kny-agere · 9 months
Sleep it off
“How was the movie baby?” Kyojuro carefully leads you out of the theater. His large hand engulfs your fingers.
You’re trying not to bury yourself into his side. The people milling about are an acute reminder of the situation. “It was good.” It’s hard to keep your voice loud enough for him to hear while still staying in control of your speech.
In perfect understanding Rengoku nods and continues to pull you along without asking anymore questions. Like this you just look like a couple, which is technically true in a way. You cling onto the idea of that so you don’t slip completely.
When he stops walking you stumble into his back. Blinking wildly you step to shoot him a disgruntled look.
“Otou- um, Kyojuro?”
He backs up a little to whisper properly in your ear. “Do you need to use the bathroom?” Rengoku is careful to speak low enough as to not be overheard.
“No!” Immediately you shoot onto your tiptoes and speak far too loudly. Wilting quickly afterwards you lower your volume. “I’m ok.”
“You had a lot of soda. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine! Can’t we get in the car?” You’re begging at this point with a whimper leading into your words. The fact that there’s still people walking past doesn’t register quite as hard.
Rengoku considers his options. With the stalls it’s not as if he can lead you to the toilet himself. There’s not much more he can do other than prompting you. The drive home isn’t particularly long, so if you’re insistent on waiting until then it’s not the end of the world.
The man fixes you with a look that says ‘I’ll believe you for now’ and continues down that hall. He only moves hesitantly, walking slowly as if you’ll change your mind. For a minute you try to wrestle your hands from his grasp. He tightens the hold, not strong enough to keep you trapped, but enough to reinforce the point that the man wants you to stay.
By the time you’re out the door and approaching the car your mood has already softened. Kyojuro lifts you into the passenger seat, lingering to press a kiss against your cheek. With your brightened mood his own smile becomes a little more natural. The giggle you let out only serves to force an even wider grin from him.
As he climbs into the driver’s side Rengoku passes over the half-filled box of popcorn. You’re happy to chew on the rest of the snack on the way home. Knowing you’ll only be able to finish off another few handfuls he’s resigned to throwing the rest away. He knows that you’ll plead for a treat every time, even if it never gets emptied.
With your hands occupied (quickly stuffing your face) he can’t grasp yours. The steering wheel isn’t as comfortable as your grasp.
“What was your favorite part?”
He has to wait patiently until you’re through chewing for a brief moment. “It was very colorful.” You announce the idea carefully, with a faux grownup tone. “Um, I dunno. It was fun too.”
“Hmmm, that’s what you said about the last movie!” His tone is light and not too teasing. That doesn’t stop you from rolling your eyes and letting out an exaggerated huff.
“Well I’m eating now.” Curling up against the seat you decidedly end the conversation. Going as far as to turn away from him slightly. Kyojuro knows that in a few minutes you’ll be asleep or back to a cheerful mood. When you grow silent it’s not entirely unusual.
Looking back towards the road he tries not to let himself get distracted. If you truly are grumpy it’s nothing a hug and a bit of coddling won’t fix.
When he pulls into the garage the door rumbles as it lowers to the ground. Protected from prying eyes the man hops to the ground. You’d been immobile the entire time home, as short as the drive was. Now you might be pretending. Either way Rengoku is happy to carry you inside.
Opening the door he finds your back to him again. In the seconds he walked around the front of the car you’ve flipped around. It’s still hard to tell if you’re playing a game or actually angry.
Nudging your back, running a hand over your shoulder, he tries to gauge the situation. You only groan in response. He tries to peel you away from the crescent you’ve curved into. With a quiet little sob you stay stuck in place.
Looking over your form his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. The wetness gathered around your pants (and seeping into the seats, that’s a problem for later) is a pretty obvious clue.
Ignoring your resistance for a brief moment he manages to undo the seatbelt and pull you out from the seat.
The moment Kyojuro tries to pick you up you let out a blood curdling scream. He tries to keep you in his hold anyways, but with all your squirming you’re able to push out of the lift.
Unstable on your feet you fall back to the ground. The concrete is rough and too hard under your ass. It only serves to push more horrible sobs out from your lips.
“I’m S-sorry! ‘m sorry I didn’t mean too. I-I don’t- sorry. Kyo, um, Tou-san. Please I’m sorry.”
He trying desperately to comfort you, murmuring out gentle words of encouragement. Though you keep trying to jerk away a heavy hand soothes your back. “You’re not in trouble baby. Everyone has accidents. We can clean up and cuddle. How does that sound? Can we take a deep breath?” Kyojuro struggles to keep a quiet tone while you shake and stutter.
Still mumbling apologies that are barely audible you ignore all of his reassuring words. At once point you resume your attempts to push him away and keep his mouth shut.
Ultimately he decides that you won’t calm down out here. This time he’s prepared for your resistance when his arms wrap around your form. Keeping your arms at your sides he manages to avoid any more swipes at his face.
Managing to get you inside and all the way to the bathroom he lets you finally rest on one of the washing chairs. With red eyes you tremble on the short seat. Finally quiet Kyojuro utters out words that you can finally hear.
“I’ll be right back, you just wait here baby.”
With you in such a delicate state Rengoku decides that letting you have a few minutes of silence to gather your thoughts is probably fine. He trusts that you won’t try to leave the room or do anything dangerous.
In the meantime the man washes his hands, strips down— changing into something more comfortable, and mops up the little trail of wetness leading throughout the house. For now all he can do is put a towel over the wet spot back in his car. He’ll just pay to get it properly cleaned later on.
It takes about 10 minutes total. With an extra 5 he sets out a few extra things, alongside a too big t-shirt.
You’re still hunched over on the stool. You’re crying isn’t audible, but tears still linger on your cheeks. Fingers are too gross to sit in your mouth, so instead you chew on the collar of your shirt.
“Hey baby! How are we feeling now?”
It’s no surprise when he’s met with only a small sniffle.
“Ok, I know we’ve talked about this is the past. Do you think you can shower yourself? Otherwise I was thinking we could put you in this big shirt and rinse you off. But we gotta get you clean.” He rubs his fingers against your cheek and tempts you to look at him.
You can’t respond. Leaning into his touch you cling to his large hand. Urging him to read your mind.
“Do you want to do it yourself?”
You shake your head, negative.
Rengoku’s eyes soften. “Is it ok if I help to shower you?”
this time you’re head bobs up and down.
“Great! I brought this shirt, so you can stay covered. And then after we can change into some comfy pjs.”
Rengoku lets you change at your own pace. In the past you had resisted any offer for him to bathe you, although admittedly it had been unnecessary then. He hates to make these kinds of decisions when you’re in such a delicate state. In another day or two he’ll prompt you to have a proper conversation, even if it’s retrospectively.
Once you’ve stripped down to your underwear Kyojuro carefully tugs the old tee on. Once it’s pulled past your chin you capture the collar between your teeth once again. Internally Rengoku curses himself for leaving the pacifier in the bedroom. When offered you usually refuse, only seeking out the item independently, but this might’ve been a rare opportunity where you accepted.
Before he bathes you the man carefully tests the temperature of the spray. Once it’s pleasantly warm he runs it slowly over your back.
With a happy sigh you let Rengoku wash you. Within a few moments you’re smiling and pulling at the wet fabric of your shirt. The man scrubs you thoroughly, even when unnecessary. His fingers massage your scalp and rub behind you ears. The whole time he picks back up the habit of murmuring praise.
Far after you’re clean he continues to let you splash in your water. The water moves slow enough that you can splash in puddles as they slowly drag towards the drain.
His water heater is sophisticated enough that this could continue on forever, but eventually Kyojuro coaxes you to abandon the shower head. At this point he’s soaked too (meaning he’ll have to change yet again) so it’s no concern when he picks you back up.
With a light squeal you’re bundled into a towel and tossed onto the bed. Rengoku pulls you towards him one last time to coax you to listen to him.
“I left out a few different things for you, and I don’t want you to feel pressured to pick anything specific. So I’ll let you dress yourself this time.” He presses a few extra kisses to your cheeks, and finishes it off with one to your nose.
You whine when he drags himself out of your arms, but are satisfied enough to flop back into the plush mattress. Watching him walk away you wait until he’s left and closed the door behind him.
For a few minutes you simply try to tempt yourself out of the covers. Peeling yourself out from the towel it’s less hard to discard the shirt which is still sopping wet. Letting it drop to the floor you turn to the options in front of you.
It’s easy to pick out your typical pajamas. They’re soft green with little white polkadots spread over the fabric. It’s a familiar set that have found a home in Rengoku’s home for sleepovers or an occasional nap time.
The pacifier isn’t quite as easy. He’s laid out several options for you, even knowing you won’t pick all of them. You could leave it there, or grab the teether. Still the harder object doesn’t fit quite as comfortably into your mouth. Kyojuro wouldn’t care what you picked. With a few deep breaths you snatch the small object. You can use it once you’re curled up in bed and your face isn’t quite so obvious.
The hardest is the fact that he’s left a set of briefs next to your usual underwear. It almost sends you into another crying fit.
After taking far too long to decide, trembling in the nude, you silently grab the pair of pampers. You try to hold back the tears that slip down your cheeks. This isn’t a punishment.
The rest of your routine is normal. You slip on the pajamas. Right before crawling into the bed you let the door slip open. Kyojuro will know to come in the next time he passes the hallway.
Under the sheets it’s easy to take control of your breathing. You can ignore the padding around your bum and everything that’s happened. The rhythmic sucking of the pacifier soothes you quickly.
Rengoku enters slowly. You hear him clean up the scattered clothing. There’s a soft pause when he puts back the items he left out. Wrapping your fist tighter around the blankets you stiffen when the mattress sinks beside you.
A hand passes over your head to calm you. “Are you tired?”
“Can I hear my baby say my name? Just so I know you love me?” The man presses dozens of kisses to your cheek. You’re tired, but not tired enough to resist giggling as his hair tickles your face.
Tugging at his locks you try to give him a kiss through the mouth guard of the pacifier. At least you succeed in pushing the plastic against his face. “ ‘ove ‘ou o’ou-san” The words aren’t as clear, but the intent is clear.
Kyojuro tucks you against his chest. “I’m glad my baby’s happy now. So next time we can keep having fun.” Along with his common compliments his warm fingers continue to stroke your back.
As usual his words lull you to sleep. Despite the hectic and atypical events his familiar presence brings you a comfort matched by no other.
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kerfufflecricket · 3 months
Hii! Just went through so much of your demon slayer stuff and I loved it!! Do you have any hcs or thoughts for Rengoku? Cg or Little :D I love him so much but no pressure <3
Tysm!! I'm so glad you like my stuff! Now as for Rengoku hcs hmmm
Rengoku headcanons:
He is The Big Brother, if he finds anyone in need of comfort or guidance he will immediately go into ''Big Brother Mode'' and do his absolute best to help in anyway he can
Since he is Canonically half deaf I like to think while he was recovering he had to learn sign language for the first few weeks, and now he helps teach littles (and caregivers) how to sign so that way if they experience speech lose or they're getting overwhelmed by loud sounds, or even if they don't/can't raise their voice enough to be heard by others, they can still communicate!
Rengoku is warm, he has a naturally high temperature so whenever it gets cold or there is a snow storm, everyone huddles around him like he's a space heater! Group cuddles become very common during winter lol
He give the BEST hugs, other than gyomei I would say out of all of the hashira he give the best bear hugs ever
He always makes sure to keep snacks on hand, he knows how hectic a demon slayer schedule is, and that it's not uncommon for them to have to skip dinner or breakfast. So he always keeps food on hand for anyone who needs it
On a similar note, he always trys to make sure that people (especially littles) are eating, always checking in to see how they're feeling and always encourages them through meals. But he is also very comforting when they don't want to eat, and tries to find some form of compromise, like having them drink something instead or finding something small and easy to eat instead of a full meal (like strawberries or cubes of watermelon)
Is always ready to play games of any kind! I can see his favorite being spinning littles around like they don't weigh a thing! They always beg him to do it again, even if sometimes they end up not liking it while it's happening (zenitsu) He almost never turns down a game!
He is however, fairly strict. He always makes sure rules are being followed and that everyone is behaving nicely. If someone is acting out he will quietly take them to the side and talk to them about it and tries to find out what's wrong, and will do his very best to fix it
That's all I can think of so far!! I hope these are good! <333
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mamaslittlespace · 2 months
♡ Safe Space Cubby ♡
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☁︎ Welcome ageres! Hi All Littles, caregivers, or anyone who wants to be here. Call me Cookie: I am a little and a mommy!caregiver. Lately the world has been crushing down on me and I wanted to make some stuff to help me and others. So I’m here to make some fics!! And they will be very slowly coming out because I run another account.
🍼 Masterlist 🍼
⇢ My hero academia
Fruit shakes- Cg!iida x fem!little!reader
Best price- CG! Kirishima x trans!reader
⇢ Demon Slayer
⇢ Marvel
🧸 Rules to follow 🧸
★ If this is not the page for you, block or move one. This is how some of us feel safe and heal. Sometimes it’s okay to scroll and not leave hate.
★ this is a completely sfw safe. AgeRegression here is just for comfort and nothing sexual about it. You can leave my page if that’s what you want but on here it’s a no.
★ i wouldn’t be doing to heavy themes when it comes to angst but I will give comfort of fics on who ask!
★ blankies, pacis, stuffis, snacks are aloud.
★ like I said no too heavy themes but I’m comfortable with most things for the littles!
★ if you leave a message in my inbox I will reply as a little or a caregiver! Whatever you want.
★ fics will be short and sweet.
★ fem, male, gn are all expected! I will try my best with all of them!
★ body types are welcome too in requests.
★ kitten, puppy spaces are welcome too!!
★ beware I am not familiar with all disability’s so my lack of knowledge might be bad. But I will try my best
★ My hero: Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Momo, Todoroki, Iida. Ships: kirideku, kiribaku, Bakudeku, kiribakudeku.
★ Demonslayer: Tanjiro Kamado, Mitsuri Kanroji, Giyu Tomioka, Kyojuro Rengoku, Shinobu Kochō
★ Marvel: Wanda Maximoff, Team!Avengers.
★ requests and fics might not come out for a while. I log off to go to my main account and can only make theses when I have time!! I am sorry, I hope I can keep up with this account!!
☪︎ open for fandom suggestions ☪︎
🎀 things about me 🎀
𐀔 hello I’m cookie. I am 19 years old, in the past I have used age regression as a save space to heal my trauma but I haven’t been little in a long time, until now. I have had many Cgs but they have all be bad, and littles too but they are mixed. I am willing to be friends with everyone on here if they want! Cg me can help take care of you littles, which little me can play and bond with you too. And little me will love to have a cg to talk to about anything, get to know people first tho before jumping to anything but friends are all at the start!! Thank you <3
𐀔 I like animal crossing, a lots of video games, coloring, and Bluey!
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wonderinglullaby · 1 year
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🧡 CG! Rengoku stimboard!
cred: 🔥 🔥 🔥 // 🔥 🔥 // 🔥 🔥 🔥
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bnuuybee-writes · 8 months
hi!! we have a fictive of muichiro in our system, and we were just wondering if you'd be able or willing to write an agere drabble with cg mitsuri and little mui? if not that's totally fine!! you can add in any of the hashira too, if you'd like <3 - 🌸💫
Little Daydreamer (regressor muichiro tokito hcs)
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author's note: omg hi !!! i would love to! unfortunately, I don't exactly have the spoons for a whole drabble, but I can do some cg hashira & agere muichiro, with a focus on cg mitsuri! i love doing agere content, esp since i'm a regressor myself! some of the habits, i'm going to be drawing from my own experience, but i do feel like they'd fit muichiro too!!!
nicknames: gogo - gyomei; mitsi - mitsuri; nemi - sanemi; yuyu - giyuu; banban - obanai; shibu - shinobu; tenten - tengen; goku - rengoku
cws: vent regression; trauma; flashbacks; tooth-rotting fluff; some of em are trauma cgs if you squint; mentions of their pasts
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Little Muichiro is normally an easy child. One might say he's an angel or even a little spacey boy.
But, the times where Muichiro play regresses are rare and far between.
Normally, it's something that upsets the Mist Hashira to the point where he needs that sense of protection.
Whether it be a particularly rough mission, a reminder of his past, or even someone slamming their hand down on a table (coughsanemicough) Muichiro will shrink back.
The signs are subtle, and sometimes he'd go a whole day without being noticed that he slipped... Unless he's around Mitsuri.
Mitsuri Kanroji
He's always trusted the Love Hashira with his regressed self. She just had this maternal factor to her that made him feel safe.
So when Mitsuri notices Muichiro's brow slightly furrowed or him biting softly on his lip, she springs into action.
"Hi there little one. Do you wanna come with Mama Mitsu? Wanna talk about it?" She would ask, kneeling down to Muichiro's height and holding out her hand.
Muichiro, being a nonverbal little, would obviously not want to talk about it, just give vague details. When he does speak, it's in a hushed voice in Mitsuri's ear.
"Scawy... Dun' like... Wan' baba..."
Mitsuri immediately understands and takes Muichiro by the hand, taking him to a secluded, calming area and giving him a child's cup and a small wood pacifier with the nib made out of natural rubber.
When the other Hashira took notice, they didn't know what to do, though Mitsuri advised them to just treat him like a child.
So, they did... With varying degrees of success.
(other hashira cgs under the cut !!!)
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Gyomei Himejima
Poor guy didn't know what to do when Muichiro started crying after he fell over and scraped his knee
He's blind, not like he could see the wound. So, obviously, he calls Shinobu over.
While she tends to the wound, Gyomei then thinks of something to help Muichiro stop wailing.
He then remembers a song his mother sang to him whenever the Rock Hashira was crying as a child. So, he gently takes Muichiro into his arms and sings.
The soft rumble of his chest and soothing breath lulls Muichiro into a nap, the little one curling into the burly man's chest.
When I tell you this man started sobbing.
And when Muichiro gives Gyomei the nickname gogo, he melts and happily accepts the title.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi immediately grows protective of Muichiro
He's the oldest of five kids, he doesn't want to see someone he considers another little brother to get hurt
So when the Wind Hashira sees the child upset, he immediately springs into action, wiping the little one's tears away with a gentle hand.
"Ey, ey, none'a that, li'l one. C'mon, what's wrong? Wha'cha need, kiddo?"
He hates seeing Muichiro cry. Not because he doesn't like when kids cry or display emotion...
It reminds him of the times where his father got to his siblings before he can.
"Nemi... Wan up... Wan nemi..." The two year old would mumble, making grabby hands for the white-haired male.
So, of course, Sanemi would oblige. And he will carry Muichiro until he wants to be let down or Sanemi has to do something.
Also, whenever Sanemi is about to cuss, he stops and replaces it with a censored word. Or tell Muichiro to "use earmuffs", aka cover his ears.
"I've only had little Muichiro for about two minutes. But if anything were to happen to him, I will take out everyone in this room and then myself."
Protective big brother
Giyuu Tomioka
Is this how Tsutako felt...?
As he shushes the crying child, patting his back and rocking him while sitting on the floor, Giyuu's mind trails back to his late sister.
She's always been something of a mother to him, since theirs was absent and Giyuu never knew her due to her dying during his birth.
He remembers how Tsutako calmed him when he was near-inconsolable like how Muichiro is now.
Whenever Giyuu woke up from nightmares, his sister will hold his head to her chest, against her heart, and sing...
So Giyuu does that. His voice is soft as he presses Muichiro's head against his heart, the soft beating and swaying rhythm calming the wailing toddler.
"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you... Don't wanna lie here, but you can learn to... If I can change the way that you see yourself... You wouldn't wonder why, dear, they don't deserve you..."
The crying would subside into small sniffles and coughs from ragged breathing. Giyuu would sigh with relief, thankful that trick still works.
He then gets Muichiro some dango to cheer up, eating it with the small Hashira in his lap.
Obanai Iguro
He's afraid he's going to hurt the kid.
Muichiro is volatile as it is, and he doesn't want to upset the child further.
Mitsuri said that if he's just patient, he'll be okay.
But he feels it wearing a bit thin when Muichiro starts fussing and he doesn't know what to do. and Mitsuri's out on a mission.
So, Obanai just sits there, paralyzed and not knowing what to do as Muichiro fusses.
And then... He just scoops the kiddo up and holds him.
"Hey, uh... I dunno what's goin' on with you... But I'ma try 'nd be here, 'kay? Y'at least deserve that much..."
He remembers those nights in that damn clan... Well, it was more of a cult than a clan. In that wood cage, isolated and prone to the elements.
He remembers wishing for someone to hold him. To give him that warmth in the frigid loneliness.
So, he wants to be that for the volatile Muichiro. He wants to be that warmth.
He wants to be the person he never got as a kid... So, he stays by Muichiro when the other Hashira are busy and can't take up babysitting at the moment.
After all... Being called "banban!!" isn't too bad...
Shinobu Kocho
Besides Mitsuri, Muichiro also trusts Shinobu with his regression.
Mitsuri was the first one to inform Shinobu of Muichiro's littlespace when he was sick once and vent regressed.
Shinobu, being good with kids, immediately knew what to do.
While in the Butterfly Mansion recovering, Muichiro would be practically doted on by Shinobu, Kanao and Aoi.
The attention was a bit much when the three crowded him, causing him to fuss. So, for a couple days, it was just Shinobu tending to him.
When she tried giving him medicine and he refused, she then approached it differently.
"Sweetie, I know the medicine is icky, but you have to take it if you want to play with Mitsi again... Tell you what - You can take it in a cup and drink water after... Or I can mix it with some tea so it's not as icky."
Muichiro contemplates the question before uttering "tea...", sniffling from a runny nose.
Afterwards, Shinobu tells him how brave he is for taking a big step through bigger emotions. He hugs her, clinging to her robes and calls her "Shibu..."
The name makes her melt almost instantly.
After he feels better, he plays with Kanao and Aoi in the courtyard, laughing and jovial again while Mitsuri comes to pick him up.
Tengen Uzui
Tengen is considered the fun uncle.
That being said, he isn't as laid back as Rengoku is.
He gives the kid structure, something he never had growing up in a shinobi clan.
And if Muichiro accidentally messes with something, it's gently explained to him.
"Hey there, li'l guy. If you do that, then you'll get super hurt, 'nd we don't want that, huh?"
Muichiro would nod and feel guilty before Tengen hugs him and explains no, kid, 'm not mad, just worried about you.
The wives adore Muichiro.
Hinatsuru helps him calm down and practices deep breathing with him when his emotions get really high.
Makio play-chases him around the house, making Muichiro laugh.
And whenever Muichiro cries, he cries with Suma. The two let out their emotions together, hugging each other and being the support for the other.
Life at Tenten's house is fun for Muichiro, and he knows no matter what that he's safe and loved there.
Kyojuro Rengoku
Ohhhhhh my goodness.
If this man isn't the embodiment of chaos now, then put him on babysitting duty for Muichiro.
There's a reason there has to be two adults present when Rengoku has Muichiro under his care.
Rengoku is the type of caregiver who will do things the actual caregiver tells them not to with a sly "don't tell cg" and a laugh.
When he starts trying to get onto Muichiro about something he shouldn't be doing, he immediately stops and wants in on it, too.
"Up, bupbupbup, what'd we say 'bout candy before dinner?... Actually... 'Ey lemme have some'a that, looks good-"
When he carries Muichiro, he carries him over his shoulder like a sack of rice, so when someone calls for him he just-
"Hey, Rengoku-san!"
*spins around rlly fast, making Muichiro give those baby belly giggles* "Yeah?"
This doesn't mean he isn't serious during the tougher times. He will become fiercely protective over an injured/crying Muichiro.
"Whoever decided to put their hands on my sunshine, please come outside so I can peacefully break your legs :)"
'Goku is a very playful and protective bubba, 'nd no one can tell me otherwise.
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babyminty · 4 months
Cg Uzui/Littles Rengoku & Mitsuri
Requested by: @atxunkimoonstar
Uzui had been looking after two littles for the majority of the day. He didn't mind looking after Mitsuri and Rengoku whilst they were regressed, but they could be a handful at times when they were regressed alone, and even more so when they were regressed together. He still loved looking after them, though.
Uzui had finally put the two to bed and had just went to bed himself when Mitsuri burst into the room. Uzui sat up and looked over at her. "Mitsuri, are you alright? Is there anything you need?" He asked her, keeping his voice quiet as she looked a little scared and he didn't want to scare her even more.
"Rengoku." Was the only thing she said before leaving, going back to the room that she had come from, which was where both she and Rengoku had been sleeping.
Quickly getting up, Uzui hurried over to the room as well. Entering the room, lights already on, Uzui was met with the sight of Rengoku huddled up underneath some blankets, biting down on one of them to stifle his cries as tears formed tracks down his face.
Uzui walked over, making sure he was in Rengoku's line of sight so as not to startle him when Uzui sat next to him on the bed, bed dipping slightly now that there was another person sitting on it.
"Come here." Uzui invited, opening his arms. Rengoku jumped at the opportunity, cuddling up to Uzui, letting go of the blankets, his crying now audible. Uzui held Rengoku in his lap, hands going in circles across Rengoku's back to help calm him. Uzui started rocking from side to side, and Rengoku's crying started to calm down. "Did you have a nightmare?" Uzui asked. Rengoku just nodded.
Once Rengoku was no longer crying, he began to feel how tired he was. Slumping against Uzui, he closed his eyes. "Tired?" Uzui asked, even though he already know the answer. "Mhm." Rengoku answered, cuddling up to Uzui. Uzui laid down, pulling Rengoku to lie down with him.
Uzui glanced to the side, seeing Mitsuri on her own bed. "Do you want to come here to cuddle with us?" Uzui invited her. Nodding, Mitsuri got up, snuggling against Uzui on the side that Rengoku wasn't already cuddled against. Now all three of them were cuddled underneath a blanket, and they drifted off to sleep, one after the other.
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Do you have roles more set in stone for each character or do you find it fluctuates a lot?
For me I think some characters stick to certain designations (Like Rengoku is a cg 99% of the time in my mind) and some characters can go either way (Like Giyuu works well as a cg or little) so I didn’t know how it worked for you :)
Thank you for the ask!!
Yeah, in my mind the roles are pretty much set in stone for everyone, and there are only a few that can go either way.
Here's everyone's roles for me:
Gyomei: Caregiver
Sanemi: Caregiver
Obanai: Little
Mitsuri: Either
Kyojuro: Caregiver
Muichiro: Little
Shinobu: ...Neither? (Lol I think she'd be a caregiver but only because it's part of her job running the hospital. I don't see her being particularly enthused by caregiving)
Tengen: Caregiver
Giyuu: Either, leaning more towards little
Genya: Little
Kanao: Little, but helps with caregiving sometimes
Tanjiro: Caregiver
Inosuke: Little
Zenitsu: Little
Nezuko: Either
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demonslayedher · 1 year
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Things that went through my mind while watching this episode:
--Tanjiro had told Inosuke that the reason Zenitsu didn't pull out his sword on him was because it was against Corp rules. Evidently, Zenitsu doesn't actually care about this rule.
--I know there is discomfort with Zenitsu chasing Nezuko around the room and pointing out that it wasn't in the manga, but like... the basis for it was there. ZenStans (and I am one) point out how the anime made him seem worse for how they added this chase scene and took out the later scene of Zenitsu talking to Nezuko in her box, but... the conniptions and uncomfortable attitudes towards girls do come straight from the manga. Zenitsu still had a lot of growing up to do (and given material that came out after the manga ended, in some ways, he never does). On first watch, I really wasn't being won to the ZenNezu cause... heck, I don't think it was until after the manga ended that I grew positive feelings toward ZenNezu instead of just "sigh, OK." (If you follow my blog, you've probably guessed by now that I do truly enjoy shipping ZenNezu now.)
--I also didn't have positive feelings for Inosuke yet at this point, I found him hopelessly unreasonable. But me now? LOOK AT THE BABY, BEING MOTHERED BY A HUMAN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OVER 14 YEARS.
--In my digest of the last episode I said we get the joy of watching Inosuke explore his humanity, and that makes me see his perplexity at "live proudly" in a very different light. He has joined a pack (the Corp) and he wants to be a part of it, as beasts do, which makes him receptive to the rules. Oh, no swords? My bad, got it. Live proudly? What does that mean? Precisely, how? What's that weak old lady's position to be able to say this? Inosuke was so willing to go along and learn all these new things that he DID put on the full Corp uniform when he received it (but, according to the fanbook, didn't like how it felt and then demolished the top half). Look at how quick he changed into new clothes after Hisa-san brought him some new ones. He accepted it so quickly, whether just for a natural inclination to obedience or because it did feel nice on his sensitive skin.
--I wish the good-luck sparks lit against their backs would had been an ongoing thing. I love that touch so much.
--"Go bu-un wo" (good luck in battle) in a phrase that goes through my head a lot, and there are LINE messenger stickers of Hisa-san saying that as she makes sparks. A friend sent it to me before my first Nerd Test attempt and I felt very encouraged (and then I failed that time, but that's besides the point. I passed the following year).
--It's not stated anywhere how long they stayed at that mansion having a peaceful recovery (as peaceful as Zenitsu and Inosuke can allow it to be), but... this may be some of the longest Zenitsu has had people around willing to just chill out with him (as Kaigaku was never willing), the longest rest Tanjiro has gotten ever since his family was killed, and the longest Inosuke can ever remember sleeping under a roof.
--Watching that Corp member get sucked back into the trees as he screams for help? Legit terrifying. I love that they still show Tanjiro feeling scared enough for his hands to shake. Also, as an animation detail, Tanjiro does so much thinking with his eyes and the CG works so well to show this (it's like he's got some Rengoku in him).
--Inosuke just... stabbing spiders
--Murata!!! --Murata... I... I looked, but I didn't find relevant content in my blog to reblog in honor of his appearance.
--But, uh, look, Murata! It's the boy you took care of at the Final Selection! He's a Pillar now!
--I don't know how long the Kamaboko boys were in recovery, but long enough for Kanao to do laps on them in jumping ranks through the Corp. She's exceeded Murata already (she was a Tsumonoto by this point, according to the first fanbook).
--Sorry, Murata... you're doing your best, I know. And I'm really sorry you had to witness your comrades killing each other. Murata deserves more credit for how much he's been through over the years, and how much he's struggled through with meager innate talent. Murata is proof of the merits of hard work. Let it be remembered that even when he had permission to give up on Himejima's strength training, he stuck it out (not likely successfully, but he deserves credit for effort).
--Love the sequences of the spider family throughout the forest, they set up Mother Spider to be a truly terrifying presence by coming last after Father being forebodingly large and still, Brother peeking at you, and Sister kicking her legs in time to the creepy music while she sits up in the tree tops.
--And later on we get our first Rui appearance. Forget wanting to "eat people and get stronger" as demons are tasked with, or even looking for the Blue Spider Lily, Rui truly does just want to play house and be left alone. Special treatment from Muzan, indeed.
--I hope the animators had fun on Spatial Awareness, zooming in to his hand at the end like he's grabbed hold of Mother Spider? Excellent.
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medea10 · 1 year
My Review of Overlord
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Okay, I’ve managed to blow through Konosuba, Re:Zero, and The Rising of the Shield Hero in the past several years. Now, I think it’s time I blast through this isekai so I can get to Isekai Quartet. I know it’s absurd to push up a wonky spin-off like that. But I watched Carnival Phantasm when I clearly didn’t know half of those characters. We learn from our oopsies and mistakes. I’m older and wiser now. Once I finish this, I’ve watched all…
But don’t you have to watch Tanya of the Evil too?
(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
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Momonga is a working man, who in his off-time plays an MMORPG named Yggdrasil and plays a character known as Ains. After so many hours playing this game, the servers are going to shut down and he is the only one left with his memories of the good times playing. He decides to stay on the server until midnight when the servers plan to go dead. Midnight strikes and he’s still logged in. Problem is, HE CAN’T LOG OUT! Welcome to the Isekai rabbit-hole! But unlike many other isekais, Momonga has a legion of loyal servants to do what he says. Hell, he can cop a feel on a hot girl and she’ll just moan and beg for more.
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Albedo is all kinds of kinky!
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So, let’s watch as Momonga (or Ains Oon Goal) navigate this world where the NPC’s do a lot more than you’d expect and a world that’s different from the game. He is the overpowered overlord that will one day rule the land. Get ready. There’s about four seasons and a million chapters of light novel to this.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Say what you will about FUNimation, they do give us some quality dubs from time to time. And in the first season, I was so happy to hear Ed Blaylock’s voice in what was probably his final role (that wasn’t One Piece related) before his passing. I’m also impressed with Chris Gurrero’s voice going from Momonga to Ains like that. I almost thought it was two different voice actors, so color me impressed. If you’re wondering, I did watch some of this series subbed. A lot of the specials and movies were sub only so I had no choice in the matter. But by the time season four came around, I was already caught up so I caught the sub there.
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Hey, I wasn’t going to miss out on Mamoru Miyano acting dorky. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Ains is played by Satoshi Hino (known for Sai on Naruto Shippuden, Kamui on Gintama, Rengoku on Demon Slayer, Yuuji on Shakugan no Shana, Hamazura on Index, and Gauche on Black Clover)
*Albedo is played by Yumi Hara (known for Takane on Idolm@ster and Kosame on Magical Girl Site)
*Narberal is played by Manami Numakura (known for Pieck on Attack on Titan, Rio on Assassination Classroom, Brandish on Fairy Tail, and Hibiki on Idolm@ster)
*Shalltear is played by Sumire Uesaka (known for Nagatoro on Miss Nagatoro, Chloe on Miss Kobayashi, Dekomori on Chunibyo, Aya on Tonikawa, Nanase on In/Spectre, and Anastasia on Idolm@ster: CG)
ENGLISH CAST: *Ains is played by Chris Gurrero (known for Moriah on One Piece, Valtos on Black Clover, Nobuta on Assassination Classroom, and Ichiya on Fairy Tail)
*Albedo is played by Elizabeth Maxwell (known for Ymir on Attack on Titan, Uo on Fruits Basket 2019, Caulifla on DB Super, Lisa on Fire Force, Jenny on Fairy Tail, and Cordelia on Gosick)
*Narberal is played by Anasatasia Munoz (known for Gracia on FMA: Brotherhood, Minerva on Fairy Tail, Mayu on Fruits Basket, and Monomi on Danganronpa)
*Shalltear is played by Felecia Angelle (known for Hagakure on My Hero Academia, Georgie on Miss Kobayashi, Asahina on Danganronpa, Tetia on Black Clover, Frill on Wonder Egg Priority, and Perona on One Piece)
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: So, I hate this sick, sadistic bitch right here.
I know it feels weird to stick it out with a season one villain. Especially because season four had a treasure trove of idiots that deserve to be hated. I just hate Clementine.
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SHIPPING: God damn, Albedo and Shalltear are THIRSTY for Ains.
Um…so which girl? Which girl or girls are to be Lord Ains’s wife or mistress or concubine?
Okay, obviously we will never get an answer to that unless we read the entire light novel series. And even then, is there really an answer? We know it’ll never be Evileye from season two despite her sorta falling for Lord Ains.
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Let’s just chalk this section up to the only true ship in this series is Nferia and Enri. Cute moment from them in season one and savior moments in season three. And now they’re married. Oh and I suppose the lizards from season two. Last I saw, they mated and have offspring as of season four. Call it a win if you’re married and still alive by the end of season four.
MUSIC: All of the songs are lit. There’s really nothing more to say on the matter.
Voracity is my favorite.
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ENDING TO SEASON ONE: Throughout the series, we’ve seen Ains in disguise when going on mini-missions throughout the land. He goes by the name of Moman and travels with one of his Pleiades maids Naberal (or Nabe). After killing off these dead-raisers and a very unlikeable villain, he returns to his base to learn that there’s been a betrayal amongst one of his loyal followers.
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It would seem odd for any of these characters to turn against Lord Ains or anything like that, especially when you see it was Shalltear. But whoever caught Shalltear certainly has Ains sweating (if it’s humanly feasible for a skeleton to do so). Not many can compare to his strength. However, Shalltear is a different story. Statistically speaking, there’s a less than 50% chance that Ains can win against her in a fight. When Ains decides to deal with this situation by himself, this frightened many of his disciples. Ains is the only person left of his original group that brought life to many of these characters. If he’s gone, Albedo might lose her sanity. Not just her, but the rest of the characters too. So, when Ains went after Shalltear, it looked like his power was useless to zap her out of her trance. And she did seem somewhat conflicted going against her lord and master. Could it be that someone besides Ains was stuck in the game as well? Could it be one of his former comrades from before the game shut down?
The end of this season doesn’t give us that answer. But we were not disappointed by the Ains vs. Shalltear fight. Ains didn’t hold back in this fight and ended up using many items crafted by his former comrades who used to be a part of the game before the permanent shutdown. I know there’s a lot to be said about overpowered protagonists and how boring a show can be with one of those, but for some reason I can live with Ains taking down a rogue servant. Ains ends up killing Shalltear, but then resurrects her (for a very steep price).
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Shalltear is unaware of what happened during that time she was being mind-controlled. And I suppose we will not know until the following season.
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PLEIADES SPECIALS: What the hell? Is this shit animated by the same company that does Isekai Quartet? Son of a gun, it is! Every season, there will be these short episodes. These episodes have everything you would expect from your average short-run special including; fanservice, main focus on characters that we never focus on, out of place dialogue, and no one acting like they would in the main show (except for Albedo). As the name indicates, we focus on the Pleiades combat maids; Yuri, Lupusregina, Narberal, Solution, CZ, and Entoma. And there’s only one thing I want to say about the specials.
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I got to watch Clementine die six more times.
Oh yeah, there’s also a Clementine special with the Pleiades. More Clementine torture! I can’t say no to that. But that’s just the first season. Later seasons feature many crazier characters like Pandora’s Actor. Mamoru Miyano is having so much fun with this role. I know he is.
SEASON TWO: Three years, two recap movies, millions of Rule 34 artworks featuring Albedo, and a multitude of Isekai Quartet-style specials later…
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We’re watching the story of dragon tribes getting a stark warning in the sky, working together, and then defeating armies of the undead. Wait, did I pick up some other anime by mistake or is this really Overlord? Yeah, the first few episodes of this season we’re watching a lot of these dragons, learning about these characters, and then watch them die off (this time by Coctys). That is until Ains comes in and forces the remaining dragon clans to answer to him.
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The rest of this season had a lot of screentime to Sebas. Sebas was found interfering in the human world. He took in and healed a prostitute named Tuare and assisted with helping the bodyguard of a princess. With Sebas doing a lot of questionable actions while undercover with Solution, Lord Ains might fear of another betrayal much like last season with Shalltear. But as we all know, the opening theme told us that Demiurge was going to betray Lord Ains. Maybe! Ains gave his decision and will not punish Sebas and will see to it that Tuare will be taken care of by having her serve at the Great Tomb of Nazerick.
As it turns out, a lot of factions in this part of the story want to put an end to a crime syndicate known as “Eight Fingers”. The kingdom (particularly Princess Renner) has her close allies (Blue Rose) and loyal bodyguard (Climb) take out their organization. Sebas has had his moments with these gentlemen, as the crime syndicate consisted of brothels with injured women. Along with Sebas, we also have season one veterans Brain and Gazef get involved. However, things get messy when several of these groups get a nasty meeting.
I mean it, this season is full of new characters that are either in several episodes in great detail or die off faster than their appearance in the opening sequence. And in usual Medea-fashion, I’m going to have to give these people stupid nicknames. Let’s see…
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Fluffy and Fuzzy’s Guide to You-Know-What
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Thing One and Thing Two
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Isekai Jasper
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Fat Royal Armin
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Blonde Yuno Gasai
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Dead One, Dead Two, Corpse One, Corpse Two...
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Feminine Obvious Ian Sinclair character
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Gilgamesh Knock-Off
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END OF SEASON TWO: What do you suppose is going to happen when Lord Ains’s diciples get involved in a messy situation? You’ve got Entoma eating humans and Demiurge slaughtering members of the princess’s allies in Blue Rose. And then Lord Ains shows up in his Moman disguise right in the middle of this cluster-fucking mess. We do get the fight between Demiurge and Ains, it’s just that Demiurge wasn’t under a spell like Shalltear was last season. This was more of a bigger plan as both of them are using their alias names. It’s all an act.
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Things get messier when Ains gets involved in Blue Rose matters. First of all, Evileye shouldn’t be falling in love with Ains. Ains has no interest and two other thirsty ladies back home. Second of all, this story is already more twisted than Lombard Street in San Francisco. Well, we get a satisfactory conclusion for Ains as he was able to make more connections in order for his alias (Moman) to be the great adventurer. Fake fighting with his allies of the Great Tomb of Nazerick and “defeat” the bad guys. And we close with seeing knock-off Gilgamesh plotting something. Oh, I’m sure we’ll see it in season three.
SEASON THREE: One anime season later…
God damn, that’s pretty fast for a Madhouse production!
Okay so, there’s still no word on who possessed Shalltear back in season one and no word on anyone else in this world from Lord Ains’s time as Momonga. Meanwhile, the guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazerick are planning their next plan of attack. Entoma wants revenge on Evileye from their fight at the end of season two. Solution wants to eat more humans. And Demiurge is looking forward to total world domination. And Ains is trying his best to stay the strong leader in front of everyone and still put out signs in case anyone from the game is there and finds him. With all of that happening isn’t it the perfect time for everyone to take a day off? Yeah, the first episode of this season was almost a throwaway.
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Thankfully, we get back to the engaged storytelling and killing soon after. For a couple of episodes, we follow those humans from season one, Nfirea and Enri. And of course, they are the special kinds of humans Lord Ains trusts the most as they actually know Lord Ains by name and are indebted to him. Plus goblins! Enri controls a horde of goblins. I gotta give this girl some credit, she is pretty bad-ass.
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END OF SEASON THREE: So Ains was not too pleased about random human scum entering the Tomb of Nazerick uninvited. In fact, that downright pissed him off. He kills the trespassers, has Shalltear kill off any runaways, and sent Aura and Mare to send a message to the kingdom with a pretty clear message of, “fuck around and find out”.
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Now the emperor (Gilgamesh knock-off) made a legitimate attempt at forming an alliance to avoid more deaths like what Mare and Aura did in front of him. The royal family however decided to take matters in their own hands. One of the princes (not fat royal Armin) led an army to E-Rantel to take control. In another edition of “fuck around and find out”, Enri led an army of ogres into victory. That and Lupusregina annihilated any survivors. So now we’ve got a full-blown war between the Tomb of Nazerick and the kingdom. Ains has an army of goats that he’s bred to take out…
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THOSE ARE NOT GOATS! No, don’t give me that “Baaa” shit. Those are not goats! Those aren’t even crimes against nature! They’re worse than that. They don’t have a name that they’re so…they shouldn’t even exist. Lord Ains, you are truly a wonder to behold!
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And one warrior actually is given an opportunity to end the bloodshed by becoming one of Ains’s men. It was survivor of season one and two, Gazef Stronoff. Gazef refuses. Let’s see what happens in this edition of “fuck around and see what happens”. Gazef dies in 0.000001 seconds. The end result of this battle, the kingdom lost soldiers somewhere in the tens of thousands including Gazef, who was an essential warrior for the kingdom. Victory goes to Ains and the Tomb of Nazerick. And that’s where we end season three!
Still no word on who brainwashed Shalltear in season one! Still no word if Ains has found any contact with any comrade from before being sucked into Isekai Heaven over here. Let’s see what happens when Season IV comes out.
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Hey, I only had to wait six months for this.
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SEASON FOUR: The opening is still a banger and Ains is now supreme overlord of the entire kingdom (now known as the Sorcerer Kingdom). He is now using his actual form with those he’s never shown before instead of hiding behind his other persona of Moman. Though he will pop in as Moman or have Pandora go in his stead. The important thing is that Ains will be heard and will be obeyed.
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We get some stories involving other creature characters including wolfmen, dwarves, and dragons. But other than that, we see more diplomatic scenes now that Ains and Albedo are frequently present at the kingdom. Gee, wouldn’t it suck if something were to happen to this kingdom? Like if something were to go wrong, do you think Lord Ains would do something so extreme like kill all humans?
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ENDING: Something went wrong and now it’s time for humans to die.
“Someone” stole from the Sorcerer Kingdom. Yeah, this is the night bitches die.
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Look, the kingdom should know to walk on eggshells with Lord Ains. Aura and Mare left a clear and present message for the kingdom in season three not to fuck with the Tomb of Nazerick. But leave it to one big, dumb, idiot, fucking asshole to ruin everything. Yeah, we’re talking about Phillip! The same idiot that tried to hit on Albedo this season, glossing over any other female in the room is the mastermind in stealing from the Sorcerer Kingdom. The balls on this man! Well, I’m pretty sure by the end of this season, the balls on this man will be torn asunder.
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Prince Zanac (the guy I call Fat Royal Armin) took over royal duties for his ailing father. He has hopes of quelling Lord Ains’s fury and prevent the entire kingdom to be wiped out. And it went over as one would expect from this guy. His negotiations with Lord Ains fell flat and his own men mutinied and sent Fat Royal Armin’s head in a bag for Lord Ains. This is in hopes that these men and their families would be spared from Lord Ains’s wrath.
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I gotta say, seeing Fat Royal Armin’s head in a bag brought back School Days memories. But I was just surprised Crunchyroll showed this. We see more season two survivors pledging loyalty to Lord Ains. And a shining armor guy with a fake name try to stop Ains from destroying the entire kingdom. Almost had Ains on his knees. I say almost because that wasn’t really Lord Ains meeting the knight, but Pandora’s Actor dressed up like Lord Ains.
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The kingdom genocide is about to proceed as Cocytus comes through parts of the kingdom by freezing everything in sight. He also wound-up freezing Brain (one of the few characters that survived since season one). Princess Renner and Climb stay behind while their comrades of Blue Rose leave. The slaughter commences. Mare leads her army through the kingdom. Meanwhile, Lord Ains and Demiurge take out the king. Albedo ends up taking care of Phillip, that big, dumb, idiot, fucking asshole I mentioned before. Whether or not Albedo tears this guy’s nutsack asunder is up for debate, but I’d like to think she did. As it stands, it looked like Climb and Princess Renner were the last two seen alive. Climb ends up trying to fight Ains. He puts up a decent fight, but we all know the overlord was going to take him out. And now for the most disturbing scene of the season.
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Climb wakes up to Princess Renner who is now a demon with ties to Lord Ains. She asks him to become a demon with her as well so they can live happily ever after for all eternity. The princess was behind this mass genocide. Most of the plans was from her. I KNEW IT! I KNEW THIS BITCH WAS TROUBLE FROM THE START! I KNEW THERE WAS NO GOOD IN TRUSTING PRINCESS BLONDE YUNO GASAI! NO GOOD! And then she sings a demonic Disney princess song while many viewers are pissing themselves in utter fright.
And with the fourth season’s end let’s check out the mysteries that remain so. Still no word on who possessed Shalltear in season one. No sign of any allies from Momonga’s time before the MMORPG became for real. Unknown connection with the latest characters we saw in the fourth season. And the kill count is infinity +1.
Overlord was not what I expected. Going into this, I thought this was going to be like the other Isekai animes that came out at the same time. For starters, there were characters I thought were going to have more screen time than they really did. The first 2 seasons, it felt like that when it came to Shalltear and Albedo. Most of the time we just saw Lord Ains in disguise with one of his maids, Narberal. But that’s the funny thing, we rarely saw any of the Pleiades in season four.
And then there’s the massive cast list for every season. Adventurers in season one, lizardmen in season two, goblins in season three, and dwarves, dragons, and wolfmen in season four. Add to that a myriad of humans that are going to be dead soon enough. You know when you’re watching Overlord’s many bomb-ass opening sequences and we see many characters with bomb-ass entrances? Many of their appearances are about as long as their couple of seconds in the opening. Don’t get me wrong, there are characters that have extended episodes dedicated to them. But some of them I don’t even remember when I replay the opening themes. I play them a lot. They’re all bangers!
So, what’s next? The light novel is still in publication and last checked it’s nowhere near being finished. One can wonder what we’re to expect next. Although, the final message in season four means we’re heading to a final arc of some sort or something might change if we’re to get another continuation. Whatever the case is, I’m all in and waiting for the next installment.
If you would like to check out Overlord, Crunchyroll and Hulu have every season available.
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agerefandom · 2 years
haaaai! if i may request a moodboard for a little giyuu tomioka and/or cg kyoujuro rengoku from demon slayer? tysm !! i love ur stuff btw keep up the good work!!! (from, little-bear-blue 💙)
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Regressor!Giyuu for you, @little-bear-blue! also thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my little creations!!! (>w<)
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bunnipawbs-agere · 18 days
【Welcome To My Blog!】
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My name's Fuyu, but you can call me Bunni! Welcome to my blog!
Pronouns: He/it
Age: 15(big) 3-6(little)
Other things??: Bunny regressor, Gay, trans, Poc, Audhd
I do have a few fictional CGs (Sanemi, rengoku, Fuyuhiko (sometimes) ) so I might post about them!!
I'm actually very shy when I'm big, and mostly nonverbal when I'm real small,,but I can be pretty talkative in middle space! My dms are always open, but I might not respond right away!!
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This is an agere blog where I'll be posting the following,,,:
DNI banners
Art (maybe!)
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I'll be taking requests for:
DNI banners
You can also just ask me questions, if you'd like!! I like interacting with followers <333
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I will do requests for anything except for:
Real people
Concerning Vivziepop, I will ONLY do requests related to: Angel Dust, Husker, and Millie (since these were former comfort characters, I do still love them!)
(I will also ignore any requests I'm uncomfortable with doing!!)
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Examples of:
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DNI banner
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That's all for now! I hope to have a good time here!! See you! -🐰
Credits: 🐰
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kny-agere · 2 months
Hi, may I request something with little Obanai with caregiver Rengoku? A drabble or headcannons is fine, thanks.
Cg! Rengoku & Little! Iguro
- Rengoku is ofc really really enthusiastic about taking care of Iguro
- He likes to hold Iguro a lot, the boy’s feet almost never touch the ground because Kyojuro is always carrying him
- Iguro doesn’t mind it either though
- He doesn’t like too much touch but Rengoku is very careful with his hands and doesn’t pull or squeeze too tightly
- Iguro is OBSESSED with using Kyojuro’s sleeveless haori (cape) as a blanket
- Ofc the man is equally obsessed with how cute his little looks all swaddled up
- He’s really good at getting Obanai to ear
- Rengoku just sits and shouts his usual decorations of “delicious!” until the little one gets curious and takes a bite of the food too
- Senjuro also likes saying hello to any regressors but Iguro can be very very shy
- He always manages to murmur a soft “thank you” because Rengoku is very focused on good manners
- The flame hashira isn’t big on punishments though He focuses more on talking things out
- Very very rarely he might put Iguro in a time out but that’s about as intense as he gets
- Iguro is a brat sometimes but other than being stubborn or cranky he’s not rebellious
- Rengoku loves his little a lot but he worries about Iguro too because the boy isn’t good at taking care of himself even when non-regressed
- He tries really really hard not to bother Iguro but he’s so intent on caring for the boy that he keeps making little comments
- Obanai doesn’t mind *too* much but occasionally he does get annoyed by it
- Half the time it makes him begin to regress which is especially annoying (and means Kyojuro is likely to get yelled at)
- At times like this he doesn’t reprimand Iguro at all since he is partially to blame
- If the boy is beginning to regress however he might use a more commanding tone
- Sometimes it can help him regress too!!
- Other times Iguro freaks out about punishments/discipline because of his own childhood but Kyojuro is always quick to calm him down and offer some comfort
- Rengoku gets a little nervous about Kaburamaru because outside of demon slaying he can be rather clumsy but he likes the snake itself well enough
- Obanai of course loves his snake and often excitedly points out whenever Kaburamaru’s tongue flicks out of he blinks
- Rengoku just goes “good job!” and moves on because he’s not quite sure how to react lol
- I like the hc that they grew up together and because Kyojuro saw his scars multiple times Obanai is a lot less secretive about them
- It’s a big help because because it’s like Iguro has one less thing on his mind
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kerfufflecricket · 4 months
omg i love demon slayer agere!!!!!! i have found my people!!!! could you do little obanai & cg mitsuri or little obanai & cg rengoku ??? maybe he wants snuggles??? your choice!!!
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Thank you for being patient!!
Mama Mitsuri and little Obanai owns my entire heart!!! <3 can't wait to draw more of them!!
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haikyuu-agere-sfw · 3 years
Hi I just came across your blog and am in love! I was wondering if you would be willing to do a little reader x cg tanjiro or rengoku where the reader is stressed and finally slips (its cool if not I just saw you also like demon slayer! ~🐄)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️AWWWW That’s such a cute idea!!! Also YAY AN EMOJI ANON I’ve never had an emoji anon so YOU’RE THE FIRST!!!! I’ll do two separate ones as I’ve finished Demon Slayer (anime) and I’m waiting for more to come out. Gosh, Rengoku is just so CUTE!! Sorry, sorry, to the post!
Little Reader x CG Tanjiro ❤️Tanji’s Baby❤️ [ “bubba” nickname ] [ impure regression]
Tanjiro loved to help you out. He’s a huge people-pleaser as it is, knowing you were a little only made it “worse”. He spoiled you rotten. Making you things, sewing stuffies for you, even getting Nezuko to help out sometimes. You loved him, he was so kind and amazing, you never wanted to leave. It didn’t take long for him to find out you were a little, accidentally walking in while you were, but he was accepting. You explained it to him and he immediately offered to be your caregiver, granted you didn’t have one. Of course you said yes because who wouldn’t want Tanjiro as a caregiver? Crazy people, you decided, that’s who wouldn’t. 
Well, one day he came home and saw you stressed out. You’d finished the test to become a demon slayer with him and he was so proud of you. However, the stress of all of it crashed down on you hard and it really messed with you. You were feeling sick, hungry, small, and overwhelmed. He noticed immediately, as always very sensitive to others emotions, and rushed to your side. 
“What is it love? What’s wrong?” He cupped your face, frowning worriedly. “Are you okay, are you hurt? I don’t smell any blood. Is it internal? Bruises? Come on, talk to me baby, tell bubba what’s wrong.” He begged, stroking your cheeks. If someone hurt you, he’d make sure they never did again. 
“Don’ wanna!” You burst out. “Don’ wanna don’ wanna don’ wanna!” You repeated the phrase, slipping and throwing a huge tantrum. It caught him off guard but he let you get it out, making sure you weren’t going to hurt yourself on accident. Finally, you calmed down and he sat with you, cooing and petting your head. Crying, you hid your face in his chest. 
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay.” He kissed your head and spent the rest of the day spoiling you and making sure you were safe, loved, and taken care of. He got you to calm down, found out how old you were, and played until you fell asleep. When you finally did, he kept you close to him, humming. He hated the world for stressing out his poor baby so much. 
Little Reader x Rengoku ❤️Ren’s Baby❤️ [ nickname “daddy” ] [ tantrum ]
You and Rengoku, or Ren as you liked to nickname him, were friends for a long time before you told him about your little space. When you finally did, his response was a big smile and “I know”. It surprised you but he was accepting and helped you set up a room specifically for your little space filled with toys, coloring supplies, pacis, stuffies, blankets, and extra juice bottles. It was amazing and you loved the effort he put in for you.
“So, do you need a caregiver or do you have one? Cause if you need one I wouldn’t mind stepping in until you get one!” Ren offered. “I don’t mind. What are friends for, right?” He smiled brightly and you smiled back, nodding. He nodded, his long hair bouncing a little as he did.
Now, two weeks later, you were starting to slip. Ren noticed you’d been really stressed, so it didn’t surprise him to see you starting to slip. You were crying a bit, so he dried your cheeks and kissed your head, telling you a story to distract you from whatever made you cry. It worked well and he handled it well. 
Until your tantrum. 
He made the mistake of forgetting about cookies after dinner and you threw a huge tantrum about it, finally letting out all the pent up emotion you’d been building up for a long time. He tried to comfort you, receiving a foot to the chin as he tried, but he continued to try and help you. When you’d calmed down, he held you until you fell asleep. 
I hope this is good! I tried my best ><
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wonderinglullaby · 1 year
hihi! I was wondering if mayhaps you can do a cg!rengoku stimboard? :3c
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Of course!! This one was really fun to make honestly, I hope you like it!
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chaeritopia · 2 years
byf + dni!
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before you follow:
♡ this blog creates and interacts with nsfw content. if that’s not your cup of tea, leave my page.
♡ don’t pressure me into updating. i write whenever i feel like it.
♡ read my works' warnings before you start reading, they do serve a purpose.
♡ i age up my characters, usually to their mid to late 20s. if that’s not your thing, feel free to block me.
♡ i write for kakegurui, jujutsu kaisen, kuroshitsuji, boku no hero academia, bungo stray dogs, kimetsu no yaiba, vanitas no carte, shingeki no kyojin and sk8 the infinity.
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do not interact if:
♡ you’re a minor or ageless blog. this is a nsfw blog, i don’t want anybody under 18 interacting with my content.
♡ you’re racist, sexist, xenophobic, misogynistic, LGBTQ+phobic, ableist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, fatphobic, pro-ed, a mlm/wlw fetishiser, a pro-shipper, if you romanticize trauma, justify maps, fetishise people of colour & queer people, support character hate nights.
♡ you cannot seperate fiction from reality. go outside, touch some grass.
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request rules:
♡ requests for thirsts, ficlets and headcanons are open.
♡ please be kind and patient when requesting something. we fic writers do this for free, after all.
♡ i have the right to decline a request if it makes me uncomfortable.
♡ do specify your request. just a few lines regarding the scenario and character(s) involved should be enough to get me inspired.
♡ i don’t do character x character ships.
♡ i write for gender-neutral reader (anatomy remains ambiguous) and female reader.
♡ will write: smut, fluff, angst, horror, poly relationships, dom/sub dynamics, size difference, dub-con, degradation, humiliation, praise, dumbification, masturbation, squirting, anal sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, bondage, breath play, impact play, use of toys, knife & gun play, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sensory deprivation, yandere content, roleplay, blood and gore, monsterfucking (to an extent)
♡ will not write:  pedophilia, incest, step-cest, non-con, necrophilia, lgbtq+ -phobia, racism, sexism, ableism, beastiality, mpreg, b!p, g!p, lactation, watersports, scat, puke, feet, underaged, infantilisation, cheating, pregnancy, ageplay, cg/l, romanticisation of mental illness, suicide, self-harm, abuse, teacher/student relationships, major character death
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characters i write for:
♡ kakegurui: yumeko jabami, mary saotome, midari ikishima, kirari momobami, ririka momobami, rei batsubami
♡ jujutsu kaisen: yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, satoru gojo, maki zenin, nobara kugisaki, mai zenin, kento nanami, suguru geto, sukuna, mei mei
♡ kuroshitsuji: undertaker, sebastian michaelis, vincent phantomhive, mey-rin, grelle sutcliff, william t. spears, ronald knox, ran-mao, lau
♡ boku no hero academia: bakugo katsuki, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, ochako uraraka, momo yaoyorozu, keigo takami, nemuri kayama, dabi, himiko toga, shota aizawa
♡ bungo stray dogs: osamu dazai, doppo kunikida, atsushi nakajima, akiko yosano, chuuya nakahara, ryunosuke akutagawa, gin akutagawa, sakunosuke oda
♡ kimetsu no yaiba: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, kyojuro rengoku, giyu tomioka, shinobu kocho, mitsuri kanroji, obanai iguro, sanemi shinazugawa, gyomei himejima, tengen uzui, daki, akaza, doma, muzan kibutsuji
♡ sk8 the infinity: reki kyan, langa hasegawa, kaoru sakurayashiki, kojiro nanjo
♡ vanitas no carte: vanitas, noé archiviste, dominique de sade, jeanne
♡ shingeki no kyojin: mikasa ackerman, levi ackerman, eren jaeger, hange zoë
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