#central wizard oz.........
flovverworks · 11 months
🙂 <-read arthurs spot story
#stardust speaking !#WHAT THE HEEEEELLLLLL......the spot stories has sm tiny lore....im busy archiving what i want from sino + started a new sdv randomizer file#but mayhaps ill try to plow through all of them inbetween that cuz mein gott im himmel#arthur & his mother. arthur talking about stuff the former sage said and akira not being able to tell him that Again thats romanceadjecent#THE........handmade birdhouses...? akira TWICE mentioning/thinking oz was a (good) father figure to arthur...???#i need to recheck the jp im. f..father.....#oz talking to the queen !??! if u want to keep the skylark then thats fine but if so ill take ur son away...her refusing that.....#and allowing them to use her room......love is something u forge...........#arthur wondering if he shouldve been more selfish and clung to his mother....but if he had done that he wouldnt have met oz....#central wizard oz.........#meteor child......T_____T#akira asking arthur how he felt about the situation cuz if that was Them theyd feel very lonely if their mother#had listened to a skylark saying it was them and loved it instead of them#and then speaking to oz...asking how he convinced the queen.......oz using akira ?!?!?!?!?!?!?#arthur and gran should talk#kids abandoned by their parents in very different ways#aurgh grans dad asking zinkenstill not to tell what happened that day when true king came....T_^#gran who just wanted to know about their family.....#arthur who was abandoned in the north and found by oz....#oz who learned about the world through arthur cuz arthurs a child and curious and the childproofed oz' castle AAUURRRGHHHH#goodnight
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mhyk-archive · 10 months
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Fourth anniversary event - Central Wizards.
Featured characters are oz, arthur, cain and riquet.
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aria0fgold · 7 months
You never realize just what's deeply wrong with Cain Knightley until you're greeted with a translation of his birthday greeting to Arthur with the very first line being "I will bare my neck to an enemy's sword," Like my guy... That's one WILD opening to greet someone a happy birthday.
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wausaupilot · 3 months
CWCT's ‘Wizard of Oz’ takes flight
The show opens June 20.
WAUSAU – The Central Wisconsin Children’s Theatre is gearing up for a fantastical journey down the yellow brick road with its upcoming production of “The Wizard of Oz.” Opening June 20, the show promises to bring the classic tale to life with a talented cast—comprised of more than 90 performers—and a special furry friend. Sophia Volpe and Coco rehearse for the upcoming production of “The Wizard…
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chaikachi · 1 year
The Little Prince, The Rose, & The Aviator
AKA We just got confirmation that Oscar's main allusion is in fact The Little Prince so I wanted to gather all evidence that supports it in show thus far.
cross-posted from twitter
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A brief summary for those who aren't familiar:
The Little Prince is a story about a young boy that travels to many worlds & meets many people. It is told out of chronological order from the perspective of an airplane pilot that the prince meets close to the end of his journey.
It explores themes around childhood and growing up, love, loss, friendship, loneliness, and hope, among other things. All ideas very prevalent in RWBY.
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Part 1: The Little Prince
The first theme I want to touch on is that struggle of trying not to lose yourself as you grow up.
"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again."
Oscar is the youngest of the group, and yet he is one of the characters most often shown trying to reason with the adults in the room.
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Yes, we've mainly seen it with Hazel, Ironwood, and Oz... but while the rest of RWBYJNR are also 'just kids', he spends so much energy trying to reason with them and mediate conflicts there as well. All while still being the youngest of the bunch.
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Another way this shows itself is in Oscar's resistance to merging with Oz. The merge is a very clear metaphor for how the people you meet and the things you experience can often change you. And how, when you're a kid, it all feels like its completely out of your control.
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Speaking of the hoverbike scene, I want to shift to a different part of The Little Prince. The infamous moment with the fox and what it is to be 'tamed'. To be tamed is to create ties with others. To become important to them and for them to be important to you.
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When Oscar is having a talk with Oz in v8 about how he finally felt like himself, the person he wanted to be, and felt like he was finally "part of the team"... There is a fox plushie lying on the ground as he passes by.
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But we see that Oscar was right to feel this way later on.
Because just as he was "only a little boy like a hundred thousand other little boys" when he first met everyone... he had since been tamed, and tamed his friends in turn. And they fought tooth and nail to bring him back when he was captured by Salem.
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Part 2: The Aviator & the Rose
In RWBY, most characters have a main allusion that is central to their arc and then secondary allusions for what roles they fill in relation to other characters. (Ex. Yang's main allusion is Goldilocks, but when thrown into the plot, she also becomes the Beauty to Blake's Beast, just as Blake was once the Beauty to Adam's Beast).
If we apply that metric to other characters here, we know that Ozpin's main allusion is The Wizard of Oz and Ruby is Little Red Riding Hood... so when placed within Oscar's story structure of The Little Prince, they become The Aviator and The (Ruby) Rose, respectively.
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The aviator is a man that struggles to hold onto his childlike wonder. He tries, but he lives in a world of grown-ups so it becomes difficult with time. The little prince - much like Oscar with Ozpin - helps him remember some of the things that he's forgotten.
When the little prince meets him, the aviator is grumbly after crash landing his plane in the desert & is trying to fix it before he runs out of water.
Funny then, that when Oscar is crash landing a plane it is Oz that instructs him on how to do it.
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When the aviator explains his circumstances, the prince laughs and exclaims that he "fell from the sky too". Which is an interesting tie in to the canon RWBY fairytale mentioned in Before the Fall, The Boy Who Fell From The Sky...
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...as well as another fairytale we've seen mentioned in the show proper: The Girl Who Fell Through The World. A tale that was first talked about by Oscar, later expanded upon by Ozpin, and finally lived by Ruby Rose herself. (Yes her team also experienced it but it's very strongly emphasized Ruby and Alyx were paralleling each other in ways the others were not).
One thing about the little prince and the aviator is that by the end of their journey when it's time to say farewell, it's quite clear they've tamed each other as well. So much time spent by the pilot wishing to fix his plane and get out of the desert, but when it's finally time to say farewell, he does not want to go. This is not something we've gotten in show yet, but I'm willing to guess is going to be the basis for when the war is won and Oz is finally set free. Leaving the two of them to finally have to say goodbye.
And I realized I couldn't bear the thought of never hearing that laugh again. For me it was like a spring of resh water in the desert. "Little fellow, I want to hear you laugh again..."
Moving onto the Rose.
In the story, the little prince is enamored by her as soon as he sees her for the first time. As he gets to know her, she is described as many things. Some that fit Ruby well (miraculous, naïve) and some that she subverts (vain, self-centered).
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Ruby might not be caught up on physical appearance, but she is convinced that she's the only one in all the world that can do what she has to do. It's a childish way of looking at things, and to believe you can't accept help from others is - in its own way - selfish.
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In the book, the rose asks the little prince to tend to her. She's very needy with her demands and while the prince loves her dearly, it is a strained relationship. In RWBY, Oscar sees Ruby wilting very early on and decides to tend to her without waiting for her to ask. Of which we have... SO MANY EXAMPLES AND I DON'T HAVE A HIGH ENOUGH IMAGE LIMIT TO POST THEM ALL SO YOU GET 2.
Not pictured here, but still worthy of note: Oscar mediating when Ruby is being undermined in v8, Oscar talking the responsibility of telling Ironwood the truth in V7, the "food always makes me feel better" / "I made you a casserole because you were sad" scenes. The List Goes On.
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Part 3: Other Easter Eggs & Evidence
There are also other fun little pieces that drive home just how much these characters allude to the book as well as the inspiration it's had on the show in general.
The first thing the little prince asks the aviator for is a drawing of a sheep that he can take home with him so that it can eat up the sprouts of baobab trees before they overgrow his entire planet and destroy it (and his rose) in the process...
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The tree in the Ever After has maple leaves, but the shape of its trunk is very clearly not a maple. When compared to these illustrations, it seems to have pulled inspiration from baobabs... and what does the tree in the Ever After do?
Its roots consume the rose.
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One of the lessons that's brought up repeatedly in the book is that:
"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.”
This is brought up in a few different ways:
The little prince left his rose back home, so when he looks to the night sky, separated from her, he says:
"The stars are beautiful because of a flower you don’t see . . ."
When Ruby is in the Ever After, with no one to tend to her, she is in a town filled with paper stars.
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It is brought up again in reference to the desert, which we have a wonderful tie-in now thanks to the animatic shared at RTX recently:
“What makes the desert beautiful,” the little prince said, “is that it hides a well somewhere . . .”
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And again by the aviator in reference to the little prince himself.
What makes the little prince special is his loyalty to a flower. Ruby Rose, who inspired Oscar to keep fighting, who reminded him he was brave, and who's mission he has worn on his literal shoulders.
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Two other lines in that passage I've highlighted I also want to mention.
"As the little prince was falling asleep, I picked him up in my arms, and started walking again. I was moved. It was as if I was carrying a fragile treasure."
This line about the little prince being a treasure (treasure is an rg song truthers rise up 🙌)
And the emphasis on lamps being symbolic of the Little Prince himself which... we've seen for Oscar A LOT.
"What moves me so deeply about this sleeping little prince is his loyalty to a flower - the image of a rose shining within him like the flame within a lamp, even when he's asleep... (...) Lamps must be protected: A gust of wind can blow them out..."
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Also Ruby has been referred to as a "spark" by Oz before and when Oscar is worrying over Ruby at Brunswick farms, Maria tells him to "keep that fire fed" which is exactly what lamp lighters do. Just very deliberate use of that imagery here.
It ALSO ties into earlier in the novel where, among the little prince's many travels meeting plenty of confusing adults he doesn't understand, he encounters a lamplighter. And of all those that confused him, he found he could at least relate to this one and see value in his work.
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There is also a matter of how the prince's first appearance is at sunrise:
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That he is cited to live on a planet "scarcely bigger than himself" and "being in need of a friend". How we see Oscar very alone on his farm back in Mistral, just like the prince, only tending to his daily chores by himself, we never even see his aunt.
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And while there are a few other bits and pieces i'm surely forgetting, the last big one I want to talk about is how both the beginning and end of the book start with a venomous snake.
The aviator shows us a drawing of a boa constrictor eating a wild beast...
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...versus Oscar's first appearance coming immediately after he wakes from a nightmare of Tyrian, a venomous scorpion faunus, being sent to capture his rose.
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And the story ends with the little prince in a desert getting bit by a venomous snake that sends him back to his rose and away from the aviator... thank goodness RWBY loves to subvert its fairytale origins, amiright?
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"(The little prince) fell gently the way a tree falls, there wasn't even a sound..."
tl;dr Oscar is for sure The Little Prince, Ruby has always been his rose, RG canon, Tryian vs. Oscar in the desert real and #GREENLIGHTVOLUME10 SO WE CAN SEE IT HAPPEN ALREADY >:OOOO
Thank you for reading 💕
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 10 months
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the symbolism of the wizards' crests and their journeys with you, their beloved master sage.
gender neutral reader
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—right collarbone: fragility, visibility, shattering of deep belief
Even the strongest wizard in the world has his weaknesses, even if it may be hard to believe. Maybe that’s why it’s so fitting for a man like him to have his crest placed in such a vulnerable place. The collarbone is infamous for being the most fractured bone, the right moreso being weaker than the left. Under the demonic guise, the facade of a wizard so powerful that he can bury his emotions, is a man whose heart is still thawing under love. Emotions are new, they’re fickle, and yet it’s enough to make him hesitate and reveal parts of himself that even he had never faced. Whether it be Arthur’s guidance or the wholehearted trust he puts in you to restore his world back to what it was, the shimmering black lily branded onto his right collarbone is the only telltale symbol on his body of the man behind the magic.
“Remember your duty, Master Sage. The moon does not forgive. Only the strong can survive in this world. Mind your place, and stay by my side.”
—right hand: ownership, power, a place of honor and status in biblical text
Sworn to the throne by birthright, Arthur is a man meant to grow into power and grace. His crest speaks to this responsibility, hovering over him more imposingly than any uncle or throne could. He carries out the will of the Central country, second to only the citizens of the people he rules over. His destiny is to inherit and enact blessings, and the constant visibility of his crest is an undeniable reminder of his fealty to you and that he must always use his place as both a wizard and a prince for nothing but good. You have faith that he won’t waver, not when he has such clear eyes for the future and comrades that believe in him without a shadow of doubt. Arthur is someone that’ll seek the light even when the odds are stacked against him, and his outstretched hand, bearing the black lily, will herald his bright tomorrows.
“Please trust me. So long as you are with me, I won’t allow any harm to befall on you. Not only are you the Master Sage, but you are someone important to me above all.”
—right forearm: strength, action, the capacity to start anew
Cain is a man of the sword first and foremost. Even now, with his secret as a wizard out on full display, he defines himself as a knight before anything else. His crest is representative of his strength and his will, as someone who has vowed to keep his liege safe but to also bear the safety of those around him. He’s determined not to make enemies with anyone that might stand in his way, whether it be human or wizard alike. Cain knows there’s more to the world than the small sliver he’s seen, and he knows holding onto his courageous heart will be the key to paving a way for those to follow. Despite having his status, his humanity, and his eye robbed of him, he wants you to help him stand strong in what he believes in. The black lily on his right forearm brandishes his sword literally and figuratively: a living embodiment of his justice.
“Let me protect you. I want to be someone you can lean on, Master Sage. It’s okay to depend on me. As long as I’m standing, I’ll be someone who fights for your honor.”
—forehead: intellect, intelligence, heavenly love with the good
The world is an anomaly to Riquet just as much as Riquet is an anomaly to the world. After being withheld so much, Riquet’s only now learning what it means to exist apart from his days locked away in a cult. The line between curiosity and hedonism is a thin one: the one between morality and cruelty even thinner. His crest is a reminder of everything he has yet to learn and the importance of utilizing what he already has. Riquet has to discern between what will help others, what will help him, and what will betray everything he’s built up until now. You’re a stranger from another world who holds nothing but kindness towards him, so isn’t it only natural that he looks to you with reverence in his eyes? The black lily on his forehead is a manifestation of his hunger for intelligence, but also a newfound devotion to do good, for the universe and for himself. 
“Let us step away from sin. Guide me to the light, and I will do the same for you. There are so many things wrong with this world, so let’s work hard together to make everything right again.”
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—right neck: anger, hazardous, desolate to truth
Blood stains Snow’s hands. There’s no wizard that doesn’t eventually end up succumbing to the chaotic roar nestled inside their chest, but it’s one thing to kill others for power or glory and another to kill your very own kindred out of desperation. He claims it was love that brought White back from the dead, tethering his own soul and sharing it with his twin, but the dead swirls in his golden eyes hint at something a bit obsessive instead. But all’s well that ends well, and your worries should be less about him and more about yourself instead. This world is a lot scarier than you think, and it’s only right that a wizard as wise and skilled as he is ought to guide you through its pitfalls. The right side of his neck is adorned with a black half lily: an eternal reminder of his mistake and his rage, and everything he has to do in order to rectify his sins.
“Have you ever loved someone to the point of death? No? It's an indescribably heartbreaking experience. Master Sage, I hope this world will be kinder to you than it was to me.”
—left neck: strain, the past, implementation of the soul’s will
White is a remnant of what he once was. With no being of his own, his borrowed corporeal form is just an extension of Snow’s longing. He knows his time here is borrowed and yet he can’t even find solace in having died once. He shares his convoluted and twisted truth with the rest of the wizards, even extending a hand towards you when you’re willing to listen to whatever sick advice he might whisper into your ears. It’s hard to believe that his familial love for his brother isn’t as warped as he is, not when the hand that strokes yours feels so real. His half crest is a reminder that White is truly no longer and that he’s practically a ghost wandering in the shadow of Snow’s rage. The black half lily on his left neck is a mark of taboo, not fully intact but refusing to disappear altogether. 
“Has someone ever loved you to the point of death? No? It’s a truly beautiful thing, Master Sage. Perhaps I can show you, if your curiosity demands it.”
—pelvis: sexuality, old memories and trauma, issues of control
The pursuit of strength might be Mithra’s own way of keeping those he loves safe. He once had no one he could call his, at least, not until Tiletta took him as his student and made him a part of her family. Despite him being rough around the edges, you know that his obsession with becoming the strongest is only so that no one can question him and his desire to be loved. There’s no other reason as to why he holds your hand so tightly as he sleeps, or why he refuses to let any other wizard wager any influence over you. He bares himself wholly to you and you only, trusting that you understand his brusque words. The black lily nestled by his hips is proof of his love, and it’s a mark that he would only show to you. It’s an honor he won’t give to anyone else, so cherish it closely.
“...Don’t go anywhere, Master Sage. What, is that something you wouldn’t expect from me? Does it matter? You’re going to be with me. Nothing more to it.”
—tongue: the devil, the voice of the gods, shame
Owen shrouds himself in mystery, and he takes pleasure only in his hedonistic ways. Whether it be sneaking sweets when no one is looking or thinking up of new ways to torment those around him, everything he does remains inexplicable to anybody else in the Wizards’ Manor. No matter how thorny he is to you or how much he threatens to rip you from limb to limb, you refuse to back down in your attempts to wiggle into his heart. He’ll spew curses and keep you at bay, but he can’t deny your warm heart and the time you’ve spent with him. Maybe his distance is not because of maliciousness but out of his own loneliness, with large swathes of his memory missing. Can anything else come close to your sincerity? There’s no telling. His mouth will always say one thing, but the black lily engraved onto his tongue speaks of a devoted truth. 
“Say, Master Sage, I wonder what taking your heart as a trophy would be like. A gruesome, bloody heart, ripped straight from your broken ribs. All mine… Won’t you give it to me? 
—right abdomen: dysfunctionality, things unresolved and unprocessed, authenticity
The spitting image of the North, Bradley always holds his head high despite how much his situations have changed. A once-proud bandit leader of a powerful group, Bradley’s power lies not in his magical strength but in the keen mind that he sharpens with each year that he puts under his belt. He’s experienced his fair share of victories, but he’s experienced even more heartbreaks. He’s cognizant that nothing lasts forever, more than anyone else, but at the same time, could you blame him for not knowing when to let something so sweet go? Fate dangles regret right in front of his face, and it’s up to you to unravel the tangled threads. Sometimes he’ll indulge parts of his past with you, weaving tales of biting cold Northern winds and his stellar glory days, but the glimpses of the black lily on his right abdomen remind you of everything else he’s left unshared and unsaid. 
“I got your back, so don’t slouch. A real leader worth their salt has to hold their head up straight, you hear? You’ve got the great Bradley Bain as your right hand man, Master Sage.”
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—left shoulder blade: connection to the heart, guilt, vulnerability
Faust’s crest spreads like a shadow on his back, bearing the guilt and altruism of his past. It’s bigger than any other wizards’ crest for a reason, and it covers him as if it were the same embrace that he yearned for for so many years. His heart is jaded yet still soft, wanting assurance that his actions are the right decisions yet unsure if his goodwill is enough to save the crumbling world around him. His faith has been tested time and time again, and he’s sure it’s going to be tested once more, as the moon descends to take everything he’s cared for. Your clear eyes and unwavering loyalty to him might seem overbearing, but this devotion is what he needs to find the courage to stand up once more. The black lily on his left shoulder blade is his fealty to you and his choice to believe in goodness once more.
“There’s no need to praise me. I’m only doing what’s right. I’m no hero, no great leader, nor am I the Faust of the legends. Please, Master Sage, I’m nothing but a wizard that believes in you.”
—lower left back: acceptance, generosity, crossroads at life
Many wizards of different walks of life are called to duty, but Heathcliff stands unique as the heir to a noble family. If being a wizard wasn’t difficult on its own, he’s had to balance the responsibility of his birthright and position for his entire life. Despite the doubts that gnaw like gnats in his mind, Heathcliff strives to be gracious and clement, vowing never to use his position for evil. And yet with his position as an heir growing heavier and the world demanding even more of his sensibility, the insecurity that plagues him becomes harder to wipe away. It’s only the love and care of those around him that can prop him back up, and one day, he hopes that he can extend a helping hand to you just as much as you’ve done for him. His lower left back sparkles with the black petals of a lily, his wizard’s crest, with his gratitude towards you.
“There’s a lot of times when I feel inadequate for all the titles I hold… And yet, you never admonish me for my mistakes, Master Sage. Thank you, and I’ll do my best for you.”
—right shoulder: masculinity, bearing burdens, imbalance
Rash but smart, strong yet inexperienced, Shino’s eager to take on the world and prove himself as a worthy retainer of Heathcliff. He’s hyperaware of everything he owes to the Blanchett family, and for him, becoming a Sage’s Wizard is his way of paying back the debt that saved him from a life of misery. He has little to call his own, not even his own last name, but what bonds he does have, he treasures above all else. The intensity and fear in his eyes are a testament to everything he has to put on the line so he can hold true to his promise of eternal loyalty. You’re the only one that can hope to understand him, the only one to help him digest the danger and the perils around him. The black lily on his right shoulder is the power you give him, to lead him to glory, to lead him to the refuge that he’s sought after all this time. 
“Worry about yourself, Master Sage. I know how to hold my own ground. Things will fall apart if anything happens to you. You’re someone I can’t afford to lose yet.”
—left bicep: to nurture, receiving support, intuition
For every shining protagonist on the stage, there’s someone hidden in the curtains to pull the strings. Nero wonders how long he’s been the one in the back. He has an intelligent mind and an even harsher tongue at times, his Northern birth betraying the Eastern mask he puts on. If he closes his mind and lets himself dream, he can conjure up distant memories of snowy nights spent drinking, boisterous laughter, the indulgence of stolen goods and a gruff voice praising his wits. But when he opens his eyes back up, he’s reminded of his betrayal. It’s hard to swallow back the lump in his throat when you console him and tell him he’s more than his past mistakes, but how many more can he make before his act is up? The black lily that appeared on his left bicep betrayed his facade once, and only so many parts can disintegrate before the entire whole crumbles.
“You can’t trust a man like me. But you’re going to do it anyway? You’re such a hassle at times, Master Sage. No, it’s okay. Being stubborn is a good thing too.”
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—left collarbone: shock, union, enthusiasm of a full heart
The beauty of being the one pursued means that Shylock has seen the rarest and the most desperate parts of the human psyche. It doesn’t mean he himself is above falling victim to love’s incessant ways, but it’s given him a seduction and a charm that’s increasingly difficult to read. You’re lucky that you have a special place in his heart, with his penchant for treating his loved ones like a pet. He claims Western wizards are free spirits who hate being tied down, but somewhere in his soul, perhaps he’s also grown tired of the cat-and-mouse game he plays with his admirers. He wants the permanence of something fickle, and is there anyone better for that role than the Sage from another world? He doesn’t want to trap you per se, but he wants to see how far he can go with this borrowed time. The black lily branded onto his left collarbone is his permanent reminder of a temporary bond. 
“What a beautiful face you’re making, Master Sage. Fufu, am I getting too close to you? Won’t you allow me, just this once? I want to be spoiled by you today.”
—right palm: good luck, encouragement to work hard, impending loss
Is there anything in this world that Murr hasn’t taken an interest in? Undone by his own pursuit of knowledge combined with just the right amount of hubris, even in his shattered form, Murr walks to the beat of his own drum and explores to the tune of his heart. It’s an impossible task to turn him back into the fickle man he was before he ventured too close to the moon, but when he pulls you in for a dance in the courtyard or whisks you away on his broom, it’s hard to stomach the dread that settles in your stomach as you realize his current form is an apparition of smoke and mirrors. Murr doesn’t mind—there’s still plenty out there for him to squander his foolishness on. He’ll happily invite you to fall with him, and the black lily weeping in the middle of his right palm is the proof of the only ending the two of you can have.
“Why the long face? Dance with me, Master Sage! Look at how lovely the moon is and how bright it makes everything down here! Why don’t we fly up and say hello too?”
—right chest: dissatisfaction in relationships, physical connection, personal power
Optimism and a desire to be loved is what Chloe cares most about. After having his entire world flipped upside down by Rustica’s mistake, he’s learned what it means to be a human and a wizard. He vows to use his talents to spread happiness and always to help others, but each corner of the world seems to be tainted with insecurity and doubt the more he aims to spread goodness and truth. Even his own bond with his teacher seems shaky at times, and Chloe wants to find the courage to break free of his mold to reach through to Rustica’s frozen heart. You’re the only one to know the conflict in his heart, torn between both what’s good and what’s truthful. You appreciate him for who he is: a reflection of all the good wishes he’s kept inside, and the black lily hidden away on his right chest is only the beginning to what you hope will be nothing but a flowery path for him. 
“Do you have faith in me? Then… I’ll do what I can so that I won’t let you down! You always see the good in everyone and in me, so I’ll do my part to repay the favor, Master Sage!”
—throat: truth, purification, clarity in responsibility
Rustica desires to love. His entire time as a wizard has been in chase of a bride from memory. The smiling nobleman wants the warm embrace of a lover, their soft whispers, even a quick kiss stolen in between honeyed glances. But that dream has long fluttered away, and only remnants of feathers remain at the floor of his birdcage. He doesn’t mind; his eyes have been opened thanks to his diligent apprentice and you. You’ve never denied his romantic streak, not when everyone else ridiculed him, not when even the universe seemed to condemn him from love. It’s no wonder that he clings so desperately to the dregs of love that he can catch from the end of your words or your touches. The black lily on his throat is his duty to uncover the reality of his past and to fulfill his duty of devoting himself to love, be it something old or something new. 
“Ah, you look as lovely as ever, Master Sage. Your presence never fails to stir something in my heart. Come, let me adore you even more. You deserve nothing less.”
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—right rib cage: crookedness, need to protect the heart, longing for reunion
A man of self-inflicted ephemerality, Figaro struggles to see the permanence of the world. His idea of love is so tilted, so permanently warped, that he develops an inhuman craving for being desired that he refuses to fulfill. He wants to reach out and to be brave, and yet some cowardly vices keep him entrapped in a web of his own making. Even behind all of his empty, slack eyes and perfectly poised smiles, you keep probing far deeper than he expected or wanted you too. Though simultaneously, he wants you to keep pushing, wants you to understand his soul-crushing loneliness and save him from it. Surely, you can see past the “ordinary” wizard doctor to see the broken man underneath; you’re the only one that can save him now. Hidden away like his heart is the black lily on his right rib cage, forever yearning, forever begging for one more chance from cruel fate. 
“You’re staring at me so intently. Could it be that you’ve fallen for Dr. Figaro? Haha, I’m only teasing you. You deserve a far finer man, Master Sage.”
—right wrist: misalignment of purpose, sentimentality, movement
Rutile straddles the difficult line between the past, the present, and the future. He plays the precarious game of balancing his mother’s legacy and his younger brother’s unrelenting desire to unleash his full potential, all while tending to his own needs and the responsibility of being appointed a Sage’s Wizard. It’s all too easy for him to get lost in the memories of the simpler days in the South Country, with a baby Mitile clinging to his side and his students surrounding him. But he has to find courage and to place his trust in you, praying that you have the proper vision to use his magic for good. You’re both a cherished friend and a leader to Rutile, and it would shatter him to lose you too. He doesn’t need grandeur or glory, only your guaranteed safety. The black lily carved onto his right wrist is his constant wish for your well-being.  
“Would you like a ride on my broom, Master Sage? Ah, you don’t need to look so scared! Would you like me to hold your hand too? No? C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
—nape: freedom of the soul, deeper truths, connection
Lennox has lived honestly and faithfully, dedicating himself wholly to what he believes to be right. He spent centuries in search of the lost leader he considered to be his master, and he spent even more time pondering what his place in this world was. While he knows he’s no magical genius like Faust might be or even a figure of legend like Oz, his genuine desire to help others and to protect those he’s placed his devotion towards runs far deeper than any magic could even fathom. His true strength lies in aligning his life with yours, the same love he tends to his herd with becoming the same love he needs in order to save the world with nothing but his bare hands. The black lily that blooms on the nape of his neck is a reminder of the delicacy in his fortitude, the gentile nature that will render him as a true savior. 
“Is anything troubling you? No? That’s good. I’m not the best talker, but… I’m always willing to listen to your words, Master Sage. I will be strong for you.”
—left wrist: divinity, receiving energy and protection, healing
The youngest of the Sage’s Wizards and the youngest son of the great witch, Mitile’s entire soul itches to live up the shoes that his mother left for him. He knows he’s capable of doing amazing and unearthly things with his magic, gifted by his older brother in order to keep him alive. No amount of patience is enough to quell his curiosity, so as the Sage, you’re tasked with the impossible duty of giving him the experience he needs all while being cognizant of the ambitions of those around him. Will you let him run free, to become the terrifying wizard he dreams of? Or will you let him be snuffed out, a sacrificial lamb in order to save the entirety of South Country. There has to be a middle ground, and when the black lily on his left wrist glitters cruelly, you have to believe that you’ve made the right choice. 
“Master Sage, look what I can do! Magic sure is amazing. One day, I’ll be a wizard as great as my mother, and I’ll be sure to wow you even more!”
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agirlattea · 5 months
Mahoyaku Children’s Day Voice Lines: 
Central Wizards: 
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Oz: When I was young, I lost to the twins countless times. I was once sealed in an iceberg and abandoned there. The next morning, they came for me, saying “Poor thing, it must have been cold”. At the time, I questioned the point of locking me away but… … Even now, I still question it. 
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Arthur: When I was younger, I admired the way Sir Oz’s hair would flutter in the wind, and I wanted to grow out my own. At the time, I was told to refrain from doing so until I was powerful enough to protect myself, as parts of Wizard’s bodies can be used as mediums in spells, but… I wonder if it’s about time for me to match Sir Oz? 
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Cain: Was becoming a knight my childhood wish? Yeah, of course! … Is what I wish I could say, but it was pretty different when I was little. According to my Mom, my dream was to become bacon until I was about three years old. Why? ‘Cuz it’s delicious… Hey, don’t laugh!
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Riquet: My childhood memories… I enjoyed the time I spent talking with the Head Priest. He taught me what I needed to know and what I should do. I wonder what he is thinking, now that we have been separated… … I hope he feels lonely when he thinks of me. 
Northern Wizards: 
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Snow: The other day, I witnessed a child fall down and cry on the street. When I summoned sweets with my magic, her tears ceased and she smiled. The expressions young children wear are always innocent. They do not yet harbor hidden intentions. It is touching* to see.
*Due to the roots of the word 愛しい (Itoshii), it can have a double meaning of both beloved/dear and pitiful. 
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White: A strange child approached me on the street and offered a small flower as a token of gratitude. I thought her foolish for approaching a stranger but… it appears she was grateful for something Snow did for her to bring her back to her senses. This happens quite often. I think I will decorate our room with this flower for a while. 
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Mithra: I don’t have any particular childhood memories. All I had to do was transport the corpses on my boat… now that I’ve remembered, I want to pick it up again. Please play the role of a corpse. I’m going to take you to the other side of the shore and throw you there, so please roll over docilely. 
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Owen: I don’t have any childhood memories: I don’t remember anything… <Cur Memini>. Look, I’ve reverted the weak wizard’s hearts back to their childhood state, so go watch them. Most of the things children do are the same.  
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Bradley: When I was a kid, my human siblings were still kicking. Every time I did something, people complained. They were weak and annoying, but when I look at the manor’s kiddos… I remember them.  
Eastern Wizards: 
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Faust: I don’t have any grand childhood stories. I simply did my best to play the role as the head of my household, with the support of the adults in my village. I’ve been told I was polite and hard-working, I don’t think I was very cute. …That can’t possibly be true? Haha, you’re quite kind. 
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Shino: My childhood memories aren’t great… No. Actually, there was a dream I had once ina. While that I liked. I was a rich man’s son. I went to nice restaurants with pocket money, had a nagging tutor, and fought with someone who was like my younger brother. That’s pretty nostalgic; I forgot about it until just now. 
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Heathcliff: When I was a kid… ah, no. I was remembering a friend: an irreplaceable friend whom I met in the Orangery of the courtyard of my parent’s home. Someday, I will definitely take Shino with me to visit that friend once more. When I do, you should come as well, Master Sage. Please, allow me to introduce you once more.  
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Nero: When I was a kid, huh… Well, I was born in a pretty bad place*. If I didn’t want to be abused and used by others, I had no choice but to be stringer than them. That’s probably why the first time someone praised me with “good job”… honestly, I barely understood what was happening. 
*Literally: A place with bad manners
Western Wizards: 
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Shylock: Myself as a child? I loved the view from the top of the hill, and on sunny days I would stroll through the vineyards. At times, I would sneak grapes off the vines before the harvest… Even now I have not forgotten that fresh, sweet taste. 
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Murr: What I was like as a child… hmm, I wonder? That’s right, lets ask this Red Beryl*! After all, this is something I cut myself as a kid. I’m sure it will still remember me though, I was young. <Eanul Lambru>!
*A type of gem 
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Chloe: I cried pretty often when Rustica first found me, I’m sure it scared him. I mean, even when I ate delicious food, or wore beautiful clothes I cried. That’d surprise anyone, right? But each time, Rustica wiped my tears. That’s why, from now on, I’ll wipe his… 
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Rustica: I tend to be quite forgetful, so I can’t tell you much about my childhood… instead, why don’t I change to the age you wanted to know about? Whether it’s the age Chloe and I met as or younger… fufu, very well then: <Amor Est Viesse>.
Southern Wizards: 
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Figaro: I wasn’t very childish as a kid. Both adults and children relied on me, and I wanted to guide them in turn. I didn’t have a particularly childish childhood, but in that regard I’d say Oz and Mithra are quite similar to me. Don’t most Northern Wizards have stories like that?  
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Rutile: Aaah! Glasses! …Ah, I’m sorry, Mr. Leno. Earlier, Mr. Owen cast a spell on me that turned me back into a child. The spell was already broken, but for some reason I’ve become really scared of glasses… Oh, Mr. Faust. Aaah! More glasses!
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Lennox: A story from my childhood… I started working in the coal mines when I was young, so I don’t have many interesting stories. …That’s right, I remember being told I had long legs and looking forward to growing as big as my father. I was so proud when I outgrew him. I’m sure my father felt the same. 
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Mitile: A portrait of me as a baby? …Ah, there is one, but I don’t want to show it to you. Because my head was so big as a baby… Mr. Figaro used to say it was “Rounder than the full moon” … Hey , Master Sage, please don’t laugh!
Back to Voice Lines
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collectorcookie · 5 months
@rebelscythe123 this is for u <3
Loooots and lots of spoilers for everything caiowe for anyone reading this btw
Ok so a lot of cain's roles in the narrative focuses on him sacrificing himself. He's a knight so he should put his life in danger to protect others. He's a sage's wizard so he should, again, put himself in life-threatening danger to save the world. He is arthur's personal knight so, you guessed it, he should protect arthur at all costs, including himself. He's so kind and sweet and he made being a shield to others his meaning of life <3. This isn't a good thing, duh. He has no sense for self preservation and is very suicidal, maybe not in the depressed way, but in the extremely willing to throw his life away way. Like, in central ballad, he immediately puts himself between akira and oz throwing a rampage KNOWING ozzy can instant kill him, accidentally or not. And in central prelude, he also just throws himself at a beast with no consideration for his own safety.
Now, owen. Owen is the complete opposite of cain. If cain is generally puppy sunshine who's willing to die for anyone, then owen is depressed and thorny and puts his own survival above anyone and anything else.
Owen is the first person in cain's life that DOESN'T require cain to sacrifice anything for him. If anything, owen is the first person to offer cain something. Freedom. Cain, up until that point, had to keep himself hidden away. Now of course, owen defeating cain and stealing his eyeball was very traumatizing for cain, but it ends up in a net positive development for him because he doesn't have to hide anymore. I think cain even thanks him for it eventually. And another thing owen offers cain is a goal to strive towards. Now that owen has defeated him, cain has to work hard and train himself to become a better wizard. Wait i have two screenshots from anni2 that kinda
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Just. Them. Ugh.
Now back onto owen, obviously everyone knows that owen latched himself onto cain because baby owen was locked up in a basement with nothing but a picture book with a knight. And cain is number one picture perfect knight. But another thing to consider about owen's character is that....kizu owen isn't owen himself, he isn't the real owen, he is just a trauma holder for owen's past memories. Wait holup i have more screenshots somewhere surely.
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Yeah like in north ballad, owen wants to cure his injury because he wants to stay as himself. He's no longer the helpless small child calling out for anyone to save him, he crawled outta that hell himself, he saved himself, he's strong now. I don't like the way people treat kizu owen as the "real owen" or whatever because that kid just straight up isn't, i like the idea of the real self of a traumatized character is the self that overcame the trauma, not the one haunted by it.
And for kizu owen, anyone could have been kizu owen's knight in shining armor, as we see in ms2, where he sticks to oz like glue instead of cain. This fucks up cain severely. Because the reason why cain stuck to owen is because of his kizu self. Because his kizu self straight up says things like "save me" and "don't leave me alone" and what could a knight like cain do but respond? Yeah sure there's this other real owen that's a brutal murderer but let's ignore that for now because see! There's this other him calling out for help! And all of cain's identity is helping others despite the risks so trying to help kizu owen in spite of real owen potentially hurting him is such a cain thing to do.
But kizu owen will stick to anyone willing to respond. He's not a person. He's doesn't form bonds. He doesn't learn. He's just a trauma holder. In ms1, even when cain shows him over and over again that the door is open and it isn't locked and you can literally open the door, you aren't trapped, i wouldn't do that to you, kizu owen still ends up scratching and hitting at the door because he👏doesn't👏learn👏or👏move👏on. That's his thing. It doesn't matter to him if it's cain who is protecting him or if it's oz, he wants anyone.
And now cain is feeling like shit because arthur doesn't need him, owen doesn't need him, his knights don't need him, nobody needs or chooses specifically cain for anything, he has no space to exist. This is why he changes himself 180 degrees in ms2 because in his mind it's "well manipulating people is something only i can do so i will sacrifice myself and all of my morals for it." Are you. Are you seeing it yet?
BUT who does end up choosing cain specifically, over and over again? Owen. The real owen. He goes and fetches arthur aaaaall the way from central country to check up on cain. And ms2 isn't the only instance for this. He teaches cain magic and then later also prays his name in anni1. Owen ends up helping cain even when oz gave up on him in the knights event. Hell, even in central prelude, the only reason cain is alive is because owen's eyeball protected him. I don't remember where but i think there was once a convo between owen and mithra where mithra was like "that guy will take a 1000 years before he gets on your level" and owen was like "i'll wait". Owen WANTS to see cain grow, he wants to see him succeed.
Owen is the only character in the narrative that pushes cain to grow, cain is the only character in the narrative that pushes owen to see the world for what it is instead of the traumatized version he is holding onto.
All in all, caiowe is an EXTREMELY HEALTHY relationship, they literally make each other better, they just need a lot of communication, and they deserve each other, and i love them <3
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whattraintracks · 1 month
Good Genes - Part 1 & 2
part one:
LH's opening is breaking my heart
Bishop: Stockman! Why aren't you solving the problems I caused??
but deadpan because that's how Bishop says stuff
Bishop and his fancy room for taking calls
who's the creepy comm ghost?
Leo has kept his cool so well since he got back from Japan
until now T^T
this is so so so reminiscent of the mind probe scene aaaaaaaaaa
something about the order of their shoulders falling at the reference to Don's double mutation is itching my brain (Leo who makes the ref, then Raph a second after Leo's, and Mikey a few moments after)
we gotta get somewhere fast. let's fly Don's helicopter!
okay, do any of you know how to fly Don's helicopter?
does Don even know how to fly Don's helicopter?
all good questions! they'll get back to you after they fly Don's helicopter to get where they need to go =D
we should all pay way more attention to when Mikey says he has a bad feeling about something
remember kids, it's important to growl before you draw your weapons
(why did they do that?? what happened to my quick draw ninja?!)
Bishop: is this necessary?
yes, for the plot
this arc really said let's traumatise Don and retraumatise LH
holy frick, the back and forth shots of Leo tranqing Don as Don runs toward him is devastatingly intense
Leo looks so serious and the music
oh YES love how, when Bishop straight up lies to them, both Splinter AND Mikey give him highly skeptical looks
the overdramatic shock on everyone's face is when Bishop says Karai is comedy gold
part two:
"a wise man once said"
why is it always men, Leo? maybe it was a wise woman or—
Han Solo??????
what a dork. quoting star wars as if it's such great wisdom
(sidenote, I guess the first one to say the bad feeling line in og was Luke but Han says it twice AND Leia says it too so HAH)
"it's an impossible mission"
Leo you, with your fam and on your own, have literally infiltrated Foot Central before
like at least twice overall
ooh special agent turtles
(special agent Michelangelo! special agent Raphael!! please let them call themselves that they'll love it so much)
come on Casey, duh, April's too pretty to be a janitor
"Leonardo is here" call that nemesis-dar (rival-dar? foe-dar? being-you've-blamed-for-every-tragedy-in-your-life-dar? we'll workshop it)
very interested in the mystics' angle here
uh oh, Raph found some toys 🤣🤣🤣
"and we're backing up. and we're avoiding the obvious trap" Mikey the sole owner of the braincell
Raph, if you blow up all of your toys we aren't getting you new ones
love that Raph is the one Leo sends to figure out the machinery/tech/distraction with Don out of commission
haha wizard of oz ref (not my brain going from there to -> dorothy+tornado -> twisters)
Mikey successfully wields the braincell to keep Leo from showing down with Karai
well done Michelangelo
LH: demonstrates his usefulness to Bishop
Bishop: starts calling him Mr. Leatherhead instead of animal
yeah hmm don't like how icky that makes me feel
naked Donny lol
the mystics got upgrades
the true who now? Oh dear
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inviiberu · 2 years
[MHYK] 2021 Proposal Lines
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2021 Proposal Lines from all 21 wizards! Translation by me and proof-reading and some revisions of the western wizards lines by @amorest-viesse​
✧˖°Central Country°˖✧
Oz: Even time, which feels like an eternity, is finite. Think carefully about whom you want to be with in this limited time you have.
Arthur: “Will you make miso soup for me every day of our life?” …I hear this is a common way of proposing in your world. We don’t have miso soup here, but I think it’s wonderful that such a simple word can become a pledge of eternal love.
Cain: We lose our magic if we break a promise, but there must be some other power you gain by makin’ a promise to someone you love dearly. I hope that I can make a promise like that one day.
Riquet: I love you Master Sage! Um, if I may ask, which of the wizards do you love the most? …Huh, me? Ehehe~ That makes me so happy!
✧˖°Northern Country°˖✧
Snow: If I were to ever get married, I would like to say the line that the previous Sage taught me. Ehem. Sage, would you like a meal? Or maybe a bath? Or maybe… Hohoho~
White: Should we be reborn again, I hope to also spend my next life with you. …Hohoho~ That’s my favourite pick-up line. Did I make you swoon?
Mithra: If you love me, please make sure it lasts for a thousand years.
Owen: How foolish of you to ask a promise of me, just as foolish as love itself.
Bradley: Marriage, huh… I’d probably consider it if it were with the kinda guy I wouldn’t be able to live without. Well, it’s not every day ya find someone who’d love ya like that.
✧˖°Eastern Country°˖✧
Faust: You want me to teach you the most common ways to propose in this world? How should I know? I could teach you the most common curses though.
Shino: A proposal is an important line you only get to say once. I should think about it while I still can.
Heathcliff: To think that someone might propose to me one day... I've no idea when that could be, but I'm getting nervous already.
Nero: It seems like everyone's proposin' left and right today. Marriage ain't really for it a guy like me, but I suppose it wouldn't be so bad to live a peaceful life with the person I love.
✧˖°Western Country°˖✧
Shylock: We Western wizards are known for seeking pleasure and thrills. Thus, if you'd like, I would be glad to entertain you for the rest of your life... Am I joking, you ask? Would you like to find out?
Murr: Hey, Master Sage! Gimme a proposal! Huh? Why? 'Cause I wanna know what you'd say! C'mon!! Please?
Chloe: A proposal!? Ehehe, just thinking about it makes me blush, but I think it's wonderful to be able to tell someone how much you truly care. Someday, if I ever get the chance, I want to be able to confess with everything I've got.
Rustica: Have you ever proposed to someone, Master Sage? What did you tell them? We Western wizards are quite fond of love stories after all. Why don't you confide in me next time?
✧˖°Southern Country°˖✧
Figaro: What kind of confession would you like most, Master Sage? I'll tell you whatever you want to hear.
Rutile: “My eyes are like a lake of stars. I gaze at you with everlasting love” …Fufu, beautiful, isn’t it? That was a verse from when my mother and father met. I hope that, someday, I will find a love like theirs too.
Lennox: If I had a significant other...? Ah, I know. I'd like to protect them, so they'll never have to feel sad.
Mitile: I suppose my brother might get married someday, but I'm sure whoever his partner is, they'll be a wonderful person! Eh, what about me? Well, if I ever meet someone, I'll definitely make sure to propose to them in a cool way!
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ozfi · 7 months
A Princess Among Us: Arthur Granvelle is a Trans Girl
First, canon:
The established world of Vollmond is split between humans and wizards. Literally, in more extensive analysis, this is clearly a divide between goyim (mostly Xtians) and Jews, but in this specific case it is used to evoke something else.
The king and queen Granvelle are two humans, but Arthur was born a wizard. This was hidden by the two as well as it could be, but the moment it got out rumors ricocheted around about the queen cheating on the king to birth a wizard (a nonhuman). The queen could not tolerate her child being magical or the rumors about this, and chose to abandon Arthur in the northern wilderness to die. Later, in Arthur's location story, the queen is seen deliriously loving and protecting a small bird as her 'human' son in place of Arthur.
I tend to write/visualize Arthur and the overall setting as though transphobia does not textually exist - I prefer the use of allegory here, personally, along with other canonical hints that transphobia itself just doesn't exist in Vollmond (see this very good post about deltarune that i think about often) - but in this case it is quite literally that the queen wanted a human son, in which case 'human' and 'son' mean the same thing.
This is strengthened by Arthur feeling like she gets to be her "real self" with Oz/oji3 +in the North, where she gets to be a wizard and use magic and act without restraint around people who love and accept her as the little girl Arthur, and not as the failed nonhuman prince of Central.
And then, of course, this is all stripped away from her at the onset of puberty, LITERALLY on the day of her 13th birthday. She is stolen from this sanctuary and taken back to Central to stand straight and tall as prince and boy for a mother that will not even look at her (where her being a wizard is an open secret - where everyone knows that she's a freak and different.)
Something essential to note is that Arthur is the type of person who does not discuss her own suffering in a personal sense, that she is the type of person to ignore her own pain and instead focus on how things must have hurt others. She has only ever brought up how the pre-abandonment period must have hurt her mother, but not how Arthur herself felt or was treated during it. She goes out of her way to not mention the fact she was abandoned. She doesn't even like talking about how much pain she was in being taken from Oz, the person she actually considers to be her guardian, though it is more likely to come up because the feeling is much more raw. We can only assume based on how she is treated now, 17 and with her otherness an open secret, though it's also been mentioned that certain things have gotten a bit less painful over the 4 years she's been back... to put it lightly, even before being left for dead it wasn't great for her in the castle.
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She does not like being a prince, except for the political opportunities it gives her to help others, namely other wizards (people like her). Look at this 4koma. She does not feel like she belongs. She pushes herself to be like her father because she's the 'prince' - but also, let's face it, her mother isn't the best role model (but Arthur still wants her love and acceptance [whole event]). She goes out of her way avoid being angry [ch4] because she's a wizard and people will be scared of her, and perhaps also attribute that anger to other wizards.
And then there's the amount of times she disguises herself as her 'Artie' persona, or transforms into anyone else at all, excited and overly willing to be anyone but the Central prince. (1, 2 [though she feels awkward and disparages herself for not being able to 'roleplay' well], 3, 4, 5: [Arthur Bday 2023 Q&A TLed by oshaberiduo on twt], 6, etc)
She's also been associated with butterflies, a sign of transformation and rebirth, a fair amount of times, and shooting stars, something similarly transient and beautiful (2) just as much. She wants to be a flower yet to be discovered or named.
She wants to be herself without expectations. She wants to be loved for who she is and as she is.
Of course, canonically it's good on some level that she was taken from Oz, as she cannot tie her happiness to him the way she does and continue to have a healthy relationship. She's dependent on him labeling their relationship (one everyone knows to be family), she's terrified of him not loving her (because they're the one who saved her when she was abandoned), and she's willing to die if it lets her continue to be loved/repays her 'debt' (because she thinks Oz is still """mad""" at her for """"leaving""””).
That said, I do think Arthur will remain in a political role in Central, but not as prince. She will be the wizard princess of Central, putting together both families she loves and getting to live as her true self with no pretense while helping the citizens she loves and working to make people like her safer. She will be the master of both worlds and live a much healthier life because of this, confident in taking the necessary steps to get to that point because she will always have people by her side.
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Second, sources:
Every Mahoyaku character has a main source that's reflected in their names, influences their stories, and thus ripples onto the people surrounding them. Figaro is from the Barber of Seville. Oz is from the Wizard of Oz. Arthur is King Arthur. etc etc.
King Arthur’s story has a lot going on in it, as mythology often does, but the gist is that Uther Pendragon (the former king) seduces his enemy's wife with the help of the wizard Merlin, who in return for his services only requests that he be able to raise Arthur for a while. Arthur only finds out he's the king through a lot of winding circumstances; You know them. Read Arthuriana yourself - there's a lot. The point is that Arthur is the True King from a so-called 'disreputable union' raised by a magician.
But they also have secondary sources, sources the characters were not named after but heavily influenced their stories and personalities. Figaro’s is the Little Mermaid (see everything about her but especially June bride 2021 cardsto). Chloe’s is Cinderella (LOOK AT HIM). Shino’s is Robin Hood (Sherwood. Everything else). etc etc. And Arthur? Arthur is Ozma of Oz.
Ozma's story goes like this: the princess of the city of Oz, Ozma, is stolen by Ozpinhead (the titular Wizard of Oz) and given to the northern witch Mombi. Ozma's identity is hidden by transforming her into a boy who goes by Tip. Ozma lives her childhood as the boy Tip, not knowing her true identity, and going through many hardships under the tutelage of the unkind witch Mombi. Though, importantly, there he learns about magic, and uses it to both escape Mombi and go on a great adventure where he makes a lot of friends who love him dearly and has a lot of fun. Through various circumstances, the truth of Ozma's existence comes to light - she is a Girl, a Princess, and the true successor of the throne of Oz. Tip is frightened by this, but only because he doesn't want to change. He fears that if he changes, the people he loves will stop loving him. It's only through the encouragement of his friends and loved ones and the reassurance that they'll love her no matter what that she gains the courage to go through the process of becoming her real self again. She is still herself, just different!
It's hard to explain just how point for point this is to people who haven’t personally read either or both stories. Either the plot point is exactly opposite, or exactly correct, to the point where it’s clear that the story goes beyond simple inspiration for Arthur's own.
Instead of being a princess kidnapped by Ozpinhead (the Wizard of Oz) and given to the northern witch Mombi, Arthur was abandoned by the royal family and taken in by the Northern wizard Oz (...the Wizard of Oz), though it’s clear the general view of the events has twisted itself into Oz themself kidnapping Arthur. This is not something Oz contests for various reasons, most of which consist of the fact that Oz was a cruel wizard before meeting her, and very much doesnt want her to idolize them (because if she ever finds out…). Arthur made Oz softer than even Oz's own friends could comprehend even with thousands of years of experience with him. But, again, Arthur was taken back to the royal castle of Central, away from Oz and oji3 (away from the place where she was accepted and could express herself fully), where she’s forced to posture as a Prince and Boy (though her secret is not much a secret here).
Arthur's biggest fear is of changing. That she’ll grow to be someone Oz doesn't recognize, that politics will change her, that Oz will stop loving her, that she’ll be left behind by the people she loves. The only thing that assuages that fear is Oz telling her that they love her, have always loved her, and no matter what, they just want her to be safe and happy and love the world she's in. That they haven’t abandoned her, and never will. Never could. And having the support system of not only Oz and oji3, then her friendships with the Central wizards, and then indeed the entire manor having her back in their own ways and giving her a space to openly, shamelessly partake in a part of herself she's still struggling to be able to fully express on her own terms.
Knowing she has a way forward to her true self that won't leave her closed off from the ones she loves and allows her to help them in ways only she can - that’s Princess Ozma!
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tl;dr: There's a lot that goes into this: her simultaneous pride and fear of her 'other'ness; her day-to-day performances of her role for her mother (and the other Central officials) which still cant help but burst at the seams with her difference and is only alleviated (briefly) by returning to the place where others are like her (while knowing it's not her 'real home'); her abnormality being an open secret weaponized against her in vulnerable moments and especially for the sake of politics; her bone-crushing fear of being left behind by the ones she loves if she is totally, wholly honest with them about her desires and what she wishes to be (and where). Being literally based on an iconic transfeminine princess certainly doesn’t lend the reading any less credibility.
Basically, this is my little girl.
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flovverworks · 7 months
yet again possessed by that time faust asked akira to sing "that song about stars from ur world"
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azura-tsukikage · 1 year
The term "witch" has a long and complex history, and it has evolved over time. Here's a brief overview of the history of witches: Ancient Roots: The concept of witches dates back to ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Greeks, where individuals were believed to have magical abilities. These early practitioners were often revered as healers, shamans, or wise women. The Witch Hunts: The most infamous period associated with witches is the European witch hunts of the 15th to 18th centuries. During this time, thousands of people, primarily women, were accused of witchcraft and subjected to trials, torture, and execution. These accusations were often based on superstitions, fear, and religious beliefs. Witchcraft in Different Cultures: Witchcraft has existed in various forms across different cultures. For example, in Africa, witch doctors and traditional healers are respected figures. In modern Wicca and contemporary witchcraft, practitioners identify as witches but follow a different set of beliefs and practices. Modern Witchcraft: Today, many people identify as witches or practice witchcraft. Modern witchcraft is often associated with nature-based spirituality, paganism, and Wicca. Witches may perform rituals, work with herbs and crystals, and follow a spiritual path that connects them to the natural world. Pop Culture: Witches have also been a popular subject in literature, folklore, and media. From the wicked witches in "The Wizard of Oz" to the benevolent witches in "Charmed" or "Harry Potter," depictions of witches vary widely.
What's true and what's false about witches often depends on the time period and cultural context. Many accusations of witchcraft in the past were based on superstitions and misinformation. Today, witches often embrace their identity as practitioners of nature-based spirituality, and their practices may include rituals, meditation, divination, and spellwork, among other things. It's essential to approach the topic with an open mind and respect for diverse beliefs and practices. The beliefs and practices associated with modern witchcraft have evolved over time, drawing from a variety of sources and influences. Here's a brief overview of how modern witchcraft came to incorporate its diverse range of practices and beliefs:
Folklore and Tradition: Many of the elements in modern witchcraft can be traced back to ancient folklore, folk medicine, and magical traditions. These practices often involved working with herbs, crystals, and other natural elements for healing and protection. Some of these traditions were passed down through generations in families or small communities.
Pagan and Pre-Christian Influences: Modern witchcraft draws inspiration from pre-Christian and pagan beliefs and practices. The reverence for nature, the cycles of the seasons, and the worship of deities associated with nature are central themes in many forms of contemporary witchcraft. Wicca, for example, is a modern pagan witchcraft tradition that emerged in the mid-20th century and incorporates elements of ancient pagan rituals.
Occult and Magical Literature: During the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, there was a revival of interest in occult and magical practices. Books like the "Key of Solomon" and the works of alchemists and mystics provided a wealth of knowledge on astrology, divination, and ceremonial magic. Many modern witches have drawn upon these historical texts for inspiration.
New Age and Spiritual Movements: In the 20th century, there was a resurgence of interest in alternative spirituality and esoteric traditions. This era gave rise to various New Age and Neo-Pagan movements, including Wicca, Druidry, and eclectic forms of witchcraft. These movements adapted and incorporated elements from earlier traditions and added new practices, rituals, and beliefs.
Personal and Eclectic Practices: Many modern witches embrace eclecticism, which allows them to select and combine practices and beliefs from various sources to create their unique spiritual path. This approach has led to a diverse range of witchcraft practices, each reflecting the individual practitioner's preferences and beliefs.
Modern Witchcraft Revival: In the mid-20th century, figures like Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente played a significant role in popularizing and formalizing Wiccan witchcraft. Other influential figures and authors, such as Raymond Buckland and Scott Cunningham, contributed to the modern witchcraft revival.
Contemporary Trends: Today, modern witchcraft continues to evolve and adapt to contemporary trends and concerns. Many witches incorporate mindfulness, eco-spirituality, and social justice into their practices, reflecting a broader awareness of global and environmental issues.
In summary, modern witchcraft is a synthesis of ancient traditions, folklore, occult knowledge, pagan influences, and contemporary spirituality. It is a dynamic and diverse movement that continues to evolve as practitioners explore new ideas and incorporate different elements into their practices.
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amorest-viesse · 1 month
4koma Masterlist
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My archive of 4koma translations from Mahoyaku. [All translations are unofficial; you are allowed to use them for things such as quote bots without asking; 4koma are listed by character then chronological order]
4koma Translations
Shylock - Valentine 2020
Shylock - White Day 2023
Murr - Cat Robe
Murr - White Wizard
Murr - Blue Wizard
Murr - Green Wizard
Murr - Western Ballad
Murr - Central Ballad
Murr - Birthday 2021
Murr - Summer 2022
Chloe - Cat Robe
Chloe - White Wizard
Chloe - Western Etude
Chloe - White Day 2023
Rustica - Western Wizard
Rustica - Northern Etude
Rustica - Summer 2020
Rutile - Tanabata 2022 (Ft. Rustica, Owen)
Rutile - Birthday 2023 (Ft. Heathcliff, Chloe)
Owen - Valentine 2023 (Ft. Chloe)
Shino - Valentine 2023 (Ft. Mithra, Rustica)
Arthur - Birthday 2023 (Ft. Chloe)
Lennox - March 2023 (Ft. Chloe)
Nero - April Fool’s 2023 (Ft. Rustica)
Oz - Birthday 2023 (Ft. Rustica)
April Fools No. 3 (Heathcliff, Shino, Cain, Oz)
April Fools No. 5 (Lennox, Shylock, Murr)
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aria0fgold · 5 months
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Central Country Wizards: Oz, Arthur, Cain, Riquet.
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Northern Country Wizards: Snow, White, Mithra, Owen, Bradley.
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Eastern Country Wizards: Faust, Shino, Heathcliff, Nero.
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Okay but am I the only one who feels like Wicked would have been better had Fiyero not been in the show? Or at least had not been a romantic interest of anyone? Like, I'm not saying this as a Glinda/Elphaba shipper, even though I am one. I just mean that other then being there for the romantic subplot I really don't see any real purpose in his character. I mean "Dancing Through Life" is an amazing song sure, but other then that. I just feel like the show and coming movie would have been better had the whole love triangle aspect of the plot not been there and the show focused more solely on the central relationship. I mean it does. But still. Plus they could have focused more of Elphaba's dynamic with the Wizard instead. "Wonderful" was such a good scene and I would have loved more like it. Like imagine if Elphaba had discovered the Wizard was her father? The drama that would have added to the plot would have been great.
Also, and this is a seperate opinion, but Glinda should have told everyone in Oz the truth about the Wizard and how he was the real villain at the end. I don't agree with her keeping that hidden and letting Elphaba stay the villain in their minds. It just isn't right.
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