#caucasian mountain dog
cat girl and mouse girl is a fantastic pairing but I beg you to consider also: sheep girl and livestock guardian dog girl
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Caucasian Mountain Dog For Sale Near Me | Dogfriendlycommunitybreeders.com
Looking for a faithful companion? Get a Caucasian Mountain Dog For Sale Near Me from Dogfriendlycommunitybreeders.com - the premier source for finding purebred puppies near you!
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sheepblr · 7 months
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The Armenian Gampr (Armenian: Գամփռ, romanized: Gamp’ṙ) is an Armenian breed of flock guardian dog native to the Armenian Highlands. It falls within the Ovcharka group of livestock guardian dogs, which can be found throughout the Transcaucasus area.
The Gampr is the traditional flock guardian dog of Armenia. From the 1920s, when Armenia came under the control of the Soviet Union, large numbers of the dogs were taken to Russia, where they played a crucial part in the development of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, or Caucasian Ovcharka.
The principal traditional use of the Gampr was as a flock guardian dog, protecting flocks of sheep and goats from attack – particularly by wolves – on the upland pastures of mountainous regions of Armenia. Although sheep-herding has declined in the country since independence, wolves continue to threaten flocks; in 2006 some 2000 dogs were still in use for this purpose. They may also be used to guard people and property, another traditional use.
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An Armenian Gampr among sheep at the Armash Important Bird Area
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An Armenian Gampr playing with another dog of unknown breed in 2012
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mommy-dust · 10 months
Random HCs!! (Cat or dog person, and fav fairytales) thanks to @rightintheghoulies for ideas :3
- Cirrus is a cat person - she loves when they curl up on her thighs and she can stroke their entire body, and the way their tails move. As for fairytales, she likes the gruesome ones, like you ask her “hey wacha readin” and she starts describing the most repulsive, toe curling shit, smiling so big her fangs practically sparkle
- Aurora LOVES dogs, specifically golden retrievers, their so warm and fuzzy and she’s crazy for them, also she has 3! She names them the most childish names too. As for fairytales, she writes them, reading them doesn’t give her as much satisfaction. She sits with her pups in a big pile and writes them on sparkly pink paper.
- Cumulus is both, don’t you dare ask her - she’ll CRY because she can’t decide :( For fairytales n stuff, she lovesss Cinderella <3
- Sodo/Dew is definitely a cat person, he loves them so much and he’ll sit around with like 12 cats on his lap like some sort of movie villain. He really likes wholesome fairytales with fairies and animals :3
- Phantom is a dog person, he has a cute lil poodle that lays on his chest and they’ll cuddle for hourss! He also has 3 pet bats :) He’s obsessed with Peter Pan, and his favorite character is Tinker Bell.
- Swiss is a dog person, but he loves the small ones, they’re just like him! His favorite breed is a Chihuahua :>> And his favorite fairytales are the ones with magic animals n stuff :3 especially horses and doggos
- Mountain is also a dog person, especially big ones, his favorite breed is a Caucasian Shepard Dog, because they’re so big and fluffy, he lets them get all dirty because they smell nice :( he’s sorry about the mud he didn’t think it would get all over Dew’s bedroom :( He honestly doesn’t like fairytales much, except for Moana, its Rain’s second favorite so they watch it together :3
- Rain is a cat Person, but only because you gave him those options, now he’s sad because his 37 fish feel excluded :( his favorite fairytales is The Little Mermaid <33
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sadtrashking · 9 months
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If the federation workers were dogs they would look like this
ADSGSRSFS all feds are poodles or something like that thier just various horribly bred dogs
but also imagine Fred a Tibetan mastiff or caucasian mountain dog and tubbo is just a corgi or something like that. Kit Kat would just be one of those big dogs with stupid short legs
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elfdragon12 · 2 months
So I was thinking about Pokemon dogs about what type of real world dog they'd be. (Not including the fox Pokemon like Vulpix, the legendaries, and the Eevee line because what are they even?) Other folks have their ideas, I'm sure, but these are mine.
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Growlithe: Bernese Mountain Dogs, Appenzeller Sennenhund, Briards, mid-sized mountain dogs
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Arcanine: livestock guardian breeds like the Great Pyrenees, Caucasian Shepherds, Anatolian shepherds, Kengals, "call an ambulance, but not for me" dogs
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Snubbull: English or French Bulldogs
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Granbull: American Bulldogs, Boxers
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Houndour: Rottweilers, Pinschers
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Houndoom: Beaucerons, Great Danes, Wolfhounds, Deerhounds
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Smeargle: Beagles, Harriers, Foxhounds
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Poochyena: Shetland Sheepdog, Australian Sheepdog
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Mightyena: Belgian Malinois, German Shepherds, Calupoh, high wolf content dogs
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Electrike: Rat terriers, Jack Russells, high energy small terriers
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Manectric: border collies, rough/smooth collies, high agility breeds
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Riolu: Basenji, Bedouin Sheepdog
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Lucario: Carolina dog, Pharoah Hound
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Lillipup: Yorkshire Terrier, West Highland Terriers
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Herdier: Scottish Terrier, Skye Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer
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Stoutland: Standard Schnauzer, Airdale Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers (this line is all long haired or bearded terriers of various sizes)
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Furfrou: Poodle, Portuguese Water Dog
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Rockruff: various small or mid sized Spitz breeds like the Keeshond, huskies, the Shiba, and Chow Chows (my own dog, a shar pei/husky mix, would be a Rockruff)
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Lycanroc: large Spitz or arctic breeds like the Malamute, Akita, Greenland Dog, high wolf content dogs
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Yamper: corgis and heelers
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Boltund: Greyhounds, Salukis, Borzoi, Azawakh, other sighthounds
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Fidough: Pomeranians, Cocker Spaniels, small white crusty dogs
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Duchsbun: Dachshund, Basset Hound
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Maschiff: Pit bulls, bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, "bully breeds"
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Mabosstiff: Cane Corsos, Dogue de Bordeaux, English Mastiff, other mastiff and Molosser breeds
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Greavard: Puli, Havanese, small corded dog breeds
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Houndstone: Old English Sheepdog, Komondor, Bergamasco Sheepdog, Spanish Water Dog, large corded dog breeds
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leaderdaimon · 11 months
Danganronpa fursonas list LESSGO
These all have actual reasonings behind them PLEASE ask me about them I have been thinking about this for weeks
Makoto; Shiba inu mix
Kyouko; Lynx
Togami; Persian
Fukawa; Pangolin
Asahina; New Zealand fur seal
Hagakure; Komondor
Sayaka; Kinkajou
Leon; Fisher cat
Chihiro; Bush baby
Mondo; Mained wolf
Ishimaru; Vulture
Hifumi; Babiursa
Celestia; Chinese crested dog
Sakura; Capybara
Junko; Cheeta
Mukuro; albino cheeta
Hajime; Squirrel
Komaeda; Borzoi
Chiaki; Scottish fold
Akane; Boar
Souda; Cuvier's dwarf caiman
Fuyuhiko; Red panda
Sonia; White horned horse
Twogami; Pug
Hanamura; Teacup pig
Mahiru; Fennec fox
Peko; Penguin
Hiyoko; Rabbit
Ibuki; Ferret
Mikan; Fainting goat
Nekomaru; Caucasian mountain dog
Gundam; Black bear
Ultra Despair Girls:
Komaru; Shiba inu mix
Fukawa; Pangolin
Yuta; New Zealand fur seal
Hiroko; Komondor
Taichi; Bush baby
Haiji; Papion mix
Daimon; Lion cub
Nagisa; Ocelot
Jataro; Chinchilla
Kotoko; Dwarf flying squirrel
Monaka; Pomeranian
Kaede; Flemish giant rabbit
Shuichi; Pampas cat
Maki; Raccoon
Kaito; Siberian husky/terrier
Himiko; Red panda
Tenko; Tanuki
The Man Behind the Slaughter; Parrot
Kiibo; idog or Boston dynamics robot
Miu; Crab eating fox
Korekiyo; Boa constrictor
Angie; Deer
Hoshi; Munchkin cat
Rantaro; Hedgehog
Kirumi; Antelope
Tsumugi; Blue jay
Gonta: Bernese mountain dog
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pricescigar · 1 year
The body guard
John Price X Elvira Wolff
Summary: John Price is a newly hired bodyguard to protect Elvira Wolff from any kind of harm that would befall her.
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The Wolff family, a notorious family known for their business in the underworld in terms of illegal arms dealing of weapons, black mailing, hit men, whatever you wanted… They would get the job done, whatever you'd desire, they'd do it. For a price of course. That is the dangers of dealing with the Wolff family, they'd always want something in return. 
Ulrich Wolff's past is a mystery unlike any other, all that people know is that he took over the company after his cousin; Dietrich Wolff had died brutally, many say the murder of Dietrich Wolff was a mere act of revenge. Out of pure spite, anger. Any kind of emotion, you name it. But on a more personal level… Everyone knew the real reason, but the whole murder was swept under the rug. One that should be forgotten, and never to be mentioned again. When you hold such power, you can make anything and anyone disappear from the face of the earth. 
From that day forth he adopted his goddaughter; Elvira Wolff under his care when she was three years old … And the rest is history. As Elvira grew up Ulrich's Wife, Fritzi had passed away due to cancer. To fill that void and emptiness and also losing their beloved dog Nux to old age, Ulrich got two dogs to make Elvira feel less alone and for Ulrich's sake as well.
One dog is named Ivan – A Caucasian Shepherd, a mountain dog. Stubborn and having a mind of his own, he only listens to Elvira. And Ulrich, occasionally. The second dog is named Luna – A German Shepherd, both of the dogs were named by Elvira.
Elvira lived an isolated life in the Wolff mansion, hidden away from the world and the possible dangers. That dared to harm her. She was home schooled in her younger years and her teenage years. Due to her intelligence and high IQ, she finished homeschooling relatively early and got her degrees. Now she spends most of her days helping Ulrich with work, learning about the business when it'll be her then to take over. 
When she isn't working or studying about the business she would draw, read books and take the dogs out for their regular walks and play with them. While her routine may be repetitive, from day to day tasks… Elvira was content with what she was doing so far.
Being an only child of one of the many dangerous arms dealers had it's downsides. As she grew older the more protection Elvira needed, after a situation occurred where she was held as ransom a couple of months ago, tortured, stabbed and interrogated for information. Ulrich came to her aid and killed the person responsible. And from that scary moment…  Ulrich knew she needed a bodyguard, and he knew just the right person for the job.
"I don't want a bodyguard, I don't need one and have never needed one." Elvira spoke to Ulrich with a firm tone, her arms crossed as she stared at her godfather.
"Elvira …What happened to you last time was too much of a close call, you could've died. And I can't lose you. You're all I have…" Ulrich said, placing his hands on her shoulders, trying to make Elvira understand the seriousness of the situation. After a moment of silence, a sigh escaped his lips.
"I can't be around that much to protect you anymore, work is getting more busy as the days go by. And it'll be good for someone to be around you, it's for your own good." He added, before smiling weakly. "Just… For me? At least tolerate it? Just a little?"
Elvira stared at her godfather before sighing softly. "Fine, fine…" She mumbled under her breath looking away, though deep down she was still adamant of not wanting a mere bodyguard beside her. 
Jonathan Price - A Ex SAS Captain from the 22nd Regiment, for the most part of his life he had been fighting in the shadows. Though his childhood and early years are a mystery, he made a name for himself in the battlefield. 
He's been shot, captured, locked up, abandoned, blown, left for dead and tortured. In the moment he knows what to do, experienced in hand to hand combat and known for excelling in a fluid and volatile environment. He was also known for his strength, loyalty, and courage. After being honourably discharged from the army due to an injury, he knew the career of remaining in the SAS was at it's wits end. Up until Ulrich approached him one day, wanting to hire him as a bodyguard. After having an interview and seeing how Price could fight, defend himself. And what he would do in any possible scenario, he was the best bodyguard Ulrich could get. Offering him a fair and high pay, up to Price's standards he took up the job. It was an immediate start, but Price was highly adaptable. No matter the situation or any kind of change, Price was able to compromise. 
The next day Ulrich took Price back to the Wolff mansion where he got his own personal room, clothes for the job in his size and all the weapons he could ever need. And from there, his first day being a bodyguard had begun.
Elvira took a good look at Price the moment she met him, athletically built, wearing a smart suit and his short brown hair slicked back perfectly. Though she may have not liked the idea of having a personal bodyguard, it was for her own protection. She only tolerated it for Uli, knowing it would make him happy and at ease.
"Just so you know well, John Price, I can protect myself… I am only allowing this for Uli. Since he's worried…" Elvira made it crystal clear. Her facial expressions remained emotionless.
"I will be there no matter where you go, I took an oath with your godfather. Despite how lenient or annoyed you are, I am there." Price remained professional, his arms remained behind his back looking down at her.
Elvira simply huffed, knowing he would just follow her around. She grabbed the leashes for the dogs, in order to take them out for a walk. All the while Luna and Ivan were busy sniffing Price, curious about their new guest. With their leashes attached to their collars, it wasn't long until they went out for a walk.
During the walk Price remained behind Elvira to protect her, keeping a close eye on the surroundings and anything that may seem suspicious. After a ten minute walk they arrived at the Park, Elvira took off the leashes letting the dogs run around. 
Luna was happily running around and Ivan was too busy sniffing the ground, Elvira sat down on the grass. Price remained serious and stoic about protecting Elvira, from the corner of his eye he saw Ivan digging the moment Elvira was no longer looking at the dogs.
"Miss? Miss Elvira?" Price said trying to get her attention, his brown eyes stared down at her.
Elvira heard Price's voice as she looked up at him, confused a little, and he motioned to Ivan who was digging a hole.
"Ach! Ivan!" Elvira said, calling him over. "Nein! We don't dig in the park!" There was a twinge of frustration in her voice, Ivan stopped what he was doing after hearing her voice. Ivan whined, his paws were dirty from digging the grass. A guilty look was on his face. 
Price was amused with the whole situation watching Ivan talk back to his owner. "Never seen a stubborn dog." He simply commented.
"He is more than stubborn, it's best to go back home… Time to wash his paws again, for the third time this week." Elvira would say getting up from the grass, calling the dogs over and putting the leash on them once more, and they headed home after that.
The walk home was peaceful, not a problem in sight. Once they arrived back, they went through the gate on the side of the house into the large garden. Price helped Elvira, holding Ivan in place as she washed Ivan's paws with the gardening hose, of course Ivan was barking and whining a little. After a couple of minutes, the dogs were back inside the mansion and Price made the report to Ulrich at the end of the day.
"No problems? Nothing like that?" Ulrich asked, his eyes darting away from the paperwork in his hand.
"Everything is going well sir. But I think she didn't want a bodyguard." Price explained to Ulrich. 
"Ja… She said that to me but, there will come a time she will need you. I trust that you won't fail that?" Ulrich's tone was firm and serious. 
"I promise you." Price said his tone was sincere and serious. He was serious about protecting this young woman, even if she didn't want it. He knew it as well; There will come a time where she would need him.
[ PT2]
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bingos-buttons · 1 year
Hiya !! can you do a moodboard for a caucasian shepherd dog with themes of open fields/pastures, wildflowers, and mountains? just y'know, something wistful and cottagecore-y :]. Been having a lot of kin feelings abt the fact it's summertime and I can't be out in the fresh air. Thx !!!
Hey! Here you go!! Hope you enjoy :)
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Requests are open!
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Oc short stats for my main ocs
Full name: Rooty Beera Float Age: 9 (when she meets bros and games events) Species: Sundae Glass (rootbeer float) Gender: Female Sexuality: Pan Race (human counterpart): Irish/African American Height: 4'6 (9-14 probably) 6'0 (15-adult) Likes: Detective Sketch, Mugman, Cuphead, Kettle, Tea, Joe, punching shit, Flower (best friend), little kids, beating up actual bullies, Chalice (sometimes) her biological father (yes she still likes and loves him) Dislikes: Being tall for her age, large bodies of water (as far as aquaphobia), not knowing what's going on, letting people see her cry, admitting she's susceptible to feelings, alcohol, Puff, Chalice (sometimes) Voice Claim: Bridget Fitzimmons --- Full name: Flower Gal Locera Age: 8 (when she meets bros) 10 (events of game) Species: Oleander Gender: Female Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic Race (human counterpart): anything white southern US
Height: 3'3 (13) 5'0 (18 onward) Likes: Betty Locera, Cuphead, Mugman, Rooty, Elder Kettle, Tea and Joe, Cagney (sometimes), gardening, pleasing Ma Dislikes: people being jerks, Cuphead/Mugman/Rooty not thinking before doing things, Ma's nagging, Puff (she has some sympathy for Huff), the dark Voice Claim: Faline (I did the sequel because she doesn't talk much as a fawn in the first movie, mainly giggles and squeals lol) --- Full name: Tea Kettler Java Age: 35 (game events) Species: Teacup Gender: Female Sexuality: Willing to learn about herself Race (human counterpart): African American + Native American Height: 4'10 Likes: Her father, Joe, her babies, Bean, Babs (the goat), cooking, baking, being bossy, dancing, singing, Rooty, Flower, Betty, Puff (she's a bad influence to Chalice but she's nice to Chalice and no longer messes with the boys so she lets it slide) Dice, Lucile, Pyra, Jr. Dislikes: People bossing her around, Cinnamon, Devil, Ludwig (She LOATHES him lol), Cinnamon, she also hates Cinnamon, did I mention- Voice claim: Charlotte La Bouff
--- Full name: Joe Java Age: 37 (game events) Species: Mug Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi (bro doesn't realize-) Race (human counterpart): Cowboy. I mean this in the most non-offensive way. Caucasian cowboy from southern California- Height: 5'8 Likes: His mother, Tea, Kettle, his boys and girls, Pyra, Jr., Luci, Rooty, Flower, Betty, Dice, Sketch, building, falling off of shit while building apparently, taste testing Tea's food, telling stupid dad jokes, making things, his building crew (they're like family), good moments he and Cinnamon have together. Dislikes: Devil, Cinnamon (he still loves him ofc), Puff (not in a hate way, just in a that's a bad kid way), dogs (he's scared), Babs (the goat, she annoys him) Voice Claim: John Marston --- Full name: Clarissa Dice Illy Age: 51 (game events) Gender: Female Sexuality: "The hell is a sexuality I do whatever the fuck I want" Race (human counterpart): African American Height: 5'0 Likes: Dice, Luci, Kettle, "The Hairy Flapper", Tea, Joe, Cuphead, Mugman, Chalice, Siphi, meh Flower and Rooty are okay, Dislikes: Phobus, young ladies showing too much (more of a fear things for them rather than against them), over controlling people, being outside her home, not seeing Kingsly for awhile Voice Claim: Beatrice Horseman --- Full name: Cinnamon Java Age: 40 (game events) Gender: Male Sexuality: Um *opens notes and previous conversations* He does what he wants like Clarissa-- he might fluctuate in this sense, who knows. Race (human counterpart): Whatever tf Joe is south western US guy who is white Height: 6'10 Likes: His damn moose he named Bellow because he never shuts up, Scarlet, Nessy, Pyra, Jr, animals, his mom. Despite Tea hating him, he feels the need to make sure Joe's stupidity hasn't killed her yet, so he likes her at least a little. His nephews and nieces. Dislikes: People coming to the mountains unannounced (aka his home/animal sanctuary he lives on. It's rarely poachers and 90% Joe being a dick or his nephews being 'can we feed Bellow?") Terrified of Flower, doesn't understand how she's that nice, afraid she's going to slip one of her leaves into his drink. Voice Claim: Arthur Morgan
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mermaid-960 · 8 months
Dream Realm Info Post
I'll continue adding to and editing this, but for now it's gonna be lazy bios for the main characters
Tag: #dreamrealmstory
Nicknames: Abby, Angel (by all)
Guardian Power: Light - Moon
Pronouns: She/her (Cisgender)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Race/Ethnicity: Asian-Caucasian (Japanese-American), Angel
Homeworld: Dream Realm
Birthday: March 4th (Pisces)
Height: 5'6
Appearance: Pale skin, light blonde wavy hair, blue eyes
Main Weapons: Staff, morningstar/flail, shield
Pets: Berry (Black Siberian Cat)
Mount: Buttercup (White Arabian Horse)
Occupation: Student
Nicknames: Sprout (by Mia & Dad)
Guardian Power: Plant - Moon
Pronouns: She/her (Cisgender)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Race/Ethnicity: African American, Human
Homeworld: Dream Realm
Birthday: November 25th (Sagittarius)
Height: 5'2
Appearance: Dark brown skin, black coily hair, green eyes
Main Weapons: Staff, dagger, potions belt
Pets: Spark (Brown Australian Shepherd), Sabre (Tortoiseshell Cat), as well as an assortment of birds, amphibians, and reptiles.
Mount: Gauge (Brown Paint Horse)
Occupation: Student, animal caretaker/vet, and mechanic
Nicknames: N/A
Guardian Power: Time - Moon
Pronouns: He/him (Cisgender)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic-Caucasian (Mexican and Scott/Irish), Human
Homeworld: Earth
Birthday: July 30 (Leo) + 6 months in limbo
Height: 5'8
Appearance: Light tan skin, black wavy hair w/ red streak, red eyes
Main Weapons: Sword, fists
Pets: Sandy (Corn Snake Familiar)
Mount: Ghost (Black Sabino American Quarter Horse)
Occupation: Student, coffee shop barista, busboy at his dad's restaurant during the summer
Nicknames: Phoe (by all), Phoebe (by family)
Guardian power: Fire - Moon
Pronouns: She/her (Cisgender)
Sexuality: Straight
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic-Caucasian (Mexican and Scott/Irish), Human
Homeworld: Earth
Birthday: April 16th (Aries)
Height: 5'10
Appearance: Tan skin, ginger wavy hair w/ bleached streak, amber eyes
Main weapons: Longbow, axe
Pets: Flare (Phoenix Familiar), Redbeard (Bearded Dragon)
Mount: Spitfire (Chestnut Mustang)
Occupation: Student, fast food cook, line cook at her dad's restaurant during the summer
Nicknames: Red (by Abigail)
Guardian Power: Dark - Sun
Pronouns: She/they (Demigirl)
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Race/Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese), Angel
Homeworld: Dream Realm
Birthday: October 25th (Scorpio)
Height: 5'6
Appearance: Pale skin, black straight hair, purple eyes (used to be red)
Main weapons: Katana, scythe, double daggers, hairpins
Pets: Boo (White Siberian Cat), Lucifer (Black wolf dog)
Mount: Orchid (Black Arabian Horse)
Occupation: Student
Nicknames: Terra (birthname, used by some family)
Guardian Power: Earth - Sun
Pronouns: He/him (Transgender)
Sexuality: Straight
Race/Ethnicity: Asian-Hispanic, (Filipino and Puerto Rican), Human-Elf-Faun
Homeworld: Dream Realm and Earth
Birthday: May 17th (Taurus)
Height: 5'3
Appearance: Light brown skin, brown curly hair with green ends and bleached sides, hazel eyes
Main weapons: Hammer, fists
Pets: Lucky (Brown Speckled Mutt Service Dog)
Mount: Rocky (Brown Rocky Mountain Horse)
Occupation: Student, many different odd jobs and part timers
Nicknames: Starchild (Mother)
Guardian Power: Telepathy - Sun
Pronouns: They/them (Non-Binary)
Sexuality: Gay
Race/Ethnicity: Asian (Indian), Vampire-Demon-Aetheran (alien race)
Homeworld: Dream Realm
Birthday: September 22 (Virgo)
Height: 6'0
Appearance: Brown skin, purple curly hair with bleached streak, gold eyes
Main Weapons: Double staffs, double daggers
Pets: Atlas (Raven Familiar) Apollo (Cream Ferret), Athena (Brown Ferret)
Mount: Comet (Black Dappled Andalusian)
Occupation: Student
Nicknames: Mari (Mom)
Guardian Power: Water - Sun
Pronouns: She/her (Cisgender)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race/Ethnicity: Asian (Filipino and Native Hawaiian), Merfolk
Homeworld: Dream Realm
Birthday: May 24 (Gemini)
Height: 5'5
Appearance: Tan skin w/ vitiligo spots, blue curly hair w/ blue-green ends and white bangs, blue-green eye and white eye w/ black sclera
Main weapons: Rapier, dagger, revolver
Pets: Crackers (Parrot), Tuna (Grey Tabby), Salmon (Orange Tabby), Cod (Cream Tabby) Mackerel (Siamese Cat)
Mount: Kelpie (Grey Appaloosa)
Occupation: Student, Sailor
Nicknames: Iss/Izz, Moon (by all)
Guardian Power: Moon
Pronouns: He/they (Demiboy)
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian (American)
Homeworld: Earth
Birthday: January 14th (Capricorn)
Height: 5’0
Appearance: Pale skin, dark brown curly hair, hazel eyes
Main weapons: Sword, longbow, double daggers
Pets: Liberty (Doberman), Clover (Tuxedo Cat), Onyx (Black Cat), Holstein (Black and White Cat)
Mount: Lightning (Dark Bay Thoroughbred)
Occupation: Student, Stage tech
Nicknames: Evy (by all)
Guardian Power: Sun
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic-Caucasian (Cuban, Dominican, and American)
Homeworld: Earth
Birthday: August 29th (Virgo)
Height: 5’3
Appearance: Tan skin, brown wavy hair, brown eyes
Main weapons: Sword, shield, staff
Pets: N/A
Mount: Sunburst (Chestnut Thoroughbred)
Occupation: Student
Nicknames: Anx (by all)
Guardian Power: N/A
Pronouns: Any (Genderless)
Sexuality: ???
Race/Ethnicity: Umbrian-Mirrorling (Originally was just an Umbrian)
Homeworld: ???
Birthday: ???
Height: Changes constantly, but usually 5’0
Appearance: White skin, black wavy hair, full white eyes
Main weapons: Sarcasm
Pets: N/A
Occupation: N/A
I said lazy but this took me hours to do 💀
Birthdays and pet names are subject to change cause I don't really like them lmao
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chaosbluebird · 11 months
trick or treat !! 🐦‍⬛🦷
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Treat, big puppy (Caucasian Mountain dog) :)
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Welcome to Dog Friendly Community Breeders, where we take pride in offering exquisite Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs For Sale. With our stringent breeding standards and ethical practices, we ensure that each Wolfdog puppy is a perfect representation of the breed's remarkable qualities. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing a nurturing environment for these majestic canines, ensuring they are well-socialized and possess a friendly temperament.
At Dog Friendly Community Breeders, we understand the significance of choosing the right companion for your family. Our Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs are raised with love and care, making them excellent additions to any home. As responsible breeders, we prioritize the health and well-being of our pups, ensuring they are up-to-date with vaccinations and regularly checked by veterinarians.
Owning a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is an extraordinary experience, combining the loyalty of a canine companion with the fascinating qualities of a wolf. With their intelligence, beauty, and grace, these unique animals are a captivating choice for discerning pet lovers.
Discover the magic of a lifelong bond with our Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs. Browse our selection of available pups and embark on a journey filled with unforgettable moments and unconditional love. At Dog Friendly Community Breeders, we are devoted to matching you with the perfect Wolfdog that will enrich your life in countless ways. Join our community and experience the joy of welcoming a remarkable Czechoslovakian Wolfdog into your home.
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sunpoweredog · 1 year
My journey of self-discovery as a therian was quite a fun ride. I've described it several times to my friends but I guess it would be nice to document everything into one long post.
My very first ?sona? (not as a fursona, but as an image of myself??) was a dark blue dragon with yellow wings and belly scales. I don't have many pictures of this form left, and don't feel connected to it anymore. It was some kind of a night+stars+water dragon, I guess.
I will add a picture here once I find my childhood drawings of this dragon form
Next one was a cat, but it felt forced and emerged more as a result of my Warrior Cats obsession in middle school. It was a diluted tortoiseshell longhair cat. I was clinging to this form for a long time, though, but it was nothing more than roleplaying.
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At the same time I was obsessed with wolves, howling and growling at my peers, googling "How To Become A Werewolf Real Working Spell", etc. But a wolf identity never felt quite fitting either. Some interactions with wolf therians and their experiences made me realise That's Not Me. So I started searching.
Some other animals that I have considered to be connected to were:
otters (legs waaay too short and I'm not That Much of a water person)
smilodons (i do sometimes get mild shifts of being a Big Beast though, but my claws are DEFINITELY not retractable)
cheetahs (their body is quite similar to what I feel but the vocalisations feel WRONG)
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I was searching for both physical and behavioural characteristics that I felt, such as:
Height. I feel that my point of view shouldn't be much higher than 1m off the ground
Limbs should be LONG and lanky
Claws are non-retractable, I feel them clicking on the ground as I walk
Ears aren't big and pointy, they are either rounded or floppy/drooping
I have a mane??? Weird?? Maybe not a mane but some kind of long and/or thick fur on my neck
No small spots or stripes on my pelt, colors blend in quite smoothly
No real preference for a certain terrain. I like forests, plains, rivers, hills, swamps, steppes and even deserts, but not the seashore, not the mountains, and not the tundra.
Definitely not a solitary but neither a big pack animal, lives in a small family group?? Also tolerates humans and human environment well.
I bark.
It was a bit frustrating for me to realise that I wasn't some Cool Beast like a sabretooth cat, or a reindeer, or a dragon, but... Just some dog.
But what kind of dog?
My first choice was a Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The mane, the colors, the size felt quite right, but not the bulkiness and the thick fur. My human body isn't very strong and sturdy, and I considered it wishful thinking to think of myself as of such a beast.
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Next pick was a sighthound, a borzoi or a saluki. But I've never seen a borzoi that has the right pelt color, and they are way too tall and social for me. And salukis don't have the mane, though the overall body shape was similar to what I felt myself, and the "grizzle" color feels almost right.
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So for a while, I presented as a weird mutt, a pariah mixed breed dog looking somewhat like this:
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Being a mutt felt like a permission to go wild and add whatever features felt right, so I experimented a lot. And then I stumbled upon a photo of a silken windhound. That was like a revelation. The colors were off, but the shape felt So Correct that I felt euphoric just by looking at pictures of this breed.
So this is the form I'm content with, and feel comfortable enough. The only weird features are that I feel still a bit bulkier than average windhound, and have an additional toe on hind paws!
(The dog on my profile picture is named Tangaloor Prizzi's Honor, by the way!)
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divinacaptivus · 1 year
What is your favorite breed of dog? I know that no animal can stand up to the B-man.
"I am fond of Caucasian mountain dogs. Their stature may intimidate mortals, but they are loyal, fierce, and excellent hunting companions. I have owned 17 in my many lifetimes."
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emj-lane · 10 months
A little About me🤷‍♀️
My name is Emma-Jean Victoria Lane
Most people call me EmJ but some call me Em or Emma...all those things I respond to. I have a hyphenated first name so it's a mouthful lol!
I'm 18 years old and have an identical twin sister, Mazee. Our birthday is Halloween 🎃
Mazee and I were adopted from China when we were 2 months old
We live and were raised in California.
Besides Mazee, I have a sister, Natasha, who is 19. A sister, Morgan, who is 14. my sister, Sydney, is 11. And the youngest is my brother, Hunter, and he's 7. These siblings are my parents biological children.
We have 2 dogs that are golden doodles, Luna and Courage, and we have a cat. Her name is Boo.
I find it weird how friends or dates/boyfriend are sketched out, leary and scared off by the fact that my mom is a psychiatrist. That's her career/ her job but she is a regular person, wife, mother individual outside of her psychiatrist title/career. I promise she's not analyzing or diagnosing you if you aren't her patient in her office or in the hospital
My dad is a teacher at a boarding school for high schoolers gifted in the arts like music, theater, dance, writing, painting etc
Surfing is one of my favorite things/passions/talents. My whole family surfs.
Equal to surfing is my passion for writing.
I started playing soccer in second grade and the rest is history. From then on year after year I played on the soccer team for my elementary school, middle school and high school.
Should have been a mermaid. Love the water and swimming and diving. I was a competitive swimmer and diver from 7th grade and on through the rest of my middle school and high school career
I train and practice karate and kick boxing. In a fist fight I will kick your ass & I love it
My life motto and really driving phrase for my life and personality is "Underestimate me. That'll be fun..."
I'd say I'm very outgoing, friendly and social.
It can get very heated and tension does get very high at home with my older sister, Natasha. She has a diagnosis of ARFID which is avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. She has a lot of Orthorexia traits and tendencies as well. This has been a battle and an issue for almost 12 years now. Natasha doesn't really want full recovery...she doesn't want to weight restore or be healthy. She wants to maintain where she is...still sick, still disordered, still underweight but not getting worse- just completely maintaining & existing forever as she is. It is really really frustrating and sad. Sometimes I would like to kick her in the mouth, grab her and shake her and scream at her but it would not get through to her. It would not help.
I get self conscious sometimes being out with my family. Because I am Chinese and my parents and siblings, except Mazee, are caucasian American many people don't see us as family. They assume my parents are hosting foreign exchange students or if I am out with my 7 year old brother people assume I am his babysitter or his nanny- these things get said to me and my family and those things make a home in my head . They hide out a lot but still are there, lingering.
I enjoy music and playing music. I play piano, guitar, violin and saxophone. They are more hobbies and escapes although I am told I am talented and gifted in playing instruments I like having it as just something enjoyable, not necessarily something to pursue and train for career/performance/competitive purposes. The same goes for drawing.
My favorite artists and musicians right now are John mayer, Dave matthews band, Green Day, Nirvana, The Smiths, Bruno Mars, Billie Eilish, Yellow card, Lindsay Stirling and switchfoot.
Traveling & hiking is also something I love and something my whole family likes to do. Just being outside. We've been to the grand canyon, Niagara falls, Rocky mountains, smokey mountains, parts of the Appalachian trail/mountains, we've been to Hawaii, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Mexico, Australia, Alaska and Canada. And of course California has some hiking/national parks and nature too so we do a lot here too.
Favorite tv shows: Law and order svu, Criminal minds, Psych, and The Good Doctor
Favorite Movies: The Lord of the rings movies, Harry Potter movies, any of the Jaws movies, The Shallows, Hunger games movies, any X-men movies, Star wars movies, Man on Fire, National Treasure 1 and 2, A Beautiful Mind, I Am Sam, Dead Poet's Society, and Freedom Writers.
That's all. This is already longer than I intended.
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