#casa werewolf series
princessbatears · 2 years
Papá Noel
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x Werewolf Single Mom f!Reader Summary: Javi appoints Astrid his little helper elf on Christmas Eve Warnings: secular Christmas themes (i.e. gift giving, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, etc.), mild sexual content, language, mention of alcohol, feelings of inadequacy, mention of spousal/parent death Words: 3k A/N: This takes place during the time skip in Casa Werewolf Chapter 9
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“There’s so much snow!” Bo yells for the dozenth time from the backseat of the car as Javi drives up the winding road.
“At least a meter, right, Mama?” Tallulah guesses.
You smile. “I’m not sure there’s quite that much, but there might be soon if it keeps snowing like this.”
“How much longer?” Astrid asks, whole face smushed against the glass of the window, her breath fogging it up.
“We’re almost there,” Javi promises. “You should be able to see the house soon.”
This is his first Christmas with you and your triplets and he couldn’t be more excited. He’s brought you all to his Swiss chalet for the school break. It’s quiet and private, the perfect place for a werewolf-filled holiday that your family deserves.
“Do you remember seeing snow before?” you ask, turning around in your seat to look at the kids.
Astrid ponders. “Maybe.”
Bo shakes his head. “Just from the pictures.”
“Mama’s got pictures of us when we were really little in the snow,” Tallulah informs Javi. “It was before Daddy died.”
He smiles at her in the rearview mirror. “Those are very special pictures.”
“We’ll show you when we get back home.”
“Are we gonna take new pictures?” Astrid pipes up hopefully.
You smile, reaching back to stroke her hair. “Of course, as many as you want.”
“Is this the kinda snow you raced in as a puppy?” Bo asks.
Your smile grows childlike and mischievous. “Yep! Powdery, so you’ve got some traction.” Then, you turn to Javi. “When I was a pup, me and my siblings would spend hours racing each other in the snow. The deeper, the better, because it forced you to get creative. My tactic was digging tunnels so I could keep plowing ahead instead of using all the energy bouncing up and down.”
He laughs, loving the idea of you as a little kid and puppy. “I bet you beat them.”
“I did!”
A moment later, Javi turns a bend and the chalet comes into view: a cozy two-story house made of spruce with the classic gently sloping roof and lots of windows. “There it is, niños!”
There is a mad dash to get inside, mainly because you insist that the children help unload the car before they’re allowed to play.
“Your room is on the left,” Javi calls as they practically run each other over in their haste to get upstairs. When he’d known you were coming, he’d had a triple bunkbed put in the larger room.
“I want the top!” Bo’s claim travels down the staircase.
“No, me!” Tallulah argues.
Meanwhile, you’re staring in delight at the big, open room, bedecked for Christmas. In one corner, a tall tree glitters with twinkling lights, glass ornaments, and tinsel. Garland drapes over the fireplace mantle and large, knitted stockings hang below it, one for each one of you.
An advent calendar hangs on one wall, marking the day as December 24. Juniper and berry sprigs fill vases. A cheerful American-style Santa figurine sits on the top of a bookshelf with his reindeer.
“What do you think?” he asks.
“It’s gorgeous! The house, the decorations. Perfect.”
From upstairs, Tallulah yells, “I got there first!”
You grimace at Javi. “You might regret spending the whole week with us all alone here.”
“Never! I promise, any chaos and drama that those three bring can’t compare to my own family. If I was at my mama’s, I would be refereeing my great-aunts arguing over whose dentures are more uncomfortable. I promised this is preferable to that.”
You let out a snort-giggle of disbelief. “That does not happen.”
“It does! See this.” He points at a small scar on his left forearm. “Tía Carmen bit me with hers when she thought I’d sided with Tía Paulina. Vicious.”
Laughing, you bend to kiss the spot. “Poor baby,” you coo mockingly. Then, you shake your head. “I can’t believe we’re here, in Switzerland, for Christmas, on vacation!”
He chuckles, pulling you close to him. “How long has it been since you had a vacation?”
“God,” you ponder. “Not since Ivan and I first got married. We didn’t have enough money once we had the babies. Not to mention, it’s very hard to take a vacation with three unreliable werewolf pups. By the time they were more in control of their shifts, he’d passed.
Javi’s more determined than ever to make this an amazing rest for you. “You are long past due. For the next week, all you need to do is eat, sleep, sled, and play.”
You give him a kiss that ends with a gentle nip on his bottom lip that immediately makes him weak in the knees. “I can’t wait to play with you later,” you whisper.
He can only manage to mumble something incoherent, using all his willpower not to whisk you up to the big, plush bed that’s waiting.
A stampede behind him returns him to his senses. Three fluffy werewolf pups charge down the stairs, paws too large for their bodies slipping and sliding on the polished wood.
“You are not to go outside the fence,” you say firmly. “And as soon as it starts to get dark, your little butts need to be inside. If you smell anything larger than a rabbit, come back immediately. Understand?”
They bark their acknowledgement before scrambling for the back door. You cross to unlock and open it. They dive headfirst into the drifts of snow, disappearing completely.
He laughs as their heads pop up and down as they hop along towards the vast expanse of mountain yard.
“Ah, some peace and quiet,” you sigh happily. “They’ll probably be out there until supper.”
Javi kisses you again. “I’m going to light a fire and make us something warm to drink. You just relax.”
For the next hour, you and Javi cuddle on a nest of furs in front of the fire, drinking hot mulled cider and watching one of his favorite Spanish Christmas movies.
At one point, he glances down at you and finds that you’ve fallen asleep. He smiles, cocooning you in the furs. It’s not lost on him how much you trust him that you’re able to fall asleep while your children are playing outside and you’re in a new place.
It’s also an excellent opportunity to sort through the Christmas presents he brought.
Although Javi grew up on the Spanish tradition of the Three Kings bringing gifts in early January, he wants to honor your cultural tradition of Christmas Eve gifts.
After carefully disentangling from you, he heads upstairs with two suitcases full of presents to your room. There, he unzips the tops to double-check everything is there.
The question is, should he put them under the tree now or wait until right before midnight, when he’ll be rousing everyone to open them? Will their allure excite or torture the kids?
“What are you doing?” Astrid’s little voice startles him and he spins around, seeing her bundled in the plush robes he left by the backdoor for when the pups returned.
Then, she gasps, eyes growing huge, when spots the gifts. “Christmas presents!” She rushes over to the bed and bounces up and down. “There are so many! Can we open them?”
Definitely would be better to wait to put them out if she’s already wanting to open them.
Smiling coyly, he says, “I’m just holding onto these for Papá Noel.”
Astrid rolls her eyes. “Santa doesn’t exist.”
Javi slaps a hand against his chest, scandalized. “How could you say such a thing?”
“I’m eight,” she says like he’s the world’s biggest dumbass. He’d have expected such a response from Tallulah, who sees herself as a mini adult, but it makes him a little sad that even Astrid doesn’t believe in the mythical man.
Wait… if werewolves are real, does that mean Santa Claus might be real?
He’s distracted by her shaking more presents. “Stop using your wolf ears to try to guess.”
Then, it suddenly occurs to him that he didn’t hear her come inside. The house is too silent for Tallulah and Bo to be in it, so she must be alone.
“Where are your brother and sister?”
Her face falls. “Out racing. I got tired. And I couldn’t ever win. I’m not fast enough. I hate being the littlest!”
He crouches in front of her, pulling her into a hug. “That’s hard. But, you know what? You’re the sneakiest. I didn’t even hear you come in. And you didn’t wake your mama up. There’s no way the other two would be that quiet.”
Astrid perks up. “Yeah! I’m way sneakier than they are. They always gotta yell or crash into stuff. Not me.” She stands on her tiptoes, silently scuttling across the wood floor with a positively wicked smile on her face that makes him laugh.
It also gives him an idea. “Let’s just say Santa exists. Doesn’t he usually have a helper? A little elf?”
She shrugs. “Yeah, I guess.
“It’s an awful lot for him to have to come all the way up this mountain, so I’ve offered to put out the presents and save him the trip. Since you’re so good at being quiet, you’d be the perfect elf to assist me.”
Puffing up with pride, she beams. “I can help!”
He grins. “Okay, so we’re going to keep it a secret from Bo and Lulls. You’ll all go to bed when Mama says and then I’ll wake you up and we’ll sneak everything downstairs. How’s that sound?”
Astrid nods vehemently, practically vibrating with excitement at her new responsibility.
She clamors onto the bed and peers into a stuffed suitcase. “Oh, that one’s mine!” She snatches it up and shakes the square package. No sound comes from it. “Can I open it? As payment for being an elf?”
He pulls the gift from her hand, biting back a laugh. “Being an elf is voluntary.”
She pouts as he returns the box to the spot and zips the suitcase up.
“Go get dressed. Then, we’ll start cooking our Christmas Eve feast!”
The rest of the afternoon and evening pass in a blur. Bo and Tallulah return from their racing before everyone helps Javi heat up the delicious Christmas Eve feast that’d been prepared. Entremeses piled high with blood sausage, manchego cheese, crusty bread, olives, and pickles. Then, creamy soup, roast lamb and potatoes, followed by shortbread cookies and chocolate cake.
You and Javi practically have to roll the children up the stairs to put them to bed, they’re so stuffed and sleepy. He briefly wonders if he shouldn’t wake Astrid early, but, as he tucks her into one of the bottom bunks, she whispers in his ear, “When are you gonna wake me up?”
Smiling, he breathes back, “Half an hour before midnight.”
She grins at him before snuggling down to sleep.
You and he close the door behind you and you say softly, “You’ve really made Astrid happy asking her to be your elf.”
“It’ll be much more fun to play Papá Noel with a helper,” he chuckles.
“You know,” you purr, “we’ve got a couple hours and I’ve always wanted to kiss Santa Claus.”
He smirks, deepening his voice, “Ho ho ho!”
Thirty minutes to midnight, Javi creeps into the children’s bedroom. All three are breathing deeply, sound asleep. He presses a kiss to Astrid’s forehead before murmuring, “Astrid.”
Her big eyes flutter open and she immediately sits up excitedly. “Is it time?”
“It’s time.”
She tiptoes with him out of the room and downstairs, where he’s set out the suitcases near the tree. There’s also a pile of gifts that you’d brought that include some for him that you absolutely refuse to give him hints about.
“How do you think we should arrange the gifts?” he asks.
She hums. “The biggest ones on the bottom. Then, the other ones can stack on those. But I don’t think we should sort them by person because then, if someone has a smaller pile, they’ll be sad.”
“Very wise,” Javi agrees, although you and he made sure each kid got the exact same amount of presents.
Astrid begins pulling out each gift, setting them in piles by size. She pauses every time she reads her name on the tag and scrutinizes it. Javi’s glad he allowed a full half hour for this task because she’s in no hurry.
“These gotta go under first,” she orders, pointing at the largest packages. “Also, we gotta hide some in the back so we can be surprised when we think there’s no more presents and there still are some!”
Grabbing a long box with a scooter addressed to herself, she heaves it to the back of the tree. “That one’s got wheels, doesn’t it?”
Javi was sure he’d padded them properly, but it’s damn hard to fool Wolves. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
She humphs, going to a pile and picking up a small, flattish gift that was for him. “Well, you’ll have to wait and see what this one is. It’s from me to you.”
He bites back a chuckle as she clutches his gift to her chest with one hand and shoves at a bike for Bo with the other. It’s the heaviest gift and the only reason she’s making any progress is because she has werepup strength.
“Need some help?”
“No,” she says confidently, inching it along the floor.
Javi grabs Tallulah’s skateboard and sets it by the scooter. That’s when there’s the sharp sound of glass breaking behind him.
“Oh no!” Astrid whimpers.
He turns around to see her kneeling by his gift, which she must have dropped. Her face crumples as she starts to cry.
“It’s okay,” he says quickly, moving to embrace her. “Accidents happen.”
The sound of her tears hastens you from where you’d sequestered yourself in the bedroom while they played Santa. “Honey, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I dropped Javi’s present and…” But she’s sobbing too hard for the rest of the sentence to be intelligible.
You crouch next to her and Javi, gently picking up the still-wrapped gift, which tinkles softly as it’s moved. “This isn’t a big deal,” you reassure, stroking her hair.
She clenches her fists, eyes now angry and amber, as she grinds out, “I can’t even be a good elf! I can’t be good at anything!”
Javi’s heart aches at this self-condemnation.
You cup her cheeks. “That’s a really hard thing to feel, that you’re not good enough. And, even if you feel that way, it doesn’t make it true.”
“I just wanted to be a good elf!”
“But you are, mi amor! Look at how organized everything is.” He gestures at the piles of presents. “We’re going to have a very stable stack under the tree where nobody feels left out. That’s something you’re very good at: making everyone feel included.”
She turns those wet, golden eyes to him, hope slowly seeping into them. “I guess that’s true. I do that at school, too. If somebody’s sitting alone, I’ll sit with them so they don’t feel lonely.”
You smile warmly at her. “You have a very kind heart.” Then, you hold up the gift. “And this isn’t ruined, sweetie. The most important part isn’t what broke. We can replace that part.”
Astrid wipes her eyes and nose on her sleeve. “We can?”
“Of course.”
“But I wanted him to open it tonight,” she sighs.
“Do you want him to peek now and then he can reopen it later?”
Astrid nods, turning to Javi. “But be careful, you don’t heal like we do if you cut yourself.”
“I’ll be careful,” he promises, setting the present down on the floor and gently opening it.
A lump forms in his throat. It’s a framed photo of the first group shot you, he, Tallulah, Bo, and Astrid took together during a day at the beach. The first picture of the five of you as a family.
“I love it!” he whispers hoarsely.
Astrid’s whole face lights up at his reaction and she locks her arms around his neck. “I’m glad it’s not ruined.”
He hugs her tightly. “You, your mama, Bo, and Tallulah being here is the greatest present I could ever have.”
She pulls back, making a face. “You sound like a Christmas movie dad.”
Javi chuckles, his hand finding yours and linking your fingers. “I do, don’t I?”
You wink at him and he grins.
Hopping to her feet, Astrid says, “It’ll be midnight soon, we gotta hurry!”
Javi nods, pushing himself up. “Yes, ma’am!”
“Do you want me to help?” you ask.
Astrid shakes her head. “Santa and Elf only.”
And thanks to her excellent direction and efforts, all the gifts are distributed around the tree two minutes before midnight.
“It’s so pretty!” she beams.
The brightly colored wrapping papers glimmer with the glow of the fire and the twinkle of the lights, and Javi has to agree— it really is pretty.
You stand, pulling your phone out of your pajama pocket. “Stand by the tree, you two, so we can document Santa and Elf’s fine work!”
Javi and Astrid stand by the tree, gesturing at it proudly.
“Can I go wake up Lulls and Bo now?” Astrid asks eagerly.
“You sure can!”
Giving up all stealth, Astrid bound up the stairs, flings open the kids’ bedroom door, and bellows, “IT’S CHRISTMAS!”
Javi wraps his arms around you. “You know I meant what I said, about you four being the greatest gift I could ask for.”
You lean into him. “The same goes for us, having you.” Then, your eyes drift to the tree with mild disapproval. “Maybe I should have told you that sooner, before you went overboard.”
He scoffs. “That wouldn’t have stopped me.”
“Not all of those things are going to fit in our apartment.”
He shrugs, unconcerned. “The overflow can stay at my place.”
Laughing, you give him a kiss. “Merry Christmas, Papá Noel.”
“Merry Christmas, mi luz,” he smiles. Then, a nagging question returns. “If werewolves are real, do you think Santa is, too?”
- - -
Thank you SO much for reading this story; I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🥰
Spanish Translations/Notes: Papá Noel - Santa Claus/Father Christmas Three Kings - the Three Wise Men from the birth story of Jesus; in many places in Spain, they bring gifts to children on January 6 and are celebrated with feasts and festivals niños - kids mi amor - my love mi luz - my light entremeses - Spanish charcuterie board, with foods like sausages, cheeses, pickles
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Javi Gutierrez Masterlist
Werewolf Masterlist
55 notes · View notes
lostgirl677 · 2 years
Revenge Part.2
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Part 3
Summary:   Y/N and the Winchester brothers are on the trail of a mysterious werewolf, but who knows where this may lead them? Another successfull hunt or a more serious mess?  
“So, you mean that there is an entire book series about you?” I asked, completely dumbfounded. Sam and Dean looked a bit embarrassed “Well, yeah. But Chuck wasn’t aware that we actually existed when he wrote the books.” That was a lot to process, less than when I joined the life of course, but goddamn! I needed to find those books, for sure. Then realization strucked me. ”That means that thousands of people read about not only your adventures but also Dean’s hookups? I think I’m scarred for life.” This earned me a good laugh from Sam who put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and a big frown from Dean who smacked his hand from him.“What? It’s not Casa Erotica worthy either, don’t exaggerate. And thousands of people, really? You are flattering Chuck.” I just rolled my eyes. “Whatever, Dean. Just now tell me how you ended up at the first Supernatural Convention.” Dean had a huge grin forming on his lips while Sam stopped laughing and a “Don’t you dare” look in his eyes. Which made Dean smile even more. “It was around three years before we met you. We received a SOS message from Chuck, but apparently, Sam’s girlfriend just wanted to see him.” If looks could kill, Dean would have been killed by Sam.“Sam’s girlfriend?” I asked. “She’s not my girlfriend! Listen,  Becky is a huge fangirl…’ “So, her name is Becky. Well,well, well” I interrupted him, making Dean chuckle. “Stop laughing! Alright. So she sent us a message, pretending to be Chuck and tricked us to participate at this stupid convention.Thankfully in a way, since this place was haunted we were able to save people there.” “With the help of a couple who were cosplaying us.", continued Dean. “Okay. So I have a question. This guy, the werewolf, obviously knows about you and will go to a Supernatural Convention. Is it me or everytime a convention takes place, a trap is directly set for you? Don’t tell me it doesn’t sound like a sketchy trap. Plus, everyone will have a costume. It’s evident that this guy will make a massacre without getting caught. What if  it was part of a plan  to let us live in the barn and he left us a bait to find him again?” I asked, anxious. Dean and Sam seemed deep in thinking. “Y/N has a point. But why? Do you really think this guy has more beef on us?” asked Dean. “Maybe, since we have enemies everywhere. But don’t forget that it could be even more dangerous for Y/N since she killed his son.” added Sam. I took on a deep breath. Wow, this was official, I really hated werewolves.”Okay. So we have a mastermind werewolf on hand and a convention about your life.The next week is going to be interesting to say the least.” Dean took my shoulders in an embrace and told me “It’s going to be okay. Don’t worry, we are here, sweetheart.” I felt warmth on my cheeks as his breath fanned on my skin. I hated being that silly when it happened, but I couldn’t help it.“Thank you.” I tried really hard to hide the blush that formed on my face and it earned me a look from Sam. He knew about my crush on his brother since the day I saved Dean from a vampire. And I knew he’ll never let me in peace ever since. “Well folks, prepare your stuff. We’re going.’ said Sam, clapping his hands together.
I went straight to my room and put my duffle bag on the bed. And I began to rummage through my drawers. While digging through my mess I felt something cold that entangled itself in my fingers. When I took my hand out of the  clothes I found my old heart-shaped silver locket that I thought was lost for so long. When I opened it, I felt tears in my eyes. It was the last picture I took with my best friend, my only ‘family’ left. I sat on the floor and tried to not cry. Then I heard someone opening my door. “Hey Y/N, I thought you would like… You okay?” It was Dean’s voice. I turned my head and saw him with a plate of waffles and a concerned look. “Yeah, I just found my locket and it brought so many memories that I thought were…” Dean crouched next to me and landed his free hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m sure Ethan was awesome. And that he was super proud when you helped us to kill that demon.” I could never forget that demon who possessed Mandy, our roommate.It killed Ethan right before my eyes and I couldn’t do a thing to help him. To this day, I didn’t know why it killed him and left me. Dean and Sam helped me a lot through the whole “Survivor’s guilt” thing. They were practically experts in that area. “Wanna some help putting the necklace on?” asked Dean, bringing me back to reality. “Sure, thanks.” I felt Dean gently taking my hair to the side and he took my necklace in hands to put it around my neck. “Done. So you want waffles or am I doomed to eat them by myself?” He asked, earning him a small smile from me. “ I take that as a yes.” He said and sat next to me. I always enjoyed this kind of moment with Dean. Just him and I, sharing whatever food the other brought and talking about whatever subject as if our life wasn’t a giant mess.
About an hour later, we were all packed,  ready to leave the bunker and to head straight to San Francisco. When Dean took place behind the wheel, he threw me a glance and started the engine. “Sam, Y/N, are you ready?” Sam and I nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.” He started one of his mixtapes and drove out of the garage. The drive was long since California is quite far away from Kansas.Dean and Sam kept bickering about the music again. I always was deep in my thoughts in those kinds of moments. “Let’s ask Y/N’s opinion about the next mixtape, then.” I jumped when I heard my name and made eye contact with Dean in the rearview mirror. “Y/N, what would you like to listen to? Some classic Rock or some crappy pop song that Sam likes?” Without a thought, I said “Classic Rock all the way.” Told you!” cheered Dean .“Damn right, I should have known.” said Sam in an exasperated tone. I blew him a raspberry and enjoyed the song.
When we finally reached San Francisco it was already dark outside. Sam was sound asleep and Dean and I kept a quiet conversation with music in the background.”I think I found a motel.” said Dean, while the sign of a crappy motel was visible not that far from us. When Dean parked the car, he awoke Sam. “Wake up drooling beauty” Sam opened one eye and hummed. “No I’m serious Sam, you drooled all over the seat. Get Up! We’re at a motel. I’ll go check us into a room and you’ll help Y/N with the bags.” Sam woke up completely and got out of the car. In no time, we were in our room. There were two beds. “Who do you share with, this time?”  asked Sam. “What about you guys sleeping together and I take a whole bed for myself?” I said. “In your dreams, princess. You already slept with Sam, you know that he is a kicker and that he snores a lot.” said Dean with a smile, knowing that it wasn’t even remotely true but it was funny. “Fine, I’ll share with Dean.” Dean gave me a wink. “Good call, leave the kicker alone. But the next time Dean has an ‘embarrassing’ dream, if you know what I mean, don’t even consider begging to come with me.” said Sam and Dean’s face changed. “Hey! I’m a gentleman, I never dared to have this kind of dream when I share the bed with Y/N.” And the bickering was on again. I took advantage of it to take a shower first.
We spent the following days searching whether there were werewolf attacks in the area but apparently the guy kept a low profile. Then the convention day finally arrived. I saw Dean taking a deep breath and Sam seemed ready to run away. I decided to speak ‘So, I saw that a certain Samlicker81 was the  organizer of this convention.” I couldn’t hold a little laugh at the pseudonym. As if the simple mention of the name summoned her, a little blond woman appeared out of nowhere and I saw that Sam was about to sprint away. “Hey, Sam! You came! I knew you could not stay away from me that long!” she said, literally clinging to him. “H...Hey Becky!” said Sam in a forced tone. Dean and I exchanged a look. So this is Becky… Interesting. “She is worse than Beetlejuice.” I whispered to Dean and he nodded. When she finally left Sam alone she turned to us. “Hey Dean. And you must be Y/N. I’m so sorry about your friend.” her expression shifted from sadness to complete joy. “ I’m so glad you guys decided to stop by!” I wasn’t listening anymore.How did she know me and about Ethan?  I got a bit away from the boys and that’s when I saw them. A group of girls dressed like me. Some had wigs and colored contact lenses and some with a replica of my necklace. They were all different and gorgeous. One of them noticed me. “Oh girl! I love your cosplay. You really got Y/N’s energy with that outfit! Guys! come here, look at her!” I didn’t even notice that even guys wore the same kind of outfit as me. I smiled at them and complimented them as well. When I found Dean and Sam I could not help but ask “How did that Becky girl know about me?” “I think Chuck didn’t hold his promise and kept writing. I'm gonna kill him!” said Dean. “As much as I agree with you, we’ll have an army of fans after us if you land as much as hand on him.” said Sam. “Guys, I think you’re forgetting why we’re here in the first place.” “Yeah, Y/N is right. Remember that he can be any tall guy around here and that he is probably in a disguise.Let’s split up.”
While I was on my own, I found other cosplayers and spoke a bit with them. If there wasn't any danger, I’m sure I would have enjoyed talking with them. They were really interesting people. I saw many people dressed as monsters we fought but I didn’t see any guy that could fit the profile of the werewolf. It was frustrating. Ifinally spotted Dean and Sam near the bar, the real ones. Sam was apparently enjoying a Bitch cocktail while Dean was drinking his Jerk cocktail. “Hey! Found anything?” Dean chugged his cocktail and said “Squat” “Yeah, white goose chase.” added Sam. “So you guys decided to head for the booze instead of keep looking?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “The only way to make this day a little bearable.” replied Dean with his gruff voice. I heard people trying to imitate his voice the whole day but no one can do it like him. He was about to order another one but I grabbed his sleeve. “Dean, please this is serious. This son of a bitch could be anywhere. People are in danger.” “Y/N is right, Dean.” Dean huffed and put his glass on the counter. “Okay, let’s go”
We came across many reenactments of fights and important moments we’ve been through. Those people seemed really invested in our adventures. I swore to myself to not let them get involved in such a situation unless it’s fictional. At some point, I saw a girl dressed with a blue dress covered in fake blood. She was crying on the floor while holding a brunette guy who seemed dead. And two guys went to her, guns in hand. “Who are you?” she said between fake sobs. “We’re the Winchester. What happened?” They were playing the moment I met Dean and Sam. I still remember how they barged in my flat, searching for ‘Mandy’, how I cried on Dean's shoulder, how I trapped the demon after playing the bait and how hard it was to organize Ethan’s funeral. I put a hand to my mouth, speechless. Sam noticed and took my shoulder to lead me somewhere else
We also passed by another group of girls dressed as me and caught a glimpse of what they were saying. “I can’t believe Y/N never confessed to Dean that she” My instinct kicked in. I dragged Dean away from the group. “Confess me what?” “That the last time I ate the last slice of pie and accused Sam” “That was you ?! I ignored Sam for an entire week” almost screamed Dean. I looked at Sam and he mouthed ‘Nice save.” As the day went on, we grew bored of looking. I let the guys take a break while I was taking drinks for us. “One Bitch, One Jerk and a SquirrelandMoose for me, please.” I carefully made my way to the guys when I bumped into a tall guy. “Oops, sorry.” I said “No problem.” replied the guy and with that I arrived and handed Dean and Sam their drinks.”Dear hunters, you are invited to join the conference room to welcome our special guest” a guy dressed as Bobby said. Everyone got up and headed to the said room. “If the werewolf is here, it’s the moment to be very careful.” said Dean, bringing his hand to the place where he usually hides his gun. “Keep both eyes open.”, he added.
I heard a bit of commotion behind me. “Wow, your costume is awesome dude!” “Yeah, so realistic. Where did you find such high quality fake fur?” I turn my head, in complete panic. It was a guy disguised with a less cheap werewolf costume than the others but he wasn’t that tall and I could see the label of the costume. I signed in relief. We were all confined in this room. When the famous Chuck appeared on the stage, everybody cheered except the Winchesters and I. “He could be here with us.” whispered Sam. Chuck answered many pointless questions, I was sure that he regretted ever writing this book series. The following hours were exhausting. A loud howl interrupted Chuck's monologue and everything went black in the room. Everyone cheered, probably thinking that it was a surprise animation. “Goddamn, here we go again.” said Dean. The generator supplied the room with a bit of light, enough to see a fully transformed werewolf charging us.
Part.3 soon
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galacticgraffiti · 2 years
I’m just gonna go ahead and esc my very own Paz fic that I recently rediscovered for myself. It’s called The Favour and is very long, gots lot of smut but also pining and idiots to lovers and our favourite dark-blue giant. 😌
I’d also like to recommend @princessbatears Casa Werewolf series because it’s the perfect fall read as we near the spooky season and I’m convinced she’s the Queen of We’re AUs at this point!
running to read paz because i love paz and i love YOUR paz the mostest
The Favour by @maybege
Werewolf!Paz by @princessbatears is most definitely also going on my reading list especially now that october’s right around the corner 👀👀👀
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ao3feed-moonknight · 6 months
Casa de mi Abuela (fan art)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/soDpOgl by bluemoonperegrine This inanity is a poster for a movie that my co-author vicarious-rebel and I would make if one of us found a genie in a bottle or something. We've dreamed up a silly romance AU where Marc Spector and Jack Russell are in wuv. There's plenty of angst and drama, too. The graphic is based on one of the posters for the equally silly movie "Casa de mi Padre." Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of Hallmark by Knight Fandoms: Moon Knight (TV 2022), Werewolf By Night (2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Marc Spector, Jack Russell (Marvel), Khonshu (Moon Knight) Relationships: Jack Russell/Marc Spector Additional Tags: Absurd, Romance, be the silly you want to see in the world, Fanart, Art, Digital Art, i'd kill for Jack's hair here, and his legs read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/soDpOgl
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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Fic Recs 🔖
The teams personal faves for the Casa Boys
✅ - Complete |🌷- Fluff | 🔥 - NSFW | 🤡 - Funny | 😖 - Angst
Soon by @thesepromises ✅ 😖
Elijah's with Chelsea, and keeps promising to leave her for Arjun. Angst. Sadness. Dickhead Elijah. (6k+ words - Mature)
Fight for it by @queen-of-boopsueen_Of_Boops ✅ 🌷
Arjun is... a werewolf. Yes, you read that correctly. Yes, it works exactly as well as it sounds - very. (4k+ words - Mature)
Golden Thread by starsarestars ✅🤡
A twitter rivalry leads to more. Funny, snarky, and absolutely adorable. (10k+ words - Teen and Up)
Physics of Love by chenria ✅🌷😖🔥
Fabienne cheats on Carl with r!Lucas. What happens when they reunite four years later? (20k+ words - Explicit)
Too Much to Calculate by Ravenadottir 🌷😖🔥
You and Carl leave the villa and share a life together... or try. That is, if you can find common ground and let go of your pride. (122k+ words - Mature)
Who Do You Love? by venueska ✅🌷😖
Catching feels for Elijah after saving him
Mind Games by becangle ✅😖
Felix POV of Casa. Big sad. Big big sad.
Hook, Line, and Sinker by Pearlbracelet ✅🤡
Basically shitposting. Graham's POV when entering CA. Funny, full of seafaring puns. (2k+ words - Mature)
Paradise by promethexs ✅🌷🔥
Kassam's POV of Casa and the villa. AMAZING Writing. It's also fricking hot. Check the tags. (100k+ words - Explicit)
It's Always The Quiet Ones by LadyVelvetCPeterson ✅🌷😖
Deya has been the quiet one in the villa... has she met her match with Kassam? (60k+ words - Mature)
Gold Rush by crimswnred ✅😖
Kassam is unlucky in love, with his feelings going unrequited.
The Rhythm of Having by Pine 😖🌷
A series of snapshot chapters set within the Villa, after Kassam begins to see his friend as something more than that.
Better by throughthejunobush ✅🌷
When Ramona returned from Casa to find Rahim shacked up with some busty Irish Tart, she wasn't worried, because Ramona doesn't lose. But Shannon had plans of her own, and she was willing to bet she would get what she wanted.
For the Love of the Game by Queen_of_Boops ✅ 💣
Shannon is addicted to winning. How will that effect her on Love Island?
From the Team
Casa Amor Character Spotlight Menu - coming soon!
One fic for each named Casa Amor contestant from S2. Ten fics in total.
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oswlld · 3 years
Sooooo im sure there’s other/better things to do but instead, I have composed this Watchlist that I am sure will never be finished, under the cut. Pls feel free to also send recs for movies/shows for me to check out!
[REVISED 02/05/24]
[All dates are subject to change, depending on my mood honestly] —
SHOWS - Scheduled High on the Hog (in prog) African Folktales (in prog) Devil’s Plan OR Murderville (Feb ’24)** Three Body Problem (2/15) Always a Witch (3/11) 23.5 Degrees (THAI, Coming Soon) Triage (THAI, April ’24) Tear Along the Dotted Line/This World Can’t Tear Me Down (ITA, April ’24)
SHOWS - Sched TBD No Regrets in Life Hometown Cha-cha-cha [Joan’s Galaxy] Revenant See You in My 19th Life Replacing Chef Chico Gudetama My Daemon First Love: Kieta Hatsukoi Alice in Borderland s2 3 Will Be Free Tooth Pari: When Love Bites Choona [Sesham Mike-Il Fathima] Life’s a Glitch: with Julien Bam [Jinn] If I Hadn’t Met You [Triptych] The Greatest Robbery of Brazil’s Central Bank Nobody’s Looking 1899 Black Sails Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Our Universe Life in Color [Light & Magic] Abbott Elementary** **= upon bestie’s request | [= pushed to 2025]
MOVIES - Scheduled Over the Moon (2/10) American Symphony (2/11) Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang (2/11) Your Name Engraved Herein (2/12) Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir (2/24) Happy Together (2/24) The Holdovers (2/26) Bobi Wine: The People’s President (2/27) Rustin (2/28) American Fiction (2/29) Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am (3/1) Nimona (3/3) Society of the Snow (3/4) Elemental (3/6) El Conde (3/7) Oppenheimer (3/8) The Boy and the Heron OR Poor Things (3/9, TBD) Moonlit Winter (3/16) Polite Society (3/22)
MOVIES - Sched TBD My Big Fat Greek Wedding Rewatch** Cinderella, Brandy ver.** Seoul Vibe Yellow Door: ’90’s Lo-Fi Film Club Marry My Dead Body Between Maybes Seasons A Faraway Land A Perfect Fit Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui Joyland The Takedown Beyond the Universe Buddies Entergalactic Sorry to Bother You They Cloned Tyrone The Tragedy of Macbeth O Brother, Where Art Thou? UNKNOWN: Cosmic Time Machine Where the Wild Things Are Clue The Creator [Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire] [Suzume] [LEGO Star Wars films]** [The Mummy]** **= upon bestie’s request | [= pushed to 2025]
Completed: LIZIQI Luca Behind the Try Gunpowder Milkshake Disney Insider Cosmos Possible Worlds The Mitchells vs the Machines Fantastic Mr Fox Muppet Haunted Mansion Star Wars: Visions What If…? Behind the Attractions Encanto Hawkeye Space Sweepers Chef’s Table Bad Buddy Wolfwalkers Make Happy Eternals Lupin Song Exploder Ali Wong Special Semantic Error Maya and the Three Tick, Tick… Boom! Turning Red Flee Street Food Latin America Among the Stars Twenty Five Twenty One Driving Home 2 U Killing Eve La Casa de Papel (DNF) Breaking Boundaries Doctor Who Special The Artist Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Cutie Pie (DNF) To My Star Making Fun Now You See Me HUMAN The World Within Moon Knight Blueming Sound of Magic Reset Bullsh*t Sucker Punch MARVEL Assembled Series Star Wars: Forces of Destiny BLACKPINK Kieta Hatsukoi Sketchbook Midnight in Paris Obi-Wan Color Rush Plus and Minus Badhaai Do To My Star 2 First Kill KinnPorsche Ms Marvel Newsies: the Musical Old Fashion Cupcake Mirai Lightyear Sense8 Rewatch Sandman Extraordinary Attorney Woo WWDitS s4 Hannah Gadsby: Douglas Everything Everywhere All at Once Lord of the Rings Rewatch Vice Versa Parent Trap Rewatch She/Hulk Alice in Borderland Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor Glitch Sleep with Me Werewolf by Night Cherry Magic Cherry Magic: The Movie Bad Buddy Rewatch Andor Disenchanted Knives Out: Glass Onion Midnight at the Pera Palace Roman Holiday Doom at Your Service The Guardian Pinocchio Klaus Vice Versa Rewatch Heartstopper Our Great National Parks Fire of Love RRR A Trip to Infinity My Year of Dicks Le Pupille Puss in Boots: Last Wish National Treasure: Edge of History Gap the Series Wakanda Forever The 1619 Project My School President The Martha Mitchell Effect Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths Run for the Money Night Ride The Sea Beast The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse Tár An Ostrich Told Me the World is Fake and I Think I Believe It Summer of Soul Stranger at the Gate Marcel the Shell with Shoes On Ice Merchants Haulout The Flying Sailor Elephant Whisperer Somebody Feed Phil Vincenzo Midnight Museum Paper Girls Mandalorian s3 The Wandering Earth Art & Tech Bird in Hand All Those Sensations in My Belly How My Grandmother Became a Chair Udahnut Zivot Bombay Rose Latin History for Morons The Day of Becoming You Wet Hidari Mao’s Mango Cut King of the Sea Star Wars: Visions (s2) Our Skyy 2 (VV + MSP + BB) Across the Spiderverse Mr Pete & The Iron Horse BJ’s Mobile Gift Shop Kukeri Keys to the City My Tooth, Your Love Voices Rising: Music of Wakanda Forever Show Me Love The Half of It The Eighth Sense Kabe Koji Secret Invasion (DNF) Glove Chicken Stories Goodnight Henry La Plongeuse The Tobos Dial Tone Salvation Has No Name Hysteresis Soft Animals Cat and Moth The Little Mermaid Our Beloved Summer Drifting Home I Told Sunset About You Ball People Well Wishes My Love, Your Love Meow or Never Stranding Stay Mountain Myrna the Monster Under the Skin I Lost My Body Barbie Lupin, p3 Wendell & Wild Haunted Mansion Secrets in the Hot Spring Over the Garden Wall A Time Called You (DNF,) Once Upon a Crime The Oskars Fantasy ONI Black Holes Doctor Who Specials The Holiday Interview with the Vampire, s1 Schitt’s Creek The Good Place Rewatch Flavorful Origins Chevalier Last Twilight Moving BlacKKKlansman
Pls see tags for more info - thank you!
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ao3feed-trc · 3 years
There’s A Wolf
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32GuaTq
by declanlych
Adam tinha doze anos quando um lobo o salvou de ser morto por um monstro. O lobo lhe deu uma casa, uma família, uma matilha e fez de Adam um lobo como ele.
Ronan Lynch tinha vinte e um anos quando seu pai assassinou metade de Henrietta. Ele se mudou para Green Creek com seus irmãos em busca de refúgio.
Adam nunca conhecera ninguém como Ronan Lynch antes.
Words: 18506, Chapters: 4/?, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Green Creek Series - T.J. Klune
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Adam Parrish, Thomas Bennett (Green Creek), Elizabeth Bennett (Green Creek), Carter Bennett, Kelly Bennett, Joe Bennett, Mark Bennett, Gordo Livingstone, Chris Alexander, Rico Espinoza, Bambi (Green Creek), Jessie Alexander (Green Creek), Ronan Lynch, Declan Lynch, Robbie Fontaine, Matthew Lynch, Niall Lynch, Maura Sargent, Persephone Poldma, Calla Lily Johnson, Maggie Callaway, Blue Sargent, Orla (Raven Cycle), Noah Czerny, Gavin Livingstone, Henry Cheng, Richard Gansey III
Relationships: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Joe Bennett/Ox Matheson, Mark Bennett/Gordo Livingstone, Elizabeth Bennett/Thomas Bennett (Green Creek), Kelly Bennett/Robbie Fontaine, Carter Bennett/Gavin Livingstone, Bambi/Rico Espinoza, Richard Gansey III/Blue Sargent, Noah Czerny/Henry Cheng
Additional Tags: Werewolf Mates
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32GuaTq
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ao3feed-sterek · 6 years
The Werewolf and the Vampire (Traducción)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SGz0VI
by lbp98l
El vampiro Stiles regresa a casa con su amante hombre lobo con la necesidad de alimentarse.
Words: 3288, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Series: Part 12 of The Kinky Adventures of a Wolf and His Boy
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Vampires, Vampire Stiles Stilinski, Immortal Derek Hale, Biting, Blood, Blood Drinking, Blood Kink, Shower Sex, Manhandling, Begging, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Barebacking, Top Stiles Stilinski, Bottom Derek Hale, Rough Sex, Wet & Messy, Light Masochism, Post-Coital Cuddling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SGz0VI
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princessbatears · 2 years
i reread casa werewolf again for the bajillionth time and i’m soft over the thought of david being a fun uncle to the triplets 🥺😭 any spare thoughts you have on this role be greatly appreciated 💕💕💕
Ahhh, thank you for reading! I'm so glad you enjoy Casa Werewolf!
I absolutely love delving into this idea of fun Uncle David! I enlisted the wonderful @hdlynnslibrary who created this version of Dieter/David to help. 🙌❤️
David is the softest, most devoted uncle in the whole world. He dotes excessively on the Tallulah, Bo, and Astrid. Whenever he’s able to come to Spain, he soaks up every possible second with them.
He’s also delights in bringing them the most outlandish, noisy toys possible. Drum sets, a ball pit, shoes that make fart noises, a toy megaphone… and on and on. He gets such glee out of watching you and Javi’s dead-eyed looks when the kids open their gifts.
When they’re pups, he can’t get enough of petting and tussling with them. They give him a better workout than any exercise class or video can.
On nice days, he takes them to the beach or into town. During these outings, an obscene amount of sugar is consumed. David gives into every whim and craving. It doesn’t help that the triplets—especially Bo—are constantly hungry, so they’re always begging to eat the next pastry or ice cream they see. Although werewolves metabolize food faster than humans, they’re still bouncing off the walls when he returns home with them, much to your frustration.
When the quadruplets come along, David is, quite frankly, flabbergasted. “You made four?” he asks Javi, staring down at them.
He’s also immediately enchanted with these new nieces and nephews. And, much to his surprise, he turns out to be a baby whisperer. Whenever one of them won’t stop crying, he takes them and soothes them by reciting old lines from movies and TV shows he’s been in.
Being an uncle brings David a sense of peace and grounding that he hasn’t had in a long time, and he’s determined to be the best one he can possibly be, both while he’s with his family and when he’s away from them. They’re the driving force in him getting himself cleaned up and staying that way.
Thank you for the ask and opportunity to explore this more! I hope you enjoy 🥰
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fandomtrashoe · 7 years
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(Check out the fanfiction by the wonderful @thiamfresh! It’s gold.)
Thiam x other fandoms
Thiam Playlists
More Social Media AU’s from other fandoms!
I just threw some extracts together to underline my choice of pictures (It’s not the original text cause I left parts out):
Liam knew it wasn't Theo's fault that he'd ended up stuck with the kids while Theo laughed around the fire drinking a soda and smiling but, well, it was so much more fun to blame Theo than it was to admit that he'd got himself trapped babysitting by trying to break up an eight-year-olds fight while Theo walked on without even a glance backwards and then agreeing to help a girl finish off a bracelet he was making. After that he'd been trapped and Theo had done nothing to save him. Just looked over occasional with a smirk.
“Stop moving!” Penny hissed, tugging at a strand of Liam's hair. Liam let out a small hiss of pain. Theo's attention shifted at the noise, eyes catching Liam's before his gaze flickered to Penny, standing behind him, he watched the small girl yank his hair into messy braids, smile turning into a full-blown grin.
“What wrist?” Liam held up his right wrist. The child smiled, stumpy fingers tying the bracelet on. “I even put your name on it.” He said, making Liam feel guilty he knew a total of three kids names and that was generally because they'd insulted him so far so he held minor grudges. “Really? That's awe-” Liam's words stuttered to a stop as the kid twirled the bracelet on his wrist to have it facing outwards. “...thank you, I love it.” Liam lied. Glaring down at the little-lettered beads. Pumpkin.
“Your head looks like an octopus.” Guns said.
“Why would you bother drinking? We can't get drunk-” Eric's eyes widened, a manic grin stretching across his face. “You haven't tried spiked beer?”
The 'party' turned out to be an assortment of werewolf ready booze and an old school boom-box at Casa Del Cool. It was probably the quietest party Liam had ever been too even with music the backstreet boys blaring, the waterfall whistling and the group shouting over one another. 
“Are you serious right now?” Liam asked with a laugh. He could barely see Theo from where he was hovering on the edge of the cliff through the dark night, just the glow of skin.
“I can't believe you call me drama-what's that?” Liam blinked at a black mark spread across Theo's collarbone. “Did you...Is that a tattoo?” Theo's eyes flicked down to his own chest. “Oh yeah.” Theo said. “When?” “This morning.” Theo said with a little shrug. “Sara said she had a gun and you know, we talked about it and I'd been thinking so-” “What is it?” Liam asked, moving closer. Theo hovered where he was, letting Liam come to him. Liam stopped a few foot in front of him. The light reflecting off the water shimmered against Theo's chest, making the tattoo look like it was wiggling. “DNA.” Liam stated. It was small, running across Theo's collarbone just a little stand of DNA. Liam could see a small break in the chain. Like a bit was missing.
He was sure they were closer than he remembered, something that was only proved when he Theo let out a wispy breath that fanned across Liam's cheek leaving the hairs on the back of Liam's neck stand on end. His body unconsciously swaying closer.
Liam lowered his hand slowly, fingers staying glue to Theo's skin. He may not know what the hell he was doing but he did know he didn't want to stop just yet. Theo let go of the bracelet, allowing Liam's hand to travel, sweeping a line down his chest to his waist.
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mst3kproject · 7 years
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Face of the Screaming Werewolf
So.  That's a title.
Face of the Screaming Werewolf was directed, so to speak, by Jerry Warren of Wild Wild World of Batwoman fame.  It stars much of the cast of Robot vs the Aztec Mummy, because bits of the first film in that series were used in its construction – just as they were in the flashback sequence of Robot vs the Aztec Mummy itself!  The movie also stars Lon Chaney Jr. by virtue of footage stolen from another Mexican horror film called House of Terror. As you might imagine, the resulting Frankenmovie is not particularly coherent viewing.  Are we gonna see that singing Aztec sacrifice scene again?  You bet your butts we are! In fact, we see significantly more of it.
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Scientist Dr. Edmund Redding places a young woman, Ann Taylor, in a trance, and listens to her describe an ancient city of the Aztecs. She hints at something of importance hidden in a pyramid there, so Dr. Redding and his colleagues set out for Mexico to look for it. The pyramid itself prompts Ann to have another vision, and she guides the scientists to a chamber deep inside it, where they find two mummies.  One, which I shall call Mummy A, is our old friend Popoka, who to general horror is up and shuffling around.  Mummy B, as described in a news broadcast, is a modern man who was injected with mummy juice in the attempt to induce a state of undeath.  Whether either mummy is the important thing that drew Ann to the pyramid in her visions, we never find out.
Naturally Dr. Redding brings these corpses, both animate and not, back to California with him and holds a big press conference to announce his finds.  Before he can take the stage, however, he is mysteriously assassinated, and Mummy B is stolen!  The thugs who took it try to ressurect it with mad science, but fail, so they hire a guy to steal Mummy A from Dr. Redding's research institute.  Meanwhile, a chance bolt of lightning ressurects Mummy B after all, and the full moon turns him into a werewolf!  He begins slaughtering scientists, while Mummy A, having knocked out the thief sent to collect him, kills Ann and then vanishes from the movie entirely.
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So what we have here are highly abbreviated versions of two different movies stitched together, and wow, are the seams ever visible. There's the scene that's supposed to be Dr. Redding's presentation: we see a big audience applauding, and Dr. Redding stands up... but he's clearly in his own living room, while the audience is in a large hall in what looks like a completely different building!  Even more obvious is the stuff Jerry Warren shot to fill in the holes between the two plots, which is on a completely different grade of film stock (and in a completely different decade) than anything in either source movie.  And while both The Aztec Mummy and House of Terror put some actualy money into their productions (not much, but some), the extra footage had no budget at all, and gives us things like a 'Cowan Research Institute' which appears to be next door to Batwoman's house.
As in other Jerry Warren movies, nothing follows anything else logically, and the fact that we've got two movies mixed together here only heightens this effect.  In fact, I suspect that a lot of things here did make sense in the original movies, before Warren took a hatchet to them.  Take, for example, Mummy A's fascination with Ann.  In The Aztec Mummy this was explained as her being the reincarnation of Popoka's lover Zochi.  Face of the Screaming Werewolf might be doing the reincarnation thing, too, but is way less clear about it.  In House of Terror the mad scientists were working on ressurecting the dead, but in Face of the Screaming Werewolf we are never properly introduced to them and their goals are a mystery – although their hideout, in a wax museum, is creepy as hell and their equipment is incredibly amusing.  Among other things, they appear to subject Mummy B to a giant panini press and a purpose-built corpse centrifuge!
The mixing of stories leaves the movie with a particularly egregious case of No Main Character Syndrome, simply because we never stay with a set of characters long enough to consider them 'main'.  Dr. Redding and Ann are introduced as if they ought to be the main characters, because of course that's exactly what they were in their own movie. Rather than stay with them, however, the movie disposes of them both by killing them offscreen (since at no point in the Aztec Mummy quadrilogy do Eduardo or Flora die).  Then the scientists at the wax museum appear as if they're going to be main characters, but without ever being properly introduced to us.  I don't think any of them even got a name.  The detectives in Warren's added footage might have had names, but if so I don't remember them, and because they can't interact with any of these other characters they never do anything useful to the plot.  That leaves us with only the werewolf and the mummy, neither of whom ever even speak.
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The thing I do find rather interesting about a patchwork movie like this is what was kept versus what appears to have been cut.  The Aztec Mummy was eighty minutes long, House of Terror was sixty, and bits and pieces of both have been combined into the sixty-minute Face of the Screaming Werewolf. A lot clearly had to go from each, but what they kept was, in some cases, really strange.  As I noted, we don't ever get proper introductions for the guys at the wax museum, and yet we see the entire Aztec sacrifice scene without any of The Aztec Mummy's backstory to give it context – and without context, the events we see are meaningless.  Why include it when it mostly just draws attention to the fact that Mummy B does not belong in this tomb with Mummy A?  The only answer I can imagine was because it represents the nearest thing Face of the Screaming Werewolf has to spectacle, but the movie didn't need spectacle.  It needed characters and a plot.
Meanwhile, because we never get the beginning of House of Terror, very little from that story means anything to us, either.  We get repeated shots of the museum's creepy wax figures, which were significant in House of Terror, but have nothing to do with Face of the Screaming Werewolf. The werewolf himself has no backstory or motivation, and although we're told he's a modern man who somehow ended up in the pyramid, we're given no clues as to how or why.  He has no lines, I'm guessing because Lon Chaney Jr. didn't speak any Spanish.  His rampage is committed against more characters we've never met, and we don't understand why he kills some people, kidnaps others, and leaves yet more alone.  A scene of him in human form, moping over his sorry plight, suggests that we're supposed to feel sympathy for this character, but how, when we know nothing about him?
If I were in charge of fixing Face of the Screaming Werewolf, he first thing I would do is go back to the source material and make some changes in what actually became part of the final movie.  And once I had my footage all picked out, I would then rewrite the story that goes with it very thoroughly indeed.  As I observed in my review of Time of the Apes, the beauty of dubbing is that you don't necessarily have to stick to the original script.  You can take out irrelevant stuff and add in new material.  I think I would have kept it to a single mummy, and perhaps made lycanthropy a tomb curse of sorts – Chaney's character would be the last archaeologist to profane the pyramid, and he was punished by becoming a werewolf so he could in turn punish any foolish enough to come after him!  There.  I just wrote a more coherent version of this movie in ten seconds than Jerry Warren did in however long it took him.
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All this does tend to make one ask: is making one movie out of two, like Face of the Screaming Werewolf, or finishing somebody else's movie, as in Monster A-Go-Go, a lost cause?  I think if you could find a pair of movies that shared actors or sets, it might be possible to come up with something reasonably coherent, but you'd still have the problem of characters who can't interact, or scenes that have to be stitched together where they obviously don't belong.  It seems to me to be something that works better as a joke, as in Kung Pow! Enter the Fist or Ninja: the Mission Force, rather than something to be done seriously.  When not used for Internet Humour, frankenmovie-making seems to be motivated primarily by greed.  Herschel Gordon Lewis finished Monster A-Go-Go in the attempt to sell an unsalable product, and Jerry Warren turned La Momia Azteca and La Casa del Terror into Attack of the Mayan Mummy, House of Terror, and Face of the Screaming Werewolf so that he could release three movies for the price of the rights to two.
Greed is of course at the core of a lot of modern moviemaking.  Summer blockbusters and long-running franchises are designed specifically to earn as much money as possible without anybody necessarily caring if they're any good. A lot of the time they're not, yet despite poor reviews they still earn money, so I guess moviegoers don't care either as long as they get to see something cool.  Even by that standard, though, Face of the Screaming Werewolf is extremely cynical.  Warren figured as long as he gave the movie a cool title, people would pay for it regardless of whether it even made any damned sense.  And you know what?  I watched the damn thing, so I guess I don't care, either.
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 7 years
Proveer y proteger (a nuestra manera)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AKuaCk
by KiraH69
Scott deja ir a un enemigo más sin castigo alguno para que pueda seguir matando inocentes en la próxima ciudad a pesar de las quejas de Stiles y este regresa a casa un día para encontrarse un misterioso regalo en su escritorio.
Steter Week día 7: libre.
Words: 3568, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Series: Part 6 of Steter Week 2017
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Asexual Peter Hale, Courtship, Werewolf Courting, Steter Week, Steter Week 2017, LGBTQ Themes
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AKuaCk
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elvisdelvalle · 5 years
Radio Historias
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ESPAÑOL: Los primeros cuentos que escribi fueron lanzados a la web por mano de esta serie de radio creada por mi mismo. “Radio Historias” fue creada no solo como una serie de audio libros, sino tambien como una reencarnación de las clásicas series de radio que se basaban en dramatizaciones y lectura oral transmitida por la radio en una época donde no existía la televisión. Me pareció una buena idea crear esta serie de radio que comenzó con un piloto que se centraba en narrar la historia de “Balance, La Primera Chica Superpoderosa”. Un personaje creado para aparecer en un futuro film titulado “Las Chicas Superpoderosas 2”, pero la historia de esta personaje fue modificada luego de la aparición de Brisa en la reboot de las Superpoderosas ya que la historia de Brisa y Balance son casi la misma dado por la sustancia que las creo provocando la cancelación de tal film hasta la recreación del guion. Aun así, esto dio origen a la serie de radio que luego de transmitir oralmente mis relatos, tambien se incluyeron otras obras literarias de distintos autores narrados por las voces electrónicas Loquendo que casualmente son usadas por varios usuarios de la web. Esta serie recibio criticas negativas ya que a la mayoria no le gusto las voces artificiales que se usaron y esta serie al final fue cancelada a finales del 2019. Narradores: Elvis Del Valle Incognito Nosferatu Andrea Pegasister Lady Habanera Robert Velazquez Episodios: 0-Balance, La Primera Chica Superpoderosa (Piloto) - Elvis Del Valle 1-Un Niño Estudioso - Elvis Del Valle 2-La Casa Del Terror - Elvis Del Valle 3-La Fidelidad De Mordecai - Elvis Del Valle 4-El Perro Arrepentido - Roberto Gomez Bolaños 5-El Gato En Mi Ventana - Elvis Del Valle 6-La Piramide De La Momia - Elvis Del Valle 7-El Manuscrito Infernal - Elvis Del Valle 8-Herbert West, Reanimador - H.P. Lovecraft 9-Hospital Mental - Elvis Del Valle 10-Noche De Terror - Elvis Del Valle 11-1408 - Stephen King 12-Dagon - H.P. Lovecraft 13-La Sombra Sobre Innsmouth - H.P. Lovecraft 14-La Llamada De Chtulhu - H.P. Lovecraft 15-Coraline - Neil Gaiman 16-El Corazon Condenado - Clive Barker 17-La Gallina Degollada - Horacio Quiroga 18-El Gato Con Botas - Charles Perrault EPISODIOS COMPLETOS AQUI
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ENGLISH: The first stories I wrote were thrown on the web by the hand of this radio series created by myself. “Radio Stories” was created not just as a series of audio books, but also as a reincarnation of the classic radio series that were based in dramatizations and oral reading aired by radio in a time where there was not television. It seemed to be a good idea create this radio series that began with a pilot that was focus in tell the story of “Bloodlust, The First Powerpuff Girl”. A character created to appear in a future film titled “The Powerpuff Girls 2”, but the story of this character was modified after the appearing of Bliss in the PPG reboot since that Bliss and Bloodlust story are almost the same because of the chemical that created them provoking the cancelation of such film until the script recreation. Even so, this gave birth to the radio series that after airing orally my tales, it also were included other literature works from distinguished authors told by the electronic voices that casually are used by various web users. This series recieved negative reviews since most didn't like the artificial voices used and at the end, this series was cancelled by ending of 2019. Narradores: Elvis Del Valle Incognito Nosferatu Andrea Pegasister Lady Habanera Robert Velazquez Episodes: 0-Bloodlust, The First Powerpuff Girl (Pilot) - Elvis Del Valle 1-Mordecai's Fidelity - Elvis Del Valle 2-The Midnight Meat Train - Clive Barker 3-The Forbidden - Clive Barker 4-Herbert West, Reanimator - H.P. Lovecraft 5-Pumpkinhead - Ed Justin 6-1408 - Stephen King 7-Dagon - H.P. Lovecraft 8-The Shadow Over Innsmouth - H.P. Lovecraft 9-The Call Of Chtulhu - H.P. Lovecraft 10-Trucks - Stephen King 11-Children Of The Corn - Stephen King 12-Coraline - Neil Gaiman 13-The Hellbound Heart - Clive Barker 14-The Mangler - Stephen King 15-The Boogeyman - Stephen King 16-The Lawnmower Man - Stephen King 17-Quitters, Inc - Stephen King 18-Cycle Of The Werewolf - Stephen King COMPLETE EPISODES HERE
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¿Quiénes son los Warren?
El matrimonio conformado por Ed y Lorraine Warren, estos dos experimentados investigadores de fenómenos paranormales atendieron durante más de 50 años de trayectoria más de 4 mil casos relacionados con fantasmas, incidentes de poltergeist, casas encantadas y posesiones diabólicas.
Lorraine Warren, de actuales 87 años, relató que su acercamiento al mundo paranormal ocurrió en 1933, cuando tenía 7 años y cursaba su educación en un colegio católico de niñas. “A esa edad comencé a ver el aura de las personas. Como era muy pequeña no sabía que eran esas luces. Recuerdo que una vez le dije a una monja de mi colegio: “Tus luces son más brillantes que las de la madre superiora”, y ella me contestó: “¿De qué luces estás hablando?”. Así que me mandó a penitencia a rezar porque pensó que le estaba mintiendo. En ese momento comprendí que era un don que sólo yo tenía. Este aura que tiene la gente es como un aviso de S.O.S. No es lo que proyectas, sino que es lo que eres en realidad. Algunas veces veía esta aura incluso en algunas mascotas y es algo muy hermoso de describir. Como nadie de mi familia entendió de qué se trataba este don tuve que guardarme este secreto por mucho tiempo, hasta que conocí a mi marido Ed”.
Ed Warren, un hijo de un policía que había nacido en 1926 en Connecticut, confidenció por su parte que durante su infancia, entre los 5 y los 12 años, ocurrieron una serie de hechos inexplicables. A las 2 o 3 de la mañana, cuando toda su familia dormía, las puertas de su armario se abrían inexplicablemente y de él surgían luces flotantes con rostros que lo miraban. “El rostro más habitual era el de una anciana enojada. Como la habitación se llenaba de un frío glacial y también se escuchaban pisadas y susurros, a los pocos minutos estaba durmiendo en la cama de sus padres, parapetado entre las sábanas. Crecí sin entender qué era aquello”.
Con el tiempo los Warren viajarían alrededor del mundo siguiendo las pistas de distintos lugares encantados y dando charlas. Inspeccionaron, de hecho, la Abadía de Whitby, Stonehenge y la Rectoría de Borley, en Essex, que tiene la reputación de ser la ‘casa más encantada de Inglaterra’. La pareja no cobraba por sus servicios por los casos que les encargaban y obtenía ingresos únicamente de la venta de los cuadros de Ed y de las conferencias que dictaban. 
Fueron autores y colaboradores de varios libros asociados a casos ocurridos en casas encantadas, incluyendo: Deliver Us From Evil, The Amityville Horror, The Demologist, The Devil in Connecticut, In A Dark Place y True Haunting of Borley Rectory.
Ghost Hunters: La verdadera historia de los demonólogos más famosos escrito por Ed Warren (St. Martin´s Press, 1980).
The Haunted: La verdadera historia de la pesadilla de una familia, escrito por Robert Curran y Jack Smurl, en colaboración con Ed Warren (1988)
Werewolf: La verdadera historia de una posesión satánica, escrito por Ed Warren (St Martin, 1991)
Ghost Tracks. Escrito por Cheryl. A (Author House, 2004)
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ao3feed-sterek · 7 years
El Reino
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zmLA6m
by Dannuks
Stiles despierta un día perdido, en pijama, con la memoria hecha pedazos, en un lugar en el que nunca antes ha estado; sin proponerselo acaba metiéndose en problemas con la Armada local, tendrá que adaptarse a este nuevo lugar pues no regresará a casa.
Words: 1018, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Series: Part 1 of El Reino
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Allison Argent
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternative Universe - Kingdom, Alternative Werewolf Lore, Alternate Universe - Politics, Wizarding Politics
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zmLA6m
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princessbatears · 2 years
I'm missing Javi and Mama and the cubs - what are they doing for Christmas?
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Ahhhh I’m so touched you’re thinking of them! 🥹🥰
Your timing couldn’t be more perfect because I’m actually in the middle of writing a little one-shot on this very topic! Hint: it involves the Swiss Alps 🎄🎅
Stay tuned because it will be up in the next couple of weeks!
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