#ch: israfel
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"Do you know the meaning of the word "restraint", sister?"
"Don't act like you wouldn't have done the same! You're just as vindictive as me!"
Here have a 3-parter moodboard for the relationship of Israfel and Uriel, probably for Role Swap. No idea what my thought process was for these. 1st one is Israfel, middle is both, last one is Uriel's.
My view on their relationship is there's a SHITTON of hurt because Israfel straight up deserted Heaven during the Rebellion (abandoning her twin, which is a Huge No). Then she returns to Heaven, ONLY because she gets attached to Sam. The two are still 100% ride or die for each other. like. they will insult and get vicious with each other but the SECOND someone else says something like that, even if one of them said the SAME EXACT thing, they will turn on that person.
idk have this i guess
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You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Meme Question (answer privately if you'd like a serious question): How would your OC try to free the Ever Given?
Hi fae!!!
Ella would probably use her shadows or quick grow plants to move it.
Issy. Uh. Would probably make it more stuck for fun. Or, as an angel, would just snap and bam, ships free but might be in the middle of the ocean now.
Crow would literally not care.
I kind of really want it to get stuck again
Nice to see you again Fae!!!
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Israfel and Uriel!
So I don't have one up for Uriel yet, but they're twins and it felt wrong to post them separately.
Issy's font hasn't changed (that I can remember) but Uriel had one other one that I changed before ever using it for them. I like this one much better. Although I do have to expand their text because otherwise it's too squished. But I like the contrast between their colors.
also I'm trying to do image descriptions for my stuff now so let me know how it is and what I need to improve please
[Image description: A two image set of handwriting font examples.
The first has a light red background and darker red text in a handwriting font. The text reads "Israfel. Fall is still like Summer in California. FontPanda."
The second has a light blue gray background and darker blue gray text in a handwriting font. The text reads "Uriel. Of Wildflowers and Wings. Brittney Murphy."
End Description]
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Greetings from the Random OC Tabby Kitten!
I first wanted to let you know that the post you liked/reblogged is from the wrong blog (I made some mistakes), this blog will be the actual tabby kitten blog. Now on to your questions!
How does your character dress? Do they prefer elaborate dress clothes or something more casual? Do they wear makeup? Jewelry? Why do they choose to dress this way?
thanks for the reminder!! i just double checked I was following the right one, this is a side blog actually
How do they dress...
Well, my two main OCs right now are Issy and Ella thanks Supernatural hyperfixation
But I don't really have an idea of how Issy dresses so just Ella for now. this got kind of long too
Ella has two styles, the one she feels most comfortable in but isn't very practical for her work and the one she feels less comfortable in but its her Work style.
Work Style is sturdy comfy shoes, jacket with lots of pockets, pants she can run around and fight in. Dark colors to blend into shadows with. Long sleeves and gloves for fun reasons :D
actually fun not me being sarcastic
So, Ella has these tattoos! Animals, plants, people, buildings, color splotches, etc, etc. ALL over her body! Fun fact!
They're not tattoos! They're more like living ink. It's a remnant from her original origins as an Eldritch Abomination. The tattoos/markings move and change, but there's always eyes watching :)
Some of the most commons ones are a squid/octopus tattoo that usually has a tentacle curled around her throat, a face on her collarbone, plants winding around her legs and arms, a snake around her wrist.
Normally her tattoos are vibrant colors and somewhat quick moving, but they're a very good indicator of her physical health. The more tired she gets, the slower and less vibrant they are. I haven't decided if its a Boogeyman thing, a nature spirit thing, or a Hybrid thing. Another fun fact! She can see through the eyes! Oh, and the darker and harsher the colors get, the hungrier she is. Which is Not Good.
So thats why she wears primarily long sleeves. Gloves is a similar reasoning, when boogeymen feed off emotions, they secrete this extremely corrosive substance which eats through pretty much everything. She wears enchanted gloves that more or less absorb the goop so she doesn't destroy everything.
Not Work Style is more like these
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Cute stuff, but not stuff she could wear around those who don't know about the supernatural. She wears primarily pinks, yellows, and greens.
Makeup. She LOVES doing makeup, and she had quite the collection. Primarily lipstick, prefers pinks and reds but also adores bright colors and green lipstick. She doesn't currently have much of an opportunity to do makeup but sometimes she does and she'll take advantage of it.
Jewelry. Nothing silver or iron. It burns her so that's out. She wears these wide leather bracelets on both wrists to cover scars there from silver/iron (not self harm) and sometimes wears a band of fabric around her throat for the same reason. She more often just throws on a turtleneck to serve the same purpose without feeling like she's being choked. She also wears a chain with her uncle and his wife's wedding rings on it, its one of the things she managed to recover so she's very protective of it. She wears a watch all the time, she's extremely aware of time and is always keeping part of her focus on a clock.
This um. Got long.
oh wait, I do have some ideas on how Issy dresses
Whatever she wears, its got paint splatters on it, or dirt stains or something. She tends to be out in nature often so she wears flat sturdy shoes. No skirts, really. Wears a red coat, will occasionally magic it clean of paint but often forgets.
Wears one (1) piece of jewelry, a braided cord bracelet from Delilah. Its over 500,000 years old, she's had to use magic to repair it minor damage but she's deeply protective of it. Doesn't have the patience for makeup herself, but appreciates the art put into it. She likes looking at makeup art pictures.
That's it, I think! sorry this got long/rambly. I had fun with this, thank you tabby!
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🥀 you’ve been visited by the questions-for-suffering-ocs blog! 🥀
Worst thing you’ve put your ocs through?
If you had to sacrifice one oc to save the rest of them, who would you sacrifice, and why?
Which oc would refuse to be your friend?
oh boy, worst thing :)
let's see...
Ella (because she’s my Main OC right now):
without getting into heavy spoilers on her, I more or less killed off a good number of her family :)
she's not a happy camper
If I had to sacrifice one...
oh no, this is actually really hard for me!! I have trouble giving my characters unhappy endings! In terms of who would be most likely to make a sacrifice play, its a toss up between Ella, Issy, and Katherine. All of whom at one point or another I either have or had a sacrifice planned for them. But to save the rest?? okay HYPOTHETICALLY, probably Issy.
Why? She’s. A very sad person. She’s a healer, that's literally what she was Made for but she can't do it quite right. She’s the angel of resurrection, but she can't actually do it. She feels broken, in large part because of that. She's deeply empathetic but pretends she doesn't care. She would absolutely sacrifice herself to save people, regardless of whether they're important to her or not.
Which OC would refuse to be my friend...
asdfghjkl WOW honestly Brook came to mind but they also don't do friends really, so... Ella maybe? I'm a scaredy cat and she's a literal boogeyman, like she'd be polite but I'd be lowkey terrified of her half the time so, her probably.
thank you!!!! these were fun if hard to decide on
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"Abel, look! I can summon Holy Fire now! Abel? Where are you?"
This is Israfel! She's one of the older angels and the oldest survivor in her batch. This isn't for a specific AU, it's more general. Basically she was friends with Abel before his death.
Wait, no, this is general EXCEPT for some of the AUs. only one I can think of is Reverse Verse where she's human.
I tried to go for a layered thing, like top row is how she acts on the surface, middle row is her anger that she hides behind, and bottom is her depression/feelings of being a failure.
The failure part comes from her being the Angel of Resurrection, but given I made resurrection way harder in my story, she can't really do it right. She was created to be a healer, like Raphael, but because her Duty is directly linked to the soul, she can't heal as well as other healers. She can heal like Cas can, who I see as either one of the Researchers or a Warrior. The first time she tried to resurrect someone was Abel, which did not go as planned.
Depending on the AU, specifically which Archangel takes the Mark, she leaves the Healers and joins either the Scientist/Researchers (if Michael or corresponding Arch takes the Mark) or the Warriors (if Lucifer or corresponding Arch takes the Mark).
This is also an older one, so likely get redone at some point. but seriously the middle right one freaks me out.
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i started writing a weird one shot (?) for a time travel AU from John's perspective. Except it takes place BEFORE Sam & Dean are born, they aren't the ones time traveling, neither is John.
It's my OC Israfel who time travels (and Uriel gets dragged along) and they end up changing things by starting with Mary, and end up becoming her adopted siblings.
uh here have the first two paragraphs
It starts like this:
you are 4 years old and your father leaves one night. your mother doesn't believe he ran off. she won't tell you what she thinks happened. it doesn't matter to you, he left and you hate him for it. she meets someone new. she puts your father's things in a box and tucks it away. she puts a picture of him, her and a red headed woman in a locket and wears it. she won't tell you who the woman is. you think you remember her coming to the house when you were little. your mother cries sometimes. you think you remember him sometimes. you think he used to read to you. years later you will go through his box, you will take a journal with his initials on it. you find books with his writing in the margins. some of the notes are to you. you find letters he wrote. you didn't know he'd almost been disowned by his parents. you don't know why. your mother is gone now, you don't think she would have told you anyways. he wanted to have a better relationship with you than he had with his father. you don't know what changed his mind.
It goes like this:
you are 14 and your mother gets married. your grandparents weren't invited. no one on your mother's side was there. she says there was a difference of opinions. she says she'll explain it more when you're older. you leave your old home. you move to Kansas. a town named Lawrence. you go to school.
the bolded italicized text is who the current paragraph is about.
1st is Henry, 2nd is Millie, etc etc
Later paragraphs have people's names, to distinguish people, but I'm debating cutting names out entirely
uhh here have a later paragraph too
It continues like this:
you don't know where you're going. you are on a road trip and you're starting to realize you don't really know your in-laws. you think you know your wife. you quietly ask her one night at a motel where her siblings came from. she says mom and dad found them when I was 5. we didn't adopt them until I was 9. she doesn't know where they were before that. she's never met the man before. you think her sister looks guilty in the morning. you silently question what they're hiding. she doesn't look at you. her sibling shakes their head. you still don't know where you're going.
you've been overseas but you've never traveled for the sake of traveling. you like this better. it takes five days for you to ask where you're going. your sister-in-law taps the wheel. you suddenly want to scream. you don't. you want to ask why she hides everything. you want to ask what she's running from. you don't. you think you're afraid of the answer. your wife repeats your question. your sister-in-law says don't have a set destination. used to travel a lot. you ask if her and the man traveled together. he says sometimes. I mostly traveled on my own. he looks out the window. says still feels weird traveling alone. never got used to it. used to travel with my brother. you almost ask why he stopped but you recognize the look the look in his eyes so you don't. your sister-in-law stops for coffee. she drinks a lot of coffee.
it takes another five days for you to snap. your sister-in-law is driving. you are certain now she and her twin don't sleep. you have not seen them eat once. your wife doesn't seem to notice this. the man your sister-in-law calls best friend seems to be used to it. you found salt lines around the motel room. you asked your wife, she deflected. you are driving through a forest. the weeping is loud today. you see the man looking at your sister-in-law out of the corner of his eyes every few minutes. her twin does it too. you think they both hear it too. the man rubs his ear and winces after one particularly sharp wail. you are positive he can hear it. you take a chance and say does anyone else hear the crying? your sister-in-law almost drives into a tree. your wife looks alarmed. your sister-in-law pulls over.
It goes like this:
she is not human.
the lack of names feels confusing to me, and is entirely because I want to hide who the best friend is until later but I might say screw it and put names in
this is entirely rough draft btw
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You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
If your character could instantly change one thing about themselves, what would it be and why? What is one thing about themselves that they would never want to lose and why?
hello fairy!!! lovely to see you!! you get a THREE-fer!!
please excuse my supernatural kick
Ella has a complicated relationship with her Being. She's a nature spirit/boogeyman hybrid and hybrids are at best abandoned as babies, and are considered abominations. When she was much younger (like 40-90), she had a problem with her self-loathing regarding it. Her dad ended up helping her work through it. So, during then, she would have said her being a hybrid is what she would change, but would never change the her dad adopting her.
Currently (age 460~) she wouldn't say the same. She loves being a hybrid, she loves her shadows, her forest, her monsters (affectionate) that roam it, her tattoo/markings, all of it. So, she wouldn't change that. But. She would change her hair being white. Not for surface reasons, its not supposed to be white, it was a traumatic event (uhhh think Rogue from X-Men with the white streak but not quite??).
Speaking of her dad, we're calling him Fox for now! He's got a, uh, Problem with death. He dies. Frequently. but none of them stick. The waking up is painful and disorienting (no matter which AU it is), in this AU, Role Swap, he gets massive migraines. Regardless of AU, he relives his first death, in this case, he got into a fight with his brother and got shoved too hard, slipped on rocks and cracked his skull open. So he would change that, the pain/disorientation of waking up. But he'd have a hard time on what not to change. I think he would eventually settle on his relationships, specifically his relationships with his brother, his daughter, and his nutjob (affectionate) best friend. He won't admit it, at least right now, but he wouldn't change much about his overall relationship with his parents.
aand Israfel!
She would change how she heals people. Angel of Resurrection who can't resurrect, no matter how hard she tries. have a brief look in her head on this idk
She'd gone down with the sunrise to show Abel the holy fire. She'd been so proud. Her, a Healer, an earth Grace, learning to summon holy fire? It'd never happened before! It'd been so quiet and still when she landed. She hadn't noticed at first, too excited.
"Abel, Abel! Look! I can summon holy fire!"
Then she'd noticed the quiet. the silence. It was never quiet for her, not around souls. It'd been too early for Cain and Abel to be gone from here. She'd started looking. Listening for any trace of song. Found his grave.
She tried to bring him back, she failed, she failed, she failed. She burned everything to ash.
And then so much later, Delilah. She'd been too slow, too weak, not enough. Delilah died because of her. She did worse than burn everything. She'd pretend she didn't care about the broken souls she left there she did.
And then Sam. She went into Hell for him, intended to leave after, return to her misery. But his soul had been so relieved to see her, had reached back when she'd gone for him and. Well. Uriel was right. She's always been quick to get attached.
look idk shhhh
She wouldn't change her relationships either, with Uriel or Azazel or Jehuel, or any of the angels. Or with any of the humans, Abel, Delilah, and now Sam and Dean and Jess. She doesn't trust Ella, too suspicious of how the little hybrid has hidden herself, but she likes her.
uhhhh thanks! these questions helped me a bunch thank you ❤❤❤
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"I can guarantee the only time we've ever completely agreed on something was when we agreed pizza was good and children deserve protection." "That's two things, two separate occasions. Learn to count, celestial."
Israfel and Crow!
Crow is an incubus who is older than dinos. She's Lillian and Lilja's boss. She runs 76 safe havens across Earth for supernaturals and others who just want to live peaceful lives.
Her and Issy don't super get along but they respect each other. It's an antagonistic friendship.
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