#chai’s ask
chaichaiiskai · 2 years
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WHERE DID YOU FIND THESE???? IM SCREAMING INCOHERENTLY BECAUSE THEYRE SO PERFECT ???? and oh my god sukuna with the undertiddie shirt??? im hollering and crying and dying inside
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xclowniex · 1 month
i will say this over and over and over again, calling Israel an "ethnostate" LITERALLY comes from the KKK and neo-nazi propaganda. every single one of you "as a Jew"s, it's fine if your anti or non Zionist but PLEASE LEARN WHAT WORDS MEAN and stop spreading antisemitic dog whistles about your own people!!!
I think people really need to understand that internalized antisemitism exists.
I stand for all jews being valid and real jews, regardless of their opinion on Zionism.
However that doesn't mean that misinformation and internalized antisemitism just isn't going to be called out.
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charleezard · 22 days
This might be an unpopular opinion, or not, and it likely will get me hate but idk it's been on my mind.
The concept of "pinkwashing" makes no sense. In fact I'd even say it's built upon a foundation of antisemitism. It borders on conspiracy theory.
You're making an assumption that Israel celebrates LGBTQ+ pride, is queer friendly, promotes queer rights, only and/or primarily as a way to manipulate and distract innocent gullible people.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Israel and the Israeli government are perfect and can do no wrong, I also criticize them when necessary. But even when we're pointing out things we think they do wrong, can't we also admit that maybe, just maybe, they do some things right as well? Why are you viewing a country celebrating queer rights and being welcoming to queer people as a bad thing? Even in a country you don't like, a country you view as doing many things wrong, there are still queer people who deserve rights and acceptance and celebration, and I don't think that should EVER be viewed as a bad thing.
And to continue my first point. The fact you see everything done by Israel (which, even if you don't want to admit it, we know you view just as a stand in for Jewish people) as some sneaky, evil, manipulative thing, and never as maybe something done with genuine and good intentions tells us a lot about how you view Jewish people. It really does and you can cry and scream you're not antisemitic but you're not the one who gets to decide that. You most likely are and need to deconstruct a lot of that subconscious internal biases that society gave you. So maybe next time you see a Pride event in Israel and feel like screaming "Pinkwashing", stop a little, and think to yourself what you really mean by that
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queenwille · 6 days
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the-catboy-minyan · 1 month
can i use the phrase Am Yisrael Chai if i'm a goy?
idfk, how are you planning to use it?
personally i feel like the phrase is more of a "we're (am yisrael) alive" than a "they're (am yisrael) alive", so I don't really see in what context you can use it, but I also don't think it's *bad* for a goy to use it?
no results button, goyim dni with the poll obviously
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 6 months
We all know Hamas are evil murderers who don’t even try to hide the fact that they’re inhumane as they broadcast their sickening acts for the world to see.
But can we all take a moment to appreciate sanctimonious Tumblr terrorist-sympathisers?
How many instances are there of comments or messages from this platform’s best and brightest that threaten someone pro-Israel with violence?
How many comments are there telling supporters of Israel to kill themselves or some other wildly inventive iteration of the insult? Even on posts that are mourning the deaths of the innocent, and condemning the brutal murders of men, women, children, and animals, these people are relentless.
I do often wonder what they think comments like that achieve relative to their larger cause. It doesn’t solve anything at all, and if anything, hinders support for their side if the only meaningful additions they can make are death threats.
It’s very telling that they can’t make any coherent arguments or rebuttals and they resort to aggressive ad hominem attacks. They don’t have anything significant or mature to contribute to the discourse. They don’t want to engage in the conversation.
It’s almost as if their instincts are to just automatically attack someone for their beliefs and call for violence against them… like terrorists…
Birds of a feather, eh?
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chaisshitposts · 6 months
I enter the void finally after two years😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺.
I can't tell you how happy I am. I just wrote 6 void affirmations like I enter void instantly, i always wake up in the void and so on then name the note as as I am a void master and I just did psych k using gamma waves for two times a day for 10 mins affirming I am a void master. I promised myself I will not waver this time and I just robotic affirm when I get time. While sleeping I recorded it in my voice and used it.
So on fourth day I finally woke up in the void which is today. I can't tell you how happy I am 😭😭😭.
I manifested-
Dream body
All my old grades to A+
Dream skin like literally flawless and beautiful
Dream house
The job which I want from a long time.
Healthy and happy family
And much more.
I freaking love you chai😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Thank you.. Now gotta delete tumblr and gonna enjoy my lyf. 😭😭😭😭😭
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words cannot describe the amount of joy I feel after reading this, I cannot even say anything that would even make sense.
bye anon, thank you for not givin' up on yourself and I hope you have the most amazing time living in creative mode.
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Some day soon, the world will realize there is only one solution for zionism. The final solution to end the problem for good.
Definitely keeping this one for the archives.
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slimespecter · 10 months
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slowly figuring out how i wanna draw this guy
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chaichaiiskai · 2 years
Hmm. I think i will make playlist for the Invisible series. So far I have these songs
War of Hearths by Ruelle
Crazy in Love by Sofia Kalrberg
Young God by Halsey
Yandere by Jazmin Bean
Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin
Power by Isak Danielson
Set Fire to the Rain by Adele
Fire on Fire by Sam Smith
E.T. by Katy Perry
Most if these songs probably won’t even by in the playlist unless you go the road i think you will. But for now, what do you think ?
ok honestly these songs are literally so perfect for all sorts of directions of where things can go 👀 looks great! thanks for the inspiration huhuhu, UGH i wish i could add background music to posts because fire on fire is legit so spot-on for this next chapter i’m working on 😭
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xclowniex · 27 days
you were asking to be called a zio. Don't wear a star of david if you can't handle it.
This one sounds kinda familiar I wonder where I've heard it before?
Oh that's right! "Women don't dress in a revealing way or else you're asking to be SA'd/raped"
The thing is, with both how you dress and wearing a magen david, it's not the wearer who made the decision to be harmed, it was the perpetrator who decided to take the action of harm.
Whilst dressing not revealing and not wearing a magen david do prevent experience harm, do you not think that the burden should fall on the person doing the harm? Do you not think that as a society we should be moving towards not shaming victims and instead punishing perpetrators?
Also - I can handle it. I was making a post about an experience to prove a point
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snickerdoodlles · 3 months
This might only be funny to me, but consider: Porsche randomly referencing Absolutely Unhinged bartender/service worker drama, with zero context or follow up. "What does getting hit with a folding chair have to do with bachelorette parties, Porsche??"
why would a bachelorette party not involve at least one person getting slammed with a folding chair smh Theerapanyakuls 🙄
but nooooo omg nonny, you're not the only one who would find that hysterical 👀 I imagine it first coming up like;
Kinn: and I was Porsche's worst customer 😘
Porsche, not even looking up: eh, you were maybe a 4
Kinn: a fo- what!
Porsche, mulling it over: 3.5?
Kinn: I literally kidnapped you and you had to swim the Chao Phraya
Porsche: oh good point. solid 4 for sure then
Kinn: what
Kinn is dying of curiosity. his brothers are dying of curiosity. Chay's nodding sagely next to Porsche and not explaining anything. all the mafia guards think they're hot shit for brushing off the guns out during training, none of them can even conceive of the nightmares that are "let me speak to your manager." Kinn shooting an apple off Porsche's head is only the eighth scariest thing Porsche has had to keep a straight face through. any time anyone tries to ask Porsche more about these things, Porsche just grimaces and says he'd rather not dwell on bad experiences. everyone is dying of curiosity.
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I’m just a Jewish girl on my hands and knees begging the world to stop fandomizing this war.
Acting like this war is just some child’s t.v show, this is incredibly nuanced topic with, bad and good people on both sides. Acting like this is some simple “good guy versus bad guy” war harms both Israelis and Palestinians.
Real people lives are at stake, this isn’t avatar or the hunger games, it’s not fictional characters at stake, it’s real life people, and you’re using them as tokens.
Not to mention this ideal harms diaspora Jews. To the world it gives them reason to be antisemitic, because it makes it look like the Jews are the villains here.
So please world stop making this war so fandom war! It just harms people!
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whosectype · 6 months
BOO Hi hello thought I'd just pop in and ask for a daily dose of mugchai 💙💚
Your wish is my command ✨
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chaisshitposts · 7 months
I don't know if you remember me I sent you a text day before yesterday. I m the aff tape anon. Practically I only used one aff that is I will wake up in the void fully aware thats it. I did psych k for 20-25 mins only and whole day I keep reminding myself that I will wake up in the void. Last nyt I woke up and was there for 10 mins. Fuck it was so good it felt like I was keep on expanding.
Anyways I did not manifest anything I just said I enter void instantly and I manifest out of thin air instantly bcoz I want to see my manifestations come to me.. So yeah
Thank you like seriously 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂😘😘😘😘😘😘
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ANON!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED, CONGRATULATIONS OML!!! No no no, thank yerself!!! I'm so happy for ya holy shit!!! Have fun livin' yer dream life!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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So if this is actually about Hamas, why are they bombing Lebanon right now?
You mean why is Hezbollah bombing Israel and displacing 80,000 Israelis from their homes?
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