#catgirl tf
pobblebonked · 5 months
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cat girl'd
commission for zandravandra on cohost
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sepiapol · 3 months
No Pets Allowed
The son of a landlord comes to collect his neighbours' rent. Instead, the two women next door give him a collar that turns him into a catgirl, and strangely enough, he doesn't mind the changes.
Disclaimer! Do not read if you are below the age of 18. All characters depicted in this text are of legal age. The use of the word “girl” does not indicate otherwise. Although this work contains elements of manipulation, dubious consent, mind control and altered consciousness, which would in a regular, real-life setting be immoral and wrong, this work of fiction does not aim to support them. Enjoy!
Adrian was waiting in front of the brown apartment door with dull anticipation. He looked at the empty hall for a moment before ringing the bell a second time, and then immediately regretting it. He felt like the scum of the earth. As though he was a sinful, tax collecting publican. In reality, his dad merely owned two apartments in the building that he rented out to students, and he was sent to collect this month’s rent. It was good passive income for their family, even though Adrian had come to disagree with the whole concept of a landlord existing at all. But it is what it is, and thus Adrian went on to ring the apartment’s bell a third time, after waiting in the front for two whole minutes. Before he did however, the door opened.
In front of him stood a girl he had met three times before, always in the same, awkward context of asking for rent. She had messy honey blonde hair, most likely dyed as the brown roots at the top of her head were visible. She looked at Adrian with all the grace of someone who had just woken up and could barely manage a fake smile. She very clearly did not want him here. Adrian suppressed his guilt by thinking to himself that no reasonable adult would stay asleep up until 2 pm.
“Hello… uh… Carrie!” he said awkwardly, mentally kicking himself for coming off as not remembering her name.
“Hey, Adrian. Come in,” she answered back, her groggy expression shifting into a more relaxed and genuine smile. Maybe she wasn’t pretending to be smiling after all, Adrian thought. He immediately stepped into her apartment.
“Sorry if I woke you up, by the way. I just have to like… get the rent…” he mumbled these last few words as if saying something dirty, and then added, “before I go to my lectures.” He was too flustered to make eye contact and instead chose to look at her living space. It was a rather quirky sight. The furniture was mismatched and seedy in a paradoxically cosy way. Cheap but livable. Plants sat on the windowsill and dresser, along with many books with titles and symbols he didn’t recognize. They did look vaguely occult if the pentacle on one of them were anything to go by. But they also looked cheap. Shoddy paperbacks with chipped corners. Maybe she was the kind of girl who believed in that stuff. He didn’t want to judge.
“It’s okay,” she yawned. “Let me see where I left it. I think I have the money in my bedroom. Just wait here, okay?” she walked away. She was wearing grey pyjama shorts and a black undershirt, an outfit that involved much less leather and belts than when he last saw her, but to be fair to her, she had just woken up. Adrian knew that she had a roommate, but he never had the chance to see her.
He kept looking at the rest of the apartment. The sunlight was bursting through the window in the living room. Pillows sat on the floor where the sun’s rays hit, a peculiar setup that nonetheless looked quite comfortable. And away from the pillow heap, besides the radiator, sat a little bowl on the floor. Did they have a pet in this apartment? His dad didn’t permit pets, which he found unreasonable, but never argued with him on the issue. He figured that he could keep a secret though. It was the least he could do. He already found it weird that he had to step into this girl’s apartment just to collect the rent. He could have just waited by the door. Why did he step in?
From the corner of his eye, Adrian saw Carrie finally appearing out of her bedroom. He turned to look at her. She looked quite pretty, he thought. Her arched eyebrows and thin, long nose gave off an adorable, yet mischievous quality to her face that he found very appealing. She must have been a student. Around his age, perhaps older. He didn’t know what she studied though. He should ask her.
“Here you go!” She gave something to Adrian. It wasn’t money. It was a blue collar with a small bell attached to it. He immediately clasped it around his neck.
Why did he do that?
‘Are you a student here?’ is what Adrian wanted to ask her, but the only sound to come out of his mouth was a soft, high-pitched meow. He tried to speak again, but again, he could only make that same sound. With some alarm building up in him, he tried to tug at the collar he was wearing.
“Oh no, don’t do that,” Carrie said, with a small hint of urgency. Adrian stopped. His fingers felt too clumsy to handle the collar anyway. “I’ve been asking your dad for a while to bring a plumber here, you know. That’s like, the one job he has to do. Take care of the house. You’ll ask him, won’t you? Well… not right now, as you are.” She smiled a devious smile and gestured at Adrian to come closer, which he did without question. Did she get taller?
“Meow,” Adrian said. This time unsure of what he wanted to say. She seemed taller again. He looked at his hands only to see they were slightly smaller. What was happening to him?
“Aaaww! Aren’t you a little kitty?” Carrie purred.
Adrian felt a smile form in his lips when she said that. He felt his concentration slipping. Somehow, it was hard to really mind this bizarre situation he found himself in. Carrie was towering over him now. Something was changing. He was changing. His hair fell down on his face, covering his ears and touching his neck. He felt hot inside as his bone structure was shifting. His hips started to flair out and his ass and thighs filled with fat. His chest seemed to puff up. He touched one of his forming breasts and felt a strange sensation. Something like pain, but not quite. They felt sensitive to the touch.
“Huh, I didn’t know that would happen,” Carrie said, with mild surprise. “Can’t complain though. You look pretty cute now. A cute little kitty catgirl!” Adrian felt elated at Carrie’s praise, he couldn’t hide his smile. He licked his teeth and realised his fangs were sharper. “You see,” Carrie began, “your dad doesn’t allow pets in this house, so we found a workaround. An extraordinary little trinket, this collar, wouldn’t you say?” It really was, Adrian thought.
His breasts felt larger now. Not quite huge, but big enough to not fit in his hands. He cupped one of them and squeezed it, not bothering being decent in front of this girl he just met. He let out a soft gasp as he did, not quite familiar with the new sensation his boobs gave him.
Adrian thought he knew what was going to happen next. His crotch felt hot. The transformation was so pleasurable that he had a boner. But it was as if it was lessening now. His dick was getting smaller, and he was rather excited to see what came next. Could he really be a “he” though? He considered it a bit, running the thought in his increasingly fuzzy mind, and that didn’t feel right at all. She was a “she”! She was turning into a girl. Her dick was almost non-existent now, replaced by a new pussy. She rubbed her thighs together, feeling euphoric at this new absence in her crotch, and also a bit horny.
“So what do you say, kitty? Would you like to be our new pet?” Carrie said, looking down at Adrian with domineering eyes.
“Meow!” she nodded enthusiastically. This felt so good! She would be Carrie’s kitty!
She put a hand on Kitty’s head, startling her at first. But then she started petting her head. It felt so good to be petted by her owner, she started purring and pushing her head against her hand. She could purr now. That was exciting! Her changes hadn’t stopped yet. Her ears were shifting on her head, moving upwards on her skull. For a moment her hearing was muted until it was lost entirely. And then, it came back again, sharper than ever. She wiggled two cat ears on top of her head. She was becoming a kitty!
Her owner squeezed one of her new kitty ears, which felt funny and a little annoying, but then she resumed petting her head, and she was happy again, still purring loudly, a small vibration in her throat. It was so soothing to purr, so pleasant. She wanted to do that forever.
Then something on the back of her waist started changing again. A new appendage, growing from her tailbone. She was growing a tail! Growing larger and sprouting fur, black like her hair. It was quite fluffy too. She must have been a fluffy cat.
“Looks like you’re finished now! Daaww you’re so cute I could just eat you up!” Carrie said excitedly, as she ceased the petting and forcefully hugged the catgirl, nuzzling her head and playing with her new tail. Rude! She was very cute though, that was correct. She was the cutest. “Now what should I name you… hmmm…” she stepped back and started thinking, putting her hand on her chin and putting on a theatrical thinking expression.
Kitty didn’t know what to think. It was a little hard to think now. Her thoughts felt like syrup in her head. And she couldn’t help but look at everything around her. She started wandering around, being bored at this whole ordeal. She wanted to rest. But where would she go? Moving was different now. She moved her tail accordingly. She couldn’t quite control it like a limb, but she could use it to keep her balance.
She had to get rid of her horrid clothes though. They were too big on her now, and they felt scratchy and uncomfortable on her skin. With quick, clumsy movements, she stripped herself utterly nude and discarded her clothes on the floor. She wouldn’t need them now. She felt no sense of shame standing like this. It was completely natural for her.
She decided to rest by the pillows by the window, where the sun’s rays shone with light and warmth. What a wonderful spot! She lay on the warm pillows, content, rested and sheltered by the sun.
And then her owner jumped right beside her! How dare she!? Kitty considered leaving, but then her owner wrapped an arm around her and held her tight, keeping the catgirl in place.
“Where do you think you’re going, you little kitty! You little baby! You little… ah!” Carrie started talking incoherent nonsense in between squeezing the catgirl and kissing her head. “Oh I know! I could give you some cute clothes to wear! Oh you’ll look absolutely delightful!” And with that she took off away from the living room again.
Kitty couldn’t easily follow her owner’s words. Words were weird, fuzzy things now. She couldn’t quite grasp them. But she didn’t care much. She didn’t need words. She only needed pets. And food. And naps. One she was about to take right n-
“Tata!” Carrie exclaimed, holding a short night dress and a pair of thigh high socks. Kitty was unimpressed. “Come on, put them on!” she said expectantly. Kitty looked at her, confused. “Oh right yeah, you’re all kitty-brained now, aren’t you? Uuhh… raise your arms?” she said, grabbing one of Kitty’s arms and raising it above her head.
Kitty thought she got the gist of her owner’s request, but she wasn’t happy about it. She pouted as she raised her other arm. Her owner slipped the night dress on top of her hands and head with a little difficulty, but she managed. She let the garment fall on her, now fully worn. It was actually quite comfortable. Silky and soft. Kitty absent-mindedly started stroking the fabric of her dress.
“Ah! You’re not done! You gotta put on the socks! They’re mandatory!” Carrie said, giggling to herself. “Give me your legs, little kitty! Hehe…”
Kitty looked at her for a few seconds, trying to process what she said, before she recognized what she needed to do, and reluctantly shifted her position to be able to put on the socks. Carrie gave her the pair and the catgirl began donning them with sluggish hands.
It was really hard to put them on though. Touching things was such a task now! As if her fingers weren’t quite cooperating. She gave up, but her owner graciously offered to help her slip the socks up to her thighs. Carrie let the elastic cuff of the sock slap Kitty’s thigh as she finished, startling Kitty, who gave her an angry, pouty glare. She stroked the fabric of the thigh highs. They were quite snug on her legs, and they had a colourful pattern of light blue, pink and white stripes on them, contrasting with the grey night dress. Thank God that was over! Now she could rest.
Carrie sat once again beside Kitty, who started waving her tail around, annoyed. But her owner put one arm around her waist and then gently allowed her head to rest on her lap. Kitty calmed down and started purring again as her owner gently petted head and cheek.
Kitty’s owner was pretty forceful, but she didn’t quite mind, she decided. She liked the warmth of her body too, and started shifting her head to rest easier. Basking in the sunshine, lying on top of soft pillows and her even softer owner. This was nice. Kitty started drifting, losing consciousness. This was a good place to nap for now.
After a while, she heard something click, accompanied by a clunking noise. Footsteps followed after. Kitty didn’t know how long she napped, but she immediately raised her body to check the sound. She was still sitting on the pillows, but away from her owner’s embrace, who was up until that moment gently caressing her back. A new human had entered the house.
“Hey Auggie, welcome back!” her owner said, with a cool smile. The human who had just entered the house, a woman around Carrie’s age, looked with a mix of alarm and complete befuddlement.
“Carrie… what have you done?” she said, sounding slightly tense. Kitty looked at her with suspicion. She was quite tall, and she had curly brown hair. She was dressed in casual clothes. Jeans and a soft pink sweater.
“I got a new pet!” Carrie answered.
“Mhm… yeah. I can see that,” the girl called Auggie answered, deadpan. “Do you mind explaining yourself, Carrie? Like… I dunno… telling me who that is and why she’s wearing my thigh highs!?” she finished, exasperated.
Carrie chuckled. “Oh that’s uuhh… you see. Do you know the landlord’s son? Adrian? Who comes to collect the rent? Well he came by today, and he was really annoying, so I gave him the collar. And now here he is!” She pointed at Kitty, who started feeling uncomfortable.
“Wait… he???” Auggie gasped, pointing at Kitty. “And he just wore it?”
“I mean yeah, that’s what happened with you right? You felt compelled to wear it,” Carrie answered.
“That’s like, so not the same thing! What will we do now?”
“Aw come on, Auggie, relax! You can just perform the forgetting spell once we’re done and he won’t remember a thing!”
Kitty felt a sense of wrongness creeping in as they talked. She couldn’t quite understand it, but it wasn’t like the frustration she felt at her owner’s forceful antics. It went deeper than that.
“That takes an hour to prep! You should have at least told me first.” Auggie started to calm down, but retained a disappointed expression.
“Okay, sorry. Geez. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision honestly? A guy wakes me up asking for money and I thought, what the heck. Let’s do this. Besides, don’t you wanna know what it’s like to have a pet together instead of just taking turns with the collar?” Carrie finished, bringing her index finger on her forehead.
“I mean, yeah, but like… hmm.” She looked at the floor in deep thought. “You know what? Fine. It could be fun I suppose,” Auggie shrugged.
“Why did he turn into a girl though? I thought the collar only made you kitty-brained,” Carrie said. Kitty was now genuinely sad. She wasn’t a he! She was a girl! She was a catgirl! She hugged her legs and looked at the floor, frustrated and angry.
“Oh!” Auggie started, her previously sour mood seeming to lift. “Carrie, I think you just cracked an egg!”
“Wait really?”
“Uh yeah? I mean, you’ve seen how I am when I wear the collar. That has to be the same thing. She’s a girl!” Auggie exclaimed, pointing at Kitty. Kitty raised her head at that. Her mouth open in a hopeful expression. “Are… are you a girl?” Auggie continued, looking straight at the catgirl. Kitty beamed in a kind of joy she couldn’t quite comprehend.
“Bahahaha!” Carrie started laughing uncontrollably at the sight. Auggie rolled her eyes.
“Carrie, don’t laugh! This is nuts. Will we really just remove her memories after this? That seems… more wrong… somehow…”
“Ugh, babe, relax. Okay? We’ll figure it out later. For now let’s like, treat her. Make her feel loved, you know?” Carrie said, a devious tinge in her voice.
Auggie stepped in front of Kitty and petted her below her chin. Kitty calmed down and purred at her touch.
“Aw good girl. You like that don’t you?” Auggie said, smiling at the catgirl.
She did like it! Maybe this Auggie girl wasn’t so bad after all. She figured she could have two owners. As much as her simplified mind could ‘figure’ things. But no matter how simple, she knew what she was. She was a girl. And she was a pet. That’s all that mattered.
“Okay let me get changed and I’ll come back, okay?” Auggie said, withdrawing her hand from Kitty’s face. Kitty swung her hand at Auggie’s way as she passed by, slapping her foreleg. Auggie laughed heartily at the gesture.
“Aaaww she’s a feisty one!” Carrie said, scritching Kitty’s back. Good! More scritches. “What should we name her though?” she called to Auggie.
“I don’t know!” Auggie called back from her bedroom. “Maybe we should ask her later?”
Silly Auggie. Cats didn’t need names. She was just Kitty.
“Eh.” Carrie kept on petting Kitty, but she was getting tired of all the constant scritching and rubbing. It felt amazing, euphoric even, but she wanted more. Kitty wanted to use her new body to its fullest capacity. So she climbed on top of Carrie’s lap and started kissing her neck. “Oh! You’re one horny little pet, aren’t you?”
She was! Such a horny little pet catgirl. She started rubbing her crotch on her owner’s leg, desperate to get some release.
“Well in that case…” Carrie flashed a predatory smile and pushed Kitty away, landing her on her back on top of the pillows. “I’ll show you how loving an owner I can be, my dear pet!” she cooed, right on top of Kitty. And with her right hand, she started caressing her pet’s thigh, making the helpless catgirl gasp.
Yes! She wanted this so much! Her owner’s hand went further and further up, and then, she plunged two of her fingers inside her needy pussy. Kitty let out an intense mewl at this novel kind of pleasure. No matter Kitty’s objections, her owner knew exactly how to use her. She knew exactly how to make her meow and scream in pleasure.
Auggie stepped from her bedroom, out of her shoes and with more casual clothes, right in the middle of this sexy petting session.
“Oh God that’s… that’s so hot…” Auggie blushed deeply and ran towards her new pet. Kitty looked at her expectantly, and a new, wanting and cunning kind of smile appeared on Auggie’s face. She grabbed the pet’s new perky and round boobs from under her dress and massaged them with passion.
Kitty screamed with delight. She was being used by her two owners. She was in true bliss. What little thoughts could pass through her simple kitty mind were now gone, replaced by the intense, visceral experience of pure pleasure. Carrie kept playing with her pussy and clit, sending her even more over the edge. And then, just as she was about to finally find release, Carrie stopped and let out a small evil giggle.
The pet couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted to finish. She wanted to feel how much she changed. From some boring guy she could barely remember being, to a sexy pet catgirl. An animal to be used and loved by her mistresses. Kitty pounced on Auggie, sending her on her back.
Auggie gasped a little as the pet climbed on top of her, grinding her needy sex on top of Auggie’s own. Auggie didn’t waste time. She pulled her pants to reveal her erect dick, and grabbed her pet with two hands by her waist, and straddled her on top. Kitty moaned loudly and greedily. A hungry expression on her face.
She was being filled by her mistress. It was so good to be petted and loved and fucked, that happy tears left her eyes. Auggie kept guiding the catgirl’s hips on her dick and thrust as she could, lying on her back with Kitty on top.
Kitty meowed and moaned with increasing intensity. Stimulated and growing hotter and hotter. She felt light headed. Fucked silly by her owner. And then, her owner moaned and groaned with pleasure and came inside her, filling her pussy with her hot cum, and sending her over the edge. Kitty cried out a piercing, bestial scream as she orgasmed. Her whole body was so overtaken by pleasure that she couldn’t stop shaking. She let her body fall on top of Auggie, her head resting on her owner’s shoulder, gasping and breathing heavily from the exhaustion. This was the best time of her life.
“Ah… ah” Auggie was gasping along with her pet. “I… I think the whole building must have heard us…”
“Hmmm…” Carrie responded with a moan, her own hand deep in her pussy, aroused from the spectacle. “Good!” She giggled with satisfaction.
Auggie let the content and satisfied catgirl lie on top of her. She started purring again, as she stroked her cheek. Kitty could barely nuzzle against it.
“Can… can we do this again?” Kitty finally said, surprised that words had found her.
“Oh no she’s fully here now!” Auggie was startled, but didn’t disturb the tired catgirl lying on top of her. Carrie only smiled and looked with greedy anticipation.
The "publican" stood in front of the brown apartment door, ringing the bell - only once this time. Not to collect the month's rent, as that duty had already been fulfilled. It was for a more frivolous reason that was nonetheless equally profound. The door opened.
"Oh hello there! Welcome back," Carrie cooed from inside the apartment, wearing some of her black, metal studded clothes and paraphernalia that she was more often associated with.
"Hey!..." the figure opposite to her answered back, flustered.
"So uuuhh... did you figure out what name you want us to call you now?"
"Uhm, Kat? Maybe? If you don't mind. I'm still figuring this out, so..." Kat said, not looking at Carrie directly.
"Oh come on, that's so cliché!" called a voice from deep within the apartment. It must have been Auggie's. Carrie giggled heartily.
"As you wish, kitty Kat!" Carrie smiled deviously. "Come iiin..."
And Kat did exactly that. She had a lot to figure out, but she at least knew that she was a girl. And soon she was going to be Carrie and Auggie's pet again. For now, that's all that mattered.
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ayviedoesthings · 2 months
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Dragon HRT Part 23:
36 months
🐱 Mom said it's my turn on the weird pokémon body
Start - Prev - Next
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magnificentmicrowave · 9 months
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last xiaturday of the year @docedg 😔
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cloud-kaiju · 6 months
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Real quick turn around there, but she's not complaining! Lovely commission of Cafico by https://twitter.com/inkyfluffsdraws ! 
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frankenjadetf · 6 months
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Taylor wished to see "his" true self in the mirror and well, I guess there was some stuff she hadn't realized she wanted yet. Find early releases of all my work at www.patreon.com/FrankenJade
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fanterfane · 1 year
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The New Neo-cat!
Alternate Versions: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110273204 After running away with his new body, the Curious Cat decides to have a little extra fun before the final confrontation... In this alternate interpretation of events, he uses his powers of transformation to corrupt the body of his host, Neo! Catty features slowly grow and overwhelm her visage as he changes her body into something much more accommodating for him. Before long, this neo "Neo" is absolutely *Catty*!  The curious cat is elated to have all this fur and cat like features all over his body, he finally feels like himself again, even while in this woman's body! I wonder how Neo would react if her body was given back to her like this once the cat is removed from her? I don't think her friends would know any way to change her back... Stuck as a curious catty version of herself in a fantasy world... If ya'll don't know what I'm talking about or what I drew here, the context is that this is a continuation of a possession scene that happened in RWBY Volume 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebBCVMFn3mI I've been cooking this for awhile, maybe even a little too long... But I've been taking special care and drawing it slowly. I was worried someone else was gonna draw the same concept I had while I took so long, but thankfully that didn't happen! I wanted to hop on this trend earlier on so bad, but I knew I wanted to take a original approach to it. I hope you all enjoy Neo's fully curious corruption as much as I had fun making it! :P 
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sbpstudios · 5 months
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local dungeon diving fighter man goes into the dungeon of a trickster god with his party to save a princess. only to get his dumb ass cat girled because he picked up the wrong necklace.
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settop · 5 months
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Chillin' in another world as a hellcat
Have you ever had such a good stretch you become a demon cat girl in another world? A Uliminas tf, the recent anime of "Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers" reminded me that I was meaning to do a tf of her when I read the manga, so here it is now.
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jades-typurriter · 7 months
Tiger Pox
This is a smaller one I did for fun after a friend of mine designed a cute tiger girl (and then another one, and then another one). Vee doesn't have an account that vee'd like tagged, so I'm going to credit the concept (and accompanying art) to Bowsiosaurus =3
CW: we tf into cute tiger girls yaaaayyyyy =^w^=
“So, the strategy that’s been getting more and more popular is to Terastalize one of your Pokemon into a Dragon-Type, and then have a Mold Breaker Haxorus use Dragon Cheer—”
“OHO,” yowled the ewe. “Because Mold Breaker lets the effect stack more than once, even when the target usually wouldn’t be affected!”
“Exactly!” replied the stout sea serpent. “The most common setup has been Gholdengo with Make It Rain.”
“Oh, okay,” Jade mumbled between bites of her street-corner hot dog. “Why is Gholdengo so strong, again?”
She and Bowsie had spent the afternoon trawling the displays of their town’s shopping plaza, and now leaned up against a building along the main thoroughfare to take a break before continuing. The impassioned, excited discussion about the finer points of the competitive metagame carried for a block or two in either direction, even rising above the crowd noise from the rest of the shoppers.
“Well, on top of being a Steel-Type, it’sssss… Um, it’s um…” Bowsie’s eyes seemed to unfocus as Jade listened. No, not unfocus—focus on something further behind her. She turned over her shoulder to look, and straightened up when she saw a shapely tiger woman strutting down the sidewalk toward the two of them. She towered over even Jade; the confident click, click, click, click of her high heels on the pavement were like a metronome, setting the pace of Jade’s tail as it swished like a cat preparing to pounce.
As Bowsie struggled to rediscover ver train of thought, head swiveling to follow the woman as she approached, Jade coyly waggled a paw up at her. She glanced their way, sending a cold, thrilling jolt through each of their chests, and briefly flashed her teeth at them. As she passed, her tail skimmed gently across both of their snouts, a clearly well-practiced tease to rile up what must have seemed, to her, as an adorably out-of-their-depth pair of spectators. Bowsie, of course, lost all hope of recovering ver composure; ver bouncy snout was a dark blue all over, and ver flippers shot up to cover ver eyes in an effort to hide how flustered vee was. Jade, on the other hand, interpreted the gesture as reciprocation of her flirty little greeting, and was about to call after the woman with a quip about “touching fluffy tail”.
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Something stopped her, though—she suddenly felt warm, and it struck her as more than simply blushing. She tugged at her collar, cartoonishly “awooga” as it seemed, given the circumstances, and realized that it didn’t just feel tighter: her clothes were getting tighter. Her chest (which, admittedly, had always been mostly fluff) was starting to stretch out her top, so much so that it began to bare a little bit of her midriff. Her skirt began to ride up as her hips took up more and more of the room underneath.
She looked over at Bowsie, whose scales shimmered with a layer of sweat—except where they had been replaced by big, poofy patches of bright-orange fur! Vee was shooting up like a rocket, too. Before Jade’s eyes, vee went from a whole head shorter to nearly at eye level; something told her that the only reason she hadn’t been overtaken yet was that she had been subtly stretching skyward as well. The serpent’s tail stretched and thinned as the fur inched along its length, losing its characteristic, reptilian taper in favor of a uniform thickness and a round, soft-looking tip. The black stripes crisscrossing the islands of fur seemed to knit themselves together as they bridged the gap, everywhere except for ver stomach: just like before, it was a lighter color compared to the rest of ver.
Her attention was finally wrenched back from her companion as she heard buttons begin to pop and fabric begin to rrrRRRIP. She looked down and saw that the new gaps had revealed stripes of her own, her wooly fleece slowly straightening and stiffening into a dense layer of white fur that exploded out through her top’s once-respectable neckline. Her mane grew even less manageable than usual, fluffing up so much that it fell around her face as she examined herself; her hooves softened into round, blunt, padded paws, big enough to appropriately cushion her quickly-growing frame. As the last of her own stripes were freed from the tatters of her clothes, she looked out over the mountainous fluff of her chest to see her equally-well-endowed friend looking expectantly back at her, arms crossed in an affectionately-impatient little huff that accentuated her new assets.
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“Oh, uh… I’m sorry, were you waiting for me?”
“You were wheeling again, Jade!” 
“M-my bad! I just got a little distracted, is all. It’s just…” She fiddled with her paws for a moment, looking down at the ground, before glancing furtively back up at her friend. “Do you think that pretty lady might’ve l-liked us?”
“Us?” Bowsie scoffed, tilting her chin up smugly. “Bestie, of course she liked us! We’re catches. I bet we could catch her if we left now, but honestly? I’m kinda hungry.” Jade glanced down at a discarded hot dog laying near her on the street. Not the kind of thing she would usually go for, but Bowsie had a point—they’d been walking around all day, after all!
“Do you think they have a pumpkin spice flavor at the bubble tea place?”
“I think I saw it on their sign!”
“Yaaaaayy!” the white tiger cheered quietly. “It’s my favorite… that’s why winter is my favorite time of year!”
“It’s your favorite time of year ‘cause you have all that fluff, girl! Not everybody’s as well-insulated as you. Makes it harder to spot you, too!”
“That part is a little comforting…”
“Well, I’m happy for you, but I love being easy to spot. Why do you think that girl was smiling at me before, huh?”
“Hush!” Jade giggled, playfully nudging the orange tiger’s shoulder. “You know how loud you are. She might hear you!”
“I hope so! Then I can invite her to the tea place with us!”
“So I can third wheel for the two of you?”
“Well, you’d better get walking if you don’t want me to take off and hunt her down! C’mon!”
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TY for reading! Here's a little epilogue, as well as the designs on their own. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here!'designs on their own. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here!
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ayviedoesthings · 3 months
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Dragon HRT Part 21:
36 months
🐱 They think I'm gonna listen to a huge sign.
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brisksunrise · 1 year
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Sakamoto sure did wake up to some grade A confusion and nonsense, I tell you what.
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anonymocha · 1 year
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grumpy jock to grumpy catgirl i will literally never finish
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britney-tf · 2 years
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For Kieros! You can see early work/sketches by joining my patreon! http://patreon.com/britneyTF
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snekverse · 10 months
Pray for me yall I'm back in my sims era and I'm recreating the myst cast 💀
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floraagato · 7 months
so funny how they keep remaking the tcg app. how confident are they this time I wonder
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