#cause I can’t shut up :(
magpie-trove · 26 days
“After all he’s done he doesn’t deserve—“ listen can you honestly say YOU *deserve* a happy ending?? There is no deserve!! A happy ending is a happy ending cause it always always always comes as an unexpected gift. There is always always always the 2/3 point in the story where it is undeserved and unattainable and not going to be given. Because it can only be given!! And yet!!! Still it comes!! A eucatastrophe!! For you and me!! Undeserved!!!
#shut up about deserve!!!!!#also 99% of the time this rhetoric is deployed it’s in a scenario where the Good Guys Who Deserve A Happy Ending ‘deserve’ it simply cause#they are labeled the Good Guys#and they’ve been crossing the same lines as the Bad Guy Who Doesn’t#examples: Ward betraying everyone and everyone treating him like an irredeemable monster when they are SPIES it’s their JOB to trick and#betray people and they have all done that for much less reasons! but because it was *them* that’s different#also this post is in response to some tweet about Flynn I had the misfortune to see and that’s actually the least arguable because#literally everything Flynn has done they have done at this point too#each and every one of the team has killed someone in a scenario where they didnt *need* to be killed (if you can even say that)#they’ve stolen tech for their own goals they’re ruining history to eradicate Rittenhouse and get their own loved ones back like#they’re court martial Ed government most wanted a#the only thing Flynn’s done they haven’t is actually go to jail for it cause he was un sanctioned by the Declarer of Rights and Wrongs-#What The Government Wants#murdered historical figures? so have they#like. there is no moral line between them#no reason they ‘deserve’ it and he doesn’t#I’m terribly sad but also there is beauty to that ending#but tweet person from the crew you are WRONG#you can’t put a moral dividing line like that between ‘us’ (always good) and ‘them’ (don’t deserve happiness too bad)#because one day you *will* find yourself on the other end of that line#and then you will have labeled yourself doomed and undeserving#mercy is everywhere dummy let’s all get some!!
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hexxter · 1 month
Me when I remember KHML gonna be another gacha game
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cloudcastor · 2 months
I had a minor surgery/procedure today I was super nervous about but everything went well!!! everyone was so attentive and nice, it made the experience an absolute breeze and I felt really comfortable and reassured ;;_;; couldn't ask for a better care team!!!
just got a couple days of healing ahead but super blown away...just had to share it out into the world!!! the care team even wrote me a handwritten note and added it in to my stuff ;;_;;
there has been A LOT of personal stuff going on the last couple months but finally getting to chip away at stuff, and getting medical providers that are helping eith the burden... I'm extremely lucky and thankful to have that experience !!!! can’t wait to get back to art…. can’t wait to hopefully feel some kind of relief soon!
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sapphicsnzs · 3 months
im so fucking lucky like my girlfriend is actually the hottest and cutest person alive
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theoryofwhatnow · 3 months
alex forbes is actually so annoying 😭 like what is his problem?
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 5 months
I miss Gonta :(
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the0verboss · 2 years
I need everyone to go back and watch OFMD again and specifically this time I need y’all to realize that izzy is an over communicator to the point of being annoying. He would jump on Talk it through as a crew because he has SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT HOW EVERYONE BUT HIM IS FUCKING EVERYTHING UP.
He needs a plan Edward, and he’d have had Stede in that duel, and he’s happy to end it for you, remember the pet policy Edward, what’s the plan, I went out on a limb you little shit, we need to talk, captain hands is tough but he’s open to suggestions….
I think we conflate stoicism with masculinity especially the toxic variety. And we forget how much chattering and seeking and trying to understand and looking for validation and giving speeches and orders izzy actually engages in.
He got a lot of toxic traits, but stoicism isn’t one of them. He talks he jokes he’s a bit of a dipshit. But I bet we get to see him in some peer mediation at some point if only for the comedic value.
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apostaterevolutionary · 10 months
You know what would be really funny, is if people came together to have an anti-crab day. A day where every user who joined prior to automattic’s acquisition logged off for 24 hours to show that yes, actually, older user retention is important and you should listen us just as much as new users
The users giveth, the users taketh away
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thesquirrelqueer · 1 year
hear me out: do we actually have proof that all the bmc kids are juniors?
like we know jeremy, michael, and rich are juniors, but do we know if jake, jenna, brooke, christine or chloe are?
jeremy states directly that “a junior on the bus is killer weak” so we know that he’s a junior
michael also says that he and jeremy have been friends for 12 years, which would mean they met in kindergarten and junior year is 12 years later which makes them in the same grade
rich is also a junior because of the “you don’t remember me freshman year, do you?” line which would put him in the same freshman class as jeremy and therefore a junior
none of the other kids have specified grades, but it’s most likely that they’re all either juniors or seniors
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kyluxtrashpit · 2 months
So I really want to get another cat. Thing is, there’s several reasons why it’d be a good idea (boy has a playmate, I think my ideal number of cats is 2, and give a kitty in need of a home a nice one) but also a lot of reasons I know it’s not a good idea *right now*
First reason is I’m not sure I’m fully ready for it. There’s still a part of my brain that hopes that this new new cat (I’m gonna need another system when I do get one lmao) would act more like old cat and I’ve had enough pets to know that’s a red flag that means you’re not ready yet. It just leads to disappointment when your new pet doesn’t behave like the old one when they were never going to, every animal is a unique individual and no two will give the same experience even when they are similar. And I know this. But the heart still wants
Also two cats, especially when one is brand new to the living situation and is still adjusting, is more work than one and for several reasons my energy lately has been pretty low. So. Am I up for that right now? I’m not sure. I’m sure I could rise the occasion if it’s needed, but like. Would it be a good idea to put myself into that situation at the moment? I’m not sure it would be. Even if I do miss having two cats a lot
There’s also the matter of living situation. Last year I was hoping to move, as I’m getting to the point in my life where it is time to Purchase a living space instead of rent. Which is terrifying tbh lmao, but it is a thing none the less. Plus I just really want a bit more space at this point, and certain conveniences (oh how I long for my own laundry devices) that I don’t currently have. But with old cat, that just didn’t end up being in the cards cause my babies are always my priority above all else (the financial hit also didn’t help - I’m only just recovering from it now). I was simply not going to move while she was old and fragile and dying of cancer
However, my province also sucks! And it recently decided it’s gonna suck even more! Not as much as most of the US, at least not yet, but. It’s not promising. And the long term prospects are also Not Great (both in terms of social things and economically as well like, things are probably going to get worse long before they get better, if they ever do get better). And my city isn’t *the worst* but it’s more expensive than ideal. So it’s like. Do I want to buy a place here? I don’t know. But do I want to move out of this province? I also don’t know
Cause moving adds a lot of factors, even if I stay in the same province but look at a cheaper city. And leaving the province, okay, which to go to? This one’s nice but expensive and has weather I don’t like, and that ones cheap but also there’s a decent risk things will get worse there politically. And then there’s a risk the whole country will get fucked politically next year but I am doing my utmost to not worry about it until it is actually an immediate problem
And then there’s factors like, all the people I know are here (even if I’m bad at seeing them a lot). Familiar grocery stores and restaurants, other amenities, hell, my internet company is not fully national last I checked - will I have to switch providers? Work isn’t an issue as I work from home and we have people in multiple provinces, but like. Literally everything else is. I’ve lived here my entire life. I don’t know what it would be like to move that far. I’ve never done it
(And there’s also like. A sort of political responsibility. I read a lot after the shitty thing was announced and like. Some people are leaving. Some are staying because fuck you, bigots will not drive me from me home, I will fight back. Some are staying because they can’t afford to leave. And some are staying because if everyone who can leave does leave, then who’s left to at least try to fight this shit for those at risk who can’t get out? Especially as while I’m not in the demographic currently at risk, I’m in an adjacent one so it’s like. No, I’m not at risk yet but it’s possible I will be some day, but I also do feel some level of responsibility to try to help those who are currently at risk because I’m not)
And my dad is planning to leave (though unclear how firm that plan is right now and unclear exactly where) and is like ‘well come with me’ and I’m gonna be honest I. Don’t really want to like. I’m in my 30s. There is a part of me that feels like it’s time to get a bit more space from my family. My mom moved already for other reasons, so I don’t physically see her often, but technology is a thing so. Quite frankly my parents are both really bad at having friends so being literally the only person one of them knows in an entire city is kind of a nightmare scenario for me lmao. I need my space. I get annoyed when I get texted too often, I am NOT going to be your sole social contact. And I know that’s what would happen if we both moved to the same place with no one else. And even without all that, we have differences of opinions in “ideal place to live” so. I know they’re (dad goes by they/them) going to try to pressure me but if I’m sure of anything, it’s that I don’t want that
And, to circle this all back, there is also my kitty boy: he does NOT travel well. At all. He has panic attacks in the car that leave him panting and screaming within about 1 minute of being in there. We are trying to work on it, given transport is important for vet visits, but progress is slow. I was thinking he might have to get the old gaba just for me to be able to move within the city. He’s an anxious little guy. It’s gonna be tough for him, both the general realities of moving and the driving to the new place part. And I originally wasn’t really thinking of moving anywhere out of a 20 min or so radius of where I currently live partly for that reason
So to move to another province (and please remember Canada is Huge, like, this would be several hours or even multiple days of driving), I don’t know if I can even do that in a way that’s safe for him. Drugs are an option, but depending on where, it could be an unfeasibly long drive to do that with. And god, planes, I can only imagine how much worse he would be on a plane (even though I’d NEVER let him ride in the cargo, I’d buy an extra seat if I had to). He could have a stress-induced heart attack and die and if this is in transit, I’d be powerless to save him and I’d have to live the rest of my life knowing I killed him
And so with all of that, I’m like. I really can’t get another cat until I know wtf I’m doing and implement that because it would be awful for the new kitty if I got them and then immediately moved somewhere, either close or far. I can’t do that, it would be cruel. So like. Idk, I just don’t know what to do
I’m also aware that like. There are two problems in this ramble and the one I opened with is not really the larger one lmao but like. Genuinely I do not know what to do and that’s scary so I’m just kinda frozen here thinking how nice it would be to have a second floof gallivanting around the apartment but also knowing I can’t really have that right now (unless the cat distribution system decides to give me no choice in the matter lmao but I’m not expecting that to happen)
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xgoldenlatiasx · 7 months
Blake definitely gets N a shirt with some witty math joke on it at one point. they don’t actually understand the joke, of course, because they’re shit at math, but they get it for him anyways cause they think he surely will. and then they show it to him all proud and he’s like “Blake this is a sex joke”
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babyjackdaniels · 4 months
This gif maketh my brain rot in the depths of smutville
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autistic-katara · 6 months
i love being in love platonically
it’s so much more comfortable and safe and easy than being in love romantically
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earthbaby-angelboy · 8 months
i am FLOWING with scenarios and whatnot tonight so here’s another one!
if you grind your teeth when anxious, i think el would try to make you aware of it, hoping that you’d understand he didn’t want you to do it (in fear of you hurting your teeth or creating permanent damage!) if you didn’t become aware, he’d leave the room for a minute and come back with a paci for you!
he’d just wordlessly hand it to you with a small smile as to not make you self conscious. he does this every time you grind your teeth. he always has a pacifier on hand for whenever you need it, and it kinda becomes a comfort item.
(ok this next bit may or may not be self-indulgent because i’ve been grinding my teeth so bad in my sleep that i’ve actually started chipping teeth and now have to do this so bare with me)
if you grind your teeth in your sleep, even when you aren’t little, he’ll get a paci & a clip, attach one to your shirt and encourage you to use it. at first you’re iffy about it cause you don’t want to become dependent on it, but after a few nights of using it, you realize how much they help! :D
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carpetbug · 5 months
WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAAANNNN I have to actually WRITE feline blue for people to know about it and be interested in it :/ guys read my brain already! can’t you see all of my incredibly coherent thoughts about bug boy and cat girl! sad face!
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puppyeared · 1 year
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he’s ok guys (frm here <3)
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