fernrisulfr · 2 years
This character’s name was a bit of a joke. It’s Strahd backwards, and he was a Dhampir. It was of course an Alias. This was one of two failed attempts at a Dragonheist Campaign. He died by falling off a roof. 
Dharts (Rogue 3)
Rogue (Soulknife) - Dhampir - Haunted One - Chaotic Neutral
Real Name: Kyorl Quarthas of House Ur'thal City: Orbb Vloriss
Likes: - Intelligence - Brains - Psychic Energy - Precision & Efficiency
Dislikes: - Craving Brains & Sundries - Illithids - Wizards - The Sun/Daylight
Habits: - Get's hungry around Wizards - Get's hungry around anyone with an Int Higher than 10. - Signs of impatience.
Backstory Used: Born Kyorl Quarthas, belonging to the fifth regiment, third division, scouting detachment in service of house Ur'thal of Orbb Vloriss (Spider Crown). While scouting a location for a potential outpost, members of his detachment were ambushed, and captured by Illithid. Rather than being used for sustenance, their brains devoured like one may a piece of fruit, they were each subjected to the process of Ceremorphosis. Their screams of agony reverberated off the walls, their bodies protesting the pain long after their eyes dulled, minds devoured. It felt like an eternity, but it was only several hours after it had begun the hosts would be no more, their pain ended. Except it didn't end. Kyorl's head felt like it was splitting open, his throat raw and bloody from screaming long after other voices had faded. An Illithid came to investigate and contain the situation. Suddenly pain turned to hunger. His vision went white, a moment later something wet splattering against his lips, a near gelatinous substance sliding down his throat. It tasted heavenly.
It was hours, maybe days before he regained his senses and grasped the situation. Something had gone wrong, and whatever it was had changed him. His body and needs were no longer that of a drow, not truly. Returning to Orbb Vloriss was out of the question. They'd kill him outright for numerous reasons, or without need for any of them. For that reason, he retreated to the surface. No better place to avoid drow society or the illithid. From there he donned the alias of "Dharts" to avoid even the most minimal chance his name would be recongized.
Once he had obtained the lay of the land, he made for Waterdeep. He needed answers for what had happened, and what he now was. Such a vaunted city was sure to have scholars up to the task. Only after he'd reached the streets of Waterdeep was he reminded that all things in this world cost coin. Answers wouldn't come for free. That was what lead him to the Yawning Portal, and it was there he first met Meloon Wardragon. The man had been drunk and beligerent, but for some reason Dharts felt drawn to him. There was something both comforting and alarming about the human; but most of all man didn't make Dharts feel hungry, and that was a rare commodity these days. Through Meloon, he was introduced to other individuals looking to acquire coin. That rats would be involved was not something he'd anticipated.
Appearance: 5′7, 150 lbs, white hair, blue-black skin. Heterochromia in the eyes, one yellow, one purple. Hair kept short. Hooked scars on the face. Willowy build. Somewhat cliche style of dress for a rogue, almost entirely black with some grey elements to help him blend more naturally into shadows against stone. Garments were hooded, and throat covered. Some chitin was mixed in. Wielded two daggers which he frequently needed to throw. 
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For goretober have a
Tadpole boi made using hot glue gun
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battyxbaby · 6 months
One thing about me is, in every playthrough, I will absolutely slap the shit out of Gales hand when he asks for help.
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des-no9 · 1 year
I love thinking about The Emperor just picking up a sleepy Tav so gently with his tentacles and holding them so close.
Yes, psionics is easier. Right there. But tactile, gentle touch has been scrubbed away for so long from him. Maybe Tav, too.
It's a rediscovery, almost. More, now, than just a memory, dream, echo of the man he once was walking the streets of his city, sailing the seas, wild wind in his hair, familiar wings at his back.
Tav's dreams have been his own. A waking dream to claim and write a plea of together. Of need. Then somehow, more.
Right now, those dreams are Tav's own, their body his. Wrapped in tentacles that hold their body close. Close enough to study the texture of their skin. The rise, fall of their chest. The stalled evolution of their partial ceramorphosis rewriting their beauty to more.
More, that it distracts him.
Nothing, distracts him. But this beauty, this being bloomed in power, breathless in their presence-
They, distract him.
The veins like voidlight as he draws the tip of a tentacle across Tav's face. As he slithers another between their legs, bent and curled to their chest. A palm, to The Emperor's chest.
Connection, bound. If not body, mind. If not mind, soul. If nothing left, I will find you again.
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vagabondfandoms · 7 months
Falls on Me
1) Day One: Night
Rating: Teen (For this Chapter)
Characters: Gale Dekarios/Gale of Waterdeep, F!Tav: Copper, Wyll Ravengard briefly mentioned
Warning: N/A, Pretty standard intro chapter, Gale POV, Mentions of chronic pain
Gale was getting ready to lie down for the night. It was a little earlier than his usual time if he was at home in Waterdeep and definitely earlier than his new travel companions.
All the others were milling around their tents, too worn out to make small talk. Or rehash the same concerns about their tadpoles with strangers by the campfire.
Likewise, Gale didn't want to spend more time by the fire. Besides the shared concerns about the tadpoles, the nasty little orb in the center of his chest was pulsating, causing uncontrollable twitches up his arms.
Gale hopes a little bit of wine (water down swill he found) and a good book (Bitch Queen Shanties, nicked off a backpack on a fishing pier) could distract himself long enough that he could fall asleep without these pesky pains keeping him up all night.
Gale also had another motive for going to bed early besides the pain in his chest. He wants to be the first one awake in the morning so he could make breakfast for everyone.
Gale needs to make sure his new travel companions saw he was worth keeping around. Because he doubts he’ll make it very far on his own, especially with a parasitic orb leeching away his magic and a mind flayer tadpole to deal with.
The wizard laments the loss of his powers. How easy it was to conjure up the most impressive of magical feats. Now he can barely produce a Fireball to defend himself.
But his new travel companions didn't need to know any of that. Best to make himself useful even if it's to keep some appetites satiated.
Just as Gale was going to curl up on his bedroll, already missing his bed full of blankets and the company of his furry friend, Tara. He hears somebody approaching, from the opposite side away from the Blade of the Frontiers tent,
“Wyll was his name.” Gale recalls. “A nice lad but maybe a little too idealistic.”
As the person rounds the corner, Gale notices the flash of auburn hair before registering the face of his traveling monk companion, “Copper.” his mind finally supplying the name to the face. Instead of her monastic robes, she was dressed in a comfy pair of slacks and a tie-up shirt. Her hair was down and not so severely tied back like the braid she seemed to favor during the day.
"Hey." Copper says, stopping short of invading Gale's personal space, which he considers a couple of feet in front of his tent. "I was just checking in, you seemed awfully tense earlier."
If Gale wasn't so well practiced in covering up his emotions, he might have blushed from embarrassment from his earlier faux pas. He was feeling particularly melancholic next to the fire that he might have overshared his thoughts with the young monk (well, young for a monk this woman appears around his age).
But he simply brushes the concern aside, blaming his thoughts on the tadpole squirming around in his brain instead of the aching monster in his chest.
A flicker of understanding appears on the woman's face. Everybody was concerned about the tadpole and ceramorphosis so it made an easy excuse.
Letting the topic pass, Copper shifts her weight gracefully from one foot to the other as if she were debating on leaving. Gale was half hoping she would as another nasty spasm made his hand jump and he had to clench his fist to stop it from being noticeable.
"Can you tell me a little more about yourself?" Copper finally decides to ask.
Slight disappointment fills Gale, but he pushes it down and puts on a smile. "Ahh, let's see. I hail from Waterdeep, the City of Splendors. I am a Wizard with a considerable amount of acclaim and a scholar of exceptional accomplishments.” Gale easily rattles off.
Copper chuckles a little. "You definitely sound like somebody from the North Ward."
"Ahh, so you have spent some time in Waterdeep?" Gale perks up, feeling a little more invested in the conversation than he did a minute ago.
"I might have traveled through from time to time." Copper says just as evasively as Gale did with his answers. But he didn’t mind. Waterdeep was one of his favorite things to talk about.
"Then you should know that I reside in the Castle Ward where Black Staff Academy is located.” Gale waggles his finger at her like she is one of his students who answered a question wrong. “Hence, my considerable abilities in the arcane arts."
Gale places a hand on his chest, faintly feeling the orb pulse beneath his fingers as he takes a grand bow.
Copper rolls her eyes, but there's enough amusement behind them that Gale doesn't take offense. Her gentle smile also helps deflect any ire, he thinks. “How easy it must be to be a monk, with no worldly concerns besides the mind-flayer tadpoles currently residing in our skulls.”
"So, besides living in a little less wealthy but still prestigious district and being a wizard with much acclaim. Can you tell me anything else about yourself? What do you like to do to fill your nights such as this?” Copper asks, spreading out her hands in a grand gesture.
Gale was unsure if she was teasing or not. To be safe, he chose another stock answer. “Well, I have a cat, a library, and a weakness for a good glass of wine. And if the mood takes me, I'm known to try my hand at poetry.”
"I can see you have found two of those three things." Copper motions towards the worn-out copy of Bitch Queen Shanties and the half-filled bottle of water, pretending to be wine that laid haphazardly by Gale's pillow.
"Ahh, you mustn't look down on The Bitch Queen," Gale playfully tuts, wagging his finger yet again. "She's trying her best in these trying times, sinking ships and all that. Unlike this horrible excuse of a wine. I've drunk from wells with more of a kick.”
Gale's comment earns him a real laugh from the young monk that brought a smile to his own face.
"Well, I should let you go.” Copper says, clearly cheeky this time. “I don't want to keep you away from such an engrossing story."
Watching the monk walk away, Gale feels a flicker of pride and his ego swell a little. He had very few things to be proud of these days but landing a small joke will have to do.
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tbh there should be more Dark Urge-specific dialogue options when Astarion asks how to kill them in case of ceramorphosis. He suggests knife and poison and you can respond knife because it's quick or poison because it's painless but I think that Durge-y should have more exciting opinions here.
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timidlemonfrognat20 · 3 months
So. Draconic Sorcerer Tav. With wings.
Imagine upon the aftermath of the final battle with the elderbrain. Everyone is relieved to have survived, to have won against all odds and now the tadpole is gone.
The tadpole is gone and cannot force Ceramorphosis onto Tav or their companions. They are free. However the tadpole did incur some good. One companion benefited from the tadpole’s influence the most.
Astarion. With the tadpole gone, he can no longer cross flowing water, walk into houses without permission or walk into the sun again. Oh, the sun. It’s rising. It’s rising to greet the heroes of Baldor’s Gate with its warming rays.
The sun is rising and with it to rises the reality Astarion finds himself in. He’s too caught up in the glee of celebration and the high of beating the brain to notice the way the sky lights up. The vampire is already planing on getting drinks from the elfsong (if it’s still standing) He kisses his love, Tav. Tav the draconic sorcerer who trusted him when it was an objectively stupid thing to do.
Tav the draconic sorcerer who caught Astarion during the fall of the brain, and flew them both down to the safety of the ground on their powerful wings. Wings with dragon scales that glittered in the faint light of the new dawn.
However now, that same sun, it lifts over head just enough to touch Astarion’s hand. Just enough to burn it.
Suddenly Astarion realizes the gravity of the situation. He’s no longer protected from the sun, no longer welcome to bask in its warmth. He’s no longer special. No longer will he have the advantages all of his kind could only dream about. His face starts to burn, his hands, his whole being. He starts to brake out into a run. To find some sort of cover. The humiliation of running from the very thing he had been basking in freely for months now, it runs through him.
Yet Tav grabs his arm and in a split second, outstretches their wings so that Astarion is enclosed in them. Surrounded by nothing but Tav. The sun’s rays can’t penetrate the strong wings. The scales absorb the heat, and Tav locks eyes with their vampiric lover.
In that moment Astarion knew. He knew that no matter what it was, Tav intended to shield him from harm. Not Cazador. Not the Gur. Not even the sun could harm Astarion. Tav would gladly act as a living shield against all.
And so they go to Elfsong. With Tav’s wings outstretched for Astarion, forevermore.
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Yesterday I've come across an interesting report in a room near Basilisk Gate (the dungeons of the building where you get the quest to find the missing girl). It's one area I ignored in previous playthrought, but it turned out to host a wealth of interesting letters and reports! It looks like the Emperor was not unknown to the city after all:
REPORT: Unknown actor influencing city politics It has come to our attention that an individual calling themselves as 'the Emperor' a suspected [REDACTED], has been excreting an undue amount of power over influential actors within the city, including members of the ducal council. While there has been no report of nefarious intent, the unofficial and secretive nature of this individual's doings has raised the alarm amongst several sources. If this 'Emperor' really is a [REDACTED] we must take swift action to ensure [REDACTED] has not become [REDACTED]
First off, I find it interesting the Flaming Fist notes that there have been no reports of Emperor acting against the city. Now, that may be attributed to Knights of Shield having their fingers in a lot of pies - even the meager reports we can still find in their HQ prove so (granted, most concern trade - there is precisely 1 note that implies they dabbled in assassinations. The rest are about acquiring/selling business, missions to insure trade remains strong etc)
It almost feels like someone weaseled out what Emperor was and saw it as an opportunity to get rid of a rival. How? By stating that they have to get rid of him so that Duke Stelmane does not become, what? Thrall? Illithid?
Now. Above is pure speculation. I am trying to fill in the [REDACTED] parts with what makes sense to me
It's also the first document I found that backs up Emperor's implication that he was more or less benevolent during this era? Insomuch as a de-facto leader of such organization can be? And another thing…
Given the 'concern' above, the notes from Stelmane's guards, and implication brains have been on the menu - could it be, that our MC was not the first person who was in process of undergoing an altered ceramorphosis? After all - the Astral Tadpole has 'has languished in the Sea of Dead Gods for countless millennia'. Far longer than Emperor existed. Could it have been used before? And could the 'stroke' Belynne suffered been due to the interruption of the process, rather than thralldom?
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fellbless · 20 days
//Kicking off the blog with some fun facts I have thought about while playing but couldn't share until now starting with:
During that initial scene where you start feeling the effects of ceramorphosis and Laezel holds the blade to your throat, Lithos would have 100% let her kill him without a second thought. Turning into a mindflayer means losing his soul which means he will not be able to return to his queen and he considers that the highest level of failure he can achieve. So yeah, hopefully she goes to someone else first and they can talk sense into her.
He would 100% kill He Who Was for refusing orders and going against their ways. Torturing souls for their own amusement does not fall under the code of conduct they follow.
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askgale · 10 months
*Gale smiles, a wide grin from ear-to-ear*
I'm glad someone appreciates my Wizarding talent!
If you perhaps want to...take a pilgrimage over to my dimension...Just know that I am very available for adventures of most sorts...
As long as you have your own ceramorphosis-delaying-artifact that is...
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 6 months
Heart of the Weave (a fanfiction by Emmy-Dekarios aka Emily Davis)
My name is Emmy Dekarios. I’m just your average woman trying to survive each day, although my days are more intense than most. A little background about my life: I’m an adventurer who was born in Baldur’s Gate, a large city full of opportunities for many, both good and bad. This means religious temples, from worshiping wholesome goddesses or the gods of death and murder. I started worshiping Sȇlune as a young child and grew up researching her practices, and I solely became dedicated to her as one of her clerics. She is the goddess of silver, the moon, and light, and having her as my goddess has kept me shielding from the worst of evils; plus, I have special abilities and powers thanks to her. Well, I’ve always practiced them but because of her, I’m more powerful than I’ve ever dreamt of being.
A year or so ago, I was on a large ship – a nautiloid – where I found myself abducted by demented creatures known as mind flayers. They are disgusting, vile creatures with tentacles where their mouth is, and I guess a good way of putting it is that they wanted to start a “cult” by infecting every human, elf, or what have you with a tadpole in the brain, which would cause them to eventually turn into a mind flayer as well. The process is known as ceramorphosis. The tadpoles would crawl into the eye-sockets, digging their way into our skulls and plant themselves within the brains. Once turned, the mind flayers would feed off helpless humans or the deceased’s brains, which is how they survived. In the process, they would gain the memories of those they ate, basically reliving their entire life before death.
Roughly seven months ago ended an intense journey for my friends and I, but in the end, I married my husband Gale who I met along the way. It started off intense; none of us knew each other. We were all strangers terrified of our unknown fate and speculated it would end in death, but we were determined to make it to Baldur’s Gate alive. The gore I’ve seen. The people that were killed. The amount of times I almost lost my own life. Needless to say I’m traumatized but surely overcoming the perplexity of the situation.
I was one of the lucky ones that never turned and ended up cured from my infliction, along with the friends I encountered during my journey. I met Shadowheart and Lae’zel amongst the ship, who both hated each other for months but now are very close. Shadowheart is a cleric like me but at the time, she worshiped an evil goddess known as Shar, the sister of Sȇlune and admires pain. She inflicts pain on her followers that don’t follow her “rules” if that makes sense. Lae’zel is our githyanki friend who also worshiped a shitty goddess, but found her way out of that hole and is now fighting beings up in space, living the dream she always wanted. Like I mentioned before, none of us knew each other. The beginning of our journey was rough, because we were all skeptical of one another, unable to trust or confide in anyone. We had to keep our thoughts to ourselves, until we all realized we were reaching the same cause: going back to Baldur’s Gate and destroying the evil that kept finding us along the way.
They weren’t the only friends I made, but definitely the most special ones I think about all the time. I rescued my husband Gale from a magical portal within a rock, and boy did that take me by the biggest of surprises. It was a terrifying time because if I never rescued him, he would be dead. But now we’re married and oh-so in love. I never imagined my life being where it is now, but I overcame so much in the past year and a half, that it would scare the average person.
Gale had an orb within his body known as the netherese orb. At one point, he had to consume magical items to keep it contained, such as an enchanted pair of boots or a weapon of some sort that contained traces of magic. If the orb was not contained, Gale would have erupted into smithereens, an unfortunate and disturbing outcome that could have killed not only him, but everyone around him. Thankfully, this issue was remedied. We defeated the creature of the mind flayers – known as the elder brain – that contained a crown that we needed to retrieve to give to Gale’s goddess, Mystra. This was the only way to cure him of his affliction. I keep my hatred of Mystra hidden from Gale, because she technically tried to convince him to blow himself up, and got mad about it when he didn’t. A manipulative goddess not worth worshiping, in my opinion.
Anyway, enough about my chaotic background for now. I think about it constantly: the mind flayers, the people killed, the close encounters with death myself, and saving my friends from a catastrophic end. They saved me, too, and I’m forever grateful for them.
I awaken to the sun beaming through the glass windows, being reminded by the Earth that I’m still alive. I made it another day. I’m still not accustomed to being in an actual bed, for all the adventures I had involved sleeping outside, camping with the unknown around us. I’m thankful for being away from all the lurking dangers that thirsted for my death.
“Good morning, my love,” Gale says with the sleepiest voice, his face nuzzled into my neck as he spoons me in bed. I smile, feeling his comfort and warmth against my body in the earliest of mornings. “I hope you slept well.” His warm skin is pressed against mine, and it could honestly put me back to sleep. My eyes try to adjust to the morning light, focusing from the blur as I try to full awaken.
“I’m…starting to,” I murmur, stretching my body as I turn to face him. I stare deep into his dark brown eyes which are heavily defined by his long lashes. I could stare into them all day. “How about you?”
“Oh, definitely the same. I wake up everyday thinking how happy I am, how lucky we are to be here. More importantly, I’m grateful we’re alive.” His hand is on my naked waist, holding me close to him. “Oh, how I wish we could participate in some romantic coitus right about now, but unfortunately, I have to be at the Academy in just a little over an hour. I slept in just a tad later than I anticipated.” I kiss his lips delicately and close my eyes, wishing he wasn’t leaving so soon. He has been doing some heavy research the past few days and coming up with new strategies to help his students learn magic, so having this time together, no matter how long it is, means the world to me.
“I understand completely. Maybe later, then. We are married after all and have all the time in the world.” He chuckles and proceeds to kiss my forehead. His tressym, Tara, flies in the room and nearly scares the daylights out of me. I’ve been living with Gale for a year and I’m still not used to his flying feline, though I absolutely adore her to no end. I never had cats, so it’s an adjustment for me.
“Oh, Professor Gale Dekarios, it’s time for you to get at it!” she says, landing on our bed. “I’m glad you two weren’t in the middle of…well, you know.” Gale and I look at each other, fighting laughter but blushing from mild embarrassment. Only once has Tara intruded on us and it was a moment I’ll never forget. That moment included her staring at us with eyes full of horror, but she didn’t want to turn away. Gale caught her, and she screamed, flying rapidly out of the room at high speeds.
“Yes, yes, Tara. I’m getting out of bed. Now shoo, I’m indecent and I’d rather you not look at me.” Tara flies out of the room, with Gale getting his naked body out of the bed shortly after. I am so thankful and blessed that this is my life now, and all the worries from before have faded away.
I’ve adjusted to Gale working at the Academy, and I love that he enjoys doing what he does. For ages, he’s always wanted to accomplish being a professor and teaching magic to others, and that it will be more recognized. He gets ready and begins to head out the door, but pauses for a moment to give me a kiss. The softness and perfection of his lips is enough to get me to go back to sleep, but I have to tend our garden.
“I hope your day is wonderful,” I tell him, staring into his eyes. He gently brushes my dark curly hair out of my face with his fingertips, smiling at me with contentment. The way he touches me, even after all this time of marriage, feels absolutely incredible. I can’t get enough of him. Stop it, Emmy. You will have time alone with him soon enough, it’s nearly the end of the week.
“And yours as well, my love. I will be back before you know it.” My heart already misses his body and soul as I watch him walk out the door.
Waterdeep is still quite an adjustment, but a wonderful one nonetheless. I grew up in a large city, constantly around big parades, circuses, and a bar at every corner. There were children performing magic outside, and vendors selling weapons all throughout the area. Waterdeep? Well, it’s quiet and serene, filled with vast opportunities for knowledge in the arcane and experiences as well. On top of that, it’s spacious and we don’t have to live too close to others, making it a wonderful time for me to start our own garden. I’d also like to point out that the crime rate is ridiculously low.
As Gale is gone for work, I head outside to attend to our garden, growing fresh fruits and vegetables that seem to be growing beautifully. I can smell the intensity of the fruity aroma lingering around in our garden. Our tomatoes and squash are finally grown so I can cook them with our dinner tonight. To the left of our home is the beach, where cobalt blue waters are peacefully residing, the clarity of waves putting my mind in a calm place. I suddenly remember about my strange fear of Krakens, but it hasn’t been as bad as I’m adjusting here with Gale. Waterdeep is much different from home in Baldur’s Gate. Then, out of nowhere, I begin to dissociate as I’m staring deep into the ocean waters. It seems trauma can’t seem to leave my mind. All I can see are the countless bodies I’ve seen, all the innocent lives lost to the Shadows, all the evil that found us no matter where we turned…and how many times I was resurrected from the clutches of death. Emmy, no. You saved Baldur’s Gate. You helped so many people. Think about the lives you’ve saved. I take a deep breath, thinking to myself that it’s all over. I won’t have to deal with that ever again.
Tara flies up next to me as I am harvesting the vegetables from the vines, admiring all the hard work I put into it. Her company fills me with joy, not only because she’s a talking feline, but because she’s so kind. Funny. Wholesome. Oh, and a good species to have for company overall. The very moment I met her I just knew we would get along.
“I know I don’t say it enough, but I am so glad you are part of this family! You are one of the very best things to ever happen to Gale. You’ve kept him alive. You have inspired him to come out of his shell. He’s no longer hungry for power, to become a God. He would’ve left me behind. Power gets the best of us, unfortunately. For that, you are the best to happen to me as well. Thank you.” Tara’s voice is full of gratitude and sincerity, making me love her even more than before. Such a delightful little pet.
“It’s good to hear those words, Tara. Thank you.” I stare deep into the distance where the ocean lies, noticing a strange calmness overwhelm my body as I relax from the tranquility of the environment. Serenity. Peace. That temporary clarity leads to sudden lightheadedness, as if the world around me is spinning aggressively and won’t stop. Every object, every part of nature in front of me, is all a blur and I’m afraid to stand up. I try but end up falling in the dirt. The vertigo only lasts a moment, and I believe it’s because I haven’t eaten yet today. The sudden shift from calmness to feeling extremely dizzy was rapid, making me feel just a little sick to my stomach. I realize shortly that I completely skipped breakfast and it’s almost the afternoon. Where did the time go?
“Emmy, m’dear, are you alright? I think you’ve harvested quite enough today. Plants are watered. The sunshine is out. Let’s go inside, get you some water to drink, hmm? Maybe some lunch?”
“You’re right. I need to eat something.” I don’t think anything of the strange feelings within me, so I manage to get up and walk inside to cook a delicious breakfast for Tara and myself.
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parasite-core · 9 months
😭 Someday I’ll get an ending where I have a Durge who gets to be happy with Astarion. But apparently Adramelek’s run isn’t it. I came so close, too. Their relationship was beautiful, Addy escaped Bhaal’s hold and Astarion overcame Casador’s cycle. It took me fighting Orin 3 times to actually kill her in a way that triggered Bhaal taking Addy’s blood instead of the game thinking Addy had failed and needed to be revived by Bhaal and would slowly go insane. I was determined to get a good ending for them just this once.
But Addy had to save Orpheus, he wouldn’t betray Lae’Zel by letting the Emporer or a mind-flayer’d party member feed on him. So once he was free the only option Addy was given was to either become a mind-flayer himself or make Orpheus do it, Karlach was no longer given as a choice, and the second option still felt like a betrayal, he couldn’t, so he had to undergo ceramorphosis himself even though he had fought against it so hard. It just kept getting the better of him time and time again. First the astral tadpole forcing him to accept it, and now him having no choice but to go fully mind-flayer. Honestly it ended up a very thematic tragedy if nothing else with how that happened. Dice tell a story and all that.
But in the end Astarion didn’t know how much of the real Addy was left, and honestly even though Adramelek is clinging to his old identity he doesn’t even know for sure how much of his genuine self is left and how much is an act. They decided it would be best if they stayed friends for now while they figured things out with his new form. On the bright side Astarion at least seems like he’s happy and he’s living his best life, which is more than I can say for him in my last playthrough.
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wrdeater · 1 year
the end goal of every dnd character should be lichdom, lycanthropy, or ceramorphosis
the change is inevitable, how much of yourself are you going to carry in the end
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oopswhuohjeez · 1 year
Ceramorphosis but it turns you into an inkling
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sorrowfultales · 9 months
18, 29, 10 and 17 for the Durge questions 🔫
You work fast my friend I'll give you that
30 Questions for your Dark Urge
10. What motivates your Dark Urge to either embrace or resist the tadpole?
For Anathema I think it initially boils down to that moment in the nautiloid when the woman inside the pod turns into a mindflayer: The thought of going through the same things is just unthinkable. Not only because it looks painful as fuck, but also because despite her amnesia, Anathema has this "feeling" that she's "perfect" and to risk tainting herself with ceramorphosis (or in this case just the tadpoles) almost makes Anathema physically ill. She has this urge (ha) to keep herself as she is: Father's perfect little brid-DAUGHTER.
17. What is your Dark Urge’s greatest regret?
This one is HARD (I'm still not sure of many details of Anathema's story) so this answer may change in the future. Right now I think her greatest regret would be Enver. Just… Him. Not in the sense of meeting/working/falling in love with him, but more the "what could have been"s of their relationship. What if she had seen Orin's attack coming? What if she had defied Bhaal sooner? I can see her torturing herself over the many what ifs; just imagining what a whole life with him would have been like. Daydreams about what might have happened if she managed to convince him to kill the brain and be a hero to the city with her… Sad hours, man.
18. How does your Dark Urge feel about love?
This one is even harder… Damn you tumblr user @/wilchur!!!!!! Well, love is complicated for Anathema. Not just romantic love, but any type that isn't whatever fucked up thing she feels for Bhaal (and even that is a mess most of the time). Anathema had a normal childhood (for the most part) and back then I think she thought love was the way her mother brushed her hair or how her brother would carry her on his shoulders, but after she was taken in by Bhaal, he started to eat away at all those good things and replace them with nothing but him. For decades "love" is the dread she feels when her Father is near, it's the status he gives her, it's the promise of heated touches in her dreams. For a long time, love is Bhaal. She would only start to truly "branch out" once she met Enver and started to venture out more by herself, away from the Temple (where her father's control over her is stronger). She realizes that love is how Sceleritas takes care of her, it is the way Gortash holds her by the waist and whispers in her ear. (In Triumvirate) it's the taste of Ianira's blood on her lips, the feel of her fingers on her skin. Later, when she has forgotten how Father's love feels like, it's the smell of Gale's cooking, the sounds of Lae'zel sharpening her daggers for her, the sensation of Shadowheart braiding her hair, how Wyll hums when she helps him apply salve around his horns, how Karlach lifts her off the ground when they hug. It's Astarion's surprisingly patience when teaching her how to disarm traps. Damn this got deep all of a sudden.
29. What advice would you give to your Dark Urge?
Advices… Damn. It depends where she is in her life I guess. When she's a child… I guess my advice would be to not visit her parents that fateful year when Bhaal made her slaughter them. I wouldn't tell her why, but just "hey maybe just writing to them is enough". When she's Chosen, my advice would be "run". Just bolt, girl. When Gortash offers you a way out mid a passionate speech full of implied feelings and sexual desire, TAKE IT. After the lobotomy, I guess my advice would be "promise Gortash you will marry him if he fixes Karlach and helps you kill the brain". It would save her a lot of time.
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runningwolf62 · 1 year
I hope everyone who didn't play Early Access knows that you used to trigger scenes of your ceramorphosis starting if you used that Tadpoles and my favorite line was you could tell Astarion you felt fine and he's be like
"Yes darling, you look-" *makes a noise like a cat with a hairball* "radiant."
The videos should still be on youtube, I don't mind them taking out but there was some great stuff there.
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