#celebrity short hairstyles for long faces
phas3d · 6 months
Ideal Type || Slytherin Boys
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note :: just what i think, but they could honestly be with anyone
members :: mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
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Mattheo Riddle
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Sharp eyes that could kill him, eye color doesn’t matter to him
Likes people with more meat on them
Goes crazy if he sees you wearing thigh highs or tight underwear so that you have a little bit of a muffin top, he loves that stuff
Loves dark hair, all of his celebrity crushes are brunettes or have black hair
Likes the y2k style and clean girl, he doesn’t know it’s called that but he likes it lmao
Loves long hair but will make an exception for a short black bob
Low rise jeans are his favorite thing ever
Pretty nails are also a pro in his eyes, shows that you’re hygienic - likes longer nails
Plump lips are a major plus
Likes outfits that show skin in some way, so crop tops, dresses, etc
Slightly toxic, which is perfect for him since he’s ultra toxic 😍
He’s not willing to change his lifestyle just for a girl, so he needs someone who’s down to party and do the bad stuff he does
Loves confidence, wouldn’t date a girl who’s insecure
People with the wonyongism mindset are literally his dream type, makes him weak in the knees
If you yell back at him or call him out on his shit, oml he’s already planning your wedding
Loves to annoy you just to get a reaction, smth about you being angry draws him in
He likes social people who get along with others easily
A little bit cocky, but if you laugh at his jokes he instantly finds you more attractive
Dedicated and driven people, like not failing classes, having internships, having a job, all of that is so attractive to him
If you listen to: Kali Uchis, Tyler the Creator, Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, The Neighborhood, The Smiths, The Weeknd, BlackPink, Aespa, Beyoncé, you get so many extra points
Theodore Nott
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Likes shorter people, which is easy for him since he’s 6’0 (183 cm)
Has a thing for people that are flatter, likes rectangle body types
Long hair is his ideal type but loves curly short hairstyles
Gets flustered when he sees you with your hair up, something about it is so appealing to him
Long lashes and falsies are so pretty in his eyes, loves it
Ballet-core, old-money, and minimalist are what styles he likes best on someone
Lovessss skirts and headbands
Likes people with glasses, but specifically people who wear contacts in public but glasses at home
People with the resting sad face are so beautiful to him
Likes introverts or shy people, he likes knowing that you’re a homebody so he doesn’t have to worry about cheating
Nerds omg They’re his secret weakness
He loves book smart-street dumb people, it’s a sense of comfort knowing that you’re not involved in his life style
He’s a fuckboy who smokes and drinks, so you become a safe space for him
Quiet and soft voices are one of his biggest weaknesses
Elegance is also something he needs in a partner, someone who’s aware of their words and their actions
When someone covers their mouth when they laugh - So attractive to him
Caring and nurturing people make him want to cry, please comfort this man
If you listen to: Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish, Mitski, SZA, Her, Adele, Yerin Baek, Matt Maltese, Radiohead, you get an extra point
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Downtown girl, athletic wear, coquette, and other cutesy yet comfortable styles are his idea type
Really loves when someone can dress up in a nice ass outfit and then show up the next day in just a hoodie and bagggyyyy pants
Doesn’t really like tight clothes on his s/o, likes baggy or flowy clothes
Doesn’t care for body type, has dated people on the bigger size and people that were super thin
Loves any facial markings - moles, acne scars, freckles, but esp ance scars
Loves curly and wavy hair, doesn’t care for hair color but does prefer light colors like brown and blonde
Likes girls that look kinda intimidating because of how pretty they are, but are secretly a softie (basically him)
For example, people with a resting bitch face but the second they see something cute they light up
Being shorter than him is fine, but if he’s dead honest he’s always wanted to date a girl taller than him (185 cm+)
Bubbly people make him fall so hard
People who are happy almost 24/7 and a little bit stupid and naive is what he loves
Doesn’t care about intelligence much, but doesn’t like people who are failing school
When you’re oblivious to flirting??? Omg he’s done
Wants to feel needed, so you being slightly air headed helps him a lot
Smiling makes him attracted to someone instantly, so constantly smiling and laughing makes him feel the same way
Loves people with a tad bit of sass to them, like eye rolls and stuff
Playful people who agree to do dumb shit with him suits his ideal lifestyle
Someone’s who funny, cause if I’m fr this man is not that funny. He def gets with someone who’s funny
He def had way too many crushes on manic pixie dream girls, so he kinda likes the chase
Likes people who are so free spirited that it’s hard to tie to them
If you listen to: Wave2Earth, Kpop, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Beabadoobee, Sarah Kinsley, Faye Webster, it’s an extra plus for him
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Rook Hunt - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Rook: The Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art… Ahh, what an exhilarating place.
Rook: They have so many spectacular works of art exhibited here… I don't think there's enough time in a single day to view everything.
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???: ―Oh hey, I know this painting. This is the scene where the Fairest Queen is sending her Huntsman on a mission.
???: I can even see just how tense his facial muscles are. This painting is so detailed even to the finest points.
Rook: Beauté! You have a good eye for detail. The thin rays of light that cut through the dark room just highlights how stiff he is.
Rook: When I gaze upon this painting, I feel as though even I am being struck with a chill as cold as a winter breeze.
Ortho: But Rook Hunt-san, this isn't a painting set in winter, right?
Rook: Fufu, I know that. I only meant… Well, that I can almost feel the tension that is freezing him in his tracks.
Ortho: Guess that makes sense, since he's making an appearance before the queen. But don't you think that for someone meeting a queen his outfit is pretty casual?
Rook: I'm sure he is to head out on his mission immediately. Besides, he is very well groomed.
Ortho: Very well groomed…? Ah, yeah, it does feel like he's taken very good care of his beard.
Rook: Oui. In addition, he is someone who works outdoors, and yet there is not a single stain, let along any frayed ends on his attire.
Rook: Take a close look at his bangs. You see how they are cut short just above his eyebrows?
Rook: Essentially, that means his bangs won't obstruct his vision. He is sure to be able to keep his prey in sight.
Ortho: I see, so then, that must the best type of hairstyle for a hunter. Rook-san, you're amazing to notice that.
Rook: I, too, take caution of how lengthy my bangs can become. In the past, I believed that as long as it was short, that was good enough…
Rook: So whenever my bangs grew out, I would just chop it off with a knife, while the rest of my hair just looked like an overgrown garden.
Ortho: It's hard for me to picture that, knowing the you standing here now…
Rook: After I became a Pomefiore student and cut off all the damaged and frayed ends…
Rook: Not only did my vision become unhindered, but I ceased to find leaves or branches tangled in my hair any more.
Rook: I'm sure even the Queen's Huntsman also knew that a proper grooming regimen would help him be even more efficient as his job.
Rook: By fixing up my own hair, I came to understand just how capable of the huntsman he truly was.
Rook: In my search of perfection and functionality, I was able to settle on this hairstyle… is basically what it all amounts to.
Ortho: Huh… I totally thought that you had chosen that hairstyle because it suits the shape of your face.
Rook: Thank you. I am beyond honored that you think it suits me.
Rook: However, there is still much to improve. I must continue to refine my appearance.
Rook: It is all to improve my efficiency and my hunting skills.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Rook: Ooh là là! These beings depicted here are the Thorn Fairy's subordinates.
Rook: Despite the dark overtone and the terrifyingly green flames illuminating them, this piece gives off a pleasant sensation.
Ortho: They're all dancing in celebration of the Thorn Fairy's successful accomplishment, right? Hehe, they all look so happy.
Rook: This painting shows just how beloved the Thorn Fairy was to her subordinates. It's wonderful that they would express their joy via dance.
Rook: Now that I'm learning how to dance… It may behoove me to express my own happiness through moving my whole body, instead of just penning words.
Ortho: Eh, you're good at dancing ballet, Rook Hunt-san!?
Rook: Non. I wouldn't go so far as to say I am any good at it. I've only started picking up the fundamentals recently.
Ortho: Oh, you just started… So, why did you just suddenly decide to learn ballet?
Rook: To improve my posture, of course.
Rook: We of Pomefiore must carry ourselves beautifully, not only in how we walk, but with every single gesture we make.
Rook: That is why I began my training in order to keep to the standards of my dormitory.
Rook: As to why I chose ballet, that would be because Roi du Poison… Vil recommended it to me.
Ortho: I think Vil's advice is sound. It's said that ballet can help with your core and flexibility.
Rook: You do know your stuff, Ortho.
Ortho: You said that you just recently started learning, but… You're pretty physically fit, so I'm sure it's going pretty smoothly, right?
Rook: Well… Truthfully, the road to perfect posture has been nowhere near as smooth.
Rook: I've twisted my ankle while training to stand on my toes, and I've fallen down so ungracefully without being able to keep my balance…
Rook: When I first began practicing, my muscles were so sore that even going up and down stairs was a trial in and of itself.
Rook: I realized just how many muscles I've yet to use… It has been quite a learning experience.
Ortho: Even though you're saying how hard it was… It looks to me like you're still enjoying yourself.
Rook: Yes, it was indeed a fantastic time. One time, I became so engrossed that I danced the night away.
Ortho: Your posture now is really good, Rook-san… Looks to me like the fruits of your ballet training is showing.
Rook: Oui! Also, as I had my ballet lessons, I was able to get a taste of yet another wonderful joy.
Ortho: What do you mean, a wonderful joy?
Rook: Up until now, I would only have an adoration of the perfect performances I would watch on stage.
Rook: However, now that I've experienced it firsthand, I know just how difficult each individual technique can be.
Rook: These ballet dancers perform as gracefully as swans, putting forth such extraordinary efforts that we never get to witness.
Rook: They have honed their bodies through all the time they've spent dancing, and then these dancers take their honed bodies to bring forth perfected movements...
Rook: And then there is the spectacular stage productions that can draw out the beauty of those movements in full…!
Rook: I now have the pleasure of seeing those performances in an even more beautiful light… From the bottom of my heart, I am pleased to be learning ballet.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ortho: This painting shows the scene where the Rabbit Retainers has announced Queen of Hearts' arrival to her card soldiers.
Rook: We know that the Queen of Hearts had a rather strict personality, but… The expression she carries here is so lovely!
Ortho: I kinda find it funny with how the white rabbit is looking so tired beside her.
Ortho: This rabbit came running just before the Queen was set to arrive.
Rook: Indeed. There are many times that him frantically running while trying to do his tasks have shown up in other stories.
Rook: It's said that everyone could hear his running footsteps from all over the country… He must have been quite the busy one.
Ortho: Ah, talking about footsteps reminds me… Rook-san, you really don't make a sound when you walk.
Rook: Is that so?
Ortho: Yeah. I have a motion sensor, so I'll always know, but… A normal person wouldn't notice if you came up behind them.
Ortho: How are you able to walk without making a sound like that?
Rook: It's probably because I've grown up surrounded by nature.
Rook: Whenever I am with the trees, I become a leaf on one of its branches. Whenever I am in the meadow, I become a reed swaying in the wind…
Rook: As I dedicated myself to become one with nature like so, my footsteps naturally became softer.
Ortho: It sounds difficult to live in nature…
Rook: Fufu, it's nothing much. This is simply how I was raised alongside my family.
Ortho: I see… But I don't think there's any reason for you to watch your footsteps here at Night Raven College, do you?
Rook: Since it's more or less an ingrained habit at this point, it's not something I'm doing consciously. However…
Rook: Large and obtrusive footsteps can ruin a beautiful moment.
Rook: It could startle a bird that had settled down to sip nectar from a flower, or interrupt an enjoyable moment between friends.
Rook: That is why I wouldn't dream of making louder footsteps. I wish to capture as many beautiful moments and I possibly can with my own eyes.
Ortho: That's amazing… But how is it that you still don't make any noise on gravel roads or wooden floors?
Rook: If I had to attribute it to something, it's probably due to my shoes.
Rook: Whenever I purchase a pair, I make sure to request to have a size snug against my toes to the nearest millimeter.
Rook: Perhaps when one wears shoes that are a perfect fit, even footsteps naturally become quieter.
Ortho: You really think of everything! Now I'm curious what kind of thought you put into choosing a design for them.
Rook: Let me think… When it comes to designs, I often just select whatever was recommended to me by the shopkeeper.
Rook: I may be a Pomefiore student, but… I still haven't familiarized myself with selecting clothes and shoes that necessarily suit me.
Ortho: Woah… I'm a little surprised. I totally thought you'd be particular about the materials in your shoes, or the shape of your heels.
Ortho: You know how whenever everyone wears the high heels with the ceremonial robes, their footsteps are louder than usual?
Rook: Oui! I find the ringing sound of the heels clacking is music to my ears.
Rook: Unfortunately, I find I'm unable to make as clear a sound. Perhaps I'm subconsciously keeping my heels from hitting the ground?
Ortho: Heheh, really? I love your story, Rook-san, since they defy my known data.
Ortho: Thanks for sharing all of that with me! Okay, then I'm heading out to view the other exhibits.
Rook: Right, let us talk together again sometime. ―Now then, it's time to go see that one piece of artwork that I have been longing for.
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Rook: Ah… The famed work of art that depicts the princess singing to the fauna around her… Why does my heart dance for joy each time I gaze upon it?
Rook: With her lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow… Mayhap the animals are entranced by her charm, as well.
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: Pedro invites you to be his plus one for the night but his attention is caught by another woman and leaves you with a broken heart
Warnings: fluff, like, a lot of fluff, implied age gap, mentions of death, and descriptions of a catholic wedding (I just wrote down how they go in my country, but no, it's not *the* wedding you're thinking about) and mentions of smut
A/N: Just one more chapter and we wrap up this story!!! I hope you guys enjoy this one because I know my heart melted while I wrote it!!!
A/N part 2: still can't manually tag people on the works because I use the app and it won't let me do it, that's why I don't have a tag list at all!
3.4k words
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One year later
You stood at the altar feeling excitedly but also a little anxious. A bunch of familiar faces stared at you taking in all the details of the ceremony that was about to begin.
You could even spot Pedro among the guests, he looked handsome, as he always did, his hair was a little longer now, making it wilder in a way it made him sexier than before. He noticed your eyes on him and winked, as if he encouraged you in that situation
And that's why being a bridesmaid was so fun. While the focus wasn't necessarily you and your group of bridesmaids, you were all in the spotlight while the bride took long to arrive.
You could practically hear all the thoughts crossing people's minds, how they judged the dresses, the makeups and the hairstyles. It always happened and you wouldn't be any exception, but not that you cared very much about it, as you were so happy for your best friend Nat tying the knot with her dream guy, nothing would bother you at all.
As you felt Pedro's gaze on you, burning your skin, you thought of everything that happened this past year. It didn't even feel real, after you left his home that morning, you never returned. And he kept his word of not coming after you, which was all you needed in order to get your life back on track.
The first thing you did when you got home was to change all the locks to prevent anyone from breaking into your house. It didn't matter if it was Liev, a burglar or Pedro himself. You never wanted to walk into your home, a place you assumed safe and find someone uninvited there. Then, your second part of your action plan was to look for another gym, so you could train without having to change your schedule every single time you didn't want to run into someone in there. You wanted to exercise, to see people, to feel the endorphins flood your body and not step on eggshells all the time. Needless to say, it was a good decision.
Then, you just focused on yourself.
You finally finished your studies, you found a job that made you happier and paid well too. You took short trips here and there, getting to know new places and you also looked at yourself in the mirror and realized you were more beautiful than ever, and that was why you were loving yourself, you took care of yourself and you put yourself in the first place, just like it should've been from the beginning.
You still had feelings for Pedro, of course, but the distance helped manage it, some days you were able to go by without even thinking of him, and others you missed him deeply. You didn't know if his feelings for you changed, but you weren't as close as you once were. However, you weren't estranged either. It was just that your lifestyles got simply too different and your lives took different paths, making it so hard to be around each other.
After Pedro's career took off he became almost impossible to reach - physically at least.
He was already well-known when you two had all that story going on, of course, but now it had reached stratospherical levels. He was a big deal, he was a big celebrity, all your social media was flooded by videos, his interviews and his pictures. You began following his career, from afar, admiring him, how far he'd come, feeling your chest burst with pride every time he was nominated for an award or you saw him walking down a red carpet. It was still disturbing to you to see how much he was harassed by the media, how he couldn't walk down the street without being photographed and how they picked on the whole daddy thing. Sometimes it was a little funny though, seeing him blush and her visibly embarrassed at that. You often chuckled to yourself when you eventually saw his fans writing the sweetest things about him, how they called him their boyfriend or future husband, if only they knew your story, they'd call you crazy for turning him down. Because to them, Pedro was perfect, a prince charming. And to you, he was just a human being, with flaws and qualities, like everyone else.
You two didn't go the whole year without speaking, quite the opposite, your phone would buzz eventually, receiving a text or two from him. And you would often text him as well. Just simple things: birthday messages, wishing each other happy holidays or checking up on each other. Nothing too intimate, but enough to show you still cared and worried about each other.
He watched your stories and liked your pictures, and you did the same. Being there, even if you weren't there anymore. It was confusing, but it worked for a while.
When you realized you were able to see his pictures with fans, co-stars and women you had no idea who they were and your whole body didn't heat up in anxiety and jealousy and your heart didn't drop at your toes, at the mere thought crossing your mind of them being his lay for the night, you knew you were ready to let him in.
Not exactly let him in, you didn't know if he still cared about you like that, or if you would still have anything in common, or if he would even bother becoming your friend again now that he had met some many different people. But you still decided to text him, best case scenario he would reply and you would have a conversation, worst case scenario he would leave you on 'seen' and you would move on with your life, because you lived for yourself now, and not for Pedro.
Of course he replied to your message right away. He smiled big when he read it and couldn't even believe after all that time you were the one engaging in a conversation with him. God knows how many times it took all of his willpower to erase the gigantic texts he wrote you and just drop a 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Birthday, mariposa' he'd promised you he would let you live your life, and just like a butterfly, he let you be free but now you were flying to him again - maybe, that was what he hoped at least, so he allowed himself to daydream.
You'd sent a simple text telling him how much you enjoyed his new series, and if he had time next time he was in town, maybe you could go for drinks. He replied almost immediately, saying he couldn't wait.
And your conversation began.
Slowly, you would text through the day about many things, while he was away and lonely, he told you all about his shooting routine and what he did for fun so far away from home.
You updated him on everything knew in your life, seeing how proud of you and happy he really got. You briefly mentioned you were thinking of learning a second language, to which he quickly suggested Spanish.
But when your uncle died you didn't get a text from him. Instead, Pedro managed to get a short break from filming and hopped on a plane. He wanted to be there for you, it didn't matter to him if he was going to be there as a friend or as a possible boyfriend, he just wanted to hold you while you cried because he knew how important family was to you. He wanted to attend the funeral by your side, to dry your tears and tell you comforting words. And that was exactly what he did.
You couldn't believe your eyes when he showed up there, in black and pulling you into his embrace, which reminded you it used to be your favorite place in the world and at that moment, it became your favorite again.
You had no strength to discuss feelings with him, and he wasn't after that either. He just wanted to try and make that moment a little less miserable for you.
But the moment the funeral service was over, Pedro would have to come back to his work again. He apologized a hundred times for not being able to stay longer with you, but you assured him it was alright, not forgetting to thank him for coming all the way just to be with you.
He said goodbye with one of his warm hugs and a peck on the cheek, that landed way too close to your lips, it didn't matter if it was on purpose or not. The damage had already been done.
From the moment you realized he had left his job - the thing you assumed he loved the most in life - for you without expecting anything in return. That familiar warmth in your chest appeared after months and months of it being dormant. It was hard to deny how much you loved Pedro.
You had always heard horrible stories about women who agreed to becoming bridesmaids and had to deal with the infamous bridezilla. You were sure it wouldn't be Nat's case, but those women were not exaggerating when they said you would have to put a lot of effort, energy and even money to a moment that wasn't even yours.
While all the guests were comfortably sitting down, you along with the other girls and the bestmen had to stand up the whole ceremony. You knew the priest was probably saying beautiful words about love and stuff, as you could see the emotion in some people's eyes and how some of them even sniffed and shed one or two tears, but you were just not paying attention. Church services weren't really your thing, you tried really hard not to get bored, but it was too late, you were already bored.
That's why your eyes scanned the whole place, not really focusing on anything in particular, you just hoped time would go by faster and you wished you would all skip to the reception, because there were other things you wanted to do and mostly other people you wanted to talk to. You looked all over the church decoration and though it looked very beautiful and elegant you thought about how you would never have a wedding in a place like that. Then you watched Nat's wedding dress closely. Of course you'd seen it a couple of times already since the early stages of planning and preparing the wedding, but at that moment it looked different and you couldn't stop yourself from wondering if you'd ever get married at all and wear a pretty dress like that. You shook those thoughts away from your mine and looked at the guests absent-mindedly, not watching anything in particular until your eyes locked with Pedro's.
He didn't even blink and sustained your look, he was completely oblivious to a wedding happening just a few feet away from you, as you were really the only thing that mattered to him.
After flying to you for your uncle's funeral, you weren't able to meet again, as he was more and more caught up at work and you also had your own life. So when he got the invitation to the wedding, he didn't think twice before confirming his attendance, though he didn't really care that much about the bride and groom, he was still thankful to them.
You blushed softly and smiled big at him, he wasn't too distant, just a few rows away from the altar, close enough for you to see when he mouthed 'hermosa' making you look down in shyness. You knew Nat and Pedro had seen each other maybe five or six times and the only times she talked to him was to tell him how much her boyfriend - and now husband - loved Mandalorian. So you knew she had only invited him because of you and Pedro had only showed up to the wedding because of you as well. It felt quite good, you had to admit and for that, you even forced yourself to pay attention to the ceremony again.
Once the reception started you thought the fun would start as well, but you were wrong. Now, the bridesmaids duty kept you busy each passing second. First you had to follow the bride and groom to the photo session, then you had to assist the bride to make her big entrance, and after it you had to help her go to the restroom, which was the most chaotic part: four girls helping another lift up layers and layers of cloth in order to be able to pee.
And when you realized, it was already dinner time. As the food was served people stayed at their tables, usually guests were starving after the whole marathon of sitting through a long and tedious ceremony, then endless waiting until the bride and groom showed up.
The whole time you and Pedro exchanged looks and smiles, he even texted you in hopes to talk to you, but you were way too busy to check your phone, at the same time as soon as some guests recognized Pedro, he was bombarded with requests for selfies, autographs and girls throwing themselves at him. And he was way too nice to decline those requests even if it bothered him - though he declined the girls right away.
You thanked the heavens when dinner was finished, you knew the dance floor would be finally open to the guests until you remembered a very tacky wedding custom.
The bride was going to throw the bouquet. You pinched the bridge of your nose in embarrassment, you've always hated that moment, ever since you were a kid and your parents dragged you to relative's weddings.
Just a bunch of women going all savage over a couple of flowers made you cringe to the core, so you stepped aside and waited for the small crowd to gather. You tried to brush it off at the insistence of some people, but when Nat cleared her throat and gave you accusatory eyes, you even tried to argue. But she motioned her head towards Pedro and you saw him waiting for you to get in the small commotion. He had his hands inside his pocket and a dirty smirk, he couldn't wait to see you pick the bouquet, he was sure you'd look gorgeous.
You on the other hand felt embarrassed and awkward to stand there, Nat got in position and showed all the single ladies the bouquet, making them all shout in excitement. She looked at you and winked softly, and you gulped. Oh no, there was only one thing worse than fighting over a bouquet of flowers in front of a crowd of people, and that was definitely receiving the bouquet out of pity.
So when she threw it towards you, you stood still, making absolutely no move and watched it as it flew right past you.
You turned around and saw when two women were almost on the floor, struggling to get the bouquet. Nat frowned at you, confused as to why you didn't get it, you just shrugged at her. You didn't want to get married, there was only one thing you wanted to do, and when you thought you were finally able to do it, the DJ announced it was time for the waltz.
You rolled your eyes, as annoyance spread through your body. It had been hours all you were trying to do was to exchange a couple of words with Pedro, but that seemed impossible.
The guests all gathered around the bride and groom as they showed their rehearsed steps, some people swooning over them but you just looked around, trying to find Pedro, needing to see him and talk to him. But he wasn't there anymore.
Had he gone home? You knew he enjoyed parties, but you weren't sure about wedding parties, especially the ones where he was harassed every five minutes by people who insistently wanted pictures or just goof around a movie star.
But he wouldn't just leave you without saying goodbye, would he? Over the months your relationship became stronger even if you weren't physically close.
You were deep in thought as you felt someone touching your wrist, making you jump a little at the sudden touch and turned around, seeing Pedro standing there.
And he looked good. Very good.
He was wearing a dark suit, all in black. It hung tight to the right places as he looked absolutely like sin. His hair was messy like always and you caught a few gray streaks on his beard and that made you weak at the knees.
You smiled big and held his hand "Pedro! I thought you'd left!"
He raised his eyebrow and chuckled "do you really think I'd sit through a whole wedding and then leave before talking to the only reason why I'm here in the first place?" He held your hand and eyed you up and down, not even hiding how much he appreciated your looks "I don't mean to be one of those bitchy people who come to the party and trash talk it, but when we get married we'll have a lot less church and a lot more party"
Pedro's words stirred something inside of you, even if it was a joke, you felt yourself blushing.
"Too bad it won't happen, I mean, I didn't catch the bouquet so…" you replied in a shy way and made him laugh as well
"Yeah, well, we can figure this out later, right now I'd like to have a dance with the most beautiful girl at the party?" He offered his hand to you, and you hesitated at first
"It depends, Pedro" you saw his confusion, finding it quite amusing
"It depends on what, hermosa?" He questioned curiously
"Where's your plus one?" You saw how he frowned not really getting where you were going
"What plus one, Y/N? I came alone…"
You laughed softly and nodded, taking a step closer and accepting his invitation.
"I was just making sure, you know, I was friends with a guy once and he pulled such a jerk move, where he invited a plus one to a party and ditched her to dance with another girl and ended up taking this other girl home and left his plus one really heartbroken"
A deep shade of crimson spread through his face as he was at a loss of words for a while. He cleared his throat and swallowed hard.
"H-he sounds like a real dick" he replied a little self conscious, not sure if you were joking or playing games
"He really was, but I heard he managed to change into a better person and his plus one even forgave him after all"
His smile was wide and the relief in his eyes was visible as he wrapped his arms around your waist and glued your body to his. It was a slow ballad and you wrapped your arms around his neck at the same time you swayed your hips together.
"Thank you for forgiving me, I really missed you" he whispered against your ear, your faces were inches apart and you closed your eyes, his cologne lingering on your skin. You took your hand to the back of his neck, stroking his hair and feeling it softly between your fingers.
"We needed this, Pedro… I guess now we could start things over" you said and welcomed his lips against yours, as they crashed in a needy contact. You moaned lowly at the feel of his tongue against yours. His hands squeezed your waist and if you could get any closer to him, you would have, because you could swear that was not enough.
His kiss was intense and unlike the other times, he wasn't trying to overpower you and make you accept him playing dirty with your hormones, he was kissing you, feeling you and taking you as his. And you wanted it as much as he did.
When you broke the kiss, he nibbled your bottom lip, caressing your cheek and not giving a care in the world if someone filmed or photographed you.
You danced as if there was no tomorrow, as the ballad was over, you danced with Pedro to any kind of songs that came in the playlist, you had fun and when sexier songs came up, you dance even more, loving how you rubbed your body against his and Pedro never spared any neck kiss or groping your body.
By the time you could feel a tent against your ass, you turned to him, kissing his lips again.
"I guess it's time to get out of here, princesa" he whispered into your ear and squeezed your ass. You moaned against his lips as you couldn't agree more.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, it was just so easy to write I was really into it. I loved it so much and I can't believe this series is almost over 😞 also, if y'all don't go soft on Pedro now I don't know what to do, LMAO
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sunnysam-my · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel redesign ideas p. 2
I am a bit of fashion, especially men's, history nerd, and I'm also a bit of radio nerd, so here I go, biblically accurate Alastor.
Alastor was a radio host (a radio star?) who lived and died in Louisiana. He was shot during a hunting accident, in the head, somewhere in the 1933, during radio's golden era. He cares greatly about his image and always smiles to show no weaknesses. He hates modern technology and doesn't allow his face to be captured by video recording or non black and white camera. His is mixed-race Creole.
Nothing about Alastor design make sense and it pisses me off. Not only it doesn't fit the time, it also doesn't fit his character! Besides, he is too red. He disappears into the background, especially walls of the Hotel.
Alastor cares about his image greatly, yet his clothes are torn. He is supposed to be like Hannibal, yet he looks like an edgelord wannabe. It's awful. I learned nothing about him from his design, other than "he's and old-time radio deer guy", and that's really bad.
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Fashion in 30s was inspired by Hollywood, and sport and movies celebrities.
Back and white fashion in this period wasn't that different, at least for men, as long as you weren't poor, but here are some photos of specifically black fashion in 30s. In general I recommend that website if you want to look more into the fashion of this period.
His hair is completely wrong. And it's also really ugly lol. For richer black men a shiny straightening hairstyle was the go to since 1920s. One such style was "the conk" where one would chemically straighten their hair. It left hair shiny, but the process was painful and expensive. It literally could burn your scalp.
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Another popular style was the brush wave. It's creating narrow waves rolling on top of head with the sides cut short and smooth. This hairstyle is still present to this day, but nowadays it's done on the whole head.
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Other than that, men just wore their hair naturally, but short.
There is no focus on trousers or vest in Alastor's outfit. (Which is wild considering zipper fly was introduced in the early 30s, but was got popular by the mid ’30s). This was time of experimenting a bit with vests. If you wanted to look fancy and/or formal, you would wear a vest. Pants were wide legged, had a high waist and a single pressed line down the center of the leg. Some trouser waistbands were unique in the 1930s, for example a Hollywood waistband trouser. It had an extra wide band with a double row of buttons. They fit very high, overlapping the ribs. they often had netal ring tabs on the sides to tighten the pant to the correct fit without the need for belts or suspenders.
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Also, monocle? Really? …Really? Here you go, read this if you're curious. Lots of pictures of glasses included. Glasses stayed essentially the same in 30s as they were in 20s. They were "round with a center bridge in the early years and an upper bridge in the later years. Frames could be tortoiseshell, black plastic, or thin metal." 
Moving on from fashion, because I could never shut up, microphones!
The most probabale one that everyone who is redesigning Al is drawing is a good old classic Carbon mic. It looks like a ring with a metal star and the microphone inside. It can be hand held or a staff.
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But, if you wanna draw something different!
Other than Carbon mic there is also a Ribbon microphone (first row) and Moving Coil mic (second row). Unfortunately, they killed Alastor in the best part of the radio golden age, so the mics are still a bit ugly, not gonna lie.
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How would I design him:
First things firsts, either he is mixed or he is white, because right now it just feels like a cheep excuse to have an "evil voodoo" character without getting too much backlash. Let's be honest, nobody thought he was a POC and that white face doesn't help. Again, just like I mentioned with Vel, when you're drawing a character with human like skin tone you have to be careful and think how it ties to their race.
Second - fashion. His outfit and hairstyle is a disaster. He has always tried to 'dress to impress', so obviously I would give him well maintained clothing and that 'high quality', formal style. I would give him the dark brown Hollywood trouser with buttons and dark crimson shirt, like dried blood almost. Under a coat or jacket he would have a brow vest, both the same colour as the pants. Highlights would be golden and green or purple. I for one would love to see him start out with a jacket/coat which he stops wearing inside the hotel after he bonds with the people inside it more, but he would still wear it outside and in the finale would put it on again, after his breakdown in the tower. This would show he began to trust the hotel residents a bit before he 'realises his mistake' after the battle. I would give him short haircut, because not even white people wore hair like that. (What in the Karen-core is it supposed to be?). Say goodbye to that monocle. Why is it even there there? Because he is old-timely? What is he, a children's cartoon villain? His design doesn't need more soulless clutter. Give me something that tells me about him as a character. I've seen people give him old radio as teeth or chest and I love it! When it's not too detailed, it's a great idea to make Alastor less like a living human but also less of… just a deer. He just looks like a deer demon. I would keep his shoes, hands and antlers, and give him ears that would fit the hairstyle I would go with.
[Edit: I forgot to mention, I would give him a time accurate hat or a free wavy lock of hair to cover the mark on his forehead where he was shot]
Thirdly, the microphone! My love. I remember the microphone used to be able to talk, but now it doesn't, unless I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure. Now it's just a weird look staff microphone with an eye and that's about it. But imagine something like a moving coil with the metal sign on top of it were the letters on it change. It could be a way it's communicating, in a simple way. This was it could still have a unique shape. That would have been fun to see. I can certainly imagine it being something of an 'unfiltered voice' of Alastor, where it would change it's writing into "Shut up", "Die" or something like that and he would hit it in a reprimanding way to reverse it to "Smile!". I'm just saying, that's a cool idea.
Well, this took forever to make, I actually forgot about this, so it just sat in my drafts. Anyway, if you want to see brilliant use of costumes and detailed, accurate depiction of fashion (especially black and queer) through history in New Orleans I recommend "Interview With The Vampire" (2022). It's also a great show.
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madameaug · 8 months
Wash Day || PJM x Black Fem Reader
inspo You're hair is really soft (Pinterest)
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*woman in gif is not a face claim
yn: hey baby i'm getting ready to start washing my hair. so i'll be slow to respond if you text me within the next seven hours <3
jimin: seven hours ???
jimin: wait can i help
yn: uhh sure. if you want i'm unraveling my braids now
You sat your phone down, focusing on the ombre brown box braid in your hand. It was officially fall, and it was time to take out your late summer hairstyle. You stretched this style longer than usual due to your recent visit to South Korea. You came to celebrate Jimin's birthday and spent the remaining three weeks sightseeing before returning to your country.
The once neat squares were now fuzzy and overgrown. You were excited to see this much new growth spreading across your scalp. You peeked over your phone, seeing Jimin hearted your final text message. Jimin never shied away from asking you questions about your natural hair. Of course, he knew about the versatility of black hair, but now that his girlfriend was black, he felt he could become better informed.
"Yeobo." Jimin cooed, taking off his black puffer jacket. His eyes shining with pure love, looking at you. Despite half of your hair sticking out.
Jimin bent over and laid a kiss on your lips. He sat down before you, feet crossed and tucked underneath his body. "I'm ready to be your assistant."
You demonstrated to Jimin where to cut and how to unravel your braids. Like a good student, Jimin watched you take down some braids. Watching how generous you were with the detangler, using the rat tail comb to pick at those annoying knots.
Jimin was so gentle, slowly detangling your hair. Starting from the ends of your hair as you taught him. With each crinkly track of hair that Jimin removed, more and more of your natural hair was revealed. He showered your hair with compliments, not caring about the specks of dirt or clusters of hardened gel.
Starting your natural hair journey was something always intimate to you. It was your hair. Your crown. It was a part of your identity. Whether it was short, long, kinky, or curly. It grew from your scalp and was a testament to strength. Not letting Western beauty standards strip you of the beauty you were handed down from your ancestors. And for him, Jimin, your non-black boyfriend, to engage with your natural hair. You felt connected with him on another level.
In no time, an hour to be exact, you and Jimin finished unraveling all the braids. Your afro was extended high and moved like blades of grass in the wind. Jimin sweetly called your hair cotton candy.
"Your hair is so soft. I love it in this state." He leaned back on the couch, proud of his work.
"Na ah. We still got more work to do; now we have to wash it."
No complaint left Jimin's mouth as he rolled off the couch.
"Okay, but I wanna take a picture. Your hair is so cute right now." You playfully rolled your eyes but stretched out your hair to look suitable for the picture. Knowing Jimin, he was going to make this photo be his lock screen for who knows how long. With his hands around your hips, Jimin pulled you in close. His full lips puckered, kissing your cheek. Your eyes were closed, giving the camera a beautiful smile.
Reviewing the image, Jimin laughed, seeing that your afro covered a good portion of his face. But his lips on your cheek were still evident. Clearing out your kitchen sink, you explained to Jimin how each product would help your hair. He was simply taken aback by the six bottles that were sitting on the sink.
Jimin held the faucet spout over your hair, impressed at how your hair was repelling the stream of water. Jimin counted the sixty-seconds it took for your hair to start dripping from the water.
"So this is what you mean by low-porosity?"
"Yeah, it takes a while for my hair to get wet and for my hair to dry. Well at least air dry."
You squirted the coconut-scented shampoo in your hand. Ensuring that you scratched up any dirt in your hair. The scalp massage was your favorite part of washing your hair. You reached for Jimin's hands, getting them into your hair. His hands massaging your hair, hitting all the itchy spots.
"This is so satisfying, not gonna lie." You physically relaxed into Jimin's body. Despite the slightly uncomfortable bridge position you were in. You didn't mind as you watched Jimin wash your hair. You recognized his look of determination as he gave care to each area of your scalp.
"Gimme kiss." This time, you were puckering your lips for a kiss. Jimin didn't hesitate. Since your time in Korea, you have not had the opportunity to have a 'down' day with Jimin. Either he was taking you to a new part of the country he wanted you to see. Or you were working remotely from your laptop. You weren't working odd hours due to conflicting time zones. You were finding peace in the little things, like watching Jimin breathe. Your hands traced his jawline, feeling his bare skin. Not many things if life are 'perfect', but this moment between you and Jimin would be close. You basked in the moment. Not wanting this moment to end. Not enjoying your time to end.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
"Impossible." Jimin rinsed the shampoo, repeating the process with conditioner and deep conditioner. Jimin hadn't even noticed the time just flying by. He was just going along with the flow. Watching you section off your hair before blow drying it. The sections displayed an obvious contrast in the apparent 'length' of your hair. When soaking wet it was barely near your ear. Yet after being stretched by the blow dryer, it was at your collarbone.
"What do you need help with next?"
"This next part is pretty simple. I'm just gonna do five cornrows, then call it a night. You've been such a help, babe."
"Teach me how to do it." Jimin patted on the carpeted ground for you to sit in between his legs. In a matter of thirty minutes, Jimin mastered cornrows. Something that took you months, maybe even years to make them look presentable.
"Had I known you were this fast learner, I would have taught you this when we met." You looked at the five braids. You looked at the time, noticing that only four hours had passed. Jimin helped you shave off three hours of wash day.
"Glad to be of help."
I feel like I'm constantly changing my format when writing these imagines. Oh well. Life has been good lately, hope life has been good to everyone too <33
I'm def looking forward to the discourse on Golden over the next few days.
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nicolesainz · 9 months
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Focus on me (MM 7)
Mason Mount x f!reader
A/n: I have to give credits to my bff willow @landooscar for sending me that Mason gif on the Manchester United chair where his thighs are spread. You will see later on what l mean. For now thank her and I hope you enjoy the story.
Summary: Mason loves to fool around. But isn't really a fan of you giving your attention to other boys. So he decides not to play nice with you and give you a taste of your own medicine.
Warnings: minors dni, 18+, smut content, teasing, thigh riding, praise kink
"Hey babe? Can you come down and help me with something for a moment?”
Mason got no response. He allowed himself to finish preparing dinner for a few minutes, before he called me once again.
“Hello? Y/N? Can you help me down here, love?”
I could practically hear him but in that moment I was too focused on the Tv screen and too pumped to remove my eyes from it.
Footsteps were echoing through the corridor that was close to our bedroom. There was a soft knock on the door, as Mason thought that I was probably sleeping.
“Darling, are you awake?”
He said so softly and calmly. Gosh, how can one not fall in love with this man.
I went up to him and opened the door, trying to hide the grin I had on my face. Mason raised his eyebrows suspiciously, wondering what I may be doing alone.
“Why weren’t you coming downstairs to help me? I need some cooking advice from your mother but she won’t respond my calls”
I blinked. I couldn’t respond. It’s not like I was doing anything weird or unfaithful, but it wasn’t my finest moment. I think all girls have celebrity crushes, even when they have boyfriends. Right?
“I, uh, I was watching F1’s qualifying. It just finished.”
That was partially true.
“Righttt. And who got pole? Can I see?”
He approached the TV and he saw that it had been paused to a very particular moment that the director had filmed.
On the screen, there was Carlos Sainz, slicking through his long black hair, whilst waving at the cameraman. See? I told you. Not my finest moment.
“Babe, that’s Carlos. Why did you pause at that moment?”
Now that was the moment I blinked even more. Unable to respond. How do you exactly tell your boyfriend of three years that recently buzzed his hair, that you were admiring another man’s haircut.
It was kinda weird, but I had no shame. Maybe a little.
Mason scratched his head as he was waiting for my response, when he actually realized why I had paused the livestream. He felt his shirt hair and then looked at Carlos’s lengthy hairstyle.
“It’s the hair innit?”
His face dropped massively. I’m not going to lie, I’m not the biggest fan of buzzcuts but it fit Mason beautifully. I was though an even bigger fan of his prince-like hairstyle. My god, the way my fingers would tangle around, was mesmerizing.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you didn’t want me to buzz my hair this short? I would have picked another hairstyle”
“Masey, it’s your hair. I’m not one to judge or say anything. I love every single one of your hairstyles. Nothing changes just because you have shorter or longer hair.”
“But apparently you’re a fan of long hairstyles”
“It’s practically in many ways”
I was hinting at the time we were having sex on the couch and as Mason was about to fall, I pulled him from his hair and pulled his body against mine, still keeping the connection.
“That was very hot babe”
I felt bad that he had to see such a weak moment of mine. I love Mason no matter what. I don’t care about his looks. I only care about the person he is. The hair is the last thing I pay attention too.
“I’m so sorry Mase. This doesn’t mean anything. This is silly, I shouldn’t have done that, I don’t even know why I did.”
He wasn’t responding.
“Do you maybe want me to leave for a few hours and come back? I’ll go to my mom and pick up that recipe you want”
Instead of saying anything, he turned off the Tv, and sat on the bed, with his thighs kneeling in front of my eyes.
Before doing that he removed his shorts and shirt, revealing once again his Greek god like built body, full of beautiful drawn tattoos. My weakness being the champions league one on his rib cage.
“I need you to come close baby”
He said stiffly, in a more manly manner than the one he usually has. His Adam’s apple was sitting on the center of his neck and vile thoughts of me kissing this spot entered my brain.
I approached the bed, only to be dragged by Mason on top of his thighs. In mere seconds I was left shirtless, gifting him what he was asking for. His girlfriend bra-less and in the most vulnerable position ever.
“I’m the only man that’s allowed to make your tits hard. Are we clear about that?”
I simply nodded, as my eyes were wandering around his toned muscles on his shoulders and hardened errection. I didn’t know where to look.
“You’ll do as I say, right princess?”
I replied weakly
“Ride my thigh. I want you to ride me until I feel your cum running down it. Until your pussy is stretched to its limits but you beg for more”
I was left speechless. I don’t know how we went from him wanting to cook, to making me cum out of nowhere. But I liked it.
I started rubbing myself on his thigh as his hands were holding my ass firmly and his lips had attacked mine, removing the oxygen from my system.
Moving up and down, I was feeling the heat on my pussy and Mason’s thigh trembling and pushing itself upwards, close to my clit. His fingers were sliding from the back of my ass, to under my panties and at first softly caressing my wet folds.
As his lips moved downwards to my neck, leaving endless marks in a certain pattern I couldn’t really understand, my pussy came face to face with his knee that was almost deep inside me. Like his fingers. The pace kept rising and more moans were escaping my lips.
“You’re mine. Solely mine”
“Your neck, your lips, your pussy. All mine”
“You’re the only man you’re allowed to admire. No one else”
I had reached the point were Mason’s thigh was covered in my cum and he moved me to the left one, repeating the same thing but never removing his fingers from my clit.
I let out a squeak as Mason hit my G-spot, earning a soft laugh from him. His lips were now occupied with my nipples and bouncing breasts, whilst mine were kissing his collarbone and nails were dug deep into his back.
“You’re the only one Mase”
“I’m yours. Body and soul”
Mason let out a frustrating moan, before we both orgasmed at the same time.
“You complete me baby. I love you, Y/N”
“I love you too Mase. You’re my boyfriend and the only for me”
Let’s just say that at night we barely did anything but hug and make love to each other.
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trulybetty · 9 months
oct' 01 x ruffled hair
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Prompt: ruffled hair Pairing: Joel Miller x gn!Reader Word Count: 587 Warnings: lots of fluff, just pure domestic fluff Summary: the miller household is getting ready for the changing season with a little bit of fall decorating, some more enthusiastic than others.
x. masterlist
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It was officially fall, though the Texan weather hadn’t received the memo. A late summer had meant that the leaves were still pretty vibrant and the warm weather wasn’t quite allowing for sweaters and boots. However it wasn’t going to dampen Sarah Miller's determination to get the house up and in the spirit of the season.
There was a short rap at your bedroom door followed by, “Are you guys awake yet?” before feet quickly made their way down the stairs.
A groan from behind you told that her enthusiasm wasn’t shared that morning.
“You promised her.” you said as arms wrapped their way around your waist and you felt a warm nose nuzzle into the crook of your neck.
“It was your idea” Joel grumbled, his voice muffled as he held you a little tighter.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Hmph.” he groaned, “just five more minutes.”
You turned around to face him, your one hand finding its way into his hair, he’d been putting off getting his hair cut. Business was busier with people back to work from summer vacations and a return to routine highlighting even more so what needed fixing before the holiday season began.
You ruffled his hair and Joel sighed as he cracked one eye open, recognizing that look on your face. “I know, I know, another thing to add to the list,” he said, pre-empting your thoughts about his resemblance to his brother Tommy's longer hairstyle.
You had a soft spot for a longer haired Joel Miller, especially when it was long enough for his curls to settle in at the nape of his neck.
You leaned in and kissed his slightly furrowed lips. Almost instantly, they softened, parting just enough for your tongue to explore. 
“How about I go listen to our detailed itinerary for today’s events and get the coffee maker started, and you go take care of the one Miller who can’t talk back yet?” you proposed, your fingers still playing with the unruly curls at the nape of his neck.
Joel hummed appreciatively as you scratched at the back of his neck. “I suppose I can manage that,” he agreed, already contemplating how he'd manage all the Millers’ and their varying degrees of morning enthusiasm.
Reluctantly he released you from his arms, but not before he placed a kiss at your forehead, and pulled back the covers with a groan as his feet hit the floor.
“I swear she never had this much enthusiasm for decorating before you came along, don’t even think she even knew what Pinterest was.”
You smiled, watching him pull a worn t-shirt over his head, momentarily snagging on those longer curls.
He shook his head, finally disentangling himself from the shirt, and leaned over to steal one more quick kiss. “I still don’t understand this whole Fall decorating thing you know.”
You shrugged as you offered him a smile, “You don’t have to. It's about embracing change, celebrating the beauty of transition. Plus, it's fun.”
He took a step toward the door but paused with his hand on the door handle, “I'm kinda looking forward to seeing the house all dolled up for the season though. Makes it feel more like a home, you know?”
Your heart swelled at his words. It was one thing to have a partner who tolerated your interests, but it was another to know that they found joy in your joy—even if that joy came in the form of seasonal throw pillows and wreaths.
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Not planned...at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC!reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?
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Long Summary: Leonor and Roxanne had only planned their usual afternoon, reading fanfics on the floor of Nell's room and chatting about their favorite love interests. Doing weird hairstyles and screaming the lyrics to various Nickelback songs was on the schedule but nighttime they both learn a very valuable lesson. Don't go looking too deep into the internet!
Roxy and Nell both pay the price when finding themselves in the middle of...nowhere? That is until they walk through the snow for a bit and notice that they are now direct spectators of the very scene they'd been about to read!
Chapter 1
Growing up and moving out had never stopped two good cousins from acting like kids and sharing a flat for their studies certainly wasn't gonna stop Roxanne or Leonor from having sleepovers in each other's room.
Tonight was Nell's turn. The plan was simple! Celebrate the ending of second term globals with weird ass skincare products they'd never even touched before, blast music low enough for no neighbors to come complaining, and mix up sweets and energy drinks while devouring sour candy and Takis.
Nothing new or out of the ordinary, most time these sleepovers didn't involve as much food but today was special. Roxanne had gotten second place in a large judo tournament that took place in their city, the black long haired girl was almost vibrating with excitement at the news so of course her older cousin and roommate had taken it upon herself to make tonight specially fun.
"We could've got drinks?!"
Nell was snapped out of her intense focus by Roxy's words, it's true Roxanne's 18 and she's 19 going on 20 in less than two months. Feeling up to a teasing mood Nell pulled unnecessary hard on Roxanne's pitch black long straight hair with a smirk as she continued the intricate hairstyle she'd been working on for the past hour, this was their second attempt at perfecting.
"What's up with the comment? Are you feeling alcoholic young lady?! Meh didn't feel like buying that, energy drinks are more of a rush and it did feel kind of depressing to think of us both having a pijama party just to drink wine like old widowed wives."
Roxanne didn't really react to hair pulling, I mean the woman could put down a fully grown man without any weapons it was to be expected that she didn't feel bothered by Nell's petty hair pulling. She did hum in agreement with Leonor when hearing her reasoning and chugged another drink at her glass.
"How much left? Not that you're pulling too harshly but my neck feels sore in this position"
"Give me five more minutes, I like your hair, this type of stuff can't really be done on my hair! Or at least I can't manage on myself unless I spend a full hour untangling this bird nest"
Nell complained referring to her thick brown curls that were struggling to pull out under their containment from the hair claw she had on.
It wouldn't usually click to people, that she and Roxy were actually cousins at least not until they saw them interact with one another.
Roxanne was the absolute definition of a black cat type of girl, with her straight black hair and resting bitch face no one would expect to see her running into Leonor's arms for a hug to celebrate her victory. She loved dressing in black and wouldn't think twice before pulverizing someone's ego if she deemed it necessary. Standing on 1'64 meters she could somehow still manage to look down on anyone twice her size with her icy blue eyes.
Leonor on the other hand was usually all smiles and apologies, almost like a reflex at this point.
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octuscle · 1 year
I hate influencers. Young people who haven't learned anything. People who can't do anything but want to have everything. Whenever I find a nice hotel, these people block the pool to take the perfect picture. They get aggressive when you walk through the picture. They think they are celebrities because they have 100 followers. And when they stand in front of you at the front desk when you check out, they haggle over every item on the bill because they think they have to get everything for free.
Of course, I also hate influencers because I've had to work hard for a long time to be able to afford things that young people enjoy now. And I've gone gray and wrinkled over working so long, my hair has fallen out and I've gotten a belly. I hate influencers who are so beautiful that any photoshopping of their pictures would be a waste of time.
Yes I admit, I hate influencers also because I am envious of many. But the woman who has now been blocking the buffet for her shots for ten minutes at breakfast in the idyllic forest hotel is simply an imposition. Now her photographer comes up to me and asks if I can stand by the chick for a few pictures. Thank you very much, probably I was the least ugly available hotel guest. But if it makes it over faster….
The camera clicks and clicks. And with each click I become more relaxed. I even start joking with the lady. The photographer thinks we are interacting super. And the other guests roll their eyes in annoyance… As I sit back down at my breakfast table, I wonder about the rings on my fingers. Striking jewelry. And a bracelet I have, too. And an expensive Rolex. Where did that come from?
A little later at the pool, the photographer approaches me again. Would I mind taking a few more pictures of us at the pool bar? Less hesitantly than before, I agree. A make-up artist approaches me, powders my face and works on my hair. Even though everyone else is looking, I almost enjoy it. Sure, I look good, but I can always do better. I stroke my chin and realize with surprise that I'm not shaved. On the contrary, it feels like a short beard. I go to the photographer and have him show me the last shots. Indeed, I have a beard. Longer even than the hair carefully shaved out on the sides and neck. I'm unsure… Have I always had my hair like this?
I pull out my phone and open my Instagram account. But sure enough, in most of the pictures I have exactly the same hairstyle. Only on the older ones do I still wear my hair shoulder-length. But at some point I found the bad boy attitude better. And so did my followers. "Now again with different clothes," the photographer calls out to me, pointing to a pile of carefully draped garments.
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I grab a pair of jeans and a wife beater. In front of the mirror, I correct the fit of my chains once again. One wrong detail ruins the shot and costs you followers and advertising revenue. I can't afford that. For the pictures at the edge of the forest I combine "dreamy look" with discreetly tensed muscles. The main thing is to show off the tattoos to their best advantage. Many fans love me for that. And that's what I make my living from!
Realization at the request of @gogotten. I hope you have fun with it!
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𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 Post-sex cuddles are the perfect opportunity for braiding hair it seems. 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 Hair Braiding 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬) Mary Goore x GN!Reader 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 No smut but mentions of sex (18+ only, MINORS DNI or I'll delete all of your bookmarks on your AO3 account), Mary usually being uncomfortable with physical touch but he's okay with it with you, long hair Mary again because why not, can be read as a part 2 to yesterday's fic but also works well on its own I think. 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 1157 words. 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 I finished my final undergrad essay today!! Celebrating with more long-haired Mary content whoopee. I've briefly proofread this to make sure there are no gendered pronouns or terms used for reader but if I've missed any please let me know!! 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 𝐓𝐢𝐩 𝐉𝐚𝐫
One thing about Mary Goore: he loves to cuddle after sex. It’s his favourite part of aftercare. Or at least it is with you. He’s been discovering over the past few months since you decided to give dating a shot that he likes doing a lot of things with you that he didn’t think he would. Before, the thought of being touched and manhandled while he was sticky and sweaty and coming down from the high of a climax made him cringe. It sounded like something that would be overstimulating. Like it would be too much sensory input for him to handle immediately after.
And yet, despite thinking that before, he’s now snuggled up close to you and he can hear your heartbeat as he rests his head on your chest. Long strands of blonde have stuck to his forehead and your upper torso from the sweat, and he can feel your fingers lightly massaging his scalp as your breaths gradually even out.
“Mm?” Mary hums, their digits tracing random patterns on your hip.
Your nails scratch gently at their skin. “Have you ever considered doing other things with your hair?”
They snort. “Listen, I’m willing to try new things but I don’t think I wanna use my hair to get you off. It would take ages to wash that shit out.”
You lightly smack their shoulder, eliciting a giggle that brings a smile to your face. “Not like that. I don’t even think that would be possible and no, we’re not going to test it out so don’t even try.”
“Damn, and I was so looking forward to giving you a hair job.”
They laugh again at the way your face wrinkles up in displeasure. “Gross. No, I meant like… hairstyles and stuff. Something other than putting your hair in a ponytail every time you go to work.”
Mary considers this for a moment, gazing down at the long, sweat-damp locks of blonde that tickle your chest. If they were being honest, they had thought about cutting it all off and starting fresh. They hadn’t gone to a salon for a long time now and they knew there were likely a few split ends that probably needed the chop. However, they’d had their hair this length for such a long time now that it felt like a much scarier step to take than it probably was in reality. While they weren’t afraid of change, sometimes adjusting to change was difficult. Their morning routine would change. Their appearance would change. Even the way you carded your fingers through their hair would change. It would no longer be long strokes but short and sweet. Were they prepared for that kind of change?
Your fingers nudging his chin break him out of his inner monologue. “Don’t overthink it, baby. If you like your hair the way you do it now, then that’s fine. Nothing needs to change if you don’t want it to, you know? I was just curious.”
His shoulders immediately relax. “Good. I kinda like how I have my hair right now. I only really pull it back for work so we don’t have customers complaining about finding hair in their drinks.”
“That’s fair.”
Mary runs a hand through his hair and an idea strikes him. “Although… I suppose pulling it back in a different style wouldn’t be all bad. I could probably even do more fun stuff with it for Halloween and other themed nights.”
They let out a cry of surprise as you push them off you, making a beeline for the dressing table sat in the corner of the bedroom and picking up a handful of hair ties and a brush. Mary can’t help but get excited when they see the gleeful grin on your face when you return to the bed.
“Why don’t we try braiding it? You could be like Lara Croft or something!”
“Fuck, yeah, sure. But be careful. Don’t yank at my hair too much,” they acquiesce, turning so that their back is facing you as the mattress dips behind them.
The brush glides through Mary’s hair, only occasionally catching where a couple of strands had gotten tangled during sex. His eyes slide closed when you begin separating his hair into three sections, tilting his head back with a smile on his face. This is something else he didn’t think he’d enjoy in a relationship either. Ordinarily, he could tolerate being touched by strangers as part of his job at the bar. He was even able to accept that it would be a common occurrence when he did gigs with Repugnant, fans crowing the stage and reaching up to touch him or trying to grab him when he walked offstage. He didn’t enjoy his personal space being invaded, nor his personal boundaries around physical touch being crossed, but he made sure to take the time to decompress every time he came home.
You’re the only person they’ve been okay with being touched by. When you touch them, holding them close or even something as casual as sitting close to each other to watch a movie, they don’t feel the disgust or discomfort that they feel from strangers grabbing at him. Any time your fingers interlock with theirs, they feel safe. They feel calm. When you kiss them, cupping their face tentatively, they want to grab you and bring you in so close that your bodies almost become one entity. And now, as you braid their hair and hum an old King Diamond song, their body itches with the need to take one of your hands and place it on their bare skin so that they can feel that you’re there and you’re real. Because fuck knows sometimes Mary wakes up and thinks that they just dreamt up your entire relationship, still pining after you like a teen with a high school crush.
The warm press of your lips on Mary’s shoulder has his eyes fluttering open to find you holding a hand mirror in front of him, your back pressed against his and the newly styled braid swept forward over one of his pale, freckled shoulders.
“What do you think? Did I do good?”
The braid isn’t perfect, a couple strands of hair already sticking out, but his heart swells all the same. He can’t help but notice how much it suits him even if it is different to what he’d usually choose to do with his hair. His fingertips caress the smooth hair in the braid as he inspects it in the mirror before turning to look at you with a grin.
“Think you can do that for me before work whenever I stay over?”
The moment you start to nod, Mary takes hold of your face roughly and crashes his lips down on yours, the two of you laying down on the mattress with you beneath him as he expresses his gratitude with a multitude of kisses.
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1. What kind of book are you currently interested in?
O: A book on world cultures. I have a deep understanding of our country as compared towhat I know of the world. So I thought that I should learn about the different ways of thinking of the rest of the world that I don’t know. That’s why I read it.
2. What kind of movies do you like?
O: I love horror films!
3. When you were in school, what is the subject you’re weak at?
O: Math…
4. When you were in school, what is the subject you’re best at?
O: Science!
5. If your girlfriend cooks for you, what dish would you like her to cook?
6. What is your ideal type in a girl?
O: A girl with a cute aura.
7. Which hairstyle do you prefer in a girl? Short, bob, semilong, or long?
O: Short hair.
8. What is your favorite number?
O: 2. I feel like it has a sense of stability.
9. If a girl could give you a message, what words would make you happy?
O: I would be happy if I were told, “Your voice is really beautiful.”
10. What Korean dish would you recommend to your Japanese fans?
O: Samgyetang
11. Please wink for us.
12. What SHINee song would you recommend to lift someone’s spirit when they’re feeling down?
O: 321
13. What if you invited a girl you like to a date, how will you approach her?
O: I think that instead of asking her out boldly, I will do it secretly and in private(LOL).
14. Recently, is there anything that made you feel happy or energetic?
O: I took awalk after a long time! The trees were so green, and when I saw them I can feel the nature. The wind also felt really nice.
15. What is your treasure?
O: My family, myself, my fans. And the people around me who support me.
16. What is your favorite (Japanese) word?
O: Smile.Because a smiling face is the best.
17. What is your recent favorite fashion item?
O: Fedora hats.
18. What is a food you dislike?
O: Cucumbers.
19. Please hold out your hand.
20. What is your favorite smell?
O: The smell of trees. They have a calming feeling.
21. What is your ideal age to get married?
O: I wonder how old would be good…about 35 years old? (LOL)
22. What is your latest hobby/game that interests you?
O: Bowling! I even bought My Ball! I’m thinking of seriously doing it (LOL).
23. What is your special skill?
O:Hmm..ttakbam (LOL)
24. What is your favorite food?
O: Chicken! I love chicken! I like any dish with chicken!
25. Please give us a flying kiss!
26. Please make a crying face.
27. What is a book you like?
A: Poetry. It is an accumulation of unsaid feelings and is easy to read.
28. How do you relieve stress?
O: I guess this is also by walking. Like, taking a walk through a place I’ve never ventured before. Since it’s a place I’m unfamiliar with, I become observant of the things around me and it’s exciting, discovering a lot of new things. With that, my mood becomes better. I recommend it to everyone!
29. What is your charm point?
O: My voice!
30. What is the most interesting dream you had?
O: Hmm..I forgot. LOL. I may have had dreams but I don’t really remember them?
31. What did you eat last night?
O: Ramen!
32. If you’re taking a walk with your girlfriend, what is better? holding hands or linking arms?
O: Holding hands would be better, I think~
33. What present would you give your girlfriend if you’re celebrating your first anniversary?
O: Hmm…what would be nice? …Will you give me suggestions? (LOL)
34. What is your weak point?
O: I get easily influenced by other people’s opinions.
35. What is something you want to do before you die?
O: Something that seems to feel really good–Skydiving!
36. What do you wear when you sleep?
O: T-shirt and shorts.
37. What is your dream when you were young?
O: To be a scientist or architect
38. When you go out, what item should definitely be in your bag?
O: My phone, wallet, and room keys
39. What is the first thing you do upon waking up?
O: Check the time.
40. What is something that you are secretly proud of?
O: No matter what I’m going to start doing or no matter where I am going, I always prepare for it.
41. Which do you prefer, roller coaster or haunted house?
O: If I can choose, then roller coaster.
42. Please make a gesture showing, “keep it a secret”!
43. What is your favorite sport?
O: Favorite sport, I don’t have one (LOL).
44. What do you buy in a convenience store?
O: I often buy sweets or drinks.
45. Are you the type of person who eats his favorite food first or last?
O: Either. It depends on what I feel during that time.
46. How do you spend time in your room?
O: If there is time, I sleep a lot.
47. What is your favorite animal?
O: Giraffe
48. What is your favorite color?
O: Blue!
49. What is your favorite season?
O: Although they pass by easily, spring and autumn.
50. (Q fromSWJ): Onew-san always has a smiling face, but if a problem comes up, what do you do to calm yourself down?
O: First, I sleep (LOL). But I don’t sleep to forget about it. I sleep mainly to /reset/ and regain my presence of mind. Then I think it over again,what I lacked/missed and what I need to do.
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hyuge · 6 months
Hello There
“Sensei? Gojou-sensei, is that you?”
Satoru turned his head from where he was seated at the bar, surprised to see a much older Fushiguro Megumi standing a few feet away. He shouldn’t be surprised, time changes us all, but the kid he once knew was now replaced by a man. The baby-fat cheeks were chiseled into a strong jawline, his wild hair was cut short—cleaner looking—and those long dark lashes that had caught Satoru’s attention on more than one occasion were somehow even darker. Satoru spun in his chair, turning his full attention to his former student.
“Fushiguro? How have you been?”
Fushiguro’s dark eyes lit up, pleased to be recognized. “Megumi is fine. I’ve been good.”
Satoru motioned to the unoccupied seat next to him. “Would you like to join me, Megumi?” A look crossed his face that Satoru couldn’t quite place, but it was gone as quickly as it came. Megumi sat down. “What do you want to drink?”
Megumi wrinkled his nose. “You don’t have to order for me.”
Satoru smiled. “I insist. A reunion with my favorite student needs to be celebrated.” He lifted his glass into the air as if to make a toast. It could be the lighting, but Satoru swore he saw a tinge of pink on Megumi’s cheeks.
“A beer then.”
“Great.” Satoru waved at the bartender and pointed at Megumi. He walked over to take the order, then walked off to the other end of the bar where the tap fountain was. “You’ve really grown up.”
Megumi cocked a brow. “You look the same.”
Satoru laughed. “Well, you age slower as you get older. You look good, though.”
There was that tinge of pink again, brighter this time. The new hairstyle left Megumi’s ears exposed, and the tips were burning red. Cute.
Megumi mumbled something as his beer was brought over but it went unheard from the ambient music and chatter in the background. “Do you live in the area, Sensei?” asked Megumi as he took a sip from his beer, changing the subject.
Satoru nodded. “Down the street, though I don’t teach anymore. You don’t need to call me ‘sensei.’”
“I prefer it.”
Satoru took a sip from his own drink and wiped his lips on the back of his hand. He noticed the way Megumi’s eyes drifted towards his mouth, then dropped his gaze to follow Satoru’s hand. Very interesting. Satoru had his suspicions back in the day, but he chalked it up to a simple crush that would fade with time. Now, however, it seemed Megumi might still have some of that lingering attraction. And who was he to deny his favorite student the attention he was seeking? He couldn’t do anything about it before, but now, with a fully grown Megumi sitting next to him, there was no one and nothing to stop him.
Satoru wet his lips and downed the rest of his glass. He placed a hand on top of Megumi’s glass and looked him dead in the eyes. “Do you want to come see my apartment?”
He watched the way Megumi’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he gulped. Then Megumi nodded in earnest.
“Let’s go.”
A #12DaysofFicmas gift for @imkirauwu, Murph, @maddymaycreates, and Ash.
You can also read it on AO3.
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nancypullen · 6 months
Hole in One
Alrighty! I returned home from Florida yesterday, racing ahead of storms the whole way. The mister and I arrived in our driveway around 5 o'clock and I immediately dumped suitcases and started laundry. I had to get a jump on things, it's just a week until Christmas and I can't be bogged down with run of the mill chores - I have stuff to do! My visit with my mom and sister was fun, we spent most of it shopping and eating, the two sacred female activities. I had hoped to get a haircut while I was down there since the Denton stylists have done me wrong (fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...they've fooled me twice already). But there just weren't any appointments available. I'm tempted to get a short hairstyle, even though I don't like my face with short hair. It might be easier as far as wash and dry, but I'd have to maintain it with cuts every six to eight weeks so that's actually higher maintenance. Looks like I will sail into old age with pony tails and Farrah layers. At this point I really don't care. My mother suggested I just let it grow and sport a long braid. That appeals to me - seems like a very artsy, slightly hippie vibe, and I'm a fan of that. It may also mean I've given up. You win, hair.
My sister's birthday was on our schedule for the visit. We celebrated with presents, a good dinner, and dessert. She said that she wanted a fruit platter instead of a cake, and the birthday girl's wishes are supposed to come true.
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We didn't get to light those candles. She'd contracted the plague right before traveling and no one wanted her blowing all over the fruit. It wasn't covid, but she spent most of the trip coughing, dripping, and blowing. Not fun for her at all. On the other hand, if you have stock in facial tissue or Sudafed she boosted your profits. Merry Christmas. Still, a good time was had by all and then we flew away to our respective nests. And speaking of flying, on my way down to Florida I gave the gift that keeps on giving - laughter. Apparently, choosing to fly comfortably in my favorite old jeans was a mistake. They broke up with me on this trip. We parted ways.
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Sadly, I was unaware that it had happened. I have no idea how long I walked around showing the world my underwear. I had a three hour layover in Atlanta where I walked around and around and up and down. Escalators, trains, jetways - you're welcome holiday travelers. Enjoy telling your friends about the lady in front of you who didn't know her pants had split. It wasn't until I arrived at my mother's house that my sister pointed out that it looked like I'd "had a blow out". Of course. It wasn't even because they were tight, they weren't, just really, really old. They'd been washed a million times, I suppose I should have checked them for thinning spots. Naturally travel day was the day the threads just couldn't hold on another minute. Oh well. If you were in the Atlanta airport on December 12th and saw an old lady's underwear, speak kindly of her. She didn't know. Today I'm doing the bare minimum. I have a very busy few days ahead and no rest in sight until the new year. I feel myself coming down with my sister's cold, or maybe it was given to me by any of the hundreds of people hacking and snorting in the airports and on planes. I have too much to do to be sick, so I'm going to pretend it's not happening. I'm ready for Christmas, but not all of the meals involved. I'll be feeding a crowd from the 22nd through, I think, the 29th. Other than Xmas dinner I'm keeping it simple. A big pot of chili one night, sheet pan suppers, maybe a pasta bake with rotini and meatballs, definitely something in the crockpot one night. I'm out of ideas. None of that sounds delicious to me, and certainly not as healthy as we'd normally eat, but I just need to get through that week of meals. No one will die from it.
So I'm making my grocery list and checking it twice, then I'm going to wash my hair, and finish up a little laundry. Mickey has a photo club meeting tonight so I'm just making quick taco bowls (seasoned ground turkey, black beans, cauliflower rice, tomato & onion, etc) for dinner. I may spend the evening watching Hallmark movies and pretending I live in one of those adorable fictional towns. I'll be the struggling bakery owner trying to charm the big city exec who represents the corporation trying to buy out my little shop. We'll fall in love somewhere between the obligatory snowball fight and accidentally bumping into each other under the mistletoe. Although I'm strapped for cash I'll wear a different designer coat and new boots in every scene. In the end he won't be able to resist me and my fabulous wardrobe and he'll surprise me by becoming a silent investor in my bakery and dropping to one knee in front of the town's giant Christmas tree (or an ice skating rink, your choice). The predictable plot lines are what I love about them. I hope your week has been better than split pants and sneezes, and that you spend your evening feeling cozy and content. That's my goal. The countdown to Santa has begun and I couldn't be happier. Let's do this! Sending out lots of love. Stay safe, stay well, go ahead and have another cookie. XOXO, Nancy
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featherwurm · 1 year
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Boy oh boy, lots to do, lots to see with our idiots now dealing with the consequences of major actions they set in motion.  It’s been a long day and it’s not even over yet:
- Of course, things started quietly in the morning following the premature burning of the sun and framing of Strazni yesterday with... picking up new clothes.  (Pazu is getting some inspiration for... something, we’ll see where this goes.)  Abby got her bonnet, Milan and Vol got their new duds.
- Milan is sporting a new hairstyle too, courtesy of his herbalist skills - Vol, who’s of course familiar with, but not personally used to hair, is impressed.
- Well... the bugfuck burgomaster tried to make a second sun to burn in under 24 hrs (Osry for scale).  It was very ‘You Tried.’  Not pictured: Very damp children in flower costumes, a rainy muddy day, literally everyone in town watching in some degree of misery, and some very bored guards (including one hauled off for sniggering at the spectacle.)  The whole ‘festival’ was a bit of a bust and it was surprising the burgomaster didn’t bust a blood vessel in the process of failing to set fire to the sun.
- Adding some excitement - the crowd was scattered by Rictavio’s saber-toothed tiger getting loose.  Despite the panic, Victor showed some initiative dispersing the crowd while Pazu and Vol kept the tiger distracted until daddy Rictavio “returned to the customer service desk” to pick up his baby.  Vol was happy to tussle with the big pointy thing.  Reunited and quickly heading off things seem well until...
- Vasili, “agent of Strahd” (sure, not suspicious at all) shows up to talk finances with the burgomaster in the midst of him about to turn on his family.  A tense moment, where the party diverts Victor and Lydia (son and wife of the burgomaster, respectively) to return with them to Blue Water Inn, as there is nothing to be done when taxes are being withheld for lavish celebrations (the burgomaster cannot escape this.)  Not pictured Vol saying “he seems nice!”
- Quiet reflection at the inn was broken with news (from that formerly incarcerated guard - one saved from the tower of Dr. Petorious) that Strazni escaped and set fire to the Burgomaster’s mansion.  The fastest way to get anywhere is via horse, and Izel provided Milan with a lift, while Mortimer is sped along by Maverick.  Some other trickery got everyone there in short order but no not short enough to prevent fire.
- First task, naturally was to rescue Victor’s skeleton cats, although since he can also summon mage hand, a little prompting from Milan got them all carefully taken care of.  Pazu got to use the flask of eternal water to help put out the blaze as well.
- In the aftermath of ALL of that - Irina prevents the already frayed Lydia from further despair by taking her to church (Vol in tow) while Milan helps Victor to go through everything and take stock of what is destroyed, as well as using asphodel to see what his father saw before burning to death (because of getting flamethrower-ed in the face by Strazni.)
We do not yet know where Strazni is, or if Vasili decided that was enough for today, although someone, as always, is clearly keeping an eye on us.  It’s gonna be a long day...
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jiracheer · 1 year
Hello! First off, thank you so much for reblogging my Isekai'd reader post, I'm glad you liked it! I saw in your carrd that you're open to doing Matchups, so if that's true, I hope it's okay to ask for one for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Here's my info, sorry if there's too much:
I’m 20 years old and Bisexual. I also have Autism, ADHD and some health issues like weak bones and scoliosis. I’d probably prefer to be shipped with either a Gym Leader or Champion from Galar, and definitely someone who’s an adult lol. I’m really short, only 5’ (152 cm) at most, with long, wavy and fluffy brown hair. My two favorite hairstyles to do are either the Legolas-style half-ponytail (I don’t know how to describe it…) or two braids hanging over my shoulders. I either look kinda disheveled or I’m really dressed up, there’s seemingly no in-between. I also wear glasses and am very slender. 
I’d probably be really good friends with Allister because I’d definitely be studying Ghost Pokemon, and also I can be very gentle with people. Helping others makes me feel better so I always make a point of being friendly and helpful with everyone I meet. I’d 100% be some kind of researcher in Galar. I'd probably meet them by accompanying Allister to an event with all the other Gym Leaders because he's shy. 
I’m actually a pretty fun person with a witty and sometimes dirty sense of humor, though I’m also very sweet and polite. I enjoy drawing and baking, and I will not stop writing for the life of me. I write whenever possible, and I write very fast too. I once finished an entire nonfiction book in a week. I get flustered easily but I don't have a hard time connecting with people, I'm really not afraid to go up and ask for things. Whenever I do get flustered I giggle a lot (I've been told I have a very cute laugh) and tend to cover my face with my hands. I also have a weird habit of calling people endearing names like "honey" and "sweetie" at random. I give really good advice too.
I'm very soft but have been called argumentative before, but I generally give passes easier than some. I HATE making people feel bad. But if you insult someone I care about there is no mercy tbh. So yeah, sweet but fierce when provoked. I'm very protective over my loved ones. I'm always a little overprepared for everything and have a hard time accepting compliments. 
Thank you so much!! I hope you have a wonderful week, take care of yourself! Stay hydrated!
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authors note ; hi tori!! <3 I literally was pissing my pants at it 😭 it was SOOO FUCKIN FUNNYJSINGH If y'all haven't seen Tori's post, PLEASEEE check it out here! sincerely the funniest thing I've read in a hot second
never worry about it being too much! the amount of info you gave me helped me a lot with writing this for ya!!
tags ; match up / gender-neutral / set during SWSH events / slightly suggestive, but only one part lmao
wc ; 991
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I match you with... Kabu!
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🔥 I feel like Kabu is really just drawn to you! Not only do you care extremely for the people around you, but you don’t let people walk all over you! It’s something that attracted him to you and made him want to get to know you more.
🔥 But when you two first met, it was at some dinner party celebrating the newest Champion’s rise to the throne. Everyone, and Leon ofc, were there alongside the new Champion. So when he saw you were, he was rather confused as it was an event for them, but then he caught sight of Allister clinging to your leg.
🔥 He honestly thought you were his parent, rather than his emotional support. So he def made a fool of himself when he introduced himself to you and told you that he never thought he’d meet the shy boy's parent.
🔥 You laughed so hard at the poor man, you missed how red his face got and how smoke almost came out of his ears. Allister found the situation just as funny, even if he didn’t express it.
🔥 Allister liked Kabu. He was like an uncle to him, as he was very kind to him and helped him with whatever he needed- even if he was a bit rough around the edges, and bold with his approach when it comes to certain topics.
🔥 So it was really no surprise that the more the two of you saw each other at events, and even outside of these events, the two of you pursued a relationship.
🔥 Kabu was the one who confessed to you. The two of you were walking through Motostoke, making your way to some sushi place the gym leaders recommended to try out before Kabu would face a challenger.
🔥 He randomly stopped you and told you that he liked you, a lot, more than friends should. He would then express that he found you alluring and that you kept him on his toes. He was much older than you, obviously, and his life was becoming dull, but you... You brought such warmth and brightness to his life.
🔥 From your witty jokes to how shy you’d get when he’d tease you back. When he’d try to flirt with you and you’d cover your face with your hands, giggling to express just how happy it made you to hear his kind words- Argh. You have him completely wrapped around your finger.
🔥 You did have your concerns initially when he confessed. You shared with him your health issues, and it was important that he knew these things, even if you did speak of them in the past with him... You wanted him to be aware.
🔥 It’s there that Kabu told you that he loves you entirely for who you are, health issues or not, you are who he wants to be with and he’ll hold your hand through your worst days and through your good ones too.
🔥 So you agree to go out with him, much to his relief.
🔥 Allister is happy to hear about it. Very happy to hear about it. As are the other gym leaders and Nessa has become rather good friends with you, Milo has as well, so they were happy to see their father figure be with you.
🔥 Obviously with both of you having significantly different jobs, he always finds some way to connect with you. You need to borrow one of his Pokemon to figure out a theory? They’re yours for however long you need them. You need someone to go out with you in the Wild Area? What time? He’ll pick you up with breakfast./lunch
🔥 Once you moved in with Kabu when your relationship progressed, his favorite thing to do with you is doing your hair in the morning. He always took note of how you styled it, and one morning he asked to do your hair.
🔥 You agreed, as you wanted to see what he would do, and you were surprised to see he managed to do your usual hairstyles- probably even better than you.
🔥 It warmed your heart to know that he noticed these small details about you. So now every morning before you two go to work, he does your hair for you and kisses the crown of your head before your lips to wish you a good day.
🔥 On your days off, you two often go out to do domestic things like shopping for groceries, doing laundry, and cleaning the house up. Sometimes Allister joins in on your hangouts, and it’s become a thing now.
🔥 In a way, Allister has become your son, and it makes you happy to see Kabu feels the same way.
🔥 Kabu feels like you’d be a good parent. The bag you carry with you always has something he or Allister, even those around you, need. Like band-aids, snacks, tissues, pain medication, etc. Someone could name something and you’d more than likely have it. He likes how prepared you are. It makes him less worried about your well-being when he’s not around, because he knows you can take care of yourself.
🔥 The first time Kabu got a taste of your rage, it was when someone couldn’t understand Allister when he decided to be brave one day and order his own food, but obviously his anxiety got the best of him. The vendor snapped at Allister and you didn’t hesitate to drag the vendor through the dirt, and although you said some unsavory things, Kabu felt himself blush.
🔥 It was just attractive. Very very attractive. He showed you how much he loved that side of you later that evening.
🔥 Overall, Kabu feels like he lucked out with you. You’re the person of his dreams and he can’t wait to see what else the future has in store for you two.
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In your AU where Chase raises Omi, is Omi still bald or does he grow out his hair like Chase?
Well, yeah no changes when it comes to cheeseball's hairstyle. How come Rai and Jack would call him 'baldie' affectionately if he wasn't actually bald?
However, your ask made me think and I can actually have a little story explaining why Omi doesn't go in his dad's footsteps regarding having long hair. A short explanation is as follows - Omi can't grow out his hair because he has a certain health predicament that prevents his hair to grow. Sure, he is able to muster a soft down on his head, however, due to that frustration his hair can't grow any longer, it makes him angry and as a consequence, he shaves his head. Omi is of the opinion it is better to be bald in his case.
The main reason why I went with such a choice for Omi's hair problem is that there would be many instances in which Chase would try to lift his spirits up. Omi after their heart-to-hearts would feel more confident about his appearance, but deep down there is still that desire to have similar hair as his papa TTuTT
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That desire will remind of itself in Omi's dreams aaand once he starts hanging out with Jack.
Let's suppose one day Omi tells Jack about that inconvenience that prevents him to grow out his hair. And Jack immediately admits he can help him with that. Spicer, instead of suggesting Omi he should try out some hair growth medications, goes: YEAH I CAN DESIGN A NICE PISTOL. ONE HIT WITH THAT BAD BOY AND YOU HAVE EVEN BETTER MANE THAN CHASE YOUNG!'
Like, ok Jackie that's so nice of you but oh boy that's a bad idea. So, Jack pulls out Dr. Doofenshmirtz, and a week later a miraculous technology (the hair-inator) is passed to Omi. But unfortunately, the hair machine malfunctions, and Cheeseball experiences the same fate as Marco from SVTFOE in ep12 of the 1st season. For a few minutes, Omi is over the moon because finally, he has a very impressive mass of black locks on his head. 'Thank you, Jack! I can't wait for dad to come home and see me like this! He would be moostly happy!' Jack is proud of himself, too - that's why he didn't complain when Omi launched himself at him to give him a biiig hug.
The boys, convinced of their victory over Omi's problem, decided to celebrate by playing a nice racing video game in front of the TV. But the longer they played, Omi noticed it was getting darker in the room and he can't see properly. He demands that Jack should stop messing with electricity. 'But I'm doing nothing I swear' - exclaims the boy genius only to yell out of fear a second later
'Oh my god, Omi! Your hair!'
'What about it?' - Omi instinctively touched the top of his head and went down to his face. It turns out he can't see because his fringe got too long, just like the rest of his hair. Jack starts panicking, knowing there is something wrong. He rose up from the couch, trying to figure out how to stop the growing process. He shot him with a ray of the hair-inator, making everything worse. Moments later, all of the rooms of Chase's citadel are filled with little one's enormous strands of hair!
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Poor Omi turns into a hair monstrosity, just like Marco above.
Then the rest of the incident goes the same as that svtfoe episode. Jack gets separated from Omi and in a panic, calls the monks to help him out before Chase comes back. Because, of course, Jack would get himself killed for what he did to Chase's precious kid.
The Xiaolin gang does not take him seriously up to the moment they land before the entrance to Chase's lair. Poor Clay comments this is way worse than his uncle's body hair.
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So, everyone digs through Omi's hair, and once they find him, they reverse everything back to normal either with Jack's invention or shen gong wu (or a mix of both?) Thank god they managed to fix the problem before Chase stormed in.
Omi promised Jack to not tell his dad what happened and the monks made it clear 'Jack owns them one'. So, Jack is very grateful for their help, he gives his word to buy them some ice cream next week.
When everyone leaves, Omi expresses his doubts. He's very upset yet another attempt has failed and Jack cuts him off, completely putting the blame on himself. Surprised Omi listens as Jack goes on and on about how he screwed up and this is the main reason why he doesn't have friends. Omi reassures Jack he still considers him his friend and the story ends with their hug!
Then, Chase passes through and coldly says: 'get out of my house, Spicer'
And Omi yells at him 'can't you see we're having a moment, dad!?'So, Chase leaves the boys, his face expressing a visible shock that he was being yelled at by his precious son. However, deep down he's glad because at least he knows Omi can set boundaries now.
Much time later Omi would give the monks further explanations why he would like to have any hair at this point. He's already experimenting with different (goth) outfits, so Kimiko suggests he can wear wigs from time to time!
And I must say, Omi is extremely glad his friends convinced him of that solution! He's a proud owner of several wigs and takes care of them diligently!
Chase approves because his heart melts every time the child happily roars whenever he puts a wig - black hair stretching to his shoulders: 'Look, dad! This one is my favorite because every time I wear it I can finally say we match!'
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