#cause no matter the outcome
sleestakkkk · 3 months
i think i will genuinely vomit when round 6 of alien stage happens
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devsgames · 8 months
I think it's absolutely insane to see prolific artists who have been taking incredibly hard-line stances against the use of machine learning technology suddenly shit talking the deal that WGA workers struck - you know, the landmark one which massively limits the use of AI in their craft in general to the point it's largely assistive and no longer dominates the conversation.
Sorry...are these artists upset that a subsection of creative workers successfully organized to put limitations on the use of machine learning in a way that doesn't undermine them as creatives and also guarantees their livelihood, on their own terms???? Is that not the thing that everyone should want out of this outcome????????
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stinkbeck · 24 hours
nothing more relaxing than like acting out a play in my room alone
#idk what it is about walking around in someone else's trauma for a little while but it just takes the pressure out#maybe it's bc it's easy 2 get a handle on it bc it hasn't happened 2 you. it gives u a sense of detached mastery that you don't have#over your own life#like you're analyzing + focused on convincing in your portrayal of something. + u can also change the performance to make it#more believable or impactful too. there's that control over the words‚ the implied experiences‚ and then also the superficial thoughts#that war with the words + give a sense of direction#it's like... so freeing to be able to control all those things in someone else's trauma#cause like when awful things are happening in my life i can't change my point of view. i'm stuck with the thoughts that i have#+ the sympathies that i have + the shame i have + if something really important to me goes wrong then i can't control what i think#or feel. no matter how hard i try the outcome can't change. but acting like someone else + piecing their emotions together#just gives me back that sense of control.#i've been walking around for a while afraid that everyone could see my surface-level thoughts on my face + that they were being#misinterpreted. proving to myself that i can control those thoughts is good on one hand + bad on the other where i then#lose confidence in my authentic self's ability to walk around in the world. i guess i'll have 2 think about it some more.#i was figuring things out a bit in my own way. i think i'd still prefer that lol.#also when i think about my worst moments‚ they're rough for years because i wasn't able to be authentic at all. and all that was#punished in ways that were traumatic. i don't really want these bad moments to define my life so maybe it's better to just take these#experiences on the chin + let the terror inside of me exist‚ palatable or not
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jacqcrisis · 8 months
*looks into the notes of that AT art of older Finn thinking Simon is hot*
'uMMMMM this REEKS of grooming????? its so ICKY to look at :pukingemoji:'
*closes the notes*
I'm taking away the g word from fandom puritans until they know what that actually FUCKING MEANS AND ALSO STOP ACTING LIKE THAT HAS THE SAME GRAVITAS IN FICTION AS IT DOES WITH REAL LIVING BREATHING HUMANS
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dutybcrne · 2 months
The first time Kaeya had donned Diluc's old cavalry captain uniform, he had thrown up. Seeing himself in it had felt so wrong, it repulsed him immensely. It was too big, shoulders too broad. Moving in it felt like wearing lead weights, the fabric was all wrong, too stiff, his face didn't match it the way the Pride of the Favonian Knights and Ragnvindr heir's had.
It stank horribly of old blood and rain-soaked grass.
A part of him wonders to this day if the stench he thought he'd smelled on it was in fact all in his head. If it had been lingering guilt over Diluc's disappearance and being allowed to take his place that had affected his perception of it and his appearance in the role. Though considering the harrowing sight he'd witnessed that fateful day, he wouldn't be surprised if the smell would forever remain imprinted within the fabrics, the way that final moment would lay seared into his mind for as long as he’d live.
#hc; kaeya#//Deffo had a more conservative custom outfit at first; when he’d asked Varka if he could have one#//Wanted to wear his usual (bluer) one; but also wanted smth more Distinct bc the resemblance was still too close#//So he originally opted to want smth closer to what Jean wore at the time; also served to highlight how much closer they got at the time#//Almost hurled from the sheer nerves of that alone; then had to lie down for an hour from the RELIEF when Varka agreed#//Then the more he realized how he himself could be a bargaining chip or even use his appearance to sway an outcome/get him what he wanted#//Which wasn’t pleasant at first ofc; but he pushed to get used to it for his goals. how self-destructive he was at the time helped w that#//Then he started adjusting it more and more until it became the fit he has in present day#//Felt so strange adjustingwith each change; but he was ultimately Very happy with the end result#//Regardless of the original intention he had in making it more revealing/tight-fitting#//Made him feel good abt himself and much more confident; compliments on his clothes will ALWAYS make him happy#//He can take vulgar comments or leers a lot better now than he could back then; they don’t bother him in the least anymore#//He could take disparaging remarks & hushed whispers just as easy too (even at times shoving down the gnawing feeling they caused)#//All that matters to him was that the fit ultimately helped his gender presentation in a way he liked compared to its predecessors#//And that it certainly was a FAR cry from what Diluc had once worn as Cavalry Captain—that was the most important thing of all#//And exactly what gave him the confidence to start making those changes in the first place#//If he was to be Cavalry Captain; he would be a MUCH different one/person than Luc in the role was#//Appearance; plans and all#//If only it were just as eeasy to shrug off certain memories of That day; he’d be a happy man indeed
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lvrcpid · 1 year
rotxo after playing both sides of the ballpark.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
waaa THANK YOU!!! but it's a curse don't get too happy for me yet HHH xD i can't do anything BUT draw JGAJGJSG life is so hard when you can only be good at one thing LMAO
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boatgameenjoyer · 6 months
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if any americans who see this care about the election beyond "vote blue no matter who", CNN and other news sites have lists of the dates of primaries (smaller elections that the big parties use to determine who they're gonna have run for the big election) and other election related stuff up so if you don't like genocidin' biden maybe vote for a different democrat in the primaries and then we won't have to vote for biden to avoid 100000 year nightmare terror republican ultramegadictatorship
CNN: https://www.cnn.com/election/2024/calendar
NBC: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-elections/calendar
270 to win:https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-calendar/
(270 to win is a presidential election based thing if u haven't heard of them)
Im sure ill get the usual reading comprehensionless tumblr user claiming this will split the blue vote and cause that red wave that didn't happen in 2022 to manifest but no it wouldn't. the democratic catchphrase is "vote blue no matter who" so who cares if it isn't genocidin' biden? it's "no matter who" right?
realistically the new president will keep sending weapons to isreal but maybe if biden loses the primaries cause of doing so they'll send slightly fewer guns? probably wishful thinking but still
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gurorori · 10 months
nawt the first aid uni classes payin off.
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moki-dokie · 1 year
i fucking hate this time of year so much for so many reasons and would very much like to just coma from now until like jan 02 pls
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ziracona · 2 years
I really miss Dragon Age 2.
#I’m not sure I can say it was the best one? technically speaking Origins probably is? but it was the one that I liked the story of most. it#hit me deepest. that messed me up but I also loved it. and it was much better designed for cause and effect#dragon age 2#inquisition is frustrating because half the time - especially w War Room - you pick as well as you can based on all the info you /have/ at#your disposal and it goes ‘hehe you picked Lelianna’s ‘let’s be cautious and scout first’ ^u^ over Josephine’s ‘let’s ask the nobles if they#can help intel gather’ and Cullen’s ‘let’s send our soldiers to look around’. 300 people died ^u^’#so if you want good results you either re-load or use a guide bc there’s little sense to it & you’re constantly punished not for really your#own choices but just arbitrarily. I used a guide like 3 times the entirety of DA2. I use them constantly for DAI becuase every time I go ‘im#just gonna play normally : )’ ten minutes later I tell some girl the wardens seem cool & she immediately gets brutally murdered#also they constantly have NPcs there to tell you something and die seconds later and it’s so annoying??? in every other DA game you can heal#and save NPCs you find injured but now they go ‘tell my wife…I’m sorry…’ and die and you have a quest to tell their wife ‘sorry I didn’t#give her one of the 40 health potions I was carrying’ or some idiocy. I have NOT ONCE been able to save by healing an NPC when in every#other game I had MANY chances. no heal even EXISTS as a spell in DAI when it’s a basic skill in every other game???#also the quests are structured so badly half the time I walk into a house and kill a monster and Varric goes ‘ah the High Beam Killer dead#at last’ and I won’t know what the fuck he’s saying At All but some quest marked Spooky Mansion is marked completed and I gain exp without#ever remotely knowing what the quest was in the first place#in DA2 when I got punished I deserved it. in Act3 the Mages with Grace suspected me of turning them in bc I tricked the Templars instead of#killing Thrask and that made sense. I did pick a slightly less safe outcome to protect him. i absolutely never betrayed them but I did take#a risk that put /them/ at risk and it made sense for her to distrust me. In DAI my friends get killed because I’m Qunari no matter what I do#at the war table before or after and they just give me pointless missions about it so I have the illusion of choice and consequence#DAI is obsessed with Only Bad Outcome quests because the Devs are centrists who think there’s no right answer to fucking anything and it#deeply damages the story structure and the quest load out#(I don’t hate DAI I’m just venting. I enjoy many many parts of it. but some I want to destroy rabidly with a hammer)
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luriluth · 2 years
Brain is filled with so many thoughts tonight </3
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Update on the Kitchen Walls sexyman tournament. Tom Petty beat Mick Jagger two votes and now Bob Dylan seems to be beating Charlie Watts. This event has been devastating for the Stones but great for the Wilburys
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commander-chaoss · 2 years
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23sanguinity · 29 days
Fun fact: empathy is a lie and you do not need it at all to be a good person or to help someone
#nothing really triggered this just thinking about it#I truly cannot stand the idea that without empathy you are bad#like I hate green olives and would vomit before eating one#and emotionally I think it’s completely wild anyone actually likes them#I don’t have empathy there. but I don’t need it to understand that people DO like them#and the rules to empathy are fucking stupid. first#you MUST have it. second#you must express it. third though#you must express it CORRECTLY otherwise it’s actually bad#and if you can’t empathize with a person it’s their fault#empathy hasn’t done shit for me because i understand that a person who is alive should be allowed to keep doing that#if only so they have the opportunity to try and do good#even if they cannot make up for the horrible things they’ve done in a million life times#a person should be allowed to try#(that doesn’t mean don’t through them in jail)#*throw#also people can be entirely selfish and do good. you can recognize that the only sustainable way to improve your life is by helping those#around you. like sometimes motives do matter#but that’s cause motives can affect outcome (if you do good to look good#not to help) and indicate future actions (if you murdered them in self defense#vs for fun)#in this way the emotional desire to punish someone is unhelpful as it does not better society in any way.#punishment should be to make up for a persons actions and prevent them from happening again.#alright I’m done moral ing or whatever
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medicinemane · 2 months
I'm very tired, I have to do everything around the house myself (as in, I keep having to turn the water off and on to the kitchen sink until I teach myself to install a new faucet, and negative cleaning gets done if I don't do it), and the money is in the hands of the third worst person in the whole family when it comes to money (the worst being my grandpa who is dead, and my grandma who blows all her money on overpriced jackets and other junk)
I'm very tired, I have to teach myself how to do everything, and I have almost literally no support in any way shape or form ever
I can't remember the last time anyone said they were proud of me... I don't actually know if anyone's ever used that word with me before. When I do something like get the trailer cleaned out or buy a house, frankly no one gives a fuck, except my grandma who gets mad
I haven't actually had a chance to see anyone that counts as a friend in like 15 years, and I mean even in high school everyone liked me but no one could be bothered to actually ever even talk outside school... so even back then it's not like I had anyone I was close with
I'm providing this version where I totally remove how I feel or how I view myself from the description and instead try to provide something close to an objective description of things
So if you wonder why I say what I say about myself, honestly I think it's pretty much all summed up here
#mm tag so i can find things later#also this is why you can maybe piss off instead of coming around here and saying I should get off the internet and go to therapy#in spite of how morose I am; I'm actively working to fix this stuff by... at least learning more of the skills I need#like... learn to replace a faucet; then at least I don't have the sink issue weighing me down#and maybe if I fix enough of it someday things'll be ok#although... in my mind no matter what I do I'll still be alone and unlovable; but that's just a description of how I view things#regardless of how I may feel; I am trying to do stuff to fix how I feel by trying to fix my situation#so like... if you're gonna come here and tell me I need to fix my mental health#may I respectfully say either you can lend me a hand or maybe you should mind your own business#cause what the fuck do you think I'm trying to do?#not that anyone will read this or particularly care#not trying to be rude or something; just extrapolating past data to make a prediction#it's not that people here don't care or don't like me; it's just we're all busy with our own lives and no one really knows what to do#well I'm... I'm trying to write you a guide; I'm asking for help here#...to an extent it's totally fine if no one helps... but you kinda don't get to go around acting like you love being asked for help#I mean... you do; it's your life... but I'm just saying... this is me asking for help... yet again#but I expect nothing because that's what usually happens#I really don't mean to... to imply anything about anyone else; it's just descriptively I don't get help and I don't get support#and... based on all the information I have my model for the outcome of this says no one will even notice it#that tag of mine of things I can find later or whatever... it has me outright saying a number of things#...no one ever hears or listens#anyway; there it is... another pointless cry for help#...don't say I didn't warn you when I wind up killing myself one day#probably not anytime soon; maybe not ever... all I'm saying is don't pretend you didn't see it coming or like I didn't reach out#at least... as best I could... maybe I could have done better#like sure; could I walk up to specific people and say 'I need you to do this'; sure...#but I find... I find people just ignore it if I say that too#so I've given up; you know?#this is the best I can muster#don't say I didn't tell you
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