#cas and gabe are brothers
gabriels-golden-kazoo · 5 months
Cas doesn’t trust any animals that Gabriel was allowed to make or add to.
His reasoning? He doesn’t need one, there is no doubt in his mind that Gabriel’s brotherly torment will follow him around earth.
Thing is no one believes him, I mean why would they? So when they take him to the zoo they don’t really consider his concerns as, well, concerns.
“I don’t think an anteater can glare at you, I’m sure it’s just hungry.”
“Cas the porcupine wasn’t aiming for you.”
“I’m sure the platypus normally purrs and follows people as they walk past the enclosure.”
“I don’t think a parrot shouting feather brain at you repeatedly means anything, people probably call it that all the time.”
This kept happening until a giraffe straight up licks Cas’ head and not even Dean can give a reasonable explanation because it is odd that all the animals that Gabriel is constantly bragging about are terrorising Cas specifically.
Safe to say that Cas refuses to go to the zoo again and Gabriel finds it absolutely hilarious because he really didn’t have anything to do with it, and it’s probably just the fact Cas is an Angel, but obviously as a trickster he’s gonna take full credit for it.
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sasanka-27 · 10 months
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“Relax Cas, I’m the map.”
Quote and inspiration taken from movie the Mummy (1999)
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thebeautyofspn · 1 year
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5x08 Changing Channels
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 23 days
Sam and Dean & nephilim!reader, Cas & nephilim!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Gabriel messes around and ends up creating a nephilim, and Cas is tasked with keeping the kid safe.
A/N: guys I finally finished a request! Hopefully the next one won’t take me so long, you guys have been so patient as I start up college again.
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“I need you to do something for me.”
Gabriel’s appearance at the bunker a month after Angel radio went nuts over a nephilim’s creation was unexpected and unwanted, to say the least.
“From us?” Dean narrowed his eyes at the archangel. “Don’t tell me you’re the one who—“
“Not you, Winchesters. I’m talking to Castiel.”
Castiel looked up in surprise at this declaration.
“My help? And why would I—“
“The nephilim is mine. And she’s growing fast.”
“She?” Sam asked. Gabe offered him a half glance.
“Yes, she. I can feel it. And she’s going to be born any day now.”
“What does that have to do with me?” Castiel demanded.
“I can’t keep her safe,” Gabriel admitted after a moment’s hesitation, his features tightened. “If I get anywhere near her, there’s a line of enemies that will follow. I need her somewhere safe, and I can’t take her there.” Gabriel swallowed, glancing at the brothers before looking back at Castiel. “This is the safest place I could think of.” Before Dean could interrupt, Gabriel raised his voice and continued. “The warding will keep out most enemies, and it’s nearly undetectable to angels.”
“We can’t just house a nephilim!” Dean exclaimed. “Not happening. No way.”
“I have no other options, no one else to go to,” Gabriel pleaded. “She’s just a baby—“
“A baby with power,” Sam added. “And we don’t know how much power.”
“She’s innocent,” Gabriel added. “She’s just a baby, and she doesn’t deserve to get hunted down like this. There’s nowhere else she can go—it’s either the bunker, or she’s dead.”
This time, Gabriel’s argument was met with silence. Castiel was the first to break it.
“You want me to retrieve her, and bring her here.”
“It’s her only chance.” None of the boys had ever seen Gabriel look so humble—so vulnerable.
“I’ll do it.”
“No, Dean,” Cas interrupted him. “I have to do this.”
“Let us come with you,” Sam spoke up.
“Sam!” Dean turned to his brother, thunderstruck.
“No,” Cas said. “I should go alone, it’s safer.”
“You shouldn’t be going at all!” Dean insisted. “We don’t know what—“
“This being deserves a chance,” Cas interrupted. “And I’m going to give it to her.”
Gabriel left quickly to go into hiding, and Cas left soon after. The address Gabriel gave him was only a few hours away, but when Cas got there he arrived to a surprise.
The mother—Cas had no idea who she was—was already dead. Cas was just beginning to panic when he heard crying, and he rounded the bed to see you—a little toddler, crying on the floor at the foot of the bed.
“Hey, hey it’s alright,” Cas soothed as he wrapped a nearby blanket around your shivering, unclothed body. “Hey, you’re safe now.” He had no idea how or why you were already a toddler, but he figured it didn’t matter—as long as he could get you safe.
You stopped crying as soon as you were in Cas’s arms, your big Y/E/C eyes blinking up at the angel.
“You’re going to be alright little one,” Cas said. “I promise.”
Considering the dead woman on the bed not three feet away, Cas felt that his promise was less than convincing, but you relaxed completely into him, your little arms wrapping around his neck and holding on tight.
Cas carried you out to his car—he wasn’t so sure about angel transportation with a newborn nephilim, so human transportation was his choice—while keeping his eyes peeled for any interference, of which there was, thankfully, none.
“I suppose I should get you some food and some clothing,” Castiel said, mostly to himself, although if you spoke up he’d be grateful. You didn’t, though; you just blinked up at him with those big eyes, and Cas felt more lost than ever.
He knew enough about humans—and you were at least half human—to know that babies only drank milk, and as they got older they gained an affinity for solid foods. But you were somewhere between a newborn and a toddler. Would milk be enough to sustain you? Would you even understand how to eat solid foods? It was all confusing for an angel who already felt out of his depth.
Castiel stopped at the first store he came across, and he carried you with him—you were still wrapped in that blanket he had grabbed from your mother’s house—as he started to grab anything he thought he’d need to take care of you, including a lot he probably didn’t need. As soon as he’d paid for everything, he carried you into the family restroom so he could get you into the clothes he’d picked up, as you still seemed too young to be capable of dressing yourself.
“Alright,” Castiel said after you were dressed, looking at you long and hard for a moment before sighing in near-defeat. “I don’t know why your father picked me for this mission, Sam or Dean would be much better at—“ a crash from somewhere outside the restroom had Castiel whipping around, prepared for a threat. But the door remain closed, and whatever had made noise was now silent.
Castiel turned back around only when he felt a tug on his arm. He looked down to see you—but he didn’t have to look as far down as he expected. Cas blinked in surprise, taking in the sight of you, now maybe six inches taller and a few years older, the clothes on you stretched and far too small.
“What…” Cas breathed, unsure what to even ask.
You just tugged at his hand again, gripping it firmly in your shaking hands.
“I’m scared.” It was the first words Cas had heard you speak, and they snapped him back into focus.
“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. Now how did you get so big?”
You just blinked up at Cas, apparently unwilling to speak again.
“It’s ok,” Cas sighed. “It doesn’t matter, I just…let’s get you some bigger clothes and get you out of here.”
Cas led you out towards the clothing section, turning his back on you for just a second to find the right size. But once he turned around again, you were gone.
“Hey!” Cas realized just then that he didn’t know your name. He whirled around frantically, trying to catch sight of you between the racks of clothing. He rushed down aisle after aisle, freezing when he got to the third one and saw a girl that looked suspiciously like you, but was now three inches taller, being cornered by a large man whose eyes flashed black.
Cas didn’t speak, he just took four large strides, and as soon as the demon turned to look at him, he stretched out his hand and placed it against the demon’s forehead. There was a flash of light behind the demon’s eyes, and he dropped to the floor after only a second. You looked from the dead demon to Castiel in awe.
“Why do you keep getting bigger?” Castiel sighed, bending down slightly to look you in the eye.
“I wasn’t big enough to stop him.” Your voice came out in a quiet whimper—you were shaking in fear. “It was scary, so I wanted to get bigger, and…and then I just did.” Your big eyes were gonna be the death of Cas, he just knew it; especially when they were filled with tears like now. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Hey, no, it’s ok, it’s just…not many people can do that. Most people have to say the size they are until they grow.” You still looked concerned, so Cas waved it off. “It doesn’t matter, you didn’t do anything wrong. Now let’s get you into some bigger clothes and get you safe.”
At this point, you looked like a young teenager, so Castiel went to a different clothes section to find you something. You held his hand the whole way, which Cas was grateful for—he didn’t want to lose you again.
Cas picked up a size for you and sent you off to put it on, making sure he could see you entering and leaving the bathroom. While you were gone, he grabbed about three more sizes in case you spontaneously grew again.
“I’m ready,” you said as you returned to Castiel.
“Ok…” Cas stared at you for a moment. “Do…do you know your name?”
“My name…” you pondered the question for a long moment. “Yes, I…Y/N. I remember my mother calling me that…before I was born. She named me Y/N.”
Cas smiled.
“Ok then. Y/N it is.”
Once you were ready, Cas led you out to his car and the two of you were finally on your way again. The car went along in silence for several miles, but Cas could tell you were contemplating something, and after a while you finally got up the courage to speak.
“Are you my father?”
The question shouldn’t have surprised Cas, but he froze up the moment it left your mouth.
“I…no, I’m not,” he said finally. “Your father’s name is Gabriel. He wanted to be here, really, but it was too dangerous. He…let’s just say he has a lot of enemies.”
“Is that why my mother is dead?” Your voice was more subdued this time, and the question again froze Castiel.
“No, little one,” Cas began hesitantly. How could he tell you that your mother died giving birth to you? “Your mother, she…she chose to save you, rather than herself.”
“Save me?” You prodded. “Is it because I…I can do things, like grow?”
“Kind of.” Castiel ran a hand over his face, willing the car ride to end. “Your father is an archangel, and that makes you a nephilim. But your mother, she was just a human. She…she couldn’t bring you into this world and survive, her body wasn’t strong enough.”
Your silence was starting to scare Cas more than your questions.
“So…so I killed my mom?” It was with tears in your eyes that you finally spoke again.
“No,” Castiel insisted. “No, you did not choose any of this, this isn’t your fault. Your mother and father made their choices, you’re just the result of them. But your mother’s death is not on you.”
“It still feels like it is,” you mumbled. “How…how do I miss someone I’ve never met?” You blinked up at Cas, and he swore he’d never felt more out of his depth.
“Look, I…I know that you don’t have your parents here right now, but I’m going to look after you. I’m going to take you to a safe place, and I promise that you’re going to be alright.”
“Why are you helping me?” You asked. Cas barely had to think about the answer to this.
“Because I believe that you deserve a chance, the same as anyone else. You’ve got powers, little one. Powers that might scare some people. But I think that you’re good, and I’m not scared of you just because of your strength.”
“What if I’m not good?” Your gaze faltered, falling away from Cas’s. “What if you should be scared of me?”
“Good isn’t something that you’re born as,” Cas said. “It’s something you choose. You can choose good, if you want to.”
“I do,” you insisted. “I just…I don’t think I know how.”
A hint of a smile crossed Cas’s lips.
“Well I can try to teach you. And my friends, they will too.”
The rest of the ride to the bunker passed uneventfully, but Cas began to get nervous the closer he got to the bunker. He was all but forcing this nephilim onto Sam and Dean, so how would they react when he arrived? Would they be scared of you, or force Cas to leave? Would they not want to put themselves in danger to help some non-human?
It didn’t seem like the Sam and Dean that Cas knew, but then again they’d never been presented with a nephilim before.
“Your friends.” Your words startled Cas out of his thoughts. “Are they…like you?”
“You mean angels?” Cas had explained who he was to you. “No, no they’re human. But they like to help people. I believe they’ll help you.” Cas had to believe it—he had to.
“You’re back.” Dean’s greeting seemed less then happy as he stared Cas down. “Where’s the—“
Dean‘s gaze whipped around from Cas to you as you stepped up beside Cas.
“What the—I thought she was just born.” Dean looked back at Cas, questions swimming behind his eyes.
“She was, she uh…she grew up fast,” Cas offered lamely.
“Why?” Sam spoke up for the first time, eying you nervously, but he didn’t look as threatening as Dean.
“I got scared,” you said. “So I had to grow up fast.”
“What’s your name?” Sam asked before Dean could say anything else.
“I’m Y/N.” Sam noticed the way you were almost hiding behind Cas. He couldn’t tell if you were scared of him, or just shy, but either way he tried to make himself look as non threatening as possible.
“Well, I’m Sam and this is my brother, Dean. C’mon down here and we can show you where to sleep.” Sam pointedly ignored Dean’s glare. “Do you need anything to eat?”
“No, I’m not hungry,” you decided after a moment of pondering.
“Good, now you can explain to us what kind of powers you have and how you plan to use them,” Dean cut in, ignoring the glares from Sam and Cas.
“I…” the question froze you, and Cas jumped in.
“Dean, it’s been a long day. Just let her get some sleep.”
“Oh, sure, and while she’s sleeping, every demon and angel on earth is pulling out all the stops to get to her! I mean she could be working with any of them!”
“Why would she work with them?” Sam demanded. “They want her dead.”
“Yeah, or they want to use her powers! She could’ve cut a deal with them.”
“Dean, she’s just a kid,” Cas interjected.
“Yeah, a kid who was a baby a couple hours ago. She’s not normal, she’s a freak! Who knows what else she’ll do?”
“Dean, calm down—“ Sam’s attempt at keeping the peace just made Dean angrier.
“Calm down?! We have a nephilim in our house, and we don’t know what it can do!”
“She’s not an i-“ Cas’s interruption went completely unnoticed by Dean.
“And we don’t know what side it’s on! Gabriel was always switching sides, what makes you think this kid is gonna be any different?”
“Dean, she doesn’t even know Gabriel,” Cas argued.
“But he’s still the father. She could still—“
“Stop it!” Your outburst froze all three men, and it took you a prolonged minute to realize why; they couldn’t move. By just your word, you’d rendered them incapable of doing anything but stare at you—Sam and Cas in amazement, Dean in anger. “I didn’t…” your gaze focused on Cas, almost pleading with him to help you. “I-I didn’t mean to. I didn’t—I don’t know how to stop it.” You stared down at your hands, and then back up. “I didn’t mean it! Let them go!”
The three men moved simultaneously as their joints relaxed and their legs moved. Dean took a half step back from you, Sam stayed where he was, and Cas came up to stand in front of you.
“It’s ok,” he whispered as you started to shake. “I know you didn’t mean to, it’s ok.”
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “I don’t think I can control this.”
Cas knelt down, his blue eyes locking onto yours.
“I know you can. I’m going to help you.”
“Me too.” You hadn’t noticed Sam approaching you until his hand was on your shoulder. “I know a little bit about self control.”
Dean lingered in the corner, wariness etched onto his features, but the anger was somewhat dissipated.
“Come with me,” Sam continued—he was still ignoring Dean’s glares. “I’ll get you settled in.”
You let Sam lead you down a hallway. You could hear Dean start to yell at Castiel the moment you left the room, and Cas was yelling right back.
“Uh, this room is empty,” Sam said, stopping in front of a door. “So you can use it.”
“Ok,” you mumbled, standing in front of the door and rocking back and forth on your heels. “I’m sorry for being so much trouble,” you added, your head ducked low.
“Your dad has helped us out before,” Sam said. “So I’m glad you’re here—I want to help you.”
“Dean said my dad did bad stuff, too,” you said.
“Yeah, he…is a complicated man.” Sam shook his head, a wry smile on his face. “Well, anyway…” Sam opened up the door to your room, stepping back so you could go inside. You took a hesitant step inside before turning around and looking up at Sam, as if worried he was going to leave.
“What should I do if the demons or angels come inside?” You asked, your voice tight and high pitched.
“Hey.” Sam put a comforting hand on your shoulder. “You don’t have to worry about that, trust me. They don’t know where this place is, and it’s warded. They can’t get to you, we won’t let them.”
Your features visibly relaxed.
“Ok.” You found yourself wrapping your arms around the kind man before you’d really made the decision to do it. “Thank you.”
He was stiff for a moment, but quickly he reciprocate the hug.
“You’re gonna be ok,” he promised.
The next week passed about as Cas had expected, although even he was surprised at how eager Sam was to help you. Sam hung around the bunker the entire week, getting you used to life on earth and everything you didn’t know.
Dean however, remained fairly hostile. But things weren’t as bad as they’d been the first day, and Cas was even starting to notice Dean warm up to you in little ways; making a little extra food at breakfast, letting you join him in the Dean cave when he was watching something—things like that.
You might have gotten too comfortable around Dean based on his attitude, because when Dean announced to the general area that he had found a hunt you spoke up—
“I’ll help!”
The trio of men looked over at you with varying degrees of surprise.
“Are you sure?” Cas asked.
“No!” Dean insisted. “You’re staying here, I’m not babysitting some kid on the hunt.”
“I don’t want you to babysit me,” you argued. “I want to help.”
“Sam, help me out here,” Dean demanded. When Sam seemed reluctant, Dean groaned, “oh come on!”
“Well, maybe she can help!” Sam offered. “Give her a chance.”
Dean glanced from Sam to Cas, hoping one of them would break. When they didn’t, he huffed in annoyance, but his shoulders slumped.
The long car ride was going surprisingly well. Dean’s music was your first introduction to the art, and your enthusiastic response instantly gained you brownie points with Dean.
Each and every song that came on elicited the same response from you—
“Is this the best one?”
And every time the brothers would respond at the same time, Dean with a “yes!” And Sam with a “no!” All in all, Cas couldn’t have asked for a better bonding experience.
“Alright,” Dean said after a while, turning the music down. “We’ll be there soon, so we need to talk this out. From all appearances, it’s a vampire—a nest, actually. Now as soon as we locate it, I want Sam and Cas to be ready with the dead man’s blood, and…” Dean seemed to be rethinking his plan for a moment, before he made up his mind… “and I want the kid with me.” Dean’s eyes met yours in the rearview mirror, and his voice was suddenly more firm. “You need to be careful, and you need to not be in the way. Do you understand me?”
You were trying to hide your excited smile as you replied.
“Yes sir.”
You didn’t help. Or stay out of the way. In fact, barring lost limbs or lives, the hunt couldn’t have gone much worse, and you knew it was your fault.
Your first sight of a vampire scared you so much, that some of your nephilim energy came from you without you planning on it, blasting several vamps—and unfortunately Dean—away from you. Unfortunately, that blast of power had you thinking that maybe you could take on the vamps magically. This tactic just meant that you got in Dean’s way, and your magic didn’t respond the way you wanted it to—it didn’t respond at all.
Because of this, nearly half the vampires got away, and the ones that didn’t went straight for the easy target; you.
You were on the floor with a vampire drinking from your neck before Dean was even able to start swinging. He took out the two vampires that went for him before he able to get to you. He pried the vampire away from your neck before taking care of it with a single swing.
“Are you crazy?!” You were gasping for breath, blood mingling with sweat and tears as you tried to calm down while Dean yelled at you. “I told you to be careful! I told you not to get in the way! You could’ve—“ Dean cut himself off with a huff, turning to look for any remaining vampires. “I’ve gotta go find the nest before they get to Cas and Sam. You stay here.” The look Dean gave you before he left ensured your complete obedience to his order.
You slumped down onto the floor, drained and desperate to calm down. How could you have screwed up so badly, and right when Dean was finally starting to trust you?
You were finally able to breathe normally again by the time Dean returned with Sam and Cas in tow.
“A few of them got away,” Dean grumbled. “But they’re long gone now, and without their nest I don’t think they’re coming back.
“Dean, I didn’t—“ you barely got a couple of words out before Dean cut you off.
“Don’t! No, I don’t want to hear it. You could’ve gotten killed, you could’ve gotten one of us killed!”
“Dean,” Sam interrupted. “Dean, we should go. She’s hurt, and so is Cas—he’s too weak to heal, we gotta regroup.”
Dean led the dejected group to the Impala, but as soon as the car was on the road the yelling started up again. Sam and Cas were too tired to stop Dean, so you curled up in your corner of the Impala and listened to Dean’s criticisms of all you had done wrong. Within minutes, the words seemed to blend into each other and all you could hear was the anger in his tone and the harsh beating of your heart. You could feel the adrenaline still pumping in your veins, but it only seemed to highlight your fear and the pain in your neck and the tears that were building behind your eyes. The toxic combination seemed to build up until it was all you could feel, and it felt like anything more would make you snap—
“I mean how could you be so stupid?!”
That was it.
“Stop it!” Dean looked taken aback at your outburst. “I know that I screwed it all up, and I’m sorry! I’m sorry that Cas got hurt, and I’m sorry that the vampires got away. But I can’t fix that now, and I’m freaking out and I’m bleeding and I don’t want to listen to you yell anymore! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’ll say it as much as you want to hear it, just stop yelling at me!”
It was a good thing that the Impala was nearing the bunker, otherwise the four of you would’ve suffocated on the silence in the car.
“Come with me,” Dean told you as you all stepped out of the car. Cas started forwards, but Dean waved him off. “Go fix that—“ he gestured at the wound on Cas’s side—it wasn’t deep, but it was long. “I’ve got her.”
Neither Cas nor Sam argued; they just went off to their own rooms to get cleaned off. You trailed behind Dean as if you were marching to your death sentence. He noticed this about halfway down the hallway.
“I’m not going to yell at you again,” he insisted. “So relax.”
The tension in your shoulders eased, but you still didn’t speak as Dean led you to his room and instructed you to sit on his bed while he disappeared into the bathroom. He returned a moment later with a first aid kit in hand, the anger on his face all but gone.
“Let me see it.”
You pulled your hair to the side so Dean could get at the bite marks on your neck. You weren’t sure why you couldn’t heal yourself the way Cas sometimes could—maybe you were just too scared to figure out your powers now—but Dean didn’t question it; he just got to fixing the problem.
“This is gonna sting,” he warned you as he soaked a cotton ball with alcohol before pressing it to your neck. You forced yourself not to hiss in pain, but you couldn’t hold back the way your face twitched and your shoulder flinched. Dean didn’t comment, though.
“I am sorry,” you mumbled as Dean quietly continued to clean your wound.
“I know,” he replied simply. “I don’t think I can trust you on hunts anymore, but I do get that you’re sorry. And maybe I went a little too hard on you, ok? So how ‘bout we just forgive each other and move on. Maybe…maybe start over.”
“Ok,” you said, your lips twitching into a smile. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
Despite himself, Dean chuckled.
“Don’t be a dork,” he insisted. But after a moment’s pause he continued— “I’m Dean. It’s nice to meet you too.”
And the two of you lapsed into a comfortable silence as Dean finished patching up your neck. His concerned features each time you hissed in pain, and his gentle touch so as not to hurt you, had you thinking one thing;
This is one heck of a second chance.
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe @wayward-impala83 @whump-loverz
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casupremacy · 3 months
i loovee every headcanon about gabriel being the one who raised castiel or the archangels being cas' big brothers because making them have regular family dynamics would be so funny like imagine this one time gabriel visited cas and saw him taking care of baby jack and just went
gabe: remember when you were this small *hands measuring to a size smaller than jack* you sneezed and burned lucifer's arms? i think he still holds it against you
or when cas was a young angel and had his first few rebellions, raphael had to come get him like
raphael: you come back this instance or i will have michael put you in time-out!
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Nouveau Novaks
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During a chance meeting Dean Winchester meets his soulmate in the form of the handsome veterinarian Castiel Novak at the cafe run by Cas’ brother Gabriel. Gabe has been trying for months to set the two men up but both were adamant that they were waiting to meet their soulmate. The soulmark on each of their wrists activate and become not only visible but begin to glow - a rare sign of true, unbreakable soulmates.
As the two men get to know one another better and meet each other’s family, it becomes clear that Dean’s manipulative and jealous brother Sam is less than thrilled at the pairing, thinking that he would be a better match for Castiel and the prestigious Novak family. Meanwhile, the Novaks welcome Dean with open arms and are willing to defend him and his relationship with Castiel.
How far will the Novaks have to go to put an end to Sam’s interference?
Will Dean finally get the family he deserves - one that sees and accepts him fully and appreciates all that he has sacrificed for others - and have his happily ever after at last.
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Gabriel, Naomi, Sam Winchester, Soulless Sam, Soulmates, Soulmarks, Engagement party, Michael, Lucifer, Ellen, Bobby, Claire, happy ending
Coming October 19, brought to you by @destielsoulmatebang, @ravenfuchs, and @reelnaturalfreak!
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quineayshalott · 1 month
hi, i'm desperately looking for a destiel fanfiction that i read a while ago
One night, Cas gets hit on in a bar and realizes, to his great surprise, that it's Dean, his former high school bully. He didn't recognize him because Cas has undergone plastic surgery.
In high school, Cas gets his first kiss from his crush, Dean Winchester and is on cloud nine. But the next day, the boy makes fun of him and pushes him away badly (John had seen the kissing scene and threatened Dean). Cas is desperate and (crying? drunk? suicidal? I don't remember), he is the victim of a very serious car accident which leaves him disfigured.
Cas' older brother Gabe takes revenge by telling Dean that Cas has died, while the young man is undergoing reconstructive surgery and rehabilitation and has disappeared from town. Dean does not recover from the news and feels extremely guilty for several years.
Dean hits on a young man in a bar whose eyes and hair remind him of Cas (spoiler alert, IT'S Cas). A relationship will develop between the two men and Dean will confess his sins to Cas, who reveals his identity to him. They will then work together to build a relationship of trust and forgiveness.
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spnsabrielbang · 2 months
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we sons of hell and heaven
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Author & Artist ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ @gay-destiel (AO3: Kyra_Maximoff) & @crossroads-consoul ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Rated ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Teen and Up Audiences ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Word count ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ 15,101 words (116.2 minute read) ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Warnings ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ No Major Warnings Apply ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Tags ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Implied/Referenced Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Hurt/Comfort, That's Not How Angel Grace Works, Angst, Gabriel Has Trauma (Supernatural), Gabriel Has PTSD (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Has Trauma From Lucifer's Cage, Dean and Cas Are Obviously In Love And Everyone But Them Knows It, Gabriel Has Golden Wings (Supernatural), lots of hugs, Michael And Raphael Are There. For. Like. One Flashback, Lucifer Snuck Into This ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Characters ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Sam Winchester, Gabriel, Team Free Will, Archangels Ensemble ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Relationships ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Gabriel / Sam Winchester, Castiel / Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Gabriel, Gabriel & Lucifer & Michael & Raphael
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Summary ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─
When Gabe escapes capture from a powerful coven of witches, his broken wings take him to Sam Winchester. Now Sam has to deal with an injured archangel, an untrusting brother, and somehow his trauma with Lucifer.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Excerpt ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ With a stuttering breath, Sam stumbles back. His heart leaps into his throat and the angel blade wavers in his hand. It’s… but it can’t be… “Gabe?”
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ [ FIC ] <-║-> [ ART ] ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─
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destieltaggedfic · 18 days
Hiii do you happen to have any fics where Cas is the rancher or farmer or cowboy, something along those lines.
Interestingly, when I did the farmer fics a few weeks ago I think I got rid of all the ones where Cas was the farmer rather than Dean.
Faithfully In Postcards – anglesandbluecats   Ao3
AU.  On a road trip between tours, musician Dean stops in a bar one night and does a set to fill in for a small act who couldn’t make it.  He also makes a new acquaintance in local farmer Cas.  After spending time together, Dean sends him postcards from all the places he visits on his road trip and once he’s back on tour takes the opportunity of a nearby concert to get in touch again because he couldn’t forget the man.
Word Count: 53k                              Non-Graphic Sex
Sunflowers – Speary   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Some months ago Cas had moved out of the bunker and has been living on a farm where he is no longer a burden to Dean.  All Dean really understood is that Cas was leaving.
Word Count: 3k                                 No Sex
Rodeo and Whiskey – grimmlin   Ao3
AU.  The Lawrence rodeo is Castiel’s last ride on the bulls.  But when he meets Dean at the bar after the event closes, he’s going to get another ride.
Word Count: 7k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
What Matters Most - Writer_Geekgirl   Ao3
AU.  Just as he’s ready to quit the family publishing business, Dean finds out that he inherited his grandfather’s farm.  He heads there realising that it will be a great place to hide from the fallout as he works out what he wants to do next with his life.  He wasn’t expecting his childhood friend to still be living next door or to have grown up so hot.
Word Count: 22k                              No Sex
Take A Slice Of My Apple Pie – Maetheheller   Ao3
AU.  Usually when he visits the farmer’s market, Dean deals with Gabe.  But today, its his brother in charge of the apple stall and they hit it off.
Word Count: 5k                                 No Sex
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onmyyan · 2 years
Hi omg I keep reading everything on Caspian like two times every couple of hours-
And I'm curious since Caspian seems to be big on family would he try to separate his darling from theirs? The slow ride of manipulation and stuff? Or would he understand darlings attachment to their family?
If he did understand it, how would he feel about the certain family members that just make darling uncomfortable? (Cause I feel like everyone has family that just makes them insecure or uncomfortable sometimes-)
Anyway it's just a curiosity but I'm also curious about Caspians family as well! I don't know he's just so interesting and a big softie to his darling, I find him so cute and wanna know more about him!
I hope you have a good day or night and make sure to try and stay hydrated!! <33
A/N: Thank you for the well wishes ur too cute for that omg I hope u are hydrated as well! This was such a cute request! (Edited 12/16/22)
T/W's: Yandere shenanigans, new players have entered the arena, cursing, murder is planned, one is heard over the phone but just a little, it's vague and only a line but bad family tw anyway
The Long Game.
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He has a list of folks he likes to guide you away from, he was far more observant than people assumed and that went tenfold for all things you. That being said him keeping your family at arm's length depends entirely on how they do and have treated you.
Maybe you tell him a story about how a certain family member made you cry, or how maybe things weren't the easiest growing up, you may say it in a lighthearted way but he can see it- there's this look on your face that just breaks his heart into a million pieces, so he does some digging, finds out everything he can, and debates with himself on how to best protect you, but we'll get back to that.
He had 7 people in the house including himself growing up in New York, he's the oldest brother of 5, and they're all only a year apart besides the last two. Because of all those responsibilities thrust upon him, he grew up in comfortable chaos. Their house wasn't the biggest but everyone had their own space, which you really had to have for yourself with that many people in one home in order to not go insane.
Gabe, the brother right below him was an inch shorter than Cas, the whooping 6'4 behemoth was nothing to laugh at, and yet-and no matter how much he loathed it, people were always comparing and contrasting him to the golden child of the Delmont family. He did everything he could to be different from his brother, even dying his hair blue and cutting it shorter didn't do much to help, despite the various attempts over the years, everyone still insisted they looked more alike than the twins, he'd made it an almost stubborn point to take up things he knew his brother disliked. Like how he took woodshop when Cas took culinary classes, he never took his frustration out on Cas though, in fact out of the four others, he's who's closest to Caspian. You could find him working on one of the many projects being tinkered on in the house's garage by him and his father any chance he could, unlike his older sibling he thrived in the family business, all sides of it.
Next in line was Richard but he made everyone call him Ricky, if anyone but their mother called him Richard he'd make em swallow their teeth. He was all work and no play, the middle-child syndrome he'd come down with early in life had made him a huge daddy's boy, a big overachiever, so much so he went to school just to learn how to better run the shop, eager to be given the wheel once his Father retired. Who speaking of, this asshole was the most like, easily the smartest son, usually the one the others went to for guidance. Although it came with the price of his berating them until he saw fit before he'd help, he spent all his time in his room, a true introvert, he was most in his element bossing people around.
Then came the twins, two honest-to-goodness menaces to society. Marcos and Manuel, the latter soon demanded to be called Manny,(he swears it's not to be like Ricky no way-) much to the annoyance of his older brother, he was the baby in every sense of the word, just as sensitive as the rest of the crybabies in his family, but with the same devil in him as the rest.
Marcos is the heartbreaker, his favorite pastime was fucking with people, seeing all the ways their faces would twist up when he'd inevitably break them. He used his bunny smile and fox-like eyes to lure people into these false notions of security, letting them think they stood a chance only to leave them burning before they could blink, he's got something special buried underneath all the fuckboy, if he ever finds someone patient enough to wait it out all that machismo cracks and crumbles like dry clay. The kinda kid who got in trouble just to get that extra attention from his parents, with siblings like his he felt he had to stand out and he'd do anything to get there. Even hang off his father's every word in the shop on Saturdays instead of raging with his twin in trouble, Manny.
Manny was a real sweetheart until he didn't get his way. It was scary how fast he could flip into someone else like his terrible two's never ended, and at the same time, he was the nicest kid in class every time, he knew the right things to say and do to get his way, and people almost fell over themselves to give him what he wanted. He found it cute, when he was younger it was harmless stuff, just getting some homework done by an adoring classmate or getting away with something naughty he'd done by blaming it on one of his brothers, he had most everyone wrapped around his finger, their Mother being the kind spirited woman she was, didn't really know how to deal with Manny's mean streak, thankfully over time, he mellowed out, at least he knew how to fool people better now-, he was probably the most dangerous of his siblings and he took a sick sort of pride in it. He's a ride-or-die in every sense of the word, once got himself expelled because his Twin had. Like most of his kin, once he loved he loved with his whole being, he just had a funny way of showing it.
Our sweet sweet boy Cas all but lived in the kitchen, this never sat well with his statue of a father, the certified hardass, and real "man's man" who had always sneered at the sight of Caspian cooking for the family. He never openly criticized, but he didn't need to, not with the glare Cas only ever saw him give unruly customers beating down his neck as he tried to ignore it, which brings us to the other reason he resented his passion for cooking, it meant Cas wasn't working down at the "Mechanics" shop with him and the rest of his family.
His great great great Grandfather had started the body shop decades ago with one rule, if they don't know they don't know which loosely translated to, 'No one talks about nothing that could get you killed.' By the time he was graduating High school he knew he didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps, something uncles, cousins, and the odd scumbag had done almost ceremonially, it was all but expected of the Delmont men, so naturally, his refusal to do so really pissed him off.
But he bit his tongue, he knew Ma would tan his hide if she caught wind of his foul attitude toward her golden child Caspian.
Despite his Father's sour look towards literally everything and everyone, he was a different person with his Mother.
She made him soft in a way that couldn't be believed unless witnessed and was absolutely the only reason he hadn't said a word about his clear distaste. He'd give her the moon if she asked so this is where he learns what love looks like, something that changes you, into something else entirely, for the better.
And as different as they all were, every man in his family had something in common, the way they loved.
Any and all yandere tendencies are not overlooked- but encouraged, it's the one place they don't argue. If one has a problem with a Darling someone is offering a solution.
This brings us back to the problem at hand, while Caspian was the oldest he wasn't too proud to say he was the smartest by default, that award went to his younger brother Ricky, so while you're slumbering away one night, blissfully unaware the horrors about to be committed, Caspian takes the chance to sit in his backyard amongst the garden you'd planted together.
"Wow, a phone call- are you dying?"
"No. Look I need your advice on something-"
"Hold on." The line went dead making the large man roll his eyes at the dramatic paranoia of his brother, seconds later a new blocked number lit up his screen. "If you're gonna' do this spy shit every time why not just call from the burner?" Caspian pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt not to get into another fight with his sibling. "You want my help or not asshole?" He could hear the familiar signs of the body shop muffled in the background, he was in his office great.
"Just- okay if you were in my shoes what's your move?" He goes on to explain the dilemma of whether or not to keep you from your family, how he really didn't want to give them the chance to hurt you again, and before he could finish his brother cut him off with a sigh.
"You've wasted six minutes of my day to ask about a problem you've already made up your mind about."
"The fuck is that suppos'ta mean Ricky?" He could see the shit-eating grin on his younger brother's face as he spoke in mock sympathy, "That oven cleaner finally melt your brain shithead? We both know you already decided what you're gonna do." He wouldn't give him time to respond,
"You just need my help. Need that push, for me to be the guy to suggest it so hey, I'll throw you a bone," Caspian let his eyes trail across the delicate plant life you'd painstakingly nurtured like the loving being you were, his thumb traced a bud before smiling to himself, the one thought he'd settled on was the need to protect you, and he would.
The only way he knew how.
"Dead sons of bitches can't hurt people we love now can they?"
"No, they cannot Ricky. You busy tonight?" A beat passed before his trained ears caught the sound of a scream tearing through the shouts of metal scraping and machinery being used, the sound came to an abrupt halt, and the tell-tale crack of bone echoed despite all the noise pollution.
"Lucky dog, Manny just cleared our schedule for you.."
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
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Pairing: Gabriel x Reader Word count: 1,881 Warnings: Character death, angst Request: @lovetusk gabe dies before reader can tell him she’s pregnant. uncles sam, dean, and cass visit often to tell the child stories of dad (gabe) and teach lore of creatures.
Read on AO3
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“No.” You shook your head. “You’re wrong.” Despite what you were saying, you felt that lump in your throat, the tears fighting their way out to betray your words. “He can’t be dead! He just can’t!” Looking into Sam’s face, the damn broke. You couldn’t hold back the pain. Sam had broke the news to you a few minutes ago that Gabriel had been killed.
He took you in his arms, your fists grabbing his shirt, that was now soaked with your tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, his hand cradling the back of your head gently. His eyes went up to Dean, who simply watched. His heart breaking for you. You’d been with Gabe since before they ever met him. You and him were perfect for each other.
You shook your head again. “No. H-he can’t!” Your voice was muffled in Sam’s chest. “How do we know it’s not one of his tricks? That he won’t show up in a few days?” You looked up to your friend with puffy red eyes.
Dean decided to come over, seeing the look on Sam’s face. “I’m sorry, he’s gone.” He said gently. Your eyes moved to gaze at him. His normally bright green eyes were dim with sorrow. “Lucifer stabbed him with an angel blade.” He swallowed. It was hard for him to say those words to you. Gabe had left you behind to help them, not wanting you in the room with all those Gods. And it cost him his life. The Winchesters had become like your brothers since you’d met them. They thought of you as their baby sister.
Your chest felt like it was caving in on itself, like it was being crushed. Sitting down, your put your head in your hands. Sam sat next to you, pulling you into his side. “He can’t be gone. He has to be here for the baby.” Your voice was quiet, so they weren’t even sure that they heard you right.
“Did you say baby?” Dean asked, wanting to clarify.
Looking up, you nodded. “Yeah. I found out this morning that I’m pregnant. I never got the chance to tell him.” That brought another round of sobbing on. Sam and Dean locked eyes, their hearts breaking even more.
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You shot up in bed, breathing heavy. Despite that night being nine years ago, it still felt like it was just yesterday. Every day you were reminded when you looked in your son’s eyes. His father’s honey-colored eyes. While you were pregnant, you’d stayed at the bunker. It was the safest place for you. After your son, Gabriel, was born, the guys helped you find an apartment not too far from them. This way they could check in with you, and you were able to get to safety if needed. No one knew who would come after you when news spread of him being born.
Wiping your cheeks, you slid out of bed. You’d moved into a house a year ago, one with four bedrooms. This way, the guys had one when they came to visit. Which was whenever they could. Cas was the most frequent visitor, as he didn’t  have to be near by. They would tell Gabriel, who they called by his middle name, Elliot, all about his father. They were his favorite bedtime stories, especially when Cas would tell him about his father in heaven. All those fantastic stories would light up those beautiful eyes, which was so bittersweet. Every night you prayed for him to return to you. It was all you ever prayed for. Dean had told you about God. About how he’s basically a ‘dead beat dad’, but you couldn’t stop. You’d pray until the day you died for the love of your life to come back.
As you sat at the island in the kitchen with your coffee, you glanced at the clock. It was five in the morning, so there was no use going back to bed. Gabriel had school that morning, so you would have to wake him up in an hour or so. Hearing footsteps down the stairs, you hurriedly wiped your eyes. “Can’t sleep?” You heard the gruff voice of Dean join you.
“No.” You whispered. “There’s fresh coffee made. Your have your creamer in the fridge.” Whenever they came, you made sure to have things they like stocked up. Hell, you had a chest freezer in the garage half full of frozen pies.
As he poured himself, he glanced at you, seeing the redness in your cheeks. “You dream about that night again?” He asked softly. You’d told him all about it one night while crying into his shirt. Ever since, he just knew. You nodded, holding on to the coffee mug with both hands and looking into it it. A tear slipped down your cheek. “I know it’s hard, looking into Elliot’s eyes every day and seeing Gabriel.” He sighed. “But, you’ve got to move on. You deserve it.” Dean wasn’t saying it to be mean, and you knew it. He wanted you happy.
You gave a half-hearted chuckle. “How the hell can anyone measure up to an archangel? And how do you tell someone that your son’s father is the Gabriel? An archangel. Meaning your son is half angel. A Nephilim. That’s not exactly a topic that most sane people have.” Glancing at him, he nodded. “And I can’t be with a hunter, Dean.” That was out of the question. He joined you at the table, both of you sitting in silence. It was oddly comforting. Just to know that you understood each other. “I’m gonna go take a shower. If he gets up, can you just make him a bowl of cereal?” You asked, putting your empty cup off to the side to have more later.
“Sure thing.” He gave you a small smile.
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The rest of the morning seemed to drag on and on. You showered, got Gabriel ready for school, and Dean brought him to school for you. Once he got back, he hung out in the garage, tuning up your car. His Impala sat in the drive way. Sam was on his way back from a ghost hunt that had come up a day after they showed up. They played rock, paper, scissors to see who went. You had rolled your eyes and said that it was like having three kids in the house.
You were wiping down the furniture in the living room when the doorbell rang. The only people that ever stopped by unannounced were the boys, and Sam was still six hours away. Setting down the rag and furniture polish, you blew the strand of hair from your face. You wiped your hands on your pants and moved to the door.
Opening it, you froze. “Hey, sugar. Miss me?” He smirked. You didn’t move, were barely breathing. “Y/N?” He asked.
“Hey, Y/N? When’s the last time you had your oil changed?” Dean asked from the kitchen. When you didn’t answer, he came to where you were, all covered in grease and oil. “Gabriel?” He stared, wide eyed. “You really did fake it, didn’t you?” He asked, angry. “It’s been nine years.” Dean snapped, stepping forward. All he could think about were the sleepless nights, the tears, and watching your heart break every day.
Turning, you put your hands on his chest and looked up at him. “Dean.” You warned. “I will deal with this.” He knew that tone. Glancing back to Gabriel, Dean saw how pissed he looked.
He nodded. “Fine. I’m gonna go back to the garage. Call me if you need me.” Dean kissed the top of your head before walking out.
You swallowed, turning to Gabriel. “You’re with Dean?” He asked, his voice dangerously low.
“Get in here, you ass.” You ordered him, not wanting your neighbors to see this. Once he was in and the door was closed, you punched him as hard as you could. “NINE YEARS!” You yelled. “You’ve been gone nine years, Gabriel.” He stared at you, surprised at how much power you had in your smaller frame. “You have no right to walk back in my life after nine years and question who I allow in my home!” You shoved him. Not hard enough to make him move, but you had so much anger at the moment. “And no, Gabriel. I’m not with Dean!” How the hell did you even begin to tell him how angry you were?
He was angry, too. “You think I stayed away on purpose? I DIED, Y/N.” He yelled back, that fire in his eyes. The one that you’d longed to see. “I don’t know how or why I’m back. I’ve been back two years. You know how hard it is to find someone with when you come back as a human?” That shocked you. He came back…human? “I followed every lead I could.” His was losing that anger, and it was turning to sorrow. “You disappeared without a word from the hunting world. There were only whispers of you. All anyone could tell me was to find Sam and Dean. Every time I caught wind of a hunt they were on, they were in the wind again.”
“So, how did you find me? And why didn’t you ask Cas?” You asked, your eyes watering.
He sighed. “I couldn’t find him, either. I don’t know why.” Gabriel told you, rubbing your cheek.
Your eyes locked with his again. “And…you’re human?” You whispered. He nodded. “I prayed, Gabriel. Every night. For you to come back.”
“And I’m back, and I get to spend the rest of my very human, very normal, very mortal life…with you.” He smiled, kissing you gently. You returned it, tears falling.
You pulled away and hugged him for a minute. “We have a lot to catch up on.” You told him.
Gabriel’s eyes shifted to the wall to your right. There were pictures of you, Gabriel, the boys, and Cas. From pictures of Christmas, his birthdays, his first trip to the fair, and candid shots. Your eyes followed his. Would he ask if he was Dean’s, too? You chewed your lip.
“His name…is Gabriel.” You said quietly. “Gabriel Elliot. He’s at school right now.” He looked at you questioningly. “I found out I was pregnant the day that you died.”
He moved to look at the pictures better. “I have a son?” His voice was sad. “Does he know who I am?”
You smiled. “He does. Cas tells him stories about your time in heaven. His eyes light up. Dean and Sam, well, they tell the fun trickster stories. Of course they edit them to make them child friendly. But, he knows exactly who you are. You’re his favorite bedtime story. By the time he could talk he’d ask for ‘Daddy bedtime stories’.” You hugged him from behind. “He’s going to be happy to see you, Gabriel.” You said, resting your forehead on his back as his fingers laced with yours.
“I think my father brought me back for you.” He whispered. “That’s the only thing I can think of.” Why God has answered your prayers, you didn’t know. Nor did you care. Gabriel was back.
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deancasbigbang · 1 year
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Title: Sunlight
Author: Desirae
Artist: tallula03
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Background Gabe/Kali Castiel/others (past) Dean/others (past)
Length: 22005
Warnings: N/A
Tags: Artist Castiel/Professor Dean Winchester, Endverse vibes, past childhood trauma, jealousy, strangers to friends to lovers, established relationship, recreational drug use, team switch, light angst, fluff&humor
Posting Date: November 7, 2023
Summary: Artist and woodworker Castiel Novak never believed in true love and commitment. Growing up in a religious cult run by his father had drummed romantic notions like that out of his head at a young age. It has been years since Castiel helped put his father away, and no one has has yet to challenge his jaded views of happily ever after. Until he meets the love of his life, music teacher Dean Winchester. And now Castiel is about to do something he never thought he would do. Propose. On a cozy evening at home, Castiel takes Dean on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. With the help of a special photo album with a surprise ring at the end, Castiel and Dean relive the story of how they went from strangers to best friends to lovers. 
Excerpt: Dean could smell the weed before he even got out of his car, and rolled his eyes. “Way to tell the neighbors exactly what you’re doing, Cas,” Dean muttered under his breath as he parked. He could see the narrowed eyes of Zachariah Adler as he pruned his roses, watching Dean as he pulled first his briefcase, then his guitar out of the car. Dean pasted on an overly bright smile, giving the sour-faced man a salute on his way up the door. Dean counted in his head. \One, two, Three\— ” You know, the whole neighborhood can smell that.” “It’s legal here, Mr. Adler,” Dean said, not even looking over his shoulder as he opened the front door of the house. Dean kicked the pair of slippers blocking his path out of the way sighing as he noticed his old AU hoodie had fallen off of the newel post where Castiel had no doubt thrown it after his morning run. Dean leaned his guitar case against the stairs, setting his briefcase on the bottom step so he could reach down, and grab the sweatshirt, draping it over the cap of the post. The house smelled like the pine-scented candle burning on the mantle and marijuana, and Dean was randomly hit with the image of Pepe Le Pew fumigating the forest. Dean shook his head; he was obviously tired. Or getting a contact high. Dean glanced to the right of the staircase, noting that the living room appeared empty; save the bowl resting on the coffee table, the glass pipe sitting on one of the coasters Cas’ had got him, that looked like little records. Rolling papers and a container Dean knew held some of Cas’ brother’s homegrown were on the couch cushion and the television was playing Cas’ Spotify, but the man himself was absent.  “Cas?” Dean called out, as he went through the main floor, to the kitchen humming along to “Tangerine.”  There he was.  Castiel stood over the stove, in a pair of worn-in jeans, and a Zeppelin shirt, hair mussed up appealingly. A joint was tucked over one ear, and he was barefoot. He looked like he’d just left a rock concert or was doing the walk of shame; either way, Cas looked amazing, and so far out of Dean’s league his stomach hurt.
DCBB 2023 Posting Schedule
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 3 months
It Takes A Village
Dean Winchester & daughter!reader
Included characters: Sam, Rowena, Gabriel, Crowley, and Cas
Synopsis: you’re turning nine, and the whole gang has rolled up to celebrate
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, it’s super short
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When Dean went to visit Lisa on Ben’s birthday, there were a lot of things he didn’t expect to happen. First of all, he didn’t expect she’d have a son. Second, he certainly didn’t expect that son to (quite possibly) be his. And third, he definitely didn’t expect to make another child. But that’s what happened, and here he is nine years later with a little girl that’s growing up way too fast.
“When did you get so big?” Dean surprises himself by speaking out loud what he’d been thinking. You turn in surprise, your brow arching.
“Dad? You’re not gonna get all weird on me, are you?”
Dean rolls his eyes, trying to wave off his moment of nostalgia.
“What? No, of course not. No, it’s just…I mean, it feels like you were turning one yesterday and now you’re—“
“Oh for heavens’ sake, Dean, leave the girl alone. She’s turning nine, not ninety.” The Scottish accent proceeded the red head of a certain witch as she entered the bunker.
“Auntie Row!” You yell, running to the witch and hugging her despite her protests that you would “wrinkle her outfit”.
“Yes yes, hello sweet thing,” Rowena greeted. “Happy Birthday.”
“Did someone have a birthday today?” Several eyes rolled at the introduction of a certain archangel. “Oh, that’s right, my favorite Winchester!”
“Uncle Gabe!” You greeted the archangel just as eagerly as you had the witch, only Gabriel returned your hug without complaint.
“Hey, gummy bear! You having a good birthday?” At your eager nod, he continued, “Well, it’s going to be even better now, because the real party is here!”
“Is that what you’re calling yourself now?” Castiel scoffed as he entered the room bearing an armload of presents. “And since when did I become the gift-bearer?”
“Since none of us wanted to carry in our things,” Rowena stated. “So thank you for volunteering.”
Cas grumbled something about not volunteering, and you giggled.
“Thanks, Uncle Cas!” You said.
“Now now, he’s not the only one helping out here. I mean, what’s a party without the cake?”
“Uncle Crowley!” Sam took the cake from Crowley’s hands just in time for you to slam into him. Crowley staggered for a moment before hugging you back, trying not to look too pleased at your warm greeting—he had a reputation to keep, after all.
“Hello, little demon,” Crowley greeted, and for once Dean bit his tongue—he’d already told Crowley a million times not to call his daughter a demon, but he didn’t want to start a fight on your birthday. “You didn’t start the party without me, did you?”
“Of course not,” you assured him. “Can we have cake now?”
“Cake before presents?” Rowena asked. “Now sweet thing, don’t you want to see what you’ve got?”
“Hey, if she wants cake it’s fine by me,” Dean spoke up, eyeing the mountain of frosting in front of him.
One wave of Crowley’s hand had the lights out, and a wave of Rowena’s had the candles on your cake lit.
As Dean sang, he looked around at the strange group singing with him. Somehow along the way, he had found coparents in his brother, an archangel, the king of hell, a fallen angel, and a witch.
It was an unusual crew to be sure, but he knew that everyone around him would do anything to protect his baby girl.
He could think of a million safer worlds for you to grow up in, but he knew that you wouldn’t pick a single one over this family.
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee
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mercedesdecorazon · 3 months
Meet my Immortal Desires MC!
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Mary Lawrence
-Choices Book: Immortal Desires
-Love Interests: Cas Harlow / Gabe Adalhard
Basic Info:
-Full Name: Mary Antoinette Lawrence
-Gender: Female (She/Her)
-Age: 19
-Height: 5"8'
-Species: Vampire(?)
-Birthday: May 5th 1999 (A Taurus ♉️)
-Sexuality: "I like pretty people?"
-Personality type: "I think I'm a cinnamon roll." (She's not)
-Ethnicity: Afro-Haitian and Afro-Trinidadian
-Family: Terri Lawrence (mother)
Unknown father (for now)
Dinah DuBois (grandmother)
Thomas Lawrence (grandfather)
Mary is confident and self-assured. She doesn't take ish from anybody so if you try her, she will snap you back in place. Even when the vampires are constantly after her and her mother, Mary never backed down. She also has a sensitive, caring and compassionate side, only showing that side to her loved ones. Mary would fight for her loved ones and has no problem showing her loyalty to them.
Some Facts:
-She was born in New Orleans, to her mother Terri who was of Trinidadian and Haitian descent. Her grandmother Dinah was Haitian while her grandfather was Trinidadian. She is autistic.
-She did pageants as a child, with her grandmother as her coach. She did this until she was 15. She decided to quit and just focus on modeling.
-Before moving to Crimson Beech, she did some modeling for teen magazines back in New Orleans. She took a hiatus from modeling to finish high school.
-She spent most of her childhood with her grandparents because her mother was busy getting her medical degree. That's why Terri is often all up in Mary's business all the time - make up for her absence.
-She wasn't too happy with moving to Crimson Beech as she didn't want to live so far away from her grandparents. The vampire situation made it all the more infuriating.
-She was the 'queen bee' back in her old high school. She wasn't mean unless you tried her.
-She still calls her grandparents often, to make sure they're okay.
-Her favorite animal is the black widow spider 🕷
Her grandparents: She is very close to them both.
Her mother Terri:
She and her mother have their ups and downs and Mary feels trapped as her mother wants her to stay a child. Because Terri was building up her career for most of Mary's younger years, there is a disconnect between them as Terri is trying to play catch up. But Mary is an adult now so Terri has to accept that. Despite that, the mother-daughter duo love each other to bits and would fight and kill for one another.
Gabe Adalhard:
Gabriel is one of Mary's love interests.
At the beginning, Gabriel has an obvious crush on Mary. Mary didn't necessarily return that crush at that time (as she was aware of Libby's crush on him) but is flattered. She is attracted to him still and doesn't reject his advances.
She is sympathetic to his trauma with his family's deaths and would comfort him when he got sad.
She was shocked and hurt that he lied to her about being human and didn't talk to him for a bit. After spending time with his vampire friends, the two make up.
Cas Harlow:
Cas is Mary's second love interest.
She and Cas got off at the wrong foot as Cas tried to kill her when she first moved to Crimson Beech. Since then, Mary has never liked him for the first part of the story, making snarky remarks at him and him matching her sass. It's until Cas saved her from a feral Gabriel is when she starts to warm up. Him as well.
She doesn't know what to think of Cas most of the time as he looks down on humans. But after being on the run from the covens, she does see his tender side.
Seth is one of the Venandis and Cas' mentee. Mary has a soft spot for Seth and thinks of him as a younger brother. She and her mother Terri have pretty much adopted him at this point. Seth is the only Venandi vampire Mary is close to, besides Cas. With Val, Margo and Scott, Mary is merely acquainted with them as she dislikes them for being rude to her, for trying to kill her several times and for accusing Cas of being traitor back in Book 1.
Nicole is Mary's vampire homegirl and confidant. After being turned, Mary grows close to Nicole.
(That's all I can say for now)
Mary is acquainted with Libby but Libby thinks they're friends for some reason, even when they liked the same guy (Gabriel).
Current events in Mary's life:
At the end of Book 1, Mary is turned into a vampire but something strange is going with her vampirism....
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations
That's it! For now...
Edit: Thank you to @aria-ashryver for doing this edit of Mary.
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This is how I imagine her!
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charliesshitposts · 2 years
[Cas and Gabe going back to the bunker after a day out]
Cas: Well that was embarrassing. I’m never doing anything with you ever again.
Gabe: It wasn’t that bad don’t get your wings in a twist.
Dean: [Hears them arguing and comes in] What’re you both arguing about?
Cas: The so called “cas and gabe day’ that my brother planned out was a bust.
Dean: Oh? How come?
Gabe: I had a lovely day planned out including a dinner at a 5 star restaurant and—
Cas: Let me just stop you right there. This so called “5 star restaurant” wasn’t a restaurant. He took me to Chuck E. Cheese to help him win points so he could get an electric guitar worth 500,000 points. While we got the points someone else did too and they claimed the prize before we did. Then I had to stand there whike Gabe had a shouting match with a 7 year old that resulted in BOTH OF US getting banned by Chuck E. Cheese. I’m almost positive the mascot gave us the finger as we left.
Gabe: surely there’s a statute of limitations over shit like this cassie!
Cas:They took our pictures and thumb prints and put them both on their wall of shame behind the ticket booth
Dean:Aw babe I’m sorry and I’ll be sure to console you in a little bit but more importantly [turns to Gabe ] you shouted at a 7 year old?
Gabe: He provoked me!
Cas: You told him to jump up his own ass and die and his mom hit you over the head with her purse.
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
Supernatural Masterpost
Main Masterpost
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one shots
A Brother Like No Other (Sam x Dean) - Sam sometimes forgets that he’s not the older brother.
Toast (Sam x Dean x Castiel) - Castiel makes toast for the first time.
My Humans (Sam x Dean x Castiel) - Dean sticks post-it notes to his brother’s back, and Cas is one confused angel.
Louder Than Thunder (John x reader) - John helps you overcome your fear of thunder.
Sunset (John x reader) - You and John have a picnic and watch the sun set.
Tears (John x reader) - You talk to your dad before he leaves to go on a hunt.
A Father’s Love (John x reader) - “No man in this world can love a girl more than her father.” You learn this after having a pretty horrible argument with Dean.
Ladybird (Gabriel x reader) - Gabriel. A brother, a protector, a survivor. And most importantly, your best friend.
Into Battle (Gabriel x reader) - You’re about to enter the biggest battle you’ll ever face. A snowball fight.
A Light in the Dark (Dean x Crowley x reader) - Part of being an older brother means chasing away the nightmares. That’s what Sam and Dean’s been doing since you were a little girl. Now, it’s Crowley’s turn.
All That Matters (Sam x Dean x reader) - You lose against Dean in a wrestling match. What could get worse than that?
Get Some Sleep (Castiel x reader) - When you refuse to go to sleep, it takes a certain angel to remind you who’s the boss.
To Annoy an Angel (Castiel x reader) - There’s no better way to pass the time than annoying Cas. Cas, on the other hand, has a different opinion on the matter.
Fade Into You (Castiel x reader) - Sometimes, you just need a hug, and Cas is all too happy to oblige.
Bring Him Back (Gabriel x reader) - Gabe was here, but he wasn’t… here. Not your Gabe, anyway. But don’t worry, you’d bring him back.
Hey Brother (Dean x reader) - You were meant to be home six hours ago. Dean’s not happy. At all. Or: Even when you’re alone, your brother is always there.
Living (Sam x Dean x Castiel x reader) - Cas walks in on you and Dean sliding along the hallway in socks. It’s all fun and games until someone breaks their ankle.
Nobody Knew (Lucifer x reader) - People forget that the Devil was once an Angel.
Gimme a Kiss (Crowley x reader) - Crowley wants a good night kiss, and he’s not letting you leave without one.
I’ve Got You (Crowley x reader) - You’re injured, and the first person you go to is Crowley.
About a Dog (Sam x Dean x Castiel x reader) - Even dead, Gabriel still finds ways to make you happy.
Learning to Love (Sam x Dean x Castiel x Jack x reader) - A nephilim asks an angel for dating advice. What could go wrong?
Archangels and Austerity (Gabriel x reader) - After Jack asks you out on a date, Gabriel turns up… and he’s not happy.
Toro (Dean x reader) - He looked like a bull about to charge. And what do you do when you’re faced with a bull? You run.
A Memory (John x reader) - Jack has disappeared, you haven’t heard from Cas in a while, and you’re starting to miss how things used to be.
Taken (Sam x Dean x Castiel x Jack x reader) - The blood of a virgin is needed in many a spell, and Sam and Dean have become accustomed to turning to you. However, after one particular night, they’re about to find out they’re going to have to turn to someone else from now on. And it can’t be Jack.
Real (Dean x reader) - While Michael’s possessing Dean, he says things to you that make you think.
Soldier (Gabriel x reader) - Gabriel finds out you’ve been keeping something from him, and he’s not impressed.
Locked In (Sam x Dean x Castiel x reader) - Jack’s locked in the box, and you’re only just finding out.
A Little Unsteady (Jared Padalecki x reader) - You have to get a cavity filled, and it’s your first one. Naturally, you’re quite nervous, and who better to help calm those nerves than Jared Padalecki?
John x reader (“I was just worried.”)
John x reader (“You can’t give up something you haven’t even started.”)
John x reader (“Remind me never to play this damn game with you again!”)
Dean x John x reader (“Are you really reading right now?”)
John x OC (“I shouldn’t have to tell you how dangerous that was!”)
John x OC (“You did this to get my attention and now you fully have it. Let’s hear it.”)
Gabriel x reader (“I don’t care when you go to bed, but do you have to wake me up in the middle of the night with your loud music?”)
Chuck x reader (“You forgot to say the Magic Words.”)
Sam x Dean x reader (“What are you running from?”)
Dean x reader (“Give them back.”)
Chuck x reader (“Don’t make me come get you.”)
Sam x reader (“You don’t scare me.”)
Gabriel x reader (“Move over!”)
Dean x Ben x reader (“Seriously, have you seen how old he’s gotten?”)
Castiel x reader (“That’s against the rules.”)
Crowley x reader (“When am I going to join your little game? Hm. Never.”)
Bobby x reader (“Could you stop throwin’ that damn ball against the house?”)
Gabriel x Chuck x reader (“Wanna build a tree fort?”)
Dean x reader (“Sorry, I can’t help you.”)
Dean x reader (“How long will this take?”)
Castiel x reader (“Oh? You want me to tickle you that bad?”)
Gabriel x Chuck x reader (“Now, let me watch the freaking movie in peace!”)
Dean x Sam (“You’re okay, Sammy.”)
Dean x reader (“I love you.”)
Dean x reader (”Don’t tell Sam?”)
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