#cg fukuchi ouchi
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
little!nikolai content is the content the world deserves got any headcanons on it??
Absolutely! I haven't seen much regressor content for the BSD fandom so I figured I'd make it myself since I'm hyperfixated on BSD and I've been regressing again lately and clown man and has somehow become one of my favorites.
Nikolai is calmer when regressed than when he's not.
He always shows up around someone in the DOA and the Rats.
Fyodor doesn't like babysitting? Too bad, he now has a clown child to look after.
If Sigma's busy but Nikolai's regressing at the Sky Casino, he follows him around and tries to help.
Fukuchi keeps him on a child harness attached to his desk with coloring books. He stays with him, of course, but he'd rather not lose him again.
Bram will tell him stories of his time in Europe. Nikolai loves all of his stories.
Ivan matches his energy so they tend to interact a lot while Nikolai's regressed.
Shibusawa treats him like proud father. Nikolai very much likes being referred to as 'little treasure'.
Mushitaro tried to babysit him once and both of them ended up crying. Nobody knows how it happened. Mushitaro is no longer allowed to babysit Nikolai without someone else with him.
Nikolai gets overly attached to things he's given when regressed because he never had many things of his own growing up and now he's trying to make up for it.
He once wouldn't give up a wrapper Fyodor gave him and cried until he had it back. He does get rid of them when he ages back up, though.
Mushitaro won him a bear at the carnival once and he never lets it go when he regresses, it's now a comfort item. If you take it away, he cries until he has it back.
Sigma spoils him. Why? Because he can. Nikolai has many regression items solely from Sigma due to this. It's also because Sigma gets not having a childhood and trying to make up for it.
Fukuchi gives him coloring books and markers and just lets him run wild. This is how Fukuchi ended up with a marker-colored mustache not once, but seven times. He still hasn't learned, but he can't punish Nikolai for it or the others will try to kill him.
Fyodor pretends to ignore him when he's around him while regressed, but he'll secretly slip him snacks and toys to keep him happy every so often.
Nikolai frequently coerces Shibusawa into showing him his horn because he thinks it's pretty. Shibusawa is incredibly fond of this tiny child calling his horn pretty.
Ivan takes him out places. He likes going places, Nikolai likes following him. Nikolai's favorite place to go is the park because he can 'force' Ivan to push him on the swings.
Nikolai usually can be found lulled to sleep by stories in the bottom half of Bram's coffin when he's regressed around him since he tends to fall asleep when Bram tells him stories.
Pushkin asked him exactly once if he was useful at all while he was regressed. He was in the hospital for six months afterwards. Nobody knows exactly who it was and none of Nikolai's caretakers will tell.
Everyone refers to regressed Nikolai as the 'communal child'.
Nikolai falls asleep on everyone, nobody minds. Except Fyodor, Fyodor loses his ability to move but it's a sacrifice he's willing to make for a sleeping clown child.
Nikolai hides a lot when he regresses. This has ended up with five people frantically playing an impromptu game of hide and seek for him only to find him sleeping in Bram's coffin or somewhere in the Sky Casino on multiple occasions.
Everyone fought over who got to babysit him at first, but Nikolai solved that by choosing for himself and completely disregarding them.
Fyodor teaches regressed Nikolai to curse at people he doesn't like.
Regressed Nikolai will call you a bitch if you mess with his caregivers. He has made Fukuchi cry before by doing this after Fukuchi called the others 'a bunch of mother hens'.
Nikolai will randomly burst out cursing while regressed. Nobody knows why. Nikolai doesn't even know why. It's a mystery. Everyone blames Fyodor.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,810 Words
Summary: Snapshots of Nikolai getting babysat by his allies.
Warnings: Age Regression, Bullying Mention, Cursing, Anxiety Attack Mention, Death Mention, Nausea Mention, Caps, let me know if I should tag anything else.
BSD Little Oneshots: Chapter 6: Little!Nikolai x Caregivers!DOA & Rats
Stumbling upon it had initially been an accident. You see, you could argue the DOA and Rats meeting was going as planned. If you weren't a certain Nikolai Gogol, that is. He knew, of course, that everyone else would describe this meeting as normal, business, casual even. Even Sigma, who hated these meetings was perfectly fine today.
Unfortunately, he wasn't able to pay attention. He was busy bouncing between headspaces and trying to keep his mouth shut so nothing stupid came out, no babble, not a word. He refused to speak because he knew his voice would come out wrong, come out like a baby. He'd taken to nodding and shaking his head as a response.
And Fukuchi had taken to asking him things he just simply didn't answer once he'd caught on that he was being quiet today. But, even with his questions, Fukuchi breezed past him easily regardless of answer or not. Fukuchi always did like monologues.
"Can someone remind me again how he's useful? I mean, such a strong ability is wasted if he's so slow mentally." Pushkin remarked and Nikolai felt his adult headspace crash a bit.
He refused to look up, he knew he'd look too stupid if he did, too young. He didn't want them to see him like this, he didn't want to even be here but everyone insisted that everyone attend. Even Shibusawa had joined as a tagalong to Fyodor, like a thorn in his side.
"What the fuck, Pushkin?" Sigma snapped. He looked over at the two-tone in confusion, he felt tears on his face. He didn't know when they got there, he didn't know when Bram began growling at Pushkin, eyes flashing dangerously, either but he was. The whole room was tense and he heard hiccups. Was that him?
"Why's the baby crying, hmm? You know you aren't useful?" Pushkin continued.
"I am!" He hiccupped, he felt like he was shaking.
"He even sounds like a kid." Pushkin laughed.
"You need to leave, right now. Before you regret coming today." He could have sworn Fyodor was talking to him so that's just what he did, he ran out and home, hiding in his room, hiding in his closet with his pacifier because he knew it was the only thing that could calm him down.
"Kolya!" Came Ivan's voice eventually, he heard the others too. They were looking for him, he knew.
So he didn't make a sound from his place in the closet, hand over his mouth, breath shaking and he was scared. Did they come to kill him? He couldn't escape like this, he was too small to use his ability with any accuracy, he could end up in the middle of an ocean, or falling from the sky.
"I think he's in the closet." Shibusawa told Ivan, probably the others as well.
"Why would he be in the closet? Wouldn't he have left by now?" Fukuchi asked.
"His breathing, it's quiet, but he's there." He hated Shibusawa's senses, he did. He knew too much too often and this is the one time he didn't want to be found.
"Kolya." Fyodor opened the door, kneeling before the closet when he spotted him in the far corner. He would die here, Fyodor would kill him. He didn't want to die like this, his chest felt too tight, he wanted to hide, he needed to breathe but he couldn't.
"He's panicking." Shibusawa alerted them.
"Panicking? Kolya, we made Pushkin leave. You can calm down." Fyodor assured him.
"Here, move." Sigma shoved his way past the others and sat with him in the corner. "Deep breaths. Slowly." The two-tone assured him, hand on his arm softly to give him something to latch onto. He followed his instruction, mimicking the calm, slow deep breaths that the other was taking to guide him.
"See? You're okay." Sigma assured him. "Just relax, you're safe. Nobody will hurt you. You're not stupid, Pushkin is an asshole."  He nodded, hands still over his mouth, now to hide his pacifier more than quiet his breathing.
"Nikolai, are you nauseous?" Ivan asked.
"Yeah, he's still holding his mouth." Mushitaro realized.
"Kolya, nausea's okay, just tell us. Are you sick?" Fyodor asked. He shook his head, that wasn't it. He didn't want to be made fun of again.
"Oh." Sigma hummed. He realized he'd seen it, he'd seen it and he was done for. They'd get rid of him, kill him so they didn't have a baby running around with their secrets. "It's cute, Kolya. Nobody will say anything or they'll deal with me." Sigma threatened. Slowly, hands shaking, he let his hands down and the others got to see his white pacifier.
"Aw." Ivan crooned.
"That's cute." Shibusawa admitted softly.
"See? No need to be scared." Sigma assured him. "Do you wanna sleep? Anxiety attacks can be exhausting." Sigma offered, getting up himself, expecting Nikolai to follow, obviously.
"Up." He quietly requested.
"Up we go then." Sigma crouched down and he latched on, unsure if they'd both tip over but he was a bit shocked when Sigma could easily lift him and carry him to bed. "Get some sleep, Kolya." Sigma was quiet whispering while he tucked him into the blankets, hushing the others and their bickering over who got to take care of the baby next.
Next time he regressed, he himself chose to latch onto Fyodor's arm, following him home from a restaurant that him, Sigma, and Fyodor had visited. Well, into a store and then home.
After the they got to Fyodor's apartment, he got handed a few jingly toys and he happily sat on the floor next to Fyodor's couch playing with said toys for hours, only occasionally sticking them into the other's face and making him look at the pretty, loud toys he'd been given.
He wouldn't complain if he was occasionally handed a kid's sized bag of fruit snacks or goldfish or a smaller toy. He did cry after Fyodor tossed out a wrapper he'd been given until the other had retrieved it, washed it, and given it back. He liked being around Fyodor, despite the other's adamance that he 'didn't care'.
Interrupting Sigma's day was a favorite pastime, he liked bothering him, Sigma had containments for him to not bother anyone else but him. So he followed him around with one of his toys Fyodor had given him, holding onto his arm and trailing along whilst the other man did his job.
Sigma made no complaint, so he just kept going, eventually leaving to go to sleep in Sigma's room. He woke up to quiet bickering and everyone telling him they'd been looking for him for three hours now. He did find that rather funny, the thought of six people frantically searching a casino for a baby who had been in one place the whole time.
Mushitaro got to babysit exactly once, through no fault of either him or Nikolai himself. But they were at the carnival and Mushitaro had won him a white bear with red eyes he'd named Katja.
However both of them ended up crying somehow. He didn't know how, neither did Mushitaro. But Ivan and Shibusawa had to go get them and bring them home. Mushitaro was no longer allowed to babysit him without someone else there.
Following Shibusawa home was odd. The man lived in some weird tower place, but he wanted to follow him around. Tatsuhiko didn't seem to mind, so he sat on a couch playing with his bear until Shibusawa got the bright idea to interact with him.
Said interaction was easy, Nikolai didn't really mind it, he patted where the other's horn would be and giggled claiming the horn was pretty. It was, after all. He liked it, at least. Shibusawa actually showed him the horn and he began sticking stickers and bows to it and into the other's hair.
Being called 'little treasure' made him giddy with joy, he liked it. So he called Tatsuhiko 'Dragon Dad' back, much to the other's already flared hoarding dragon instincts. And he didn't complain getting cuddled to sleep, hair being brushed through gently.
Ivan didn't quite bring him home when he chose him, he brought him to the park. Nikolai got to go on the swings so he was pleased. Ivan actually matched his attention so playing tag at the park was no problem for either of them.
And, certainly, having a platonic 'date' at a boba shop after was fun for them both, and certainly getting to go home and play hide and seek was also fun, thankfully Ivan was good at seeking.
Following Fukuchi home was an unfortunate side effect of Bram promising to tell him stories. He'd made Fukuchi cry earlier, calling him a bitch at their meeting when Fukuchi had called everyone 'mother hens'. At which, Fyodor had been outed as teaching him to curse while he was regressed.
Bram had actually laughed, which made him smile too while he watched the others argue over Fyodor and his teaching of swear words to a child. Fyodor was rather unphased, which was funny watching five others yell at him to stop teaching young children to curse.
So he'd determined he'd spend time with Bram, nobody ever really did. But Fukuchi had begun thinking it was him he was following as he stole a book from Fukuchi's bookshelf for them to read.
He snuck off to Bram's coffin after, sitting in the bottom to keep him company and he listened to Bram's stories of Europe until he fell asleep in the bottom half of the coffin with him, both settling on taking a nap before another story began.
He was once again woken up to quiet arguments about who had been watching him, to which he burst out with 'BRAM!', waking the other who simply sighed and smiled at him and urged him to read to him this time.
Fukuchi got him a child harness and had it on a leg of his desk. He'd been given markers, water, snacks, and coloring books he was occupied with. But then Fukuchi had fallen asleep and he decided coloring his mustache bright pink would be a good activity.
Bram was propped as an extra babysitter in his coffin against the wall, laughing at him and ended up waking Fukuchi up with his laughter. He continued coloring Fukuchi's mustache every time he was babysat by him from then on.
Regressing right before a meeting wasn't uncommon now, but he certainly didn't expect to end up being in a cuddle pile with everyone. Even Bram had been joined, he was hugging him in place of Katja, who Sigma was holding onto for him.
He was happy they'd figured it out. Giggling in the middle of a cuddle pile was the best way to spend an unproductive meeting.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: Nikolai x Sigma (Pre-Relationship)
Word Count: 3,326 Words
Summary: Nikolai doesn't know how to stick up for himself while working for Tonan.
Warnings: Age Regression, Hurt/Comfort, Harassment Mention, Panic Mention, Assault Mention, Immunodeficient Character, Panic Attack Mention, Death Mention, Food Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
BSD Little Oneshots: Chapter 4: Little!Nikolai x Caregiver!Sigma
The wig was too tight today. Nikolai supposed he should have loosened it after cleaning it again, but he'd had barely any time this morning to get dressed, let alone think about fixing his disguise.
He hated this job, he did, even if it was for his Dostoy. Was the job truly worth being abused by his boss? It felt too oddly much like being shown off at the circus when Tonan sometimes decided he'd like to show off his 'pretty secretary' to other people.
His headspace was far too cloudy today staring at mindless paperwork and words he couldn't even make out anymore and glasses that were hurting his head more. He took said glasses off to rub at his eyes, feeling hands on his shoulders that went down over his chest.
He looked up at that, finding Tonan there and he smiled for him regardless. He'd done so well appearing professional around him, despite the very blatant workplace harassment. But he couldn't really do anything about that, now could he? He needed to go with the plan that Fyodor had set into motion already.
"Hello, Sir!" Tonan didn't respond, he assumed it was the taking off of his glasses. He never had before, he knew. They were something practically useless but did well hiding his blind eye from being noticed, allowing that to be overlooked.
"My head just hurts a bit. Paperwork, you know. It's no problem, Sir." He explained, trying to quell his boss' seeming worry over him.
"I don't care." He was confused at that. Even when he wasn't particularly working well, Tonan always cared. He'd assign more work at the least, like a punishment, but it just made it so Nikolai got paid more staying to work late nights.
"Sir-" He tried.
"Shut up." He felt hands on his waist, hauling him up, making him fumble and drop his glasses onto his desk, getting dragged into Tonan's private office. Maybe he had to speak to him in secret and his waist was his only leverage? But he was nervous, he was afraid.
He didn't like people touching him, especially not his waist, where his old ringmaster would forcefully drag him by to force him to move. And he certainly didn't like being pulled along by said waist, it made him nearly panic, which he held back knowing he had to keep his true identity properly hidden.
"Mister Tonan?" He asked, watching the official lock the door and pull the shades down. He was getting scared in this lonesome enclosed space. Is this how Sigma felt when he was held captive by human traffickers?
"Shut up, I waited four months for this." Tonan growled and he felt hands grabbing at unwanted places and he tried to push his hands off. He didn't have another way to stop him, he couldn't use his ability or his cover would be gone. The plan could go up in smoke. And this far in? He couldn't waste their meticulous plan now.
"Stop fighting." The booming voice made him freeze up, breath shaking as he stopped moving, eyes looking over him. "Good boy."
He felt sick, he wanted to struggle or fight back or use his ability, kill this man. But he couldn't do anything but wait until he was unceremoniously dumped onto the floor, like he was just a piece of trash, shaking and hiccups pouring from him.
"Get dressed, go work." He didn't move, respond, he couldn't. He couldn't even bring himself to fully acknowledge Tonan's presence. He was busy trying to breathe, trying to stop shaking.
"Listen to your orders!" He shook getting himself redressed and went back to work out at his desk. He couldn't focus, he couldn't breathe even, but he felt some weird autopilot come over him to make him work.
"See, I knew you'd like some stress relief with me. Go home if you're work's done, my good boy." His skin crawled at the pet name. He felt sick at it. But his work was done, so he got to go home early tonight.
He certainly didn't feel like he was at home, he felt somewhere a million miles away. He hid in his blankets, having scrubbed his skin raw with burning water. His black and white kitten, Vera, practically stalked him, sensing her owner's distress and trying to help solve it the best her tiny self could.
He knew he went to sleep crying, but he couldn't bear to acknowledge it, he couldn't even think about going back to work tomorrow. He'd cry more if he went in again, he knew, so he called out sick.
The first time he had, actually, even with his weak immune system, he hadn't called out yet from this job. Thankfully, the Rats and Angels meeting was the next day. He couldn't think of anything more mindless than sitting through a meeting, getting to spend time with his friends.
Getting to the meeting was silent, he didn't know how to act anymore, he just wanted to not be alone. They all seemed rather shocked to see him, they hadn't expected him, obviously. He didn't really expect to just go completely blank during the meeting.
"Nikolai? Thoughts, since you're here today." Ivan asked and Fyodor looked at him expectantly. Everyone was. He felt so overwhelmed already that he broke from the pressure, feeling tears unwillingly pour over his face, trying his best to hide them. He didn't want them, he didn't want them to think he was weak.
"Is he crying?" Fukuchi asked. He bit back the hiccups that threatened to come from his unsteady breaths. He didn't want to be called weak, he couldn't let them think he was weak. He took a deep breath, trying to even himself out.
"I'm sorry, I'm just sick." He tried to excuse himself, roughly wiping his face, trying to calm himself down for them.
"You don't just burst out crying from being sick, Nikolai." Sigma reminded him.
"Shut up!" He snapped at him, eyes glaring at the two-tone, who rolled his eyes at him and his outburst. "I'm sorry, I just..." He couldn't find a lie, he just couldn't, he was afraid they wouldn't believe him. Sigma looked at him both confused and shocked. Had he really never apologized to him for anything before?
"Does he have a fever or something?" Sigma asked, sitting forward like he was finally intrigued. Nikolai gasped at the hand on his forehead, shoving it away, not letting himself get touched.
"Don't." His voice was trembling, he knew his illusion of being fine had broken.
"Nikolai, what's wrong?" Fyodor asked.
"I can't go back there." He tried and failed to stop the sob that came out, he wanted to hide but he couldn't. He, of all people, knew his ability wasn't one to use when he was this emotional, he could hurt himself that way.
"Go back where?" Bram asked tiredly.
"I can't breathe." He clawed at his chest, trying to undo buttons he knew would have no effect on his difficulty breathing.
"Hey, look at me." Sigma suddenly insisted, hands having taken his own, pressing a hand against the bi-tone's chest. "Slowly, you're having a panic attack. Breathe with me. In through your nose, out through the mouth. You're safe here." He was never more grateful that Sigma wasn't one for humiliating others.
His breath shook, but he did his best to follow the instructions given, hand against Sigma's chest shaking still, hiccups dying down as Sigma tucked him up into his arms. They didn't feel suffocating or frighten him, he felt safer within the other man's arms for now. Perhaps he was just so tired his body wouldn't react.
"Kolya, what happened? Where can't you go back to?" Fyodor asked. He sounded to tense, almost like he was holding himself back from going on a rampage. He was frightened he would be the first one killed in said rampage.
"Tonan." He managed, wiping his face and looking at the Russian, eyes looking over him.
"What did he do? Is your cover broken?" Fukuchi asked.
"Got me alone. Called it stress relief. I was too scared to fight back." He could practically feel the dark aura his admission made settle over the meeting room.
"Tonan assaulted him." Fyodor sounded disgusted. He wanted to burst out crying at the sound. Dostoy probably thought he was disgusting, he felt his heart in his throat, sniffling like a child. He supposed it was rightful of him, someone who had no proper childhood to speak of, to cry like a misplaced child.
"It's okay now, Kolya." Sigma held him close. He felt an odd calmness settle over him, like someone just put clouds in his mind. He felt foggy but he felt fingers so calming in his hair from Sigma. He buried against him, he needed him there right now. He needed to have someone close.
"I'll kill him." Fyodor alerted everyone. Nikolai was too busy clung to Sigma to care what everyone was talking about.
"Kolya?" Sigma asked him, voice gentle and he looked up at him, confused about his own weirdly foggy headspace and Fyodor's disappearance when he looked for him.
"Where Dostoy?" He asked. His voice sounded tiny, it sounded weirdly childish, more than normal, at least. Sigma simply smiled at him.
"Dostoy went out for a minute. How old do you feel?" Sigma asked. He thought for a minute. His age? He was ripely twenty six, his birthday had been recent too. Sigma surely remembered his chaos of a birthday party.
But his mind kept feeding him the answer of two. Why did he feel two? What was happening? He felt scared, he didn't like this confusion. He held two shaky fingers for Sigma.
"Alright, little one. You're safe, it's okay now. Maybe, if you ask him, Pushkin will go get you some candy." Sigma offered. He lit up, he liked candy, he wanted candy. He giggled, nodding.
"Please!?" He chirped at Pushkin.
"Why does he need candy?" Pushkin asked.
"Get the candy and kids snacks. Now." Sigma's voice was commanding, staring at Pushkin with a very scary glare.
"Okay, okay, fine." Pushkin left and Nikolai smiled at Sigma, his thumb tucked into his mouth, other hand playing with Sigma's, poking his face as well, making the other begin smiling fondly again.
"He'll be dead by tomorrow midday." Fyodor announced as he came back in.
"No murder around the baby." Sigma requested.
"Baby?" Fyodor asked.
"Our Kolya has regressed from stress." Sigma informed the rest in the room finally.
"Ah. Truly, a cute baby." Fyodor smiled at him and Nikolai smiled back at him, giggles coming from him, he was happy.
"I don't know what candy or snacks he likes, I got some most of whatever the store had." Pushkin frantically put the bags of food on the table as he came back in. Sigma offered him a handful of whatever he managed to reach. Nikolai slowly, making sure he could, took one of the matcha kitkats.
"Kolya, that's unsanitary." Ivan let him know, handing him a pacifier. Where he got it, nobody knew, nobody probably ever would. But Nikolai took it nonetheless and he giddily settled against Sigma, eating his kitkat and giggling as Fyodor, instead of proceeding the meeting, simply put on a kids movie for him to watch and everyone else to relax to.
The next day going into work was stressful, but he was back to his adult mindset, working until about twenty minutes before his lunch break and he realized he hadn't brought his lunch in his scramble not to be late getting to work.
Once he'd figured out the plan Fyodor had to kill his boss today, he'd put a stop to that, he needed their plan to go through and killing Tonan now would destroy said plan. Tonan had just opened his office door and Nikolai dreaded his entry to the room when he saw a familiar face in very unfamiliar hair.
Sigma, all dressed up in a short light brown wig he'd thrown at him whilst picking the wig for his own disguise, having gone for this current black one instead. He carried a bag and a big smile, a pink visitor's pass clipped to his shirt.
"Mischa, love." Ah, his fake name. Sigma's voice was purposely soft to greet him. "You didn't bring lunch." He held out the bag for him. Tonan was out of his office now, watching him with a keen eye.
"Thank you, Nikita." He picked the first name that came to mind, he didn't care which one it was, but Sigma couldn't be called 'Sigma' in front of his boss.
"And who is this, Mischa?" Tonan asked at him nervously taking the bag from Sigma.
"Just his husband, sir. My Mischa forgot to bring lunch with him today, I hope you don't mind I showed up to bring it to him." Oh, so Sigma was playing the husband card to check on him while also bringing him the lunch he'd forgotten to bring.
"Thank you, honey." He smiled at him, garnering a smile back at him.
"You have a husband?" Tonan asked.
"Yes, sir, we've been married for six years now, going on seven. Sorry for the intrusion, but my husband is just worried about me since I was sick yesterday. You know my immune system isn't the best, so Nikita gets worried about me when I get sick." He assured his boss.
Sigma was clearly smiling at him having gotten his little devious plot to check on him and make sure Tonan didn't bother him. But the other was very obviously putting on a 'concerned husband' mask and he couldn't be prouder of him for acting so well. He assumed it was a good mask because he was actually worried about Nikolai's safety and truly was concerned.
"Ah, well, your husband is safe here, Nick was it? So you can give him his lunch and leave. I just got more paperwork sent over for him." Sigma didn't frown like he expected, surprisingly.
Nikolai smiled at Sigma, letting the other lean over his desk and kiss him goodbye. It didn't feel bad? He didn't hate it, he was soft, almost gentle with him. He broke into a big smile, but tried not to show his complete giddy to the two other men in his presence.
He could squeal over it later when he was at home with his kitten, Vera. He could gush to his kitten, who would simply run around with her zoomies and occasionally land on him to knead at his belly.
"Have a good day, dear." Sigma smiled against his lips, he felt like his heart was far too light for his liking, beating too quickly for it not to be a good thing.
"You too, darling." He smiled back, stealing a kiss back from Sigma, the first of several he knew he'd steal from him.
"I'll see you later, Mischa. Dimitri's making dinner for us to go on a double date with him and Vlad." He could only assume he meant Ivan and Fyodor by the names. He was happy to have him here.
"I love you." He knew saying it might be dangerous, but he liked it. He liked him and he wanted him to know.
"I love you too." Sigma's smile only got brighter. "I'll see you at home." Sigma kissed his forehead, leaving him rather giddy and very much awaiting getting home to his friends being there. Tonan huffed, leaning against his desk.
"You're not to tell your husband what we did the other day, Mischa." Tonan ordered. "I will destroy your life if you do. Your career and reputation will be gone, I assure you." Tonan tried to threaten.
"Sir, I don't plan to. But I'll have to quit if you plan to try that with me again. I have a husband, I love him, our marriage is happy. I can't be your secretary if you don't respect my marriage."
"If you're married, why don't you wear a ring?" 
"It had to get cut off. Remember, I collapsed a month ago because I got sick? You were visiting Hong Kong with Mister Inoue? The doctor cut it off me. Nikita is working on getting me a new one." He lied through his teeth. But Tonan bought it, he supposed, by the lack of bite back he got.
"Fine, but never tell anyone of what we did. It was a one time thing and it was a mistake." He could have cried hearing that. On top of the high of getting to be romantic with Sigma, that felt like a relief. He didn't have to worry about being taken advantage of again.
"Now, go take lunch, your work will be here waiting for you to come back." Tonan ordered him. Clocking out for his hour lunch, the bag Sigma brought him in hand, he was borderline euphoric, near tears too actually. He spotted Sigma waiting for him and he hugged him tightly.
"On lunch?" Sigma asked.
"I'm going to cry." He alerted him, quickly getting them out of there. He sat them in a park, alone near the swing set and he leaned against Sigma's shoulder.
"He said he won't do it again, that it was a one time thing. Because I told him our marriage is happy. I did it, I stood up to him. I told him I'd quit if he kept trying." He felt a strong arm around him, he sniffled.
"Fyodor's with Vega. Ivan is making piroshki for dinner." Sigma reminded him. He laughed, wiping his face softer than he had the day before.
"I should eat, I only have an about fifty minutes left." He reminded them both. Looking through the bag and finding more matcha kitkats, popcorn, and cotton candy, with a container of varenyky, deruni, and olivier potato salad.
"Fyodor helped me make it. He said you might like having something feel like home, especially when you're stressed by work." Sigma smiled nervously.
"You made this?" He asked.
"Well, I tried. Fyodor did most of the work." He gave a laugh, rubbing his back as he wasted no time trying them.
"You're the best." He alerted him.
"So are you." Sigma smiled, watching the birds in the sky while he ate.
"Tell Fyodor he did good teaching you to cook." He requested.
"I will." Sigma was quiet, leaning against him.
"I do love you." He finally managed.
"I know, I really do love you too." He couldn't have smiled more.
"Then give me more kisses." He dragged him to face him, kissing him, laughing when Sigma rolled his eyes and agreed by kissing him. So he got a boyfriend out of the deal. Or were they husbands? After all, a man who 'died' six years ago and a man who was made only three years ago wouldn't be able to get legally married.
He supposed he should have forged certificates made for them anyway, they could just make a second set they'd keep with their own unofficial marriage. Maybe have a little wedding between them and their friends. He could force Fyodor to be the officiant, he supposed. And that thought made him laugh against Sigma's mouth, making the other break the kiss to question him.
"We could make Dostoy be our wedding officiant." He laughed out, which just led to them both laughing in a park at the ideas of their imaginary wedding, topped right off with Vera being a flower girl and Ivan in some hideous imaginary bridesmaid dress.
He didn't really mind being tied down to Sigma, it didn't feel like a cage. It felt more like flying, his heart sure was and he was sure Sigma felt happy too. He stole more kisses, because of course he would, they kept making his heart go fast, and he liked it.
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