#celebrates 76th independence day
skmehras-blog · 1 year
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Happy Independence Day 2023: The Beautiful Indian Flag.
India’s 77th Independence Day 2023 As the vibrant tapestry of India readies itself for the grand spectacle of the 77th Independence Day on August 15, 2023, we stand at a crossroads of reflection and revelry. This momentous occasion is not merely a date on the calendar; it’s a tribute to the resilience, courage, and unity that have woven together the rich fabric of our nation. Together, let’s…
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matan4il · 5 months
Israel's 76th Independence Day
-> Geek fact: Today is the 14th of May, but also the fifth of (the Hebrew month of) Yiar. The Hebrew and Gregorian calendar only coincide once every 19 years. Since Israel was established, this is only the 4th time when we get to celebrate it on a day which is both the Hebrew and the Gregorian date of its founding.
-> Israel's Independence Day start the eve before, with a ceremony that both concludes our Memorial Day for our fallen soldiers and terror victims, and transitions into celebrating our independence. I don't think anyone can understand life here, or the Israeli people, without getting this impossible, yet necessary emotional transition.
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-> This year, more than ever, the two days, commemorated one right after the other, feel impossible to separate.
-> We have an Independence Day ceremony. Every year, it celebrates the best of Israeli society. All of it. Jews and non-Jews. 12 Independence Day torches are lit (representing the 12 ancient tribes of Israel) by individuals who stood out in making a change for our society. As you might imagine, this year the ceremony was more emotional than ever before, with an incomprehensible number of heroes of all kinds.
-> Some highlights for me included the lighting of a few torches in the scenes of the massacre instead of all being light on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. For example, families of some of the murdered at a southern Israeli beach, invaded by sea, lit together a torch at the place where their loved ones were taken away.
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-> The Jewish prayer for the release of all hostages, sung by Lior Elmaliach in front of 132 empty yellow chairs (same color as the ribbon that people wear to call for this return).
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-> One of the released hostages singing a mash-up of two songs about the sun (re-finding it, and discovering that the sun is inside us), while all the violins around being lit in yellow, and the yellow ribbon for the hostages' return looming larger than life in the background.
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-> An Israeli soldier, who fought in this war in Gaza, performing a love song to the Land of Israel on his violin (it was performed in that moment without the lyrics, but the song goes, "The land of our people, the land of our eternity, a land in which we were born, a land in which we will live, come what may"), lit in white, while all the violins around him are lit in blue, the two colors of the Israeli flag.
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-> That moment when Iris Chaim, whose son Yotam was one of the three hostages accidentally killed in Gaza by our own soldiers, who right away sent a message to those soldiers that she understands, she's not angry at them, and they're invited to her home, who's been working to lift and unite people's spirits before and since, when she was saying she's the mother of... she named her first born son, but then she had to stop and take a deep breath before saying Yotam...
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-> When the flag bearers, outstanding soldiers carrying the flags of all the units of the IDF, did the traditional portion of the ceremony where they form different shapes, but this year they started by spelling the Hebrew word נזכור (nizkor, we'll remember).
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-> How soldiers wounded in the current war (enough to need crutches or wheelchairs) participated in multiple sections of the ceremony, including the more physical ones, like the flag bearers' formations (in the pic below: forming Israel's flag).
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-> They had a group of kids from different northern and southern Israeli communities who are still, even over 7 months since the start of the war, internal refugees. They got to perform as singers and musicians together with several very successful Israeli singers. The second song they performed felt especially fitting, as it's about going out into the world, strengthened despite adversity.
-> It's not easy to celebrate when the pain is so endless. The other day, I shared this list for our Memorial Day of just some of our victims that we lost, but will never forget. One of them was 24 years old Baruch Korichman. On the eve of Purim 1924, he was walking to his home in Tel Aviv. Out of nowhere, two Arabs showed up and shot him to death, then fled the scene. Even though the British Mandate was in place, meant to hunt the murderers down and bring them to justice, meant to take care of Baruch, no one really did anything. The body was taken to the courtyard of a hospital, Baruch's mom was called, and a small crowd of locals started gathering around, angry and protesting the injustice and the lack of proper treatment. Baruch's mom turned to the crowd and asked them to be quiet, and not stop Jews from celebrating Purim.
IDK how she managed to do that, care about other people's joy even as she was going through the worst nightmare of any parent. IDK how Jews during the Holocaust managed to find it within themselves to go on celebrating Jewish holidays. I just know that they did. And if they could, so can we. We can remember the Holocaust survivors, who survived the worst of what human nature is capable of, who came to the Land of Israel right after the end of WWII, and who saw the founding of the Jewish state, who got to celebrate its creation and first Independence Day. Most talked or wrote about it in terms of a miracle. The State of Israel is still a miracle. All the hatred we've seen turned against it even on Oct 7, while our people were still being massacred, is proof of that. And it is a good thing to remember that, even while we hurt.
On Oct 7, Israeli civilians went out to save their own, because the State of Israel has given them the tools to be able to, to know how, to have the strength, courage and self-confidence to go and tackle the enemy. On Oct 7, Israeli civilians knew that someone was coming to save them. Even if it took time, even if there was no way of knowing who would get there first, they knew an army that cares and wants to save them is on its way, and when I think about my Jewish People, in the shooting pits in Europe, about to be massacred by an antisemitic army, knowing for sure that there is no one on the way, that no one cares, that no one's interested in saving them, I know that as difficult as Oct 7 was, it's not the same, and it will never be the same, not as long as Israel exists. So I will continue to celebrate its independence, even as I know there is no cure for antisemitic hate and violence. We can't eradicate them. But all of us here together have created something that gives us dignity as human beings and as Jews, that our ancestors were denied. We are here, and we are the People of Israel, and we can stand tall in the face of the worst of our haters and murderers. Am Yisrael chai!
(for more of my posts regarding Israel, click here)
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Vancouver's city hall is planned to be lit up blue for Israel's 76th Independence day on the 14th of may. I'd urge any Vancouver residents to call city hall and register a complaint about the display - it only takes about five minutes to do. They will ask if you want to give any more information for your statement, and give you the option to give your name and email so they can send you a report number once your complaint is filed.
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sitvanit · 5 months
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This morning I mourned the 25,040 fallen angels who died for this country, and now I'm hanging an Israel flag for tonight's Israel's 76th independence day celebrations.
Am Israel fucking chai!
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 19th May 24
In the 19th May 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
New Israeli treatments for Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia.
Israel is developing non-surgical ultrasonic bioprinting of disease cures.
At least two European countries show passionate support for Israel.
Israel is naming a satellite in memory of Oct 7 victims.
The city of Modi’in is to get a billion-shekel technology park.
Israel’s Eurovision singer is a true star.
104-year-old survivor brings 400 of her descendants to the Western Wall.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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There were so many positive Israeli news articles for public consumption last week, but you had to look beyond the negative front page headlines.  Which is why you read this newsletter, of course. Israelis savored the atmosphere that accompanied Yom Ha'Atzmaut - Independence Day, when the nation truly understands what it is fighting for.  Last week's positive news included a "feast" of medical breakthroughs, sweet news of diplomatic support from two European countries, healthy economic and investment progress to digest, scientific developments to combat world hunger, a succulent result in the Eurovision song contest, a rich supply of medals in sport, and a prolific survivor who demonstrated that the Jewish people will never be defeated. The photo is of one of the tasty dishes enjoyed at our synagogue's breakfast  to celebrate Israel's 76th birthday.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
by Luke Tress
Ahead of the event, anti-Israel protest groups issued a call to rally next to the campus on Oriental Boulevard, circulating a graphic that said, “Students and workers say no to rehabilitating the image of war criminals.”
Kingsborough’s Hillel asked the administration for upgraded security due to the protest. Instead, the administration opted to cancel the event hours before it was supposed to start, the college’s Hillel told the New York Jewish Week.
A Kingsborough spokesperson confirmed the event had been canceled due to protests “out of an abundance of caution to ensure safety and appropriate access to campus for our students, faculty, and staff.”
A number of faculty asked the administration to reverse the decision to no avail, Hillel said. Jeff Lax, a Kingsborough business professor and outspoken advocate for Zionist students, said he requested a meeting and waited outside the office of University President Suri Duitch for 20 minutes while she was inside, but said she did not come out to speak with him.
The pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protest still took place, drawing around 30 people who waved Palestinian flags and, according to a video by Lax, chanted, “Resistance is justified when people are occupied.”
The protesters declared “victory” after the event.
Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists take part in a protest to mark the 76th anniversary of al-Nakba in the Queens borough of New York on May 15, 2024. (Leonardo Munoz / Leonardo Munoz / AFP)
“The shameful event allowing a former high-ranking IOF soldier on campus, hosted by Kingsborough Community College and Hillel, has been SHUT DOWN!” a student pro-Palestinian group posted on social media, using a derisive abbreviation for Israel’s military that stands for Israel Occupation Force. “Power to CUNY students and workers! Free Palestine!”
The next day, on Tuesday, Kingsborough Hillel was scheduled to hold an Israeli Independence Day event on an outdoor terrace on campus, but the college ordered organizers to move the event indoors. A photo from the scene showed nine security guards stationed outside the door.
Meanwhile, at Baruch, the campus Hillel said on Instagram last week that the college had ordered the club’s Yom Ha’atzmaut, or Independence Day, event on May 2 “canceled” due to security concerns.
Baruch College told the New York Jewish Week that Hillel had been offered other locations for the event.
“The safety of our students remains our top priority,” the college said in a statement. “Regarding the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration, Hillel was offered two alternative spaces on campus. They declined the opportunity to hold the event in these alternative locations, choosing to cancel instead.”
Baruch Hillel did not respond to a request for comment, but posted on Instagram that the school is “sending a strong message to Jewish students that they cannot adequately protect Jewish students, while the protestors spew hateful and intimidating language in our public spaces without any repercussions.”
The post added, “Baruch College is silencing the voice of the Jewish students and their ability to celebrate their Jewish identity proudly and openly.”
In the same Instagram post, the Hillel also uploaded video showing protesters chanting, “Baruch Hillel you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.”
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tmarshconnors · 4 months
🎉🇮🇱 Happy 76th Independence Day, Israel! 🇮🇱🎉
Today, we celebrate the remarkable journey of a nation that has defied odds, overcome challenges, and flourished in the face of adversity. On this day, 76 years ago, Israel declared its independence, marking a pivotal moment in history and the realization of a long-held dream for the Jewish people.
From the vibrant streets of Tel Aviv to the ancient walls of Jerusalem, Israel embodies resilience, innovation, and the spirit of determination. Its rich cultural tapestry, diverse population, and unwavering commitment to democracy make it a beacon of hope and inspiration for people around the world.
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As we commemorate this milestone, let us reflect on Israel's achievements in science, technology, art, and so much more. Let us honor the sacrifices made by generations past and present to secure and safeguard Israel's freedom and prosperity.
May the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Israel and nations across the globe continue to strengthen, fostering peace, understanding, and prosperity for all.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
The traditional event comes as the army, which took power in a military coup in 2021, faces growing resistance from allied groups in the country's north.
A coalition of ethnic armed groups has said it has captured military positions and border hubs vital for trade with China, posing a serious threat to the junta, according to analysts.
Independence Day in Myanmar has previously been marked by a parade in the capital Naypyidaw, followed by an address from junta chief Min Aung Hlaing. 
But the junta leader was absent this year, leaving a subordinate to read prepared remarks in his stead.
In a statement Thursday, the State Administration Council, as the junta calls itself, said it had "granted amnesty to 9,652 prisoners from respective prisons and jails as a gesture for the 76th Independence Day and to respect the peace in peoples' hearts and minds".
There was no immediate indication that political detainees were among those to be released.
In a separate statement, the junta said that 114 foreign prisoners were among those granted amnesty and would be deported "on bilateral relations and humanitarian grounds".
No further details were given.
In the commercial capital Yangon, friends and family members of prisoners gathered outside Insein prison, where detainees were to be released.
Myanmar declared independence from British colonial rule on January 4, 1948, after a long fight championed by General Aung San, ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi's father.
Independence Day is normally marked with festive street games, marches, and gatherings in public parks and spaces.
This year, the celebration in Naypyidaw was much diminished – a far cry from the parade of troops, missile launchers and armoured cars that rolled through the city last year.
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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Queen Rania at the celebration of the 76th Anniversary of Jordan’s Independence Day on 25 May 2022
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It's the 76th Independence Day for us🇮🇳❤️ I was thinking that as an Indian, I've been blessed with so much. I am a muslim, but the way I revel in Hindu festivals is something else. I love how I get excited and happy for Ganesh Chaturthi, how I love celebrating raksha Bandhan, it's just so amazing. My religion never seemed to be a barrier between me and my non Muslim friends, infact it made our friendship even more interesting. My non Muslim friends are always eager to learn more of my religion. It makes me happy to see that. I don't know very much about Hinduism and their Gods, but I've always taken a like towards Ganesha, lovingly called as Ganpati "bappa". From the knowledge I have, He is the God of intelligence. My adoration towards Ganesha is another story. Back to the point, I LOVE being an Indian. Surely, there are tons of flaws in my country, but I can't ever hate my own motherland. This country has given me so much and I look forward to contributing something for its development. PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN 🇮🇳❤️😭
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yhwhrulz · 4 months
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fitzaniche · 4 months
Israelis MOURN Oct. 7th Brutality Amid 76th Independence Day Celebration...
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edboston80 · 4 months
Today is Israel’s Independence Day, the 76th anniversary of the modern Jewish state!
Ed,Join us in celebrating Israel’s Independence Day! On this day in 1948 Israel was reformed as a modern independent nation.  Below is a forwarded email from our friends at CBN about Israel’s Independence day.“Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives…
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urbanhermit · 5 months
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eyeviewsl · 6 months
The President of the Sri Lanka India Society (SLIS), Kishore Reddy, and the executive committee of the society organized a commemorative dinner to celebrate the 76th Independence Day of Sri Lanka and the 75th Republic Day of India, with H.E. President Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Chief Guest and H.E. Santosh Jha, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to India, as the Guest of Honour. This year, the…
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