sixeyesgojo · 3 years
for your 400 follower event (congrats!!!! you deserve it!): venomous by sullivan king: "all eyes on me while i stand at the top, | you're all still breathing while my lungs have stopped" + gojo satoru or megumi fushiguro (or, whoever you like or think would fit if you vibe with the song. :))
Treacherous Vow
Prompt: All eyes on me while I stand at the top | You're all still breathing while my lungs have stopped.
Word count: 666
Character: Megumi, but powered up significantly
A/N: Thanks for sending a request, Cat! <3 I tried my best to not make it Gojo, so here you have some Megumi, hehe This is either a dystopian AU or the Megumi from my "pre-Culling Game theory".
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There was an odd sense of tranquility as Megumi watched smoke arise from the burning ground as the sun neared the horizon. The city in front of him – the place he perceived day in and out as he grew up – reduced to sooty and charred rubble, incessant fire and a seemingly endless screen of smoke. The abundance of skyscrapers that stood up to the sky no longer existed. Most of the tall buildings were in shambles, only a few made it through the onslaught of sorcery that took place.
What an ironic twist, Megumi thought as he watched the deep red embers licking at the ground. Originally, he had sworn to at least protect this place to the best of his ability, so his sister would at least have a home to come back to once she had woken up. Fate, however, was not on his side. In a wry turn of events, Tsumiki was strung into a cruel game of life and death without her consent. Tsumiki was manipulated to lure Megumi, effectively forcing him to betray his original side by entering a Binding Vow with her. He never wanted to, never intended to – but there had been no other way.
His brain had not been able to keep away the images of his former friends’ looks of betrayal at all. The shock on your face had been evident when Megumi faced you – as a foe instead of a friend. “Megumi?” the shaking in your voice echoed in his head over and over again, at the time. Initially, it drove him insane. His mind was torn apart, then put together again, only to be shredded to pieces. “Please, make it stop,” he remembered begging in the dark to nobody in particular. This process felt like a never-ending cycle until ultimately, his mind, heart and soul became numb. ‘I have to save Tsumiki,’ was all that was left.
The more the negativity within flourished, the more his powers were cultivated. By now, he was able to annihilate entire districts if he chose to do so… A walking calamity in a human shell called Fushiguro Megumi.
“Is this all for today?” Megumi turned around, facing someone who was supposed to be his older sister. Without fail, his eyes lingered on the red mark on Tsumiki’s forehead. “That’s all for today. You did well, little brother,” a voice he knew way too well spoke. The shikigami user was well aware that it was not his sister’s consciousness operating within her body but a foreign soul or even cursed technique.
The woman spied a tuft of pink hair, from the top of the skyscraper she and her brother stood on, running on the ground below. A silver-haired man, a brunette and a fourth person followed the boy. A wicked grin spread on her face, knowing that he had seen them too. The look on his face gave it away too easily.
“Or maybe,” the female voice continued, “you could defeat those heathens too. For your big sister, pretty please? They irk me, Megumi.”
‘If I have the time to curse someone, I’d rather spend it thinking about those precious to me.’ A year ago, he would have scowled at Tsumiki for being a goody-two-shoes but now? Oh, how he missed her… Megumi wanted nothing more than to retrieve his sister, healthy and happy.
“I’ll do anything,” he breathed with a pained expression, “if it means you coming back to me.” “Of course, I will, dummy. Just do this favor for me,” the woman spoke with a disgustingly sweet voice.
His hands moved past each other as he entangled his thumbs. “Nue,” he summoned. Whoever was in his sister’s body, they smiled. The boy shot a last look at the setting sun. Then, he jumped off of the giant building.
Please end this predicament, Y/N, Megumi internally begged, it’s too late for me to go back now. My lungs have stopped while you’re all still breathing.
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Taglist: @satosuguslut @assbuttbaek @melonnbar @delammi @silversatoru
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cherrywoes · 4 years
— 𝖔𝖓𝖊.
— 𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓽𝓾𝓼 𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓪 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓪𝓽.
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YOU MET OIKAWA TOORU in a little church orphanage just outside of Eden—Eden being the Holy City, hidden from the rest of the world by the decree of God. You knew of the world outside, of course, being a human girl no older than twelve; but being a ward of the church as young as you were, you remembered very little of the mortal world.
Oikawa Tooru offered to change that.
He had been your age, or close to it. It might have been an illusion at the time, but he had been perhaps the most gorgeous boy you had ever seen in your life. The adorable faces of your fellow orphans, Hinata and Kageyama, were nothing compared to the deceptive beauty he had been graced with.
If you had to put a finger on it, you would have almost labeled him as devilish.
It had been a spring day, before the caretakers of the orphanage called for dinner. You were playing with Hinata, Kageyama unwilling to step foot in your vicinity over his "crush" on you. It hadn't mattered to you at the time, but if you had paid even a fraction more attention to it things might have turned out differently.
Hinata might not have left you on the swings.
He might not have left you to Oikawa's promises.
He might not have abandoned you to become the future obsession of a devil.
"Why are you all alone out here?" His voice was soft and inquisitive when he approached you seemingly out of nowhere. Dressed in a fine wool sweater and sweatpants, he was a sore thumb in the rundown playground of the orphanage. Glasses, sleek and modern, were perched on the bridge of his nose, the frames as black as the onyx stone hanging around his neck. "It isn't any fun when you're by yourself."
You paused in your idle swinging. Digging your feet into the dirt, you ignored the brown skids on your shoes in favor of regarding the boy in front of you.
At this point in time, no one had warned you about devils and what forms they might take. Nor did they warn you any time after that, but looking back on it you should have suspected something was off with him.
He emanated an aura of 'other'. Nothing explicitly human, but owning the form of one and using it as a shield to hide his intentions. If you had been a tad more perceptive, you may have noticed the smoke curling from his nostrils with every breath he took.
"No," you answered, instead, unfazed. You knotted your fingers in the chain links of the swing and kicked your feet out to dig your heels into the grass. "Not really. Who are you? I've never seen you before. You aren't from the orphanage."
"Perceptive." His laugh was breathy and forced. "No, I'm from… somewhere else."
"You didn't tell me your name."
"You didn't give me yours." His smile was sharp. "It's only polite."
You narrowed your eyes. "I'm [Name] [Surname]."
"And I'm Oikawa Tooru." He didn't offer his hand like Hinata and Kageyama had when they had first met you. Instead, he paced the line in the dirt where the boys would play volleyball, walking it heel to toe. "So, [Name], where are you from?"
"Here." You answered simply. "The orphanage."
"That's not what I meant. I thought you were smarter than that." Oikawa paused in his pacing to regard you with brown eyes, narrowed in interest. "No, I mean where were you from before the orphanage? You had to have come from somewhere."
"Oh. No, I don't know." You shrugged loosely. It was almost time for dinner and your stomach rumbled unpleasantly. "The caretakers never said. I don't remember much either. Why?"
"Just curious." He smiled again. This time it was a little more genuine. "Oh, is that your friend?"
He pointed towards the orphanage behind you.
Instinctively you turned around to face the double doors, searching for a head of carrot orange hair. Seeing none, you opened your mouth to ask who he had seen, but to your surprise, he was gone, as if he had never been there to begin with.
It started with odd incidents like that. Whenever you were alone, he would always seek you out, whether it be for his own interest or out of boredom. Even if you were busy with homework, he would come, idly answering the questions you struggled with or teasing you when you got a question wrong.
You spent a handful of years like that, enjoying Oikawa's presence. It wasn't like he was weird or strange; quite the opposite. He was mysterious and new, something different from Kageyama, Hinata, or the caretakers.
Neither boy seemed to mind that you'd distanced yourself from them. They were perfectly happy with the explanation that the caretakers had given them, much to your surprise.
'Girls need time alone, you know,' one had said in lieu of vaguely addressing your period. 'Just leave her be.'
As if that weren't awkward or strange enough, Oikawa's mood shifted whenever you were on your cycle. You were older than usual when you got it, right at sixteen, so you chalked it up to the bizarre nature of getting it that made him off.
Suddenly he wasn't keeping his distance. He would touch you, lightly at first as if to check for your reaction. When you didn't snap at him or check him in the shoulder, he took it as a sign that his caresses were accepted. They were small things, of course, like twirling your hair around his fingers or stroking lines down your forearm when you idly played with his hair.
You didn't mind them. After all, he was your friend; friends did things like this all the time.
Except friends didn't ogle their friend's abs when their sweater rode up. They didn't notice the way their fingers moved. They didn't notice how they flushed with heat when they got too close for comfort.
You were ashamed of it. He was your friend—as far as he was aware, you were the picture perfect vision of innocence. Not a thought of him was twisted in your mind.
Except they were, and they plagued you every waking moment. You couldn't even escape them in your dreams, much as you wanted them to.
You, however, were oblivious to the less than innocent thoughts running rampant in your friend's mind. It was hidden in the gentle way Oikawa would let his fingers linger on the skin of your neck when you tied your hair up. When his eyes would dart up the expanse of your legs when you stood to stretch, skirt flaring in the breeze. When you got just a little too hot in the summer heat and sighed, groaned in complaint.
You never noticed when he shifted and exhaled a shaky breath, biting his tongue and digging his fingers into the fabric covering his thigh.
It was almost a good thing that your mutual lust was ignored.
Every night, when you were sure everyone in the orphanage was asleep, you would sneak out. It was stupid of you, but there was no way you would get any relief when you were forced to sleep in the same room as two other girls.
Sayuri and Hana were nice girls, but there was no way in hell you were masturbating in the same room as them with the chance of waking them up.
So you took your reprieves in the forest, where you knew no one would find you. It was overgrown with grass, flowers, and weeds that were natural in the area. When you had the time, you would press the flowers into a book or gift them to Oikawa. You thought idly about revealing the field to him, but second guessed yourself and decided not to.
If Oikawa ever chanced upon you with your hand between your legs, chanting his name while you climaxed at the thought of him, you would never forgive yourself.
Except he did. Several times. You just didn't know it.
The first time was when he was roaming the perimeter of the orphanage. He was bored when he wasn't with you or fucking an imaginary version of you. To ease that boredom, he made sure you were safe; it wasn't as if a devil had much else to do unless he wanted to commit suicide by angel.
He heard you, first—had almost thought you were in distress. And you were, but for an orgasm that wouldn't quite build like you wanted. You hadn't even thought to hide your moans if someone had chanced by.
Oikawa came upon your little clearing, eyes roving and catching upon your moonlight clad figure in the grass and flowers. Void of clothing and wearing only your pleasure as a shield, he almost thought he was hallucinating.
Much to his pleasure, or torture, he hadn't been. Because it happened again and again, until he could barely refrain from breaking your sanctuary and taking you there, amongst the flowers, before you even knew he was between your legs and drinking of your dripping flesh as if it was ambrosia.
He found it amusing when you met up with him during the day, perky and unashamed, as if you hadn't just imagined fucking him the night before and had no clue that he knew. It was entertaining when he became more touchy, even going as far as to let his hand rest high on your thigh and stroke the skin under your skirt.
You never said anything about it, but he could read the subtle shift of your hips well enough when your underwear became a bit too uncomfortable.
Then the teasing started.
You were bewildered the first time Oikawa pulled you close and placed a delicate kiss on the pulse of your throat in farewell. He had winked at you afterwards when your hand flew up to touch the tingling skin and then sauntered off to wherever Oikawa Tooru went when he wasn't with you.
That night, you just couldn't get yourself off fast enough.
Every time he teased you, he relished in the chaos he wrought on your self control. He could feel it in the way your fingers tightened in his hair when he accidentally let his fingers get too far under your skirt.
You were so close to breaking that he could taste it.
And then you vanished.
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yamigooops · 3 years
that alligator thing sent me down memory lane where i watched a documentary about saltwater crocodiles (alligators and crocodiles are different species i know but it was a vivid memory) and i can specifically recall that the males can get up to 17 feet so it's not that far off?? like three feet or so isn't a whole lot and that's insane to me
Omg I know right? That’s so true. And like I’m pretty sure they’ve found 20 ft alligators and/or crocs which is insane but to think that there are things that big with teeth like that is just 😰 no thank you
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rosesandtoshi · 3 years
Hungry x Baji drabble
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A quick Baji drabble I wrote in like a minute. Baji is aged up!! Might continue this eventually. 👀👀
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Baji loves eating you out. He always did it for his own pleasure rather than yours. Slurping your folds while you whimpered above him, one hand threading into his long hair while the other grips the sheets. His tongue fucking in and out of your squelching pussy as he grinded his hips into the mattress, needing some type of friction on his aching cock. Pulling orgasm after orgasm till you were a sweating crying mess.
“God your pussy is just so amazing. I can’t get enough of it.” Baji praised you as you came for the third time, chest heaving as the grip in his hair tightened. Tear fell from your eyes from the overstimulation as he dove back in, sucking your abused clit as you threw your head back onto the pillow in complete bliss.
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Taglist: @itsmeaudrieee @catharticvillains @ebiharachan @honey-clov @rinsangel @chaotic-fangirl-blog @papitoshi @omiikeii @evanescentlight @vanilleswtmacaro
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nakachuchu · 3 years
Soulmates | Uraume
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SYNOPSIS: If soulmates existed, they would be yours.
PAIRING: gender neutral!reader x gender neutral!Uraume
WORDS: 314
WRITTEN: 03/28/2021
NOTES: Thank you for requesting @catharticvillains Sorry this ended up as a drabble. I wasn't sure what to write but I thought this was sort of cute :)
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"I think you might be my soulmate," you whispered, a hand reaching up to brush their hair back away from their face.
You were laying your head on their lap, gazing at their gaze in adoration. They didn't mind that you enjoyed looking at them, but they always scolded you for not doing something better with your time.
"You're being ridiculous," they said.
But you knew they liked what you just said because of the faint blush on their face.
"Am I?" you questioned.
"Then, I won't say it again."
They pursed their lips. "I didn't say you couldn't say it again."
You smiled. "You're cute, Ura."
They rolled their eyes, but grabbed your hand and squeezed it before pressing it against their cheek.
They nuzzled your hand into their cheek like a kitten, making you chuckle. You leaned up and kissed their nose, to which they scrunched it up.
"I'm telling you, you're my soulmate," you repeated.
They hummed. "Well, if they do exist, then I guess you're mine."
You smiled and rolled over onto your stomach, then sat up and crawled onto their lap. You wrapped your arms around their neck and kissed their cheek.
"You make me happy."
They clenched their hands around the back of your shirt.
"You make me happy too," they grumbled.
They were always blunt and annoyed with everyone else, and was always seen with either no emotion or a scowl on their face.
But with you, they softened. They were willing to protect you from anything and everyone.
If they taking a walk with you to relax and a bush rustled, they'd immediately tense up. You would have to drag him away from a squirrel that hopped out from the bush.
You squeezed him before snuggling into their arms. They pressed their cheek against your head.
"Let's take a nap," you suggested.
"Hmm, all right."
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softtashoney · 4 years
this is a brief overview of Y/N’s second year in Tokyo; the entire part takes place over the course of a year. the time line is listed above each set. <3 (time stamps don’t matter unless specifically stated) // also my header didn’t fit in this because there was too many images </3 //
JANUARY (Makki’s birthday is January 27th)
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MARCH (Mattsun’s birthday is March 1rst)
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APRIL (Alisa’s birthday is April 5th)
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JUNE (Hajime’s birthday is June 10th & Y/N is June 17th)
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NOVEMBER (Haru’s birthday is November 30th)
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JANUARY ( Y/N & Haru’s anniversary is January 22nd)
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Y/N moved to Tokyo on mid December so her “living in Tokyo anniversary” and her and Haru’s anniversary are pretty close
Makki’s party was the first time Haru had ever “partied” with the Seijoh Crew; he had met the group a few times beforehand but this is when he truly got to know them
Kyotani took him to the side & threatened him. He didn’t want Y/N to know, so he did it while hugging Haru, everyone thought he was being nice for once but no— he wasn’t
Haru is definitely scared of him now
Y/N has been with each of the boys on their birthdays since they were kids; so it was weird not being there for Mattsun’s birthday. When she texted him she still had mixed feelings about him.
Y/N and Kenma instantly bonded when they met at one of Haru’s meetings. He recognized her and they started talking
Y/N absolutely adores Bokuto & Akaashi. However she’s more apprehensive about Tsukki, she’s working on him slowly. Kuroo though? He tries so hard to win her affection but she curbs him because he’s as bratty and annoying as Oikawa. So she actually does love Kuroo she just misses her brat a lot
Tendou’s typo is on purpose, he got ratio’d in the comments by Alisa & Kageyama (he meant to type fist fight)
Hajime is a year and week older than Y/N. Their mom always jokes about how Y/N was his late birthday present. They’ve always celebrated their birthdays together; they feel more like twins than regular siblings. Down to the almost telepathic connection; it freaks out their friends, especially Makki and Oikawa.
Haru takes Y/N to the Mediterranean for her birthday! She meets Nishinoya Yuu, the travel blogger. He recognizes her because she’s rather famous and she’s friends with his former high school friends; Kageyama and Hinata. During the scuba tour he takes her on a cooler personal tour, because he felt like she would appreciate it.
She also lost her moms earrings; her grandma gave them to her mom, and her mom gave them to her. Noya who was doing a scuba teacher stint spent every day looking for them because he saw how much she cried when they got lost. <3
August, September, & October were fairly relaxed months. Tendou visited in August for Ushijima’s birthday so the Tokyo group had a big sleepover at Y/N and Haru’s house!
Haru messed up an order for his weekly flowers for Y/N in October; 40+ bouquets of flowers were sent to the house for her. She didn’t let them go to waste though; she sent some to her friends & then had Ushijima help her dry the extras so she could use them for various projects!
Y/N and Haru visit the beach for their anniversary and he reads her a love letter at sunset. “One day I am going to marry you Y/N Iwaizumi, I can feel it in my bones. There is nobody on this earth who will ever compare to you. You are the love of my life.”
// heshehe so!! here is year two of y/n in tokyo,, i promise the next few parts will go by quicker. but... they’re going to start getting less happy after this. after all, our dear y/n is supposed to end up with atsumu miya. <3
thank you for all of your support, i appreciate every single one of you! if you’d like to be on the taglist send me an ask or message me (:
TAGLIST: @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @rintarovibes @doinmybesthere @black-rose-29 @tanakasimpcorner @afire24 @zombieonna @catharticvillains @k-itk-at @antonio-melancholy00 @indecisivehusky @simpforwhoknows @yamayoomi @kiyoomisbean @jellxnew
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lilac-sands · 3 years
Anime Masterlist
Boku No Hero Academia
Shigaraki Tomura
Player 2 by @eraser-baby
Bakugo Katuski
Just a Dare by @eraser-baby
Complicated Love by @r0llingthunderr
Shinsou Hitoshi
3 A.M by @judarus
Let's Play Pretend by @eraser-baby
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo Satoru
Flustered! Gojo by @skipps-writes-for-gojo-satoru
High-maintenance (Cat!Gojo) by @nakachuchu
Painted Blue by @gojos-mochi
You're a Curse Baby by @thesetrashimagines
Geto Suguru
i might as well be over the moon by @cybergoo
Stories From Before by @mochikeiji
Nanami Kento
i fall in love by @aazraq
Inumaki Toge
Of Hopes and Dreams by @mnfschl
Chocolate Milk by @decayz
Fushiguro Megumi
Nickname by @mnfschl
And they were Roommates by @eraser-baby
Okkotsu Yuuta
Cat's eye by @nakachuchu
Ryomen Sukuna
Dark Sun by @catharticvillains
Strawberry Flavoured by @lovelytarou
Fem!S/O PT2 by @artsamber
The Different Flavors of Lollipops by @chihomichannel
The Whole World by @lovelytarou
Monster Cookies by @nakachuchu
Sick S/O by @chosonore
Two-stick Popsicle by @nakachuchu
Noritoshi Kamo
Mochi Ice Cream by @nakachuchu
Fushiguro Toji
Heaven can wait by @miss-minty-writes
Reminders by @kamotoshi
Kimetsu No Yaiba
Rengoku Kyojuro
Percy Jackson AU by @wisteriashouse
Second Wind by @wisteria-imagines
Shinazugawa Sanemi
Storm by @sleepymirxor
Soulmate! AU by @namodawrites
Was it a coincidence? by @arigatouiris
Envious by @harley-michaels
EarIy Mornings by @writing-shroom
Obey Me!
Spooning by @lucisheart
Get Where I Belong by @zenstateofmind
Reminiscent (ft. everyone) 7 Parts by @jellymoonbear
You'll Get me Pregnant! by @degenweebuwu
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tomionefinds · 3 years
Recommendation: little Black Death by cathartic villains. Only one chapter yet, but this is going to be a gem 💎
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cathartictears · 3 years
so um, this is cat (as in @catharticvillains) and my account was terminated. so if any of you look for my page and go, “oh no, what happened?!” tumblr terminated my account for some unknown reason and i am unsure if i’ll be able to get it back or not. that said, everything i’ve written is backed up and safe, and ao3 is always there if you want to read the newest chapters of anything in a series.
i hope i can get my account back to be totally honest with you all, but if not, i’ll be using this account and ao3 if i can’t.
series you might know:
dark sun (sukuna x reader x oc)
inferno (form. waking up the devil) (oikawa x reader x iwaizumi)
the girl in the foxes’ den (atsumu x reader x osamu)
control (ushijima wakatoshi x reader)
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💗
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cherrywoes · 3 years
!username change!
catharticvillains → cherrywoes
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hqintheclub · 3 years
-acceptance round 1-
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It’s time to kick things off with our first round of acceptances here at HQ In the Club! We have 21 new members to introduce, and I can’t wait for you to meet them. Here they are!
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@kurinoot @meiansmistress @tetsv @catharticvillains @megumiya​ @dilfhub @tetsurouskuro @kurosukii @kaijime @pupimouto @viixens @atsymu @semisgroupie @anime--tears @lets-go-datehoe @seita @all-about-seggs @rosesandtoshi​ @kinsurou​ @forchrollo​ @haikyutiehoe​​
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Now that you’ve been accepted: 
1 - please reblog this post
2 - please make sure you are following the network if you haven’t already
3 - link the network somewhere visible on your blog
4 - if you’ve expressed interest in the discord server, I will message you shortly with details
5 - don’t forget to start tagging your nsfw works with #hqintheclub so we can reblog all your works
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Creators, thank you so much for applying and showing interest in this network. Like I said, I’m so excited to welcome you all to the Club, and I can’t wait for everyone to get to read your works!
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rosesandtoshi · 3 years
Hey hey hey 👋🏻 congratulations on 400, dear~ i’m so proud of you!!! 😘😘🥰💕💕💕💕💕
N e ways on to the event proper—can I request for Kenma + 9 with overstimming and handjob? I feel like taming this bratty gamer boy today 🤔 if it’s okay with you? *headpats ♥️ *
Thank you so much sweet Ella for your request!! I really hope you like this. I have never written switch reader. So this was fun!! Please enjoy. If you want me to redo this, I definitely will. 🥺
400 followers event
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You watched Kenma in his gaming chair, his face in complete concentration. The way his fingers clicked the keyboard and he talked on the mic for the steamers to hear always made you clench your thighs a bit. You smirked as you made your way over to him and crawled under the desk.
“Okay I’ll be right back.” Kenma said and you heard the mic and camera click off. He rolled back a bit, a slight smirk on his face. “Whatcha doing down there kitty?”
“I was a bit lonely and just wanted to play.” You said, moving up to sit on his lap, straddling one of his thighs.
“Is that so? You know I’m streaming.” He said, his hands moving to your hips. Your hands trailed up and down his chest.
“Is it good when I touch you here?” You moved down to his stomach, hands slipping under shirt. One hand moved down to palm his growing hard on. “Or maybe here?”
He let out a groan as you pulled his sweats down over his cock and spit in your hand, slowly starting to move your hand up and down his length. He threw his head back on the chair and you started to grind your clothed pussy on his thigh. Your hand continued to move as you moved your mouth to his neck, attaching your lips to it. He moaned loudly as his hands moved to your hips, helping you get off as well. You sucked dark purple bruises into his neck.
“I’m gonna come.” Kenma moaned out as he came all in your hand. You didn’t stop moving your hand and you continued to grind your hips, gasping into his neck. You felt him start to get hard in your hand again as he flexed his thigh. He grabbed you before you knew it and threw you onto the bed behind him.
“Not so fast kitty. My turn.” He said, pulling you to the edge of the bed and ripping your panties off. “Two can play that game.”
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Taglist: @kenmaskittenswriting @semisgroupie @itsmeaudrieee @catharticvillains @ebiharachan @honey-clov @rinsangel @chaotic-fangirl-blog @papitoshi @omiikeii @evanescentlight @vanilleswtmacaron @bbykotarou @tsumomii @luckygurls
Join my taglist here! 🥺🥺
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nakachuchu · 3 years
because I’ve seen this ask game going around a lot recently, credit to the anon who came up with it -
5 people you’re closest with on this site
5 people who you would like to get closer to
5 people I'm closest to: @mahitochan @saikoaych @dilfsuna @mnfschl @mooniefics
(They're also ppl I want to be closer to but I put Mabel there bc I like to bully them)
5 people I want to get closer to: @cutiekawa @junisfics @catharticvillains @sukirichi @silversatoru
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softtashoney · 4 years
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this is a brief overview of Y/N’s third year in Tokyo; the entire part takes place over the course of a year. the time line is listed above each set. <3 (time stamps don’t matter unless specifically stated)
this is not edited 🥴 there’s several errors i apologize in advance <3
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may & june
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tendou came back to Tokyo after finishing up culinary school in january!
aran & hajime are good friends because hajime is his personal trainer for muay thai! him & y/n hit it off because she already knows two of his teammates. he could complain to her about how annoying they are
y/n goes to every game the alders have in tokyo! she tries her best to make it to away games as well though
suna has become tiktoks “cat boy maid” while y/n is the “bunny girl” they broke tiktok when they posted videos together dressed up
y/n and suna have weekly facetime calls now after they started talking! they tend to gossip about their friends & share stupid videos of them
the tokyo girls have sleepovers as often as their schedules allow, it’s always at y/n or ushijimas houses!
haru often comes home to his girlfriend curled up in bed with alisa and or the boys (he usually just crawls in bed with them if he’s super tired; he’s a fan of snuggling ushijima)
tendou is super busy from the moment he gets home trying to open his cafe!! when it opens his friends exclusively visit it for their drink and snack needs
the first year y/n was living in tokyo, she was feeling extremely alone and homesick; oikawa drove to see her at 7pm, he got there at about 1am despite the fact that he had a huge shoot the next day that he would definitely miss.
on the groups vacation they went to greenland! they had a huge cabin and went to do snow sports almost every day. it was “a family vacation” y/n claimed; they all had a lot of fun
october , nov , and dec were mostly uneventful! they celebrated halloween together, y/n was invited to kenma, kuroo, & akaashis birthdays! (bo and tsukkis were in september)
in december haru took y/n to an ice rink he had rented out for just them so that she could skate without worrying about anyone seeing her fall (she’d been talking about it for weeks but she didn’t want videos of her falling to be put online)
a/n: hey y’all, this chapter is a bit short & but that’s because the next three chapters are going to be very... filled 😋 i’m excited to see your reactions to the ‘turning point’ of what gets everything started~ after all... this is just a summary of y/n’s life the past six years hehe (also there’s so many errors in the last chunk but i’m exhausted so i’ll fix it later) & i hope to get the next part out soon but it may take some time because i’m in the middle of moving homes and dealing with a lot of medical issues rn. thank you guys for all the support!
taglist: @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @rintarovibes @doinmybesthere @black-rose-29 @tanakasimpcorner @afire24 @zombieonna @catharticvillains @k-itk-at @antonio-melancholy00 @indecisivehusky @simpforwhoknows @yamayoomi @kiyoomisbean @jellxnew @dambxtch @matsunshine @franko-pop
as always if you’d like to be tagged please send an ask or message me personally <3 (if your username is in bold i could not tag you)
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
congratulations on 300 followers! <3 you deserve every single one of them. :)
Thank you, Cat ❤❤❤❤ That means a lot 🥺
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