#cassia cadash
lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Cassia w/ mods!!
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
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@tightassets shared this and I was like “YES AN ART CHALLENGE I CAN DO.” 
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From left to right, top to bottom: 
Shay Cadash who is the best dwarf ever from Thick as Thieves for @blarfkey
Lilitu Lavellan also known as Claws and Kitten from the Very Smutty Hawke/Lavellan Chronicles for @tightassets
Sadira Lavellan who belongs to the lovely @lavellanvibes​ and can be found in Ice Crystals with her two boyfriends (she still sad tho) 
OLIVIA Trevelyan who can be found in all her natural glory in @charlatron​‘s Fic Series the Smutty Adventures of Olivia Trevelyan
Ionne Lavellan who is the luckiest bitch in Thedas and can be found in @coffeebirby​‘s sandwich shop
Keaton Hawke who is known for having sexy shenanigans everywhere but beds in the Very Smutty Hawke/Lavellan Chronicles for @tightassets​
Amie who has the best wigs and lingerie in Thedas and belongs to the ever lovely @kemvee​ and her story Educating the Commander
Roman Hawke who is too cool for this meme and Kirkwall according to @schoute​ and can be found in @pikapeppa​‘s  Making the Bird Sing
Cassia Hawke is COMPLICATED and sexy and belongs to the amazing @kunstpause​ and can be found in her and @elveny​‘s Precipice of Change series. 
FINALLY I wanted to do one more but the template didn’t have room. 
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This is @enigmalea​‘s sexy elf daddy Banassan who I absolutely made a mess of I’m so sorry XD He’s in her fic Of Many Hearts
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big-moodboard · 5 years
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P R O P H E T E S S 
Cassia Cadash
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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introducing my Mahariel~ She’s gay and a whole dumbass and I love her! courtesy of this picrew! 
From Left to Right ~ Fellenasta Mahariel ~ Teya Adaar ~ Velahris Lavellan ~ Cassia Cadash ~ Mithari Syrillon Lavellan ~ Nehriel Lavellan
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
The aesthetics of all my OCs are wildly different and I just love them so much!!! I had a bunch of thoughts and needed to write ‘em down so here’s some pairing aesthetics!
Vel and Varric are busy taverns with clever names serving cheap, shitty ale; ink-stained hands dripping color onto each other’s skin. The sound of coins clinking on well-worn tables, backs pressed up against doors. They are confidence and ease. They are knowing.
Ari and Bull are bloody hands and war paint, the rhythm of the drums like the thumping of still-beating hearts torn from the chests of gods. They are instinct and desire, ripped sheets and heated kisses. They are primal.
Nehri and Solas are an endless, flat sea - magnificent and green, the calm after a storm. And yet, they are the storm. They are the wind in the trees, the howling of the wolves on a frigid winter’s night. They are omnipotent- they are divine.
Ash and Dorian are the softness of marble in the hands of a master sculptor, humid summer evenings soaked in wine and sweat. They are the soft touch of silk, a high-cut collar angled dangerously upward towards the heavens. They dare to defy. They are rebellion.
Teya and Sera are terrible jokes and toothy grins, the cool touch of a sharp blade against the skin. They are the lights in the city on a foggy night, and the danger lurking behind every shadow. They are blasphemous - They are irreverence.
Cassia and Blackwall are honeysuckle blossoms and lamb’s wool, the crocuses peeking through the snow in the first warm days of spring. They are the calloused hands of laborers, the courage of soldiers, memories of hardship never to be forgotten. They are virtue - They are righteous.
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
OC Introduction - Cassia Cadash
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Had to make one for Cassia too! My fave little pebble. Template by @slothssassin​
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Role: Inquisitor
Class: Warrior / Weapon and Shield
Specialisation: Champion
Full Name: Cassia Yrsa Cadash
Nickname(s): C, Pebble, Cass, Cassie, ‘Dash
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles: Inquisitor
Birthday: 1 Justinian, 9:16 Dragon(25 at the Conclave)
Physical Description: Cassia stands at a petite 4′11″ tall, with dark brown skin(warm undertones) and shoulder length curly hair. She has warm golden-brown eyes and a tattoo covering much of her face. She has a scar that runs vertically down her lip, and another on her right eyebrow. Despite her height she’s incredibly muscular, with well-defined biceps and abs and curves to boot. 
Clothing Style: She wears mostly practical clothing accentuated with a little hint of gold(whether it be a necklace, bracelet, or breastplate). She favors red and orange tones, as well as off-white and cream colors, with the occasional poofy pink dress.
Cassia had a very happy, healthy childhood. She was born into House Cadash, and roamed throughout the Free Marches with her family during much of her childhood. From her early life, she had a passion for fighting. After she witnessed a Grand Tourney, however, her interest only grew. She began training and soon became a better fighter than all her brothers. Her family is quite large, uncommonly so for dwarves. She has three brothers, Ivar, Sigi, and Halvard. She also has a younger sister, Carra.
Throughout much of Cassia’s youth, she and her siblings were groomed and taught the ways of the Carta. Their parents adjusted some of their education to fit these needs, and thus Cassia became just as well-suited to dining with an Orlesian noble as the more violent crime the Carta is known for. She and her sister became expert smugglers and diplomats, while her brothers maintained the more gritty aspects of their family’s dealings. This worked very well for a while, until Cassia was sent(as the Cadash family’s finest negotiator) to spy on the Conclave.
After the Conclave, everything changes for Cassia. She loses contact with her family for a time and becomes Andraste’s Herald. She embraces her role eventually, and learns to accept her new place in the world as she is named Inquisitor. As an exceptional warrior and kind, pious woman, she leads the Inquisition with a strength of will and faith rivaling that of the greatest heroes of Thedas. She sought to represent something greater than herself  - that anything is possible, if you fight for it. And she did.
During the Inquisition’s fight to defeat Corypheus, she meets Blackwall, a Grey Warden. Initially, she values his honesty and determination. Soon, she values his company, sharing quiet words with him outside of Haven and in Skyhold’s courtyard. She grows to love him, quicker than she probably should. Later they confess their feelings for each other and begin a relationship. After Revelations, Cassia is shattered. Heartbroken, lost, and lonely, she desperately searches for answers. She feels guilty for still loving him. Guilty that she let him stay. But she did - she chose to give him a second chance, and for that he is forever in her debt.
After the Exalted Council, Cassia and Thom marry and buy a plot of land outside of Markham to settle down on. Soon after, their daughter Lydia follows. Then, a few years later, their son Matthias. And finally, their youngest daughter, Elisa.
Read more about the Rainiers here.
With her family to protect, Cassia fights even fiercer. Maker help anyone who gets between a mama bear and her cubs- she will strike down even a god.
Combat & Skills
Preferred Fighting Style: She fights mostly defensively, preferring to preserve her strength for that last push. She darts in between foes, striking from the side or back while an ally attacks them from the front.
Favorite Weapon: Her sword. Also, maces, axes and pikes. Anything heavy and made of steel.
Magical Abilities: None, except for the Anchor.
Special Skills: Other than being very convincing, none.
Family: Her parents, Ingrid and Arvid. Her brothers Ivar, Sigi and Halvard, and sister Carra. Also her children, Lydia, Matthias, and Elisa.
Love Interest: Blackwall/Thom Rainier
Best Friends: Blackwall, Cassandra, Varric, Sera, Cole, Iron Bull, Josephine
Positive Traits: Determined, Forgiving, Intelligent
Negative Traits: Stubborn, Skeptical, Too Honest
Likes: Frilly Orlesian Dresses, Jousting, Receiving Letters
Dislikes: Dull Blades, Bad Ale, and Stupid Men.
Fears: Being Lost, The Unknown, and The Fade.
Guilty Pleasure: Wearing dresses. She doesn’t often get to dress up, so she takes every opportunity she can get, especially at the Winter Palace. The wow factor is off the charts.
Hobbies: Playing the Game, managing her family’s finances, sparring with Bull
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Let’s be real for a second-
If all my Inquisitors met, it would be absolute pandemonium.
Vel and Cassia would be sitting eating cheesecake or something, talking about their beloved husbands/partners and (VERY QUIETLY) discussing their favorite romance novels, arranging Cassia’s copy of Swords and Shields to be signed by Varric. There’s a lot of giggling and whispering between them, and it unnerves everyone else(who think they’re plotting world domination by cuteness.)
Teya and Ari would cause an absolute scene going back and forth screaming compliments at each other. Ari's “You’re fucking MASSIVE! Creators, what the fuck! I love you!!!” and Teya's “You’re so fucking LITTLE it’s ADORABLE!!! Literally what the goddamn!!! You’re perfect!”. The ‘Qunari in love with an Elf’ club is tight-knit
Ash would be standing in the corner next to Vel and Cassia, hesitating to talk to Nehri - because she’s interesting, but definitely looks like she could kill a man with a single glance. He would be sipping on a glass of wine watching Teya and Ari yell compliments at each other, highly amused.
Nehri would be outwardly disinterested, but secretly she would be desperate to join in the conversation. But she doesn’t want to appear too eager, cause that would blow her ‘disinterested mysterious forest witch’ persona that she carefully curated for exactly this situation.
Then it would most likely devolve into a drinking contest, in which everyone bets on Teya and loses - because Mithari Isena Syrillon-Lavellan can put away booze like it's her only purpose in life.
I should write about this lmao 🤣
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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This is painfully accurate. I love all my dumb babies. Expect more alignment charts to come!
OC Directory
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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And finally, Pebble! She’s the conclusion of my Inquisitor Aesthetic Boards.
Template by @lavellanpls
more about Cassia - to be linked
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
2 for your inquisitors!
2. Post a line of dialogue from your OC.
Velahris - “I am afraid - it’s in my nature. I will always be afraid. Of the unknown, of myself. But I am not afraid of you.”
Ashann - “I do love Orlesian culture. The pretentious masks, hypocrisy, and desperate power-grabbing are just awe-inspiring. Don’t you agree?”
Mithari - “My place is not with the Dalish. They are not my people, and they never have been. The Inquisition are my people - I won’t see their lives squandered by your political games.”
Nehriel - “Don’t talk to me like I’m a foreigner. Tevinter is my home, too. But you never even thought to ask. We elves are invisible, are we not? Who would notice one little knife-eared slave girl scrubbing the cobbles in Minrathous?”
Teya - “This whole ‘saving the world’ thing? It’s not my main gig. I’ve got a nice comfortable life lined up in Orlais once this is all over. I’d like it if you could join me.”
Cassia - “Oh, can we, can we, can we? It’s been so long since I’ve seen a real joust! Oh, please, Josie! I’ll do anything you want! Even have tea with more Orlesians!”
I hope this is sufficient!
oc asks!
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Ah finally, I can remake Cassia with her natural hair and not the god awful default DAI hair
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
I'm rather curious about Cassia and Blackwall's kids
I’m way too happy about these babies! Anyway, here’s the Rainiers! 
Their daughter, Lydia, was born a couple years after the events of Trespasser. Cassia and Thom settled down on a spacious farm outside of Markham in the Free Marches, finally given a moment’s peace. Soon after, their own little Liddy followed. She was a uniquely happy child, not affected whatsoever by her parents’ past follies. She resembles her mother much more than her father, with curly brown hair and tanned, freckled skin - save Thom’s eyes, which she inherited. It’s an unspoken fact in their family that whatever Liddy wants, her papa gets for her. She has him wrapped around her pinky finger, and there’s nothing he can do about it. She especially loves watching Thom braid Cassia’s hair(since she can’t do it herself any longer) and afterwards begging him to do hers too. He’s only to happy to provide the service, tucking little buttercups into the plaits before she goes out to play with her siblings.
Their middle child and only son is Matthias, born four years after Lydia. It was a bit rough at first, as Liddy had gotten used to being the center of attention and in an instant, she had a baby brother to take up more of her parent’s time. But soon, like Cassia and Thom, she was smitten. In appearance, he could easily be mistaken for his father. He has piercing blue-grey eyes and sleek, wavy black hair, with warm-toned tan skin. He was a wild child - picking up a sword as soon as he mastered walking. He wanted to be like his father. He wanted to be better, and that made Thom incredibly proud.  He’s got a long way to go before he can fight in the Grand Tourney, but he’s getting a head start and instruction from the best. He just needs to grow a few feet first.
Their final child and youngest daughter, Elisa, was born two years after her older brother. Cassia had a complicated pregnancy, but thankfully both she and Elisa made it out unscathed. She would always remark on how Elisa was the most like her out of all their childen, with golden-brown eyes and tight curls framing a round, cherubic face. She’s also the smallest, and not just because she’s barely out of childhood. Despite her petite size, she has one hell of an attitude - wanting to participate just as much in sparring as her brother. She far exceeds her brother in some areas(specifically marksmanship), which prompted Cassia to invite a certain Red Jenny to stay, hoping some of Sera’s skill would rub off on Elisa. It did. Not a single apple, bottle, or miscellaneous object mounted on a flat surface within sight of a window are safe. 
more about Cassia
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
What is Cassia’s favorite food?
A warm smile spreads across her face as she thinks over her answer.
“There’s a lot of foods I like. Sweet, savory, I don’t mind. I love to cook, and well...” She chuckles a little, her soft, feminine voice lilting like the breeze.
“My mother had a recipe. Roast nug with elfroot... Always makes me feel at home! I’ve made it for Thom a few times too, though Varric and Scout Harding seem to like it better than he does.”
Send me asks for my Wardens and Inquisitors to answer in-character 👀
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Winter Palace - Cassia Cadash
The gold aesthetic is strong with this one!! 👑
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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Cassia’s thing for gold is iconic and I love it ok
Vel - Nehri - Teya - Ashann - Ari - 
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Cursed OC Portraits
So I saw the post by @enchantment1385 and I had to try it for my Inquisitors! I was not disappointed. This is so cursed and I hate it! Thanks!!
Link to the portrait maker!
A few of these turned out alright but oh god.....
Velahris Lavellan
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Not cursed, and I kinda love it! I think it suits post-Trespasser Mom!No Vallaslin!Vel, also known as Viscountess!Vel. 13/10 cute and accurate portrait!
Ashann Lavellan
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Ok this is slightly more cursed, but still true to Ash’s features. It even has more gentle eyebrows. Love it. 9/10 accurate and semi-flattering portrait.
Mithari Lavellan
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This is actually really good, all things considered! It shows the soft baby face Ari has, and that LOOK! 13/10 absolutely precious portrait!
Nehriel Lavellan
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Ok this is definitely cursed. I don’t know what the hell happened to her chin but it was bad. Someone help her. 4/10 cursed portrait!
Teya Adaar
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OH MY GOD, TEYA. What happened to you, girl? It looks like she’s recovering from a nasty case of the flu. This really did her dirty and I won’t stand for it. 5/10 sort of accurate, but an extremely cursed image, I won’t sleep tonight!
Cassia Cadash
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what the fuck. 2/10 cursed and terrifying. The eyes are right, though.
If you saw this and thought “Wow, I should do this for my OCs!” then consider yourself tagged! Be sure to tag me so I can get my daily dose of cursed images. Hope you enjoyed!
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