td-rarepairs · 10 months
Getting gen 4 finished in this whole post just so I can only spin one wheel again, also, wheel anon is back now!
Here it all is, in order:
Seen already:
Millie x Zee
Emma x Damien
Now onto the new things:
Priya x Axel/Prixel (I think I rolled a new ship I like)
Lauren x Julia/Lauria (Me and the bad bitch I pulled by liking pain and suffering)
MK x Wayne/WK (Sarcastic x doesn't realize the sarcasim)
Caleb x Bowie/Calie (Remember when people were scared this would be our canon gay couple?)
Raj x Chase/Rase (Will this end well? Probably not)
Nichelle x Ripper/Richelle (Girl Fail celebrity x Guy Fail, so sorry you got this guy Nichelle 😔)
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warningsine · 1 month
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mango-shpango · 1 month
You have the vibes of a nice spiced chai and i mean that in the best way possible. Disregarding the mango thing youve got fall vibes. Probably cause your blog is Literally Orange and has a fall street at the top but shfbd. Its nice.
i love me my fall vibes <3 but thank you !!!
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andminnequin · 9 months
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Me when the sum eul gosdo chaj-ji moshae naneun pihalyeogo aesseobwado 🕺🕺
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scary damien is one of my top three reboot ships
i think my ranking would be 1. mkulia 2. scary damien 3. chazee
also ily damizee and chaj
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mikoo00 · 4 months
Planuje iść do psycholog-seksuolog na diagnoze, u której bylem parę lat temu Miałem dobre doświadczenia też wyczytałem, że nie każdy pracuje z osobami uzależnionym... W jej bio napisane było, że miała kursy robione no głównie pod kątem leczenia ludzi uzależnionych od seqzu no ale coś nie coś chyba wie o nałogu xd Plus mam papiery, że choroba została u mnie zatrzymana
Napisałem maila z zapytaniem jakie testy są tam na miejscu przeprowadzane i dowiedziałem się, że nadal jest to MMPI-2 odpisano mi, że można go wykonać gdzie indziej ☺️ także 400 ziko zaoszczędzę
Nie wiem do końca czy test inteligencji robią.. Ale chyba tak bo on ma wykluczyć i być potwierdzeniem na to, że nie cierpię z powodu niepełnosprawności intelektualnej i jestem w pełni świadom swoich odczuć Bez problemu mogę sobie je zrobić za darmo tu gdzie teraz chodzę do psycholog
Kurwa ciesze się mega Umówiłem się na sierpień do psycholog zajmującej się wystawianiem opini psychologicznej Czytalem też ile mniej więcej spotkań zajmuje taka diagnoza i różnie 3-6 może więcej, w każdym bądź razie chce sobie odłożyć chajs żebym miał na wizyty Jakoś 200-270 to kosztuje, wystawienie opini psychologicznej już po procesie diagnostycznym kosztuje 400 zł
Jestem też ciekaw czy psychiatra do, której może pójdę będzie wstanie mi wystawić opinie psychiatryczną odnośnie transseksualizmu To tez polega na tym, że lekarz ocenia czy ma się zaburzenia psychiczne, które by wpływały na odczuwanie płci typu schizofrenia, autyzm, bipolar no i ocenia stan psychiczny czy jest się wstanie przejść na ten moment przez proces tranzycji, jeśli nie to zaleci terapie ale nie wiem czy ona może ale to wsm nie problem
Wgl nie wiedziałem też, że są endokrynolodzy, którzy przypisują testo pomimo nie posiadania opinii psychologicznej lub psychiatrycznej? Bałbym się do takiego iść xd
Dawniej dawali skierowania na badania kariotyp albo na eeg lub badanie dna oka a teraz częściej po prostu właśnie na badanie krwi i wiadomo ginekologiczne Poszperam może znajdę takiego, który nie każe mi robić bez sensownych badań
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jazumst · 3 months
Powrót niekompetencji PZU - wqurw tygodnia!
Żeby Was chuj nie strzelił. Poniedziałek. Posłuchajcie:
O 8mej rano dostałem od PZU SMS - "Twoja polisa została przedłużona. Opłać składkę."
Jaka polisa?! Jaka przedłużona?! Przecież tydzień temu została wypowiedziana i kupiłem nową. Dzwonię.
"Nie masz wystarczająco środków na koncie żeby wykonać połączenie." Jak kurwa nie masz środków skoro mam w abonamencie! - Wchodzę na neta. Dzwonię.
Jedna zegarynka. Druga, trzecia kurwa. Po prawie 4minutach słuchania o zasadach, prawach, nagrywaniach, zachęcaniach, połączono mnie z babką. Ona tylko sprzedaje, nie obsługuje ubezpieczenia, ale mnie przełączy. - Jedna zegarynka, druga... Wyjebało.
Dostałem szału. Dzwonię. "Sieć jest obciążona, wydłużone czekanie. Skorzystaj ze swojego ekonta." Nawet nie wiem, że jakieś mam. Dawaj kurwę. - Kika minut chodziłem z Beethovenem po sklepie. Połączyło mnie z konsultantką. Pytam. Tak, złożył pan wypowiedzenie. Ale rozpatrywanie trwa do dwóch tygodni. Jak rozpatrywanie? Kurwa, wypowiedzialem i nie ma - tak? Co wy chcecie rozpatrywać?! Mówię typiarze, że ani grosza im kurwa nie zapłacę. Że ta firma to same szmaty, złodzieje i żydzi. Nie szanują klienta i naciągają na kasę. I niech zapisze te rozmowę. - Potem już grzecznie zapytałem jakim chujem poprzednio mi polisy nie przedłużyli jak się skończyła tylko polecieli mnie na chajs. I dlaczego skoro ubezpieczenie skończyło się tydzień temu, to dopiero teraz ją przedłużają, a nie jak już to od razu. - Babka sama nie wiedziała co powiedzieć. Odesłała mnie do punktu.
Zajebię ich! Zapierdolę! Takiego bajzlu to ja nigdy nie widziałem.
Jebać PZU!
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salanaii · 6 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 12
Day 2: Let’s Speak Korean Ch 7 – On the plane (1-10)
여기제자리같은데요. Yeo gi je ja ri gat eun de yo I think here (=this) is my seat. = I think this is me.
자리를확인해주시겠어요? Ja ri reur hwag in hae ju sig ess eo yo Would please check (your) seat?
자리찾는것좀도와주세요. Ja ri chaj neun geos jum do wa ju se yo Please help me a little (with) finding (my) seat.
여기는제자리입니다. Yeo gi neun je ja ri ib ni da This is my  seat.
여권과탑승권을보여주세요. Yeo gwan gwa tab seung gwon eur bo yeo ju se yo Please show me (your) passport and boarding pass.
들고타도되나요? Deur go ta do doe nay o Can I carry (this) on?
장아지/고양이가있어요. Jang a ji/go yang I ga iss eo yo I have a puppy (dog)/cat.
짐을실어주세요. Jim eur sir eo ju se yo Please load (my) baggage.
짐이무겁습니다. Jim I mu geob seub I da (My) baggage is heavy.
짐을꺼내주세요. Jim eur ggeo nae ju se yo Please take out my baggage.
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wtficedance · 2 years
US Nationals 2023 - FD Breakdown
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ChAJ: last jump (pictured below) exceeds 1 rotation limit by assisting partner but as it is the fourth jump (and jump sequences just have to have a minimum of three jumps) and can technically be considered a separate mini-lift, does not impact validity/GOE of ch. element.
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DiSt: very open overall, generally you can tell in both the rocker and counter done by Madi that she is bearing very little of her own weight. Better ice coverage than previous outings this season.
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ChSp: spinning slide with the entrance is a very creative way to use the sliding split. Would honestly be a better fit for their choreo slide.
Twizzles: Madi pirouettes the last 2 rotations of her second set of twizzles, should be a deduction of 1 level to W3 / M4. Not great speed
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SlLi: smooth, very controlled lean and movement of her leg by Madi, good control on exit but lunge is very shallow and not well controlled.
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OfSt – generally will be on flatter curves on their exit edges before taking a bit to deepen between. Madi stays over her rocker throughout turns but Evan tends to lean forward on his backwards exits which puts him on his toe pick, you can tell because his blade will catch on the ice and he will slow down in comparison.
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Sp: very cool entrance with smooth transitions in and out, very clear establishment of positions.
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CuLi + CuLi: first lift a lot more established than earlier in the season but the transition between the two positions takes quite a while for Madi to establish her standing position. Additionally, Evan’s 1ft exit is rather rushed for feature and is not held to match Madi’s extension, you can see it’s a little uncontrolled through the dip exit they’re doing and he immediately begins quick stroking to pick up speed after instead of extending and holding.
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ChSt: interesting mini-lift to start but a rather extended pose before the ina bauer into deep outside besti squat, you can see Madi slightly catch her edge on the arabesque out but overall much better than the earliest iteration which had very few skating features. Would like to see more involvement of Evan as Madi is doing the vast majority of all skating and dancing in the element.
OVERALL changes to the TES score, not considering PCS. Even though Nationals scores tend to be high with the pretty obvious insecurity during the combination lift and sub-par step execution, that score should not near 130.
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specksizedgoddess · 7 months
Does the legal requirement of disclosing getting off to your blog count if someone, asking for a friend, got off thinking about what depraved horny sh*t I, I mean they were gonna put in your inbox?
... ahfhjfjdjf absolutely- and um. chaj dont worry, I'm sure I enjoy the stuff you put there just as much~
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warningsine · 1 month
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daily-klingon · 2 years
Type 4 Noun Suffixes: Quick Summary
Thus far, the Type 4 noun suffixes have been about possession - something or someone in the possession of me, you, him, her, it, us, you plural, or them.
The suffixes are:-
-wIj my (only for -Du’ or -mey suffixes, unable to use language) -wI’ my (only for beings able to use language, taking the -pu’ suffix) -lIj your (only for -Du’ or -mey suffixes, unable to use language) -lI’ your (only for beings able to use language, taking the -pu’ suffix) -Daj his, her, its
-maj our (only for -Du’ or -mey suffixes, unable to use language) -ma’ our (only for beings able to use language, taking the -pu’ suffix) -raj your (only for -Du’ or -mey suffixes, unable to use language) -ra’ your (only for beings able to use language, taking the -pu’ suffix) -chaj their
Tomorrow, we’ll be looking at another way to mark possession, using compound nouns. Then we’ll look at the two Type 4 noun suffixes which mark specification - this and that.
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schwirrymartz · 2 years
ну вы зразумелі
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creativinn · 1 year
Braille puzzles to tactile paintings: this Chennai art exhibition has an inclusive display - The Hindu
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Tactile tigers, sculptures that sign, and a Braille puzzle on a canvas. 
At Apparao Gallery today, accessibility leads the conversation, for artworks - some interactive - by 10 artists with disabilities that occupy the otherwise conventional gallery space that Chennai’s collectors frequent. An abstract, panelled work and realistic portraits of the national animal of India, complemented by an experimental series of acrylic flora that spills over canvas frames, kickstart the display that do not follow a narrative per se. Mediums are aplenty - from acrylics and clay to paper and cloth make an appearance through canvases that hope to catch the collector’s eye. Dubbed a sensory art exhibit, the display hopes to cater to senses other than just sight and in essence advocates inclusivity even from a viewer’s perspective. 
The artists who mostly hail from Chennai and Tamil Nadu are part of Kai Rassi, a not-for-profit organisation that leads vocational art programmes and creates inclusive spaces for artists with disabilities. And this marks their fourth formal exhibition. As the display opens, each of them stands guard next to their respective artworks, eager to fill the audience in on their idea behind each concept, while busy interacting with fellow artists who they share space with. For founders Divya Rao, Kadambari Narendran and Indira Reddy, the display is meant to be more than just ‘disability-driven’. Divya says, “Then, the buyer who comes in is not looking for anything more than just donating money. We wanted to change that. We wanted to make them aware that they are also getting something beautiful in return.” The idea is to make galleries want to collaborate with each of the artists in an individual capacity.      
Midway, a series of 11 clay sculptures fashioned by students from the Mary Clubwala Jadhav School for the hearing impaired, makes for an interesting break in the narrative. They make one pause, and pay attention. Each sculpture is a hand mould with the imprint of each students’ hand. They depict letters from the American and Indian sign language, paired with pictures of students signing them, and read “We are Hear”: a witty take on the very disability that ostracises them. Visual artist Shreya Chajjed who led this particular project says, “They were really excited about the medium, and went about it very smartly. We rehearsed with them before making the final models.”   
The showstopper perhaps is the work by UK-based, partially-blind artist Clarke Reynold, accompanied by leaflets with patterns that denote each alphabet. The viewer can use this leaflet as reference to interpret the words on the canvas. The takeaway is the message. The collaborative work is put together through a virtual workshop with students from Lady Andal IB, Yein Udaan and girls from Prem Vihar.  
One of the works on display | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement
Aishwarya is elated. The hearing and speech-impaired artist, who specialises in many mediums of painting, has worked with fine paper-cutting this time. The delicate, concentric circles which are sometimes embellished with gilded paper, takes her nothing less than a week of work. As for Lokesh whose penchant for animal forms has been established through his acrylic works, made signs to the interpreter who translates, “The national animal of India has always fascinated me. Sometimes, I see photographs of these big cats and try to trace them onto canvas.” He points to a black-and-white series of canvases with bulls in motion and says, “But when I think of Tamil Nadu, bulls come to mind.” He is hearing-impaired.
For Anthony, who has been a carpentry and art teacher for the past 34 years with a special school in the city, art equals functionality. The unusual canvas frames on which acrylic paintings of flora spill out, came out of the need to be unique. “I wanted to do something that is a little different, which will look good in a home,” he says.  He had polio as a three-month old baby. An independent artist, he strives to remove the stigma around people with physical and intellectual disabilities. 
Betsy’s acrylic works speak of minute skill. Serpentine shadows fall on a path laden with trees. A tactile version of the work, by Access for All, accompanies the frame. Pavithra’s abstract series is a study on gradation of colours, blue being her muse. Siva’s line drawings on the other hand have already gained him a good following and recognition, says Divya. 
The display will be on till April 2 at Apparao Gallery, Nungambakkam
This content was originally published here.
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djuvlipen · 2 years
just wondering, is chej a dialectical varient of chaj? I'm not familiar with the word and have been wondering for a while but it clicked today that there may be correlation?
yes it is!
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salanaii · 6 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 12
Day 1: Let’s Speak Korean Ch 6 – At the Airport (26 – 50)
좌석이지정되어있나요? Jwa seog I ji Jeong doe eo iss nay o Are the seats pre-assigned?
제좌석은어디죠? Je joa seog eun eo di jyo Where is my seat?
좌석변경이가능한가요? Joa seog byeon Gyeong I ga neung han ga yo Can I change the seat?
창가쪽/복도쪽/가운데좌석있나요? Chang ga jjog/bog do jjog/ ga un de joa seog iss nay o Do you have a(n) widow/isle/middle seat available?
창가쪽/복도쪽/가운데좌석부탁합니다 Chang ga jjog/bog do jjog/ ga un de joa seog bu tag hab ni da A(n) widow/isle/middle seat, please.
정시에출발하나요? Jeong si e chur bar ha nay o Does it depart at the scheduled time?
동반자가있나요? Dong ban ja ga iss nay o Do you have a companion?
비자가있나요? Bi ja ga iss nay o Do you have a visa?
신분증을보여주세요. Sin bun jeung eur bo yeo ju se yo Show me (your) card, please.
몇시에탑승시작하죠? Myeoch si e tab seung si jag ha jyu At what time does the boarding start?
만석입니다. Man seog ib ni da All seats are filled. = We have a full flight.
탑승권을보여주세요. Tab seung gwan eur bo yei ju se yo Show me (your) boarding pass, please.
한국항공카운터는어디죠? Han gug hang gong ka un teo neun eo di jyo Where is the counter for Hanguk Airline?
짐은어디에서찾나요? Jim eun eo di e seo chaj nay o (From) Where do I find (=pick up) (my) baggage?
짐을잃어버렸어요. Jim eur irh eo beo ryeoss eo yo I lost (my) baggage.
면세점은어디죠? Myeon se jeom eun eo di jyo Where is the duty free shop?
애완동물도탑승이가능한가요? Ae wan dong mur do tab seung I ga neung han ga yo (Literal) Can pets come aboard, too? = Can pets fly, too?
환승게이트는어디죠? Hwan seung ge I teu neu neo di jyo Where is the transfer gate?
연착되었나요? Yeon chag doe eoss nay o Is it delayed?
다음비행기편에늦었습니다. Da eum bi haeng gi pyeon e neuj eoss seub ni da (I’m) late to the next flight. = I’m late for (my) connecting flight.
비행기를놓칠것같아요. Bi haeng gi reur noh chir geos gat a yo I think I’m going to miss (my) airplane (=flight).
제가먼저가도될까요? Je ga meon jeo do doer gga yo May I go first?
줄이기네요. Jur I gi ne yo (Literal) The line is long. = It’s a long line.
여행자보험을구입하고싶은데요. Yeo haeng ja bo heom eur gu ib ha go sip eun de yo I’d like to purchase a traveler’s insurance.
면세품을주문하고싶은데요. Myeon se pum eur ju mun ha go sip eun de yo I’d like to order duty free items.
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