#cellular cellular phones
fruitcage · 21 days
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There's no tech in the cloud kingdom
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merakiui · 8 months
Everyone is in love with Malleus, Idia and Azul for masquerade and yes they're extremely beautiful.. but where's the love for strawberry husband?
Riddle has so much rizz in his card and he just gets ignored. Please give my strawbebe some love too 😭
STRAWBERRY HUSBAND!!!!!! :D I haven't forgotten him. His masquerade outfit is so pretty!!!! He's very handsome!!!!!
They don't call him Rizzle Rizzhearts for nothing!!! <3 imagine he steals you from Azul partway through your dance. Just,,,, gracefully swoops in and gently tugs you from your proximity to Azul. >:) Riddle knows exactly what he's doing because he knows how to ballroom dance and he's quite confident in his abilities. The two of you are waltzing across the dance floor and Riddle's guiding you if you're not the most well-versed in this type of dance, his voice soft and sweet. He tells you you're doing well, whispering at a tone only you can hear. It's equal parts romantic and seductive. Riddle is just exuding rizz omg!!!!
Ooooo maybe when the two of you walk around Fleur City together he's making note of every location he thinks would be great to bring you to if you have your honeymoon here in the future. He's telling you all sorts of interesting facts he learned when he did his research prior to coming, and he's immensely satisfied and proud when you're impressed with his knowledge. It makes Rollo (who is a local) quite jealous. T_T it's his job to wow you with the pretty sights and history of the city because you're going to be Rollo's spouse when he saves you from all of these mages. >:(
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slack-wise · 5 months
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columboscreens · 10 months
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businessmemes · 8 months
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Howard never made it to that pitch. Using your business skills, can you correctly guess why?
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vengelark · 7 months
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moonbeam-fox · 25 days
Confused girl. Girl that never knows what the fuck is going on. Huh, what? Girl. So self aware she could walk into a telephone pole, girl.
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fuzzyghost · 1 year
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Just a heads up, I am going to be mostly out of commission for the next two days (and I was offline all of today too). Life Stuff TM is happening, and I'm trying to get used to my new, very busy schedule. Week Six will be finished over the course of this week. My apologies for the delay!
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sugas6thtooth · 7 months
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goofnuggetkarlaa · 6 months
well it seems youtube on firefox is no longer letting me play videos in anything higher than 720p, and some its only allowing me to view in 360p. and while duckduckgo's duck player works fine, if i stream it over discord, no audio can be heard on the stream (╬▔皿▔)╯
guess im stuck having other people be forced to stream the videos for me i guess until some tech genius starts having this problem as well and creates a workaround.
fuck youtube, fuck google, fuck every big tech company (and every non-tech company while we're at it), fuck every greedy capitalistic pig who is purposefully making my life more irritating and inconvenient for me just because they can. now where's that damn guillotine
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My phone loading a 12 TB file over LTE vs. it attempting (and failing) to load a 20 byte file over 5G.
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emile-hides · 7 months
when the theater guy WHAT
I went to see the FNaF Movie today and seeing as I have a total of Zero friends in real world event range and both of my parents hate horror I had to go to the theater by myself for the very first time in my life, which was fine. Until it wasn't
The dude in charge of ticket checks stops me and instead of asking to see a ticket asks if the mask I was wearing was part of some costume. Little black cloth face mask, covid thing. He was an old man on a scooter and not wanting to have a discussion with this tiny old man about Covid19 I just went along with it and said sure yeah. It kind of was anyway, it has a little bear mouth on it and I was wearing Bear Ears and a brown cardigan as well.
Man goes "You can't wear a mask in here." I say "Why not?" He says "You can't wear a mask in here." I go, "I heard that part. Why Not. "Policy, I don't make the rules, just enforce them." I realize this man is being paid minimum wage to sit here and police people so I go, "Okay." and walk past him because he's just some guy in a little scooter in the middle of the atrium and he hasn't asked for my ticket so I assume that's Not His Job
He calls me back for my ticket so I take out my phone with the QR code with my ticket on it and he takes my phone to (I assumed) scan the code and then he pulls out his walkie and calls his manager and I realize very quickly he is not scanning my ticket and I want to Leave Now.
"Can I have my phone back?" "When my manager gets here."
"Give me my phone back." "When my manager gets here."
"Bill. Give me. My Phone." "As soon as my manager gets here"
I make a swipe to grab my phone from him and this tiny little 60 something man in a scooter in the middle of a theater atrium as the audacity to hold it back over his head like I am a Toddler he is preventing from grabbing at a knife.
I am now having a panic attack.
Manager walks over and I am a broken little Autistic man who just wanted to watch a Bad Horror Movie (it was actually pretty good) so I scream at this lanky probably 30-something in the middle of a Cinemark Theater Atrium with many a random bystander around "TELL HIM. TO GIVE ME. MY PHONE."
I swipe my phone from Bill's hand, full turn, and bolt out the door half way across the parking lot and call my mother in a heap on the sidewalk.
It's a very good thing the Five Nights at Freddy's movie was way better than I was expecting or today would have been awful.
#I never rant about anything ever but Oh My God#Oh???? My God???? What the Hell??????#I should point out. I might have said 'tell him to give me my fucking phone'#I say might because I Do Not Remember perfectly#As I was mid panic attack and was really fighting back the urge to Hit That Old Man#But I have been told I swear just a little when I'm too stressed#The manager was SO apologetic like the second he walked onto the scene I do remember that#He followed me at first when I ran but as soon as I was out of the building it was out of his hands so#I came back with my mother and she talked to him and it's like#The little old man is just. Kind of stupid. And an extreme rule follower#No Costume/Halloween masks in the theater is the rule and TECHNICALLY I did tell him the mask I was wearing was a costume piece#Is that still any reason for Taking Someone's Fucking Phone??? No absolutely not#But that's apparently ANOTHER rule#If there's anything sus about someone he's to hold their proof of entry (ticket) until a manager arrives#Which is most certainly a rule about Forgery Paper Tickets and NOT about holding someone's cellular device hostage over a mask#But like I said. This man is very locked on rules and had no common sense apparently#He gave us complimentary tickets after that so that was neat I guess#Anyway. The FNaF movie's good.#I enjoyed it a LOT better than I've enjoyed any of the games#I really was expecting a trash show like the books but man. Man#It was fun.#Not scary like at all but. Very fun.#You could go in knowing nothing about FNaF and come out with the most baseline knowledge which is fun#A good straightforward starting point#However I was disappointment in the lack of Autistic Children talking through the movie!!! Honestly!!!#I wanted to hear a child three seats down info dumping to their parent dammit!!!#Like with the Mario Movie!!!
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boomerang109 · 8 months
guys i know i’m two million years late but why aren’t we talking more about portrait mode holy shit
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contac · 2 years
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