#cause i heard s1 ends on a cliffhanger or something?
aylinaliens · 2 years
i’m late to the game but i just started papa & daddy. already i’m having LOTS of feelings.
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domesticity + conflicts that arises from an already established couples is my weakness. how can you *not* expect me to freak out over this? look at them??
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Ok so first, let’s jump up and down on the bed in celebration that Chenford is canon - with dates, awkwardness, laughter, joy and kissing - until it breaks like we did when we were 14! Let’s do some cartwheels across the yard, do flips on the trampoline and cheer until we lose our voices! YYYYYEEESSSSSSS!!! WHOO HOO!!
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Ok, now after we lie on the ground from exhaustion and in awe and wonder looking at the very bright future ahead for our adorkable favorite couple, that WE as fans created (I say to myself often, “look, look, look! I made that!)…
Once we calm down and catch our breath, let’s talk about the rumblings I’ve heard about painful, but-wrenching angst in their future.
What kinds of situations do you think could cause them to pause and consider being apart? Or cause angst or some kind? Some kind of betrayal maybe? I hope to go it’s not anything like Isobel saying they are still married or Ashley being pregnant or Lucy having Sir bounce a lot’s baby. I have no ideas. Granted it’s hard and very premature to consider, but we’ve got 10-12 episodes to go yet this season, I cannot see Alexi letting them off Scott free for the rest of the season.
Any thoughts or ideas on your end? If you were the writers wha would you throw at them?
*jumping up and down, jumping up and down* 
omg pls, it’s so exciting and crazy to think of the progression of chenford from s1 to now and how we were able to make it canon when alexi was like “lol no”. i still have thoughts on that but that’s for another day. 
so i definitely see angst and i know that it’s not going to be an easy journey like we’re getting so much cuteness and in love chenford that shit’s going to hit the wall at some point, especially considering how this is just the beginning of the winter season like there has to rising action at some point mid-way through the season or even toward the end to set up the next one. if i'm remembering correctly, season 4 was the only season that didn’t end with a cliffhanger (per se), so they could definitely go that route. considering the ratings from tuesday’s episode, season 6 is coming (and they should just do 7, 8, and 9 at this point imo because i want more years of chenford haha). 
i think there’s quite a bit that they could do and play with and to different extents of it. like i really hope that they find a good balance between bringing up obstacles that have humor in them as well as drama. i don’t think they’d go that route of bringing back isabel as an obstacle or a pregnancy like that’s way too daytime soap. i 100% with you on them not sailing off into the sunset, there’s no way there’s not conflict that’s going to arise.
i think off the get-go, their job is going to get in the way. we already saw it in the last episode where tim had a reaction to aaron talking about how dating within the department would only be a problem if that person is within your chain of command. it’s something they’ll have to deal with eventually. on that same note though, what nyla told lucy about how she’s respected and basically built a name for herself will be referred back to and used to resolve part of that tension
which brings up chenford secret dating era — this is completely going to cause problems whether it is comedic bits like we saw when they were coming up with a cover story at the station or actual problems because they can’t hide it forever and the sneaking around becomes bigger than both of them
i don’t think either of them will transfer out of the station because logistically it doesn’t make sense but once their relationship is out, the threat of one of them having to transfer and it seeming like one of them is leaving or breaking things off because they think that by doing so they’re letting the other grow professionally and it’s the right thing to do
i will preface this with i have read too many fanfics and i love every single one — but internal affairs getting involved because it comes to light that a superior is dating his subordinate and is just a nightmare for the both of them trying to prove that no lines were crossed but also maybe tension with the rest of the group for some reason??
lucy’s parents are an obstacle i could see. they’ve made their feelings about lucy being a cop very clear so how are they going to feel when lucy admits she’s dating another cop?? especially considering it was the one who was her training officer. i could also see her parents having a problem with their age difference? i think he’s about eight to ten years older than lucy? but that’s just off the general vibe i’ve gotten from vanessa and patrick
tim’s protectiveness. while i LOVE how protective tim is over lucy, i feel like that is going to become heightened now that they’re dating and it could get in the way. like him worrying could either affect her job and she gets hurt because she’s lost focus or she gets upset at him because she thinks he thinks she can’t handle it
more than anything, i think general misunderstandings? we saw it in 5x02 when they fell into this weird, awkward funk that affected how they communicated and lucy thought he was pushing her away for different reasons. i could see there being a misunderstanding that spirals into something that lasts an episode or two that just is peak angst where it seems like they may break it off but it ends up being them taking one step backward and two steps forward at the end with them reaching a new milestone
i do think one of them being in danger could be something toward the end like a cliffhanger that could happen like it’s not necessarily something that has them considering to be apart but rather the universe pulling them apart
this is a stretch but i think it’s a possibility? tim’s family, specifically his dad. i do think tim made peace with his dad but i could also see it bringing up a lot of emotions once he passes and it being a challenge that they have to navigate because he could shut off or it could cause tensions with genny that lucy tries to help and makes the situation worse
losing someone close to them. i do not want anyone dying but people deal with grief in such different ways that i think this could be used as a plot device where it leads to miscommunication because one of them is shutting the other out and it just spirals into something else
going back to your mention of isabel, maybe they do go with the “something from their past comes back to haunt them” trope. i have no idea what or who aside from isabel or tim’s dad though
one thing that chenford has always done well is communicate (ya know except for that time they didn’t). lucy has always been a very open book and through the seasons has pushed tim to do the same. like the fact that they were able to acknowledge how awkward they felt in the first date was huge because anyone else would have called it good and called it quits. they’re willing to fight for each other which i think is so rare and so precious. lucy wasn’t kidding when she said he was the most important relationship in her life and i think they’re both aware of the weight that holds. which also in a way could cause it’s own set of problem because of how hard they’re trying
bonus - this has nothing to do with situations that could drive them apart but it is something i’d love to see the writers do: 
i would have them do a proper crossover and include lucy and tim in it, specifically go undercover as dim and juicy again and include brenden and laura in their undercover shenanigans because i want a cute or funny chenford and brensen scene. 
thanks for the questions! ♡ this was so much fun to think about
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (07/05/23)
jump is finally back baby let's go!!! next week marks the last week of this serialization round but very much looking forward to the tall girl
ended up not watching more anime like I said I would last week, there were still 4 more I wanted to check out, but currently watching 5 airing which I think is pretty good considering I hadn't watched anything in almost 4 years, plus all those other shows I wanted to check out are all manga adaptations so I'm putting no hope in them being fully adapted so I don't feel as bad putting them aside
I want to catch up on another manga next but, after that, I want to go through my "watching" list and clean it up of stuff that's been left hanging there for these years, and then make my way through stuff I wanted to see from seasons I missed in that time ANYWAY
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me
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Uma Musume - Road to the Top Ep4 (Finale)
what can I say that I haven't already. I love it obviously. I rate things on my mal for personal enjoyment but I usually have a "real" rating for it (like I did for jigokuraku not that long ago), but I can't do it in this case, horses just got too much power over me. I think I teared up in all 4 episodes (maybe not 1 but). it's good, period. the art is good, the animation isn't that special most of the time, but it has a lot of little character acting moments that hit really good, and let's not forget that maenami cut I was gushing about. the music isn't memorable but it served it's purpose, and the voice acting was really good ofc, I especially loved tokui sora's performance as opera, it's nice to see her getting to flex her range instead of always being yazawa nico, but ofc ayabe and topro were really good too. anyway really good, left me really hungry for S3 coming later this year tho I still have to go and watch S2 and even finish S1 tehe
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Megumin Ep5
honestly this ep felt a lot like a finale, tho there's still 7 more left anyway the explosion scene was pretty cool also megumin x yunyun is quite good, good to see they'll keep feeding me since they'll be goofing around together for a bit longer
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Imas CG: U149 Ep5
good episode (ofc), was wondering where they'd take it with risa being such a daddy's girl but she surprised me also the insert song was beyond the starlight (deresute's 1st anni song) so I was losing my gourd as soond as I heard the first couple notes god bless
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Mashle Ep5
decent episode, dot's explosion magic looked decent enough, tho speaking of him I didn't expect him to sound like this at ALL, I thought it was gonna be something more high pitched like bakugou. also they teased the lang baddies, which is when this starts shifting more into an action series with a sprinkle of comedy instead of the opposite, which is nice, even if they're all over the op lol
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Pokemon Horizons Ep5
nice little ep, the roy scene before this pic was cute. next ep should be more exciting, including the appearance of a brand new mon, like riko's pendant turtle from before
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Jigokuraku Ep6
good episode, was really nice to finally see sagiri's first time to shine, and now they're finally at the village, I forgot about the rokurouta fight so I thought they were getting here earlier tehe. it also ended on the gay sex scene so that was very nice I figured the village was gonna be the cliffhanger but that's a really good one too, they really went IN on animating the tongue-fu, anyway curious to see who'll voice mei, she's very cute
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Do Retry Ch1
that line in the pic below is the title of the one shot for this btw anyway. nice first chapter, the art is really striking with it's thick outlines which makes sense since the author was an assistant to matsui too. it's also a period piece which would be funny if it was cause of matsui too. good solid first chap, no complaints for me, did it's job of setting up the story, the main character and his motivations without getting too distracted with other things. we haven't had a sports manga in a while (I don't count blue box as one) so we'll see how long it'll stay around, or how sportsy it'll be in the first place lol
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Dandadan Ch104
the vamola backstory continues, I thought this was gonna be the last ch but I guess not. it's been decent tho it could've been shorter imo
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Show-ha Shoten! Ch18
VERY good chap, one of the best so far tbh, it's nice to see azemichi making a stand for himself, even if he's stumbling a bit. next chap should be pretty exciting but waiting a whole month is painful
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One Punch Man Ch181
just an aftermath chap of the saitama tatsu fight, not really much going on. however I did read the jp raws for the next chap and it has a buncha cute tatsumakis so that's very good
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Pension Life Vampire Ch4 - 5
apparently I completely missed ch4 OOPS. anyway, cute chaps like usual, going even more in on the yuri cause of this new girl here. it's nice that eri's moving in, opens the door for a lot more Situations
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Tokyo Underworld Ch39
ok chap tho not much happened, the action was p dece but that's about it. the ending cliffhanger is something tho
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch23
another eh... chap, they show him waking up but considering the previous pages it's gotta be not real right? anyway it needs to hurry up and end already, feels like it's just dragging on on purpose now
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Fabricant 100 Ch20
the final battle is finally here, not much more left now, prob just enough to finish filling a vol
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Witch Watch Ch107
GREAT chap, I didn't expect them to continue straight from the last one, much less to go this far right away, very excited to see what happens next week with that ending
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Kill Blue Ch3
nice chap overall, not much to say, good to see we'll have some more action next week too
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Blue Box Ch99
TAIKI MY BOY they grow up so fast 😢, I was already hyped for ch100 but with them dropping this right at the end I'm even more pogged up now holy
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Cipher Academy Ch22
as much as I like cipher this felt a lot like a final chap, and it's been doing badly in ratings lately, so there's probably no hope of it making a comeback like medaka did back in the day it's sad that jump readers can't appreciate nisio's work and we get things like roboco running for a billion years instead sigh
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Mashle Ch154
good chap, had that good balance of action and comedy that mashle is really good at, still gonna be a handful more chaps of the final boss
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch4
nice chap, it's always nice to see someone's passion for something be apparent in their work like it has been in tenmaku
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Undead Unluck Ch157
nice chap, like I said last time it's good that not everything is going according to fuuko's plan and seeing her struggle and overcome these unexpected situations is good. looking forward to the (possible) addition of a milf to the cast
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Sakamoto Days Ch117
good to see them learning from sakamoto's example tho this being a flashback arc is annoying cause we know rion dies so every time something happens I'm just expecting it to be now argh
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The Elusive Samurai Ch108
very good chap, good to see tokiyuki make up with yorishige after that argument a couple chaps ago and in such a meaningful way too also the colour page is beautiful but I'll put it on it's own post
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Akane-banashi Ch60
good chap as usual, I've been waiting a long time for the dad to come back into the fray since he's such a big deal for akane's whole character, excited to see where this goes and her growth from it
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch129
good chap, especially with those plot complications at the end making things not as simple as they seemed at first
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Possible theories about the teaser
#1 theory) it's a nightmare/ el ptsd flashback of what happened to the other numbers. And they died. In the s4 trailer brenner says to the other numbers "today i have very special plans for you." In s1 brenner tells el " today is a very special day. Because today we make contact (with the demogorgan/upsidedown)." And so the initial teaser for this trailer with the bloodbath could show it didn't go well. And that's why el was kept isolated from the other kids... there just were no other numbers left!!!!! In a s4 film hellraiser 2 the psychiatrist used patients to open a portal to another world which usually k*lled them so maybe el was locked away in her room for not obeying brenner like in the past- and just heard what happened with the door closed? .The last clip could be unrelated to the first scene of Brenner/the numbers-  so el opening her eyes with a possible buzzcut  & audio of brenner asking if she was listening/el hyperventilating could be from several diff eps of the present day and not even connected to one another.
 audio of Brenner  saying "eleven are you listening " could be a call back to how billy (when hurting someone) sensed El spying in the present day- and then el hyperventilates when billy sees her and acknowledges her presence. Sort of like the trailer. 
 In quite a few movies on the s4 list the m*rder victims had numbers carved on them- its possible they were dumped in Hawkins woods/quary years ago (aka lucas saying it wasn’t Will but another kid in the quary could be foreshadowing). And that causes all the paranoia/satanic panic in Hawkins. Because the catalyst for satanic panic of a small town-in one film was finding children dead in the woods and river (paradise lost).its possible someone comes across their bodies in Hawkins woods years after they were dumped/burried there?
 El later probably tracks brenner down at penthurst with her tracking powers   (after Kali asks her to) cause El may want to prevent another tragedy if she suspects he  is starting up a new program . Kali even asked El in s2 for El to “face their father and heal their wounds together”. Pic Brenner’s actor (matthew modine) posted pre s3.
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I think el has all her powers except telekinesis. El/kali team up and maybe sneak into pethurst facility (like in ace Ventura -people posing as siblings investigate a m*rder and one fakes being ‘crazy’ to sneak in to the psych facility and find a murderer) . In hellraiser 2 it was a real psych facility -but the basement was where the evil dr did his secret experiments unbeknownst to the other staff members. In ‘peanut butter solution’ 2 kids - 1 of them is goth/not american teams up with a girl to find a man named ‘senior ‘ who is kidnapping kids for their powers. That character snuck into the senior’s place to find their friend/sibling (maybe Will?? based off some foreshadowing/that bts pic of the noah look alike ...idk it’s possible). Also wtf is 12 if not maybe Will?
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The one who sneaks in starts calling senior “dad” (like papa) to trick him into thinking they trust him.  Kali already busted Dottie out of a psych hospital (so she may help El do the same) and lucas referenced El being at pethurst in s1 where she had never been - but the facility has been shown in s4 bts pics. Alexi in s3 even watches roadrunner- -in that “papa bear” throws him in a psych facility. So I think someone will be captured by Brenner (accidental or otherwise)- most likely el to save new experiments/ maybe Will. 
Her appearing to have a buzzcut at the end of the trailer may be a shot from a diff episode when captured again-possibly in the upsidedown/void on Brenner’s request?
Other alternative possibilities/theories
#2 theory ) it could be something in the present day? but cut scenes/audio are once again meshed together to confuse us. This could be how s4 ends -on a ominous cliffhanger-with El and Will captured (and their futures undecided). And Brenner saying a line reminiscent to s1- which was what  caused the portal to the upsidedown to open in the first place.
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“TODAY we make contact...or maybe TOMORROW?” Could be a hint this scene in the s4 teaser is a cliffhanger ending  . He says at the end of s4 “today is a very special day” cause of his plans to make contact again. But we have to wait for s5- to see them make contact again.There’s  also only 2 teens who’s faces are obscured (everyone else is little kids). Like the older guy playing chess could be Will hard to say (it’s an older male teen - with an adam’s apple- and moles -similar to noah). And the only other teen is across from him and looks female. Will likes board games- and the older teen across from him could be el.  in s4 bts people thought they saw millie (with her leg scar) and Noah at pethurst both wearing the lab gowns from the trailer. And the shot of the rooms 11 (and the room next to it - could be labeled 12 -since in another shot we saw a diff door from a diff hallway’s than El’s -say 10).  If the door right next to her’s isn’t 10- well it may be 12. The other numbers could just be reused after the originals died/ escaped/ the hawkins lab program was forced to shut down (and brenner captured new kids in those 3 years El left -like starting from scratch back to 1-10 -and El and Will are 11 and 12 since they’re captured at the end). That could also explain why the rainbow room looks so different than the one in s2′s hawkins lab flashbacks-cause it’s at a new facility at pethurst. The real pethurst (from Pennsylvania) not the one in st/indianna was infamous for human rights ab*ses which is why it was shut down in the 80s. Not to mention how in s1/2 the lab was watching El/Will in the same way -and it was hinted Brenner suspected Will had powers.The Will ST comic- referenced ‘house of stairs’ (Will throws that book at the demogorgan) .It involved a gay male teen (in love with his childhood bff) and a gal with buzzcut -being kidnapped and thrown in the facility by an evil psychiatrist who is trying to make the teens into weapons for the government. And the “into the fire” st comic had a fire wielding character  with mental health issues (cough Will the wise- having fire powers/ penthurst being a psych facility) . She was stuck in Brenner’s facility- and escapes using her fire powers. So I think it’s pretty likely it’s Will.And probably El too who go to Pethurst, where Brenner is. 
#3) it's a flashback from Kali-like how el used her powers to see Terry and Billy's traumatic memories. However the way its shot is very crisp and clean. Terry's memories were blurry around the edges, or in parts of the void, or choppy memories blended together in a fast sequence. Billy's were also choppy/blended together in fast sequence and also in the upsidedown/void. But it could be a hint certain powers are getting stronger without her telekinesis? It could show how kali escaped - maybe an allusion of a bloodbath was used as a distraction? Kali said she escaped when el dissapeared from the rainbow room -and el appears to be isolated from the room.but idk since everyone has buzzcuts which kali didn't have in her 2 flashbacks (or heck in the comic the 3 other numbers-including the male/female teens who escaped had all their hair too)- what was the catalyst for the haircuts if not someone or multiple girls escaping? So would the teaser be post-kali’s escape? We may see kali flashbacks but that footage may not be from this teaser? I feel the theory of 1 or 2/a combo of 1 and 2  are the most likely. Kali may even try to rescue them with the help of others in s5/4
Personally,  whatever happens, I still feel like we’ll see BOTH flashbacks of the lab- and El and Will captured by Brenner at Pethurst.
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veneli · 3 years
hello hello!! for the redacted ask game; 11, 15, & 19? (hope you’re doing well and having a lovely day/night!!)
My night has been lovely, thank you! It is currently 12am PST and I have school tomorrow, but I can't sleep so here I am on tumblr *jazz hands*
@sweetheartmilo's request!
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Hey!! Thanks for asking, both of you!
Both are very similar questions from the game, so I’ll put them together.
Spoilers for Avior's latest installment below!
11. Character(s) you want to know more about? FUCK, AVIOR. I NEED
But for real, after that last installment, and that deadly cliffhanger, even deadlier than his fall down to the first circle - I have perished and I am fighting the River's current. I was so invested in his storyline, and we kinda got pushed to the back burner a little bit for DAMN Season 2 and Inversion (no complaints, well, maybe a little grumble). Erik deserves a break. But gOd do I need Avior to survive rn. (New kind of d(a)emon: one that can only live off the energy of another d(a)emon. That would be very complicated)
15. What character(s) would you want to be friends with? To be frank there's many, but here's the ones that are definitely not 99% similar to my friends I have IRL. Huxley. and Lasko. and Elliott. and Geordi. Huxley: very huggable and is a nature freak (same), mountains person, will 100% steal hoodies and will ramble for hours about things he likes (I will listen 100%) and I need someone to yell at me to drink water.
Lasko: Anxiety bros! there's always something on our minds and we are equally distracted and stressed. Would lose a game of (insert video game) to 100%, I can't play to save my life, but I imagine it would be epic going against him. Also, I heard he likes bowling?? Count me IN.
Elliott: Dreamer, probably a Pisces (me too!!). Likes astrology, flirty, sweet, best friend type. Will stay up with him to look at the stars or just talk about random shit then fall asleep while he rambles because his voice is so calming and relaxing <3 (as the dreamwalker boyfriend, I wonder sometimes why he doesn't have a sleep aid yet...)
Geordi: CHOATIC. Overthinker, careless, forgetful, and brain all over the place (like me)! However goofy, will set boundaries and respect with every ounce of his being. He's like the kind to hug you from behind and the type to run and crash for a hug and I live for that. We can be stupid together and not give a damn.
19. Which character(s) are you most similar to?
I would like to say a cross between Asher and Damien. (I know, what?) High standards like the both of them, having both a serious side (Damien) and a fun side (Asher), Loyal to a cause and my friends and family, responsible in school and tries to be on top of things. Take on high responsibility and do my best to fulfill what my superiors ask of me and my own standards. Stubborn like Damien, and conscious of when I need breaks.
34. What was your first Redacted video you listened to? It was a Vincent audio! I joined the fandom about 10 months ago, in May of 2021, just as DAMN S1 was closing up with the non-canon DAMN boy confessions. I just started getting into ASMR content, and I was drawn towards the supernatural and fantasy, then I was lucky enough to have Erik grace my feed with "Found By a Flirty Vampire". HIS FIRST EVER VIDEO ON REDACTED. HOW LUCKY!!
After that video I was like, "yo, this Vincent guy is pretty nice, I WANT MORE" and Lo and Behold, there was an entire fucking library of other supernatural stuff with DAMN 1 ending and the Shifters getting started.
To be honest, I didn't listen to the Ivan "Yandere boy takes you" or the Project Meridian storyline because I'm not too fond of Yandere content and I don't like the overload of personal attention, so I kind of missed out on content from that.
I spent maybe 1-2 weeks catching up and binging all the videos (aside from Ivan and Marcus) from start to finish, including the non-canon game of matchmakers. Waited (impatiently) for The Cost and wondering why Vega was being a dick (realizing later it had connections to Ivan's story).
As you can see, I fell into a spiral and an obsession with supernatural/magical ASMR content and I have never left Redacted since then. I was so caught up with everything already that when Eri hosted the channel trivia for Channel-versary I could answer 80% of the questions.
Cruised through summer and into the Games Prep arc, tiptoed quietly through Imperiem-tober and got scared of a few characters (ehem, Sam, Asher, Huxley, Lasko), Games day arc, then you know what happened. I cried, a lot.
and here's a bonus because I really wanted to answer this one lmao: 23. What kind of Empowered would you be? (ex. Elemental, Energetics, Freelancer, Shifter, Dreamwalker, Deathwalker, Seer, Vampires..ect)
Several personality tests say werewolf Shifter, and I'd say I agree. Pretty loyal (if i do say so myself), I like responsibility, my favourite animals are wolves (no bias), and they're gentle creatures when unprovoked (it's another story when they are). However I think it would be soooo cool to be a Fire Elemental or a Dreamwalker. Fire because, yeahhh arsON I'm always cold and if I can make my own heat/absorb heat that would be great thank you. A Dreamwalker because I'd like to experience how the inside of someone's mind works while they sleep. How the brain comes up with the weirdest scenarios ever, while rearranging memories. Psychology and psychiatry seem pretty interesting from inside the mind.
(I suppose telepath could also work, but with Dreamwalking you get the image and the art rather than just sound and voice.)
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dogbeegone · 3 years
Hey guys, haven’t made an original post in some time lol. If you guys don’t know, Steve Blackman released the episode names for season three of the Umbrella Academy. I’ve been thinking about what each episode might be about and I have a general idea for each!
Here’s the titles of you haven’t seen already:
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Meet the family: I think this title is a pretty self explanatory one. We’re gonna meet the sparrow academy. We’ll probably see them as kids and we’ll get to see all of their powers. I’m also sure that there is going to be a fight scene between the Sparrow Academy (SA) and the Umbrella Academy (UA).
Worlds biggest ball of twine: I think this episode is going to be the UA figuring out how their actions in the 60s affect their current present. I think Harlan, Sissy, Ray, the people at the asylum (they’re gonna thing Diego had something to do with JFK’s death or something) and the overall damage they’ve done (y’know being wanted world wide) is gonna hit them all hard in this episode.
Pocket full of lightning: Now i’m a bit stumped about this episode. When i think of lightning in a UA sense, I think of powers, which leads me to believe this could be a Five or one of the SA centric episode. We also know from the comics that Luther and Five are twins (and considering it was a big part of book three, I feel like they’re gonna work it in somehow). I feel like this episode could hint at the two of them being twins, but overall idk.
Kugelblitz: During the time when Steve was introducing the titles, he said that we’re going to have to search up what kugelblitz meant. So... i did.
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Because a kugelblitz has to do with energy, I feel as though this episode is going to have something to do with Vanya and her powers. If it’s not about Vanya, I feel like this could be a Reginald episode. We know the third comic is about Hotel Oblivion (which is a hotel in space), so perhaps this has something to do with how Reggie gets to the hotel/how he created it. If not, I definitely feel like this episode will have some power explosion from someone and I think that someone is Vanya.
Kindest Cut: For this episode, I have a few ideas of what it could be about. I feel like it could be about pushing forward the fact that Luther and Five are twins (like how it cuts deep that they’re twins but in some way it’s a good cut y’know. maybe they go to where they were born and find out they’re twins or something). I also feel like this episode could be about Diego. If that is the case, that means we’d get a better look into what Lila has been up to and how the commission is. I think both options are good tbh.
Marigold: This episode is definitely about Reginalds backstory. Marigold is supposed to represent the little energy orbs Reginald released in S1 E10 and the ones Vanya put into Harlan in S2 E4(?). Because of this, I feel like we’re finally going to see more of Reginalds history, as well as a bit of where Harlan is too. He was given the orb things, which leads me to believe that he’s going to have something to do with this episode.
Auf Wiedersehen: Klaus episode! There is no way this isn’t a Klaus centric episode. Klaus, is German, and so is the name of the title. Also, we know from bts photos and videos that the Berlin Wall is going to be featured in episode seven The Berlin Wall was also destroyed in 1989 (i think. not 100% sure on that if someone wants to fact check me lol). The Berlin Wall also happens to be located in Germany. So, what I think is going to happen in this episode is that Klaus is going to go to Germany to find a version of himself that wasn’t taken in by Reginald. He’s going to get upset (obvi) and he’s going to have to say goodbye to a part of him he always wished he had (auf wiedersehen means goodbye in German). I think this of it has something to do with saying goodbye to Dave. Considering Dave was dispatched early into the military, we very well could have a different outcome for him.
Wedding at the End of the World: This title reminds me of S1 E1 - We only see Each Other at Weddings and Funerals. I think this episode is going to have the same vibe as the pilot episode. We all know Allison was once married in her life time (well, she was married twice, but yk what I mean). Because of thugs, I feel that we’re going to see why her and Luther have the connection they have in this episode. I’m not 100% sure if this is true (fact check me again lol), but I think that Allison rumoured Luther into liking her. If that’s the case, I think that’s going to be revealed in this episode. This means that Wedding is a type of metaphor, if that makes sense. I also this this relates to the title of S1 E1 because of the death theme they both hold. The pilot episode references funerals, which was Reggies funeral in the first episode. Now, when you think of the end of the world, you often think of death. What happens when you die? You have a funeral. Because of this, I think Reginald is going to die in this episode, and it’s going to reveal some of his secrets which will lead to the final two episodes.
Six Bells: I feel like this episode is a part one to a two part thing with the final episode. In both S1 and S2, they had episode 9 start at the beginning(ish) of the day, and episode 10 finish the day - leaving us on a cliffhanger. I think this is going to be the same type of vibe with this season. Going off of the last episode (E8), I think Reggie is going to die and his secret is going the be revealed. What is that secret? Hotel Oblivion. I think the six bells are referencing the six Hargreeves siblings (UA) going to Hotel Oblivion, sorta how there’s those bells on the front counter that you ding when you need service. I think it’s a reference to them ‘checking in’ to Hotel Oblivion. Steve also said that the six bells is going to make sense more as we watch the season, so Hotel Oblivion could be referenced earlier on (Kugelblitz type beat?).
Oblivion: Obviously this is referencing Hotel Oblivion, which is what the third comic is about. If this is the case, I feel we’re going to see a major fight scene (bigger than the one at the end of S2), where the UA and the SA have to work together to fight all of the bed guys Reginald locked away (if you don’t know what hotel oblivion is, it’s a hotel that reginald made in space where he kicked all of the things the UA fought throughout their life time). I haven’t ras the third comic yet, but i’m pretty sure (from what i’ve heard) that the SA helps the UA fight something big, and if that’s the case, we’re going to see some teamwork in this episode. I also think this episode is going to end on a cliffhanger, cause we’re almost 100% sure there’s going to be a S4.
Anyways, this took forever to write lol. If you guys have any other ideas about what you think S3 is going to be about, lmk! I love to hear theories about this show!
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
New Releases 11/7/17
Happy New Release Day!
In Books --Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju Volume 4 by Haruko Kumota “After Sukeroku’s expulsion, Kikuhiko’s path to stardom seems clear, but the idea of inheriting the Yakumo name is a cold comfort. Sukeroku, disgraced, makes the heartbreaking decision to put his art aside and take responsibility for his new relationship with Miyokichi. As years pass and distance grows, Kikuhiko decides it’s up to him to bring his friend back to the theater. His determination takes him to the country, where Sukeroku now lives with his spirited young daughter. Kikuhiko is ready to stay as long as he needs to convince Sukeroku, but old wounds may come back to haunt them both.”
I haven’t had a chance to pick up volume 3 yet because we did not get a copy in where I work. And I haven’t had a chance to order it yet either. 
--Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Edition When I first head about this illustrated edition I thought it was going to be of the movie Fantastic Beasts so I wasn’t very interested in this one. But it turns out it is for all of the creatures mentioned throughout the HP universe. Now I really want this one. Just not sure when I’ll be able to.
--My Hero Academia Volume 10 by Kohei Horikoshi “The League of Villains has kidnapped Bakugo, and the resulting negative publicity has thrown U.A. into a huge uproar. With the public’s trust in heroes threatened, the faculty convenes to figure out what to do. But Midoriya and the students of Class 1-A have plans of their own - an operation to rescue Bakugo that could get them thrown out of school.”
Picking up right where volume 9 ended. Midoriya and his crew try to take back Bakugo but fail. And a few pro heroes are lost in the conflict. After their recovery in the hospital some of Class 1-A devise a plan to legally (meaning without using their powers) to try and save Bakugo. Which sounds like a bad idea all around. 
It’s a really good volume that ends on an evil cliffhanger. I need volume 11 but that won’t be out till 2/6/18.
--Perfect Shadow by Brent Weeks “Gaelan Starfire is a careful, quiet, simple farmer. He’s also an immortal, peerless in the arts of war. Over the centuries, he’s worn many faces to hide his gift, but he is a man ill-fit for obscurity.
When Gaelan must take a job hunting down the world’s finest assassins for the beautiful courtesan and crime lord Gwinvere Kirena what he finds may destroy everything he’s ever believed in.”
I HAVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS MOMENT. I love Brent Week’s Night Angel Trilogy so when I heard there was a prequel novella I was pretty excited. Until I noticed it was ebook only; after a brief limited printing run that I found out much later on. But after waiting and waiting, it is back in print. Right when I was about to break down and buy it digitally. I am ecstatic to finally have it to go with the others. Now I just wish I had the trilogy in hardcover. I just have them in the mass market paperback box set. 
It includes the novella Perfect Shadow and a Night Angel short called I, Night Angel. 
--Renegades by Marissa Meyer “The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies - humans with extraordinary abilities - who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice - and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.“
From the author of the Lunar Chronicles series comes a new series. I really like the Lunar Chronicles. I recommend it a lot at work. Though I still need to finish it. Cress (book 3) has been sitting on my shelf for a little while but I’ve been trying to focus on the arcs I have. And have been failing. Anyway, I really like her other series and am excited to try out a new series by her.
--Twinkle Star Volume 4 by Natsuki Takaya “The second semester of school is starting, and Chihiro's kinder attitude toward Sakuya is making her heart race! When he recommends her a book to read, she's positively overjoyed. But on the way home from a night of stargazing with the Star Appreciation Club, Chihiro suddenly approaches her! What does he want to talk about...?”
After this just one more volume of this series should remain. I still haven’t had time to go past volume 1 of this series. I’ve had to put a lot of series on hold while I tried to cut back during the second half of this year. I will pick it back up again someday. Hopefully by next year.
In Movies/TV Shows --Cheer Boys “Catch an exciting new take on the high-flying team sport, inspired by a real all-male squad in Japan. When Haruki Bando and his friend Kazuma leave judo martial arts, no one would have guessed they would turn to cheerleading! Rocking the college campus with a killer routine, these amateurs manage to draw in a crowd and enough new members to compete in regionals.”
I started streaming this on Funimation during its season. I watched about half before I got into another gaming kick and haven’t picked it up again yet. I did like what I saw of it but it probably isn’t my favorite sports series. But I think it is still worth checking out. 
--Project Ito: Genocidal Organ “In Genocidal Organ, while developed countries rely on advanced surveillance to free them from the threat of terrorism, other nations are plagued by genocide within their own borders. Strangely, these massacres all link back to one American by the name of John Paul. Special agent Clavis Shepherd is sent to capture the target, but nothing can prepare this soldier—or the world—for the truth behind humanity’s darkness.”
The third and final Project Ito film. At least for now. I have been waiting on this one ever since the films were announced. I did watch Empire of Corpses and enjoyed it. Though I need to rewatch it soon because when I first watched it I was exhausted from work and kept having to rewind cause I kept nodding off for a few minutes at a time. I finally picked up Harmony a few months back but haven’t had time to start it yet.
--Revolutionary Girl Utena Set 2 “Utena and Anthy have become close during their time as roommates. So when Anthy casually mentions she has a brother, Utena can’t help but feel shocked. She thought she knew Anthy, but the longer she and Anthy are friends, the more she discovers she doesn’t know. What other secrets could Anthy be keeping? However, Utena won’t have time to dwell upon such matters. A new group of duelists has emerged from the shadows. These new challengers wear black rose signets and also seek revolution, but their methods are different than those of Ohtori’s Student Council. They don’t wish to possess Rose Bride. They are want kill her.”
Set 2 of the 20th Anniversary is now out. Contains episodes 13-24 of this great series. I have only seen it once all the way through. It is one of those series that you’ll have to watch over and over to get all the references and to catch all the imagery it contains. 
--Westworld S1 “Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged without consequence.”
Season 1 of this series is out today. I don’t have the channel that it is on so I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. I’ve heard nothing but great things about so I can’t wait to try it out sometime. Though I would like to watch the movie it is based on before I try out the show. I have heard the soundtrack before because we used to have it as an in-store-play where I work. It is an awesome soundtrack. It was a staff favorite and we played it a lot.
--Your Name “Mitsuha and Taki are complete strangers living separate lives until they suddenly switch places. Mitsuha wakes up in Taki’s body, and he in hers. This occurrence happens randomly, and they must adjust their lives around each other. Yet, somehow, it works. They build a connection by leaving notes for one another until they wish to finally meet. But something stronger than distance may keep them apart.”
Was very disappointed when this came out in theaters because it never came anywhere close to where I live. I don’t think it played anywhere in my state for that matter. I did pick up a copy because I want to know if it really is worth the hype. I haven’t watched it yet because I decided to wait till my friend and I could get together to watch it together. 
There is a standard version (DVD and a combo pack) as well as an LE. The LE, “contains two-piece double-sided collectible chipboard box with rainbow holographic finish.” Like what they did for Death Parade’s LE. Which both are nice but makes me nervous that it would fall out if I picked it up wrong. It also comes with a 60 page art booklet, an art digipack, and a two disc OST. The second OST is shorter. It has five songs; if I remember correctly, that are sung in English by RADWIMPS.
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lushatrocity · 8 years
How do you think writers will kill us?
Because it’s what they do, Nonny!
Now, in all seriousness, my theory hinges on some potential spoilers, so proceed at your own risk.
--Jason has said in multiple interviews that he views each season as a feature film. Season 1 was the typical space/futuristic film about the Ark and returning to earth, while Season 2 was heavily influenced by war/action films in which a small group of people survive the final battle (but pay a heavy price). Season 3 was originally designed to be a true sci-fi story (a love letter to the Matrix and other AI stories), but the desire to give a certain actress her time to shine caused a few last-minute adjustments to be made.
(Side note – This is part of why the 100 falls victim to pacing issues and why the writers always seem so surprised by the criticism. People are more likely to forgive gaping plot holes in a movie because there is a limited run time.)
Now, Season 4 is obviously a disaster film ala Armageddon, 2012, Day After Tomorrow, etc. What do all of these films have in common? They typically center on a group of “average people” who step up to try and save as many lives as they can (Bellamy and Clarke), and are usually assisted by a plucky scientist (Raven and Monty). These films typically end with a character making the ultimate sacrifice after an emotional goodbye with their loved ones (think the Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler scene in Armageddon). Following this structure, Clarke and Bellamy will be forced to separate during the finale and it will be HELLA emotional.
From a story perspective, it has to be either Bellamy or Clarke that risks their life in order to save the others. A – they are our heroes and the audience will be far more likely to care about a cliffhanger ending if it involves one (or both) of them. B – Bellamy was interrupted before he finished his goodbye in 406 and it would be incredibly weak storytelling to not circle back to this moment later in the season. The finale provides the maximum opportunity for drama, which is why I think this moment will happen then.
I’m not sure about the exact circumstances that will cause Clarke to leave the shelter. But my guess is that she will need to trigger something in order to ensure everyone else’s survival (similar to how Jaha needed to stay behind to trigger the station launches in S1 – they have been deliberately paralleling these two characters throughout S4 and it will surely continue in the finale). I bet she does it without informing Bellamy (because let’s be real, he would never let someone else sacrifice themselves for him!) and It will spark a moment of sheer panic as he tries to plead with her on the radio. When he realizes it is too late to stop her, he will confess his feelings.
Even if Bellamy hadn’t had that moment in 406, I would expect him to confess first. Bellamy is a character that believes in the power of emotional connections, after all. Clarke, on the other hand, has already had two “deathbed” confessions so it would ring hollow to have her give another one with Bellamy. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see it coming from her.
Now, a confession alone would leave us screaming – but I think there is going to be another level that is even more intense. I know a lot of people are anticipating a “I will find you!” moment ala Last of the Mohicans because of Aaron’s tweets around the development of 412. However, there are also those leaks that hint at Clarke being in very dire circumstances at the end of the finale – so I think the confession will come while she is struggling with an injury/lack of oxygen. I can totally see the radio crackling in the background as Bellamy confesses his love while the camera watches Clarke’s eyes close.
We know from S1 that the “cliffhanger” about Bellamy’s fate fell flat because they were very open about Bob filming for S2. Likewise, a cliffhanger with Clarke’s life in the balance wouldn’t spark a lot of concern from casual viewers – she’s the main character, of course she will survive. But if they go this route, we will be worried about whether she actually heard Bellamy’s confession and will remember it when she finds her way back to him. Likewise, we’ll be worried about Bellamy losing hope during their separation (and they could present another obstacle in the form of possible temporary love interest to make us think he has moved on also).
I’ll admit that this theory is tainted by my love for Bellarke – but I could certainly see it playing out this way!
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