#certain social media platforms
literaphobe · 1 year
i was thinking about not saying anything because really i just want peace amongst the lands but as a person who likes torturing herself on bad social media sites i wanna say the situation with the 'movie is better vs show is better' thing isn't as simple as two camps sprouting simultaneously.
if anything, after the movie was premiered in theatres and leaked there was this camp who saw it that very loudly and harshly spread this whole hate campaign on the show, straight up worshipped the movie like it was the best thing since sliced bread, just started hating on the show like they were antis. in all honesty some people talked like they were being PAID. because 'movie is way better than the shitty show!!' was all i could see on twitter for over a month and i didn't watch it so i was like um maybe it really is groundbreaking?
but then the movie officially released and all of a sudden i saw a lot more 'tbh i didn't think it was that great' takes pop up in replies and comments and posts. it was evening out and then i started to see 'just let people enjoy the movie!! stop bullying us for preferring it over the show!' tweets and 'theres two cakes!! can't we just eat!!' type posts. and i genuinely think most people (on tumblr) want to keep the peace and aren't trying to cause harm. but it puts a slightly bitter taste in my mouth because people were straight up harassing thomas astruc over how the movie did everything so good and his show version was so awful lousy and cringefail. and regardless of how he responded or what your opinion is of him ifl people went too far in their 'support' of the movie at the expense of the show. and having this context and knowing how awful people have been could be sort of... eye-opening? i guess?
because its one thing for two camps to suddenly start fighting. its another when one side was poking the bear for no reason whatsoever for AGES only to start victimizing themselves when the opposite happened (and never usually to the same extent)
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dsabian · 12 days
Australia is planning on banning under 16s from using social media.
So so many reasons this is a stupid idea but the main one is actually, counter-intuitively, ppl's online safety.
Grown ups know how to cross the road safely because they are taught as children. They get to practice with parental supervision when they're kids.
You keep kids off social media then give them unlimited access at 16 and they'll have no frame of reference, no supervision, no working knowledge of how to fact check etc. If you actually want ppl to be safe online, make it part of education.
When discussing Animal Farm in English, talk about how to analyse ideas that sound good but actually result in inequality in practice and then pull up some questionable tweets.
When teaching kids how to research for their next essay, give them a fb rant and show them how to verify the info.
And then whoever is teaching them about personal responsibility should introduce them to tag blocking on tumblr. Show them how to curate their own experience.
Chat gtp should be its own module titled "ai can and will lie to you please for the love of god learn to think for yourself"
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laurelwinchester · 8 months
i don't mean to ruin the fun but prior to last year jensen rarely, if ever, posted about dean's birthday and the birthday bash itself was done up not by him but by the cast of TW. it's not surprising (or a betrayal) that he didn't post today. i really don't mean to burst anyone's bubble but the dude just isn't as unhinged and insane as you want him to be. he is, unfortunately, mostly normal.
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smile-files · 1 year
Just popping in to say the thing you have going on with your friend running the hate account is without a doubt the funniest thing I've ever found on this site
@i-hate-smile-files <- just tagging him because i want him to see this!!! he's a funny guy. he keeps leaving his wallet on the table at school and when he comes back like 30 minutes later he chides me for not stealing it
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elendsessor · 5 months
ok the actual hard thing for me rn is i applied for a position at my local library aka a government funded thing and it wasn’t until today i realized i’m sure the government is gonna look into shit about me only to see me slamming them
i really really wish this wasn’t something people have to worry about because i’m sure a lot of job opportunities are getting cut off for a wide majority of people especially now with the protests. the fact that you criticizing the government for something can potentially be considered something you can get in trouble for is insane. there’s a difference between hate speech, threats of violence or death, predatory behavior, and saying you think the system and how the government handles issues is poopoo stinky. not all people can take that risk anymore which is so unfair especially when looking for jobs is actually hellish.
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gentlyouttatime · 5 months
love having a name blocked and it filters out pretty much all the nonsense i could be wasting my time reading so i can focus on things i actually care about. love that so much
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pricelessemotion · 7 months
lessons in chemistry spoilers ⚠️
the real reason why i havent watched the show is bc im PRETTY SURE that lew’s character dies and i dont think i could emotionally handle that
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*logs onto tumblr*
*sees the CEO of frickin Tumblr making a complete and utter ass of himself and doubling down on it*
*logs off tumblr*
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limefrogg · 1 year
Did Christian Horner actually like and unlike the I wanna fuck your dad (Vettel) meme or is Instagram just gaslighting me again
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eponychium · 1 year
slinking back over here bc someone i met irl followed me back on twitter and now im nervousssss bc im so much more annoying online
Tumblr media
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Having a bit of a gender crisis so pronouns in my bio are updated to test it out… Little weird and nerve-wracking so… yeah.
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
Everyone talks about how toxic and/or infuriating t*ktok can be and like I get it but also...you can just ✨not have an account and thereby not be enraged by the brainrot✨
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vacalimpia · 28 days
everytime there's new fanwork of re:kinder an angel gains it's wings it fills me with such joy everytime
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zerogravityinq · 2 months
when the fuck did it became a thing for you to not be able to view someone's full blog and even if you only see posts, why the blithering fuck can't I view their archive???? WHY CAN'T I SEARCH THE TAGS ON THEIR BLOG FOR FUCKS SA-
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mittenhater · 4 months
can we talk about how overproduced reality tv has gotten and how it’s completely ruined the genre
#maybe not completely ruined but almost completely#and before someone comes at me saying ‘you know reality tv is fake right-' I’M AWARE i’m aware.#but if you look at reality tv now vs. back in the early 00s/‘10s there’s a stark difference and not in a good way#i blame two things mostly 1) complacency and 2) social media/influencer culture#hear me out ☝🏾#so the complacency thing isn't solely a reality tv issue#all genres will have shows that stick to the basic tropes of that genre because they know what will get viewers#i think it’s just easier to spot in reality shows because the main ‘characters' aren't real actors#which somewhat leads into my next point#although reality tv is obviously scripted (how much it’s scripted varies from show to show) shows from the 00s/10s did have a certain-#authenticity to them#the people on these shows wanted to make their mark and so they actually put some effort into being entertaining and putting on a spectacle#if you sat there like a lump on a log and did jack shit then obviously no one was going tune in#and then boom !! social media blows up and influencers become a thing#all of a sudden reality tv becomes almost sterile#there’s not even a facade of realness being held up anymore people go on these shows to build their brands/platforms and that’s it#it’s no longer about what plotline(s) will be the most entertaining it’s about what will make the main star/stars look good#every scene is perfectly lit and every person in the scene has immaculate makeup and clothing even if they’re just sitting at home#the people on these shows put essentially no effort into being entertaining they’re like paint drying personified#even the fights are boring#but because reality tv isn’t really taken seriously as a genre the same mundanity continues to get churned out and people aren’t really-#bothered#anyway. ​sorry for the brick wall of text in the tags but i needed to get my thoughts out#i wrote so much that’s wild 😭#like who is even reading this
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My favourite thing about tumblr, that in my opinion makes it far superior to other social media sites, is that new posts live side by side with old posts. These days, there’s a prioritization of new content. It not only shortens the lifespan of people’s work, memes and such, but it also devalues the work that goes into making certain things.
Sure, a lot of posts are just random thoughts spewed into the ether, but some posts are carefully crafted videos, photos, artwork, prose, that take the creator a considerable amount of time and effort to craft. So, as a content creator, it’s nice to see that you can put work into a piece of content on here and it can have a life of its own. Unlike other platforms where posts live and die in a matter of day, sometimes, hours
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