#caught by the cuda
cudainsider · 1 year
ok trying very, very hard to not just request the entire team bc i am obsessed with ur photos and also all of them hehe. i know he was out the other day but 🥺 tristen?
ask for whoever you want, seriously!
for now, here’s tristen (calling this genre of photo “caught by the cuda”)
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moregraceful · 8 months
If I do not test negative in the next three days, I will be creating an incident. If I miss the Cuda game on Wednesday I will create such a situation. Yes I caught Covid at either a Sharks or Cuda game, yes I still love them, it's a toxic relationship where everyone loses.
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themmidraws · 11 months
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@pinktrashgoblin @that-cooldj
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obscureoperations · 11 months
What do you think of Martin x Carrie White?
Honestly, I really support this ship.. they would be so cute together!🥰 It’s pretty obvious that the two have a lot in common( in terms of religious trauma and all that.) I figure in some alternate reality Mrs. White and Cuda would get on quite well.
I would love to see some sort of scenario where Martin is the one taking Carrie to prom. The whole debacle could have been avoided if Martin caught wind of Chris’s plan.
Just imagine, Martin pinned Chris as his next victim.. she was pretty enough and all that. He followed her closely, overheard the plan of humiliating Carrie at the prom. It was already over.
He stalks her and all of the friends involved.. they began to disappear over the span of a few weeks. He has something special planned for Chris, but not until after the special day.
Martin likes to talk on the phone, and Carrie definitely needs someone to chat with. Late night phone calls, secretly encouraging each other to get out of their perspective situations. Carrie urges Martin to stand up for himself, and he simply suggests just burning the Bible.
I imagine Martin being there after her initial assault.. when word of the incident began to spread. All the blood jokes and dirty products left near her locker. He quickly discards them and replaces it with a single white rose.
He would definitely be intrigued if Carrie ever talked to him about the telekinesis… it wasn’t magic but the way it was written… Martin needed to know more.
It was something that Tada Cuda would have deemed ‘demonic’ but how could it be… it was just something you were born with. He admires her gift and might be a bit perturbed with the fact he wasn’t given the same.
Yea I’m all over the place with this ask but yeah I am 💯 behind it!
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jsab-crisis · 2 years
Just wondering; what else was in store if you don’t mind answering? Just curious.
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Considering the comic was SO close to finishing it’s Introduction arc... well, a lot. 
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For start, Blixter spent all of his childhood indoors and was homeschooled, being the son of three rich higher ups- he was obviously prone to danger. Since he’s out of the house and able to make his own decisions now while pursuing college, he already had a bounty on his head beforehand due to him sneaking out of the house and introducing himself as some “street punk’ who’s dirt poor. 
He stuck with that identity since he wanted to meet other people and even make friends, tired of just watching other people actually grow up with childhood friends and whatnot while he stays behind doors.
One of his dads, Chronos, had connections with other groups in Paradise. One of them being “Wilt’s”. Wilt is someone who is referenced here and there due to its influence towards both Square’s situation and Blixter’s safety. Meanwhile, Tri mee (Try This) is Blixter’s body guard as well, he protects Blixter in the shadows- taking down threats and keeping an eye on Blixter when’s he’s out.  
(There was supposed to be a scene where someone tries to stab from behind while he was out late at night but the armed man was taken to a nearby alleyway by Tri Mee who then chokes him to death. Basically the first on scene death)
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Speaking of, Act 1 was just Blixter familiarizing with his surroundings. Cuda’s his professor! Lycan becomes Blixter’s best friend and even acts like a little brother that he never had (being a single child plus Lycan referencing having family problems. Lycan’s parents are divorced and his brother lives with his dad while Lycan lives with his mom) So Lycan copes through that with Blixter filling that empty role. Meanwhile, Blixter befriends the Player Sibs such as Triangle (Lycan’s boyfriend), Pentagon, and Circle. Circle does act like a little sister to him as well since Circle seemed distant with her family- especially with Square.
Speaking of, this does kickstart Blixter familiarizing himself with Square and eventually the two get to know eachother. There was suppsoed to be a scene where Blixter invites him over to hang out with him after Square refused the first offer since his siblings were present, more comfortable with Blixter only. 
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This eventually leads to ACT 2 which switches the POV from Blixter to a new character, New Games; He’s nicknamed “Newt” for simplicity sake. Hah, like a lizard.
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He’s a depressed old man who works at a dead end job and lives in a constant loop. His best friend, Captain, tries to cheer him up whenever the two meet up but knows that New Games is still miserable. back then, he lost his wife and missed the birth of his kid, he was detained at the time for a crime he didn’t commit. His past consisted of him being involved with gang members because a close childhood friend, Wilt, dragged him into their situation. Because of his ‘connection’ with a literal mobster, he was pinned as a suspect.
Captain got him out once he caught wind of this but when New Games found out his wife had died while giving birth, he was devastated. Even after all those years, he still can’t let the past go. It didn’t take long when he received an anonymous letter saying that his kid is still alive. Desperate to cling onto what remains of his loved one, he was filled with determination to find his kid.
With the help of Captain and Helinia-- a friend of Captain as well-- he got a ticket to a one-way trip to Paradise. It’s later revealed the one who sent him the letter was none other than Wilt. They wanted to see him again after all those years and to apologize for the time when New Games was detained for a crime THEY committed, not him.
ACT 3 is... well, to say, just chaos. Here’s some jokes that were funny from the script;
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I wish I could squeeze in more to this answer but, well, ask box is always open for the Crisis AU cast and even me (if you’re being specific)
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this shot makes him look like he's a 17th century peasant praying for forgiveness from the local abbot after he was caught naked in a barn covered in blood and chicken feathers the night after a full moon
📸 by meredith williams for the cuda
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faescythe · 1 year
Stay With Me Pt 1
Chapter 1: Found Again
The beginning
Since the first time my eyes laid on him, I knew he was mine. 
 I have always believed that the most beautiful trait of life is its ability to change over time. He was never able to see its beauty while he was by my side. He was angry and rightfully so. The world was cruel to him. The living was cruel and so was the dead. 
I held on to the hope that with time he would heal. That I could help him. I wanted nothing more than to take his pain away, but I knew that in the end, I could not heal him. I could not shield him from the horrors of the world. I tried to show him the good, but he could not see what I could. 
In the end, he left me and the bond we shared closed. 
The pain I felt upon his departure was unlike anything I had previously endured. The pain of abandonment was not something new to me. Deep down I knew that he wouldn’t stay forever. He was not happy. All I ever wanted was his happiness. 
I refused to let myself look for him. I wanted to run around the globe searching for my missing progeny. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I wanted to destroy everything around me and make the world feel my pain.  
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
The present
For the first time In over a thousand years, I felt it. The bond that ties me to him awakened slightly. It was only the smallest sliver, but I could feel it clearly. The pain, self-loathing, disgust, and regret he feels are overwhelming.
 He probably isn’t even aware I could feel him. The emotions are too strong to stay hidden. I have to go to him. 
Over the years I have amassed a great amount of wealth. Many knew my name and the power I possess. It was not difficult to book a flight to Texas on such short notice. 
I have kept tabs on my progeny since his departure all those years ago. Even if he did not want my help, I could not find it in myself to leave him completely. 
My flight could not end quickly enough. Because I am traveling from overseas it would take a lot longer than I would prefer to make it to my destination. I decided to spend the majority of my time on the long flight inside my travel coffin. Although it was not daytime at the beginning of the flight, I wanted to avoid as many social interactions as possible. 
As soon as the plane landed I could smell the distinctly Texan air wafting through my coffin’s walls. This is where my childe has made his home. I have not been this close to him since he left. I could feel his closeness through the bond. I wonder if he could feel my proximity or if his emotions have numbed his ability to feel that the bond was opened. 
As soon as I was able, I left my travel coffin and made my way to the car waiting for me. The black 1970 Plymouth Cuda was a favorite of mine. I was never one to be invested in vehicles, but this one caught my eye back in the 70s. 
I quickly climbed into the passenger side of the car and closed the door. 
Now my search for my long lost progeny can truly begin.
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dobranocka · 1 year
get to know me better
tagged by @baiyubai Thank you!
Three ships: rn? weilan, of course, but also Ead/Sabran and Lan Xinjie/happiness. that doesn’t count? well, maybe Luolin then.
First ever ship: huh. maybe something from hp?
Last song: TS - Carolina
Last movie: uhhh i didn’t watch much over holidays but i caught a bit of vinci?
Currently reading: Cuda, wianki an urban fantasy comedy about a coven of witches and Foutez-vous la paix, about letting yourself just live
Currently watching: Chocolate. Also eagerly waiting for new episodes of Alchemy of souls to drop on netflix
Currently consuming: my own tears
Currently craving: to yeet myself into a void in order to avoid my body trying to kill me. or ibuprofen.
I never know who to tag in those things, I’m sorry :(
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treeangle-roots · 1 year
cuda in ROA has absolutely 0 connection to blixer, also!
they did not want to be involved in the corruption event, and were really just caught in the crossfire. the whole thing interrupted their relatively peaceful life in the (then) inactive volcano & now they're just grumpy. esp since they have to deal with lycan and other cacti now living in there with him
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sharpen-jadescythe · 2 years
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White Sun Baby
As he knelt in the sunbeam, looking down at the Highmountain Tauren baby, a powerful instinct came over Sharpen. It wasn't just the tent that was empty. It wasn't just the room that was cold. It was the cruel world that had smashed the belongings around them, had ended the kind lives that onced rejoiced in existence, in passion and love, that had created this small life. This tiny, vulnerable Tauren life.
And then Cuda, Sharpen's loyal wolf who was never far away in moments like these, the most important moments of Sharpen's life it seemed, Cuda sat nearby on his haunches and gave a sage look over to the Night Elf man. Sharpen looked up one last time, and saw that yes, his ghost wolf was already there and on the other side of his decision. The choice to expand their pack.
"Heh. I know what you're thinking Cuda. But I wouldn't love ya any less." Jovial words, the Night Elf himbo's usual. But there was real fear in Sharpen's tone as well. And longing. Which emotion would overpower Sharpen?
And Sharpen had certainly misread his wolf Cuda. To the wolf, Sharpen was growing up right before his eyes. Or, would he? Did his master understand, yet? How terrible this life is? How great a power love, kinship could be?
Silently, steadily, Cuda willed Sharpen to do it. To finally comprehend fully how this wild world of theirs worked. All were animals. All creatures were worthy of such love, the salvation Cuda had seen Sharpen bestow on fellow creatures worse off than this. Rak'shiri the great wintersaber, whose paw had been caught in a steel hunter's trap. Irewing, once a mighty Skyhorn eagle ripped from his nobility by harpies and their poisonous magics. Sharpen had found and cared for them all, given them a new place in this world.
Cuda himself remembered well his horrifying existence, slain yet trapped on this mortal plane and unable to pass into the next. Trapped in the moment of his death because of the sins of man, the atrocities of the Scourge enacted around him that darkened his wolf soul and forced him to wander for an age, alone and in pain, through the Western Plaguelands. That had been Cuda's fate until Sharpen had saved him, too.
The Night Elf Sharpen Jadescythe was a special sort of beastmaster. Hard to explain why exactly, not just for wintersabers and harpy-twisted rocs and wolves who lacked the words, but Cuda had observed the same in mortal men too; few people could properly size up or tame Sharpen himself. Sharpen and his fellow beasts had wandered the world together, finding many homes and loves, or perhaps no real home at all. But that Sharpen was a good man, a powerfully good man, was easy to know and simply enjoy as truth. And maybe now, their existence together as rolling stones would even change.
And Cuda the ghost wolf also sensed, with his deep and beautiful instincts tied into the world beyond our own, a world of spirits and revelations and miracles, that this small baby Tauren hadn't survived the harpy attack on this village for nothing. And, Sharpen had not come along at this prescient moment for nothing.
This was something. Just like the Night Elf man himself, it was indescribable and it was fate. At last, as Cuda held on to finally see it, Sharpen lifted the baby from the cold cradle and into his strong, warm arms.
"Illuminated by the white sun, and under the auspices of a watchful ghost wolf, I remember... the Night Elf face, so kind. It was my first memory and it was the first time my kaldorei father ever held me."
- High Shaman Wayuntoh "White Sun" Sunderberry
((To be continued!))
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askthelegion4 · 2 years
Frank have you and Martin been caught by Cuda yet
Surprisingly not! Been thinking about confronting this Cuba guy, or whatever his name is.
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moregraceful · 2 months
Bunny and I went to Sharks practice yesterday and I brought a film camera to take photos which was VERY disturbing to the zoo animals, but I'm hopeful at least one of the 12 photos I took of David Quinn yelling comes out well. I used to do a ton of film photography in high school but this was pre-Youtube, pre-smartphone, and pre-adult income so it was a lot of trial and error via Walgreens, and then I went to college and someone gave me a digital camera, so I just stopped doing it entirely. But I need a hobby that doesn't involve fanfiction in any way, so my mom and I dug up my dad's old film camera. I trialed it on some Sharks and some Cudas and some plants in the backyard today and took it to the most hole in the wall film developer I've ever encountered. I'm very curious how they will turn out. I figured I should get one roll out from under my belt just to adjust to how the camera works again. It's been interesting trying to remember how to frame photos on an SLR after over a decade of using a smartphone almost exclusively for photography. Like retraining my creative eye.
Unfortunately jokes on me because while Bunny and I were observing a very sparse optional practice for the Cuda, I caught a very tender moment between Akim Aliu and perma-injured housewife Anthony Vincent, so if that one single shot does turn out, I will be acting up.
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obscureoperations · 2 years
I fricking love the blog...there isn't enough Martin content.
So, here's a thing..Martin tries to get blood from you ~the usual way~ and finds out you're actually a vampire, too...
First of all, thank you fam.. and I'm sincerely sorry for the lack of content lately. Mental health. Let's blame that.
But anyways, I can totally get behind this idea. Thats with me thinking that the reader is an honest to goodness Vampire. Im talking Anne Rice Lestat type shit.
I feel that they knew he was stalking them from day one. They found the entire idea rather endearing. They knew he was The Count on first "meeting" and dared him to follow all the closer. Leaving the blinds open whenever they'd change clothes, following the old familiar routes. They were beckoning Martin to follow them closer, until the bloodlust took over and he simply had to follow through.
He probably talked about them all the time on the radio, all the while the reader clutches the transistor radio close to their chest. He talked about all the things he wanted to do to them. How perfect their lives would be together. Martin really had no idea...
I might eventually do a thing with this, but you'll have to give me some time.
I have this idea in my head that the reader manages to sedate him with one of his own needles. Either in an alleyway, or the gangway of their own apartment. He regrets everything. The image of you in his mind starts to scramble. In this moment, he was one of his own victims. Pointed fangs poised directly at his jugular. The weakness slipping into his limbs. He had made a huge mistake.
They definity end up giving Martin a choice, whether they end him now or give him a new life.
He hated his life, everything about it. But was he ready to just up and become this preternatural being?
I'm seriously thinking about this anon.
I'm feeling a real LouisxLestat sort of vibe. We already know that his answer would be yes. Still so caught up in his own personal dilemma, The moment your teeth sink into his flesh..he's already wondering how to explain the marks to Cuda. The sharp incision. The feel of your teeth on his neck felt so good.
I have this image in my mind of the two of them waking up together. A small bandage resting over the puncture wound.. why does his mouth feel so incredibly dry? He tilts his head away from the from the image of the seamless river of blood pouring from your wrist the night before.
He watches as you flitter about in the kitchen. The door was unlocked. Why doesn't he just run?
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good afternoon everyone, it is a miserably rainy day in the bay area and the cuda are playing the firebirds, my blorbo-in-laws. i just hope teams have fun! we are off to a great start bc they have played avicii twice during warm ups and joey daccord took off his bucket and shook his hair out. god he is beautiful. unfortunately while getting french fries (but NOT chicken tenders) i got caught between player tunnels and was forced to look at several cuda players off ice which is my literal nightmare. whatever merkley's height is listed at, he's lying. whatever eklund is listed at, he is DEFINITELY lying. also: pat sieloff: stealth handsome or just some guy? they are now playing my favorite jonas brothers song. lfg
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soupbabe · 2 years
Slasher Soulmate AU Headcanons Part 2
Featuring Paul (The Lost Boys), Martin Mathias, Bo Sinclair, Billy Lenz
I loved doing these the first time around and I want to do them again with some more characters that I love! [ Original found here ]
Warnings: Abuse mentions in Bo's part, Blood drinking in Martin's part, Suggestive talk on Billy's end, more crack than serious 😔
♡ You have their name tattooed on your wrist ♡
- For a while having his name on your wrist felt like a curse
- Paul is such a common name, how are you supposed to find your lover when they have a name like Paul? There's been multiple Pauls in your life, all of them having different names on their wrist and leaving you disappointed
- Not to mention what kind of impression you get from a name like that. You spent so much of your free time fantasizing, thinking about what your soulmate could be like
- Sadly, with a name like Paul, you couldn't imagine much. A man with such livelihood felt so out of character for the name
- It's fair to say you had rather low expectations for your soulmate
- But it was different when you visited your friend in Santa Carla and met a hyper blonde on the boardwalk
- It was a brief interaction, only accidentally bumping into each other as you walked along the boardwalk. The man only waved as you caught up with your friend, yelling a quick apology to the stranger
- But you couldn't stop thinking about the quick glimpse you took of him; from what you could tell he was a classic bad boy with very nice hair
- It wasn't long before you stopped by the boardwalk again, deciding to rent a movie to watch with your friend
- You saw the man again, was lurking around the counter with his buddies when his head perked up at the chime of the door opening
- Right away he recognized you, feeling the same pull you had felt the other day
- His reaction was immediate, one blink and he was already by your side and you adored his energy
- It wasn't long before you two went over proper introductions and you realized you were soulmates with Paul
- You were already in love with the contrast he held against your old interpretations of your soulmate's name, so you were more than excited at the soulmate reveal
- Who knows what other surprises he holds, you just know you're glad to not be stuck in a bland relationship
Martin Mathias
♡ You can see your soulmate in your dreams ♡
- It was normal for Martin to daydream, often having dramatic visions of the people he saw day to day, but it confused him greatly when the same stranger greeted him every time he fell asleep
- They were in a similar style of what he was used to: dressed in antique clothing, giving him a teasing glance as he chased after them around a castle in dim candlelight
- Only when he was within an arms reach of them, he'd wake up
- Although he was well aware about soulmates, he never thought he'd have one
- Not like Cuda could offer any support either, insisting that someone like Martin was made to have no lover and if he were to have a soulmate, they were just as evil as he was
- Despite his living situation, Martin enjoyed seeing you in his dreams every night
- Although he could never get your name, thinking about the person he'd always chase through the castle's gardens always made a smile spread across his face
- He spotted you once when he was doing his deliveries; you were off in the background behind the woman at the door, not noticing your soulmate as he gave her her package
- Oh bet your ass he daydreamed about you more often, even when he felt his hunger come back to him
- He always imagined his reward for the game of chase was a taste of your blood; your neck out in the open for him to claim his blood
- Of course he'd be gentle, doing his best to control himself as to not risk your life
- Next time he saw you was in the shop itself, doing errands for your mother
- He was rather quiet, opting for staring instead of conversation, his expression stuck in a light state of shock
- But it didn't matter, your vague sense of familiarity towards Martin kept your mood joyful and left Martin hopeful that you'd return to him again, or even run into his arms when he's asleep
Bo Sinclair
♡ You and your soulmate share scars ♡
- oh boy this one's rough
- Although you two never shared pain, you could only imagine what your soulmate went through
- Especially since you've had two noticable scars on your wrists since childhood
- You've grown to always wear long sleeve shirts to cover them up as they were an unpleasant conversation starter and other scars scattered your body as you grew up
- Folks put the idea of a violent soulmate in your head, how you'd probably be better off without meeting them
- And from Bo's perspective- he wouldn't mind if he never met his soulmate; no way in hell they'd be happy to see him after all the scarring he's caused them
- Its been instilled in him at a young age that he wouldn't be a good soulmate; "too violent and unpredictable for anyone to handle" was a common sentiment from his father
- His distaste for a soulmate is just viewing this at a realistic point of view in his opinion
- But as fate has it, you found yourself in Ambrose; you were low on gas and it was a miracle you found the small town
- Your presence caught Bo's attention, forcing him out of the station to give you a warm welcome
- Though turns out there's no gas, but no worries! Bo has a canister back at the house and was so generous to give you a ride there
- And honestly the usual plan was going well, though Bo sensed a hesitance in knocking you out- and Bo isn't known two things: hesitation and going against his gut feelings
- And he actually went through with actually helping you out, leaving himself clueless why he felt like he couldn't just make you another victim
-It wasn't til you complained about the humid weather and mindlessly rolled up your sleeves he realized the answer
- The only thing that left his mouth was a dry laugh and a "Well shit."
Billy Lenz
♡ The first words your soulmate says to you is on your wrist ♡
- The words on your wrists embarrassed you to no end
- Seriously, how does one go among their lives normally with "Let me stick my tongue in there and lick it" permanently on their wrist?
- It's fair to say you lived a life of sweaters
- I think this would be one of the cases where someone is reasonably scared to meet their soulmate, especially one so open in their first impression
- You'd meet Billy while you were at a party at the sorority
- The girls had another call from the infamous Moaner and thought it'd be funny to give his attention to you
- You held the phone in your hand as Barb knuged your side, encouraging you to speak into stranger on the end
- She even gave some words of discouragement, "Hell, who knows. With those words on your arm you'll find yourself a soulmate."
- You gave a small "Hello? Anyone there?" Before hearing a mirage of laughter and snorts, "Let me- Let me stick my tongue in there and lick it!"
- Barb broke out in her own laughter, "Oh my god. You have to ask him what's on his wrist, come on."
-And ask you did. It all lined up.
- Billy heard the teasing from downstairs, how "the moaner found his soulmate" and he couldn't be more ecstatic
- You were asked to visit the sorority more after that, how the moaner asked for his "Piggy mate" and would grow more obscene unless he heard your voice on the line
- Bet your ass you had Billy twirling his fingers around the phone cord and kicking up his legs behind him <33
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