#chai and bf share one.
haxe-coding · 10 months
I just realized Chai (hi-fi rush) Mayday (nsr) and BF are the exact same type of character and I can't stop thinking about it.
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gent-ly · 22 days
Holy shit, holy shit, the first chapter is so so good!! Your writing is so vivid; visceral in the way you describe what Prapai is feeling and thinking, and I'm really looking forward to where this goes because in a way LITA left us a bit too quickly and there's a part of me that wanted a bit more lingering on the hurt!!
Payu's support from the get-go is <3. I loved seeing hints of how they have each other's back in the show and it was good to see Payu validating the need for revenge/still being the voice of reason to talk to Sky and sleep on it.
Umph love the evidence to Sky's handling it better - he's been through this before, so he kinda knows how to manage it, at least in the moments between flashbacks. Also that he's choosing to refuse to let Gun dictate his life this time. He's so... strong. And of course Prapai says that but you're showing it really well here.
Sky still being able to ask for what he wants (both emotionally and physically) felt like such relief to read and I love how much Prapai communicates in the moment and directly after. Like ofc he'd be the kind to run his mouth during sex, but its also so important for Sky to know exactly what he's thinking and feeling and just how much he's loved and I think you really captured that so well! And the aftercare in Prapai checking in and reassuring and the confidence that Sky expresses but also honestly talks about the intrusive thoughts. It was so good to read how 'knowing' the truth doesn't always stop your brain from telling you lies when you've believed them for so long. Thank you for allowing Sky to know and yet not necessarily be 'fixed' because that... feels really true to life.
Ohhh the last section with Prapai: "wears his anger to the gym" is such a good good line. So is "finds his anger where he left it, in the shadows of his bedroom wall" - I remember at the start of the fic hoping you were setting up a callback moment <3.
/sigh. I get Prapai's reasoning for not saying anything but... there's a part of me that wishes and hopes he will include Sky in this. But for storyline, even character reasons I can see why he wouldn't. Still, Sky's going to be caught up in the aftermath whether he likes it or not and it's not fair that he goes in blind.
The frequent mention of the bruising throughout really gets to me - Gun/his friends was so cruel with how much he kept hitting Sky. And makes me remember poor, brave Sky who fought and fought until he thought Prapai had something to do with him being in the situation (even for a moment). It's... very effective to help the reader understand Prapai's headspace right now.
The evening sun is gold and the light touches every corner of the room. There’s no space for shadows. No place for Sky’s fretful hands. No room for doubt of Prapai’s love.
This was so beautiful and beautifully written. I just wish (for their sake) that they could've lived in that a bit longer.
Thank you for sharing your writing. It truly is such a pleasure and privilege to read. Really looking forward to seeing where you take this and continuing to cheer you on!!
i just woke up to this and know my day will be a good one thanks to you! thank you so much for taking the time to write this and share your thoughts with me! it means a lot!
i am so glad you picked up on the callbacks and the little motifs throughout. every time i rewrite it’s too ensure the story is consistent, that these little details that matter to me aren’t overlooked. so glad my efforts aren’t wasted!
when i rewatched lita recently i was thinking throughout of the few times they reference some level of involvement with pakin and chai. for example how chai comes to phayu and rain’s aid because phayu is pakin’s best engineer. and i just thought, damn, that’s a lot of trouble they go to, to help out precious engineer’s kidnapped bf 🤔 and then his agreement with pai in the end that pai will race? like bro is already doing that? it’s not a big enough sacrifice for what they’re asking for, in my opinion. so i wanted to drag it out a little. i want to see how prapai and sky will act when things get serious in a way that’s kind of… bigger than them? idk. we’ll find out i guess haha. but yes i thought it was important phayu be involved because he seems to have the stronger connection to pakin anyway. annnnd i wanted more of their friendship!!!
it’s so important to me that sky’s strength carries through to this second incident. of course he’s going to be knocked back. of course his low self esteem and self worth issues aren’t going anywhere but boy was so strong after the first time… like he straightened himself out and worked damn hard at school and yes, a lot of it was probably avoidance of the issue but still. he did that, basically by himself. this time, though, he has the best support team in the world. which means he can move forward but he can take his time with it, too, because he’s safe enough to feel how much all this has affected him. do u get me? like he has the freedom to hurt now. in his own way, at his own pace, in the safety of a loving environment.
i am a sucker for good communication. i cant help myself!! but i think they’re a very honest couple anyway so it fits. but i suppose you’ll just have to wait and see what prapai chooses to do with his little secret. 🤫
thank u again for ur thoughts & support <3
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Who Do You Love?, Ch.3
Read on AO3
Summary: Kim and Chay decide not to go public with their relationship since it's so new and they don't want anyone's reactions coming between them. Then Kim accidentally lets it slip on Instagram Live that he's no longer single, and the hunt begins to figure out who the mystery boyfriend is. Unfortunately, some of Chay's friends are hot on the trail, while he attempts to stay out of it entirely.
Chay was finally coming to the end of the paper he’d been working on for hours, just reading through one last time for any missed errors, when his phone vibrated on the coffee table in front of him. He leaned forward to grab it, frowning in confusion when he read the notification.
wik meme team fern 🎨 named the conversation “mb protection squad”.
He shot off a quick text in response, figuring it might be a typo, or some reference he wasn’t getting. Fern changed the group name pretty often, and half the time the names were based on some meme she’d have to send him before he understood.
chay mb?
fern 🎨 p’chay u did NOT miss the live r u kidding me?????
Chay grimaced at that. He hadn’t said anything to this particular group of friends about meeting Wik when he’d started tutoring him originally. At first, it was just because it seemed like a pretty outrageous claim, and he didn’t want his friends thinking he was messing with them. Later, he’d had his heart broken and certainly didn’t feel like sharing that their favorite singer was the one responsible. They knew he’d gone through a messy breakup, but he’d just said that he was still hurting and he didn’t feel like talking about it. Once they’d gotten back together…that was complicated, too. He wanted to be able to tell his friends about it, but…they were definitely going to freak out, no way around it. Kim would wonder why everyone in this one friend group was obsessed with him, and Chay definitely didn’t feel like explaining that they’d all met through stan twitter, bonding over their love of…Wik. He typed a response back to Fern, glad to have the excuse of schoolwork to justify not watching an IG Live he definitely wouldn’t have missed before meeting Kim.
chay no time, been working on an essay FOREVER :/
new ☀️ OMG guys that means he doesnt KNOW unless u DO know… do u know?????
chay ???? i hav literally no clue what ur talking abt
ying 🐼 wik talked about his boyfriend on the live!!!!
Chay’s heart stopped for a second as he read the most recent message. He and Kim had just talked about keeping their relationship quiet. Kim had even been the one to suggest it! Chay had been secretly relieved, knowing he didn’t need to come up with a way to explain himself to his friends just yet, but he hadn’t wanted to hurt Kim’s feelings by suggesting it. And now Kim was..talking about him to his fans? Of course, he wouldn’t  know that Chay’s friends were included in that group, but still…how much had he said? Had he named Chay, given details, would Chay’s friends be able to piece it together? He panicked for a second before shaking his head and replying to the group chat.
chay what??? what did he say exactly??
new ☀️ lmao knew he’d be interested 😆
thorn 🎮 Not a ton, but he’s definitely taken. Sorry to half of you guys lol.
ying 🐼 it was super sweet! his bf texted while he was live and he got all smiley and distracted 💗💗💗
fern 🎨 ya but then he was like ‘sorry that’s my bf’ and then ‘OH SHIT’ apparently it’s a secret  🤷 istg this man only has two braincells 🙄
ying 🐼 its not a secret he said theyre just keeping it quiet!!
new ☀️ not THAT quiet ig
Chay’s shoulders relaxed a little as the messages poured in. Kim had just let it slip by accident, not great, but not a huge deal. He typed out a response, trying for a casual tone.
chay lol did he give any details
new ☀️ HE’S HOT!!!
fern 🎨 ya he said he was hot lol
Chay blushed at that, staring at both messages and trying to figure how that could have come up by mistake. Whatever, not important right now, he tried to remember. He sent another text, hoping his interest seemed like that of any other fan, rather than someone nervous about being found out.
chay no name ig??
fern 🎨 excuse u his NAME is mystery boyfriend and he’s the only man i respect
Chay breathed a sigh of relief, at least Kim hadn’t let his name slip.
chay mystery boyfriend??
fern 🎨 ya wik said it wasn’t a mystery so obvs it IS a mystery
thorn 🎮 Ok I literally JUST got the new GC name.
new ☀️ p’thorn could u pls get it together and get on the meme train with us???? u too p’chay!!!
ying 🐼 guysss he wants to keep it private we should respect that!
fern 🎨 then he can keep it private!!! but i should be allowed to meme in peace
new ☀️ right there with u fern p’chay go watch the live so ur caught up
chay ahhh i will later but im having dinner with hia tonight so cant rn
new ☀️ ok cool cool ✌️ text me when u watch it!! he looked sooo cute he hasn't done an ig live in forever i miss gushing with u 😢
thorn 🎮 He has a boyfriend now?
new ☀️ we can still gush!!! respectfully!!
chay lmao luv u guys i gotta go ttyl  💙💙💙
Chay shook his head at his friends, glad that things seemed generally unchanged. He always felt a bit weird talking with them about Wik, now that he was dating Kim. The last couple months, it’d been pretty easy for them to chalk it up to how down he was about the breakup, but they’d all noticed how happy he’d been lately. Not that he could blame them, he couldn’t hide it if he tried, with how Kim made him feel. Speaking of Kim, they should probably talk about the whole “mystery boyfriend” thing once he made it to his place after dinner. And it never hurt to mess with Kim a little, he figured, grabbing his phone and shooting off a quick text to his boyfriend.
chay babe? did u maybe say u hav a bf on ig live?? after we just talked abt not doing that???
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inhumanevoid · 2 years
so my brain did me a bamboozle and gave me this idea of crossovers. what universes u might ask? kinnporsche x bad buddy. do I have any details???yes. yes I do. many of them. pran is porsches bff. he keeps porsche in check, rides his sexy ass motorcycles w him and has his own Ducati or smth (which might be the source of pat's wet dreams but no one needs to know that), gives his gorgeous dimpled smiles to porsche's antics, gave kinn multiple death glares and threats after the diamond auction fiasco, and both Porsche and Pran occasionally team up with Vegas to bring chaos into their boyfriends' lives. also pran is an assassin. yes he is working w the theerapanyakuls.
as for pat, he is a businessman. handles kinn's legal fronts. all the revenue they earn from their stocks and casinos(the legals parts at least) and other companies, pat earns it and keeps the law enforcement away. he wears those ridiculously beautiful suits like kinn, sits in meetings with an aura that has u trembling the whole time, keeps a blank stoic face throughout presentations and then cracks his neck before taking over because those pieces of shits can't do one job right. he is also trained just like every other theerapanyakul and their bodyguards. Close range hand to hand combat is his strong suit, though he does dip his toes in the sniping pool once a while. Pat, kinn amd Pete all sit together to drink their neat whiskies at least thrice a week and more often than not the topic of discussion in the hangouts is the headache caused by bfs of said gentlemen through the said week.
khun korn is a good man here. he didn't shoot khun chayaphat and hasn't hidden nampheung for 20 smth years. porsche and chay's parents are alive and khun chayaphat is the head of the kittisawasd family. theerapanyakul, kittisawasd and jindapat are big3 of Thailand. the jindapats do the legals works, provide fronts for the illegal businesses. the kittisawasds handle international trade and relationships. and theerapanyakuls mainly work the illegal works, weapons transport, hits and bountys on people, the works.
free for use!! just tag my user/five proper credits if u use this prompt. please share them with any writers yk. also I would love to read u guys' take on this prompt so send me a link to ur work.
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Mull It Over Wine
[Recipe at bottom]
Editor’s Note: We haven’t heard from Mr. Fett in a while. Apparently he’s been busy at work writing a book, or something. You’ll understand in the blog post why we’re a bit confused. We’ve transcribed the audio as best as possible, but most of this post qualifies under “butt dialing”. We apologize for any confusion, believe us, we’re in the same boat. We wonder if it will make more sense when we test this recipe for ourselves.
So, the publishers were saying they don’t like it. They don’t liiiiiike it. Well if there’s one thing I know about people, it’s that they don’t like me. No, Shand, this isn’t a diary, it’s a blog. I’m allowed to write what I want. Look, and people will listen to me. They don’t have to like me.
Anyway so instead of whining about it, I’m following the grand tradition of wining about it.
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It’s fucking cold on Tatooine. Ironic, right? I’ve been so caught up in the heat of everything here, the coarseness, that I forgot what cold felt like. In the…
(E/N: Mr. Fett moved away from the recorder while speaking, but we’re pretty sure he was upset about something. He mentioned a “thrice-damned Han Solo” several times, and threw a mug at the wall. He then laughed for ten minutes straight.)
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Don’t let your wine boil. Do not. You will lose the point of the wine. Shand bought me this stupid pot. Yes, it’s stupid. You press a button and it. It does pot things. Cooks! It cooks. So I tested it on a forgiving subject. Well, it’s forgiving when you cook with it, but not forgiving for the person you’ll be tomorrow. But I don’t care about that. It’s karking cold, and I want to drink out of something with a handle.
This WILL stain your white porcelain. Use a mug that’s already been abused and stained.
Like my face.
Or his face.
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I’m the only one in the galaxy who can make that joke, and the only one who can laugh at it, and live to see the next morning.
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Oh you want to add the brandy too, but make sure someone has ancestors to tell you when to stop. As a clone, I think my ancestral rights were stripped away like paint off beskar. No, Shand, I’m not being morose, I’m talking about brandy. So you want to listen to your ancestors, and then add some more, just to buck authority.
Spices? Right. I’ve been told none of you have the spices I have. Use the same mentality as the golden beskar cakes, whatever floats your grav-repulsors. If there are local flavors to use, use those. I’ve seen some marts sell whole bundles of spices for mulling in little bags, which is good. Wine should not be textured.
(E/N: Mr. Fett proceeded to sit in silence for 13 minutes, occasionally sipping, stirring, and sighing. We’re unsure if this is part of the process or not.)
I wish he was here.
Mull It Over Wine - best shared with company, and supervision.
Two regular bottles (750mL each, or 1.5L total) of a sweeter red wine (E/N: When the editors tried this at our holiday party, we used two bottles of merlot)
Brandy or orange spotchka (E/N: Cointreau or orange liqueur)
Spices* to taste
Sugar, honey, or other sweetener to taste (stir before tasting, don’t be like Shand)
Garnishes* (fruit, zest, etc I don’t care)
*For traditional mulled wine, we recommend using whole cloves, star anise, and cinnamon sticks, with a 8:2:2:1 for cloves:anise:cinnamon:bottle of wine. YMMV on the taste you’re going for. Additionally, it’s traditional to add in slices of orange or blood orange as garnishes. If you don’t have whole spices, you can put them in an empty tea bag and let them steep in the wine as to not bring the beloathed texture. Barring all of that, we’ve also found the poor-man’s mulled wine can be red wine, a few bags of chai tea, and applied heat.
Strain if you’re paranoid.
Serve in caf mugs.
      5. Enjoy.
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ofinkdried · 4 years
hey all!! i’m slowly working on bios and pages and such but I wanted to introduce myself first -- so here’s what’s technically was the first task?? im using it as the template for my intro so HERE WE GO!!
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name  /  alias : victoria / tor gender  /  pronouns : cisfemale / she/her where  ya  from  ? : texas!! the  current  time :  4:29 pm height :  5′4 job  or  major :  unemployed at the moment, but I have a degree in health science/health administration & a national certification in phlebotomy pet  (  s  ) :  one doxie/beagle mix named Roxie favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  my ability to remember song lyrics better than my own name any  special  talents  ? :  uhhhh I can play 4 ( 5? ) instruments why  you  joined  hqclouds :  FUNNY STORY care was talking to me about some Tea ( we’re in another rp together ) and she made a comment about running an rp and im a bit of a sleuth and found hqclouds and decided to join  meaning  behind  url :  it’s ‘ of clementines ’ because one of my favorite halsey songs is clementine and i’ve been on a halsey kick as of late  last  thing  you  googled :  ‘ fools troye sivan ’ because I wanted to send my friend the music video birthday  /  zodiac :  october 29th / scorpio in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : some days myers  -  briggs :  I took it forever ago and don’t remember... ^^’ moral  alignment :  chaotic good hogwarts  house : ravenclaw!! three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  oh gosh.... katherine from newsies ( dedicated, doesn’t take a man’s shit), emma from the prom (nervous gay who plays guitar), and flynn rider from tangled (jokester, very in love with our girlfriends) i  started  roleplaying : 2012 I think? types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  definitely literate ones favorite  fcs  to  use :  I try to not reuse fcs a lot?? like I have some I prefer for certain characters, but I don’t have a strong draw to certain faces... fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : musicals ( namely newsies ), fairy tail, the raven cycle fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  uhhhh I dont really know... share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  oh gosh I dealt with one girl who like... constantly gaslit me as a player and my characters, would make me feel bad for not responding immediately, made everything about her characters, and then got mad when I called her out on it? and now she goes to a christian school and says that rp is ‘ the devil’s work ’ and I just... yeah. fondest  roleplay  memory :  I feel like the moment my now girlfriend and I realized we always do ships bc just had awesome chemistry and then started dating like, 4 months later. favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : connor murphy ( deh ), gansey ( trc ), spot conlon ( newsies ), jimmy ( bandstand ), lucy heartfillia ( fairy tail ) favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : theo massard ( a boxer, jack barakat fc; had an AMAZING ship for him )  canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  CATRADORA. none of my other ships are technically canon : / trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : tragic backstories, tough on the outside soft on the inside i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  I wanna say fluff but I know care and megan will call me out bc I love angst more than anything long  or  short  replies :  mid-length pre  plotting  or  chemistry : chemistry leading to pre plotting! sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : both? I love discussing headcanons single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multi!! gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : typically gif icons, but lately ive been loving medium gifs grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : ok so I have no books atm bc im moving, but the first book on my phone is the dream thieves, and the line I see first is “ The Gray Man considered what it must’ve been like to live like that, always waiting for your door to be kicked in. ” what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : oh gosh, so many... “ I'm a walking travesty/But I'm smiling at everything ” ( therapy, all time low ), “ I imagine the tears in your eyes/The very first night I'll sleep without you ” ( roman holiday, halsey ), “ Am I the product of a problem that I couldn't change?/Got his eyes, got her hair/So do I get their mistakes? ” ( secondhand smoke, kelsea ballerini ) top  current  celebrity  crushes :  halsey, froy guiterrez, harry styles ( always ) last  movie  you  watched :  I think it was uhhhhhh miss americana on netflix? did  you  like  it  ? :  YES I loved it favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : 10 things I hate about you, newsies ( ’92 ) favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : she-ra, queer eye, fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, gossip girl favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : zoey’s extraordinary playlist favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : the raven cycle, all for the game, the last song sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : dallas cowboys, houston astros ( yeah I know about the scandal and I hate it, but they’re my team ), FAU owls ( my alma mater ) favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : breath of the wild, KH series favorite  youtube  channels : unus annus, daniel howell ( rip he hasn’t posted in a year ), the try guys, NPR Music, CrankGameplays ( ethans just a dork I dont even like gamer videos that much ) hobbies :  guitar, singing, being in zoom musicals ( im playing whatsername from american idiot for one in July and auditioned for a few others! ), reading what  are  the  three  non  essential  things  you’d  bring  to  a  deserted  island  ? : my guitar, my laptop, wifi put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : HOLD ME TIGHT OR DONT, fall out boy; I’m Still Here, John Rzeznik; Towers, Little Mix; Way Down Hadestown, hadestown obc; Stitches, state champs (cover); Look Back, betty who personal  aesthetic : nerdy punk?  dream  vacation  ? : disneyland paris or disneyland Singapore with my gf dream  job  ? :  music teacher dream  car  ? :  one that works at this point if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : austin, texas ( im about an hour away rn ) favorite  musical : OH GOSH..... the prom, bandstand, newsies, hadestown favorite  food  (  s  ) :  blueberry pancakes, red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing coffee  order :  at starbucks? venti iced chai tea latte. at dunkin? large iced vanilla coffee. at home? french vanilla coffee and caramel macchiato creamer and 2 scoops of sugar.  unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  netflix: sex education, the umbrella academy, end of the f***ing world, the people vs. oj simpson. hulu: portrait of a lady on fire, my friend dahmer, rocketman what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : I dunno? I have a ton of useless facts on a wide range of subjects. like did you know that in 100 letters, halsey says ‘ You wrote 100 letters just for me/And I find them in my closet in the pockets of my jeans/Now I'm constantly reminded of the time I was 19/Every single one's forgotten in a laundromat machine ’ and that’s actually autobiographical -- her bf at the time wrote a note and put it in a pocket of every pair of pants she owned, and she was still finding them months after the relationship ended, so she took all her pants to a laundromat and washed them so she wouldn’t have to see the letters anymore!!
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streamacademe · 5 years
Week 88, Day 610.
Today is Memorial Day in the US, which means that I’m working from home, well, from my hotel room, which is basically home. It’s been 10 days since I arrived here and it already feels like I live here. It’s crazy to think that I have another 3 and a half weeks before I fly back to my actual “home”. Although, saying that, I am not too homesick; it’s too beautiful to be homesick here. Plus, I have a friend visiting me in exactly a weeks time, which I can’t bloody wait for! 🎈It’ll be nice to have a familiar face and a fellow Brit here; someone who loves tea as much as I do and also someone who will share the experience of being super hyper-aware of their accent. I have never felt more British that I do here, every second person tells me they love the way I speak, it’s so weird. Spiffing. ☕
On the topic of familiar faces, my supervisor from home is now in the US and came to see me yesterday! We went out for pancakes, had iced chai tea lattes, and played a board-game with them and their partner. It was a really nice day. 🥞 I expressed my concerns about feeling like I haven’t achieved much being here yet as my sediment samples haven’t arrived and I’ve only seen the lab I’ll be working in once. My supervisor said that the point of the trip is to broaden my horizons on the possibilities of what we can achieve with the project, to have time to myself to focus on the next steps I want to take with the PhD, and re-align where it is headed. That was exactly what I needed to hear. Top supervision. 🍎 Every free hour I have had here I have spent exploring! Annoyingly, it snowed mid week, which I was totally unprepared for as I packed clothes for 10°C upwards. ❄ This meant that I had to layer up and make my way over to some clothes shops to buy something warm. I ended up buying active-wear instead; I figured that if I’m working out, I’ll be warm. 🏃‍♀️ Plus, I have so many jumpers back in the UK, I didn’t want to buy any more, being a minimalist and that. By the weekend, the skies cleared, temperatures hit 20°C +, and I spent, on average, 7 hours a day walking/cycling around Boulder. On Saturday, I hiked up the Green Mountain (8,148 ft elevation); was totally worth the thigh burn! 🏔
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Photo: Me at the half-way point of the Green Mountain. Source: My phone. I am learning to pay more attention to the world around me here. I have been walking/cycling/hiking without headphones, and had I had them on I would have never heard/noticed the hummingbirds and prairie dogs that live here. ❤ I’m also trying to be on my phone a lot less here, and it has done we wonders. I think one of my biggest stressors is being online all the time; it’s been so rewarding to be active in the real world instead. 🌿
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Photo: Be more present. Source: Tumblr somewhere.
This will probably be the most important paragraph in this post.. Being here, and most importantly in one place, I have had the opportunity to slow down and look after myself more. As adults we take on so much, too much. However, I can’t help but feel guilty for looking after myself, as if that’s super selfish. I don’t want to be one of those constantly burnt out PhD students; I want to thrive. I mean, yes, sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough drink an unhealthy amount of caffeine, and those moments will happen, and that’s okay. ☕ But, being exhausted all the time is not cool. I have had too many moments of looking at my reflection in the mirror and not recognising the person looking back at me. A lot of the time I see a shadow of a human being, somewhat like a ghoul, which isn’t helped by the lack of sun in the UK.  ☁  Also, on top of my PhD work, I have to deal and live with anxiety and other health issues every day. I am allowed to put myself first and to allow my body, which does SO MUCH for me, to have a chance to rest. I think we really underestimate how much self-care we actually need. My knee seized up one night this week, and it was so painful it woke me up; I couldn’t move my leg for over an hour. It made me realise that I take my body for granted and I punish it for the tiniest flaws. I am going to do my best to break this cycle, before it breaks me. I want to change the stigma that a person has to work 734294921 hours a week to be successful. I call bullshirt. I work on average 5-6 hours a day now, and you know what, those hours are super productive; I get shirt done. This trip wasn’t just gifted to me. I know that if I burn out, there will be no fire in my work. I have to keep the flame going, and I suggest you do the same. 🔥 ”If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.”
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Photo: An appropriate piece of poetry. Source: Alison Malee.  With having time to think, accompanied by a thunderstorm we had last night, my brain took me to a place of melancholy, and when I’m in that place I tend to think of family, and of my past. But mostly, I think about one particular friend of mine, who I can no longer call a “friend”. A person who had a huge influence on my life, but who also brought me more sorrow that joy across the years. Despite this, I think of them sometimes and wonder if they’re happy. I miss the ability to talk to them and share the good and bad. And it’s okay to miss someone who you’ve had to distance yourself from. And it’s okay to be happy in your present life, but still hurt sometimes. Just always remember, that even if you don’t have that someone who mattered in your life anymore, you still have you. 🌟
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Photo: Aforementioned quote. Source: Tumblr as per.  On a much lighter and happier note, I’d like to share some overwhelmingly exciting and wonderful news:
One of my best friends is getting married, and has asked me to be her maid of honour, and what an honour that will be! 💍
Another friend of mine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. 🌸
Amongst all the hardships and sadness that you may face, remember that there is always something amazing happening somewhere else in the world, most likely a lot closer than you think. 💙
Also, here’s a shout out to the bf, for making me feel supported and loved across so many miles. Before I go...  A little on minimalism and sustainability...
Mainly, I just wanted to review the Mooncup; honestly, initially it was really strange to get used to, but now that I have, it is the most comfortable sanitary product I’ve ever used. I have slept, walked, cycled, and hiked with it, and didn’t even notice it was there. The only downfall is that there is no way you can swim with it... so a good old tampon for that it is. 🚺
Okay, finally, thank you so so so much to my 485 followers; you make dedicating hours to writing that much more worth it!  💌 Remember to take care of yourself; you can’t pour from an empty cup. 🥛 Photo: Shelf-care - geddit? Source: Tumblr.
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jeonsweetpea · 3 years
Sweet angel🥺 just gonna cry over that for a quick moment🥺You bring your adorable self and I’ll bring hot chocolate and we can watch it together🥰 It really is nice to exercise by walking just not at 6am wanna give up when it’s negative degrees and walking by the water, it’s always cold by the water. Being a morning person is hard so 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 for you it’s not an easy thing specially if you weren’t one before it’s so hard to try to turn it around and get used to early mornings! Ohh thanksgiving you must be American then with the November one but yay break time for you! I hope you get to rest properly and just get to do nothing if it’s what you wanna do and if you wanna do stuff I hope you get zero lines at every store💓 It’s really expensive but heck yeah make stuff yourself get those cute designs and save cash we love a smart queen👏🏼💓 It’s honestly so smart of you to laminate the calendar and make it into posters. Awwww that’s so darn cute I’m glad you get to share it with them🥺❤️ Halloween really isn’t made for adults if you don’t count parties but the vibe is cozy and nice🥰 ohhhh scream they are good I’ve honestly watched too many horror movies it’s so dumb, I’m scared to death and I used to watch them as a way to fall asleep🤡 Ohh pumpkin spice sorta sounds like chai ( or at least the coffee store version of it lol ) but more fall taste. Pumpkin pie does sound good I’ve thought about making it someday since it’s so popular. My holiday plans are probably rest as much as popular and then celebrate with my family, what about you?💓 I don’t actually have a job I’m studying business and it’s killing my social life and most importantly my rest time 🙃 Good luck these next two weeks you’re almost at the finish line for a well earned break and you can do it💓 I believe in you sunshine you are doing great💓
- pillow angel anon❄️
Hot chocolate?! I'm there!!! 🍫😘 And being a teacher has wired me to wake up early, I can't even fully rest on weekends. These days my sleep hasn't felt fulfilling. 😪
Hahaha, yes. I am American. 🤣 I always look forward to eating American Thanksgiving food with my bf and his family b/c my family doesn't know how to cook the American foods. "zero lines at every store" OMG, that's so kind of you to say~, I freakin' adore you! 🥰 Thank you!
I just bought the new BT21 Holiday Ornaments. LMFAO!
YOU USED TO WATCH HORROR MOVIES AS A WAY TO FALL ASLEEP? HOW??? I can't even go to the bathroom late at night without freaking out after a scary movie!
Ooh, ooh, I LOVE CHAI! 😍 And if you ever do make pumpkin pie one day, let me know~ <333
My holiday plans are the same as yours. Except I have teacher trainings to do and studying also. SIGH. But oh, you're studying business? Do you like it though? 😊 My bf used to study business, he didn't like it much. Lol.
And thank you, lovely! I believe in you too, I'm always thinking of you and rooting for you. Good vibes only. Stay hydrated and safe. 💕
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justonekid · 7 years
     avatar aang / aang lhakpa
     i  used  to  use  ryan  potter ,     but  i  have  just  switched  to  yuki  furukawa .
1 .  TRANS AANG TRANS AANG !!!!!!!     in  modern  he  comes  out  as  trans  after  he  moves  from  tibet .     he  starts  taking  t  with  the  help  of  his  grandfather ,     and  his  gf  /  bf  ( depending  on  verse )   are  supportive  and  wonderful !!!!!!!     in  canon ,    he  still  identifies  as  trans  !     though  it  is  obviously  not  shown ,   he  binds ,   etc .    don’t  worry  abt  the  kids  lmao
2 .   while  he  jokes  about  it ,   watching  his  friends  eat  meat  deeply  unsettles  him .     he  has  such  a  close  connection  to  nature  and  animals  that  the  mere  thought  of  animals  being  reduced  to  food  really  upsets  him .     he  would  never  say  anything  above  jokes ,  but  he’s  cried  over  it  more  than  once .
1 .   gardening .    he’s  very  proud  of  his  flower  garden .    he  plants  most  things  for  katara ,   but  a  lot  of  the  flowers  are  friends  to  talk  to  when  he  feels  down . 2 .   meditate !!!!!!!!  he  is  so  focused  on  staying  connected  to  his  culture  that  he  chooses  to  meditate  for  at  least  20  minutes  a  day.   it  just  centers  him 3 .   drawing !!!!!!!!!!  he’s  not  a  master  artist  ,    but  he  likes  to  dabble  in  calligraphy  and  sketches  to  keep  his  mind  sharp .    in  modern  he’s  pretty  good
1 .  katara 2 . sokka 3 .  toph 4 .  zuko 5 .  suki 6 . ty lee 7 . kids !!!!!!!!
1 .   running  from  his  people .   even  though  he  “  let  it  go  “ ,    he  still  has  recurring  nightmares  about  gyatso’s  body .   at  the  very  least ,   he  wishes  he  could  have  said  a  proper  goodbye .      it  was  the  least  they  deserved .
2 .   waiting  so  long  to  let  go  of  katara .     by  suspending  the  avatar  state ,  he  allowed  azula’s  attack  and  successfully  plunged  the  earth  kingdom  into  war .       he  does  not  allow  his  later  accomplishments  to  make  up  for  that  failure .   he  spends  much  of  his  career   rebuilding  ba  sing  se .
1 .   lightning .         even  as  a  skilled  fire  bender ,   he  only  ever  learned  to  manipulate  lightning  for  protection .     watching  anyone  use  lightning  for  any  purpose  makes  his  skin  crawl ,   and  in  some  cases  ,    forces  him  to  sit  down .      he  has  shared  this  with  katara  alone  ( @chaied  )
2 .   failure .         he  specifically  fears  failure  that  jeopardizes  other  people .   he  doesn’t  care  what  happens  to  him ,   but  if  his  friends  or  family  is  implicated ,  he’s  terrified .     he  constantly  apologizes  to  katara  if  they  ever  argue  because  he  cannot  live  with  the  feeling  of  failure . 
TAG  TEN  PEOPLE  TO  DO  THE  SAME  THING :  @ashruin , @tribespirit , @defendedthem , @highnis , and  anyone  else  lmao
TAGGED  BY:  @chaied
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sad-microwave-blog · 6 years
Sad shayari - Sad Shayari in Urdu, Sad Poetry
A poet is one who looks at his feelings and writes it in the form of poetry. Poets for Love poetry took great risk in their lives. Basically, poetry is something that brings your feelings and emotions in front of you. This is a form of cathartic. In this article, you will read a large list of different types of poetry that will definitely express your tired feelings. Love Sad Shayari holds a special place in the heart of people because it relates to divine love and sad poetry images We have a great collection of love poets Shayari for those people who are lovers of love poetry. They can be sent to loved ones and those for whom you have feelings, in the collection below you will find Shayari, which is classified as love shayari, beautiful Hindi love shayari, best love shayari in Hindi and true love poetry. can go.
हमारे पास प्रेम शायरी नेपाली और प्रेम शायरी का एक संग्रह है जिसे प्रेम शायरी की स्थिति के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है, और एक पक्षीय प्रेम शायरी उन लोगों के लिए है जो इसे खोज रहे हैं। यह लव शायरी बेस्ट उन लोगों के लिए है जो कुछ नया चाहते हैं या लव शायरी डीपी की तलाश में हैं। यह प्यार शायरी युगल शायरी उन सभी के लिए एकदम सही है जो प्यार शायरी ओडिया के लिए एक प्रशंसक है।
We have a collection of love shayari Nepali and love shayari which can be used as a state of love shayari, and one side love shayari is for those who are searching for it. This love poetry is for the best people who want something new or love poetry looking for DP. This love Shayari couple Shayari is perfect for all those who love Shayari Odiya is a fan.
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Sad Poetry in Urdu and Hindi
Whatever the reason for love, life or friends, sometimes we feel very sad. Our emotions want to come out of our hearts. In order to share your sadness, we have a great collection of Sad Shayari, Sad SMS and Sad Whatsapp Status in Hindi and English script. Misery poetry is that it exposes the sad feelings of lovers. Sad Shayari in Hindi is a very attractive search on the internet. Every breakup lover loves reading a sad poetry, a very bad condition when our heart breaks down, then we search sad poetry on the internet, so friends, we have brought some sad poetry for you in Hindi and English font. You can read a beautiful collection of Saad Shayari here. Read here Best sad shayari in hindi, with a new sad poetic image, Shayari on sad feelings, very sad love poetry, two line misery shayari, latest blues situation for Whatsapp, Four Line Blues Shayari You can share these sad poetry with your friend, girlfriends, boyfriend. You may like our Love Shayari. If you like our Saad Shayari collection, do not forget to like / share on Facebook.
प्यार, जीवन या दोस्त जो भी कारण हो, कभी-कभी हमें बहुत दुख होता है। हमारी भावनाएं हमारे दिल से बाहर आना चाहती हैं। आपके दुख को साझा करने के लिए, हमारे पास हिंदी और अंग्रेजी लिपि में सद शायरी, सैड एसएमएस और सैड व्हाट्सएप स्टेटस का बेहतरीन संग्रह है। दुख शायरी यह है कि प्रेमियों की उदास भावना को उजागर करता है। Sad Shayari in Hindi इंटरनेट पर बहुत ही आकर्षक खोज है। हर ब्रेकअप प्रेमी को उदास शायरी पढना बहुत पसंद होता है, बहुत बुरी हालत जब हमारा दिल टूटता है, तब हम इंटरनेट पर उदास शायरी खोजते हैं, तो दोस्तों, हम आपके लिए कुछ उदास शायरी लेकर आये हैं हिंदी और अंग्रेजी फॉण्ट में। आप यहां सद शायरी का एक सुंदर संग्रह पढ़ सकते हैं। यहाँ पढ़िए Best sad shayari in hindi, नई उदास शायरी छवि के साथ, उदास भावनाओं पर शायरी, बहुत दुखद प्रेम शायरी, दो लाइन दुख भरी शायरी, व्हाट्सएप के लिए नवीनतम उदास स्थिति, चार लाइन उदास शायरी। आप इन उदास शायरी को अपने दोस्त, गर्लफ्रेंड, बॉयफ्रेंड को शेयर कर सकते हैं। आपको हमारी लव शायरी पसंद आ सकती है। अगर आपको हमारी सैड शायरी संग्रह पसंद है, तो फेसबुक पर लाइक / शेयर करना न भूलें।
sad poetry 2019 
Read here best sad shayari in hindi, love breakup sad shayari, new sad shayari with image, shayari on sad feelings, very sad sad poetry, funny blues shayari wallpaper, sad sms pic, latest tragedy situation on whatsapp, sad message, sad fb status Shayari, sad girl Shayari, very sad guy Shayari. Shayari, written by famous poets like Mirza Ghalib, Allama Iqbal, Faraz Ahmed, Mir Taki Mayer, Dagh Dehalvi, is also available in our collection.
यहाँ पढ़िए best sad shayari in hindi, love breakup sad shayari, new sad shayari with image, उदास भावनाओं पर शायरी, बहुत प्यार उदास शायरी, मजेदार उदास शायरी वॉलपेपर, उदास एसएमएस तस्वीर, व्हाट्सएप पर नवीनतम दुखद स्थिति, दुखद संदेश, उदास fb स्थिति , उदास लड़की शायरी, बहुत उदास आदमी शायरी। मिर्जा गालिब, अल्लामा इकबाल, फराज अहमद, मीर तकी मेयर, दाघ देहलवी जैसे प्रसिद्ध कवियों द्वारा लिखित शायरी भी हमारे संग्रह में उपलब्ध है।
Gulshan made me a whirlpool of the whirlpools, the sun became sunride in the east, the eyes opened with the smile, the love again, once again fell in love ..!
Arz Kiya hai, Chai ke cup from Uthte Dhuein me Teri Shakal Nazar, I do not know what is Tere Khyalon me Aksar Meri Chai Thandi ho jaati hai
You are the people, we would have been happy with your life, they have come to you with good mornings, Varna sleeps from us till now ....
Take love with love, ask me I do not want to give up, I do not want to go back to our country, get my life.
From flowers or scents to the flowers, from the lava of the ocean, from the sun's ray or from the moon's moonlight, from us or from you ..
Sad Urdu Poetry
Aapke Bin Tootkar Bikhar Jayenge, Mil Jayenge Aap To Gulashan Ki Tarah Khil Jaayenge, Agar Na Mile Aap To Jeete Ji Mar Jaayenge, Pa Liya Jo Aapko To Mar Kar Jhe Jaayenge
Your bins will break down, You will get blossomed like Gulshan, If you do not get it, then you will die, You will die even if you die.
Tere Milne Ki Aas Na Hoti, To Zindagi is Tarah Udaas Na Hoti, Mil Jaati Kabhi Tasveer Jo Teri, To Hamako Aaj Teri Talash Na Hoti
There was no hope of meeting you, So life would not be so sad, Never get what you see, He could not find you today.
Badi Aasani Se Dil Lagaye Jate Hain, Par Badi Muskil Se Vaade Nibhaye Jaate Hain, Le Jaati Hai Mohabbat Un Raahon Par, Jahan Diye Nahin Dil Jalaye Jate Hain
Heart is easily applied, But promises are hardly made, On the other paths, Where lamps are not lit.
कोइ सहारा न दुआ के सिवा, कोइ सुनता नहीं खुदा के सिवा .. मुख्य न भई ज़िंदगी को क़रीब से दीखता है, मुशकिलों में कोई नाथ नाता है ख़ुदा के सिवा। प्यार मेरा बेवफाई मिले से गम न कर्ण अपना केसे के ये लियूम न कोई कर्ण वो चाह लख नफ्रत करे तुम प��� तुम अपना प्यार कभी हमसे काम न करे ...
wo na aaye unki yaad aakar वफ़ा कर गई। unse milne ki tamanna sukoon tabah kar gayi, aahat hui socha asar duaa kar gayi, darwaja khola to dekha majak humse hava kar gayi ।।
कैस ब्याण करु अल्फाज नहीं है, डार का मेरे तुझे अहसास नहीं है, पुछते हो मुजसे क्या डर है।? मुजे दरद ये है तू मेरे पास नहीं है। जाने क्यूं लोग केसी को भूल जाए, एच, कुच पाल सठ रेहकर डोर चले जात एच। शयाद लॉग सच हाय केते एच, सागर मिले के बड़ अकार बरिश को भूल गए के। sanso ka pinjra kisi din tut jaega, fir ye dost raste me chhuut jaega, abhi waqt hai baat kr liya karo yaro, na jane kab jinde ka dhaga tut jaega ।।
सोभा न थ को व मोह मोद लेगी। लेकिन हम मुह मोद हिया। सामाजिक ना थ क्या है दिल तोड दीगी lekin usne dil tod hi diya। मैना समाज का वो सठ निबाहेगी। लेके हमे जाति माई मुजे छोड ही दीया प्यार का कोई है समाज मेरा बास की बात नहीं, दिल का बैटन कोई और नहीं मेरे बास की बात नहीं, कुछ तो होता है तुझमे तब्ब से दिल ये तुझ से है मार्टा है, वार्ना युन हाय जान गणवाण मेरे बस की बात नहीं।
दिल के सागर में लिरहिं उतइया न करौ ख्वाब बांकड़ नूर चूरया ना करौ बहोत छोट लगति है मेरे दिल में तुम ख्वाबों में आ के यार तन्पाया न करो आप खुदा नहाते हैं कितेने प्यारे हो जाते हैं, हमरे पर जाने से प्यार हो जाता है, दोयोनों का हो जाता है, हम कुछ नहीं होते, हम आपके हैं हम आज भी आते हैं गुलाब की मेख भी फिकी लग रही है, कौन सी खुश्बू मुजमे बासी हो गई है, ज़िंदगी है क्या तेरी चहाट के सिवा, ये क्या ख्वाब आंखो को भीख दे गी हो। गुलाब की मेख भी फिकी लग रही है, कौन सी खुश्बू मुजमे बासी हो गई है, ज़िंदगी है क्या तेरी चहाट के सिवा, ये क्या ख्वाब आंखो को भीख दे गी हो।
ज़िन्दगी तो उस्की है जिस्की मूत पे ज़माना अफ़्सोस करे वार्ना जनमा से हर केसी का मर्ने के लिये ही होत है।
इलाही खैर हो उलजान पे उलजां बरहती जाति है, ना मेरा दाम ना उके गेसुँ का खाम निकल्ता है, क़यामत ही ना आये जो परदे पर निकले आओ, तुमारे मुन्ह छुपें में ये आलम आलम गुज़रा है।
अस्स्स्स्स्स्स्स्स् जानब मैं बडल गदजता होग, मौसम भी अपना रंग बडाल्टा होगा, उस्ती होगि जब-जाब निपगिहि, खुदा भीर-जीर के संभल होगे ... !!!! मुसकुरते हैं टू बिजलिया जीरा देतें हैं, बत्त केतारे हैं तो दीवाना बन के देतें हैं, हुस्न वालो की नजर कम नहीं क़यामत से, आग पानी मैं वो नज़रें सी लग गई हैं ...!  प्यार भरी शायरी अंग्रेजी:
New Whatsapp Status 2019 Hind - Most sad status in hindi (Video)
You can share these sad shirs with your friends, girlfriends, gf, boyfriend, bf. If you like our collection, do not forget to like / share on Facebook and WhatsApp. You can read our other collections of Dar Shayari, Gama Shayari and Hindi Loneliness Shayari.
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morris-property · 5 years
Single Bedroom with Double Bed Share Flat @ Wan Chai All Inclusive) (Min One month stay) 湾仔 修頓大廈 服务式月租公寓 (最短1个月)
Single Bedroom with Double Bed Share Flat @ Wan Chai All Inclusive) (Min One month stay) More Info: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/2818/ From HKD 6900 per month (5% off for staying more than 3 months, 10% off for staying more than 6 months) Contact us now at whatsapp: +852 97810587 / +852 95534905 Will provide In the toilet: Shower [...] from Morris-Property.com https://morris-hk.com/archives/64053/single-bedroom-with-double-bed-share-flat-wan-chai-all-inclusive-min-one-month-stay-%e6%b9%be%e4%bb%94-%e4%bf%ae%e9%a0%93%e5%a4%a7%e5%bb%88-%e6%9c%8d%e5%8a%a1%e5%bc%8f%e6%9c%88%e7%a7%9f%e5%85%ac/
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phhotels-blog · 6 years
Northerners’ Guide to the Very Best of Southern Metro Manila
Muntinlupa, Philippines – For most 90’s kids who lived all their lives in the northern parts of Metro Manila, places like Parañaque, Alabang, and Las Piñas might as well be Planet Mars or The Upside Down—strange and far away lands they didn’t care for. All they saw were a series of tollways and highways they must pass through on their way to Laguna for a school field trip or on that one summer when their  parents took them to a beach in Batangas.
Fast forward to 2018, those northerners are all grown up now and slowly being enlightened about the amazing things found in these locations—thanks mainly to the internet and social media. And with the added convenience of ride-sharing apps and P2P buses, it is easier than ever to explore these realms.
Here are a few examples of the cool spots and stuff you should check down south presented by B Hotel Alabang:
Everybody loves buying new stuff. Check out the wholesale stores at Cartimar or the marked down items from popular local brands at Starmall. If you want to splurge on the latest collections, accessories, electronics and more from high-end brands, go to Alabang Town Center. Watch a movie or try the different fast food staples at Festival Supermall—which recently added a man-made river where you can sit and rest your legs after hours of shopping.
You can always eat at the mall, but there are far too many awesome places in the area where you can really satisfy your cravings. Aguirre Avenue is home to various excellent restaurants such as La Chinesca, Ramen Kuroda, Sensei Sushi Bar, Samgyupsalamat, Meat Depot, Picada Tapeo Restaurante, and many more.
Take your pick from these cool spots in BF Homes Parañaque: Tuding’s, Atoy’s Porkchop, Manong’s Filinvest, Ho Chai Lai Restaurant, HEY HO Garage Burgers, Eat Sleep Burgers, Sing Sing Meat Shop, and Taste of Joy.
How about some beverage and live music after dinner? The South has a lot of places where you could watch singers, poets, and bands. 19 East is probably one of the best music venues in the whole country. Countless musicians, from up-and-coming acts to established names and even foreign artists, have performed here. If you’re into heavy stuff there Checkpoint Bar and Quarry are home to hardcore punks and metalheads, respectively. Buku-Buku Cafe and Hugot Cafe, on the other hand, are home to spoken word artists and acoustic performers.
There’s a lot more happenings to attend and places to visit in the South, so don’t leave just yet. How about booking a room at a nearby hotel for good measure? You can find a lot of enticing hotel deals in Alabang online, but none are as great as the ones B Hotel Alabang is offering.  It is the business traveler’s accommodation of choice in the South. Explore the city with this hotel as your base. With high quality service and amenities yet economical rates, B Hotel in Alabang, Muntinlupa, Philippines lets you focus on doing work or having fun while they take care of the rest.
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