(The Metal Gods Meltdown)
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d-e-r-n-e-b-e-l · 2 years
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Happy New Year ! 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 . @chabtan.official 🖤 @paul_mora2 🖤 @dimitrimerly 🖤 @gasperetti_laurent 🖤 @darktunesmusicgroup 🖤 @darkmerchstore 🖤 @domino_black_metal_cat 🖤🐱 . #chabtan #chabtanband #compelleintrare #darktunesmusicgroup #darkmerch #darktunes #metal #deathmetal #mayan #melodicdeathmetal #melodeath #maya #deathcore #mesoamericanmythology #cat #mythology #metalheadsofinstagram #metalhead #metalheads #cdcollector #cdcollection #cdjunkie #cdporn #musiccollection #musiccollector #metalcollector #metalcollection #recordcollection #recordcollector #blackmetalcat (à Strasbourg, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2BHmGreiH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soupyyarts · 11 months
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Leveling Red Mage means everything I do is a magical girl attack, you can't convince me otherwise
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sonsofks · 1 year
Buluc Chabtan Brilla en la Batalla y Alcanza la Gloria en la PMPL LATAM Fall 2023
“Un nuevo equipo se alza con la corona en una batalla épica” El escenario estaba listo para la emoción desenfrenada mientras PUBG MOBILE celebraba las finales de la 2023 PUBG MOBILE Pro League (PMPL) LATAM Fall del 28 de septiembre al 1ro de octubre. Dieciséis equipos de élite compitieron incansablemente por el título y la oportunidad de asegurar su lugar en la próxima 2023 PMPL Américas…
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ellieaelious · 2 years
{{While I'm redoing Ellie's profile, I got inspired to write about her parents. Please forgive me being on mobile and not being able to add a cut, this will be a little longer 💙
I'llalso explain how God timelines work for my OCs world.}}
◇Cynbel◇ Man made God
Cynbel was born a common man with a common name. He is of Celtic origin and at a young age became a warrior. By his forties he had earned the name of Cynbel, meaning Warrior Chief. His prowess in battle earned him favor among his Gods, and they blessed him to never be bested in battle for as long as he drew breath. He met his demise through exhaustion, winning a battle at the cost of his life. Because of his deeds he was granted Godhood in death.
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●Buluc Chabtan● War, Sacrifice, and Death
Na' k'i'ik'el was a Mayan woman born in 1326 to two Ral'ma Ing rulers, fire and nature. Although mortal, she exhibited superhuman abilities and began training as a shaman at a young age. During the Spanish conquest, she was unablento disuade the invaders and became a victim herself, enslaved and brought to Europe as a concubine. It was then that the spirit of war entered her, and she would become Buluc Chabtan.
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Timeline of the Gods
Gods are often born or created after their existence has already been established. When one becomes a God, they transcend time and space. For instance, if a God comes into creation in the 2000's, they have also exhisted and lived through all time all at once. They will have the memories and experience from their whole life at all times but may not always be able to access it.
From the time Cynbel became a God, he was able to live through past battles and be with his followers from the time he was originally created to present. He probably even helped his mortal self win battles.
Buluc Chabtan is the same way. Although she was born in 1326, she had exhisted all throughout the existence of her people. It can even be said that her birth as a mortal put a pause on her Godhood and played a part in the conquest of her people. It wasn't until her mortal death centuries later that she ascended to Godhood.
Do to the meddling of a powerful creation God, in Ellie's world the Gods have been brainwashed snd reverted to their mortal selves. This has caused discourse in the universe and prevented the creation of new Gods.
How they met
The Gods often gather together for large banquets, and it was there that these two war Gods met. Buluc, finding Cynbel worthy and appealing, challenged him to battle. It is said that stars erupted and worlds were destroyed by their might and there would never be a victor in their battle.
Cynbel, not seeking bloodlust, purposed a different challenge. Whoever birthed the stronger child would be the victorious. Buluc accepted this challenge and together they parented Eztli. Unfortunately, due to a bet placed with Au Puch, their child was born with Ixtab's rope around her neck and never drew breath. This started a war among all worlds, as all war Gods joined together and spread bloodshed among their followers.
It wasn't until Ixtab returned the soul to the child that the fighting ceased and Buluc Chabtan was finally named the winner of their contest. Eztli was blessed in death, and destined to become a death God herself, until The Distortion happened.
Final Thoughts
Althought Cynbel is from Celtic origins, his genetic background is of the Greeks. Usually Ral'ma Ing children take on a different ethnic background than either parent, Ellie is two spirited, being both male and female, both Maya and Grecian, both dead and alive. Her aspects of air come from her father and death, giving her a paler appearance. Her aspects of fire come from her mother and darken her skin and give her a more lively appearance.
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skinnyazn · 1 year
Lick Your Wounds
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader (Jaguar) Chapters: 2/3 Notes: Thank you to @solidly-indulgent for inspiring the fic with their request of Jag getting injured and Ghost being sad feral, I'm cranking out these chapters, also idk why this needed to be a chapter but we had to put Ghostie through some more ~t r a u m a~, smut next chapter,
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Part One | Part Three | AO3 | MASTERLIST
Simon watched everything happen with wide eyes behind his mask. He watched as the man with the rocket launcher’s brains exited his skull, watched as the death of his cranial neurons caused his finger to twitch against the trigger—one last desperate grip at life. And he watched in absolute horror as the missile made contact with the wall you were firing from. Screamed your name as the wall caved in a plume of smoke and chaos. Shook Soap’s hand off of his shoulder when he tried to pull him into cover. 
It’s happened once before, these feelings. A long time ago when he saw the corpses of his family littered about the floor. His nephew looked undisturbed, as if he was just sleeping. His mother, face down. Every sequential death he witnessed or caused left him feeling nothing. He’d steeled all his emotions away, turning himself into an empty vessel: a ghost. Waking in the middle of the night drenched in sweat—to horrors replaying and a voiceless scream on his lips and a constant numbness. But here he was, all these years later. Feeling. Guess you brought out the worst in him. You reminded him he was human after all.
Soap yanked him hard into cover as a bullet whizzed by his head. 
“L.T.!” the Scot shouted. “L.T. focus! We can’t worry about her right now.” He fired his assault rifle at an approaching target. 
Can’t worry about her. It echoed in his head. Reverberated off every part of his skull. In spite of the oppressive heat, Simon felt hypothermic—like he was frozen in Russia instead of this Mexican jungle. But he sucked in a deep breath and snapped back into The Ghost because that was all he knew how to do. He stabbed the enemy next to him in the neck; a spray of blood gushed across his mask as he removed his bowie knife. 
The pair advanced in unison. Soap set up the charges against the metal door to the target room while Ghost provided cover.
“Clear out!” Soap shouted. Simon shifted two steps to his left. 
The explosion was small but impactful as it burst the doors open. Soap ducked inside, clearing out any remaining enemies while Ghost surveyed the grounds of the compound, looking for any stragglers. He fired his rifle into a few more bodies before following Soap.
“Fuck,” Soap breathed. 
The inside was filled with caches of equipment. Computers, hard drives, munitions. It was what all of you had come for and then some. All the evidence that the Buluc Chabtan were smuggling for the Cartel.
“It’s gonna take ages to sort through this, L.T..”
Simon’s mind was still reeling—fighting the bile that was threatening to come up. He tamped it down.
“Fifteen minutes, Sergeant. That’s all the time we get if reinforcements come.” He looked at his watch and then at Soap with something of a plea in his eyes.
Johnny sighed. “Go. I’ll bag as much as I can.”
Ghost nodded, then threw his collapsable duffel on the floor and hurried out the door.
Back in the stifling heat, Ghost weaved between crates and trucks and corpses, making his way toward you as fast as he could while maintaining his guard. It was oddly quiet amidst the chaos—all the insects and birds silenced and only the radio playing. The compound appeared clear as he sprinted with his rifle in hand. His sweat drenched his camo fatigues, turning them a shade darker. Ahead, he finally saw the rubble and smoke from the rocket's destruction. He felt the bile come back but sucked in a deep breath instead and climbed inside the collapsed structure.
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liikik-talokan · 2 years
I had an idea for like a buddy road(sea)trip comedy gjdjdkjfw
Namor is seeking the favor of the Gods and Namora and Attuma are relatively young and this is basically their first trip out of Talokan. Normally this is easy peasy but ofc something has to happen >:3c
Namor is seeking to gain favor with Buluc Chabtan (because I need an excuse to write as her uwu) and is tasked with retreiving her daughter from the colonizers (literally went to see her dad and now wants to party in Europe for a little longer). It'd be set around 1700s? I think Namora and Attuma are older than they appear. Not as old as Namor but it's my HC 😤
Really I just imagined this scene and lost it
"I think you're going to get in the boat and we're going to take you home." -Namor
"And who's going to make me? A man who cannot decide if he is a fish or a bird? I don't even recognize the authority of my mother, what makes you so special, peacock?"
Attuma and Namora just :0 because they've never heard anyone speak like that
Namor about to throw down with a young Goddess
Also maybe it's how/when the Talokanil learn the siren song?
Tagging out of luv uwu @talokanilsecond @talokanilhealer }}
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rookiemxwritergeek · 10 days
Chaac contra Poseidón: La Épica Batalla de los Siete Mares
Por Vangi GarVi
Hace cientos de años, cuando la Tierra era mucho más distinta de lo que es hoy, el mítico rey Poseidón se presentó en las costas de la nación maya con la única intención de conquistar más territorios de los que ya tenía en su poder. Los habitantes de la nación maya vivían en armonía con la naturaleza y sus deidades, quienes les protegían y guiaban en su día a día. Las selvas eran frondosas, los ríos caudalosos, y los templos brillaban bajo el sol como guardianes de sus secretos milenarios.
Por supuesto, Hunahpú e Ixbalanqué, los gemelos héroes y protectores del pueblo, convocaron a un consejo real para saber cómo se protegerían ante tal invasión. El consejo se celebró en el Templo del Jaguar, donde los sacerdotes encendieron incienso y cantaron antiguas canciones para invocar la sabiduría de sus ancestros.
Tz’ikin, el dios de los pájaros, Tohil, el dios del fuego, K'awiil, el dios del relámpago, Yum Cimil, el dios de la muerte, y Buluc Chabtan, el dios de la guerra, se reunieron con los hermanos para discutir el tema. Trataron de buscar una solución pacífica ante tal conflicto, ya que no querían exponer a los humanos a pelear contra el rey de los siete mares, pues sabían que no sobrevivirían mucho tiempo debajo del agua.
“¿Y si despertamos a Chaac?” preguntó Yum Cimil, su voz resonando en la sala.
Los hermanos creyeron que sería una buena idea. Qué mejor que una épica batalla entre ambos seres dominantes del agua. La propuesta fue aceptada, y los dioses se pusieron en marcha para despertar al poderoso Chaac, el dios de la lluvia y del trueno.
Chaac, al enterarse de esto, se molestó muchísimo. No podía creer la osadía de Poseidón de querer ahora reinar en territorios ajenos. Con sus ojos llameando de ira, dijo: “Yo me encargo.” Su voz retumbó como un trueno en la sala del consejo.
Al caer la noche, el rey Poseidón salió del mar con su ejército de bestias marinas para dominar a los humanos. Entre su ejército había sirenas de canto hipnótico, krakens con tentáculos poderosos y tiburones de tamaño descomunal. Su avance provocó la ira de Chaac, quien se levantó desde las profundidades de la tierra lanzando rayos tan fuertes que partían la tierra en dos y truenos que la hacían temblar. La tormenta que desató fue tan feroz que los árboles se doblaban y las aguas se agitaban violentamente.
El ejército de Poseidón comenzó a dudar si en realidad era una buena idea enfrentarse ante tal rival. Las bestias marinas retrocedieron ante el furor de los elementos desatados por Chaac. Sin embargo, el rey obstinado dio la señal de continuar avanzando y matando a todo el que se interpusiera en su camino. Pero cada paso que daban era contrarrestado por la furia de Chaac, cuyo poder parecía ilimitado bajo la tormenta.
Finalmente, Poseidón, al verse sobrepasado por la furia de Chaac y la determinación de los mayas, decidió retirarse del lugar. Sus bestias, cansadas y derrotadas, se arrastraron de vuelta al mar, y la calma regresó a la tierra.
Después de la retirada de Poseidón, los mayas celebraron una ceremonia en honor a Chaac y a los dioses que los habían protegido. En el Templo del Jaguar, bajo el resplandor de la luna llena, se ofrecieron ofrendas de frutas y flores mientras los sacerdotes entonaban cánticos de gratitud. Hunahpú e Ixbalanqué dirigieron las ceremonias con solemnidad, recordando a su pueblo la importancia de la unidad y la fortaleza frente a las adversidades.
La estatua de Poseidón se mantuvo en la costa como un recordatorio silencioso de la valentía maya frente a la amenaza extranjera. Cada vez que los pescadores y navegantes miraban hacia el horizonte, veían en ella no solo un monumento de piedra, sino una promesa de que su tierra seguiría siendo invencible. La figura de Poseidón, tallada en piedra oscura con el mar rompiendo a sus pies, se volvió un símbolo de resistencia y determinación.
Con el paso de los años, la historia de la Épica Batalla de los Siete Mares se convirtió en una leyenda venerada por los mayas. Las generaciones futuras escuchaban con asombro cómo Chaac, con su furia y poder, había defendido a su pueblo contra el arrogante Poseidón. La memoria de aquella noche de tormenta y truenos resonaba en sus corazones como un recordatorio de la fuerza de su espíritu y la protección de sus dioses.
Así, la estatua de Poseidón se mantuvo en pie como guardián silencioso de la historia, recordando a todos que aunque los desafíos puedan ser grandes y los enemigos poderosos, el pueblo maya es y será siempre, el pueblo rebelde, inconquistable ante costumbres y ritos ajenos a ellos.
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conquerhq · 2 months
gods and fc suggestions for the mayan pantheon?
as for gods, i would love to see demigods of acan ( god of wine, intoxication and revelry ), buluc chabtan ( god of war, violence and sacrifice ), ahau-chamahez ( god of medicine and healing ), ah wink-ir masa ( goddess of deer and wildlife ), acat ( god of tattoos ), and cabrakan ( god of earthquakes and mountains ) !!! as for faceclaims, we'd love to see michael cimino, oscar isaac, danny ramirez, froy gutierrez, josh segarra, manny montana, peter gadiot, diego tinoco, tommy martinez, aaron dominguez, david castaneda, danny pino, michael trevino and jd pardo !!!
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teragames · 1 year
Buluc Chabtan es el nuevo campeón de la 2023 PUBG MOBILE Pro League LATAM Fall
El equipo guatemalteco "Buluc Chabtan" (@BulucChabtangg) es el nuevo campeón de la "2023 PUBG MOBILE Pro League LATAM Fall" (@EsportsPUBGM).
PUBG MOBILE disputó sus finales de la 2023 PUBG MOBILE Pro League (PMPL) LATAM Fall del 28 de septiembre al 1ro de octubre, donde los mejores 16 equipos de la competencia buscaron el campeonato y conseguir un lugar para la 2023 PMPL Américas Fall. Buluc Chabtan se consagró como el nuevo campeón junto a los equipos Team Queso, All Glory Gaming, V2 Esports y Jaguar, quienes buscarán dejar a LATAM…
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(The Metal Gods Meltdown)
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aohendo · 2 years
Charybdis for the wip titles game 👀
Oh, Charybdis!
I've been poking at this thing for... twelve years? And by poking, I mean, every so often I completely forget this thing exists and then I'll write a character and go 'oh this one's just like Jason!' and then I'll go on a Charybdis kick again.
Jason Chabtan is not my first-ever mc, but he is my second and the oldest surviving (the og OC, Alua? something like that--her document was deleted during one of many moves--really a shame 'cause I would have liked to look back on that).
Charybdis doesn't have a plot and never has. The core concept is that there are certain sentient animal species (some real, some myth, some completely imagined) which are capable of turning into humans through use of a magic pendant. They've chosen to remain hidden until one day, the Charybdis (think giant, extremely long-lived electric jellyfish that are by no means jellyfish) decide humans are ready to know of the non-human species. Jason, one of the Charybdis, has spent the most time as a human, and as such is designated to be the representative.
Lots of politics. Lots of world-threatening, life-ending shenanigans. Somehow he's at college for a chunk of it? He really likes hot chocolate. Sometimes random fandoms show up for a plot-thread or two (NCIS had a good one for a bit, and so did Supernatural). Lots of fluff and angst.
It's very much a comfort document of miscellanea revolving around this one character. Could there be a marketable plot in there? Sure. Quite easily, in fact: a murder mystery where Jason, although a benefactor to the investigators (and, in fact, their boss), is the primary suspect. Is it something I'll ever write?
I like poking at this thing. It makes me happy.
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soupyyarts · 2 years
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Made a fun little travel poster for my WOL, Buluc Chabtan! I actually sketched this one out while playing ARR so I really was just SO excited. And then I beat ARR and moved into Heavensward.

Anyway! Here's my boy! Hope he has a good time adventurin and nothing bad happens to him or his pals! :)
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xmystophalesx · 2 years
Best New Heavy Metal Releases Week of December 30th, 2022
Probably the smallest list I have ever done. There usually aren’t a lot of albums being released during the last two weeks of December or the first few weeks of January. To be completely honest however, there were more than a few absolutely terrible albums as far as production is concerned. I just can’t bring myself to recommend an album that feels like work to listen to.
All that being said, there were a few highlights that got the “best of the week” designation. So lets get to a few of these highlights.
Akiavel-Veni Vidi Vici (Melodic Death)**
Do you miss the earlier aggression of Arch Enemy but wish they could keep some of the more hook laden moments they are currently known for? Well, this is the album for you!
Krvna-For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh (Black)**
Old school Black Metal with touches of melody that are very reminiscent of Emperor and even a bit of Immortal. One of those albums that is done quicker than you expect and leaving you wanting more.
Dying East-Dying East (Thrash/Death)**
Don’t have a lot of info on this band, other than this is a debut album and they are from Croatia. What I know, however there are a ton of great riffs on this album. The Death Metal vocals sound a bit out of place here, but still work. Better vocals and this could have made a push for pick of the week.
Bloodclot-Souls (Crossover/Hardcore/Punk)**
I’m not the biggest fan of Crossover Thrash or Hardcore but when it is done well it REALLY works. Bloodclot has it figured out and they crush it on this release. Feels like a mixture DRI and Hatebreed but only the good parts of each. A band to definitely keep track of if you are into this genre.
That will do it for this week and the year of 2022. 5492 albums listened to this year for this blog. If that sounds insane, you are 100% correct. I have found some truly incredible music, so it is also 100% worth it. Music is life and you should fill your soul with happiness by listening to as much of it as you can….:)
All worthy of a listen if you like the genre
*= standout in that genre
**=best of the week regardless of genre
Best of the Week
Akiavel-Veni Vidi Vici (Melodic Death)**
Bloodclot-Souls (Crossover/Hardcore/Punk)**
Krvna-For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh (Black)**
Dying East-Dying East (Thrash/Death)**
Standout in their Genre
Blackened Corvus-Until We Die (Heavy/Groove)*
Cryptic Carnage-Scriptures of Torment (Death)*
Decathect-Decathect (Black/Progressive)*
Scolf-Scolf (Melodic Death)*
Kossuth-Necronym (Technical Death/Progressive)*
Runelord-Doomsday Script (Heavy Power/Traditional)*
Nakhiel-Solar Wind Illumination (Melodic Black)*
The Crippler-I’m Just Gonna Let Myself In (Thrash/Grind/Death)*
Antares-V (Melodic Death)*
Ultra Nightmare-Era Indomitus (Death/Industrial)*
Chabtan-Compelle Intrare (Melodic Death/Deathcore)*
Worth a listen if you enjoy the Genre
Since the Death-I Belong to Christ (Death/Black/Christian)
Ouija-Fathomless Hysteros (Black)
Cinerarium-Hang Drawn and Quartered (Death)
Imperium of Vanity-Countdown (Symphonic/Melodic)
Hades Descent-The Solitary Path to Armageddon (Death/Symphonic)
Satanic Warmaster-Aamongandr (Black)
Pick of the week was VERY close between Akiavel and Krvna and by the slightest of margins it is taken by Akiavel with a very strong 4.5 bulldog stare downs out of 5!
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ellieaelious · 2 years
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I posted 87 times in 2022
That's 87 more posts than 2021!
50 posts created (57%)
37 posts reblogged (43%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 84 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#《mobile》 - 52 posts
#《look at me i'm ooc》 - 29 posts
#}tell me what you meme{ - 12 posts
#༄༄࿐ೃ˙ellie aelious༄༄࿐ೃ˙ - 11 posts
#}realms{ - 9 posts
#}portal; open{ - 6 posts
#}portal; open starter{ - 3 posts
#insubordinatelikevirtue - 3 posts
#thuganomxcs - 3 posts
#}they called me na' k'i'ik'el; buluc chabtan{ - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡erron black
My Top Posts in 2022:
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After so many months in Japan, one would think she'd be used to running from place to place by now. Still, she found herself panting and looking like a maniac as she sped out of the small office building in the hopes of geabbing something to eat before going to her second job. She always played the dangerous game of starvation over financial gain at the end of every week, but even this was cutting it close. With little regard for who was watching, she removed her high heels and stuffed them in her purse, hoping it wouls give her enough speed to make it in time.
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"Please don't be closed, please give me just a few more minutes!" She begged any underworld diety that would hear her. It was the only place close enough to her apartment that was not only open late enough, but was affordable enough she didn't have to sacrifice her tastebuds. She just hoped she'd be in time. Finally as the shop came into view, she nearly slammed into it fully before coming to a stop. "I'm sorry I'm late! Please, I'll take anything you have left." She panted heavily and began searching her purse for her money.
See the full post
1 note - Posted December 5, 2022
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See the full post
2 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
{{Not me checking eight times a day for new roleplay partners 🙃}}
3 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
"Back OFF!" the voice modulator of her helmet made her sound masculine as she yelled out, punching the attacker repeatedly. The gilded warrior seemed unphased as he brought her in for a headbutt and attacked repeatedly until the protective screen ceacked open. Her foot pressed against his chest and managed to put enough distance between them for her to slide back and toss away the damaged armor. Her abdomen heaved as she took in heavy breaths and ran forward, shoulder impacting with the others stomach as she pushed him back.
The two continued their skirmish, Ellie lifting the gilded one into the air and throwing him through a portal before chasing after him. Fists and feet clashed as they freefell through the sky. A golden spear narrowly missed impaling the ruler of air through the neck. Grabbing the weapon she forced it back until the blunt end pierced the chest of her enemy and his heavy body fell limp. Black blood dripped down and she sighed in relief.
Water. Her body hit the surface hard and engulfed her so quickly. Terror filled her grey eyes as gloved hands clawed at the fading light, air bubbles rapidly escaping through her torso as her lungs filled with water. Her body was too heavy to float and her powers too weakened by the element to offer her any relief. "Please no." Her vision went dark as she sunk further.
There was a dull thunk as her body reached the bottom of the ocean floor. She'd landed on an exposed rock made of metal that caused her to twitch in pain, releasing a few more air bubbles. Her uniform had sealed any remaining air to recycle and made her body rigid, though even if she tried she wouldn't have been able to move much let alone walk far enough to reach a shore. Using its last remaining power a beacon emitted from her uniform in hopes of reaching an outpost ran by her species, or anyone really.
{{Closed RP with @talokanilhealer }}
4 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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15 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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skinnyazn · 1 year
Lick Your Wounds
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader (Jaguar) Chapters: 3/3 Notes: VERY EXPLICIT MINORS DO NOT ENTER 18+, shit gets freaky—Ghost is a very freaky gyal, very graphic knife battle scene with lots of blood, followed by some freaky seggs, TW blood and stabby stabby, Thank you to @solidly-indulgent for inspiring the fic with their request of Jag getting injured and Ghost being sad feral,
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Part One | Part Two | AO3 | MASTERLIST
Everything ached. From the surface of your skin and below to the bones and soft, tender organs. The tinnitus in your ears muffled out the other noises. There were no squawks from the jungle creatures. Just a high pitch ringing that drilled into your head as you stared up at the perfect blue sky amidst all the rubble. And there it was again, that odd flow of time. You knew you were awake, alive—breathing. But everything moved so slowly. Maybe if you just closed your eyes for a little bit…
A wave of nausea hit you and you rolled to your side and dry heaved. Sweat dripped from your face onto the crumbled concrete below. It dug into your palms. You groaned as your focus slowly sharpened. The sound of gunfire made its way past the ringing in your ears. That’s right—you were on a mission. You looked down at your dirty fatigues. Smelled the smoke and dust that surrounded you from the building. A subconscious part of you groped around the floor, searching for something second nature. What was it? A glint, a few feet away from you, buried under the rubble. That’s it. Your rifle.
“Chingada madre!” You felt a rough grip on your hair as a Buluc Chabtan soldier yanked you up. His fist met your face repeatedly and split open your lip and cheek, blood splattering to the floor. You groaned, willed your brain to focus. “Sabes que le hacemos a las putas como tú?” He threw you to the ground. Somewhere, in the distance, you heard an explosion.
The silhouette of the man blocked out the sun overhead. You watched as he pulled out his pistol. Aimed it at you. Felt the adrenaline pump through your body again, speeding up that flow of time. Your heart was pounding in your chest now as your hands sought something rough on their own.
“No puedes matar a una jaguar,” it came out raspy when you spoke. “Nosotras te matamos.”
The man chuckled—no, full on laughed at you. It was a grating sound.
“Crees que eres una jaguar cuando solo eres una puta—” but his words were cut off as you sunk your bowie knife into his achilles, slicing the tendon and bringing him screaming to the floor on all fours. 
You mounted him, locked your legs around his waist and squeezed. He reached back to grab you but you stabbed into his jugular, ripping the knife out to cut the cord, then sunk it in his chest—into any part of him you could. The man writhed, slamming the both of you onto your back as he exacted his own death roll. It fucking hurt but you didn’t let up—wouldn't unlock your legs. You just held him in a tight embrace as his hot blood coated the both of you, sinking your knife in again and again. He clawed and scratched and gripped but you never relented until his body started to spasm. Finally, his arms fell limp at his side and your shirt was soaked crimson.
Releasing him, you gasped for air. Shoved his still-warm body off of you and scrabbled away. You wiped your hands and arms on your pants but that just smeared the red around. Waves of vertigo rushed over you as you struggled to find your breath. A shadow approached you on the ground and you whipped around.
The figure caught your wrists as you tried to sink your knife into them, holding onto you with a firm grip. You tried sweeping your leg behind theirs but they blocked.
“Jag, it’s me!” a deep Manchester voice. You knew it, you were sure. You thrashed anyway. “It’s me, Ghost!”
Ghost. Simon.
You met his eyes as he took account of you. “It’s okay, I’ve got you, luv. I’ve got you.” 
His intense gaze raked over your injuries and the blood soaked shirt as you gave up your struggle. Somehow, you had no problem focusing on him and his skull mask. But his eyes behind the bone and blood… you’d never seen that expression before.
“It’s not mine.” You loosened your hold on your knife, letting it fall to the floor. Rested your hands on his chest as he released his grip. Felt the damp fabric underneath your fingertips. “Most of it, anyway,” you breathed.
Simon took of his gloves to hold your face, turned it to the side and looked at the blood dripping from your lip. His palms were so warm against you; his grip, frantic. Like he wasn’t sure if you were really alive before him.
He pulled you into him, constricting you with his embrace. “Thought I lost you.” 
You groaned softly. It hurt but you wanted more of it. Pain. From him. 
“Thought I’d fucking lost you.” There was a timbre in his voice. It almost sounded like anger.
“I’m here,” you mumbled into his chest; your hands moved to span the width of his neck. He sucked in a deep breath.
Pushing you away, he ripped off his mask. His dirty blonde hair caught the sun’s rays. It caught you off guard as your mouth went slack—it was the very definition of shock. You couldn’t breathe. Your skin went clammy and your heart felt like it was about to burst while you took in Simon Ghost Riley’s face for the very first time. He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in your life, in spite of the smeared eye paint, sweat, and all his scars.
“Oh,” you breathed. It was all you could managed as you reached to touch his face, getting red on his cheek. His jaw flexed.
Then he crashed against your lips, tasting your blood. You still couldn’t find your breath but you opened for him—tongues vying with each other’s. He engulfed you, kissed your mouth and then your split-lip and along your jaw. Up to your cheek, licking the blooming bruise and metal of your open wound—the saltiness of your sweat. You couldn’t see straight but it wasn’t from the concussion this time.
“I need you, Simon.” It came out desperate and barely a whisper but he heard it all the same.
He pushed you backward a few steps toward a piece of wall that was still upright. Spun you around as his teeth found your ear. You gripped the concrete for stability. Wetness was already pooling between your thighs.
Simon reached around you, undoing your belt and sliding your pants just below your ass as your back rested flushed against him. Heard the metal of his own belt and zipper before feeling him already at your entrance. He pulled your hips back and you sank onto his hard cock, groaning as he stretched you wide. Your head hung heavy as you watched his hips pick up pace and snap against yours. Heard the slick sounds from your wetness over the ringing in your ears. When you rolled your head back, Simon gripped your neck, bringing you in for a kiss while he fucked you hard; your arched back formed a hollow against him. You tasted your blood on his tongue.
And you’re not sure when the tears came but he licked them away all the same. All you could feel as you closed your eyes was a numbness over your body and that sweet heat in your core—a heat that only your Ghost brought out. Simon grunted and panted in your ear as you tried to keep your moans down.
“J-Jag,” he huffed as you gripped the wall, knuckles bone-white under the blood—your name sounding like a prayer on his lips.
Simon was the only one who could ruin you like this. Bring you to this state of ecstasy. And so you made a guttural sound as fucked deeper into you, threatening to open you—take root in every part of you up and never leave. You slammed harder against him.
“Haaaa fuckkk,” he groaned against your face, slamming your hips once, twice before slowing them. You felt his cock throb inside you—felt his hot cum fill you as he fucked the fluid deeper inside. Simon’s thick arm wrapped around your waist, securing you against him, as he struggled to calm his breathing. 
“Are you alright?” he muttered softly against you. You could barely hear him as the blood pumped through your ringing ears, but attempted a nod. He rubbed his nose against your cheek before drawing away. His hot cum dripped down your leg. Simon pulled up your pants and redid your belt as you stared at the bloody handprints left on the concrete. You turned around when he was done, leaning against the wall for support. Your legs shook.
“We've gotta go, luv,” he said as he fixed his own pants.
You stared at his face. Tried to commit every detail of it to memory. Simon stared back at you tenderly. He kissed the corner of your mouth gently before slipping on his mask.
“Soap, what’s your status? Jag’s alright,” he spoke into the comms. Nodded at Soap’s response. “We’ll bring a truck to you.”
“C’mere,” he turned toward you and knelt down. You ungracefully climbed onto his back, barely able to wrap your legs around his thick waist. He supported you with his left hand while his right grabbed his rifle. 
“Getting blood on you,” you spoke as you placed your arms around his neck for support.
“Long as it’s not yours, we’re good.”
You hummed into his warm neck, head feeling unbearably heavy now.
“Stay with me, Jag. We’re nearly finished,” he murmured as he strode across the compound.
“I’m here, Ghost. I’m here."
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