#celestial!bee au
moonlight-tmd · 5 months
Oh? God Bee?? Please tell us more.
SO- In this AU, Bumblebee is secretly a lesser deity (more known as celestial lords). One of many that guard and sometimes interact with the mortal world for fun. Nobody knows about the lesser gods anymore because their cults have died out and worship was forgotten long ago and the knowledge about religions is only kept in deep archives for the sake of keeping track of history. The only knowledge about gods that survived to this day is about Primus and Unicron- the "good" and the "evil" halves that function and fight with each other to maintain balance, kind of like Yin Yang.
Bumblebee's god name is Beisilan, he's a Celestial Lord of Dreams and Wishes, Patron of misfits and all things out-of-place. His domain is Dream Realm and his duty is to make and keep guard of dreams and nightmares. He is also the one the mortals summon to make their wishes come true- signing pacts, deals, etc. He's the most social of the deities, per se.
He's known to be mischevious, curious and playful (and deranged) but also dangerous- he's the one that tugs at the strings of luck and steers the wind that pushes you in certain directions in life.
I've allowed myself to sketch a little something for the reference-
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In his god form he's a tad bigger than his mortal frame (although he can change size at will), he has additional arms and 5 eyes cuz as stated previously, he's with misfits (plus he likes to be the odd one out). He also has 6 glowing ribbons that he can control like tentacles sticking from his back. He's levitating most of the time because why should he be restricted to ground. He also has that godly glow to him, you ever seen Disney's Hercules? Kind of like the gods there have.
So- I imagine he comes down to mortal realm and gives himself a mortal frame to posses until it dies. And this continues on, with some neons of breaktime between each lifetime, and currently he's Bumblebee-
The way he met Team Prime is very much different from the original events- it was Optimus, Ratchet, Bulkhead and freshly picked up and intergrated Prowl on the team. Their ship was drifting in space so theu could do some stuff and something hit the wing, Bulk and Prowl were send to check and maybe fix the damage but instead of an asteroid they saw a little yellow bot, frosted over and greyish in color limply hanging from the wing. Of course they pulled it into the ship and got it to the ship's medbay immediately. When the bot woke up few joors later they got to learn his name was Bumblebee. He didn't remember what happened, only that he was thrown out of the ship and left to die. The team kept him, Bee was very adamant on staying with them and from what he said his skills could come in handy for them.
They become closer and end up on Earth afterwards. Everything is quite normal no once but them is on the planet yet,... until one day Team Prime goes to investigate some strange activity and find a group of stray mechs trying to do a ritual of some sorts- turns out they weren't the only ones on the planet, just the area. And that group is seemingly trying to do some cult stuff. They have few encounters before the cult group captured Team Prime to use in the sacrifice to summon something. And so coincidentally, the leader chose Bee to sacrifice. (Inspired by Bad Feeling by Jagwar Twin)
They place him in the ritual circle with all the sigils n stuff and do the rites. Team Prime tries their best to get themselves free while Bee seems more awkward than scared- then teh whole area inside the circle dills with white fire... nothing happens. The leader glances at the other cult folks and tries to figure something out. In the meantime- Bee pokes his helm up from the fire and stands up while shaking his wrist free off molten metal that used to be stasis cuffs. "Yeah, this sacrificial ritual really lacks the 'sacrificial' part..."
He bickers with the leader who tries to go near and grab him, thinking the fire is safe. But the moment he sticks his servo inside the circle the flames burn and melt half of it off. Everyone just stares shocked and quite alarmed as to why the fire harmed the cult folk and is not harming Bee- a minute later Bee snickers and burst out laughing... but then the laugh glitches a bit and he sounds like he's laughing his insanity out. He throws his servos up and falls back, after he submerged in fire there is just silence. The same leader cult folk that tried to grab him goes near, carefully looking if the bot is dead already- but the moment he gets too close some yellow figure launches out, grabs him and pulls him into the fire with it.
The fire that was once white turns vibrant yellow and with a small explosion, a figure emerges... at brief glance it looked normal but no... the figue stretched, its 4 arms making sure they were seen. Then 2 of its eyes blink open before the other 3 open as well. Its mouth forms a big almost-painful-to-look-at grin, sharp teeth glaring at them. The thing's build was odd, almost resembling a build of someone starving. But most noticable detail- the one that told them this somehow was Bee- was the voice; it was choir-like, few tones of similar voices speaking at once but one tone prominent the most, the tone of Bumblebee's voice. "It feels good~... Been a long while since I done this."
The creature didn't introduce itself, only seemed curious and kept guessing what the summoners might want- which resulted in a rather annoying and disappointed moment when the summoners had no idea who they summoned instead of whoever they tried to summon. So obviously, it had to explain. And what a better way to explain that a musical! (Alastor's Game by The Living Tombstone. The song is exactly the same with exception of few words; "-give mr. Alastor Beisilan a call."-be your sweet, radio mischevious demon.")
As the song goes on Beisilan show different aspect of himself- from proposing a pact scroll to the cultist folks to making everyone delve into the odd nightmareish plane for brief seconds before pulling them to a side and showing them all the things they want. Team Prime has a brief moment of seeing their perfect world before it turns to dust and flees to the cultist who do their things and then they see them 'get posessed'. ("did i mention that you're cursed?")
Then they have a brief flashes of places that match the lyrics and at the end, Team Prime is not chained up near the ritual site but instead standing free some distance away from the summoning ring and watches as the mindless cultists stand around the circle and have stringst wrapped around their necks as to show they are bound. The creature finished singing and bows and then just like it appeared, it disappeared in a burst of flames along with the cultists...
Team Prime had a short moment to recollect and try to think what happened before, even when it said its leaving, the same creature that sang comments something from behind them. The reactions are amusing to it. After a bit of wordplay and insane giggles, the creature introduces itself as Beisilan. He explains that he's Bee and not Bee and all that confusing stuff but he does like the bunch so he is their friend and they are stuck with him. He doesn't say what happened to the cultists, only that "they paid the price a little early" and that they shouldn't worry about them. Team Primes leaves as told so Bei can 'clean up' the ritual site, he also tells them to not speak of it again. They only see Bee again next morning.
Sari wasn't there so she never knew. Or at least until some other events in the future that i will save for another post cuz this one is fucking long. I still kept it as short and on point as possible.
Hope you enjoyed reading my nonsense. Expect it to be added to the AU list now that you made me write about it.
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askglassanon · 1 year
that may be a good idea... sorry to bother you, lady glass -🐝
*She pulls out her phone from the shadows and clicks on "Sunbeam☀️💖" and the phone rings* - Glass
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kotias · 6 months
Ineffable Rockstars
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Time to properly become creatively feral about the Ineffable Rockstars project with @vavoom-sorted-art, @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist , @daneecastle, @moonyinpisces and Stitcherydoo!
Summary of the story: human!AU, Crowley and Aziraphale are rockstars in their respective groups, Celestial Harmonies and Hell's Rebuke. Word is out that those two groups have bad history together, and therefore the two of them, while shamelessly talking to each other any festival they get to meet at, do have to be careful about being seen together by their own bands.
Summary of this excerpt: Aziraphale explains the story of the two bands to Crowley, who has arrived after everything went down and was kept in the dark by his mates.
Lyrics: written for the purpose of this fic.
Word count of the excerpt: 872 words
Crowley sat down next to Aziraphale, whose eyes laid probably a second too long on those long fingers, on this chest showing so proudly from behind his open shirt- He coughed and drank a large gulp from the flute, clutching at the glass like a lifeline.
“It’s- it’s alright. Are you feeling comfortable? How was the concert?”
“Hah, acting like I didn’t see you in the audience, are ya?” Crowley asked with a smirk, and Aziraphale looked away, feeling the heat building up on his face.
“Well, we do need to keep it silent, don’t we?” he answered nonetheless with a coy smile, sipping on his drink.
“Why, though? It’s completely beyond me; Bee recruited me right after the split between Celestial Harmonies and Hell’s Rebuke, but there’s always been… you know, a feeling that it didn’t happen for no reason.”
“They haven’t explained it to you?” Crowley shook his head, and Aziraphale sighed. “No wonder you’re lost. Well, to put it simply… Hell’s Rebuke’s members were part of Celestial Harmonies, a few years ago.”
“Yes, I know that-”
“Let me talk, please; I would like to make sure we work with the same information.”
As he began explaining the official history of the two bands, he was cut by a thunder of clapping as the concert was coming to an end, and he and his counterpart felt compelled to stand up and join the applause.
When you reached Summer,
You lost sight of the star lights,
Questions died in your throat,
Cursing a future that is naught
And the night falling upon you
Left you laying awake with open eyes.
After two encore songs and enough clapping to make their hands and wrists sore, Crowley and Aziraphale walked towards another scene and stayed in relative distance, ensuring that they would hear each other. “So, you were saying, Hell’s Rebuke and Celestial Harmonies.”
“Ah! Yes; so, this is fairly public knowledge.” Crowley nodded impatiently. “At least, it is not something that we are actively hiding, neither of the two groups; somebody who knows how to Google us would be able to find this information.” Aziraphale frowned, crossing his arms. “Honestly, that is why it concerns me a little that you have not been informed of this; it is a fairly common question that people are trying out on us, asking about the other group to see how we react. Anyways-”
The vendors just a few metres from them had started cooking a few crepes, and Crowley did not miss the eyes darting towards them. “Want some? C’me on, it’s my treat,” he insisted as Aziraphale’s eyebrows raised -and it was obvious that he wasn’t going to refuse such an offer.
“Well, if you insist,” he answered, the corners of his lips curling up and his eyelashes fluttering; Crowley’s heart missed a beat, his fingers pressed against his flute, and he barely managed to keep a groan from reaching out of his mouth.
“You do have to tell me more, though; ‘specially if you think my ignorance could bite me in the ass.”
“Yes, of course.” Aziraphale’s voice dropped as they reached the line, keeping it to the level of a private conversation. “Bee and Gabriel were… an item.”
“Oh, excellent start. If that’s only the beginning, I might have to stock up on popcorn with that crepe of yours.”
“Heh, well, it might be one of the more interesting aspects of this entire story, so do not keep your expectations too high.”
“No, no, don't kill my hopes, now. Go on, tell me everything, I’m sure it will be full of riveting details, Bee’s never been good at keeping things tidy anyways.”
Aziraphale groaned. “Oh, you should see Gabriel when he gets involved… Ah- one crepe with sugar, thank you,” he said with a bright smile to the vendor. “Alright, so- long story short, the band was originally founded by the two of them; excellent musicians those two are, and the band did have quite the promising future before it. We started having a fairly good reputation.”
“Black coffee and a serving of fries. The name’s been around for a while now, that’s right- I remember seeing it ten years ago on some festival announcements in my city. Cash, thanks.”
“We have, yes. We were very local for a long while, but…”
“What changed?”
“Gabriel and the others were wishing to go professional; Bee and who are now Hell’s Rebuke were not willing to do that.”
“Ah, I see. Well, they didn't change much in that aspect,” Crowley mumbled sourly, extending his arms to grab the crepe and coffee. He gave the dessert over, then took his serving of fries, and they left the vendor’s stand. “Wait, where did you stand? You stayed with Celestial Harmonies, after all.”
“Hm, well…”
That did not sound like somebody who was fully happy to have stayed, Crowley thought, and he crept closer to Aziraphale, nudging him with his elbow. “Come on, spill the beans! Honestly, I’m looking to go in that direction, if there��s anything I should be aware of…”
“Being professional was, and still is, something that I hold dear,” Aziraphale explained, his slow speech feeling heavy, like he was choosing every word carefully.
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suguwu · 8 months
as for if they had children and who would the first child look like—i think the child would look like satoru, which is probably for the best. he had the whole honeymoon—not even suguru could get away with staying for the honeymoon, he leaves the morning after the wedding—and he made good use of it.
I am craving a little taste of that, Bee
he's not one to waste opportunity!! and what is the honeymoon but one long set of opportunities? also i think satoru is a morning person and is exceedingly annoying about it.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
f!reader. basically pwp. bridgerton!stsg x reader au.
a warm puff of breath drifts across your ear.
you stir with it, your mind slow and honeyed with sleep. there's heat at your back, like sun-baked stones, and you press into it without thinking. you exhale softly and go still again, caught on the shores of sleep.
a chuckle rumbles out behind you. a hand creeps up your thigh, hot and heavy.
"wake up, wife," satoru sing-songs into your ear. his fingers sink into the plush of your thigh. "your husband misses you."
you blink awake slowly. it's barely light out; only the faintest hint of the sun seeps through the gauzy curtains of your husband's rooms. you can still see night's arms wrapping around the horizon through the window.
a leg slips between yours.
"wife," satoru says, sounding amused, "i know you're awake."
you shift with a yawn. "are you to call me wife each time you speak to me now?"
he rolls on top of you, tangling the both of you in the sheets. "perhaps i just like the taste of it on my tongue."
you frown up at him. in the watery light, he looks unearthly, his hair a spill of starlight, his eyes cutting through the dim, a comet streaking through the night sky. a celestial being come down to earth.
he strokes a thumb over the curve of your cheekbone. "i think i should like the taste of you better," he says, and then he's dipping down to kiss you, prodding at the seam of your lips with his tongue.
your breath catches in your throat; you try to match his movements, still a bit clumsy with it. he licks into your mouth when you open for him. there's a hunger to it, all teeth and tongue, and you feel devoured.
he pulls back when your chest is heaving. he presses more of his weight down on you and grins down at you. "much better," he says. "though i know there is somewhere sweeter."
your cheeks go hot. he's used his mouth on you before, glutted himself on your cunt until his lips were shining with your slick. you hadn't even known such a thing was done.
he calls it dessert.
(as such, you go taut with embarrassment every time dessert is announced at the dining table. from the grin on satoru's lips, he knows exactly what you're thinking about.)
"you're shameless," you tell him.
as if to prove it, he bunches up your nightgown in a fist and pulls it up over your hips, exposing your cunt.
"so i've been told," he says, dipping down to lay a biting kiss at the join of your shoulder and neck. you can feel his grin against the salt of your skin.
he uses the leg between yours to nudge your legs further apart; you gasp as his free hand sneaks down to your cunt. he palms the heat of you, grinding the heel of his hand against your clit. you arch into the touch, sparks starting to skitter along your nerves.
"satoru," you protest. "the maids—"
he rises to kiss you even as his fingers spread the folds of your pussy apart. "it's too early for them," he says. "besides, it wouldn't be the first time they've heard you."
you whine out an embarrassed noise. he laughs, nudging at your hole with a big finger, testing the stretch of it. you hiss as he sinks it in, a little sore from last night, and he groans low in his throat as your pussy flutters around him.
"your cunt's greedy," he says, sounding amused, and you make a mortified noise that makes him grin. "so shy."
"you're awful."
"what a cruel wife."
you open your mouth to reply; he sinks another finger into you. you cry out instead. he flashes another grin down at you. you grip at his back as he starts to thrust them, opening you for him. his thumb swirls over your clit and the moan you let out echoes in the bedroom.
"i think you want the maids to hear you."
"your cries," he says, giving another thrust of his fingers to draw a noise from you, "say otherwise. does it feel that good?"
you bite your lip. his eyes flash, st. elmo's fire, and he adds a third finger on his next plunge inside of you. you try to buck up as heat sears through you; he settles his weight more firmly on top of you. he leans down and flicks the tip of his tongue against the shell of your ear.
"well?" he asks, coming to a stop with his fingers deep in your cunt. "does it?"
you squirm under him. he curls his fingers and it burns through you, kindling to flame, simmering beneath your skin.
"tell me."
"it feels good," you breathe out, cheeks burning. you turn your head away, but he grabs your chin and makes you face him. his pupils are blown out, a faint ring of incandescent blue rimming them. still, he grins down at you.
"there you go," he says, and you buck up as he curls his fingers again. you cry out when he pulls out, mourning the loss, but then you're taking in a hissing breath as he bullies his cock inside you, spreading you wide around him.
you sink your nails into his back, trying to arch underneath him. he groans, his head dropping into the crook of your shoulder.
"fuck," he says. "it's like you were made for me."
the first thrust catches you off guard; the next sends lightning through you, flashing from strike-point to strike-point. he fucks you with slow rolls of his hips, spearing deep inside you. you whine.
"there you go," he says, picking up speed. you gasp out your next breath as his hand sneaks between your legs again to pet at your clit. you jolt with it and he laughs, low and hungry.
"sensitive," he teases.
you don't bother with a reply—can't bother with one—as he strokes in and out of your cunt again. the squelch of it fills your ears; you can feel the wetness starting to coat your inner thighs.
he fucks you steadily, murmuring filth that has you trying to cover your face with your arm. he laughs again but lets you do it, dipping down to suck at your nipple, laving at it until it hardens into a peak.
you squirm beneath him, too full of a feeling you can't name. it swells up in you like a tide. he seems to know; he presses against your clit, rolling it beneath his fingers until you're writhing. he fucks you harder, his cock pulsing in your cunt, and you cry out as the feeling peaks, crashing through you like a wave against the shore.
satoru fucks you through it, until there's something like pain lacing through it, starlight hot. then his cock throbs inside you, filling you, and he braces himself over you on his elbows.
"fuck," he spits. he holds himself there for a moment, his cock pulsing, and then he's rolling over onto his back. he takes you with him, wrapping a wiry arm around your waist until you're on top of him.
he gazes up at you with a grin, his ocean-blue eyes glittering. "i could fuck you every moment of the day," he tells you. he pats at your ass, ignoring your little hiss as he shifts inside you.
"suguru doesn't know what he's missing."
you bury your face in his chest, cheeks hot. he pauses for a moment, considering.
"actually, i suppose that he does."
"your grace!"
he just laughs.
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cybrsan · 11 months
Treasure — J.WY [Pt. 1]
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STORY SUMMARY: Wooyoung is moon-blessed, a waterbender born under the Siren Moon that rises once every 88 years. His blessing is believed to be his unique and powerful healing abilities that he has coined “Wavesong.” However, his true gift is that of his prophetic dreams, glimpses of futures yet to unfold—and you just happen to be the subject of his recent visions.
PAIRING: Waterbender Jung Wooyoung x Non-Bender F!Reader
RATING/GENRE: M ; angst, fluff, eventual smut ; ATLA au, enemies to lovers
WARNINGS: Minor POV switches
A/N: This story has been a long time coming. It is the second addition to my "Ode To ATEEZ" series and the first to my "Together in Harmony" series. I decided to split it into chapters because I believe it will flow better that way. I hope you enjoy!
LINKS: Ode To ATEEZ Masterlist | Together in Harmony Masterlist | Cross-posted on AO3
Masterlist | Next ↠
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Crossing the Desert of Eden is not for the faint of heart. It is one of the world’s greatest paradoxes, a place where nature's most wonderful and most dangerous creatures coexist in a delicate balance. Even the sand itself is an example of this—crystalline and beautiful, ever sparkling under the light of the sun, yet each granule is as jagged as splinters of glass. Without proper foot bindings, your journey cannot even begin.
Amidst the harsh landscape, pockets of life burst forth in brilliant defiance. Rare desert blooms dot the barren terrain with bursts of color. Some hold the power to heal, their petals emitting a fragrance that soothes both body and soul. Others are laced with deadly venom, capable of stopping a heart with but a single touch.
Sand serpents slither through the dunes, their scales nearly translucent, giving them the ability to blend in seamlessly with the landscape. One bite is all it takes for total paralysis to overtake you, rendering you incapacitated for mere minutes to hours at a time. Celestial birds soar overhead, searching for prey, their wings casting shadows on the ground below.
And even if you’re able to avoid those threats, blinding winds carry grains of sand like lashes, stinging skin, obliterating landmarks, and disorienting even the most skilled navigators. The desert swallows the unwary, erasing their footprints from existence.
It is in this very place that Wooyoung finds himself, accompanied by seven of his fellow benders. In normal circumstances, he would avoid a place like this at all costs, his sense of self-preservation persevering over the curiosity of what secrets the desert holds. But things haven’t been normal for a long, long time. 
He feels like he’s been walking for days, his legs heavy and leaden. Despite his protective robes, the wind and sand have whipped at his skin, leaving it battered and raw. Just one look at the faces of his companions is enough to prove he isn’t the only one feeling this way. The only one who seems miraculously energized is their de-facto leader, Hongjoong. He moves forward with ferocity, a tinge of madness in his eyes.
To his left, Yeosang stumbles, nearly falling onto the sand below. Wooyoung reaches out for him, a second too slow, but luckily San reacts quicker, catching him by the arm. The exhaustion has begun to take its toll. Everyone comes to a stop, nervous energy flowing between them. Everyone except Hongjoong, that is. Seonghwa, the eldest of the group and the one with the most power after their leader, places a hand on his shoulder.
“We need to rest, Joong. Look at the kids—they’re exhausted. Yeosang almost collapsed.”
‘The kids.’ Wooyoung frowns, the endearment not sparking the same joy that it used to. Seonghwa and Hongjoong may only be a year older than the rest of them—two in Jongho’s case—but they’ve always referred to them that way. Wooyoung used to find it cute, often teasing them about how they acted like an old married couple. He supposes that the recent distaste for the nickname comes from the fact that Hongjoong hasn’t been the same ever since he told him about his dream.
It takes a moment for Hongjoong to comprehend what Seonghwa said, thoughts still elsewhere. Yet once his eyes find Yeosang, he immediately acquiesces, apologizing for not stopping sooner. His entire demeanor seems to soften, making him seem more like himself. Wooyoung already feels like he can breathe better because of it. 
“Hopefully we aren’t too far from a Dweller community,” Hongjoong says, taking out his compass. “Let’s go.”
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The Dune Dwellers are natives of Eden, having found ways to thrive in even the most unfavorable conditions. They aren’t particularly fond of outsiders, regarding any so-called adventurers as naive and stupid more than anything else. They often find the remains of the less fortunate, bodies lost to the sand. Dwellers are some of the only people who know how to navigate the desert and survive, but even they won’t wander into it aimlessly, searching for a treasure that may or may not exist.
Luckily, it isn’t long until they find one of their communities with Hongjoong’s guidance. Tracking their location becomes easier when you familiarize yourself with the signs the locals leave for one another, like a carving in a rock or some shimmering paint on a cactus. Things that are easy to miss when you don’t know what you’re looking for. 
The town is small, cut through the middle by a bustling market area teeming with vendors trying to pawn off their goods. Wooyoung immediately feels some of his tension fade away, the lively environment making him feel more at home. You wouldn’t expect any place in such a barren landscape to be so full of life, but the Dwellers have a thriving community of their own despite their living conditions.
The sounds of haggling and bartering are music to his ears, and he quickly finds himself imbued with newfound energy, eager to start talking to people and fishing for information. Maybe he’ll be able to find some clues as to Pandora’s location, and Hongjoong can finally be appeased. He makes a quick plan with the others to meet at the town’s small inn at sunset before wandering off on his own. 
The scent of spices, freshly baked bread, and cooking meat mingle in the air as he walks, making his mouth water. He stops at a stall selling juice made from prickly pears, kept cool by the waterbender who continuously refreezes the ice it sits upon. In exchange for a few copper coins, he buys a glass and greedily gulps it down.
He shivers, the cold drink a shock to his system in the hot, dry climate. It is both tangy and sweet and he hums, pleased, as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and returns the glass to the merchant. Just as he goes to pull his hand back, the man grabs his wrist. Wooyoung's heart jumps in his chest and, though he tries to keep his composure, he is sure the shock shows on his face. Dwellers may not greet outsiders with open arms, but they’ve never shown any outward acts of aggression toward them before.  
“What are you doing here, nakuto? You’re a long way from the Water Tribe.”
Wooyoung gently removes his arm from the man’s grasp, though he is no longer fearful. The term nakuto, a respectable term for ‘young one,’ brings back memories of his home and instantly puts him at ease. “How did you know I was a waterbender?” 
“I don’t see many of my own kind out here; most are exiles from the Fire Nation or native sandbenders. Your necklace gives you away.”
Instinctively, Wooyoung reaches up, fingers caressing the delicate shells around his neck. He supposes it is reminiscent of the Water Tribe, but he’s worn it for years and barely remembers that it’s there. It was a gift from his brother, a good luck charm given to him when he left for the Fire Nation seven years ago. 
The man continues, “Did something happen to your Tribe, boy? It’s not safe out here.”
“No, it’s not like that. I’m here with a group of other benders—we’re looking for the eternal library, Pandora.”
“Pandora,” the man scoffs. “A myth. You should turn back while you still can.”
“I’m afraid turning back isn’t an option. Come on, pakana. Surely you must know something.” 
The man harrumphs, though Wooyoung can tell the use of the honorific pleases him by the slight smile that tugs at his lips. “You can call me Marok.”
“I’m Wooyoung.”
“Well, Wooyoung, there really isn’t that much information out there about Pandora; I probably don’t know much more than you do.” Marok creates a small stream of water from the melting ice, absent-mindedly spinning it around his fingers as he talks. “I’ll tell you what—go talk to ol’ Nadira. She’s a sandbender, and been here almost all her life. If anyone were to know something, it’d be her. Go west of town and look for a purple tent with yellow flags.”
“Thank you, Marok—I appreciate your help. Yui remoi.”
“Bayui jilok.”
Wooyoung nods, acknowledging Marok’s blessing, and starts to head west. The sun has begun to set, and he suspects he has less than an hour before he has to meet the others at the inn. Hopefully, whoever Nadira is, she’ll be cooperative. With the town being as small as it is, it doesn’t take him long to reach the outskirts, and the bright purple tent is easy to spot, a beacon of color amongst the sand. Just as he reaches the entrance, a girl pushes the flap aside, nearly bumping into him as she exits in a hurry. 
“Sorry,” she mutters, barely acknowledging him as she rushes back to town. 
The hair on the back of Wooyoung’s neck stands up. He doesn’t get a good look at her face, but her voice and white robes… He stops himself, shaking away the uncomfortable feeling of familiarity. Her eerie similarity to the girl he’s been seeing in his dreams for the past few nights is of little importance. He’s not trusting his visions ever again and will do whatever he can to avoid those uncertain futures. He quickly enters the tent, ready to get some answers so that he and the others can leave this town and the girl behind come morning.
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You rush past the boy entering the tent, barely sparing him a glance as you hurry back toward town. Your conversation with Nadira was unsatisfactory, to say the least. She couldn’t tell you much more than you already knew, which is that Pandora is near impossible to find and even harder to get into, especially as a non-bender. It’s rumored to be buried far under the sand, sealed shut by an elemental lock. However, she was surprised by the map you carried with you, saying she hadn’t ever known there to be someone who successfully cataloged all of Eden. She couldn’t confirm whether or not the entirety of it was correct, though she did verify that certain locations lined up with her own knowledge of the desert.
You relax your steps, an exasperated laugh slipping from your lips as you realize you were practically stomping out of frustration. You take a moment to center yourself; as tempting as it may be to sell the map to the nearest street vendor, you’ve traveled too long and too far to give up now. Freedom is nearly in your grasp—you can feel it. You will claw your way to it if you must.      
Double-checking that the map is secure inside your sling bag, you tighten the strap around your torso and head through the doors of the inn. The atmosphere is much livelier now that it’s late afternoon, with talking and laughter nearly drowning out the small band playing in the corner. The bar area seems to be where most people are congregating, chugging down mead and ale. The one serving maid is busy juggling orders from all directions, delivering filled mugs to rowdy drinkers who seem to enjoy cheering each other on for every sip taken. 
As you weave through the crowded tables in search of a seat, you can’t help but notice a group of travelers that stand out from the crowd. You could sense their disharmony from a mile away—two members seem to be locked in a heated argument, heads close together as they speak in hushed voices. A few of the others seem to be playing a drinking game that involves making silly gestures and mimicking one another while one boy gazes off into the distance, lost in thought. Your interest peaked, you take a seat at the bar, right next to a man who has several empty tankards in front of him. He doesn’t seem too inebriated, but surely he’s drunk enough that his lips will be loose. 
You place a few coins on the counter, ordering two drinks. You slide one to the man to capture his attention and nod in the group's direction, asking, “So, what do you know about the new guys in town?” 
The man eyes you, scrutinizing your appearance. He must see something that he likes because he decides to indulge you, taking the ale in hand and relaxing further into his seat. “Heard from the barkeep that they’re some adventurers tryna find the library of Pandora.” He huffs and takes a long drink before adding, “A buncha fools.” 
You bristle, wanting to defend them as their goal seems to be the same as yours, but you stop yourself, not wanting to discourage the man from sharing more information. “I see. Are they benders?” 
He nods. “Yeah, far as I know. One of ‘em is apparently tryna get some information outta Nadira.” 
You think back to the boy you saw entering the tent and curse yourself for not paying more attention. You could have talked to him, asked him why he was seeing Nadira, and proposed some sort of alliance. Winning one man over would be easier than winning over seven all at once. But alas, that seems to be your only option. Taking one last swig of your ale, you hop off the bar stool and give the man a two-finger salute.
“Thanks for your time—enjoy the rest of your night.” 
He raises his mug and bids you farewell as you turn around, steeling your nerves as you march right up to the group of benders. One of the quarreling men who dons a head of striking red hair notices you first, his eyes instantly narrowing upon your approach. He slides closer to the others, almost protective in his movements, seemingly forgetting his previous argument. 
“Can I help you?” 
His voice is steady, laced with none of the heat you had expected. Instead, his words are cold, punctuated in a way that cuts you like a knife. However, you refuse to let him intimidate you.
“Yes, actually. I heard you were looking for Pandora.”
He quirks an eyebrow. “Why is that of any interest to you?”
“I’m looking for it too.”
You grit your teeth, his standoffish attitude grating on your nerves. The man he was fighting with places a hand on his arm and steps slightly in front of him, greeting you with a smile. You can immediately feel the difference in his aura, the gentleness radiating off of him. He is the water to the red-headed man’s fire. Perhaps literally.
“Sorry, Hongjoong is just a bit… on edge lately. I’m Seonghwa.” 
He takes a moment to introduce each of the others before asking for your name in return. You’re surprised to find that they’re a pretty well-balanced group, with at least one bender for each element. That will definitely come in handy when it comes to the elemental lock. You almost can’t believe your luck; after all this time, maybe things are finally turning around in your favor.
Yunho, an airbender who was a part of the group playing the drinking game earlier, chimes in. “So, you’re looking for Pandora too?” 
You nod. “That’s right. I think we can help each other.” You reach into your bag and wrap your fingers around the map. “You see, I—”
You’re interrupted by San, a dimpled firebender, who gets up to excitedly greet the missing member of their party; Wooyoung must be the boy you bumped into earlier. Now that you have a moment to actually look at him, you suppose that he’s quite beautiful, with a sharp nose and full lips. His hair is like nothing you have ever seen before—silver on top with blue ends, comparable only to how it looks when the light of the moon meets the sea. 
Your lips barely part to greet him when he turns to you, eyes ablaze with hatred. “What is she doing here?”
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NETWORKS: @cromernet @kflixnet @pirateeznet
TAGLIST: @nebulousbookshelf @ad0rechuu @seonghwaddict @sanniesbunnie @wooya1224 @tournesol155 @ja3hwa @pocketjoong-reads @lovandr
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Nobody bays an eye at the fact that MK's mom is a very much male presenting person. They live in a world where shape-shifting is the norm, and there is literally a famous story about a kingdom with a river that can make anyone, no matter the gender, pregnant. Its not an impossible thing to imagine for them, especially since they suspect MK to be a demon at that point anyway, which means his mom is guaranteed to be one too. No, the biggest surprise in regards to Wukong's pregnancy comes more from who Wukong is rather than any sort of gender he presents as, but it's rather easily explained away. After all, there's no reason for Wukong to hide the fact that Stone Monkey pregnancies are often fatal and result in many complications, so as the stronger and more durable between himself and his mate as well as the one with mor most layers of immortality, it's simple logic that he'd be the one to bear their young.
At least, that's how Wukong describes it later. What he neglected to realize is that just because the specifics of Stone Monkey pregnancies have become somewhat common knowledge amongst the celestials, the mortals do not share in that knowledge and hus rather blase attitude in regards to potentially dying in childbirth does little to ease DBK, Pigsy, Tang, or Sandy's concern. PIF is a little more understanding of Wukong's position, having gone through similar complications with Redson's birth, and actually applauds his willingness and bravery in bringing more children into the world, even whilst almost losing his life to bring his eldest into the world.
prev post.
That and they don't want to assume anything in case MK's mom is a trans person. Wukong is fine with both Mama/Baba titles, and if he carried the kid it only makes sense to him to be "Mom" to them.
In a world of demons, trans people, shapeshifting, and rivers that make your pregnant, you just grow up knowing that sometimes a dude gets pregnant.
Regular Stone Monkey pregnancies aren't anymore fatal than say wild monkey statistics, but the Stone Egg method is super dangerous. Stone Monkeys basically donate so much of their life energy to the world around them that there's very little left over for themselves. The "Boulder" atop FFM is even described as spreading orchids and mushrooms into the earth around it.
PIF admires and envies Wukong a little for his success, despite the terror surrounding little Xiaotian's arrival. She wonders if DBK hadn't been imprisoned, if they could have had such luck.
Wukong very simply explains to the Noodle Gang that he's like the healthiest demon around, and his mate is slightly more fragile than him (literally born in the anaerobic enviroment of the moon = no immune system), so he takes over for baby-incubating. The gnag are super intrigued!
Tang: "So when did you decide to have MK?" Wukong, laughing: "Oh, that was a happy accident! A happy, kinda-scary, 14 year accident." Noodle Gang: (*all nod on understanding/awkwardness*) MK: "Yeah, thats why I grew up being told never to bury myself under a mountain." Noodle Gang: "...wut?" Tang:, JTTW brain activating: "Wait. Did you say 14 years!? As in during the Journey!?!"
Wukong pretty much pulls out corkboard of crayon drawings (like in "The Plan Man") to explain the process and how Macaque accidentally left Wukong "rock pregnant" under Five Finger Mountain - a collage crafted specifically back when MK had first asked about the "Birds and the Bees". The Noodle Shop Gang are horrified - and so is MK for having to re-live it.
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Everyone comes away from that specifc lunchtime knowing a little too much about the reproductive habits of Stone Monkeys.
Hilariously I can imagine a situation like with the Eclipse Twins in the TMKATI au (both monkeys got el-pregante with either twin) happening here.
But with the current day. Remember how I pointed out that out of all the Nodelets, one shadow planet was missing? >:3
Once the LBD situation is dealt with at the end of S3;
Guanyin: (*gently grabs Macaque by the scruff of the neck*) Guanyin: "How long were you going to run around getting into danger without telling him [Wukong] you were expecting as well?!" Macaque, honestly confused: "Pardon???" Wukong: (*GASP!*) "Hypocrite!" Macaque: "In my defence, I didn't know that could happen."
MK barfs just *a little* at the announcement (MK: "I TOLD you they were being gross!").
Que the last Lunar Nodelet; Ziqi being made. This time via a very nervous Macaque.
Shadow monkey is on 24 hour lockdown pretty much to watch out for health complications, a reasonable punishment for his little disappearing act. Complications arise only because Mac was away from FFM for an appointment with Lao Tzu when a certain Scroll got found...
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questinwitchface · 10 months
SamBucky AU Fic Recs
So @archivistirl and I were chatting in the comment section of one of my fics about AU fics, and I offered to rec some of my favorite SamBucky AU fics I've read. I thought I'd share that list here just in case anyone else is interested in some recs!
Here they are, in no particular order:
Big Black Boots, Long Brown Hair by @funsized-loser - T, 3k, No Powers AU
Tell It to the Bees (and the birds) by ElisabethMonroe - T, 19k, Neighbors AU
Not Like I'm Counting the Days by @yammz - E, 14k, Modern AU: Captain America Sam Wilson/no powers paramedic Bucky Barnes
The First Gentleman by @glittercake - M, 56k, Presidency AU: first gentleman Sam Wilson/bodyguard Bucky Barnes
Out of Your League by @cobrafantasies - G, 2k, No Powers AU, Baseball AU
Somewhere in the Crowd There's You by pouringinsheets - E, 26k, Hockey AU: hockey captain Sam Wilson/assistant coach Bucky Barnes
Sky Crypt by Six2VII - Future AU, Space AU, Police AU
If We Are Celestial Bodies series by @thatmexisaurusrex - E, 88k, Fantasy AU, Medieval AU, Arranged Marriage AU
Can't Stand Him by @thatmexisaurusrex - T, 11k, No Powers AU, Modern AU
Destination Wedding by SunsetMaiden - M, 29k, Destination Wedding (movie) AU
Please feel free to reblog and add your own SamBucky AU fic recs!
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justydrawz · 2 months
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Street fighter AU Sadie and Lunar ‼️‼️ agagaga go watch the celestial idiots or I will eat ur liver or something idk
[More yapping plus alts under the cut]
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AHHHHH Street fighter auuuu gagagagagaga I honestly am having am fun drawing it [I like blood 😔🗣️] and it's like agagagagagagagaga ALSO CI HAS NY HEART ON LOCK RN ‼️ I can't breatheeee the airrrr of any other dca au without thinking of CI 🕳️ I will forever be stuck in the hole 😔 BUT I'M NOT COMPLAINING MY JIN JONES JUNE-
ColOr omg Color they started streaming on twitch and I'm just AHHH I love their art sm AGAGAGAGAGA like just rips it to shreds, very idol material I must say, SAME WITH MOON AND SUN THEY ARE ALL JUST AAAHHHHHH moons art scratches my brain in all the right ways I swear, and watching sun improve is so flipping cool and I just AHHH AND BEES AND ALL OF THE CAST AND IT'S JUST AHHHH CAN'T FORGET FREBBY FIVE BEERS HER ART IS PEAK BRO AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAJAJANAANA
sorry had to get that off my chest 😔
Anyways I wanna draw more CI aus just like slam them down on the table, I'm thinking about a like Celebrity AU but im not sure how they would work, OH AND SHOWTIME AU AHH I NEEDA BRING THAT ONE BACK I MISS IT SM ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ [Showtime showtime showtime] MY GOD SHOWTIME it was so silly, I just needa figure out a way to tween it easily‼️
Thats all the rambling I got for today spins and despawns
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moonlight-tmd · 5 months
I guess the last post on Celestial!Bee AU since no one seems interested. Anywho-
I suppose after the last one where Sari blasted Bei, nearly killing him Bei got to training Sari to learn to control her new powers. He still got the shivers down his spine when Sari used said powers in training but if you were immortal deity and something nearly ended you ya would be wary too.
Then the whole deal with Megatron and Decepticons got in the main picture- Earlier when Megatron kidnapped Bee to interrogate him, he didn't expect to be face to face with the one who had granted him his powers long ago... The Lord of Wishes himself. They had a talk, in the end Megatron was allowed to do whatever he needed to do under a condition to not kill any of Bee's comrades. His troops knew the order, few were confused as to why the warlord didn't want any corpses and in fact strictly forbidden finishing them off in fights, but they were to intimitated by him to question that.
After the near-death incident the fight for the Allspark happened. Bei wasn't really allowed to interact with any of the mortal conflicts but he still made an effort to go with them and help out on the sidelines without hurting the enemies... Then a bright flash from the tower appeared and a beam of light descended down to strike the giant mech Megatron had created to march on an take the Allspark. Everything around was in ruin, the Decepticons either lay dead or injured, few scampered off before the battle took a more heated turn. In amidst of chaotic serenity they dug Megatron out of the rubble and arrested him but at a great cost... Prowl had died in attempt to sway the fate's favor onto them and succeeded.
After the captured had been put in ship's cells for transport, both Team Prime and Elite Guard had gathered around a table he laid on to honor Prowl, well, all except Bee- the scout has vanished since the aftermath. But not for long... In fact, he was sitting right there on a container- oh wait he looks a lil fucked up-
"Oh, what a loss... Truly a waste of talent, so sad..."
Team Prime has gotten accustomed to Beisilan's antics by now to know he was being empathetic... Elite Guard however- yeah they screamed. Well, except Sentinel- he's "met" this thing before, Bei paid him a nightly visit as a 'sleep paralysis demon' as he put it and threatened him to be nicer or else. It kind of did the trick, at least he wasn't rudely commenting about anything being not the way he wants it.
There was a brief exchange of words between them and Bei before Sair perked up suggesting that if he has god powers he could revive Prowl, right? Sadly, Bei could not... at least not with those that haven't made a deal with him- oh wait what is this scroll- SO turns out that a while before this whole fight went down, Prowl talked with Beisilan about the possibility of their success. It was then that Bei proposed the deal- Prowl was aware that after he had died his sould would serve Bei as a guardian to the Dream Realm, in everything that could go wrong it was a reasonable price, so he signed it, making his soul an asset in Bei's servos.
Prowl's soul was at his command and Bei could do whatever he pleased with it... "Now, I don't know about you- but celebrating a victory isn't a time to be sleeping!" He giggled in his multitone voice before blowing the scroll like a candle- but instead the scroll set on fire that the smoke that came after the flame surrounded Prowl's body. Then a spectar air horn popped out and blasted the sound and in an intsant Prowl jumped awake and fell off the berth. All colored and alive. And spooked for his life, just like he'd been woken up for real. Prowl's contract was terminated and the binding was revoked. He was once again a free mech- but Bei warned that this won't happen again so they better be careful what they do. Then when they were talking Bei lowered himself to the ground and in a puff of smoke he was Bee again- "So- who's ready for a celebration party?!"
So the Elite Guard got to learn what Bee really is and has gotten hit with flashbacks to all the times they were mean to him. The Jettwins may have been scared of him briefly but after Bee showing them few neat tricks they were good, if not a little curious about him.
A long while after the battle and everything settling back into place, Optimus was offered to join in the higher status in Cybertron. He however declined and chose the peaceful life on earth. Their Base had gotten a major upgrade to a proper state instead of a near-ruin thanks to Bei so they did not have to worry about anything. I would sare say Prowl and Jazz had turned their attention to the small altar they build in one of the rooms to leave offerings- they had been taught about the greatness of Primus but after hearing stuff he did from Beisilan they decided to aid the weaker god instead. (no, they didn't start a cult, they were just paying their respects to Beisilan instead of Primus) (altho at this point the whole team would do that so i guess they became some sort of a cult) Bee pretends he doesn't know about the altar or whatever they do in that room but on the inside he's very happy that someone has given him worship at last in over few hundred neons. He continues to unnoticingly bless each and every member that leaves their gifts and prayers at the altar.
And of course, he wouldn't be a mischevious god without some good ol' pranks! It's very fun to mess with the mortal, regardless if he's friends with them or not.
And I think that's it for now. All of the events I had already thought of had been written, up to you whether you wanna know more.
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 3 months
If you have any more facts and ideas about Lunar or anyone else
For the love of everything please ramble
I do have some stuff to add on about Lunar (but most of this will be about Eclipse, specifically Icarus au stuff)
To add onto the whole “glowy patterns being used to communicate” thing, one of the things these patterns can be used for is displaying (either threat displays or courtship—in the universe of Icarus au the stars are a species that have rituals/traditions similar to birds or mers/sirens at least my interpretation of them that is-)
Also in this au, Lunar going invisible is less of a thing Monty programmed him with and rather another part of his alien abilities:
He can turn “invisible” by using camouflage to blend in with his surroundings (which he is really good at)
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before (could be wrong tho), Lunar is 5’5 in the Icarus au (close to average person height but small compared to the rest of their family)
Eclipse is 8ft tall in the Icarus au, one of the tallest of the cast other than Earth and KC
Eclipse himself has several unique features of his own (some he passed down to Lunar and the twins) that come from Moon’s and KC’s code
These features include:
Amazing night vision (characters like Sun and Earth have poorer vision in the dark meanwhile ones with Moon’s code see very well in the dark)
Retractable claws and pads on both his hands and feet (they blend in far more than Lunar’s do, being black instead of colorful like Lunar’s)
Eclipse’s teeth are sharp though they do not retract (his features in general are just sharper in comparison to others) and are similar to canine teeth in structure and shape
Eclipse is very flexible, being able to bend in weird and sometimes even disturbing ways (basing this off how crazily flexible Moon is in the games lol)
Eclipse refuses to admit its existence but he does have a music box hidden somewhere in his chest like Moon does and it has only stayed due to him using Moon’s endoskeleton blueprints as a base for his frames and forgetting to remove it (out of sight, out of mind sort of thing)
KC’s code is what gives Eclipse (+Moon and the others with his code) more predatory features (ex: sharper teeth, claws, better night vision, etc)
Another of these that Moon and Eclipse both possess (though is more prominent in Eclipse now due to New Moon not having as much as that base killcode in him as Eclipse) is a forked tongue
Similar to how a snake’s tongue works, Eclipse can detect smells in the air using his tongue (if he turns his smell feature on that is, which he doesn’t often do, especially since the plex has lots of “gross human smells” according to him)
It’s not as prominent as Moon’s code but Eclipse of course still does carry bits of Sun’s code and thus carries a few of his lighter counterpart’s features as well:
Eclipse runs warmer being a part sun model though the star only amplifies this heat and makes it more obvious with him than it is with Sun himself (it’s not a burning heat—unless he gets super upset then it can turn to that—but more like how it feels to stand close to a small campfire/bonfire)
As shown in the cover thing I made for the Icarus au, Eclipse does have four arms though he doesn’t always have them out (Lunar inherited this from him, as well as the twins)
Eclipse also often wears golden piercings, on his rays as well as his nose + lips
(Note: all the celestial characters in this au are true to the way I draw them and have bunny/goat-like noses and expressive silicone mouths with lips, giving them a more “human” appearance)
Earth stands at 9ft tall, the second tallest of the family
Earth’s character is treated differently in this au, she’s still Earth but I tried to “fix” some of the inconsistencies and weird little things in canon writing and give it my own interpretation of how I think it could’ve gone if she had been written a little better (no hate to the writers, I just have noticed some weird things like how Earth has been so patient with v4 Eclipse and even said she thinks nobody gave him enough of a chance even though she herself was one of those people, barely giving v2 a chance after just one or two interactions)
Earth has lots of nicknames for her brothers/friends in this au because I just headcanon her to be that kind of person, some examples of this being:
Lu, LuLu for Lunar (once he appears and they’ve had time to bond of course)
Sunny, Sunshine for Sun
Moony, Moonpie for Moon
Sol for Solar (again once he appears and they have some time to know each other lol)
She also will have some nicknames for Eclipse, one of them being more prominent than others (she starts using it earlier on in the chapters and starts to be used by the others later in the story)
The nickname is in the title :)
That’s all I have rn- sorry for the lack of art to go with this one (feeling more motivation to write rather than draw rn ^^’ also my brain totally isn’t focused on cowboy/outlaw au stuff what are you taaalkinggg abouuutt 👀💦)
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askglassanon · 1 year
If you are sure. Would you like me to escort you home, lady glass? It would bee no trouble. -🐝
//ideas for celes bee for your consideration:
Lord/lady of the court by default
They are a prospective knight in training
Insanely devoted to the Sun kingdom, as are their family
Nobody can tell what gender they are (genderflux)
Goes by any pronouns
Puns. So many puns.
// going ahead and tagging lulu bc I believe that they're the one who made the au? @lulu-nightbon
*Her eyes widen and she giggles* No, it's alright
I'm not going home right now and beesides I have work to do - Glass
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blackholedjester · 3 months
Artfight Dump!
heres the technical first part to this! Because i'm really bad at just posting the attacks when i've made em! also a reference thing cause i haven't posted like- half the refs avaliable
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Juicebox! Belongs to @moonwithsmores
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Sugarsweet!Sun and Moon! Belongs to @bumble-the-sun-bee
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Hearts!Bloodmoon and Diamonds!Lunar! Belong to @precisely-42-bees
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Celestial Idiots Color! (and also plushswap BH-) Belongs to @possesedplush i believe! Plushswap AU and Blackhole belongs to me!
none of these were revenges this time around i do believe!
References Posted on AF
The Snake and Astaria
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(women's wrongs <3)
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And Asteroid!
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Teach by @lucelafonde​ The rockstar AU. You have heard of it probably. Ed is a famous rockstar. It’s a texting fic. They meet on grindr. They don’t know how they look and who they are but they fall in love and flirt via texting and phone calls. It’s so good. Words: 89k  |  Rated E
Liquid Gold by @perkynurples​ SMAU - Social Media beekeeper AU in a small US town. There’s a farmers markets, old family history and damaged middle aged men finding love for the first time. The bee boys are everything to me. It’s so soft and feels like home. Words: 58k+  |  WIP  |  Rated M
Magical realism
Celestial Bodies by @skrifores​ Reincarnation and soulmates. In the end love is all there is. It’s very poetic.  Words: 3k  |  Rated E
Split by angelsunaware (@entertainingangels​) Through some hexing from Buttons Edward is split into two - his heart and his soul - to help him deal with his heartbreak and Stede’s return. The sweetest clone fic you will ever read. Words: 7k  |  Rated E  
short and ❤️‘d
Co-Captain Duties by Fyre (@amuseoffyre​) Taking care of each other. Intimate hair washing. Words: 3k  |  Rated E 
Choreography by threerings ( @three--rings​​) Dom Stede, sub Ed. There is something about this that’s really sweet and caring. Works: 2  |  Words: 4k  |  Rated E 
The Importance of Being Edward by MrsNoggin (@katnoggin​) I have a thing for men crying. Emotional reunion fic. Words: 6k  |  Rated E
separating salt from water by morian (@nonagethimus​) Homoerotic shark hunting and a becalming. Before episode 9 and 10. Words: 6k  |  Rated M  
Dead Men Tell No Tales by @forest-sprites​          Stede catches Ed masturbating - as the author said “This is soft nice feelings porn” Words: 5k  |  Rated E  
[other OFMD fic recs: 1]
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gsstories · 5 months
Incorrect quotes: Centaur Edition
Moon: Where did we find this bucking man?? Josiah: I almost fell off a cliff to my death and Eclipse saved me so I stuck around. I remember that very vividly-
Moon: I am going to patrol now. Void is in charge. I have told you all three times the instructions while I am not around. Josiah: You just told me ‘Josiah no’. Moon: And you can apply that to any situation. Josiah: Okay-
Some centaur after an argument with another: Was he fighting or flirting with me?
Josiah: They tried to stomp your ribs in!
Centaur: …That doesn’t answer my question
Moon, after learning Josiah be friends with the hybrid: Josiah, can I speak to you for a minute? In private. Josiah: Oooh, someone’s in trouble! Josiah: It’s me, I don’t know why I did that
—— Josiah and the hybrid: *running back into the herd in a panic* Sun: What did you do?! Josiah: Nobody died! Sun: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
—— Sun, usually: Violence is never the answer. Josiah, high on shrooms: It’s the question and the answer is YES! Moon: Not again-
Moon, after Josi did something stupid: You’re standing on thin ice. Josiah, looking down before looking up: I’m standing on the ground. Moon, annoyed: It’s an expression. Josiah: It’s grass.
Josiah, high on shrooms: Hi, my name is Josiah with a 'B' and I'm afraid of insects.
Void: Wait, wait, wait.
Josiah: What?
Void: Where's the 'B'?
Josiah, scared for his life: There's a bee?
Josiah, buried in snow: I am the snow guardian, guardian of the snow! Hybrid: The untrained quiver before him (literally)! Josiah: BUCK OFF!
——— Celestial Herd AU belongs to @missterious-figure
Void belongs to @celestialweido
Hybrid centaur belongs to @kinshenewa
Josiah be mine!
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
So in the Deity AU so far we have :
On the divine side :
Mario => god of the sun, fire, warmth, chivalry, and might; associated with lions, cats and raccoons
Luigi => god of the moon, lightning, thunderstorms, courage, and fidelity; associated with dogs and foxes
Mia => goddess of family, food, baking, and devotion
Spike => god of the forge and construction, "rivalling" with Mario on the dominion of fire
Bowser => dark god, responsible for Luigi's disappearance
On the mortal side we have Peach, Daisy and Pio.
Who else would you consider a god or a mortal in this AU ? I love expanding this idea 8D
Deity AU
Thank you! I love expanding this idea too ^^
Hmmm so admittedly I've been focusing so much on the "story" and the relationship between the main characters, that I haven't given the prospect of any other characters much thought ^^; But I'll see what I can do.
Fyi Peach does technically have god blood in her, but it's only a little and not enough to qualify her as a full god (but does explain the powers she has that she often displays in the Mario verse). Mortals:
The Mario Family
Since Pio is mortal, this would mean that the rest of his family is too. So that includes Grandpa Mario, Arthur, Tony, and Marilyn. I also like to think that Marie is mortal too. Mario and Luigi are the only demi-gods in the family.
Toad (and the toad species in general)
I like to picture the toads as being nymphs or forest spirits in this AU (given they are fungi creatures). They are peaceful beings, but do not fare very well at fighting.
Professor E.Gadd
In this version I picture him a philosopher (much like the ancient Greek philosophers). He has gandered a reputation as being "mad" seeing as he has a fascination with the celestial domain, and only wishes to study the mysteries and wonder behind it.
The Kongs
I had a think about it and I honestly feel like these characters would fit residing over constellations (much like real life animal constellations like Ursa Major, Cygnus, Delphinus etc). There was even a constellation called Musca Borealis (which I feel DK could reside over.
According to what I found: Musca Borealis (Latin for northern fly) was a constellation, now discarded, located between the constellations of Aries and Perseus. It was originally called Apes (plural of Apis, Latin for bee) by Petrus Plancius when he created it in 1612 (source)
Cranky could reside over the Cepheus constellation - which is also known as "Cepheus the King".
Very big stretch on this one as in the Mario verse Rosalina already resides over space. I don't see her as being a ruthless god in this AU or anything, but I imagine she would have more authority over the celestial domain.
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That's pretty much all I can think of for now ^^ Feel free to suggest anything else if you like.
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taffitoast · 1 year
Artfight is over!
Corrupted Sun AU asks will continue now!
In the meantime take some of the sun and moon art attacks
Credits at the bottom!
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1/8 Scarf Twins Moon by @yukiphobia24
2/8 Sunnydrop UTM AU by @sugaloveloaf
3/8 Clippy/Eclipse by Melody-Artist -> https://www.deviantart.com/meiodyartiez
4/8 AND 8/8 is Lunar Eclipse And Cotten Candy Eclipse by Bumble the Bee On Youtube.
5/8 flowershop!AU Sun and Moon by @daunsun
6/8 Bloodmoon by @garbagechocolate
7/8 Astral Celestial by @littlebluem00n
I will be back soon with More Sun and Moon Corrupted AU! Probably in the style of a comic so it will take me time to go through everyones asks and order them to answer correctly.
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