miraruinada · 2 months
Natalie Walker, in a room at the San Tropeo Hotel, Via Perdon, Topaxi, Semptember 891 AM. Motherfucking hemorrhoid-licking old bastard, I saw the distrust in her pale, bored little eyes right from the start, and I said to myself this asshole will take every chance she gets to spit on me, the motherfucking piece of shit. But I'm dumb, I've always been dumb and naïve, and I let down my guard. And the same thing that always happens. Idealism. Philosophy. Vomit carelessly soaking Natalie Walker's hair. And on top of it all the dumbfuck looks at me like she's sorry for me, as if to say this Gaean brought me these kids just to shit on them, and Ignacio looked at me too and the fucking dipshit didn't even blink, like he was used to being insulted by any old fart-breath, any constipated grand old philosopher of Cemanahuac idealism who got the urge. And then the old bastard comes right out and says she doesn't like being interviewed, never mind how hard it was for me to set this up, and the ass kissers say okay, no problem, we'll write up a question sheet right here, Ms. Great Philosopher of the Pleistocene, yes ma'am, instead of pulling down her pants and shoving the questions up her ass. And the old gal struts around listing her friends (all of them dead or practically dead), and she keeps calling me miss, as if that could make up for all the puke all over my shirt and jeans, and what can I say, I didn't even have the strength to answer her when she started talking to me in Logresian, just yes, no, or I don't know, mostly I don't know, and when we left her house, which was a mansion, I said so where did the money come from, you dead-rat-fucking bastard, where did you get the money to buy this house?
I told Ignacio we had to talk, but Ignacio said that he wanted to hang out with Hugo Valdez, and I said you goddamn bastard I need to talk to you, and he said later, Natalia, later, and then I said I need to talk to you now, and the lousy prick acting like the cocksucker he is, turns around and stares at me and says hey, what's wrong? some unexpected problem? and luckily Hugo and Julio had gone on ahead and didn't hear him. It's especially lucky they didn't see me, because I guess my martyred face must have just collapsed, I could actually feel it changing. At any rate, I felt my eyes flare up with a lethal dose of hatred, and then I said go fuck yourself, asshole, so I wouldn't say anything worse, and turned and left. I spent the afternoon in tears.
I was supposedly in Topaxi to do a postgraduate course on biology, but I met Ignacio at a bar with his friends and we fell in love at first sight. Or at least that's how it was for me. I'm not so sure about Ignacio. Daylight came down along the streets, like something swooning or struck by lightning, dawn is so weird in this fucking city. The next day I stopped going to class and I spent my time having these endless conversations with the Young Farmers, who back then were still more or less normal, more or less sick kids, and weren't calling themselves Young Farmers yet. I liked them. They reminded me of old friends. I liked Hugo Valdez, Julio, Piel Lujosa. I liked that conceited bastard Iovan Herrera a little less. Anyway, I liked them. I wanted to have a good time, and around them things were always lively. I met lots of people, people who gradually began to drift away from the group.
I met Anacaona Hosa, but we never hit it off. A stuck-up princess who thought she invented the wheel and acted like she was a revolutionary just because she'd been exiled from Xamay. Anyway, I got to know her a little after she was exiled and all the Young Farmers were drawn to her. Even Iovan and Hugo, who obviously got it on together (you know, I'll suck you, you suck me, just for a minute, and then we'll stop), seemed to be wild for the fucking princess. But I grabbed Ignacio and said: if I find out you're dating her I'll kill you. And Ignacio laughed and said, why would I do that? But even his eyes (which were the best thing about Ignacio, Zepacna eyes, temples and gardens) were saying the exact opposite.
And I said: Ignacio, you bastard, you stupid prick, you son of a bitch, when your friends disappear I'll still be with you, I know it, when you're left alone and helpless, I'm the one who'll be by your side and who'll help you. Not some old bag festering in memories and philosophical arguments. And definitely not your second-rate gurus (Iovan and Hugo? he said, they aren't my gurus, they're my friends), who the way I see it are going to vanish one of these days. Why would they vanish? he said. I don't know, I said, out of fucking embarrassment? shame? mortification? insecurity? indecision? evasiveness? spinelessness? and then I had to stop because my Castelan wasn't good enough. Then he laughed at me and said you're being silly, Natalia, go on, get back to class, I'm leaving now but I'll be back soon, and instead of listening to him I threw myself on the bed and started to cry. They're all going to leave you, Ignacio! I shouted from the window of my room as Ignacio disappeared in the crowd, except me, asshole! except me...
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goya-65 · 2 years
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Bañarse dos veces al día.
Al llegar los españoles a nuestro continente notaron que la población era extremadamente limpia y que, además de bañarse dos veces por día en ríos y arroyos, todas las casas contaban con un temazcalli (una casa donde se suda, en náhuatl). Y que ambas cosas eran parte de la rutina diaria de aseo personal. Cabe destacar el contraste con las costumbres de los españoles, que casi ni se bañaban.
Lavarse los dientes después de cada comida.
Es bien sabido que los nativos del continente americano siempre fueron muy limpios, y el cuidado de los dientes no fue la excepción. Para ello usaban una mezcla de miel y cenizas de tortilla, ya que la miel es antibacteriana y las cenizas funcionan como un pulidor para los dientes. Los españoles se mostraron muy sorprendidos al notar las sonrisas blanquísimas de los indígenas quienes, además, conservaban su dentadura hasta la muerte.
Llama “escuincles” a los niños.
El Xoloitzcuintle es una raza de perro nativa de México. Estos perritos carecen de pelaje y pueden tener tres tamaños distintos. Son perros que de pequeños son muy inquietos, celosos y hasta groseros con los desconocidos, aunque muy cariñosos con su dueño.
Comer raspados.
Se cuenta que el Señor Motecuhzoma II, Señor de Tenochtitlan, ordenaba traer nieve desde el volcán Popocatépetl solo para que le fuera preparado un manjar hecho de nieve, jarabe de frutas, flores, vainilla o miel. Era un postre tan exclusivo que solo la nobleza podía consumirlo. En nuestros días, y aunque siguen siendo un manjar de reyes ¡todos podemos acceder a los deliciosos raspados!.
Hablar en diminutivo.
Los pueblos originarios se expresaban con los niños de una manera más cariñosa que con el resto de la gente, llamándolos con apodos tiernos como cocoton (migajita en náhuatl), o nishi (pequeño en hñahñu). Esta es una costumbre ha sobrevivido hasta nuestros días, no solo en nuestro trato a los más pequeñitos, sino en el uso que hacemos de los diminutivos en nuestro día a día. ¡Ahorita ya sabes de dónde viene esta costumbre!
Beber agua de frutas.
Esta costumbre les resultó muy extraña a los europeos, puesto que allá no se conocía la enorme variedad de frutas que hay en México. Era (¡y es!) tal la abundancia de frutos que, además de comerlas, nos podemos dar el lujo de mezclarlas con agua o con miel para tomarlas.
Comer tortilla y picante.
Los mexicanos no podemos pasar un día sin comer tortilla o picante. Lo hemos heredado de nuestros padres y ellos de sus ancestros. La comida nativa no sufrió grandes transformaciones desde la invasión europea y solo se le agregaron nuevos ingredientes llegados de otros continentes. Estas adiciones mejoraron los sabores y, aunque crearon algunos alimentos nuevos, la esencia es la misma hasta nuestros días. Creéme que la historia de nuestro pueblo se podría contar a través de la tortilla y el picante…
Hacerse tatuajes.
En el mundo prehispánico, los tatuajes eran considerados un símbolo de valentía, pues en aquellos tiempos se hacían con espinas de cactus. Los tatuajes, además, contaban historias, leyendas y hazañas y, cuando se veía a una persona con un tatuaje, de inmediato se sabía que tenía algo que contar. La Iglesia Católica trató de “satanizar” el uso de tatuajes y, si bien aún hay mucha gente que asocia el tatuaje con la delincuencia, los mexicanos no le tememos a llevar historias escritas en nuestro cuerpo.
Autor Xiu
Kualli Yohualli Mexica, Maya Y Purépecha Nation's ✊🏽🇲🇽🤝🏽🇺🇲😎 Buenas Noches 🦉💤 Good Night 😴
Ma Xicochi Nican Titlacatl Brethren Of The Cemanahuac
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paratopaxi · 2 years
“Can you read it for me, sweet child?”
Ana turned to the elderly man sitting on the bench beside the park fence. Very clearly, the man had played on the domino table with another group of elderly people, as was the pastime in these districts, one where the majority were native of Cemanahuac. She turned to the poster on the wall that he couldn’t read. ‘Analfabeto’, what they are called: illiterate. A large portion of the population grew up without that education, you didn’t need to read in order to work in the factories, in construction, to fight and die in the wars. It was considered a privilege.
The poster was a letter, the print large enough to be read at a distance, small enough to occupy so much to say, plastered on with haste as if to evade the sight of any authority that might find the act criminal.
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“This is a personal address to everyone who is willing to hear. I am Arador. I am the ideological leader of HEAT and DUST, whom you have known in passing on the radio news, in the newspapers, in the bulletins and posts asking for information. If you are reading this in print, you must know that I have finally been taken captive by the Thorns, the gracious inquisitor wing of the Imperial Guard. I only seek to discuss with you before their words reach your ear of this event.
“I am known to the royalists, the veterans of the last conquest by Ludriq, with medals swelling their chests with pride and the nobles singing the praises of the corpses they piled to build their grand city on the hill, as Nemi of the Fifth. I have received the scorn and adoration of both the obrerists and the royalists, dependent of the name I was assumed by. I’ve known love and hate.
“I want to make it clear: I feel no pride in the work I committed during my time in the Advancement Forces, that wretched organization most visible in the power that the empire enacts upon the world. I can never apologize or make enough amends for the horror that I inflicted upon the peoples of this world in participation. To the people of Emeltao, Yulkekan, Ilximatuatli, and Tawantinsuyu in Cemanahuac. To the people of Nashur and Ingary. Know that no action committed individually can erase the sins of the empire. I will live with this guilt until my last breath, that our fight to free you as we fight to free each other continue long after me.
“As Otxo had said a century prior, ‘No man’s individual output can match the tide of history, of the peoples in their march of progression, and no man should.’ This is not a letter of farewell. I am not our fight. I urge you, with all my heart, that you seek to carry on and not let hardship break the will to fight. As I’ve said before, the quality we seek in ourselves is the heart which, faced with countless deaths, rises once more from the void a brighter flame until it learns the dangerous habit of rebirth.
“They can kill a fighter, but they can’t kill the fight. They can kill a vanguardist, but they can’t kill the vanguard. They can kill me, but they can’t kill my heart. And to my kind captors, I say to them the same words Anacaona Hosa spoke before her exile.
“We asked for maize. You gave no maize, so we asked for work. You gave no work, so we take the maize. We revolt simply because we can no longer breathe.”
She finished with dread in her paling face. Eyes watering with tears. What would become of him, not Arador, not Nemi, but Claudio? What would become of her friend?
“Serves the man right. Taking on the name of the great Nemi! Who died fighting in Nashur against those ingrates! What a disgusting act. Hogwash. A farce. I hope he’s sacrificed to Tlaloc.”
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His boss allowed himself to be taken in. Wounded, badly bleeding. He was being walked away by a group, his gray and dirty coveralls a stark contrast to their clean, stark white dress shirts and sharp suits.
Yunuen’s pleas would fall on deaf ears. Of course they couldn’t. Of course Claudio couldn’t run away forever, now that his identity had been unmasked. The empire was so many and they were so few.
Yunuen could only lay on the cold pavement, too much damage suffered to even stand. He was healing, but it was too slow. If only it were a little faster. If only he were a little stronger. If only he could protect this dream a while longer. Too little, too late.
“Find my mother and tell her I love her. Tell Tati I’m sorry, my moonlit knight” Claudio requests, just above a whisper.
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A memory struck the errant’s heart.
“I’m tired, Yunuen. I stopped wishing for salvation long ago, because I don’t believe in my own salvation anymore.”
Boss, please... Reach for my hand. Don’t walk away.
“I say this because I love you, Yunuen. One of us will die. It’s a premonition I have. I’d rather it be me than you. When the time comes, don’t be a hero.”
Please, let me save you. Let yourself be saved.
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“Don’t go dying saving the ones who don’t wish to be saved.”
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alfss · 2 years
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Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity. —Sitting Bull (c. 1831 - 1890), Hunkpapa Sioux.
Najtsï na eránsku Purépecha Nation🪶
Kualli Tlanecic Mexica Nation🪶
Buenos Días 🐓 Good Morning 🦋 Nican Titlacatl Brethren Of The Cemanahuac
🐆🦌🦬🦉🦅 🐉
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mexgraf · 4 years
Excelente video que todo anahuaca debe ver...
"Ingeniería Interna y Tezcatlipoca"
- Teotecnia. Uiverso Subjetivo.
México Gráfico.
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The god that lives amongst us! The mighty Xolotl was cursed to be trapped in this horribly cute form, forever doomed to eat the excrement of other creatures for not upholding his duties to the sun! The mighty Axolotl, taken from the Nahuatl word Atl=Water mixed with Xolotl=dog, which means water dog!
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xochilxitlalli · 4 years
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Yesterday at 6pm pst we started day 13 in the 13 day cycle, it is 13 #ozelotl or jaguar it is number 14 in the tonalli, this cycle will end at approximately 6pm today. . . #iluikapotzintli or day companion is #Tlazolteotl the regenerator, that transforms energy . . #youalpotzintli or night companion is #tepeyollotl or the heart of the mountain . . winged companion is #kochotl the parrot . . the 13 day cycle is ze ehacatl the wind. . . 20 day cycle is atemoztli the resending waters . Year 8 Tecpatl the flint our tongue or words pointed and sharp. . . # Ocelotl the Jaguar is a tenacious guide, the champion of just causes, and the guardian of the house of creating energy #kalli Its a good day for creativity, especially in the home, as in your body and your literal home , adorn your body, paint yourself , paint your house, do some moving around of furniture, clean up your space, make room for new energy to flow. #cemanahuac #astrology #energywork #mexicanastrology #Nahuatl #aztec #Cemanahuac #tonalmachiotl #decolonize #decolonizeastrology #mesoamerica #mexica #starseed #eaglenation #nativeamerican #ometeotl #nativeart #collectiveconsciousness #mesoamericanoccultism #jaguar #artwork #acrylicpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPPx7Kg6rf/?igshid=1ons1n2wdjl2q
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taniateyacapan · 5 years
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Honoring and celebrating my Chichimecatl heritage. Often throughout history/herstory we were pushed to deny our Native heritage. Throughout the Amerikkkas being white or having relation to European culture was deemed as being of "greater" and "better" class/status. Many abandoned their Native identity for many reasons, whether it was because they felt pressured to assimilate or as a way to survive the harsh conditions Native people faced. Tangamanga is the REAL and TRUE name of the region falsely known as "San Luis Potosi" today. My southern lineage is made up of the people who were known as "savage untamed dogs." The catholic missions and colonial government had a very hard time in assimilating my ancestors. Today we are in a place of rediscovering our sacredness through regaining our language, customs, traditions, and spirituality. The war paint I have on is very symbolic. My people decorated themselves in various colors for many reasons. It represented sex differences, distinguished what "clan" you pertained to, assisted them to cross the frontier from nature to culture, it represented their individuality and dignity. Red & black was for funerals and war while ceremony and rite of passage was celebrated in red. Not only was red and black important but yellow and white were also integrated. The colors were made with red ocher/ochre, black charcoal, yellow ocher/ochre, and white limestone. The symbols were believed to bring the attributes of such to the individual. All I am wearing was handmade by me. When we practice our customs we become in tune with our ancestral ways which creates an energy that leads us back home <3 A'ho!
Photographed by: Twisted Fate Photography
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mictlancoatl8 · 5 years
"En un mundo paralelo conectado al nuestro, Tlaneci Tlamatiliztli, personificación de la sabiduría mesoamericana y vidente, intentará rescatar al pueblo mexica de la invasión extranjera. Utilizando el espejo de obsidiana, compartirá a otros videntes las premoniciones, permitiendo que se unan la gran mayoría de las naciones de América en esta misión. Contando con la ayuda de Gonzalo Guerrero, padre del mestizaje, sortearán cada ataque extranjero, logrando finalmente su cometido."
Temas como el choque cultural, cosmovisión, historia, espiritualidad y la desmitificación, se encontrarán unidas en un proyecto que busca ser una serie animada, llena de aventura, drama, suspenso y un pequeño toque de fantasía.
 Hay que saberlo: nuestro verdadero tesoro nunca tuvo nada que ver con el oro... Se ha mantenido ahí, sepultado en la ignorancia y en el menosprecio, pero sigue con vida, en la piedra, esperando ser descubierto. 
 FB: https://www.facebook.com/TlacuiloMict...
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tlahuizkalli · 6 years
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miraruinada · 2 months
"What were you like when you were young, Master?"
"But you wrote Phenom of Mind. How could you be stupid?"
"Being smart and being wise are two different things. You can be smart and stupid. Take the smart person who does not grasp the situation at hand. Take also the smart person who fully identifies with common sense."
"Huh. Are you wise now?"
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...cio! Ignacio! Ignacio! Ignacio!"
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"Oh, thank goodness! You're alive! My beloved subject is alive! I can't take another subject of mine dying when I am near! I was so scared! Thank goodness! Thank goodness! That woman you fought, she was--"
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"Xochitl Cuicatl. One of the Cemanahuac idealists, who broke off from philosophy to study magic. She revolutionized teotl by creating the basis for the turn of the era into mecanismo."
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"Ah? You know her? Then...what about the other one? Do you know?"
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"...My Master."
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hywin-artz · 2 years
The Sound of Ancient Languages very Nostalgic
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fluidsberlin · 2 years
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#decolonizeyourmind #migration #colonization #decolonize #indigenous #nativeamerican #blacklivesmatter #ancestry #nativeempowerment #landback #anahuac #racism #indigenousart #acab #africaliberation #cemanahuac #aboriginal #indigenousresistance #abolishice #socialjustice #chujmaya #mayan #inca #tupi #guarani #thehmongerians #mlabri #maniq #bhil #giraavaru https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch4OEsRM1QJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freelioness · 6 years
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Indigenous family of Peru with boombox. From National Geographic, May 1984 Issue . #amazon #nationalgeographic #realnativeamerican #realcoppercolored™ #aboriginal #indigenous #nativeamerican #coppercolored #northtosouth #firstnations #cemanahuac #stillhere #theoriginals
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arango1957 · 6 years
Regrann from @nativeachak - Thanks:indianpueblo #nativeachak #nativeangeni #ndn #americanindian #nativebeauty #taino #indigenousunited #cemanahuac #nativeamericanprincess #nativesol #nativeamericanmonth #nativeseed #realcoppercolored #firstnationsdance - #regrann leonor
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xochilxitlalli · 4 years
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Yesterday at 6pm we started the final day in the 20 day cycle, it is day 6 in the 13 day cycle, Making it 3 #xochitl or flower . #iluikapotzintli or day companion is #xochiquetzalli the precious flower. . #youalpotzintli or night companion is #mictlantecuhtli the lord of the underworld . . winged companion is #chikuautli the hoot owl. . . the 13 day cycle is ze #Cuautli the eagle. . . 20 day cycle is atemoztli the resending waters . Year 8 Tecpatl the flint our tongue or words pointed and sharp. . . Xochil or Xochitl means Flower The flower represents completion, maturity, spiritual and artistic creativity that is ready to produce fruit and seed. The precious flower #Xochiketzalli the guide of the day represents scientific knowledge and all that can be accomplided by love, and positive endurance. Today is a great day to finish anything you have not completed , its a good day to produce FLOURISHING thoughts, create art songs ,poems. . . #cemanahuac #chalchiuitlikue #piltzintekutli #mexicanastrology #Nahuatl #aztec #indigena #eagleandcondornations #chicanoart #decolonize #decolonizeastrology #mesoamerica #mexica #ometeotl #nativeart #kiauitl #energywork #chalchiuitotolin #astrología #astrologíamexica #love #flowers (at Soil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKegQt6g_bS/?igshid=1kkz4lgw8gfyd
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