing my hand under the table.
“Yeah, I do remember how we were, which is why I’m not approving of this.”  Her dad replies glancing at his wife.
“No one asked if you approved of anything, dad. We are just two kids, and when you’re in your 20s you do fun things that you can’t do in your 40s, dad, like get laid.” Y/n quipped at her dad, staring at him with her big brown eyes, probably like she did as a child.
“Hey, now, who is saying we don’t get laid in our 40s?”  Rhonda laughs.
“Grandpa told me, he said ‘after 40, there’s no more fun, all the kids are grown, having kids of their own. They forget to call you unless it’s your birthday, you miss out on a lot.’ I don’t want that, I don’t ever wanna turn 40.” She replies, pouting.
“Shugs, I have had the best sex of my life, since I met Helen, this lady from my bingo group.”  Grandad replies with a grin.
“Yeah, how old is she, Pops, one of the players daughters, or granddaughters?” She lets out a laugh joking with him, knowing he’s happy with Helen.  “When do we get to meet her. Pops?”  It was at this moment I realized without a doubt I was going to marry her.
Present Day
“Family of Y/n Ortiz?” The doctor asks, coming into the waiting room. I stood up, taking long strides toward the doctor, I needed to know about my family as soon as I could. “I’m her husband, is she okay?”
“She is fine, and so is the baby. We are doing blood transfusions, trying to get her platelets up so you can’t see her yet, but you can go to the nursery, and meet your daughter, if you’d like.”
“It’s a girl?”  I smile, tears of relief rushing down my face.
“Oh, I’m sorry,  I didn’t know it was a surprise…”  The doctor breaks off being pulled into a hug.
“Thank you doctor!”
“Y/n, you know you don’t have to do this!” I exclaimed, trying to get her to stop.
“Juice, Oakland knows all the eaters and sweetbutts here, it needs to be someone they don’t know.” She continued getting dressed.
“When this is over, I want to talk to you.”
“Yeah, of course.” She plants a kiss on my lips, heading to the van.
She rode in the van on the way to the Oakland warehouse, tied up and blindfolded. The Oakies, as she calls them, claimed a female ripped them off, and she was willing to put herself in danger to help the club. We pulled up to the warehouse, being rough with her, we had to be, but it hurt me. They sat her down in a chair and pulled the blind old off of her. One guy got right up next to her, and she bit him. You could see the anger in his eyes, as he pistol whipped her. I flipped seeing him hit her and pulled my gun, the others doing the same.  After the first shot was fired, it was a storm of bullets before all was quiet.
“Are you okay?”  I ask, untying the binds.
“I’m fine, baby.”  She reassures.  I pull her into a hug before we head back to the club.
“Juicy, what did you want to talk to me about?” She asked, tucking the front of my shirt into her gym shorts.
“Hmm?” I questioned her, looking her up and down, taking in the sight of her in my shirt. I want that forever. “Oh yeah, sit please.” I say leading her to the couch.
“I don’t have a big fancy speech planned, and I know we aren’t at an aquarium, but, Y/n, Will you marry me?”
“Juan, yes.” She pulled me in for a kiss as I slipped the ring on her finger.  Grinning I pulled her into me, swinging her around before I placed her back on her feet.
“I love you.” “I love you too, Juicy.”
Present Day
I stood there, looking at the gorgeous little girl, that Y/n and I brought into the world, in complete awe.
“Can I hold her?” I asked the nurse.
“Of course.  Have you ever held a baby before?”  The nurse asks, picking up my baby girl gently.
“No, um, I haven’t.”  
“Here let me help you.”  The nurse guides my arms in the proper hold before laying the tiny baby in them.  She looks so small in my hold, she peaks up at me, the same way her mother does, and smiles before going back to sleep.
“Mr. Ortiz. You can see your wife now.”  The doctor says, coming into the nursery.  The nurse leads me to the room, daughter in hand.  
“Hey, baby.  Meet your daughter.”  I whisper, walking into the room with our daughter, the nurse leaving us.  Y/n is laying there, hooked to machines, with a small, content smile on her face.
“It’s a girl!”  She exclaims, smiling her megawatt smile at me.  Can we name her Marisol? after my grandmother?”  She asked, looking at the tiny baby in my arms.
“Anything you want baby, anything.”  
“I love you both so much.”  Tears come to her eyes as I hand her Marisol, tears beginning to stream down my face.
“I love you both too, baby, so much. I will never let anything happen to my two girls.”
“Juan, did you call my parents? I want them to bring my grandpa so he can hold her, I know he misses my grandma. Maybe this will help him feel better.”
“OH FUCK! I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMETHING!”  I exclaim rushing out of the room, her laughs following me.
“Baby, your daddy might forget somethings like that, but he will always remember to check for monsters under your bed. He will always do the voices when he reads you bedtime stories, and he will always protect you. No matter what.”
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Heartbeats on the Airwaves Chapter 4
For @acealex-blueiguana
Carlos cursed under his breath in Spanish and pulls open Cecil’s shirt to find a thin t-shirt under the dress shirt.
“Damnit Cecil. Why do you wear so much clothing?” He asked. If the situation was different, he would have been amused at himself.
“Yknow,” Cecil says weakly. “If I wasn’t dying, I’d find you ripping my clothes off sexy.”
Carlos looks up at him, fighting back tears. “No. You aren’t dying. Not today.” He says, putting pressure on the still bleeding wound.
“Carlos…” Cecil protests, trying to lift his hands to bat Carlos away. He failed and his arms fell to the ground once more. “Other people need your help more than me.”
Blood started to seep through Carlos’ fingers. “No. Not today. I am not letting you die because your idiot boss hates you.”
Cecil gasps again, this time in pain. He closes his eyes, coughing, but Carlos smacks his cheeks.
“No. Keep your eyes open. Cecil, stay with me. Come on now.”
Cecil opens his eyes a little. “It hurts.” He whispers.
“I know. But pain means you aren’t dead yet.” Carlos tries to reason with him. He turns away and digs in his bag to gauze. He turned back to Cecil, who had his eyes closed again. He was pale-paler than usual- and his lips had a blue color to them.
“Damnit Cecil!” Carlos smack his cheek again. “Stay awake. Stay with me. Let me see your beautiful eyes. Please?” He begs. “Let me see.”
Cecil blinks at him, his eyes not as bright as usual, but they were open.
“I need to bandage your stomach, okay?” Carlos asked, holding up the roll of gauze.
“Okay…” Cecil slurs a little. Then he says;
“Hey Carlos?”
“’m cold.”
Carlos stops where he was tugging at Cecil’s shirt.
“Shit. You’re going into shock.” He quickly finishes what he was doing and leans close to Cecil’s face. “Hey. Eyes open. Look at me. Look at m-Cecil? Cecil?” Carlos’s voice breaks. “Cecil!”
He reaches down and feels for a pulse. It was weak and uneven, but still there. His breath was even weaker when Carlos puts his fingers up under Cecil’s nose.
“No! I’m not going to lose you. You don’t get to die. Not today!” He announces, half hysterical. He braces himself up, starting CPR. His arms shook but he refused to stop. He is crying at this point. Loud body wracking sobs. He stops and leans over, pressing his lips to Cecil’s own cold ones. This isn’t what he wanted-not how he pictured their first kiss. He wanted it to be soft and gentle, or a spur of the moment passion, but not like this. Never like this. He pulls away.
“Come on. Come on….”
He presses down again.
“Come on Cecil! Please….” He begs, pressing down again. “Let me hear your voice again…. Please……”
 By the time the paramedics arrived, Cecil’s breathing had improved a little. Carlos’ hands and cloths were stained with blood that wasn’t his.  Hands grabbed Carlos’, making him look up.
“Let us help him now.”
“If I stop, he’ll die.” Carlos protests.
“We won’t let him.”
“I won’t.” Carlos says, starting compressions again.
“We have to move him Doctor.”
Carlos looks up, hair falling into his face. “I’m coming with you then.” He says, not breaking his rhythm.
“Of course.” The paramedic gestures to the three behind him and together they carefully put Cecil onto the gurney.  Cecil started gasping again and the only thing that Carlos could think to do is to climb up and straddle Cecil’s hips, starting the compressions again.
“Come on Cecil. Don’t let her win. You’re better than that.” He begs softly.
 The ride to the hospital was fairly short but it felt like hours. When they get to the hospital, Carlos collapsed and falls off of the gurney and into the wall of the ambulance. Cecil is ushered away and straight into surgery. Carlos is vaguely aware of someone helping him up and into the hospital. He’s leads to an on-call room and laid on the bed. Someone tells him to rest and then the room went dark.
 When Carlos woke up, it was dark outside, but he felt much better. He needed a shower, clean clothes and something to eat. Then his blood ran cold.
He runs out of the room and sees Dana in the waiting room.
“How is he?” Carlos asked, bracing himself for the worse.
“He’s alive. He’s sleeping right now actually.”
Relief spread through him like fire and he lets out a breath. “Oh, thank god.”
“You saved his life Carlos.” She says, pulling him into a hug.  She then pushes him away. “You smell horrible. Go take a shower.”
“Well I’m sorry that dirt, sweat and blood don’t smell like flowers.” Carlos retorts, but smiles.
Dana rolls her eyes and pulls a bottle of travel size Febreze from her purse, spraying him repeatedly. “Begone demon!”
Carlos puts his hands up in front of his face. “Okay! Okay! I’m going!” He turns to leave, but Dana catches his arm, making him look back.
“Really though. Thank you.”
Carlos gazes at her. “I would rather die than see him hurt.” Was his answer.
She smiles. “I know. Now go shower you nasty.”
Cecil wakes with a splitting headache. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around in confusion. He was in the hospital. The last thing he remembered was seeing and helping Carlos and then…. the pain.  He tried to sit up but that just made the dull sting become a bolt of white-hot pain, so he laid back down and closes his eyes. Lauren is going to have his neck when he got out. That is, if he still had a job when he got out.
A soft knock on the doorframe made him look up. Carlos stood in the doorway. His mess of dark curls was damp and pulls off his face into a low bun. He no longer wore scrubs. Now he worn a red checked flannel and jeans. He looked happy but exhausted.
“Hey Ceec.” He says with a small smile. “How do you feel?”
“Like I got hit by a bus.” He says honestly. Then he holds one hand out. “C’mere.” He says softly.
Carlos crosses the room and sits next to the bed, taking Cecil’s outstretched hand.
“I’m sorry I ruined your shirt.”
“Well given the situation, I’m not that upset.”
Carlos chuckles. “So…how much do you remember? About earlier?”
Cecil studied him for a moment. “I don’t think CPR counts as a first kiss.” He said finally.
“Is that so?” Carlos laughs softly.
“I’m a reporter. I know these things.” Cecil says.
“Well, would it be okay for me to kiss you now?”
“I think you have to. To make up for ruining my favorite vest.”
Carlos smiles and leans over the side of the bed. “I’ll fix it myself.” He promises, pressing his lips to Cecil’s. They were warm this time. Of course, the moment was cut short by Cecil’s heart monitor going crazy. Carlos jumps back and their eyes met before they both cracked.
16 notes · View notes
travelessbg · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
travellingistanbul · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
pinktoursbul · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
bookingshotelbg · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
triptraveltour · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
skiholidaysbg · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
petit-naldo · 9 months
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Is there some competition we don't know about here?
90 notes · View notes
bestours · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
sofiatravels · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
travelhistory · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes
vasilkatravel · 2 years
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Absolute and indispensable expenses
This is the lowest estimate of these classes,-and includes only absolute and indispensable expenses. Those wishing to “rough’’ it, may effect a still greater saving, by taking a deck passage along the Mediterranean; but they must be tolerably sure of fine and warm weather.
The other routes are, by railway to Vienna — and there is now an uninterrupted line from Ostend to that city, by Cologne,
Hanover, and Dresden, and thence by the Danube to the Black Sea; and so down the Bosphorus; or, to Trieste, by railway, and thence by the steamers of the Austrian Lloyd’s Company. Each of these routes is, however, too applicated and circuitous to give an estimate of in this place.
I may mention, however, that the Austrian Lloyd’s boat leaves Trieste for Constantinople once a week — starting, at present, every Thursday, and arriving at Constantinople on the Sunday week following. They have, at present, twenty-six boats in their fleet, and five new ones are being built. The arrangements are, in general, very good, and the fares and regulations about the same as those on board the French packets. Their largest vessel is the Austria, of three hundred and sixty horse power; and the smallest, the Francesco Carlo, of forty.
Having given the usual routes to Constantinople, I may now, perhaps, interest some of my readers in detailing the time which I myself took ; and I will also add — I believe on a novel plan — the expenses and the distances of each day.
I must premise I started with a companion, and wo each had a knapsack to carry our things. This latter article was made for me by Mr. Brown, saddler, of Chertscy, and cost £1. It was four inches deep, thirteen broad, and twelve long. A round tin caso at the top was added afterwards. It was in three portions, for better dividing the articles it contained, and one of these could turn, upon emergency, into a sort of saucepan, to go over a spirit lamp which went inside it. It was at times useful for furnishing hot water, when there would otherwise have been a difficulty in procuring it.
I contrived to put the following articles into my knapsack. It was tolerably heavy when charged, but I am blessed with broad shoulders and a good constitution, and I never felt distressed : —
A coat, waistcoat, and trowsers, of thin black tweed, which were very light, and, when folded up, could have been put in a hat. These were for such occasions as might occur when something like
evening dress was necessary. They were made for me by Mr Astley, of the Quadrant, at a small expense.
French brodequins
A pair of light French brodequins.
Five shirts: four colored and one white — also for great occasions.
Four pocket handkerchiefs.
Two black silk neck-ties.
Four pairs of lamb’s-wool socks.
Comb and brush; with some oil-silk bags for holding soap, sponge, nail and tooth brush.
A “ house-wife,” containing pins, needles and thread, scissors and buttons private tours istanbul.
(These latter articles went in the pocket at the side of the knapsack, for ready use.)
In the tin case at the top I had a strange collection of things. They comprised a few Seidlitz powders, some laudanum, and a box of Brokedon’s compressed soda. I also tucked in some sticking- plaster, a dozen steel pens, a portable ink-stand, with writing paper, a box of water-colors, note-books, string, lucifer’s, and other minor comforts. When all these things were packed, there was still room for what few souvenirs I might collect on, the way.
My travelling-dress was a blue blouse with useful pockets, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. I started in a cap, but the sun so caught my face on the Moselle, that I bought the hat at Metz. I had a stout pair of shoes — not too thick, which is a great mistake; and a kind of poueli to hang at my side, and hold a hand-book or map, block drawing-book, knife, Ac. I took the £20 circular notes of Herries and Farquhar, which, by the way, would be more convenient if made, like some of the other banks, for £10.
0 notes