#celebrity culture is just insane i'm sorry but like. what
jakeperalta · 1 year
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Y'know, I think so often of how Spain is this hotpot of multicultural existences throughout history and how utterly fucking insane it is to homogenize it all as "Spanish" when we could be like. Idk. Celebrating how cool and diverse we are. When I was a kid in the south we had a day in school to talk about the different places we all came from, and it's like, IMBEDDED in my brain when a nun and my mom were talking and how my mom said, "Learning a language is never useless. Every language has a value, because every culture has value." It fucking stuck with me.
Saying that euskera or any other language in the peninsula is a Spanish dialect to me feels like fucking cultural genocide at this point.
Kaixo and eskerrik asko for your message! 🧡
Totally agree. Your mother's attitude is a treasure! Sadly in Spain there are many people that don't share her point of view at all and can only respect the people that are, talk, and vote like them.
Spanish nationalists - call it righties or far righties, they're the same - truly believe that Spain and their idea of Spain and Spanishness belong to them. They've kidnapped the anthem and the flag, for example, and I'm sure there are many Spanish lefties who would like to show their support and pride to their homeland, but we all know what wearing a wristband with the Spanish flag or having a Spanish flag on the balcony means. They're theirs. And the government should be theirs, too, that's why they keep on asking to repeat the elections, because they didn't turn out as they wanted to.
And inside their idea of Spain and Spanishness, the usual suspects: just Spanish - with no accent, please, don't be a hillbilly - no dialects or any other language, ffs, a true Spaniard just speaks Spanish and if you don't, you're attacking Spaniards and their culture. Even no Spanish nationalist leader speaks English, because they're SPANIARDS. Male white Spaniards, btw. As Primo de Rivera used to say, Spanish nationalism "is a movement of men". There's a loooot of sexism and homophobia and transphobia in their roots even now. Put God first, but don't touch the Church. And it goes on and on. Just Francoism 2.0, where they want to reach the political elite to benefit from million-euro contracts, commissions, money diversion, etc etc. Let's be honest, most of them don't even believe in what they preach, just want to be put where the money is and start grabbing it.
Coming back to your ask, sorry, Spanish nationalism has always needed an enemy, and what a better enemy that somebody that doesn't speak like they do? Here we come the Basques, and when they got bored of us and couldn't get many votes out of selling how bad we all were, they turned to the Catalans.
Now the Catalan tale seems not very profitable, they side with Israel and call the rest antisemitic.
Tomorrow who knows who the new enemy of Spain and Spanishness will be.
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WIBTA for ditching my parents for my birthday?
Some backstory: I (17F) am turning 18 as of 2024. The 17th birthday is a lot more important in my culture because that's our country's age of majority, and my parents had insisted on celebrating it with a whole party/massive dinner like most other girls do, but I am in fact a loser and absolutely hate these festivities. I am also gender nonconforming/masc and the parties are like, think princessy stuff that I don't super vibe with. My mother is like me. She hates birthday parties and feminine clothing. I have no idea why she was pushing it so hard, but eventually her plans for my birthday fell through. I told her not to bother getting me gifts or anything because I thought I had evaded the celebration ordeal.
However. Much to my misfortune. My whole family decided to barge into my room at 2 in the morning to shower me in confetti!! Confetti!! It was all over the goddamn place, on my bed, in my clothes, etc. I hid under my blanket because there was nowhere else to go and my parents like to do this (barge into the one area of the house I occupy, and start demanding stuff) and my mother was telling me to at least come out for pictures. I was literally in my pajamas like dawg what.
I couldn't take it anymore and started screaming like a banshee because that was the only thing that would get them to leave, but they still stuck around for a couple more minutes being awkwardly like oh... sorry... you really hate this. My room was full of pink balloons (my favorite color is yellow???) and they got me an enormous cake with frosting. I hate cake and especially I hate frosting. It was actually hell.
Anyway more insane stuff happened, not important, but that's essentially the disaster of a seventeenth birthday that I had. I know they want to do something for my eighteenth. I really don't like celebrating things, nor do I particularly want to, but judging by that whole ordeal I think they're going to try something again anyway.
So my plan is to just... not come home after school. Or if I don't have school then I'd just go out in the morning. I don't leave the house, so I don't have curfew, and I don't even want to stay out that long. Just long enough that they're all passed out and I can escape ANY AND ALL ATTEMPTS at giving me gifts, congratulating me, and shooting confetti all over my fucking room.
They're probably not going to call the cops, I'd tell them I'm going out and not kidnapped, just not where and for how long. I also think they kind of can't call the cops on me because I've been a legal adult where I'm from since the disaster birthday. Maybe that will help with the plan. I honestly think I'm just going to go to a café and write or something. I'm so over it, I want to have a birthday that isn't messy, that day means absolutely nothing to me and confetti pisses me off. Since my childhood my birthday has never been about me, like I don't really get what I would like to get, so I'm cool with not celebrating it at all. It doesn't matter.
To me simply avoiding them for the whole day is such a win-win scenario but I don't really know if this is an underdeveloped frontal lobe speaking. I also know they're likely to buy a cake in advance and I may be ruining plans by disappearing. My birthday is late in the year, so I have time to think about it, but I do think my parents are kind of insane. I don't think I can talk them out of doing any more of this stuff. Sorry this got long, but WIBTA?
(And yes I would love to move out but capitalism)
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walrus150915 · 9 months
Nimona headcanons part 3 bc I'm insane (out of order and disorganized so like- be ready) and bc it's my new year gift for y'all
• Nimona mostly talks like a normal teen but sometimes she'd use words that show her real age. "Sonorous", "vapidity" n stuff like that. Her vocabulary is INSANELY huge
• Ambrosius tries not to swear so he uses a lot of silly replacements instead. "HOLY S- golly!!", "You son of a b- bishop". Like I'm sorry but he's the type of guy to say fricking instead of, yknow, the intended word. Ballister finds it endearing; Nimona finds it stupid
• Yes yes he does replace sex with lovemaking. Yes he purely refers to him and Bal going at it as "making love". Yes he's a fellow like that
• Ballister doesn't drink alcohol. I know that's implied in the movie that he drinks (although I thought he drank, like, soda?? On the other hand he is a wholeass thirty years old man who's seen some shit so I wouldn't be surprised) but idk he strikes me as a type to refuse drinking out of moral code. He doesn't eat pork for the same reasons (pushing my cultural Muslim Ballister agenda)
• Ambrosius drinks only during celebrations or parties. Not much because he's a light drinker😭 one cup and he's already lying on the floor, crying and hyperanalyzing his life
• after Nimona came back Ambrosius was not safe from her jokes. Neither of them despised each other (not after Nimona saved the whole Kingdom and not after Ambrosius proved he really isn't a jerk) but boy does Nimona make fun of him on any given occasion. Ambrosius was taken aback by this at first but then he just got used to it
• Ambrosius is being kinda petty and jealous when Ballister spends more time with Nimona than him ("Although now apparently he's got a new best friend, what's that about?!"), not in a way that'd make it unhealthy ofc but still😭. Him and Ballister were tied to the hip for like the most of their lives and now there's someone ELSE Ballister likes to hang out with? Ugh🙄
• Ambrosius had a diary when he was a teen, he didn't write much there (one or two sentences a day). Once he became an adult he kind of forgot about it but after the whole... Hunting stuff started happening he found himself writing a ton of sentences there again
• when him and Bal started dating Ambrosius had a whole page in that diary filled with "Ambrosius Boldheart" HE'S A GUY LIKE THAT OKAY
• Ambrosius likes to attack Ballister's face with quick little kisses. If he pecked his forehead he must peck his cheeks and nose and eyelids and cheekbones etc etc
• Nimona sometimes speaks in rhymes. She doesn't know how she's doing it but her tongue just does it on its own. ("Let's go dunk on the punk in the trunk")
• Ballister has actually been a year older than everyone in his class, another reason why he was the black sheep™
• Ambrosius can play the flute and the piano due to his noble upbringing he HATES whenever someone brings it up tho
• Nimona and Ballister have those nights where they recall historical facts and situations and Nimona shows her perspective of the things. "The guy claimed to be a war criminal was the biggest sweetheart in the world what are you onnn". Ballister wrecks his brain trying to understand if she's serious or not
• Ballister doesn't get a lot of the jokes, they just fly over his head. Only after some time he starts getting them, like in the middle of the night randomly going "ohhhh that's what she meant"
• first time Ambrosius and Ballister made out Ambrosius threw his hands in the air and said "yayy :D"
• Ballister's haircare routine is better than you think it is he's just casual about it. Yes he uses coconut oil like his life depends on it
• Ambrosius's complexion is leaner but Bal's is broader. So when they exchange clothes it doesn't fit because Bal's shirts are too loose on Ambrosius but also kinda short and Ambrosius's are kinda long but too tight in the shoulders for Bal. They still think it's sweet to swap their clothes sometimes
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fanfictiongreenirises · 6 months
What are some themes in Jiang Cheng fan works that you especially enjoy?
I’m super sorry for how long it’s taken me to reply to you but you caught me during Eid week which was insanely chaotic 🤣 this got kinda long so i'm popping it under the cut :D
Violent and self sacrificial love: you cannot have JC without his all encompassing love, and it’s one of the things that makes him such an interesting character. There are few things that make JC act irrationally, and his loved ones are a very major one!! It’s such a fun thing to play with - I love characters that love with their whole self and stories that focus on the consequences of that!!!
Responsibility, duty, tradition: okay this is like many different things rolled into one rather niche dot point so bear with me. I LOVE that JC is a character who takes his responsibilities seriously!! He is dutiful and he does his best to put the sect before all else, and you have no idea how hard it is to find that in fantasy that I’m used to (Western YA and NA fantasy lmao). I really love fics that have that theme of sacrificing for duty and eventually reaping the benefits of that (the sect being so loyal to JC in return, the sect flourishing, the love that JL has for JC), but also fics that look at JC upholding YMJ traditions when he’s one of the few who remember them, or having to adjust traditions/make new ones because of that reason. And as I’m typing this out I’m realising there’s… probably a reason… for me enjoying seeing cultural traditions needing to be adjusted because you don’t have much family or the same resources around and things are very different from how your parents would’ve celebrated those same traditions, and needing to make those who are around your family now… Anyway, it’s just insanely cathartic to see certain cultural values and themes across so many fanworks. I've thought about this particular element to the point where I realised the other month that there’s a whole world outside of Western fantasy novels that likely do have these themes that are so fucking hard to find in Western novels, so I’m trying out other Chinese novels, i dipped into Japanese books, and I got my cousin to recommend me Bangla fantasy novels because I realised I’ve never considered how fantasy themes would be in my own culture 😔✊ (it's funny timing bc my dad arrived literally a couple hrs ago with the books, and my reading ability is decent for someone who's never needed to read Bangla but I'm gonna have to sit down with either google translate or a dictionary bc I'm so used to my parents translating harder words or getting us to read books for younger kids,, i'm like which words here are made-up fantasy words and which are real 💀😭)
Grief: grief has quite literally shaped this guy, and it’s so cool to see different fics have different takes on how it’s affected him as a person. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a fandom where grief has been such a huge theme and it’s very fun to see the fandom leaning into it. (I also need to given honorary shoutouts to disillusionment, guilt, loneliness, and repression!! I think a lot of these are especially interesting in combo with how much JC values responsibility and duty, and fics that study them are so chefs kiss.)
Turning Into His Mother: I’m so obsessed with this theme. I think it’s mostly because YZY is so mum coded for me and there are aspects of my own mother that I see in her so strongly that any time fic gives her and JC’s relationship the depth it deserves, I’m standing there chomping on wood. I especially love it when JC’s journey has elements of “I can’t be like my mother bc everyone says that’s bad” -> “I should act like my father, because he’s the only example I have of a sect leader” -> “am I difficult to love like my mother was?” -> “the best way to protect those I love is through the things my mother taught me” -> “the only parent whose love I genuinely felt was my mother’s so when I’m displaying love to a child, I should use the most successful method I know” -> “I am like my mother; maybe that’s a good thing”. It’s rare that I get to sink my teeth into a character who had such a complex relationship with his mother, so any fics with this theme automatically make me go insane. (Something here as well about JC written in fics as a woman scorned, JC with ruined woman vibes who’d been promised by WWX that he’d always be by his side and now isn’t and without any good reason that JC is aware of, something about fics that project feminine rage onto him in a way that feels freeing and safe because he’s a male character so it’s like you can almost examine it without having to examine sexism and gender roles…)
Aroace and queer themes: aro!JC!! ace!JC!! Never before have I been into a character I can project onto so fully, but also see other people projecting onto?? This fandom has so many gorgeous aroace!JC fanworks, and we get so much variety from ppls experiences!! there’s something extremely fulfilling about fics with a main character who doesn’t feel conventional romantic/sexual love, and is still very successful and has a full life with loved ones and is satisfied with life. There's also this tiny niche of fics involving JC in queerplatonic relationships, and any time I read those I would literally have to lie there for an hour contemplating my life. I think the other fun thing about this is that there's a pretty big chunk of the fandom that characterises JC as the kind of acesexual who thinks all his allo friends are absolute weirdos for how they're behaving, and it's such a funny and refreshing (and extremely relatable) take.
Whump: last but definitely not least, JC being whumped within an inch of his life 😌 I love this fandom deciding that the most efficient way to get JC to show emotions is to shove some knives in him and get him all bloodied up. The one gore/torture fic that genuinely icked me out to the point where I had to stop reading for a moment was a delightful post canon JC fic that I revisit every few months because it just scratches that whump itch so well 👏
I’m sure the moment I post this I’ll be hit by like fifty other things I forgot to put in here, but for now I’m blanking. thank youu for giving me an excuse to think about JC 🫶🫶🫶
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panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
are there any hbowar people in the fandom u find iconic? whether it’s for their ideas, fics, gifs, edits, thoughts? jst anything really? u can list multiple btw!
Oh, hi anon! <3
I do have some, actually. To be very clear, I loves everyone of my friends, especially because of the Kinky Ron Server, but I actually do have a very VERY special spot for some people with whom I had the pleasure to become closer! Mainly, the people that made me actually want to stick around and stay a part of this amazing, amazing community in the first place, so here:
- @coco-bean-1218 - she was actually the first ever person with who I ever spoke on tumblr, I think? I wanted to read some Doc Roe fics and this blessing of a gal appeared to hand me some. If I may really be honest? It was her who made me look more into the BoB fandom and decide to start reading works, which leads us to the next person:
- @malarkgirlypop - Oh. My. God. Thanks to Claire, I started reading and ended up finding Kate's amazing MEDIC! Fanfic and if Clai was the reason I decided to read, Kat was the reason I decided to interact. Seriously, I'll never be able to thank them enough! If it wasn't for both of these gals, I'd never be here because I was a scared little shit. Also funniest person? Ever?? Yeah
- @next-autopsy - ok, if I remember correctly, I found out about Nex just some time after I found Kate and I was immediately in love. REALLY! I think Nex was the person I originally most looked up to, along with Lou. And I believe she still is. Seriously, never have I seen a more talented person? Ever?? I won't ever stop saying this but Made of Glass is the best piece of fanfic I've read in a long while and O wish I could print it out as a book!
- @luckynumber4 - along with Nex, Lou was another person I was most definetely a little gremlin fan of. I don't really know why but I was immediately drawn to her? And she was also one of my first mutuals; I remember the day she followed me I went insane talking about it to my friend like!!! THE celebrity of all time is following me!!!!!!!!! ITS HER!!! Anyway, nowadays we talk on Discord and I ADORE it!! Love u, Lou!!
- @xxluckystrike - I love Blu. She is so talented and kind and JSBDNWJA I love simply talking with her, her whole vibe is amazing. Also Francis is my daughter nd I won't be sharing her. She's my baby and I'll kill for her.
- @land-sh - you. You make me very happy. I love talking with you about our countries culture and having someone to relate with about the latin-american shit >:] and also you are very cool, i love when we talk and vibe kekekekeke
- @whollyjoly - finally, Em. I could NEVER let our cult leader out. Ever. This gremlin of a person here is the fucking reason Me and the Gang (Bottom Text) exists and I could not be more grateful. I LOVE YOU, EM!!! YOUR VIBES ARE INSANE AND YOU KNOW WHAT? GOOD. The Holy One. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
(To any mutual os friend I didn't include here, I'm very sorry and i love you too! Have a catfish)
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grimsonandclover · 1 month
Welcome! Hope you stick around.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ Care to meet the author?
Call me Grim. 19 (Jan 12, 05). Use any pronouns on me, or you can just stick to she/her/they/them. Insanely bisexual (it's not healthy for me). Chronic thirster for men much too old for me </3 MDNI
୨ৎ I love movies, music, tv, celebrity drama i am in no way shape or form involved with because im insanely fucking nosey, pop culture, brain rot, drawing, not knowing how to dance, sushi and food in general, nostalgia and being stuck in the past, reminiscing over the good ol' days, jeff & tim buckley, elliott smith, foo fighters, linda perhacs, judee sill, ray bull, more... ୨ৎ
Came here for the fics, and stayed to... write fics. Which, by the way, I've also started to do on AO3. I'm doing this purely for fun and to help me destress while I work on school and shit, so I'm sorry if the quality of writing is bad or something, I'm doing my best to improve. I plan on writing about all three parts of ATP! I'm new to smut though so please PLEASE if someone actually finds these fics, tell me what you like and what you want to see. Also just started trying my hand at making bots! Suggestions are appreciated-- I love asks!
Also, if I remember to, I'd like to attach whatever song is playing on spotify as I write/post. Just for funsies.
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ MASTERLIST ♡⊹˚₊𐙚⋆
˚。⋆౨ৎ Fics ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
₊⊹ Patrick Zweig ★ Challengers ˎˊ˗
◇ Not-So-Secret Admirer (work in progress, NSFW)
◆ All I Want for Christmas (SFW)
◆ Post-canon interview (SFW)
₊⊹ Art Donaldson ★ Challengers ˎˊ˗
◇ American Wedding (work in progress)
◇ Backseat (work in progress, NSFW)
₊⊹ Tashi Duncan ★ Challengers ˎˊ˗
◇ Not as Sweet as It Seems (work in progress, SFW)
₊⊹ Trio/Duo ˎˊ˗
◆ Artrick meeting Alternative!Reader (NSFW)
˚。⋆౨ৎ Bots // My Account ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
₊⊹ Arthur Harrison ★ La Chimera ˎˊ˗
◆ Saved from the tomb
will write fluff, smut, angst, light bdsm (choking, slapping, spanking), praise and degredation, "good boy/girl", dub!con (but only where both characters are actually consenting and into it), fem/afab!reader, threesomes/foursomes, polyamoury/polycules won't write underage, incest, gore/vore, piss kink or anything more extreme, use of "daddy/mommy" (honestly a fic i just read is making me question the mommy one), puppy!characters (sorry im just not into it), rpf, noncon, amab! reader (it just wouldn't be good </3), fem or masc receiving anal (could change my mind on this one too)
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bandzboy · 5 months
Different anon, but. Look, I was already boycotting the song itself and everything from the day it was announced. But at this point, I feel this really weird uneasy feeling that I can only describe as: I'm not sure if I want to be a STAY anymore.
With things going the BTS Americanization Route (with extra Zionism), it just feels so starkly different from the SKZ and 3Racha that I admired originally. Not that changing music style is bad itself (they changed quite a bit from the start of 2020 to 2023). But it feels less like a change made from growth, and more like getting stripped of what made their whole thing appealing originally.
And I see it with parts of the fandom too. Yes, there's still some nice fans. But now we have a bunch that are so focused on streamings and chart ratings and big numbers, rather than if they actually like the music.
I miss when most Stays would joke about how their view counts were all ''organic''. Now they're raising money to get collab songs on the charts. I miss when most Stays were proud multistans, and their v-live fan forum would regularly be sprinkled with posts about Ateez or TXT or Day6, or even Limesoda.
And the weird thing is: I told myself back in the late 2010s that I wouldn't get caught up too much in the celebrity fandom thing. That I wouldn't put SKZ on a pedestal, so that I wouldn't get disappointed if things went south somehow. But now, I subconsciously hesitate to listen to even their other songs, even if it's through unofficial or pirating means. And I feel like I'm over-reacting, and it's frustrating.
Sorry for the rant. I just feel like I need a second opinion on this.
i think this is honestly a valid reaction and feeling this way is valid too because even i feel this way about kpop in general and kpop groups like even before all of these boycotts started to unfold i was just SO jaded with this "community" if we can even call it that. the way some people are behaving lately towards this boycott is unveiling the fact that some people just care about streaming and buying and that's it! that's their whole purpose as a fan and then also shun people that don't wanna do it and for what reason? also, the fact that i've seen so much racism come to light with this! people getting harassed for wanting to stand for something and being pro palestinian, palestinian fans getting harassed for calling shit out because yes their feelings are super valid and especially when the group they stan is saying nothing and the company they are under is employing zionists, they can feel betrayed like idgaf about what people say! even before this when fans would call out idols for being ignorant these fans would be racist to these fans for being hurt like?? what is this culture we are creating in these spaces is what i am asking?? i knew it was like that even before all of this but lately it's like i am getting hit with realizations left and right it's so insane how some people are acting. whether some people like it or not, we are allowed to feel disappointed and criticize them. even i feel stupid for these types of things bc it's like you mentioned we should know better and yet we put these people on pedestals and for what? it's all very valid concerns to have especially this time around! so many companies want groups to be international but then dgaf about international fans' opinion and they never did to begin with how do expect people to want to stan these groups when they do disrespectful shit and you pretend we don't exist unless we give you money
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The White Hollowness, how I loathe it. I want to have culture that isn’t just American^tm
When the Italian hand meme came about for a bit I loved it bc I do that on a regular basis unironically 🤌 but great grandpa decided no no Italian when he got here so he didn’t teach the language to any of his kids so it was immediately lost. We still love our garlic, our pasta, mi mama says scuzi rather than excuse me. Traditions? Nope. History? Absolutely not.
My dad had frikken lederhosen growing up and yet again nothing was passed down from German heritage. Great grandpa + grandma came over and idk I guess they just stopped >:/
Try to engage with what should technically be part of my culture and just feel like such an outsider.
We more than likely have relatives out in the respective countries that we know nothing about and have no way of finding or connecting with them. We were essentially severed from our roots
Instead I’m stuck here with baseball, beer, hamburgers, guns, 4th of July, etc. like there’s a lot that is white American culture but it’s all like? Really superficial when you think about it if that makes sense?
This is getting long I’m sorry but I wanted to tell you I liked/appreciated your recent post about it. I didn’t think about how some of the experiences would be similar to some native people but it makes sense. It’s not the same by any means but like you said, there could be more similarities than one would think.
Colonization is just such a poison. It’s hurt and or destroyed any country it’s..well, colonized. It’s like an invasive species if that makes any sense to anyone but me. You put this where it shouldn’t be (not it’s natural habitat) and it proceeds to destroy the entire ecosystem
I hope you have a good night!
Felt. That's how the Mexican side of my family is too, just scraps of culture. I never even learned Spanish cuz nobody taught me. We got some food and a couple things to light a candle for and That's it. My grandma was a first gen immigrant. If I didn't already know that though, I wouldn't believe it because she's assimilated so much.
I'm old enough to have my own family now and it's insane how performative and hollow it feels to try celebrating things none of us are actually invested in or believe in. But if we don't celebrate Easter or Christmas... We have almost nothing. We were left with hardly anything.
So I definitely get the feeling of celebrations being really superficial.
I'm glad you liked the post ✌️
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awkwardturtletrash · 1 year
An egregious rant about celebrity culture and I am not even sorry
I feel like I'm going insane, I want to claw my eyes out and eat my phone and burn every cord I have in my house. How is everyone okay with celebrities? The concept? The payoff? The whole fucking charade of these people? They're not real anymore, these aren't genuine connections, this is the most dystopian existence I can imagine and you're all just fucking eating it up???
There is not fucking benefit to these people being in my face 24/7 ??? I cannot find a single piece of genuine emotion besides annoyance and anger whenever I see the same fucking picture of Kim Kardashian (I had to fucking google the spelling) in that dumb pink shirt and everyone losing their mind that she incorrectly styled a piece of clothing that they will never touch in their god damn lives. It's the most insane, mindless, pointless use of an existence I've ever seen. Why are you all so fucking obsessed with the CONCEPT of people? She has a stylist. She has a whole team. She doesn't do her makeup or hair or outfits or accessories. You are following this handcrafted existence, this portfolio of makeup and cloth and you just??? (This is not a personal attack on Kim Kardashian, as much as I do not care about her life this is not her fault and I do not want it to seem this is a rant against any specific human, they are still people and cannot control society as a whole.) Fucking do it day in and day out? You genuinely care about who Taylor Swift is dating or if John Mulaney got Petunia in the divorce or if Zendaya is engaged or if Henry Cavil's hairline is bad now or if Kendal Jenner can walk well or if Jenner Lawerence got face work done???
(And don't say you don't "genuinely" care when you spend HOURS online tweeting about it and talking about it to your friends in person and 'finally getting into football lol' over a single woman who went to a single game and hung out with a single guy. You put in the hours, you are pathetically genuine.)
What fucking purpose is there? What benefit? The world is in fucking shambles and you bitches have stan accounts dedicated to an actor??? Where does the self come in? Your own life? I cannot pity anyone more than someone who so desperately needs to know Ryan Reynolds's favorite color or what Bella Hadid eats in a day. Did I sometimes watch these kinds of videos, seeing famous people describe mundane stories or do the most boring secret talent? Yes...In middle school. Something clicked one day that every interview is a job, that this is an advertisement, that they are selling themselves as a byproduct of a film or show or whatever they were up to. I am being sold human beings as a product for a temproary creation.
How are none of you ripping your hair out everyday over this? That cute little game on Jimmy Fallon? An ad. Oh she's doing a panel? An ad. Oh they're doing a Reddit AMA? An ad. Literally at this point their whole social media accounts are ads. Their appearances are ads. Everything is a fucking ad. Their existence at this point is an ad. Oh she's the face of Prada, oh he's the face of Gucci. THESE ARE WALKING ADVERTISEMENTS FOR LIFE NOW. The amount of people who keep track of who works for who and which dresses they're allowed to wear make me nauseous. Do you care about your friends as much? Do you notice your family as much? Do you care about your health as much as you care about a Met Gala look from 2013?
And again, I used to do this all the time. I still do! I'm forced to have an opinion on who Ariana Grande is dating. I'm forced to have an opinion on an Andrew Garfield interview. It's absolutely impossible to not have celebrities in your face. Everywhere is merch of their face and photos of their face and quotes from their work with their face tied to it. They are ads. We are paying for people. You pay to meet them. Pay for a photo. Pay for their signature. Pay to see them naked. Pay to see behind the scenes. Pay to see them on a panel. Pay for them. Pay. Pay. pay. pay pay paypaypaypaypay.......
And yet. Here we are. "Anne Hathaway looks so gorgeous for her age because she's unproblematic." "Elon Musk looks hideous and malformed and terrible." Assigning moral value to appearance. Caring about their outfits and hair and "face card" and whatever the fuck else we are cursed to think and see and hear and PAY.
My theory is that everyone hates themselves. Everyone, everyone not on a red carpet or famous on TikTok or not in an ad resents that fact. Everyone wants to be seen, famous, loved, beautiful, attractive, followed. Everyone feels so fucking ugly that they retweet random screenshots from a movie of an actor purely because they're attractive. That looking at someone else, praising them being beautiful is some form of twisted wish fulfillment. And it's sad and it's weird and most importantly it's always turns sexual. It's always "this actor is secretly a bottom" or "this actor could spit in my mouth."
It's the most obscene shit. Imagine a classmate showing you a photo of another classmate and saying the most raunchy, salacious comments. Imagine your uncle showing a photo of a shirtless teenage boy and saying how submissive and breedable he is. Imagine standing in a coffee shop and a barista starts loudly exclaiming how wet they are over a customer. How is it being twitter and a famous person better? Less insane? I find celebrities attractive, but I am not going to make a fucking twitter account roleplaying as a character they played, use only photos of them, and INTERACT PUBLICALLY. Y'all are fucking insane. Absolutely disgusting.
And this doesn't just apply to fucking Twitter trending whoever is hot this week or putting down anyone in a bad pair of jeans. Tumblr sucks too! It's obsessed with actors! Misha Collins???? Why the fuck am I supposed to care about his opinion??? Did I like his performance? Yes. Is his life interesting? Sure. Do I need daily updates about him? What the fuck are y'all on? Reblogging just pictures from magazine shoots? Having entire gifs dedicated to someone just being hot. At what point is it not unhealthy? At wha tpoint are you not feeding a machine of self-hatred and devotion to pixels on a screen that you can only see in person because you fucking paid for it? At what point do you lose yourself?
This is horrible written, doesn't make sense, and is definitely out of order. But I don't care. I'm tired and upset and done with parasocial relationships. Everyone always complains "now is NOT the time to say 'this is why you dont praise people'" YES THE FUCK IT IS YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT WHO NEEDS RESTRICTED INTERACT ACCESS
You don't know these people. They have entire TEAMS dedicated to their image and their interviews and their social media and their entire fucking personas. You are getting fed a product and you stupidly fell in love or trusted it or even gaslit yourself into thinking it saw you back. A product cannot love you back, what makes you think it even notices you?
Markiplier could come out as a horrible person tomorrow and as a longtime fan of his channel and an active watcher/listener of his podcast I would stop watching and I would have negative feelings but not a single one would be disappointment. Because I never once assumed I was his friend who knew him. This is a stranger. It's the same feeling if a stranger on the street said something horrible. It's the thought "well I'm not associating with that" and that's the only correct one.
Get a life! Become someone! Who the fuck are you if you exist to talk about someone else? What is your purpose? They already exist, they don't need you, you need you, please for the love of god get off Instagram and find a passion that isn't someone else's success.
and yes I am certain I have evidence of the above in my tumblr blog. I am not different I am not some special little person. I am simply insane and angry and tired. So deeply tired of society.
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itsbinghebitch · 1 year
I was trying not to get involved in everything going on right now but after reading your last post I just felt I had to say something. Firstly you seem like a really mature and thoughtful person which is such a breath of fresh air in online spaces in general. The way you're handling the situation is really admirable and your words really resonated with me. I'm relatively new to this fandom (I watched KPTS after the shitshow in January) and, after learning what happened, I've done my best to keep my distance from the cast and BOC and just focus on the story and characters. Based on what I'd read about the case I was willing to give Build the benefit of the doubt but the recent leaked messages make that nearly impossible which is also preventing me from enjoying the series which I've come to love. What makes it worse is that I'm an artist who loves VegasPete and, just like you, every time I try to make art with them, I keep thinking about all the awful comments Build made about Bible and it feels plain wrong to draw them together. Even for someone like me who's not emotionally attached to the actors it's really hard to separate them from the characters and it's making my fandom experience pretty miserable. I have very complicated feelings about the whole ordeal - on one hand as a queer person like you I'm tired of people's homophobia and bigotry being swept under the rug, but on the other hand I've seen first hand what an abusive relationship can do to a person so I can't help but feel some compassion for him too. I truly hope he can reflect on his mistakes and heal and grow as a person. Maybe I'm just too old for celebrity culture and drama but I do feel the need to be able to discuss issues like this one in a calm and level headed manner instead of falling victim to black and white thinking and turning things into a witch hunt. Sorry for the rant and feel free to ignore this message, your post just really resonated with me and I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the matter. I hope you have a lovely day/night ❤️
thank u sm for this message.... i really appreciate you taking the time to write about your experience and i'm glad you felt like you could share ❤️
there isn't a clear-cut answer to the whole debacle. whoever tries to sell you one is a scammer or is speaking out of an emotionally clouded place (as i was last week lol).
taking a look back at everything, i think it's important to acknowledge:
1. multiple things can be true at once: you can feel hurt by build's comments and still feel sympathy for his predicament.
2. you should be able to discuss these things without feeling like you'll get, idk. fandom black points. or get blocked by everyone who thinks differently than you (which happened to me), or even hounded and hacked by people to the point of getting your blog shut down (which happened to blramblings).
3. it's really fucking hard to be a fandom creator in these circumstances. i'm really sorry to hear your art has been impacted. especially in the case of vegaspete, i tend to believe there was an "aura" inextricably linking biblebuild as actors to who they were representing on screen. no one but biblebuild could've been vegaspete for me. it was their contrasting facial features, it was in their on-screen rapport and chemistry for me. their choices in portraying the characters, the behind-the-scene interviews... that aura mesmerized me for an entire year literally. and it's not only fine to admit that the situation complicates your fandom art, it should be an *active conversation* we have as fandom creators. because let me tell you, i don't write fic on top of my insane job out of the goodness of my heart. it's because of that spark of joy i feel, that stepping out of the regular day to day. the moment that joy isn't there anymore, it becomes labor. and let me tell you one thing i DON'T do. it's FREE LABOR corporations fuck me on the daily already so why would i let them do it as a hobby too
so yeah thanks so much for sharing your thoughts <3 i rly rly appreciate it and sending you lots of good vibes. who knows what the future holds in store for us etc. etc. but we out here!!!
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thegeminisage · 6 months
i'm 'tell me what it was like in 2014' anon and can i just say. i am so honored by the time and care you put into that answer. WOW. it was such a delight to read and kind of vicariously experience. i'm 18 now so i was 9 when winter soldier came out, needless to say it was not really on my radar. But i've always been interested in those kind of golden tumblr age fandoms (doing destiel from 2020-2022 was like. the best experience of my lifeeee) and even like in middle school i was scrolling through pinterest screenshots of avengers incorrect quotes etc. that creative generativeness and collective celebration seems like. such a utopia honestly. what you described, and the cultural context of it being the mid 2010s and how media and politics and the internet wereback then seems so perfectly aligned. i'm happy you got to experience something so special! re: not easily conquered. i read it a few years ago just because of how renowned it was and. well you KNOW. and anyway the crazy fucking whiplash i got from realizing the supernatural blogger i followed later was EMILY??. the fandom's interest in history and culture is also especially beautiful to me. i will literally never see the winged victory the same way again. ik people always say fics written 2012-2015 have crack in them but stucky was on another level. people were doing literal highbrow analysis and art..that banana fic. i have i love you like rlb saved on my notes app from like 2018 when i was in middle school. the dedication and like crazy amount of work that went into the fandom is just out of this world to me. like i'd give my soul to be there honestly.. you just dont get things like that anymore. again thank you so so much for your wonderful long answer, and like honestly. if i ever pursue some project on fandom history i might ask to interview you or sth. but anyway, suffice it to say: i really really wish i could have gotten to see it first hand, but thank goodness i can still go back and read fic and look at fanart and. thank you it's been long long time by helen forrest. and i''m so glad people who were active online then are still on tumblr to talk about it all
hi sorry it took me a minute to reply i was doing accursed ten year rewatch of Movie. i have an extended reply.
you should listen to this...someone sent this to my friend and it unlocked memories i didn't knew i had
much like rlb, which was insane of you to remember, because i sure didn't. dropped that on the groupchat earlier and got to gleefully watch the horror of memories unlocked unfold on their faces
also so true about destiel tumblr. sustained madness. i romanticized stucky tumblr a little in my answer bc of nostalgia like i wasn't also making mortal enemies at the same time (i sometimes spot the urls of people who made me mad back then and have a ratatouille flashback) i was making those lifelong friends BUT you're not missing anything major bc the destiel madness FAR exceeded the stucky madness. there was just so much more mania to it.
when i was in high school i had the enduring desire to have been born in the 60s so i could be a hippie full time. i thought their clothes and anti-establishment attitudes were groovy. i feel like this is you about mid-2010s tumblr and i absolutely love that for you.
that said, you may not get movies like cap2 anymore but you will certainly get fandoms like it...i recently got into trek and reading spockanalia and all their vintage fic from the 60s and 70s and 80s and seeing in some ways how spock shock is so similar to destiel madness (and THEY didn't even have the internet) has taught me that the girlies gender neutral have been out here and primed to go insane from day one and that as long as there are mentally ill teens and 20-somethings who like media there will always be people who go insane about the media. they will grow into the 30-somethings and 40-somethings and higher that write the good fic and sell the smutty fanzines under the tables at cons. there will never be another tos or cap2 or nov 5 but certainly there will always be SOMETHING to go joyfully nuts about on the internet. the tricky part is just finding ur people
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kaisacobra · 8 months
that’s really reassuring advice and it actually helped me write a few paragraphs as of today. From the outside looking in that’s crazy to me that you thought second best wasn’t that good but just like you said everyone’s gonna be critical when it comes to their own work. (Just would like to once again say your writing is captivating and it’s an example of how I’d like to write someday✨)
I figured they wouldn’t be making an appearance, I thought they’d make be mentioned but it would make sense that R’s life is all about Tara right now, fits the dialogue immensely👌🏼
Is there any particular locations in Brazil that you’d recommend to sometime going for the first time? It’s on my bucket list and I’ve been interested in learning a new language (either Portuguese, Tagalog or German) because I actually wanna move out of the country, I reside in one of the most expensive places in California and the cost of living nowadays is insane.
I don’t know any of the rules when it comes to just about any sport but I love watching them because they’re so intense 🤯. I was wondering if you could possibly recommend any Portuguese artists that you enjoy listening to? I love music and listen to just about everything except for screamo and regularly go to concerts, last person I went to go see was Deorro in San Francisco 🥹.
OMG😭😭😭 THAT'S SO COOL!!! Yeah, baby steps can take you far when it comes to writing! I'm super sure you're gonna write something amazing, buddy! I hope I get the chance to read it🤭
About the locations, I could spend a whole day talking about it. Brazil is a BIG BIG country with tons of different local cultures and it all depends on what you like to do most when you're traveling. I'll try to make some suggestions though.
If you like the beach: Brazil has a lot of littorals so you could find a good beach in almost all of our states. There's Rio de Janeiro, if you like places with vivid nature and historical national landmarks (the Christ, national parks, the bond of Pão de Açúcar mountain). There's also smaller states with killer beaches and a calmer vibe like Florianopolis, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte (although I would recommend João Pessoa City in Paraíba and Pipa or São Miguel do Gostoso in Rio Grande do Norte)
If you like historical places: We also have a lot of those but my favorite gotta be Minas Gerais. Cities like Tiradentes and Ouro Preto are very pretty, full of history and great great cuisine. Also, there are places like Gramado City in Rio Grande do Sul that are big on germanlike architecture and have a great christmas and new years celebration.
If you're more into big cities, São Paulo is gonna be ideal. (Also sorry i got carried away)
About Brazilian artists, some of my favorites are Jão, Bruno Gadiol, Day Linns, Tinn, NX Zero and Ludmilla (Who's playing in Coachella this year). However, if you wanna have the true brazilian experience you gotta listen to Seu Jorge, Maria Bethania, Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil, Belchior and Ney Matogrosso. (And this is only MPB/Bossa Nova, don't get me started on Samba and Pagode)
I'm so sorry this got so long but I'm just a very passionate brazilian with an immense love for my culture😭😭
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iishmael · 2 years
Dear @galexy-astra, thank you so much for tagging me! HUGS <333333
I am absolutely using this to talk about my current Book Slut Behaviour (TM) so thank you for giving me an opening for that. Putting a read more to keep yalls dashes clean and hygienic. <3
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
Book I'm Currently Reading: I am currently going WILD with reading, and I'm on my mission to read my way a) through the 100 Best Books according to TIMES list and check out the Nobel prize for Lit winners, b) "around the world" (one book per country), and c) read classics I've always wanted to read but have never gotten around to. This is an open-ended mission though and I'm not doing it all in one year or some such insanity.
Bygone Days: O'tkan Kunlar by Abdullah Qodiriy. An Uzbek author telling a love story and the various obstacles the main characters have to deal with, giving a fantastic account of Uzbek culture in the 19th century.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (through Dickens Daily). Guys I'm sorry I hate Charles Dickens and reading it in small bits and pieces is the only way I'll ever finish one of his books. rip
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly (through Frankstein Weekly). It just started yesterday!!! Sign upppp for some Gothic Goodness!!
Next books to read are Typee by Herman Melville (I loved Moby Dick so much I need more Melville in my life) and The Home and the World by Rabindranath Tagore (Nobel prize and pretty cover, I am too easy).
What I usually wear: Skinny jeans, Nike sneakers, and a crop top or jumper (weather permitting). At work, cigarette trousers, a simple shirt, and a blazer or nice coat.
How tall I am: 170 cm (5 foot 7)
My star sign. Do I know any celebrities or historical event that shares it: Aquarius. Yes I know of some but they're all unfavourable so I ignore them!
Do I go by a name or nickname: Sam is my nickname, Samantha is my full name :)
Did I grow up to be what I wanted to be as a child: Oh dear. Absolutely not, archaeology and heritage were always just a 'obviously I'm interested' but never a passion before I ended up with it by complete coincidence... but I don't think my child-self would be disappointed. She would shrug it off that I changed disciplines like two hundred times lol.
Something I'm good at vs Something I'm bad at: I am good with Excel and I am bad at ball sports!
If I draw or write, what's my favourite of anything I created this year?: I have not yet written anything this year, at all, outside of work... :(
Dogs or cats: Cats!
Something I would like to make content for: I would like to get back into writing, no matter what for! Original, my old ships, Moby Dick, something new that I enjoyed like interview with the vampire,,, someone enable me
Something I was excited about that turned out to disappoint me: Living in Paris LMAOOO this is very cliche and I'm not even disappointed by the city itself, but dear god the people are so incredibly rude! It's frankly disheartening
Hidden talent: I write song texts for my dad's (hobby) hard rock band and they recently studio recorded a song I wrote!!!
Something I wish to have at this very moment: The confirmation email for my phd funding... :( i will not know about it for another couple of months tho
Tagging (no pressure!!!): @game-set-canet @backwardsandinhighheels @blorbocedes @historygeek12 @gp2engine and everyone else who comes across this and would like to do it! <3
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mego42 · 3 years
👶- advice for new writers 😂- a line that made you laugh out loud
👶- advice for new writers
mmmmmmmmmm well first off I asked @sanssssastark the same q and she had some really good advice so I recommend checking that out.
for me, I would add: ask yourself why you’re doing this and what you want out of it and be brutally honest with yourself when it comes to answering bc while there is no wrong answer, I do think a lot of people tell themselves they want one thing when they actually want another and that just sets you up for disappointment. 
for me, I am actively trying to grow my skills as a writer. I very much want to write original fiction one day and maybe even subject myself to the meatgrinder of the publishing industry try to get it published if I ever get there so I put in a lot of time and effort when it comes to trying to improve and challenge myself. I write as close to every day as I possibly can, I pay a lot of attention to the choices I’m making, I analyze my work looking for what I think I do well and what I think I need to improve on, and set personal goals based on that. I am also a crazy person who does not know how to relax or have hobbies like a normal person so I’m not advocating anyone be like me. but! the upside of that is that I know exactly what I’m trying to get out of my writing and I have metrics that are within my control (THIS IS KEY) that I can measure against and it’s really rewarding for me personally to see how I’ve grown. just looking at a song inside the halls of the dark, to me the beginning and then end almost feel like they were written by two different people. I’m not going to pretend that it hasn’t also been really rewarding to see other people enjoying it because that would be an obvious lie, but at the end of the day when I say I’m writing for me, the above insanity is what that looks like. 
it’s also perfectly valid to write entirely for fun with absolutely no goals or expectations beyond having a good time! at the end of the day, this is fic and fandom and it’s supposed to spark joy. 
BUT I think sometimes people tell themselves they’re writing for fun while also having conscious or subconscious expectations around reception and that kind of thing only sets you up for friction and hurt feelings. remember how I attached this is key to the thing about metrics within my control? reception is not a thing in anyone’s control. the tough love truth is that there is absolutely no guarantee people are going to like your stuff and the harsh reality is the less effort you’re putting in, the more likely that is to be true. and when I say effort I mean the willingness to ruthlessly assess when your work isn’t landing, to seek honest feedback, and then listen and do the work to grow. the thing is I do think there is a relationship between quality and effort, and when awareness, commitment to craft, and a genuine desire to learn and improve are added to the mix, I think your stuff gets better.
sorry, that got long-winded, hahaha. 
tl;dr: do an honest assessment of what you want to get out of your experience, do whatever you can to divorce yourself from goals and expectations outside of your control, and do what you do!
😂- a line that made you laugh out loud
anytime i have annie call mick michael, know that I cracked myself up.
writer ask game
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arkhamknightz · 3 years
hi lovie, how are you? could i request andrew x reader where andrew has a celebrity crush on reader and he casually mentions in a interview (maybe wided autocomplete interview or the actually me one) and how reader could react to it? plsss and thank u <3 have a good day bunny
crush culture !
Tumblr media
↳ in which, an interview flips ur world upside-down!
pronouns: they/them
warnings: none :)
notes: OH MY GODDD the second i got this in my inbox i literally dropped everything i was doing to start writing this omg this prompt is EVERYTHINGGG i'm sorry if i didn't do it justice i wasn't sure how to go about the interview i tried piecing it together in a bit of a funny way, but! you can imagine urself anyway u want in this as job isn't specified :D
"hello! welcome y/n it's good to have you back! i think i can speak for everyone here when we say we've missed you at the tonight show, how are you?" you smiled and let out a small chuckle, "i've been good! i've been really good, it's nice to be back here jimmy!"
the audience erupted into cheers as the screen beside you switched over to another interview. you turned around and looked at the screen and laughed as you saw a large thumbnail with andrew garfield's face. "so! y/n, i don't know if you've seen this interview yet but! theres this really interesting clip we wanna show you." you smiled and shook your head. "it's always something with you, i knew you didn't just wanna see me out of the blue!"
jimmy smacked his leg and let out a loud laugh, yelling to play the clip over the sound of the audience. you looked over to the screen once again and watched the video.
"hi! im andrew garfield and this, is the wired auto-complete interview, good luck" the audience let out a laugh and started to go quiet again as he continued talking. "is andrew garfield.. a nice guy" you let out a small chuckle as he went on, he moved onto the next question and jimmy looked at you and a small smirk grew on his face. "who is andrew garfield.. celebrity crush" andrew let out a laugh and the audience started cheering.
your face grew red as he continued speaking. "this is what you guys are googling?? um, i would have to say y/n y/l/n, oh god this feels so weird to say but they're great! their stuff is amazing and they seem like such an amazing, kind person. i havent met them before but big fan of their work."
the screen went blank and the crowd started cheering, you hid your face in your hands at attempt to hide the blush growing on your cheeks and jimmy let out a laugh. "you haven't seen this before?" you shook your head no.
"dude! oh my god i would've went insane about this are you kidding! great guy, i've seen a ton of his works and had a crush on him for years after i saw him on the social network! you shouldve seen me after he played spid- wait i shouldn't have said that ohmygod this is gonna be held against my career for the rest of my life SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE" you stood up frantically and jimmy let out a loud laugh as the crowd started yelling.
"i didnt- i didnt even have to try to pry anything out of you like i normally would've that came out so naturally have you been rehearsing this? WELL! call it a night folks we got what we wanted!" jimmy joked as you sat back down covering your face. "this is gonna be all over the internet and im gonna end up ending my entire career i can't go outside anymore after today oh lord"
"give it like two, three weeks and ill get andrew in this chair-" "ohhhhh no you will not" "just you wait y/n! it'll happen!"
(yasss this gives me a chance to make a part 2 if anyone wants this Quite possibly will get andrew And y/n to interact some way if you want it I Do not know how But i Will find A Way.)
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