#chandler is the gay guy who's closeted
Thinking about how the friends cast is my hypothetical ideal horror cast dynamic
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kunosoura · 3 months
top 5 ships
I'm not a huge nerd for like sailing/space flight/etc so when we're talking ships the ones I like the most are more for what they Represent. So in no particular order:
The S.S. Stormborn from Naddpod, I just love the story beat of an orphan learning about his parents and taking up his father's place on the helm of his old ship
The Bebop (and every scifi ship that's like "this is a piece of shit like fishing/shipping/industrial ship converted for use as both a home and a workhorse for a group of grey market mercenaries trying to eke out a living in the stars)
Arsenal Gear from MGS2. There's something about that completely impractical and overblown sort of scifi maximalism prompting people to make impractically huge floating fortresses that I simply adore.
In what is I guess the complete opposite of the last example, The Lookfar from Earthsea. One boat that can comfortably fit maybe two people and the endless potential of the seas stretching in every direction.
That one flying ship from pokemon the movie 2000 no thematic notes here I just thought it was sick as fuck as a kid
You're probably actually asking about my favorite fictional relationships (canon or theoretical), I don't do fandom type shipping stuff that much but here's what I got for you. Maybe not top five, no particular order, but I think about these a lot.
Madohomu. You might have seen this coming. Girl with something wrong with her x girl with something wrong with her. Aloof facade hiding mountains of pain x emotions worn on the sleeve in the face of incomprehensible horror. Incompatible self sacrifice complexes. No possible happy ending.
Narusasu. You probably also saw this one coming. It's a perfect tragedy. Naruto really was the only person who understood Sasuke's pain, and he used that influence to win him back to subservience to liberalism and away from in any meaningful way changing the system that had forced them both to endure isolation and nightmares as children. Then they fucked off to the least happy heterosexual marriages in the world. Sublime.
Franklin and Charlie from Merrily We Roll Along. You know that old saying about how some men ruin the lives of every woman they love because their soulmate is a man? Franklin Shepard is the gay Sondheim character, NOT Bobby (who I will go to my grave saying is and has always been intended as a straight man). He got caught in a raid on a Greenwich village and had to get counseling in the 60s ffs like that's like textual!!! When his first wife is brought up he's a little bitter in the easy ough bitch ex wife taking all my money way but apparently bringing Charlie up after their alienation is a surefire way to get him in a horrible mood. The story is to me all but textually about a man driving himself further and further into the closet so he can succeed in Hollywood.
aw man you guys can't make fun of me for this one you have to promise but I still find monica/chandler cute. Like yeah largely nowadays I consider friends to be an extremely dated show that is all but unwatchable because of how much it relies on a style of tv storytelling that has all but died out and how it stretched the few decent things it had over way too many seasons and also its shitty politics. But I still like the monica/chandler relationship. It's cute and they're sweet.
I don't know if I'd say this is an all timer for me but lately I've been really sort of savoring the dynamic between Ssrin and Anna from Exordia. There's so much sensuality between them whenever they're on the page together. Really saves that book from the endless mire of drama between those two gay ass cops.
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amazonworrier · 3 years
Alright friend, I live for all your Quinntana headcanons/AU. So, inevitably I’m going to ask, how do you picture Quinntana if they lived in Friends verse? Does Quinn feel like Rachel Green to you?
OK friend, I need to start this by saying that Brittany is Phoebe and Rachel is Monica. Which isn't what you asked at all, but anyway.
As for Quinntana, I feel like it wouldn't be an exact fit with the OG Friends characters so I've taken a few creative liberties and feel the need to flesh out the universe a bit more to justify my choices haha:
- Blaine as Ross, because a few mutuals have sold me on the idea of Anderberry siblings lately. He has a niche job like 'piano tuner' or whatever, so we get jokes similar to the palaeontology digs they were always making at Ross on the show. He's divorced too, but it's a reversed Susan situation (eg. BLAINE was the one who realised he was gay).
- This, oddly, puts Kurt as Rachel which I kind of love because then we get Hummelberry old high school besties and roommates + eventual/on again off again Klaine. (Blaine saying 'we were on a BREAK' just fits for me idk). We keep Kurt as a 'runaway bride' in the first episode too. Because that would be hilarious if it was from like... Walter or someone.
- Santana as Chandler because she's most likely to have the zingiest one-liners, except she won't end up with Rachel's Monica because you've asked me for this as a Quinntana AU lol. She lives across the hall with Quinn and no one has any idea what she does for a living. I like the idea of her being in the closet to begin with, purely so she can get Chandler's coffee shop line: 'Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian... Did I say that out loud?'
- Which technically leaves Quinn as Joey... Hear me out. She'd be the Joey in the sense that she's a struggling actress, and has an ongoing 'bromance' with Santana which is just chaotic because they're both too stubborn to admit when they mess something up so it just escalates to the point of absurdity at least once an episode. Imagine them trying to build Ikea furniture together?? I also love the idea of Quinn being a serial dater because she's so far in the closet that she just tends to be terrible in all her relationships with guys and can't work out why. Eventually she and Santana will hookup, and the 'they don't know that we know that they know that we know' storyline could play out with Rachel/Kurt/Blaine/Brittany gradually finding out Quinntana are a thing. The idea of Brittany witnessing it all by accident is just hilarious to me idk.
- BONUS: Tina is Gunther, but she's in love with Blaine not Kurt.
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very-feral-lesbian · 3 years
i have gotten accidentally attached to the new gossip girl reboot. i just watched it originally out of boredom but i cant stop having thoughts swirl in my brain. and specifically, i have some thoughts on the aki x max x audrey relationship.
forewarning: this is just my opinion and it is very early on (?) in the series so take my opinion lightly. 
i am really hoping for a aki x max endgame, no poly ENDGAME or one of the boys with audrey. this is because i see potential for the relationship dynamic for aki x max.. let me explain. 
1. we often only see this opposite parallel dynamic in straight couples
aki and max are by no means complete opposites but for the sake of this explanation of the dynamic, just hear me out. think gilmore girls (jess and rory), friends (chandler and monica), OG icarly (sam and freddie) etc... i think the dynamic of max being the outspoken, irrational, animated, “bad” boy who conflicts with almost everyone in his life EXCEPT the calm-natured, level-headed, fly-under-the-radar guy would bring a life to queer male relationships that we don’t usually see. having aki be able calm max down but keep his hidden, more intimate personality thats still him, just more real. and then max being able to help aki see himself in a more confident light (we got a glimpse of this in 1x01 in the closet scene).
2. the way the show dealt with the aki x max and max x audrey situation
when we were told that audrey and max hooked up, it was TOLD not shown. in opposed to max and aki’s intimate moments, for which we have physically seen every single one of them. of course we saw the looks between max and audrey, and the hand on the knee thing but that also involved aki (actually even more so aki because audrey took max’s hand off of her thigh but aki didnt stop max at all, just let his hand sit there).
3. intimacy v sex appeal
there is something to say for sure about the fact that they have shown on-cam physical non-sexual interactions between max and aki and none between audrey and max. think: aki grabbing max’s jaw in 1x01 and the stare between them, the dress up/closet scene (closet also holding metaphorical value for aki’s sexuality), the thigh grab. even the non-physical intimacy, like aki taking a more confident and powerful position than is his norm and sticking up for max and his awful teacher relationship.
the interactions between max and audrey have been either entirely friendly or sexual, nothing intimate (especially since we didnt even see their sex scene or anything leading up to it)
4. stop looking for a chuck x blair replacement
while i love the first gossip girl, it was entirely straight, white, and completely lacking diversity. trying to take our current group of POCs and queer people and applying them to the straight, boring couples is doing a disservice to the diversity of the current characters. if you wanted to fit the characters into the molds, then blair would be monet and chuck would be max, but they definitely aren't getting together anytime soon.
random other thoughts/notes:
-having max being apart of aki’s identity relevation is super powerful, and i think touching on that would be awesome to see the show do (partially, because i still remember the girl who made me realize i was gay wayyyy back in the day, and i hold alot of happiness when i think of her and i hope aki can have that with max even if they arent endgame)
-THIS IS IMPORTANT: while having a pansexual character like max is amazing (like so amazing, pan representation is so important) and also having possibly bisexual aki is, im so scared that both of them will end up with women AND BEFORE YOU HATE ME PLEASE HEAR ME OUT!!!!!!! often show writes will think that just having their character be labeled bi or pan etc.. is enough and just check off the queer representation box and move on.. and then stick the characters in a straight relationship. i just really yearn for some representation for those who are in gay relationship to see their pan/bi/omni/queer identify still being represented.
-this is by no means saying i dont want drama or the poly relationship to happen. i dont think max is in a space for a monogamous relationship, he still wants to live his youth and sexual prowess. i just want some drama, possibly aki finding his footing in the queer community, some audrey/max drama, some audrey/aki drama, i want breakups, heartbreaks, relationships etcc... but i would love to see a pan man/bi man relationship because i feel like that relationship type, even within the queer community, is unexplored in media.
this was all too long and i apologize but i couldn't sleep without getting these thoughts out of my head (i have wayyy more about this show, especially them brushing off monet and her queerness and the issue with teen tv and queer women but thats a post for another day)
idk if anyone cares but yeah, im a gossip girl 2.0 stan and a aki/max stan.. thanks for listening and sorry for spelling/grammar errors, it 1 am.
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bookdork1 · 4 years
What’s the difference between a ship that is very much “these two men are in love they’re married” and “these two are Bros for Life” broship?
Anon, that’s a very good and complex question and I’ll do my best to answer it, but I will say that this is just my viewpoint on how I approach not-obvious-or-out-from-the-get-go m/m ships. For me, the biggest factor is when the subtext breaks so far into the text that it can no longer be ignored. When a ship stops being played for laughs by the writers and is instead taken seriously. When neither guy has a serious het relationship designated as their “big romance” of the series. And when at least one of the guys in the relationship appears to be heavily bi/queer coded.
Like, a lot of early 2000’s brotps rely on the idea of “haha look at these two guys hugging and being best buds, let’s make a joke about it mirroring a real couple’s actions but make sure to keep it rooted in just friendship because again we’re playing this for laughs with the General Audience and have no intention of ever actually going there.” Think Chandler/Joey from Friends, Shawn/Gus from Psych, or JD/Turk from Scrubs. Like, Joey and Chandler have kissed in the show but it was completely obvious the ship wasn’t anywhere close to romantic canon and never would have been. They would only ever be a bromance. Overall, joke trope can be extremely frustrating not least because it’s rooted in the American cultural idea that men cannot express physical affection for one another without risking being labeled “abnormal” (intricate rituals and all that). 
Additionally, in each of the bromances I mentioned above, at least one of the guys has a big romantic het love interest who’s another main cast member. That het relationship on these types of shows usually takes precedence for any and all romantic considerations, even if people prefer to watch the friendship banter (so, like, Shawn/Juliet being the popularly shipped slowburn and endgame in Psych, despite everyone knowing that Shawn’s most important relationship in the show is with Gus).
As far as queer coding is concerned, this is when enough is left unsaid or left as subtext to make the audience wonder if we’re actually seeing the full extent of a character’s identity and romantic life as it appears on screen. This was extremely prevalent when even having one lgbtq+ character on a show required a knock down drag out fight with the network (Jack from Dawson’s Creek, Willow from Buffy). Despite queer characters appearing more often in television now than in the 90’s, it’s still a fight, especially insofar as main characters (usually straight) versus side characters (more likely to be queer) are concerned. Also, most shows would rather a character simply identify as gay or straight, not bi. The bi part here is very important because while fans of popular m/m ships often see a male character as bi because of his queer coding, it’s rarely ever acknowledged by the show itself, despite authorial and/or acting hints (think Stiles from Teen Wolf, Dean from SPN, Buck from 911). Biphobia is a very real thing and it does affect the treatment of characters in show and by viewers. I’ll also just mention that Matthew Perry originally read and played Chandler as a closeted gay man, at least in the pilot, before changing that reading as the show went on- so an example of queer coding that was intended then written out rather than built upon (so the opposite of what the writers did or are doing with Dean and Buck).
Now, let’s fully consider my two favorite m/m ships that are popularly acknowledged as romantic by the fandom, despite not being canon (or having rocky canonhood) and as they relate to my rule of thumb that illustrates subtext breaking into text: Dean/Cas from Supernatural and Buck/Eddie from 911. Dean and Cas have the “romantic vibe that’s played for laughs” aspect of a bromance in Gamble’s s6, but after that their interactions are a lot less jokey and a lot more just plain romantic. Similarly with Buddie, s2’s “you two have an adorable son” is a lot more “haha” than s4 when a gay guy thinks Buck is hitting on him and turns him down. Buck was surprised but didn’t deny anything or try to bluster his way out of the scene, instead Eddie walks into frame. As far as queer coding, there are literally thousands of posts explaining how Dean is queer coded throughout the entirety of SPN and 911 has been building up something similar with Buck during its initial 4 season run. Honestly, if a show can run long enough, it’s refreshing to have a character who isn’t obviously lgbtq+ from the start get the opportunity to come out. It took 12 years, but Cas came out as gay in 15x18 and the length of having to wait for that reveal doesn’t invalidate the character’s journey in any way, rather it encourages people to understand that you can come out at any time in your life, whenever you’re ready. Love interest wise, Dean had one long term female love interest throughout the entire 15 year run of SPN and she was never a main character. Instead, his relationship with fellow main character Cas was carefully built up and tested, showing that irrefutably romantically coded relationship to be Dean’s priority. Buck was involved with a main female cast member throughout season 1 but since her departure he has had no serious love interest and instead built upon his found family- particularly as it exists with Eddie and Eddie’s son. Both these relationships read as romantic because that’s what they are. However, so long as there is resistance to letting these ships be canon or letting these characters be queer, the GA will only ever see them as bromantic substites and people will forever argue about their authenticity like trying to make a death bed love confession platonic.
Overall, Destiel and Buddie and other similar m/m ships are best described as husbands instead of “bros for life” because they’ve met the criteria of breaking out of subtext and into the show’s main story. Plots often hinge on the ups and downs of their relationship, they’re taken seriously and built up by the writers, and are obvious enough for the GA to notice and possibly ship, even if neither character is out.
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wowbright · 4 years
Strong When You’re Beside Me
Summary: Kurt and Blaine have a disagreement over the tastefulness of certain Easter decorations.
Words: ~1200 words
Challenge: For the Klaine/CC Valentine's Challenge. This vignette takes its title and inspiration from the Day 13 prompt song, Glory of Love by Peter Cetera, particularly the lines I would never leave you alone, I’m always strong when you’re beside me and the verse Sometimes I just forget, say things I might regret. It breaks my heart to see you crying. I don’t wanna lose you. I could never make it alone.
Notes: Part of the Mormon!Klaine verse. Kurt and Blaine are missionaries in Germany. Kurt is out as gay, and Blaine is closeted to everyone, including himself. See the Mormon!Klaine Master Post for more info and where this story fits in the verse.
More notes: Also inspired from this gif of Kurt and Blaine in Silly Love Songs.
Rating: Teen and Up
Kurt was all for marking the seasons with celebratory decorations. Back at home, he was in charge of decking the Christmas tree, arranging the Thanksgiving cornucopia, designing an ensemble of jack-o-lanterns to adorn their front porch each Halloween, and weaving wreaths of forsythia or pussy willow for the front door each Easter.
But the bakery-cafe where Chandler had asked them to meet him was a little over the top. There were Easter bunnies everywhere, and colorful eggs—a few of them hand-dyed, but most of them plastic—hung from every light fixture in chandelier-like arrangements.
“Wow,” Kurt said in a stunned deadpan.
“Wow!” Elder Anderson effused as he followed Kurt through the shop door. His eyes lit up in wonder as he scanned the egg arrangements hanging over their heads. “Isn’t this amazing?”
“I'm all for flair, but these Easter decorations are just tacky.”
Elder Anderson’s wonderment didn’t diminish one iota. “No they're not. They’re cultural.”
Kurt scanned the room for Chandler. He wasn't there yet, but they were a few minutes early. Kurt was better at German punctuality than most Germans. “The eggs, maybe,” Kurt said as they got in line, which was long. Chandler might very well arrive by the time they placed their orders. “But the bunnies? Maybe those ones—” He pointed to a couple porcelain hares on top of the display cabinet that looked like German-made figurines from the 1950s. “And those.” He nodded to a collection of kids’ crayon drawings of rabbits, or what were probably supposed to be rabbits but could just as easily have been dogs or misshapen elephants, taped to the bathroom door. “But the rest of it looks like it's made in China.” Kurt grabbed a pair of plush anthropoid bunnies from a display shelf that also featured travel mugs, small bags of freshly roasted beans, and way too many cutesy Easter decorations. The stuffed animals were holding hands and rubbing noses. They weren’t even carrying an Easter basket. “I mean, what’s this supposed to be? Why are the kissing? And I thought there was only one Easter bunny!”
Elder Anderson took the toy and examined it with a smile. “C’mon. Don’t be such a grump. They’re obviously love bunnies. I think they’re cute.”
“What do you mean, ‘obviously’? Are ‘love bunnies’ even a thing in German? I thought the Tutonic romance animals were mice and bears and honeybees.”
“No, a guy at my ward in Dresden was always calling his wife his Häschen.”
“At church?” Kurt said. “That’s weird.”
“No, when we’d go over to their house for dinner. Anyway, if I were in the market for romantic Easter gifts, I’d totally buy this.”
Kurt snatched the toy from Elder Anderson, who clearly was not an excellent judge of taste. “It’s ridiculous.”
“It’s adorable.”
“Easter isn't about romance.”
“It's about life. Celebration. Besides, romance is an important part of the gospel. Celestial marriage and all that.”
Kurt shoved the stuffed animals back on the shelf. “For some people, maybe.”
A shadow passed over Elder Anderson's face. “You can have romance, too, Elder Hummel. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
Kurt rolled his eyes so hard it felt like they were about to pop out of the sockets. “We've already had this discussion. I can't.”
“Here,” Elder Anderson said after a short pause. “Let me look at those bunnies again.”
Elder Anderson extended his hand.
“Oh fine.” Kurt pulled them off the shelf and slapped them into his companion’s hand.
“Yup, that’s what I thought,” Elder Anderson said as he scrutinized the toy. “They’re not lovers. They’re good friends.”
“They’re kissing.”
“They’re touching noses. Anyway, don't you ever kiss your friends?”
“See. They’re best friends. And they love each other. You can have that, Elder Hummel.” Elder Anderson was looking him straight in the eye, his eyes shining with sincerity.
It was too much. “Fine.”
Elder Anderson smiled down at the toy. “Maybe I’ll buy this for you. As a symbol of our friendship.”
“You will not.”
“But I could put it on the nightstand, and it would be so wonderful.” Elder Anderson bounced once on his toes. “Because then you'd have something very specific to roll your eyes at first thing every morning, just in case the opportunity doesn't come up later in the day.”
Relief washed over Kurt. “You had me there for a minute. And I don't roll my eyes that much.” He gave Elder Anderson’s arm a light smack.
“Uh-huh.” Elder Anderson grinned as he reached across Kurt to put the toy back on the shelf.
They ordered two mineral waters—the cheapest drink on the menu—and Kurt would have left it at that for budgeting purposes, but Elder Anderson spotted a cookie decorated with a pair of hugging bunnies and was too delighted by the connection not to order it. “I won't waste the doll on you, but the least you can do is share this commemorative cookie with me as a token of our friendship.”
Kurt started to roll his eyes, but stopped himself an eighth of the way through. He pulled a chair out from a nearby table and set his things down.
Elder Anderson settled in next to him and broke the cookie in half. “Joseph Smith said that ‘friendship is one of the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism,’ designed ‘to revolutionize and civilize the world, and cause wars and contentions to cease and men to become friends and brothers.’ Fundamental, Elder Hummel. It’s as important as celestial marriage. It’s as important as romance. So, here,” Elder Anderson pushed the plate toward Kurt, “share it with me.”
There was something in the tone and gestures that reminded Kurt of the sacrament. He lifted his half of the cookie and began to nibble on its edges, ears first.
“I know you feel you can't have everything you want in life, Elder Hummel. But I want you to know you have my friendship, now and in the future. I never want you to feel alone.”
Kurt got the same light, swooping sensation in his chest that he got whenever he plummeted down a roller coaster track.
“And maybe my motives are selfish, too,” Elder Anderson said. “I’m a better person for having you in my life. I never feel alone when you’re beside me. I don’t want to lose that when this mission is over.”
Kurt swallowed his bite of cookie, concentrating to make sure it went down the right tube. Kurt had no idea what it felt like to receive a confession of love, but this must have been close to it. Even though it wasn’t. Not that kind of love.
But if platonic love could feel like this, maybe Kurt could suffice on it. Because it felt incredible.
“Hey, guys!” A familiar voice broke through Kurt's thoughts before he could formulate a response worthy of Elder Anderson's speech. “You shouldn't have ordered yet. I would have paid. I'm sure missionaries don’t make big money. Can I get you anything else?” Chandler draped his coat over the back of the empty chair across from Kurt.
“No,” Kurt said. “I��m satisfied.”
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gleeblaineislife · 3 years
I don’t understand how people can be completely and utterly on one person’s side during Klaine fights without understanding where the other person is coming from (except for the Scandals parking lot scene, of course). In BIOTA, yes, Kurt was very much in the wrong for being biphobic and invalidating Blaine questioning his identity which is a completely natural and difficult thing. But at the same time one of his best friends decided to go out with the one guy she knew Kurt liked and actually had a chance with. At that point in the show Kurt looked up to Blaine as an out and proud gay man who overcame bullying and probably still held Blaine up to a bit of a higher standard since he was still more of a mentor and less of a regular friend. And bisexuality was used as a not fully out of the closet thing in only some instances back then. It doesn’t excuse what Kurt said, but it does give more of a perspective of why Kurt said it. 
In DWS, Kurt was doing what Blaine considered to be emotional cheating. They both could have done a better job at communicating with each other (but they were just kids in their first relationship after all and nobody’s perfect anyways). It should be taken into consideration how hurt they both were. Intimacy is a big thing for Kurt and it hurt a lot when Blaine pulled away and made him very insecure. Blaine was also having insecurities and seeing Kurt text flirting with Chandler also hurt a lot. He was obviously not okay and probably wanted Kurt to notice that but instead Kurt just went to another guy who gave him what he wanted. Kurt was more in the wrong in this situation and Blaine had a right to be pissed but that doesn’t mean Blaine did everything perfectly either. 
In TBT, Blaine cheated on Kurt (this is more of a klaine conflict rather than fight, but I’m still including it). It’s an awful thing that Glee unfortunately made most characters participate in. But Blaine’s cheating didn’t come out of nowhere (and I would argue wasn’t out of character). Kurt was neglecting Blaine and doing what he said he wouldn’t. Now this is of course understandable, Kurt just moved to the city of his dreams and got an internship at Vogue which took up time and was getting adjusted to everything. But Blaine still wasn’t getting what he needed out of the relationship (and I believe they were headed for a break-up with or without the cheating). Blaine has abandonment issues and a lot of insecurities. He thought Kurt was done with him. I would also argue he did try to communicate he was unhappy a few times but Kurt didn’t understand/quickly had to go even though Blaine could have done more such as texting Kurt or not dismissing himself when Kurt did and elaborating more. It did really sting when Blaine thought Kurt had forgotten about him/was done with him (and up to that point Blaine didn’t really have a support system while Kurt had his father, Carole, Finn, other ex-New Directions members and Rachel a bit). Another thing that shows Kurt was too busy with his life to truly care/pay attention to Blaine’s was that he didn’t pick up the phone after Blaine’s election. That’s a pretty big day and did Kurt just forget about it or know about it yet still didn’t have the time to show he cares or did Blaine never even get the chance to tell him? Blaine’s cheating is still 100% not okay but Kurt wasn’t being the best boyfriend either. (Blaine was obviously much more in the wrong here as he completely destroyed their already deteriorating relationship at that point). 
In Puppet Master, Blaine couldn’t make it to Kurt’s first concert. I honestly don’t have many thoughts about this fight/conflict thing and almost forgot it. Blaine was being a little bitch for a lot of the episode (I still love it though and understand why he was) and he got detention so I don’t know what he could’ve really done except for maybe tell Kurt sooner? Kurt was also understandably upset since his fiance couldn’t make it because it seemed like he chose puppet Kurt over real Kurt to him. I don’t have any clear opinions about this so I’m going to move on. 
In New New York, Kurt and Blaine had a fight about Blaine setting up a workspace and they had an overall conflict of Blaine being too clingy. I’m going to start with the workspace thing: Blaine was trying to make the loft feel like his place too by creating something functional. Kurt, who was already feeling smothered by Blaine and probably wanted to still feel like something was his, was upset by this. Kurt brought up Elliot and Blaine overreacted (because of insecurities and jealousy). Blaine lets Kurt clean up what he did which, okay is kind of fair since it seemed like it was just Kurt’s loft not Blaine’s but at the same time I get that Kurt felt like Blaine took over Mckinley (by getting solos) and he didn’t want Blaine to take over New York either. For the overall conflict: Blaine and Kurt did spend a lot of time apart and I’ve been as (unhealthily) attached to somebody as Blaine was to Kurt so he just wanted to spend every second of everyday with him to make up for the time they’ve lost and he just wanted to be with Kurt. Kurt was losing his identity which would probably feel awful for someone as independent as he is and he just wanted a break from Blaine. I understand how he wouldn’t want to spend all of his time with Blaine. 
In Tested, Kurt and Blaine (sort of?)fight about porn and about Blaine feeling like they’re in a competition. Blaine starts physically pulling away which ignites Kurt’s insecurities again. Blaine pulls away since he feels so ashamed of his body. When Kurt finds out Blaine had been using porn, he feels hurt since his own fiance would rather masturbate than have sex with him. He didn’t know about how Blaine had been feeling since Blaine didn’t communicate that to him. Blaine probably wanted to communicate that to him once Kurt saw the porn to explain why but Kurt felt too hurt to listen and by the time before Love Is A Battlefield happened he had his own assumptions for why Blaine used porn so he felt there was nothing more to talk about. Kurt was surprised to hear about the competition thing but in season 3 wasn’t he the one that said ‘you don’t know what it's like being your boyfriend. You are the alpha gay’??? I mean he probably didn’t remember that or feel like that anymore but still. Kurt was understandably upset though since his fiance was talking about a ‘shift in the power dynamic’ and wanting to protect him. I’ve always thought wanting to protect him part was a natural response to what happened the episode before, since we all want to protect the people we love from harm and Blaine probably hated feeling so helpless while Kurt was in the hospital. The shift in the power dynamic, I don’t fully understand. I think it’s a bit about Blaine not understanding that you aren’t just with somebody because you need them but because you want them and Blaine feeling like Kurt was going to get so strong that he wouldn’t want to be with Blaine anymore.
For the Blaine lying to Kurt about June wanting him in the showcase, Blaine was really scared of losing Kurt again and was trying to be this perfect person who was able to give Kurt everything he wanted and he probably thought he could convince June to put Kurt in the showcase. Kurt was upset with Blaine once Blaine admitted to lying since Blaine lied and he probably already had a hard time trusting Blaine after he cheated. And for the second break-up, Kurt broke up with Blaine rather harshly and seemingly randomly to Blaine and Blaine was understandably heartbroken, hurt, and angry. I don’t really blame Kurt though because their relationship was probably not the healthiest at that point and if he wasn’t happy he shouldn’t have to be in that relationship. I think it was important for them to get a break from each other and get therapy.
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Chapter Two
(like 2 of these guys are closet gays so...also religion and (unintentional) misgendering are here so)
Marius’ breath hitched, feeling anxiety rise in his chest. He was tired, and his eyes were puffy from crying, as he began sobbing again. Adam was trying his best to comfort his little brother, but it wasn’t working very well. Adam wasn’t an emotional man, after all. But he was trying his very hardest to get him to calm down a little.
“Please, it’s okay…take a deep breath-”
“She can’t be dead, Adam-“
“She died a long time ago. We both know that, Marius. I wish I could say that somehow she’s still out there, but we both know it’s not true.” Adam said, making Marius sob harder.
“But- but-“ 
“Shh… it’s okay. Just let it all out.” He said, rubbing his brother's back.
Marius’ sobbing just became worse when he said that, becoming more like wailing as time went on. Adam felt awful for not being able to help his little brother more, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do. She’d died a long time ago, and even though he was now out there it wasn’t like Adam knew that. It was tearing him up to his friends and family in such shambles, not being able to help.
Garrett walked into the room and quickly saw the scene in front of him. He sat down next to the two of them and patted Marius on the back. There was a long silence between the three of them, other than Marius’ sobs.
“Marius, ya should take a deep breath.” Garrett finally said, breaking the silence. He did so, finally beginning to calm down a little. His sobbing became less frequent until it finally stopped completely. He let go of Adam and sat between his two brothers.
“Sorry ‘bout that.” He said.
“It’s okay. We don’t blame ya, and you’re not the only one… still mournin’.” Adam said, removing his cap and placing it on the table. The brothers again were silent, not knowing what to do. Garrett sighed, he hated all the quiet. Made him uncomfortable, honestly.
“Wanna go swimmin’?”
“If Mari is up to it, sure,” Adam said, a smile finally coming back to his face. The two of them looked at Marius, and he nodded.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
The three of them finally stood up and changed into their swimming gear, and ran outside to the lake. It was a hot summer's day, and they were all relieved to cool down a bit. Adam was the first to jump in, and the other two followed after him. Adam and Marius just kept splashing Garrett, and it was getting on his nerves.
“Stop splashin’, ya damn dumbasses-“ he cried, and that’s when Adam had a great idea. He ran out of the lake, or tried to at least, and climbed up on a small ledge above it. Marius and Garrett stared at him like he had three heads, as he jumped into the lake again, sufficiently splashing both of his brothers. They were all laughing by the end, which was… good. They were finally having a good time. They continued to screw around in the pool for a little while longer when they saw a figure walk out of the woods. 
“Hello? Who is that, Garrett?” Marius asked, pointing at the figure. He was the first to notice it, and Garrett only did when he pointed it out.
“I don’t know! Adam, why don’t ya go speak to ‘em.” Garrett said, and Adam sighed, nodding. He got out and went to the figure, Garrett and Marius following behind him. But when the three of them got a little closer, they quickly realized who it was. It was just their brother, Chandler.
“Chandler! That you?” Garrett called. He nodded, running up to the three of them.
“Yeah! It’s me, and I got some great news for y’all!” He cried, looking very happy. “God has finally sent down a blessin’ for us!” He spun around a bit in excitement.
“What has He done?” Marius asked, looking a little confused with his brother’s elation. 
“She’s alive! She’s gotta be out there. I think I know where she is, too.” Chandler cried. Marius’ eyes widened, as he backed up a little, and nearly fell to his knees. Luckily, Garrett caught him. But he looked just as shocked. Adam just shook his head in bewilderment.
“But how?” Adam said. “We all saw the body, and there was a funeral… there’s no way that’s possible, Chand.”
“But it is! It’s fully possible. In fact, I think it’s a fact!”
“Are you sure?” Garrett chimed in again.
“Of course I’m sure! Y’all gotta stop with your doubts, it’s like you're doubtin’ God!” Chandler yelled. The three of them exchanged a look. They’d all stopped trusting God a long time ago, as a result of… the death of a sibling. They didn’t say that to Chandler, though. They knew he was a devout Christian.
“Well, what’s the proof?” Marius asked, finally calmed down again, and was able to stand up again on his own. 
“I’ll show ya! Just follow me, alright?” He said, turning to go. They all collectively sighed but began following Chandler to wherever he wanted to go. The three of them looked slightly concerned about Chander, as they hadn’t seen him so happy in a long time. They were glad he was so chipper, but… they had a bad feeling about this.
Marius especially did. He was holding his breath, not prepared for whatever he could see. He hoped it wasn’t anything too bad. He just wanted it to be a quiet area Chandler had convinced himself had something to do with it or just a document of some kind. But knowing what he was like, Marius doubted that. Chandler was easy to convince, even by himself. Maybe it was some sicko ‘friend’, that had happened before. Chandler often told everyone he could about the death, and not everyone was kind about it. He was far too trusting…
“Okay, Chandler, where the hell are we goin’?” Adam asked, after about twenty minutes of walking.
“You’ll see! We’re almost there, alright?” He insisted. Finally, after what felt like forever, the three of them arrived at a Church. While Chandler went up the stairs, the other three of them stayed at the bottom, a little confused. 
“Why the Hell are we here?” Adam yelled, looking very frustrated.
“You’ll see, just come in-“
“No, Chandler! I’m not dealin’ with your stupid Christian shit anymore! If God really cares and loves us, why the Hell did she die?! Explain that!” He yelled as he got a little closer to his brother.
“Adam, calm-“ Marius started, but Adam turned around and punched him square in the face. Garrett tried to pull him away, but he kicked him away too, before running off. The three remaining brothers just watched him go.
“What the fuck was that,” Chandler said, as Garrett comforted Marius, who was crying and in shock. 
“I don’t know, but I’m sure he’s fine,” Garrett said.
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Why Cami is important, and why we need more of her types of characters.
While everyone is watching the Cartero/Tennis Boyfriends storyline, as well as Elena’s story and Gabi’s story, I want to talk about the only openly gay character at the moment (Episode 7/8), Camilla, but to really get to talk about her, I have to dive a little bit into the history of gay characters in comedies.*
**I’m only including gay characters in comedies because otherwise my list would be too long to be able to dive into, and this post is going to be mostly about Cami.
So, the first openly gay character to appear on American TV is Steve, played by Phillip Carey in 1971 on “All in the Family.” He appeared for only one episode, but he opened the door back when being gay was taboo, and wrong, and he wasn’t killed onscreen or beaten up. In fact, he was played straight, in a way. Throughout the episode, the main character is speculating about several other men being gay, while Steve was described by that character to be “a real man’s man.” It’s at the end of the episode where Steve comes out to him, dismisses the rumors about the other men the main character suspected, and then he was never seen on TV again. And his appearance is so important because it challenged stereotypes of what gay men on TV were, and where it was appropriate to see these topics. He opened the door for more gay characters to show up.
However, it was a bit of a double-edged sword because for the next several years, the gay characters we saw were “very special episode” characters, approached the same way these characters would approach cancer, or drugs, or addiction. They were a sensitive topic people need to know about, the episode will be less funny to show the full gravity of the situation. But, gay people were seen on TV.
Slowly, people start accepting that gay people exist, and while they might not wish direct harm on them, the general attitude was still very anti-LGBT rights. So gay characters shifted on tv and they were no longer sensitive topics to approach, but a minor/recurring character who was overwhelmingly male, flamboyant, stereotyped to hell, and typically, the “Gay Best Friend.”
The true turning point, in my opinion, was Ellen DeGeneres on “Ellen.” She was the main character of her show, personally in the process of finding herself and coming out, and then deciding to have the character she played come out in a serious, but relatively humorous way. There was backlash, her show didn’t last much longer after that, and overall, she took a huge risk. But she started the first step of the process: character first, sexuality second. She wasn’t defined for being gay like every other person, with potentially the exception of Steve, was up to this point.
But Steve and Ellen served different purposes. Steve de-stigmatized the idea of gay people appearing on TV by only revealing he was gay at the end. He only appeared for one episode, let everyone see how throughout the episode, he was the opposite of gay men they built up in their mind, and then only let the hammer drop right before vanishing forever. Ellen went through four years of people getting to know her, she was the principal main character, and then she came out after. Steve allowed gay people to be shown more on TV, Ellen allowed us to get to know them.
Then around that time, let me just say this: “Friends” was pretty problematic with several issues like the character of Ross and how Chandler’s birth parent transitioning, but there was one thing that was pretty well handled and relatively holds up, and that’s Carol and Susan. Now, by no means was their portrayal and representation perfect, and Ross frequently made jokes revolving around the fact that his ex-wife was a lesbian, but they were never jokes about Carol being wrong or weird, but rather self-deprecating ones, and then the show went on to show them raising and co-parenting a young boy with Ross and they even had the first lesbian wedding on TV, and, at least in my memory, they were never sexualized, meaning that they weren’t created to be objects of mens’ desires, they were simply in love and trying to lead fulfilling lives with each other.
And now we go from the sidelines all the way front and center with the original airing (not the reboot) of “Will and Grace.” The main character was an openly gay man living with a straight woman, who had a gay and an ambiguous, but potentially, bisexual best friends (Jack and Karen). And boy, was this show the first of it’s kind. Will wasn’t portrayed as flamboyant and taking on a stereotypical job, but rather the respected position as a lawyer, owning a nice apartment, and him being gay was only used as a fact while he dated men throughout the show. People at the time earnestly believed Will and Grace would get together in the end by how un-stereotypical and “not gay” Will acted.
But acting as his foil was Jack, perhaps the most flamboyant character to ever grace TV screens. He was loud, overly dramatic, cared too much about his appearance, and his goal was to be an actor. And he wasn’t automatically Will’s boyfriend because he was also gay. He was Will’s closest friend, a confidant, and though he could be an asshole, Jack was true to himself, even if his true self was every gay stereotype shoved into one body while Will got to break those stereotypes by being a well developed and well rounded character.
From there, Gay characters are a mixed bag. Normally in tv shows marketed for people 16 and up, not for children, and typically as side characters. We get our Kurt Hummels, our Mitch and Cams, our Oscar Martinezes, and all these others. They’re occasionally the main character in a cast, most of the time the side characters, and they’re varied. They’re also more visible, and they’re popping up more and more. Now, I’m not even going to get into Brooklyn Nine-Nine in terms of Queer representation because I could go on for days about how they’ve got it, and go into the similar media and target audience.
I’m, of course, talking about “Good Luck Charlie.”
Now I know, I KNOW! It was one episode where there were two moms that showed up for a play date. But it was one of the first kids’ shows to show a gay couple, and by kids, I mean that it’s marketed for people under 16 as well. And it was also pretty well addressed. The parents are wondering how to separate the couple in order to hang out while their toddlers played at the same time as arguing over who was the child’s mother since they each only met one. And when they open the door to Cheryl and Susan, they greet them normally and the only acknowledgment that comes is the father hitting his head like he had forgotten a word and saying “Taylor has two moms,” simply settling the argument about who was Taylor’s mom. And the rest of the episode was just about the parents trying to make friends but being annoying people until Susan and Cheryl fake headaches to leave. The episode treated them not as a “Gay Couple,” but rather a couple who happened to be gay. Not even Modern Family 10 years after the pilot can act like that.
And I KNOW you guys are waiting for it: Cyrus Goodman and Thelonious Jagger Kippen. I bet if I were to take a poll right now of who’s Disney’s first openly gay character, at least 90% of people would say it’s Cyrus Goodman. He was developed as his own person first; this adorable, quirky boy who loved his two best friends more than anything and would get over-enthusiastic for anything they did or he decided to pursue, and he went through panic, then he came out to Buffy. It’s also impressive that for Disney’s first gay main character, they didn’t have him already self-assured that he’s gay, but rather figuring it out and terrified when he came out to Buffy. He was afraid of what she’d think of him, what she’d say, and how their friendship would continue, which I touch more on *here.* At the same time, T.J. is also developed from a bully and antagonist to one of Cyrus’s newest, closest friends. He faces homophobic microaggresions while developing feelings towards Cyrus until he finally finds the courage to confess and start something new at the last episode. The fact that T.J. didn’t come out as gay until the last episode does not diminish his worth as a gay character. He was groundbreaking too because he is the first gay love interest in a Disney Show (and I mean mutual, because otherwise, that title would go to Jonah Beck and I’m not sure he can be counted as canon anything).
And now everyone is focusing on Bobby and Liam on “Diary of a Future President,” which is what the writers are shooting for, but we cannot forget about Cami! She is a form of casual representation that we need more of in writing. There was no marketing for her by Disney as a gay character, and she portrays a realistic representation. She mentions her girlfriend, makes small comments like “you two are hetero goals,” and lets us glimpse into her life. And she doesn’t take over a room like Jack does, she’s there for Cami, and has a good relationship with her kids, as proven by Gabi trusting her to pick up Bobby and Liam from Jupiter. And then the significance of Cami freeing Bobby and Liam from a storage closet is something I touched on earlier *here*.
So why is Cami important? Because she is the casual representation we want and deserve! She’s not a big deal on the show, but she also not diminished. She doesn’t need to make headlines to be important. She’s real, and believable, and I’m hoping there’s more of her as well as characters like her. Casual representation is important too, and it’s important because she’s not the only queer character on the show, and the other queer person isn’t her love interest.
Hopefully I got my message across that Cami is the next step of queer characters in shows.
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 4 years
Tsubasa: Oh my god, I’m the Karen in this friend group.
Itsuki: What? No, you’re the precious cinnamon roll. McNamara?
Tsubasa: Itsuki, that means that- Wait, who’s Ronnie? And who’s JD?
Ellie: I’m Ronnie, obviously.
Yashiro: I’m guessing that since Touma’s Duke, that makes me JD.
Touma: Seeing as how I get “Shut up, Heather!”ed constantly, I’m definitely Duke here.
Kiria: Who am I? Ms. Fleming? I’d say I’m Chandler, but in this scenario, that’s Itsuki.
Touma: Oh, you’re Ms. Fleming. 100%.
Tsubasa: Can you guys let me finish??
Kiria: Fine...
Tsubasa: Thanks, guys. Alright, so Itsuki, that means that you’re a mythic bitch, Touma’s got basically zero personality, and I’m just there. So Touma’s Bulimic and he’s throwing up so we’re helping him out and Kiria walks in and gives us all detention, but Ellie forges a Hall Pass and gets us out of detention, we invite her to join our little clique, we try to destroy Ellie’s childhood best friend emotionally by forging a note by her crush of 12 years that he liked him back because she’s overweight, Ellie protests and we sing an epic trio song about dumping her and joining us, Touma gets “Shut up, Heather!”ed and shoved down, he jumps up and joins us for the last harmony, she decides to join us, and we find out that Yashiro just transferred in and he’s immediately picked on by Ellie’s childhood friend’s crush and his best friend, Yashiro punches one of them in the face, the entire school’s does a harmony of “Holy Shit”, Ellie’s like “Damn, he’s h o t !” And sings an entire solo about how if he’s still alive after punching one of the school’s biggest bullies in the face, can they go out? So then there’s a huge party, and they’re at the local 7-11, so they can buy some corn nuts for the party. Yashiro sings this whole solo about how his mom died and his dad’s always moving him around so he can never make meaningful human connections, and also how he’s basically running the house because his dad doesn’t really do much, so he drinks a lot of slushies because he uses brain freezes as a way of self-harm, you yell from outside that Ellie’s taking too long, and so you all go to the party and Ellie’s having the time of her life. Me, you, and Touma then see Ellie’s childhood friend walk into the party, and then Touma tries to pitch an idea to destroy her and the “Shut up, Heather” counter hits two. So then after everything happens Touma brings in the pig-shaped piñata and says “Who’s this pig remind you of, especially the snout!” And then “Dang Dang Diggidy Dang-a-Dang” intensifies, then they dress the pig like Ellie’s childhood friend and then afterwards they pretend to like her so she’ll hit the piñata that’s dressed as her, Ellie realizes and grabs the piñata and tells her friend to go home, she does, and then Ellie’s like “I’m resigning my commission from the lip gloss gestapo” and you tell her that she doesn’t get to be a nobody anymore, she’s an ex-somebody now, and then she throws up on your shoes, you scream, and Ellie says, in the most epic way possible, “Lick it up, baby, Lick it up!”. So Ellie realized that she just committed social suicide, and decided that hey, she’s gonna die? Well she’s sure as hell not gonna die a virgin. So she breaks into Yashiro’s house in the middle of the night and he’s... he’s just down to fuck so let’s go. So then she’s asleep, and then she has a nightmare of you taunting her for being a slut because you know everything, Ellie wakes up screaming, she decides she has to apologize to you, and she goes over, grovels for mercy, and then she makes you a hangover cure because you said you’d think about it if she makes it, and so Yashiro makes a joke by pouring drain cleaner into a mug and saying that they should give it to you because it’s hard to tell in a mug that it looks wrong, she says that’s not funny, and goes to grab a mug, and it’s the drain cleaner one, Yashiro notices, but doesn’t say so, your last words are “Corn Nuts”, and then they stage it as a suicide and you haunt her, there’s a thing at school where everyone’s reading your suicide note and everyone’s happy meanwhile you’re screaming that everyone loves you now that you’re dead and everyone thinks you were a good person-
Itsuki: What the fuck?
Tsubasa: I’m not done! *deep breath* so we begin act 2 and everyone’s doing decently, and then I call Ellie and ask her to meet us at the graveyard, where we run into two drunk idiots that keep begging for consent to sex, Ellie’s immediately saying absolutely fucking not, leaves, and then Touma rises to power almost immediately, gets a dramatic solo because Ellie tries to yell at you to shut up, but since you’re a ghost he assumes she’s talking to him and does this whole solo where he says he’ll never shut up again and he and two other guys spread a rumor about Ellie doing the two other guys at once, Yashiro goes even more batshit and tricks Ellie again into killing the two guys that they say she did and makes it looks like they were gay for each other and killed themselves because the world would have rejected them, Kiria runs a whole assembly where she says she cares about saving lives when really she just wants attention, I volunteer to talk at the assembly, say “Jesus, I’m on the freaking bus again because all my rides to school are dead” I have my solo where I say I feel terrified at every turn about making the wrong move and losing every bit of my popularity, Touma goes feral on me for saying the truth, that the school is shit, and he drives me to a suicide attempt, Ellie saves my life and points out that if I was happy every day of my life, I’d be a game show host. Yashiro asks why the hell she saved me, Ellie says it’s because I’m her friend, Yashiro then suggests they kill Touma because he drove me to the suicide attempt, Ellie dumps Yashiro by singing that she’s done with all this murder bullshit, Ellie’s childhood friend jumps off a bridge, Touma makes fun of her and Ellie goes to the hospital to apologize, and ghosts of you and the two guys taunt her as Ellie’s parents come in and say that Yashiro told them about Ellie’s “suicidal thoughts” that he fabricated, and they showed her the copy of Moby Dick that she owns, which is filled with suicidal thoughts in her own handwriting, you go over her shoulder and go like “He’s got your handwriting down cold” and-
Itsuki: I don’t think I want to know the rest-
Tsubasa: I’m almost done! So then the ghost trio’s haunting the fuck out of Ellie and telling her that like. He’s coming for you and shit. And he is. Yashiro comes in through the window and then sings this entire solo about how they were meant for each other, and that he’s gonna blow up the school during a pep rally that’s about to start, says he’s gonna count to three before he opens the closet that she’s hiding in, goes “1, 2, Fuck it!” Pops the door open, sees Ellie hanging there, says he can’t do this alone but hey, if he has to, he’ll do it. So then Ellie’s mom walks in and screams, Ellie’s like “WAIT NO IT’S A JOKE”, heads to the pep rally, sings this whole thing where she says no one deserves to die except her and Yashiro, runs into Kiria who’s like “wtf Yashiro told me you committed suicide” and then tells her about the fact that the boiler room is under the gym, so Ellie goes down there, makes this entire speech about how she wishes they could have met before he was like this, they fight over the gun, Ellie gets it, shoots him, goes like “oh wait fuck I can’t disarm this”, brings the bomb out to the field and waits for it to explode so she’s the only one who’ll die, Yashiro runs in, grabs the bomb, tells her to get out of the way because he’s too damaged but she can still save herself, she leaves, comes into the school, dismantles the school’s social hierarchy, and then invites me and her childhood friend to binge movies.
Itsuki: Once again, what the fuck?
Tsubasa: I mean, hey, you’re the one who said I was McNamara.
Itsuki: You could have just said no??
Tsubasa: Not as fun. But, either way, if I’m the Karen that makes you Regina so that’s definitely wrong because-
Itsuki: I’ve seen Mean Girls, calm down-
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truthisgoldenau · 4 years
for a moment there I accidentally had Pierce's photo under Marian's name oop
Time to officially confirm some AU canon LGBT stuff! Each character is their own pride flag but I'll add in other stuff that's canon in universe plus some bonus stuff at the bottom.
First up is Freddy Fazbear Jr! Gay all the way.
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He's definitely the "move I'm gay" type
Was honestly super freaked out to tell his dad but went with the bold approach of bringing home his first boyfriend and blatantly announcing their relationship as such as a challenge and was honestly surprised his dad wasn't bothered by it
He was around 13 at the time and so the twins and Fred were still in touch with Maddie's parents and brother. All three were incredibly supportive (and still would be)
He absolutely had a crush on Bonnie Burnette even though he had never talked to him. Since the twins and Bonnie went to the same high school he knew of Bonnie, thought he was a dreamboat, but because Bonnie was somehow in with the popular kids (it was the money 100%) Freddy didn't even bother
Frankie Fazbear! My ace son! (The ears are wrong blame the app lol)
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Honestly doesn't even know he's ace until much later
He's had crushes before but he's never been in a relationship (part of it is the attempt to communicate since he's mute sort of stops him)
He wasn't even sure it was worth mentioning to his dad so Fred never knew
This boy can hold so much love in his heart but he's not a very physical person that's all
Fred Fazbear Sr! YES. HE'S BI.
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Only Maddie even knew he was bi. That he knew of. Some people probably figured it out with his over the top always on personality.
Fred was constantly sure that Pierce picked up on it particularly after the Christmas mistletoe fiasco but if Pierce gave a shit he never said anything.
Frankly it was amazing that more people didn't pick up on it. He was over the top about everything until a point.
While he didn't overreact to his son very blatantly announcing he had a boyfriend, he was very proud of him. It was a very Fazbear family way to come out. Even though he got so distant, he was always proud of his boys.
Bonnie Burnette! Also bi!
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Being constantly surrounded by the popular crowd and always being the sort of stand out with purple hair and stupid purple bunny ears didn't do much to make Bonnie feel like he could even tell anyone he was bi.
Really the only reason he was even in the popular crowd was he was rich.
It made him less of a target for bullies at least cause the jocks wouldn't stand for anyone messing with him.
Knew Frankie from math class and honestly wished he could have talked to the quiet kid with bear ears as an alternative to the entirety of the popular group
Sort of in the background of the AU story very quietly develops a crush on Freddy and then thinks "oh God I like the troublemaker NO"
Chandler Cicily! Lesbian!
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Would absolutely describe her sexuality as "girls"
She's starting to discover it during the AU (even if it's not a topic that comes up but that's why there's this post about stuff lmao).
She's the baby of the group since she's 16 when the story starts and relationships aren't important to her yet
But the crew still support her when later she's like "maybe I just wanna bake things for a cute girl and let her put flowers in my hair is that too much to ask" (Marian always chimes in with "mood")
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Marian Mengele! An absolute bi icon!
Listen, her one goal in life may be to find her lost childhood friend, but that doesn't mean she's solely interested in this one Irish redhead
That said she's definitely only dated redheads
She's not afraid to be open about her orientation. It doesn't bother her. She's seen as weird already what can it hurt.
That said she falls for Finn so goddamn fast when she finds him that she questions herself and then is like "no wait I'm definitely not straight"
She's very upfront with Finn about it. There's no reason to hide this from him (or anyone) and if they're a thing she wants him to know.
Finn being the wonderful human being still loves her and it doesn't bother him. Why should it? He's just happy to be with someone who loves him.
Chetana might be Chandler's fake big sister but Marian is like fake mama when it comes to Chandler finally coming out.
God bless Finn for being the kind of person to sit and let Marian braid his hair with flowers because that's one of Marian's favorite things to do when her partner has longer hair and Finn's never really bothered with keeping his hair short THESE TWO ARE ICONIC I love them
Pierce Graves! A shitty pansexual icon
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First off he absolutely knew that Fred wasn't 100% straight he had no idea how it wasn't immediately obvious to everyone
That said Pierce literally did not give a shit who knew about his sexuality
As shitty as his whole personality was he could turn on the charm easily
His parents definitely knew but he was already a punk ass rebellious teen at the time so they have him the "be careful, don't get anyone pregnant" talk and worried from afar. If it bothered them, Pierce never knew because they made sure that he could still count on them (even though at the time Pierce didn't really talk to them much about anything)
Fred absolutely knew though I mean they were good friends
He's not a romantic. He's never really had a meaningful relationship because he's not that type of person. To be honest, there's a piece of him that saw relationships that worked and wondered how that would feel but he knew that wasn't for him. He figured that out way early on when he asked his granddad why he didn't have a grandma and Mortimer Graves didn't sugarcoat the answer. "She wasn't happy with me. I gave her the choice. She could stay and be miserable with my lack of a decent personality even though I was already struggling to not be such an ass or she could go and find someone who actually made her happy. She chose happiness, and while it sucks that she drifted out of my life and your dad's, she's better off."
Pierce could frankly always tell that he was more like his granddad and as much as he sometimes wanted to know if he could even out up with a meaningful relationship, he avoided it. Better to not hurt anyone and wonder than to become the catalyst for someone else to overcome, right?
Fritz Smith! Gay!
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The shy bumbling mechanic of the early 90s Freddy's ? Gay? It's more likely than you think
He was still far in the closet in the 90s He was young, living at home still because he had just gotten out of school, and while his parents weren't super conservative, he also didn't know how they'd take it
Found a friend in the day guard Mike Schmidt early on. Mike was looking for a roommate since his last one had moved out and Fritz jumped at the chance
They are like totally boyfriends by the time they cameo in the story though
Mike Schmidt! Another gay icon!
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Mostly invited Fritz to live at his apartment because he felt bad that this poor shy mechanic was getting constantly harangued about the animatronics having problems
Was glad to let Fritz complain about it and even cry it was very stressful but Fritz needed the money
Mike liked him. It would be hard not to really. Fritz was a sweetheart.
Mike didn't ask him out till much later though he wasn't quite sure that Fritz was gay and didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Luckily it didn't and as it turns out they worked well in a relationship.
Fritz's parents had to take some time to get used to it when finally Fritz got the nerve to tell them but as soon as they did there was no end of support from them
Mike's parents were the opposite which was mainly why he already lived by himself but oh well he got a cute boyfriend and cool parents-in-law later it was kind of a win
Daniel Hartford-Dunn! Gay!
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Presenting Maddie's older brother!
outside universe fact, he's loosely based in my actual cousin who lives in California with his husband.
He's 7 years older than Maddie was. Despite that, they were still close. Maddie's parents wanted more kids but struggled to get the two they had.
He's an accountant for a corporation and his boyfriend (and later his husband) is a pilot.
Last time he saw his nephews in person was at Maddie's funeral. He misses them terribly but over the years less and less contact came from his brother in law
Sometime in 2006 though he ends up getting a call from his nephews and there's this great reunion.
He's just. This chill older guy. Who loves his family. And doesn't care what people think.
Since I can't put anymore photos, here's the bonus content!
-as mentioned last night Dr. Phillip Guy is on the ace spectrum. I don't have anymore details about that at the moment unfortunately.
-Charlie Emily is a lesbian. The Emily twins were born in 1980. They haven't appeared in the AU yet even as cameos but they exist. Considering in AU canon the Emily family is alive and well in Hurricane, Utah without an Afton to be found, Charlie's dating her childhood friend Jessica at around the time the AU events are happening.
-Sammy Emily is trans and bi. Both Henry and his wife (who I know I at one point named but don't remember what it is anymore) love their two daughters to pieces.
That said I'll make a post at a later point introducing the Emily family because so far I've only officially given the design for Henry and not the rest.
In line with canon, Spring Bonnie/Springtrap can be counted as gay.
While Fred kept the shows at the diner pretty simple and straightforward, there was definitely this subtle underlying idea that Spring Bonnie and Fredbear were a content gay couple although if asked it was easy to present them as friends. At least, that was during '81-'82
Fred also had Henry help him program in a special one time only song called Springtime for his and Maddie's anniversary in 1983, which was of course a love song. Fred always thought of that as being mostly for his wife, and partially as a turning point thematically for the two characters.
Henry was on board with this. They still kept it subtle, but there were clear moments where it was pretty much certain that the only way to interpret Spring Bonnie and Fredbear was as a couple. It was either so subtle that no one was bothered or Spring Bonnie's chosen voice was so ambiguously non-binary that no one thought it was odd.
Fred had plans for it to become more "canon" but never got to implement them since Spring Bonnie got damaged before he could.
Springtrap, being sentient and able to later interpret his emotions, is very confused about how he as a machine was meant to feel about this character he knew but the more sentient he becomes the more aware he is that he misses Fredbear and that he loved him. It's the cause of a lot of internal conflict for him. But he can be counted in the category of LGBT characters in the AU.
Happy pride month ya'll! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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sanikori · 6 years
So, i forced myself to watch Leaving Neverland...
And i swear, i've never hated some stangers in my life to the point where i want them dead. I felt my oxygen leave me and i was choking on my fucking tears from all the lies. I felt so sick, that i puked 5 times. But now i've recomposed myself so that i can expose these liars. I didn't want to go back in time and know how in feels to be a moonwalker in 1993. I wanted people to still talk about Michael, but not like this, never like this.
First things first, as Michael Williams, stated on Twitter, Michael has been investigated from the FBI for 13 fucking years.
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Here we see 72 officers and 50 FBI agents in the Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara. They searched every angle and interviewed everyone to find evidence and guess what? They found nothing. 
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He's been proved innocent at not 1 but 2 trials. To this day, there's still no valid proof that Michael did any of those things.
Even Michael’s fucking bodyguard stepped in to defended him and expose Wade.
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Here's some of the bullshit they said in that documentary, Let's start with James Safetruck: James: "I've spent Thanksgiving in 1987 with him at his home" Wrong, Michael was in Australia as a part of the Bad Tour in November 24 1987 James: "Michael didn't want us spending any time with women and cut contact with me after puberty"
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Really James? then how come we see you AFTER puberty holding an umbrella for Michael while Michael's ex wife, Lisa Marie Presley, was there with the both of you. James: "I was abused by Michael in New York in 1989 after he performed at the Grammys" Fake. The Grammys were in Los Angeles and Michael didn't perform at the Grammys in 1989. Now let's go with Wade Robson Wade: "I was molested by Michael between ages 7 and 14" Wade is now 36 so it happened from 1989 till 1996. So you're telling me that these "rapes" happend DURING the Chandler investigation and DURING Michael's marriage to Lisa Marie Presley as well? and the FBI found nothing? really? bitch please.
Here comes my favourite lie Then there's the MANIPOLATED footage of Michael begin honoured at the Regent Hotel and he apparently recorded a message for Wade "on his birthday" where Michael "says" "Hello Wade, today is your birthday"
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The video at the Regent Hotel was recorded on the 20th February in 1990 while Wade's birthday in on the 7th of September and the original video was meant for Elizabeth Taylor.
Also Wade and James didn't even really grew up with Michael, they didn't even know Michael that well... they BEGGED to have Michael's attention and since Michael is an angel, they got it. Also i'd like to tell you that it’s the same Wade that DEFENDED Michael not only once, but 3 mother fucking times.
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If you two are saying that Michael raped you both, then how come that Macaulay Culkin (the kid from the "Home Alone" movie) the one who literally grew up with Michael by his side, who basically lived at Neverland and was a child like the both of you, said that nothing happened between him and Michael and is still defending him to this day?
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They change their stories every fucking second too. Wade has changed his story 4 times and James 2 times. Wade's first version of the story: Michael threatened and manipulated him that they'll go to jail if he says anything Wade's second version of the story: He didn't "realize" he's been abused Wade's third version of the story: He felt shame Wade's fourth version of the story: He ALWAYS knew what Michael did but he didn't realize it was bad (because who doesn't have anal sex with kids, right?) Then there's James: James's first version of the story: Michael and his people were threatening him to keep quiet and James refused to testify but he and his mom knew he had been abused James's second version of the story: He didn't realize he was abused till 2014. They're so worthless that they don't even know how to lie. If you gotta lie about a dead man to earn money, do it properly. It's also funny how they don't mention that Michael was around little girls as well and not only boys, whenever it was on the streets or in Neverland. Meanwhile Oprah just said "Fuck you" to 3 generations of Jacksons by backstabbing the man who welcomed her in his house by siding with these little shits. Not only Oprah knew, but she provited the “victims”. Also the reason why Oprah promoted "Leaving Neverland" is because at the Sundance, it was also a documentary about Harvey Weinstein, who is an actual pedophile and has been found guilty. But since he's Oprah’s best friend (yes, you heard that right) they just diverted the attention in media to Michael instead of Weinstein But Wade is the one i hate the most because not only he is a liar but he's also the REAL pedophile... his reputation was so bad that kids at jumpdance called him "Uncle Perv" and the mothers wanted them to stay away from him. Like, there's literally a photo of him side hugging a girl and his left hand is close to her breast while he has his right hand on his fucking dick. 
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He cheated on Michael's niece, Brandi Jackson (the two have been in a relationship for 8 years) with Britney Spears which resulted in Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me A River" song and he did hard drugs. Not to mention that he made out with his SISTER ON STAGE! and this bastard has a son which i really feel sorry for... but most of all, he's a crazy ass bitch. Paris Jackson (Michael's daughter) and Taj Jackson (Michael's nephew) are both REAL victims of sexual abuse, stop to think how these two feel about this. Also Taj found texts with Wade in 2009 where Wade is thanking Taj for letting him go to Michael's memorial 
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Also Taj recently stated in an inteview that Michael's third son, Bigi (Blanket) Jackson is not talking anymore. And the teachers are worried about him. He literally won't speak, at all.
In conclusion: Michael Jackson is innocent. He’s the real victim.
Please, tell what would lead him to do such a thing? 
You're just gonna forget all the money he gave to charity? the many lives he saved? how he considered his fans as part of his family?
I've been a fan of him since i was 4 and i'll love and defend him till i die. This man saved me with his music in my darkest times, i feel protected whenever i see or hear anything related to him, he's my inspiration, my everything and if i could make a dead celebrity come back to life, it would be him... i was meant to go to his "This Is It" concert in July, meeting him for the first time but... it never happened... because he left... i've been called a pedophile supporter just for defending him... do you know how much this hurts? I've seen "moonwalkers" turning their back on Michael like it was nothing... i've been told that i need to accept the fact that my hero is in reality a bad guy, that i'm protecting him just cause i'm a fan.
They made you belive that he bleached his skin when in reality he suffered from Vitiligo and wasn't confident enough to show it to the entire world.
They made you belive that he changed because he had too much plastic surgery when in reality he suffered from Lupus. But even if the did have too much plastic surgery, why should it matter since half of the celebrities have plastic surgery?
They made you belive that he was gay when in reality he has been married to Debbie Rowe, who gifted him with Prince and Paris, and Lisa Marie Presley, he crushed on Diana Ross and Brooke Shields, was kissed on stage by Taitana Thumbtzen aka the girl in TWYMMF (The Way You Make Me Feel) and how to forget his infamous In The Closet song with Naomi Campbell? but even if he was, he’s still Michael.
They made you belive that he was a Junkie when in reality he had many medical illnesses that needed medication and a lot of painkillers.
But most of all, they made you belive that he was a pedophile when in reality he wanted to create the childhood he never had in his adulthood and there's nothing wrong with that, he couldn’t trust adults because instead of seeing him as a human with emotions, they saw him as a cash machine. If it wasn't for the kids, he would have already killed himself, he wouldn’t care to live and he said that he would rather slit his wrists instead of hurting a child.
It's not about defending my idol just cause i'm one of his countless fans, it's about giving a voice to a man who's no longer here to defend himself.
How am i going to belive them since they're accusing Michael Joseph Jackson, the same Michael that didn't want to step on a bug and called his bodyguard to take it while saying "Don't kill it!" while he was performing on stage? the same Michael that would have died for a squirrel?
This man is dead 
Attacking a dead man isn't brave.
James Gunn is still alive and he signed with a major studio
Where in everyone in the media?
They are a bunch of pathetic cowards.
So guys please, don't watch this so called documentary cause they are calling:
His ex wives liars
His friends liars
The people who worked for him for over 20 years liars
His fans liars
His FAMILY liars
But they want you to just belive the word of two proven liars.
It’s been almost 10 years since we lost him. 
Wake the fuck up.
Can’t belive we’re in 2019 and you decide now that he’s guilty for something he never did. Evan Chandler forced his son, Jordan Chandler, to accuse Michael for money. Then when Michael died, Evan regretted it so much that he hanged himself. I'm waiting for Wade, James, Oprah, Martin, Connrad and everyone who belives them to do the same thing since they're all nothing but a waste of air. But don't you worry cause Taj is making a TRUE documentary that proves Michael's innocence and once it's released, they will watch their lifes crumble into tiny pieces with their own eyes and i will be there, smiling while eating pocorns. Anyone who’s a brain washed moron who don’t belive that Michael is innocent or even thinks of calling me a pedophile supporter needs to fuck off right fucking now because you will be attacked visciously, blocked and reported so DO NOT BOTHER ME
In case you didn’t understand, i’ll gladly repeat in a more vulgar way since it’s the only way you can all communicate with other people
You guys don’t bother to do your research, you should hear both sides of the story to come to a conclusion instead of going along with everything they say. You all eat their plate of lies just like you eat your mother’s food at lunch time. You don’t ask yourself “Are they lying to me?” no, you just go along with every single fucking thing they say cause you’re dependent from the Media.
Face it, we are in the right and we’re going to win this battle. Also, these people without Michael in their lifes, would have been nothing. PS: Someone needs to tell Wade that fantazing about having Michael's dick in his mouth at age 11 in not normal.
Now i want you all to blast at all volume the songs Money, Tabloid Junkie, Morphine and Leave Me Alone in honour of these good for nothing liars as you read this post of them begin exposed from head to toe by me
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beabea-ff · 5 years
Coming out
Words: 1.1k Pairing: Chandler Bing x Joey Tribbiani
Prompt: “When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.”
Masterlist (mobile version)
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Chandler was anxiously pacing in his room, walking from one wall to the other and waiting for the time to finally come. He had made up his mind, he was going to come out to Joey and reveal his feelings. He couldn’t help but feel absolutely terrified of what could happen. Even though he knew Joey would be okay with it — after all when he moved in he explicitly said “Oh, and don’t worry I’m totally okay with the gay thing” — he couldn’t help but think it could potentially change everything. Things could get awkward and he didn’t want to have to move out, he didn’t want to loose his best friend, his roommate, the guy he loved — at least he thought he loved, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure. In his mind, he kept repeating over and over again the things he had prepared to say. He knew he would mess it up in one way or another, but at least he had tried to do his best.
After what felt like hours Joey finally came back from work and entered the apartment.
“Hey, Chan. I’m back!” he said while putting the bag in the canoe.
“What’s up Joe!” replied Chandler with what he thought was nonchalance, “How was the play?”
“Great!” he said while looking at the other man who was anxiously gripping the kitchen counter. “Everything okay man?”
“Yeah — actually, no.” Chandler answered, passing a hand through his hair, “We need to talk, it’s rather important.”
“You know you can tell me anything! I’m listening.” Joey sat on the canoe and looked intently towards Chandler.
“When Kathy and I broke up, I thought a lot about my love life, how things had gone... and that’s when I thought about something. What if the right person for me was someone I already knew? One of my friends? Somebody I really got along with, liked the same stuff... But then I thought about how awkward it would be, how many things could go wrong.” he shrugged, trying to sound casual “If the person you were meant to be with was one of your best friends, would you ever think about going out with them?”
“Sure I would! If you think there is even a little chance for it to happen you should give it a shot. No one died after Rachel and Ross broke up and the group is still together, so you can surely give it a try. You deserve to be happy and you should do anything it takes to try.” answered Joey patting Chandler on his back. “So, which one of the girls are we talking about, huh? Who do you think is the right one that will make you happy?”
Chandler hesitated and took a deep breath, trying to think straight. His strength seemed to have left him. Could he really risk everything he had with Joey for what could be a simple crush?
Who was he kidding? He knew it was more than a simple crush. He’s always thought of Joey as an handsome man, and in the last month or so he had started seeing him in a new light, appreciating little details he had never noticed before, like the way he slightly tilts his mouth to the right when he smiles, or how cute he is when he pouts.
Taking another deep breath, Chandler answered “I know this might sound crazy, and there'll be many moments in the years to come when I'll regret saying the following, but—”
He couldn’t do it. The words didn’t want to leave his mouth.
“But?” prompted Joey, looking at him. “You know you can tell me anything!”
For what felt like the hundredth time, Chandler tried to take a calming breath before saying what would undoubtedly change his life forever.
“When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.”
Joey wasn’t sure he heard correctly. Was Chandler saying he liked him? In a romantic way? He wasn’t able to wrap his head around what was happening, all he could do was stutter “W-w-what?”
“I’m gay Joe” Chandler supplied.
“Yeah, I got that part. It’s the other thing I’m trying to process.” Joey said.
He was confused. To put it better, he was surprised. Joey had known about his own bisexuality and had accepted it a long time ago — even though he hadn’t really come out of the closet because he wasn’t sure of his friends’ reaction, Chandler’s in particular. Hearing him confess that when he pictured himself happy he was with Joey, made the Italian man extremely happy.
Joey had had a crush on Chandler since he moved into the apartment, however he never acted on it because he wasn’t sure how Chandler would react at first, and then because he became aware of the man’s issues with his father and the older man’s sexuality. He couldn’t deny he always hoped for something like this to happen, for Chandler to accept the fact that he was gay and it wasn’t a quality, it was who he was.
Joey was so lost in his thought that he didn’t realise he hadn’t really given an answer, and when the other man spoke he regretted not speaking earlier.
“Look, I’m sorry I opened that stupid big mouth of mine, I know it was inappropriate. Here’s what we do, we-we forget it happened. Okay, we-we swallow our feelings. Even if it means we’re unhappy forever. Sound good?” said Chandler in a panicked voice. “And with we I mean the royal we, the majestic plural, which means just me. Why would you need to swallow feeling you don’t have?”
“Chandler, stop it! Take a deep breath and listen to me very carefully, okay?”
Chandler looked at Joey confused but nodded anyway.
“I’ve known for a while that I’m not exclusively attracted to women and that I find also men —how can I put it— desirable. I never told you because I never had the guts to do it and I was afraid to ruin what we have. There is no doubt in my mind that you are —and have always been— extremely handsome in your awkwardness. You are such a caring person, anyone would be lucky to be with you.” Joey looked at Chandler and smiled, “What I’m trying to say is —well, I’d love to give it —us— a try, if you want to. And if it doesn’t work we will know we tried and we can still be best buds. So, what do you say we go out for dinner sometime?”
“Dinner as in a date?” asked Chandler, smiling when Joey nodded, “I’d love to.”
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professorpalmarosa · 5 years
Weird Nutmeg Dream: The Chris Chan Escape Room
This is not the first time I have chronicled a weird dream brought on by diffusing Nutmeg Essential Oil. If you diffuse the correct amount, you increase your chances of having a lucid dream...or at least something fun and interesting.
Too much, and you’ll end up with dreams about bees building hives on the other side of your window or psychic hipsters with man-buns stealing your identity so you’ll kill everyone he hates with your brainwaves.
Wednesday night, I had a real doozy...
In this dream, one of my old high school friends had just turned 30. To celebrate, they wanted to get a big group together to play a brand new room at an escape room company close to my city’s amusement park. I was eager to play for a number of reasons:
I love escape rooms. I played my first one in 2016 and have been hooked ever since.
I have played two escape rooms at this facility already. Their rooms don’t have the ambient lighting, expensive sets, and mood music like my favorite place does; but their puzzles tend to be trickier (and honestly, sometimes pretty funny).
The engineer who owns the company and designs the rooms is a very nice guy. Once you finish a room, he loves to nerd out and explain how he constructed the room, how the puzzles work, etc. He also has a cool “replay room” where you can watch your gameplay. Sometimes, he’ll slow it down. Other times, he’ll speed it up and play Yakety Sax from the Benny Hill Show.
This was a brand new room. Only two groups had beaten the room so far, but no one had successfully unlocked the “special bonus ending” yet. That probably thrilled me more than anything else.
My group arrives on time and we’re all eager to find out what the theme of the room is. I try to weasel some information out of the owner, but he’s being uncharacteristically mum about all of this. That’s when our “guide” steps out to greet us.
He’s a chubby fellow dressed in a blue and red striped rugby shirt, a pair of blue jeans with a stain near his fly, a pair of thick glasses, an amethyst high school ring…and something around his neck that gives away what the theme of the room will be. My friends are confused and more than a little grossed out by the stain, but it’s all I can do to hold in my nervous giggling.
‘Oh my god,’ I realize. ‘It’s a Chris Chan escape room.’
For those unfamiliar with who Chris Chan is, Christine Weston Chandler (formerly Christopher/Christian Weston Chandler) is a high-functioning autistic internet personality famous for creating Sonichu: a hybrid between Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu. She occasionally releases comics; but nowhere near as frequently as she once did. This is due to stress, repeated harassment from online trolls, financial problems, and a deteriorating mental state due to all of the aforementioned.
Her life is pretty much what would happen if the Truman Show were real…if Truman was autistic and the show was 100% guest-written by internet trolls. Everything she does is chronicled by “Christorians” and broken up into sagas. Sagas are typically categorized by personal life events, failed romantic relationships with (sometimes real, sometimes fake) women, and whatever troll/trolling group is harassing her at present.
As a side note, I know that Christine’s preferred pronouns are now she/her. When speaking about her in the present tense, I will use those. However, since (1) this room dealt with Chris almost a decade before the transition was announced and (2) even Christine herself tends to treat the past Chris as a separate entity (she even kicks him in the nuts in the Sonichu comics, if I remember correctly); I’ll be using he/him for the purposes of the dream. This room was designed around Chris, not Christine.
I don’t have an account on the Kiwi Farms, nor have I ever contributed any articles or attempted to contact Chris. However, I’ve been following Chris’s antics for nearly ten years and fancy myself to be a bit of a closeted amateur Christorian.
No one in my group knew this and it was about to become relevant.
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, and dudes of all teen ages!” Fake-Chris greeted us. I’m trying my best not to crack up because I recognize that quote. I know where this is going. The actor does not disappoint. “My name is Christian Weston Chandler. I’m here, and y’all are there!”
My poor friends look like they’ve just crash landed onto an alien (Little Big) planet. They have no clue what hell they’ve just unleashed, but it only get crazier from there. I won’t go into the full specifics of what the actor said—again, this was a dream and not reality. Some of the details are hazy now that I’m awake—but I’ll go ahead and tell you what the general premise for the Chris Chan escape room was:
The Sonichu medallion around Chris’s neck was a copy. He wanted to give the original to a “sweetheart” he was courting online, but he lost it somewhere in his room. Just to humor the actor, I asked who the sweetheart was.
Fake-Chris’s face lit up with glee, probably because a real girl was talking to him. “Blanca Weiss,” he tells me giddily. “Blanca’s real. Yeah. I talked to her!”
By now, most of my friends are having second thoughts about entering that room. The actor has creeped out most of the ladies in my party, as well as my gender nonconforming friend who is really uncomfortable when people make comments about their chest. They haven’t had top surgery yet and it’s a very sensitive subject.
There was one more twist for the plot of the room: Chris believed one of us wasn’t being “true and honest” and was, in fact, a troll from the internet. This brings me back to the “special bonus ending” I mentioned earlier. Each group of players would have one troll among them. This person would have a slightly different objective from the other players.
All of us were tasked with finding the Sonichu medallion, but the “troll” player would need to:
Go undetected by Chris and the other players for the entirety of the game.
Find the Sonichu medallion.
Steal the Sonichu medallion from the rest of the party.
Leave the room before the hour was up.
If the troll could successfully do this, they would be rewarded with a free full booking of another room. Escape rooms tend to run anywhere from $15 to $25 per person in my city, so that’s about a $250 value! I don’t care who the hell the troll is in my group is. I’m not going to dox them because I want the free game.
In an attempt to convince my wary friends to move forward with the game, I reassured them that I’d probably be able to catch most of the inside jokes in the room. “I know my Christory, guys.” They looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. “I know this stuff! We can do this!”
Unfortunately, my enthusiasm and can-do attitude bit me in the ass. Not only had I outed myself as some kind of online weirdo to my friends, but Fake-Chris proceeded to hit on me for most of the game. Initially, he tried his best to give every player an equal amount of interaction. I guess he noticed the other people in the room were uncomfortable and I seemed “nice.” I was asked multiple times if I was “boyfriend-free.” (Spoiler alert: I am, but that’s because I’m a super choosy and super, super gay.)
I was right. My Christory knowledge came into play multiple times during the game play. There were puzzles based on:
The “Gitars of Fail” (Guitar Hero guitars Chris customized after Sonichu and Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, just to name a couple)
The Sailor Moon poster Chris used to look at every day to reaffirm his “straightness”
Rearranging the members of the Chaotic Combo in chronological order of their first appearance in the Sonichu comics. Their Amibos were spread around the room and needed to be placed in that order, otherwise a box with a magnetic lock wouldn’t open.
The Orange Fanta cans. If you don’t already know what those are for, you DON’T want to know.
The Sonic Totem
The Pixelblock Heart Torch
The “Yep! I’m on TV!” DVD.
The “Wall of Originals” custom Pokémon cards.
Chris & the Hedgehog Boys. My guy pal Patrick had to sing a rendition of “So Need a Cute Girl” and it was godawful.
Finding the one game in Chris’s massive collection where one of the characters was incorrectly colored (Sonic Boom, which Chris doesn’t own. Chris boycotted that game and even pepper sprayed a Gamestop employee).
A scavenger hunt inside the Manchester High School Year 2000 Yearbook. We had to look at every gal pal.
Having to pull half a key out of Officer Nasty and another half out of Kimmi: Chris’s inflatable sex dolls.
A DDR Mat that (once the four combination locks were unlocked) opened a portal to CWCVille. The four codes were SONICHU, ROSECHU, NAITSIRHC, and CLYDECASH.
One of my friends found the Sonichu medallion inside the CWCville portal. It was hidden inside an empty jug of OxyClean. I heard several cases of “oh thank Christ” muttered among my friends. I could tell they were having fun in here, but were ready to leave.There was just one problem:
Someone had to give the medallion back to Fake-Chris and none of my friends wanted to talk to him.
The clock was running out and Fake-Chris had become increasingly paranoid. “Aw, come on!” he kept whining, sweating and panting as he made grabby hands for the medallion.
“Okay,” I told my friends as I held out my hand. “I know none of you want to do it. Give me the medallion. I’ll take care of this.” My friend handed over the medallion without a second thought, but I didn’t head toward the actor.
I headed toward the door. I was the troll all along.
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madroxed · 7 years
Yoooooo talk to me about your anger at ATWT cause it's been years and I'm still hella bitter.
oh, man, anon. you’re opening a can of worms here. i am always happy to talk about this, and as for being hella bitter? hard same.
ok ok so. 
essay time.
luke snyder was such a perfect soap character and i loved him with all my soap-loving heart. he was lovely and flawed and - the greatest soap trait of all - interesting. he was a legacy character, had all that wonderful backstory via his parents alone, and became an alcoholic before he was even twenty. i just– i’m gearing up for a rewatch just talking about it because, yeah.
so obviously luke/noah started and i was absolutely here for it at the time (though maddie was actually my favourite) and it was a long road full of ups and downs. 
and i really did love noah most of the time in those early years. van and jake’s friendship made their on-screen dynamic really great, and a lot of the time noah broke my heart with his struggle coming out, his daddy issues, and his desperate desire for a family (that, in itself, became a problem, and i could write essays on it).
but yeah.
i’m pretty sure the point of no return for me was, like most people, the ameera plot. which was honestly so bad i still can’t think about it without getting angry. noah had luke write his vows, like??? i just. words can’t do it justice.
(the only thing that plot ever gave us was luke/casey fake dating which i’ll always be grateful for.)
but at one point i had to stop watching. 
all the things i hated about their relationship just built up and up and up, so by the time we had noah getting luke expelled for rigging a school election so a homophobic douchebag wouldn’t win because it was ‘the right thing to do’ even though he married a woman to get her a green card and lied to the federal government, by the time noah just kept telling luke he was wrong – he was wrong about noah’s professor hitting on noah, he was wrong about luke’s step-grandfather hitting on luke, he was wrong for drinking, how could he?, he was wrong for being luciano grimaldi, he was wrong, wrong, wrong – by the time noah started continuously punishing luke for being luke, i couldn’t do it anymore.
in hindsight, the emotional abuse is exhausting.
noah’s internalised homophobia and the way he takes it out on luke for years is just–
ouch, man.
we put ourselves through a lot for the in-between moments.
so, yeah, i took a step back, watched my other soaps, didn’t think about it too much (except that i thought about it all the time because luke snyder sticks with you). and then, at a random point, i thought ‘i’m going to catch up’. i put myself through a lot of bullshit (including omg the twins? i’d forgotten about that until now) and reached the point of the firework accident.
(again, blamed on luke. i’m getting a headache just thinking about it.)
enter reid oliver. 
we didn’t even know then that luke/reid was remotely going to be a thing. there were rumours it was going to be noah/reid, of all things, but from the very first moment…
excuse me whilst i get emotional over here.
honestly the build up. enemies to friends to lovers is my thing, and boy oh boy. 
firstly, van hansis has always been exceptional. he and chandler massey are two american soap actors i point to when i say we are truly blessed they decided to be on soaps when they’re so much more talented than their environment, and we got/get to see them daily for years (thanks, boys!).
and van never wavered in that, but i imagine even he was getting tired. and then he got to work against eric sheffer stevens and honestly, it was like a spark reignited. they worked so well opposite each other.
can you believe all of that happened in, like, nine months? it was less than a year and yet it fully changed our lives and became an otp for life.
reid was everything noah wasn’t: he was blunt and rude and said what was on his mind. he didn’t require validation from other people and his respect had to be earned. he knew his own worth.
he was a breath of fresh air in an environment that had become stagnantly passive aggressive.
plus we got the slow burn of watching luke and reid accidentally fall for each other, and it was beautiful. “mr snyder” and “doctor oliver”. kill me.
they were so easy with each other. even before reid first kissed luke, their banter was on point, and they just drifted into each other’s personal space. even their arguments were glorious. 
they were simply attracted to each other, and it came as a surprise to them both. 
man, i love it.
so then the kiss happens and noah’s surgery, and luke slipping back into his old headspace, the one that put noah first in all things, and it didn’t matter that noah had broken up with him, didn’t matter than noah didn’t want him around, (didn’t matter that noah was apparently seeing someone else???), didn’t matter that none of it was his fault, he slid right back into his old role.
which was actually perfect, because it showed the juxtaposition between the two relationships wonderfully.
blah blah, luke and reid work it out and become the ultimate power couple, and could easily take over the whole world. luke learns what an adult relationship looks like (because lol let’s be honest, his parents never showed him), reid learns to let someone else in, and it’s beautiful. 
for a moment, everything’s perfect.
i’m still fuming. fucking chris hughes of all fucking people.
his history aside (and boy does he have one), they can paint reid and chris’ relationship as rivals who became friends all they want but a) no. and b) lol this is the same guy who casually walks in and outs reid to katie and henry with a smug smile??? sure, katie already knew because reid was never actually in the closet and they were beautiful besties, but henry didn’t! dick move, asshole. 
all because reid’s smarter than him (shocker).
i just…i hate chris a lot, ok. which makes this even harder.
so we know the show’s ending. luke and reid are happy together, they’re open and honest and working towards a future, and it’s going so well. (somewhere in the background we know noah’s going to la to live out his handwavy filmmaker dreams.)
it’s going so well.
and then in the last fucking weeks of the fucking show they write the absolute bullshit that is reid going off to get chris a heart and being hit by a fucking train.
a train.
and then – and then – they give his heart to chris so chris can live his happy asshole life with katie who deserves so much better.
i just.
a classic case of ‘kill their gays’. 
even if we don’t assume this is homophobic bullshit, it’s still fucking abysmal script writing. reid had just said “i love you” for the first time to luke, they were really something, and instead he dies in the shittiest manner possibly all for the happiness of a straight (asshole) legacy character.
bite me, as the world turns.
all i can say is, at least they didn’t try and shove luke/noah back down our throats in the last second. 
i will never, ever be over it.
thank goodness for fandom doing as fandom does and saying “lol no we’re not having this crap” and ‘train? what train?’ becoming everyone’s motto. 
i get that the show wanted to wrap itself up with a last big dramatic plot™ but of all the characters??? and all the choices??? 
yeah, no.
you fucked up, atwt.
(and the controversy afterwards? you know it.)
and there you go, anon. have a ranting essay from me. i could talk about any of these points in more detail for hours, honestly. i miss it a lot.
so, yeah, now i’m gonna go read a bunch of ‘train? what train?’ fic and cry a bit. 
have a good weekend! 💖
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wowbright · 4 years
Can’t Be Torn Apart
Summary: Blaine is not surprised by how eager Chandler is to connect with himself and Elder Hummel.
Words: ~500 words
Challenge: For the Klaine/CC Valentine's Challenge. This vignette takes its title and inspiration from the Day 11 prompt song, My Guy by Mary Wells. The lyrics got me thinking about how missionary companions are required to, in the words of the song, “stick like glue” together and how Blaine is just fine with that when it comes to Kurt.
Notes: This takes place right after Elder Hummel’s Second Biggest Fan in the Mormon!Klaine verse. Kurt and Blaine are missionaries in Germany. Kurt is out as gay, and Blaine is closeted to everyone, including himself. See the Mormon!Klaine Master Post for more info and where this story fits in the verse.
More notes: It really is a rule that missionaries not leave each other’s sight and/or hearing, except when they’re both at home. Blaine’s not making things up or engaging in wishful thinking.
Rating: Teen and Up/General Audience
Blaine was not surprised when his cell phone buzzed with an incoming message from Chandler before they even reached home.
Hallo! It’s Chandler, from the sheet music store. Is this the Elders?
The message was in English except for the Hallo!, which annoyed Blaine. They'd carried on an entire conversation in German in the store. What did Chandler think they were, stupid? No, there was no way Chandler thought Elder Hummel was stupid. But he very well might think Blaine was. How confused had he looked while they’d been talking about Flusspferde?
“Who’s that?” Elder Hummel leaned over Blaine's shoulder to look at the phone, raising his voice over the hum of the bus engine.
“Oh. That was quick.”
“I guess he’s eager to learn about the gospel,” Blaine said resignedly, though he was pretty sure that wasn’t all Chandler was eager about.
“You don't seem very excited.”
“I'm tired.”
Elder Hummel gave Blaine a sympathetic smile . “You’ll feel better after you have some dinner in you. What should we text back?”
“I was going to start by telling him he had the right number.”
“Good call.”
Ja, hier ist Elder Anderson. Wir sind die Missionare von der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, Blaine answered, checking his grammar and spelling three times before hitting send.
“You should tell him we're glad to hear from him,” Elder Hummel said.
“I don't know. That might come across as a little over the top. In German, I mean.” Senior missionaries had often told Blaine his insistence on telling Germans it was nice to meet them or talk to them or see them could come across as a little flowery in translation, but it had never stopped him before. Now, though, he felt ready to heed the advice.
“Then write it in English. He clearly speaks it.” Elder Hummel paused. “Or he knows how to use a translation app.”
“I’ll ask him why he’s texting.”
“That’s too brusque.”
“He’s German.”
The phone dinged with another message. I just wanted to make sure I had the right phone number. It was nice meeting you. In English, again. Because apparently he still wasn’t convinced Blaine could read German.
Elder Hummel poked Blaine in the side. “See? He knows American manners. It would have been totally fine to say we were glad to hear from him. Tell him it was nice meeting him.”
Stimmt, Blaine wrote back. It meant ‘likewise.’
The bus turned a corner. Elder Hummel’s leg jostled against Blaine’s. It was a nice, grounding feeling. But the relief was only temporary. The phone pinged again.
Give my number to Elder Hummel, too.
Wenn ich es habe, hat er es auch, und umgekehrt. Wir sind nie getrennt, Blaine wrote before Kurt could tell him how to respond. (If I have it, he has it, and vice versa. We're never apart.)
Chandler didn’t respond.
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