#cbg writes
crazybutgood · 2 years
Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye (G, 1763)
A wrong delivery to Draco’s doorstep sparks the beginning of a sweet relationship.
A very happy and prosperous Diwali to all who celebrate! 🪔✨ Here's a little something I wrote for this occasion~ It's inspired by an incident that happened to me. Thank you to @getawayfox and @curlyy-hair-dont-care for patiently listening about it and for your encouragement ❤️❤️ Thank you to @ladderofyears for betaing 💕
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thotsofintrusion · 9 months
can we just,,, talk about cockwarming for a minute?
like,, not soft non-sexual cockwarming. nonononono i’m talking about fully sexual, fully torturous cockwarming, where he just won’t let you off his cock, but he won’t move either. personally, i see this best with beomjun, (separately but together is also an interesting thot) two men who take way too much pleasure in seeing you lose your mind on their cocks.
beomgyu, he loves watching you suffer and squirm and beg him to help you until there are tears in your eyes. so on nights where he games, oftentimes before he starts he’ll work you up a little. he’ll strip you bare in his lap and kiss you breathless. he’ll pull and suck on your cute little nipples until they’re hot and hard to the touch. he’ll pinch your clit and tease your entrance until you’re dripping and begging for more. and then he’ll finally sink you down on his cock and log on to his game. while he’s logging in and getting ready he’ll let you bounce on him, he’ll even let you cum if you can get yourself there. but right before the first round starts, he stops you. he holds you down on his lap and reminds you of the rules for the night: 1. you are not to grind bounce or move on his cock in any way, 2. you are not to make any sounds - if you need something you use a safe signal and 3. you don’t cum without his permission. this last rule is one that had to be established after your first couple sessions. we all know beomgyu likes to run his mouth, and that doesn’t change when you’re on his cock. the first couple of times he played this game with you, he ran his mouth so much and got you so worked up that you managed to make yourself cum just by clenching on his cock and listening to him degrade you. and while he thought it was absolutely amazing that he turns you on that much, it’s not exactly what he has in mind for these nights. no, on these nights beomgyu wants you crying and desperate and begging him to touch you even just a little. on these nights, gyu wants to watch you break down while he denies you any pleasure until he’s satisfied. and it’s going to take at least a few hours and denied orgasms to satisfy him.
with yeonjun, it happens after a round or two, on a night where he’s spent the day worked up and needs to let it out on you, but still wants a bit of a break during. it happens on nights where he’s not done with you yet, but he wants to let you catch your breath and come back up to the surface a bit so he can push you right back down. he always makes sure he has you in missionary for this, because he loves being able to just lay right down on you after he fills you up, so you can’t get away from him while you keep him warm. he cums deep inside you and just flops right down on top of you and tells you that you’re going to keep him and his cum warm until he’s ready to go again. you can feel that even though he softened up a little, jun is still very much hard inside of you, and this sends you reeling. you’ve already cum at least three times and his size, even partially soft, is enough to make you feel nice and full, and when you try to wiggle your hips to feel something other than him filling you up, yeonjun just smacks your thigh and tells you not to complain. he tells you to use your safe word if you don’t want this, but he knows you won’t. he knows you love when he keeps you at his mercy for as long as he sees fit. and he knows being impaled on his cock is one of your favorite pastimes. so he’s going to keep you there for as long as he wants.
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seanhowe · 10 months
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1. Don't.
2. No, really don't.
3. DEFINITELY don't—I mean it.
4. Whatever you might be imagining about a life of writing, it's not like that.
5. OK, if you're going to anyway, if you're going to be a writer of any quality, you will have to commit yourself to writing— which is something that, when you're young and idealistic, sounds incredibly easy to do, but you should commit yourself to writing almost as if you were some ancient Greek or Egyptian committing yourself to a god.
If you do right by the god, then the god may, at some point in the future, reward you. But if you slack off and don't do right by your talent or your god, then you are heading for a world of immense and unimaginable pain. If you have a gift that you choose to pursue, then you have to pursue it seriously. Don't be half-assed about it, but realize what that commitment means.
Committing yourself to writing will mean, to a certain extent, your writing will become the most important part of your life—and that's a big thing to say. It can have a distancing effect upon other relationships. It can be sometimes quite a solitary life. If you're committed to your writing, you're going to spend most of your life indoors in a silent, empty room, concentrating on a pen and a piece of paper or their equivalent. Be prepared to take it seriously and be prepared to follow where it takes you, even if that takes you to some very strange places.
This is by no means the most glamorous profession.
Don't say that I didn't warn you.
(published in Comics Buyer's Guide #1349, September 24, 1999)
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kitausuret · 7 months
every time an adaptation erases the Harry-Flash friendship I write some more of a HarryFlash fic
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rockingrobin69 · 1 year
Crammed in a bus stop between big puffy coats, huffing cloud after cloud into the freezing darkness. His socks were sodden, it snowed last night, and the street was a mess of ice and mud. Not the best place to be. Not too terrible, because in his pocket he could still feel it, soft and small, made of felt. A companion, Harry said. And Draco took it.
Shaped like a mouse, or a tiny cat, if you squinted. Harry called it Fern. Draco didn’t question it. Never did, with Harry: if he wanted to name something, if he wanted to make, to take, to throw, to change, Draco’s answer was always yes. Yes, you can have it. Yes, you don’t need to keep it, not forever, not a moment longer. Take my blanket, my scarf, my hand, my heart, do as you wish, you can have it all. It took a while, but Harry believed him, in the end.
He thumbed the tiny thing, little felt ears sticking up. Fern was good company. Smelled a bit like cabbage, felt like Harry’s magic, warm wood and candle-light. A strange combination, and it worked. Always managed to soothe Draco’s temper just so, always managed to centre him right back to the ground. Icy, and muddy, and crammed, and all right. He was all right. And Harry was too. Probably at home, wrapped in Draco’s hoodie, warm and drowsy.
Cold winter night, he was still waiting for the bus. Huddled beneath his jacket and his hat, the scarf Harry returned to him (“Tickles!”), hand in his pocket, finger running gently over his little present, his miniature Harry friend. It hurt sometimes, how soft it was, how soft it could be. But on a cold winter night it kept him warm, and well protected.
A small end-of-the-year gift for my darling @crazybutgood. When I think about you, I think about this: finding a centre, finding a soft, warm core. Maybe it’s the hours you spend on your art (so soothing and maddening), or on your projects, on all the love you spread. I’m always in awe of you. And love you, with all of my heart. 
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orange-peony · 2 years
Written using @drarrymicrofic's prompt "cake"
Happy birthday @crazybutgood, you wonderful person! 🥳🎉 Thank you so much for being a light in this fandom! 💙
The first cake arrived on Harry's twentieth birthday.
It was a charred, wonky thing that made Ron grimace and Harry stare in confusion.
"Do you reckon someone is trying to poison you?" Ron asked, poking it with his wand.
"What type of cake is it supposed to be?" Harry wondered out loud.
He never got to taste it, because Draco vanished it with a flick of his wand, muttering an angry sod off and treacle tart, you troglodytes and happy fucking birthday, Potter.
The second cake arrived much later, after Harry found the courage to ask Draco out on a proper date. They had been spending a ridiculous amount of time together anyway, and Harry kept on sleeping at Draco's flat, in his bed, because it felt more like home than Grimmauld ever did, and also–well, because Draco was in it.
Harry woke up one morning, Draco's warmth still lingering on his skin, and found a slice of chocolate cake waiting for him in the kitchen.
"I've been practising," Draco said sheepishly, his face beet red.
The twenty-third cake was demolished on the day he took Draco to the Burrow, and Molly even asked for the recipe, which made Draco embarrassed and Harry so proud and happy that his heart felt like it was going to burst.
The forty-seventh cake had a ring hidden inside it, and Harry nearly broke a tooth on it, but then he couldn't stop saying yes, repeating it a million times with tears in his eyes.
The hundredth cake was special, not because of the number but because it was Scorpius's first birthday cake. It was dodgy and rubbery because Draco insisted on making it without sugar and butter and flour, but Harry didn't care. He kept on smiling and laughing. The cake was perfect.
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teacup-tai · 1 year
I love your fics, it's so hard to pick just one favourite ! Was recently thinking about life and h/c, so my mind went to Nicotine/Linger; and also soft vibes, and I thought about how much I love A Home By the Sea. It's always a pleasure to read your writing, and to beta for you as well 💕💕
Oh my darling friend! Thanks so much for sharing with me your favorite of my fics with me. I do have special feelings for the both you mentioned. And obviously, they wouldn't be as good without your magical beta prowess. Thanks so much for being a constant friend! Happy Xmas!
Nicotine/Linger (26k, E) pansmione
Summary: Pansy has been living a slow Muggle life in Ireland for five years now. Managing her anxiety and trauma with one too many drinks, way more anonymous fucks in loos than strictly advised, wonderful Muggle friends and a job that keeps her hands busy. Life is kinda alright -though a tad bit fucked up- until she stumbles into Hermione Granger in the Muggle Hospital.
This is a story about childhood enemies trying a tentative friendship far from the chaotic magical world. A tale about falling in love with the cute golden lesbian and the slow, ginger path of reconnecting with things that make you feel whole.
A Home By The Sea (5k, E) Drarry
Summary: I press my face against your neck, smelling like home and warmth and peace. This is what being with you feels like nowadays: peaceful, certain, like the waves on the sea in a never-ending dance.
An ode to falling in love later in life. To this kind of love that is mature, stable and comforting.
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In the eyes of the beholder
Happy Birthday dear @crazybutgood ✨💛🤗🎉🎁. You are a star!I hope your birthday is as lovely as you are! Cheers!
Class is dismissed but Cho continues working, adding finishing touches to her piece, so engrossed that she doesn't notice the figure standing besides her.
"You're really good!" the voice marvels and Cho startles.
"Oh, t-thank you," she blushes. "I had a beautiful model."
"You're too kind," Fleur laughs, tilting her head and admiring the portrait in front of her. "Is this how I really look?" she asks taking in the cascading waves that frame her face and beautiful doe eyes that crinkle with her smile. She looks beautiful, real and happy.
"Oh, do you not like it?" Cho is concerned.
"It's lovely. The students here are good and their paintings are nice. But  this  is..." she trails off blushing.
Cho smiles shyly and the girls stare at each other for a beat. "Do you mind waiting so I can finish it?" Cho requests just as Fleur asks if she can buy her a bubble tea.
Both girls giggle and Fleur says, "Let's go. I'll buy the boba and you can complete the sketch. I might even make you a little something myself. I'm quite skilled at origami, if I do say so myself."
Cho's face lights up. "Lead the way!"
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makeitp1nk · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARLING @crazybutgood!!!!!!!!!!! I remember the first time I saw your origami and was blown away by your talent and coolness. Frankly, I'm still blown away by your talent and coolness but now it's that + how kind and awesome a friend you are. I'm so lucky to have crossed paths with you and straight up #blessed to have gotten to work with you on Pictor. Aside from how much love I personally have for you, you're a freaking light in this fandom, and we are so lucky to have you❤️
I wrote you this fluffy thing for your birthday, inspired by a bunch of Wolfstar you reblogged circa early June and the @liquidluckdrabblechallenge prompt facade.
'The Talk'
Wolfstar | Rated T | CW - sexy | 677 words
“No one tells you about all the strange things that happen once you become an Animagus. Alright, we weren’t formally educated, and maybe if we had been, we would have known… For me, nothing changed at first. Gravity kept pulling me where it had since I was eleven–to Moony’s side. Every room I walked into, my eyes would search for him. That was nothing new. 
But then things got weird. I couldn’t sleep until I heard Moony’s slowing breaths at night. Except for Wormtail’s snores, all other noises faded to the background. All but the rhythmic, calming beats of Moony's heart as he fell asleep. Then his smell, so strong in the morning when he woke… His unnatural need to be up at the break of dawn was my only mercy fifth and sixth year–I’d have to wake up at the same ungodly hour he did to rub one off before class. 
[Read the rest below the cut!]
Oh, shut it, Ron. You need to know these things! I was absolutely hopeless, my body so far ahead of my heart, and my brain reduced to a useless, bloodless mess since all the blood in my body decided to focus on my cock. And fucking Moony, with his prefect badge and that studious, ‘over-all-your-nonsense, Sirius’ façade… I felt like I was going mad. 
And it only got worse. Especially after full moons when I’d come back from being Padfoot–high on the adrenaline of running in the woods beside Moony, far ahead of Prongs and Wormtail. But Moony would be destroyed, physically and emotionally. I felt this need to lick him–not like that, Hermione. Okay maybe yes like that, but also to heal him, and wrap myself around him, and tell him he was perfect. I think that’s when it hit me, when I realized I loved Remus and Moony; the man and the wolf. 
I’ll spare you the story of how we, erm, got together. But I will say that it felt like it took ages for us to realize what our animal forms always knew: we’re soulmates. That’s the thing, you think becoming an Animagus is just this… new skill. Like learning a Patronus. But it’s not. Your Patronus may show you who you love, but your Animagus will show you who you’re meant to be with. The animal within you will push you to them, and if you fight it, you will go mad.” Sirius looked at them sternly. “Is that a risk you’re willing to take?” 
Hermione’s turned her nose in the air, obstinate. Nothing would keep that witch from pursuing a new bit of magic. Ron looked proper scared, and Sirius cheered internally for getting a third of the trio to see sense. And Harry… the expression in his eyes was unreadable. Like he wanted to know but at the same time didn’t. Sirius could work with that, he’d get to him later.
“What are you telling them now, love,” Remus said as he walked into the room, five cups of tea floating behind him.
“Oh just telling them the story of how we got together,” Sirius responded with a grin.
Remus shuddered, “Please tell me you skipped the inappropriate sniffing…” 
“ALRIGHT, we’re leaving!” Harry announced loudly, and the trio rushed out of the kitchen and into the Floo.
“Well done, you,” Remus purred.
“Does my parenting turn you on?” Sirius asked smugly as he moved to straddle Remus and settled on his lover’s lap. “Oh! It does!” he said with a predatory grin as he wiggled on top of Remus. 
Remus whimpered and pulled Sirius in for a kiss. “I can’t help it, it’s the wolf,” he said with a grin. 
Sirius laughed and kissed him back, sweet chaste kisses delivered in rapid succession. He loved this man, this wolf. Yeah, becoming an Animagus was risky stuff. But for Sirius, it had been absolutely worth it. And if he had to go back, he’d do it again in a heartbeat to share his life, his body, his future and his family with Remus John Lupin.
Read it on AO3
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naomiarai · 7 months
Conscious – cbg.
Synopsis : Your best friend's idea for trying to help you stay awake for your finals might be a bit twisted right?
Pairing : beomgyu × afab!reader [non idol au]
Wc : 1.6k
Warnings : dom! gyu, sub!reader, praise, pet names (princess, angel, pretty girl), fingering, unprotected sex, creampie.
Disclaimer : the lovely anon who sent an drabble on this. it got deleted, but I decided to write a fic on it. [I wrote this in one sitting while I was drunk so..]
Finals week was up tight for you. You swore you'd fail if you don't stay up all night studying. Hell that's not seeming to work
Luckily, you had someone to pent up with your version of opposite-insomnia. Beomgyu is annoying, but you still want him around. He's probably the only one keeping you sane when you keep falling asleep instead of racing your eyes on words.
You've managed the ones you couldn't avoid and here you are with the last one. Beomgyu seems careless today. He's sprawled up over your living room couch, his legs crossing over yours. Laptop situated on your lap, your eyes kept closing, only something that touched you lightly jolted you awake.
You scream out in frustration, muttering numerous curse words to yourself. Beomgyu jolts up, wide-eyed. A frown forming on his face.
“Your opera made me lose my game!” he says with an annoying tone. “Gyu, that's the least of my worries right now, I keep fucking falling asleep.” you reply back, clenching your teeth. “Don't disrespect your elders now” he says with a grin on his face. Beomgyu was a year older than you, but that doesn't give him a pass to act so entitled to his age when you act up.
“Nothing's working. I stopped taking melatonin, and all tube lights are turned on” you admit in a low voice. “ I don't get how you fall asleep that easy now. You had insomnia level 100 when you were little” he says in a wondering tone. You groan at him, wishing it were the complete opposite now.
"You know, I heard endorphins can keep you awake” he blurts out randomly. You turn your head towards him, with a small frown on your face. "Endorphins?” you ask. “Yeah, they keep some people awake”. Why did he sound so suspicious? “They're found in chocolate, laughing, listening to music...sex..”
You choked on air as you heard his last word. Sex? Now that's a fact. You haven't had sex in quite some time now...
Beomgyu looks at your bewildered face and scoffs. “What? It's true” he says. He thinks for a split second before he asks “Speaking of sex, when was your last time?” How did he sound so casual? "W-..why are you even asking?, i had two boyfriends in the past soo..” you randomly cut of, going into thought.
“Right, the first guy, who was it? Ah- Jaehoon! An asshole if you ask me” he sounded annoyed saying it even though it didn't look like it. You could tell. But why? “second..was Sunghyun? I didn't like him either” he says as he puts his fingers underneath his chin.
“Why the fuck are you going over my history of boyfriends? ” you ask. Also, he sounded weird talking about Sunghyun as well. He replies after a pause, “Which one actually made you cum?” you froze at his words. Does he actually know what he's saying? “Beomgyu!” you scream, “Why would you even ask?!”
“Oh, so none of them did?” he asks curiously. “Nevermind, ________ just tell me”. You think on his words, the only thing you never told Beomgyu was about your sex life. It's not like he asked anyway. "I-..I've had sex like twice...?” you mumble. He looked puzzled, “Don't tell you've only that two times of sex in only one relationship that lasted like, two and half years..? He got his answer, just because you didn't say anything.
He scoffs out laughing, “Did you cum at least?” he asks with a sigh. You pause for sometime.. was it really that embarrassing? “N-no”. You get back to your senses, getting angrier by the second. “But what does that have to do with me falling asleep?” you retort. “Absolutely nothing!”.
He has that shit-eating grin on his face. God, you just want to wipe it off with a kiss. Wait. What were you thinking? No.
“I'm just saying you know, it works like this, you overwork and start falling asleep too easy then I tell you that sex produces endorphins and they help you stay awake, anddd, he adds, dragging the d sound, you haven't had proper sex”
You roll your eyes at his explanation like it didn't mean anything. It doesn't. ”You're acting like I could go get dick just because I keep falling asleep” you reply back. “It's not like I have a boyfriend now, Gyu” you add on.
“But I'm right here”. He says ever so slowly. You're taken aback, frozen still in your place. “What the fuck are you even saying?” you say, almost whispering. His face and tone remain nonchalant, contradictory to yours. “You say you have no boyfriends, right?, and I'm probably the only guy you talk to”
Should you say yes? It's once and he'll probably never ask again. And he's kind of cute. You'd date him. But you would never tell him this. No, but you did get braver at the moment.
“Is this your excuse at asking if you could fuck me?” you ask calming yourself down with a laugh laced in your voice. He seems to take your presence in for a moment. “Did it work?” he asks with a sly smirk.
“If you want it to” you say quickly before you could do anymore pausing. His grin grows bigger; he slides the laptop off your lap and places it on the transparent coffee table with a soft thud. Connecting his lips with yours, you moan into the kiss at the sudden feeling. His arms wrap around your waist as you sit straight up. “Strawberry?” he asks tasting your chapstick. You simply nod, cupping his cheeks to resume the kiss. “Woah, looks who's actually eager here” he laughs.
He picks you up without breaking the kiss, having your legs on his both his sides. You break the kiss saying, “Not on the bed, I don't have new sheets ready” He chuckles at your prediction. “Who said it had to be on the bed?” He sits back down, with you still straddling his lap. His hands slip underneath your shirt, cold hands caressing your warm body. “I didn't expect you to agree so easily” he asks continuing to kiss your neck. “W-...well you did something about those endorphins...” you whisper. He laughs at you, quite obvious he hadn't bought it.
You sit up straight on his lap for a second, thinking. “But won't we make a mess on the couch?” you ask expendentaly. “If you let me go inside..?” he asks with a smirk. You slap his chest multiple times, his idea has some structural value to not making a mess but won't it.... leak out? God, no you should never think dirty. At least you won't have to change the bed sheets.
He claims your lips again in passionate kiss, hands going down to remove your sweatpants. Your left in a crop top and panties. What a sight. He breaks the kiss to lay you down on the couch. “I'll make you cum, astonishing you never have after you had sex twice” he says dramatically. You roll your eyes at him, to which he scoffed at in a high pitched voice. “Just wait, I'll make you roll your eyes for a valid reason” he says before undoing his belt and discarding his jeans and boxers.
You tried to look away. He had a pretty dick. But will it even fit? “Don't look away at the man who's going to fuck you now” he says playfully, hovering above you. You stare at him for a couple seconds, taking in his features. He moves your panties to the side, taking a look at your glistening pussy. “Need to prep you, angel” he says. Taking his fingers closer, he slips in a finger, extremely tight unsurprisingly. “You groan at the sudden feeling, he adds another finger stretching your walls out, you feel pleasure slowly forming from the slight pain. He continue s to stretch you out, with you letting out loud moans form time to time. He retrieves his fingers back just when you're legs shook. You look at him confused.
“I'm only having you cum on my cock” he says before slipping his hands underneath your shirt and removing your bra. He starts to play with your hardened nipples with slick covered fingers, to which you would scold him for, but it felt too good.
He pulls his hands back, spreading your legs open and removing your panties whole. “Ready princess?” he asks softly to which you nod slowly. He enters you with ease,, still going slowly. You feel so so full. He groans out loud, he mutters a 'so tight' before slowly thrusting in and out. “Mmnh–ngh fuck–” you moan out, the pads of his fingers rubbing your clit, making your roll your eyes back. His pace gets faster, so as his grunts and your moans. “Shit–pretty–you feel s-so good” he grunts. The sound of skin slapping against skin takes over your senses, raw pleasure filling you. “Don't stop! nngh– so s-so good!”
The wet and lewd sounds of his dick going in and out get louder, as he slowed down, dick starting to twitch slightly inside of you. You felt a firework inside your stomach, like a coil so desperate to burst. You think you're about to cum. “G-gyu, think I'm gonna cum fuck—!” you moan. “Yeah? cum for me princess, g-good girl aren't you? cream all over my cock-!” You feel his cockhead slowly hitbyour cervix with each slow thrust as you feel the coil in your stomach collapse, coming all over his cock.
He came after you, filling you up, and it leaked out onto the couch. “That was great” he blurts out tired. You slowly recover form your orgasm, getting back to your senses. “Is this going to be a one time thing or—” You're cut off with a kiss, him saying “Absolutely not. I'm keeping you angel” you simply smile at him.
“But gyu didn't you tell sex kind of helps you stay awake, I really don't think that's for me..?” He takes in your words, “It is for some people...” he says before his eyes light up with a grin plastered on hif face. “So round two?”
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gardnhee · 3 months
‘just friends?’ - cbg
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𐙚 ~ warning(s). suggestive, brief hair pulling, manhandling, fluff, lover boy gyu, intentional lowercase, some cursing, gyu n reader joke arnd a lot (way too much but i love it), pet names, not proofread - if i missed anything lmk !!
𐙚 ~ friends to loversss - college!bsf!bg x afab!reader
i. “what?“
ii. “what are you saying?”
iii. “we’re just ‘friends’?”
𐙚 ~ note. love their dynamic sm yall i was kicking my feet n shi while writing this (hope it does the same for you!)
𐙚 ~ wc. 1.8k
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you fought against your drowsiness as the professor endlessly blabbers on and on about something you don’t care to understand. she occasionally switched between slides with no warning, inducing several groans from the students; little to no interest shown from her part.
you look around the full auditorium, dim with only a cream-ish light pointing straight at the professor as she glances upon the weary students seated before her.
with a low grunt you lean back in your chair, staring at the dark ceiling when you felt a faint tap on your shoulder, followed by a small “hey” in your ear. you flinched slightly as a scowl of disbelief made its way on your face.
“can’t believe you just got here��” you whisper, “so irresponsible, choi beomgyu.” he sat down, bowing and sheepishly smiling at the professor as she glared at him for his unpunctuality.
beomgyu’s eyes travel to you, “irresponsible? nah… i studied ahead of time.” he whispered as you scoffed, eyes fixed upfront.
after some time, another tap. you smile and rolled your eyes playfully, the brown haired boy smirked and flicked your arm.
you furrow your eyebrows and gawk at him, “what?” you mutter.
“let’s hangout today?”
“we hung out yesterday…and the day before…and the day before that.”
“so? we can still hangout again.”
“we have an exam tomorrow.”
“let’s study together then.” before you can respond, someone shushes you both harshly. sticking your tongue out at beomgyu, he does the same, scooting closer soon after.
“so?” he pokes your thigh, your sides, everywhere he has access to; anything to get an answer from you.
“yes, dumbass! now let me pay attention.” you smack his hands away, earning a glare.
“as if you were paying attention before.” beomgyu grumbled and crossed his arms with a pout.
“you couldn’t shower in your own dorm?” beomgyu questions as he moves aside, letting you in. you knew he was trying to annoy you. typical.
brushing him off has become your forte for the past 2 years and a half. with a friend like beomgyu, however, that is a curse, because he won’t stop until you can’t ignore him anymore, something he’s unfortunately good that.
“bringing your sweaty ass in here like it’s nothin’” he makes his way to the living room, where you were now standing. you turn to him, placing your hands on your hips as you counter, “well then i guess i’ll shower so you won’t have to study with my ‘sweaty ass.’” beomgyu giggles, putting his hands together as he mouths a ‘please’ and nods frantically.
“you’re so stupid!”
“what?! you walked right into that one!”
you try to slap his arm, but he dodges and circles around, laughing behind you.
“gimme your backpack.” beomgyu offers after the laughter died down, grabbing it from your shoulder and swinging it over his, then walking off to his room.
“that’s wrong, yn…” he murmurs beside you, making you look at him as he doesn’t move his eyes from the paper, narrowed in concentration.
“look…” beomgyu continues, but you weren’t listening. you were staring - no, admiring - him. you don’t know what it is. perhaps it’s the fact that you’ve liked this man since you first laid eyes on him? maybe he just looks absolutely and utterly delectable?? you blink, why are you now realizing that he’s wearing a loose black shirt? so loose it exposes his collarbones whenever he leans forward to explain something to you?
“yn? hello?” gyu waves his hand in front of your face, a frown on his as he stares in concern.
“sorry i…” you clear your throat awkwardly, trying to ignore how beautiful he looks sitting there and how much it’s affecting you…everywhere.
“what’s going on in that head of yours? hm?” beomgyu wiggles his eyebrows as he leans in, “hmmmmm?” he prods, smiling.
you tsk, hugging your knees to your chest.
“nothin…” you reply under your breath.
“you sure? your face is red…” he reaches out, cupping your cheeks, “and hot…” beomgyu studies your features with intent, eyes widening as he gasps, kneeling closer, “do you have a fever?!” he exclaims.
you sharply inhale, letting go of your knees to hold onto his wrists, losing your way in a pretty pair of eyes that hold a thousand galaxies in them.
you sit there in silence, so silent you could practically hear your heart hammering against your chest.
beomgyu’s now hovering over you, face leaning so close you can just…kiss-
“i…im okay.” you gently take his hands off your face, he blinks and nods, sitting back slowly.
“i’m sorry i worried-“
your phone rang.
you pick it up from the table and stare at it, a big “mom” displayed on the screen. you cleared your throat again, answering.
“hi mom! how are you?”
“that’s great! me? oh yeah im good, currently studying.”
“no im not alone, im with beomgyu.”
you put her on speaker, “say hi” beomgyu smiles, an enthusiastic ‘hi’ erupting from his throat.
before you could take her off speaker, your mom asks, “is that the little boyfriend you always talk to me about?” your eyes widen as you stare at beomgyu’s amused expression, scrambling to put the phone to your ear again.
“mom, we’re only friends.” you retort matter-of -factly
you awkwardly smile at gyu who’s eyes were shifting between you and the phone.
“yes, yes…well, mom i have to go. talk to you later, bye.” you quickly hang up, sighing in relief as you set your phone back down on the table.
“what?” gyu questions, your ears perk up as you swallow hard, waiting for what’s inevitably coming your way.
“what are you saying?” he leans in, observing how your face heats up again.
“we’re just ‘friends?’ i don’t think you want that, do you?”
“well, no, but…” you slapped a hand over your mouth, amazed that you let that slip.
you choke on your spit, standing up. “i think i’ll just…” you grab your phone, making your way to your backpack.
you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, “don’t avoid me.” there was something in his voice, something you couldn’t quite pin point.
gyu brings you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist, caging you in. “i’m not avoiding im just…” “scared i’ll push you away?” his tone was serious, yet it dripped honey; you were melting into his arms.
you nod, “mortified almost.” resting your forehead against his toned chest, beomgyu grabs your hand, placing your palm flat beside your head. his heartbeat…you felt his heartbeat. intense; making a statement.
“do you still think that?”
“wha…?” your voice trails off, staring at him with eyes so wide it felt as if they’d pop out your sockets.
“c’mere.” beomgyu leads you to his bed.
“how long?”
you look at him in a quizzical manner, “what do you mean?” he licks his lips as you sit, “how long have you…liked me?” gazes at you expectantly, small smile tugging at his lips.
“since we first met 2 years ago.” it sounded cliché to say out loud, but it’s simply the truth.
his eyebrows raised, so you opted to giving an explanation. “at first, it was an incredibly small crush…” you paused, eyes traveling to the ceiling.
“i saw you as more of a friend than a potential partner,” he slowly nodded, letting you know he’s listening. “but when we started becoming closer, i realized it wasn’t just a trivial crush anymore. i saw - and see- a future with you.” you avoided his eyes, “i can’t believe im opening up like this…” you both chuckle, you finally turn to him. “i’m…assuming you feel the same way? i mean…” your voice fizzles away as you touch his chest again, heart still pounding.
“i do, more than you think.” beomgyu spoke with a sort of calmness, like the faint sound of waves crashing into the shore, a tremendous contrast to his usual mannerisms.
you basked in said calmness, it brings you peace, contentment, reassurance.
he holds your hand, caressing it with his thumb. your eyes meet, smiling, indulging in the tranquil silence that sets in between.
“can i kiss you?” and just like that, the silence was soothingly blown away. you nod, heart racing as beomgyu edges closer, placing a soft hand on your thigh.
“may i…sit on your lap?” gyu smirks at your request, “of course, princess.” his plush lips meet yours, smiling against them when he heard you gasp. hands coming down to your waist, maneuvering you sit where you wanted.
you whine into his mouth as he grabs your ass, firmly grinding your hips against his. “fuck.” beomgyu’s words are muffled, almost incoherent.
you caress his nape with one hand, the other tracing his stomach over his shirt all the while he drew on your back softly under yours, sending shivers down your spine.
the kiss was more demanding, a messy tangling of tongues, a dialogue of whines and breathy moans that only you two can understand; it was a pleasant high that you don’t want to fall from, an euphoric feeling that travels from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. you loved it.
“beomgyu…?” you breath, breaking away from his delicious lips, ones you’d like to devour entirely.
“i love you.” you smile, gazing down at him with those eyes that he loves so fucking much.
beomgyu’s breath hitched, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows, mouth opening and eyes blinking.
before you could react, he had you flat against the mattress, peering at you with lustful eyes.
“i love you more, yn.” his lips find purchase in your exposed collarbones, sucking gently as you twitch, fingers pulling his brown strands as a broken moan escapes from his godly mouth.
“will you give me the pleasure of calling you my girlfriend?” his voice was laced with mischief, you crack into a fit of giggles, brushing through his thick locs.
“nothing’s funny!” gyu pouts, “i know, you’re just so cute.” you run your finger down the bridge of his nose, booping the end.
“yes dummy, i’ll gladly be your girlfriend.” an ear to ear grin made its way onto his face, replacing the pout from earlier. beomgyu lays his head on your chest, hugging you as he childishly kicks his feet against the bed from excitement.
“now,” you start again, hooking your legs around his waist in order to straddle him again.
he falls on the mattress with a small huff, hair beautifully splayed across the surface as he looks up at you with wide eyes.
“i’m not done with you, choi beomgyu.”
he chuckled sheepishly, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“do as you please, beautiful.”
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© GARDNHEE 2024, do not copy, modify, or upload on other platforms
𐙚 ~ idk how to feel ab this BUT please like, comment, and reblog. it would be highly appreciated 🤍.
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crazybutgood · 1 year
Prompts: Silver & Gold (day 15) and Oscillate (day 31)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
Rating: G
Also on ao3
“You had me scared for a bit during your speech," Hermione hisses at Harry as he climbs down the podium. "What happened to Draco helping you?"
"Improvised," Harry shrugged. "I had to leave Draco to his 'distressed oscillation' between 'two difficult options' of silver or gold trim for his dress robes for tonight's gala."
"From his expression, he might be regretting that."
"He looks great, though." Harry grins, already making to move towards his husband. "Excuse me."
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elix8r · 7 months
Rare and Pure (cbg) - Teaser
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PAIRING: choi beomgyu x fem!reader
GENRES: smut, angst, werewolf au, childhood friends to lovers, neighbors to lovers, accidental lovers?
TEASER WC: 0.35k idk how long this is going to be i'm already at 7k and have not gotten to the meat of anything :):):):):)
SUMMARY: Choi Yeonjun was the love of your life, the one you were unequivocally sure the Moon Goddess had chosen for you. His younger brother, Beomgyu, on the other hand, didn't even register on your radar as mate material. But fate, as it often does, had other plans. One night was all it took for your entire life to flip around as you found yourself accidentally mated to your childhood friend. Now, you're left grappling with the emotional wreckage of it all as you are not only struggling to feel the unbreakable connection that mates are supposed to share with Beomgyu, but you're also dealing with the harsh reality that your dreams of forever with Yeonjun will never come to fruition. It's a bitter pill to swallow, and it's forcing you to reevaluate your very sense of self.
Your wolf clearly had some serious explaining to do.
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"Fuck! What the hell did we just do?" you screamed at him, hastily pulling up your pants and bolting out of the stall. Beomgyu followed, his words stuttering in his panic. "I-I don't know, shit!"
You dashed to the mirror, inspecting your neck, and what you saw made your heart sink. The bite was deep, and you could make out every detail of his teeth. A trickle of blood ran down your shoulder, and you winced in pain as you carefully traced the mark. Turning around, you pulled his shirt to the side to examine his neck, finding an almost identical bite mark, mirroring your own. There was no denying that the two of you had permanently claimed each other.
Panic was overwhelming, and the alcohol only added to the haze that clouded your thoughts. You rushed out of the bathroom with Beomgyu hot on your heels, shouting your name as you weaved your way through the growing mass of dancing bodies, which seemed to have multiplied in the last hour.
Your desperate attempt to reach the front door came to an abrupt halt when you accidentally collided with the last thing you needed to see tonight. Before you could turn and find another route, you found yourself facing the one scene that would shatter your already fragile state.
Yeonjun and Yunjin were passionately entwined on the dance floor, their lips locked in a heated kiss. Before you could react, they both noticed your distressed presence. "Y/N?" Yunjin called out.
Overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions and events, you couldn't fully deduce on how to react, and you felt your eyes burning as tears blurred your vision. Beomgyu had finally caught up to you, but his arrival only served to intensify the situation. Yeonjun, with his keen senses, quickly picked up on the extremely potent mix of your and Beomgyu's scents that wafted in the air, which were a telltale sign of what the two of you had been up to. His eyes zeroed in on the glaringly obvious marks adorning your bodies, and it didn't take long for all hell to break loose.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: ya'll know i love a good one night stand to lovers and making it werewolf au phew i'm so down for this plot lmao but honestly i'm so excited to finally have something for you guys it's literally been ages i'm so sorry ㅠㅠ and while i def do not know when it's going to be released i have enough to know that it'll hopefully be soon?? i'm about 7k in rn and have a good bit to write but it's going well so i'm so excited !! also beomgyu's the best i love that mans sm
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razsberrie · 6 months
leave the door open ~ cbg
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gyu x fem!reader, college au kinda
your new boyfriend’s friends refuse to believe he can take charge in the bedroom, and his competitive streak insists he proves them wrong
rating: nsfw (mdni)
wc: 2k
warnings: mentions of drinking, college guys being dudes, dom!gyu, exhibitionism, spit, choking, a sprinkle of praise kink, and a sprinkle of degradation, pet names (princess, baby), gyu just kinda be running his mouth tbh, dry humping, vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, manhandling, gyu is very grabby (look i like his hands), dumbification, messy sex, creampie (i think thats it???)
this is my first fic on here and my first time writing something that wasn’t an academic essay in many years so, I hope you enjoy!!
dedicated to my lovely bestiewife @matchaxmatcha who
1. let me spam her with my Gyu hand brain rot which inspired this fic and bounced ideas back and forth, she basically deserves co-writing credits
2. encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and write this in the first place
tyyyyy what would I do without u
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“So THATS how Soobin ended up with a cosplay kink?!” Yeonjun cackled, leaning back in his chair nearly spilling his drink while Soobin hung his head on the table, embarrassed. 
“I can never show my face at the anime clubs events ever again” He whined, shaking his head as the table erupted in laughter. You chuckle and take another sip of your drink before leaning further into your boyfriend Beomgyu’s arm, which he was resting on the back of your chair. You had met Beomgyu in one of your shared classes at the start of the semester and quickly hit it off, his sweet demeanor and playful nature easily winning you over as you begin dating not long after. Following the end of everyone’s exams, he and his friends had planned a chill night of drinking in Beomgyu and Soobin’s apartment to celebrate before heading home for the holidays. 
So here you are now, cosied up next to your sweet boyfriend, who gently noses into your hair, placing a tender kiss on your head, as his friends get progressively drunker and rowdier. You’re not sure at what point the conversation drifted towards their sexual escapades, but at this point, you figure it’s more of a competition to see who can embarrass each other more.
“They’re not usually this gross I promise” Beomgyu chuckles into your ear as Taehyun and Yeonjun start to bicker over who is more dominant out of the two of them. You make the mistake of giggling loudly at their antics, attracting the attention of the table. “Well, we know whose the dominant one in that relationship anyways” Kai giggles, sending a lob sided wink towards you as the rest of the table hum in agreement. Beomgyu’s eyebrow raises as he looks back towards his friends, his relaxed demeanor suddenly tightening up. “Uh yeah, me” he deadpans, dropping his arm from around your shoulder into your lap and squeezing your thigh under the table. There’s a beat of silence, before the table erupts in laughter. 
“Yeah sorry, love you man but no way” Yeonjun wheezes as he tried to catch his breath. “Like, she calls you her little Beomie and is always babying you, there’s no chance, good joke though.” “It’s not a joke” Beomgyu stiffens, his grasp on your thigh getting tighter. As their jeering continues you catch sight of his ears turning red. “Awww is my little Beomie embarrassed” you coo, reaching up to pinch his cheek before he suddenly catches your hand with his free one. Abruptly he stands, the screech of his chair shocking the table into silence. You can feel his gaze burning as he looks down at you. You turn to look up at him, his dark eyes glaring behind his long hair that falls over his face. It’s a look you know well, and between his heated gaze and the way this position makes him seem so much bigger and broader than usual, you can’t help but squeeze your thighs together in anticipation. 
His eyes leave yours and take in his friends at the table, ensuring all eyes are on you before cockily spouting “Watch this.” and turning back to you.
He doesn’t give you the opportunity to be embarrassed. A veiny hand comes up to grab your chin, lithe fingers squeezing your cheeks together and its like everyone else in the room has disappeared. His thumb roams over the seam of your lips as he utters a quiet but husky “open” and you follow his instructions without thinking, your tongue lolling out gently. He’s pleased with that, you can tell by the smirk that graces his lips, before he brings his face closer and lets a ball of saliva fall into your mouth, sliding his hand around your throat to feel you swallow it. The air is thick in the room and your heart is beating out of your chest as he slowly leans down, breath fanning against your ear as he growls “Bedroom… now.” storming out of the room, his grip on your wrist dragging you along.
Neither of you take note of the four redfaced and gobsmacked boys you left in your wake. 
His dark gaze falls on you as pulls you into his room, crowding up to you until you feel the edge of his bed hit the back of your knees and inadvertently sit down. “You’re fucking unbelievably princess yknow that? Think it's funny trying to embarass me?” He says while looming over you, sliding his big hand around your throat and up towards your jaw, jerking your face to look up at him.
“They were just joking around Beomie” you whine, feeling a shiver run down your back from the way he’s looking at you, his jaw clenching at the nickname. “I wasn’t laughing princess” He says, squeezing your cheeks between his fingers and thumb forcing your mouth open. “Cmon baby, tongue out” he drawls before sliding his index and middle finger between over the muscle, coating them in your saliva. He suppresses a groan as you obediently close your lips around them and suck on them lazily. “Looks like we’re just gonna have to put on a show hmm? Gonna make you scream for me so they know exactly who’s in charge.”
With that he pulls you in for a messy wet kiss, channelling all his frustration into it. Without breaking it he pulls you up, lifting you until your wrap your legs around him instinctively, and maneuvers you both until you're on the bed in his lap. His grip on your thighs is bruising, sliding his hands under your skirt over your ass cheeks and toying with the hem of your panties. He lips move down to your neck, sucking harshly against your skin, before swinging his hand down against your ass cheek startling a loud moan from you
“Thats it baby, don’t be shy let em hear how good your little Beomie makes you feel hmm?” He chuckles against your throat rubbing his hands over the skin soothingly. The sensations have you wriggling in his lap, grinding against his jean covered length thats stiff beneath you. “Someone’s getting impatient” he chuckles again before nipping on your collar bone, the hand on your ass teasingly dipping between your cheeks to feel the wetness dripping between your legs. The feeling of you soaking wet has his head rolling back against the wall, biting his lip as he watches your squirm in his lap
“Fuck baby look at you, my little whore all worked up for me and i’ve barely touched you” he punctuates the end of his sentence by bucking his hips up into you, smirking as you yelp in response. He pulls you into another harsh kiss, using his hands on his hips to grind you onto him.  His teasing touch has you panting and whining, growing more and more desperate. “Think you could cum just from this princess, just from grinding your little wet cunt on my jeans huh?” He mumbles against your lips. And when you nod rapidly in response he pulls back, crossing his arm in front of him watching you whine at the loss of his touch. “Well it's not like you need me to help right? Maybe I should just leave you all alone to get yourself off.” Beomgyu’s voice is laced with condescension, and you can’t help but whimper at his words, pawing at his shoulders as you attempt to pull him into a kiss. “Ah ah ah, cmon slut use your words.”  “F-fuck Gyu please, baby i want you, want your fingers please” you babble at him. He coos in response  “That's more like it, my poor desperate baby crying for my fingers” he almost giggles as he pulls you impossibly close on his lap, reaching around to finally tease your slick folds, sliding two long fingers inside you.
You melt against his chest, face in the crook of his neck as he hammers his fingers into you, sucking and licking against whatever skin you can reach inbetween each loud mewl that leaves your mouth. As the bottom of your top rides up, his other hand begins trailing over your skin teasingly. Each thrust of his fingers into you closer and closer to the edge until you’re drooling against his shoulder. “Aw my poor baby can’t even speak, going all dumb and drooly over lil Beomie’s fingers,” he snickers into your ear. “Gonna cum all over my fingers? Go on, cum for me, good girl” he whispers huskily in your ear as you break, letting out a sound somewhere between a loud moan and an attempt at his name. 
He rides you through the high until you’re twitching before he sits you up in his lap gently using his left hand to steady you by the back of the neck and pulls you into a slow sloppy kiss, sucking on your tongue lazily and nipping at your lower lip. He pulls his fingers out slowly, marvelling at the way they glisten with your slick in the soft lights. He brings one finger to his lips sucking it clean and groaning. “Fuck baby you taste so good, cmon taste yourself” his voice is low, running his fingers along your lips and tongue, sucking in a breath as you swirl your tongue around them. His eyes darken as he quickly wraps an arm around your waist and flips you over, knocking the breath from your lungs, before pulling your top down roughly and sucking harshly on the skin around your nipples, running his tongue across them and gently blowing on them to watch them perk up at the cold air.
Beomgyu quickly pulls back to tug off his shirt and open his jeans, pulling out his leaking cock and fisting it lazily. Sweat glints off of his smooth skin under the low lighting as he reaches between your legs, entranced, dragging your panties to the side and rubbing the head up and down your folds, covering himself in your slick. You gasp and shiver with each slide across your neglected clit, reaching up to pull him until his arms are caging you in. He noses up your neck and jaw before making his way to your lips. “Ready princess?” he pants into your mouth before lining himself up and fully sheathing himself inside you, wrenching a choked “F-fuck Beomgyu” from your lips as you clench your eyes shut. He pulls out until only the thick head of his cock is still inside you, before thrusting so deeply you can feel it in your stomach. He continues at this pace, slowly pulling out before sharply entering you again, allowing you to feel every inch of him. 
You open your eyes to see him staring down at you intensely. “God your little pussy was made for me baby,” he groans “t-taking me so well”, stuttering as he feels your velvety walls flutter around him. Your noises pick up as you feel the coil within you tighten, your legs trembling around his waist. In response he leans back, throwing a leg over his shoulder and quickens his pace, using his hands on your hips as leverage to pull you into his every thrust. The new angle has you quaking beneath him, feeling his cock head kissing your cervix with every thrust.
“Fuck princess you feel so fucking good, gonna cum inside you and fill you up” he pants, moving his thumb to rub circles on your clit. “T-thats it, take it, good girl, cum all over my cock.” Hearing his express permission, you allow yourself to fall over the edge, clenching down around him screaming his name. He lets go as you do, the impossible tightness squeezing him over the edge as he paints your walls with his cum, twitching inside you, and flops down on top of you. His husky groans echo in your ear as you both catch your breath, panting in a sweaty heap. “You’re fucking amazing you know that” he mumbles as he noses at your neck, rocking his hips slightly as he fucks his cum back into you and chuckling as you whimper in overstimulation. “Beomie~” you whine, pushing him off you, shivering as he pulls out and his hot seed starts to drip down your thighs. His hand rubs your thigh gently as he leans down to give you a chaste kiss, before motioning towards the door, which you now notice has been left open a crack. You give him an incredulous glare as he smirks back.
“So, think they believe me now?”
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rosewould · 1 year
one way; cbg
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part i | part ii | part iii
🖱️⤻ pairing; afab!reader x beomgyu 🖱️⤻ word count; 6.9k 🖱️⤻ genre; enemies 2 enemies, smut, & angst 🖱️⤻ synopsis; you liked soobin but he didn't like you back. you've come to terms with this and moved on, but beomgyu hasn't. he's very sure he's onto you 🖱️⤻ warnings; hate sex, mean!gyu, slut shaming, breath play, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, post orgasm torture (beomgyu rec), dubcon (just in case), blood (nothing crazy at all), pain play, breast play, biting, hair pulling, choking, spitting, unrequited crush, failed confession, you might hate mc?, takes a while for beommie to appear
⌨️⤻ this was very similar to stress relief, I'm aware. That's why it's not a two parter (liar) or a taehyun fic. alsoo while writing this I couldn't stop thinking about what the sex sounded like outside the door. Imagine soobin eavesdropping and being like "????"
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"I think it sounds a little empty here." Soobin chews on his thumbnail as he fixates on the monitor in front of him. The LED lights in his room splash warm purple behind him. The bright desktop illuminated his upper body. His brows were furrowed, jaw clenching and unclenching. Eyes sharp as he examined the screen. Looking just as enchanting as ever.
"When in doubt, dump in some harmonies and background vocals. That's my motto, at least." You mumble, almost like a zombie. Your brain was on autopilot as you stared at him for way too long.
"Yeah, you said that already." Soobin laughs before looking over at you. Your eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights. He can sense the awkwardness as he focuses back on the screen.
"I feel like I'm harmonied out. I have no clue what to put here that doesn't sound repetitive."
You stare blankly at the screen. It took some genuine effort not to look at him again. You didn't want him to think you were weird, but the warm feeling you got whenever you looked at him was intoxicating.
"I dunno, I usually just test shit out until something sticks. I'm not professional, I just kinda wing it."
"I wouldn't say that. I've heard your work. You sound pretty professional to me."
Your heart begins beating prominently in your chest. Gulping, you try your damnedest not to look over at him even though it feels like you could explode. You can't tell whether this feeling sucked or was euphoric. You clench your fists over your jeans.
"A-are you okay? Are you feeling ill??" Soobin leans closer to you, worry evident in his voice.
"I'm okay..." your voice came out quieter than you intended to.
"Ah..." Soobin sounded a bit disheartened, so you peer over at him. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, but you swore you could see a hint of disappointment. Maybe that was just you being needlessly anxious again about every seemingly negative reaction someone might be having towards you.
Your suspicion only grew as time went on. He joked around with you less. He seemed really tense. His sentences were shorter. He barely ever made eye contact with you.
This continued for two weeks. You weren't sure you could take this much longer. You were losing sleep. Did you weird him out that day? Or could he see right through you and felt uncomfortable with your obvious crush? Either way, it was stressing you out to a worrying degree. This had to end.
You texted him to meet you on the roof of your apartment complex. It was obscured from anyone below with a camera and crazy zoom, and it'd be obvious if anyone followed the two of you. It was time to finally find out what the hell was going on. You were still stressed out, but a part of you was foolishly excited.
You even had a sweet dream that he accepted your confession. High off the wonderful feeling that dream gave you, you were all smiles. Nervous smiles, but smiles nonetheless. You sit on the floor next to the door when your jittery nerves came to be too much. Your ears perk up when the door clicks open. You shoot up, smoothing your hands over your clothes. Behind the door is Soobin, brows knit together in clear stress.
"Hi, sorry if you were busy." You smile at him, movement a bit frantic as you bow.
"No it's fine, this will be quick." Soobin's expression is stern, yet he fails to meet your eyes.
Your heart drops, mouth hanging agape. You stand there wordlessly, your hands fidgeting with each other. It felt like a dark cloud loomed over you, suddenly blocking out the sun. You already knew what he meant by that, and what he was going to say. Should you run? No...
You smile bitterly. "Ah, I see. You don't have to say anything else. I understand."
When Soobin finally looks at you, a dim feeling of hope sparks up. You immediately extinguish the feeling.
"Listen," You clear your throat, pushing down the growing feeling of mortification and sadness, "You don't have to worry about me anymore, or I guess my feelings. I know that you still need my help with the new song. I can be professional about that. If I ever make you feel uncomfortable again, just let me know, okay?" You force a wider smile. A part of you hoped that he would accept the offer to still work with you in case he changed his mind.
"Oh! Um... okay. I'm not sure about working with you again just yet." Soobin trails off, pity evident in his voice.
Of course. He can see right through you, you idiot.
"You're right. It's selfish of me to even think that would be a possibility." You laugh awkwardly, shifting the weight from one leg to the other. "Don't worry about it. You know my number so you can call me if you need anything. You don't have to worry about me having ulterior motives."
You stare at the screen of your phone, the blue light illuminating your face in your otherwise dark room. You go through your photos and delete any pictures of or with Soobin. Just when you guys would've gotten close, you screwed things up with your stupid crush. Now on top of everything Soobin had to deal with, he has to worry about someone who has constant access to him making him uncomfortable. Mr. Park would most likely make the two of you work together again against his will. You should know how this feels, yet you behaved around him so recklessly.
The following morning your manager wakes you up earlier than normal.
"It's a Soobin day, let's go!"
You freeze, eyes wide in shock.
"Soo–? I thought I was off today." Your voice is gruff. You didn't need this stress so early in the morning.
"Mr. Park says that Soobin hasn't been making much progress with his song."
Yeah, you know. It's all your fault.
"He's gonna have the two of you work together more often."
You scratch at your head. This was gonna be difficult to explain, but you tried anyway.
"I'm sorry, my manager woke me up really early this morning, that was the first time I've heard of this."
"No, no! It's fine, I understand. I don't think you're up to something." Soobin waves his hands frantically in front of him, eyes wide.
"Okay, good." You wipe imaginary sweat from your forehead.
"Let's get started."
You and Soobin were back to normal... almost. You could tell he was still a bit wary. He kept side-eyeing you, and it was a lot more awkward. You couldn't blame him, you were thirty percent sure there were still buried feelings. They don't go away that easily. You sigh as the track plays which causes Soobin to quickly pause it.
"What? Is there something wrong??" Soobin was just as frantic as always. You chuckle. "No, all I did was sigh."
His anxious disposition fades as he begins to laugh. "Don't scare me like that."
You both laugh before fading back into that damn awkward state.
"Listen, thank you for being understanding. I know how hard it can be to like someone and be turned down." Soobin says, a hint of guilt in his voice. You look over at him in shock. "You experienced unrequited love? Who are they? Are they blind?"
Soobin looks away, clearly flustered again.
"Oh! Sorry. Too soon? I probably sound crazy." You look away, cheeks hot.
"Y-you don't. It's fine, don't worry about it." The tone of Soobin's voice sounds like he's disappointed. Again.
The atmosphere became ten times more awkward than it was before. You have to take it slow. You really value Soobin as a friend. You can fix this. Seeing Soobin more often was actually perfect for you. You couldn't avoid him forever, so might as well rip the bandaid off now. You look in your bathroom mirror, rinsing off your mask.
Looking into your own reflection, you repeat I like Soobin and that needs to change.
You plant your hands firmly on your sink, taking a deep breath. You close your eyes, reflecting on your situation. You have to sit in such close proximity to Soobin. Feeling his warmth. Smelling his scent. Seeing his smile, ugh those fucking dimples. You inhale shakily, clenching your eyes shut as you start to imagine Soobin closing in on you. Soaked in hues of red, green, and blue. His face so close that your noses touch.
You force your eyes open, slapping yourself across the face. This isn't going well. If you were a normal human being, you'd be able to just put yourself on the market, go on blind dates, and meet guys at bars. No, instead you had to practice 12 hours a day. Eat rabbit food. Endure this torture.
You ball your hands into fists and squeeze them tightly, nails embedded into your palm. For a moment you really considered quitting. Quitting everything. They're taking way too long to finally stick you into a group anyway. All while still capitalizing on your pre-existing fame.
You place your head into your hands, sighing heavily. You shouldn't quit. You've come this far, and your manager says that debut is very close.
That's what you have to focus on. Debuting. Yeah, your crush on Soobin could get him in big trouble, but what about you? Your dreams haven't even started, yet you were about to throw them away because of some boy? You look up from your hands and into the mirror.
"I'm ___." You repeat as you look into the mirror. "I'm ___!"
You confidently walk into Soobin's room. He looks up, face changing from shock to confusion.
"You look... comfy." Soobin remarks. You rest your hands on your hips, smiling goofily.
"I noticed that you're always dressed in comfy clothes so I decided 'what the heck'," You plop into the chair next to his, "and now that I've done so I understand why you do.".
He can't help but laugh at your strange confidence. "Did you eat some good food or something?" Soobin asks, opening his music editing software.
"No, I'm not you." You scoff, rolling closer to the computer. "Let's get this song finished!"
And finish you did, the song sounds better than you anticipated coming into this. It was all thanks to one method you stuck to. Whenever you felt your heart swelling, you thought about one of the things you disliked about him. You had a whole list full.
He was very soft, which is something you would also say is a pro. However, what if you come home after a shitty day and wanted to blow off some steam? You may not get much dick nowadays, but you still know what you need to get off. Missionary ain't cutting it. After thinking about his first con, they just came naturally. These were things you shoved into the back of your mind to prevent your pristine view of him from being sullied. Now, it's what you needed. Seeing him as the bossy mom friend who's a bit stuck up sometimes really helped.
A week was all Soobin needed to realize things were back to normal. Instead of the uncomfortable amount of compliments you threw at him, so eager to please, you were a lot blunter. Even a bit too blunt sometimes. Soobin wasn't complaining, it was what he was used to with his members.
Soobin was comfortable with you again and his members started to get closer to you as well.
"The song sounds amazing. Thank the lord, Soobin's rough draft was so horrible." Yeonjun tilted his chin into the air to prevent the food in his mouth from spilling while he spoke. Laughter erupts around you, even from Soobin who's scratching the back of his head.
"I didn't want to say anything... but yeah it was pretty bad." You nod, hissing at your own honesty.
"You didn't want to say anything because you had a crush on him." Beomgyu mutters, stirring his drink. The rest of the members point and laugh at you as you sit there, shocked. You had grown accustomed to the jokes, growing a thick skin after it wasn't as topical. To say it out loud would be a level of confrontation you weren't ready for, but you were pretty sure Beomgyu wasn't saying it in a joking manner. A part of you thought that he was actually putting you on the spot for some reason. But he was Beomgyu, he was a goofball. Plus, it's not like you still had a crush on Soobin.
"Beomgyu, I'm starting to feel like you don't like me or something." You laugh to offset any suspicions of an accusation, but you dart your eyes at him to watch his reaction. When you see his straight face staring back at you, your smile drops.
"What's up with this atmosphere?" Taehyun asks nervously.
"I just got chills..." Kai adds, cowering away from Beomgyu as if he was omitting cold air. Beomgyu ignores his members, taking a sip from his drink and keeping his eyes on you.
"I'm sorry about Beomgyu, I'm not sure what his problem is." Soobin sighs once you're back in his room. The two of you didn't even have a song to produce anymore, you were just enjoying each other's company.
"It's fine. Why are you even apologizing, you didn't do it." You snort as you nudge his arm. What you really wanted to say is that you understood Beomgyu's issue. If you said that out loud, you were scared that Soobin would think there was something to worry about, and there isn't. So you keep it to yourself and keep your distance from Beomgyu.
You did a pretty good job, only saying hi whenever you guys were in a room alone. Ignoring how he stared blankly at you and ignored your greeting. Laughed at his "jokes" that were just thinly veiled attacks on your character. Even though you remained friendly, you made sure not to stay in a room with him too long. Scurrying out before the members could leave you alone with him. You thought this would work in your favor, but it seemed like he was growing colder. His "jokes" no longer had a veil. He was just straight-up accosting you. 
"It must be nice cooped up in Soobin's room alone where no one can call you out on your shit." His words seeped into your veins and slowly poisoned you. All with a little smug smile on his face.
"Beomgyu! Cut it out!" Soobin stands up, fed up with his accusations. You raise your hands, signaling for Soobin to calm down and sit back in his chair. "It's fine-" You say quietly.
"No, it's not! If you've got something to say then say it." Soobin cuts his eyes at the younger male. Finally, the anger that Beomgyu was feeling the entire time was reflected on his face. His face twisted in resentment and a bit of pity. He scoffs.
"You're the second oldest, yet you're so naïve." 
Soobin grips the younger male by his shirt and you have to physically pry him off. "Soobin! Stop!"
"You should be saying this to him not me!" He looks at you in disbelief before turning his attention back to Beomgyu. "You think you know what you're talking about but you don't. Stay out of our business."
"Maybe you think I don't." Beomgyu keeps his eyes trained on Soobin as his finger points toward you. "But she does. Why else do you think she hasn't stuck up for herself." 
All of the members look at you with confusion in their eyes. You gulp, feeling like you were standing in a dark room with one lone spotlight beaming down on you. 
"I-I... I just... I don't want to cause any trouble-"
"Bullshit." He spat before leaving the room. He had a right to be worried about his friend, and that's why you didn't say anything. You didn't realize how guilty that made you look, though. The members keep their eyes on you, carefully watching as you fiddle with your fingers. 
"I'm sorry... I really was trying to prevent any conflict," You sigh, failing to properly explain yourself, "I just keep digging a deeper hole."
"No, I know you more than he does. I can say confidently that I know you're not scheming behind my back. He's just a stubborn little brat." Soobin huffs, still fuming from the exchange.
Without his members staring you down your brain was quieter. Able to focus on all your worries more vividly in turn. You squeeze your eyes shut. "I don't want to come in between you guys. Please talk to him once you both calm down."
"He's the one that needs to–"
"Please? He's just looking out for you because he cares about you." You press your lips into a thin line, hoping it’s not too late.
"We talked and he wants to speak to you alone." annoyance is evident in Soobin's features as he stares at his monitor. Clenching his jaw, but this time not in concentration.
"R-really? Why?"
"I don't know." He throws his arms in the air, dropping them back to the desk shortly after. "He just insisted on trusting him. I don't."
You hug your body with a troubled expression tugging at your features. It really sucked hearing that he doesn't trust Beomgyu. That he trusts you more. He's only known you for less than a year. He's known Beomgyu for at least four. They were pretty close before you came along, and the thought of you ruining their relationship made you feel horrible. All because of a stupid crush.
"I'll talk to him."
Soobin tries to talk you out of it, insisting that you did nothing wrong and that he needs to stop being an asshole. You try to look for another way to explain how you feel but come up short. You sigh, deciding to reveal your thoughts. "If hanging out with you guys is ruining your relationship, I’d rather stay away altogether."
Soobin’s annoyance at Beomgyu fades after your confession. His words escape his brain as quickly as they appear. He’s realizing now how horrible it must feel to come in between friends. 
“I want to fix this.” You add on, hoping he’ll come around. You chew on your lip, tightening your arms around your body as Soobin deliberates. He releases a hefty sigh.
"Okay. I understand." There’s a hint of stubbornness still lingering but he forces it to the wayside. You notice his inner turmoil and pat him on his back before standing up from your chair. He tells you that Beomgyu's in his room alone. You knock on the door and a tight voice beckons you in. When you slowly open it, you see Beomgyu at his computer. 
"Close the door behind you." he says, not looking your way. His brows are furrowed, and you can’t tell if it’s because he’s aggravated or focused. You oblige, waiting for him to say something. He stands from his computer chair wordlessly and crosses his arms before you. 
"I think you should stop coming around here." the words leave his mouth like they were nothing. Your heart drops, but you really didn't want to argue.
"I don't agree, Beomgyu." Though you know leaving might be the only option if all else fails, you selfishly still want to be here. You enjoy their company.
"So you think you've done nothing wrong?" he derides and you groan. "I never said that. I did make Soobin uncomfortable in the past and I was wrong for doing so." You finally say the words out loud and even after all this time they weigh on you. You hope it’s enough but looking at the determination on his face, you know it’s not.
"So you understand that it's fucked up that we should even worry about this? You even have the other members worried now.” His words are harsh and he puts no effort into sugarcoating them with his tone or expression. His eyes beat down on you as he hurls the words at you. 
They give you pause, reconsidering your dynamic with the other until now. “They what? That can’t be right.” They seemed a little awkward yesterday after Beomgyu’s accusation, but it couldn’t be that serious. Your face pinches, trying to clear your thoughts but he keeps bombarding you with his onslaught of attacks.
“And what about you avoiding me? It’s obvious you’re hiding from the truth.” He crowds you until you’re backed against the wall. “N-no it’s because–”
“It’s obvious you’re guilty, but now there’s no running away. It’s time to tell the truth about your motives and leave us the fuck alone.” You flinch at his words, a glint of fire starting behind your eyes without your consent.
“I keep avoiding you because you’re a fucking asshole who’s constantly shitting on me.” You clench your eyes shut as you shoot the words at him. You really didn't want to feed into to this. You throw your fists against the wall behind you, heaving as more frustration fills you up before you can stop it. Beomgyu steps away to chuckle and you get a moment to breathe. But then he’s back to hovering over you with a glare as cold as ice. 
“I’m a what?”
All you can do is breathe him in and look at him, he’s giving you no other choice. When your eyes wander he just moves back into your line of vision. Is this how he intends to get his way? “You’re an asshole–”
“I’m an asshole for telling you how it is?” He steps closer until he’s completely immersed in your bubble. The look of confusion on his face illustrates just how stupid he thinks you sound. You try to speak again but he interrupts you for the umpteenth time. 
“Just leave. No one wants you here.”
“You don’t want me here! You can’t force me not to hang out with my friends.” You shoot back incredulously. 
“Oh, your friends, right? It’s not that you’re so lonely and desperate for a boyfriend that you’re following Soobin around? You look pathetic, and just know that when Soobin gets tired of you, none of us are gonna jump to take his place.” The feeling of his breath fanning over your face fans the flames of your rage. Never in your life had someone said something so disrespectful to your face and barely blink an eye.
“How dare you–”
“You’re not gonna find a boyfriend here.” He sneers, smirking down at you like you’re a joke.
“Stop fucking interrupting me!” You erupt, shoving against his chest. He barely moves and he’s still all you can smell and see and hear. You can’t get away from his relentless attacks. He’s telling you to leave and yet he won’t back up so that you can breathe. “Soobin finished the song and yet you’re here all the time, hoping he’ll let you hop on his dick–”
Seeing red, you cock back before striking him across the face. The impact is louder than you expect, your anger had gotten the best of you. In the dim lighting of his room, you can still tell that you left a red mark on his cheek. This was really bad, if they didn’t think you were guilty before, they did now. Even Soobin would have to see Beomgyu’s side now. Before you can apologize or even fully panic your body is being shoved into the wall. He holds your hands above your head as a vein in his jaw quirks.
Your anger is instantly back in place. “Let me go.” You warn with your voice low.
“I didn’t think you had it in you.” There he goes, crowding you even further until his forehead is touching yours. You didn’t think it was possible for you to get this angry. You still for a moment as you connect the dots. He’s goading you. It’s evident by the sly smile on his face. Now all his members will see you as unhinged and Soobin will be broken free from the spell Beomgyu’s convinced you have him under. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? What have I ever done to you?” You rip your arms free only for him to grab your wrists again and hold them tighter this time.
“You’re just another one of those sneaky girls who try to weasel their way into our lives. You pretend to be all innocent, only wanting to be friends, and then you show your true colors. Just another desperate trainee. And you,” He gathers your wrists into one of his large hands before poking your forehead with his finger, “you keep sticking around like a parasite and actually managed to fool them. But I’m not stupid. I know a tacky groupie when I see one.”
You weren’t like that at all. You genuinely enjoyed their company and you weren’t even a fan beforehand. Even if you were, your feelings for Soobin were real. They weren’t built off of delusion, you fell for who he was as a person. Beomgyu has the power to paint you out as a crazed fan who managed to sneak past their defenses and the thought scared you. This wouldn’t just ruin your relationship with Soobin, if it gets back to your manager or any executives at the company you could get in serious trouble. You could possibly kiss debuting goodbye.
“You’re wrong and you’re too stubborn to see it. You refuse to listen to anyone, even your own leader!” You should probably lighten your tone but you were through trying to appeal to him. 
“I’m stubborn? Says the one who can’t take no for an answer.”
“I did take no for an answer! You weren’t even there so how would you know?!”
“Soobin told us about you continuing to try afterward, you know?” 
Your fire is snuffed out in a singular whoosh of air that whips through you. Your mouth drops open, but there are no rebuttals you have prepared to throw back at him. Imagining Soobin venting to his members about how annoying you are strikes a chord so sour you could cry. “Everyone knows how embarrassing you are.” He snickers and chips away at your dwindling composure. 
His face is so close, you can feel the skin on his nose and his forehead when he leans closer to tempt you over that edge. You can smell his lotion, his toothpaste, his makeup, his cologne. It’s just him everywhere and you want it to stop. Your brain is overloaded and you’re blinded by your rage. You want to do something to him, something to ruin his face and his skin, but the message gets screwed up somewhere amidst your heightened emotions. 
You crush your lips against his and he staggers backward only for a moment before freeing your hands and pushing you against the wall again. You suck harshly on his bottom lip and to make things more absurd, he lets you. Whether this was strengthening his case against you or not was entirely lost on you. You wanted to grab him, choke him, something. With a gasping breath you grip the nape of his hair and tug hard, sinking your teeth into his flesh. You pull back with hot tears dripping from your lashes as you glare up at his dark eyes. “I hate you.” You whisper shakily.
He heaves for a few seconds before initiating the kiss himself. His lips, his tongue, his teeth, you feel him everywhere just kissing and licking and biting you. It burns you so hot you think you’ll ignite. He draws your lip back with his teeth, biting hard enough to draw blood and a sharp shriek from you. You yank his head back by his hair and he grunts. 
“You fucking bitch.” He hisses, exposing his hatred for you clear as day. You slap him again which makes his eyes go wild before he’s grabbing you by your shirt. The sound of the fabric ripping is loud and you gasp. You can’t get a word in before he’s ripping the front of your bra in half and his brutish hands are fondling your breasts. His lips are softer when he catches yours this time but only because he’s focused on sinking his nails into your flesh. You moan into his mouth, ashamed of how much the pain he’s causing is turning you on. 
One hand grabs his face while the other grabs his neck. You drag your nails down his cheekbone and push your fingertips into each side of his neck. He inhales shallowly before restraining your arms again. With his grip on your wrists he yanks you closer. “If you know what’s good for you, you’d cut that out.” He growls, lip snarling and breath ragged. “You already put your hands on me three times and this time you left a mark. You’re not very bright, are you?” He asks as if he’s genuinely puzzled.
You poke your bottom lip out with your tongue. “You left a mark too, jackass. And how are you gonna explain my bra and shirt, huh? It’s my word against yours.” You breathe into a cocky laugh. 
“They won’t believe you. I told you, they’re getting suspicious of you.” He’s putting up a front but you can tell he’s not confident in that theory. You try and tug your wrists free. “Well then let me go and let’s find out.”
“You’re really willing to ruin your career before it even starts?” He’s getting progressively more anxious which makes you smirk. His hand shoots up before you can make a snide remark, wrapping around your throat. He squeezes hard immediately, his thumb digging uncomfortably into your muscles. Your mouth drops open as you squirm against the wall. Your free hands grip his shirt and perplexingly pull him closer. “Shut the fuck up.” He watches you intently as you gradually lose oxygen, waiting a little after you start to panic before letting you go. 
Your hands are instantly back in his hair and pulling him forward so your mouths crash together. Your noses bump and teeth clink but it only makes the both of you more riled up. You tug his head backward, not detaching from the kiss as you push him to his computer chair. He trips and falls into it and you fall on top of him. Your hips start rutting against him and he groans into the kiss. His fingers find your nipples again and he squeezes until pain shoots down your legs. He continues to pinch harder and harder until you’re making pained whimpers and more tears spring to your eyes. 
Irked, you grab his face and squish his cheeks, lifting from the kiss to lick up the blood on his cheeks. You grind down on him with a shuddering breath when he starts to twist your sore nipples. “I wanna make you bleed again.” You laugh, officially brought to hysterics by the man below you.
“Hit me or scratch me again and you’ll regret it.” His voice is deeper than before and you can feel him growing under you. Before you felt ashamed but now you can see the vision. You ride his cock, shove him so deep inside you that his mind goes blank. He cums but you don’t stop. You just keep milking him until his eyes roll back and the only noises he can make are strained groans. The idea translates to pleasure that has you shoving a hand down to unbutton his jeans.
“See?” He raises his hands in the air, watching you fish his cock from his pants. “I knew you were a desperate slut.” You grip his shaft and pull a salacious sound from his throat. He grabs you by the throat and pulls your ear by his mouth.
“All because you feel worthless without a celebrity to cling onto.” He whispers before licking your earlobe into his mouth and sinking his teeth into it. For a moment, your anger drains and his words dawn on you. You almost believe him. You huff a derisive laugh and you don’t even know if it’s at Beomgyu or yourself. Beomgyu is everything Soobin isn’t. It’s a con and disappointingly a pro. He’s impolite, impulsive, and hard-headed… but as you stare into his sharp glare you start to understand your eagerness to sit on his cock. Soobin was easy to swallow but Beomgyu’s intricate eyes spare you no pity or comfort. “I don’t care as long as I cum by the end of it.”
“You can insult me all you want,” You stand from the chair and shimmy your sweats and underwear off while still maintaining eye contact. “but I know who I am.” You climb back on his lap, positioning him at your entrance before grabbing his shoulders with a smirk. 
“Nice character development. Finally accepting you’re a groupie.”
You brush his jab off with a scoff. There’s no way either of you can make a case against the other without painting you both as insane. His crusade against you was paused at the moment. You have him right where you want him. “I’m not. I’m ___.” You smile. 
Beomgyu immediately laughs at your proclamation, shifting to a hiss when you sink down on him. He grabs hold of your hips to take control and increase the speed. “You’re fucking me while claiming to hate me. Something isn’t adding up.” He tries to bite back but the sound of your pussy sliding over his cock makes him mutter a swear.
“You may be a superstar out there, but in here? Right now? You’re just a tool for me to get off.”
He moves both hands back up to your throat, giving you back the reigns as you laugh triumphantly. “That’s right. I like it when you’re rough with me.” You squeeze out before swirling your hips in circles. His resolve crumbles more and more as you ride him and it’s a delight to watch. He chokes you harder, familiarly squeezing until your vision spots out before releasing and letting you gasp and sputter. “You like that?”
“Uh huh.” You fake a whimper, making a show of how your hips swing. Knowing exactly how to rile him up, you slap him again. Seeing the anger flare up you get a rush, reveling in the slap he delivers back. “The fuck did I tell you?”
You spit on his face and he snatches your hips up again. He starts slamming his cock into you with a vice grip on you, digging his fingertips deep into the flesh of your ass. You yelp involuntarily before covering your mouth.
“What? Worried they’ll hear you and confirm what you were after all along?” He spreads your cheeks wide, peeking over your shoulder to watch how your asshole flutters. Even if you cover up your moans, there’s no way they don’t hear his balls smacking against your ass from in the hallway. You think– hope you’re hallucinating when you hear the door click open.
“Okay guys, what is–” Soobin’s voice cuts off with a surprised noise. You turn your head as far as you can and catch him covering your bottom halves with his hand. “I guess this means you guys made up now?” He asks, stress laced into his words for an entirely different reason. 
Neither of you answer, you just gawk at Soobin until he rolls his eyes and closes the door. You stay stuck there for a moment until it occurs to you. A wide smile stretches across your face as you turn to face Beomgyu again. He shoots you an annoyed look. “What?”
“You can’t sabotage me anymore. Who’s gonna take you seriously now?” 
“If anything you’re proving my point. In their eyes you just managed to seduce me instead of Soobin.”
“Is that what happened?” You grab his face and smush it with a mocking coo. “I seduced the big bad wolf?” He shakes his face free from your grip and squeezes your ass again. “I guess we’ll see, huh, Beommie?”
You moan out when he slams you down to meet his thrusts. “Trying to shut me up?” Your eyes threaten to roll back feeling his cock in your stomach. You curse under your breath, trying to steady yourself on his shoulders. “It won’t work.”
You throw challenge after challenge hoping he’d get as brutish as you want him to. He hisses at you to shut up but you just talk over him until his lip snarls and he’s yanking you by your hair over to the bed. He tosses you against the side of it before lifting you by your torso and shoving you face down into the mattress. “I told you to shut up.” He growls.
“Fuck me Beommie.” You peer to the side to purr but he shoves your face back into his covers. He realigns himself before restraining your wrists behind your back with one hand. The messy position has one of your legs dangling off the bed but Beomgyu doesn’t fix it, he just slams into you. He shoves you further into the mattress, making sure to keep his hand on the back of your head to keep you quiet. You curl your toes as his dick shoots deep inside you in a relentless pursuit to pound your cervix. Your oxygen starts to run dry again and your eyes fully roll back as you thrash against him. Just a second longer feels like an eternity as you panic for air but he eventually pulls you back up.
“You fucking dick.” You breathe after a harsh fit of coughs.
“Still got shit to say?” He shoves your head back down and slows his hips. Each slam makes your legs twitch until your entire body is trembling like a cold puppy. His cock fucking you full so many times has you overstimulated before even cumming. But it crashes down upon you once your oxygen runs just about dry. You jolt violently with an intense climax and as a warning that he needs to pull you up. He does so, holding you up by your hair as you tremble and clench around his cock. “That’s right, just stay quiet and cum on my dick.”
With all the strength you can muster after your high, you break free from his grip and flip around. He struggles to restrain you and your struggle back until he’s pushing your legs by your head and you reach to grab him and catch his shirt. You yank him closer and capture his lips in a messy kiss. You catch his lip this time and bite down on it as he sinks back into you. You let go and let him drive his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues wrestle, sharing your wanton moans as his cock melts into your hot, wet hole. 
You can tell it’s getting to him when his moans get needier. You slip your legs under his arms and wrap them around his hips. You push him further into you, watching his face clench as he’s fully submerged in you. You press your core flush against him and grind your hips into him. You’re dripping so much it’s leaking onto his bed and he can feel it on the tops of his thighs. With one stuttering ‘fuck’ you know he’s gone so you suck on his tongue until his hips are smacking harshly into yours. Each trembling jerk of his hips shoots another ribbon of semen onto your walls. He tries to draw back but you’re holding him still with your legs.
“Does it hurt, Beommie?” You moan, grinding your hips again. His face clenches tighter as unrestrained moans pour from his ruined lips. You wish to ruin them more but he looks so sexy when he’s in pain. You give him the same languid swing of your hips as you did riding him and watch the sweat roll down his forehead. “I can’t, I can’t–”
With a loud grunt he slams into you again, burying his head in your shoulder. The high of your perceived win over Beomgyu drives you to your actual high as you cum around him again. You keep your shaky legs locked around him until an urgent wail fills your ears and your pussy is being filled again. "Please! Please!" You intend on keeping him locked in longer but he pries your legs off him.
You waste no time pushing him off of you and peeling off your tattered shirt and bra. You use the fabric of your t-shirt to wipe off your legs and your mound. Beomgyu comes up behind you to yank the shirt from your hands, glaring at you as he does so. He cleans up his member and thighs before tossing the shirt.
“Get out.”
“My pleasure. Are we still telling them our sides or…”
“Just get out. You better not still be here when I get out of the shower.” He ties a towel around his hips and bumps your shoulder as he walks past. You steal a pair of sweatpants and a shirt for now, planning to return it as soon as possible because the thought of having his clothes in your wardrobe made you physically ill.
As it stands, he still tried to sabotage you and Soobin’s friendship and possibly your career, but it seems he admitted defeat. You glance at his mirror on your way out. Just as you thought, you know exactly who you are.
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maisonaime · 5 months
ACOTAR AU Crack Fics I Wont Write But I Want Someone To:
- Tamlin as the Bachelor
- Vanserra Brothers x Succession
- Amarantha’s Court x Love Island UK
- Inner Circle x Graham Norton Show
- Calanmai x Britain’s Got Talent
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with these three as judges (left to right: Cassian, Mor, Rhys)
- There’s more but I took some gummies with cbg in them and I can’t stop laughing at this list
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