#catgirl looks to the moon
lembowe · 2 months
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redrew my catboy/girl/enby iterator post!! wanted to see improvment + wanted to draw the catboys and had 0 pose ideas so,,, recycles :) oh... and look who else is here!
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mewniemoon · 9 months
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Catgirl Mewn for the soul :)
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excessive-moisture · 10 months
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mewguca · 1 year
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gift for @shkika happy birthdya happybirfhst happy . BIRTHDAY!!!!!
i was just gonna draw shkika moonie originally but then i saw mewn again and i was like!!! oh!!!!!!! that would be fun! and it was Yippee
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failsquirrel · 21 days
what i do know is that warrior cats does exist because humans brought the books to the new planet to read for fun and they were recovered by cats thousands of years later and some genuinely think of them as ancient religious texts that are stories of the first communities of cats who gained sentience. there is an actual starclan based religion
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shiverbears · 2 years
is it just me who thinks the two new pokemon games are sort of ugly? like the design is not cute to me at all
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lagomoz · 7 months
Proseka headcanons
-as rui’s childhood friend, nene has extensive fire safety knowledge
-shizuku is adopted, hence why she looks so different from shiho. she was adopted shortly before the moon rabbit event and it contributed to her clinginess
-shiho forgets this fact sometimes. she’ll casually mention something like shizuku got all mom’s good genes so unfair and ichika has to be. um. shiho
-kanade is mildly nearsighted/myopic but spends so much time at her computer she hasn’t noticed
-emu is buff. she climbs multiple stories without breaking a sweat and is canonically part of the swimming, handball and rhythmic gymnastic clubs, you can’t tell me she doesn’t have some muscle
-saki helps out as a human notepad for tsukasa, reminding of him things he would otherwise forget within 5 minutes
-the vocaloids also help. at first it was unnerving to have hatsune miku be an extension of his psyche that knows his darkest secret (stole saki’s candy when he was 6) but now his phone has a more reliable catgirl themed reminder system
-you know that classic nightmare of leaving the house without pants? tsukasa has legitimately done that as a kid. he forgor. (saki will never let him live it down)
-in the kamiyama student council/hall monitor room, an has put up at sign saying “_ days since last kamishiro incident”
-the shinonome siblings both figured out the other one was gay before they figured it out about themselves
-airi’s great at trivia from her time as a variety show star. she still can’t beat minori at idol trivia, though
-ena keeps a diary with fort knox level security. try to read it and you’ll lose a finger
-saki learned to crochet from the old ladies in the hospital
-shiho’s most treasured phenny is a somewhat lumpy crocheted phenny holding a very lumpy crocheted bass guitar
-tsukasa snores. he falls asleep in 10 seconds and sounds like a dying lawnmower
-mizuki has learned a small bit of french from their sister and uses it exclusively to teach rui and an how to swear in french
-emu still celebrates her grandfather’s birthday, even if he’s not there to celebrate with her
-ena is allergic to dogs, the middle point to airi’s cat allergy and akito’s dog phobia
-rui has various small scars from his experiments over the years, but nobody ever believes the real causes (rocket launcher, robot bite, exploding balloon animal, etc.) so he just makes up a new cause every time someone asks
-mmj! has had repeated incidents of minori and airi’s little siblings walking into frame when streaming at their houses. shiho understands the concept of a livestream but has still been caught failing at creeping past like that one new broadcast of the guy crawling along the floor
-kanade has pots & eds, this one I have a reason for look at her symptoms. chronic exhaustion, heat and cold intolerance, comorbid sleep issues and depression, dizziness when standing up, fainting after standing up, very pale skin, family history of medical issues, pain at normal physical activities, exercise intolerance, vertigo at mild exertion, she just fucking dies during the entire baseball event, I could go on. she canonically gets pain in her hands from opening a jar girl that is not just being out of shape that is physical disability. this one I will go conspiracy board on listen to me I’m right
-kohane ate bugs as a kid. an is horrified, toya is confused, akito is impressed
-ena and airi got in trouble in middle school because they’d keep starting fist fights in defense of the others honor. if they saw the other in a fight they’d jump in guns blazing no hesitation no questions ask ready to throw the fuck down
-vbs!rin and len were given a skateboard by an and then promptly had the skateboard confiscated by meiko for property destruction
-haruka is horrible with slang. she asks the stream chat what poggers means and immediately uses it completely wrong, killing all viewers on impact
-minori is torn between thinking it’s cute and wanting to die
-toya has been banned from arcades before because he made them lose too much money/they suspected he was cheating
-ena brought kanade over for girls night and nearly scared akito half to death because he went down to get a late night snack and there was some Ghastly Creature looming in his kitchen
-kohane's parents stick out like a sore thumb when going to her live shows. it mortifies her that everyone on vivid street can recognize them as the only milquetoast middle aged couple dressed in normal clothes loudly going YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE that don't know the first thing about music
-minori knows basic programming. she mostly uses it for forums, blogs, html, other web design things usually related to idols as a hobby, but she's become the groups designated anti-shizuku tech support
-mafuyu has always been able to see ghosts but after adults figured she was just playing pretend as a kid so she shrugged and figured it was normal and not worth bringing up again
-honami has one of those massive extended families and somehow keeps track of them all. at any given time cousin #57 can crawl out of the woodwork and she remembers their new job, favorite food, past three romantic relationships and list of allergic reactions
-mizuki does doll customizing as a hobby. they prefer making human sized clothes, but it's fun to make them miniature too. they've introduced shizuku to it and she loves it, but doesn't have the heart to do anything that would hurt the doll (sawing limbs off, dunking them in boiling water, shoving wires in them, etc.)
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 months
Anime Titles Summarized (Poorly)
Vampire Knight: *insert Twilight joke here* Ouran High School Host Club: *small child voice* There's debauchery here! Sailor Moon: Everyone's bi. No, I mean it. EVERYONE. Clannad: I'm not crying yOU'RE CRYING Your Lie in April: Mommy Issues & Lots of Tissues Fruits Basket: MOMMY ISSUES ON STEROIDS Yuri on Ice: Sexy gay figure skating Sk8 the Infinity: Sexy gay skate-boarding Blue Exorcist: "[Satan] may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy." FullMetal Alchemist: Family is your best ally Trigun: Family is your worst enemy Kaguya-sama Love is War: Idiots to Lovers the anime The Ancient Magus Bride: What if a monsterfucker romance was also Ace? Violet Evergarden: Gorgeously animated ✨TRAUMA✨ Made in Abyss: Adorably animated ✨TRAUMA✨ Madoka Magica: *Admiral Ackbar voice* IT'S A TRAP! My Hero Academia: X-Men alternative universe where mutants are the majority of the population Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And he's all out of bubble gum. Inuyasha: Time travel, youkai, and jewel shards, oh my! Ranma 1/2: The original bisexual harem Urusei Yatsura: Crack. Just pure, unadulterated alien crack. MAO: Feral Catgirl x Tired Catboy Tokyo Mew Mew: Cute girl fursonas are named after food Shugo Chara!: His Dark Materials magical girl!AU Kamisama Kiss: The How to Train Your Dragon of shoujo Noragami: Girl adopts homeless god Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Eat your heart out, Doctor Who Skip-Beat!: Eat your heart out, slow burn fanfiction Kiss Him Not Me: Losing weight = gaining a harem Baccano!: Murders on the Immortal Mafia Express Cowboy Bebop: Bounty hunters need therapy Attack on Titan: EVERYONE NEEDS THERAPY Alice in the Country of Hearts: The sexiest and unhealthiest escapism Cardcaptor Sakura: Beautiful gay representation, terrible Elephant in the Room Fushigi Yuugi: Look, when I said falling in love with a fictional character, I didn't mean that LITERALLY-- Angel Sanctuary: Mutual incest destroys the world as we know it Guilty Crown: Unrequited incest destroys the world as we know it Zombie Land Saga: The undead as cutesy idols. That's it. That's the show. Yurikuma Arashi: Lesbian bears Princess Tutu: Duck becomes ballerina
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agent-cupcake · 11 months
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Pairing: Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) x f!catgirl Reader
Synopsis: The series of unfortunate events and clichés that lead you to meeting a familiar nightmare in the middle of the woods beneath a full moon. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Warnings: 18+, explicit smut w/ a nonhuman character (not a nonhuman cock though), noncon, death, violence
Tags: alternate universe, angst, size kink, object insertion, masochistic reader, praise (voice) kink, outdoor sex
Words: 18.5k
Notes: It's been a while, huh? Yes, today we are going to fuck the furry from a kids movie, I'm not sure if y'all are even surprised but. Anyway. On the one hand I'd say I feel shame but on the other they shouldn't have made him talk so sexy, which is not my fault. All the Spanish is from DeepL and context.reverso. Hopefully any mistakes aren't too bad and you don't find it too cringe, or you can manage to look past it for my sake.
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Once upon a time there lived in an unassuming little corner of the world a man. A husband to a beautiful wife and a father of two lovely children. He was strange, perhaps, for the ears atop his head, and the vertical irises through which he looked, and the spry springiness of his limbs. Stranger too for his chosen lifestyle, a traveling merchant whose blood couldn’t get any lower. Ravi, sons and daughters of Bastet, relics of a bygone era. For all that he was strange, however, he was steadfast. Bolstered rather than weakened by the critical eye of other men, the unyielding cut of his silhouette and unshakable confidence made the man a lord in his own right. He had been here, and there, traveling wherever the wind called him, and always with certainty. If his chosen path was obstructed by a swath of trees, he would see the forest leveled before he so much as considered choosing a different route. A further measure of his determination, however, would prove that if he were told that those same obstructing trees were sacred, he would scorch the earth so thoroughly that not even ash dared remain beneath his boots when he trampled on the hallowed ground. 
One day, the man looked down to admire how far he had come throughout the years, to smile upon the many grand achievements he had stacked up along the way. But then, looking a little closer, he couldn’t help but notice how long his shadow had become. While he had been distracted, the sun made its arc above him, and now it was falling towards the horizon, casting him in ever dimming light. Taking with it, he thought, Ra’s blessing. He began to tally up all of the things he had been ignoring. A stiff back, sore joints, fatigue after a day of travel, a headache after a night of frivolity. He noticed that while his son had grown tall and strong, he had been shrinking. The lovely apple cheeks of his beloved wife had begun to dull, wrinkles forming around her eyes. This realization filled the man with a feeling he had never experienced before—uncertainty. And then, fear. 
Unable to face the dark, he vowed that he would not allow it, he would do whatever it took to escape such a terrible fate. Unbeknownst to him, this audacious belief invited the attention of a creature with a unique penchant for mischief and an appetite for fear. A wolf. He told the man that he could run, he could fight, he could rage, he could try to pull the sun back with all his might, but in his desperate frenzy to escape the night, he would only incur a great debt. An immeasurable bounty. One, perhaps, that would condemn not only him, but his family and the legacy he had created. A terrible fate.
“I do not fear you,” the man said. 
The wolf laughed. 
It was to be a chase, then. A hunt. The man ran, searching for something, anything, that would save him, traveling here and there with purpose, scouring the shadows, tracking down myth and rumor with a passion bordering mania. There had to be, he reasoned, a way to remain in Ra’s boundless glory. Circling ever nearer, the wolf harried his prey to the last. 
Until, on the lush outskirts of a certain small village, a small ravi family set up their wagon for the night. The woods swarmed with the sound of bugs, the early summer heat simmering back down into the cold dampness of spring nights. Haunting and dreamlike, echoing in the dark, signaling finality, a song. And then, a figure in the dark. A familiar face, a frightening foe. 
There, in the night, beneath the full moon, the hunt ended. Nowhere to go, nowhere to run, his obsession had taken him so completely that the only remaining recourse was a final fit of fury against the dying light. Perhaps, in those last moments, the man realized what a fool he had been. Too late. The wolf had grown bored of the game.
Horror of horrors, serendipity struck. A child who should have been tucked up tight in her bed, sheltered and safe from what lurked in the dark, grew bored of counting sheep. She hadn’t yet learned to fear the night, thinking her father to be playing a delightful trick. Creeping, quiet, curious, and ignorant to the cruelty of the dangerous unseen, she breached the forest’s uncanny shadows. Deeper, deeper, until she discovered the truth. Her father’s corpse hit the ground, his empty eyes never seeing her terror, his deaf ears never hearing her scream. 
The gray wolf bid her to run, and she did. It was inevitable that they should meet again. 
one chance.
Before that night, you never gave much thought to death, or luck, or malevolent forces, or tragedy. It was only when you were huffing, puffing, screaming for help, crying wolf, that true fear crept into your life. Once the door opened, it could not be closed. Although the monster was long gone, its shadow remained. 
And they said: you were lucky to have escaped. They said: ravi law, loose as it was, could not be counted on for satisfactory justice. They said: the murder could not have been committed by any of the simple townsfolk. They said: it would be a blight upon the poor ordinary people for the case to drag on and on. And so the crime was tried thus—your brother, suffering a fit of drunken rage, donned a mummer’s wolf mask and murdered your father. 
Not even a day passed before the so-called trial was held. The only building that could accommodate the gawkers and jury was the local barroom, a place that stank of old wood and fermentation. You didn't know the man acting as judge, you did not recognize any of the faces around you, only that they were indifferent, cold, and your brother's life rested in their callous hands. He sat near the front as the case was laid out for the gawkers, his face drawn and shadowed. Clapped in irons, his mouth covered to protect his jailors from his sharp ravi canines, ears as low as you’d ever seen them, looking not so much a man on trial than livestock on auction.
"You’re the daughter, are you not?” the judge called. It took you a moment to realize he meant you, his dull eyes signaling you out. 
Someone spat at your feet. 
“Filthy half breed."
"They’re incestuous, the father must have found them in the act."
“They’re both guilty.” 
“Go ahead. Run. No one escapes me.” 
The low whisper, practically a growl, made your ears twitch, your heartbeat racing as you scanned the faceless crowd with dry eyes, blinking fast to try and find the source of that terrible voice. But the faces were all human, drawn with cruelty and disgust, but human. 
The judge banged on the table, catching your attention. “Young lady! You witnessed the crime, yes?” 
You shook your head in rejection of the phantom voice and cleared your throat, breaking free of your mother’s grasp to stumble towards the judge. "Yessir," you said. "Yessir, I am… I-I did."
“Go on, then. We’ll hear your testimony.” 
It was difficult to breathe, the air was stuffy and hot, your skin too tight. You could feel the people watching you, the weight of their eyes.   
"You've got it all wrong, sir,” you said. “It-it wasn't him. He couldn't-"
"The facts only, if you please," the judge said, cutting you off. "Did you or did you not see the man who attacked you?”
Hot, heavy tears formed in your eyes, primed to travel the same salty tracks down your cheeks left by those before. Fear, pain, sadness, exhaustion, all of it compounded and ached within you. You didn’t want to remember. You didn’t want to think. But you had to.
"It was no man, sir," you said, your voice choked.
“Do you mean to tell me a woman killed your father?” 
“No sir, it was an… an evil spirit.” Behind you, people muttered and whispered with disbelief. Shock. Doubt. Anger. The judge's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing. “He had the head of a jackal, or a-a a wolf. ” 
“A mask.” 
“No, sir. It was not a man.” You heard your mother’s scolding voice from behind you, and your brother raised his head to look at you with shock, but you ignored it all.
"I should hope I don’t need to remind you of the severity of these proceedings,” the judge said, his eyes narrowed into slits.
"I know what I saw,” you replied, your hands balled into tight fists at your side.
"Your testimony is that an evil spirit with the head of a wolf murdered your father and attacked you?" The judge clarified, not so much as pretending to believe you. The question pulled a bit of laughter from the crowd. Your mother grabbed at your arm to pull you back, but you refused to let her. Instead, you set your stance and jaw.
More laughter, as if there was anything humorous about this situation. 
“I know,” the judge said loudly, silencing the crowd with a wave of his hand. “I know that you’ve been through a terrible thing, and I am sorry about that. That’s no excuse, however, and I mean this, it is no excuse for you to lie. You might think you’re defending your brother, but anything less than the absolute truth only strengthens the case against him. And, if I’m to be completely honest, I find this behavior deeply troubling. Perhaps it is acceptable among your kind to believe in stories of evil spirits and the like, but it is not appropriate here. We’re a good, God fearing people.”
“This isn’t a story. I saw it,” you insisted, your throat swollen and the world blurring up with tears. “The beast might still be in the woods, if you just look-” 
“Look for the big bad wolf?” the judge asked, a bushy gray eyebrow rising high, inviting further discontent and disbelieving laughter from the people behind you. He sighed, once again calling for order and shaking his head. “It pains me greatly, you must understand, I want to be fair considering your circumstances, but this really is unacceptable. If you won’t testify against him, your father’s killer-” 
“I told you,” you insisted, a little louder.
“No, young lady. And I repeat—no. What you have done is insult me and the fine people of this town with your absurd heathen fiction,” he told you.
“That’s not-” 
“Your kind think you are above civilized law, but understand that we are giving your father the justice he, as a son of God, deserves by right. Your father brought fear and tragedy into the hearts of these people, and your scoundrel brother committed an unthinkable crime. There are those who don’t believe your brother is deserving of a trial at all, considering the substantial evidence against him. Indeed, this is a kindness I am extending to you and your mother. So, for the last time, I will not tolerate your pagan fiction. Do you understand?” 
“I do,” you said, although you could feel your confidence wavering, a shaky cold sweat beading up on the back of your neck, pooling acidically in your stomach. He wasn’t going to listen. He didn’t believe you. “But I haven’t lied, I know what I saw.” 
That caused an uproar, the people’s voices overlapping, a relentless and meaningless wave of noise. Demanding you be silenced, removed, executed. 
“That is enough,” the judge exclaimed, and you didn't know if he spoke to you or the people. “So far, I have disregarded accusations that you were complicit in your brother’s crime, but if you continue to behave in such a manner, I may have to reconsider. That is a charge of patricide, young lady. Do you not have enough decency to spare your mother the loss of another child?” 
You looked at him, really looked at him, overcome with a dizzyingly caustic rush of pain and disbelief at the injustice. He didn’t care if your brother was or was not guilty, or who had actually killed your father. To him, the death of a ravi man was meaningless, let alone two. Let alone three. He saw your eyes and ears and that was it. 
Trying to fight back the thick swell of fear and pain and anger, you breathed carefully in and out, staring straight up in an attempt to fight the tears.
“It wasn’t my brother,” you said, forcing the words from your mouth without inflection. "He would never, ever… he wouldn't."
“Did you,” the judge asked icily, bluntly, “or did you not see the face of the man who attacked you?” 
Red eyes, a long snout, a canine mouth full of deadly sharp teeth. A spirit attempting some approximation of the god of death with twin sickles in hand, trying to twist the kind shepherd’s image into one of terror, a creature wearing the face of evil itself. But the truth cowered away from something far more potent, shamefully grotesque. Self preservation.  
“No,” you said, realizing too late the damning significance of that answer, wanting to add more but not knowing what. When you looked your brother in the eye, you understood. And it didn’t matter what you said after that point. You were the girl who cried wolf.
two times questioned.
That night, a great storm blotted out the stars and made it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of yourself. You made off into the night with your meager possessions packed up in a sack and some vague idea of where to go in the back of your head, mostly memories of better times. Anywhere was better than the home for wayward girls you had been shuffled into, a place that was a charity in name only. 
Ultimately, you didn’t make it far, not even out of the city. There was no place in the world left for you, and you were afraid of the dark, and it was so, so cold. 
Falling to your knees at the side of the road, mud splattering you with the force of each raindrop, you cried. Sobbed, curling in on yourself, desperate to wish it all away, wailing louder than the winds could blow as if your misery would overcome nature itself. You tried not to cry much anymore, tried not to show your weakness, but now it all came flooding out. Agony deep enough to drown, heavy enough to crush. 
Until you heard a song beneath the gale. Impossible that it should reach you above the riotous storm, impossible that you should know its melody. Panic slushed through your veins in an instant, and you stumbled upright, ready to run from a danger you had so desperately tried to convince yourself didn’t exist. Red eyes and silver sickles and-
When you whirled around to run, you were not caught by a wolf, but by the man you could only think of as the prison warden. 
Caked with mud and soaked to the bone, he dragged you back to the home, and you let him, fearing what lurked in the darkness more than you feared the punishment your escape attempt would earn.
Although it wasn’t bright, the light blinded your glazed eyes. You slipped when he released you, but felt nothing when you fell, leaving a muddy smear upon the tiles. Your fingers, bleached of color, were numb to all sensation, slipping when you tried to support yourself. The cold burrowed into your very core. You shook. Violently, as if your soul itself trembled.  
Fear had kept it all locked up tight in your chest. Fear of your shame for crying wolf. Fear that if you gave breath to the creature that haunted your dreams, he would be made real. You told yourself that your father was murdered by a man in a mask, but the wolfman haunted you, the face of oblivion, that song and that laugh. 
Distantly, you became aware of a commotion, and then the headmistress appeared before you. A towel was forced into your clumsy hands by the same girl who helped you get to your ice-block feet, muttering something about drying off. You doubted a single towel would manage that feat, but you held fast onto the fabric with fingers you couldn’t feel. 
“Where in God’s name,” the headmistress demanded, haughty even in her dressing gown and curlers, “do you think you were going?” 
You hugged the towel to your chest, feeling the fluffy material grow heavy and limp from your embrace. Ruined by your touch. Shaking so hard your teeth clacked, the entire world jittered and hazed, your bones practically vibrating, tears and snot dripping down your face with the rainwater.
“I asked you a question,” she said, her tone a little more shrill. Anger smoldered in her voice, but your eyes found purchase only on the lacy hem of her nightcoat. Such fine lace would have been imported from the north, your father had sold more than his fair share of it. You owned several pretty dresses decorated with similar frills, once. A lifetime ago. A life that ended with one decisive slash of silver. “Where were you going? Running off with a boy?” 
Wide open fields of rippling golden wheat, smooth red cliff sides overlooking deep drops into the abyss, frothy blue waves licking pale sandy shores. Places you knew, places you had only heard about. Ravi weren’t meant to stay in one place, yours was a people of wanderlust and breeze. 
The lady stepped forward and slapped your cold, numb cheek. You stumbled, slipping back onto the floor. “You will answer when I ask you a question,” she said. “I will not repeat myself again.” 
“I wanted to see my mother,” you finally told her, your voice barely comprehensible from the way you were shaking, more tears welling up. The pain was there, was always there, and it burned hotter than the biting blue on your fingers and toes. 
“Oh, for the love of… you’re well on your way to joining her,” she said. “What in the world was I thinking, allowing you into my home…”
You stayed silent. There was no defense you could offer, no excuse you could provide. She sighed, annoyed. 
“I’ll decide your punishment in the morning. Assuming you don’t catch cold and die.” She laughed once, a short sound. “I should be so lucky.”
Die. Your sluggish brain was slow to process that word, churning it round and round in a swirl of equally unpleasant thoughts. When you breathed, the air rattled in your chest. Your mother made the same sound at the very end, as if death had already planted its seed in her body, slowly infecting her from the inside out. Fear had never come for her, not like with your father or brother. There was only vacuous ecstasy, the madman’s bliss of fever. When you pictured what she looked like, it was her hollow eyes staring into nothingness, her bones poking out beneath waxy skin in unnatural angles and blood bubbling upon dry lips. “I am going to see them soon,” she told you, smiling. It was the first time since your brother’s execution that she didn’t look at you with blame smoldering beneath her pained eyes. “We’ll be together, and it will be beautiful.” 
But it was not beautiful. 
Death was a hideous, terrible thing. Despair and empty eyes and rotting flesh without poetry or resolution. Blood dripping from curved blades, lives harvested without mercy, red eyes flashing with glee. A neck snapping and a body gone limp at the end of a rope. Agony in a small room that smelled of human waste and sickness. Death was not beautiful. 
three failures.
The other girls called you, among other things, murderer. 
“She pushed her.” 
“Her kind are all like that, thieves and murderers.” 
The two of you were stuck cleaning windows, balanced precariously high up in the air. The platform got loose, teetering uncertainly two stories up. It could have just as easily been you rather than her, but it wasn’t. Of course you hadn’t pushed her, but who would believe the word of a ravi?  
And who would believe you when you told them of the shadow which greeted her down below? A monster you couldn’t believe in. The bastardized form of a benevolent god. The real murderer. 
They saw your fear as guilt. And that was that. Murderer. You hadn’t pushed her, that was a fact. But it was suspicious, wasn’t it? There was a pattern of death surrounding you. Punishment.  
Every night, you begged forgiveness, begged for freedom from the creature that haunted you. Bastet did not answer. Ra did not answer. Your prayers became pleas, and your pleas weakened into whimpers. Eventually, you stopped asking.
It followed you. Death, less an intangible concept than a lurking threat circling ever nearer, followed. Your father, your brother, your mother, other girls in the home. But not you, no matter how close you came. Accidents happened. Punishment became more and more brutal. Part of it was because of what you were, a belief that a beast could handle rougher treatment. Part of it was your attitude. Punishment. Live, but live in misery. Survive, but survive endless torment. And they said that you were lucky. The beatings were never deadly, although they should have been. The accidents were never fatal, although they could have been. You shouldn’t have survived, but you did. 
four minutes.
It was spring, then. The river beside the road gushed with newfound force, overeager after an especially snowy winter. Even the season of life and rebirth was ripe with violence and death. The scent of it seemed to cling permanently to your dirty clothes, cloying in the chill of night. You and three other girls from the charity house followed by the riverside on the way back to town, your faces dusty and feet heavy from a long day of work. There was, as it turned out, quite a bit of money in renting out orphans to satellite farm estates who could launder clothes, clean carpets, polish silver, and scrub cast iron. No money for you or the other girls, but money nonetheless. 
The three chatted as they walked in front of you, a conversation you tuned out. Long had you grown accustomed to walking behind them, ignored and withdrawn. Trailing behind like a shadow, an afterthought. In so-called polite society, that’s all ravi were. They—they with their round irises and human ears, with their unmarked faces and smooth canines—didn’t want you at their side. You understood things like that now, things you had been so blissfully unaware of in your childhood. 
You watched their worn-out shoes marching on in synchronized steps. Watched when they suddenly stopped, your eyes drawn up in confusion as they turned towards you with big smiles. 
"Those flowers are awfully nice, you should see if you can cross the river to pick some for us."
"I’d go myself, but your kind are more agile than real people, right?"
"The rocks make a perfect bridge for you to cross."
Requests from them, although you weren’t sure they could be called anything other than orders, weren’t abnormal. The only thing lower than an orphaned girl was an orphaned ravi girl. That was the way of it. Rather than forming a bond of solidarity, they emphasized what little status they had left by pushing you around. Surely there were similar flowers on this side of the river, but that wasn’t the point. 
Biting your lip, you looked at the rocks spanning the river’s violent course to the other side. It wasn’t much of a bridge. Attempting to cross was, at best, stupid. If you fell, you would be helplessly carried away by the water, thrashed about against the rocks. Dead, surely. But if you denied them, they would almost certainly do worse. Whisper words of your supposed misdeeds to the headmistress, spread lies that would earn you punishment. Malice gleamed in their empty, hollow eyes. 
"All right," you said, feigning indifference as you sized up the river. 
The girls smiled and tittered as you faced the river. The water roared. Nerves had your hands shaking, but you didn’t let them show.
With a big breath and a mental prayer to Bastet to steady your feet, you stepped onto the first rock. Beneath the worn sole of your boot, the rock was slippery. You set your jaw, going to take another step. 
Something knocked against your back. While it was a light touch, the surprise jolted your balance. 
Just like that, the rock slipped out from under you. An undignified squawk left your mouth, and your arms flailed around empty air desperately to regain your footing, but you couldn’t manage it. 
The water hit as hard as the ground might, immediately dragging you under. 
For a moment that seemed to consume forever entirely, animal panic. You inhaled a lungful of water, thrashing wildly. You tumbled sideways as the river dragged you along, hitting rocks on the way. You violently struggled against its unstoppable current in an attempt to get your head above the water. 
Unable to breathe, unable to orient yourself, you were as good as dead. 
Then you slammed against a rock. The agonizing impact gave you enough of a painful shock to find purchase against it, slicing your palms against the rough edges as you held fast against the water’s oppressive tow. Blindly, you managed to find which way was up and dragged yourself to it. And then you were vomiting river water, hacking it out of your lungs and desperately trying to suck in gasps of air.
Feeling as heavy and broken as a corpse, you managed to flop onto the bank, covering your entire front with mud, crawling through it to drag yourself out of the water completely. It was there that you came eye to eye with three familiar pairs of shoes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
“I guess cats can swim after all.” 
“You’re lucky that rock was there, huh?” 
You coughed up more water, coughed until you were hacking up blood, wheezing and shuddering with bone-deep violence. There would be a terrible bruise on your stomach. But you were alive because of it. Pain, and life. Lucky you. 
five years.
Barely into your lanky teens and with nothing more than meager pocket change to live on, you made your final escape from the charity house and went west. The most recent beating was proof enough that if you stayed, you would die. The woman who stitched you up said you only narrowly avoided it this time. You knew a coffin was the sole eventuality waiting for you there. So you left. Despite the time spent there, you parted with no sentimentality for what you would be leaving behind, or excitement for what laid ahead. 
In a way, you were following your father’s example. His legacy. In his final days, you heard him muttering about the sun going down. Your brother whispered that he’d grown paranoid of his own death, that it was why your family never stayed in any place for too long. He was driven by a mean, feral fear and even aggression towards death, the cornered-rat instinct to defend your life at any cost, to protect the pitiful remains of existence as an animal would. You thought you understood. So you pressed against your bruises and exhaled slowly, accepting the pain as proof that you were still alive.
Dust kicked up a big cloud behind the wagon, baking beneath the heat of the sun. Although the world was alive with birds and bugs and the sound of hoofs on the road and wheels crunching over ground, you couldn’t empathize. Crusty from a night of fitful sleep, your eyes cringed away from the garish sunlight, your head pounding angrily. Pain and anxiety from your first night on your own kept you awake and, when you did manage a few hours of sleep, you had bad dreams. A fiction where your family was restored and you were all together again. Whole, untainted by horror and death. You woke up hollow and sick and empty, unalive but breathing. 
“Are those real?” the girl beside you asked, breaking you from your thoughts. She pointed at your ears, her eyes wide with curious innocence. You imagined that question had been building up for a while, ever since you hitched a ride on her father’s wagon to the nearest town, the two of you sitting in the back of the bed with your legs swinging over the passing road. She was very young, her round-cheeked smile missing a single tooth and bright colored ribbons in her hair. He was going to the next town over to sell goods from his farm.  
"Quinta!" her father scolded sharply. 
“It’s okay,” you said. It was better to be asked outright than to endure the side glances. “They’re real.” You tilted your head to show her. Quinta reached out to pet the fur, her chubby little hands cautious.
“What are you?” she asked, getting another stern look from her father over his shoulder. Not that you blamed her. He probably didn’t know either, ravi didn't often leave their small communities, and they were practically unheard of in this part of the world. Little wonder, some establishments wouldn’t so much as let you inside. It was a very positive mark on his character that he allowed you to ride on his wagon in the first place, most people wouldn’t. 
“I’m ravi.” 
She blinked. “Is that why you look like a cat?”
“I guess so.” 
Quinta considered that for a moment, staring at you unabashedly. It wasn’t just your ears that were different, otherwise you could have covered them up and avoided the scrutiny. With round eyes and vertical pupils, markings seemingly painted over your cheeks, you stood out regardless of what you did or where you went. Ravi were strangers to everyone, uprooted and adrift, low as the dust trailing beneath your feet. That fact hadn’t changed after you ran away from the charity house, you merely traded the title or orphan for that of vagrant. 
“My mom won’t let us keep cats, we only have a dog,” Quinta finally announced. “Do you like dogs?”  
You shrugged. 
“Are you afraid of them because of-” She put her hands over her head, mimicking your ears. 
“We are natural enemies,” you said, although the comment didn’t come across as the joke you intended. Perhaps because it wasn’t a joke. 
Quinta didn’t say anything, looking back at the passing road and her swinging feet. The warm air smelled like trees and dust and the stacks of straw piled up on the back of her father’s wagon. When the breeze blew, you got whiffs of the approaching town. Manure, cooking food, fire smoke, and that tangy, sweaty scent of so many people all crowded in one place. 
“Where are you going?” she asked. 
“Somewhere else.” 
You looked down, staring at the road. The sun beat down on your neck, sweat beading up on your hairline. You could hear the chorus of a small town’s buzzing crowds as the wagon pulled closer. 
“We’ll come back tomorrow,” Quinta said. “Will you come to our house? I bet you’ll like my dog, he’s really, really nice. My mom is there, you can meet her.” 
You smiled, feeling a sharp little pang at her sweet innocence. “Thank you, I’ll think about it.” 
“Oh, please say you will.” 
“Quinta, that’s enough,” her father chided. She frowned, but said nothing else. 
The wagon pulled to a stop where the animals could be hitched. You hopped off and stretched, looking around the town. You weren’t really sure where you would go next. Far away. As far as possible. 
“Thank you, sir,” you told the man, bowing politely.  
He nodded gruffly, and you knew you shouldn’t linger. Still, you couldn’t help but glance back at the sound of his heavy grunt. When he passed the wagon bed, Quinta jumped up onto his back, her arms wrapped tight around his neck. He was quick to rebuke her, scowling as he put her on the ground. That clearly hurt her feelings, turning away with a trembling lower lip and furrowed brows. You felt, for a terrible moment, a great pain in your chest. 
You wanted to tell her that he was just busy. Maybe he could be cold and stern, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love her. You wanted to tell her to love him while she could, that time was finite. Right then, you weren’t looking at a stranger and his daughter, but at a little girl with ears too big for her head and a man who waved at her from the driver’s seat with a sun-crinkled smile, a man who tweaked those fluffy ears with calloused fingers, and a man who kissed her forehead with paper-dry lips.
But then you blinked, sunblind and a little dizzy, and turned away from the scene. 
You thought of your father, love for him tender sweet and swelling in your chest, overwhelming. But quickly, always so quick, his smiling, twinkly eyes were emptied as his body fell to the ground, deprived of dignity in those final moments. And the monster turned from him to face you with a wild expression, a growl in its throat. He said you would meet again. The big bad wolf was not real, he was a masked madman, a creature of fiction. All the same, your anxious, cold gaze scanned the crowd of many faces around you. Haunted. Hunted. 
sixth sense.
Blisters covered your hands, and you couldn't stop coughing, your body seizing with fits of it. The tangy sour stench of smoke infected every pore of your body, saturated your lungs with its acrid excretions. Somehow, despite the horror of escaping a building as it burned down, you were alive. You had no idea what had woken you up, but it happened before anybody even noticed the fire. Others weren’t so lucky. The girl who slept every night two beds down from you, who was innocent, who had never done anything at all to you, was dead. 
"It's not your fault that you couldn’t get to her in time. You were lucky enough to get out with your life," you were told, an attempt at consolation. A lie. 
It was your fault. Your punishment. Your presence invited the flame to spark a blaze in the boarding house for working young women, and yet you had lived while someone else died. Above the sound of so many voices, of a chaos world attempting to fix such a tragedy, you could hear it. She screamed for as long as she was able, until her lungs were too coated in sooty black smoke to make a sound, until her flesh melted by the infernal heat. Other women boasted swaths of charred skin, blisters popping bright red and gruesome, bones broken from leaping out windows. Their lives would be ruined by this, by the sheer misfortune of being near you.
And as the flames licked the sky, you could have sworn you saw an inhuman face at the flickering orange edge where the light tapered into shadow, his eyes not so much reflecting the blaze as they were consuming the fire’s callous violence, soaking in the terror which mingled with the smoke. 
Then you blinked watery eyes, and the shadow was just a shadow. 
There was nothing for it, you left town as soon as you were well enough. Not soon enough, clearly. 
It was your fault, your punishment, but terribly, shamefully, you kept thinking, over and over and over, at least it wasn’t you. You breathed in air that still stank of the memory of murderous smoke and felt grateful that you would recover from this incident. 
That selfish drive was the crux of it all, the reason you could never allow yourself to move on. After so many years, most people would have found a way forward. They took their anguish in stride and did something with their life. But you didn’t. For you, there was no forgetting, and there was no moving on. You couldn’t be allowed happiness in a life others had been denied, a life that you hoarded so rabidly. Even cowards had to draw a line somewhere, didn’t they? No matter how miserable, you struggled to squeeze one more day out of the harsh world, to carve yourself another miserable hour, and then, crippled by pain and smoke and fear, felt a coward’s joy when facing tragedy because at least it wasn’t you.
Lucky, lucky, lucky you.
seven rainbow hues.
"Watch out!"
It happened so fast. That was the cliche, but the truth. Time did not wait for you to catch up in moments where survival came down to muscle memory. Panic and surprise cut up your perception in choppy little bits. One second you were walking down the road, you noticed a man beneath a falling beam and lunged, and then you were flat on your ass in the middle of a road, adrenaline spiking your heart rate and your entire body shaking with it. So little time had passed that the warning was still tangy in your mouth, the sound stifled by the echoing impact. 
Someone was shouting. Screaming.
Sitting up, little rocks grinding into your skinned palms, you looked at the fallen beam not even a foot away. Had you erred even a few inches to the right, you would have been, at the very least, catastrophically injured. Just like the man you tried to push out of the way. He was screaming. His leg was crushed.
But you were fine. Alive. 
People swarmed the man to free him from the beam while the world blurred extra bright, the colors of shock overloading your brain, dozens of different voices buzzing together. Someone asked if you were okay. You were. Of course you were. Alive. The carpenter jumped down from his ladder, finally getting the man out from under the beam. A gruesome mess had been made of his shin, bloody and broken. You only watched, a sort of cool numbness had taken the place of adrenaline. 
The man's leg was a ruin of flesh and bone, and your only injuries were a bruised tailbone and skinned palms. You should not have survived that. 
eight shots of moonshine. 
“He reared up real tall, howling like a beast, and that’s when I stuck him,” the hunter said, his expression animated as he recounted the story. It was, by your count, his ninth drink, and the fifth version of his story about how he fought, and escaped, the terrifying half-man-half-wolf beast—el hombre lobo, in the local dialect. It made sense that some cruel spark of fate would invite the subject matter wherever you happened to be, especially now. That’s the way these things always happened, wasn’t it? The world had a way of kicking you when you were down.
You listened to him with half an ear, staring at your chapped, cracked knuckles. Working as a laundress was not kind to your skin. Unfortunately, being ravi and having a limited skill set meant that simple labor was just about all you could get. So you did odd jobs and, once you had enough money, you would be on your way to the next place, and then the next, and the next. Passing through like a ghost, and then gone. Temporary. Just like this bar, this drink, this man and his story. Transient. 
“The sound he let out was deafening, and I mean that,” the hunter continued. “I’ve never heard anything like it, not in all my years.” 
“That’s not true,” you said loudly, pulling the story to a screeching halt before its predictable conclusion. You hadn’t meant to speak, but you did. If nothing else than to just make him stop. Details changed, but the ending was mostly the same each time. The creature put up a fight, but the hunter was stronger and smarter. Maybe he’d mention the bear trap again, how he watched the wolfman trying to gnaw off its own leg. And it wasn’t like you cared what some random drunk had to say. You didn’t, really. It was the alcohol, and the memories the alcohol was meant to be suppressing, and some misplaced well of fury crammed deep into your gut, unable to be reached or drained or expressed in any meaningful way. Or maybe it was something else, something less palatable. You had a way of testing people’s tempers. Pain was proof of purchase, after all. And you had paid more than your fair share. 
“What was that?” the hunter asked, glazed eyes surprisingly lucid when they landed on you, twinkling with an amused sort of incredulousness at being challenged. He had on a sweat stained red shirt and the ruddy complexion to match. Everyone around you was in similar states of drunken disrepair. So were you, for that matter—a shot of something hard and foul tasting past reasonable. Two shots away from having the energy to engage in this stupid argument, which was ridiculous considering you were the one to involve yourself in the first place. 
“That didn’t happen,” you said. The few people who had been paying attention in the first place laughed at you, but the hunter seemed intrigued, if irritated, by your attitude. 
“Are you calling me a liar?” he asked.
“Do you expect us to believe you fought the big bad wolf?” Those words were old and mean, that of a horrible old man without a shred of mercy in his heart. 
Red-shirt’s eyes narrowed. A couple of the men laughed again, sending a few drunken jibes in your direction. 
“Is that what you’re supposed to be?” One of his friends called, gesturing at your ears, which twitched under his attention. 
“No, no. She’s one of those cat people. The eastern savages,” the man sitting next to you responded, roughly tweaking your ear. He’d made a few friendly comments in your direction throughout the night. And then a few less friendly ones as the liquor loosened his tongue. You winced and ducked away, scowling at him. He grinned. “Have you got any wares to sell us, gata? Or maybe you’re here to put on a show.” 
Another laugh, a playful wolf whistle.
“Ah, I understand. I was mistaken,” red-shirt allowed, a mean grin spreading across his face. “It was no wolfman after all. You ought to tell your pa to keep away from these parts. Next time I see him, he won’t get off so easy.” 
That drew a bigger laugh from the few people bothering to pay attention. A part of you hated him a little bit, hated him with a riotous, evil sort of passion. His ignorance, his audacity. You hated yourself more for not holding your tongue. 
“No, it was her ma,” another man chimed in. “Must have been in heat if she was so focused on you.” You felt a red hot flush rise to your cheeks at that, some uncomfortable mixture of embarrassment and anger. 
Needing to calm the impulse of rage, and kicking yourself for having spoken at all, you took a deep breath. 
“Aw, pobre gata, don’t be upset,” the man next to you said. Poor cat? He drew out the condescending pet name with a sugary sweetness, going for your ears again. You scooted back to avoid him, nearly falling from the alcohol-induced sway of the world. The men laughed again. “Where’re you going?” he asked. “They’re just teasing.”  
You licked your dry lips. You needed to leave, it wasn’t the sort of place you should have been hanging out in the first place. Part of you worried that he might try something. He looked hungry. Worse, part of you wondered if he would, wanted to stick around and find out what kind of situation you’d dug yourself into. Curiosity didn’t come from desire or lust, but from something darker, the impulse of deserved violence. Alcohol made it worse, made you think that maybe you could want it, that you might enjoy being roughed up and used in a vulgar game of intimacy. 
“Let me buy you another drink,” he offered. “I promise not to tease you.” 
You pursed your lips, and knew you would hate yourself later, and decided that it didn’t matter all that much anyway. “Okay.”
Hours later, you were sweaty, sour with alcohol but no longer drunk enough to tolerate the discomfort, and ultimately dissatisfied with the interaction as you stumbled through the quiet town back to the room you had been renting. The unpleasant scent of sex was all you could smell, it clung to your rumpled dress and messy hair. Evidence of your mistake. Despite being so forward, he hadn’t been what you hoped. Whenever you pulled back, he thought to coax you further with sweet words rather than rough hands. You’d have been better off trying to antagonize the man in the red shirt to get what you really wanted, not a quick upright with a man who wanted to slobber on your neck and call you beautiful.
Disgust, shame—a sickening feeling of wrong had you ducking into an alley, vomiting up a stomach full of bile and alcohol like a homeless wretch, shaking hard enough that your teeth clattered. Snot, stomach acid, and tears smeared against the side of the building when you pressed your fevered cheek against it, the material rough on your skin. But it was cool, and solid, and you were breathing. Alive. 
Miserable. Beautiful. That was your mother’s word. An ugly, ugly word. Your shoulders heaved with half-hearted sobs, your skin crawling and stomach twisting. You were alive because the only thing you feared more than the hideous pain of living was beautiful death, and that was the ugliest feeling you could possibly imagine. 
Eventually, you collected yourself, wiping your mouth and eyes, and completed your walk of shame, your thoughts lingering on el hombre lobo and the furious hollow in your chest, and the sort of hatred which begged violence and cried for pity. 
nine lives.
Afternoon faded into sunset as you walked, and you weren’t too concerned. If anything, you felt the same relaxing sense of relief you always felt when you left one place for another. 
No, you didn’t worry at all until twilight gave way to the rise of the moon. That’s when you stopped, frowning up at the sky. Either you were lost or you had severely misjudged the distance. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be done other than continue on and hope that you reached civilization soon. You pulled your cloak a little closer to fight off the chill, adjusting your bag uncomfortably. Summer was coming, but the air retained the cold damp newness of deep spring. 
And so you trundled along, reminding yourself over and over that it was okay. While possible, it wasn’t likely that anything would happen to you. 
Your anxiety wasn’t helped by the full moon. A morbid coincidence, and a mixed blessing. It was full that night. Illuminating your father’s twisted expression of fear, haloing the impossible beast looming above you, lighting your way when you ran, dying your blood into the color of ink. As always, it was a bit of mischief the universe was having at your expense. It shone the same steady pale silver, bleaching the world in imitation sunshine just like it always had, always did. 
A gentle breeze shook the tree canopy, the leaves shivering. Above them, the perfect velvet blue veil of sky was mostly undisturbed by clouds. The stars twinkled and winked, dulled slightly by the radiance of the moon. Bugs wailed and frogs sang their nighttime dirge, an unsettlingly miserable sound. No matter how uncomfortable the sun could be, blinding and revealing, the night was worse. It was the place where nightmares lived, after all. And the woods, the place where the big bad wolf hid. 
Right. These were the woods where the hunter claimed to have seen the wolfman those few weeks ago. A chill slithered down your spine at that realization. While it was most certainly a lie, in the dark, it troubled you. It frightened you. There were many things in the deep, dark woods to be afraid of. Hiding, lurking. 
Huffing with annoyance at your paranoia, you vigorously shook your head and focused on the path instead. Everything was fine, you just had to keep going. 
Seemingly out of nowhere, the wind began to blow a lot harder, catching the hem of your cloak and loose strands of hair, crawling beneath your clothes to make you shiver. At the same time, a shadow slowly closed in around you, a stray cloud covering up the moon. The sudden lack of light made the shadows darken significantly. Goosebumps crawled across your entire body in response to the windy chill, hairs standing on end and visceral discomfort lurching in your gut like a hook behind your belly button. Surrounded on all sides by darkness, stranded in the woods, you were completely and utterly vulnerable. 
Then it all—bugs, the frogs, and the wind—everything died. Not slowly, tapering off naturally, but all at once, as if a great dampener was suddenly pressed into the air. And that was strange, that was eerie, that was cause for fear, but the first whistled note shot straight into your core.
Trees were hungry things. They, with their thick wood and big bodies, had an appetite for sound. Echoes, however, were mischievous. They would rather play tricks than be eaten. Back and forth, from everywhere and nowhere, a tune you knew all too well danced amidst the silent forest. The notes jumped from one to the next in a song that should have been cheerful but wasn’t. You didn’t move. You felt like you couldn’t. Standing there, ears perked and twitching in search of any noise aside from the whistling, heart racing, cold sweat gathering on the nape of your neck, you suddenly knew, with an alarming degree of certainty, that you weren’t alone. 
Slowly, eyes watering from the sudden burst and disappearance of the wind, you looked up. 
The whistler, seeming not to notice you, was no more than a dozen feet ahead, a darker shadow amidst the void, a little off the edge of the clearing. Jarring surprise shot like lightning down your spine at the sight, at how close you were to somebody you hadn’t noticed, so powerful that you stumbled backward on pure instinct. But your foot landed on a mossy rock and the squishy material slid out from under your boot. You tried to find your balance, but you wound up overcorrecting, sending you forward instead. With a yelp and a loud thump, you tumbled onto the ground, landing hard on your elbows and knees. 
The song ended.  
“¿Tan deseosa estás de ser engullida?” the man asked, amused. You looked up, terrified, but without any moonlight to help you see, the most you could make out was the vague shape of a hooded figure leaning against a tree. 
Fear made your hands shaky, your body unwieldy and awkward. Scrambling, unsure if you should have been embarrassed or scared, you got up to your feet. At least you weren’t hurt.
“I-I don’t… no entiendo,” you said, wondering, hoping, fearing, unsure. At least it was just a man. That shouldn’t have been the consolation it was. It shouldn’t have been any consolation at all. 
“I asked if you needed any help,” he clarified in an accented voice, amused in a way that made you think he was making fun of you. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“I, um… I was just surprised, bu-but it’s okay,” you said, trying very hard to calm down. “I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure? I would hate for you to wind up like the last girl who got lost in the woods,” he said. You squinted into the dark, but you couldn’t see any details beyond a shadow. Covered moon or not, the dark was borderline unnatural. “She was gobbled up whole, her granny too. You’ve even got the red hood.” 
It took you a second to register that he was messing with you. Entertaining any sort of interaction was foolish, but you couldn’t help your nervous laugh, pulling your cloak closer. “Oh, yeah.” 
The stranger laughed in turn, forcefully friendly in a very uncomfortably stilted way. The sound sent a fresh shiver down your spine. “They don’t get very many people coming all the way out here to visit,” the man said. “Are you here to see family, gatita?”
Your ears twitched nervously. “Um… Excuse me?”
“Is that offensive? I can never remember what you beast types call yourselves. Ra… something.” 
“Ravi,” you said.
“That’s right. I’ve never been much of a cat person myself, but I can see the appeal. The big eyes, the fuzzy ears… Very cute.” He paused. “Hey, can you purr too?” 
You drew back, your awkward moment of uncertainty giving way to dread at the underlying danger of a question like that. While many people scorned you blindly, there were those with a particular taste for half-breeds. 
“I need to get going, it’s late,” you said slowly. You didn’t want to turn your back on him, and you had no idea how close you were to town, but anything was better than here. 
“Wait, before you go, I heard a story recently,” he said, unconcerned with your response. “It’s about your kind. Stop me if you’ve heard it before.”
“I don’t-” 
“Once upon a time,” he said, speaking as if you hadn’t, “a gato got it in his head that one life wasn’t enough for him. Even though he had everything he could ask for—a wife, two children, a successful career, he was proud. He didn’t see why he should have to abide by the same rules as everyone else. Of course, he was warned that it was a bad idea, but it became a… preoccupation of his. He traveled just about everywhere, certain that he could do what no one else had.”
The man paused, giving you a moment to register his words, to feel the slow drip of horror pooling in your stomach. 
“It didn’t work out for him, in the end. It never does.”
“Who are you?” you asked, although you had a feeling. A very strange, awful feeling. “How do you-”
“Do you know how it ends?” he asked, pushing away from the tree and standing up, stepping out of the shadows, only a few feet in front of you. Your eyes were better adjusted now, taking in as much light as possible. His hood fell back, letting you see the man in full. 
Only, he wasn’t a man. 
For a second, the ears on the top of his head made you think he was ravi too. But they were too small. Pointed. Distinctly canine.
Then the rest of it registered.  
He wasn’t a wolf standing on hind legs, or a person with wolf features, but some inhuman, impossible mix of the two. His long, toothy snout was distinct to a dolichocephalic skull. A beast. That’s what you would assume given all that thick gray fur, round eyes, and the pointy ears directly on top of the head. But somehow, despite all of that, something about his face registered as perfectly, sickeningly, uncannily human. 
And you knew him. You saw him in your nightmares, in the shadows, in the darkest places of your mind. No matter what resolve you had before that moment, all you wanted was to run. You needed to run. But fear, pure and distilled, paralyzed you.
“No? That’s fine, it’s just a story, after all,” he said, the words far too well articulated considering the wolf’s muzzle they were coming from, the shiny sharp teeth through which they were spoken. 
You opened your mouth to respond, and instead you whimpered as you exhaled.
“What’s the matter?” he asked. “You remember me, don’t you? I remember you. Although, you were a lot smaller back then. Who would’ve thought that you’d turn out to be such a looker?" He laughed at that, a stilted chuckle. When you didn’t respond, his demeanor dropped, darkened. “Your fear was intoxicating.”
 Leaning forward, he closed his eyes and sniffed at the air like a dog. You couldn’t do anything, your limbs refusing to move even though every cell in your body screamed at you to run. When he leaned back and exhaled, his lips pulled back in what was very distinctly a smile, an expression that should have been impossible for a wolf to make. 
“I’ve waited a long time to see you like this again, I worried that it would be disappointing,” he told you, red eyes opening. They were mad. His smile was mad. Dread overwhelmed your system. “But you smell even better than I remember.” 
He took a step forward. With a few unnerving exceptions, his body was human enough. Tall, broad shouldered, slightly hunched, wearing clothes like a person. His hands were almost like paws with pads and claws, but were articulated like your own—short one finger. He was no monster. He was a nightmare come to life. 
“What’s the matter?” he asked. “Surprised to see me?” 
“No,” you whispered, shaking your head. “No, you’re not… not real.”
You could see the excitement in his eyes as he licked his lips with a long tongue, another entirely animalistic motion. The perfect meld of human and wolf traits was fascinating. Sickening. Something that should not exist. 
You did nothing other than stare at him with wide eyes as he leaned in. And you did nothing as he raised his hand, dragging the claw in a butterfly kiss over your cheek. “You think?” he asked, the growl in his voice almost like a purr. 
That woke you out of your trance and you stumbled back, covering the skin which tingled from the very real touch.
He laughed and straightened out, but didn’t follow you. “It’s not safe to be out here so late. You never know what you’ll find lurking in the woods.”
You swallowed hard, your breathing picking up, the old well of fury cracking open just a little. There should have been more, but the fear was too intense, cold in your veins. “What are you?” you asked, barely audible. Frightened of the answer, but desperate to know. 
“Your father called me Anubis. That’s one of your gods, right?” 
“You are not a god,” you said, an objection because you couldn’t allow this nightmare, any degree of holy pedigree that you had feared for so long. There was doubt in your voice though, doubt you couldn’t stifle. 
“It depends on how you look at it,” he allowed. “But it’s true that I have no interest in being worshiped, and I certainly don’t want your faith. I prefer fear.” 
You swallowed hard, shaking your head in a hazy attempt to fight back the swelling tide of fear, to deny him that. “I'm not… not afraid of you, wolf."
That didn’t so much as make him blink. "You fear me more than you fear anything else."
"No! You killed my… my—I hate you."
“Sure you do."
“And because of you, my brother was…” You couldn’t finish the statement, your entire body nearly vibrating from the way you were shaking. “And then mm-my mother...” 
“Execution and, what was it, some kind of sickness?” The wolf clicked his tongue. “It’s a harsh world.” 
“You took them from me,” you said softly. “You took everything.” 
“Do you want revenge, gatita? You wouldn’t be the first.” 
The mocking tone of his voice was as bad as a slap across the face. Even if you wanted revenge, what fight could you possibly put up against an impossible creature like him? You flexed your hands and clasped them together, your breathing picking up with the confusion of old fury and sadness and fear. 
“I want to know why,” you finally said.
The wolf sighed, rolling his eyes in an exaggerated—and far too human—way as he continued to circle you. “Everybody thinks there’s a reason. There isn’t. Who lives, who dies, it’s all the same to me in the end. But there are those who… tempt fate. Although, I prefer to call it tempting death."
"You're saying that my father wanted to die? You're crazy,” you argued, your shoulders tensing in some form of defense. 
"He was especially tempting. His pride, his ego, his fear… I gave him several chances, and he chose to insult me over and over again.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “I may have gotten carried away. You can’t blame me for wanting some fun now and again."
Despite the relative warmth of the night, the air chilled whenever you inhaled, your skin raising with goosebumps. Something in your head clicked, the understanding you had been trying very hard not to acknowledge. 
"What are you?" you asked again, but you were thinking that you knew. Of course you knew, it was something you’d known for a long time. 
"You know who I am."
"Death," you whispered. 
“And you know all about tempting death, don't you? To be honest, I’m starting to lose my patience, gatita,” he practically whispered the pet name, leaning down behind you so the word brushed intimately against your ear, his breath disturbing the fine hairs and making them twitch. 
You yelped and jumped away, twisting around. All you could think about was how close all those teeth had been to your ears. Your neck. Death watched as you stumbled even further backwards, hitting a tree and falling against it. 
“Watching you survive things that would kill anybody else over and over, it’s unbearable. You throw yourself into danger like you’re trying to tease me.” Genuine irritation glowed in his eyes. Frustration. You shouldn’t have been able to see an emotion like that on such an inhuman face. 
You needed to run. Whether or not that was a good idea no longer mattered. Surely he wouldn’t follow you out of the woods, surely sanity would take his place once you were back among civilization, out of the moonlight’s pure lunacy. Your insides squeezed sickeningly. Your heart raced.
“Is it a cat thing? You inherited the ears, the eyes, and, what, the nine lives? I guess that skipped a generation,” Death mused, his demeanor shifting completely right back into amusement. “Or maybe it’s just dumb luck. What do you think, gatita—are you feeling lucky tonight?” 
Run. You needed to run. 
Death stepped forward. 
You had to run. 
Rather than get any closer to him to follow the trail, you rolled off of the tree to the side so you could escape into the trees, letting your pack drop to the ground to avail yourself of the extra weight. With your back to the wolf, you sprinted, not caring where it took you, only that it was as far away from him as possible.
Behind you, you heard him calling out to you. You heard him laughing. You gasped and choked for breath, your feet pounding against the forest floor, your streaming eyes blind to anything other than what was directly in front of you. Running, catching the sharp fingers of trees across your arms and face, stray logs and squishy moss and wet grass threatening to trip you with every step. All around, you could hear his laughter, echoing around amidst the trees and in your head. 
And for what? Your escape had been doomed from the start, nothing more than the animalistic instinct of prey. 
It really only made sense when you realized that Death stood directly in your path, a hulking shadow with red eyes. Your body jolted on instinct and you skittered into a hard stop, momentum pushing you forward while your feet tried to backtrack. 
“¿Dónde vas, gatita? Haven’t you heard that it’s dangerous to stray from the path?”
Thoughtlessly, you twisted around, but you were too slow. Or he was too fast. Grabbing a fistful of fabric from the back of your cloak, Death dragged you backwards. And then you were looking into a pair of bright red eyes, choking as your cloak’s tie tightened around your windpipe.
He growled as a wolf would, and you felt base terror in your very core. No matter how humanly he expressed emotion, his face was very decidedly that of a wolf, of a predator that you were naturally wired to fear. A rising surge of bile burned in your throat from running and all you could hear was your heartbeat, thundering ever faster. You choked out a yelp, lashing out however you could in a bid to get free. He easily avoided every attack you threw out, seemingly bored by the attempts, casually holding you at arms length. 
“What I really can’t stand,” he told you, his voice low and calm, “is how you waste it. Fighting so hard to stay alive, and for what? Nothing will be lost when I end it.”
“Shut up!” you cried, choking the words out through gritted teeth. You would live. Survive just like you always did. He considered that, licking his lips before irritation once more gave way to excitement.   
“Then again,” Death said, letting you down enough to stand on your toes, allowing you to take a breath. Oxygen hit you in a hard rush, you might have fallen over if he weren’t steadying you. “I’m in no rush.” 
“Let me go,” you demanded, your breathing ragged, your ears buzzing and ignorant of his words. 
Death smiled, his wolfish muzzle pulled back in an expression so human it bordered on obscene. His face was right to yours, you could practically count each of his deadly sharp teeth, see into the soulless depths of those evil eyes. 
“Your fear is positively mouthwatering. The poor little kitten is really terrified of el lobo feroz. That fear is the only thing that’s ever given your life purpose. If you think about it, I’m the only reason you keep going. It’s almost flattering.” He licked his lips again, considering you intently. “You don’t mind having some fun before I kill you, right?”
“No!” you screamed the word, but all it did was make his eyes flash with hunger. 
“I’m going to eat. You. Up.” 
Every muscle in your body went taut, seizing with a different sort of horror. That confounded curiosity to know what he intended, the disturbing impulse to tempt violence, was only heightened by the adrenaline in your system. You had no word for the dark feeling, for the disturbing impulse. Only disgust, swirling dark twisting up hot and low in your gut. With shaking hands, you finally managed to undo the tie around your neck, dropping out of your cloak and onto the ground. And then, before you could even stand up, you were running. 
This time, Death didn’t react. No laughter or jeering taunts followed your escape. Dampened beneath the rush of blood in your ears and your feet pounding on the forest floor, the woods were full of the normal sounds. Bugs and frogs and birds and the breeze. 
All the same, you knew that el lobo feroz wasn’t far behind. You knew that, and you knew you wouldn’t escape from  him. Not this time. But you couldn’t just stop. So you made your frantic flight through the trees, sprinting as fast as you could to escape a creature which existed in opposition to all that was sane or safe. Death himself. 
From behind you, in front of you, on both slides, all around, the lilting whistled tune finally began. Panic, bright red and raw, caused you to trip. There was a jolt when your foot caught on something, sending a little shockwave all up your body, then a lurch as gravity forced you down and momentum dragged you forward. For a moment, true weightlessness. And then you were skidding and somersaulting along the ground, skinning your hands and knees all over again before you collapsed, your chin painfully knocking against the ground when you completed your tumble. No pain registered, just numb confusion. You were breathing so hard your lungs burned, your tongue paper dry and sour. Despite the deafening sound of your heart beating and the wheezing rattle of air in your lungs, you could hear his song. 
Everything, everything hurt, but you forced yourself up, to shamble into the bushes, curling into a ball to wait. 
The song ended. 
Seconds—less than that, really—passed before anything happened. Then you heard him. He allowed you to hear him, your pursuer wasn’t concerned that you would manage to escape. He didn’t need to bother running after you, or disguise the noise of his approach. You squeezed your eyes shut until you heard heavy feet crunching through the grass and twigs right in front of you, peeking them open to watch a figure emerge from the darkness.
Death stopped to sniff the air like the predatory beast he appeared to be. You pressed both hands over your mouth and nose, your entire body shaking with the tension of staying stiffly still. For a moment, you hoped he would move on. You didn’t move. Didn’t breathe. 
“This has been fun,” he said conversationally, “but you’re not exactly the most challenging hunt. So, make this easier for yourself and come out, or make it more fun for me and stay put. Your choice, gatita.”  
Your sore, overworked body twitched, wanting to obey and spare yourself. But if he knew where you were, he wouldn’t be looking around randomly like he was, right? Unless this was another game and he was trying to trick you, to see how you’d respond to that threat. But he could be bluffing. You didn’t know, and that uncertainty kept you in place. 
Death chuckled ominously, leaving your line of sight. Somehow, that was worse than anything else, the nothingness of blind anticipation. 
For a fleeting moment, you hoped he had moved on after all.
“Did you really think you could hide from me?” Death asked. Behind you, above you. A short little scream ripped from your throat as he grabbed you by the hair, wrenching you upright so fast that your body went limp with dizziness, head spinning with terror and a fresh rush of energy. He kept you up by exchanging a fistful of hair for the front of your dress. “Me temo que no tiene suerte.”
Getting your bearings, you yelped, thrashing out of his grip. Death let you go too easily, causing you to stumble. You went down hard. This time, it did hurt. Your hands and knees were skinned raw. But still, you crawled. It wasn’t a choice, it was instinct.
“I’m going to enjoy this,” Death said, crouching down behind you. He laughed. “I’ve got a feeling that you will too.” 
“You can’t lie to me. I can smell it. Fear mixed with desire… It's delicious. I can’t wait to have a taste.”
All you could do was grunt when he grabbed you by the waist, easily lifting you up and manhandling you onto your back. You fell with a heavy sound, dizzy all over again. 
“I’d say I was surprised, but… Well, I’m not,” Death said, straddling you. His legs were completely wrong. They bent like a man’s at the knee, but bent again with the backwards angle of a wolf’s legs, ending in a set of thick paws. His face was worse. He spoke with such vivid animation. It shouldn’t have been possible for a wolf’s face to emote like that, it shouldn’t have been possible that Death himself could look so gleeful, so excited. When you attempted to drag yourself away, he settled more of his weight on top of you. “This is how you like it, right? Rough. It makes you feel alive.” 
Even in your terrified panic, you knew what he was talking about. How long had he been watching you? How intently? Had you ever managed to escape from him, or were you just running around like a headless chicken, never knowing you were doomed? Furiously rejecting that, you bucked upward, bowing your back to throw him off. When that didn’t work, you grasped fistfuls of fabric from the front of his shirt to get leverage. 
Death growed low and grabbed your face, slamming your head against the ground, claws digging into the soft skin of your cheeks. He followed while you were still reeling, leaning down to talk directly into your ear. 
“Do you feel alive now, gatita?”
You whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut so you couldn’t see his frightening face. El lobo feroz. His nose was cold and leathery when it brushed your face as he pulled back, air ghosting across your cheek and making you whimper. Death laughed, sitting up. 
“The ears really are cute,” he told you, releasing your cheeks to take hold of your ear instead. The rough pads caught on the delicate skin, brushing the fur up in a way that made you shudder. He saw that, you could tell by the way his red eyes flashed, the way he licked his lips again. “Who knows, maybe you’ll change my mind about cats.”
“Stop it,” you said, covering your face in an attempt to find peace from this absurdity. He hadn’t broken skin with his claws, but your chin and palms were busted up, your cheeks latticed with shallow scrapes from the trees.
“I told you. You can’t hide from me,” Death said, his voice dragging with a growl. The threat was emphasized by the sudden cold edge dragging lightly against your neck. 
Stiffening, you lowered your hands, looking up at him with wet eyes—looking at the humanoid wolf claiming to be death, who had killed your father and ruined your life, who had haunted you every day since, whose mere shadow terrified you to your core, and once you came to grips with the unbelievability of what you saw, you had to contend with the knowledge that you were powerless to such a nightmare. Utterly, completely powerless.
Death groaned. Or hummed. Or growled. It was a happy sound, excited. “Está buena, gatita,” he told you, saying it like praise. “I don’t normally go for this sort of thing.” Casually, he nudged your chin upward before dragging the sickle down so the point caught beneath the neckline of your dress. “I shouldn’t. It’ll have to be our secret, hm?” 
Willful ignorance had done nothing for you thus far, but you still clung to it. He couldn’t be talking about what you thought he was. He couldn’t be that human. 
In a sharp movement, he pulled the sickle downward. Fabric ripped loudly in the quiet night. Yelping, you tried to pull the scraps back together, to cover yourself because that indignity was too far, wasn’t it? Nudity could mean nothing more than a prelude to violence to something like him, but it was different to you. 
Death growled in annoyance, pressing the weapon’s tip into the soft give of your stomach. 
“Hands off,” he told you. You didn’t move, and he pressed down. Not too much, just enough to break the skin, to draw blood. 
“Stop,” you said, clinging even more desperately to the front of your ruined bodice, “that hurts.”
 “I’ll keep going. To. The. Hilt.” Death drew out each word, pressing down with each word to make his point, the sickle’s edge disappearing into your skin. He meant it. Obey or suffer. 
Looking straight above at the uncaring night sky, you released your bodice. He chuckled as he pulled the weapon away. It might have been that sound, or the crushing disgust of being exposed. There was very little thought behind the way you lashed out, capitalizing on his moment of distraction as he readjusted himself. 
Your pathetic attempt at escaping the inevitable lacked any art or intelligence, only the final burst of energy that came from knowing you’d have no more chances after this. Death avoided your thrashing limbs, letting you wriggle your way upward, twisting around to try and crawl away. And then he drove the sickle into the ground right beside your hand, the blade only narrowly missing your fingers as he drove it into the dirt. You yelped, flinching away. Death used the moment to flip you around again, slamming the air out of your lungs.
"Delicious," he growled, curling over you to get at the exposed skin of your torso. Fabric that hadn’t been properly cut was torn away by his hands. Hands, paws. Human finger articulation and the thick pads of a dog’s feet, each tipped with dangerously long claws. They caught your skin, the rough pads like sandpaper on your sensitive flesh. Just as quickly as the fabric was out of the way, his nose replaced it, his hulking form hunching over your body. Each rapid inhale tickled your skin, pairing disturbingly with the cold of his nose. Unlike his hands, his tongue was soft, lapping up the blood he’d drawn on your stomach before he moved up. The uncanny mixture of sensations made you squirm. 
“Stop, stop now,” you said, jerking in uncoordinated little bursts beneath him more on instinct than rational thought. Fur filled the spaces between your fingers as you tried to push him off. He didn't react to you tugging on it, all it did was remind you of how bestial he was. The whole situation was terrifying, yes. But, more viscerally, it was gross. Deeply uncomfortable to feel his long, smooth tongue, to endure the threat of teeth as he moved up, to choke back disgust and terror as he passed over your nipples. “Stop,” you whined the word despite yourself, your eyes screwed shut in an attempt to separate from reality. Death chuckled, moving up across your flushed chest, to your neck, leaving you flushing bright red and slick with his saliva. 
“Impatient?” he asked, the words brushing over your fluttering pulse. “I’m not surprised. That’s fine.”
The waistband of your dress didn’t part as easily as the top. He worked from the other end instead, making a slit to tear the fabric up and expose your stockings and panties. Claws made short work of the thin, well worn cotton, carving shallow lines into your skin to strip you entirely. 
“Nn-no, what are you doing? Stop, st-” your words cut off with a heavy ‘umph’ when he pushed you back down. Death didn’t so much as look at you as he admired his handiwork, let alone respond to your plea.
“Just like I thought,” he said. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” 
“No,” you said, desperately shaking your head. All you could see was his sharp, sharp teeth, those deadly claws. And your body was electrified, covered with drool and chills and thrumming hot with blood. There was no way out of this, you couldn't even comprehend the pain he could cause. Out of options, you pushed down the remains of your skirt, attempting to close your legs. 
Claws dug into your thighs as Death forced them back open with a little growl, sparing you no indignity. The moon deprived you of the cover of darkness and it shouldn’t have been so embarrassing because he wasn’t a man, but it was. Just like he had with your torso, Death explored the exposed skin. The puffing brushes of air as he sniffed and licked along your thighs was humiliating and obscene on its own, nevermind when he nipped at the sensitive flesh to make you whimper, forcing you to contemplate the damage those teeth could do where you were most vulnerable. 
The thought of such agony had you try a final time to close your legs, only to have them spread even wider, giving you the perfect view of el lobo feroz with his muzzle pressed against your pussy, his long pink tongue lolling out to drag across your slit. It wasn’t the pain you anticipated, but it was just too strange, too surprising, too disturbing. Having the snout of a beast between your legs, regardless of the creature's perceived humanity, was enough to make you feel sick, twisted and filthy. 
“No, no, don’t,” you demanded shrilly, kicking in an attempt to displace him. Death growled, claws puncturing into your skin as he pushed your hips back down, peering up at you. His eyes didn’t reflect or catch the moonlight. They glowed. Empty. Evil.   
“Ten cuidado, gatita,” he warned. “Haven’t you ever been warned about getting in the way of a wolf and his meal?”
“Please,” you said, unable to comprehend that this could happen. That this would happen. “Please don’t… don’t. You can’t do this.”
“What are you going to do to stop me?” 
That was awful, too awful for words. Fight and risk more pain, or let it happen and… And what? What rational response could you possibly have to this other than disgust and despair? Maybe you should have been glad he wasn’t about to rip you to bloody shreds and feast on the remains, glad that you would be spared pain and immediate death, but that consolation felt terribly cheap when confronted with the equally unimaginable. 
“You can’t,” you said, your voice too high, terrified into a whine. “You’re not even… I mean it’s not like you can… like you’ll… you can…”
Death hummed in annoyance, you could feel the vibration of the sound. “Te voy a comer. Y luego te voy a coger,” he told you, the words easy like he was explaining something very simple which, considering you couldn’t understand them, only made it that much worse. “¿Está bien, gatita?”
“No,” you said. “No, I don’t…” Understand. Believe. Consent. 
Death laughed, arranging your legs into a more comfortable press towards your chest to make room for his hulking form. There was nothing you could do to make him stop. 
The pads of his fingers were painfully rough against your pussy’s outer lips, catching on the sensitive flesh as he parted them. His tongue, however, was softer than anything you’d ever felt, lapping at your entrance, up to your clit. You squirmed uncontrollably, locked in some limbo of disgust, discomfort, and embarrassment. 
You thought that if you just closed your eyes, if you just blocked it out, you could pretend that this wasn’t happening, but Death hummed out an animalistic growl, and his tongue was far too long and dexterous to be human, and his fur bristled against your thighs, and there was no way out. Already, your body was waking up to the stimulation. Responding. There was something wrong with you. You knew that, you’d known that for a long time, taking pleasure in beatings, wanting sex to be rougher and rougher, needing to be brutalized like it was an itch to be scratched. This was a new low, the grotesque indulgence of those most perverse.
Like you. 
“Please stop,” you whined, another plea to add to the string of ignored requests. Death made a sound you could feel more than hear. For reasons other than fear, you shuddered at the noise. 
With your clit acceptably swollen, your body twitching with every movement, his tongue slicked downward. Your hips jumped, legs closing and opening with surprise, but Death wasn’t deterred.
“No-oh,” you sounded so weak, your rejection coming out pathetic and breathy.  
Death made another growl-like sound, pushing you down flat with mean claws that poked fresh holes into your skin. You hadn’t been trying to escape, you just couldn’t stop from squirming as he tested the flinching muscles of your entrance. This was new, and different, and terrible, and foul. His tongue was soft and long and far too dexterous, pushing into you with a few hungry strokes. No human man could do that. It wasn’t physically possible. 
You whimpered, your head falling back in some vain attempt to block it all out. Escape wasn’t so easy. While his tongue lacked the pressure and weight of something solid, he attacked your g-spot with precision. Eating you out. Eating you. Given that long snout, it had to have been awkward, but that didn’t seem to deter him. And every time his head moved, his nose ground against your clit. He was probably watching you, watching you twitch and gasp and writhe helplessly, but you kept your eyes squeezed shut. The sight of a wolf’s head between your legs like this would kill you, surely it would. 
Unbidden, you remembered telling the child Quinta that dogs were your natural enemy, and your penchant for seeking the companionship of those who promised animosity, and the wicked sort of sense it made that you would find yourself here, and you could only laugh at it all but the hysterical sound came out like a sob, and then a low groan, and then a sharp whine when Death pressed the rough pad of one of his fingers against your clit instead, dragging small little circles against it while his tongue continued to torment you. 
“No, no, no, no-” 
Whatever you were denying, it was pointless. Noise for the sake of it, words getting all tangled up with your choked moans and sobs and hiccups. The little addition of pain from the too rough texture on your clit was enough to give you what you really wanted, what you always ached for. 
Pleasure lurched in your core, your hips bucking wildly. Death growled again and it was mean. Aggressive. You seized up, mouth open wide as if for a scream, your feet planted so you could tilt your hips up for more. More pleasure, more pain. Disgust, shame, fear, all of it became white hot and foul, agonizingly sexy in the few moments where the high of orgasm negated the living nightmare between your legs.
And then you were coming down, hips jerking into the tongue of a wolf monster, the creature that had killed your father, Death himself, and you actually sobbed, shying away from his touch as little sparks of overstimulation promised something worse. Unable to escape in any material way, you covered your face. Tears, dirt, and blood smeared together on the feverish, sweaty skin, nearly suffocating as you panted.  
Death let you be and sat up, laughing. Laughing at you.
“That was faster than I expected.” 
Peeking out from between your fingers, you saw the way his muzzle was glistening before his tongue swiped it away, saw the way he was smiling as he mocked you. “Ah. Unh-no, I-”
Death leaned over you. You flinched away, but he only grabbed the sickle he’d driven into the ground beside you. Casually, he flicked the blade out. The cool metal winked in the moonlight. Although you were still trembling with the aftershocks of orgasm, you weren’t too far gone to feel a fresh wave of fear. Immediately, you curled in on yourself, covering as much of your vulnerability as possible. 
“You cower in fear, but I can taste your desire,” Death said, licking his lips. “It’s not half bad.” 
“Please just… just stop.” 
“I’m doing you a favor. You’re too tight.” 
Death didn’t elaborate on that, positioning the weapon’s hilt between your legs, pushing the flared base between your folds before you could figure out what was happening. Everything was wet with a mixture of saliva and your own arousal, slick enough for the weapon to press against your entrance. You figured it out then, but he pinned you in place with a hand on your stomach, claws pressing against the flinching skin. There was nothing you could really do to avoid it, and you didn’t dare close your legs around the blade itself. 
“This might hurt.”
“Stop, please stop, you can’t—” 
Death didn’t say anything, watching your expression as he pushed the weapon’s grip into you. To see such a sharp blade between your legs in any capacity was dizzying, and that was without the intensely physical pressure of its grip rubbing against your inner walls.
“I told you, didn’t I?” he asked. “To. The. Hilt.” With every word, he drove the weapon deeper, your body jerking with each movement. 
“Stop, just stop, please, take it…take it out.” 
“I’d do it myself, but,” Death said, holding up his off-hand, “I’m not so sure you’d like that.” His claws practically gleamed in the moonlight, and you knew exactly how rough the pads were. The idea of those inside of you was enough to make your insides wither, although all that really amounted to was your cunt tightening around the weapon. You grunted at the feeling, shook your head fast, panicked. 
“No! No,” you told him as coherently as you could. Your tongue was dry as bone, you choked on the grit. 
“Thought so,” he replied, pulling the sickle back only to slam it back in. 
The textured grip felt disturbingly good in some mad, broken way. His tongue had been so smooth and soft, but this was solid and firm, forcing itself into you. He used it like a tool, not bothering to simulate sex, twisting it this way and that, forcing your pussy open. Making room. You couldn’t help but writhe with each movement, your cunt tightening around the grip, hips tilting up as you were consumed by a confusing twist of disgust and need. Violence and pain were things you knew and understood. Familiarity had you dripping around the weapon, you could hear how wet you were, and his harsh motions only emphasized the vulgar sound.
“Not bad,” Death said, amused by the sight. You shut your eyes. “This weapon killed your father. It’s only fair that you should die by it too—una pequeña muerte.”
“Don’t,” you said, body going painfully tense with disgust, with hate, with fear. Death pulled the sickle out, pushing it back in with an ugly squelch, dragging a pained yelp from your mouth, and then a distinctly less pained one when he twisted it slightly. “No, no, I…”
Little death. You belatedly realized the implication of that. You’d already come once, it wasn’t nearly as difficult to build you up again. Especially not when he was being more deliberate with each thrust, when the sandpaper-rough texture of his finger nudged at your clit again. 
Nothing in particular set you off, maybe it was just the acceptance of sensation, the acknowledgement that it would buy you a few moments of madness from this unthinkable situation. Gasping, flushing, writhing like a creature possessed, you seized up, pleasure flushing through your system with a white-hot sort of frenzy. You didn’t think it could be compared to death, not really. You felt distinctly alive for a few seconds of shivering, wet heat. 
Until it ended, abruptly dropping you back in the middle of an unfathomable predicament. 
Death hummed as he stopped, letting you wilt back onto the ground, trembling and hot. “I prefer a fight, but-” Without much ceremony and a disgustingly wet shlick, Death pulled the weapon out of your pussy. “You put on quite the show, gatita. This is going to be good.” 
“What are you doing?” you asked, drawing your legs in, wincing at the feeling. Some part of you still rejected what was happening, what he was capable of doing. Of course that got a little harder to believe when he pushed his pants down. Was it flattering that a monster would be turned on by torturing you? You wanted to think that it couldn’t be, that you weren’t that depraved, but the part of your deepest self that stirred in reaction to the sight frightened you. It seemed that the human shape and build of his body carried over to his primary sex characteristics. It was sick that the revelation should be relieving, but at least you would be spared the particular grotesque indignity of inhuman genitalia. Maybe if you shut your eyes, if you blocked it all out, you could pretend that it was just a man raping you. 
Because that was so much better.
You weren’t even aware that you were trying to crawl away until he clicked his tongue, grabbing your waist to pull you back into place. The pads on his fingers were so rough, claws threatening to rip the sensitive flesh. He licked his lips with wolfish excitement. Fur brushed your bare skin. There was no way out of this, to escape el lobo feroz. Not mentally, not physically. 
You pressed your thighs together as tightly as you could, ignoring how slick they were.
“It’s too late for that,” he said, easily prying them apart. Fur brushed against your skin, but you were more concerned with the sight of his cock as it bobbed up before settling against your abdomen. 
Heavy. That was your first thought, right before the comparison between your body and his cock really settled in your feverish brain. The head alone was thick enough that you couldn’t fathom it getting past your entrance, let alone that you’d be able to take the rest. 
“No, no, no, you-you can’t do this,” you said, staring at his dick with a crawling sense of fear that had nothing to do with his inhumanity—in all regards—and everything to do with the size. “It won’t fit.” 
“You can accommodate new life,” he said, a hand going under his cock to press against your abdomen, right above your womb. “Let alone Death. You’ll be fine.” He said it like a joke, like it was amusing. He was sick. You were sick. This was…
When he moved, the slap of his dick on your abdomen was audible, punctuating a joke that wasn’t funny to begin with. Death clearly wasn’t concerned as he rearranged you, pushing your legs up and apart until your thighs screamed, his body bearing down against you for leverage. The unyielding press of his cock between your legs made you panic, but he had you utterly pinned. You couldn’t do anything other than feel it slide across the sensitive flesh, settling right against your entrance. You couldn’t do anything to stop this. Death grunted as he readjusted you, claws digging fresh lines into your flesh, and began to rock his hips forward. When you yelped, bucking up against him, the sharp points broke skin. It would be easy for him to rip you up with nothing more than those claws. 
“Quédate quieto,” he growled. You didn’t need to understand to be still.
So close like this, you realized that you could smell him. Not the stench of a dog, of wet fur or a poorly maintained pelt. Not the scent of a man either, familiar and human. Death smelled like a cool summer night, and torrential rain, and a river’s violent rapids, and acrid smoke, and the dry dust of an old road. Although it wasn’t entirely unpleasant in the way you might have expected of a wolf man, it made your stomach churn, doing nothing to help you relax as he continued to press the thick head of his cock against your pussy.
For a moment, you thought that it really was impossible, that you would be spared. That single second of relief was all it took for the head to pop past the initial barrier of muscle. Your mouth dropped open at the feeling. Surprise, maybe. Your legs were spread wide enough to mitigate some of the dragging pain as he forced himself a little deeper, just past the ridge. Death made a sound low in his chest, but all you could manage was stiff, cold shock. Surprise at how surreal it all was. But reality marched on all the same, with or without your comprehension. You weren’t sure what you expected it to feel like, but you would have been wrong anyway. Stretching, aching, too much, too much, too-
Grunting, he rolled his hips, pulling back just enough before thrusting deeper. Little by little, letting you adjust and relax ever so slightly before pulling back to go further. You whined each time, back arching, your pussy tightening around him. It was probably a protective measure, trying to keep him out, but it hurt, pulling a rumbly growl out of his throat, his hips pushing forward despite the painful resistance. 
“No more,” you got out, the words tight, pained. 
Muttering something under his breath, Death leaned back to let drool drip from his long tongue. It landed heavily where the two of you were joined, splatting with an unattractive slap onto the place where you were joined, onto your swollen clit. He laughed at your girlish yelp of surprise. 
You let your head fall back, your hands covering your face. They smelled like dirt and blood. At least the extra lubrication helped, and you knew your body was responding to this. Whether to protect itself or out of some truly disturbing reciprocation, your pussy was soaking his cock, making way for him as he rolled his hips back and forth. 
Deeper, further. You were going to split apart. 
“Stop, please,” you finally broke enough to beg, pressing against his stomach, ignoring the sickening feeling of fur beneath your hand. You were almost surprised when Death stopped, huffing hard. Worse, you were grateful.  
“Too much, gatita? And you were doing so well.”
A pathetic little whine tore from your throat when you looked down at the remaining few inches of cock between your straining pussy lips and his grotesque inhuman body, despairing at the sight. “I can’t,” you whimpered. “No more.” 
Death growled in frustration, claws digging painfully into your skin as he shifted back and forth a few times, trying to ease himself deeper. You could see the shadow of distension shifting across your abdomen as he did, proof of how deep inside of you he already was. But no matter how he rolled his hips, or twisted you around, there was no more room. 
“Stop,” you said, the word getting caught in your swollen throat, your body desperately straining to get away for fear that he’d just force it in.
Death stilled, exhaling hard to steady himself. It sounded like a growl. Your pussy unintentionally clenched hard around him at the noise. It hurt, the muscles unable to adjust to his size. The reaction had his breath catching, and that became a throaty laugh.
“Fine,” he said, finally dragging his hips back. It was what you wanted, but it still hurt, the stretch worsened by the way your pussy squeezed and pulsed around his length. Death stopped when only the head remained inside of you. “You just need to be broken in. That’s fine.” 
You looked, stricken, from the dizzying sight of his cock—now, at least partially, glistening with your own arousal—to the sickening expression of manic glee he wore. How could a canine face express such viscerally human emotions? 
And then, in the back of your empty, dizzy head—why was this happening?
“No more,” you begged, squeezing your eyes shut, your pussy trying to push him out despite the discomfort of it. Claws ripped into your skin when his grip had to tighten to keep you in place, his hips chasing yours as you tried so desperately to escape. It hurt all over again. Maybe not as bad, but now you knew what to anticipate. 
“It's better like this.” He stopped when he was as deep as he could go and you were grateful that he didn’t push it further, grateful that he was taking it slow. The stretching, pinching ache wasn’t any better, but it wasn’t worse either. “What is this… Two? Three inches?” You looked down, realizing that he was referring to how much of his cock couldn’t fit inside of you. It had to be more than that, although you were stuck on the sight of your pussy stretched around him. “By the end of the night, there won’t be anything keeping us apart. That’ll be… poetic, don’t you think?” 
It wasn’t fair that his voice should be that of a man, should be low and dripping with a villain’s dangerous charisma. All you could do was groan weakly, your breathing shallow. Despite what he said, there was nothing poetic to the sound of it. Slick, filthy, disgustingly wet. Every thrust punched a sharp noise out of you, although most of them were nothing more than heavy breaths. Death wasn’t very quiet either, making noises that fluctuated seamlessly between that of a man and that of a beast. 
“Hurts,” you whimpered in protest, willing him to slow down. He didn’t. 
The single word, the cruelty of it and the accompanying set of a harsher pace, hurt in more ways than the physical. You couldn’t help but wail in despair, writhing with pain you couldn’t escape, unable to get away as he fucked you. Deeper and deeper, forcing you to stretch out to accommodate him. 
“You like the pain, right?” Death asked mockingly, his voice low enough to nearly get missed beneath the filthy squelch of each thrust. And all you could do was whimper. Did you like the pain? No, but there was a perverse satisfaction of justified destruction. You had no idea how he knew that.
“I don’t,” you said, needing to reject him. To reject all of this because otherwise you were afraid it would end like before, that you would give in. That you’d enjoy this. But it was too late. You couldn’t help your hips from twitching of their own volition, and a particularly sharp thrust pulled a surprised gasp from your open mouth. 
“Buena gatita,” he said in a low voice, half growl. The sound, the language, the speaker, none of it mattered because your body knew praise, and the kind that came with cruelty was what you craved in the sickest part of your brain. “Muy buena.” Your cunt fluttered weakly around him, your hips rolling upward to meet his next thrust. It hurt, and it felt good. 
As soon as you admitted that to yourself in any way, you were lost. A few more thrusts and you had to bite your lip to keep from moaning. There wasn’t a single place within you that wasn’t full of him, not in your head or your pussy or your chest. Consumed entirely by Death. 
Gods help you, you could hear the fresh wave of wet arousal your body provided with that awful thought, so eager to submit to his dominion. As if sensing that, he stilled, his cock buried deep into you. Your eyes opened unintentionally, confused by the sudden break.
“Well, well, would you look at that,” Death said as a way of explanation, self satisfied. You followed his eyes, looking at where the two of you were joined. There was nothing between, his pelvis flush between your legs, the fur matting with how wet everything was. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His hips shifted and you could see the bump of distension, more pronounced now. “Like I said—poetic. All you’ve done for years is tease me and now-” He laughed. “Now you’re mine.”  
Death pulled back slowly, letting you see how much of his cock he’d forced your body to accept. It looked about as impossible as it felt, you couldn’t really comprehend it on any level other than the most base—sickening satisfaction. Ensuring you were still watching, his hips snapped forward. Once, twice, three times, making sure each thrust was solid and steady, filling you up entirely, the thick head of his cock brutalizing your cunt in a way no human man ever could. The battering against your cervix hurt in a profound, electric way, a way nobody had ever managed to hurt you.  
And you took it. Your mouth open dumbly, your head tipping back into the dirt, your body rolling with each movement.    
Even suffering such intimate, awful pain, you couldn’t deny your feeling of pleasure. Sublime friction, pressure in every place you needed it. And, to a dreadful degree, Death seemed to be aware of your reactions. Aware enough, at least, to take note when you couldn’t help but moan aloud, to exploit the angle that had you seeing stars. He grabbed you off the ground, forcing you to throw your arms around his neck. Like that, you were even more at his mercy. Full enough to split, you could understand the indulgence of size, of craving excess. Beautiful. Your boiling brain pulled that word out from its scattered nothingness, and it was beautiful. Repulsive, disturbing, grotesque, and beautiful.
“That’s right,” Death practically purred into your ear. “Look at how well you take it, you’d think you were made for this.” 
“Oh, gods, oh—please, I can’t, I…” You weren’t even sure what you were begging for, it was too late from the second he praised you, sending you spiraling, coming hard, your pussy squeezing his cock so hard it hurt, your fingers pulling hard at the fur on his neck. Death laughed breathlessly, not slowing down for even a second. You didn’t care. If it hurt, it felt good, an endless feedback loop of madness. 
Holding so close to him, you were more aware than ever of how terrifyingly powerful his body was. He could easily destroy you if he wanted. 
This was Death at his gentlest. 
Dizzy, reeling, hardly able to scrape together any coherent thought beyond that, all you felt at the realization was the vague veil of fear. Letting yourself get fucked by the big bad wolf. Coming on his cock, moaning like a whore for a being that shouldn’t exist in the middle of the woods beneath a full moon. 
His hips stuttered then, a groan catching on a growl in his chest. 
“Delicious,” he said. “Your fear, I could just…” Death didn’t finish that thought, or maybe you couldn’t hear it as his thrusts became well and truly punishing. Seeking his end like a man would. That was what you expected, in a distant way, but you didn’t expect that a mystical—mythical?—creature would ejaculate, only that you’d had enough encounters with men to know you shouldn’t let it happen. Not inside. Never inside, that was way too dangerous. 
He didn’t listen. You couldn’t escape, and you stopped caring after a moment because the heavy, carnal weight of him coming inside of you was enough to make you squeal, your pussy squeezing his cock, your body straining in an arch against his. You didn’t know if you were coming again or if it was just a continuation of the onslaught of stimulation that your brain couldn’t make rational sense of, but there was a sort of lunatic’s bliss in the feeling, in the agonizingly hellish ecstasy of pleasure. Of complete and utter excess. You could feel the rumbling vibrations of his growl, it entwined with the human groans. The two shouldn’t have suited one another, but your broken mind accepted both gleefully, losing yourself in the sound.  
After a few jerky, halting movements, Death released you. 
He was slow to pull out, which was probably a mercy. Even softening, his cock was painfully big, you couldn’t hold back your pained whimper when he pulled out. The absence was immediate, cold, and hollow. You wilted when he let you fall limp onto the ground, defeated. Deflated. Breathing as if you’d run a marathon, it was all you could do to keep it together, the gravity of all that happened setting in.  
Something landed on your naked, sweaty body. Scared, you opened your eyes. But it was fabric. A second passed before you realized it was your red cloak. The one you left behind to escape from him before. It felt like a lifetime ago. You gratefully used it to cover your nudity, glad for the moment to catch your breath with some dignity. 
“Ah, that was good,” Death said, satisfied, rolling his neck and shoulders. He’d already fixed his pants and retrieved his weapons. “The fun’s over now. For you, at least.”
“I don’t know… how to get back to the trail…” you said, wincing as you sat up and looked around. His cum dripped out of your gaping, sore pussy, sticky on your thighs. Vaguely, you wondered what sort of monsters would come from such a coupling, but you disregarded that thought just as quickly. If he was done, you needed to get away. Then again, you weren’t even sure if you could walk. 
“I wouldn’t worry about it.” 
Death’s less than friendly tone rolled over you like ice water. Slowly looking over at him, you exhaled a big, shuddery lungful of cool night air. He stood high above you, his looming figure blotting out the moon. Right then, he looked no different than he had all those years ago. Brilliant red eyes, gray fur, silver sickles. The big bad wolf in all his glory. 
Those bright red eyes held a different sort of intensity than before. Swirling, passionate madness without any of the ravenous hunger. “You know, I’ve been watching you ever since that night. Every time you narrowly escape death, and every time you get other people killed. But you know that, you’ve seen me. That’s why you run, thinking you can escape the inevitable. For whatever reason—luck, fate, the blessing of those gods you claim to believe in—your life has been spared over and over. And yet, you do nothing with it.”
There was malice in those words, a visceral sort of disgust that reflected what you so often felt for yourself. You considered trying to stand up, trying to run again. Fear thundered in your chest, urged you to escape as you always did. But, honestly, you didn’t think your legs could support your weight. No. You couldn’t run. You never had really managed to escape him anyway. 
“So, I thought, why does it matter if you die now or later—your life has no meaning. If I finish it now, you won’t be able to keep teasing me, and we’ll both have some peace.” 
“I don’t want to die,” you said, your voice hushed to hide the tears. 
Death looked down at you, and you wondered if it was disgust or pity you saw on his inhuman face. But then you realized, it was neither. His jewel bright eyes gleamed with glee, passion of a type you couldn’t understand, that belonged to something beyond the realm of what you could possibly comprehend. A living nightmare. 
“Your fear,” Death said, inhaling deeply as he took a step forward, his sickles in hand, “has the most intoxicating smell. I might even miss it.” 
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lembowe · 10 months
Catboy / Catgirl Iterators !!! <3
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they're so cute omfg ??? i love the nsh one so much HELP,,,, tempted to change my pfp also no graywind/chasing wind or unparallelled innocence bc i havent come up with a design for either yet !! sorry
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Percy's interests i'm finally posting like i've been meaning to since i asked @keladeinos for a moodboard of them for our matching Pjo brainrot giggles
Blue.Just in general,in things and as a concept
Video games.He uses an emulator and buys all her consoles and games secondhand on anti-capitalist principal and his favorites are Animal Crossing,Night In The Woods,the Slenderman franchise and Fortnite
Cats.He's transfem(bigender + she/he/a bunch of neos)so she's a catgirl and her design makes her look like a tuxedo cat
Kidcore,legos included.Autistic swagger and coping mechanism combo
Alt music.Punk rock is her fave obviously(glamrock Percy?No?Just me?Alr)but her favorite band is Mcr and she's a massive The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys fan(Mike Milligram just like him fr)but she also loves rap and Megan Thee Stallion is one of her biggest idol's
The sea but this ain't about Poseidon,it's all Sally and he actually ruined it for him for a hot sec until he learned to reclaim it for himself and his egg cracking gave her a lot of room to make her gender thanks to how much femininity the sea offers(mermaids and sirens,pearl and seashell jewelry,the moon controlling the tides,ships being called 'she',the term 'Beach Bunny',etc).Her favorite are sharks obviously and she has a secondhand bought Aquapet
Energy drinks.She drinks only the blue flavors and her faves are Cotton Candy Bang and Gfuel
Child care.It's canon he's a Team Parent because how he treats younger demigods(Tyson-Not technically a demigod but ykwim,Bianca,Nico,Hazel)and he loves kids in general as seen with Estelle so he becomes the Camp Director during summer and would have it as a college major if he went
The Superfam.The only time she's ever mentioned a superhero is Clark Kent by saying Jason looks like Superman so i mean?????
And for Marvel she only cares about Spiderverse(including Spidey and His Amazing Friends),comics X-Men and Gwenpool.Gwen Stacy and Hobie Brown are her favorite Spiderpeople based off relatability and adoptability
Anarchy.It's unironically one of her special interest's and i say this only mostly as a joke(she also has a battle jacket obviously and knows how to diy things that don't exist,she's solarpunk in addition to crustpunk)
And not a hobby technically but his type is princess-y black women.The first time he ever described a female character his age as attractive it was saying Annabeth has princess hair and she's played by Leah Jeffries now,Rachel is a girlypop and widely headcanoned as nigerian yoruba and Andromeda was the princess of Ethiopia so the shoe certainly hits
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 10 months
Hi!!!!! Once again THANK YOU sm for the FOOD like i've reread all ur fics again while waiting for my hair to set hehe it's just. a really great way to pass time and think abt the fluff and the sin <3
AND ummmmmm not to also jump in the bandwagon but. im feeling... 😳😳😳 rn and would like to request for a 5'1 catgirl!reader with gp!Marilyn OR Laurel if that's okay 👉🏻👈🏻
Basically Reader doesn't realize she's going into heat (IT'S HER FIRST TIME & SHE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS EVEN A POSSIBILITY BUT OHHHH BOY) but Mari/Lau notices and teases her throughout the week with indulging her being more affectionate but then the heat smashes into reader like a freight train and she's left a mewling mess for her Mommy!!!!
like help she's full on NEEDY for Mari/Lau but she's MEAN and teases Reader further and Reader goes "if you don't want me, I guess I'll just to go out and see who wants me! >:(" to trigger Mari/Lau's possessiveness & Mari/Lau rising to the bait BC READER IS HER KITTY & NO ONE ELSE'S LIKE. hhhhh hhHhHhhHh NUH UH, YOU'RE MINE 🔪
AND HELP also Mari/Lau going "Aw, does my dumb little kitty cat need Mommy to breed and fill her up her own kittens? Is that what you want?" while Reader just a drooling mess underneath her IS CURRENTLY LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE AND IM JUST. CLENCHING MY FISTS SO HARD. like PLEASE,,,,,,,,, bestie,,,,,, if ur ok with this req and write it I will literally owe u my life thank u sm 🫂
PS: feel free to go ham with the breeding & dumbification kink bc im literally biting down on one of my stuffed toys rn just thinking abt it and WAHHHH once again, thank you 😳💕
Yesss!!!! Here it is!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! It was so funny to write it!! Thank you for your request!!!! <3 <3
Poor Kitty
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem, Student, Cat girl! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Intersex Marilyn (She has a dick) several kinks, heat, teasing, blowjob…
Word count: 5,181
Summary: You were a cat girl, and you have many needs, maybe your lover can fulfill your desperate desires…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Shit, it's hot,” you whispered.
You were in the library, doing what you had to do, homework, study...
But you were finding it much more complicated than usual. It was supposed to be winter, it was supposed to be cold, but you were sweating while chills of unknown origin ran through your body. It was hard for you to focus, there was too much noise in your head, a noise that didn't come from outside, there was no one in the library, and those strange sounds could only come from inside you, purrs that you were afraid someone besides you would hear.
Purring was something common in you. You were a cat woman, something like a werewolf, but without problems with the full moon and increased aggression. You were simply, according to what your companions said: Just a kitty.
You knew you could be fearsome if you thought about it, that if you transformed you could rival even the fiercest werewolf. You weren't interested. Your only worries were your studies. You were always a very good student and you made your parents proud. You just had to be careful about maybe a ball rolling on the ground or some small animal in the forest did not attract your attention so much as to distract you.
The book in front of you turned into a jumbled, blurry array of letters. You were unable to read it. Nervously, you ran your hand over your trembling leg, and the sensation produced an unexpected reaction.
“Meow,” you meowed unintentionally, putting your hand over your mouth and looking around embarrassedly. There was nobody there, much to your relief.
Normally you were quite capable of controlling those small impulses. You were proud that you weren't a howling, restless mess like your fellow werewolves. That day you felt strange. Simply with your hand touching your body all your senses went crazy. You were always quite sensitive, but never so sensitive as to lose control.
Some footsteps coming from the stairs took you out of your thoughts and the strange nervousness you had was accentuated even more.
Luckily for you, it wasn't one of your classmates from Nevermore, it was one of your teachers, your favorite teacher, Marilyn Thornhill.
The redhead came down the stairs with her usual smile and immediately noticed your presence. You stared back at her, feeling your heart beating faster and the disconcerting heat inside you growing.
The woman tilted her head as she walked over to a secluded bookcase, motioning for you to follow her. You didn't even have time to think about your next move. Dragging the chair with a nasty creaking, you got up and went with her.
You turned the corner and there she was, pretending to look at some old books. You approached cautiously, looking around you. As if on automatic impulse, you wrapped your arms around her waist and rested your head on her back.
The heat you had increased, but at that moment all you thought about was her. Marilyn laughed softly and turned around, taking your hand.
“Hello, honey…” She whispered in your ear. After glancing to either side of her briefly, she leaned her head towards you and placed her lips on yours. A desperate moan came out of your mouth. It wasn't a meow, it was a sound you couldn't remember ever making.
When you arrived at Nevermore, the last thing on your mind was having an affair with one of your teachers. For you, those kinds of relationships were fiction, things that only happened on a tv screen. After whole afternoons in the conservatory and funny talks, that nice teacher-student relationship crossed the line it wasn't supposed to cross.
It was a forbidden, clandestine relationship, based on kisses, hugs and whispered words of love. You were madly in love with Marilyn and she knew it and enjoyed seeing your eyes begging for a kiss, for a caress.
The kiss was not meant to be what it became. Agitated and terribly nervous, you deepened the kiss, causing the redhead to widen her eyes in surprise as your tongue entered her mouth moving mercilessly.
You didn't know why you were doing it. It was just like your instincts were guiding your actions. You were a shy girl and you never asked for more than Marilyn seemed to want to give you, but with each passionate kiss, with each brush of your body against hers, that strange state you were in seemed to subside.
“Honey, honey…” Marilyn said when her back collided with a self. You didn't listen to her, you kept kissing her, caressing her, while your purring became more and more evident. “Honey, what's wrong with you?”
Her hand went to your chest to stop you before you started another round of merciless kissing. Involuntarily, you snorted at the loss contact, causing her gaze to turn curious. With severe difficulty, you managed to relax and shook your head, embarrassed by your enthusiasm. You were not yourself, all the kisses you gave her gave you a strange pleasure and you almost lost control.
“I…I…I'm sorry,” you said, with your cheeks red and your breathing fast and disordered. Marilyn smiled, shaking her head slightly.
“(Y/N), you know we have to be careful…” She told you, caressing your cheek.
Every time her skin brushed against yours, millions of electrical impulses made your pupils dilate and you had to fight the urge to jump at her neck again.
“I know, it's just that…” You said, keeping your composure, putting distance between her and you to avoid the temptation.
“Are you okay? You're sweating,” she told you, looking at you now with some concern.
You shook your head and sighed. Your heart was pounding, your purrs were loud, and the heat you felt was becoming unbearable.
“No… I don't know what's wrong with me. I was calmly studying and suddenly I started to sweat...”
“Do you want to go to the infirmary, honey?” She asked affectionately, putting her hand to your forehead. Her breathing was also fast, you were able to realize that.
“Meow,” you meowed again, covering your mouth immediately after. The brush of her hand against your skin made you lose control. She pulled away and frowned at you, carefully studying your condition. “I'm sorry…”
Marilyn was looking at you curiously. Her eyes changed in an instant, turning slightly dark.
“I think I know what's wrong with you…” She whispered, getting a little closer to you. Her hands went to your waist and her lips kissed yours again.
There were too many sensations to be able to control. You pressed against her as you deepened the kiss, you wanted to feel all of her body, all of her warmth. Little by little the chills increased and an overwhelming heat began to form between your legs. Marilyn pushed you away again, but this time with a petulant gesture.
“What's happening to me? It's a feeling I've never felt before...” You said, ashamed of your erratic and passionate behavior. The redhead smiled mischievously.
“It's pretty obvious,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Obvious?” You asked, starting to get very nervous. Marilyn agreed.
“Of course, just look at you...” She said, amused, pointing at you.
You looked at yourself. You were a sweaty mess purring desperately. You didn't quite understand what she was referring to, and worst of all, you couldn't take your eyes off her dress, where a rather obvious bulge had formed.
“I still... I still don't understand anything...” You said nervously, closing your eyes.
“My love, you are in heat. I've had enough cats to know that.”
You opened your eyes and you were speechless.
Your parents had told you that it could happen, but the years went by and you never had that feeling, so you had completely forgotten about it.
Even as a human girl, your feline counterpart often took over your feelings without the need for you to transform. Apparently, heat was one of those feelings.
“Oh…” You said with flushed cheeks. “I don't know what to say…”
Marilyn approached again, curiously watching the reactions your body had with her caresses. It seemed that the way your hair stood on end and your body trembled desperately was amusing her.
“You don't have to say anything, honey, it's normal, you don't have to be ashamed,” she said to you with a loving voice, a tone of voice that even under normal circumstances made you tremble.
“I feel like I'm going to explode… What can I do to stop feeling like that?” You asked, instantly regretting it. You weren't an idiot, you knew the answer.
“Do I really have to answer?” She said, laughing, with a tender look.
You shook your head and, checking that the library was still empty, you rushed to her lips again, this time with more desperation. You didn't know if it was the right time, but you needed it, you needed something that you hadn't considered in the last few weeks, you needed her.
Marilyn kissed you back, trying to keep you as still as possible. You, with a too indiscreet meow, kissed her neck. The redhead was panting, but she barely moved, letting you do everything you wanted, almost everything. Your hand moved down between her legs, where her arousal throbbed, wanting to come out. Immediately her hand stopped yours, grabbing your wrist.
“What are you doing?” She asked with a sigh. Her breathing was also disordered, and she didn't seem to want to lose control. You barely heard her voice, your head imagined what it would be like to feel her inside you, how pleasant it would be for her to take you, to fill you up...
“I… Well… I…” You stammered. She laughed again, shaking her head.
“Honey, I'm very flattered but…” She said, looking at you determinedly. “I, I don't think it's the best time, nor the best place.”
You meowed again, going crazy to try to silence your own instincts.
“I thought…” You whispered, trying to calm yourself down with all your might.
“You have to be patient, honey,” she told you, pulling you into a warm hug. It would be a loving, romantic gesture, if you didn't feel her arousal digging into your body. Marilyn seemed to notice and she backed away in embarrassment. “Sorry, (Y/N), my body sometimes seems to think for itself. Come, I'll make you an infusion so you can relax, okay?”
You nodded, feeling enormous frustration. Your need didn’t change after that infusion. It would be a terrible week for you.
There was nothing that could ease that tension. Your encounters with Marilyn were still just as pure. Sometimes you thought she was amused by seeing you desperate, seeing how you begged for her to take you. At first you thought it was your imagination, but her kisses and her caresses, her most common gestures of affection were much more intense and she smiled, she always smiled.
You no longer felt ashamed, your need was so great that you asked her directly. Marilyn just laughed, shaking her head, saying that the time would come soon, that you would have to hold on a little longer. Your despair increased every day and your meows and purrs began to affect your academic life, interrupting classes and unleashing teasing from your classmates.
A week had passed and the cold showers and the walks and hunting moments in the woods were no longer useful for anything. You knew what you wanted and the only woman who could give it to you seemed to mock you. You loved Marilyn n and she loved you, you didn't understand why to make you wait amused her, why she enjoyed seeing how your body begged, a docile body, that would let her do what she wanted, you would be a rag doll for her.
“And put that one in that corner,” the redhead told you, while you placed some pots where she was indicating. You always obeyed, hoping that this sudden extreme submission would make her please, make her please you.
“It's already done...” You whispered, controlling your trembling. You couldn't help it, every time you looked at her you had those visions, those uncontrolled desires. It didn't matter how many times you masturbated, that wasn't enough, your body wanted her.
“Great,” Marilyn said, clasping her hands together, satisfied.
You agreed. Your body trembled and sweated, your pupils were dilated. You could barely speak normally, every three words, you would meow. You had to do something.
“Marilyn…” You said in a low voice, without looking at the redhead.
“Mm?” She murmured, cutting a few small leaves from a plant.
“I...I, I can't bear it anymore...” You said, slowly approaching her desk.
“What's wrong, honey? Have I made you work too much?” She asked, completely ignoring the true meaning of your words.
“That's not what I mean…” You whispered, suppressing another meow. “I'm having such a hard time...”
She looked at you and made a fake sad face.
“Oh, my love, come here,” she told you, extending her hand for you to take.
You obeyed her, feeling a rush of warmth as her hand gently gripped yours. Your heartbeat quickened again and your breathing was rapid, sonorous. The purring was not long in coming.
“Sit down,” She ask you, pointing to her lap. You carried out her order immediately. That was even worse, you'd rather she told you not to go back to the conservatory, to break up with you, than to be sitting on her lap, so close to her, your most desperate desire.
“My poor kitty…” She whispered into your ear, grabbing your hips to place you with your legs on either side of hers. “You’re having a hard time”
You nodded, letting yourself go. Little by little, your hips began to sway, rubbing against her body. She did nothing, she just laughed tenderly, seeing how you melted with that little contact. As if evil had taken over her, she emitted a subtle and very erotic moan in your ear, while the touch intensified. Her body was responding quickly and soon you felt her arousal rubbing against your needy center.
That sensation was completely new and dangerously exciting. You moved automatically, seeking as much contact as possible. Marilyn kissed you, caressed you, while she gently followed the rhythm of your hips.
You could feel it, you were so close that you lost control completely, moving desperately and not being able to suppress a considerable amount of meowing.
“Please... Meow... I... Meow... I need... Ple... Meow... Please,” you said almost crying. She looked at you surprised and ran her hand up your legs, under your uniform skirt. Your wetness was overwhelming and she seemed to find that so funny.
“Shhh… Calm down, (Y/N), does this relieve you?” She whispered to you, passing her hand through your folds, over your underwear.
You moaned strangely. No one had ever touched you there. It looked like what you wanted, but it wasn't enough, you knew it, and so did she. You didn't want her to stop. Among more desperate meows, you agreed, while her caresses became slower and slower.
“Very good, honey…” The redhead whispered. “You're a good kitty...”
Saying those words, she pulled her hand away and with a gentle push, she pushed you off of her. You groaned in frustration and tears began to run down your cheeks.
“What?” You asked, your purrs completely drowning out your words. “Why? I, I liked it…” You said desperate, trying to return to her lap. She got up, pointing to the clock on the wall.
“It's time for dinner, (Y/N), I don't want you to be late,” she said as if nothing happened, with that tone and that mocking smile that became too frequent that week.
“Meow…” You meowed, before clearing your throat to be able to speak clearly. “Why are you doing this to me?”
She looked at you surprised.
“Doing what, my love?” She asked with an innocent voice.
“You know it perfectly…Meow,” you stammered. “You do nothing but make fun of me. I just want you to love me, to want me... you know what I'm going through and you know what I need.”
“(Y/N), haven't I relieved you a bit?” She asked mockingly.
You snorted, incredulous and stopped to think. You needed it badly, you needed it desperately like you'd never felt before, and your body was going crazy.
“I'm sick of your games,” you said, hissing, suppressing the trembling of your body. “You know what I tell you? If you don't want me, I'll find someone who does,” you said without looking at her, going to the conservatory door.
Marilyn didn't say anything, but her expression told you that those words made something move inside her.
“What did you just say?” She asked in a dangerous tone, stopping you from leaving  with a strong grip on your wrist.
“You heard me. I'm tired of waiting... I'll look for someone who doesn't laugh at me and gives me what I need,” you said defiantly. Marilyn pulled you hard in front of her. Her look was not that of the tender and sweet botany teacher, her eyes were cold, threatening.
“How dare you talk to me like that, you filthy kitty?” She hissed, grabbing your hair and yanking it hard. “I don't care how desperate you are, you're still mine, you hear me?”
You widened your eyes. That possessive attitude surprised you for a moment, but soon you began to enjoy what you had achieved. It was the button you had to push to get on her nerves, to make her realize you needed her. You meowed with pleasure and your purring was once again present in the conservatory.
“I need you…” You said, faking more pleading than you really wanted to show. Marilyn released you and crossed her arms, shaking her head and softening her expression.
“You need me... Oh, poor silly kitten... You're so desperate...” She said caressing your cheek. “Do you need me so much how to make me angry?”
“Yes…” You sighed, letting yourself melt from her warm touch on your skin. “Please… I want…”
She laughed and returned her mocking and amused expression.
“What do you want, honey? Do you want mommy to take care of you?” She asked ironically.
At that moment, you put your defiant and rebellious attitude aside and nodded profusely without thinking. All your clothes were in the way and your eyes went to her crotch, which was marked in her blue jumpsuit, which seemed to call you by name.
“I want you to…” You said stammering. “I want to be yours, Marilyn… I, I need it. I need you inside of me… Please.”
The redhead laughed with satisfaction, passing one hand over your chest while she with the other she got rid of her underwear.
“How cute you are, (Y/N), you're such a desperate kitty…” She whispered while you only dedicated yourself to feeling her caresses. “Mommy likes to play with the kittens like you… She wants them to pray for her…”
You just nodded automatically, noticing how you had fewer and fewer clothes. You didn't feel capable of saying anything, only of purring, of panting, of feeling how the moment you wanted so much was getting closer little by little. The redhead stepped away a bit and undid the buttons on her blue jumpsuit, letting it fall to the floor and finally freeing her length which looked almost as desperate as you. You drool at the sight before you.
Marilyn ran her hand along the length of her cock, stroking it gently, making her quiver with eagerness. She was enjoying her own caresses, but she obviously had other things on her mind.
“Get on your knees,” she ordered, pointing to the ground. You were surprised, noticing how the despair you felt seemed to have no end. She wasn't going to make it easy for you and you knew that, but seeing her excitement, the desperation with which her cock throbbed in front of you, made your body move by itself, resting your knees on the cold stone floor.
“Mommy… Please….Meow,” you said, meowing again involuntarily. Marilyn laughed at the speed with which you picked up on her game, and she gently cupped your chin.
“I know you're anxious for mommy to give you kittens, to feel how she fills you up, but you've been bad, honey, and now you'll have to please me. Use your sweet mouth, you silly girl... Show me that you need me...”
You nodded and timidly obeyed, running your tongue along her entire length. She moaned as she felt your lips around her and gently swayed her hips. She was big, overwhelming for your mouth, but you still held on and were as skilled as you could be as a total inexperienced in the matter.
“That's it…what a nice kitty…” Marilyn murmured, moving even faster as you struggled to please her. “I love you…”
Those words took you out of the situation a bit. She had told you that she loved you many times, but this didn't seem like the right time to say it. She surely she was having so much pleasure thanks to you that she even seemed to lose her sanity. You stuck out your tongue and moved it quickly, making her moans even louder. You noticed that her body tensed, that her cock trembled in your mouth.
She was close, you could feel it. Your human part considered it normal, something that had to happen and it didn't matter. Your feline part was horrified, terrified to see how something so precious for your needs was going to be wasted. You didn't just need the pure pleasure that sex gave, your instincts and your nature had another purpose.
“I'm close, honey… I, I'm going to cum in your pretty little mouth…” She said between gasps, moving in a disorderly way, almost as if she was fucking your mouth. You opened your eyes and pulled away immediately. You didn't need that, you needed something else, and you had waited long enough. “What the hell are you doing now?”
“Please... Meow...” You said getting up and sitting down at the desk.  “Please, take me.”
Marilyn sighed, clearly frustrated, but she didn't comment, she simply lifted your skirt, exposing your wet center and stroking it roughly with her serious gaze. She would surely be upset that you pulled away from her, but seeing how your arousal shimmered between your legs made her change her mind.
“Oh… My silly and needy kitty, you are so wet for mommy…” She whispered with a childish tone. “She can't wait any longer… she needs mommy to fill her up…”
You nodded as she inserted two fingers into your wet and slippery center. The sensation made you moan very loudly. Marilyn covered your mouth with her hand while her fingers explored your interior.
“Shut up, kitty, you wouldn't want to be found out, would you? Imagine that someone hears your kitten meows in heat and they find you like this, a mess desperate for mommy to give her what she needs... Poor silly kitten...”
You didn't answer, you just moaned and meowed, this time controlling the volume. You weren't even able to think about the consequences of being caught that way, you only thought about the feeling you had in your mouth, about how pleasant it would be to have all of her cock inside you, filling you up.
Soon her fingers came out of you and with her hands, she parted your legs. It would be an image worth seeing. You, some random Nevermore student, spread-eagled on your botany teacher's desk, desperate for her to fuck you.
“Are you ready, my kitty? Are you ready for mommy to give you what you want so badly?” She asked, aligning the tip with your slippery and soaked entrance. You wanted to answer like a normal person would, but your heart was beating so fast and your purrs and meows were so overwhelming that you could only nod. “I've asked you a question, (Y/N)…” She hissed in a darker tone.
“Yes…Yes… Please…” You managed to say.
Marilyn laughed and sighed as she slowly eased into you. She was not soft, nor delicate, but she was slow, painfully slow. You noticed how your body was slowly getting used to the intruder. You remembered what your friends said, that the first time was painful, that it was not pleasant. They were just dirty liars. You never felt something so pleasant, such a warm and pleasant feeling. Your walls stretched little by little, sending a lot of sensations to your whole body.
You smiled, you didn't quite know why, perhaps to finally see your wish fulfilled, to grant your most primal instincts what they so longed for.
“Oh, (Y/N), you're incredible, so wet, so tight... You hug me so well... You're a very good kitty for mommy...” Marilyn told you, while she moved slowly, introducing herself completely. “It hurts? I know I'm big, I don't want my little kitty to get hurt.”
You shook your head, slapping your hand against the table, wishing those slow movements would speed up, that you could feel completely hers.
“It's okay, it's okay, calm down…” She told you, amused, grabbing your ankles and raising them over her shoulders. “You are so impatient… You drive me crazy, (Y/N)…”
You smiled, enjoying that little by little, her rhythm was accelerating, while your body was allowing deeper and faster movements. You could feel her inside you, all of her, you were right where you wanted. You weren't capable of thinking clearly, of seeing the risks that something like this could cause and surely would cause. You were only concerned about satisfying your hunger, feeling each of her small movements.
“My sweet, silly girl…” Marilyn whispered, picking up the pace a bit when your body finally allowed it. “Your body was waiting for me, it adapts so well… Oh, my kitten, we are made for each other… You will have such beautiful kittens…”
You laughed at that statement, reaching out your arm to try to touch your lover. Everything she said sounded heavenly, almost divine. It was what your body wanted to hear, what your instincts wanted. You did not remember such a happy and embarrassing moment. If you happened to see yourself reflected in one of the crystals, you would look away. You were a mewling, drooling mess, completely at the redhead's mercy.
“Marilyn…” You sighed as she took a hand from your legs to take yours. “Please…”
She nodded, it seemed like she could read your mind. After letting your hand go, she jerked you toward her and her movements intensified, now fast, passionate. You moaned, not like a cat, but like the desperate girl you were at that moment.
“That's it, honey…” The redhead whispered, without stopping moving. “Be a good girl, a cute kitty for mommy… You take it so well… I would spend my life inside you, my love.”
You meowed at those words. Your body finally realized her strong thrusts and little by little that unpleasant and at the same time pleasant heat began to overwhelm you again. You were close to your first real orgasm, and you were excited, but desperate at the same time. You wanted to feel it all, you didn't want your own emotions to hide the sensations that Marilyn provoked inside of you. Your hips disobeyed your wishes and began to move restlessly, following the redhead’s rhythm.
“Oh my God,” you were able to say, before your entire body arched and your inner muscles hugged her cock tightly, as if they didn't want her to leave your body. Marilyn stopped for a moment, enjoying your crazy vision, your orgasmic sounds and the tremor of your body.
“Good kitty…” The redhead murmured, holding you so you would stay still. “You've done very well, even though you're a silly and desperate girl, mommy loves you, honey, mommy wants to see those beautiful eyes when you cum...” She said, smiling tenderly, something that didn't match her words at all.
“Please…. I…” You said panting, trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want mommy to fill you up honey? Do you want mommy to give you some precious kittens?” She asked while little by little, she moved again. You nodded, almost with tears in your eyes. Each of her movements were like electric currents running through your body.
“Yeah! Yes please!” You yelled. This time she did nothing to silence you, she simply smiled and closed her eyes, increasing her speed, moving abruptly. Surely you were not aware of what was about to happen, but it was what you wanted, nothing could change your mind, it was the bad thing about having an animal inside you.
“Very good, honey... Mommy is going to cum... She's going to fill you up, my love... I'm going to...” She gasped, grabbing your hips tightly as, with a heart-rending moan, she leaned into you, squeezing her eyes shut.
A sudden warmth appeared in your center. A hot liquid ran through you while you felt how her cock throbbed. At last the moment had arrived. You had no idea that it could be so pleasurable, so much so that you had another small orgasm while her cum filled you completely.
“Damn, (Y/N), you're perfect…” The redhead whispered, still inside of you. “I'm sorry I made fun of you… I didn't know what I was missing.”
You just stared at the ceiling, noticing how a trickle of liquid ran down your leg when she finally pulled away from you. The purring disappeared, the messy meows no longer fighting to get out of your mouth. You felt great relief, your whole body relaxed. You felt weakness, you had no strength. The tension you'd had that last week was finally released, and just the way you wanted it to.
“Sweetie…Honey…” Sweet whispers brought you out of your state of ecstasy. You sat up at the desk and blinked several times, in case your subconscious had played a trick on you and all this was a simple dream.
“Hey? What?” You said, pleased that no cat sounds came out of your mouth.
“My love, it's been wonderful, but we have to put all of this in order…” Marilyn told you, getting dressed again. You nodded, jumping off the desk, still feeling how her cum was inside you. You got dressed, you put on your uniform while you thought when would be the next time that would happen. “You stay there for a moment.”
“I love you,” you said happily, like in a hallucination. Marilyn smiled and sighed, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
“Me too my love. You're mommy's good kitty, don't forget it…” She told you in her ear, giving you a soft kiss on her lips. “We don't get to have dinner anymore, but what do you think if we both take a bath together in my room? I really want to love you again...”
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sytokun · 2 years
"Blake Belladonna should have been an orphan". No, I didn't stutter
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Rant incoming. If you feel the onset of symptoms like malding and seething, just click away and you'll make an immediate recovery.
You cannot tell me that Blake's parents weren't randomly created on the fly post-Volume 3.
By all evidence given onscreen, YES, technically Blake never mentions whether she had parents or not.
But she also doesn't say that she has an evil twin named Bleu Bougainvillea living on the broken moon. Doesn't mean it suddenly justifies her having one. There's equal importance in reading what Blake doesn't say.
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RWBY and Team RWBY in particular are very focused on family, especially in Volume 2. Weiss mentions her father and family name. Yang talks about Raven and Summer, by extension including Ruby. Blake talks about Adam, i.e. the White Fang. Not her parents. Almost like we're supposed to think that Blake believed the White Fang was her family.
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It's even weirder that Ghira and Kali actually love and support Blake, and she had no bad blood with them. For someone on good terms with her parents (just she wasn't willing to confront them), she really doesn't like, mention them at all. Not even longingly or wistfully, like a prodigal daughter wanting to return home.
But she has sketches of Adam in her notebook. Almost like maybe Adam was one of the few people on Remnant she was close to. But the world is never ready for the Adam conversation.
Honestly it's made all the more worse because Kali and Ghira are so well-liked in the fandom, because "Well, now we can't get rid of them. Look at how lovable and pleasant they are! And it's good that someone on Team RWBY has a happy home upbringing."
The latter is true - in a vacuum, but Blake is not the person to be having a happy home life, if she even has a home at all.
I'm not saying this to be mean (as if the catgirl pixels on my screen can take offense to me saying she shouldn't have her nonexistent parents), but Blake is very clearly portrayed to represent the dregs of Remnant's society - she's a Faunus, a non-citizen of the Kingdoms and likely displaced from any home she would have once known to join the White Fang. She is an underdog.
There's adding layers and nuance to a character, and there's adding just plain contradictory elements to them. I don't write "Blake is an outcast of Remnant's society, forced into an extremist group just to survive and feel heard" and then write "But also she was actually born onto the lap of privilege and led such a hard life not out of necessity but out of impulse". It's totally backwards.
Not to mention that she quite explicitly says "If you can't fight, you can't survive"... for an organization she joined and did crimes for of her own accord, when her cushy mansion, comfy bed with pre-fluffed pillows and her parents who run the place is a 20-minute walk away.
It reeks. It smells of "While you were painting your nails and drinking coconut water in your fantasy Australia/Malaysia/Polynesia frankenstein island, I studied the blade" energy when Blake says this and she isn't in any way someone who's had to suffer. Who's had no choice but to fight.
"But she's a Faunus! She's still marginalised in Remnant!" Wow, then good thing she was born and raised on the island where she's only surrounded by Faunus and probably never faced a single discriminatory act by any humans whatsoever, because the closest human around is probably 500 miles away across the ding-dang ocean.
Plus, the "we need someone in Team RWBY with normal parents" argument doesn't hold water as well, because had CRWBY committed to their writing and kept Blake an orphan or some no-name runaway, the same people would be praising Blake either way. "I'm so glad someone on Team RWBY doesn't have living parents, because 'found family' is just as important to show for Blake's arc - first for the White Fang, and now for Team RWBY". See how the reaction changes to match?
To say nothing of the fact it completely screws over the whole identity thing? Not only are you a former White Fang agent in our school, you're also the daughter of the former leader? No amount of "How many politicians' or civil rights leaders' daughters' names do you know" is going to sweep this under the rug - one shouldn't be bending over backwards this much to justify this.
The truth of the matter is the fandom would have eaten up whatever narrative CRWBY spun for Blake, and gone to any necessary lengths to justify it in hindsight as "what the show needed". It's the whole "planned from the beginning" nonsense this fandom falls victim to far too often, which is frankly embarrassing.
Had CRWBY never shown that Blake had living parents, we would have happily eaten it up, but at least they wouldn't have to change what they already said about Blake to do it. It's like saying Weiss is "the loneliest of all" and then later reveal she actually lived under the same roof with eight siblings, four uncles, five aunts, a godmother and three dogs.
"Oh, but that would have been even more effective! It would have been, like, *✧'You feel the loneliest when in a crowd' *✧, it's so deep."
Okay? And?? You've told me nothing besides "I actually would have been happy to bullshit any reason to enjoy these writers' poor-piss decisions, so might as well give me the worst version of what I would have been happy with anyway".
Please, I implore you to put aside your love for the "nice big loveable bear dad" trope and the Kali NSFW art and actually think about what this character's actually about.
This shit is not hard. Like it's hard to write and execute, sure - writing of any kind is a challenge, but you know what's not hard? Keeping the parents dead like you implied they were. Letting found family be Blake's arc.
Letting her look at the White Fang and at Team RWBY, and knowing she has to choose between two families she loves, instead of her running away to the convenient third family she had lying around as her golden parachute in case either one turns to violence or has their school blown up, basically wrapping her in a nice warm blanket so she doesn't have to grapple with any tough moral and emotional choices.
Blake was my favourite character in RWBY until this shit came around; I loved that her hardened nature and upbringing was tempered by a pure conviction and willingness to heal, even when everything she knows and grew with is broken beyond repair. Her conflict felt real and visceral.
Ruby's the daughter of a big Huntress and has silver eyes. Weiss is the daughter of one of the most prestigious families in the world who owns half the world's economy. Yang's the daughter of a bandit queen who's also a Maiden. Blake should have been the nobody. Someone with no greatness to her name, other than the greatness she sees in her new team, and the greatness she can strive towards with her own two hands.
She could have shown that you can come from the absolute bottom of society, hated and overlooked by everyone, and still be a hero, especially in a show where most of its villains (Cinder, Emerald, Adam, Roman, Neo, Mercury) are also outcasts, felons or nobodies in their own communities. Great message, CRWBY. Of course the company robbing their staff of their livelihoods and ousting them when they're no longer useful would demonise the poor people and rebels.
But oh look, now she's the daughter of the former leader of the entire freedom fighter movement and the chief of an entire fucking island nation. Isn't that so much cooler? Don't you look up to Blake so much more now?
Fucking. Yawn.
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idiotcat-affectionate · 5 months
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New project! Neko-munda! Or Neko-mun-nyaa if you really want to make people die of cringe (you should it's fun to annoy people about things that don't matter). This time crossing over my FFXIV love and making the catgirls blue because moon keepers are best cats. They're all going to be given hair according to the whims of FF playing friends and named after them (as well as 2 being my own WoL and alt who i capped via pvp and is on msq level 20). Looking forward to continuing to paint them all.
On the hobby side of things, I've finally taken a step up for basic brushes and gone for a set of still cheapish sable brushes and along side the wet palette I got for Xmas just... wow. This is such a different experience and I am very much here for it so far. 2 days and the skin mix was still good to use! What the heck! It also just works so well for me to be able to just clean brush > use different colour > clean brush > continue with what I was doing if I see something that bugs me from previous painting.
I *did* have to gouge out a lot of parts of some of the minia to make these heads fit, but yeah, zedarkpenguin on mmf/cults. Good catgirl heads. Might actually have to go ahead and get their totally-not-kasrkin some time.
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cicadawings · 9 months
Me: oh that anime screenshot looks cool I wonder what it is
op's tags: anime animecore 90s anime animeaesthetic aesthetic animeedit cartoon vaporwave lolita dollette pastelcore kawaii sailor moon animepic japancore cyberpunk neon tokyo rilakumma hello kitty sanrio catgirl kpop korean seoul bts blackpink oppai hentai senpai
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if you click the unrebloggable red catboy haterade readmore it's your own damn fault
i am so tired of people trying to defend g'raha's writing in ew
"they're capable of subtlety" switching between being a manipulative asshole and the writer's most perfect prince who can never do wrong and is the wol's bestest friend 5ever (don't look at shb) and never allowing the player/other characters to say "dude wtf" at the former is not "subtle writing", it's complete lack of awareness that the character is being an asshole
like it was bad enough that the writers forced you to be buddy-buddy with him in shb with only a token option of expressing mild distaste , doing that and also making it very clear that he's still a manipulative shithead (because if he was meant to trying to put on a brave face they would have had a "dude wtf" line where he would have apologized in the post-credits, not acted like the promise made under duress was still valid) is just bad fucking writing given that on the other side of the corridor is zenos, who they constantly deny even acknowledgement of his humanity
you can try to compare it to urianger's writing but uri's writing never flinches away from the fact that he's being a fucker when he's being a fucker even when played for comedy, and they still have this gaping gap of not touching the fact that urianger functionally killed thancred's foster daughter/little sister onscreen (while they probably would have realistically hashed it out over like 3 years, you really don't get to see any of that at all so it's very strained; even having thancred still kind of mad before he gets snatched and having the more cordial relationship we normally see during shb would have communicated that better).
idk. so much of ew is just written really damn poorly (even parts that, in isolation, i find acceptable to actively enjoyable (ie the 6.0 zenos cutscenes) end up falling flat in context) because of external factors forcing the sardine treatment for plot points and i'm tired of seeing people pretend that it's not. i can't exactly compare the gameplay side well given i started in 6.0, but i can break down the writing just fine and ew's fucking dire even if you consider how heavily i weigh 4.2-4.3 against stb.
i really hope they sideline the scions besides krile (or tataru, but i think she's probably going to live in side content for a while and krile has been badly neglected for so long). i don't want to interact with g'raha again anytime soon but especially not if his writing remains this bad. either acknowledge that he can be an asshole and let me be colder to him or stop bringing him up, i'm fine hating major recurring characters if they're actually well written (asahi, varis, thordan) and the catboy isn't at this point, and even when he was better-written there was still the major problem of "let me call him a dick or at least untrustworthy you pricks".
"what about estinien don't you like him" if they just have him being a weird hungry vagrant that only shows up sometimes to be deeply strange and get mobbed by baby mamool ja that is ideal, actually, i love when he's a bit of a freak. or they could have him get adopted by another fancy prince, having him repeatedly reel in powerful fancy prince types with the power of
dragon autism
would be the funniest shit on the planet.
but like. i want a break from even the scions i like, barring maybe the twins, and the twins are best when i don't have to refer to them as a unit, yknow? i want new people to take center stage. i'm not going to get that given the trailer, but god. please. make this the erenville-and-wuk lamat show with cameos by the scions and not the other way around. they can come back in 8.0.
(plus, doing that might mean we don't have the fifth expansion straight of y'shtola death fakeouts (i counted: arr/hw (given timing it's hard for me to define where catgirl blunt best belongs), stb (vs Zenos), shb (sailor moon catgirl), ew (ultima thule)). i am so fucking tired of her fakeouts. do literally anything else with her as a character i BEG OF YOU. we all know you aren't killing Miss Final Fantasy 14. her fans would flay you. the merch sales would plummet.)
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