#cause i think i need to get this out in order to like.
jess-the-vampire · 1 day
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Professor Caduceia and Snakely
Checked out the storyboard for the deleted s1 episode "Homesick"
You can read it here : https://t.co/WpZJFWbR48
I just loved these cut villains, one whose design def seemed like it was given to raine when they got cut. (I wonder if the color palette was similar, but we don't have a reference to that so idk)
Thoughts on the cut episode below:
An episode where king and owlbert of all characters bond is kinda neat, especially since it provides owlbert himself a bit more character here.
The opening is def far different from any of the final ones we ever see in the series, in fact it feels like it should be taking place during the episode but it can't be given we see hooty from being sick to not being sick in pretty chronological order?
A focus on the healing coven was nice to see, especially since we never got that in the show itself, and get some idea of their powerset and what they do magic wise.
So Manny was an ambulance driver, and Camila was a nurse in this. People originally assumed camila was a nurse when the show started, and it makes me wonder if that was changed between seasons at some point cause clearly the crew decided to change her profession and it's unclear why.
you can use your palisman as a communicator? and an umbrella? I do think it's so weird that even at the very end of the show, they establish brand new rules for palisman. Like them being able to shapeshift into objects is straight up not explained and just sorta....happens in the show, like i feel like hunter would have no issue hiding flap if this is a thing. (It also kinda makes stringbean's ability slightly less unique) Like this is displayed in these boards, but they kept it even in the show itself, and i think palisman might need a proper rulebook.
On that same note, owlbert uses magic in this board, like we kinda knew palisman could do some magic without a witch, but this is the only time we've seen one use it to fight another witch that wasn't the batqueen. Like owlbert tries to full on blast people in this. I don't know if removing this episode makes this ability less canon in the world itself since they still can do magic in the show, it's just worth noting that palisman, according to this board, CAN fight back, even if they're not incredibly strong it seems. Certainly the kinda thing that makes you think on other episodes tbh.
This episode also brings up the idea that eda actually CAN and DOES bring human food to the BI, which never happens in the show, in fact luz implies she gets to eat very little options there, so this idea seems no longer canon?
The demon hunters at one point don't even seem to recognize owlbert as a palisman, which does not entirely make sense given they seem to be mostly common to the townsfolk, so I'm kinda glad for that plot hole being gone.
Caduceia makes it out like the emperor's coven forced her to teach? and she thought handing over a house demon to belos would get her out of teaching as if it were some kinda punishment or job she was made to do? I have questions
side note, house demons are called rare in this, like they're not common, not sure if this still applies in the final show, but yeah.
there's some very sweet moments in this with luz and eda especially, but also some funny moments, and some jokes that land a little less....i don't think we needed Caduceia to be kissing her snake like that from that angle, even if it was meant to be a little uncomfortable.
one reason i think this episode did get cut? we got a glyph in this
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a healing glyph, which has some ties to water based on it's symbol
i'm guessing since they kept the main glyphs element based, a healing glyph would of stuck out and been a bit weird. Like it just heals people, it doesn't produce water despite looking close to the alchemy symbol for water, and well....we already got ice so this would be redundent.
so yeah, this episode introduced a new glyph that saved them in the end so it would of come back in future episodes, but to keep it simple that would mean cutting the entire episode as a whole just to keep the four.
Since they enjoyed Caduceia's design so much, they must've repurposed it for raine somewhere down the line.
very fun insight into a scrapped episode.
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Guilty as Sin? — Chapter Eight
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, minor angst (javi is not the cause), unprotected piv, the professor kink gets a moment to shine, also maybe an anti-breeding kink?? vasectomy kink?? idk, these two are rudely interrupted by a special guest
word count: 5.2k
series masterlist
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You greeted Javi with an air of indifference as you stopped at his desk on the way out of his Friday night lab, though your eyes told a completely different story when you caught a glimpse of the mark you’d left on him a few nights ago when he stayed over at your place. 
Javi seemed to already know what you were thinking as he watched your eyes widen with a mixture of alarm and satisfaction, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
“Yes?” he replied, forcing himself to sound as cold as he normally did when speaking to a student. “Can I help you with something?”
You shook your head, fighting back a smile. “Just saying goodnight.”
“Mm,” he hummed, ticking his jaw to the side as gave you a purposeful once over. You rolled your eyes in order to hide the fluster his gaze brought on before turning to leave the lecture hall. He called your last name, forcing you to freeze in place, watching as the last few undergrads filed out of the room. “Would you mind staying back to discuss today’s lab?”
You slowly spun towards him on your heel, your eyebrow raised in question. With the room now empty, you were free to speak normally with him. “Is this an actual meeting or your attempt at roleplay?”
“A little bit of both,” he replied, pushing off his desk to saunter across the room, his eyes never leaving yours once in the process. “Just wanted to thank you for helping out today.”
“Well, it is kind of my job to help,” you joked, stepping close enough to smell the cinnamon on his breath. “Is that all you wanted to say? Or is there something else you need from me?”
“There’s a world of things I need from you,” he husked, settling his hands on your hips before sliding them up to the small of your back. “A kiss will do for now, though.”
“Just one?”
Javier grinned, leaning down to brush his nose against yours. “For now.” 
“I thought we said no fooling around on campus,” you breathed, the words a reminder not only to him but also to yourself. 
“That was overly optimistic, I think,” he said, tipping your jaw up as he placed a soft, almost taunting kiss on your lips. “But maybe you’re right.”
“Uh-uh,” you replied, tugging him back into you as he playful tried to back away with his hands held up in surrender. 
You kissed him, deeper this time. Javier groaned, walking you backwards until your thighs hit the edge of a desk. You gasped as he hoisted you onto the surface, your thighs bracketed around his waist. 
“We really should stop,” he panted, kissing his way down your neck. “Anybody could walk in.” 
“Then take me somewhere private,” you said, tossing your head back as he pressed his hips into yours. 
“It’s late, aren’t you tired?” he asked, though his wandering hands did little to persuade you against letting him fuck you right here on this desk. 
“Not when it comes to you,” you replied, popping one of the buttons of his shirt open to trace over the fresh hickey you’d given him last night when he showed up to your place unannounced but more than welcome. 
“Fuck,” he squeezed your hips, dragging you closer. “Spend the weekend with me. We can hole up and eat like shit and fuck and build Legos.”
You smiled at the prospect, dragging your lips up to his jaw. “I’ll meet you in the parking garage.”
“Okay,” he nodded, giving you a lingering peck that turned into another one of his signature, mind melting, knock-you-on-your-ass kisses that had you panting when he finally pulled away. “I won’t be long, just have to pack my things up.”
“No rush,” you said, giving him a smitten look. Javier let out a soft groan, holding your face as he leaned in for one more. 
Always just one more. 
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You had some time to kill as you waited for Javi to pack his things and shut everything down in the lecture hall, so you wandered into the campus cafe beside the parking structure reserved for faculty, desperate to get out of this mid-October chill. 
The doorbell jingled as you stepped in, the scent of cinnamon and coffee grounds flooding your nostrils. Stepping into the small line leading up to the counter, you glanced around the room without purpose—a nervous tick you had. As your eyes locked onto a couple in a corner booth practically swallowing each other’s tongues, you quickly wished you hadn’t. 
There, sitting on the same side of a booth, hands and lips all over each other, was none other than Nina and Derrick. 
What the fuck?
You quickly averted your eyes, just in time to step up the the counter. 
“Hi, can I get a hot chai latte and a drip coffee?” you asked, keeping your voice relatively hushed out of fear that Nina or Derrick would recognize it. 
“How would you like the coffee?” the barista asked. 
“Black, please,” you replied, recalling Javi’s signature order that still perplexed you even after a month of being together. 
After giving her your name, you waited on the other side of the room by the shelves of tumblers and mugs, pretending to shop around while you hid out from your ex-roommates. 
Unfortunately, all that hard work went down the drain the moment she called your name at the pick up counter—the one right next to their booth. 
“Fuck me,” you muttered under your breath as you gathered the courage to go over and grab your drinks. 
You tried not to look their way, but god, the sight of them together really got under your skin. You gave a careful glance in their direction, locking eyes with Derrick as he whispered something in Nina’s ear, causing her to turn towards you. 
Taking a deep breath and plastering on a smile, you turned to them as they slid out of the booth. 
“Hey,” you offered, mostly to Nina. Derrick let out a scoff and breezed past you to head outside while Nina grabbed her purse. She didn’t acknowledge you in the slightest, but too curious to back out now, you persisted. “Nina, it’s…me. You know…your friend for the last four years.”
“Oh,” she said, her tone bored as she gave you a forced smile. “Hey.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the two of them as an actual couple. 
“So you guys are, like, together?” you asked, nudging your chin toward Derrick as he waited outside. 
“Yeah,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “Is that a problem?”
“It’s just surprising, is all,” you said. “You know I didn’t lie about what happened, right? Like he really tried—“
“Well, he isn’t like that with me,” she snapped, raising a brow at you. “So maybe it was just you. Or maybe you created the whole thing in your head. Either way, it doesn’t affect me.”
You scoffed, a look of disbelief washing over your face. “We were friends before we ever met him. We went through everything together for four years, you and I, side by side. Doesn’t that affect you?”
“You made your choice, and honestly I’m glad,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “If you’d never abandoned us, D and I would’ve never connected that way. I had to pull him out of a very dark place after you left, and if you think I’m going to choose you—someone who’s always been half-out the door—over that good man? Well, I’m gonna have to disappoint you.”
“But he’s not a good man, Nina,” you argued, your disbelief turning into rage quicker than your face could keep up with. Tears still brimmed in your eyes, but that wardrum beat banging in your chest urged you to stand up for yourself. For what you knew was the truth. “He’s manipulative and narcissistic. He’ll probably marry you before the year ends, but once he puts that ring on your finger, you’ll be signing your freedom away. He doesn’t want a lawyer for a wife, he wants someone to have his kids and look after his pretty house and wear on his arm like a trophy. And you are the trophy, here, but not for the reasons he thinks.”
She let her face sour, but there was no mistaking the look of knowing in her eyes. She knew you were right, but unfortunately for her, it was easier just to ignore it. 
“Have a nice night alone,” she said, looking you up and down before turning to leave the cafe. 
You fought back tears, grabbing your drinks and heading out the door as soon as they left. Telling yourself it was the cold wind that forced a few tears to stream down your cheeks, you entered the parking garage and made it to Javier’s black BMW without running into anyone else. Javier was already seated in the driver’s seat, scrolling through his phone to find an album for the commute from campus to his apartment, when you opened the passenger door and climbed in. 
“Thank you, baby,” he said, accepting the coffee you handed over without looking his way. “Ready to go?”
“Mmhm,” you said, turning to look out of the passenger window so that you could subtly wipe your tears away. 
Javier pulled out the garage, his thumbs tapping on the steering wheel as you sat uncomfortably silent, causing him to glance over at you. 
“You okay?” he asked. You turned to him, fresh tears streaming down your cheek. “Hey, what happened? What’s wrong?” 
“It's stupid. I just...I ran into Nina and Derrick at the cafe,” you said, your voice throaty from your tears. “Guess they’re dating now. But that’s not…I’m not even upset about that. It’s just the way she treated me when I tried to say hello to her. She was so fucking cold and mean, like…just an entirely different person than the one I knew.”
He frowned, reaching one hand over to stroke his thumb over your cheek, catching a tear as it fell. 
“Also, just…” You shook your head, unable to locate the proper words to describe the feeling of losing someone that had been your best friend for so much of your adult life. “It just sucks, you know? Knowing that she picked him over me. She said believes him and told me to fuck off, basically.”
Javier let his hand rest on your thigh, taking careful glances between you and the road. “One day she’ll realize the mistake she made, cariño. She’ll be an unhappy housewife trying to reach out to you to make amends, but you’re going to be too busy with your career and me to give a single shit about her. You’re the winner in this situation, and she’ll realize that eventually.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him as he included himself in your future. A subtle, easy to miss declaration of his intent for this relationship, but one that did its job, pulling you back into the light again. You laid your hand on top of his, lacing your fingers together. “You’re gonna stick around that long, huh?”
He smiled, giving your fingers a squeeze. “If you decide to keep me around.” 
“Keep saying shit like that and I will,” you said, lifting his palm up to your lips. “Thank you for listening to my rant.”
“You never have to thank me for that,” he said. “That’s what I’m here for.”
“Oh, I thought it was just for the hot sex.” Javier let go of your hand to pinch your thigh. 
“Smart ass.”
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After a quickie that was followed by you and Javi splitting an entire pizza between yourselves, the two of you got to work building Javi’s Death Star. You remained interested for an hour or so, then chose to take a much needed shower while he kept on building. When you returned, he was still at it, tinkering away while you got to work on some assignments a few feet from him on the sofa. 
But the hours kept passing, your eyes growing tired just from watching him work. When the clock neared three in the morning, you decided it was time to pull out the big guns. You excused yourself to the bathroom, stripping out of the clothes you’d been in all day, and gave yourself a once over in the mirror, pleased at what you saw. 
You tiptoed out of his bedroom, coming to stand behind him as he sat on the sofa. 
“You’ve been at it for a while,” you crooned, draping your arms over his shoulders and chest before settling your chin on his shoulder. Javi lifted a hand to your arm, giving it a gentle rub as he leaned back into the couch. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “But I’m in a good groove.”
“You could be in something else,” you purred. “Close your eyes.” 
“Because I asked you to,” you said, letting him go in favor of rounding the corner of the sofa. Javi obeyed your demand, keeping his eyes closed as you stepped over one of his knees to stand between his legs. “Okay, you can open.”
Javi slowly opened his eyes, finding you completely bare in front of him, offered up like a midnight snack. 
“Fuck me,” he breathed, taking you in. “You’re right. I do need a break.”
You laughed, straddling his lap. “What you need is for me to fuck you good enough to put you to sleep. It’s three in the morning.” 
“I know,” he sighed, running his hands up your thighs. “I can just go to bed, if that’s—“
“Uh-uh,” you tutted your tongue at him. “I told you what I wanted—to fuck you so good I put you to sleep.”
Javi let out a soft groan, gliding his hands up to cup your breasts. “What heaven did you sneak out of?”
“It was hell, actually.” Javi laughed, placing a kiss on your sternum. 
“God, I love you,” he murmured against your skin, the confession slipping out before he could stop it. Your eyes went wide, not from fear but from amusement as Javi lifted his own pair of wide eyes to meet yours. “I didn’t…that wasn’t…I—“
“Javi,” you laughed, cupping his face in your hand. Your face softened as you took him in. “You love me?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, swallowing thickly. “I do.”
You grinned, kissing him through it. “That’s good because I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you.”
“Yeah?” he asked, a look of relief washing over his face. “It’s not too soon?”
“I’m surprised either of us waited this long,” you laughed. “We’ve known each other for three months. Just because we’ve only been together a month doesn’t mean anything. At least not to me.” 
“Not to me, either,” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you down with him as he shifted to lay on his back across the sofa. He slid his hand between your thighs, his jaw going slack as he smeared your arousal over your clit with a sinful groan. “All this for me, hermosa?”
You nodded, reaching to tug his flannel pajama bottoms down just enough to free his dick, laughing as it sprang free with a lewd slap against his stomach. You dragged a single finger down the underside of his cock, licking your lips as you watched it twitch with interest. “Such a pretty dick.”
“Only fitting for the prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen,” he replied, bringing his soaked fingers up to his lips to suck them clean. “And so fucking sweet, too.”
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” you moaned, leaning down to kiss the taste of yourself off his lips. Javier groaned as you lined him up at your entrance.
“Fuck, wait,” he said. “Condom.”
“Or we could…not,” you suggested bashfully, biting your lip as you watched him react. “I just mean that I’m clean. I got tested the week before school started and I haven’t been with anyone but you since. And I’m on birth control, so no worries on that front either.”
Javi nodded. “I’m clean too, and I got a vasectomy a few years back, so we’re completely good on that front.”
You lifted your brows in delighted surprise, causing him to laugh. “What, bebita?”
“I just…I’m so glad I get to fuck you raw now and never have to worry about an accidental pregnancy,” you said, laughing at your own response. “It’s hot.”
“Then go on and show me how hot it is, baby,” he urged, trailing his fingertips down your spine. “Sit on my dick, hermosa.”
You let out a soft breath at his command, looking down between your bodies as you lined him up with your entrance and slowly took him in. Javi’s lips parted as he watched himself disappear into your wetness, his brows knitted together. 
“Fuck, you feel so good like this,” he husked, bringing his thumb to swirl over your clit as you swallowed him down to his base. “So fucking wet.”
Your face scrunched a bit in pleasure as you lifted yourself up just to slide back down while Javi continued working your swollen bud with one hand, the other gripping your hip. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me come quick tonight, cariño.”
“Yeah?” you purred, rocking your hips a bit. Feeling extra bold tonight, you fought a smirk as you added, “Are you gonna come inside me, Professor?”
Javi’s jaw went slack again, a mixture of incredulity and arousal washing over his face. “Fuck, that shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does. Keep talking, cariño. I love the shit that comes out of your mouth when I’m fucking you.”
You moaned at his confession, speeding up your hips to bounce on him. 
“Fuck, it feels so good. I can feel you in my stomach every time I take you in like this—” You sank down on him and swirled your hips in a circle to grind him in deep. Javier growled, holding your hips in place as he thrusted up into your cunt, filling the living room with the lewdest of sounds. 
“Am I fucking you good, cariño?” he asked, a playful taunt. You cried out, one arm gripping the back of the couch while the other rested on his chest. “Is your professor fucking you how you want? Hm?”
“It’s so good, Javi,” you cried, your hips chasing his thrusts. 
“Uh-uh. Not Javi,” he tutted. “Who am I, baby?”
You opened your eyes to meet his, the sight alone almost enough to bring you to the edge. “You’re my professor.”  
“Mmhm,” he hummed, a smug smirk growing on his lips as he gave your ass a slap. “Good fucking girl.”
“Shit,” you whined, moving to rest your palms flat against his chest as you rolled your hips on top of him. His hands guided your hips, forcing you as close as possible. Your clit dragged deliciously against the coarse hair on his lower stomach, causing your thighs to shake with every rock forward. “Fuck, I’m close. I’m so fucking close.”
“That’s it,” he rasped, his voice warm with desire. “Good girl, baby. Ride your professor's dick just like that.”
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, your head dropping between your shoulders as you inched closer to heaven with every grind against his cock. “Javi—“
The sound of a fist knocking on Javi’s door caused you to jolt, your eyes widening as you sat frozen in place on top of him. 
“Who the fuck…” Javi groaned, a sound of pure frustration. “Whoever it is, fuck off!”
A muffled southern accent sounded in response. “It’s Steve, dumbass. Tell your guest I take precedence and let me in.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Javi’s eyes shut, a sigh slipping from his lips. “I have to let that fucking idiot in.”
“Why?” you asked, that tension in your belly still begging to be unraveled. 
“He’s my best friend, unfortunately. An out-of-state best friend who I hoped I wouldn’t have to see a million times a year, an yet...here he is,” he sighed, sitting up to kiss you. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“I was so close,” you groaned, laying your head on his shoulder. “Now I have to finish myself off alone.”
Javier pulled back to give you a look of pure offense. 
“Don’t give me that look,” you chuckled, smoothing the crease in his brow with your thumb. “It was your decision to let him come in.”
“Well, now I’m rethinking that stupid decision,” he said, but the moment had already passed—especially knowing that there was someone waiting on the other side of the front door for you to finish. 
“No, go let him in, I’ll just be waiting for you in bed,” you said, climbing off of him with a soft hiss. “And tell your friend he owes me for this. A no-expenses-spared steak dinner or something.”
“Will do, baby,” he said, planting a soft kiss in your lips as he stood up to join you, tucking his half-hard dick away. “I’ll be in there soon, don’t get started without me.”
“I’ll think about it,” you snarked, earning a gentle pat to your ass. 
As you let Javi’s bedroom door shut behind you, you grabbed Javi’s robe from his en-suite and tugged it on as you lingered by the door to eavesdrop on their conversation. 
“You fucking dick,” Javi said, earning a hearty laugh from Steve. “You couldn’t have called to tell me you were coming to town?”
“You know I can’t stand all that calling and texting bullshit,” he drawled. “Jesus, Javi. On the couch? That’s where I’m supposed t’be sleepin’ this weekend, you fucker.”
“If I knew you were coming, fucker, I would’ve cleaned up, but—“
“Is that the fuckin’ Death Star?” 
You let out a soft laugh at the sheer disbelief in Steve’s voice. 
“Javi Peña buildin’ Legos,” he whistled. “What’s the world comin’ to?”
“Are you gonna tell me why you’re here?” Javi asked. 
“Are you gonna introduce me to your friend?” Steve replied. Your eyes went wide as heavy footsteps on hardwood got closer and closer to the bedroom door. “Hello, Javi’s friend. I’m Javi’s other friend. Glad there’s finally two of us.”
You chuckled, hesitating for a moment before deciding to open the door up. Javi stood in the living room with his hand on one hip, unamused by Steve’s behavior. You turned your eyes to the man standing a few feet away from the door. He was blonde with blue eyes, and much like Javi, could somehow pull off the mustache look and make it look good. 
“Hey,” you chuckled, giving him your name. “I gotta say, Steve, I haven’t heard much about you. Is Javi hiding you away?”
“He just likes to play hard to get, is all,” Steve smirked. “What about you? You Javi’s girlfriend, or is he hidin’ you away too?”
You turned to Javi with an expectant, but amused look. He’d never officially given you the title, nor you him, but it certainly felt like you were his girlfriend. 
“Yes, she’s my girlfriend,” he sighed, not at you but at Steve. “Now can you stop bothering her and let her go to bed, dip shit?”
You laughed, turning back to Steve. “It was nice meeting you, Steve. Don’t keep him up long, he and I were in the middle of something.”
Steve laughed, looking towards his best friend. 
“I like her.”
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Twenty minutes went by before Javi slipped into the bedroom, carefully clicking the door shut as you laid with your back facing him, pretending to be asleep. There was a quiet rustling before you heard him tiptoeing across the room to crawl into bed behind you. He let out a soft, adoring sigh as his hand ghosted up your bare arm, his lips trailing across your shoulder to your neck. 
“You asleep, hermosa?” he rasped, kissing the shell of your ear. You smirked, rolling over just enough to look at him. 
“How am I supposed to sleep like this?” You lowered his hand across your stomach, down beneath the comforter to slip between your thighs. You guided his fingers to stroke up and down your soaked seam before sinking them inside. 
“Fuck,” Javi’s lips parted, a strangled, quieted groan slipping free as he curled his fingers against that spot you loved so much, his palm grinding against your clit with every thrust. “You want me to make you come, baby?”
You bit your lip and nodded, reaching between your bodies to stroke him through his pajamas only to find he’d taken them off when he came into the room. You licked a broad stripe across your palm before taking him in your hand, stroking him while he pumped his fingers in and out of you with a lewd squelch. 
“How do you want it, cariño?” he asked, bucking his hips into your fist to meet every stroke. 
“From the back,” you said, letting him go in favor of rolling onto your stomach to arch your back for him. Javi growled, coming to sit on his knees behind you as you wiggled your hips at him. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, his hands gripping the globes of your ass in each palm. “I’m not gonna last long, baby. You look too fucking good like this.” 
You keened at his praise, pushing back towards him as he notched himself at your entrance. You both let out sighs of relief as he pressed inside, going slow as he let your greedy cunt suck him in deep. “Your pussy’s so fucking good, baby.” 
You let out a soft whine, burying your face in the pillows to muffle your moans as he snapped his hips into you, steady building up to a brutal pace that had you gripping the sheets. You turned your head, looking over your shoulder as Javi fucked you, finding him with bared teeth, his hair messy across his forehead, his stomach flexing with each sharp thrust into your cunt. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, tugging you back by your arms until your spine was bowed against his chest. He kept your arms pinned between your bodies with one hand, the other gently wrapping around your throat. “Fucking love this pussy…fucking love you.” 
You whined, the sound loud enough to make Javi slide his hand up to cover your mouth. He brought his lips to your ear and whispered. “Those sounds are just for me, aren’t they, bebita?” 
You nodded against him, reaching back to hold his head in place as he nipped at your jawline. Sliding a hand down your stomach, Javi rubbed perfect circles against your clit in time with each one of those ruinously deep thrusts against the velvet soft roof of your cunt. 
“I’m gonna come, cariño,” he whined, his hips losing a bit of their rhythm. “Come for me. Come on my cock and I’ll fill you up, baby.” 
You were thankful for his hand over your mouth as you cried out, a wave of pleasure washing over you, turning you into putty in his arms as he fucked you through it. “That’s it, baby. Fuck, you’re squeezing me so fucking tight. You’re gonna make me come.”
“Please,” you moaned as Javi dropped his hand from your mouth to hold both of your hips in place as he chased his release. “Come inside my pussy.”
He groaned as he pressed in as deep as he could go, the sound choked and strangled as he tried to keep quiet. You stroked your hand up and down the arm he’d moved to wrap around your middle as his cock throbbed inside of you. 
“Fuck me,” he panted, slipping out of you with a hiss before guiding you back against the mattress. He climbed out of bed to retrieve a washcloth, returning with it perfectly warmed by the sink. You watched him clean you up with a smitten look, his dimple making an appearance. 
“What’s got you so smiley?” you asked, rolling onto your side to watch as he cleaned himself off before tossing the cloth into the laundry bin. 
“Besides the mind-blowing orgasm I just had?” he replied, shooting you a smile from over his shoulder as he opened his dresser drawer, pulling out a pair of briefs. “Just happy.”
“Yeah?” you asked, twisting your smile to keep it from growing into a cheesy grin as you admired the sight of him in his briefs as he walked over to climb into bed beside you. 
“Yeah,” he affirmed, coaxing you to lay your head on his chest. “I haven’t been this happy in a long, long time, cariño.”
“Me too,” You placed a kiss over his racing heartbeat, smoothing your hand across his stomach. “It’s a little scary, no?”
“Very fucking scary,” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead. “But it’s not gonna stop me.” 
You smiled to yourself, drawing hearts on his skin. “Is everything okay with Steve?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Him and Connie, his wife, got into it over him continuing his contract with the DEA, I guess. So he’s staying with me until things cool off, which will hopefully be by tomorrow morning because I can’t have him being our third wheel.”
“Why not?” you laughed, lifting your head to look at him. 
“Because I want you all to myself like the selfish asshole I am,” Javi said, smiling. “Also Steve’s really amused by the fact that I have a girlfriend, which means he’s going to try and embarrass me as much as he can in front of you.”
“Well, he can certainly try but my mind is pretty made up,” you said, pinching his chin. “I love you, Javier, and no amount of embarrassing stories from Steve is going to change that.”
“He’s also a hillbilly, which comes with its own warnings,” he said, lifting your fingertips to his lips to place soft kisses on them one by one. 
“How about we see how it goes in the morning, and if either one of us gets tired of the questions or whatever, I can just go home and give you some time alone together,” you suggested. 
“Okay,” he murmured, his eyelids growing heavy with sleep. You leaned up, placing a soft kiss to his lips. 
“Goodnight, Javi,” you said, turning to get comfortable on your side. Javi spooned you, draping his arm over your middle and pulling you close. 
“Goodnight, cariño,” he murmured. “I love you.”
You smiled, hugging his arm tight to your chest. Those three words would never fail to make your heart clench.
“I love you too, Javi.” 
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minswriting · 2 days
Okay so I haven't sent an ask here before (also, terribly sorry for spamming your notifis, I just really love your writing😅)
But since uni finals have wrapped up all I can think about is trying to study with Reid. We know he's a great teacher, probably an even better tutor! But trying to study with him when you can't focus? When maybe you had 1 too many redbulls and keep focusing on the wrong things....or maybe he just looks extra nice tonight? I just- trying to study with Spence but you can't focus for shit lol
no warnings for this one. just pure simping
being a grad student, you had a lot of coursework you needed to focus on in order to obtain your master’s degree. as you had to study for your upcoming exam in one of your classes, you had asked your wonderful and most genius boyfriend in the world to help you. an action that seemed like a good idea at the time but isn’t working out too well.
it isn’t an issue with spencer at all. in fact, he’s perfect. he’s explaining concepts to you in a way that is clear and concise, giving facts while also explaining his own knowledge of the topic. all and all he’s a phenomenal tutor and teacher. however, he was hot. and that was the flaw you were having.
as he spoke, you couldn’t help but get lost in the way his voice sounded or the sparkle in his eye as he rambled about his own opinion of it. spencer was wearing this adorable sweater vest over his shirt and his glasses that he rarely ever wore. and god, he just looked so divine.
“so, did that help you understand?” spencer asked suddenly, finishing his rant as he finally looked at you.
you blinked, not comprehending what he had just said. “huh?” you asked.
“did my explanation help?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
you felt your cheeks warm as you realized that you had indeed not been paying attention and therefore would need his explanation again. “truthfully,” you began. “i was too mesmerized by your handsomeness to comprehend what you were saying.”
and this caused spencer to blush as he stuttered over his words. “oh! uh- okay. uh- i-i could explain it again?”
so he did. and you tried your hardest to pay attention to each and every word he spoke, taking notes as you did so. that way, if you did get distracted, you’d have points to show where you left off.
you were grateful of how patient spencer was with you. and you were extremely lucky to have such a beautiful tutor.
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itsmrshamilton · 3 days
Last Goodbye | LH44
summary: reader is involved in a car accident during qualifying. can Lewis make it to her on time to say one last goodbye
a/n: lol, the summary is way more dramatic than it needs to be. I'm trying a different pov. Let me know what you think. Requests are open.
The sun was positioned high in the sky, the wind softly tickled the trees and there wasn't a single cloud in view for miles. The perfect Saturday afternoon to hold the Qualification Races for the British Grand Prix which would take place on Sunday. Lewis had left earlier that day just like the other racers in order to get to the track on time and begin preparing with their teams. Due to her work, Y/n was unable to attend most races on the calendar but she wouldn't miss the Silverstone race for anything in the world. It was their home race, the one time she got to spend the whole weekend with Lewis and their family while he worked. As scary as it was for her, she loved watching her favourite person do what he did best and inspire millions while he did it.
As was their tradition for home race weekends, Lewis had left Y/n her favourite breakfast in the kitchen, a handwritten note on a counter and a soft kiss on her forehead while she slept then quietly snuck out with Roscoe under his arm. She would have offered to bring their son with her later in the day but she knew that Roscoe had eager fans in the engineers' garage that were waiting to spend the day with him. So she got up and went about her morning on her own, tidying up and making snacks for later when Lewis came home knackered and starving.
She picked up her bag, patted herself down for keys then checked her phone for any last minute requests from her boyfriend. Seeing nothing new since the previous texts she sent, she figured he may have already started racing so she took a quick selfie and sent it with a caption. "I think I stand a chance of overshadowing your paddock outfit today, lol. I'm leaving the house, see you soon. Knock 'em dead, love" She giggled at her awful sense of humour before leaving the house and locking up.
The drive to the track was usually short but on such an eventful day, there were many cars on the road and one could feel the buzz of excitement and anticipation in the air. Y/n wasn't an anxious driver but seeing people pull risky moves between the lanes made her drive with a foot hovering above her brakes just in case.
"Okay, Lewis, P2 for Q1 was a great start. Let's keep that up and improve if we can. Q2 starts in 10 minutes, yeah?" Fred clapped Lewis' shoulder and walked off to another part of the garage.
"Yeah, thanks, man." Lewis replied as he stood in the red garage looking at the screen replaying his latest performance on the track. Roscoe pawed at his foot and whined, clearly requesting to be picked up. The bulldog seemed to forget that at his old age he was getting heavier but his father lovingly adhered and brought Roscoe to his chest with a grunt and a kiss to the forehead. "Where's your mum, eh? She's usually the one cuddling you during qualy, huh?"
He looked around the garage to see if his girlfriend had entered while he was distracted. He knew that the drive there wasn't very short but she always arrived before Q2 began so he was slightly confused. "Hey Marc, have you heard from Y/n or my dad?" he asked an engineer as he glanced at his phone. "No, nothing. There is traffic at the entrance though so that may be causing their delayed arrival." the Italian responded. Lewis nodded seeming satisfied as he read Y/n's text confirming that she was on her way. He grinned like a love struck fool at the picture she sent of herself decked out from head to toe in Ferrari merchandise. She was truly the most beautiful being he had ever seen and he wondered for umpteenth time how he had lived before he met her. He sent heart emojis in response and went back to watching the recording on the screens.
Y/n sighed in relief as she reached the last intersection before the paddock entrance. She could see gates from here and couldn't wait to get out of her car and see her son and boyfriend. The red light she had stopped at turned green and she let her foot off the break to move forward. As she was about to cross the middle of the intersection, she noticed the cars behind her screech to a sudden holt but before she could access the confusing situation her car was hit from the side and she was sent jolting forward. The last thing in her vision was the airbag exploding into her face. She was unconscious by the time the horrified bystanders saw her car get thrust into the nearest pole by the driver who ran the red.
Lewis was seated in the red and yellow car and about to put on his helmet when he saw marshals, guests and staff hurrying in the direction of the paddock entrance. Focused on the next part of the race, he tried to stay grounded and drown out the sounds of shouting. "Lucas, radio check." he said to his engineer. "It's Lewis, radio check." Silence on the other end. He could now hear the sound of sirens in the air. "Lucas? Can-"
"Loud and clear, Lewis. Apologies for the delay, we were receiving a call from the stewards that there has been a car accident outside the entrance so there will be distractions during the second session."
Lewis grimaced and secured the position of his helmet on his head. Car accidents were awful to witness so he really felt sorry for those who were involved. He took hold of the steering wheel.
"That's awful. Do we know who it is? Has help arrived?" He asked sincerely.
"Uh, not really. They say it's a blue and red Audi and a black-"
"A what?" Lewis felt his blood run cold and his suit get tight. He didn't think he heard right. He couldn't have heard that right.
"A blue and red Audi. Anyways, let's focus on the ra-" Lewis didn't let Lucas finish because he shot up and scrambled to get out of the car he was strapped into. He fell out, landed on all fours but got up to rip off his helmet. His knees stung and there were shouts all around him but he had no time to listen. His skin was hot, his throat was tight and DAMN IT, WHY WOULDN'T HIS GLOVES COME OFF! Frustrated, he took off in a sprint towards the paddock entrance, shoving everybody out of his way. In the back of his foggy mind, he thought he heard barking right behind him but was too distracted to check.
When he finally made it off the racetrack property, he was buzzing with adrenaline, covered in sweat and coughing from screaming at the crowd to let him through. At the end of the driveway he could see two green ambulances and multiple police cars parked in a taped off area. "Oh, God. Oh God, no."
He only knew one person with a red and blue Audi. A red and blue Audi that he had gifted them. One person who hadn't yet arrived to the Ferrari garage.
He stumbled forward to take in the scene illuminated by flashing lights. But before he could mumble out another plea to God, he stopped dead in his tracks. A black body bag. Beside what was left of the blue and red Audi that belonged to his girlfriend.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Thanks for reading! Be sure to interact with this post before you leave. Requests are open (I may take 2-3 days to respond)
Do not repost, alter or translate my writing. I don't consent. If you do, I will send evil shongololos to bite your toes off at night.
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finsplurtz · 1 day
addicted — izuku.midoriya
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— dom ! male.reader x sub ! Izuku Midoriya
— contents : dom!bottom ! izuku maybe.. non-con/rape , blowjobs as friends , some public play , you’re both virgins , use of his quirk , bondage
warnings : rape/non-con
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
Deku never thought about sex, he found it like ehhh
he was always focused on improving his quirk and stuff he never really thought about it, he didn’t masterbate often either cause he never had time and it never really interested him
you were a close friend of his, it was always you ochaco lida and izuku. He always praised you and admired you as a friend, always found you to be his safe place.
so when he accidentally walked in on you jacking ur shit he freaked out. He was thinking about how he ruined yalls friendship and stuff
you didn’t continue obviously…though you were close to ejaculating you just couldn’t continue, you told him to come in and he awkwardly walked in with his face red.
“I’m so sorry yn..! I didn’t mean to— I should’ve knocked I’m so sosososososososo sorry!!” he was a cute babbling mess, you laughed nervously and told him not to worry about it and that accidents happen.
“don’t worry izuku! I know you didn’t mean to ya know…it’s fine we’re guys this is like- normal so no need to be awkward” you smile at him and he nods his head before apologizing once more.
“…..doesn’t it hurt..?” he shyly pointed at your crotch and you let out a nervous chuckle.
“well……..don’t worry I’ll just take care of it later” you scratched the back of your neck while izuku just nodded and looked around anxiously.
“…I’m sorry I can’t help but think that you didn’t get to.. you know…! I w..wanna help in some way..? i just feel bad yn” he whined and blushed looking off to the side.
you just stared at his adorable face feeling your dick twitch in your pants.
“well I guess if you..want to, you can…..” he tensed up and stiffly walked over to your bed and sat down in front of you.
he looked you in the eyes waiting for you to give him orders. you looked off to the side for a second and back. “…do you know how to..”
“N-no..I don’t” he blushed embarrassed.
“I’d hope not.. just uhm how do you touch yourself? it’s like that but on another person” izuku was thinking about blowing you really but…….. makes sense
“I don’t touch myself” he said. you held In a laugh but grabbed his hand and placed it on your thigh.
“….im just helping a friend it’s fine..” he mumbled to himself.
“izuk.. u don’t have to yk I can kinda just do it by myself” he insisted and took you out of your pants making you gasp.
He’s never done this before, he loves helping people that’s why he was doing this…..and cause he was curious, it’d been a while since he touched himself and just wanted to.. explore
he stuck his tongue out and put you in his mouth, you let out a deep breath and stiffened feeling his hot mouth work on your dick.
this all happened too fast- I mean anybody with common sense would NEVER offer to blow their friend just cause they accidental interrupted them………that’s gay
but izuku’s just…overly kind or something, you’ll just let him do whatever he wants. Only a crazy person would turn a blowjob down anyway
you started to let out small moans and gently grab on izuku’s soft green locks. He started to really get into it….taking you down his throat and swallowing around you.
“fuuuck..~ I’m gonna…fucking c..NGH—!” you’re eyes rolled back feeling the cum rip out of your cock and into midoriya’s mouth, your chest raised and lowered rapidly trying to catch your breath.
“haa….shh..it..” you combed your finger thru your friends hair as he slowly got off and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
you just stared at him and smiled.
“th..thank you i-zuku..” you felt dizzy and he just smiled happily.
“a..anytime yn..” he said his goodbyes and left you alone in your room staring into the void. what. just happened.
izuku started to spend more time alone in his room after that, you guys weren’t thattt awkward but there was a little tension between you guys. it didn’t happen just once though, he had walked in on you accidentally again and apologized like it was the first time. then he’d offer to help.
it started to become a regular thing you guys did, nothing more than a blowjob. you would offer to please him in return but he always turned it down so…
he liked how he made you feel. it made him feel funny but he couldn’t bring himself to stop it was like an addiction. it started to happen OUTSIDE of your room…..
he went to use the bathroom and you were coincidentally there and next thing ya know, he blew you in one of the stalls. it scared you because you didn’t want to get caught.. but you didn’t say anything.
he had become more touchy, always touching you in some way, your hand, arm, thigh, legs just- he had to be touching you.
he was becoming like a…sex demon, he couldn’t stop wanting to touch you. addict to dick….
one night he was in your room again you stopped him.
“sorry- izuku I just… this is weird why are we…” you watched as his face saddened a bit…..he looks so cute:(
“am I not good at it…?”
“nono izuku! You’re great at it— it’s just like what if we get caught…?”
“oh…then we’ll just have to be more quiet! we won’t get caught that way..” he crawled closer to you and placed his palm on your crotch.
“I-i know but- ugh..~” you couldn’t say anything else as you got lost in the pleasure.
this time while he was blowing you he made eye contact with you, he looked at you with his big glossy green eyes. He’d moan around your length sending vibrations that drove you crazy. what you hadn’t noticed was how he’d finger himself while blowing you, he was stretching himself….for what
when you did notice it though, it didn’t leave your mind. Surely he won’t want to fuck right..? no that can’t happen. you have to make sure of it. you can blow him and everything but- you can’t lose your virginity to this kid and he can’t lose his to you.
“Hey midoriya, ya know this is as far as we can go…right?” you looked at him and you could see the disappointment in his eyes. he hesitated to answer.
“We can’t do anymore than a handy or a blowjob. so don’t…get any funny ideas”
“mh” he smiled and said his goodbye and left. after that he visited…less. like the addiction just left, just like that. He didn’t offer anything but he was still touchy with you. this was fine, you could tell he was looking for something else, it was good to break things off.
after a couple weeks of no nightly visits, he suddenly knocks on ur door. you let him come in and he starts talking about whatever. how his day was, how his training was going, all that normal stuff.
“izuku do you want something from me” you interrupted him mid sentence. he tilts his head pretending to be confused, he tries to say something but he can’t.
“what is it. do you want me to touch you or what” he blushes and bites the inside of his cheek. “i just…can..i…..” he felt the embarrassment down his spine, he pointed at your crotch and then his mouth.
you sigh and grab his arm dragging him to your bed. You stand in front of him while he’s on his knees on the bed looking up at you like a lost puppy. you pet his head and pull your half hard dick out.
He’s practically drooling as he wraps his hands around your cock and pumps it slowly while giving it kitten licks.
He quickly stuffs you in his mouth earning slutty moans from you, he does this till you start getting closer and closer to releasing. you had your eyes closed so you failed to see his quirk blackwhip slowly creep out of him.
he didn’t take his eyes off you, he just stared while he blew you. you felt your body quickly getting bounded tightly together, you opened your eyes and izuku got off.
“wha…what are you doing izu..”
“‘m sorry yn..! I really really n-need this…~” he slipped his shorts off and straddled your lap, your dick at his entrance. you tried to fight against the restraints but obviously, didn’t work. he was blushing like crazy and shaking as he slowly lowered himself on your cock.
“s-stop—! stop it izu..aghn..~!” The wave of pleasure punched you in the face.
he was squatting on you like a rabbit, his hands on your abdomen and his back arched.
“haa..why’re you s..so tight..” your vision was blurry and you had already stopped trying to escape, it was no use. you’ve never been inside someone, you knew it would feel great but this…felt so much fucking better than you thought.
“d-don’t worry yn..I’ll milk your cock and it’ll feel great…~” he smiled pathetically as he lifted himself up and slammed himself back down, your cock hitting his prostate. He gasped loudly and arched his back oh so beautiful, tightening even more around you.
“Sh..shit izu..! you’re soo..hmnn~” you whined feeling your dick throb in him. he began at a fast and rough pace, bouncing on your dick.
“ugh- mm..~ so big yn…~! you feel so g-good..~” he’s moaning loudly while you just watch him fuck himself on your cock. you’re panting and feel as if you’re about to pass out and he still looks as cute as ever forcefully taking your virginity. you flush red and let out a small whimper.
“W-we’re still..close f..friends, right yn-y..” he leans down so he’s closer to your face.
“mm..” you’re too confused and lost in pleasure to respond properly. izuku smiles and gives you a small peck on the lips before sitting back up.
“I hope I can use your cock whenever I please yn..~” he roughly sat all the way down on your dick, his eyes rolled back and his tongue lolled out. a slutty moan ripped from his throat, your dick was deep in his gushy insides.
he tightened around you and you whined once more finally cumming deep inside him.
“haa..uhn~” your body was tired, you just kept watching him. What was he gonna do next. He slowly lifted himself and you watched your own nut drip out of him.
“hm…th..thank you yn..” he looked you in the eyes with such seductive eyes before he went limp and fell beside you on your bed, his quirk disappearing.
you shakily got up and went to clean yourself up, you cleaned your friend up as well and got back in bed.
you finally looked at izuku’s sleeping face and let out a small sigh.
though you wish he would’ve asked for consent, you’re kinda glad that virginity shit was over with. you’re confused is all.
you gently wrapped your arms around the smaller boy and pull him closer for warmth.
that morning you woke up with midoriya on your chest, his face hiding in the crook of your neck.
“izuk— ugh~!” you gasp realizing you were inside him again.
“let’s stay…like this..” he said tiredly kissing your neck before probably passing out… he was like addicted to this.
why can’t you say no to him.
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a/n; what are y’all’s thoughts on izuku w/ the low taper fade
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rachelsfav-queer · 2 days
There’s one particular mischaracterization of Wednesday and Enid that just really annoys me and that’s the whole “Gomez-ification of Wednesday Addams” trope. Cause it just clearly doesn’t fit their relationship?
Okay first, obviously Wednesday would gladly both kill and die for Enid. And she’d sooner die than break Enid’s heart. Obvious Gomez traits.
But I think that Enid fits the role of Gomez so much better. And there’s plenty of evidence to prove this in the show, but one particular example I think shows it better than any. And that’s of course the scene where Enid wolfs out to save Wednesday. Let’s break it down, shall we? So first we have Enid and Ajax making out 🤮 (and btw, Wednesday would absolutely love for Enid to wolf out on her in the middle of making out, just saying) and Eugene calls, suspecting something may be wrong. Now at that particular point, they don’t necessarily know that Wednesday is in certain danger. And yet, Enid is already willing to forget kissing Ajax, her boyfriend, in order to make sure Wednesday is safe.
THEN! Thing comes in and confirms that Wednesday is in real, life-threatening danger. And after meeting with the Nightshades, Enid fully abandons Ajax to go out on her own, with no backup beyond a disembodied hand (no offense, Thing) and no weapons beyond her claws and no idea she would actually wolf out. And then, she does wolf out, for the very first time, purely because Wednesday is in danger and she needs to save her. Now THAT! is Gomez Addams behavior and you cannot convince me otherwise.
(And don’t even get me started on the proud puppy face she had when she looked back at Wednesday. If she could talk in that moment, she’d be rambling, asking Wednesday if she could see that she wolfed out. And it would’ve been adorable, okay?)
So in reality, both Wednesday and Enid have tons of Gomez traits, but Enid is far more Gomez-like in how she acts. Enid would totally dote on and be obsessed with Wednesday in much more Gomez-like ways.
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A Honey Trap For The Butterfly
Nanami Kento was everything you needed in a therapist, only as long as you ignored the sinking feeling in your gut.
Even tho there's nothing describing the act of s*x here, it's still a yandere fic - so minors and those not comfy with yandere stuff DNI and have a nice day! 🫶🏽
Word Count: (will update when life stops life-ing lmao)
⚠️Content Warnings⚠️: UNBETA'D, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Yandere!Therapist Nanami Kento, Gender!Neutral Reader (and no bits mentioned), Modern!AU, Hurt/Comfort, Soft Yandere, behaviour that SHOULD NOT be tolerated irl, Nanami says some very comforting shit to manipulate you, no curses.
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⚠️Further Content Warnings⚠️️: Unhealthy power dynamics, HEAVY and subtle emotional manipulation, implied stalking, mention of sexual activities, professional boundaries are OUT the window.
When your gut tells you something is wrong, one tends not to believe it at first, and this causes you to dismiss any further warnings.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Sorry, I-I'm just..."
"There's no need to push. Only if you're ready."
"No, I-I'd like to."
Therapy was a tricky thing. There was the problem of getting the right medication for you. There was also the problem of finding the right therapist for you. Which is why some people - like you - search for a very a long time until you finally found one that clicked. Nanami Kento, who was practically everything you needed in a therapist.
"The nightmares are about your family, yes? They say nightmares are ways for the mind to release overwhelming emotions. Can you tell me more about them?"
"Y-yes, I...these nightmares are always the same. My family talking about me behind my back, it's...I feel alienated."
"Hm...it's no wonder these nightmares always coincide with upcoming family gatherings." He scribbles something down, and turns his full attention towards you. "If you're okay with sharing, what makes you think they're alienating you?"
"I...now that you mention it Doctor, it does seem to coincide, but...I-I don't believe I've mentioned...how did you-"
"Ah, it's just an observation." He waves his hand dismissively. "And I told you, you can call me Kento."
"I-I'm so sorry!" You apologize profusely, embarrassed and just a little defeated when you turn up short at the cashier of your favorite coffee shop. There's a brisk walk, and someone familiar drops some change at the cashier for you. Though being payed for was a surprise, the person paying was not. It was Nanami, who you seemed to run into a lot. So much, that bumping into your therapist outside of your sessions was almost the norm. Something about living nearby.
"Oh, Doctor, I-I'm really sorry about this!"
"Oh don't fret, it was only a few bucks." He offers his hand. "Come, sit with me."
You're taken aback. It's not like you didn't WANT to. Nanami was a very attractive man; well built, broad shoulders, and such a handsome face. But, still, he was your therapist. There is a very faint alarm, all the way at the back of your mind, that makes you feel just a little bit uneasy at the proposal.
"A-are you sure this...I mean, i-is this okay?"
"Of course." When he intertwines his fingers with yours, his face and eyes and words are completely welcoming. Laced with nothing but care in order to hide the ugly side just waiting to devour you.
"It's just coffee."
"I think last session was a very eventful one. You did a lot well this week. I'm quite proud of you." He says and hands you the paper for your medications. His warm and strong hands linger on top of yours. "See you for lunch after?"
"I just can't believe they'd do that to me..." You try and keep yourself from crying any more. "They're my family. I shouldn't have to cut them off like this!"
"Hey, hey...I know it doesn't seem like it, but you made the right choice." Nanami gently cups your face with his hand. "I'm proud of you."
"It's okay. You'll be okay." His eyes go over to your lips, as he tilts your head to better align with his. The room suddenly feels awfully quiet, too constricting, when his lips meet yours.
"I think I've come a long way." You sigh and laugh softly. "I'd like to celebrate but...I-I'm not sure how. I'd like to minimize my spending..."
"Well, I'd have to agree, you ARE making fantastic progress." He takes your hand in his. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to celebrate it with you. I have a few ideas we could try."
"Oh, of course!"
"Date night." He brings your knuckles to his lips. "Your apartment."
Nanami stayed over that night. Worshipped your body as if he was made for it. He was a wonderful lover but, the entire experience left you feeling wrong, somehow.
"I don't know what to feel...I just...they're all dead. My family, they're all..." It was all too much, and Nanami wraps his arms around you. "I know what they did but, still, I..."
"Oh, love...it's okay. Let me handle everything; planning, funeral expenses. Everything."
"Kento, that...that's too much-"
"Nothing in the world is too much for you, my dear." He holds your face when you start to cry again. "I would do anything for you."
When he looks at you, his eyes show a devotion and adoration so strong it borders insanity. You'd never expect this 'gentle giant' to be the one that caused your family's deaths. It was nothing you've ever seen from him, and it unsettles you.
"Anything. You know that, right?" He seals it with kiss on the lips, just a bit too harsh, just a bit too possessive. "Stay here, with me - where you belong. Don't worry anymore."
"You're home now."
When your gut tells you something is wrong, one tends not to believe it at first, and this causes you to dismiss any further warnings. It is just one of the many ways that humans self-sabotage. Though, for many manipulators, the intention is to make their victim do so by putting up a welcoming and disarming front - a perfect honey trap.
Writing this was a TRIP man, ughk. It's so tame and light as a yandere fic but something about writing subtle manipulation just makes my skin crawl the most. 😭 Anyways, hope you enjoy! ✨🫰🏽
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zayne-li · 17 hours
5 Fun Facts About the Prostate!
I finally finished it. I'm not going to beta read it bc this thing has been causing me so much pain lmao.
Zayne gets pegged. That's it. That's the fic. Enjoy. NSFW, MDNI
3.8k words
It's one of those few times when I have Zayne on my lap, instead of the other way around when I finally get the courage to ask about something I've been thinking about... For a while. 
His hands are braced on the back of the couch on either side of me, and he's been tugged closer and closer while we kiss, thanks to my grip on his tie that I refuse to relinquish. Still, even though he's straddling me, Zayne doesn't drop his weight onto my lap, maybe being slightly afraid he'll crush me, or hinder the circulation in my legs or something. 
I lick into his mouth, and he lets me (the same way he lets me do a lot of things. I'm starting to get the message.), and my other hand at his hip trails a dangerous path around to the frankly amazing curve of his ass, only accentuated by the tight slacks he's wearing, and I squeeze. 
Zayne makes a small sound in the back of his throat, and jolts a little in my lap, but it doesn't seem like he's trying to get away as our foreheads press together and our hot breath mingles. "Zayne..." I say, and trace my finger down the seam of the back of his pants, drawing a line to where I can likely assume my prize would be, and he stiffens in my arms, brows furrowing slightly. I'm not sure if it's from confusion or discomfort, so I stop there, though I really want to push harder into the unyielding fabric. 
"I really want to fuck you." 
He blinks, and the flush already on his cheeks from our heavy makeout session darkens even further. From this angle, so close to him, I can physically see his pupils grow in size, blowing out the molten gold and green in his eyes. 
"... You what?" His voice is still low, and rough, though surprised. And then, after another long moment of us looking into each others eyes, he seems to fully realize what exactly it is I'm asking, as I let go of his tie and grab his other cheek with that same hand, using my grip on the plush pillow of his ass to pull him downwards and finally, more fully onto my lap. 
"You're serious." Zayne says, almost in disbelief, the chuckle present in the words themselves. 
So... He definitely doesn't hate the idea. 
But of course, because he's Zayne, he spends a few weeks doing research. Purely academic, he tells me, just so he knows what he's getting into and how to be prepared. Because he's Zayne, and he'll never deny me anything. Maybe he'll hate it, he doesn't know yet, but he will, always, without fail, indulge me at least once.
Another reason I'm starting to get suspicious is that when we are in bed, so far, he's really only made an effort to cater to my own needs, instead of his own. The sex is great, yes, and having a boyfriend who gets on his knees for me multiple times a week without ever once being asked too? Phenomenal. 
And clearly, he loves eating me out, fingering me, judging by the way the act seems to wreck him almost as much as it wrecks me (the first time he did it, I'm almost certain he came in his pants, because afterwards he insisted he was fine, that he didn't need anything from me, and then made a hasty retreat to the bathroom. When he returned, he said it was because he wanted to clean me up).
I'm not an idiot. Zayne is a powerful man, who bears a lot of responsibility on his shoulders, and he considers me to be one of them, most of the time. At least in bed, well... Maybe he can let me take care of him instead. Because I want to. He is very good at following orders, after all(I've noticed on more than one occasion). And I have been wondering more and more often... Just how far this tendency of his goes.
"How do you want to do this? On your back, or all fours?" I tilt my head slightly at him, pulling away from a sloppy kiss that has his lips shining with our shared spit. Zayne's ears are pink. He opens his mouth, but seems to have no immediate answer. "Or do you want me to bend you over the bed? ... Or do you want me to pick?"
"You choose. You're the one who wants this so badly." He tries to keep up his bravado, but at my final suggestion, I feel him twitch beneath me, though he's still dressed from the waist down. I'm the one who's more naked right now, having lost my shirt and shorts some while ago, not long after he closed the door behind him. He barely had enough time to toe off his shoes and set his bag down before I was crowding him against the wall, determined to make sure tonight went a very certain way. 
And now, with him shirtless, blushing, laying back in the bed and letting me touch him all over... I think I might get my way tonight. I just need to be careful... I don't want to scare him off of being this vulnerable for me. 
"Well," I begin, my voice light and teasing as I let my lips turn their attention to his throat and chest, kissing his Adams apple and collarbone, deliberately taking my time down to his tiny, pink nipples, while my fingers work at his belt and pants, sliding down his legs and discarding them somewhere on the floor, "I mean if I could really choose... We'd be doing this in your office and I'd have you over the desk. And you'd still have your lab coat on."
Zayne scoffs, "That one may have to remain in your fantasies, I fear. I do have a reputation to uphold." But I feel his cock twitching again, twice this time, belying the fact that he finds that thought arousing as well, though he's doing his best to scold me, despite the position he's allowing himself to be forced into. 
"Boo," I murmur, and bite his nipple softly. In return, I'm rewarded with one of his soft little whimpers, and he'd scowl at that too, if I said it to him. "On your back, then. I want to see your pretty face while I fuck you. Surely you understand the appeal?" 
Zayne's eyes glimmer with mirth, and I get another sound of amusement from him, though he says nothing else, giving me his consent as I feel him fully relax beneath me, and the fingers he has tangled in my hair move down to my thigh, and then knee, urging it upwards so he can spread his legs for me while I suck bruises into his chest. 
"Ready?" I ask, raising my head to meet his eyes, now dark with desire, half lidded, his bangs hanging almost entirely over one of them. He nods, and once I've managed to lube up my fingers, with the bottle prepared (in advance, of course) nearby, I raise one of his legs at the knee, bending it upwards as I reach down between them, bypassing his cock to slick up his entrance. Zayne jolts at the sensation, and I haven't even pushed in yet, only pressed against the pink pucker, spreading the wetness on my fingers around it. 
"Have you tried anything on your own?" His cock, I notice, is already half hard against his stomach, pretty and pink and perfect. 
"No... Other than... Well, I purchased an enema bulb, but that wasn't..." Zayne attempts to explain, and I begin a slow and gentle push into him with my index finger, and his brows furrow at the sensation. "Given how excited you were, I assumed you would..." He sucks in a breath, and his eyes close, "would want the pleasure."
"You're right." I confirm, and rub my other hand across his thigh, where I'm holding it, "Stop talking though. If we're ever going to get anywhere, you need to relax." Zayne is clearly tense, along almost every line of his body, and I try to distract him with gentle touches, along his hips and ribs. "Breathe, honey... Just breathe.... Relax." I murmur to him, and he makes a clear attempt to obey, though the breath he takes shudders on the way in and out. 
"Relax..." I press a bit deeper, and feel his hole clench around my finger, trying to push me out, and so I stay right there until his walls ease up. I wipe the furrow from his brow, and he finally meets my gaze again, his expression clearly unsure. 
"Remember, like I said, if you hate this, we never have to do it again." Finally, I get my finger all the way inside, and he's so tight around me just from this, I'm suddenly unsure how far we'll be able to get tonight. 
"How does it feel?" 
Zayne is clearly trying to relax his body, sinking further into the mattress, but his ass is not a muscle he's used to paying conscious attention to, and so he's clearly finding it difficult, though I do feel him start to relax more fully after some time, as I just wiggle a bit inside. 
"Strange..." He begins, and then gasps as apparently, I twist and crook my finger in just the right spot, and his previously flagging erection grows just a bit, right before my eyes. He looks down at me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, mouth open as I crook my finger again, and he grunts, his warm hole fluttering. "That was..." Zayne tries, seemingly conflicted by the sensation. 
"Your prostate? I would assume, based on your reaction." I smile, nodding down towards his cock that has begun to fill out. "Does it feel good?"
"... I don't know. I do know it's a pleasure point in the male body." 
"Zayne, you are not about to give me an anatomy lesson right now." I move my finger, pull it out, drizzle more lube over it, and then press back in, starting a slow rhythm, hopefully to help him get more used to the sensation. For my troubles, I get another little sound out of him, this one sounding more pleasured than confused. 
"You don't--" He grunts again, turns a little pinker, and rolls his head on the pillow while I fuck him on my finger. His cock I am ignoring on purpose, knowing that would only distract him. "You don't think my lectures are sexy?" 
"Everything about you is sexy. Would it help you relax if you did give me a lecture on all the functions of the prostate while I get your ass ready for my dick?"
The slide of my fingers in and out of him becomes easier as he lays back and groans, so with another drizzle of lube, gently, I try to press my middle finger in as well. It's tight again, but he's becoming looser. 
"Yes--" he gasps, and I openly chuckle. In return I get a lazy half smile out of him. 
"Go ahead then, honey. Tell me what's so special about..." I twist both of my fingers the way I had before, to make him jump, rubbing them there when his hips buck and he gives me a whine, brows pulling up as his mouth drops open. "This." 
"Fuck." Zayne rarely swears, so that's how I know he's starting to lose it, and goddamn if that word from his lips doesn't get me wet in more than a few seconds. I let up though, focusing my attention on scissoring him, stretching him, fucking gently in and out. I don't want to overwhelm him, not yet. 
"The prostate..." He begins, the tensing in his abdomen easing up a bit as my focus shifts away from that particular bundle of nerves. "Is located below the bladder, and in front of the rectum." His voice has gone breathy, tight, but funnily enough, it does seem to be helping the tight warmth of his pretty hole relax while I work patiently. "It's primary function is to aid in--" another small whine when I add more lube, "to aid in semen production, and to help push it through the urethra." 
Hilariously enough, I do find myself actually listening, and bite my lip to avoid distracting him while I add my ring finger. At this point, his cock is now fully hard, which, honestly... I didn't expect.
"Go on." I encourage him, looking away from the sight of my fingers inside of him to see his neck bared, eyes closed as he almost arches into the pillow below his head. An adorable sight, he's panting, flushed from his ears to his chest, and yet his expression is one of almost complete focus.
"The urethra runs directly through the prostate. There are... Nnh... There are five lobes." 
Lobes? Zayne... I bite my lip harder. With three fingers now, he's much looser, and it's both so cute and so hilarious that his focus on anatomy right now actually is helping him open up to my intrusions. I can feel it happening. 
"There's the... Anterior--" The rest of whatever he’s about to try and explain about the lobes of the prostate is cut off as I move, leaning up and over him to capture his lips in a kiss. The heel of my palm rests over, and presses against his balls. Zayne makes a little muffled sound and then sighs. I can feel him melt into me and I smile.
“As much as I’d love to hear the rest of that lecture… You feel like you’re ready?” Our noses brush, and he looks up at me, his eyes dark and filled with emotions that I have trouble naming… Vulnerability, maybe? But something else too. His breath is hot against my cheek as he exhales. 
“Yes. I think so.”
“Feels good?”
“More than I expected.”
When I slip my fingers out of him, he grunts a little, the sound so disappointed that I chuckle as I climb off of the warmth of his body, and reach back for the dresser at the foot of the bed, slipping my legs through the harness and tightening it as fast as I can manage. 
“Good. Don’t move. I want you just like this.” I say as I crawl between his legs, one hand full of the silicone cock now attached to me, and the other with a bottle of lube that I drizzle generously over the entire length. Zayne pulls up his knees as I approach him, spreading his legs a little wider to accommodate me. For a moment, the sight has me frozen. His hole gapes now, stretched from my fingers, and I watch it flutter under my gaze. 
Zayne is blushing, hooking his hands behind his thighs, and no doubt shy about the way he’s presenting himself like this to me. Heat rocks through me, and I know I’m slick between my thighs. “Fuck, Zayne.” I breathe, and his blush grows brighter right before my eyes.
“Yes, I believe that’s the idea.” He quips anyway, and we both share a smile, his lips quirking while I try to hold back a giggle.
While I still have his eyes on my face, I reach my hand down, beneath the leather of the harness I’m wearing, and collect my own wetness on my fingers. We both look down at the same time when I press them back into his pink hole, and I feel him clench down on me, his cock twitching several times, growing harder than it’s been all night in a matter of seconds. 
“You…” He whines.
He’d never admit that’s what it was, but I become determined almost instantly to force him to make that sound again. I pour more lube over the space between his thighs, retracting my fingers to smooth some of it up and down his hard length and his balls, and then gather the excess in my cupped hand and push into him once more, only enough to ensure he’s good and wet for me before I settle more fully against him. I grip the silicone dildo in my hand, and press the blunt tip against him. It’s honestly not very big, or thick. I didn’t want to overwhelm him the first time we tried this… And it seems like that was the right choice, because there’s little resistance as the head pops inside.
I rock my hips, gentle, and study his face. He’s propped up on his elbows, watching the sight of a cock entering him for the first time, and he looks… Curious, almost. Confused, but also turned on, if his blown out pupils have anything to do with it. 
“Okay? Tell me if you need me to slow down.”
Zayne nods, his focus unwavering as I push further. Again… There’s little resistance. Maybe I should have gotten a bigger one.
“Keep going.” He encourages me. With a snap of my hips, I’m flush against the bare skin of his ass, and with the sudden movement, his head goes back, and a long moan leaves his throat. I watch his adam’s apple work through the sound.
After that, I start to fuck him, rolling slowly against him, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in, giving him the chance to get used to what must be an extremely foreign feeling to him.
It isn’t long before he’s panting, open mouthed, his brows pulling up and together as he falls back against the pillows. God, I can’t help but think how cute he looks like this… For once, he’s the one laying back and letting me fuck him into the mattress, and it’s not hard to see how much he’s enjoying it.
We’ve been together long enough for me to know how turned on he gets when I’m the one who takes more initiative. One evening, after he let himself into my apartment, shortly after we really started dating, I shoved him against the wall, kissed him until neither of us could breathe, and he came the moment I shoved my hand down his pants. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about– well, not this exactly – but something like this ever since. Seeing how easily he falls apart for me, and me alone, the great and powerful Dr. Zayne, just makes me want to take more and more. To push him further and further, but God–
One of my hands replaces his own at the back of his thigh, pushing it up further, and my other hand braces itself against his muscular chest while my thrusts grow faster, shallower, and the moment I hit that perfect angle, amidst the soft whimpers leaving him with every thrust, his expression contorts further. His stomach clenches, and he cries out, grabbing my wrist against his chest, almost like it’s a lifeline as his head turns into the pillows.
“Please– fuck–” Zayne manages, his voice high and thready while I pound into that sweet spot. 
“Please what, love?” I ask, my own voice a little hoarse, punctuated with sharp breaths.
“I can’t– I’m– I’m close.” He gasps, while I punch out more soft moans from him. His cock bounces with every thrust, painting a thin line of precum across his abs. 
I need no further instructions. I extricate my wrist from his grip, pushing his knee higher, until it’s almost against his chest. His other leg has long since fallen, his thigh quivering. I wrap my hand around his erection and jerk it hard and fast while I fuck into his body.
Zayne’s back arches into a perfect curve, and I swear the sight of it almost has me coming instead of him. I grind into him, doing my best to stimulate him from both sides, and I swear I can see a tear running down the side of his face and into the pillow.
“Go on.” I say, and he does. The sound he makes almost sounds like a sob, and peters off into a desperate whimper as he comes in my hand, and I can feel his ass tightening, trying to push me out while I continue to grind against his prostate. His cock throbs in my hand, and warm come splatters over his own chest, dribbles over my fist while I work him through it. His hips roll against my own, the movements uncoordinated and almost staccato, his long, pale neck on full display as his head goes back, and the arch in his spine becomes more pronounced. He trembles against me, gasping, and only once I see the tension in his limbs start to fade, do I stop.
In the aftermath, we’re both left panting. Zayne’s eyes don’t open again until I pull out of him. He whines at the loss, or maybe the discomfort, I can’t be sure which, and his hazy eyes find mine while his chest continues to heave, and his heart likely races.
There’s a soft smile on his lips as the harness comes off, the lube is put away, and I crawl to settle into his side. Our bodies stick together with the thin sheen of sweat covering us both.
I give him a second to catch his breath, and then look up at him. He’s staring at the ceiling like he’s just had a revelation. It’s kind of funny.
“So…” I start, almost singing the word, propping myself up to lean over him, “Are you gonna let me do that again, cause…”
When he looks at me, I’m very suddenly taken off guard by the molten gold in his eyes. 
Zayne huffs a little laugh and shakes his head.
“Only if you get a towel to clean us up with. I’m not sure my legs are capable of supporting my weight at the moment.” It’s my turn to laugh. He really does look like he’s about to pass out, but he’s not so far gone as to let go of the chance to give me one of his famous Dr. Zayne scowling faces. I kiss the pout off of his lips, and jump up to go get a warm, wet towel.
“Is that Dr. Zayne speak for, ‘Wow, you totally just blew my brains out and gave me the best orgasm of my life’?” I lean over him as I return, and he pulls me down into another kiss, slower, and longer this time. 
“Your translation skills need a bit of work to capture the true intent… But I suppose that one works just as well.” He chuckles against my lips.
“So are you going to finish telling me about all the lobes of the prostate? I was actually pretty invested. I mean, I definitely am now.”
“Not tonight. Just lay down, darling.”
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sarawritestories · 1 day
I Wanna Be Yours Chapter 2
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Xaden Riorson X Lydia Aetos
Summary: Lydia Aetos Longs to be a Ballerina, her father has other plans, and has conscripted her to the rider's quadrant with her childhood friend Violet. Reuniting with her brother he only gives her two orders. Do not bring up wanting to dance and stay far away from Xaden Riorson. Both of his orders go ignored.
Chapter Summary: Lydia is drowning in the memories of her past, and trying to get her footing at Basgiath.
A/N: I'm so sorry that it took me this long to get out. I loved chapter 1 so dearly I was struggling to make sure Chapter 2 was just as good!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I promise it won't be super long like this for every update I was just going through some things and fighting some insecurities!
Word Count: 9,235 (I wasn't going to have you all wait this long just for a short fic
Chapter 1 I Wanna Be Yours Masterlist
My breathing becomes rapid as I wait to go on stage. The anticipation before a performance has always been the reason for my heart racing and my nerves are heighten. The warmth of a larger tanned hand enveloping my own instantly quiets the noise in my mind. “You look like you’re ready to crawl out of your skin, Dove.” I smile and look at Lian, my dance partner, my love. His warm brown eyes, twinkling under the mage lights. He smiles and it’s so disarming and causes butterflies to flutter in my stomach. “You are radiant.”
I giggle, and smooth out my dance dress the flowing skirts various shades cobalt that stops at my knees. The bodice having an intricate design of silver swirls against the blue corset like top. “You say that every show.” His free hand plays with one of the lose curls framing my face, the rest of my hair in a tight ornate bun. I take in his form; his outfit matches mine in hue with his pants various levels of blue with a simply white tunic that reveals some of his tone chest the silver pendant you gave him wrapped around his neck. “I have to say, Lian, you’re not so bad yourself.”
Lian chuckles as He lifts my hand to his lips, pressing them to my knuckles specifically where the ring he had given me resides. “I mean it Lydia. I love-
The music swells in the auditorium the melody, the indication I need to appear. “See you out there, Lover Boy.” He releases my hand as I begin to leap onto the stage and into Fourth position. Feeling Lian’s warm gaze upon my body, causing my cheeks to redden. I begin the routine.
My movements are fluid, my turns sharp. Seraphina’s words in the back of my mind, “Keep those feet pointed, arms straight, girl.” Her raspy voice rings in my ears as I correct my feet and my arms. Allowing the music to enter my body once again. I am its puppet, the symphony my puppeteer.
I swirl my skirt whirling around me the shades of blue looking like rippling waves around me. And I begin the movements that lead to my big leap when I notice one of the musicians hit the incorrect note. Seraphina always said to not let the musicians’ mistakes be your downfall on the stage. Heading that advise I push through tampering my annoyance I run and take in the air. My grin big, my legs stretched wide, I feel as though I’m flying, and in this moment one thing rings true, there will never be a more freeing feeling than this.
 The other musicians’ notes turn sharp and out of tune, and the disruption despite what I was taught causes me to stumble my landing. I hiss as my ankle rolls, causing my body to collapse to the ground, but I don’t think about the pain as screams erupt from the theater.  Tanned Hands are instantly on my waist hoisting me up and the familiar smell of soap and ocean waves crash tells me its Lian. I smell the flames before I see them. “Lian, we have to get out of here.” My voice trembles as fear begins to consume me.
Flames erupt around the theater as the ground shakes before us Lian grabs me closer to me. "I'm sorry dove," he whispers.
 "For what?" He presses his forehead to mine. Panic laces my voice as he grips me tighter, his thumb grazing against my hip in a soothing manner. Confusion washes through me at his behavior, we should be trying to leave to get out of here. “Lian, you’re scaring me.”
 "I love you more today than I did yesterday." He murmurs in my hair. My chest feels heavy like someone is applying all their weight over my heart at his words. I can’t breathe. He looks at me expectantly and my stomach gets a sinking sensation.
I shake my head as tears pool in my eyes and begin to run down my face, as I cup his cheek, "Why does this feel like a goodbye?" I cry out while he waits patiently waiting for me to finish his statement. The sounds around us muted by the intensity this conversation has become.
"Finish it, dove. Please." The banisters above us crash, and the flames lick my skin as he grips me closer to his chest. “We don’t have a lot of time.”
 I tremble, and press his lips to mine quickly, "I'll love you more tomorrow than I did today." He kisses my lips once more, just when the stage collapses, he pushes me out of the way. The warmth of his touch lingering on my skin as I watch him get consumed by the hole where the stage once stood. Arms wrap around me, hoisting me up and dragging me to safety. I begin to thrash and scream, calling out to him, "Lian, LIAN!"
My Screams the only sound in the burning auditorium.
“Wake up, Lydia! Wake! Up!” Dain’s voice breaks through the darkness and my eyes open with a jolt and I sit up. My eyes can’t seem to focus, and I don’t recall where I am, Dain’s hands grip my shoulders, and my gaze quickly moves to my brother. His eyes hold concern in them, his brows furrowed, “You were just having a dream.” His thumbs rubbed my shoulders, “You were out for two days.”
“Two days.” Memories of golden yellow eyes and how the blue daggertail bowed to me. A dragon had bowed to me! I lived to tell the tale of my first interaction with a dragon.
 I slowly lift my hands and wrap them around his wrists as though I need proof, he is really with me. His eyes glance at my hand and spot the silver band with a swirls throughout the band and the initials LD engraved in it. “I didn’t think he would let you keep anything after mom left.” His brown eyes meet mine.
 I quickly remove my hands with a scoff. “The General doesn’t get to dictate what I keep and what gets thrown away. Even if he thinks he does.” My mind goes back to watching as he destroyed one set of my pointe shoes. I smile, what he didn’t know on that day, that in my bag, the new pair I had bought from the traveling market were there.
Dain releases my shoulders, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Lydia he is only trying to protect you.” He lowers his hands and shoots me a glare, “As am I.” His tone is clipped.
I blink and my lip curls, “What’s that supposed to mean?” I cross my arms.
My brother leans against his chair, also crossing his arms a familiar stance we have taken over the years. One that only led to one of us screaming and the other either with tears, or a broken nose. Dain’s nose has never looked the same since. “Are you aware whose dragon it was that you enticed?”
Rage consumes my body, “You want to ask that again, Brother?” I quirk a brow at him.
“No.” His tone is just like the general’s, too much like him.
“You know I don’t know, so don’t be a condescending prick and just tell me.” I begin to stretch my legs under the blankets my feet naturally pointing. The numb feeling shifting into pins and needles my legs has been in one position for too long. I need to get up…I need to practice.
“That was Xaden Riorson’s dragon, Lydia.” Dain snarls. “And you bowed to it, like it she was some all-powerful being. Do you know how that makes the Aetos family look? Did that even cross your mind?”
I turn to sit at the edge of my bed, my hand gripping the end so tightly my knuckles turn white. “You’re joking, right?” Anger begins to bubble; my face begins to heat up and I can feel the tears beginning to build. “A dragon approached me. In most cultures, bowing between two parties is a sign of respect. I was thinking of how I could come out of that situation alive.” Dain’s lips formed into a tight line shifting in his seat. “I thought about my life. I wasn’t thinking about who that dragon belonged to, how embarrassing it was for you. I sure as fuck did not give a shit about our family reputation.” I rise noting that I am still from my clothes from the parapet. Finally taking in my surroundings I notice the rows of beds someone brought me to the female wing. “What time is it?”
“We have about 2 hours before formation.” Dain says rising from his own scene. “I need you to lay low. Please for the love of the gods, please lay low. Don’t attract any unwanted attention, do not bring up the dancing thing.” He grips my arm, his fingers digging into my skin. “This is the most important one so pay attention. Stay away from Xaden Riorson.”
I snort and yank my arm back, “I have no interest in being near the one person in this place who would probably want to see our heads on a spike, thanks to the action of our father.” Pushing him out of my way I grab my bag that is lying beside my bed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready for the day.”
I left the female wing before he could get another word in. I manage to find the showers on my own and wash off the grime that I have been sleeping in. Letting the water cascade down my skin, I rub my face my mind wandering from that interaction with the blue daggertail. To the nightmare I woke up from. Lian. My dance partner, my lover, my best friend. I twist the ring on my finger absentmindedly, it’s been months since I last had a dream about him. Tears well up in my eyes.
The rays of the sun warmed my skin as I began my stretches, Lian lying on the blanket in front of me. The sun is hitting his tan skin, his eyes closed, a smile on his face. As though he didn’t have any care in the world, except to be here with me. Finishing my stretches I rise to my feet and lift my teeth on my tippy toes. My bare feet sink into the plush blades of grass. I raise my leg above my head.
I begin to hum, and the tune shifts me from the prairie we are having a picnic at and morphs to the theater. My hums soon are replaced by the sweet sounds of the orchestra. I move my leg down pointed behind me. My movements fluid as my feet carries me through the stage. Leaps precise arms tight, various faces in the crowd, that I don’t pay close attention to. I begin my pirouette. I’m to do five spins for this routine, the most I have done. Putting myself in position I smile out to the crown and stumble, brown hair the same as my own, a smile that Dain inherited are looking back at me. It’s not that my mother is in the crowd that causes my movements to falter. Her eyes, seeming to glow in the dim lights of the theater and their color, gone were the warmth and comfort of her blue eyes. Her gaze now cold, hard and the vilest shade of red.
Hands gripped my waist pulling me tightly, fingers beginning to dance at my size as laughter begins to bubble up my chest.
“Lian!” I squeal as he spins me around, always knowing exactly when I need to be pulled from my thoughts. “Put me down! I’m rehearsing!”
He presses his lips to my ear, “You’re always rehearsing, Dove. We’re outside let’s enjoy our picnic.”
“I don’t like dealing with the wrath of Seraphina.” I murmur as I lean into his touch.
“I have a gift for though. Don’t you want to know what it is?” I whip around to face him, and he chuckles at my wide-eyed expression.
“My Love, if you want my attention, start with gifts.” He leads me back to the blanket and sits me down. “I have something for you too.”
“Me first,” he tucks what he has behind his back. Lian's curly brown hair becoming wild with the soft summer breeze rolling through. “Close your eyes, Dove, and hold out your right hand.”
I quirk a brow but obey, closing my eyes I stick out my right hand. It feels like hours have gone by though it has only been a minute at most before his soft hand holds mine. The cool bite of metal sliding down my finger until it reaches my knuckle. I open my eyes and gasp. The engraving work on the ring is beautiful, the swirling design reminding me of shadows and in the center where the shadows should my initials reside there. LD.
I look up at my partner and smile, “Lian D- He silences me with a kiss one filled with so much passion it makes me dizzy.
He pulls away, “Do you like it?” He murmurs over my mouth.
“No.” His face falls before I kiss his nose, “I love it.” Lian’s grin takes my breath away. “My turn.” I press a hand to his chest, “Sit back, and close your eyes.” Lian sat back on his heels and closed his eyes. I dig through my bag until my fingers grip the chain, pulling it out revealing the oval pendant with my name in the center. I crawl to him and gently place the chain over his head and place the necklace down gently around his neck.
Lian opens his eyes, and looks down to the pendant. His thumb grazes over the engraving of my name as though he was caressing me. My body responds to the sight of it as if his thumb was grazing me, tenderly. He looks up at me with a smile, “Now you’ll be near my heart forever.” Lian grabs my waist and pulls me on his lap. “Happy Anniversary, Dove.”
I press my forehead to his. “Happy Anniversary, Lian.”
“Lydia?” Violet’s voice rings through the bathing chambers.
“I’m in here,” I call out, her footsteps echoing through the chamber.
“Are you okay? I just ran into Dain.” Her voice is hesitant, she knows my feelings for my brother as well as I know about hers. “He seemed upset.”
“He can get in line.” Shutting off the water and grabbing my towel to dry off. “I don’t need a lecture about how he is a good person. I’m not interested in that.”
“I know what today is.” My hands still, “I’m not here to talk about Dain. He’s being an ass.” I wrap the towel around my body and step out. Violet’s blue eyes with flickers of amber were warm. “I’m sorry.” She engulfs me into a hug as I swallow the tears threatening to fall. “He would be so proud of you, Lydia.”
Today would have been our two-year anniversary. I should be at the dance studio with him rehearsing. Yet here I am in Basgiath and Lian…is gone.
Lian’s absence has hurt me in more ways than one. After our one-year anniversary he vanished. At least when my mother abandoned me, she had the decency to leave me a note. Late nights at the lake, stolen kisses backstage, his arms wrapped around me so tight the colonel’s wrath couldn’t find me there. I long for those moments once more, but clearly, he didn’t. His words the day we exchanged gifts ring in my head, “I’ll get you out, Lydia, you’ll never have to deal with your father. I’m going to set you free.”
He didn’t keep his promise. He left me behind without so much as a second glance. Freedom. My mom longed for it, Lian promised it.  I’m growing to detest the idea of freedom if it means the people I care about most fucking abandon me for it, leaving me to a cruel fate.
Confined. Controlled. Caged.
What good is freedom if it means stepping on the backs of the people one loves just to get there?
My feeling of sadness contorts to anger as I slowly pull away from Violet, she has never once abandoned me and is confined in this brick cage as I am. Violet doesn’t deserve my anger, though the sympathy in her eyes told me I could, and she would let me. I refuse to be my father or my brother and take my out-of-control feelings out on people who do not deserve it. Straightening my spine I give Violet’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Hard to be proud of someone, you actively abandoned with no word as to why you left.” I release her hand and swallow once more forcing the lump lodged in my throat back down to the pit of my stomach where it belongs. Where all my unwanted feelings belong.  “I’m going to get dressed and we can head to formation.
Violet nods, her eyes still glittering with concern. I quickly moved to change into the leathers that were near my bed this morning. Wrapping my hair in a tight bun I stick the two hair pins in. I link my arms with hers and give her a smile, a performative one, but a smile all the same.
Formation was a blur even as I am currently looking for a seat during breakfast, thinking back I can’t quite remember anything other than the list of names of those that did not make it yesterday, and everyone’s eyes on me. Kind of like they are now, though I have never been a stranger to eyes upon me, I wish it was for my ability to dance and not because I survived an interaction with Xaden Riorson’s dragon. And arm drapes around my shoulder, “Welcome back to the land of the living.” Ridoc’s voice is a welcome joy from the ominous stares burning holes in my skin. “Come, we’ve already scooped up Sorrengail.” Before I can counter, he is brining me to the table with Rhiannon, Violet, and a man who’s skinny, sandy curls lay atop his head.
Sitting at the open seat next to him the handsome man, he held out his hand, “Sawyer Henrick.” There is a twinkle in his green eyes, his freckles a stark contrast with his pale skin.
I grip his hand and give him a warm smile, “Lydia Aetos.”
Sawyer winks, “You know, you’re a lot prettier to look at than your brother.”
Heat creeps up my skin, as I release his hand. “Thanks, I guess.” I take a sip of my drink, “He is an eye sore.” Sawyer spits out his drink all over Ridoc as he chuckles, while the latter groans.
“How are you feeling, Lydia?” Rhiannon changes the subject as Ridoc continues his grumbling.
I think back to Xaden’s onyx eyes boring into my skull, or the heat from the Blue Daggertails nostril’s grazing against my neck as if a gust of warm summer’s wind was caressing me. Her yellow eyes staring at me, assessing me, for what? I’m not sure and I hope I wouldn’t find out considering who her rider is. The fear surges back up but a hand gripping my own brings me to the present. Soft, tiny, Violet, I look over to the youngest Sorrengail, “I’m alright. Nothing a few days rest couldn’t solve.”
“So, that interaction with that dragon…”Ridoc pulls my attention to him, “What was that all about?”
I shrug, beginning to devour my meal, not caring how the food tasted as I discover how hungry I am, “I truly wish I knew. I have never met a dragon before her.”
The table falls silent in contemplation. I shift in my seat and feel the familiar prick in the back of my neck. Glancing up Onyx eyes look at me in cold assessment as he eats his food, his stare never breaking from my own. I give my performance grin, the one that makes the audience fall in love with me the moment I step on the stage. Slowly raising my hand, I lift my middle finger to him.  His eyes lower and he tilts his head ever slightly ignoring the person who is chatting away in front of him. I give him a playful wink and break eye contact though I can feel his eyes on me.
“Well, should we call you the Queen of the Dragons?” Ridoc quips as the table chuckles with him and I hunch my shoulders slightly, embarrassment trickling through my body. “I mean I have never heard of a dragon that has bowed to a human in that way before. It must mean she’s destined to rule them all.” Ridoc smiles at me as I ball up my napkin to throw at him.
“Absolutely not, I would much rather you all call me twinkle toes than that.” I sip my water as the entire table, Violet included, give each other playful looks.
Collectively and in the highest decibel above screaming yell, “Twinkle Toes!” Before erupting in laughter and I can’t help but join in. I forgotten what it felt like to be surrounded by people that I connect with so well and enjoy their company. Sitting with them wiping my tears from laughter that causes my stomach to ache is a welcome reprieve from the dark corners of my mind where I usually reside.
“Mind if we join?” A man’s voice pulls the group from our bubble and back into reality. I lift my gaze and it feels as though ice has been poured over my head. The man’s eyes the same shade of brown as his, his hair like the curls I ran my fingers through countless times, lips I’ve kissed on numerous occasions. His face has the same shape as Lian’s, they could have been twins. My gaze shifts lower to the relic that peaks through his leathers and that’s where the similarities end, and the sound of my heart shattering thunder in my ears.
“Not at all We have space,” Ridoc scoots down, Lian’s look-a-like allows his handsome friend that had a matching tattoo along, with blonde hair and blue eyes, to sit closer to Ridoc and he sits in front of me. I swallow down my surge of emotions tears threatening to fall as the man smiles at me.
Ridoc takes over with the introductions, saving himself for last. “And who might you two be.”
The blonde-haired male eyes locks on Violets, as he smiles and I notice that her cheeks are red as he holds out his hand to her, “Liam Mairi.” Violet shakes his hand and averts her gaze. Sliding his hand from hers his fingers lingering slightly from her fingertips. Clasping the man’s, in front of me, shoulder, “This right here is Bodhi Durran, a second year.”
Metal clashes as my utensils falls on the plate, “I’m so sorry.” I rise to my feet acutely aware eyes are on me, “I just realize I need to do some things before class starts. Please excuse me.” I smile at Bohdi vision beginning to blur as tears rise, “It was lovely to meet you.” I turn and briskly walk away before anyone can call me back. Running down the hall and into the female wing of the dorms I reach my cot and sob in my pillow. Memories of Lian I have since buried deep rising to the surface:
“Lydia Aetos. My muse.” Lian smiles as my hips grind against his, “My dove.” His tanned hands slide my dress up my thighs they slowly reach my chest palming my cleavage resulting in a moan from me. “Who sings such pretty songs in pleasure.” He sits up and I adjust accordingly as I ride him.
“I love you.” I whisper, my eyes lidded, “I love you Lian Durran.” My fingers slide through his dark curls as his lips find mine and claim me.
A hand clamps over my mouth as I’m hoisted from my cot. My back presses against a hard back a dagger at my neck as hands grip my legs to prevent me from kicking. “Shh, Twinkle Toes. We’re going to take good care of you! I scream resulting in the hand clamping tighter around my mouth.
I lash around as Jack Barlow and his cronies begin to carry me down the empty corridor. “Jack,” the one struggling to keep my feet together groans, “Can’t we at least have some fun with her before we get rid of her?” My body stills at the implication. I know I’m in danger, but fear keeps me frozen in place.
I am incapable of calling out to help as the duo pulls me into the shadows. They pin me to the wall, and I beg my body to move, will it to do anything besides tremble, I think of Dain, and the dream of a better relationship with my brother, of Violet whose kindness has brought me from the brink of insanity by her friendship. I think of Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Liam and even Bodhi, friendships I’ll never get to see grow because I know one thing is certain.
I am going to die today.
Jack presses the knife to my skin keeping my head in place with his hand. “I’m going to make sure you feel the humiliation I felt on the parapet that day.” He whispers in my ear as he grazes the knife across my neck, hard enough to break skin, though not hard enough to kill. As if he was a predator toying with his food, he lowered the cold steel down to my chest where the leathers we received protected me from taking any reputable damage. “You are such a pretty little thing.” Bile rose in the back of my throat at his words. “You’ll be even prettier drenched in your blood.
“But you sai-
“Even I wouldn’t stoop that low.” And with a quick movement of his hand Jack slit the other cadet’s throat. I screamed his palm muffling the sound. His cold blue eyes meet mine, “Now where were we?”
“What do we have here?” A low voice causes Jack to turn, yanking me to his front. Hazel eyes meet mine and I take a moment to take in the person in front of me. His dark black hair with short curls allows the sharp angles of his face to stand out. His high cheekbones and perfectly set nose this man is handsome and right now his mouth is set in a firm line, “It’s not nice to hand a pretty lady in such a way.”
“I’m handling a pest problem.” Jack simply states.
The man smiles and its devastatingly beautiful. “Allow me to correct myself.” His large, calloused hand wraps around my forearm and maneuvers me out of Jack’s grasp with ease. All the while gripping the collar of Jack’s jacket, “You will not touch her or come near her ever again. “Do you understand?” Jack nods a snarl curling at his lips as the man releases him. “Good not run along, you’ll be late for battle brief.” Jack makes sure to level me with a glare as he walks down the corridor. The mystery man turns towards me and smiles, his eyes scanning me, locking in my neck where the warmth of my blood clings to my skin. “You’re hurt.”
“A simple scratch, it will be gone in the morning.” I look to the corpse lying behind him and he glances to where I’m staring, “Better than being that guy at the moment.” The man snorts as his gaze lands on me once more. He nods as though the answer is good enough for him as I reach out my hand, “I’m Lydia.”
His eyes light up in recognition, “Aetos right?” I sheepishly nod my head as he takes my hand and places a soft kiss on my knuckles, “A pleasure. You are much nicer to look at than your brother.” He releases my hand and I laugh.
“I see my brother has made quite the name for himself.” I quip as I fidget as silence fell between the two of us.
“Come on Cadet, we will be late for battle brief.” The man extends his arm for me to loop through and as my hand pressed into his muscled arm, he led me down the hall.
I look back to the body on the ground, “Um shouldn’t we take care of him?”
Garrick chuckles, “Don’t fret, Pretty girl, someone will dispose of him and his things. “Death is pretty commonplace here.” I feel his eyes are on me. I glance back in his direction to see a playful smirk on his face, “I like your eyes. How one is brown, and one is blue. Its about as unique as having a dragon bow to you.” He quirks a brow as I groan looking up at the ornate ceiling above. “Word travels fast here.”
“So much for going through these three years undetected I guess.” He hums in agreement, and I take a moment to study him as we go down the stairs. “So does the pretty boy have a name?”
The man winks at me, “He does.”
“Well, I can’t call you my hero forever,” I smile, the sadness of a former love fluttering away, as I shamelessly flirt with the man in front of me.
He whistles, “You’re good, Aetos.” He releases my arm only playfully nudges me. “My name is Garrick. Feel free to keep calling me your hero though. I won’t mind.”
I laugh, “You’re a shameless flirt.” I counter as we approach a classroom, students from every year begin filing in.
Onyx eyes meet mine, his nostrils flare slightly at the sight of me with Garrick but his lips remain in a tight line as a warmth breath grazes my ear, “Takes one to know one, Pretty Girl.”  I whip my head towards him as he stands to his full height and walks into the room without so much as a goodbye. Though he is quick to wrap what I now see as a tattooed arm around Xaden causing the Wingleader to break eye contact with me.
“Hey, are you okay? You ran off pretty quickly at breakfast.” Ridoc’s voice rings out as I find him with the others at the entryway.
“I’m fine, just needed to catch up on work.” Ridoc nodded as we all entered the large classroom with chairs that rose all the way up to the rafters. Every student in Basgiath could be sat here. The ornate look of the room takes my breath away as it reminds me of the theater I once used to frequent with my mother.
“Everyone, take your seats and we will begin.” A woman projects her voice from where she stands, at what can only be described as a stage. I’m once again reminded of the fact that I am no longer a dancer. This is not a theater. I am to become a rider. This is Battle Brief.
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Waking up early, I quickly change into my leotard and tights that I sneak past my father’s nose. The last week has been a challenge to say the least. I have been struggling to gain my footing, Dain’s constant quips and critiques, the intense class schedule. Finding reasons to get up and keep moving has been a challenging one for me. Familiar dark thoughts overriding my brain my father’s words ringing in my ears. Somedays I am able to quiet them other time they were yelled in high decibels causing me to curl into a ball in my cot.
Worthless. Pathetic. Disgrace of a child.
Wrapping my pointe shoes around my ankles tying them securely I begin to tiptoe toward the Gym where there are full length mirrors.
Grateful that no one is around, I begin my stretches, my feet pointed outward, I lower my body. I focus on my breathing as I plie I reach one arm out in front of me the other above me and I sink lower once more.
Hold 2, 3, 4
I rise on my exhale and do this a few more times trying to keep my breathing even and the dark thoughts at bay. To keep from those feelings consuming me entirely as they have in previous years. And I begin to do my routine.
“You need to get up, Lydia.” Lian whispers as I turn over and cover the pillow over my head groaning. “Dove.” His fingers graze up my bare spine.
“Go away.” I grumble pulling the covers over me tightly.
Lian continues his tender strokes, “Is it happening again?”  He gently removes the pillow from my head to reveal my tear-stained cheeks. “The dark feelings returning.”
I nod my head, “It feels like my body weighs a ton. I just want to lay in bed.”  Lian proceeds to pull the covers off me and before I can begin to scold him, he kisses the bottom of my spine spine and leaves soft pecks all the way up to the base of my neck.  “Lian.” I warn.
“I’m not going to do anything, not like that anyway.” He chuckles as his firm hands begin to rub the tension from my shoulders. “Seraphina can rehearse with the others today.”
“You should-
“I would never leave you behind, Dove.”  He continues to massage my back and reaches a knot that elicits a groan. “I’m going to set you free, baby. I promise.” A small smile emerges on my face, “There she is.”
My spins become sloppy as memories of Lian bubble up.
I would never leave you behind. But he did.
I am going to set you free. Yet, I’m still in a cage.
I love you, Dove. Then why did he leave?
I lose my footing as I leap, and my ankle rolls before I can fall to the floor calloused hands grip my arms. My body stiffens as I see the rebellion relic, followed by the scent of leather and mint. My eyes gaze up to meet the Gold flecked onyx of Xaden Riorson. “What has you up this early?”
I writhe out of his grasp, “Why do you want to know?”
Xaden quirks his scarred brow, “I’m your Wingleader, Kitten, it’s my job to know why my cadet is not only out of bed but why she is in…whatever it is you’re wearing.”
I look down at my pointe shoes followed by my pink tights and leotard, “I’m a dancer. This is dance attire.”
His eyes graze down my body and a shiver course down my spine at his ogling. “Why are you here?”
“This space is for all cadets, Wingleader.” I begin to continue when he presses a finger to my lips.
“No, no. Why are you here in Basgiath?” His thumb idly swiped my hip the tenderness of the action pulling me from my stupor. As I whack his hand and step out of his grasp. “I mean it is pretty obvious you don’t belong here, Kitten.”
Through gritted teeth, “Well the fuck aware, Riorson. I also recall telling you my name is Lydia.”
He takes a step closer, gripping my chin he forces me to look at him, “Tell me something, Lydia. Why did you bow to Sgaeyl?”
Sgaeyl. That is the name of his dragon. Beautiful. Just like her. “Out of respect.”
“You didn’t have to.” He murmurs getting close enough that I have no choice but to look up at him. “Most people would have ran away.”
“I’m not most people. I prefer keeping my flesh intact not becoming a pile of ash.”  I pull one of the hair pins from my hair pressing it to his chest forcing him to take a step back. “Tell me, Xaden, why did she bow in return?”
He hums in contemplation, and I scowl. He bends down at the waist, so our faces are inches apart from one another. My heartbeat quickens at him being so close to me, warmth pooling in my belly as his beautiful face closes in on mine, our nose near touching. “Now where is the fun in answering that, Kitten.” His face contorts into a look of confusion. “You’re crying.”
I press my hand to my cheek to find tears there. The dark thoughts hit me like a wave crashing over a rock, unlike a rock, I get swept up in the current:
Useless, Pathetic, Annoying. Traitor
I wrap my arms around myself and take a step away from the Wingleader. The warmth his body provided was now gone. “I have to go, if I want to change and make it to formation in time.” I turn acutely aware I am putting my back to him as I scurry off back from the room. Finding a vacant hallway, I slide my back against the cool brick, rubbing my chest. The words are becoming all-consuming, and I allow myself to succumb to the darkness. The words playing in a loop as though it was playing through a faulty record player.
Words are so cruel but have been my constant companion when people I care about were so quick to leave me. Abandon me. Brennan, my mom, Lian, even Dain is guilty of abandoning me. It’s hard to not let the vile words keep me down when the most important people in my life constantly leave me. At some point the words that would pop up as fleeting thought began to take root and seep into my brain as something factual the moment, I found that letter on my bed. The moment I learned that I wasn’t worth fighting for, wasn’t worth defending.
Dain’s betrayal stung the most when he would stop defending me against our father when it came to my dancing and has since tried to snuff out the one good thing in my life with him.
“I highly doubt you’re good enough to make a career out of it. This is a fine hobby sure, but you need to realize that he expects you to train to be a warrior.”
A chunk of my heart deteriorated that day. Dain has never once seen me dance, for him to say that hurt. For him to then reiterate that last week stings more. Nothing has changed and I was hoping that being here away from our father would give us the chance to mend things. The hope now since squandered since I yielded my practice challenge after the first punch. He said I was embarrassing him and making father look like a fool.
Maybe I am a fool. Fool for falling in love with a performer who the moment things became complicated had left without an utterance of goodbye.
Foolish for thinking I could have a career in dance with my father carrying me like a marionette doll. Foolish for thinking him and I would ever have a loving father daughter relationship like I witness Violet have with her father.
Foolish for thinking I’m good enough to fight for, to love, to be cared for.
Stray tears turn into stream of sobs as I tuck my knees to my chest and bury my face in them. I don’t care how loud I’m being, or how emotional I am. I just want the ache in my chest to disappear, for the heaviness of my existence to lift from my shoulders. For someone, anyone, to pull me from the depths of my darkness so that I may be able to breathe easier, to feel less burdensome.
My vision blurs as I allow the thoughts to rip me apart, the sounds of footsteps causing me to lift my head. Finding a tall figure hovering over me as my vison gives way to the tears, I don’t register the hands that lift me from the ground only the comforting smell of Leather and mint before falling asleep allowing the exhaustion of my episode to welcome me with open arms.
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“Lydia!” Violet squeals jolting me awake, I look to see I’m on my cot. The other women filtering through. “You missed formation, I was so worried about you.” Her frail arms wrap around my neck and I’m quick to embrace her back not only because I needed her comfort but also to keep her from falling. “Were you asleep the whole time?”
I shrug, “I honestly am not sure how I got here. I was practicing in the gym before anyone had woken up. Next thing I know I am waking up to you.” She nods and a pang of guilt hits me like a dagger, I know that someone had brought me back here during my meltdown. Violet has enough to worry about on her own, she doesn’t need to be worried about me as well. “Was Dain mad?”
Violet bit her lip and her cheeks became rosy, “He was,” She looked up as though she was trying to pick the best word from a shelf. “Agitated.”
“He was angry. I didn’t mean to miss formation. I just didn’t wake up.” I sit up and grab my leathers. Preparing for the fight I will inevitably have with my brother. “I will be surprised if he doesn’t just kill me before the year is over. That way he doesn’t have to worry about me ruining his image.”
“Well, what if I said that I have something that gives you and I an edge.”  I pause and turn to my friend. She holds up a book in her hands the scrawl so familiar.
The Book of Brennan
“Mira must have kept it after Brennan died.” Violet shrugs and her eyes shift as if for a moment she was back home, and her brother was still alive. I reach over and grip her shoulder and she physically shake off the memories. She gives me a smile, “We’ll read this after classes. If we are even late to one. I fear Ridoc is going to become lost.”
“Can’t have that. I’ll change quickly and we can go.” She nods with a smile and the vacancy in her eyes dissipating. And I turn to go change, wishing there was something I could do to keep Violet safe from the horrors of this world.
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I’m going to murder Violet.
The brisk cold air of the night still reaching my bones even with my cloak on. I cling the material tighter to my chest as I cross the courtyard hoping I blend in with the dark shadows of the night. I shouldn’t even be the one out here tonight. After reading Brennan’s guide to surviving Basgiath, Violet took it upon herself a few days ago to find out who our first challenge partners were. In turn she knew of a flower that grew in a tree near the lake that would give herself an edge next week. She had asked if she should get enough for two people, but I refused.  I had no intention of fighting anyone next week but that even if I did I would not need it.
Violet didn’t intend to have a flare up before she set off on her little escapade tonight. These past few weeks have taken a toll on her body even though she would never say anything. Dain and I knew she is suffering in silence, stubborn just like her mother. Though tonight she couldn’t even get out of bed. Her silvery blue eyes pleading as she asked if I would go get the flower for her. Even gave me a rough sketch of what I was looking for. Not being able to deny the minx anything I agreed and now out in the abnormally cold evening for summer my knee flares in pain, something that occurs when weather shifts, I sustained an injury during a performance when I first started dancing and now, I’m acutely aware of when we are getting a storm, or when General Sorrengail is having a fit. The abnormal chill causes another shooting pain to my knee, and I grit my teeth swallowing the pain.
The tree comes into focus and my mind drifts back to simpler times.
“Dain! I can’t its too high.” I scream clinging tightly to a branch closing my eyes to avoid looking at the daunting distance from the branch to the ground.
“Lydia, I promise I’ll catch you.” Dain voice calls out. “I promise I won’t let you fall.”
I peak an eye open and his arms only slightly bigger than mine are wide open ready to cling onto me should I decide to jump down. “I’m scared.” I whisper.
“I’m your brother, my job is to protect you. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that?” I nod my head and take a steadying breath as I ease my grip on the branch. Shifting in a seated position the skirt of my pale pink dress shifting with me. “That’s it. Now jump!”
I close my eyes and take that leap a shrill scream erupting from my throat as the air whirled around my ears. Arms gripped my shoulders and knees.  “See,” Dains voice; a soothing balm over my fears, “You are safe. So long as I breathe, I will always keep you safe, Lydia. I promise.” I latch my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.
“I love you, Dain.”
Another cold breeze kisses my cheeks as I’m brought to the present, where it’s not warm and sunny, but warm with the looming threat of rain above. Where my brother and I are not close and may as well be strangers. The only person who would protect me from the monsters lurking in the shadows being myself. I shake the looming thoughts reminding myself that I am here for a task.
I lighten my steps to keep them quiet and not draw attention to myself. To further ease my worries of being caught as I loom closer to the tree, I imagine that I’m not a cadet out past curfew in a war college I want nothing to do with, but instead a wraith dancing across the stage, undetected from the royal guards. The orchestra’s melodies were one of short beats that matched with footsteps, a dark undertone to build the tension for the audience, as though I may be caught.  My movements highlight my ability to flip and contort my body, in place of my normal languid long movements.
My feet move on their own accord as I dance with a face covering to conceal my identity, for if the guards realized there was an assassin on their grounds, they would likely kill me. In swift movements, as though I’m galloping toward the tower, where my sworn enemy waits for me at the top. I stretch my body as if I was on my tiptoes I would be able to reach the man who was destined to be my enemy. Who became my lover instead. Lovers destined to be apart, who against the odds found moments to be together. The music roars in my ears as the short beats of the music shift to one of longing and passion.
I place my foot in the slot made for my dance shoes and begin my accent my lover waiting for me at the top of the tower. The music rises in tandem with my ascent and dramatically I falter on a step acting as though I lost my footing. The music in tandem with the music building to a climactic moment, the audience gasping thinking I will fall. As gracefully as slid, I pushed my body back against the set piece and continued my ascension.
My forehead collides with a tree trunk, and I yelp in surprise. Reality rearing its hideous form from my beautiful daydream to reveal I am halfway up the tree. How I didn’t hit any other branches takes me by surprise, but I continue, keeping my eyes peeled for the flower Violet needs.
Spotting the delicate looking but also dangerous plant I settle myself on a large branch that supports my weight and I gather a few of the buds and place it in the vile that the youngest Sorrengail sibling provided for me. Once I gather enough for Violet to use, I place the vile in my pocket and set to lower myself from the tree where I hear voices. Lying on my stomach keeping myself flushed against the tree branch as three cloaked figures come into view.
The three lower their cloaks and my heart stops. The pink hair of the marked one that destroyed Violets shoulder at our practice round of challenges. Garrick’s curls appeared from the cloak along with his annoyingly handsome smirk. Finally, Xaden Riorson, and in the moonlight, I can’t deny that his beauty whooshes the breath out of me. I especially try to keep the fact that his body close to mine when I ran into him at the gym plays across my mind periodically and heat pools in my stomach at the though of his hands on me and his lips…
The shuffling of more feet pulls me from stupor as more marked ones approach, I know because most have opted to not wear any coverings and let reveal their relics with pride. I scrunch my brows; this meeting is against the codex. The marked ones are not supposed to congregate in groups larger than three. A ridiculous rule, as these children are paying for the crimes of their parents but regardless a rule they are actively breaking. I pray to whatever gods can hear to keep me hidden. Xaden only needs to look up to see I’m there to expose that I’m listening and because of who I’m related to; he has grounds to kill me for simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I am going to murder Violet.
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As the group of Marked one’s settle is when Xaden’s voice booms in the courtyard. “Alright, let’s get started.”
A person in the back of the group perks up, “I am having a difficult time with History.”
Imogen snorts, “Because of the dates, or because of the lies?” I roll my eyes at her, I may agree that I don’t believe what they are teaching is accurate especially after talking to Lian last year but to stupidly question out loud in the open where anyone could hear is foolish and the quickest to get yourself executed for treason.
“Both.” The young man mutters. Movement on my leg causes me to jolt and I clamp a hand over my mouth to prevent me from shrieking as I look at my leg only to find my leg hidden in the shadows, and it almost feels like the shadows are caressing my leg as if in comfort. Feeling my heartrate regulate I lay back down in my position and try to remain quiet as Garrick answers the young boy.
As the hour ticks by I learn that Xaden is helping the marked ones get through their time here. They like me didn’t ask to be here but must make the best of the dangerous situation their parents unknowingly put them in. My eyes constantly find Xaden’s figure through this meeting and how he looks almost fatherly, the way he’s standing, and the words of comfort and advice causes my chest to tighten. Xaden is more of a loving father to these people than my father ever was to me. Once again, I felt movement against my leg only to find darkness and my brows knit in confusion.
“What of Lydia Aetos and Violet Sorrengail?”  A girl in front quips up in front and my blood runs cold.
“What of them?” Garrick questions back in a tone that can only be described as a warning as he crosses his arms.
“Their parents are the reason we’re here against our will. When do we get to punish them for their crimes? It’s clear we can’t touch Dain, but surely, we can take out the twinkle toed princess?”
“Lydia Aetos and Violet Sorrengail, are mine to handle.” Xaden says with cool indifference though his tone edged on being scolding. “I will remind you, Cadet, that Violet and Lydia didn’t ask to be here either. Violet was studying to be a scribe and you’ve all seen Aetos dance. Neither of them wanted to be here. They are trapped in the same position as we are by the exact same people.”
“You plan on sparing them?” The girl retorts her voice bordering on shrieking. “My mom and older sister are dead because of them. I think taking their children evens the score.”
“Fall in line, Cadet. The two girls are not your kill. I said I am going to handle it. Believe me no one has more reason to hate those two than me.” A sinking feeling wraps me into a state of paralysis. The memory of his hands on me shatters like glass, of course he has every reason to hate me for what my father did. Of course he would want to settle the score, blinded simply by the fact that he’s attractive, I forgot how lethal he is.
The silence permeates over the courtyard, “If you don’t have any other questions then we’re done here.” Imogen commands her nose in the air. “Make sure you go in groups of three to not raise suspicion.”
The group begins to disband in their merry groups of three murmuring about the happenings of this meeting. Imogen and Xaden left together as Garrick waved them off leaning against the tree, watching them go with ease. Silence falls leaving the creatures of the night to sing their beautiful melodies. It almost lulls me to sleep as Garrick’s voice breaks me from the trance, “Have a good night, Pretty Girl, and good luck.” He pauses as my heart thunders out of my chest, and chuckles pushing himself off the trunk of the tree, “You’re gonna’ need it.”  He begins to walk away, and I’m left alone in a state of confusion.
I wait a few minutes to ensure that everyone has left before I make my descent. Landing on the grass with a soft thud, I take a moment to admire the moonlight reflecting the rippling waves, a smile on my face in the beauty of it. Pulling my gaze away from the water I attempt to lift my leg to walk only to find it won’t move. Looking down tendrils of darkness are wrapped snuggly against both ankles keeping my feet planted to ground. I attempt to move again and almost scream out when a low chuckle emerges behind me, whipping around my wavey hair falling over my shoulder as I meet Gold-flecked Onyx eyes and my heart falls into my stomach as Xaden’s figure emerges into the moonlight. A slight tilt of his lips as he crosses his arms.
“You’re not where you’re supposed to be, Kitten.”
To Be Continued!!
Some I tagged that wouldn't let me link if that happened I'm so sorry!
Story Tags: @milswrites @lady-of-tearshed @marvelsmylife @sherayuki @misslady246
@thelov3lybookworm @a-frog-with-a-laptop @randomperson1234sblog @garricks4thwingqueen @leastlikelytoachieve
@clayme123 @sweetsformysoul @nickishadow139 @bada-lee-ily @andreperez11
@pit-and-the-pen @demi321win-chester @aelincaddel @nighttimemoonlover
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simplybakugou · 5 hours
Could you do another drink bakugo?
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⋆ PAIRING: drunk/prohero!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; alcohol; all characters are adults ⋆ WORD COUNT: 3003
A/N: taking a break from mystic academia cause this has been sitting in my inbox for so long and i wanted to save it until i got some inspiration for another drunk!bakugou and i finally found the inspo hehe. also when i first started writing drunk!bakugou oneshots, i was 17 LMAO and now as a 23 y/o that has actually been drunk i can write this a little more accurately lol. also i was struggling trying to end this cause i didn’t want it to be longer than it already is (imo) lol so im sorry for the awkward ending. ty for requesting and i hope you enjoy!
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It was a stupid idea. Why the hell would Bakugou go into a bar with the most loud and raucous people he knew even though he’d never drank a day in his life?
He couldn’t think of something he wanted to do less in that moment. He was exhausted, coming from a day of patrolling and hero work. Although his friends also came from their jobs, they actually drank alcohol and wanted to unwind after five years of constantly overworking themselves.
“Are you really not gonna get anything, Katsuki?” Sero questioned, giving the table’s drink orders to the bartender.
“I’m not fucking up my body just to look like an idiot like you dumbasses,” Bakugou huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair. 
“Why’d you come then?” Kaminari quipped, interested in hearing Bakugou’s answer.
“Cause your dumbass wouldn’t stop bothering me about coming out tonight!” Bakugou replied angrily.
“Oh yeah!” Kaminari exclaimed, laughing at himself. “I forgot.”
“It’s good to come out with us once in a while,” Kirishima said, nodding his head. “You’ve been working yourself to the bone since we graduated, man. We haven’t seen you in years.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Don’t be fucking ridiculous. I’m not stopping until I’m number one. You shits can drink all you fucking want but I’m not gonna sit around every week just to catch up.”
Kaminari sighed, shaking his head. “This is why you’ve never had a girlfriend.” Sero nodded along with him.
“And what the fuck does that have to do with anything?” Bakugou snarled, slamming his fist against the table out of annoyance.
“You’re a workaholic, dude,” Sero stated matter-of-factly. “When are you gonna have the time to date? If you slowed down a little you could’ve at least gone out with Y/N back when you had a crush on her in U.A.”
“I did not have a crush on that shitty girl.” Bakugou felt himself getting even more angered just hearing your name uttered. 
“You keep telling yourself that,” Kirishima said, patting his friend on the shoulder only to get shook off by Bakugou. 
The drinks Sero ordered arrived and the rest of the guys cheered each other before downing their beverages. Bakugou sipped on his water he was forced to get after Sero berated him to order something.  
The more alcohol his friends consumed, the more rowdy and even more raucous they got and Bakugou questioned even more why he decided to go out with them. It was karaoke night at the bar and Bakugou swore his ears were bleeding as Kaminari consistently kept attempting to serenade him.
Despite how chaotic it was in the bar that night, Bakugou eventually found himself enjoying it. Kaminari and Sero got the most drunk, getting up to dance and stumbling over one another, which made Bakugou and Kirishima burst into laughter. He would never tell them, but he needed this time out and away from the constant need to work towards his one and only goal. 
The night was going great; until the door to the bar opened. Bakugou turned his head to the noise of the bell ringing above the door. It stuck out amongst the voices and loud nature of the room and he felt his face drop at the sight.
There you were, five years older than the last time he had seen you in person. And you weren’t alone as your arm was looped around the arm of another man.
Bakugou couldn’t help but stare at the sight. He drowned out the sounds of Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, and a few strangers they had recruited at the bar playing drinking games as his focus was only on you. You scanned the area, waving shyly to a few people that recognized you as their favorite rising hero and sat in the corner of the room with your mystery man.
Kirishima glanced at Bakugou, recognizing that he was distracted by something else and looked towards what had caught his eye. He immediately understood the reason for the defeated look on his friend’s face.
“I’m sorry, man,” Kirishima stated simply. 
“Sorry?” Bakugou scoffed. “For what? There’s nothing to be sorry about. We were never together.” The last part Bakugou muttered to himself as he finally tore his eyes away from you and down to his glass of water.
And it was true; you and Bakugou were never together back when you attended U.A. with him and the others. Matter of fact, you didn’t even know Bakugou liked you back then as he made it his mission that you never found out. Not only did he refuse to let himself be subjected to such vulnerable feelings like love and infatuation, you and your peers were constantly bombarded with hero work and dealing with the League of Villains to ever have the time for confessions. At the time, romantic relationships were trivial. 
As things died down by the time class A graduated, Bakugou busied himself with his long-time goal of wanting to become the number one hero. He kept telling himself that it was time to grow up and forget about what he assumed to be a little crush but the more he kept shoving his feelings inside, the more intense they became.
That was why it felt like a punch to the gut to see you laughing with and leaning onto a man that wasn’t him. 
“Hey, dunce face,” Bakugou grunted. Kaminari lifted his head and looked over at Bakugou with hazy eyes. “Get me the strongest drink here.”
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“Dude, you really should slow down,” Kirishima urged, concerned as he watched Bakugou down shot after shot. “You’ve never drank before and this’ll probably mess you up fast.”
“I don’t give a fuck,” Bakugou said in a rush, out of breath from the abundance of liquids he furiously ingested. He held the next shot glass to his lips, preparing himself to throw it back along with the countless shots he had already done; he felt like he was going to be sick, to no one’s surprise. Bakugou slammed the shot glass down onto the table, still full of alcohol, and he slammed his head onto the table as well. His head was throbbing but he felt like he could float in the air if he really tried. 
Kirishima chuckled at his friend, taking advantage of the situation and taking the shot glass away from Bakugou. 
Kaminari swung his arm around Bakugou’s shoulders. “See, dude, now we’re having fun!” The last word was elongated as he let out a small hiccup.
“Get the fuck off of me, dunce face,” Bakugou mumbled with his head still on the table, causing his words to be muffled. Nevertheless, Kaminari knew exactly what his grouchy friend had said but ignored him.
For the first time that night, Kaminari looked around the room and noticed you sitting alone now in the corner of the bar. He shot up, waving his hand out at you. “Y/N!”
Bakugou’s eyes, which were once closed shut as the alcohol was rushing to his head all at once, shot wide open as he whipped his head up. He felt dizzy from how quick the motion was. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Come on, man, she’s sitting over there all alone,” Kaminari reasoned, turning his attention back to you. You also had finally noticed your old classmates, smiling at the sight. “Hang out with us, Y/N!”
“Alone?” Bakugou questioned softly. He looked over at you and felt a wave of relief wash over him as he carefully watched you make your way to their table, mystery man out of the picture.
“I didn’t know you guys were here tonight,” you said with a smile. You sounded level-headed and Bakugou determined that you were probably the most sober person in the room that night.
“Yeah, we come here a lot after our patrol shifts,” Sero commented.
“All of you?” You questioned, interested as you scanned each of the guys sitting at the table. Finally you locked eyes with Bakugou and he swore your gaze could’ve pierced right through him. He broke eye contact first as he felt his face burning up even more with the effects of the alcohol. 
“We usually have to beg Katsuki to come out. You know how he is,” Kirishima teased, wanting to lighten the mood for his friend. It didn’t work as Bakugou still had a sour expression on his face.
“Wanna get a few drinks with us?” Kaminari offered.
You shook your head. “No, it’s alright. Tonight hasn’t gone the way I wanted so I think I’m going to call it a night. It was nice seeing you guys.”
You waved goodbye to the boys, sending a small smile towards Bakugou as you understood he was in a bad mood but not understanding why. Your back was turned to them as you walked towards the exit and it was a miracle how you didn’t have two vermillion holes in your back the way Bakugou was staring at you leaving.
Bakugou stood up abruptly and he grabbed his coat and wallet. He sloppily pulled out a few bills and slammed them on the table as he made his way out as well.
“Where are you going?” Kirishima questioned.
“Don’t worry about it.”
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You cursed at yourself for leaving your jacket in your date’s car as the winter snow began to litter the streets. Your body was shivering terribly. The bar had a few tables and chairs in front of the building and you sat yourself down as you contemplated how on Earth you were going to get home. 
Before you could come up with a game plan, you felt a heavy leather jacket plop down onto your shoulders. You jumped at the sudden contact, watching as a clearly drunk-but-pretending-to-be-sober Bakugou sat himself in the chair across from you. “Bakugou! What’re you doing here?”
Bakugou ignored your question as he bluntly asked, “Where’s that fucker you came in with?”
You were taken aback by his questions. Only a few minutes ago did you realize that Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were there in the bar with you that night. If he had seen you with your date, that meant Bakugou had seen you when you walked in. 
You sighed, leaning back in your chair and pulling Bakugou’s jacket closer to you as it kept you warm. “He was being… weird.”
“Weird how.” It was a question but you sensed the animosity in Bakugou’s tone as his expression harshened in a way that made his question a statement.
You waved your hands to calm him down. Why was he so upset? “Nothing bad, don’t worry. He’s just some guy I started dating. We weren’t official or anything but I liked him. He said he didn’t like me being a hero and said I should get a job that’d suit me in a feminine way.” You chuckled humorlessly as you recalled the misogynistic comment.
“What a fucking loser,” Bakugou grumbled, loud enough for you to hear and laugh at. He leaned back in his chair, resting his eyes. “You told him to fuck off, right?”
You nodded, amused as you always were back in U.A. with Bakugou’s colorful vocabulary. “Yup. He got pissed and left me here and I left my stuff in his car like an idiot.” 
Bakugou opened his eyes and reached into his front pocket, cursing at himself as his fingers kept missing the opening seam. He pulled out his car keys and tossed them onto the table. You furrowed your eyes at the sight in confusion.
“Take my car to get home.”
You widened your eyes at his insane proposition, looking at the insignia on his keys as an expensive brand. “Bakugou, your car’s worth like a hundred million yen! There’s no way I can drive that!” 
“Just do it, idiot,” Bakugou groaned, placing his forehead on the cold, snow-covered table. “Can’t let you just sit here in the cold.”
A moment passed as you were contemplating your choices only to realize in that time, Bakugou had fallen asleep. You chuckled softly, never expecting to see health-conscious Bakugou who’s always been adamant about never drinking inebriated. 
You grabbed his keys and put them in the pocket of his leather jacket, slipping the jacket onto your arms. You knew you couldn’t just take his car and leave him here like this so you got up and went over to his side, gently shaking his shoulders to wake him. “Come on, big guy. We’re going home”
Bakugou let out a groan as you got him to his feet, your arm around his shoulders and you wrapped his arm around your waist to support him, resting your hand on his hand. You felt his body stiffen in reaction and you looked up at him curiously. His face was red again and you assumed it was a combination of the alcohol and the frigidness in the air. It most definitely was not either of those things.
“Where’d you park your car?” You asked as you slowly helped him walk.
He nodded in the direction ahead of you and you assumed he was referring to the parking lot that was thankfully right next to the bar. The two of you continued walking towards the lot and you found it unusual how quiet Bakugou was.
Once reaching the lot, you were originally going to search for Bakugou’s car only to not have to put any effort at all since his bright red sports car stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the Subarus and Toyotas.
You laughed, shaking your head. “Why am I not surprised by this at all, Bakugou.”
Bakugou flinched and he slowly pulled away from you, shoving his hands in his pockets as he wobbly made his way to his car. “Stop calling me that.”
“What? You don’t want me to call you Bakugou?” You question, confused. “Oh! I get it. You want me to call you by your hero name, right, Dynamight?”
“That’s not it either, idiot.”
“Oh, then, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight?”
“You’re so stupid.” Bakugou stopped right in front of his car and turned around, slowly so that he wouldn’t fall over. He had his signature frown on his face only this time it was out of frustration. “Back in U.A. you’d call me Katsuki.”
“Yeah, I guess I did,” you said, nodding your head as you recalled doing so. “But that was five years ago. I haven’t seen you since then and I just wanted to be polite.”
Bakugou kept quiet but his eyes never faltered or wavered as he kept them on you. You felt like he could burn right through you if he tried as you didn’t understand his frustrations. “Is everything okay, Ba– I mean, Katsuki.”
Bakugou’s eyes slightly widened for a moment and he felt like he was transported back to being a teenager. “No. Everything’s not okay ‘cause I still have this stupid crush on you that I’ve had since our first year in U.A.”
He let out a sigh, feeling a weight on his shoulders dissipate and he turned around back towards his car. You stood in place, shocked at the confession that you did not foresee at all. There was no way the Bakugou Katsuki had a crush on you, especially when you were just teenagers.
“Open the door.” Bakugou turned his head to you as he waited by the passenger door.
“Wait, wait, wait.” You waved your hands in front of you, still unable to wrap his words around your head. “This has to be a joke. There’s just no way– Why would you have a crush on me?”
Bakugou shrugged. “Dunno. Just happened.”
Your face felt hot and it wasn’t because of the weather. So much of your relationship with Bakugou made sense with this new realization. The reason for his cold shouldering you on numerous occasions or annoyed stares he’d give you when you got in a relationship in your second year all started to make sense. It was his way of conveying his feelings for you. 
You shook your head, shaking the complex thoughts from your mind and snapping yourself back to reality as the cold air and Bakugou not having a jacket, since you were obviously wearing it, made you unlock his car with the key he gave you. You watched as Bakugou entered his car on the passenger side.
You knew you needed to give yourself a minute before you could enter the car beside him. How did you feel about him? You always thought he was handsome, when he wasn’t scowling at least, and you enjoyed seeing him mature every year in U.A. Even after graduation, you always watched the news fondly as you watched him evolve into an incredible hero, one that you knew was worthy of becoming number one. 
So Bakugou Katsuki liked you. If your poor previous relationships taught you anything, it was to not turn down a good man when he was right in front of you. Or at least sitting in his sports car waiting for you to drive the two of you home since he was unexpectedly inebriated to do so himself. 
Taking in a breath, you knew what you had to do; you wanted to see where this would go between the two of you. You opened the driver’s side door, sitting in your seat and collecting your thoughts briefly before turning to Bakugou to tell him exactly what was on your mind. You wanted to give it a shot.
And you were intent on doing just that until you turned to look at Bakugou only to see he was once again fast asleep, his chest rising and falling. You chuckled at the sight, taking in how adorable he was in that moment. Slipping his jacket off your body, you draped it over his body.
“Guess you’ll have to stay with me tonight.”
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amourtoken · 1 day
Hiiiii I don't typically write for Oli Sykes however Kool aid has adjusted my brain chemistry and I have to put these thoughts out there lmao
I offer: cult leader Oli x a gullible, malleable reader who doesn't know any better than to follow him <3
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: triggering themes possibly, cult ideology, toxic Oli, manipulation, corruption, dubcon, spanking, general torment lmao, edging, oral, raw sex, dacryphilia, hair pulling, throat fucking, coercion, guilt tripping, thigh riding, nipple play, light bondage, there may be more but this is already rlly long.
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♡ he's fucking horrible, and he knows it. But you don't.
♡ he couldn't help himself but to drag you in, you were just so fucking easy. All you needed to hear was someone was "there for you" and you were in. Oli had hundreds if not thousands of followers by now as well but he never treated any of them like he treats you.
♡ you'll follow everything he says on a whim and if you question him, he'll pull you close, hold your hands, run his fingers through your hair, say "when have I ever been wrong?", kiss your forehead and send you on your way. When it comes to the more toxic sexual side of the "favors" you perform for him, he defends himself saying you're supposed to follow his order without question, he's always right, do you not trust him?
♡ everyone's used to seeing you at his side by now and you always get the most pitiful looks from people. They see someone being manipulated that's too dumb to realize and fight it but you're confused, Oli would never hurt you, why do people keep saying be careful? When you bring this up to him, he just tugs you in his lap and trails kisses up your neck and jaw while stroking your hair and telling you not to worry about it.
"They're just jealous I spend so much time with you, love. Stop thinking."
♡ he's a massive sadist, and loves seeing you cry. He'll achieve it one way or another. Either fucking your throat until you're gagging around him and crying for him to be more gentle or fucking you to tears while he's pulling your hair to add to the sting. He fucking loves seeing his mark on you too, whether it's the hundreds of dark hickeys he drowns your soft skin in or the endless handprints littered over your body be it from spanking, slapping, choking, it doesn't matter. He wants to brand you.
♡ he's a cunt, and will humiliate you to tears then wipe them away while you're sitting on his cock. He knows if he breaks you down enough, he can build himself up as your savior. The only one you can trust, the only one you can crawl back to. You're so pliant for him it's almost funny to watch.
"Bad day, princess? C'mere. I'll make it better."
"You know I love you, right? I'm only harsh when I have to be."
"You always follow directions so well, love. I wanna reward you for that."
♡ at first you were really against anything sexual but he's coerced you. He'd plead for hours, claiming you must not trust him if you won't do what he wants. Do you not love him? He's done so much for you, given you a place to stay, given you affection, you're not gonna pay him back? Eventually you felt guilty and ended up folded in half under him nearly in tears while he fucked into you like he was trying to split you in half. He praises you so fucking heavily in the moment you can't help but enjoy it now. You crave that attention and affection so much it has you needy for him. He's trained you well.
♡ you're constantly crawling into his lap, kissing all over his neck and begging him to touch you nowadays. Of course, he "gives in". His big tattooed hands running all over your body, tugging your shirt off to play with your nipples while you grind yourself against his thigh and get all teary for him cause you wish he'd just stop teasing.
"So impatient. Haven't I taught you better? Or do you just need me that bad."
♡ he figured that'd be a good chance to teach you some extra manners and by teach you he means tying you up and leaving you on his bed with a vibrator pressed right against your clit indefinitely. No squirming is gonna help, if anything it'll make it worse. He'll sit on the edge of the bed near you and coo about how if you weren't so needy and impatient you would've gotten what you wanted without being overstimulated for hours. And he does in fact mean hours.
"I'll touch you when I feel like it, you don't need to be a whiny slut to get what you want. Could've just waited and you wouldn't be here right now."
"Aw, want it to stop? I'm not sure. I think you still haven't learned your lesson."
"Maybe if you keep begging in that pretty little voice, I'll turn it down."
♡ if you're being needy and he's in a mood. He'll give you what you're whining for, just not how you wanted. He'll fuck you with one of the seemingly endless toys he has for you and drag you through what feels like endless orgasms until you're pleading for a break.
"What? Wanna stop? You were so fucking needy before, where'd that attitude go?"
"So needy you don't even need my cock, you'll get off on whatever fills this pussy up. Right?"
♡ he has the biggest breeding kink as well. Loves the idea of carrying on his whole lineage and it's a bonus you'd look pretty all round with his babies. He never let's you off without pumping you completely full of his cum. Even then, once he pulls out he's gathering excess with his long fingers and fucking it back into your sensitive pussy so you don't waste any. If you do get pregnant, he's still planning on enjoying you, just maybe a tad more gently.
♡ god forbid one of the other cultists finds some interest in you. He'd notice eyes lingering on you just a little too long for his taste and it'd end with said cultist tied to a chair across the room while Oli plays with your pussy in front of him. He's shit talking and reminding the man you're spoken for, property of your leader, no one could possibly make you feel as good as he does. Oli makes sure you're moaning his name and whimpering about how good he feels and how much you love him just to get the point across. He'll make sure no other name sends a swarm of butterflies to your stomach like his ever again.
♡ he'd be lying if he said he didn't have *some* feelings for you, but he'd never show anything other than his prior torment. On rare occasions, when you're tucked against his chest dead asleep after he's fucked you in every position imaginable, he'll press kisses to your forehead and trace circles on your back while almost admiring you. He'd never let anyone else see him so unguarded but you're just so soft and malleable, so cute. He feels lucky to have found someone who's too soft to say anything out of line against him.
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codenamesazanka · 1 day
What is up with this obsession over the "other half" of Decay. Less so now that Shigaraki is like dead-dead, so I guess it was copium, but still. So Decay was derived from the Overhaul quirk. Okay. It was stripped of the restorative half; then added with the five finger activation and lack of control. By this point, it is its own quirk.
(It's the same with Kurogiri/Shirakumo. Shirakumo's quirk was cloud generation and manipulation; then it got turned into the ability to bend the fabric of space. It's its own quirk at that point.)
I don't see the need for any more connection than that? Decay came from Overhaul - it's an artificial quirk AFO created to be a super dick. That's where Decay came from. It's somewhat fortunate(?) that it wasn't naturally occurring, which means there wasn't some other poor bastard out there who probably also had a tough time with it, but just the fact that it's 'half' the Overhaul quirk makes me wonder if Overhaul didn't at least 'half' a tough time with it as well.
Which btw - the reveal also confirms that AFO and the Doc were also responsible for Overhaul's own early childhood... which no one seems to care about.
Hello??? Shigaraki has to be referred to as groomed and abused and brainwashed every other sentence in order to induce the greatest level of sympathy for him (because apparently otherwise if he ever had any hint of agency or genuine malice at all, fuck him and he's not as much a victim, I guess???), and the orphanage Touya wakes up in has cult vibes where he can't even leave, but Overhaul growing up in such an orphanage is not worthy of attention. Like you gotta wonder how Doc got his hand on Overhaul's quirk - best case scenario it was from a simple blood draw at a routine doctor's check up; worse case scenario is that he was experimenting on these kids, even if subtly.
It's in this orphanage that Overhaul reads about quirks and gets the idea that it's a sickness. Was that somehow from the instruction of the orphanage staff that's under Ujiko's employment? Was it because something happened to Overhaul that caused him to end up in an orphanage? Kid didn't just sprout from the ground - he must have had parents, a family. But here he is, in an orphanage, gloomily reading about quirks while all the other kids are playing outside. Kouta resentfully says quirks are freaky and Deku and the story bends over backwards to prove to him that he's wrong, and violent quirks will save his life, so he should love Heroes; it's obvious that Overhaul hating quirks is a flaw.
Later, it looks like Overhaul would run away from this orphanage too, and then gets picked up by the Yakuza. Luckily it was a very honorable yakuza who treated him with kindness, but listen to that sentence - """"luckily"""" he gets picked up by a nice mobster who raised him. And Overhaul is so affected by this kindness it gives him a devotion that turns twisted. I mean, I think the guy definitely has his own selfish issues, but he really does care about Pops a lot and still thinks of what he's doing as being for Pop's and the Yakuza's sake.
I know no one cares about Overhaul and probably thinks it's even funny he loses his arms and goes half insane in Tartarus, that that's just karma for abusing and medically torturing a little girl, but it's very clear that he didn't start out that way, and if things had been different, he might not have grown up to become a Villain. That's true for nearly all the Villains we see on the story. And that's why there's such a big push to save the League, because of that "if only, if only". They're sympathetic and maybe redeemable.
But unsympathetic and irredeemable villains like Muscular and Overhaul were the best training wheels for Deku to work up to saving Shigaraki. If he can reach out a hand to those freaks, he can do it for not-as-much-a-freak Shigaraki. Even if Deku fails in trying to save Muscular and Overhaul, if he had tried, he could've learned something from those encounters that he could later apply to Shigaraki. But Deku said nope and then crashes when he has to save Shigaraki. Sorry—not even Shigaraki, but the ghost of a Crying Child.
Muscular insists that there's nothing but blood and violence inside of him, so Deku gives up on him because he can't psychically dive into Muscular's head to prove him wrong; later, Shigaraki insists that he overcame the Crying Child and he wants destruction, and fortunately Deku doesn't give up on him, but only because he can psychically dive into Shigaraki's head to prove him wrong - except it's this exact act that brings back AFO and drives the train wreck into the conclusion that is Shigaraki's body crumbling to nothing.
Overhaul begs to see Pops and wants to apologize, demonstrating some tiny broken strand of caring and goodness inside of him, but that's not someone Deku knows or cares about so it means nothing to him except that he can test whether Overhaul is worthy of any measure of forgiveness (and so rewarded by a Pops visit) by apologizing to Eri; later, Shigaraki gets his hatred smashed but stays the leader to the League, and Deku seems flummoxed by this, while using his last words to the guy he wanted to save to yammer on about not forgiving him and ending the cycle of sadness by stopping Shiagarki.
(Plus like. Overhaul has hurt sooooo many people other than Eri. He used and manipulated many of the Shie Hassaikai too. But once again, none of them are people Deku knows or cares about so they don't matter and they don't need an apology.)
This got really off topic because it started out about people focused on the Overhaul-Decay then turned into a Deku rant (only semi-sorry), but. Actually maybe not. People only care about the Overhaul-Decay thing because the Overhaul quirk might bring Shigaraki back, because Shigaraki deserves it; meanwhile the actual holder of the Overhaul quirk is ignored, because Overhaul doesn't deserve any comeback, or anything at all. It's really just people only caring about certain Villains because they personally like them and feel sorry for them. Which is fine! Go have your blorbo.
But like, ironically, caring only about your villain blorbo's situation in the context of the wider story, when discussing the story using the context of abuse and marginalization and who is deserving of saving, is the same as what Deku and Hawks did - singling out one victim out of many as worthy of being saved, and condemning every other Villain. And how did that turn out for Deku and Hawks?
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starlightfayee · 2 days
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Sung Jinwoo × Female Reader
"Cause I know- I know, The way- The way, To make- To make sure you'll never leave."
The moment you were teleported to the world of solo leveling, your first thought was of course, to find Sung Jinwoo, and stay at his side.
But, because of all those fanfics you had read, where the reader can never change the timeline of the world they went to, it made your confidence go down, and you decided—
You may be an A class (Your Choice), but you never had a real fighting experience, you were an introvert, you fight the air, you fight your imaginary characters,
BUT, the monsters here are never just imaginary, if you died here, who knows what will happen to you? This world is not the manhwa you love to read or an anime you like to watch, this is now your real life.
So, you stepped down, never once interacting with any character on purpose, if you did meet a character and was forced to interact with them (so you would not seem rude), you will end it immediately.
However, it was boring. Staying on the sideline, trying to be alive while the Monarch fights, while the world is slowly turning to hell.
And when you keep seeing his face everywhere, it's hard. It's like everything is forcing you to make a move.
Sadly, as you always thought it would be, Sung Jinwoo and Cha Hae In interacted, getting closer to each other, slowly building their love story.
And of course, you will just watch it. BUT a certain system doesn't want you to do simply as that.
"What the hell?" You cursed, after seeing a system similar to Sung Jinwoo's, except this one seems to be... made to make people laugh.
It has normal fonts, but its background is... a collage of popular memes, it mostly has cat memes.
Although, it's not the problem.
Side Quest: Meet the protagonist.
Punishment if not done: Death
Time to finish the Quest: 1 hour
The quest starts now. Good luck.
Where the hell are you going to look for the protagonist? And if you were to meet him, what are you going to say to him?? "Hello, I need to meet you or I'm dying. Bye."
"This has to be a joke. To whoever is pulling the strings behind this, I swear, Karma will go after you!" (Name) said to herself, and decided to go out of her room for the first time of this day.
You think of where the protagonist of this manhwa could be, on second thought, what chapter are you on already? It's probably around 100+ so.... Where am I gonna look for the—
Location of the protagonist has been sent.
Luckily enough, the place was not far away from you, it was a coffee shop. Hmm, you can't remember if Sung Jinwoo has been in a coffee shop in the manhwa.
After 10 minutes of walking, you arrived in front of the coffee shop, it has transparent walls, and you could already see Sung Jinwoo inside, sitting down elegantly, few people surrounding the cafe but you can pass through it easily.
What were you supposed to say to him?
Sighing, it seems like you really have to talk to him. You walked through the small crowd and passed through them, opening the door of the cafe, the air from the aircon of the cafe hit you on the face lightly, it has the smell of coffee too.
Should you order a coffee for yourself? But it might make you more nervous... Whatever, sipping an iced coffee while approaching him will make you more cool.
"Miss." A hand tapped your shoulder and you bolted up from the touch, it sends electricity through your body, it feels like a thunder just hit you straight.
"ehem, yes?" Turning around, you were met with the cold-blooded purple eyes of the protagonist.
Side Quest: Completed!
"You are (First Name) (Last Name), correc-?" When you received the notification of completing your quest, You IMMEDIATELY ran out of the cafe, unaware of a pair of purple eyes watching your form get little, and little, and disappeared.
But it's no worries, the moment he tapped your shoulders, he already put a shadow to watch over you.
Thinking that moment, was the most embarrassing of your life, you didn't go out of your room/house for fee days. Not until, it was the day where portals appear in certain areas. If you're correct and you still have your memory right, this is the time where Antares will fight Sung Jinwoo.
It was unsettling though. The very next moment you met Sung Jinwoo, you felt being watched. Your every move was being watched. Except when you're in a bath.
It got you excited, just a little.
Maybe you attracted a yandere sung Jinwoo
You shake your head. The world was about to end and yet, you were thinking about Sung Jinwoo's yandere fanfics that you have read before?
You can't do anything about it anyways, you felt too embarrassed to meet Jinwoo again.
You went with your day as normal, you will keep your plan and just watch from the side. Although it felt like your heart was being crushed into pieces thinking about Sung Jinwoo and Cha Hae In getting together while you could have done something, change something, get someone...
Maybe you were a coward. But, it was scary. Since Jinwoo is now a real person in this world, falling in love with him deeper will be easier, and it will get you crazier.
You look at the sky, and it feels like the air that surrounds the world changes, it feels suffocating, it feels hot.
It's starting.
The fight between the two strongest monarchs, Ashborn's Vessel, and Antares will now happen, sooner or later.
You ran to your house, your safe place.
And while thinking what would happen to you... What if you were to go back to your own world after this? That will be cool, but it's... Hurting you. The thought of having a chance, an opportunity, to get together with a character you love so much, but not grabbing that opportunity, is hurting you.
But, if you do get with him, and when the world goes back to before, what will happen to you? What if you went back to your own world? What if you leave Sung Jinwoo waiting for you, unsure if you will even come back is much more hurtful, maybe, maybe it's much better that you didn't interfere with the plot.
You saw him personally, and that's good enough.
On the other hand, what if you stayed in this world? Then maybe... Maybe you'll chase Jinwoo, maybe you'll finally allow yourself to love him freely, and meet him, like a normal girl would.
It ended. The fight between the two strongest monarchs ended. Just like the storyline of solo leveling, Sung Jinwoo won. The Rulers got to the earth, and gave him the cup of reincarnation.
A bright light quickly surrounds every single place on earth, yet it didn't make you blind, no.
It felt comforting, soothing. Like you were being hugged by the softest plushie ever.
In the blink of an eye, you were a kid. About 1-2 years younger than Sung Jinwoo's age when he went back in time too.
"I'm... Still here." You looked at a mirror, you felt happy, you're a woman of your words. You will chase Jinwoo now, you will get your man.
But that will have to wait. Just like Sung Jinwoo, he wanted to live like a normal kid for once, and then fight the monsters in the dimensional rift.
You will not interfere with that, since you don't have the power. So for now, you will also live your life to the fullest while waiting for him. For your beloved monarch.
A lot of years had passed. Yours and Sung Jinwoo's path never crossed, you were thankful for that, you were still not ready to meet him once again. To fall deeper.
It was a hot, busy day in South Korea, and yet, you were still wearing your uniform. If you're still sane, this is the day a certain monarch finished off his enemies.
But, it has been years since you've last read solo leveling. You cannot remember, where did Sung Jinwoo go after coming out from a portal, and as oblivious as you are, you wanted to get an ice cream for this hot day.
And all you can say is, Deja Vu.
A transparent wall separates the two adults on a kid's body staring right into each other's soul.
You decided to enter the ice cream shop.
"(name). Don't run away again, please." Those words, immediately colored your face red like a tomato.
"ehem. I- uhm, I forgot to ask you before, how did you know my name?" You sit in front of him, since he did point at it with his piercing gaze, and it just seems like there would be a death punishment if you don't follow.
"of course you will not be able to ask, you did run away immediately." He chuckled.
HE. CHUCKLED. And it sounded so so so so attractive.
"but to answer your question, the system— I assume you know about it?" You nodded, and it was a cue for him to continue. "As I was saying, The system notified me about a lady from another world, entering this world."
It was a dark, lifeless night, Jinwoo was doing paperwork for the Ahjin Guild, he decided to let Jinho rest for a while.
He continued to read through the paper, write things he needed to write, sign them up, just normal things.
When a certain system notified him about something, of course, it immediately caught his attention, and interest.
System warning: A girl from another world has entered this world. She has knowledge of future events.
[Click to see the lady's appearance.]
He was curious. EVERYTHING started with curiousity.
So as Jinwoo being Jinwoo, he clicked the photo, and let's just say, Love At First Sight was added to his vocabulary.
The system let him watch over the lady's movement to see anything suspicious for a few days, then he was not allowed to see even her location.
He tried to find her with his shadow army, but whenever a shadow found her, that very same shadow would disappear, and he will get a system warning.
The system keeps giving him warning to not approach the lady, so he did. Until, a quest was given to him.
Side Quest: Meet the Lady from another world.
Punishment if not done: Death
Please wait at (coffee shop) for the quest.
He immediately went to the coffee shop, maybe he was a bit eager to meet the Lady, is it because this lady knows the future? No, maybe, maybe it's because he fell in love.
The door opened, and a gorgeous lady walked in, she was so cute, looking so curious and nervous. Just the same feeling he felt.
Deciding he cannot wait any longer, he stood up and walked to her way. He lightly tapped her shoulders, but it seems like he scared her
When you first spoke, he felt like he heard what heaven sounds like. You spoke so softly, although there was a hint of nervousness to it, it still sounded so cute.
And when he was confirming your identity, you... Ran away? Is he that scary? Should he practice his gaze to be soft? Maybe he did intimidate you a lot, you know future events after all.
He felt disappointed. He thought he could finally get to know you— ehem, he meant to finally get information about the future, yes, that's right...
But that one light tapped on your shoulder was enough for him to be able to put his soldier in your shadow.
Through that shadow, he watched every single movement of yours. Except when you do something a bit too private. He still respects you, of course.
And then, you were in his mind for as long as he could remember, until Antares appeared.
"that was a long story." You yawned. But remembered how he actually finds you attractive and had not taken his mind off of you— your face went red, again.
"That is true. Look, Your ice cream is about to melt." With the faintest blush on his face, he pointed at your ice cream. He was embarrassed, of course. He did tell you that his first impression on you was that you were gorgeous.
You ordered your (flavour) ice cream while he was in the middle of talking about his point of view.
This time, you didn't feel awkward, you feel like a normal girl, falling in love with someone her age. Finally doing a move to be with her crush.
"so, (name), would you let me be your shadow, while you become my life?" He smiled genuinely, as he asked you to be his girlfriend in a poetic way.
And, obviously, you nodded. Finally, finally you are his, and he is yours.
Extra scene~
Sung Jinwoo still decided to join the tract and field thingy, maybe it's just that feeling he felt is right because that was originally what he would do.
Yet this time, it was not for anyone else, it was for himself.
It was that day, the competition, and also when he was supposed to meet Cha Hae In again.
You were beside him, eating your ice cream, when he stopped on his track, and stared at Cha Hae In.
You squinted your eyes at him, and held his jaw, making him look at you.
"Look at me and only me." You playfully said and winked at him.
He chuckled, and took your hand off his jaw, he put your hand down and hugged you, his scent immediately surrounding you.
"Of course, My Love. Don't worry, I'm all yours."
Ps: This is unedited, I wrote this at night so I'm half asleep and half awake, and this is my first ever one shot about Jinwoo, honestly, I did write oneshots before and they were horrible, so I'd like to count this as my first ever written one shot.
Comment things that could help me improve, plsplspls, it would help a lot🙏🏻
And to whoever actually finished reading this, thank you!! I love you so much🫶🏻🌸
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Was just thinking about how, while in the Good Ending in the Omega Timeline with Color and the Epic Sanses + Beta, a big factor they’ll probably have to keep in mind is that, when Killer is in Stage 2, he’d probably eventually want to attempt going back to Nightmare.
It probably starts off slow at first, with 2 casually mentioning things Nightmare used to do or say—probably even little ticks he did when he thought Killer wasn’t looking. Repeating whatever lessons Nightmare taught him, almost fondly. Wondering out loud if Color thinks Nightmare has replaced him yet. Maybe Killer even starts to feel the need to re-teach himself the lessons, in case he forgot and Nightmare comes for him again.
There was probably many times when Color’s woken up to Killer being gone, maybe he leaves a note maybe his stuff is packed maybe none of it is besides his weapons, but either way Killer is gone. And Color has to shove down his panic attack, the flashbacks and vivid imagery of what Nightmare could do (and has done) to Killer if he gets his hands on him again, call up the Stars and the Epic Sanses.
The man hunts for Killer could probably be a simple as a few hours—because Killer caught himself stuck in indecision and rumination, torn between the two authorities of Color and Nightmare and feeling physically sick at the idea of being disloyal ( physically sick at how disloyal he’s already been) and sick that he feels that way at all— to weeks. Because Killer certainly knows how to not be found and be fast if he doesn’t want to be, and if he cares not to be.
Ultimately I think just about every manhunt would end with one of the Stars or Epic Sanses finding Killer standing around in some AU, lost and confused in his own mind. Everything’s all jumbled up for him and he thinks Nightmare could fix him.
And Color probably has to approach him not as Color, his friend, but as Color—his owner, someone who can make things make sense again, in Killer’s mind —until Killer is safely back in the Omega Timeline and able to recognize who Color is and what he is to Killer.
I can already picture the stir itd cause in the residents of the Omega Timeline as well. No one wants something like Killer in the hands of something like Nightmare again, and no one wants Nightmare’s killer in their homes and around their loved ones. And now they’re probably thinking Killer’s slipped the leash and running back to his old one now, to slaughter his way through millions again.
There’d definitely be a lot of people who want Killer locked up—either in jail or in an asylum getting unwanted help by people who likely don’t wanna actually help and just want revenge (is what Killer thinks, not that he’d try and stop them), if not executed.
And once the relief of having finally brought Killer back home safe wears off, Color will likely have a massive crash and panic attack that Delta and Epic will have to help him with because Killer isn’t in any state of mind to help him at that moment, either. Because Color’s eventually going to have to pull himself together again in order to help Killer pull himself together—remind Killer of the lessons again, but not the Chara lessons or the Nightmare lessons, the therapy lessons.
And then once that’s settled, Color and Killer have drained themselves out and are now cuddled up together sleeping soundly, with Epic taking to making sure they have enough food and water while Delta sets reminders to schedule actual therapy sessions when they’re ready and up for it.
Then the two of them will join them for a cuddling sesh because they’re all grateful to be back together again, that Nightmare hadn’t taken Killer back, and Beta needs the comfort. (And so do they.) Cross will insist on standing guard outside the door but eventually crawls into the bed with them too.
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mtchee · 2 days
Disdain, or Desire? - [Diluc Ragnvindr] GN
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Interpreting the Wine Master's unblinking stares and impassive features as a form of distain, you're in for a pleasurable surprise after the meddling of a few friends.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, [name] is an outlander but not traveller, you have a rip off paimon companion too, probably OOC diluc, not explicit but very spicy, 16+ suggestiveness
| masterlist | genshin impact collection |
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You had been residing in Mondstadt for a few months now, keeping a close line of contact with Lumine after she left to travel the rest of Teyvat. You'd decided to help clean up the mess after the whole 'Stormterror' incident, the abyss order still being heavily active on Mondstadt soil.
Although Lumine continued to travel, your own floaty mushroom companion, Kiko, continued to keep you company.
"Hey, Adelinde?" You approache from the road to Dawn Winery, a balloon crate following behind you, "I managed to find the supplies you needed. The merchant got chased off by some hilichurls, but he's safe now, just shaken. Um, where should I put it...?"
The head maid brightens up at the sight of you, "Outlander! Oh, thank you. Just leave it up in front of the manor, myself and a few others will get the rest sorted out. Thank you so much for your help!"
"Oh, no problem!" You wave her off as she leaves to get you the commision reward.
"Ooh, do you think she'll give us some primogems...?" Kiko wonders softly, floating by your shoulder.
You shrug with a light smile, leading the crates up the path towards the front of the manor, "I don't know, but Adelinde is very generous."
The balloon crate nearly nicks some of the grapevines in the vineyard, causing the two of you to panic. You use every ounce of your strength to shove the floating crate back on path, guiding it by hand as it no longer holds your trust.
You huff once the crate is sat down by the front door, leaning against the manor wall, "...archons, I hate those things."
The hair on the back of your neck stands up suddenly, and you gradually blink away your exhaustion.
"Hm? Oh," Kiko perks up, "hi, Master Diluc!" He waves towards the man stood by a few barrels after chatting to a butler.
The red haired male nods towards the blue fairy, eyes soon drawn towards the outlander. You immediately straighten at the name, turning around with warm cheeks. Diluc's hard gaze bores into your figure, causing you to shiver.
You gulp nervously.
"Uh, good morning, Master Diluc," You give him a shaky wave.
The male simply nods back, firm eyes remaining trained on your form without a single word leaving his mouth.
Perhaps he's mad you almost demolished a row of his grapevines...
Your eyes dart around, body almost quivering under the intensity of his gaze.
You send him a forced—albeit sheepish—smile before quickly bolting away, forgetting about waiting for the reward.
Kiko is left scrambling after you.
"Hu—hey! W-Wait..!"
Diluc's eyes soften as he watches you rush off elsewhere, a wave of disappointment washing over him, though his face remains indifferent.
Adelinde walks up with a generous sized pouch full of both mora and primogems, looking around before a confused frown makes its way into her face.
"Master Diluc?" She turns to the man, "have you seen the outlander? I thought they were here just a minute ago..."
Diluc hums, "I believe they were in a hurry," he holds out a hand for the bag, "I'll take those. I'll be sure to give these to them later on."
"Ah, of course, sir," Adelinde hands him the rewards bag with a nod before walking back to where she had come from, continuing with her duties.
Diluc glances at the rewards, brows furrowed in thought.
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"Kiko, he hates me—he hates me, I know it."
"He doesn't hate you," Kiko deadpans for the fifteenth time since they left Dawn Winery, "trust me, if he hated you like he hates Kaeya, we'd know."
"He hates me," You conclude, Kiko facepalming in the back, "why else does he just...stare? He must be so revolted by my presence that it's all he can do, oh archons—Kiko, what did I do?!"
You walk through the gates, entering Mondstadt city.
"He doesn't hate you!"
"But he looks so angryyyy..!" Comical tears slide down your cheeks as you whine, "Lumine talks to him all the time and he doesn't act like that! What's wrong with meeeee?"
"Oh, don't be that way. I, for one, think you're wonderful just how you are~" A sultry voice intervenes from behind.
Kiko whips around, startled.
"It's cyclops!"
"Captain Kaeya," The two you pay no mind to Kiko's outburst, you putting a momentary halt on your whining, "are you patrolling around here?"
"Actually, I'm on break. I just finished a whole stack of paperwork and decided to take a nice stroll around Mondstadt, and then I ran into you," Kaeya grins, "seems like my luck's turning up, hm? Also, how many times have I told you? Just Kaeya is fine."
"Oh, right. Sorry, Capta—uh, Kaeya..." You flush slightly, causing him to chuckle.
"Always so polite, aren't you, outlander?" The blue haired male chuckles, "now, what was it I heard you worrying about before I appeared?"
"[name] thinks your brother hates them." Kiko blurts out.
"Kiko, I'm gonna put a goddamn filter over your mouth-"
"Hating you? My brother?" Kaeya lets out a boisterous laugh, head thrown back as if it were the funniest he'd ever heard in his life, "certainly not! Me? Perhaps, but hating you? I've never heard such a thing. Especially Diluc."
"B-But he doesn't even talk to me anymore!" You fret, "ever since the vigilante thing he just... looks at me! I must've gotten in his way or something because he still talks to Lumine all the time! Maybe it was something I'd said? Was it because I forgot to tell him I was catching crystalflies at the winery? I didn't break anything then, did I? I made sure not to mess up the vineyard..."
"Oh, [name], our dear outlander," Kaeya tuts, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "you worry too much! Have you finished your commissions for the day?"
He waits until he receives an affirmative nod, "Wonderful! How about a trip to the tavern then? To take your mind off things? My treat~"
"Oh, uh, I don't think—"
Yeah, it wasn't an offer.
You didn't have a choice.
And so there you sat later that evening, practically sweating bullets and quivering in your seat at the two red eyes burning holes into your soul.
Kiko sat on the table in front of you, a small glass of apple cider in his hands as he kicks his feet back and forth happily.
Kaeya sat beside you to the left, with sister Rosaria sitting on the opposite side.
Lumine had actually come in for the night as well and sat to your right, Paimon and Kiko chattering away whilst Kaeya, Rosaria and Lumine engaged in civil conversation.
From the corner of your eye, you could spy Diluc eyeing you down disdainfully from the bar. A near whimper escapes you as you slink down into your seat, nerves gripping at your chest and throat.
"[name]?" Lumine looks at you in concern, "are you alright?"
Glancing off to the side and seeing the bar owner preoccupied with another customer, you take the chance to whisper frantically at her.
"Lumine, I'm absolutely scared out of my wits—Master Diluc hates me and wants me out of this goddamn tavern but I'm terrified that if I do much as breath he'll take the chance and kick me out himself and kill me—"
"What?" Lumine blinks, confusion evident on her features, "wait, what are you talking about?"
"Lumine, he hates me!" You whisper shout, sitting up in your seat, "he always stares at me, ever since the dark night thing he's lowkey avoided me but now I'm pretty sure he'd stab me—look! Oh my archons, he's still staring."
You immediately freeze in your seat, shoulders tense and throat tight.
Diluc's hardened gaze has returned once more.
Lumine glances over her shoulder at the man before letting out a hushed laugh.
"[name], I think you've misunderstood something here—"
"Misunderstood what?!" Your mouth barely moves due from the fear, "he still talks to you! There's nothing to misunderstand!"
Lumine snorts.
"Well, do you know what we talk about?" A cheeky glint appears in her eyes as she glances between her friend's frozen figure and the nonchalant male cleaning the bar counter, "my archons, you are oblivious."
"What? What?"
You snap your head towards her in offense.
Kaeya and Rosaria's conversation had ceased, looks of bemusement plastered on their faces.
"Oh, come on, [name]. You're brighter than that," Rosaria huffs out a laugh, raising her glass to her lips.
"Wha—I'm not stupid," You glare at her, afterwards crossing your arms with a frown.
"You guys are playing down my fear because you know it's true."
"As if!" Paimon spits out, Kiko cackling beside her, somehow drunk on the apple cider, "literally everyone can see it except you! Even Paimon figured it out! Master Diluc's never like this with anyone."
"That's what I told them," Kiko hiccups, "and they still don't believe me. You wonder why Dawn Winery's commissions are so generous..."
You blink, "Huh?"
"You know what, if you don't talk to him, I will for you."
Lumine suddenly stands up and starts towards the bar.
You promptly panic.
"Whoa—WHA- a-ahem! Lumine! Lumine! What do you think you're doing?! Oh gods..."
You nearly topple over the chair at the sight of Lumine talking to Diluc.
"Oh, would you look at that," Kaeya suddenly whistles, "it's getting rather late, and I'm on patrol early tomorrow morning. I'll see you next time, then."
He grins mischievously, getting up from his seat and leisurely making his way towards the door.
Rosaria stands up next, "Mm, shame we had to do this for you. Though you'd never get the guts otherwise. Don't think we don't know about your little crush on him."
She knocks back the last of her wine.
You flush, reeling back, "UM!? I-It doesn't matter anyway!"
You hiss out, "He hates me—hey! No, wait, please don't leave!"
You're honestly in near tears in panic.
Rosaria stops in place, giving you an indifferent look before huffing, leaning down and patting you on the head roughly before finally leaving.
"You'll be fine."
You slump down in your seat, defeated. Glancing around the tavern quickly, you notice that the scarce number patrons left are either stumbling outside drunk or dead asleep--the remaining of which were situated upstairs.
You give a pitiful look to Kiko, who almost caves in.
"Nope! Nu-uh!" Paimon flies between you two, "not on Paimon's watch!"
She grabs her floaty mushroom friend before spinning and glittering out of the tavern. You shrink in your seat, noticing that Lumine finished up the conversation with Diluc and was making one last round at your table.
She places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a reassuring squeeze.
"You'll survive," She grins.
You narrow your eyes at her spitefully.
She giggles, "Trust me, you'll be thanking me soon," she heads off towards the door, waving with a gleeful smile before disappearing from sight.
The clothes on your shoulders feel heavy all of a sudden, forcing you to curl in on yourself as your nerves play up. You glance towards the bar—where Diluc's firm gaze continues to burn into your figure, and you whimper under your breath.
You avert your attention to your hands, though the feeling of being watched never dissipates. You grip your still full glass of grape juice anxiously, much too nervous to drink any of it for fear of somehow angering the bar owner any more than you already have.
You risk one last glance towards him.
He stands few feet behind you.
Your mind jumbles and scrambles for anything and absolutely nothing at the same time, panic causing your heart to race.
A shadow covers you from the right, and your throat closes up with a squeak.
Diluc looms over you with harsh red orbs and an indifferent look, brows furrowed ever so slightly. He spares a glance towards your untouched glass of grape juice before leaning down towards you.
You tense at the motion, eyes wide in fright as your anxiety and stress spike. You refrain from flinching as a light thud is resounded from the table.
You swallow slightly and look forwards.
You blink twice.
In front of you sits a decent sized rewards pouch, the draw string loose and slightly opened revealing it's contents of mora and primogems.
You nearly jump when a deep voice resonates from beside you.
"You forgot your reward earlier today by the Winery. Neither Adelinde nor I had the time to properly thank you for your efforts."
Your knee bounces at the sound of his voice, feeling jittery.
Your eyes dart around, looking anywhere but at the man beside you.
"Oh, u-um... don't even, uh, don't worry about it..." Your voice is shaky, and oddly quiet.
You take in a sharp breath, staring down the glass in your hands just as Diluc does to you.
It's silent for a few seconds, though it feels like years.
"[name]," You nearly shatter the glass in your grip.
The call of your name is a command, a command to look at the one whom had spoken it. Slowly, your eyes lift, trailing up the body of the one who glares you down constantly.
The one who's eyes bore searing holes into your back.
The one who you feared absolutely hated you.
The one who you stupidly fell for, and were still enraptured with, for all this this time.
Eventually, your eyes meet.
Archons, you've never wanted to run so much in your entire life.
And you hate running.
It took every ounce of your entire being not to look away again, and not to fucking book it out of that stupid tavern door.
You let out a shaky breath through your nose, body tense and mind rushing.
Diluc's eyes grow half lidded, gaze uncharacteristically tender as his eyebrows furrow in wonder.
He tilts his head slightly, "What is it exactly, that you think I'm going to do to you, hm?"
A light, barely noticeable, flush rests on his fair cheeks.
Your stomach tightens in knots when you refrain from letting out an anxious shriek. 
What the hell do you say to that?
'Kill me?' No. 'Hurt me?' No. 'Best case scenario, forever ban me from your vicinity?' Maybe. 'Possibly unalive me in which after my remains are never to be found?'
What the fuck, no.
Instead, your mouth opens and closes ever so slightly, unable to form any sort of response. Diluc hums lowly, stepping towards you until he's able to rest his hand on the table. You hate how your face warms at the proximity--he's not even that close!
You flinch and go to lean back, but Diluc catches your chin with his forefinger and thumb, bringing you closer to him.
Okay, now you can freak the fuck out.
He feels you tremble and gulp.
His breath touches your skin.
His next question causes your wits to go haywire, "Why is it that you avoid me so?"
You swear you were on the verge of embarrassed tears. Your voice wavers.
"...B-Because you hate me...?" Your already quiet tone grows even quieter as you trail off.
At your words Diluc's once tender gaze returns to a hard blazing glare, and your breathing falters.
"Hate you?" He nearly seems to growl, "what on teyvat gave you that idea?"
"...Um, w-well, you see, I—"
Your heart explodes in your chest, blood rushing up your neck and to your face at a record speed as Diluc dives in to kiss your lips.
The most shocked—and honestly unflattering—gasp escapes you, though it's forcibly turned into a high, lewd moan as his mouth covers yours, tongues meeting and teeth almost clashing.
You whimper loudly against him from the sudden movement, heart lurching when Diluc pushes back the chair to allow him to straddle your lap.
Archons, you can feel yourself burning.
Pulling back with slightly swollen lips, he gives you no time to breath before trailing kisses down your jaw and to your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin with an unbridled passion matched by a deep groan.
Your core throbs in nervous excitement, and you almost feel ashamed for the feeling.
You gasp at the sensation, both panicked and excited, with your hands clawing at his chest and back at the intensity. A series of noises—whimpers, whines, and moans—escape you, the rush of it all giving you little to no strength to be able to mask them.
Your chest heaves for breath, Diluc's touch rendering you unable to focus on anything.
A high pitched whine of weak protest leaves your lips and reaches the male's ears, causing his face to flush. His hips roll into yours and your eyes roll back in deliria, resulting in a louder and dirtier sound to resonate by his ear.
He feels his own body react to the feeling—abdomen contracting as his stomach does flips.
"O-Oh, archons..!" You whine, eyes clenched shut in both embarrassment and bliss—you could never seem to catch your breath, "ngh..! P-Please..!"
By morning, it was safe to say that you were, very evidently--and very much pleasurably--proven wrong.
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"Oh. My. God." A smug grin made its way onto Lumine's lips, a boisterous laugh threatening to escape her.
Standing on weak legs with a marked up neck and a fierce amount of blood rushing up to your face, you growl at her, already wallowing in your humiliation and embarrassment.
"Shut up!"
Off to the side floats Kiko and Paimon who dance in little circles singing, "we told you so, we told you so, we told you so~"
Kaeya had already pestered you earlier, laughing heartily and making fun of you for not having listened to anyone.
"And look where that got you," Kaeya snickered, "although, I don't think you were complaining now, were you?"
You would've kicked him if your legs weren't going to give out.
You let out an embarrassed sigh, "Just... just help me get home before Diluc finds me again... if I see him I'm going to—"
"What? Burst?" Lumine tries to contain her giggles, "like you did last night?" She cackles.
Your heart drops, "L-LUMINE, SHUT UP..!"
Although, you couldn't exactly deny it; feeling the slight pulsing pleasure of your lower half from the aftermath of the previous night.
And after it all, Diluc certainly wasn't going to let you go anytime soon.
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Congrats with the followers! You deserve it! May I request Demi Lovato’s “Catch Me” with Hunter?
Hello anon!
Thank you so much for the congrats and for the request. You're too sweet.
I hope you love what I did with Demi Lovato's "Catch Me".
Love oo.
Catch Me
Warnings: Unrequited love, one night stand, implied coitus, pushing away, angst, brief mention of Order 66, tenderness, longing, declaration of feelings. I think that's it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Hunter was always making it difficult for you. 
It wasn’t on purpose, but everything he did kept drawing your eyes. 
It was the little things he did, the smile he always greeted you with in the mornings. The fact he always saved you a seat so you could be close to the fire when you guys were on missions. The way he checked up on you, it was just making it easier for you to keep falling for him. 
You couldn’t let yourself fall. No, if you did, it would only cause heartache. 
Yet, somehow you ended up here, sneaking out of his quarters after you both had too much to drink. It had been a mistake to have a night of passion with the Sergeant of your unit. You were their medic, a civilian contract. You shouldn’t be here, you quietly got dressed and exited his quarters as fast as you could, heading to your own room. 
It was days later when Hunter finally confronted you. 
“Listen, please!” Hunter cornered you on the Marauder, the guys had left already to secure the perimeter, “I’m sorry if I overstepped. If I … I wasn’t good enough …”
Your eyes widened, is that what he had thought this entire time? You shook your head, rubbing your forehead, “No. It’s not …” you let out a loud sigh, as you tried to find the best way to explain this, “Hunter it’s not what you think. It’s not because …” your face heated as you thought about that night, you cleared your throat focusing back on the here and now, “Trust me, Hunter, you were very good. It’s just - - you and I both know this can’t go anywhere.”
“Why not?”
“Can you see any future where this could work? I mean let’s be serious. It was a fun night, but we should forget it ever happened.”
“What if I don’t want to forget it?”
“Hunter, be logical for a minute. What’s going to happen? Either you realize I’m not what you want, I get transferred to another unit, or something worse happens. Let’s just say we had a fun night and move on.”
Hunter didn’t respond, he simply put his helmet back on and stormed off the Marauder. You leaned against the wall, your heart clenching as you watched him walk away. There was no future here, you reminded yourself. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, it would’ve killed you knowing the future you had thought of would never come true. 
You followed behind him shortly, and even though you wanted to move on, to stop feeling so completely hypnotized by him, you couldn’t stop falling for him even in this moment. 
The following weeks passed by faster than you thought it had been possible, it felt like you were constantly in hyper speed, and before you knew everything turned on its head, once Order 66 was issued. 
Now months later, you were all on the run. Crosshair had joined the Empire. Omega ran away with you, and you somehow fell even harder for Hunter than you had previously thought possible. 
You sat outside of the Marauder as you looked up to the night sky, you needed to clear your head, despite the fact you ended it before it even began your heart still clung to Hunter. 
As much as that worried, you had bigger worries now, it’d been a few months you all started working for Cid. You didn’t trust her, but there weren’t a lot of options for work; so you all were making the best out of a somewhat bad situation. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a blanket draped around your shoulders. You looked up to see Hunter smile as he took a seat beside you.
“Didn’t want you to catch a cold.”
Even though that night was almost a year ago, things were still somewhat awkward between you two.
“What were you thinking about?”
You turned to look at Hunter, remembering how soft his lips felt, how strong his hands were… you closed your eyes and turned back to look at the fire pushing that one night out of your mind, “How I don’t trust Cid. We need to get out of this arrangement as soon as possible.”
“Nothing we can do about that right now.”
“I know. Story of our lives.” You let out a huff of irritation.
“What do you mean?” Hunter turned to look at you, ever since that one night he had with you his heart had never been the same. You had a hold on him that nothing short of death would release him. He tried to steal as many glances of you as possible, wanting nothing more than to hold you in his arms again. 
“We never seem to be able to do the things we want to.”
He nodded as he moved subtly closer to you, wanting to feel your heat even if it was from a distance that kept you away from him. “Maybe, but I’m willing to try and figure things out.”
You turned to look at him, “What?” He couldn’t mean what you were hoping, because if he was going to say the one thing you wanted to hear, all you could pray for was that he wouldn’t break you.
He smiled as he reached over and plucked off a leaf that was stuck to your head, “I’m saying, I don’t want to say goodbye. I don’t want this to unravel. I want to be the one that catches you.” He leaned his lips close to yours, “I’m saying, I love you.”
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
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