#ch. francis
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“i’ve only just arrived.” @ofimaginarybeings​
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theartofhannibal · 1 year
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120. Hannibal 1x04 ‘Oeuf’ vs. ‘Head III’, 1961 - Francis Bacon (oil on canvas)
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
Fitzgerald actually really is peak capitalist behavior. When visiting Margaret in coma, he really went “if she could speak right now, I'm sure she'd say this— ‘Take me off of this life support! Send all the money you're spending on me to my family back home!’, family who I am perfectly able and legally allowed to provide for and take out of starvation and decadence if only I chose to. Too bad nobody can do anything about it, her fate is so tragic and her wishes destined to never be fulfilled 😔😔💔💔”
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bacchanal-if · 26 days
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Main Character (nb/f/m)
The youngest child of a well-respected—if not feared—merchant and a former viscountess. You've been allowed several freedoms thus far, owing only to neglect, but since your debut into society you've been stripped of these liberties and charged to attract an advantageous match- which until now you've managed to avoid.
James — (m)
The enabler of your unhappy predicament: your father. Having ignored you and your siblings except when beneficial, he's been known to arrange the marriages of his children to further his gains and influence. So why does this advantageous proposal seem to infuriate him?
Grace — (f)
Your matrimonially devoted and maternally absent mother. There was never any room in her heart for anyone other than James, which could have been romantic except for the damage it wrought upon her parents and children. She was born to Viscounts who stripped her of her title after marrying your father, much to his resentment.
Lairde Ellis Gainsborough, Marquion of Hamonshire (nb) • closeness to MC definable
Your direct elder sibling. Despite being married off to a landowning peer a couple years ago, they spend most of their time in your family's residence due to their wife's unyieldingly scandalous ways. They were always a serious child, but they've now fallen to utter despair at their match.
Lady Danielle Gainsborough, Marchioness of Hamonshire (f)
Ellis's reprobate wife, known for her... unrepenting luster for life. She comes from a long line of respectable forebearers and seems intent on sullying their name now that she has the money provided by Ellis to do so.
Skin the color of sand and small, dark, almond shaped eyes. Her hair is a midnight black invariably drawn up in expensive yet disheveled fashion, and her face is overly powdered and rouged. She looks to be in a perpetual stupor, with a stupid smile and clouded vision. She wears a star shaped beauty mark on the corner of her left eye.
Francis Baker (nb/f/m) • gender based on MC
Your personal attendant, lady's maid, or valet. They are the one true parental figure in your life, having also raised you from an infant as your nurse. Kind, loving, and no-nonsense in their care. They are the single parent of Tamsin/Thomas Baker and want nothing more than both your happiness.
Pink skin with light golden hair and blue eyes. Somewhat plump in their vigorous way. They have the kind of comeliness that grows with every line on their face, though you can tell they were also quite winsome in their youth.
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tropinano · 1 year
List of Upcoming Fiction Podcasts and Hidden Gems
'either' by Open Doors, Closed Doors: quirky and enthusiastic, I'm a big fan of the art made for the cover of each episode. Started in May, if you like unique worlds like Nightvale, you might like this.
'Road X' by Gea Arce and Maya Appavoo: A supernatural murder mystery with a fun cast of characters, I've been following the development of this since they released their first episode in March. The cast seem very lovely and they're very appreciative of fanart over on the gram! I think it's cool that they have a tarot card aesthetic going on aswell. Check it out!
'Smile Grove' by ISOTOPIC PRODUCTIONS: A horror podcast that explores mental health and the industry surrounding it. The lack of actually helpful resources for those in need is probably the horror itself (but you didn't hear that from me!) Focuses on unique characters and some dark themes. Following the development and growth of this podcast was such a treat, it's obvious how much effort the creator has put in based on our chats. Also features some familiar voices if you've listened to Camp Here & There!
'THE NOWHERE MALL' by haunted casette: a horror-comedy about the daily lives of cryptids described as humans. Someone linked this in a server and its first episode was released this June! I hear auditions are still open. It seems to be coming along well so check it out if you want to follow their progress.
'Seven of Hearts' by Seventh Knight Productions: a podcast that follows seven characters in a mysterious town. A little older (not really, like 2021) and the story is wrapped up but I was lucky to follow the production and episode releases sometimes! This one is sometimes reccommended to fans of Camp Here & There, I think you'll like it.
'Francis Forever' by Leo Zahn: Hidden gem by my mutual that follows Francis Webb and their desire for immortality. A mystery adventure podcast that explores life, death, and the everything yet nothing inbetween. Leo also works wonders with sound design and it's fun to yap our ideas towards each other.
'SUPERSUITS' by Faustian Nonsense: I recognise this as the podcast that would play before Jack of All Trades (which is also very good). It's a comedy podcast about the shenanigans that lawyers endure being lawyers for super heroes and villains. Released around February and is looking pretty good!
'The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio' by Rat Grimes: A sci-fi horror about a secret government group that handles supernatural entities, which suffers a containment breach. We follow two employees who try to escape the chaos and calamity, Scarlet Jaunt and Jasmine Control. The building moves, the voices are cool, and theres creatures. Cool stuff!
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chrswlls · 3 months
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haha heyy girl- i mean sir- i mean they- i
(png under the cut)
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Theyre teen royalty. If 16th century Europe was Us Weekly they would always be on the cover.
I got Some Responses so I thought I'd post the drawing on the back cover 💅💅
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devilsmenu · 1 month
@mr-c-bingley - Francis & Charles
"You better head back to your home, it's not safe being here all on your own and unprotected" Francis told the other motioning for him to go.
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xradiant · 8 months
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He had expected that and so, there at the back of his mind, Lucien knew that he was coming up with a dozen different ways for him to get the job done. He could kill any Bourbon, he could cut down any whisper of rebellion if he wanted to. None of that would matter if this was allowed to go unchecked. The Queen at the head of France was someone who could easily topple this world and the young King was blinded by love. Love was a shard of something that deserved to be shattered. Lucien needed to prove this to Francis, one way or another. "And if I have proof?" He questioned with a light furrow of his brows as he holds the boys eyes. "What if I present evidence to you that Mary is not the paragon of love that you believe her to be? Would you accept her fate at my hand then? To protect your kingdom, your country, and the fate of your family's legacy?" He tried to offer it with a weighty sort of predicament and he needed to feel all of it.
@tothedevilsshow xxx
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“are you impressed?” @ofimaginarybeings​
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levithestripper · 1 year
i spent almost the entirety of dinner talking about how much i love francis and i don't think that's normal
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
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“Would you like to hear my fourth secret to success” “No.”
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bacchanal-if · 1 month
Happy Mother's Day to our MC's real mother (gender neutral), Francis!
Correct 🥰 lbr, even m!Francis is the MC's mother.
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jaunefleurwrites · 1 year
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inmydrcams · 2 years
“the queen has insisted that all her maids be named mary”
between that nonsense and mary going all “as the king’s widow the throne is rightfully mine” I just wanna know why does everyone hate mary
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franceanon · 1 month
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H E T A L I A {World Stars Gangsta} ~ (World Stars) Ch./Part 519 x F r U k / U k F r (FrUKFr/UKFrUK?)
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