#caviar varieties
edslocumtattooartistry · 10 months
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Braised Black Lentils Prepare this black lentil recipe for two for protein-packed beluga lentils simmered low and slow in chicken stock with aromatic vegetables. 2 tablespoons chopped Italian parsley, 1/2 cup diced carrot, 1.75 cups chicken stock, 1 tablespoon Champagne vinegar, 1 cup beluga lentils, salt to taste, 1/2 cup diced onion, 1 tablespoon butter, 1/2 cup diced celery, ground black pepper to taste, 6 sprigs fresh thyme, 1 tablespoon olive oil
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rizento · 11 months
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Recipe for Braised Black Lentils Prepare this black lentil recipe for two for protein-packed beluga lentils simmered low and slow in chicken stock with aromatic vegetables.
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
This Wet Beast Wednesday I'm going to talk about gars. This needs some clarification because there are a lot of different fish called gar, garfish, or garpike. I'm referring to fish of the family Lepisostidae, the only surviving members of the ancient clade Ginglimodi, which I mostly brought up because Ginglimodi is a funny name.
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(image: a longnose gar)
Gars are predatory fish found exclusively in North and Central America, though they have been introduced outside of their native range. Their ancestors evolved in Triassic period and once occupied most of North America and large portions of Europe back when the continents were still connected. They are freshwater fish, though a few species will go into brackish or even marine waters temporarily. The name "gar" is though to come from the old english word for "spear", which is appropriate as gar are very elongated fish and often have pointy snouts. Many other groups of elongated fish are also given the common name of gar or garfish for this reason. Their long snouts are filled with sharp teeth which are used to crush through shells and flesh. Gars are opportunistic predators who feed largely on crustaceans, frogs, and fish and will eat carrion if they find it. The long snouts are also used to dig through sediment in search of prey They move slowly through the water, but are capable of short bursts of speed to catch prey. Most species are apex predators with no natural predators as adults.
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(image: a longnose gar with mouth open, displaying the teeth)
The body of a gar is covered with thick, diamond-shaped scales. Their scales are an ancient variety known as ganoid scales which are notable for their shape and composition. Where most bony fish scales have layers of a spongy, bony substance called cosmene, ganoid scales instead have an enamel-like substance called dentine, which is also a component in teeth. The scales are also covered in a rigid, glassy substance called ganoine where other scales use enameloid. Ganoid scales also don't overlap, instead laying next to each other in a manner that provided protection while still allowing flexibility. The result is a suit of armor that makes gar very durable. Because of how durable the scales are, they habe been used by humans for many purposes. Multiple Native American groups would use scales as arrowheads, there are reports of native Caribbean peoples wearing breastplates made of gar skin, and Europeans colonists would layer their plow heads with the scales to protect the,. There is currently a market for jewelry made of the scales.
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(image: a close-up of ganoid scales)
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(image: an arrowhead made of a gar scale)
Gar typically lay their eggs in early spring, with the female coating vegetation with thousands of sticky eggs. The eggs are toxic to humans, capable of causing sickness when ingested. Because of this, they are unsuitable for caviar. Scientists initially thought that the toxin was an adaptation to prevent predation, but natural predators of the eggs like channel catfish and bluegill are immune. Crayfish are affected by the eggs, though it's not clear if the poison is an adaptation targeting them or not.
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(image: a shortnose gar)
The swim bladder of gar is highly vascularized, allowing them to act as lungs. Most gar will surface occasionally to take a gulp of air. While they are capable of surviving on their gills alone in good-quality water, air gulping allows gar to thrive in low-oxygen water where their prey will be sluggish from oxygen deprivation. Most species live around 20 years, but the alligator gar can live upwards of 70 years.
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(image: a spotted gar)
There are seven living species of Gar: the Cuban gar, tropical gar, spotted gar, longnose gar, shortnose gar, Florida gar, and alligator gar. The shortenose gar is the smalles species, reaching an average length of 62.5 cm (24.6 in) while the alligator gar is the largest species and one of the largest of all American freshwater fish at an average length of 1.8 m (6 ft) in length. The largest alligator gar on record measured in 2.57 m (8 ft 5 in) and 148 kg (327 lbs). Alligator gar were long considered a nuisance species by fishermen as they preyed on sportfish and as a result, they were frequently killed. This resulted in population losses and the fish being extirpated from many states it was once native to. Now multiple states have laws and regulations protecting them and the population is starting to see a resurgence. Alligator gar and now a popular sportfish and have been introduced to places outside of their native range, becoming an invasive species in many areas including China.
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(image: two fishermen with an alligator gar)
Gar meat is edible and is described as having a very unique taste compared to other fish meat. They are not commonly eaten in modern times, but some people consider them a delicacy. Gar meat is known to carry environmental toxins like pollutants and heavy metals, which can make eating them risky. Gar are mostly fished for their scales or for sport. Only the Cuban car is endangered (and critically so) while other species may be locally endangered, but as a whole are not threatened. Gar are used as aquarium fish due to their unique appearance, though they need large tanks due to their size.
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(image: a close-up of an alligator gar's head)
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neo-my-geo · 10 months
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It's migration season!
Certified spycrab factoids below the cut!
Did you know?
The wild spycrab's natural habitat is the shores of Banana Bay, but they summer in the alpine regions of the United States.
Unlike most species of crustacean, spycrabs typically prefer to reside on dry land. They become dehydrated very easily because of this, so they thrive near sources of water.
Spycrabs are technically classified as a species of false crab due to the fact that they have eight limbs instead of ten. Other species that fall under this classification include hermit crabs, porcelain crabs, and squat lobsters!
Spycrabs glow under ultraviolet light.
Spycrabs earned their name by being incredibly adept at using their environment to disguise themselves - some have even been seen hiding under cardboard boxes to ambush prey!
Despite typically residing in groups of five or less, spycrabs migrate in massive swarms twice a year. This is likely due to large numbers reducing the risk of individual injury or predation as they travel through unfamiliar areas.
While they are able to walk in all directions, spycrabs prefer side-to-side.
Spycrabs are covered in microscopic hair-like structures called setae - they help them perceive the world around them!
Due to not having a way to source cigarettes, non-domesticated spycrabs smoke the fallen cigarette butts left behind by wild spies.
Spycrabs have unusually long lives for crustaceans, with an average lifespan of 82 years.
Spycrabs don't molt as often as most species of crustacean; they tend to only do it every three to four years. This can be attributed to their long lifespans and slower growth rates.
The most common varieties of spycrab are red and blue; purple, green, and yellow varieties have been spotted in the wild, however!
Unlike the hermit crab, their closely-related cousin, spycrabs have eyes that are set directly in their faces instead of on stalks. This has been theorized to be because they are apex predators in their natural habitat.
Spycrabs are one of the only species of false crab that are legally classified as a group 1 carcinogen. They are not recommended for consumption by humans.
Have you been considering keeping a domestic spycrab as a pet? They are unique and challenging to care for, but there aren't many things more rewarding than a happy spycrab.
Spycrabs grow bored very easily and aren’t recommended for first-time crab parents. Make sure to keep them occupied with enrichment provided by decks of cards, books of a third-grade reading level or lower, and car magazines.
Spycrabs are social creatures! Never keep a solitary spycrab, as they can become depressed without company.
The spycrab’s diet consists of algae, small clams, caviar, small mammals, snails, and cigarettes. While a spycrab can survive just fine on bagged crab chow alone, the enrichment provided by these foods will keep them happy and healthy.
When caring for a domesticated spycrab, consider supplementing extra chitin in their diet to keep their exoskeleton strong and healthy.
When not encouraged to exercise, spycrabs will become lazy and lethargic. Consider keeping their cigarette carton at the top of an incline that they must traverse to reach it.
Spycrabs are prone to sudden bouts of aggression, especially when they feel personally wronged. Remember that most threats made by a spycrab are empty ones, but it’s still important to get to the root of the issue and understand why they feel upset.
Spycrabs lack the ability to digest alcohol the way humans can; it is not recommended that owners give them wine, no matter how hard they ask. Consider substituting it with grape or cranberry juice, as most of them can’t tell the difference.
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 5 months
dinner dates ! jjk x reader series pt. 3/4
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
featuring: shoko, higuruma, mahito | see: part 1
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ieiri shoko:
shoko is soooo lana del ray coded to me 🍒
so in my mind, she takes you to a fancy restaurant on the coastline
i know she has the salary of a school nurse but just hear me out~
she’s wearing a cream colored pantsuit with assorted gold jewelry
omg shoko is such a baaaabbbeeeee (respectfully) smash
anyways- you’re wearing a low-cut navy blue bodycon dress and your favorite jimmy choo’s that she got you for your birthday a few years ago ✨
she drives you there in her black cadillac ct5 with one hand on the wheel and the other holding a cigarette that she inhales from occasionally
when you get to the restaurant, she takes the car to the valet to have it parked and offers you an arm to lead you inside the restaurant
when you’re seated at you reserved table, after you’re served generous glasses of chilled dom perignon, you order only the finest foods: caviar, lobster, wagyu ribeye, and various other delicacies
your dessert assortment is even more lavish ✨
countless trays of pastries, cakes, fraises, and thing you can’t even name are set out in front of you; chocolate mousse cake, mini fruit tarts, serveral varieties of pudding, coconut cakes, lemon scones
all these shiny, expensive things, you think, but the only thing that matters is sitting right in front of you 💞
you pull a special surprise out of your pocket that you had been hiding excitedly all evening~ a 24 karat gold ring with the initials IS inscribed on it
you take your lover’s hand, slipping the dainty piece of jewelry onto her finger: “i love you, koko,” you explain, “thank you for sharing your life with me”
hiromi higuruma:
higuruma’s taking you to a lil steakhouse ✨
he just got off work, so he swings by your apartment to pick you up, still wearing his black suit-and-tie and white button up shirt
you’re wearing a fluttery red sundress that goes down to just about your knees with a little bow in the front 💋
his jaw absolutely drops when he sees you, his beautiful girlfriend, in that gorgeous dress !! he’s a lucky man 🥺
the drive to the restaurant is quiet, hiromi still trying to decompress from a stressful day at work
you make sure to tell him how proud of him you are, though because he works really hard 💞
the restaurant is super nice, the staff are friendly and the food is amazing!
you talk about all the things you’ve got going on in your lives right now
he tells you about the case he’s working right now, a divorce that’s fighting over custody arrangements
you tell him about your plans for the end of the year: visiting your mom in kyoto, your best friend’s birthday that was coming up, a new movie that you wanted to see in theaters
over all just very chill and domestic vibes 🥰
once you guys are done eating, he takes you back to his apartment where y’all get ready for bed (he lended you a pair of gray sweatpants and a black tshirt for you to sleep in)
you cuddle in his bed and watch grey’s anatomy until you both falling asleep, whispering sweet nothings and planting chaste kisses before you do ✨
you can interpret this as canon mahito or human!mahito, whatever you prefer 🥰
so you and mahito are dating and are currently staying at a luxurious beach resort ✨
(i’m sorry i just couldn’t bring myself to write mahito at a restaurant because wtf 💀 there will be food in it though 🤷🏼♀️)
your villa is gorgeous, the warm summer breeze flowing through the open windows and linen curtains blowing about lazily
it’s huge, about six thousand square feet in total
but currently, you’re not inside the beach house; you’re laying by the shore, absorbing as much sun as you possibly can before you have to return to the city
your boyfriend is lying on the cot beside you, his arms folded above his head
the two of you had decided to order room service, so there were several trays of food on the little wooden table between you
there’s cebiche, orzo salad, intricately cut pieces of watermelon (you swear one looks to be in the shape of a familiar white-haired sorcerer), roasted chickpeas, and several other dishes you can’t name alongside two glasses of mai thai
you decide to try a couple options from the assortment, spooning a couple pieces into your boyfriend’s mouth that he eats reluctantly)
he does like the salad, though, claiming it has a ‘unique taste’ (you think he was just trying to make you happy by saying that)
as the sun starts to creep below the horizon, mahito rolls onto his side, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear
he leans over and plants a kiss on your cheek, then another one on your lips
as the two of you trudge tiredly back to your villa, mahito’s arm wrapped around your waist for support, he tells you how much he loves you and wishes every day could be like this 🥺💞✨
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prince-liest · 3 months
I like to think that Alastor accepts his feelings towards others as long as they are easy. For him it's easy to protect Mimzy, to care for Nifty and be friends with Rosie, he thinks that with his power he doesn't risk anything by caring for them. Similarly to certain extent is with Husk. Alastor assumes the role of someone who can care about Husk without any sacrifice or risk, in some messed up way. It may be that with Charlie it started like that, him showing care towards her and the Hotel because it's no big deal for powerful overlord to take care of things. But then when to show his care are more than he can handle he freaks out. It starts showing with Hell's Greatest Dad, where his ability to care for Charlie and Hotel is put under scrutiny by more powerful figure like Lucifer, and then fully comes out after fight with Adam didn't end up with Alastor winning.
To summarise, Alastor can accept his attachments to others as long as it looks like he doesn't put much effort into it. When it becomes apparent that he needs to put more effort into relationship he can no longer handle it
Hmmm... I'm not sure if I agree, to be honest! I don't think it's necessarily about his feelings being easy. Frankly, I think a lot of his feelings around Charlie especially are difficult and complicated for a variety of reasons and have been for a while, ranging from feeling threatened by her father to his growing fondness of her butting up against his scheming. With Lucifer, I don't feel like the issue was that Alastor had to suddenly put in more effort: I think it was rather that he has been putting in a lot of effort, and now this bougie asshole's come along who's been neglecting Charlie for years and suddenly thinks he can swan in and do better than Alastor has been with a snap of his fingers because he is, in fact, literally the devil and can summon mountains of caviar with a literal snap of his fingers, all while unsubtly calling Alastor "the help."
I also don't think it's necessarily fair to say that when the tough gets going, he runs, feelings-wise, because the point at which he finally lost it was not when he had to call on favors, or fight heaven, or fish Niffty out of a toilet with his own two hands, or deal with the literal devil and almighty ruler of hell himself... it was when he got physically hurt so badly that he was was yay close to being actually, literally murdered for good. That's pretty damn far from "not much effort" in my books. And sure, you can argue that he has a god complex and never thought that he could be hurt before that, but to that I'd say:
He gave us a whole spiel about how he puts on a smile to hide his real feelings: he makes things look easy on purpose because that's how he wants to be seen.
Even if he genuinely felt like Achilles without a heel this whole time, that doesn't mean he wasn't putting in work and effort when it comes to running the hotel, helping fix it up, defending it, and developing emotional attachments.
Anyway, tl;dr I think it's totally reasonable to freak out because you misjudged your power levels because [mysterious deal chaining his abilities that I hope we'll learn more about in season 2] and nearly got yourself damn well murdered... and it was for this group of assholes that you only just started coming to terms with actually caring about! And that's before you layer his need to look untouchable and maintain his image on top of that.
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virtchandmoir · 11 months
Tessa Virtue Shared Hers & Fiancé Morgan Rielly's Fave Toronto Restaurants For Date Night
"It's a real melting pot of different cultures and cuisine."
October 24, 2023
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Skating icon Tessa Virtue lives in Toronto with her fiancé Toronto Maple Leafs star Morgan Rielly and she says they have a lot of fun exploring the city's booming food scene for their date nights.
Virtue spoke to Narcity following a special ceremony during which she was inducted into the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame with her former skating partner over of 20 years, Scott Moir.
During the call, the Olympic athlete also talked about one of her favourite aspects of living in Toronto.
"I think the fun thing about living in a place like Toronto is that it's a real melting pot of different cultures and cuisine and it's just neat to kind of try new things," she said.
"I'm not a cook so it's nice to be downtown in the mix and exploring the restaurants."
As for where the couple likes to go, Virtue shared their four go-to restaurants in the city.
Union Restaurant
Price: 💸💸💸
Cuisine: French
Address: 72 Ossington Ave, Toronto
Why You Need To Go: Union restaurant is a French-Canadian bistro that is inspired by the "French vigour for good food," according to its website.
The restaurant works with fresh local and seasonal ingredients so they update their menu daily. Some of the more recent items featured on the menu include butter poached halibut, steamed P.E.I. mussels and elk sliders.
Union Restaurant Menu
Jacobs & Co. Steakhouse 
Price: 💸💸💸💸
Cuisine: American
Address: 12 Brant St, Toronto
Why You Need To Go: Jacob's & Co. Steakhouse is a classic steakhouse with elegant ambiance thanks to its piano bar.
It even has a spot in Toronto's Michelin Guide.
The menu includes fresh oysters, a seafood tower and 60-day dry aged rib eye.
Jacobs & Co. Steakhouse Menu
Price: 💸💸
Cuisine: American
Address: 90 Portland St, Toronto
Why You Need To Go: Vela is a stylish restaurant that offers a variety of creative dishes like chicken liver mousse, caviar fried oysters, several pasta dishes and a raw bar.
The restaurant also launched a brunch program in 2022, which offers items like a Norwegian salmon tower, souffle pancakes and a caviar service.
Price: 💸💸
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Multiple locations
Why You Need To Go: If you like Italian food then you may want to try out Buca in Toronto. The restaurant offers a variety of pasta and pizza dishes.
It's also one that's recommended by both Virtue and Rielly.
Rielly spoke to Narcity during a pop-up ball hockey game in June and he named Buca as his favourite date night spot in the city.
"I like going to Buca on Portland. I like Italian food and, you know, that's where I like to go. But I mean, we like to mix it up as well," Rielly said.
Buca Menu
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3cremepie3 · 8 months
Saw you were asking for twst requests…
Can I request the dorm leaders + Rook and Floyd reaction when mc/Yuu turns into a goose? I was thinking something like mc/Yuu turned into a goose from a potion class accident, and they act like the goose from Untitled Goose Game, but cuddlier. Like they are still a little menace, but also want to be pet and cuddled. Idk just have had this idea for a while but don’t really write fics or headcannons.
If you don’t want to do this request I completely understand as it is a bit odd. I hope you have a great day/night!
here’s a turtle for u 🐢
Would you still love me if I was a goose? 🪿
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Sypnopsis - how the Twst dorm leaders + Rook and Floyd would act if Y/n became a goose.
Warnings - destruction of property, miscommunication, swan favoritism, not fully edited (I'm writing this late at night)
A/n - this was so adorable poor Twst boys having to deal with y/n lol!
Would not stop making fun of you. How could you be so stupid as to mistake that potion for your water? Now you're a goose for 24 hours. He can not stop cracking up as Crewel removes him from class. He’s given the assignment to take care of you. Animals other than beastmen aren’t normal around campus someone like Ruggie might just try to cook you up.
After he tells you this you honk in fear trailing behind him. “Let’s go to your dorm some beastmen might smell you and try to dig in,” he laughs. You bite his tail in retaliation and he slaps you with it knocking your small body on the ground. “Sorry, I didn’t realize how fragile geese are.” He picked you up by the wing to examine you.
Your hair was still the same color and despite having no human features he could still see your scowl. “Cute as always he chuckled.
Was awe-struck as Ace and Deuce told him the story. But he was even more awestruck at your behavior. Dating him meant following the rules but your new form brought out a new you. One that terrorized anyone in the rose garden. Your behavior of biting, honking, and chasing members away caught his attention.
“What is the meaning of this behavior,” he yelled. You honked back running away from him. He followed you as you shifted through bushes to your usual hangout spot. “Oh I see you just wanted to lead me here,” he grinned.
“Even in goose form, you’re the same.”
Would come home to find his dorm room a mess. Most of his makeup was half opened and he almost died in that spot seeing his flower knows collection spattered about. “Who would do something like this,” he gasped.
He turned to see you hiding in a corner of his bed behind his weight. He picked you up by your legs dangling you upside down. You honked at him so loudly that the hair blew away from his face.
“What’s the problem spudling you keep wailing about?” You honked turning your head to his nightstand. Vil looked dropping you on his bed. “I do makeup,” he stuttered. “Oh, you want to do my makeup?”
“You still have your priorities straight even in goose form I see.”
“You’re staying in here until you can stop harassing my customers.” Azul slammed the door to his office locking you in. The mostro lounge was an absolute mess and as much as he loved your presence normally you oh were now bad for business.
Jade and Floyd had to chase you and you were an expert at hopping over tables and into customers food. Such a wide variety was in your hands you ate squid and caviar. It was yummy until they finally caught you. “You’re lucky we don’t cook you up geese meat is hard to come by,” Azul smirked.
You wailed around trying to escape his grasp but he ultimately caught you. Now you waited in his office hopping and flying off his desk. “I’m back.” He came in his office kicking off his shoes and sitting in his office chair exhausted as usual.
You honked as quietly as possible trying to get his attention before you flew into his lap. Your head settled on your body as you relaxed.
“You still want to sit in my lap even in goose form? God you helpless,” he huffed.
Would be understanding. Animals and him just clicked he shared no blood with beastmen yet they were always friendly to him. People side-eyed the both of you running along Scarabia’s open architecture.
You played the iconic game of duck duck goose. This new form wasn’t anywhere as limiting as you thought. Your boyfriend took good care of you bringing you were ever you requested and feeding you bird food they already had on hand.
At the end of the day, you honked happily snuggling with him. “Aww was that a I love you,” he asked.
The day with him would be a content one. He kept you in his room hidden away from Vil and others that may be upset with you there. Geese aren’t exactly a form of beauty they aren’t white and pure like swan. But Rook didn’t care to him you were the most beautiful bird to grace the planet.
That's why he watched you like the huntsman he was. He noted how your mannerisms stayed the same. Your head moved although you were rolling your eyes as he whispered sweet nothings to you. And you plopped down on his chest like normal.
“I’m sure you’d be beautiful even as a frog darling. But I don’t think that can compare to this form.”
This would be the best day of his life. He just couldn’t stay bored while dating you. Now instead of his lil Shrimpy you’re a goose. One that looked dangerously small in his large hands.
He was tasked with watching you meaning you had to go with practice and work with him. You tried your best to sit on the sidelines but people were quick to almost trample over you. So you bit their legs. Eventually, the others protested over your presence and agreed to kick you out.
You honked them out and flipped them off with your imaginary hand. “Y’all heard them,” Floyd chuckles. Obviously, he wouldn’t be able to bring you to work. That was boring anyway he had better ideas.
“How about we test your swimming skills, lil ducky?” You honked instantly trying to escape his arms.
Would be in full-on panic mode. You an animal near his thousand-dollar equipment. You could kiss that dream goodbye. Ramshackle would be your habitat. He dropped you off there saying he had a 1v1 to handle with a sweat. He rushed back quickly not noticing you wailing behind him.
Soon he was in Ignihyde preparing for his match. “Ortho prepare your applause,” he snickered. He turned to look at his doorway expecting his brother but no you were there tiny in fracture but bold enough to disturb his peace.
“Ahhh how are you even more annoying as a peaceful animal troublemaker,” he sighed.
(I had no idea what I could’ve done for malleus sorry 😶)
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harrisonarchive · 5 months
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“There hasn’t been a week without somebody coming and saying, ‘Wow, look at this!’ Whether it’s where we’ve been on top of the charts, or at The Palladium, or The Royal Variety, or the film, or America, we’ve had a ball. But I don’t think it’s changed us. I think we understand each other better now than ever. Back in the seven quid a night period, and that means seven quid between us, we decided we’d dress and sing and do as we like, and if nobody wanted us, that was hard lines. We’ve stuck to that. It’s gone out of all proportion since then. For me-self, I’m still an eggs and chips man. I’ve had caviar and I like it. But I’d still rather have an egg sandwich. The only difference now is that when I say things like that, the Egg Marketing Board send a dozen for free!” - George Harrison, Daily Mail, April 20, 1964 (x)
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thorny-person · 2 months
marine aliens again
I was thinking up some world beholding things for my aliens again, mainly the manatee based one but some aspects could work for the rest unless I get a different idea later
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More information about the doodles below if you’re interested, like a lot of info lol.
Top left corner: I was thinking how they manatees may depict themselves or simplify their image and I ended up with these little idols! They would most commonly be carved from drift woods or stone in common use such as toys, decor, art, etc. with the exception of larger more intricate idols used for offerings, statues or alters with the swirls on them showing areas of importance or strength
Left middle: manatee patterns tend towards rounded shapes, circles and wiggly lines as it reminds them or various shapes of water, stones, swaying plants in the currents and so on. This also carries over into their food prep in some ways, such as the small rounded shapes of stuffed knotted plants for common meals while the larger ‘leaf’ patterns are used in mass storage of stable plants such as kelps and seaweeds.
Bottom left: a manatee tapestry idea depicting a matron, made from various fibers of marine plants. Culture wise weaving, macrame, and other various similar crafts are import to them since they view the actions as essential to their lifestyles for fabrics of various uses like clothing and bedding as well as being able to properly store large quantities of staple foods.
Top right: the common ‘bowl’ types for under water dining, left one is for ‘sinking’ foods that you don’t have to worry about floating away from the table while downturn right ‘bowl’ is for such foods that you would expect to float away. The downturn ‘bowels’ can also come in clear glass varieties depending on location to allow the person to see what they’re getting, larger restaurants normally have this option.
Right middle: common utensils for underwater dining, hooked is mainly for meats or scooping things out of shells/exoskeletons. The two pronged utensil is used for mostly plant based foods or large pieces of a meal. Spoons or ‘tailed’ utensils are for meals with many small pieces that are stuck together which isn’t a common occurrence outside of things like caviar or mushed foods to help a calf struggling to adjust to solid foods after being weened off of milk. Gripped tongs are used for live food that would be unsafe to eat if it wear dead, similar to lobster being unsafe when it’s not fresh but manatees just decide to eat those types of critters live (young calf’s who haven’t had live meals yet will often dare each other to do so while hanging out)
Right bottom: shown here is the dining table preferred by manatees with anchor bars to hold the meal bowls securely, normally with multiple anchors for each person wether it’s for mixed meals or the average meal which compared to a humans (2-3% of their weight) to a manatees (15-20% of their weight) is a lot of food or at the very least calorie rich. The middle groove serves as an arm rest as well as safe spot for each persons utensils to be stored, sanitary items to clean up before and after meals.
Finally on the bottom are ports that have retractable fresh water taps to drink with meals that typically connects to a water tank below the table that’s connected to a large tank of clean salt water that is processed into fresh as needed. Each tap has a twistable ring around the nozzle to stop the one way water flow to help avoid drinking the salt water in the room as well as to prevent waste of fresh water.
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ceofjohnlennon · 2 years
The Beatles facts, from the "Fabulous" magazine in 1965:
John flew to Hong Kong wearing pyjamas.
John is a cat-lover.
Ringo spent much of his childhood in a Cheshire hospital.
John used to envy his cousin Stanley's Meccano set.
Brian Epstein hesitated a long time before taking Ringo as a replacement for Pete Best.
George is afraid of flying.
George has bought a bow and arrow.
Pattie Boyd didn't like the Beatles before she met them on the set of A Hard Day's Night.
John’s father was a singer on pre-war Atlantic liners.
Ringo's stepfather, Harry Graves, sings Beatles songs at family parties.
The Beatles never visit a barber.
Paul washes his hair every day.
The Beatles turned down the offer of an appearance on the 1964 Royal Variety Show.
Ringo cannot swim, except for brief doggie paddle.
Brian Epstein made the Beatles have their hair cut short after he signed them in 1962.
They are never photographed with their hair 'up.'
Paul ate corn flakes and bacon and eggs at a champagne and caviar luncheon in London. Music publisher Dick James was host.
The Beatles didn't want to go to Australia without Ringo when he was ill. But Brian persuaded them to change their minds.
Paul has a mini as well as an Aston Martin DB4.
George's personal Christmas card was a photograph of him scowling at a cameraman.
John never saw an audience properly until Dundee in Scotland. Then he wore contact lenses.
An American firm wrote to the Beatles asking if they could market the Beatles' bathwater at a dollar a bottle.
They refused the offer.
Their road manager, Mal Evans, was once a bouncer at the Liverpool Cavern Club.
Neil Aspinall, their other road manager, was given a Jaguar last Christmas – a present from the Beatles.
Paul drinks coffee for breakfast. The other three drink tea – even in America.
Ringo had his new clothes designed by a woman, Caroline Charles.
Jane Asher bought Paul a record player for his Aston Martin.
Brian Epstein says, 'America discovered Ringo.’
Paul believes he is not a very good guitarist.
None of the Beatles drinks Scotch and Coke. They now dilute the occasional spirit with lemonade.
John told an American journalist that US fashions were five years behind the UK.
The Beatles never really liked jelly babies. They just said they did for a joke.
They carry a crate of pop in the trunk of their Austin Princess.
Their new chauffeur, Alf Bicknell, used to drive for David Niven and Cary Grant.
Burt Lancaster has sent Ringo a set of pistols. They became friends in Hollywood.
Burt let them use his home for a showing of A Shot in the Dark.
Edward G. Robinson and his grandchild twice joined the queue to shake hands with The Beatles at their Hollywood garden party.
So did Mrs Dean Martin and her five children.
The Beatles have no pockets in their trousers and only two side pockets in their jackets. Paul designed them.
All they carry on them in the way of money is a few banknotes.
John has bought his mother-in-law a house near his own in Surrey.
None of The Beatles wears under shirts.
Paul wants to buy a farm.
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cyberwhumper · 9 months
What's Horus and Gabriel favorite food? Are pets allowed to eat normal stuff or do they get only rations?
Thank you so much for asking!!!
A biopet's diet is typically controlled by the owner. Some owners are more lax or strict with this depending on their personalities and how they treat their pets. Most pets are omnivorous and can eat a wide variety of foods!
For example, Vandermeer personally is extremely strict with the way his pets are kept, balancing their diets down to the last calorie to ensure they will survive whatever punishment they need to undergo (Horus) or to maintain their impeccable appearance standards (Gabriel).
Horus' favorite food is definitely meat, he can't get enough of it. Without training he's a very slovenly eater. Gabriel's taste in food is more expensive and refined comparatively, and he's able to tell the difference between low and high-quality meals and ingredients since he's always been fed the very best.
Gabriel really enjoys pomegranates! Also, ingredients such as beluga caviar, matsutake mushrooms, white truffles, and other expensive delicacies are appreciated. He also has a natural aversion to meat in general!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
I saw you were doing requests. Could you do Blueberry Pie x Eclair fankid?Or possibly Caviar x Black Pearl one? Take your time with it!
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This time I did both, we have Chess Pie Cookie and Sea Tempest Cookie
I think I named Chess Pie that because it was a pie, but also more of a yellow/brown color. I think I wanted a pie name that wasn’t a fruit. I don’t remember, it’s been a long time since I named her
Chess pie:
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Sea Tempest was originally Abalone, I think because it was another sea creature, but I wanted to change it. I made it Sea Tempest I think because I wanted a name that was storm sounding. It was just a place holder, but then I couldn’t think of anything better, so yeah
For designs, so Chess Pie is supposed to be a student in Parfaedia, so her design is mostly based on Cream Puff’s academy outfit, assuming that’s their uniform. Gave her a long dress, gloves and a book to more reference her parents. I made her eyes brown because I thought it worked better with her color scheme, even if BBP and Eclair don’t have them. Also I gave her glasses since both of them have some sort of spectacle. I quite like her design
As for Sea Tempest, I wanted to make her have a sort of pirate/stormy look to her, if that makes any sense. I think she was mostly inspired by an edit I saw of Capsaicin with either Black Pearl or Prune Juice’s colors that made me think of a storm god of some kind, which she kind of is (though just in a demigod sense). The black jacket I just sort of imagined in my head and wanted to put on there. As for the rest of the outfit, I didn’t have much clue, and honestly I took most inspiration from @cosmicwhoreo ‘s role swap au Black Pearl. I gave her the reds and yellow because I was sticking mostly to dull blues and black/white, and I felt like she needed some variety in her colors. I think she’s fine
Oh right, another thing about Sea Tempest, I feel like she needs a hat of some kind, but I don’t know what
As for the characters, so as mentioned, Chess Pie is a student at Parfaedia, and is an avid magic user, wanting to learn all she can. Unlike her parents, she’s rather socially adept, even if she’s a bit introverted at times. She’s very friendly and open, and is willing to help other struggling students if she sees it.
Also, as you can tell by the sketch, she knows Cream Puff, and she acts as a mentor for Chess Pie and a close friend (I’ll be honest I half assed a design for adult Cream Puff. I wanted to give her a wizard hat like Latte but that was as far as any creativity got)
Now on to Sea Tempest, so she’s a member of the navy like her father, whom she lives with, though she tends to be a bit reckless. She’s very bombastic and loud, and just generally likes having a good time. She’s also very large, she’s even taller than her father, making him look somewhat short by comparison (which is supposed to be a reference to how big Black Pearl is). She likes to be out at sea more than anything, and feels most at home out there. Also, storms and tempests tend to follow her when out at sea, which makes people hesitant to be on a boat with her, but she’s always able to get her ship out just fine, you just have to have a lot of faith in her
I mentioned something about her being some sort of storm demigod, and I’ll be honest, I haven’t fleshed that out other than the whole “storms follow her” thing. But she’d be a Super Epic in terms of rarity, given her mother’s a Legendary
Speaking of her mother, Sea Tempest has met her, but they only meet on occasion, since people aren’t really supposed to know Caviar had a kid with the sovereign of the Duskgloom Sea. Also due to her heritage, as you can see in the sketch, while Sea Tempest has legs, when in the water, she turns into a Mer-Cookie, like Sorbet Shark. However unlike them she can speak coherently in both. This is usually the form she takes when visiting her mother
I think that’s about it. I definitely had more to talk about in terms of Sea Tempest, but also I feel like there’s some more interesting stuff there, if I’m being honest. But yeah, hope you enjoy them!
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gingersnap2010 · 2 years
Yandere Platonic Lelouch x male Autistic! Kid! reader (Code Geass)
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Name: Lelouch
Type: Platonic, Protective, Possessive, Delusional, Obsessive, and Controlling
Nickname: Name, possum, chaos in the flesh, and lord of discord
 Lelouch at first has no idea what to make of you. He probably meets you at one of Nunnally’s special classes. He’s shocked to discover your just a kid. Though with your needs it makes sense why you were here since Nunnally attending special classes for people who need it had greatly increased. 
 When he finds out you are autistic, he isn’t very sure what that means. He literally has to ask more than a dozen people, before researching it online himself.
 Eventually, you come over with Nunnally for dinner and he gets to see your quirks in action. You eat out of a compartment box, which has the correct amount of portions you can handle. You hate veggies with a firey passion, more so than his hatred towards his father. You proceeded to tell him your conspiracy theory on the veggie industry and how they will take over the world. 
He pretended to be interested even though he had absolutely no idea what you were even saying to him at the rate you were going. He learned you talk fast and loud when excited. Personal space is a word that is not in your vocabulary, also privacy.
You are very blunt and see the world bluntly, if Nunnally needs help getting into her nightgown. You offer with absolutely no intentions of doing anything funny with her. It makes sense for your age but with sex questions well…
He’s worried that no one has told you about how babies are made. Only to be proven wrong with your very open discussion on the topic. He learns you like being prepared for future events, your boldness of sex. Is a copping measure to make sure you don’t do sex wrong.
 He finds it endearing in a strange way.  Though you couldn’t discuss sex so often, then again you were one to discuss open issues in society so he doesn’t mind. Though he does keep ohgi the hell away from you!
However you have no table skills, you use sporks only, with the occasional spoon for deserts /cereals, and soups and a knife for meats. You have a variety of strange interests. You know more about zero than the average joe, which makes him sweat like you wouldn’t believe. 
Then there’s your animal hobby, you just love possums hence the nickname. He actually learns more about the animal than he used to because of you. Then there's the time you spout some random ass animal fact out of the blue and it catches him off guard. 
“ Hey lelouch! Kangaroos pause their pregnancies in times of drought! Isn’t that neat?!” you yelled rushing into his bathroom as he was getting out of the shower.
Cue him being perplexed as to why you are there and then you follow up
“ also there’s soap on your-” he cuts you off before you announce it to Nunnally
“ ah I see thanks name! Got it!”
“Also Nunnally says hi!” you chirp
“ hi back!” Lelouch yelled trying to cover himself 
Then there was the whole fancy dinner incident. Truthfully he should have told Milly you wouldn’t understand caviar.
” Where are the nuggets?”
“ name this is a fancy restaurant they don’t have chicken nuggets,” Lelouch whispered
“ macaroni?” you ask
“ no,” Suzaku said eyeing you 
“ Is there a kid's menu?!” you shout at the waiter, who turns confused
“ oh my god……” Milly groaned
“ Can we go to Mcdonald's?” you ask
Lelouch smacked his head on the table.
He  becomes your dad, without realizing it. He’s like Mr. mom, seriously he figures out a schedule for you after he convinces your guardian to let you move in. May have used his geass for that. 
Your social skills are zero to none, and so, is the perception of volume.
“ HEY LELOUCH!!!! NINTENDO!!!!” you scream happily pointing to a  pokemon manga
“ name!! shush we’re in a library!” Lelouch hissed 
 When you get hurt or sent to an area he’s gonna wreak havoc on, that's when yandere mode goes on full. He keeps you locked up after that. He feels a bit guilty but he may use your trust in him, to make you stay away from the television if he’s not there, and so on. But it’s honestly for your own good. 
He goes permanently after a bullying situation at school where someone calls you a retard after you did not understand something. He was livid at the person and has a smile the next day when they are found dead. 
This is a good display of his protectiveness, his delusion is in the thinking you are like Nunnally who he perceives is made out of glass. So instead of helping you in a way that would let you become more independent, he caters to your needs.  
  Don’t like watching movies if there's a sad moment in it? Perfect he’ll set up animal documentaries, and animal learning shows instead.  Or craft shows, you name something g rated he’s got it hooked up to the tv. C.C. is like a mum to you so he sees you often cuddling up to her. It makes him jealous, though when you cuddle him he gets flustered easily. He’s shy about hugs sometimes.
C.C. basically gets you stuff to keep busy with, she also teaches you about the history she had experienced. So your understanding of history greatly improves, and you learn a few more languages. She also is great to teach you anything since she is patient and mellow, and has also learned various teaching methods over the years. 
So while your skills don’t improve with people, academically you skyrocket. You're able to get your point across faster with higher-thinking words. Such as parched, instead of thirsty, and so on. It helps you fit in with the higger standing kids when you do go outside so that’s a plus.
  Lelouch calls you chaos in the flesh after the tube city incident in the club room, your idea which you somehow convinced Milly of. Then again she’s had outlandish ideas too. Was to make a giant system of tubes for hamsters. Then set them loose across the school as animal enthusiasm and awareness. 
  You also drench yourself in paint and tried to paint with your body. So yeah, chaos in the flesh. He calls you the lord of discord for the poker game incident that drove him and Suzaku up the wall. When they learned you had somehow been playing with Uno cards. Then said Yahtzee at the end. Truth be told he should have guessed that smile did not seem to get the point of the game. 
C.C. then congratulated you on the discord you created. Hence the nickname.
 You also hog the blanket, yeah you sleep in his bed. You have trouble sleeping alone. Your mind at night tells you that if someone is there they will protect you from whatever monster may come after you. You are not wrong in his case, but the point still stands. Every night you also sleep walk so he has put up baby gates and extra walls, in order to prevent you from getting hurt.
 When he becomes king, he’s hesitant about how you’ll take his death. Since you seem not to deal with the concept very well. So he may tell you he’s gonna be back. This is before he knows he's got code. You also like stealing his hat and sitting on the throne with your favorite drink and people watch. It spooks the guards that’s for sure. 
 You also like playing with the limo’s buttons. Much to the annoyance of the driver. Your favorite thing to do though is to sneak under his robes without him knowing then pop your head threw them scarring him every single time!
You also take a fancy to watch sleeping beauty. He’s not sure why though….
When’s he back with memories and code, you launch yourself at him before kola hugs him. He’s trapped by you and knows it. It takes bribing from Suzaku before you even consider letting go. You watch him like a hawk since he was gone for so long. 
  Lelouch sighs and lets you lay on him as he walks with C.C. to their next location. Yeah, he’d figured out how to keep you with him, so you ain’t dying anytime soon. When you ask what the funny tattoo is for, Lelouch just tells you it’s like a bracelet.
C.C Has dubbed you The Jelly bean of absolute Mayhem. You like it cause it makes you sound powerful, as you try to imitate what Lelouch does with his eyes. Lelouch just sweats in confusion when he sees you trying to act all threatening. 
He tried teaching you chess once, and he watched in horror as you ate the pieces. C.C. learns you are more of a tic-tac-toe person. You do it in the dirt with a tree branch you found.  The most recent incident was when you managed to find a possum and wanted to keep it. It liked you, but it hissed at Lelouch with fiery hatred! The possum had to go, but he got you a plushie which you dubbed mrs. possum.
All in all, not the worst yandere…. right?
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pyronianmage · 1 year
The Ravenwatch being asked to make a sandwich
Verandis: Using most of his Magicka for the day, he opens up a portal to a lovely little sandwich shop in Northpoint. He buys two of their most expensive sandwich, and gives a %5000 tip. He then takes one of the sandwiches to a renowned food reviewer to get their approval. Satisfied, he returns with the other sandwich and hands it to you. You don’t have the heart to tell him you don’t think caviar, foie gras, and lamb marinated in thousand-year-old cherry wine go on a sandwich. Or on anything, for that matter. 
Adusa: Assigns Gwendis to do it. Gwendis convinces Verandis to do it. Verandis is busy, so hands the task over to Melina. Melina makes Jeneve make the sandwich in return for a favour. 7 hours after your request, Fennorian hands you a sandwich. Through a game of telephone, it has become nothing like you wanted, but you eat it anyway. You suspect Fennorian slipped a healing potion into the sauce. 
Fennorian: Comes back from the library knowing the complete history of sandwiches in Tamriel. He stays up for another 15 hours creating a sandwich out of homemade bread, fresh vegetables, and a variety of alchemical ingredients. You eat the sandwich and feel like you just downed 20 potions, but your scars fade away, and your acne is also gone, for some reason. You don’t sleep for the next 46 hours, and when you do, you find a book on the metaphysical structure of the universe on your desk that you apparently wrote before going to bed. You sell it to a mage who says the book will revolutionize portal travel, conjuration, theology, and sandwich making. 
Gwendis: Only makes one after you beg her for it 50 times. She finally relents, goes into the kitchen, and somehow sets it on fire. If you decline the resulting lump of charcoal, she eats it herself. 
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“What brings you here, anyway?” He tilts his head. “Who are you?”
“No one,” she says without thinking. Pulse spiking and palms going clammy, a moment later.
His eyebrows shoot up. “‘No one?’ Huh, your parents were certainly creative. I’m Gar.”
Flustered, she shakes her head. “Tara. My name is Tara. It’s just…” She folds her arms. “I’m not exactly supposed to be here.”
“But of course, the price of resources has skyrocketed. Our product, in turn, has been forced to…”
“How is your mother? Ever since I caught word of her illness…”
“I do relish the caviar. I believe our gracious hosts have opted for the Beluga sturgeon variety. It has a certain note of…”
It’s… It’s huge. Huge, and bathed in gold and silver, half-filled with whirling reds, and greens, and blues fanning out in full, elegant skirts. Spotted with crisply tailored tuxedos in shades of black and charcoal and white. Tables laden high and heavy with more kinds of food than she could imagine.
A shoulder hits her back.
Tara stumbles and flushes and catches her balance and turns around, but there’s no one there. Er– there’s lots of people there. People looking her way, wondering about the underdressed, unaccompanied, and awkward girl gaping like a waif off the street–
Tara forces one foot forward. The next. Step by step, and she’s ghosting across the edge of the echoing ballroom. Avoiding the tide. Struggling not to get pulled adrift into the sea of well-dressed, well-mannered bodies. But she can’t keep her eyes from wandering the room.
They’re all so tall, and confident, and dressed in silks and shades she’s never even heard of, talking about things strange enough to be another language, about owning companies, and kingdoms, and ships, and–
Tara freezes. Her heart lodges in her throat.
Gregor stands tall and proud, talking eloquently and energetically with a couple dripping with… diamonds. Those are diamonds. Gregor makes a point, tilting his head and lifting his eyebrows, and the red-handkerchiefed gentleman nods. An impressed smile graces his mustached lips. The lady next to him, color-coordinated with the handkerchief, looks ready to adopt Gregor. And Gregor, he… He isn’t looking this way.
Tara breathes out and shuffles a few steps back. She turns and ducks behind a pillar, careful to keep her movements casual and– and normal. This is normal. These things happen every day, she attends these things every day, she– she knows what she’s doing.
With long strides, she walks away from her brother. Ha, brother? Who? What brother? Don’t mind her, just keep talking, don’t look back…
Tara stops in the corner. A vantage point, where she can see– well, not everything, but most of it. But a lot of it. And…
She sags back against the cool, marble walls.
No sign of Brion. No sign of… of anyone else she knows.
Which is good, right? No one she knows, then no one who knows her. No one who can recognize and tell on her, no one who can get her into… trouble.
Seas, and seas drift by. Dress, after suit, after dress. Talking. Laughing. Back and forth, and all around, and no one– No one looks her way.
Why was she worried?
Tara curls her hand around the bruises on her wrist, squeezing her eyes shut as the pressure wells in her head. T–this was dumb. She’s risking Elodie’s wrath for this? Why did she even–
Rippling, care-free laughter rides the air. Above the clamor, above the static of nonsense. It rolls over her ears like a message, light and musical like a– like a river stream or something. Nothing like the false brass of forced belly laughs, or the broken glass chitter of a mouth-covered giggle…
It rings in her head. Bouncing off the walls of her skull long after it’s finished. Tara bites her lip and lifts her head. She pushes off the wall. She lifts onto her toes, peering over a hundred heads of perfectly coiffed hair…
There. A boy halfway across the room, dressed in a sea green tuxedo with his dark hair neatly slicked, his head tipped back.
Face still quirked in laughter to the amusement of the handful of adults stationed around him.
How old is he? About… could he be twelve? He… seems to be having fun. He seems to know how these things work.
He seems to belong here.
The boy opens his eyes. It’s too far to really see, but she thinks they might be green. And he… looks directly at her. And scrunches his nose in another smile.
Tara drops onto her flat feet. She checks over her shoulder.
No one in particular. No one looking his way. No one he could be… smiling at.
She looks back at the boy. He is looking at her, and he tips his head to the crowd around him, whose focuses have all shifted back to each other. And he rolls his eyes.
Tara’s heart thuds in her chest. A slow grin spreads over her face. She lets the tip of her tongue poke out, just for a second.
The boy crosses his eyes.
The sound of her own laugh under her breath startles her. Tara sets her finger on the skin beneath her eye and pulls it down, zombie style, and he…
Oh. He’s turning away. Nudging the shoulder of the man next to him, deep in conversation with a sharp-eyed, clean-shaven monolith. The boy says something. The man dismisses him with a gesture, never tearing his eyes or his attention from the conversation. The boy makes a face.
Tara glances around. She takes a step back, toward the balcony. It’s, um, it’s quieter out there, and less crowded, and there aren’t nearly as many people, or as much chance of getting spotted, and–
Surprise ties her in place as she takes one more glance. One more look over her shoulder that she shouldn’t. And sees the boy slip past the adults. And begin making his way across the floor to her.
Her drum of a heart takes up a pulsing rhythm again at the sight. At his hands in his pockets. At impossibly green, gold-flecked eyes gazing out beneath perfect dark hair, and perfect dark lashes. They are locked on… on her. And they sparkle.
He stops a few feet away. “Hey.” He rocks back on his heels. The smile never left his face. The best Tara’s ever seen, boyish and charming and shy, all wrapped up in a gap-toothed grin. “Where do cows go dancing?”
Something in Tara’s brain stutters. She blinks. “Excuse me?”
A sparkle. And a mischievous glint. “The meatball.”
There is the strangest, longest, briefest second, between his joke and her understanding, before the gold-inlaid floor fills her vision as she doubles over laughing.
When she straightens, it’s a new grin gracing his lips. Delighted. Relaxed.
“You came all the way over here to tell me that?” Tara shakes her head.
He shrugs, shoulders nearly touching his ears. “I–uh… Wanted to hear you laugh up close.”
Warmth floods her face and arms. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she lets out another laugh, this one nervous and not by choice.
She has never heard anyone say anything like that before.
“What brings you here, anyway?” He tilts his head. “Who are you?”
“No one,” she says without thinking. Pulse spiking and palms going clammy, a moment later.
His eyebrows shoot up. “‘No one?’ Huh, your parents were certainly creative. I’m Gar.”
Flustered, she shakes her head. “Tara. My name is Tara. It’s just…” She folds her arms. “I’m not exactly supposed to be here.”
Danger. Slipping from her lips. She checks over her shoulder, no one around, there’s no one around, right…?
Gar’s grin catches and pulls her attention back to him as it turns crooked, tugging on one side of his mouth. Revealing neat, white teeth. “A stowaway!” He holds out his hand, nodding to the doorway behind her shedding moonlight. “Let’s hide on the balcony.”
Tara stares at the offered palm. Her blood clamors in her veins, an uncertain marching band composed entirely of drums and cymbals.
“They’ve asked for my help upstairs. Just stay here.” Elodie had tied and untied the apron around her waist with a faraway look in her eyes. “Don’t go anywhere, and don’t talk to anyone. They’ll all be up there. Dukes, and earls, and countesses… And the last thing we need is you meeting the prime minister.” Her hand on the doorknob. Her mind on the dance floor. “Stay here.”
And she forgot to lock the door.
…But that doesn’t have anything to do with Gar. He won’t know unless she tells him, she won’t tell him, and everything will be fine. And the ‘don’t talk to anyone’… That wouldn’t even mean him, would it? Not Gar, with the beautiful eyes and the gentle smile. Not a boy her own age, just looking for some… Company? Fun? What is he looking for?
…It doesn’t matter. She’s knee deep as soon as they find out, anyway.
So Tara fits her fingers between Gar’s. And together, they escape into the crisp night.
The polite din of a party nearly two hundred strong fades into static. Tara hears her own breath, slow and shallow.
“Do you like constellations?”
She tears her gaze away from her hand, wrapped up in the secure, warm brown of his. He sees her looking and quickly lets go. Immediately, the North wind turns her hand cold.
Tara rubs it with her other hand and swallows. What was his question? “I– yeah. I love them.”
Gar looks at her like it’s a secret. Like the commonality is a shared shred of soul. “Me too. Show me your favorite.”
She folds her arms across the top of the banister, searching the skies for what she knows isn’t there any more. “Hydra. The sea serpent. But you can’t see it after May.”
“Funny.” Gar huffs a laugh. “We get that one in the southern hemisphere too.”
From the corner of her eye, Tara steals a glance. “The southern hemisphere?”
“I live in Africa. My parents are scientists.”
Her heart twinges painfully. “They’re here for the charity ball.”
He nods. “Why the sea serpent?”
Tara swallows. “I don’t know. I guess… Well, it’s the largest constellation in the sky.”
“Cool,” Gar says softly. Not good enough. He already knows that.
“It takes hours to rise at night,” Tara blurts out. “And…” She hesitates. His question ringing in her head. Why, why… “I like… how it does its own thing,” she finishes lamely.
“I like the Jewel Box cluster.” Gar hops up onto the railing. Like, actually sits on it, dangling his tuxedoed legs off the side and revealing rumpled black dress socks falling down his ankles. “It looks like four stars. Until you get a telescope and find out it’s hundreds.”
Tara bites into her lip. She steals a glance over her shoulder.
Half open doors, hesitantly admitting the night. It’s immediately drowned out by dozens of chandeliers and a ten piece instrumental band. There is no sign of her brothers.
Tara breathes out. And she turns back toward the stars, taking Gar’s hand and swinging herself up onto the bannister next to him. She pushes her hair out of her face. She asks, a little breathless, “What else do you like, Gar from Africa?”
His eyes shine stranger and deeper than the gaps in the galaxy. “Dude, so many things.”
“Tell me.”
Hours fall by, sand in an hourglass. The magnetism of his smile, his laugh, his casual attention draws her ever nearer. A black hole of infatuation. A night sky of potential.
It is worth every silent, locked-in hour that follows.
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