#celebrity short hairstyle with bangs
mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Rook Hunt - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Rook: The Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art… Ahh, what an exhilarating place.
Rook: They have so many spectacular works of art exhibited here… I don't think there's enough time in a single day to view everything.
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???: ―Oh hey, I know this painting. This is the scene where the Fairest Queen is sending her Huntsman on a mission.
???: I can even see just how tense his facial muscles are. This painting is so detailed even to the finest points.
Rook: Beauté! You have a good eye for detail. The thin rays of light that cut through the dark room just highlights how stiff he is.
Rook: When I gaze upon this painting, I feel as though even I am being struck with a chill as cold as a winter breeze.
Ortho: But Rook Hunt-san, this isn't a painting set in winter, right?
Rook: Fufu, I know that. I only meant… Well, that I can almost feel the tension that is freezing him in his tracks.
Ortho: Guess that makes sense, since he's making an appearance before the queen. But don't you think that for someone meeting a queen his outfit is pretty casual?
Rook: I'm sure he is to head out on his mission immediately. Besides, he is very well groomed.
Ortho: Very well groomed…? Ah, yeah, it does feel like he's taken very good care of his beard.
Rook: Oui. In addition, he is someone who works outdoors, and yet there is not a single stain, let along any frayed ends on his attire.
Rook: Take a close look at his bangs. You see how they are cut short just above his eyebrows?
Rook: Essentially, that means his bangs won't obstruct his vision. He is sure to be able to keep his prey in sight.
Ortho: I see, so then, that must the best type of hairstyle for a hunter. Rook-san, you're amazing to notice that.
Rook: I, too, take caution of how lengthy my bangs can become. In the past, I believed that as long as it was short, that was good enough…
Rook: So whenever my bangs grew out, I would just chop it off with a knife, while the rest of my hair just looked like an overgrown garden.
Ortho: It's hard for me to picture that, knowing the you standing here now…
Rook: After I became a Pomefiore student and cut off all the damaged and frayed ends…
Rook: Not only did my vision become unhindered, but I ceased to find leaves or branches tangled in my hair any more.
Rook: I'm sure even the Queen's Huntsman also knew that a proper grooming regimen would help him be even more efficient as his job.
Rook: By fixing up my own hair, I came to understand just how capable of the huntsman he truly was.
Rook: In my search of perfection and functionality, I was able to settle on this hairstyle… is basically what it all amounts to.
Ortho: Huh… I totally thought that you had chosen that hairstyle because it suits the shape of your face.
Rook: Thank you. I am beyond honored that you think it suits me.
Rook: However, there is still much to improve. I must continue to refine my appearance.
Rook: It is all to improve my efficiency and my hunting skills.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Rook: Ooh là là! These beings depicted here are the Thorn Fairy's subordinates.
Rook: Despite the dark overtone and the terrifyingly green flames illuminating them, this piece gives off a pleasant sensation.
Ortho: They're all dancing in celebration of the Thorn Fairy's successful accomplishment, right? Hehe, they all look so happy.
Rook: This painting shows just how beloved the Thorn Fairy was to her subordinates. It's wonderful that they would express their joy via dance.
Rook: Now that I'm learning how to dance… It may behoove me to express my own happiness through moving my whole body, instead of just penning words.
Ortho: Eh, you're good at dancing ballet, Rook Hunt-san!?
Rook: Non. I wouldn't go so far as to say I am any good at it. I've only started picking up the fundamentals recently.
Ortho: Oh, you just started… So, why did you just suddenly decide to learn ballet?
Rook: To improve my posture, of course.
Rook: We of Pomefiore must carry ourselves beautifully, not only in how we walk, but with every single gesture we make.
Rook: That is why I began my training in order to keep to the standards of my dormitory.
Rook: As to why I chose ballet, that would be because Roi du Poison… Vil recommended it to me.
Ortho: I think Vil's advice is sound. It's said that ballet can help with your core and flexibility.
Rook: You do know your stuff, Ortho.
Ortho: You said that you just recently started learning, but… You're pretty physically fit, so I'm sure it's going pretty smoothly, right?
Rook: Well… Truthfully, the road to perfect posture has been nowhere near as smooth.
Rook: I've twisted my ankle while training to stand on my toes, and I've fallen down so ungracefully without being able to keep my balance…
Rook: When I first began practicing, my muscles were so sore that even going up and down stairs was a trial in and of itself.
Rook: I realized just how many muscles I've yet to use… It has been quite a learning experience.
Ortho: Even though you're saying how hard it was… It looks to me like you're still enjoying yourself.
Rook: Yes, it was indeed a fantastic time. One time, I became so engrossed that I danced the night away.
Ortho: Your posture now is really good, Rook-san… Looks to me like the fruits of your ballet training is showing.
Rook: Oui! Also, as I had my ballet lessons, I was able to get a taste of yet another wonderful joy.
Ortho: What do you mean, a wonderful joy?
Rook: Up until now, I would only have an adoration of the perfect performances I would watch on stage.
Rook: However, now that I've experienced it firsthand, I know just how difficult each individual technique can be.
Rook: These ballet dancers perform as gracefully as swans, putting forth such extraordinary efforts that we never get to witness.
Rook: They have honed their bodies through all the time they've spent dancing, and then these dancers take their honed bodies to bring forth perfected movements...
Rook: And then there is the spectacular stage productions that can draw out the beauty of those movements in full…!
Rook: I now have the pleasure of seeing those performances in an even more beautiful light… From the bottom of my heart, I am pleased to be learning ballet.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ortho: This painting shows the scene where the Rabbit Retainers has announced Queen of Hearts' arrival to her card soldiers.
Rook: We know that the Queen of Hearts had a rather strict personality, but… The expression she carries here is so lovely!
Ortho: I kinda find it funny with how the white rabbit is looking so tired beside her.
Ortho: This rabbit came running just before the Queen was set to arrive.
Rook: Indeed. There are many times that him frantically running while trying to do his tasks have shown up in other stories.
Rook: It's said that everyone could hear his running footsteps from all over the country… He must have been quite the busy one.
Ortho: Ah, talking about footsteps reminds me… Rook-san, you really don't make a sound when you walk.
Rook: Is that so?
Ortho: Yeah. I have a motion sensor, so I'll always know, but… A normal person wouldn't notice if you came up behind them.
Ortho: How are you able to walk without making a sound like that?
Rook: It's probably because I've grown up surrounded by nature.
Rook: Whenever I am with the trees, I become a leaf on one of its branches. Whenever I am in the meadow, I become a reed swaying in the wind…
Rook: As I dedicated myself to become one with nature like so, my footsteps naturally became softer.
Ortho: It sounds difficult to live in nature…
Rook: Fufu, it's nothing much. This is simply how I was raised alongside my family.
Ortho: I see… But I don't think there's any reason for you to watch your footsteps here at Night Raven College, do you?
Rook: Since it's more or less an ingrained habit at this point, it's not something I'm doing consciously. However…
Rook: Large and obtrusive footsteps can ruin a beautiful moment.
Rook: It could startle a bird that had settled down to sip nectar from a flower, or interrupt an enjoyable moment between friends.
Rook: That is why I wouldn't dream of making louder footsteps. I wish to capture as many beautiful moments and I possibly can with my own eyes.
Ortho: That's amazing… But how is it that you still don't make any noise on gravel roads or wooden floors?
Rook: If I had to attribute it to something, it's probably due to my shoes.
Rook: Whenever I purchase a pair, I make sure to request to have a size snug against my toes to the nearest millimeter.
Rook: Perhaps when one wears shoes that are a perfect fit, even footsteps naturally become quieter.
Ortho: You really think of everything! Now I'm curious what kind of thought you put into choosing a design for them.
Rook: Let me think… When it comes to designs, I often just select whatever was recommended to me by the shopkeeper.
Rook: I may be a Pomefiore student, but… I still haven't familiarized myself with selecting clothes and shoes that necessarily suit me.
Ortho: Woah… I'm a little surprised. I totally thought you'd be particular about the materials in your shoes, or the shape of your heels.
Ortho: You know how whenever everyone wears the high heels with the ceremonial robes, their footsteps are louder than usual?
Rook: Oui! I find the ringing sound of the heels clacking is music to my ears.
Rook: Unfortunately, I find I'm unable to make as clear a sound. Perhaps I'm subconsciously keeping my heels from hitting the ground?
Ortho: Heheh, really? I love your story, Rook-san, since they defy my known data.
Ortho: Thanks for sharing all of that with me! Okay, then I'm heading out to view the other exhibits.
Rook: Right, let us talk together again sometime. ―Now then, it's time to go see that one piece of artwork that I have been longing for.
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Rook: Ah… The famed work of art that depicts the princess singing to the fauna around her… Why does my heart dance for joy each time I gaze upon it?
Rook: With her lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow… Mayhap the animals are entranced by her charm, as well.
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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hiraunia · 4 months
With the final chapter of TCWKTM by @crinklytinfoil upcoming I have decided to celebrate with more doodles. YAY!
(Did I say upcoming, I meant release. Apperently I posted this 3 minutes after the last chapter updated)
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I don't know why I have decided that Shrike always wears those night vision goggles(?) now but they look cool at least(GOD I LOVE THEM).
I think I've finally gotten a hang of Dani's hairstyle for my design which is a blessing because in order from the easiest to hardest hair texture to draw is Coily>Straight>Locs>Wavy>Braids>Curly with a jump of times 4 from braids to curly(My hubris for giving Cyan short curly hair has and will continue to keep biting me in the ass).
Speaking of Cyan, I've also updated him. He always has eye bags now cause he feels tired now, more so than the start of the fic at least. Since, unless I've missed something, he's still wearing Black's suit I felt I should make it a part of his outfit. One of the issues I was having when I drew him though was that we still call him Cyan but he wasn't wearing cyan anymore which is an issue when I read the story but when I drew him it just felt odd. My solution to that hangup of mine was to keep the suit and belt black’s but give him the gloves and boots so there's at least some cyan still on him since I don't think it was ever stated that Johnny cut those off, there wouldn't be a reason to and they would fit him better than Johnny's anyways. He also isn’t wearing his backpack thing or helmet(not that I ever drew anyone with theirs anyways) since I figured they probably lost it or some shit. In this pic no one is wearing theirs but that’s just because I wanted them to look like they were chilling, Cyan straight up doesn’t have his.
Funnily enough this is the one that took the least amount of time to make, I started it yesterday and finished it like now though I do attribute that to a stroke of sudden inspiration that I was able to draw in my sketchbook so honestly most of the work was the coloring.
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Drawing these guys just kinda being silly is so fun it's unfair, especially Purple. This man has done so much bullshit, I should shoot him on sight but the moment I pick up my pen he appears, the motherfucker! A pretty fun aspect of these purple are, as you can see, he's using Grey's skin. While I'm pretty sure in the story he looks the exact same I figured it would be more fun for drawing purposes to mix the two of them together to create some distinction rather than just drawing Grey with a purple suit.
My design for Grey had him as average height but more stout(at least comparatively for my artstyle) while Purple was a little more scrawny and tall which worked well for what I wanted to do. His bangs are center parted when Grey's bangs are gathered in the center. Also I drew their expressions differently, when it's Purple I draw his more bitter/sour, I decided that most of his expressions are squinty and tend to furrow the brows while Grey's are more, I'm not sure how to put it, genuine?
As you can probably tell I really enjoy trying to come up with the character's designs myself but I know when to throw in the towel and admit someone did better than me. I tried to come up with a design for Olive/Finch myself but I just could not come up with one I liked even equally let alone more than @krysmcscience 's design. They really captured their energy well so I’m just using theirs.
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Ayy, I drew my take on good old Johnny boy. I think I did a pretty good job making him look older without him becoming a mass of wrinkles.
Drawing Flayer's ship was pretty fun, I've been trying to draw backgrounds and objects more so it was good practice. We obviously don't know what it actually looks like yet other than it is made of flesh and metal so I definitely had to just make shit up. For these bitches sake I hope it's bigger than what I designed because it is going to suck otherwise. Just as I'm typing this I kinda already wanna redesign it though.
I went for something more simple based of the premise that ships are complicated and difficult to make; the whole thing is kinda supposed to look like the flesh is doing a lot of the work to keep it together to compensate for a lack of technical knowledge and skill but just now I remembered that Flayer was the head of the mechanics so she almost certainly has more than enough knowledge and experience to make a good ship on her own even without the flesh. Oh well, I can redesign it when we learn more. I'm keeping its face though, the face was a completely but incredibly happy accident.
Also, I find it interesting that the Imposter’s missions are usually about them destroying biomechanical technology but one of Flayer's named imposter abilities is to use her genetic material to create machinery that fuses artificial and organic material.
Bounus Doodles!
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I'm pretty sure these were all drawn sometime before the new year but they were all I had and I didn't want to post one image of doodles so enjoy them now.
While I am still proud of Brown and Devon making out I think my favorite doodle here is Cyan and his judgmental ass face. Why is he staring at Finch like, he is not in any position to but judging like that.
I also borrowed Kry's designs for Red and Umber, I couldn't help myself for Umber, it was just too perfect!
Not sure how I feel about my take on Skeld!White(Finnegan I CANT-). I'm not sure if it's just I'm so used to seeing Kry's design that anything else feels weird or just that I made him too baby faced and princessy. I tend to draw men that are very pretty and feminine so I think I went overboard when I tried my hand since he was usually described similar to how I would normally design a man.
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
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In celebration of the new season coming out in a day or two, here's the Belcher kids, Zeke, and Jimmy Jr aged up. This is part two of the headcanon thing I made a while ago. https://www.tumblr.com/qilin-crusader/690246122471636992/bobs-burgers-question-and-adult-belcher-kids-and?source=share I slightly updated my headcanon though and now feel that Louise would have made the "Broken Glass Kids" a real gang and Zeke as well as Linda are a part of her gang. Louise's gang is still small but she's working on it, she just appreciates being part of a group that appreciates the thrill of smashing glass items and burning other items. To explain Zeke's tattoos. On the left arm is a gardenia on his upper arm while the rest of his arm is wrapped up in weeds. On the right side is a harpoon stabbing a bleeding heat and the blood drips to the bottom and forms an ocean. So he has a beach arm, I was going to give him a Saucy tattoo to add on to the beach arm, but I thought it was too silly and declined it.
As for Gene, I thought it would fit him to give him a skort. All the fun of a skirt and the sex appeal of shorts. I also think it would just fit Gene's love of being a goofball that always surprises you. For Louise's hair, I combined Bob's mom's hair and the top of Bob's hair as well. I want to bring the feels of her looking a little like Bob's mom and taking after her dad with her hairstyle because she will always be a daddy's girl whether she admits it or not. Looks like Tina took Topsy's advice and pulled her hair back. I wanted to combine the vision of older Tina with longer hair as well as pulling her hair back because she looks good showing her whole face. I didn't even need Topsy to tell me that because I dug her no bangs look during the stage fright flashback when Tina didn't stop the hairdresser from cutting all of her bangs off. Tina's glasses were originally going to be blue until I saw that they were too many blue glasses-wearing characters. I changed it to yellow since her barrette would be hiding anyway. It worked out because I found out that Tina's eyes are blue so the yellow glasses will be a great contrast. I also thought a cowl neck sweater dress would fit her because I like to imagine her using the cowl neck to hide her face in shame or awkwardness. I also gave her the choker necklace because I like it too. For Jimmy Jr, I decided to give him dance shoes so he looks like he's always ready to dance. Also, I decided to give him a goatee because he would probably wear one to spite his dad and his butt chin. Anyway, hope you dig the designs. Tina's is probably my favorite. Edit 10/4/2022: I changed Zeke's facial expression and gave Tina, Gene, and Zeke some earrings. Edit 10/09/2022 I changed Zeke's designs because I started hating his pants. I gave him cargo shorts instead. I also gave Zeke's shirt very short sleeves that were inspired by @bluebirbbs design. They are very short though because I didn't want to cover his tattoos. I gave Zeke more facial hair compared to the three lines in his old design. I liked his soul patch in the season 12 finale and gave him some stubble because I thought it fit him. The biggest reason I wanted to give him shorts was because of the leg hair. I wanted to show him as a hairy guy but I couldn't do it with his arms because of the tattoos so I went with legs instead.
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jezabatlovesbats · 7 months
Nightmare Before Christmas Persona- Donna
After deciding I wanted to have a persona for TNBC, I tried to get her bio out while it was still Nightmare season (October-December, Q4) in the hopes that more people would see it.
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Donatella, or Donna for short, is a haunted broken porcelain doll from Halloween Town. She has numerous cracks on her face and fingers. She appears to have bluish eyeshadow, light pink blush, red lipstick, and more makeup that looks like running mascara on her upper cheeks. She wears an olive green dress with a light bluish-gray collar, very dark brown sleeves, light brown trim on the skirt and sleeves, a green layer with a blue hem beneath the skirt, and green fingerless gloves. She wears a pair of black shoes with green bows on the straps. Her brown hair is styled in an updo of ringlets that fall around her head. Her hairstyle has bangs on the front side. Her socks are dark brown with white polka dots, which is the same color and pattern as her bow. There are green ribbons and some light blue strip of fabric attached to it. She is the actual size of a porcelain doll, meaning that she is very short. 
Donna is a perky and snarky doll who has a self-confident, I'm-so-fab kind of nature. Her methods of scaring people are unconventional compared to most of the other monsters in town, but that isn't something that others her from them. Charismatic, she loves to be the center of attention. When she's not, she'll watch you in a much more unsettling way. While most dolls, including herself, work more silently, Donna tends to be louder and more brash. More often than not, Donna can be mischievous, snide, and maybe a little obnoxious. 
Donna isn't very fond of jump scares or blood and guts like lots of Halloween Town's spooks do. To be frank, they ironically freak her out. But she has her own ways of spooking you out. They're silent, albeit just as deadly. Even when she's completely still, her eyes seem to follow you around. When you least expect it, her eyes can actually move, all while the rest of her body is inanimate. She may actually move once your back is turned. All this being said, Donna has excellent volume control. She tends to be very loud, but she's also great at staying so quiet that it gives you the creeps. 
Donatella lives in a sophisticated neighborhood of creepy dolls like herself in Halloween Town. She prides herself in her silent stare technique of scaring that haunted dolls are known for. She scared people while also working as a field researcher for the human world, learning about what they're afraid of. Once she and her colleagues get back from a haunting session or a field observation, they often hang out at one of their dollhouses. Donna, who is quite popular amongst her community, spends most of her nights at these get-togethers, basking in their praises of her stealthy scares. During the events of the film, a raging celebration of another successful Halloween was going on at Donna's dollhouse. Later on, Jack stopped by to ask if she and the dolls knew anything about Christmas, but their research only covers fear and Halloween-related things, so they dismissed him. As mentioned before, their assignment for Jack's Christmas was to plan out his route for his deliveries. When he got shot down, Donna believed that all of their hard work had gone to waste, but everything worked out well in the end. When snow came falling on Halloween Town, the dolls cozied up in their dollhouses, and Donna realized how much she loved hot chocolate. 
Because of Donna's talents and her skill in her job, as well as how much she loves being admired by her peers, Donna was later chosen to become the ambassador to the dolls. She already knew they looked up to her, but now, they'd have to rely on her to lead them to success. Donna wasn't prepared to take on her new responsibilities, and on multiple occasions, she didn't think she was fit to be a voice for the dolls. She did know what it was like to have a lot of charisma, though. So, when she met Sally, she tried to show her a thing or two about looking like a leader, in the hopes that they'd be pals. Though they bumped heads at first, Donna ended up helping Sally out with her dilemmas while also learning things for herself. I picture her playing a more active role in Long Live the Pumpkin Queen. 
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stylesalute · 4 months
Best Short haircuts for older women:
Here are the Best Short haircuts for older women:
Layered Bob: Create dimension and movement with a layered bob, ideal for fine hair textures and easy styling.
Short Shag: Embrace a carefree vibe with a short shag hairstyle, complete with choppy layers and tousled waves.
Textured Crop: Opt for a textured crop for a modern twist on short haircuts for older women, adding volume and definition to your locks.
Asymmetrical Cut: Make a bold statement with an asymmetrical cut, featuring uneven lengths for an edgy, avant-garde look.
Blunt Cut: Keep it sleek and sophisticated with a blunt cut that exudes confidence and sophistication.
Side-Swept Pixie: Sweep your pixie cut to the side for a romantic, feminine touch that frames your face beautifully.
Short Afro: Embrace your natural texture with a short afro hairstyle, celebrating your unique curls and coils.
Curly Bob: Define your curls with a short curly bob, adding bounce and movement to your overall appearance.
Pixie Cut: A classic favorite, the pixie cut is low-maintenance and effortlessly stylish, perfect for showcasing your facial features.
Bob with Bangs: Add a youthful flair to your look with a sleek bob paired with fringe bangs for a soft, elegant appeal.
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kekibon · 11 months
I made this crazy theory and I have no idea why 💀
CRACK-THEORY; Jiafei and Megumi Sasahara are siblings.
this will have SPOILERS for YTTD chapter 3b omfg. . . . . . . . Ngl I bet they would be related in some way, like both are Asian(Based on the idols/celebrity used to create Jiafei[Meng Jia and Wang Feifei]) Jiafei would most likely be Chinese while Megumi is Japanese, both have similar hairstyle/same hairstyle(both have dark brown hair and have no bangs/fringe, only difference is that Megumi's hairstyle has some strand of hair tucked on her ear and Jiafei's hair covers both her ears while Megumi's only covers one.), they also have a similar skin tone(I'm not counting Megumi's sprites, it's the CG of her where her skin isn't paper white.). The only difference in their appearance is just the eye color since Megumi's eyes are reddish brown while Jiafei's are dark brown.. . Also judging by some certain lore about the Jiafei kidnapping thing, Megumi and Jiafei had at least done something questionable as Jiafei is somewhat a mass kidnapper as she kidnaps those who does not buy her products and Megumi had at least done some backroom deal and also covered up the death of Mr. Policeman.
they also seem to be in high position in their jobs as Jiafei is some CEO of making "sexy products" and Megumi is in the position of a captain at her job as a police inspector. . They also most likely might be close to their age as Megumi is most likely in her late-twenties/early-thirties(Megumi and Keiji met when he was in his twenties and Megumi is most likely older than him before, since Keiji is in his late twenties by now, Megumi is most likely in her late twenties or early thirties.) while Jiafei is in her early thirties(In the Floptok wiki it lists Jiafei's birthday as "March 11, 1991" so Jiafei is 32 by now.). They also seem to have some basic info that isn't known about them such as height, though Megumi might be somewhere like 174cm to 178cm based on that one pixel CG with the dolls as she seems to be quite tall compared to the other female characters in YTTD whose heights are usually kind of short and the one closest to 170cm is Reko. Jiafei's height seems to be unknown but since some people usually view her to be the sister of Xjiemomo, who is usually viewed to be really tall(Floptok Wiki lists her as "8'11ft/271cm tall"), so there might be a chance Jiafei is either taller than average height or tall(above 175cm), there might be a chance they're at similar height.
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this was made for some AU because I looked at my old Jiafei drawings and they look similar to Megumi and I tried tweaking the eye color to match Megumi's and it looks so similar and I started to make a HC that they're siblings💀💀💀
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gyuyoungarchives · 1 year
"Seo Ari's Bobbed Hair Cut Please!" - How to get Seo Ari's Short Hair from Celebrity ✂️
Seo Ari's Tassel Cut Bob:
short, straight hair with a length of 3cm below the ears
side lines neatly lined up without layers
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Short hairstyles from Gyuyoung's other works:
(a) Short, Layered Cut with Bangs (It's Okay to Not be Okay):
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(b) Short Bob without Bangs, straightened/lightly curled (Dali and Gamjatang):
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divadivine13 · 2 months
Important Things To Consider Before Buying A Wig -
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Wearing a wig can be an excellent way to change your look, cover hair loss, or have fun with different hairstyles. However, buying a wig can be overwhelming, especially with the wide variety of options available. To ensure that you get the finest fit, style, and quality, it's essential to consider several key factors before making a purchase. In this blog post, we will discuss the most important things to consider before buying a wig, including the quality of the hair, cap construction, size and fit, color and style, price, care and maintenance, the reputation of the seller, and return policy. Considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect wig.
Millions of people wear wigs everyday—you're not alone. You have no idea that your neighbors and colleagues might also wear wigs! It is because modern hair wigs appear gorgeous and more natural than before. Today's top celebrities wear wigs on the red carpet, in movies, and in everyday life.
Here are the five criteria to consider while choosing the ideal wig to transform your appearance:
Cap Size
What Style Wig Should I Choose?
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Choosing the right style wig will depend on your personal preferences, face shape, and lifestyle. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a wig style:
Face shape: 
Consider the shape of your face when choosing a wig style. For example, if you have a round face, a wig with longer layers and a side part can help to elongate your face. A wig with softer, rounder layers can help soften your face's angles if you have a square face. Here we will tell you which wig will be perfect for your face shape. Such as:
What Shape Is Your Face?
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Determining the shape of your face is an essential factor to consider when choosing a wig style. The shape of your face can help you determine which wig styles will flatter your features and which types to avoid. Here are the most common face shapes and the wig styles that suit them best:
Round face: 
Full cheeks and a round chin characterize a round face. Choose a wig with longer layers and a side part to elongate the look. Styles like long straight hair, bob cuts, and pixie cuts can also work well.
Square face: 
A strong jawline and a square chin characterize a square face. To soften the angles of the face, choose a wig with softer, rounder layers. Styles like long curls, waves, or a wig with bangs can work well.
Oval face: 
An oval face is characterized by a slightly longer face shape with a forehead marginally more comprehensive than the chin. Many wig styles can suit an oval face shape, but it's essential to avoid wigs that are too voluminous on top, as it can make a face appear wider.
Heart-shaped face: 
A broad forehead, high cheekbones, and a narrow chin characterize a heart-shaped face. Choose a wig with the volume on the bottom to balance the look, such as long curls or waves. Avoid styles that add volume to the top of the head.
Diamond-shaped face: 
A narrow forehead, jawline, and wider cheekbones characterize a diamond-shaped face. It's To balance the face.
Consider your lifestyle when choosing a wig style. If you have a busy lifestyle, select a wig that is easy to maintain and style. Low-maintenance wigs like pixie cuts, bob cuts, or long straight hair are great options.
Personal preference: 
Consider your style and preferences when choosing a wig style. If you're feeling adventurous, try a bold and trendy style like a bright color or a shortcut. A long, straight wig in a natural color might be your best choice if you prefer a more natural look.
Consider the length of hair you are comfortable with a wig. Short wigs are easy to maintain, while long wigs offer more versatility in styling.
Volume and texture: 
Consider the volume and texture of the wig you are choosing. Some wig styles are naturally voluminous, while others are more sleek and smooth.
Ultimately, the style of wig you choose should make you feel confident and comfortable. It's always a good idea to try on different types and see which one you feel the most comfortable and confident in.
How Daily Lifestyle Effects Your Wig -
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Your daily lifestyle can have a significant impact on the upkeep and longevity of your wig. Here are a few ways that your lifestyle can affect your wig:
Heat styling: 
If you frequently use heat-styling tools like curling irons, straighteners, or blow dryers on your wig, it can cause damage to the hair fibers. It can make the wig look dry, frizzy, and less natural-looking.
Exposure to the elements: 
If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you can expose your wig to wind, rain, and UV rays. These elements can cause damage to the hair fibers and make the wig look dull and dry.
If you engage in physical activity or have a job that causes you to sweat, it can cause damage to the hair fibers and make the wig challenging to maintain and keep clean.
Chemical treatments: 
If you frequently dye, perm, or chemically treat your wig, it can cause damage to the hair fibers, making the wig look less natural and less healthy.
Hair care routine: 
Your daily hair care routine can affect the wig's lifespan. For example, harsh shampoos, conditioners, or styling products can damage the hair fibers and make the wig look less natural.
It's essential to consider your daily lifestyle when choosing a wig and ensure you are prepared to take proper care of it to keep it looking its best. You can decide if you plan on using heat styling tools frequently.
In conclusion, buying a wig can be an exciting and fun way to switch up your look, but it's essential to consider several vital factors before making a purchase, which has been told to you in this blog. Considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the right wig. It is important to remember that wigs require proper care and maintenance to look their best. With the right wig, you can enjoy a new look without waiting for your hair to grow out. Here are some verified brands from which you can easily buy goods within your budget, such as 1 Hair Stop, Diva Divine, NishHair, etc.
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chillicouture99 · 2 months
7 Effortlessly Cool Shag Haircuts to Try This Season
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In the world of hairstyles, trends come and go, but some classics always find their way back into the limelight. One such style making a triumphant return is the effortlessly cool shag haircut. This timeless look is versatile, edgy, and perfect for adding volume and texture to any hair type. Let's explore seven variations of the shag haircut that are sure to turn heads and breathe new life into your locks.
The Classic Shag: The epitome of the shag haircut, the classic version exudes a rock-and-roll vibe with its layered, choppy texture. Whether you're looking to make a bold statement or simply add some edge to your style, this option suits all hair types and lengths, making it a go-to choice for those craving a versatile and rebellious look.
The Bob Shag: Shorter hair doesn't mean sacrificing style, especially with the bob shag. Ideal for those with thinner hair, the layers of this haircut work wonders in providing volume and texture. Not only is it easy to style and maintain, but it also adds a contemporary twist to the classic bob, offering a fresh take on a timeless silhouette.
The Long Shag: For those reluctant to part with their length but still yearning for a shaggy transformation, the long shag is the perfect compromise. Featuring cascading layers that create movement and dimension, this style retains the allure of long hair while infusing it with a carefree and laid-back vibe, perfect for those seeking effortless elegance.
The Pixie Shag: Daring and bold, the pixie shag is a short, choppy style that exudes confidence and edge. Offering a low-maintenance yet striking look, this haircut is a statement in itself, ideal for showcasing bold makeup or accessorizing with statement jewelry, making it a favorite among those unafraid to embrace their individuality.
The Curly Shag: Curly-haired individuals need not feel left out, as the shag haircut complements curls beautifully. By opting for a layered, shaggy cut, curls are enhanced with added bounce and movement, allowing for a natural and carefree look that celebrates the beauty of texture and volume.
The Bangs Shag: Injecting new life into your look without sacrificing length is made easy with the bangs shag. Featuring layered, choppy texture, this haircut gives bangs a relaxed and effortless vibe, perfect for those seeking a subtle yet impactful change that frames the face beautifully.
The Messy Shag: Embrace the "I woke up like this" aesthetic with the messy shag, a style that celebrates natural texture and effortless cool. By adding layers and texture, this haircut achieves a relaxed and undone look that exudes confidence and nonchalance, making it a favorite among those seeking a laid-back yet stylish appearance.
Ready to embark on your shag haircut journey? Look no further than Chilli Couture hair salon in Perth, where expert stylists await to transform your locks into a relaxed and effortlessly cool style perfect for any season. Book a consultation today and prepare to turn heads with your newfound shaggy allure.
Whether you're drawn to the classic rock-and-roll vibe of the original shag or prefer a modern twist with a bob or pixie cut, there's a shag haircut to suit every style and personality. Embrace the versatility and edginess of this timeless look, and discover the confidence that comes with effortlessly cool hair.
Also Read:
1.       What are some effective ways to maintain a healthy scalp to promote strong and glossy hair?
2.       How can I achieve my dream hair color effectively and with confidence?
3.       What are the top clip-in hair extensions recommended for your wedding day?
4.       What are the Effective Treatments and Solutions for Common Hair Problems?
5.       How can one master the art of blow-drying like celebrities?
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tboom-but-qualitynt · 4 months
i google translated the appearance description of every major character of the amazing digital circus 100 times cuz i thought i'd be funny. it did not dissapoint.
the descriptions:
Sable is like a board game. It looks like a red box. The right eye is black, yellow and red and the left eye is blue and black. The left eye has a black iris. Large lavender flowers and three black eyes
Some cities have a black and white Y symbol (right). The color of the house is orange. The women have many rings on their bodies and red hats that cover their heads from top to bottom.
His right eye is an orange circle with a yellow line in the middle. And his left eye is a long red circle. Yes, they are all yellow-handed. Skin cancer is a form of cancer.
In the upper right corner there is a lamp and a pencil that can be used as a bag or box. Nothing in the left eye.
The feet support the whole body. It comes from the body, not from below.
There are green and purple spots on the right foot and orange spots on the feet. The left foot was caught in a shoe.
Large flowers surrounded by pointed teeth. Butterflies have large and light bodies. If necessary, cover the tongue with foam. Close your mouth and teeth. Place accessories and accessories on the white tea table for a table setting. The student failed.
Fomini is a handsome, slender young man with a red ring and dark skin. Your baby's appearance may change over time. However, they usually look like red and blue needles. Only the left eye is visible and the hair is short, straight and dark (black). [3] There were two small wounds in the head and two in the mouth.
Please dress like a smoker. But he likes to steal. Red, blue and white elements (vehicles) and engines (axles) are separated by small red and blue buttons. Shorts, bangs, shoes, hairstyle. Yellow hat with yellow badge. We also have gloves. Red on the left, red on the right Example: On the left is a yellow shirt and red shoes. The right shoes are blue.
Jax is a green wolf named "Aloha Cake" with long purple ears. The body is long and thin. Jack's eyes were orange. Jack has beautiful gold teeth. However, when you open your mouth, your teeth are very sharp. (or gravity angle (doesn't matter)) Jax has dark skin.
Jax has a red shirt and yellow gloves. Yellow button and red pocket on the front.
In this area you will see four red lines that look like people. White mask, black eyes, black mouth. There are many chakras in the body with dual polarity. (Playing straight on one side, playing straight on the other) If the skin is damaged, the other skin is damaged or vice versa. "It's a dangerous job," Kip said.
Lagertha is first seen with red hair, a broken nose, and an orange triangle. Wearing a long blue dress with red stripes [2] and a white hair tie. Big red and black eyes. His feet and shoes are black.
Cain sent one red and one black. He wore a white shirt with two red buttons, white gloves and black pants. First, the main body parts are removed and made from white teeth and red teeth. Upper left eye is green, cheek is blue. The permanent teeth give strength to the body and the upper teeth are suitable for the eyes. Speak the language of cooking. He always wears a black shirt and sometimes takes a bath. It's time to celebrate
Kangaroos are warriors with blue eyes and black and white hands. She is dressed in red (of course) and has white hair on her neck and back.
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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National Hair Day
Maybe every day can’t be a good hair day but in celebration of National Hair Day, this one certainly can be. Join in and get ready to learn and appreciate everything fun and exciting that has to do with hair!
History of National Hair Day
Hair has been the crowning glory of the human head perhaps since the very beginning of time! In fact, researchers think the comb was used by ancient Egyptians as far back as 5500 BC. The hairbrush took a bit longer to come out though, and the Kent Hairbrush Company is recorded as having started in 1777 in Hertfordshire, England.
While wealthy people have been having their hair done for centuries, early on this was typically done either by a family member or perhaps by a personal servant.
By the mid-1700s, however, the first person to have declared himself a ‘professional’ hairdresser in Europe was Legros de Rumigny who worked for the French court. In fact, he wrote a book on hairdressing that included pictures of the unique hairstyles that he had designed. The book was called Art de la Coiffure des Dames, which can be translated to The Art of Hairstyles for Ladies.
National Hair Day is a bit newer on the scene and is just beginning to develop its own history. Founded in 2017 by NuMe, a hair care company, this day is all about celebrating the styling tools and hair care products that help to make each person’s hair as beautiful as possible.
Whether hair is straight, wavy, curly or kinky, there are a myriad of different products and tools that can help to enhance the natural texture of hair while making it look its very best. And National Hair Day is the best time for it!
How to Celebrate National Hair Day
Wondering how to celebrate and enjoy this delightful day? There are all kinds of ways! Get creative on your own, or try out some of these ideas that can be enjoyed in honor of National Hair Day:
Get a Haircut
Make an appointment at the barber or hair salon in honor of National Hair Day! Get that new ‘do that you’ve been thinking about, whether chopping it short, going for layers, adding bangs or fringe, or turning into a platinum blonde inspired by Marilyn Monroe. Don’t be afraid to go for the full shampoo, cut, color and style. The sky’s the limit when it comes to what kind of fun that can be had on National Hair Day.
Consider a New Hairstyle
Of course, National Hair Day doesn’t mean it’s necessary to go to extremes. Even those who aren’t ready for a new cut or color might be able to play around with their hair a bit on this day. Maybe start by making the part of your hair on the other side!
This is also a great time to learn a new skill that is related to hair styling. Perhaps that might be learning how to make a regular braid, a French braid or a Fishtail Braid. YouTube and other online videos can act as an excellent resource for learning with easy, step by step tutorials on how to create a new hairstyle.
Try Out Some New Hair Care Products
National Hair Day is the ideal time to pop into the beauty supply store and find out what’s new in the world of hair care products and styling tools. Perhaps pick up a new brand of mousse or heat protectant spray. Try out a new curling iron, blow dryer or hair straightener. Or even consider getting a fun new color for hair, whether temporary or permanent.
Buy a New Hairbrush
Some hairstylists say that a typical person needs to replace their hairbrush every six months to a year. Of course, this depends on how often it is used, how much product the person uses, how long their hair is and even how often they clean their hair brushes.
It’s also possible that some people have simply been using the wrong kind of hairbrush for their particular type of hair. Those who are in the market for a new hairbrush might want to consider one of these styles in celebration of National Hair Day:
Curly Hair. Many people say that curly hair should never be brushed, but if it’s necessary for detangling, then use a special cushion brush that has nylon bristles to keep the curls from getting frizzy and knotted.
Frizzy Hair. This is a complicated hair type and the best type of hair brush will tame that frizz and keep it in place. Try using a hairbrush that has bristles made of boar. The natural bristles help to distribute the hair oils more evenly throughout the hair.
Blow-Dry Brushes. People who blow dry their hair on a regular basis need special tools to keep their hair happy and healthy. The best type for blow drying are brushes that are made from ceramic and have ionic properties that repel water to shorten the drying time and keep the hair from getting overly damaged.
Teasing Brush. Looking for more volume? A special boar’s hair and nylon teaching brush gets close to the scalp to get that hair high. Choose one that has a pointed handle which can be used for creating parts or separating strands of hair.
Enjoy Some New Hair Accessories
Pop into an accessory shop or department store and check out what’s on offer these days for hair accessories. Ribbons, ponytail holders, barrettes, clips and so many other delightful products provide tons of different options for wearing the hair in unique ways. Try securing a ponytail in the back, a braid, two buns on the sides, or even a popular banana clip to hold the hair back from the face.
Little girls can get away with a brand new hair bow in honor of National Hair Day! Something colorful like Jojo’s Bows would be a fun and delightful addition to a hairstyle today, keeping things snazzy.
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navysealt4t · 11 months
32, 37, and 95!
YAYYY raises hands in celebration!!!!!
32. what’s your favourite time of day?
DAWN!!!!! or just morning/ early afternoon. im rarely up before 10 am lol but i like the sunrise :] also it just puts me in a good mood + productivity lol. idk it just makes me happy
37. do you have any allergies?
nope! most ppl think i’m allergic to gluten but i actually have an autoimmune disease (celiac disease) that makes my body unable to digests gluten! i usually just say i’m allergic bc it’s easier to explain and ppl take it more serious :]
95. what hairstyle do you have right now?
i . quite honestly don’t know how to describe my hair. it’s like. the side and back are short like an inch at the longest and the top is like longer and curly-ish? and it mostly swoops to the front of my face to give me like bangs? like just on the left side of my face and it barely reaches my eye when it all curled up
that’s the best i can describe it? idk i usually don’t like put it up or anything unless i’m having a random trich problem or something :P
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capellisalon · 1 year
The Hottest Haircut Trends of 2023: Stay Ahead of the Style Game
As the seasons change, so do the trends in the world of haircuts. If you're ready to refresh your look and stay on-trend, you've come to the right place. At Capelli Salon, we're passionate about helping you achieve the perfect hairstyle that reflects your unique personality and keeps you feeling confident. In this blog, we'll dive into the top haircut trends of 2023, providing you with inspiration and guidance to rock the latest styles. From bold statements to timeless classics, these trends are set to dominate the hair scene this year. Let's explore the hottest haircut trends that will have heads turning wherever you go!
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The Blunt Bob:
Sleek, sophisticated, and undeniably chic, the blunt bob continues to reign as one of the most popular haircuts of 2023. This timeless style features a sharp, straight-across cut that falls just above the shoulders. Whether you opt for a jaw-grazing bob or a longer variation, this haircut exudes confidence and polish. Perfect for all hair textures, the blunt bob adds an instant touch of glamour to any look.
Shaggy Layers:
For those seeking a more effortless and carefree vibe, shaggy layers are the way to go. This trend is all about embracing texture and movement, with layers strategically cut to create a tousled, lived-in look. The shag haircut is versatile, working beautifully on both short and long hair lengths. Whether you prefer messy beach waves or a tousled bedhead style, shaggy layers add a touch of bohemian flair and undeniable coolness to your overall appearance.
Curtain Bangs:
Bangs are making a major comeback in 2023, and curtain bangs are stealing the spotlight. These face-framing fringe-like bangs create a soft and romantic look, reminiscent of the iconic 70s style. Curtain bangs are versatile, flattering various face shapes, and can be customized to suit your preferences. Whether you wear them straight and parted in the center or swept to the sides, curtain bangs add a touch of allure and sophistication to any haircut.
The Modern Pixie:
Short, sassy, and incredibly stylish, the modern pixie cut is a bold choice for those looking to make a statement. This edgy and daring haircut features short, textured layers that frame the face, accentuating your facial features. The modern pixie cut offers versatility and low-maintenance styling while exuding confidence and a hint of rebelliousness. Whether you keep it sleek and polished or play up the texture, the modern pixie is a surefire way to turn heads.
Long Layers with Face-Framing Highlights:
For those who prefer to keep their length while adding dimension and movement, long layers with face-framing highlights are a perfect choice. This haircut trend combines soft, cascading layers with strategically placed highlights that frame the face, creating a stunning, sun-kissed effect. The layers add volume and movement, while the highlights brighten the complexion and draw attention to your best features.
Embrace the spirit of change and elevate your style with the hottest haircut trends of 2023. From the timeless blunt bob to the carefree shaggy layers, these trends offer something for everyone. Whether you're seeking a chic and polished look or a bold and daring statement, our skilled stylists at Capelli Salon are here to bring your vision to life. Book your appointment today and let us help you achieve a haircut that not only reflects the latest trends but also celebrates your individuality. Step into 2023 with confidence and a head-turning style that sets you apart from the crowd. The original source is hairextensionsdallas.wordpress.com.
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newhairstylenet · 1 year
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wasabipills · 1 year
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If you like Obsidian, you'll love this cute special edition with short bangs made exclusively for 50L Fridays.
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Celebrate Pride month in style with this Pride themed version of Amani ♥  (99L$ Pride HUD, all styles).
You can get both hairstyles (FLF starts June 2nd, midnight SLT) in Wasabi  main store.
Obsidian FLF Ed.:
Dress: Seniha | Tessa Dress Earrings: Wasabi | Starlette Earrings Eyelashes: Michan | Florencia Lashes Eyes: Avi-Glam | Reverie Eyes Eyeshadow: Izzie's | Holo Glitter Eyeshadow Lipstick: Warpaint | Lotus Lip Glaze Mesh body: Legacy Mesh head: Lelutka | Avalon Mesh head applier: Tres Beau | Bing Necklaces: Yummy | Olivia Layered Charm Necklace
Amani Pride Ed.:
Earrings: Wasabi | Pride Earrings Eyelashes: Michan | Florencia Lashes Eyeliner: Nuve | Essential Eyeliners Eyes: Avi-Glam | Reverie Eyes Eyeshadow: Izzie's | Holo Glitter Eyeshadow Mesh body: Legacy Mesh head: Lelutka | Avalon Mesh head applier: Tres Beau | Hee Necklaces: Yummy | Olivia Layered Charm Necklace Skirt: Gaia | Lexie Denim Skirt Top: Eternus | Mila Crop Top
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Summer 2023 haircut predictions from the experts at this Salon in Bengaluru
Summer is the time for haircuts.  But haircuts never meant chopping off hair just like that. We are a generation of the conscious population for whom haircuts mean style statement. This is the reason why every season has a haircut that is bound to suit the personality and choice of every person. Here are some 2023 haircut suggestions for women from hair experts at a reputed Salon in Bengaluru to make your summer enjoyable. Take a look.
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Curtain bangs
The popularity of curtain bangs has grown leaps and bounds over the few years. The heavy locks of hair graduating from either side of the forehead and flowing over the cheeks seem to suit different women with distinctly different frames of the face. The hair experts at this reputed Salon in Bengaluru predict that curtain bangs will continue to dominate the summer haircut scenario in 2023 too.
Classic bob
Another haircut that will not lose its appeal even in 2023, as the hair experts at this Salon in Bengaluru predict.  This hairstyle was introduced by celebrities and became an instant hit among the general masses of women due to its classic appeal.  If you have straight hair and a heart shaped face this hairstyle will look heavenly on you.
Choppy layers
If the summer haircut suggestions for women with straight hair by the hair experts at the reputed Salon in Bengaluru have made curly beauties sad, this suggestion is for them.  Go for the choppy layers.  The most distinctive feature of this hairstyle is that it reflects a careless beauty. The beauty of this haircut is that the hair experts chop the curly strands irregularly to achieve this careless look.
Pixie cut
If you have been fond of the choppy and chic pixie cut then the year 2023 haircut recommendation from the experts at this Salon in Bengaluru will not sadden you. The good news is that the pixie cut will continue to rock the show in 2023 with its attractive appeal. So, go for it without a second thought.
Layered looks
The experts at this Salon in Bengaluru remark that the layered looks are for all, whether you have curly hair or straight hair.  
If you have curly hair, you must try out the layered curls look.  You can experiment with both long and short hair when you opt for long curls.
Similarly, you can go for textured layers if you have straight hair. The experts at this Salon in Bengaluru will chop off your hair in alternating long and short lengths to achieve the textured voluminous look.
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