#carter x shaw
thedragonhermit · 4 months
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First of all, surprise! More Person of Interest! Wow!
Second, my brain would not let go of trying to form a PoI x Fallout AU, and for a while I didn't think I could make it work (ie: how do you get a franchise dependent on stuff like the internet and phone booths to work in one with neither), until I had an actual shower thought about it being specifically a Fallout 4 AU!
Basically it's just Fallout-y versions of the PoI main cast, with Fallout-y versions of their backstories, and following a Fallout-y version of the show's plot, but the plot of Fallout 4 is also happening at the same time with John filling the role of the Sole Survivor (except Harold got him out of Vault 111 instead of Father, and John isn't Shaun's dad lol). Oh and the Institute's surveillance of the Commonwealth is provided by the Machine, and yet Finch has ensured they don't have full access so he can use it the way he wants to: to help improve the lives of the people of the Wasteland!
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chappellr0anlov3r · 2 months
gang pls drop canon wlw or wlw coded period shows i just watched agent carter and i need more ive also already watched a league of their own, ratcheted, dickinson, and the buccaneers
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willowmosby · 1 year
Listen I told my self that I wasn't going to get invested enough in Person of Interest to talk about here but here I am anyway. It was chugging along being a good background show with Some really fun, if a little trope-y, cop characters and watching Harold Finch and John Reese act kinda gay and stop crime. I'm a big Amy Acker fan ( that's actually why I even started the show) so I wasn't upset about the shift in focus towards Root and Shaw a little bit as I entered season 3.
The problem I have actually run into is fucking season 3 episode 9: The Crossing. It just made me angry at a show's choices in a way I haven't felt in a while - please note I haven't watched past that episode as of writing this but I will eventually do so.
An the assumption that she really is dead( that looked pretty fucking fatal) I will miss Joss Carter a lot but that's not necessarily what made me angry. It seemed to me that the writers knew that the actor wanted out of the show from the start of the season as the whole season 3 arc was a seemingly slow moving suicide. It wasn't poorly written but it was obvious that this was a different type of Joss Carter than season 1 & 2.
No my problem wasn't necessarily her death. It's the "romantic" declarations of the episode. Now before you look back at the start of this and post and think I'm just mad because it wasn't my very unlikely to ever be a cannon ship that got confirmed, well you're only partially right.
Yes I'm a Rinch shipper( if follow my blog at all you've probably put together that I often root if the queer ships) but I genuinely would have been fine resigning myself to fanfiction while they get hopelessly paired up with some unsuspecting women. I understand that's how crime drama TV operates. And you know I actually like John and Zoe as a ship, if they were developed a bit more I think they could've been a lot of fun.
My problem is not that the whole you "saved me from commiting suicide" speech John gives Carter is equally, if not more, applicable to his relationship with Finch. Well, okay my problem is not only that. My problem is where was any of the romantic build up between Carter and John, like literally anything? They work great as narrative foils when Carter was still on the "the law is the only law" train. And they work great as friends as Carter steps more into the "some minor crime for the greater good is okay" camp. But not once did I think " oh these two are about to fall in love". Not even when Shaw asked about it earlier in season 3 did I think the show was going to actually pair them up like this. Now I hear you when you say that there are examples of characters with less chemistry have become couples. It's just, I'm not sure what the narrative gain is here. They had to know they were killing off Carter that same episode and this "revelation" doesn't add anything to the character. If anything it doesn't make sense with the revenge for Cal Becher (Beacher? Beecher?- You know who I'm talking about) angle that the writers have been using all season. And if it's about furthering John's character that's just dumb. I wouldn't consider it fridgeing as I'm pretty sure this is an actor who wants an out of contract situation(feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), but that doesn't excuse it as a narrative choice. John unequivocally cares about Carter and would be upset about her death regardless or romantic inclinations, as would Lionel and Finch. They already have an in on the revenge story line (which is where I assume they are going with this). Why bother with the romance especially when John already has the lost love story in his background. Like what Jessica isn't enough of a dead romance they needed to shoe in Joss as well.
Anyway I also wish this was like a mid season finale not episode like 9. Like bro why are you putting away one of your biggest villains so far and this is only a third of the way in the season.
And I wish that Lionel wasn't just suddenly back in the plot, like I know you have a bigger cast now and I m glad he's here but build the guy up a little bit better please.
I also think the Root in a cage thing is a little weird like I know all of these people are chugging the " the ends justify the means" juice but it still seems like there are other options Finch would choose. ( that being said Root and Finch's conversation about the machine somehow come off like " I had sex with your daughter, and I don't care if you know” which was hilarious to me)
Anyway sorry for the rant thanks for listening and I do hope the show gets back into a groove.
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I rewatched PoI recently and went into full brainrot. The result is a short daemon AU/character study of our main heroes. John’s POV, but of course there’s Root/Shaw content in there because they’re my best girls even 7 years later 🥹
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
Sameen, crushing on Joss: H-how do you ask someone out? John: Well, first- Harold: Don't ask him, he asked me out in a McDonald's parking lot. Sameen: ...And you said yes?
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dearopheliaimsorry · 1 year
Finch and Reese and Shaw 3x20
"Look, I've never entirely trusted your machine but you built it and I trust you."
The feeling that Caviezel put in Reese's voice. The writing choice. The moral argument afterwords between Finch and Reese and Shaw.
Good Lord the reference to Joss.
Finch's "John" so freaking sad and desperate.
Them running. Shaw hurting and Finch trying to help with such intensity. John drives. Checking the rear view.
Shaw limping.
Finch watching and then he's gone.
And now Decima is looking for him.
Y'all the pain this episode put me through. The epic highs of Root and Shaw's undying chemistry (I ship it bc duh) paired with the unique intimacy of Reese and Finch (yes I ship it too) with a side of the usual goofy plot choices. And then that ending. Ahhhhhh.
Okay, enough melodrama. I have to watch the next episode.
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nyx-lyris · 1 year
to all my fellow person of interest fans
hey guys :)
so, i have this story that i've been writing and i was thinking about posting it here.
it's a harold finch x oc story, though you're free to imagine yourself in oc's place if you want.
i'm gonna post the first chapter on sunday and i'll do my best to post a new chapter every week.
i've written several chapters of it already, but once i come to the end of that string of chapters i'll need to write more (obviously), so it might take a little longer for those to get posted.
for the number of people i've seen who love harold finch with their entire hearts on this site, there is a criminally low number of fics about him lol.
anyways, to those who are interested, i hope you enjoy :)
see you there!
EDIT: so i’ve seen that people are liking/reblogging this post who maybe don’t know - the fic is up! here’s the link to the first chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/nyx-lyris/729370786108932096/best-laid-plans-hf
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Okay I finally finished my 3rd every 3 year rewatch of Person of Interest.
I just love this show so fucking much! I have watched many many many amazing tv shows and NONE of them are as amazing as POI. I tried watching it with a bit of a critical lens and found a miniscule amount of flaws. It's just PERFECT.
Please bring this show back. I NEED IT!!!!!!!
#Root is ALIVE 2k23
#SHOOT is ALIVE 2k23
#The Machine is ALIVE 2k23
#POI is ALIVE 2k23
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girlysword · 1 year
Concept: We catch up with the Deke is Director of SHIELD timeline in the 2020s and Deke is married to a former Black Widow.
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thedragonhermit · 4 months
More Person of Interest x Fallout AU!
I said in my previous art post that if I kept thinking about this AU I would post more about it, and guess what, I've been thinking about it :)))) So here's a summary of what I've currently got for it (I say "summary" but this ended up really long oops)
John Reese
His backstory is practically the same as PoI canon except it all happened in the pre-War Fallout universe, with the CIA National Clandestine Service: Special Activities Division under the control of the pre-War Enclave. Him, Staton, and Snow still had their final mission in China, but their infiltration was more high stakes as it was during the Sino-American War.
After surviving the missile strike, Reese manages to return to the States and works to track down Jessica just like in canon, only his search leads him to the community of Sanctuary Hills near Boston. By the time Reese gets there, she's already dead.
He learns her husband Peter abused her/disguised her cause of death as a car accident, and avenges her the night of October 22, 2077 by disposing of Peter. The following morning, Reese, still wallowing in his despair and rage over not being there for Jessica, is still in their house when a representative from Vault-Tec shows up at the door. He ends up answering and is signed up for Vault 111 under Peter Arndt's name.
Just like in Fallout 4, the representative's timing couldn't be more perfect as the bombs start falling not long after. Although Reese is in a state where he wouldn't mind going out with nuclear fire, he's whisked off to Vault 111 with the other residents who've applied, enters just as Boston is hit, is provided a vault suit to change into, and is directed into a "decontamination" pod-- aka a cryopod meant for testing the affects of long term stasis.
Reese doesn't wake up until 210 years later when the Vault's life support systems are beginning to crash, and exits to find a bespectacled man claiming to have just saved his life and somehow knows his name is John Reese; not Peter Arndt as Vault-Tec's records claim. He also manages to convince Reese not to kill him over knowing all this and to instead join the cause he woke him up for.
Harold Finch
A researcher for the Advanced Systems division of the Institute, though oddly not everyone can agree whether he was brought into their fold from the outside, or if he's always been there. Despite being in Advanced Systems, his work is primarily for the Synth Retention Bureau as the sophisticated Machine he built and maintains provides them their mass surveillance of the Commonwealth, while also predicting potential threats and locating runaway synths with incredible accuracy.
Finch is also seemingly the only one in the Institute who has a modicum of sympathy for the "uncouth, unclean, and uneducated" masses above ground, considering he's secretly using his Machine to try and help the people of the Commonwealth-- even if those efforts conflict with the Institute's plans.
He's a very mysterious and private man; the more you learn about him, the less you seem to really know him. Finch will talk about places and factions outside the Commonwealth as if he's seen them with his own eyes/interacted with them himself, and yet will deny having done so. He'll even talk that way about pre-War events, unnerving Reese with implications that Finch is from his time.
The Truth: he was born around 2234 and raised Harold Wren in the Enclave alongside his best friend, Nathan Ingram, with the two building the Machine together at Raven Rock. When their creation (mostly Harold's creation as Nathan would admit) neared it's official completion in 2276, Nathan confided in Harold that he'd overheard the Enclave higher ups' true intent for it-- to merge it's surveillance and predictive capabilities into President Eden; effectively erasing the Machine's emerging identity and just making it a part of the pre-War ZAX unit.
Harold was seemingly unbothered, having suspected this was going to happen and already accepted it, but Nathan was less accepting. Vowing to save the "life" Harold had inadvertently created, he downloaded the Machine's code from Raven Rock's servers and split it between two portable devices -- a modified Pip-Boy and an eyebot -- so he could run away from the Enclave with it. Harold learned of this plan when Nathan gave him one last chance to join him, only for Harold to try and talk him out of it. His friend's mind was stubbornly made up, however.
Harold didn't let Nathan get too far from Raven Rock before finally going after him, unable to abandon (or be abandoned) by his childhood best friend. Nathan was so pleased, he immediately handed over the Pip-Boy, claiming Harold technically held more custody over the Machine, then took a few unfortunate steps right into a hidden landmine.
Harold woke up, head pounding and the back of his neck bleeding, with the eyebot beeping frantically over him. When he sat up, he saw that Nathan was dead and that the Machine was somehow still functioning despite the haphazard way it's code had been cut in half, warning him of imminent danger on the Pip-Boy's screen. The Enclave was already coming after them.
Though it was extremely hard to leave his best friend, let alone how painful it was to move, Harold got to his feet with the eyebot's help and limped to the closest settlement to get quickly patched up before leaving the Capital Wasteland altogether.
He spent the next few years wandering the greater Wasteland with the Machine as his only companion; getting the Enclave off their trail with a convincing dead body double, trying not to attract the attention of the Brotherhood of Steel or more deadly factions like Caesar's Legion, all the while coming to better understand the very thing he'd built.
When Harold learned of the Institute in the Commonwealth, he convinced their Director into letting him join, then uploaded most of the Machine into their servers to hide it from Enclave and BoS searching-- though he kept the most vital code on the eyebot and a back door in his Pip-Boy to shield it from the Institute themselves (all parts of the Machine communicate remotely via an encrypted radio station).
Having seen the greater Wasteland for what it was, Harold gained a sympathy he hadn't been raised with while in the Enclave; a sympathy he could see the Institute also lacked. So he elected to take matters into his own hands and improve it with the Machine. But they couldn't do it alone.
Thankfully, he had happened to read an old, pre-War Enclave record when he was younger about an exceptional agent named John Reese who'd allegedly ended up in Boston despite being pronounced dead on mission in China...
The Machine
Considered a "miracle" as it's the first AI of it's scale to be successfully created post-War.
It's eyebot hides in plain sight among the eyebots that patrol Diamond City when it's not with Finch.
In PoI canon, the Machine provides it's "irrelevant" numbers by listing letters that match up to authors on books in Finch's library, with the dewey decimal system becoming the target's social security number. That system is flipped in this AU; the Machine gives numbers that match up with books in the Boston Public Library (Finch and Reese's hideout, tho I can't decide if they left the super mutants in it to help with their cover lol) that spell out their target's name.
Okay great, they have a name, now how do they track them down without the internet? Well, the Institute with all its surveillance of the Commonwealth has a large database of "persons of interest" that Finch just so happens to be able to access (I think in F4 it's just lists their secret synth agents?? But I feel like they also listed off people they felt may cause issues... idk, if that's not canon, it is canon for this AU!)
There are names they receive that don't appear in that database however, meaning the boys have to track them down the old fashion way-- asking around until someone who knows the target tells them where they are. The Machine will help sometimes by providing a time and place where the target is most likely to appear next.
Obvs the names of every Fallout 4 companion comes up, either their own name or someone related to them. They also get all the names related to F4's main and side quests (as well as some PoI characters like Shaw).
Technically there already is a threat predicting AI in Fallout 4 (Predictive Analytic Machine aka P.A.M.) which the Railroad can gain access to. It's purpose pre-War was to predict when the bombs were going to fall, but it's more like a complex algorithm that requires human input to operate-- whereas the Machine is a proper thinking AI that takes in it's own input via surveillance in order to make it's decisions.
I like the idea of Finch becoming aware of P.A.M.'s existence when the Railroad is suddenly out predicting the Machine, and though the Machine is ultimately capable of out thinking P.A.M., Finch ends up "crippling" the Machine in such a way that it can only out predict P.A.M. so much to allow the Railroad to continue evading the Institute.
Instead of finding him at the Red Rocket gas station between Sanctuary and Concord, he's been confined to the life of a Gunners dog. When Reese sees him, he can tell he doesn't like his "owners" considering he's acting stressed and is kept on a leash unlike this gang of Gunners' other dogs. Reese also finds the name "Dogmeat" mean (like how he didn't like canon Bear's former name, Butcher) and that's why he renames him when he frees him from the Gunners.
Bear answers to both Bear and Dogmeat, but Reese is convinced he's happier when called by his new name.
A Wastelander originally from the Texas area named Samantha Groves. When she was very young, her and her mom were picked up by Caesar's Legion and were stuck with them for a time, until a moment for escape opened up. Her mom urged her to run west towards NCR territory, which Root did and allowed her to be rescued by the Followers of the Apocalypse.
Under their care and tutelage, she proved herself naturally talented when it came to computers and started coming into her own as an impressive hacker. She befriended an older girl named Hanna who was also under the FoA's care, but sadly she was abducted and killed by an NCR officer, with Root the only witness.
No one believed her when she said what had happened to Hanna, leading to her taking matters into her own hands and luring a gang of Fiends into killing her friend's murderer before leaving.
For some time after, Root traversed the Wasteland, earning caps mostly by being a shadowy assassin who made use of hacking computers whenever they were available. The further east she traveled, the more she heard rumours about the Institute, peaking her curiosity and leading her to the Commonwealth. Where she eventually learns of the most incredible thing she's ever heard of: a miracle of a god-like Machine watching over everyone in the area...
S2-16 aka Shaw
An elite SRB Courser who was personally trained by Conrad Kellogg (for those who don't know Fallout 4, he's basically Hersh and provided the special combat training used by the Courser synths of the Institute. If Hersh were in this AU, he'd just replace Kellogg, but I've decided to keep Kellogg instead).
Like I said in my art post, her partner M4-39 becomes a bit too infatuated with the Railroad (whom they're supposed to be enemies with) and goes so far as to give himself the name Michael before trying to defect to them. He tries to convince S2-16 to go with him -- who he had started calling Shaw instead of her designation -- but he's ambushed and gunned down by X6-88. Shaw is considered also compromised just by having been his partner, even though she wasn't into the idea of joining the Railroad, but X6-88 doesn't believe her.
Just like in season 2 episode 16 (see where I got her designation from haha), while Reese and Finch are trying to help her out, Shaw gets captured by Root who's wanting more information on the Machine-- though in this AU she's wanting a way into the Institute so she can get at it directly. But the only known way in is via teleportation. Each Courser has a relay chip in their brain that allows them to be teleported back, which Root threatens to cut out of Shaw if she doesn't give her another way in. Shaw's freed before that can happen, but later agrees to Finch's proposition that she have her chip removed (in a safe manner) to prevent the SRB from tracking her down.
The job of a Courser, for those unaware, is to hunt down and bring back escaped synths. In order to ensure they follow through with their orders, they are installed with emotional dampening programming to prevent them from sympathizing with their targets. Although Dr. Amari is able to remove her relay chip, she's unable to remove this programming, leaving Shaw just like she is in canon: mostly devoid of emotion (besides rage).
Free of the Institute, she officially starts going by Shaw in honour of Michael and turns to focusing on tracking down Root (in a toxic yuri way).
Joss Carter and Lionel Fusco
Both were members of Diamond City Security until Carter's display of detective work during one case impressed the Great Green Jewel's only detective, Nick Valentine, so much that he offered her a job as his partner. Ever since, she's worked as a part of the Valentine Detective Agency alongside the old synth sleuth and his assistant, Ellie Perkins.
She's drawn into working with Reese and Finch after Valentine's name is given by the Machine when he's locked up by Skinny Malone in Vault 114.
Although Reese becomes known as "the Man in the Vault Suit," he also becomes a suspect in Valentine's ongoing Mysterious Stranger case, leaving Carter to try and keep him off Reese's trail.
Meanwhile, just like in canon, Fusco is stuck on the opposite side of things as he's a part of this AU's version of HR; a collection of corrupt DCS officers (which is most of them) who work back door deals with Gunners and Raiders for chems and caps, while pulling all sorts of strings in Mayor McDonough's favour.
He's dragged into Reese and Finch's operations when the Machine gives them Piper Wright's name, as HR is obvs not a fan of Diamond City's famous nosey reporter. With Fusco under Reese's thumb, he manages to get HR off her case as best as he can, but it's tricky work with Piper not being one to give up a story that easily, danger be dammed.
A Few PoI Baddies
Speaking of HR, Alonzo Quinn is still it's secret leader, being both an Upper Stands resident and Mayor McDonough's advisor. HR is ultimately in McDonough's pocket and takes a fair amount of commands from him, so long as Quinn agrees to them as well.
Patrick Simmons, HR's second in command, is the head of Diamond City Security instead of just being an officer.
Elias operates out of Goodneighbor and gradually takes control of most of it's gangs, including the Triggermen. He has a deal with Mayor Hancock that allows him to operate on the promise he won't pose a threat to Hancock's rule, though who knows how long that will last. I kinda want to make him a ghoul just for fun... that and/or go really wild and make him the son of Eddie Winters...... idk
Control would be the head of the SRB, potentially having replaced Zimmer after he went off to the Capital Wasteland.
Samaritan would be an Enclave creation, likely built from pieces of the Machine's own code that may have lingered after Nathan and Harold escaped.
Annnnnnnd that's basically the framework of what I've got!
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cheynovak · 2 months
The plan - part 2
Russell Shaw x F/Reader Y/N            
Warnings: Age difference not too explicit, angst, fights, gunshots, hurt, slight romantic/sexual tension.
*Does not follow Tracker’s storyline * 
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Russell is ready to start his ‘retirement plan’ like he used to call it. He saw an old brewery on one of his jobs and went back to speak to the owner, an old man named Frank.  
Frank also owns a bar close to the brewery, his granddaughter Y/N works there as a bartender. Russell liked her immediately, realising he had to overcome two impossible tasks. One, to try and win Frank over to buy the brewery, two win Y/N over to go on a date with him.  
Russell pulled out his phone. "I might know a guy who can help us." He said with his phone to his ear. He turned away from Frank.
"Colter?... I need your help." 
I’m on my way,” Colter replied without hesitation.
True to his word, Colter arrived quickly, his presence easing some of that stress Russell felt. He approached Frank and Russell, his eyes sharp and focused. “Tell me everything,” he said, wasting no time.
Russell and Frank recounted the events, and Colter listened intently, his mind working through the details. “Could she have gone to her parents' house, or a boyfriend?” Colter asked.
Russell looked back and forward between Colter and Frank. Boyfriend, maybe she does have a boyfriend? He thought. Frank shook his head, a sorrowful look in his eyes. “Her parents died in a carcrash when she was little. I’ve taken care of her ever since. No boy in her life, as far as I know.”
Colter nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Did she have any enemies, anyone who might want to hurt her?” Frank hesitated, then sighed deeply. “No, but I had debts. I borrowed money to keep the brewery running. Some of those people... they aren’t the type you want to cross.”
Colter’s eyes narrowed. “Who did you borrow from?”Frank swallowed hard. “A man named Vincent Carter. He’s known for getting what he’s owed, no matter the cost.”
Russell felt a surge of anger and fear. “Do you think he took her?” He asked his brother.
“It’s possible,” Colter said. “We need to find out more about this Vincent Carter.” Russell nodded, determination hardening his features. “Let’s go.”
They drove through the town, following the leads Frank had given them until they found themselves at a seedy-looking bar on the outskirts. Inside, the atmosphere was tense, filled with rough-looking men who eyed the brothers suspiciously.
Russell approached the bar, addressing the bartender. “We’re looking for Vincent Carter.”
The bartender’s eyes flickered with recognition, but he said nothing. Colter leaned in, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous tone.
“We’re not here to cause trouble. We just want to talk.” The bartender's silence was infuriating, and as Colter and Russell left the bar, they were no closer to finding Y/N.
Frustration gnawed at Russell, but just as they stepped into the dim light outside, a man emerged from the shadows.
“Wait,” the man called out, glancing nervously around. “I heard you asking about Vincent Carter. I might know where he is.” Russell’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you helping us?”
The man shifted uncomfortably. “Let’s just say I’m not a fan of Carter, he took my niece a few weeks ago, rumours have it he takes young women and sells them, to pay of your debt... I'm working here for my debt hoping he let's her go. He’s got a warehouse on the edge of town. He might be there.”
Colter stepped forward, his voice low and commanding. “What’s the address?” The man quickly scribbled it down and handed it over. “Be careful. He’s dangerous.”
Russell and Colter wasted no time. They geared up, donning their tactical vests and holstering their weapons, ready for whatever awaited them.
The drive to the warehouse was tense, both men silently focused. "So, what's the deal with this Y/N?" Colter asked his older brother. "What do you mean?" He answered looking out the window.
"I mean... You really seemed shocked when I asked about a boyfriend." Russell didn't answer immediatly. "I met her a few weeks back, she is nice."
"And her grandfather owns a brewery." Colter added. "That too." He said. Colter's face changed with a knowing smile. But didn't push any further.
As they approached the location, they parked a distance away and made their way on foot, moving with practiced stealth. The warehouse loomed before them, its darkened windows giving nothing away.
They carefully made their way inside, scanning the large, dimly lit space. Russell’s heart leaped into his throat, but as they drew closer, he realized neither of them was Y/N.
Colter signaled for him to cover, and together they approached the women. Russell knelt down, gently untying their restraints. “Are you okay? Where’s Y/N?” he asked urgently.
One of the women, her eyes wide with fear, shook her head. “We don’t know. They took her somewhere else. We heard them say something about moving her to another location.”
Russell’s frustration grew, but he kept his voice calm. “Do you know where?” The second woman, her voice trembling, said, “We heard them mention an old factory. It’s not far from here.”
Colter and Russell exchanged a look. It was another lead, and it was better than nothing. They escorted the women outside, ensuring they were safe before heading back to their car.
Colter already called for the cops, leading the two women out of the building towards the main road before continuing their search.
As they drove to the factory, Russell’s thoughts raced. Y/N was still out there, and they were running out of time. The factory came into view, an imposing structure that had long since fallen into disuse.
They approached cautiously, their movements silent and deliberate. The factory was eerily quiet, but they pressed on, sweeping each room methodically.
It wasn’t long before they found another room with Y/N in it, tied to a chair and looking bruised but defiant. Relief washed over Russell, but there was no time to waste. Her eyes filled with joy.
As Russell rushed to untie Y/N, the door behind them burst open. Vincent Carter strode in, flanked by armed men, guns blazing. Bullets ricocheted off the walls as Colter and Russell took cover, returning fire with precision.
“Russell!” Y/N called out over the din. He glanced back at her, his eyes fierce with determination. He reached into his vest and pulled out a spare gun, handing it to her.
“Do you know how to handle one of these?” he asked urgently. Y/N’s faint smile was almost nostalgic. “You think my granddad didn’t teach me how to use one?” She said while turning the safety off.
She took the gun confidently, her eyes flashing with a resolve that mirrored Russell’s. As she found cover, she quickly assessed the situation, her grip steady.
Russell and Colter continued their tactical advance, methodically taking down Vincent’s men. Y/N fired with precision, her training evident in each controlled shot, hitting the one guy who stood behind Colter.
"Despite her injuries, she moved with determination, not shooting a lot but those bullets she fired where bullseye.
Vincent, realizing he was losing, grew desperate. He fired wildly, his rage and frustration evident in his erratic movements. Colter seized the opportunity, moving in close and disarming Vincent with a swift, calculated move.
Vincent hit the ground hard, and Colter secured him, ensuring he was no longer a threat. As the dust settled, Russell rushed back to Y/N, his eyes scanning her for any new injuries.
“You okay?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
She nodded, wincing slightly but smiling. “I’m okay, thanks to you.” Russell pulled her into a tight embrace, relief flooding through him. Colter approached, his expression a mix of satisfaction and respect. “You did good, Y/N. Let’s get out of here.”
As they escorted Vincent out, the police arrived, taking him and the remaining men into custody. Y/N, Russell, and Colter emerged from the factory into the first light of dawn, the ordeal finally over.
Back at the brewery, Frank was waiting, his worry evident in the lines of his face. When he saw Y/N, his eyes welled with tears of relief. “Y/N,” he yelled, pulling her into a gentle embrace. “Thank God you’re safe.”
She hugged him tightly, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thanks to Russell and Colter.”
Frank turned to Russell, his expression earnest. “Thank you, son. I don’t know how we can ever repay you.”
Russell shook his head. “You don’t have to. But if you insist..." Frank interfered, "The brewery is not for sale." - "a beer is always welcome." They said at the same time.
Y/N leaned into Russell, her hand intertwined with his holding him back while Colter and Frank walked in the pub. “Thank you for everything,” she said softly. “How can I repay you?”
Russell smiled, the corner of his mouth quirking up in that way she had come to love. “Well, I already have a beer, I'm pretty sure tonight will be on the house.” he said playfully.
Y/N laughed, the sound like music to his ears. “That’s my grandfather’s payment,” she teased.
Russell’s smile turned mischievous. “Well, then…” he began, but before he could finish, Y/N leaned in, her eyes sparkling with affection and gratitude. She pressed her lips to his in a tender, heartfelt kiss.
For a moment, Russell was too surprised to react, his breath catching in his throat. When they parted, he was speechless, his heart pounding in his chest.
Y/N’s eyes met his, her cheeks flushed and her smile radiant. “Does that cover it?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Russell found his voice, a slow grin spreading across his face. “I don't know, maybe one more? ” he said, leaning in to kiss her again. But Y/N placed her fingers gently over his mouth, stopping him.
“Don’t let it get to your head,” she flirted, her eyes twinkling mischievously when she kissed her finger that where still on his lips. With a playful smirk she walked back inside, leaving Russell standing there, his heart pounding.
He watched her go, feeling a warmth spread through him that had nothing to do with the cool evening air. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. Y/N was something else, a blend of strength, kindness, and a teasing spirit that kept him on his toes.
As he stood there, staring after her, he realized that the brewery, the town, and this unexpected connection with Y/N had given him something he hadn’t realized he needed: a sense of belonging, and maybe even a chance at real happiness.
He knew she wouldn't be an easy catch, but hell she might be the first one worthy to fight for.
Please like, share or comment when you liked the story. If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.
Tag list:-> If you want to be added let me know what you like to read! If anyone feels like you're tagged too much, also let me know please. :)
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Random Ships I Like In No Particular Order:
* Loubbie- Lou Miller x Debbie Ocean- Ocean’s 8
* Sabina x Elena- Charlie’s Angels (2019)
* Macgyver x Riley- MacGyver (2016)
* Magnum x Higgins- Magnum PI (2018)
* Shoot- Shaw x Root- Person of Interest
* Rizzles- Rizzoli x Isles- Rizzoli & Isles
* Wondercheetah- Wonder Woman x Cheetah- DC
* Camren- Camila x Lauren- Fifth Harmony
* Blackhill- Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill- Marvel
* Xialing x Katy- Shang-Chi
* Peggy Carter x Dottie Underwood- Agent Carter
* Supercorp- Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor- Supergirl
* Daniela x Carla- In The Heights
* Mira Harberg x Laurie- Irma Vep
* Judy Hale x Jen Harding- Dead To Me
* Florence x Madeleine- Gunpowder Milkshake
* Ronance- Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler- Stranger Things
* Eleanor x Drea- Do Revenge
* Harlivy- Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy- DC
* Wenclair- Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair- Wednesday
* Meddison- Meredith x Addison- Grey’s Anatomy
* Emily x Stephanie- A Simple Favor
* Mercymaker- Mercy x Widowmaker- Overwatch
* Akko x Diana- Little Witch Academia
* Dovesso- Professor Dovey x Lady Lesso- The School for Good and Evil
* Cassie Lang x Jentorra - Quantumania
* Spideypool- Spider-Man x Deadpool- Marvel
* Superbat- Superman x Batman- DC
* Batman x Catwoman- DC
* Princess Audrey x Wonder Woman- DCAU
* Jon Stewart (Green Lantern) x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* StephCass- Stephanie Brown x Cassandra Cain- DC
* DinahBabs- Black Canary (Dinah Lance) x Oracle (Barbara Gordon)- DC
* DicKory- Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x Starfire (Koriand’r)- DC
* Wondermagic- Wonder Woman x Zatanna- DC
* Daphne x Velma- Scooby-Doo
* Cassie Dewell x Jenny Hoyt- Big Sky
* Choni- Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz- Riverdale
* Bechloe- Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale-Pitch Perfect
* Khalopatra- Kleopatra x Frida Khalo- Clone High
* Talia Burns x Margot Fairmont- First Kill
* Question x Huntress- DCAU
* SuperWonderBat- Superman x Wonder Woman x Batman- DCAU
* Wonderhawk- Wonder Woman x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* Dana Scully x Monica Reyes- X-Files
* Barbara (Barbie) Handler x Gloria- Barbie
* Julethief- Carmen Sandiego x Julia (Jules) Argent- Carmen Sandiego
* Seven Of Nine x Raffi Musiker- Star Trek
* Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams- The Addams Family
* Swanqueen- Emma Swan x Regina Mills- Once Upon A Time
* Alicia Florrick x Kalinda Sharma- The Good Wife
* Danny James x Cable McCrory- Bull
* Kim Possible x Shego- Kim Possible
* Peachline-Princess Peach x Mayor Pauline- Mario
* Gelphie- Elphaba Thropp x Glinda Upland- Wicked
* SamBucky- Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes- Marvel
* PeggyNat- Peggy Carter (Captain Carter) x Natasha Romanoff- What if?
* Maxine “Max” Baker x Abby Littman- Ginny & Georgia
* Ashrah x Nitara- Mortal Kombat
* Johnshi- Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi- MK
* Barlissa- Barbara Howard x Melissa Shimmenti- Abbot Elementary
* Cabenson- Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot- Law & Order SVU
* Caroljess- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) x Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)- Marvel Comics
* Bishlova- Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova- Hawkeye
* Chlonette- Chloe Burgeois x Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug (in theory)
* Clawdeen x Draculaura- MH (Gen 1)
* Teleanor- Tahani Al Jamil x Eleanor Shellstrop- The Good Place
* Hanamusa- Jessie x Delia Ketchum- Pokémon
* Jemily- Emily Prentiss x Jennifer “JJ” Jareau- Criminal Minds
* Mellivia- Olive Pope x Melody “Mellie” Grant- Scandal
* Malvie- Mal x Evie- Descendants
* Mileena x Tanya- Mortal Kombat
talk to me abt them if you want :)
couldn’t fit all the tags lol
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zepskies · 4 months
✍🏽 Writing Update
Hi friends!
If you follow this regularly scheduled program, you'll probably already know that I'm gearing up to start posting the new Russell Shaw (Tracker) series that will continue A Line and a Half, called Every Second Counts (next week!).
I also have a three-part story coming up for the Midnight Espresso-verse! ☕
It's going to see the return of Carter, the reader's ex-douchebag boyfriend. This will also be part of the "fix it" to 15.20, and will take place in that episode. (Thank you @siampie for stoking the flames of this idea!)
I'm still debating on when to start posting this one, either alongside or after Every Second Counts, but we'll see! Just wanted to let you guys know that it's coming up. 😘
Dream With Me
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized!Reader (Latina)
Summary: When your ex-boyfriend calls for help on a case, you have a tough decision to make. But Dean isn’t going to let you do anything alone. (AKA: The last hunt you, Sam, and Dean will ever go on together.)
👀 Sneak Peek:
Part 1 - "On the Drop of a Dime"
“Look…I’m the Job, you know? What the hell would I even do if not this?” he says.
You reach for his hand and lay a kiss over his knuckles. You know he thinks being a hunter is all he’s good for—all he’s equipped to do. You also know that he’s so much more than the Job. 
“Dean, you’re one of the smartest, most resourceful people I know. You can…restore cars, build cars,” you suggest. Your excitement grows as you brainstorm for him. You tap on his thigh.
“Oh! You could open up a bar. Call it the Roadhouse, after the one your friends had. Or hey, we could open up a bakery. We’ll sell pies and flan and whatever the hell else you want me to make.”
You say that last bit with a giggle. It earns his smile, but you know, looking into his eyes, that he’s not convinced. You grab his hand again with both of yours.
“Come on, Dean. Dream with me for a second,” you implore. “I know we could do this. We could…we could have a different life. A peaceful life. We could have a family.”
Dean sighs, glancing down at his hands. They’re calloused and scarred, and he has the memories to match.
Coming on 6/30…
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sos-gonetolake · 4 months
Finally watching Person of Interest, just on S1, before Root and Shaw even.
Finch x Reese... super sweet besties, and they just got a baby even.
Reese x Carter... Tension, love it.
Reese x Political Crisis Manager lady... love that for them.
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dearopheliaimsorry · 1 year
Person of Interest (Praise + Personal Stuff)
Follow me through fanfiction, reality, and my love of film real quick! I'll do my best to be concise.
I first learned about Person of Interest through Tumblr user and famous ao3 writer, astolat. I think I was reading some of their various fics from other fandoms and saw just how many fics they had written for this "Person of Interest" thing. So I started reading, doing my best to avoid spoilers (it didn't work) and fell in love with the characters. Or at least fandom interpretation of them hahaha
Anyway, time goes by. I watched Fanvids, a historical movie where Michael Emerson (Finch) acted his heart out, and refound my love for Taraji P. Henson (Carter). And eventually, I caved and watched the show.
It's great y'all. The writing is not always perfect, but I never expect perfection lol. Still, I have to acquiesce the show has its own goofy moments, but the actors eat it up every time. Especially Henson.
Good lord, that woman is in a league of her own. After her I'd say Emerson is the next best actor, but still. Henson is just amazing to watch. So if you want to see some Black Excellence, Black Woman Excellence at that, the show provides.
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It is such a good show, let me pitch real quick:
A Kooky paranoid billionaire hires an ex-military man scarred by the government running on trauma, guilt, and heavy artillery. The two have a boss/employee, partners, besties, married couple vibe going on. They work with two detectives, one that used to be dirty and another with a heart of gold. They have such fun interactions all on their own as well as with the other two men. Together they all stop crime bc the kooky paranoid man created a machine that spies on all of us all of the time. Because 9/11 was a tragedy (duh.) and the government wants to stop it from happening again. But the government is...well...the government.
No matter who you are, what political party you align with, or where you are, no one fully trusts the government. And the show plays off that heavily.
Also, there is a wonderfully sapphic relationship between two characters (Root and Shaw) but I'm on at the very beginning of season 2 so...idk how that even starts lol. But hey, I'm all for representation!
Also (no spoilers) but from what I've had spoiled, the ending is pretty sad for all parties.
Anywhoo it is a really cute show with some absolutely amazing and deep relationships. These characters got me clinging to the show far more than the plot and the plot is actually fire.
So watch it or don't idc, but here were my two cents! (And of course gifs for your troubles)
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lustaffairs · 8 months
Masterlist (across the multiverse)
dark!Steve x boss!reader
Cal (Bikeriders) x reader - DEAD DOVE
steady as she goes - Clement Mansell
Amos Jenkins x sex worker
Amos Jenkins x married reader
Donald Pierce x captive reader
Kaden, flight delay
Mo Lundy
Tynan (Beckett) blurb
Series / Parts of Series
The Raid: dark!Steve x reader x dark!Javi
Beach Walks: surf instructor!Billy
Raider Joel: Carter
Boydo Character Requests (closed rn) ✏️
Current characters
Billy (Skeleton Twins)
Clement (Justified: City Primeval)
Donald Pierce (Logan)
John McBride (the Cursed)
Kaden (2/1)
Mo Lundy (The Free World)
Steve Murphy (Narcos)
Ty Shaw (Vengeance)
Will write:
100-1k smutty ficlets. I wanna dip my feet here.
You can prompt w/ pic, gif, or basic scenario.
x f!reader, canon pairings, can try x gn
Will not currently do:
Plot (lmao sorry)
Domestic fluff
Non-sexual bodily functions
Kinks with rules to follow, like bdsm.
narcos - steve/connie nsfw vid
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