#challenge of the spooky isles
Halloween facts for spooky season? 🎃👻
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OWL HOUSE FACT #50: Halloween! A tradition in the human realm, fairly new to the Boiling Isles.
Eda had been to the human realm on Halloween before. Unfortunately, she became engrossed in the wrong half of “trick or treat” and what resulted was quite a disaster in the town of Gravesfield. She might tell people about it if she’s had enough apple blood (not easy to do, though).
Luz always wanted to do group costumes but since she had trouble making friends as a kid often went alone; Camila or - before his illness- Manny would dress up with her to make her feel better, even just a little bit.
Beforehand Manny and Camila always went as Cosmic Frontier characters. One time early on in the relationship they TP’d a guy’s house because he challenged the “canonical accuracy” of their costumes.
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natalieleif · 11 months
Happy Goretober-ween, everyone! I wasn't quite able to get through all the gruesome prompts this year, but I was able to pull off 22 of them, which is a solid haul.
It was a fun challenge to try and sketch a unique character for each prompt, including digging through my old tabletop archives and sketchbooks for concepts I haven't looked at in a few years. Gonna put em all in a compilation here, I hope y'all enjoy!
(CONTENT WARNINGS: since this is Goretober, trigger warnings for blood, vomit, and general squick in the sketches below the Read More.)
Credit to On.Going.Crisis for this year's prompt list!
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TEETH. The zomboy Ian himself, discovering some new changes to his undead anatomy.
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2. CANDY GORE. My magical girl Harper after getting into a rainbowy fistfight with the monster of the week.
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3. NOSEBLEED. This one I did for the work whiteboard, so it was fun trying to figure out how to make it not too gross. :P
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4. MUTATION. The new Biology teacher, Miles, doesn't look totally normal... weird.
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5. AUTOPSY. Hey Andrew, what do an android's organs look like, anyway?
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6. EYES. Initiation into the mob can be pretty strict, but Shift is nothing if not determined.
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7. GUTS. Captain Eiche, pirate and deliveryman for the royal isles, knows that a captain always goes down with the ship.
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8. CRYSTALS. Witch-in-training Noelle discovers some new crystals that are really starting to grow on her... maybe a bit too much?
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9. POISONED. Tiefling charlatan Lucas discovers why you don't sample your own potion supply.
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10. HANAHAKI DISEASE. Sad hipster musician Nico is not very good at getting over his ex-boyfriend.
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11. INSECTS. Changeling magician Cybil is 99% goofball, 1% professional dreamweaver with a knack for the dramatic. Wouldn't recommend visiting her nightmare studio anytime soon.
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12. BRUISED. Roller derby champion Zoey Explodey shows off her lumps from a recent brawl.
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13. STITCHES. Practicing self-care in an abandoned zombie-filled West Virginia town isn't easy for someone already chronically ill, but Monica does her best with what she's got.
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14. PARASITE. <pops Bubble pops Bubble pops Bubble pops>
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15. FUNGI/MOSS. Okay, I slightly cheated on this one. TTRPG Warlock version of Ian struggles with a more magical sort of zombification.
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16. HOOKS. 1930s archivist and curator of mystical wares, Roland Chatterjee, shows off his fine collection.
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17. PLANT GROWTH. Nature elemental and changeling Elijah Bell wonders if his flowers and vines go all the way down. (They do.)
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18. CANNIBALISM. Impulsive survivalist Angel tries a sip of her zombie friend's forbidden juice box.
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19. BITES. A sequel to HANAHAKI DISEASE above--the feeling when your toxic vampiric ex Elliot tries to use chivalry on you.
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20. VOMIT. Post-apocalyptic anarchist adventurer Snap Zapcannon eats a bad ration. Oops.
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21. LACERATIONS. A fanart this time! @jeanne-de-valois 's boy Uriel getting some ghostly visions. It's probably fine, don't worry about it. (Also, preorder The Hundredth Voice if you haven't already, it's good.)
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22. SILVER PLATTER. Trauma psychologist Dr. Gabriel Haller has made a lot of sacrifices to get where he is.
And that's the lot of 'em! Hope you enjoyed, and HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH.
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auxiliarydetective · 11 months
The OC Halloween Challenge - Day 17
You can find the challenge here!
Today's prompt was...
Death is a Mystery and Burial is a Secret
Cemeteries and tombs are the places we put our loved ones to rest, but in horror movies we find that final resting places are not so restful after all. Whether it’s ghosts, zombies, psychotic gravekeepers, or grave robbers ensuring no witnesses; how do your ocs go from mourning to trying to survive until morning?
Once again, I did a poll where you guys could decide who should go through the horrors. The losers of the poll were:
Philomel, who was supposed to be faced with the statue of Gabriel
Vicky Brandt, who had a fantastic time visiting her (ex-?)husband's grave after the war
Aether S Luna during her visit to Thriller Bark
Akaito Coraline during her visit to Thriller Bark
Kassandra Hargreeves with Klaus's powers
And now, your winner:
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Claire Frollo, always fascinated by anything related to magic and witchcraft, had decided that regular old magic just wasn't interesting enough. So, she searched the deepest pits of the Isle of the Lost for something truly bone-chilling... and she found it. A book on necromancy. Young and excited, she quickly headed to the next best spooky graveyard she could find to try out her newly attained knowledge. There was only one issue: Claire was impatient and thus ignored the extensive warnings before the spells.
Now, there is no way back for her. Having accidentally tethered herself forever to the world of the dead, instead of strengthening the dead's connection to the light, her own bond to the living is fading away. How long does she have left to find a counterspell until she falls into the grave she has been unconsciously digging?
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chengdeukie · 11 months
Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders: The Night that Fosters Connection
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As eyes danced around the corner, the one worth the stare is on a standstill. The unforgettable night unfolds with lights swaying in sync with the pulsating music, engulfing the campus in loud shouts and cheers.
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On the enchanting night of November 3, 2023, the Western Mindanao State University - Pagadian Campus went all out for Crimsons night. The excitement buzzed around as students geared up for the induction and socialization bash. People were hyped, getting dressed to impress for the big event. With a Halloween twist, the place lit up with awesome costumes. You had folks rocking movie characters and others going all-in on spooky vibes like vampires and killers.
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The vibe on the grounds was like a mixtape of personalities, giving everyone a cool chance to mingle and make new friends. University life serves as a microcosm of the real world, where effective communication and collaboration are essential skills. Interacting with fellow students provides a platform for honing these skills in a relatively low-stakes environment. The ability to work harmoniously with diverse personalities is an invaluable asset in any professional setting. I opted for a drama-free look, donning a simple black dress with a back slit and paired it with black heels. I added a cute touch with a black ribbon pinned to my hair.
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As the program kicked off, everyone paraded down the aisle in their adorable and spooky costumes. I was impressed by the effort everyone put into their looks—each department excelled in dancing, storytelling, and singing. The highlight that took me by surprise and made my heart race was when my crush hit the dance floor with some serious moves. I couldn't help but shout in excitement that night. Oh, and did I mention the spooky booth the USC set up for everyone to explore? The second part of the program began, and it was time for the induction ceremony. Officers from every classroom, along with the newly elected USC officers, made their way down the aisle, gearing up to embrace their roles as student leaders. Ma'am Rico, the Campus Coordinator, led the ceremony. Each student's words carried the weight of responsibility and a commitment to good leadership.
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Student leaders are not only responsible for the present but also play a vital role in preparing for the future. The induction process equips them with skills that extend beyond their academic years, preparing them for leadership roles in their careers and communities beyond the educational institution. The night ended with an ear banging disco, everyone danced their heart out in the isle. Some departed early to savor dinner, others immersed themselves in the eerie allure of spooky booths, and a few explored the venue, seeking special moments and capturing them as enduring memories.
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The candid shots and electrifying shouts provided freshmen with a novel and memorable experience. In the fast-paced world of academia, where lectures, assignments, and exams dominate the scene, the significance of students coming together often takes a back seat. However, the importance of cultivating meaningful relationships among students cannot be overstated. In conclusion, the importance of students getting together goes beyond the academic realm.
Students hanging out isn't just about school stuff—it molds people intellectually, socially, and emotionally. The friendships made in these crucial years set the stage for a helpful network, diverse viewpoints, and practical skills that go way beyond college. Supporting these connections is like investing in a student's all-around growth, preparing them for life's challenges, not just exams. Also, student leadership is a big deal. Bringing in new leaders, giving them skills and responsibilities, is a key step in building a positive and effective student community. So, it's not just about hitting the books; it's about setting up students for success in life.
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babblingstacey · 2 years
Yvette's Wandering Life Round 4: Paranormal Activity
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Yvette and Christopher arrived in Brindleton Bay and managed to convince a sim to take them to Deadgrass Isle. When stepping off the boat, the captain of the boat immediately left with simply a "good luck." Confused, the couple made their way to the house and stopped in their tracks - the house was in much more of disrepair than Kerry Williams had told them. And there were strange sounds all around them...
This would be a stranger experience than they thought.
This round will be a bit different than the others, basically I'm taking inspiration from gameplays such as Rags to Restoration, Inherited Manor Build, Renovation Challenge, etc and the Deserted Island challenges. but I wanted my own rules.
The house is Haunted House Residential, with the lot challenges Off The Grid, Spooky, Grody, Quake Zone, Creepy Crawlies and Gremlins. (I'm not a complete monster; they also have the Gnomes, Homey, and Penny Pixies lot traits. Oh and Dog Hangout, just because.). Their main goal is to fix up the house too but they can't leave the island and can't have visitors until certain tasks are completed - they can sell collectables or items on Plopsy to make money for now (let's just pretend the mail still works). Since they're Off The Grid, they can't have an online job either.
They can remove challenges the following ways:
They must pay §5k to remove Off the Grid and Gremlins.
When Yvette maxes the Medium skill, Spooky & Creepy Crawlies can be removed.
When Christopher maxes Handiness, Grody can be removed and they can go upstairs. They can also leave the island. (We'll pretend they built a boat).
When Christopher maxes Cooking, he can get a job.
When Yvette makes §3k in the Paranormal Investigator job, Haunted House Residential can be removed but so will Gnomes & Penny Pixies.
If the end up adopting a dog, they can remove the Dog Hangout.
Quake Zone won't be removed, because that would be weird.
Once the house is completely fixed up & worth §100K, they can move on.
Basically i just think this going to be hell. Yvette does have enough to get the Brave Trait, but I won't get it right away unless it gets too impossible to play. I have BossladyTV's Better Fears Mod which I hope helps with some of the fears.
Poor Paranoid Christopher will, I think, have the worst time.
I do have some of Yvette's items from the old house (Dew Collector, Solar Panel, Woodworking Table, and the furniture she made) that'll they be able to use, I'll place at some point.
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(CH-CH-CHANGES) Different Horror Styles that Studios Utilized & Influenced (Final)
                                                                Dante Calabrese
During the 1920s-40s, many classics were produced creating what is known as the Golden Age of horror. Universal was producing successful monster films that were pioneering the new era of horror cinema. For Universal Studios, many of these greatest success films featured dark themes, murders, and monsters, releasing horror films that paved the way for how monsters would act and look in horror films. Genre specialization was a practice followed by early cinema production businesses and continues to this day. Known as "The Golden Age of Horror," the studios of the 1930s and 1940s concentrated mostly on producing horror pictures. These movies featured beasts or monsters of some kind rather than humanoid ones. During the early 20th century, RKO Radio Pictures, a well-known studio, was recognized for producing low-budget horror films that utilized studio talent. movies like Frankenstien (1931) & Isle of The Dead. Characters from Universal Studios' horror films, like Dracula, the Invisible Man, the Wolf Man, and Frankenstein, helped make the company famous even after it closed.
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RKO Radio Pictures is most known for its low-cost psychological horror movies that blend supernatural elements with moral quandaries. Studio talent and low budget flicks.
Known as "The House that Horror Built," Universal Studios was largely responsible for defining the "look" of early horror movies. The biggest monster films of the early horror film era, such as Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, and The Wolf Man, are all associated with this studio. The German Expressionism movement served as an inspiration for many of the cinematic methods employed in these movies. The 1920s saw a horror film boom in Europe because the genre was not only accessible at low cost, but also resonated with viewers in a society that was morally decaying and hopeless. Consequently, a number of Expressionist stylistic elements were incorporated by American filmmakers, such as the use of chiaroscuro, or high contrast shadows, dramatic lighting, and stunning, geometric sets.Frankenstein (1931) is one of the most well-known horror movies to come out of Universal Studios. This James Whale-directed horror movie had a profound effect on the genre. In addition to taking many creative cues from German Expressionism, it made complete use of the newly available technology in 1930s filmmaking. This movie made strategic use of synced sound, which at the time was still a relatively new technique in cinema. Years before, it would not have been possible to produce the same level of tension and spooky tone as Frankenstein's immersive soundscape.
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Furthermore into this focus and concept is the impact and ideas for Island of The Dead. Examine's issues related to the paranormal, superstition, and fear of the unknown. Due to its ability to generate tension and anxiety on such a little budget, this movie undoubtedly drew on studio talents in addition to its significant and timely topics and distinctive RKO studio aesthetic. With such a modest budget, the performers' performances are captivating and convincing, earning RKO further recognition in the horror genre. The stories of these characters, as well as their internal tensions and psychological challenges, are what propel this movie. Set in the era of the Greek War of Independence is Isle of the Dead. When combined with film noir tactics, this particular era gave rise to the successful horror films that they are today. During the Golden Age of Horror, RKO Pictures also achieved great strides, albeit with less notoriety than Universal Studios. While RKO defied expectations by experimenting with horror subgenres, Universal established itself through the utilization of monster movies. A major contributor to RKO's horror heritage was producer Val Lewton. Some of the most well-known movies from the company, such as Isle of the Dead (1945), I Walked with a Zombie (1943), and Cat People (1942), were produced by Lewton. After growing disenchanted with the lowbrow franchise, he cast Boris Karloff from Frankenstein in the latter picture. Even though Lewton directed most of his low-budget films, these movies have aged rather well because of their intriguing atmospheres, mystique, and recurring themes.
There has recently been a horror resurgance in the past 5 years with a specific studio that comes to mind for having the influences and connections with giving a status quo and name of its own for being an indie studio of its own "A24". Some influential horror films they released gathering high praise and fandom from audiences is "Hereditary", "It Comes at Night", "Pearl", "The Light House", "Midsommar" & their most recent success in the box office "Talk To Me". This alone reflects the same coming of full circle in sort of speak with A24 being the next Universal Studios Horror giant.
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Works Cited
Smith, Andy W. “‘So Why Shouldn’t I Write of Monsters?’: Defining Monstrosity in Universal’s Horror Films.” Gothic FIlm, 2020
Vieira, Mark A. “Darkness, Darkness: The Films of Val Lewton.” Edinburgh Film Guide, 12 Jan. 2007, edinburghfilmguild.org.uk/2010-11/Val_Lewton_films.pdf
“The distinction of Lewton’s films is further emphasized by their supposed prescience: if, as Wood maintained, they ‘seem to have had little direct influence on” the ‘evolution’ of the horror film, this was supposedly due to the ways in which they ‘strikingly anticipate, by at least two decades, some of the features of the modern horror film’ (Wood, Hollywood 85). Similarly, Gifford has referred to Cat People (1942) as ‘a minor masterpiece that changed the face of horror films’ (161), and Frank has claimed that the Lewton productions were “the most powerful influence in horror films during the 1940s’ (42).” (Jancovich, 21-22).
Jancovich, Mark. “Relocating Lewton: Cultural Distinctions, Critical Reception, and the Val Lewton Horror Films.” Journal of Film and Video, vol. 64, no. 3, 2012, pp. 21–37. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.5406/jfilmvideo.64.3.0021. Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.
“...Lewton’s feline females eventually scared more than $3 million out of audiences. His secretary, Verna De Mots, said, ‘Cat People saved RKO when it was practically bankrupt.’ (Siegel, The Reality of Terror, 40)” (Vieira, 4-5)
Vieira, Mark A. “Darkness, Darkness: The Films of Val Lewton - Edinburghfilmguild.Org.Uk.” Bright Lights Film Journal, 12 Jan. 2007, edinburghfilmguild.org.uk/2010-11/Val_Lewton_films.pdf. 
“The social context of Whale’s Frankenstein films, and of the Universal production output during the 1930s in general, cannot be underestimated. David J. Skal writes that Frankenstein’s monster was ‘like a battered hood ornament for a wrecked economy’ (Skal, 1992: 132).” (Smith)
Smith, Andy W. “‘So Why Shouldn’t I Write of Monsters?’: Defining Monstrosity in Universal’s Horror Films.” Gothic Film: An Edinburgh Companion, edited by Richard J. Hand and Jay McRoy, Edinburgh University Press, 2020, pp. 21–36. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3366/j.ctv10kmdxf.7. Accessed 5 Oct. 2023.
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headcanon meme- Theseus? (you know me lol)
Headcanon A: realistic
Theseus is very attuned to the sea! He can tell when waters might be uninviting and he has a certain connection with all the sea life. His favorite being Sia (the turtle), his best friend.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Likes spicy food. Can and will eat copious amounts of it. Him and Durango tend to have competitions for who can eat the most. It’s always Theseus.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
When he was little, he and his uncle Zeus spent a lot of time together. Unfortunately as the family bonds broke and his dad’s own ambitions began to turn darker he was refused the ability to see him.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Can’t swim. Or, well, can’t swim well. Can do a mean doggy paddle! But mostly? He has a hard time with swimming. Ironic, when your dad is God of the Sea.
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lunaraen · 5 years
random idea: Quinn and Durango finding out they both like puns, which inevitably leads to a pun war (and at least one person being very confused/annoyed by said pun war)
The grass is short and dry, nearly crisp enough to crunch undertheir feet. An occasional stray cloud and a few distant hawks are dottedthroughout the bleached out blue of the sky.
The birds don't circle, diving out of sight after severalminutes of effortless gliding.
The grass is as deadly still as the air, springing into motiononly when a mouse or rabbit decides to dart across the endless stretch ofground, from one patch of yellow greenery to another, waiting for cloud coverand cooler weather that won't come for several more hours.
It's not a desert or one of the outright dry grasslands, butit's on its way there.
(It is, unfortunately, the exact opposite of any mushroom biome,which are used to the apparent calm but also have the promise of life, of watersomewhere or everywhere, which don’t have rolling fields to worry about andinstead have murky bogs and swamps.
It goes without saying that Mo's feeling more than a littlehomesick.)
For the most part, though, even that much motion is rare, andthey've just got the dying promises of a breeze that'll never properly startand the relentless sunlight to entertain them.
It's a good thing Mo's cap protects them from so much shade,protects their eyes from directly having to deal with the onslaught of lightand heat, or they'd probably be feeling as energy-sapped as the others look.
(That might have something to do with how early they all got up,though.)
They don't have a map– they did,at one point, but Kate had lost it during an encounter with a river nymph.
(It's best left at that.
Kate's still not great at dealing with guilt, or any otheremotion, and she gets horribly flustered every time it comes up.)
It works out alright anyway, because they've all done their bitof hero work for the week, came out of the entire mess more or less as theyentered, and they're not travelling with a specific purpose at the moment. Astired as they might all feel and look, they have all the supplies they need.There's no doubt in anyone's mind that they're setting up camp early today, theweather nice enough and their goals the right amount of vague and aimless tojustify a break to soak it all in and relax.
All they're waiting for is the right area, somewhere slightlymore protected than the rolling stretches of barren plains.
They've been able to see the distant forest for hours, linkedbranches and towering trunks promising shade as well as a few monsters to maybeknock around, creeping more and more into view the longer they travel, andthey're lucky that they reach it before the sun hits its peak.
Still, it's more luck than most of them are used to, and Quinn'sthe one who goes in first, sword raised and Theseus and Durango following closebehind.
Then they're almost immediately telling the others to followthem, because they have to see this.
And they do.
It's wonderfully shaded, for one thing, and Mo's eyes adjust thefastest. They're glad they do.
Their planned camping ground isn't the usual forest, and it's arare moment when encountering the strange and unusual benefits them. The treesmore or less create a comfortable but large ring around a clearing filled withpatches of different flowers and bees buzzing overhead. There's a slow river,too shallow for fish but a good explanation for how lush the grass is, greenestright at its banks and competing with the most colorful flowers.
"You've seen one flower forest, you've seen them all."Kate's comment is nonchalant, almost bored as she shrugs, but it doesn't hidehow wide her eyes are, sunglasses having slipped slightly down her nose.
And of all of them, she and Zed are the only one who've everseen one. Most of them had been to and seen other biomes, if only briefly,before being plucked from their homes, but not one as rare as this. Theseus,who spent most of his life on islands without a single flower forest, looks nearlyready to throw down his pack right now and start sketching every detail.
Mo's eyes, however, are right back on the others, watching andwaiting because there's some kind of tension here and they know it.
River and Toby are equals in how utterly trapped they feel bythe crushing sense of incoming doom.
The pause to take the view in– this vibrant mix of greenery andcolorful petals hovered over by idling fuzzballs and cut through by thesluggish winding stream– lasts only long enough for one of River's fingers totwitch while Toby winces.
When Durango opens his mouth, it's too late to retreat.
"Well, it looks bee-utiful enough."
Quinn bounces back fastest, replying almost immediately andgrinning as she does.
"If you say so– I don't get what all the buzz isabout."
The others groan, as is expected when it comes to poor jokes andwordplay, but they don't get it. They don't comprehend what horribly bad newsthis is. Not yet.
(In all their talking on the pillars to pass the time, it hadn'tcome up that Durango, cocky as he already normally is, could be insufferablyproud of his puns, or that Quinn has a seeming inability to not share the onesthat pop into her head at random, which are of course all terrible. Durango'sweren't, and aren't, any better. Quinn and Durango, in all their time workingwith Kate and Zed and all their time talking and bickering with each other, hadlikewise somehow missed bringing it up or displaying their natural, painfultalents.)
Toby and River glance at each other.
It's a look of immediate kinship, of "ah, yes, you– youknow the hell I've been through, you have suffered as I have." But theycan't escape the recognition that comes with it, the knowledge that theirtormentors have not only joined forces, but that they have found kinship ineach other as well and in their shared form of torture.
Not only are Durango and Quinn going to keep making puns,they're going to make more now.
The look River and Toby share is, at its core, one of pureterror, tinged with rising horror and built upon the stable ground ofwell-established exasperation. It's one that screams to the heavens, shriekingin a hopeless plea, begging for mercy that will never be granted. It's a lookthat clearly embodies the very spirit of "no".
Quinn and Durango, however, share their own glance, one alreadyitching with the need to compete, to conspire as well as utterly obliterateeach other. Their look replies, loudly, clearly, and gleefully, with no roomfor any argument, "yes".
"I always figured Quinn would be, y'know, too cool for badjokes. They don't seem her style." River traces the petal of aparticularly large red flower, touch as light as she can manage. Beside her,Toby tosses another pebble into the stream, and she does her best to not flinch at the splash or the water that hits her arm.
"And I'd hoped Durango would be too worried about hurtinghis 'tough cowboy' image."
"Guess we were both unlucky." River leans back,resting one hand on the grass as she glances over her shoulder at where Durangoand Quinn are still at it. "D'you think they hate us?"
"Not half as much as I hate them."
"They– they've gotta tire themselves out at some point,right?" Everyone else is busy relaxing, or napping, or exploring theclearing and watching the bees without getting too close, having given upwaiting. Slugger's on watch in case anyone screws up and manages to anger theswarm, and Mo's slouched beside her, mushroom covering their eyes but not theirsteady breathing. River's ready for a nap herself at this point, and the darkcircles under their punny tormentors' eyes are hard to miss. "Don't they?"
"Nope." Toby lays back on the grass, one foot in thewater and his eyes half lidded. He looks as tired as she feels, though there'san exaggerated bitterness she can agree with too. "They just have tooutlive the rest of us long enough."
They wait there, for a while, not saying anything and doingtheir best to not wince with every bad pun (and there are so many and they are somehow gettingworse), until Quinn makes an especially bad one about honey. Toby almostjerkily stands up, taking his foot out of the water like it's burned him, andstarts walking, half hopping as he shoves his sock and shoe back on.
"Where are you going?"
"Back to the Greek Isles– the kraken eating me would beless painful than this."
"...I think I might just join you." River stretchesher arms to the side as she stands, pushing herself up even as the rest of herbody demands she stay down and keep watching the bees. "Want to getstarted on dinner?"
Technically it should be lunch, but they've all been up sincebefore the sun rose and they had something close to two meals already, andhunger is hunger. They'll make food and they'll enjoy it, no matter what itshould or shouldn't technically be called.
"I don't see why not. It'll serve them right if they missout because they're too busy being totaldorks."
His voice gets loudest at the end, glaring over his shoulder atDurango and Quinn to make sure they know exactly who he's talking about.
Durango doesn't bother responding to it in any way, too busymaking rapid-fire puns, and Quinn's gaze doesn't shift even as she makes an...interesting hand gesture in Toby's general direction– he just laughs, rollshis eyes, and keeps walking.
It's not the same team relationship she and Durango had, or eventhe same friendship they've got now, but River's glad Quinn and Toby aren'tserious with their bickering.
The supplies are hastily scattered, anything not currently beingused as a pillow left in a bit of a disheveled circle of their own, but it'seasy enough to get the cauldron set up and to start sifting through theingredients they have. In the meantime, they keep chatting, with each other andquietly with Theseus.
(It was, it turns out, a lie to say that everyone had given upwaiting.
While Rudi and Sacha are, like almost everyone, sleeping, they'veapparently set up a betting pool for who'll win the pun war. Rudi's personallyin Durango's camp while Sacha's own vote is for Quinn, but Theseus doesn'tmention what anyone else has bet.)
"...personally, I don't really think there's a way to win or lose,especially not with those two." He looks almost forlorn as he keepssketching, using his knees to support the journal and keep it upright."I'd join them, but most of the puns I know probably aren't funny topeople who aren't from the Greek Isles. Too much focus on legendary monsters orthe Gods."
"Believe me, we're glad. It's bad enough with just the twoof them."
Theseus lights up and River bites her tongue, knowing why andknowing it’s too late to try and save the situation.
"That one wasn't half bad!"
Toby's brow furrows for half a moment and relaxes just asbriefly, eyes narrowing as he frowns.
"I'm going to drown myself in the river."
"Nah, come on." River grabs Toby's shoulder as hebegins to turn and gently tugs him back, giggling. He's pouting, but he doesn'ttry to get up again. "I still need your help with cooking."
"Anyone else could help."
"Yeah, but this way we can keep each other busy, make somenice stew for when everybody's awake, and I can make sure you don't go and tryto kill 'em." She passes him a few potatoes, eyeing the oddly shapedcarrot at the bottom of the pile.
"You make it sound so nice."
"...I'm glad they're enjoying themselves. I mean, I hopethey'll stop soon or that this'll keep them from making more puns later, but I'mnot expecting it and that's not the point. They're having a good time. Nomonsters, nobody to save, nothin' to run from, no squabbling... just themgoofing off."
"...I'm glad too." Toby unwraps one of their bundledknives, blade slicing through the bumpy and ruddy potato skin. "I stillwant to throw myself in the stream. I reallywant to throw Quinn in the stream, but there's no way I can do that."
She'd just yank his arm and flip him backwards. 
River tries not to laugh or chuckle, but Toby's pout lets her knowshe's failing; she doubts he can really blame her, not when the mental image isso funny.
She pats his shoulder before she starts cutting the carrot intomore typical carrot slice shapes, dropping them one by one into the pot. Funnyor not, she can understand where he’s coming from, helped as it all might be bythe exhaustion settling in all their bones and the hunger beginning to gnaw atthe back of their minds.
"If you figure out a way, let me know. I'll have to try itwith Durango."
Toby's eyebrow quirks as his gaze turns calculating, the shrewdlook not quite completed by the small smile he can't hide.
"Is that a mean streak?"
"It's a fed-up-with-puns streak." Still, River'sfingers fiddle with the inedible top of the carrot for several moments beforeshe sets it and the knife aside, hands clasped in her lap as she glances away."You're right, I wouldn't do it. Not really. I'd worry too much abouthurting him, but I don't think I ever could."
River waits, for a moment, waits to see if he’ll joke about her beingtoo gentle or too much of a worrywart, but if Toby thinks about it, he doesn’tshow it.
"...I don't want to hurt Quinn either, and the river's tooshallow to really throw anybody into it." Toby tosses his now-peeled andchopped potato into the cauldron before starting the process again, barelyavoiding nicking one of his fingers as he does. "We'll just go and splashthem after we're done cooking."
The mat Theseus is sitting on shifts on the grass as hestretches, pencil still gripped in one hand as he grins at them, dipping backinto the conversation as quickly as he'd left it.
"That sounds like fun. Just– please try to leave my artout of it."
River and Toby share another glance, this one far lessexasperated or terrified, and River's excitement wins first.
"You could help!"
Theseus tilts his head, closing his journal as he does.
"I'm still the son of somebody who was seen as the god of the ocean and I spent most of my life completelysurrounded by water. Seems a little unfair, don't you think?"
Another sliced up potato gets tossed into the pot as Tobysnorts.
"It's hardly the sea." The river is long, likelystretching out of the forest and across many empty plains like the ones theyhad to cross, but it isn't terrifyingly deep like the ocean, dark blue with thepromise of untold horrors, and it's hardly as vast, only wide enough for aperson to lie in. (Even a person who can’t swim can stand comfortably in thestream, content in knowing the water's too gentle to be any trouble if they fall.)
Theseus hums and tilts his head again, but his smile isn'tenough of an answer. River pushes the subject again, gently.
"You don't have to, but we'd sure enjoy it if youwould."
Theseus's smile grows, and she realizes his smile was an answer. He wasn't consideringsaying yes; he was putting his strategizing to good use and was working out hisbattle plan. Theseus might not be the leader of their group, but he's awonderful fighter and an excellent tactician.
"Alright, we'll have them outnumbered."
There’s no doubt in her mind that the others will join in– and alittle horsing around before dinner sounds perfect.
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uncraftable · 6 years
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i still love this show
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my sexuality: purple/pink hair
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tarmiskye · 7 years
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Toby reminds me of Radar Why does he remind me of Radar
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fandomstuckportal · 7 years
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((OOC: did i just watch all 8 eps of cotsi? hell yeah i did.))
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warning-heckboop · 7 years
How does the cotsi vampire au work?
I’M GLAD YOU ASKEDOkay, so, basically, it follows a similar storyline to cotsi, except, instead of running a game show, Kate is a lone vampire who desperately needs a coven to help her hunt and survive. Since taking too many people from one place would cause suspicion, and possibly an angry mob hunting her down, she kidnaps two individuals from several different locations. Of these pairs of two, she picks one person to turn into a vampire to join her coven (Quinn, Sacha, Mo, and River), and then traps the remaining person to act as a sort of back-up meal for dry periods (Toby, Rudi, Slugger, and Durango). None of the involved participants are particularly happy about their predicament, but they’re limited in their ability to turn against Kate. The humans are stuck, with no way of escape, and even though the vampires could technically break their partners out and leave, they know they’d be shunned from or even hunted down in their old homes, so they’re ultimately stuck where they have at least a small semblance of community.I know you might be wondering about the choices of vampires versus humans. Quinn and Toby is pretty self explanatory, considering Quinn would be the better hunter of the two. Sacha and Mo I sort of picked randomly, partially because I think both their personalities fit better as vampires than Rudi or Slugger’s. Finally, there’s Durango and River. I have a whole story behind why I made River the vampire instead of Durango, but basically it simmers down to the fact that River was deemed too weak to be reliable as a back up meal, whereas Durango is much healthier and fit, meaning he can withstand a lot more feedings than River could. Durango puts up a heck of a fight, though, and manages to keep Kate from feeding on him. The only person who has fed on him is River, and that was only a result of Durango, after finding out she hasn’t fed once since becoming a vampire, and was starting to starve because of it, holding her down until her instincts got the best of her, and she ended up biting him out of a desperate survival instinct.
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warship005 · 7 years
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So, I watched “Challenge Of The Spooky Isles” and you can’t tell me Communikate isn’t Romeo!
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aponithebutterfly · 7 years
A server based on the Minecraft mini series, Challenge of the Spooky Isles!
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mdianasims · 2 years
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Fairley’s Forest Farm
Entry for @ariafaeyt‘s shell challenge
Residential, 50x40, 3 bed, 3 bath, $ 188.775. Penny Pixies, Gnomes, On Ley Line, Simple Living, Wild Foxes. NoCC, MOO, debug, play tested.
Enable bb. moveobjects when placing the lot!
Packs used: Get to Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Cottage Living; Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Vampires, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, Realm of Magic, Dream Home Decorator, My Wedding Stories; Spooky, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Kids Room, Vintage Glamour, Toddler, Laundry Day, My First Pet, Tiny Living, Nifty Knitting, Paranormal; Holiday Celebration.
Gallery: MDianaSims Gallery Download Link Tray Files - SFS
Click images to enlarge.
A quirky farmhouse that is adorned in flowers and sprinkled with magic. Comes with lots of rooms, including a basement and a barn. There’s also a vegetable garden, space for a cow/llama and chickens, a pond and plenty of outdoor seating. Most notable features inside the house are the sun room and the cosy living room/study. This house has space for a family with a teen, child and toddler as well as a dog and/or cat. Oh, and somewhere on the lot, there’s a hidden tiny fairy tea party going on (that is, it kind of turned into a full blown fairy farmstead, got a little carried away with the size down cheat ;)). I’ve built the lot on the Isle of Volpe Park in the Bramblewood in Henford - seemed like the right place for a magical-ish farm.
I’ve had a lot of fun with this build, especially the landscaping. This is hands down the most elaborate, and probably beautiful garden I’ve made so far. I have used the MOO cheat a lot more than I usually do, but I’ve play tested most of the lot, and everything seems to work (it’s not a very practical lot though).
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