#cashier levi
leyyvi · 3 months
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smoft-demons · 6 months
MC needs some extra love
You’re having an off day. Your demons have asked to make sure nothing’s actually wrong, just to be safe, but they’ve seen you like this a few times before. They understand. You’re just feeling down for no particular reason. Just sad and low energy. Extra tired.
Nothing happened, no one hurt you, nothing’s wrong… you just woke up in a low mood. Because it simply be like that sometimes. You just… need some extra affection today. No reason. It’s okay, they’re not judging. They’ll do what they can to cheer you up a little—they love you, you know. They want to see you smile at least once today.
When Lucifer notices your mood, he softens towards you a lot. He asks if anything is wrong first of course—they all do—but once he learns that there’s nothing he needs to correct and no one he needs to punish on your behalf, he just softens. He treats you more gently than usual.
He expects you’ll get fed up entertaining all his brothers, with their endless chaotic energy. So he invites you to hide out with him in his office. You are invited to just sit with him and read, or put on some music, or play a game on your DDD, or just rest… or whatever it is that will help.
He’ll even let you curl up in his lap and cuddle with him if that’s what you want. That cheers him up too.
He quietly redistributes the most taxing of your chores for today amongst the seven of them, to give you time to recharge.
You’ll find Levi and Beel doing the dishes for you when it’s your turn, or if you’re supposed to make dinner you’ll find that Mammon and Asmo have already ordered everyone takeout, and they’re already in the middle of setting it all out on the table. You won’t have to do a thing! If you were supposed to clean up a common space in the house, it’ll already be done by some of your assorted pact partners. You might even find sticky notes placed amongst your homework in Lucifer’s, Satan’s, and Belphie’s handwriting, suggesting edits and books titles to check for better information, and pointing out any parts in your work that are particularly well done.
When you check your DDD later, you see that Lucifer had instructed his brothers to take on what they can from you to make your life easier today. He was not planning on letting you know that, clearly—because he sent that in the brothers group chat. You only know because Karasu’s spy feature showed you.
His support is shown in all these soft, quiet details. Peaceful moments. Simple, but unmistakable reminders of how loved you are. It’s okay if you don’t smile today, even though he would like you too. He will verbally remind you that loves you anyway.
Mammon’s first instinct, of course, is retail therapy. He offers to take you shopping. He’ll even pay for your stuff! He doesn’t mind if it makes you happy!
You appreciate that very much—and maybe you’d be happy to take him up on that if you were sad for a reason, but… you just have no spare energy. Just thinking about going out exhausts you more. You’d have to deal with looking at things! And forming opinions, and deciding on stuff to buy! There’s crowds and cashiers and bright lights and just… stuff outside! You can’t, you just can’t. You have no energy and you can’t.
The first time Mammon sees you like this, he’s confused. You don’t wanna go out? You don’t want any new stuff?? He sure hasn’t felt like that before!
He puts effort into figuring out what will actually help cheer you up instead. He’s considerate that way.
He tries taking you for a long drive. He tries taking tasks off your to-do list. He tries trailing after you all day to keep you company, holding your hand, chattering all day so you can’t hear your thoughts, staying quiet so you don’t get overstimulated. He cycles through every possible approach over the months, on every random day you happen to wake up like this.
It’s all greatly appreciated—and hey, some of his ideas work better than the rest! You feel loved and cared for regardless. It’s impossible to miss how much he adores you.
Eventually though, he strikes gold!
That particular day, he had been telling you a stupid joke every time he ran into you, in an attempt to make you smile. He gets a weak grin for his troubles just about halfway through the day. He beams at you triumphantly at that, impulsively scooping you up for a hug and repeatedly kissing the top of your head, and—aha! THERE’S the smile he was looking for!
From that point on, he knows what to do!
The next time you wake up in this mood, he takes the first opportunity to give you a playfully over the top show of affection. Over the course of the day, he keeps doing it!
He runs into you in the hallway between classes, he (gently) aggressively ruffles your hair as he passes you. He finds you aimlessly walking through the house, you immediately get snatched into his arms for a nice long squeeze. You sit with him as he’s scrolling through devilgram, he sets it aside for a moment to squish your cheeks between his hands and cover your forehead and nose with loud, playful kisses. You go up to him and request attention? You get kiss attacked, and he won’t let up until you crack a smile!
Your brain hurts, he says, echoing your very first explanation. It’s okay though, he says. He’ll kiss it better, he says.
He is MORE than happy to completely discard the tsundere façade to lean into this… over-the-top affectionate silliness, as long as it continues to make you laugh and smile like that.
He won’t admit it, but… this is more honest. This is much closer to who he is at heart than his usual behaviour is. Try as he might, he can’t hide how much he cares to save his life.
The realest aspect of Mammon is not the dumbass, not the money-grubber, not the uncaring cool guy that he pretends to be… no, it’s the goofy dork who loves you SO much that he’d go to any amount of effort to cheer you up.
He’s damn good at it too! HE was put in charge of your well-being for a reason! He’s the best big brother/guardian/friend/pact partner ever, and you’re his to take care of. He’s not letting HIS human go without smiling once for a whole day! You’re the sole member of his family he can openly dote on, and dammit, he will!
Levi’s go-to is, of course, distracting you with media. He tries games first, but if you’re too low-energy for that, he gets it. He tries anime, movies, shows, videos, manga, whatever you seem to respond best to.
You’ll notice a theme of letting others help, confiding in friends, opening up to people. There are repeated instances of characters asking for support from the rest of the cast and then being helped and taken care of. Lots of power of friendship stories, lots of hurt/comfort and “it’s rotten work” “not to me, not if it’s you” and team-as-family.
Maybe, just maaaybe, he’s trying to tell you something!
He relaxes when you explain that you just woke up like this, sometimes this just happens and it’s no one’s fault, there’s no problem, he doesn’t have to worry about you. He gets that! Sometimes he wakes up like that too. It does happen!
But… you’re his player two! He wants to worry about you!
So he takes care of you the way he wishes someone would take care of him when he gets like that. Gives you the extra love he knows first-hand that you need right now. He lets you choose the entertainment, he holds your hand, and mirrors what you do to self-soothe.
If you wanna lie on the floor and stare at his jellyfish decorations, he’s right next to you. If you wanna tell Henry how you’re feeling, he’s right there with you doing the same so you don’t have to feel self-conscious. If you’re stimming, he will too. That one makes him happy as well! If you wanna burrow into a pile of blankets and plushies like a hognose snake, he totally gets it and will also do that. He does that anyway sometimes, just because it’s comfy.
There’s not a hint of judgement from Levi. Ever. He gets it.
When you guys HAVE to leave his room, like for meals and such, he lends you his headphones. So you don’t get overstimulated from all the noise his brothers make. He never goes far from you, either. He always stays close enough that you can reach for him if you want to.
After dinner, when you’re tired and done with trying to act normal (not that even one of your demons is fooled), Levi brings you back to his room. He asks if you have any requests, anything you want to do, anything he can do to help you. If you know what you need, he’ll just do it. If you don’t, he’ll offer comfort in some form that makes sense to him. He understands that all you really need is some extra love when you’re like this, so he’s not at a loss. He gets it, he feels the same way sometimes, he can do that!
You end up curled up in his lap, hiding your face in his shoulder as he watches an anime you’ve both seen before at a low volume. Familiar and comforting. He’s happy to just sit and chill with you until you feel like you’ve recharged enough. He knows you’d do the same for him.
Satan’s instinct, once he learns what’s going on, is to bring you to the quiet spot outside where the stray cats he has befriended gather and then plonk the chillest one in your lap.
Cats are perfect fluffy little warm purring bundles of free therapy, after all. How could you not be recharged by this?
He’s not wrong, the cat definitely helps. It is in fact a perfect creature.
But… well, you don’t bother to spend the energy on saying so, but being outside isn’t really helping. You cringe at every loud noise. The wind ruffling your clothes every so often is annoying you. You’re sitting on concrete and it’s making you cold. The streetlights feel particularly aggressive to your eyes today. Very stabby. There are smells outside! No one wants that!
You love the cats, but Satan is giving them all his attention and you’re getting just a little bit jealous. You as well are giving the cat in your lap all your attention, and—as stupid as you feel about it—you’re getting a little bit jealous about that too. You want attention too! All the cat has to do is be cute and soft and it can have all the petting and cuddling it wants! As it deserves, yes, but… don’t you as well, though..?
You try to push that feeling away and just pet the cat. The cat did nothing wrong, you still love it, you’re supposed to be feeling MORE recharged from this! Not… whatever it is you do feel. At the end of the day you still enjoy petting the cat and you don’t want it to leave. That’s still true and that’s what matters, you tell yourself.
Eventually the cat decides it’s had enough petting for now, and gets up. Satan checks on you, fully expecting you to be thoroughly cheered up! Instead he sees you staring forlornly at your hands, mostly zoned out. Confused, he asks if you’re okay.
You nod once, giving him a hollow smile.
Now he’s concerned. He takes a minute to finish petting the cats surrounding him—noting the hint of jealousy in your eyes as you observe him—then comes to sit on the concrete stair next to you.
He gently points out that he knows you well enough to detect a lie. Especially an unconvincing lie like that. You give a noncommittal hum in reply. That’s all you have the energy for.
He wraps an arm around your shoulders, letting you slump against his side. Your head leans against his shoulder. His other arm comes up to stroke your head for a moment, then drops down again to take your hand.
In a small, tired voice, you thank him. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze in reply.
Eventually he adjusts you so he can hold you more comfortably. Every so often he kisses the top of your head, or rubs your shoulder, or squeezes your hand, or says something quietly to you. Pointing out a interesting leaf shape, telling you something inconsequential about his day, prompting you to look when one of the cats does something cute, reminding you that he loves you and it’s okay to feel like this. That he enjoys your company no matter what mood you’re in.
This helps a lot more. Eventually you have enough energy to reply to him in full sentences! He’s visibly relieved at that. Still, he continues to hold you.
It’s after this point that a different cat comes up to you. It sniffs your shoelace then rubs itself against your leg. It flops over your shoe, stretching adorably with its little paws reaching up. It looks up at you all wide-eyed and cute, and finally you give a short puff of a laugh. Satan feels it more than hears it, but still!! He feels successful!
You pet this cat as it stands up and sniffs at your free hand. You look at it with a little smile. There’s a bit more soul in this smile, to Satan’s relief.
Later, as the two of you are leaving, he slips the cat a treat and whispers a thank you to it. Then he takes your hand again and leads you back home.
(He makes a mental note to himself for next time: pet the sad human first!! Then go see the cats!)
Asmo notices that you’re having one of those days today, and he rushes to spoil you. Like Mammon, his first instinct is to take you shopping—but specifically for clothes and makeup and skincare products. Stuff that would cheer him up.
But you’re tired, and he understands that. It’s okay, he still knows what to do!
Asmo brings you into his room. You curl up in a sad, tired lump on his bed. He lets you chill there while he gathers up the stuff he wants.
He returns to you with his arms full of stuff! Nail polish, face masks, a hairbrush, moisturizer and hair oil, etc etc. Stuff for taking care of you.
He makes a point of only doing stuff that doesn’t sting at all. No plucking eyebrows or messing with your cuticles or anything like that. Just the stuff that feels nice.
Asmo quietly chatters about people he knows and stuff he’s used and whatever the latest gossip he’s heard is. Not even really to inform you this time, because he knows you’re probably not gonna remember much when you’re like this, but more to provide you with a constant, grounding backdrop of his familiar voice.
He speaks softly to you as he wipes your face with cleanser and then proceeds with his skincare process. He gently brushes your hair, spending twice as long as necessary just because it feels nice. He insists you don’t bother to move as he sits next to you and paints your nails.
At some point he runs out of stuff to do, so he ends up just brushing over your face with a clean makeup brush. No product on it at all, he’s just doing it to make you relax, because it’s soft and it feels nice. It’s meditative, honestly. For both of you.
He spends a good long while doing that.
He finishes up and lies down next to you. He pulls you into a cuddle. You offer to return the favour for him. Do his skincare and hair and nails and stuff for him, spoil him back—because he deserves the best.
For the first time ever, he declines. He shushes you and holds you tighter. This is the only situation in which he would ever refuse that!
He says you’re more than welcome to return the favour tomorrow if you like, but for now he just wants you to rest. He did all that for you to get you in this relaxed state you’re in right now, don’t get up and un-relax yourself so fast! Keep your brain turned off! It’s good for you sometimes!
… yes, Asmo is surprised by his own selflessness too—more surprised than you are by now, knowing him. He’s always been selfless for your sake since you first became his friend. It still surprises him though.
Beel is your best guy for validation. For quiet, thoughtful, unwavering support. He’s a lot more insightful than he’s often given credit for. He’s one of the best people in this family in terms of emotional intelligence, no question about it.
He knows just what to do. He observes you as the day goes on, taking the first opportunity to pull you aside and check on you without any others around. Just to make absolutely sure there’s nothing else going on.
His voice is soft, his hands are gentle, and he puts effort into understanding you. You’re family, he loves you so much! So of course he would.
He’ll share his food with you of course—both because he wants you to know that he loves you that much, and because he’s trying to remove a task from your to-do list. You don’t have to think about getting food and preparing it and any of that if he just. Does it for you. You can spend your very limited energy elsewhere.
He’ll take you with him on his routine walk, just so you can have a change of scenery and an opportunity to chat uninterrupted.
He listens to you complain about being outside with his characteristic placid sympathy—a combination that would be a bit contradictory if it came from anyone else, but somehow makes perfect sense for Beel. It’s soothing. Reassuring, somehow. He helps a lot, just by being himself.
When you inevitably run out of energy—much quicker than you usually do, but you expected that—he offers to carry you. Or rather, he automatically goes to do it on muscle memory, because that’s just what he does with tired loved ones (Belphie usually). He catches himself and realizes he should ask first in this case. Just to make sure. He’s considerate like that.
You are very tired… and you want contact. So of course you accept the offer. How could you refuse when he offers so earnestly?
He walks in measured, consistent steps as he carries you. The sway of his movement is deliberately relaxing. He’s trying to lull you into a meditative haze, or maybe put you to sleep. Either is good, he thinks.
The warmth of him makes the… everything about being outside when you’re feeling this way a lot more tolerable. The sounds of his footsteps, his breaths, his heartbeat… all of that drowns out the background noise just enough. Your face is pressed into his jacket, so the streetlights don’t stab your eyes and all the distressingly inconsistent outside smells are entirely covered by the spices-aromatics-soap scent of Beel. It’s a smell you know very well, and the familiarity of it is grounding.
Everything about him is grounding, really. He really did know exactly what to do.
At the end of the day… it’s okay if you don’t smile. He would like you to, of course, but he will meet you where you’re at. Anyway, it’s more important to him that you feel like it’s safe to show however it is you actually feel around him. He understands the amount of trust that takes, and he’s honoured by it. Nothing is more important to him than that trust.
So, you don’t have to smile. It’s okay.
Don’t be strong, he tells you. There’s no need, for now. Just let him. Rest, lean on his strength—he’s got more than enough for both of you. He’s got you. He’s not going anywhere.
Oh, you’re tired? A bit sad, a bit grouchy? Damn. Looks like even HE has more energy than you today. That’s not something he sees often! Well, that’s fine. He knows what to do.
It’s straight to baby jail with you!
In his arms, that is. In bed, surrounded by his best pillows, covered by the least warm heavy blanket he has, so you won’t overheat but will still feel nice and covered.
He positions you so you’re facing each other, with your head tucked under his chin. So you have room to comfortably breathe and talk, but your face is still as covered as possible so you won’t be bothered by any lights.
Emotional intelligence may not be Belphie’s strong suit, but he is observant and he understands exhaustion. This may not exactly be the usual kind of exhaustion, but still! There’s no demon better equipped to understand what’s going on with you right now, just by nature.
He’s totally fine with cuddling you in silence if you don’t feel like talking. That really works for him, actually, because it allows him to nap.
Not that he doesn’t WANT to listen to you. He does. He’d be happy to. But he gets it if you don’t wanna bother with that. It’s okay.
He will, however, delay taking a nap until you doze off first. He just wants to make sure you’re okay. He’s not about to just fall asleep and abandon you if you still need attention.
If you’re not falling asleep very fast, he will help. Not with magic, surprisingly. He’s being more… gentle, he supposes, than that in this situation.
He talks quietly about nothing important. The soft drone of his voice, kept consistent and deliberately soporific, melts into your brain like butter, slowing it way down. Blocking everything else out. Gradually turning it off. One hand rubs your back slowly, almost as if to match the rhythm of his voice.
It’s so relaxing. You feel like you could stay like this forever and never want to move, you’re that comfortable.
Belphie knows what he’s doing.
It works really well! He makes sure you feel loved and cared for, then makes sure you get some extra rest. Mental and physical recharging.
Of course, you wake up feeling a lot better. Maybe not entirely back to your normal self yet, but definitely better. How could you not?
You’re a lot less tired after you’ve slept, and less sad too… so he’s succeeded—but you’re still not smiling!
He can fix that, right?
He lets you get up and stretch first, of course. He does the same. Before you leave the room though, he wraps you up in another hug.
He pulls back to examine your face after a minute or two.
Hmm… you look comfy, but still no smile! He can’t have that! So he hugs you tightly again, but this time his fingers start to lightly poke and brush over your sides. He’s trying to force you to smile by tickling you. He’s not gonna do too much, he’s not trying to overwhelm you. He stops as soon as you crack a smile.
There we go, he says as he gives you one last gentle squeeze. That was all he wanted, he tells you.
He doesn’t let go of you for long, over the rest of the day. Always holding your hand, giving you random hugs, draping himself over your shoulders—but without making you take all his weight for once, because he knows you’re still kinda tired. Enough of it to be soothing, but no more. Just so you don’t get lonely. He doesn’t want you to get all sad again.
If you do get sad again though, it’s okay. He will squish the sadness out of you all over again, as many times as you need. He doesn’t mind.
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moo-blogging · 2 months
Nothing in my head, but Levi trying PDA for the first time.
It was snowing. The air was chilly, and the wind stung your face as you braced through the cold. Most of the cadets were back home to celebrate Christmas, but a few of you stayed back to stand by (and of course, without a home to go back to).
Nanaba, Miche, Levi and you were tasked to shop for some extra food for the Christmas and Levi's birthday celebration. Although you insisted that Levi should stay back but he came anyway. You were fresh in your relationship with Levi. Only Erwin and Miche were suspecting you were together, but Levi never said anything about it and you hesitated to tell.
After the cashier rang up everything, Nanaba was busy counting the change, you stood by the side of the road, each hand carrying a bag of goods, staring at the bakery's display window. There was a diversity of cakes, breads, tarts and fruit danishes on showcase. The window is slightly fogged up with the warmth of the fresh baked goods, and the sweet aroma of freshly baked danishes seeped through the slit of the door.
There was not enough budget for a cake large enough for all the cadets that stayed back, so it was decided to settle for butter cookies instead. Miche was paying up for the cookies inside the bakery. You could see his silhouette inside by the cashier, making small talks about something.
Just then, you felt a palm slid into yours. You turned to find Levi standing next to you, staring at the bakery's window as well. Your palm in the thin glove could feel the warmth of Levi's skin. You looked down to make sure what you felt was real. And yes, he was holding your hand in public. Levi squeezed your palm and you looked up at him. He was watching you with his head tilted to the side. "Anything you want from here?" He nodded his head toward the bakery.
"N-no, we've got everything." You swallowed nervously. Levi's eyes bore into yours, "not from the list for the brats, anything you want from the bakery?" You felt your cheeks heat up and you averted your gaze from his face toward the bakery.
"I'm fine!" You blurted out too fast. From your side eye, you could see Levi nodded. Before you could react, Levi took the bag from your hand and turned around. Nanaba, who was standing behind you, was stunned by what she just saw. Levi took another bag from you and walked away. You quietly followed behind. Miche exited the bakery and raised his eyebrows at Nanaba.
Nanaba mouthed "I saw them holding hands!" Miche eyes widened in surprise, shrugged and said "you owe my 5 bucks, Nanaba."
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temis-de-leon · 7 months
Pick me girls and OM! Brothers - Part 2
Characters: Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
Part 1 - Lucifer, Mammon and Levi (x reader, separately)
Part 3 - Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
CW: pick me girl behavior, one of these girls is actually really stupid, suggestive, mentions of sex between the brothers and mc, mentions of violence, a bit of magic, mentions of cheating (not actual cheating), nightmares, implied death, jealous mc, some fluff, some hurt, some comfort, still ooc but i had even more fun
Your boyfriend looked more offended than you ever had the chance to feel.
The cashier at the bookstore barely had the time to say anything about her supposed romance with the demon before he appeared in his signature pose: a hand in his hip and the other one over his chest.
He had been a regular for years and you didn't know if the girl had been delusional enough to believe she had something with him or if she was just jealous and wanted to make you feel bad.
You weren't sure which one was sadder.
"Am I hearing this correctly?" he said with spite, distracting you from your own thoughts "Are you so daft you were considering me reciprocating your feelings?"
The girl lowered her gaze, clearly embarrassed, and for a moment you felt guilty. Maybe she really thought she had something mutual going on with Satan; a crush that went too far in her own imagination.
She proved you wrong, however, when not only did she give you a side eye, but also said the most stupidest thing one could ever muster.
"Well, obviously you are so daft you chose them over me"
You couldn't waste time on feeling hurt; not when Satan was showing his fangs, letting his tail scratch the floor as it lashed behind him. As hot as he looked like this, it was not the moment nor the place to show his demon form in a fit of rage.
The stupid cashier seemed proud of getting a reaction out of him, finally catching his attention. Maybe she was a demon of wrath too? Maybe that's how she flirted with other demons?
The poor thing would be lucky if she ever lived to see another day.
Let her discover that fact on her own.
"She's not worth it, Satan" you urged, pushing him to the door "Let's go to that cat cafe you mentioned earlier. You said they had new kittens, right?"
That seemed to do the trick.
He looked at you with love, still mixed with anger and bewilderment, but not enough for you not to hold his hand and lean against him.
"I'm sorry, my dear" he murmured, then he spoke louder "Do not believe a word she said"
"I would never"
He nodded to himself, like the idea of you believing the cashier was too stupid to even consider it, but neither of you could ignore how his hand stiffened in yours for a second.
"Let's go see some kittens" you said in a singing voice, leading him in the street towards your destination.
You failed to see the adoration in his eyes.
This succubus dated Asmo long before you were even an idea in your parents' minds and she wanted you to keep that in mind.
She wanted you to know that everything you knew, she knew better (a blatant lie) and that Asmo preferred experience over novelty (ew).
"I remember the times we went to the sauna and... Oh, sorry, does he take you to the sauna?"
"He invited me a couple of times, yes" but I had to say no or else I would've boiled alive.
"And does he...?"
Does he. Does he. Does he.
In which moment did you think going to The Fall was a better plan than doing each other's skincare routine while making fun of 50 shades of Grey?
The both of you could be criticizing that poor excuse of BDSM right now (before recreating the correct version), but, instead, Asmo was ordering the girliest cocktail ever made while this Camila Cabello wannabe harassed you.
"...that was a little joke between us"
Lord Diavolo she just kept going.
"I'm so happy you remember so well your past relationship with him" you intervened with a strain in your voice, "but maybe it's time for you to stop and leave"
The succubus smirked with a smugness that made your innards burn from the inside out.
"Don't get jealous! I'm sure he loves you too"
Oh my Lord.
The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch.
"Hon', look at this!"
There he came, your savior, dressed in a skimpy dress with hands full of shimmery drinks and a glint in his very beautiful loving eyes.
"They didn't have human beverages, but I swear the taste is impeccable, you'll love it! Just let me take a picture for Devilgram first"
Camila Cabello, as you had finally decided to call her, cleared her throat in search of the demon's attention. Asmodeus looked in her direction, obviously trying to remember who she was.
"Asmo, baby!" she was nothing but a smile full teeth and a mission. Her gaze a little desperate "Remember me?"
Her determination died, however, when Asmo's expression turned shocked after studying her. He grasped his chest in sorrow as he asked the funniest question you could hear at the moment.
"What are you wearing?"
Camila Cabello was finally at a loss of words and you briefly wondered if this had ever happened to her.
"If you're gonna meddle in my relationship with MC at least take effort in looking decent"
His expression was sweet, saccharine, but there was an underlying seriousness in his voice.
He was so beautiful. And he was all yours.
She was one of the boys, apparently. Beel had definitely never mentioned her, but the girl only laughed when you told her that.
"Wow, controlling much? Does he have to tell you about every friend?"
Well, no, Beel didn't have to inform you about everyone he's ever met, but your boyfriend was sweet enough to want you in every aspect of his life, thus introducing you to his friends, his teammates and even his gym bros.
Definitely not to this girl.
You looked at her in disbelief, licking your teeth with a calculating glance. How much would Beel care if you hit this airhead with a dumbbell?
"We hang out together almost every day" she boasted, twisting a strand of her hair around her finger "It's not even weird for me to be in the boys locker room"
Were you strong enough to throw a dumbbell?
Surely she'd rather be with them instead of you if she was 'one of the boys', no? Why would she be in the bleachers with you, waiting for the team to finish their training, when she could be in any other part of the field doing exercise or playing for another sport?
"I'm not making you insecure, am I?" asked the girl in poorly faked innocence "If he loves you so much you should have nothing to worry about"
"Oh, I trust him" you assured her, but you didn't sound as confident as you wanted to. Although Beel never gave you any reasons to doubt him, it was difficult to defend your relationship when this girl was so convinced everyone was in love with her.
"That's so cool"
You decided to ignore her and her mocking tone, hoping to end the conversation right there, but she just kept talking. It was obvious she wanted to get under your skin.
For what? you wondered. Did she expect Beel to leave you if she batted her lashes fast enough? Did she know Beel at all??
"Oh, Beely!"
You cringed with a scowl visible to everyone around you. Some of Beel's teammates laughed at your missfortune, while the others, the ones you liked best, turned around in horror and left without a second glance.
Wether he was oblivious or just didn't care, Beel wasted no time in running towards you with a smile on his face.
"Did you see me?" he asked, looking up to you with a boyish grin and brightened eyes.
"I'm always looking at you"
Beel blushed, his smile still obvious in his face, but he couldn't get another word in before the girl talked again.
"I was looking at you too"
You rolled your eyes and Beel immediately stared at you with a curious glance. He hummed in response, ignoring her once again as he reached out for your hand to caress your knuckles.
"There's a new limited edition menu in a restaurant near RAD"
No questions added nor needed. You smiled at him and nodded, bringing his hand to your lips to kiss it. A promise for later.
"Noo, we used to go there so much..."
"Can you stop?" Beel interrupted her with a deadpan expression "You're making MC uncomfortable"
The girl looked at him in surprise, mouth wide open, clearly not expecting to be snapped at.
She didn't dare to look at you after that.
It wasn't the first time you dreamt about this girl and it wasn't the first time you dreamt about her stealing your sloth of a boyfriend.
She wasn't some mystery girl, but rather Belphie's old seatmate, the one he had before you were kidnapped admitted in RAD. A quiet doe-eyed succubus that looked at him like he was the best thing that ever happened to both human and demon mankind.
She'd tried to sit next to him a couple of times with no avail, always getting rejected in your favor. Then, Belphie and you started dating and she stopped trying. You'd innocently thought she'd surrendered.
But not only did she search for him the very few times you guys weren't next to each other, she also ignored you completely when you were there.
Ignoring her back was easier said than done.
And this time, the oniric version of her wasn't just stealing your boyfriend. This time, he was willingly going to her, making your heart hurt so much it made you wake up with what felt like broken ribs.
It took you a couple of minutes to pull yourself together and not push Belphie away when he brought you back to his chest. The image of him kissing her while looking at you was engraved in your mind.
So, although sweating and hurting both from your heart and your confidence, you forced yourself to sleep.
You didn't notice just how awake Belphie was.
Back when you were still friends, you had allowed him to introduce himself into your slumber each time you had a nightmare. Images of you dying under the jaws and claws of faceless demons disappeared faster when the real Belphie was there. Ironic, isn't it?
He tried to stop every single one of them, but sometimes he was so deep in his own dreams it was proved to be impossible.
You thought this was one of those occasions, but, alas, you were wrong.
Days passed without any new event and Belphie mentioned nothing about your initial irrational coldness towards him, which made you feel a tiny bit better. Eventually you'd get so embarrassed about the situation that you had no other option but to dote on him like the brat he was, leading to a whole weekend sprawled over his bed in the attic.
The girl was still there, although not as persistent with Belphie, and she avoided you like the plague, with fright in her eyes.
So he did something about her, didn't he? But how did he know? And what did he do? You wanted to ask, curious as ever, but as time went by and the eyebags under her eyes started to occupy her entire face, you decided against it.
Barely a month later she disappeared without leaving trace. And since Belphie didn't even acknowledge her at all, why would you?
Tagging a little more: @hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin @elaemae
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stinkysam · 10 months
Levi Ackerman - For some tea.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “levi's reaction to somebody trying to flirt w reader but he's like "sorry i got a husband" when they're not even engaged 😭” - @vainillacookie
Reader : male (you/yours)
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You and Levi had readied yourselves to go out, Gabi and Falco with you. They had asked if they could come and you had agreed.
Falco pushed Levi into a shop, a tea shop as Levi had wanted, to refuel the stock that was running almost empty.
Once inside, you took separate ways to cover more ground, everyone taking a pack of their favorite tea.
You, unlike the rest, went to the cashier, the owner of the shop for some help. You didn't know what to take, being difficult in taste.
She was kind and agreed immediately, leading you a bit everywhere in her shop to show you everything she had.
She had placed her hand on your back, making you raise an eyebrow as she led you around. But you thought nothing of it, thinking she was just the touchy type of person, trying not to lose you in the… two aisles she had.
“A handsome young man like you in my shop, I'm almost flustered.” She finally says, chuckling.
“Ah.” You laugh too, nervously. “Thank you ?”
Her hand moved from your back to your arm, keeping you close. You tried to look for Levi to get you out of this situation but he was too busy reading the ingredients of a tea pack.
“I can show you the back-shop if you want.” She smiled, her hand caressing your biceps and you blinked.
“Huh ?”
She blushed slightly, feeling a bit awkward she has to repeat herself but does it anyway. Your eyes widened.
There was no doubt, with the way she looked at you, her hand on your arm and her tone, she was flirting with you. All the signs were there ! You couldn't help but smile nervously, looking at Levi who watched with a slightly surprised expression, having heard what she said when she repeated herself. He waited for you to give her an answer, clearly a bit amused by this.
“Uh.” You looked at her, her thumb gently pressing against your biceps. “I'm sorry, I already have a husband.”
“Oh.” She immediately pulls her hand away, visibly embarrassed, before looking at your fingers. “But I don't see a ring.” She says, a bit bashful.
“Well, I'm picky about rings too.” You say with an awkward laugh, reminding her of your difficult taste in tea before walking toward Levi. “Have you found what you wanted, love ?” You ask, your hand resting on his shoulder.
He blinked, a bit taken aback by the nickname but he quickly answered.
“Yes. I've got everything. And you… honey ?” He almost smiled at his last word, nearly losing his composure. He wasn't one for nicknames, so using them always felt a bit funny, odd.
“Yeah. Gabi ? Falco ? Are you done ?” You call them out and they turn around, hands full of biscuits for tea time.
“Yes dad.” Gabi replied, making Falco giggle.
“Gabi !”
“Shhh !”
The woman looked at you, her pale face showing surprise at the two kids who were yours, apparently ?
“Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know.” She says, feeling more embarrassed about the situation. Trying to make herself smaller to disappear. You smile awkwardly, unsure of what to say.
“We uh, we'd still like to pay.”
“Oh, right ! Right ! Right this way.” She quickly says, almost running to get back behind her cash register. Ready to move on to something else.
You paid for the tea and biscuits before leaving. The bag resting on Levi's laps as you pushed him outside the shop, Gabi and Falco quickly behind you.
“Husband ?” He asks.
“I panicked.”
“If you wanted to propose, you could've done it more directly. I'm the first one concerned after all.”
“I asked you out so you should be the one to propose.”
“Oh yeah, and who made that rule ?”
“Your husband !” Falco and Gabi say in unissons, grinning proudly while laughing.
He rolled his eyes.
“Fine. I guess I'll propose and make you my husband then.” He said with a sigh, turning slightly to look at you, his lips curving into a faint smile.
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eli0004 · 4 months
Any Levi headcanons you’d like to share with the audience 🥹
Whew😮‍💨 Anon, as a dedicated Levi stan of multiple years, you know i do!
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Pairing: Levi x GN! Reader
Synopsis: Random relationship hcs!!! Woohoo!
Warnings: Levi struggling with emotions, gossiping, mentions of substance use, very slight nsfw implication
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Levi isn’t really someone who cares too much about what music he listens to. He’ll listen to whatever you put on, even if it’s like…loud angry metal, he’ll sit there like 😬 Yes this is great i love it and i’m absolutely not horribly overstimulated right now. He just likes to see you happy.
This man is made of 100% husband material. He thrives living the quiet married life, and feeling appreciated and loved for doing the simplest, most menial household chores.
For the most part, if you were to ask him if he wants children i think he would say no, but then he watches you interact with children and it patches up this broken place inside of him, and suddenly he’s dreaming of little feet pattering around the house.
If he accidentally hurts your feelings with some dumb joke he made, he will feel intensely guilty. It will eat him alive, he can’t believe himself. But he also has no idea how to say that, so he’ll just make you tea and torture himself over it.
Even if you’re years into your relationship with him and living together, he still gets butterflies when he sees you again after a long day. You’re his solitude, his safe place, his home isn’t a home without you there in it.
He likes to listen to you gossip with your friends. Every once in a while he’ll pipe in and share his thoughts on something, and you’re like…? Since when did you start paying attention to this?
He has a high tolerance for alcohol, but half an edible has him absolutely faded. It’s actually ridiculous. And high Levi is so soft and sleepy, and he seems so genuinely relaxed, it’s a blessing to be able to witness him in that state.
Levi is hardly interested in status symbols, and values practicality over luxury. In a modern AU he probably drives a slightly beat up older classic car, but has no idea it’s a classic, so when car people compliment it he’s like ??? Tf
He’s a slightly picky eater, but if you make dinner one night and it doesn’t look appetizing to him, he’ll gather every ounce of courage in his body to take a bite and try it for you, since you went out of your way to make him something.
He has a keen sense of smell, and he loves fresh, fragrant aromas. He definitely stops in the candle aisle in the grocery store to smell all of them, and then gives himself a massive headache.
When you get out of the shower and smell all nice and clean, that shit gets him so bricked up.
I mentioned this before in another post, but if you ask him to pick something up from the store and it’s on a shelf he can’t reach, he will literally leave that store and go to a different one. He’s not going to ask the 16 year old cashier girl to help him reach it, and he’s definitely not climbing the shelves like a mad man. You’ll just have to wait a while longer.
Literally blushes from ear to ear when you call him pretty, or cute. If he gets compliments on his physical appearance, it’s usually said that he’s “sexy” or “handsome” which are still great things to hear, but it’s about the loving adoration in your eyes and the gentleness with which you touch his face. The genuine honesty behind your compliments, and the way it feels like you see something in him that nobody else does.
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warabidakihime · 2 months
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★ characters: levi ackerman x reader | modern au
★ plot summary: levi helps you get through an episode
★ content warnings : implied su!cidal ideations, talks about mental illness (panic attacks, anxiety, and depression).
★ a/n: just a lil something i wrote out of sheer indulgence cause i am going through it ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა . so i guess you could say this is true to life and the only difference is, i don't have a levi by myself doing all these for me LOL. BUT YEAH, i hope you like this one and i hope it could help other people who might be going through the same thing.
sending everybody hugs!
Title: Until When Do I Need to Run?
"What if I'm too tired by the time I reach the 'pinnacle' of my life?"
Your voice sounded soft and vulnerable as you let those words slip through your lips.
Normally, you wouldn't let these kinds of thoughts escape the confines of your mind, but today, your heart was desperately screaming for any semblance of salvation.
Anything that could shed light on your ever-gloomy world.
From the dining table where your boyfriend sat, enjoying his freshly brewed jasmine tea after dinner, Levi raised an eyebrow in your direction. "What?"
You were at the sink, washing the dishes, as it was your turn this week. You chuckled humorlessly as you rinsed a plate rather mindlessly. "It's nothing. I was just thinking out loud."
"And thinking ridiculous things too," Levi said, his voice louder than usual. It didn't occur to you that he had moved until you were spun around, facing him. He was already behind you while you were racking your brains for a response.
"What's wrong with you? Did something happen?" His frown was deep, his gray eyes piercing. Despite being shorter, his presence loomed over you.
Reaching for the kitchen towel to dry your hands, you stayed mute for a few minutes in an attempt to gather your thoughts.
"Work has just been... rough lately, and the stress is getting to me. But today was especially hard," you started. You were speaking slowly, trying to articulate your words as best as you could.
It was something your therapist had taught you years ago. Because of the things you went through growing up and the trauma you'd accumulated, you'd unfortunately lost your ability to speak coherently at times, almost to the point of being considered a person with a disability.
Having such a handicap was frustrating and humiliating, to say the least. It angered you when you couldn't get the right words out or when your mind went blank mid-sentence, rendering you temporarily mute.
Thankfully, you had Levi. He'd been your boyfriend for eight years, and since you got together, life wasn't as draining as it once was. You couldn't be more grateful to him. The two of you had met while you were on a coffee run at work. He was behind you in line, and when your card was unfortunately declined and you didn't have cash on you, you almost had an anxiety attack.
In his own way of displaying kindness, Levi scoffed from behind you and handed the cashier his card to pay for both your orders.
"If you don't want to go through something like that again, make sure you have cash on you, dumbass."
And the rest was history.
You went quiet again, and while Levi waited patiently, he took your hand, gave it a loving squeeze, and led you to the living room so that you could sit and talk comfortably.
Once you were settled, you took a deep breath, which sounded shaky as it escaped your lips. Your emotions were clearly piling up inside, and it was just a matter of when they would burst.
"Steady your breathing first, Y/N," Levi said as he rubbed your back gently, doing his best to comfort you while you grounded yourself. "Take your time."
Smiling sheepishly at him, you did as told, and then finally, you continued to confide in him.
"Nothing major happened, but work has been really hectic recently due to the amount of things we need to do, and it doesn't help that my team is severely understaffed. So, I guess the fatigue and stress have been piling up, and it's getting to me."
Levi noticed the tension in your shoulders and the way your hands were trembling slightly. He reached out and gently massaged your temples, his touch soothing.
"Any word on that incompetent manager of yours? They're looking for a replacement, right?" Levi asked, his voice tinged with annoyance. He knew the lore of what was happening at your workplace, and to say that he was pissed was an understatement.
Not only were you neglected by your immediate supervisor, but you also had to catch up and do his workload while still getting paid less than him. The whole thing was a mess, and to be completely honest, Levi was on edge, worried for your well-being. It sucked that his worst fears were manifesting.
"They're doing the best they can, so I'm just waiting patiently on that."
Levi let out a 'tsk' and rolled his eyes, clearly more annoyed for you. The gesture caused you to giggle a little.
"And to sum it all up, the whole thing kind of shoved me into another episode, and I started to overthink things again." You said with a pout, then continued, "I started to think of negative things again, like the fact I literally have to work like a horse just so I can survive for another two weeks. From that, I started to get dizzy because it dawned on me that it would literally take me years to succeed. And then I thought, what if by the time I reach the most successful point of my life, I'm too tired to celebrate or to even continue living because that's what I've been striving to achieve for so long, and that's where I've been pouring all my energy—"
"Okay, stop. Stop right there," Levi interrupted, his voice firm. He let out a frustrated sigh and pulled you closer, taking your hands in his. "You're spiraling, Y/N. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. We're going to tackle this together, one step at a time. Right now, you need to breathe and relax."
His gray eyes held a stern yet caring expression. "Focus on the now, Y/N. We deal with problems as they come. I'm here. I'll be your anchor, but you have to let go of the rope a little."
You looked into his eyes, feeling the weight of his words. Levi had always been your rock—the one who grounded you when your mind spiraled. You knew he was right, and his presence always brought you back to reality.
As you sat there, hand in hand, you felt a sense of calm wash over you.
"Thank you, Levi," you whispered, leaning in to rest your head on his shoulder.
Levi noticed the shift in your demeanor. He squeezed your hand reassuringly, his other hand coming up to stroke your hair gently.
"You know, Y/N," he started softly, his voice a stark contrast to his earlier firmness. "You're incredibly strong. You've faced challenges I couldn't imagine, and you’ve come out stronger for it. But even the strongest people need to recharge."
He paused, giving you a moment to absorb his words. "It's okay to not be okay sometimes. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. What matters is how you deal with it. And right now, you're dealing with it by talking to me instead of keeping all that to yourself, and you've also been really consistent with it, which is a huge step. Good job."
Levi squeezed your hand gently again. "We'll figure this out together. Maybe we can start by setting some boundaries at work. Or maybe we can find some ways to de-stress outside of work. We can try new hobbies, or just spend more quality time together."
You felt a lump form in your throat as you listened to Levi's words. Just him being there for you brought so much warmth; it's as if he's hugging you from within.
At that moment, you realized how lucky you were to have him in your life.
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability. His words, spoken with such gentle sincerity, had a profound effect on you. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You realized how much you had been bottling up and how much you had been neglecting your own well-being.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "Thank you for always being here for me. I don't know what I would do without you."
Levi smiled softly, reaching up to brush away a stray tear that had escaped your eye. "You don't have to figure it out alone, Y/N. And never, ever hesitate to reach out to me. I am the last person that would push you away."
A comfortable silence settled between you as you both took a moment to appreciate the connection. The soft glow of the living room lamp casts a warm ambiance, creating an intimate atmosphere.
"I know I've been a bit of a downer lately," you admitted, your voice trembling slightly. "I hate that I let this get to me. I hate that I'm becoming this person who's always stressed and overwhelmed."
Levi squeezed your hand tighter.
"You're not this person, Y/N. You're going through a tough time, and that's okay."
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. It was comforting to know that you had someone who understood and supported you unconditionally.
The conversation continued, flowing naturally as you shared your fears and worries with Levi. He listened patiently, offering words of encouragement and practical advice. You felt a sense of peace as you opened up to him, something you hadn't done in a long time.
Hours seemed to fly by as you talked. The initial darkness outside had given way to the soft hues of dawn. Levi's grip on your hand never loosened, his presence a constant source of comfort.
Eventually, the weight of exhaustion began to creep in. You yawned, your eyes heavy with sleep. Levi noticed and smiled gently.
"It's late, Y/N," he said softly. "Let's head to bed."
You nodded, your head leaning against his shoulder. "Mkay. Thank you, Levi."
Levi kissed the top of your head. "You're welcome. We'll talk more about this tomorrow if you want, alright?" 
You nodded, a sheepish smile on your face. "Okay."
He stood up and stretched, a yawn escaping his lips. "I'll get us some water."
You watched as Levi moved toward the kitchen, feeling exponentially better, all thanks to him. When he returned with two glasses of water, he handed you one and sat back down beside you.
"Drink up," he said, his voice soft but firm.
You took a sip, feeling the cool liquid soothe your throat. After finishing the water, you placed the glass on the coffee table and turned to Levi.
"Thank you, Levi, for everything," you said, your voice full of sincerity.
He gave you a small smile, his eyes reflecting his affection for you. "Always, Y/N."
Setting his glass aside, Levi suddenly cupped your face with his hands, his touch gentle yet commanding. He leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was more passionate and eager than usual. His kiss conveyed all the love, support, and reassurance he wanted to give you, grounding you in the moment.
You responded in kind, your arms wrapping around his neck as you melted into the kiss. The intensity of the moment made your worries fade away, replaced by the warmth and love radiating from Levi. He pulled you closer, deepening the kiss, his hands moving to your waist, holding you securely.
When you finally pulled away for air, you rested your forehead against his, your breaths mingling. Levi's eyes were soft but intense, filled with a promise of unwavering support.
"You're not alone, Y/N," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. "I love you, and I'll always be here for you."
Tears of gratitude filled your eyes as you looked at him. "I love you too, Levi."
With that, he took your hand and led you to the bedroom. You both settled into bed, the weight of the day's worries feeling lighter. As you lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, you felt a sense of peace and security that only Levi could provide.
"Goodnight, Y/N," Levi murmured, his breath warm against your ear.
"Goodnight, Levi," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
The room fell into a serene silence, only your steady breathing filling the space. Levi’s arms around you felt like a shield against the world’s troubles, and the steady beat of his heart was a comforting rhythm that lulled you into relaxation.
As sleep began to pull you under, you felt a tender kiss pressed to your forehead while Levi’s fingers lightly traced soothing patterns on your back—his way of reminding you that he was always there, ready to lift the burdens you carried.
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stonertora · 1 year
Sub Kenma x Demon Fem. Dom reader ❤️
Part 1
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Warnings: drug use or abuse idk (reader smoking weed) , breath play, fingering, size kink, rough sex, blood, spanking, marking, biting, slapping, pet play, bondage, humiliation, orgasm control, cursing, heavy language, overstimulation, age gap (age isn’t mentioned), choking, hair pulling, squirting, anal, spit, pegging, mommy kink
So I’ll just make something clear right ahead or ppl get confused, the reader definitely has some demonic abilities and features like horns, wings and a tail, I’ll just say that Reader herself can choose who sees the features or not, so people might not see them. I’ll also write it in readers pov.
After I ended my 9 hour shift, I just needed something to drink, an energy drink would do it’s job tho, so I’ll buy two for my boyfriend too. after I say goodbye to my coworkers, I quickly left.
my legs were hurting. standing all day really wasn’t made for me, I could just fly all day, but of course I can’t do that, what would people think of me, seeing some cashier randomly floating in the air? they’d probably freak out and call the police, so yeah, I can’t do that here.
It’s about 8 p.m. so now I’m on my way to the nekoma highschool, getting my boyfriend from his volleyball training. I could hear his friends already yelling and laughing, nothing new though they’re always fucking around with each other. I bet Yaku’s beating Levi’s ass again.
Only thinking about it got me crackling. I mean he shouldn’t mention Yaku’s height all the time, so it’s his fault. As I walked closer to the boys, I looked for Kuuro cause where Kuuro is, Kenma can’t be far away.
,,Sup bitches. Where’s Kenma at?’’
I yelled out of no where, suddenly the pain in my legs all gone, and adrenaline building up in my body, that’s one thing I love about his friends, they never fail to light the mood. Most of them nearly got a heart attack, which brought a wide grin to my face.
,,Damn y/n, you could’ve warned us at least, Levi almost shat his pants. Anyways your boyfriends on the toilet right now.”
Kuuro told me, almost loosing it himself thinking about Levi’s scream, but couldn’t suppress a slight grin on his face. So I sat down on the bench next to the boys, listening to how their training went, how Levi kept on fucking up the easiest stuff, or how they once again tried to stop Yaku from beating his ass, which I know had Kenma’s hair growing grey soon.
,,Damn Levi, you really should keep up with the training, if you keep fucking up Yaku’s really about to kill your tall ass.”
I told him, while opening my energy drink.
,,But it’s not that easy y/n-Chan, I just seem to really be too stupid for all this. And stop calling me ‘tall ass’, or I might call you minor dater, old hag or something like that.”
he said already getting himself ready to run for his live.
,,The fuck you said you lil bitch?”
I yelled at him, ready to rip his limbs one by one. I was ready to yeet his stork ass, but couldn’t do it. He got hit pretty hard in the face by some basketball.
,,OWWWW! That FUCKIN’ hurt man!!”
He yelled while blood ran down his nose.
,,Then shut your reckless fucking mouth, bitch.”
Everyone now looking shocked over to the direction the basketball came from. An angry Kenma walking towards us. Okay he was pissed, even more than me myself, you can see it, even a blind person could see it. The fact he extra got himself a basketball instead of a volleyball proves it even more.
I walked over to Levi, and stared straight into his eyes while he sat in the ground, Tora holding a paper wipe on his nose.
,,You can be happy it was Kenma who threw the ball, if it was me and I’ve had be half as mad as Kenma you’d be headless by now. So watch your language.”
I told him, I know he’s probably shitting his pants, but he must hear it.
,,I-I’m sorry, y/n-Chan, Kenma-San, won’t do it again I promise.”
I kneeled down of his level of height and grinned slightly.
,,You’re good, lev. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t kill you. take my energy, it’ll help with the pain, yeah? Keep the cold can on your nose it’ll help it to stop bleeding. “
I stood back up walking over to Kenma handing him the other energy I bought.
,,Take it. You need to calm down. You’re right about what you said but you really didn’t needed to throw a whole ass basketball in his face. Poor man’s probably got a broken nose by now.”
I told him still grinning, I know Lev deserved it, and the scene replaying in my head almost got me loosing it.
Kenma said, taking the energy drink out of my hand.
,,What you say?”
I asked him, voice stern.
,,Sorry, I meant thanks, Babe. He just pissed me off.”
he told me.
,, Yeah, I understand, let’s go home. Your live stream should start in about an hour.”
we walked over to the others.
,,We’re leaving now, his livestream’a gonna start in a hour. See y’all tomorrow!”
After we said goodby to everyone, we’ll except to lev for Kenma, we walked home, enjoying the weather, it’s so hot outside like we’re almost melting. We went inside our apartment, while he started his livestream I started cooking. Some Katsu cutlet with rice and fried eggs and soysauce.
Placing it in two rice bowls, and walking to our shared bedroom. I opened the door quietly, careful not to make any noise, not to disturb his livestream. I placed his bowl next to his PS4, and quietly sat down on our shared king sized bed. I ate my food while watching him gaming. After about 10 minutes I finished, meanwhile he didn’t even touch his food once or looked at it. I didn’t wanted to disturb him, so I sent him a message to eat his food before it gets cold.
After another 10 minutes I got an idea on how i could make him eat. I crawled under his gaming desk, gently laying my head on his left thigh, gently massaging the other one with my right hand. He slowly looks down, while I whispered to him to eat his food. Which he nodded to, but still didn’t touch his bowl once. This. Little. Bitch.
The fuck he thinks he is to just ignore me? So I decided to change my plan a little. Just a little. While he kept streaming and talking to his viewers I started massaging over his crotch, which finally got me a real reaction. Man’s almost choked on his own spit but no one noticed. But he kept ignoring me, so this bitch really wants to know it huh…?
Playing all cool in front of his friends, only if they knew what a little slut he is for me. I kept massaging a little harder on his crotch, already feeling how his boner grows. Still acting all cool huh? Wait till you feel this. I slowly pulled down his pants, together with his boxers. His cock jumping out of his boxers, saying hello to the cool air. A little whimper can be heard.
,,AYO? What was that Kodzuken? 🤨”
I heard one of his friends ask.
,,Nothing, are you schizophrenic or something?”
,,Nah, I heard what I heard. But if you say so…”
heh. You heard damn right, I slowly licked a stripe along his cock, then a few licks on the tip, which ended in me sucking his cock while he’s streaming. I can hear his breath getting faster, heavier, it got worse with every second. Swirling my tongue around his cock, adding my hand to pump what doesn’t fit in my mouth. When I felt him almost cumming I suddenly stopped and stood back up and let myself fall on the bed, watching some TikTok’s. After another 5 minutes I heard something like,
,, Alright, that’s all for today chat, see y’all in 2 days. Bye.”
then he ended the livestream and turned off his PS4, and walked over to the bed, laying down next to me, trying to kiss my neck.
,,Uh excuse me sir? Sluts that don’t eat don’t get to cum, it’s that easy. So eat your food now it might still be warm, if not put it in the microwave. After you ate we can maybe talk about this.”
He looks at me with the “are you serious right now” look on his eyes, but stood up and started eating. I knew he wanted to talk back, but this ain’t working on me, it’s only gonna make everything even worse for him, and he knew this. So I continued watching my videos, after a few minutes i felt something entering the bedsheets, one look down already told me everything.
so I laid back, turning off my phone and laid it down on the little nightstand next to the bed. I felt my pants being pulled down, then some light kisses and rubs against my clothed pussy. My heart starting to beat faster, legs lightly trembling. I felt him pulling my panties aside, his hot breath meeting my now free pussy. He slowly started licking along my pussylips, just how I like it. His tongue meeting my clit, licking lazy circles around it, sucking on it here and there.
,,H-hah…keep going, pretty boy.“
I told him, my breath getting a little heavy. He then moved his wet tongue from my clit to my entrance, now tongue fucking me.
,,Hnggh…just like t-that..“
I grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulling on it, he moaned into my pussy, sending little vibrations straight to my core.
,,Mmhh..g-gonna cum soon, pretty. Make mommy feel good..“
he then again started massaging light circles around my clit with his tongue, adding two fingers inside me, curling them up to meet my g-spot.
,,H-hnggghh~…just like thaat…you’re making mommy feel soooo good..”
my moans getting louder from minute to minute, the lewd sounds working me up even more,
,,P-please…mommy…wan’ you to…c-cum all over..m-my face…m-m’ s-soo…needy for your c-cum..”
that’s all I wanted to hear, him begging, knowing his place, the lewd sounds of moans and being eaten out mixed together sending me over the edge…
Sup:) There’s definitely going to be a part two for sure! It’s just it’s 1 am over here and I have to work in like 5 hours. 💀 so I’ll post part 2 tomorrow or Thursday:3 I hope you liked it
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
hopefully i’m not too late but can you do 24. "mcDonald's is open, wanna go get some chicken nuggets?" "it's 3 in the morning." "and?" "let's go." from the general fluff prompts with joey b also congrats on 2.5k <3
haven't written for levi and his family in a while, so here's a little something for them :)
24. "mcdonalds is open, wanna go get some chicken nuggets?" "it's 3 in the morning." "and?" "let's go." (from this prompt list)
tw: pregnancy
you had been tossing and turning for almost an hour. it wasn't long, but it was enough for joe to wake up, "are you hungry?" you hummed, "all right, what do you want?"
you picked your head up and squinted at him in the dark, "mcdonalds is open, wanna go get some chicken nuggets?"
"it's 3 in the morning." he pointed out.
"and?" you tilted your head to the side.
he hesitated before throwing the covers off, "let's go." he quickly made his way over to your side and helped you out. he helped you down the situated and got you situated in the car.
"can we bring monty?"
"sure." he called your dog, who had woken up to all the commotion. monty followed the sound of joe's voice and trotted into the garage.
monty hopped into the backseat, but climbed his way into the front, settling in your lap, leaning his head on your belly, and looking up at you tiredly.
you smiled, petting him, "ready for some chicken?" joe asked, getting into the driver's side and looking up the directions.
you hummed, "i think baby b is excited too." you pressed a hand to where you felt the kick. joe smiled, reaching over and placing his hand where your hand was.
"still weird."
"feels weird." you smiled.
he finally pulled into the drive-through of the 24-hour mcdonalds, ordering you whatever you wanted. when he pulled up to pay and grab the food, the cashier working looked ready to pass out.
"joe burrow?"
"what's up." joe laughed. joe paid, got the food, and made sure to take a picture with the staff. he pulled into a parking spot down the street and you both sat in silence, eating your food.
"do you think it's crazy that there's a human inside me?" you asked.
he turned to look over at you, a raised brow, "sometimes."
"sometimes, when?"
"when they kick or that one time they had hiccups? that was crazy."
"it was a little freaky." you laughed.
"but i'm excited."
"me, too." you smiled, reaching over and squeezing his hand.
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
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❝grocery shopping with him❞
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« characters - demon brothers, solomon, diavolo»
« gender neutral reader »
« headcanons »
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He is very efficient. Knowing exactly where every aisle is, the shopping basket is full in the blink of an eye. You are there only to keep him company. Time with you is precious and he intends to keep you close whenever the opportunity presents itself.
He scans the prices and brands before making a decision. He gets the best coffee beans directly from the plantations and he pays them well. He is “husband goals” if you are of an economic mind. He has a lot of coupons but his pride forbids him from using those. Beel is only too happy to receive it from his eldest brother. Owing to his busy schedule, he sometimes gets the necessities delivered. The bored cashier straightens up and greets him very respectfully.
He insists on carrying the bags himself and doesn’t listen to your protests.
Well, he’s scared to visit some stores because he hasn’t paid them back for decades. He is very particular about the stores you two can visit. Once there, he vanishes to check out the shelves and schemes about what he can sell for a higher price.
“After all, demons would pay extra to buy it from THE Great Mammon. We can send the bill to Lucifer. Hahaha,” says Mammon with a bunch of mismatched stuff in his shopping basket.
The burden of completing the shopping falls on you.
You sigh, “Let’s get it done before Lucifer calls and asks for dinner.”
You two carry the shopping bags together.
He buys you a gift while browsing.
He is incapable of completing this mission alone. You must accompany him as he makes a comeback in the outside world in what feels like an eternity! His eyes dart to and fro as if afraid that someone will be disgusted by his presence.
“Where can we get this item, [Name]?” he asks for literally everything on the list.
You give him a tour for the future despite him refusing to follow.
“Levi, you should know where everything is!”
He literally gags when he sees seafood and runs away as fast as he can.
“Levi, wait! You can’t go out with the basket without paying first!”
You apologise for him but keep supporting him. You carry all the bags because he looks shaken and weak.
“Oh, [Name], look at these cute shaped cookies. We should definitely get these for my Devilgram!”
Within a few minutes, he has gotten everything in the store that’s not on the list.
“Asmo,” you say breathlessly as you try to catch up to him, “We need to buy groceries for dinner! We can’t eat chocolates and cookies… is that lip gloss? Let’s grab some vegetables!”
Asmo pouts but you shield your eyes from his cuteness. “No, Asmo! It’s been an hour. We should get started now. Plus, the two of us can’t carry all that!”
That’s when he gives up. “You are right. Maybe we can come back some other time. Let’s get the food before Lucifer gets mad.”
He returns some items since it got too heavy and then you two easily carry it to HOL.
He’s very methodical and knows where the best deals are to be found! The shopkeepers know him only too well. Oh, vegetables? He knows a place where you can get fresh ones. Ah toiletries? Why, allow him to show you where good quality yet cheap toilet paper can be found. Name it!
Owing to his influence, he never returns from a shopping trip without getting everything that’s on his list - even if it’s sold out everywhere.
“I must get fresh ingredients to prove that my food is better than Lucifer’s,” he grins as he starts dinner preparations. “Oh, and try this coffee. The beans are a delicacy. I stayed awake for 2 days after drinking half a cup. I completed an entire series by a writer I like.”
“Sounds dangerous for the health, Satan.”
You accompany him to make sure that he doesn’t eat the grocery store while he’s at it. He listens to you and tries to control himself but his hands still stretch to grab some food items that nobody should eat raw. So you have to devote half of your attention picking items for dinner and the other half to make sure that Beel doesn’t cause a lot of trouble.
“I’ll make you something you will enjoy for dinner so just wait for a bit longer, bub,” you promise and he behaves.
The rest of the trip is spent imagining all the delicacies that he will request you to make.
He carries all the bags back.
He’s too lazy to care.
“Why didn't you ask one of my brothers to do the shopping in your place?” Belphie groans, looking drowsy. The supermarket was not his idea of an ideal date. “You know that they would have been only too happy to do it if you had asked. Then we could have taken a nap together instead.”
You put some onions in the basket and turn towards him wearily. “But it was my turn today. I can't always drop the burden on someone else. Besides,” your tone softens, almost apologetic, “Why don't I make something you like tonight? Something light on the stomach that will help you get good dreams?”
He narrows his eyes but looks pleased, “It seems that I am no different than my brothers. I can't say no to you. You make me melt. What can I say? You know me too well… ”
You carry the bags while he carries a pillow.
He tags along to spend time with you. The idea of chatting with you while doing the most mundane daily activities appeals to him. It’s sweet and endearing and he likes to stop talking and instead observe you deciding between two brands. These are Barbatos’ duties so he never gets the chance to enjoy these. He seems to be familiar with tea and coffee and can guide you about the best ones, even though he rarely drinks store-bought beverages.
He bombards you with questions about what you usually buy and make for dinner and promises to join you again if he's free.
He won’t let you carry the bags. Let him help you. Whoever sees the demon prince with grocery bags in his hands feels startled. Even royal demons are involved in housework! Mothers will be telling this story to the little ones for centuries to come.
Solomon takes his time since you are there with him. A man needs to relax after researching all day.
“Ah look at this leafy cabbage. This was grown at the Hellfire Plantation. They use a special kind of manure. It’s very tasty,” he says and buys two.
The extent of his knowledge is bizarre. When he catches you looking mystified, he laughs. “Haha you look so suspicious of me. I am sorry. For some time in the last century, I took special interest in learning about the agricultural and rearing practices in the Devildom.”
“Wow Solomon,” you say impressed. “There seems to be nothing you don’t know!”
“Haha, that’s kind of you but there’s still a lot to learn about the world.”
“Thank you for coming shopping with me. Why don’t we return to Purgatory Hall? I will treat you to my cooking?” he offers with a satisfied smile.
Your instinct tells you to run but you ignore it and smile shakily instead. “Eh… ah… I actually promised Levi that I will play games with him tonight. Sorry! Maybe next time?”
That's when your legs start moving in the opposite direction, deserting him with all the bags.
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lonely-north-star · 2 months
jewelry maker mammon x retail worker mc
hi guys this is me being silly and projecting my work experiences onto my mc. She can suffer along with me.
(Note: Human world AU?? I guess?? Craft store silliness)
-But imagine Mammon who hand makes jewelry for fun. How did he start? No one knows. He owed Levi a favor and ended up helping to make friendship bracelets for a fan meetup as freebies
-Once he found out there was more than pony beads he was hooked
-Claims he was experimenting with patterns but each of his brothers have personalized/handmade charm straps (Asmo and Levi have them on their phones, the rest of the brothers have them clipped onto their keys or bags)
-His favorites are crystals/glass beads
-Prefers using seed beads for his work due to more color options
-He can spend over an hour in the strung bead and charm aisle respectively
-People mistake him for a worker because he's often fixing things without realizing. He's just so familiar with that aisle he knows where everything goes
-Gets grouchy and calls people out if they're making a mess while he's in the aisle (What are ya gonna do? Tell the manager on him? Good luck.)
"Ummm no, there's no one with white hair who works at this location. The only two people working right now are my cashier and I-"
"There IS. You need to have a talk with him. He has absolutely no customer service skills. I can't believe you hire people like that-"
"... Was this in the jewelry aisle?"
"YES! He was back there and rudely-"
"Ma'am, that's a customer. He doesn't work here."
-Mostly spends time admiring the beads at first because he doesn't have as much money as he'd like. Until he does a few commissions for friends of Levi, Asmo, and Satan
-They'll either buy the specific beads they want used and allow him to go ham and keep any extra (and tip him well ofc which surprises him)
-Or they send a certain amount and tell him to go ham and surprise them
-Beel once paid him to make matching sports charms for his team
-He tried setting up an online shop but then chickened out at the last second, so now it's just word of mouth
-MC at first was wary of him because he spent so much time there she thought he was stealing
-She would go in there to fix the aisle only to find it sparkling (awkwardly customer services him before walking away)
-Mammon wonders why all the employees keep asking if he needs help finding anything
-Hears him telling off a customer while passing by to do returns and is shocked af
-One day when he's buying beads the cashier asks what he's making and he excitedly explains his idea and shows off his phone charm
-MC was already up there packing an order and gets called over by the cashier
-Compliments him on the design and suddenly Mammon is confused because all this time he thought she hated him (she always side eyed him in the aisle and rarely spoke to him) (she's actually the most awkward manager ever)
"That looks really pretty! You made that?"
"U-Uh, yeah! Yeah, I did! Cool, ain't it?"
-After that she makes an effort to say hi and ask what he's making (if he's making anything)
-They end up getting along and he accidentally distracts her because they talk so much, but when she starts shuffling away, he knows she's being called for something
-The other managers were wary of him too until one day they started asking about his projects too
-One time he's there to pick up some markers for Levi as a favor and MC is there
-MC spends a full 30 seconds digging in her vest pockets for her keys
-Pulls out her phone, a box cutter, her walkie, a penny, a pen, all before her keys
-She finally pulls them out and there's no clip, no nothing, just a damn keyring
-He's mortified actually because how does she live like that
-Says this out loud without realizing
-Now they're both red faced and embarrassed
"My handheld is always in my right hand, I guess? I-I don't know, it's always been like that!"
-Her right pocket only holds her handheld. Nothing else. Maybe some order slips she needs to mark as picked up. No she will not change her ways, it's too late now and she hates change
-Decides he's going to make her a charm strap
-Realizes he doesn't know her favorite color (his mind blanks on what beads she'll linger on)
-Grabs the colors Levi asked for, and tries to think of an inconspicuous way to find out her favorite color. He's snapped out of his thoughts but her voice
"There's a buy 1 get 2 free sale, y'know"
"You only have 13. You could get two more for free. You need groups of three."
"Ah. Uh, I'm getting these for my damn lil bro who sent me here and these are all he wanted-" *realization* "Choose something for me, would ya?"
"...Choose for you? What if he already has them?"
"Well now he'll have extra. Just pick your favorite color or something. Don't matter."
-Mammon's plan works because she ends up picking a royal blue color immediately. She picks another shade of blue that's lighter too after a long moment because "there's no gold, unfortunately. I like shiny things."
-Mammon feels like he found his soulmate
-Notices her name tag has some star stickers on it (and Halloween one's? In July? But they're faded)
-He asks around and posts online to see if anyone local wants a commission
-Gets more requests than he bargained for but he's saving every extra penny
-Saves up enough money to buy these gold star strung beads that MC always makes a point to fiddle with (they're on the bottom rung) and he feels silly for not noticing sooner
-Buys a pack of blue seed beads (is literally in the aisle trying to color match) and some diamond spacers (they're these round disc like one's) I am literally naming beads I see at work all the time, I'm about to make this thing irl
-He surprises her one day, or tries to. Turns out she's on vacation and won't be back for ten days
-He still shops for some commissions between (notices afternoon cashiers looks kinda miserable without her and the store gets messy)
-Except the bead aisle. That stays pristine.
-He's so excited the day she comes back, and is ready to surprise her with the charm
-But then she surprises HIM with a black and yellow woven bracelet and his heart stops
"Reminded me of you. Because of that feather clip you always have on?"
"...T-Thanks! Of course I'd be on y-your mind. I'm just that memorable, ain't I?"
-MC has never gotten so red so fast (he's concerned)
-He presents the gift he made to diffuse the situation because she might actually pass out
"Here. Made this for ya. So ya won't be digging for your damn keys so long. N-Not any other reason! ... I was gonna give it to you earlier but they said you were on vacation."
-She's literally speechless and staring at him in shock so long he thinks she hates it or he made a mistake
-She manages to stutter out a thank you and clips it to her keys immediately with the softest fucking smile he's ever seen
- Oh. Oh.
-She doesn't think he sees her when she's excitedly showing it to all her coworkers. Now she just has to feel around in her pockets for the beads and pull out her keys
-On his way out, after forgetting what he meant to buy in the first place, because he can't stop thinking about her smile, he sees the table for the hiring event they're holding next week...
why can't I have a cool customer who snaps at karens for me 😔 also the key thing is true because I don't wanna clip them onto my pants. Everything goes in the pockets.
pt 2 is Mammon getting hired /hj (if anyone actually wants part 2 LOLOL)
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mayajadewrites · 6 months
Sweet Secret (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x F! Reader CEO Levi Ackerman coming in hot. I've been wanting to write a CEO Levi/Sugar daddy Levi story for a hot minute. Enjoy! Summary: You needed a job. Ackerman Inc was hiring for an in house assistant for none other than the CEO: Levi Ackerman. He's known to be essentially the worst to work with, you decide to take the job and take on the challenge that is Levi Ackerman. Will your relationship remain professional, or will their be monetary value added to the stakes? Or possibly even... love? ao3 Chapter Ten: Falling
The next morning you and Levi find yourself at the breakfast buffet, the warmth of the sun kissing your tanned skin. You have 3 more days in paradise and you're soaking up all the warmth while you can. 
Since last night, Levi has been a bit softer with you. You woke up wrapped in his arms, feeling his heartbeat against your chest. You almost didn't want to get out of bed because of how peaceful he looked. You studied the dark circles under his eyes, thinking about how he probably doesn't sleep much. If he does, it's short lived.
"What did you want to do today?" Levi took a sip of his tea. You eyes scan down to his upper body - his chest dressed with a linen white shirt with two buttons undone.
"Hm..." You tap your chin with your index finger. "Can we look at the shops? I saw some cute trinkets there that I think my sister would love." 
Levi nods as he dabs his lips with his napkin. "Tell me more about your sister."
"What about her do you want to know?" You tilt your head to the right. Levi has never really shown that much interest in your personal life, besides things that he already knew. 
"Well, she's 18 and very independent." You take a sip of water. "She's always been rambunctious and causing trouble, but I'm always there to pick up the pieces. I've been taking care of her since she was 6."
"6? So that means you were 16?"
"Yeah. I... left my parents and took her with me." 
"That must've been a lot for you." 
"Some days I don't remember how we even survived, if I'm being honest. My only goal was to get Alexis a stable home. I finished high school and took college courses through computers at our library. We stayed at a shelter until I could find us a cheap apartment."
Levi is absorbing all of this information. His eyes never leave yours, making sure you know he's listening. "You're very strong." He paused and looked towards the water, the ocean air invading his nostrils. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"Nothing to be sorry about." You smile at Levi before pressing your lip gloss wand to your lips. Levi watches as you lather the clear, glittery substance on your pouty lips. His eyes wander to your curvy figure - your black sundress caressing every dip and curve on your body. "Did you enjoy breakfast?" You break his stare.
"It was... average. The tea could've been better." 
"Is there a place that always makes your tea right?"
"Yeah. It's in Japan." 
"Of course it is.
"Levi, look at this!" You walk into one of the shops in the hotel. This hotel has a fucking mall inside of it, something you never thought you would've ever experienced. "They have vintage teacups!"
Levi put his hands in his pockets as he browsed the teacups, taking in all of the detail. You've never seen him so focused on something, so you're proud of yourself for bringing him in here. You watch him, feeling your heart beat a bit faster. 
None of this is real.
This is a transaction.
Snap out of it.
"Do you see any that you want?" You bring yourself next to Levi. He glances down at you.
"I do. I'm having them sent to the house." Levi handed the cashier his black AMEX card. "I've only seen them in Japan."
"That's amazing." You smile at him. Your gazes catch each other and the both of you can feel your hearts skip a beat.
Levi clears his throat to break the tension that you're both feeling.
"Where to next?" 
"I saw some cute bags over there." You point at a store across the way. You know Levi enjoys the luxuries of life, so why not indulge a little?
As you walk in the shop, Levi's large hand presses to the small of your break. 
No affection outside of the bedroom, You remember him saying. You decide to test the limits- wrapping your arm around his bicep. His arms are a weakness of yours - the muscles look like they were carved by Greek Gods. Levi didn't move you, nor say anything. 
"Aren't you two a beautiful couple?" The saleswoman said. "Are you looking for anything specific?" 
"I like that bag." You point to a small, soft green structured bag thats in a display case. It was gold hardware, simple but so elegant. Levi nods in approval.
"We'll like that." 
"We do free monogramming/engraving, did you want to do that?"
"Yes." Levi answered for you.
You raise your eyebrows as Levi walked toward the register. "You stay here." 
As you wait, you watch Levi again. You feel your heartbeat quickening as his mouth moves when he speaks. You don't hear any words but you're engulfed in... him.
The slight tan in his skin, the way his shirt bellows over his muscles, the way his eyes are drawn to yours every other minute.
Is this what falling in love feels like?
Levi brings the bag over to you, smiling to himself.
"Why are you smiling?! What did you do!" You peek into the bag.
"Open it and see for yourself." Levi shoves his hands in his pockets.
You gently take the bag out of the bag, looking at the engraving that was done on the bag. 
You see a simple L in the center below the straps. "L for Levi?" You smile at him.
"Do you like it?" 
"I love it." You press the bag to your chest, unsure if this a moment where you should hug him.
"I'm glad." He nods. You put the bag back in it's bag, gazing into his eyes. You're both almost hypnotized by each other as your bodies get closer.
"Levi," You breath, almost feeling his nose on yours.
"Mm?" He whispers as he presses his hand to your hip.
"I thought you said no affection outside of the bedroom." Your big, doe eyes land on his.
"Today we can ignore that rule." He gently takes the bag from you as he pulls your body into his. His hand trails to your ass, giving it a squeeze as his face leans into yours.
Your lips touch and it feels like a fire has been lit inside of you. This isn't a frenzied kiss, nor is it a peck. Levi moves his lips with purpose, taking care of every inch of your mouth. He squeezes your ass again, massaging it gently after. You wrap your arms around his neck, fully letting yourself fall into him. He pulls away gently, kissing your lips, nose, cheek, and forehead before turning to be on your side. 
You still feel the ghost of his kiss on your lips and you know you want, no need to feel that sensation again. Your core is already feeling needy as he takes your hand and laces his fingers with yours. 
Levi leans down to your ear, pressing his lips against the shell of your ear. "You knew what you were doing with that sundress, hm?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." You giggle, pressing your hand to his forearm.
"If we weren't in public I would be-"
"Would be what?" You turn to him, pulling a hair behind your other ear. "Tell me what you want to do to me." You whisper, letting your lips hover against his as you turn to him.
"New rule." Levi pulled your hand as he started walking. "No dirty talk in public." He cleared his throat. 
"Why?" You pick up your face as you look down and see exactly why that new rule has been enacted.
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seeingivy · 1 year
the ensemble cast
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting fic, masterlist here
content: eren being possessive for no reason, cherry + coke slushies, reader gets criticized online, good old teasing, reader mentions feeling anxious/having anxiety
an: lalalalalallalala lights camera action babes pls enjoy :D
previous part linked here
The set that Attack on Titan is filming on was originally from a previously scrapped project. Three weeks ago, when you and Eren first moved in, the two of you had pilfered from the leftover set dressings and props to see what you could find. 
That’s where you find the tandem bike. The breaks don’t work that well, and the seat in the back is really uncomfortable, but it works well for you and Eren’s purposes, which is running away from set on lunch breaks to get slushies at the convenience store two blocks down. 
As Hange said, you and Eren wouldn’t really have to do any method acting to become best friends. He’s literally the only other person on set besides Levi and Hange, who are usually too busy workshopping the set and the scripts to talk to you.
You guys eat breakfast together, go to class, and spend hours talking at night when you’re both too bored to do anything else. 
You’re both leaning against the bike, two straws poked into the extra large slushie that you and Eren got. The cashier, Michael, gives you guys the slushie for free, but only one since he’s “not made of money.” 
Hence, sharing. You guys always split the slushie in half - the right side is Coke for you, and the left is Cherry for Eren. It always swirls together halfway through when it starts melting, which is when you and Eren start playing with the straws - smacking yours into Eren’s and vice versa. 
“Do you think it’ll be weird when everyone comes tomorrow, Eren?” 
“Maybe a little bit. There’s a lot of them coming. And we’re used to having the place to ourselves.” 
Tomorrow is the first official day of filming. 
You and Eren have been filming scenes for the past three weeks. But tomorrow, the rest of the ensemble cast arrives, and you start really filming. And you can’t even lie - some part of the entire ordeal fills you up with anxiety. 
Because the rest of the cast knows know each other already. Because they’re better actors than you. Because you’re kind of a fraud. 
Eren mentioned that most of the people on the ensemble cast were great people because they were part of his class when he went to the SHWA. Meaning he already knew them. Meaning they all knew each other - that they had spent two years going to boarding school together and socializing within the same cohort. 
Eren has already co-starred with Mikasa, and he and Jean used to do cameos on a different show together. He used to room with Reiner when he lived at the SHWA, and they’re all still really close. 
Eren said it was kind of like a cult at times, how the industry seemed to function in that way. You just think he’s trying to make you feel better for being the sore thumb of the group. 
But even beyond just meeting the cast, this entire week is a big deal. The ensemble cast is supposed to attend a panel that WIT hosts every year to answer questions and play the teaser trailer. Hange and Levi are panicking because first impressions can mean everything to a start-up show like this. 
Eren tells you that there’s really big advertising company called the Elms that posts reviews of shows before they come out. They have no connections in the fields since they’re advertisers, but their opinions and reviews are basically written law once posted. 
They’re the industry equivalent of a Michelin Star.
That’s why the pressure is on for this week - for the cast to get along, for us to finish filming and taking pictures for the promo, and to do great at the panel at the end of the week. 
There’s so much to mess up you can’t even fixate on what to worry abo-
“Y/N. Stop it.” 
You look over to find Eren glaring at you, shuffling his straw through the bottom of the ice at the cup. His lips and tongue are tinted pink from the drink, his expression annoyed. 
“Stop what?” 
“Thinking so hard. They’ll all like you, even if you didn’t go to SHWA.” 
“I don’t know. I feel like you’ll all have inside jokes without me or something and leave me out. I don’t want to feel like a loser.” 
He takes the cup from your hand, now empty, and swishes it into the trash can a few feet away from you. And then his ice-cold hand is in yours, squeezing. 
You learn quickly that Eren isn’t the best with his words, but he’s always touching you in some way when a situation like this arises. He squeezed your shoulder when you forgot to bring your harness to set, delaying the entire crew for twenty minutes. And when you didn’t do so well on the French test you had last week, he put his hand in your hair but didn’t really say anything. 
If it were anyone else, it wouldn’t work. But it’s Eren, and for some reason, it just does. It’s almost comforting now that you can rely on his hands to be on yours whenever you feel awkward. 
“You’re not a loser, Y/N. And if someone thinks you’re a loser, I’ll just tell them they’re wrong about you.” 
“Plus. When they see us act, they’ll change their minds. You’re electric on the screen.” 
Eren yanks the tandem bike off of the stand and pulls you up by the hand, the two of you lazily biking back to set. You try to ignore Eren’s comment and how it makes your entire body buzz. 
You and Eren make ramen every morning. Because Levi said that the first time he did, it was a one-time occurrence, and he can’t feed you guys daily. He leaves out all the stuff for you, even going as far as cutting up all the vegetables that you like to put in your bowl. 
“Try to catch the extra carrots in your mouth.” 
You’re both playing the game a little bit too competitively as you start racing around the kitchen, trying to throw them so far that you both have to chase after them. And when Eren throws it all the way into the foyer, you go running. 
That’s when you bump into him. 
There’s a guy in the walkway who you accidentally knock into the ground from running so fast. He has short brown hair, the strands closer to his hair darker. And now that you’ve fallen on top of him, his hands are secured around your waist, both of your cheeks burning red. 
You quickly scramble off, awkwardly running your hands through your hair. 
“S-sorry. Me and Eren were playing a game.” 
“No problem. I’m Jean.” 
He smiles, his eyes glinting at you. 
“You said that already,” Eren grumbles from the kitchen. 
You can see Jean’s cheeks burning red as the rest of them pile into the room, the quiet house suddenly bustling loud. You can’t help but get overstimulated by everyone you’re meeting, trying your best to remember names - Armin, Sasha, Bertholdt, Annie, Connie, Reiner - as they all start milling around the kitchen, sitting at the table. 
“So, when are we eating?” 
“Sasha shut the fuck up. All you’re worried about is eating.” Connie responds, smacking her across the forehead. 
You walk over to the side of the table, tapping Sasha on the shoulder. 
“They’re catering since you all flew in. They should be here in twenty minutes.” 
She gives you a gleaming smile, returning to arguing with Connie. You can feel a hand tugging on your wrist, the guy from earlier yanking on your arm. 
“So if they’re catering, why are you making ramen?” he asks, his cheeks pressed in his palms.
“Ah. Eren and I are kind of in the habit of making it. We kind of forgot they were supposed to cater today.” 
“Well, it smells really good.” 
“Did you want it, Jean? I don’t mind because Eren and I kind of ate before.” 
“Oh, no. I couldn’t-” 
You march over to the kitchen, where your steaming bowl of food is, much to Eren’s dismay, and return to place it in front of Jean. And when you return to the kitchen, you watch chaos ensue.
Connie and Sasha claim that Jean should share because they’re best friends. Jean says that Sasha’s asking for too much. Then Ymir says that Jean’s face is asking for too much, and now everyone’s arguing with each other. 
You lean over, whispering in Eren’s ear as you talk. 
“Are they always like this, Eren?” 
He pushes his own bowl of ramen to your side, placing the chopsticks in your hand. 
“Oh. It’s okay. I was the one who willingly gave my breakfast away and started World War Three, so.” 
“Don’t be stupid, Y/N. Let’s just share.” 
You and Eren shuffle the chopsticks in between your hands, taking turns eating from the bowl.  And you’re so distracted because Eren’s asking you about Falco and Colt that you don’t realize it when it happens. 
Connie taking a picture of you two. 
And suddenly, they all stopped arguing with each other and started teasing Eren. 
“So this is why you didn’t tell us anything about her? Trying to keep her all for yourself, huh?” Connie says first, smirking at Eren. 
You can see the tips of Eren’s ears turn red as he denies it vehemently, only goading the rest of them on more. 
“Eren. Do you think Y/N is pretty? Do you love her?” Ymir asks, swinging her arm around your shoulder. 
“Where do you get off, you little bitch? Why would you even ask me that? Do you think Historia is pretty?” 
“Yes. I do think Historia is pretty.” 
You crane your neck over to Historia, whose sitting at the table, her cheeks glowing pink in her hands. Mikasa and Armin are sitting right next to her, focused on typing away on their phones, but you can see the smile pressed on both of their faces. 
“You didn’t answer, Eren. Do you think Y/N is pretty? Do you guys kiss each other goodnight? ” asks Reiner, this time leaning even more forward. They’ve backed you and Eren into a corner, the six of them smiling bloody murder at Eren. 
Eren hates being put into a corner like this. But he hates it even more when you’re looking over at him, your eyes boring into his, expectantly waiting for an answer.  
“Yes. I think Y/N is pretty. No, we don’t kiss each other goodnight.” he murmurs, his cheeks burning red. 
You can feel your own cheeks heating up as Levi comes by, dragging the rest of the new people to set with the promise of food. Sasha’s the first one to leave.
Leaving you and Eren alone in the kitchen again, the half-finished bowl of ramen between you. 
“They’re always like that. It’s so embarrassing. Now I’m never going to hear the end of it. Especially from Connie and Reiner, they’re so fucking annoying sometimes it’s-” 
You place your hand on Eren’s shoulder, stopping his rant in his tracks. 
“I think you’re cute.” 
“Huh? What?” 
“You told me that you think I’m pretty. Just thought you should know I think you’re cute,” you say, shrugging your hand off and grabbing your harness from the ground as you walk off to the set. 
Eren joins twenty minutes later. 
He needed the extra time to get his heart to stop violently thumping in his chest. 
Armin is the only one brave enough to ask. He leans over, straight into Levi’s headspace, and asks. 
“Levi. What are they doing?” 
The eleven of them have been watching you and Eren do this for the past few minutes. You’re both…standing there, staring at each other. You’re not exactly talking, though you do whisper something to each other a few times. You’re just kind of…standing there together. 
“They do this before they shoot scenes. Y/N said it’s not really a thing for her, but Eren says he needs to feel some… tingle before he can shoot.” Levi responds, yanking his headphones partially off. 
“Tingle?” Armin repeats. 
“That’s not a tingle. He’s just excited to see Y/N.” Reiner responds, the rest of them chuckling. 
You’ve asked Eren to explain it to you maybe a hundred times. And he always says the same thing. That he needs a second before he can shoot to stop being him, Eren, and being the character, Eren. And he knows he’s thought about it hard enough when he can feel this… writhing in his chest. 
Most of the time, it’s not bad. He usually just stands there for a few seconds, looking at the ground or the set, and he’s ready. But today, the entire thing is making your cheeks burn. Because not only are the rest of them watching you, but he’s staring at you - green eyes, all soft and warm. He never really looks at you like that, straight on. 
“Are you nervous, Y/N?” 
“A little bit. They’re all watching, and it’s kind of a hard scene.” 
“You’ll be fine.” 
“Why are you taking so long today? You’re literally just supposed to look all passed out in my arms.” 
“For you. You’re like nervously twitching and have to stop before we can start.” 
The scene isn’t too bad. You’re just supposed to get suspended in the air and then grab Eren when he comes out of his titan. Levi and Hange said it was preferable if you could try to cry, which Eren has been trying to coach you on for the past few days. 
It’s supposed to be an emotional scene. You’re supposed to think Eren’s dead and that he’s returned to life. That your best friend, the only person whose been with you since you were little, will still get to be by your side.
(Hange’s really dramatic when they explain scenes). 
And when you do it, you can feel your hands shaking. They’re blowing a lot of steam onto the set as you and Eren stick out of the prop titan, making your hair stick to your forehead and your skin sizzle under the lights.
You’re sure Eren feels the same way. You place your hands around Eren’s face as he starts wobbling in the air in your hold. 
You’re not supposed to say anything. You’re just supposed to feel it. 
That’s what Hange wrote on your script, next to the blocking for this scene. You place your hands around Eren’s face and take the sight in. The red marks streaking down the side of his face, the way his eyes are closed, and you’re not sure what makes it happen, but you really want to hug him. 
Because if this were really true, if you really did think Eren was gone, you would want to hug him. You would want to hold him in your arms, press yourself into his skin to make sure that you can feel him, so that you knew he was really there. 
So you do. It wasn’t in the script or what Hange and Levi wanted you to do, but it just felt right. To hold him like this. Some part of your stomach is burning because Eren isn’t really wearing a shirt and even Eren awkwardly shuffles when you do it. You whisper down into his ear. 
“Sorry. Felt right.” 
And when Levi yells cut and they pull you and Eren down, Annie is the first one to say something. 
“I get it now.” 
“Get what, Annie?” Eren asks, yanking his own harnesses off. 
“You’re not a good actor, Eren. I was really confused when they picked you as the lead. But I get it now. You guys have really good chemistry.” she replies, milling off. 
You apologize to Levi for not following the script. He, in turn, tells you to do it more often. 
After four days of filming, Eren’s more pissed than ever. Because he figured that his jealousy or possessiveness would wear off by now, that it was just because he was used to it being just him and you for the past three weeks. 
And he gets why everyone wants to talk to you because they’ve all known each other for years, and you’re the shiny new toy, but do they really have to talk to you all the time? 
He can’t eat ramen with you in the mornings because Sasha always begs you to make her some too. Then she’s milling around in the kitchen, asking you mindless questions while you make some for her. 
He can’t do homework with you in your room because Reiner always joins - and he gets that Reiner is really bad at French, but does he always have to ask for your help with the assignments? 
And he can’t even talk to you at night when he’s bored anymore. Because Mikasa’s always there too - teaching you how to braid your hair, the two of you giggle about things he doesn’t understand. 
He loathes it, which is why he has the outburst that he does. 
He invited you to go for slushies with him on Friday before you fly out to Cannes for the panel. But when he yanks out the tandem bike and Jean asks to go along, he can’t help but get irritated at him. So he yells at him . Like bloody murder yells at him. Which is why you and Eren quietly bike, awkwardly sharing the slushie on the bench. 
“I wasn’t going to let him come, you know? Slushies are our thing, Eren.” you respond, swirling the brown and red ice together. 
“Oh. Really?” 
“Well, yeah. Some things should be just ours. And I can’t help it for other things - like when Sasha asks for food, or Annie wants help with the props - but I can for this.” 
Relief floods through Eren’s chest, and he smiles for the first time in five days. Thank god. 
“Okay. Good.” 
“Were you feeling… bad about it or something? Like I wasn’t really talking to you?” you ask, Eren not meeting your gaze and instead focusing on the geese walking across the street. 
“I know you’re not like supposed to talk to me or whatever, but like. I just kind of missed you, that’s all.” 
You smile, leaning your head against Eren’s shoulder. 
“I missed you too, Eren.” 
You and Eren bike back, matching pink lips, which is just asking to get teased at this point. Ymir asks how long you and Eren were sucking your face to get lips that pink, which just pisses Eren off to no extent. Levi makes them both sit on separate sides of the plane. 
“Each person answers the panel questions in sets of two or three. There are three panels, so ensure you’re with the right person for each part.” 
Your first panel is with Ymir, which you lucked out on. Because the second they start asking questions, your face is burning, your throat is itching, and you can’t answer even a single one they ask you. 
You’ve never really been the anxious type. You’ve acted in school plays before and performed for big crowds. But that was always low stakes in your mind. The only people in the audience were people that you grew up with, their older sisters that always compliment you on their hair, and their parents that love to take pictures with you. 
This crowd is something different altogether. They’re all wildly unfamiliar, with big cameras and notepads in their hands as they scribble down every little detail they can. Before you and Ymir could even introduce yourselves, even give them something to write down or take a picture of, they were already going hard. 
That’s why you feel petrified on the stage. One of the questions is literally what your name is, but for some reason, this crowd of adults with shiny cameras and notepads makes you choke. Ymir saves the day. She’s charming enough to woo them all on her own, with a few comments from you here and there throughout the panel. Every word out of your mouth feels like balmy chalk running down your throat. 
Your second panel is with Mikasa and Connie, who are surprisingly a really comedic duo. They’re both so different that they complement each other really well, providing funny anecdotes from set and talking about what it’s been like to film.
Connie, much to your dismay, tells the audience that you and Eren are inseparable - so much so that he’s caught you cuddling together on set before. 
That was an accident. You were just tired from shooting on set for eleven hours. You can sneak by with another comment here and there for this panel too. 
But the third panel is just you and Eren. And you know you can’t choke here because you and Eren are the leads. And granted, you haven’t really been acting like a lead this entire time by squeaking once like a mouse, but it’s infinitely worse to do it now. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You can feel the tears welling in your eyes as Eren looks over, concern washing over his face. 
“I-I can’t do this.” 
“What? Why not?” 
“I don’t know. I already messed it up. My entire panels I- I didn’t even say anything because I felt so weird and like- I don’t know, I just can’t be a lead role. I’m not cut out to-” 
He shakes his head, yanking you forward to push you into his embrace, his arms warm. His mouth is hovering by your ear, his voice so soft that it sends shivers down your spine. 
“You’re going to be fine. You’re literally everyone’s favorite person on set because you’re just the best to be around. And it’s the same thing out there, just with people you don’t know.” 
“You guys…you guys have to like me. And it’s hard when they’re all looking at me.” 
“Don’t look at them. Just look at me. Just pretend you and I are sitting there, and the person asking the question is me, not them.” 
You shake your head, burying it deeper into his shoulder. You can feel your panic subsiding, but there’s still a bubble of anxiety right in your throat.
You and Eren walk out, Eren’s hand pressed in yours, as you sit at the table, your hands still locked together under the fabric. 
He squeezes three times before starting, introducing the two of you. The first question is for you. 
“Who is your favorite person on set?” asks the lady in the front.  
“Um. Maybe Hange. I’ve always looked up to them for a really long time, and getting to work with them has been re-really cool.” you mumble straight into the microphone. 
You look over at Eren, who feigns shock as he talks into his. 
“I’m offended, Y/N. My favorite person on set is you but your favorite person on set isn’t me?” he says, the crowd laughing. 
“What? You’re so full of it, Eren. If they asked you, you probably would have said Levi because he did your laundry once.”
The crowd laughs again, and Eren smiles, his eyes warm as he looks into yours. 
“You’re annoying, Y/N. I’ve literally said you’re my favorite person on set on every panel. You think you’re special to someone and find out they don’t even like you that much.” 
“Oh, be quiet Eren. You’re so irritating. You know I like you.” 
“What was that? Say it louder for me, I didn’t really hear you.” 
“I like you.” 
“One more time, Y/N. Use your big girl voice.” 
“I hate you, Eren. You’re not funny and you’re not cool.” 
The entire crowd laughs, Eren squeezing your hand under the table as they ask him questions next. You’re doing it. 
And for some reason, you’re really in awe of this side of Eren. You never figured that he was the type of guy to be really good at press since he seems so awkward and stumbly when he’s around you, but he’s…really charming when it comes to this. He’s cracking jokes, poking fun at you while answering all the questions. 
“Last question. For Eren. What was your favorite scene to film?” 
“There’s this scene that we filmed a few weeks ago. Y/N did some really good improv in it, and when Hange and Levi showed it to us for the first time, we were just so excited for the show to start airing. Basically, you think my character is dead, but-” 
You feel your eyes widen as you clamp your hand over Eren’s mouth, stopping him from spoiling the show before it airs. And you forget that you’re on the microphone because you accidentally start berating him into the speakers. 
“Eren. You’re so full of shit. Stop spoiling the show before it can even come out.” 
For some reason, the entire cast finds the entire ordeal so funny that they’re clapping bloody murder for you and Eren as you deck out.
And when you get to the back of the stage, Hange’s applauding you both for doing so well and Levi’s threatening Eren with promises of masking tape on his mouth the next time he tries spoiling the show.  
You’re just thankful Eren held your hand through the entire thing. You wouldn’t have been able to stomach it if he wasn’t. 
The review comes out early the next day. The eleven of you huddle around the computer, you and Eren sharing a chair as you wait for Hange and Levi to return with Erwin from the airport. The man of the hour himself has finally arrived to set, meaning you can watch the review. 
It’s two girls with short blonde hair on both of them as they dissect the teaser trailer Hange and Levi produced for the panels, and the individual speaks themselves. 
They introduce each actor and their character, commenting on past roles, character dynamics, and how they feel about the character overall. Almost everyone gets a glowing commendation except for Armin, who they feel doesn’t look the part. 
You can tell from the way Armin shifts uncomfortably in the seat that he’s a bit put off by the comment, but Jean and Marco are already coming to his defense, whispering reassurance in his ear. 
“Now, onto the leads.” 
You instinctively grab Eren’s hand under the table, the two of you leaning closer to the computer to listen. 
“The male and female leads for Attack on Titan are Eren Jaeger and F/N L/N. Eren Jeager was in the fourteenth SHWA cohort and already has a nice plethora of credits behind him - even going as far as to have already co-starred with major parts of the ensemble. We’re sure he will be a great lead for the show, a career-defining role if he does it right.” 
You squeeze Eren’s hand three times under the table, everyone patting him on the back and squeezing his shoulders in congratulations. 
“We’re unsure if the same can be said for female lead F/N L/N. Upon closer inspection, head casters Hange Zoe and Levi Ackerman have chosen something a bit untraditional by not picking an SHWA-affiliated actor. We’re unsure if she can hold her own on a show with big chops like this one since she could barely handle the panels themselves. Sure, everyone has been gushing over how cute the two leads are together, but Eren can’t really carry that part of the charm for her on screen. We’re unsure how it’ll play out, but it’s feeling pretty bleak for now.” 
Eren squeezes your hand under the table, but you let go altogether. And when you look back, they’re all awkwardly staring at you, Hange and Levi pinching the bridges of their nose. 
“Um. I’m not in the next few scenes, actually. So I’m just going to go eat dinner if that’s okay.” 
“We’ll come with you,” Mikasa responds, yanking Sasha up from her chair. 
“Oh, you guys have to stay on track with filming. You shouldn’t backlog the schedule. It’s okay.” 
Eren watches you walk off set alone, Hange and Levi already doing damage control on their side. Levi’s already screaming bloody murder that they have no right to say that when they have no experience in the field, and Hange’s getting ready to run off and comfort you. 
“Hange. Let me come, please.” 
Eren watches Hange's features contort as they shoot him down. 
“Sorry, Eren. I don’t think she really wants to talk to anyone right now. And I’m just going there to sit with her till she’s ready to talk.” 
“She’ll talk to me. I can sit with her, I do it all the time. We’re best friends. And I just want to come. Please, please let me go.”  
“Eren. These are all your scenes. You need to stay here. I’ll let you come check on her after, okay?” 
Eren watches Hange run off and angrily acts through the next seven scenes. 
When he’s done on set, he basically all but sprints to your room, snatching the video camera from Levi and Hange’s office, and knocks on the door lightly. And when he sees it, he can’t tell which emotion he feels most strongly. Never mind, he’s almost positive it’s anger. 
You’re lying flat under your soft blanket, Hange’s hand in your hair. He can tell that you’ve probably been crying for a better part of the day, your eyes were all swollen and pink and your nose all runny. 
Eren climbs under the blanket with you, hand locking with yours under the sheets. He squeezes your hand three times, which you return as you wipe the excess liquid from your face. 
“What, Hange?” 
“I’m going to call your mom and tell her that you have a boy in your bed.”
You and Eren laugh, rolling your eyes at Hange as you reach up to pull on their hair. Hange hops off the bed, retreating downstairs to get make the ramen that you asked for, as you and Eren shuffle under the blanket. 
“Y/N. You okay?” 
And at the sound of the question, you immediately start crying again, eyes burning as you lean your head into Eren’s shoulder. 
The entire thing - it’s just so fucking embarrassing above anything else. It’s already humiliating enough to get called out as one of the only bad actors in the cast. Sure, they really dug on Armin too but it wasn’t to the extent that they did it to you. And Hange said that was because you were a girl, and they’re always going to be more critical of you than him, but it sure doesn’t feel that way. 
You can’t act. You can’t do press. And for some goddamn reason, you’re the one leading the show with Eren instead of someone else. Maybe it should have been Mikasa or Historia or something, they’d surely be doing a better job at this than you. 
“Nothing you say is going to make me feel better, Eren. Hange’s been trying for the past few hours, but you’re all just lying to make me come back to set.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You guys just feel bad that they said that about me, even if it’s true. And now that you’re stuck with me, you have to make me do it. I’ve been telling Hange - I don’t know what they saw in me even to pick me in the first place. They clearly made a mistake.” 
“Hange and Levi didn’t pick you.”
“Well, they did. But, I picked you too.” 
He reaches over, grabbing the shiny black recording camera from your nightstand. He pulls his arm around yours, holding the camera a few feet away from your face as he holds the looks for the video. And when he plays it, you recognize the same soulless room you did your chemistry screening in, Eren sitting in the chair. 
“So Eren. We’re picking through the last few candidates for the lead. Is there anyone you want it to be in particular?” 
You can recognize Levi’s voice over the video, and you’re sure Hange has to be the one recording from how the videos wobble around so much. 
“You’re going to let me pick, Levi?” Eren from the video asks, eyes wide from shock. 
“We’re in between three and we can’t pick one. And this person is your co-star, you’re probably going to spend a better part of the next five to six years with them if things go well. Should be someone you like.” 
Hange comes into the frame on the video, pinching Eren’s cheeks as they ask. 
“That was fast. Any particular reason?” 
“I don’t even remember the names of the other ones. That’s how lame they were in comparison.” 
“You sure, Eren? You really want it to be her?” 
“Positive. I’d even bet on it.” Eren responds, looking over to Hange. 
Hange smiles, circling a name on the clipboard, turning to the camera as they speak. 
“F/N L/N it is.” 
The video ends, the white screen glowing back on you and Eren’s faces. 
“You… you picked me?” 
“Yeah. And I’m not lying to you when I’m trying to make you feel better or tell you that you’re great. Maybe Hange and Levi are, but I’m not. I’ve always thought you were great.”
You and Eren lean back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. His hand is still in yours under the blanket, warm and sweaty, but you don’t really want to let go. Eren doesn’t say much after that, but when Hange comes with dinner and he has to go back, he says one thing which such confidence that you can’t help but believe him too. That you want it to be true. 
“You’re going to prove them wrong, Y/N."
next part here
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magicxc · 7 months
Toxic Traits
Pairings: Survey Corps x Black!Reader
Word Count: 1280
Warnings: none
A/N: I love a lil toxicity lol. This is the variety I was talking about earlier. From the mundane to the sexy and even the toxic. Everyone has their flaws, now let's explore what I think theirs is in a relationship. Tell me which trait you think matches their character the best. 
Its as the name suggests - toxic. No physical abuse or sexual deviance of the sort, but do proceed with caution or not at all if toxic-type themes aren’t your cup of tea.
Lastly, do note that I have a habit of modernizing these characters while keeping their stories true at its core lol. So if you see me mention trauma from titans and a range rover in the same sentence, just mind ya business.
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren - Jealous
You never knew what kind of day you were gonna get with Eren. Sometimes it’d be the best day ever and other times it’d be the worst. You make eye contact with some random man for a second too long? Clearly you want him. You’re paying for something and the hand of the cashier slides against yours during the transaction? Thats basically cheating because now you’ve hand fucked a stranger. You give a full frontal hug and not the, more appropriate, side hug to one of your male friends? You two must be fucking each other. As intense as Eren can be, you found that the pendulum swung both ways. He’d get down on his knees and worship the rain for nourishing the grass that you walked on should you ask for it, so it was hard to walk away when he got into his little fits. It was like a see-saw of emotions being in this relationship, the highs feeling ethereal and the lows leaving you distraught. You often wondered why you allowed Eren to get away with such behavior.
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Levi - Possessive
It was like a double edged sword with this man. He was all for showing you off until someone's eyes wandered just a little too long, now he’s shoving his tongue to the deepest parts of your throat until they get the message. One time Connie complimented the shirt you were wearing which happened to be a low cut and exposed your chest; and Levi’s immediate response was to litter your skin in love bites. Anything to get the message across and let others know that you were a claimed woman. Cause Levi isn’t too much for the long talking and he would hate to see push come to shove for whichever poor bastard couldn't get the message. While you adored how much he loved you, being with him definitely got a little exhausting from time to time.
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Erwin - Controlling
He’s a commander so he’s used to people following his orders without question. And while he isn’t always unreasonable, Erwin does expect you to take into consideration his every suggestion, and by consideration, he means do it. It can be as simple as styling your hair, cooking a certain meal, or saving your more risqué outfits for when he accompanies you. Though he phrases his demands politely you can't help but feel a little confused after every encounter; wondering how he’d talk you down on something you were so headstrong about. Thankfully he didn't ask for such outrageous requests, and you’ve since learned not to question it; for the last time you found yourself with a sore ass.
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Connie - Petty/Blackmail 
Slippery slope this one. Pissed him off? Well now he’s taking the things you didnt realise were gone until you needed them. Shoelaces out of all the shoes, backs to your earrings, lightbulbs from each room. Not in the mood for sex? He may as well go get it elsewhere. You finally build up the courage to walk away from him. Well now your boss is about to find out exactly what that mouth do. Connie himself is unsure if he’d ever follow through with his more extreme threats since it always works out in the end. I guess it’s really only one way to find out and thankfully you’ve never been stupid enough to try it.
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Jean - Obsessive
Jean doesn’t have a whole lotta chances at true love lowkey. First real crush paid him dust. His bestie died during training. And his other bestie died during a mission. Considering he’s one of the few people with the least traumatic childhood, I think he loses his shit at the idea of letting love slip away, because everyone somehow always ends up leaving him. Therefore he needs to know your every move, your daily routines, hours spent on a typical girls night out, mileage it takes to make sure that you’re going exactly where you said you were. You couldn’t sneeze without running it past Jean first. But life sure is easier now that he’s got a tracker on both your phone and car. It would raise the tension if you were to find out, he thinks, but what could you do about it really? 
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Onyankopon - Arrogance. 
Mans can literally never be wrong and it’s super frustrating. It's like talking to a brick wall. He’s entertaining some girl who’s clearly flirting with him and suddenly you don’t know the meaning of friendship. You wanted pasta for dinner? Well he’s cooking soup because it’s heartier. You’re in the middle of an argument yet he’s only focusing on the minor details that are wrong in the story as opposed to the bigger picture overall. But it’s okay, cause he doesn’t mind working through these little hiccups with you. After all, where else would you go? Who else would love on you the way he does? Put up with your constant nagging? Only he would.
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Reiner - Yandere
Not only was he never supposed to find love, but the idea of him finally finding it and almost losing it? Let's just say it doesn’t end too well for your dating prospects; and after a while Reiner makes it clear that it can end just as bad for you. Reiner is a sweetie pie and a devout lover when things are going great. But sometimes he gets to be a bit overbearing, and what was supposed to be a break between the both of you turned into him breaking some bones. The same ones that your friend dared try to comfort you with. Since then, the relationship has been as steady as it can be and you’ve been getting nothing but queen treatment, but at what cost?!
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Armin - Dishonesty/Isolation Not a trait that raises too many red flags, until it does. Armin loves being around you. He considers you his best friend and has no qualms about you both spending literally 24/7 wrapped in each other’s arms. Though your friends were happy for you guys at first, it did raise a few eyebrows down the line. You both had gone from sharing similar interests to sharing an identical lifestyle. The same job, the same apartment, and the same friends all seemed to merge into one. But how could Armin help it when you were…well you. So what if a few phone calls from your homegirls to hang out went ignored or a few check in text messages from your family got deleted? Armin would claim to never know, see, or hear such a thing; and it’s usually the story he stuck to. But should you ever question him further, he’d find a way to put your mouth to better use, dick stuffed so far back until you forgot what had you so upset with him in the first place.
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Floch - Manipulation 
Any time you get mad at him, he becomes the king of gaslightery. Floch went all day without sending so much as a text message? Well he worked a double to put food on the table. Valentine's day passed and he didn't get you any flowers? He doesn’t need a holiday to show you how much he loves you. You want to wait a while before tying the knot? Now you're using him for all he's got and wasting his time. Very rarely did Floch get nasty in his insults or the manner in which he manipulated you. In fact, they were always followed by a soft voice, gentle touches, and a redeeming act. So how could you stay mad at him when he was truly trying his best to build a great lifestyle for you both. 
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miekasa · 9 months
one of the many cute things about levi is how he's surprised at your reaction to some of the "mundane" things he does. for example, he'd have dinner + dessert ready for you when you come home from a long, tiring day at work and he'd actually be surprised when, with newfound energy, you give him head/a hj after when you're in bed or when the dishes are done. because to this man, doing these things for you are instinctual and don't warrant special treatment. he's so modest and cute it hurts <3
Levi is most surprised when other people comment on it. Be it a random, but well meaning cashier, noting about how sweet he is to you, winking at you that he’s a keeper; or a comment from someone like Hange, loudly boasting about how cute and gentle Levi is with you. 
Of course he is—why wouldn’t he be? He loves you, shouldn’t it be expected to be gentle and tender with someone you care about? Isn’t that what everyone does when they love someone else? 
You’re just as sweet with him, taking in his jagged edges and sharp wit with ease. Levi is all rounded out and calm waves because of you, he thinks anybody in love would have their rough edges sanded down to accommodate their other half if that’s what suited them best. You like gentle, you deserve kindness; what is love if not refinement, if not tailored affection for the one receiving it. 
He brushes off your praise most frequently, in modesty, yes, but also an attempt to teach you that you needn’t thank him for treating you well. He would never let you accept anything less… that being said, the occasional gratuitous blowjob isn’t unwelcome, but he likes to think that that’s more of an expression of love and attraction than a thank you.
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heichou-ackerman · 1 year
more modern au levi fluff
levi x fem!reader (this time)
I had this one on draft for a bit, more of a situational thing about Levi being too fucking handsome for his own good
TW: Just a lot of cussing really
Going out anywhere public with Levi was always a personal challenge for you. It was ironic, you were the one beginning and dragging him to come along with you to shop or grab a coffee somewhere, wanting to be able to do things a little bit differently than just minding yourselves at his place, but once you both arrived somewhere mildly public, regret began to instantly fill you up. 
Now, you understood Levi wasn’t the most charming or socially outgoing person in the world. In fact, this was one of the things you liked about him, that he minded his own business and didn’t have a need to project himself out into the world. For him, a ‘perfect’ day with you was to sit down at home, brew up some tea, and sit quietly with you while reading some book and you tapped away at your phone. Initially you had no problems with this, wanting to spend as much time as you wanted with him, but you admitted to him wanting to start doing things outside the typical routine. He fought with you about it at first, but you knew he would eventually give in for the sake of making you happy (and for you to shut up about it.)
It was so bizarre. Well, not really, you understood why he got the type of attention he did. Again, Levi was not the most approachable or socially charming guy, and in being realistic about things, it wasn’t like his stature was the most sought after feature. Yes you knew he was a short fella in contrast to some of the other people you have dated, but he made up for it in many other ways. Anyways, Levi presented himself in a very particular way which honestly, appealed to the female gaze. 
And damn it did he keep attracting all of these other women. 
You slowly began to notice that practically everywhere you two went (well not everywhere, but mostly), there would be at least one or two women drawn to him in ways which were more than obvious to you. The long drawn out stares, the slight curve of their lips, if they were a store attendant or cashier, they would suddenly become more perky and giggly with their customer service attitude. And what pissed you off the most is how oblivious he seemed about it all. Levi wasn’t stupid, you knew that. At some point he must recognize the effect he had on other women, right? Albeit, you gave him props for not entertaining them or reciprocating some of the more flirtatious advances, but man did it make you a bit self conscious about your role in the relationship. Again, you loved this about him, how he did not seem to give a shit about it all as long as he was there with you. You honestly had nothing to worry about regarding his loyalty to you.
It was more about you trying to hold back and not make it obvious in your face that you were livid about the type of attention he was getting. You didn’t want to come off as possessive or jealous of him, knowing these were big no nos. Unfortunately, you were the type to be easily read solely by the slight expression on your face, and Levi being Levi, was able to catch on that shit instantly.
You both ended up going to one of your favorite book stores during one of these occasions. You both usually would veer off separately to explore different things in the store. He was more inclined to check out something related to personal wellness or fitness while you tinkered around with knick knacks and small gifts around the store. It was a nice feeling, you both were independent enough to do whatever you wanted to but it was still a time you both spent together. There was no need for you to cling onto him 24/7 or to be watchful of what he was doing, and he did the same with you. 
Once you felt satisfied with what you found (a small Gudetama plush that you knew he would make a comment about), you went to go look for Levi through the aisles of books, keeping an eye out for his signature all black outfit. Honestly, it didn’t even cross your mind that leaving him alone in some niche book store would be a factor in reeling in attention from the type of people in these settings. Young college students, artsy folk, women trying to fish out a seemingly brooding man, dressed up in perfectly fitted slacks, a dark long sleeve rolled up to his forearms, dark hair just freshly cut, with a soft woodsy aroma from his cologne, flipping through the pages of a book in a pensive manner… Goddammit, there was already someone trying to talk to him. 
You stopped mid-step as you caught Levi in an aisle with a younger looking girl, making attempts to have a conversation with him. It looked like she was one of the book store workers and it was obvious she had a means to get close to him. You instantly felt your stomach twist and distort in an uncomfortable manner at the sight, quickly taking a step back to hide behind the aisle behind them. You softly cursed under your breath, knowing you were getting too worked up to simply walk up to him as if nothing. The dumbass was literally just standing there unaware of this girl walking up to him, without any clue of what her intent was, and while you were confident he would reject any advance, you were paranoid about how insistent this person might be. 
You could hear a low conversation between the two of them, and your curiosity piqued at what was going on.You moved a little further down the aisle and grabbed a random book, pretending to be invested in it, as you scooched your ear in closer to have a listen to what they were talking about. You were close just enough to be able to hear their conversation without making it too obvious, perfectly hidden in plain sight. 
Should you have been spying on them in this way? Probably not. Would you get a scolding from Levi once he found out about it? Well, yeah, but you’d take the risk.
“Are these books really worth it? I might consider getting some myself if you agree.” You heard her say to him. “They’re ok.” You heard Levi comment to her in his usual bland way as his gaze remained on the book he held, flipping a page over. 
“It’s hard to find something that really catches your eyes sometimes huh?.” “No, I can find something I like pretty easily.” “Lucky you then! Well, I was wondering if you needed help with anything.” “I’m fine, thanks.”
You held in a snort at how curt he was with her. You felt a little bad actually. It wasn’t easy trying to have a simple conversation with him, but his demeanor only encouraged women to be a bit more aggressive with their approach. The harder he pushed, the more they wanted to see if they could break him down. The shorty really had that allure about him. 
There was an awkward silence between the two of them for a bit, and you debated about just walking up to him and making it obvious that he wasn’t available, but she continued to probe at him.
“So, I haven’t seen you come in here before. Is this your first time checking us out? ” She asked him.
“I’ve been here before.”
“Oh! A lot of regulars come here and I’m usually good at spotting them, but you stood out to me for some reason.”
“I don’t come here often.”
She giggled. “Well, you should. We have a lot of events during the weekends, maybe you should come and check them out? Oh, I didn’t catch your name!” “Why do you want to know my name?” Levi asked, now looking up from his book, his gaze narrowing onto her. His tone was stern, and you couldn’t really tell if he was intentionally being standoffish or if it was genuine curiosity. 
“Just, being friendly? Hah.” “I’m not someone you should be friendly with right now.”
If you weren’t turned on by him before, you certainly were now with that type of answer. Dammit, Levi.
“Oh sorry. Look I get it. Maybe I came off a bit too upfront about it.” She explained. “But, I do think you’re good looking, and I wanted to see if you wanted to grab some coffee around the corner?” You had to admire her bravery, not a lot of women were so bold in that way when it came to asking someone out, especially someone like Levi who already made an insinuation about wanting to be left alone. “I don’t think so.” 
You could almost feel how dejected this young girl was after that type of reaction. “Oh, okay cool. No worries.” She said with a pseudo laugh. “But, do you mind me asking why?”
“Because my girlfriend is literally down the aisle over there.” He said as a matter of fact, pointing over to you. 
Your mouth fell open as you immediately brought your book up to your face, turning around, making it obvious that you were indeed tuning into the whole interaction. Why the fuck would he do this! 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” the young girl exclaimed, genuinely embarrassed about the whole thing as she covered her mouth. “I really didn’t know, I’m so sorry sir..” She began to walk away dejectedly, not daring to look back at the both of you. You saw her from the corner of your eyes walk away towards the front of the store, possibly as far away from the encounter as she could. 
Well, at least that was done and over with. 
You carefully tip toe towards Levi, who begins to put his book back into the shelf, seemingly unbothered by the whole situation. “Hi…” You say to him sheepishly. “Man, that must have been uncomfortable.”
His neck snaps to quickly look at you, his eyes narrowed in irritation. “Why the fuck were you just standing there watching me like some creep? You could have pulled me out of that awkward situation.” You couldn’t help but sputter a chuckle. “Awkward? It seemed like you had a good handle on it. Albeit, a little mean…” He scoffed. “How was I being mean? I was being honest. Besides, if I was actually nice to her you would have been throwing a tantrum about it right now.”
“Hey! That’s not…necessarily true.”
“Whatever. Think you were being sneaky and shit back there? I know you were waiting to see if I would slip up.” You felt your face heat up, tripping on your words as you tried to explain yourself. “I wasn’t worried about that!”
“Yeah right. I could practically feel you panic from all the way over there.”
“Well!” You exclaimed, pausing for a moment. “Why the fuck do you have to always have these girls throw themselves onto you.” Oh you hit a nerve. He grunted and grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking it (not too hard of course) but enough to prove a point. “What did you say you little brat?”
You  yelped slightly as he did this, but only for dramatic effect, as you held onto his wrist. “You heard me. Would it kill you to like, not be so goddamn good looking and make me compete with all these other girls?”
“You’re such a shithead.” He hissed as he let go of your hair. “If you’re so concerned about it, then stop leaving me by myself.” You pouted at him, patting your hair back into place. “In all seriousness though, I’ve been kind of hating going out now because of this. So you win if you wanna go back to lounging at home.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, not fully expecting the conversation to turn this way. “What are you talking about? Are you really that upset with that girl hitting on me?”
You rolled your eyes, an irritated sigh escaping your lips. “It’s not that. It hasn’t been this one incident you know. Or are you really that oblivious about the type of attention you attract?”
He shoved his hands into his pockets, swinging slightly to the side as he gave some thought to what you were insinuating. “Of course I know, I’m not stupid. But why does that bother you? I don’t do anything.” 
“I know you won’t do anything.” You reaffirm this, a pained smile forming on your face. “But, if I am being honest, it does make me a bit self-conscious. It’s not fun sometimes seeing these beautiful women fawn over you.”
He stayed in silence with you for a moment or so, still processing the information you gave him. You supposed he wasn’t too happy with what you had to say, whether it was part jealousy or part insecurity on your end. It was honesty on your part however. You wondered, at some points, how willing he would be with some of these advances if you weren’t in the picture. Or if he might even have a better opportunity of being happier with someone else rather than you. It was a vicious little thing, your mind. 
You were brought back to reality by the sensation of his hand reaching out for yours, his fingers interlacing into your own until there was a secure hold. You looked at him and he looked at you, his face strong and stern, but still bearing a need to relay a message to you. 
“Let’s go home.” He said softly and simply. It wasn’t a dramatic show of love and care one would expect, but you knew in his language, this was his way to validate you and your role. “I want to spend the rest of the day there.”
You blink for a moment, and slowly nod your head, feeling a little meek with his intent. “Okay.” 
“But, we’re going out tomorrow.” 
He sighed. “Look, I can’t really stop shit like this from happening. Trust me, I really would rather stay home the whole time. But I know you like doing this, and it makes you happy. Plus, I obviously need to do a better job about making you feel more secure with me.”
An uncontrollable smile formed on your face as your own hand gripped harder onto his. “Are you sure?”
“It’s fine. But you need to cut that shit out about feeling like you aren’t good enough for me.” He scolded you. “You should know me by now, I ain’t messing around with this stuff.”
“Okay, okay.” You jested with a nervous laugh. “I promise I won’t doubt you.”
“Good.” He said, then coming in close to your face, placing a tender and rather shy kiss on your lips. You felt your face heat up as you allowed him to pepper your lips with his own for a bit, before he quickly pulled back, no one usually for PDA.
He grunted, but with a satisfied look on his face. “Let’s go. Everything is kind of shitty in here today.” 
“Alrighty, let me just pay up for this at the front real quick.” You said as you showed him the Gudetama plush you found. “Cute huh?” He cocked his head to the side as he inspected it from afar. “You’re buying that?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” “Looks stupid. But I guess it suits you.” 
“Cool beans, it's for me not for you.”
“So snarky. Fine let's go, I want to go home already.” Levi said as he yanked the plush away from you and made his way to pay at the front. “Hey! You better not pay for that!” You exclaimed as you followed him.
“Shut up.”
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