#changgu fics
tantai-jin · 3 months
借一半清醒梦给我; lend me half a lucid dream
wahoo i wrote spl fic!!
💭 借一半清醒梦给我 ; lend me half a lucid dream
🌟 杀破狼 shapolang / stars of chaos ; changgu & chang geng centric
🗡 4.1K, explicit, canon compliant (takes place across first 2 eng volumes)
🩸 chang geng dreams too much, longs for too much.
Gu Yun rested a hand on Chang Geng’s chest and leaned forward, a sheath of hair cascading over his shoulder. “My dear son. Is this how you repay my care, as little as it may have been?” “Yifu,” Chang Geng managed finally, stupidly. “Don’t– don’t.” A rush of hatred rose inside him, coming from somewhere inside him and yet not belonging to him. “Stop talking.” “Sure.” Too much of his skin was bare; if this were to occur – somehow – in real life, his hands would probably still be cold. But why would Chang Geng care about that when he wanted Gu Yun dead, forever cold under his hands? “Then,” Gu Yun continued, his hand sliding closer, up to trace the line of Chang Geng’s collarbone, slowly settling at the base of his throat. “You have to be quiet too.”
on ao3 here
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+ this great comment excerpt that perfectly encapsulates my spl reading experience so far and the inspiration for this
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jinkoh · 2 years
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Back on your feet
Changgu x reader
Tags: meet-cute, fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort, gn reader, mentions of a past relationship, SFW, Warnings: none
Wordcount: ~1.2k
a/n: been meaning to write christmas themed stories since like. september tbh and I actually started several in november but uh. life and all that. this is really just a quick drabble and I guess it's not even that christmas-y but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway~
You were already feeling a little weary when you put on the ice skates you’d borrowed at the register. Maybe it was a bad idea after all—you’d never even inline skated before, what made you think you could handle this? 
But you’d already paid for the shoes and the entrance fee and you’d never been one to let money go to waste. With newfound determination you got up from the bench and staggered to the rink, your hands clutching onto the boards as soon as they were in reach. 
The rink wasn’t that full, you’d probably come at a fortunate time. There were some families and children but it was mostly empty. You were grateful that no couples seemed to be around. It’s not that you were one of these grumpy cynics who hated love. But your boyfriend had literally only just broken up with you which is why you came here alone in the first place. You didn’t need happy couples to rub it in.
With a deep breath you took a first step onto the rink. It was slippery, of course it was, but it seemed doable. You took a second step, still holding onto the boards. After inching forward step by step, you started feeling a bit more confident. Maybe you could actually do this.
You tried imitating the way the other people on the rink skated, bringing your feet forward in smooth movements instead of taking actual steps. A small smile crept onto your lips, unable to contain your relief and the little sense of pride that was welling up inside of you. It seemed to be going fine.
Warily, you lifted your hand, letting it hover over the boards while moving forward. So far so good. You slowly dared to move a little further away from the boards, increasing your speed bit by bit.
Finding confidence in how well it’d been going, you skated further into the middle, taking longer strides. Maybe you were actually gifted at this?
You weren’t. 
In your uncalled for confidence you slipped and landed on your butt.
It hurt, but the pain was bearable. What wasn’t bearable though, was the humiliation of trying to get up over and over again but you lost balance every time. The people skating by looked at you pitifully but no one stopped to help, and honestly you weren’t sure if you wanted them to, but having them stare at you was also not making you feel any better.
After the nth failed attempt of getting back on your feet, you just gave up, sitting on the ice rink with a cold, aching butt and tears welling up in your eyes.
You knew this wasn’t supposed to be such a big deal, but somehow it all just added up to how miserable you already felt about coming here alone instead of with your (now ex-) boyfriend. This wouldn’t have happened if he’d taught you like he promised he would, but you guessed he’d rather teach his new love now, that he started dating one (1) day after the break up. 
Before you realized you were already full on sobbing in the middle of a public ice rink, surrounded by family’s who were probably freaked out about your sudden outburst. But since the dam had already broken, you didn’t even try to stop the tears anymore. Everyone he already thought you were weird, what else was going to happen?
Just when you started considering to crawl back to the side of the rink and use the boards to heave yourself up, a pair of skates elegantly came to a halt right in front of you.
When you looked up, you were met with a dazzling smile.
“You okay?” The young man asked even though you clearly weren’t.
You nodded anyway, accompanied by sniffing noises.
“I’m Changgu, can I ask for your name?”
“Y/n,” you replied and it came out timid and shaky.
He chuckled sweetly before holding out his hands to you. 
“Okay, y/n. Let’s get you back on your feet first— you think you can stand?”
Not trusting your own voice, you nodded at him again and then hesitantly gave him your hands. He immediately closed his fingers around them, holding on to you tightly.
“Up you go,” he commented with a chuckle as he heaved you up from the rink. 
“All good?,” Changgu asked when you were finally standing on (very shaky) feet again.
“Yeah,” you croaked. “Thank you.” 
“Can you stand by yourself?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Alright. Let’s get you off the rink first then.” 
He loosened his grip on your left hand, but you instinctively clutched onto it tighter, to make sure he didn’t let you go. 
Changgu laughed, but somehow it didn’t feel humiliating at all. Instead it seemed sweet and warm and you thought you could get used to the sound of it.
“Don’t worry. I’m not letting go of you. But it’s easier like this. Trust me, hm?”
Reluctantly you let him release your right hand, holding onto your left instead and putting his other hand at the small of your back, before slowly skating forward.
You staggered at first, but quickly found your rhythm with him and managed to reach the side of the rink safely. He helped you sit down on one of the benches and crouched down before you.
“Does anything hurt?”
You shook your head, earning a slightly confused expression from the guy, who was probably trying to figure out why you were crying if nothing hurt.
“Are you sure?”
“Do you want to try again?”
You examined the ice rink for a moment before shaking your head with a sniff. “I only came because my boyfriend—my ex-boyfriend—,” you interrupted yourself. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I probably shouldn’t have come in the first place.”
“Don’t say that. Skating can be a lot of fun, I promise. It’s just a little tricky at first.”
“But you saw how it went,” you chuckled awkwardly. “I’m just not cut out for this.”
“Sunshine,” he said with a sweet smile. You were caught off guard by the sudden nickname, but it wasn’t unpleasant. “You only tried for such a short amount of time. It’s normal to fall. But you did so well for a beginner. And I work here so I know my stuff.”
You shrugged, unable to hold his warm gaze. “I don’t know. I feel like I’d just fall over and over again.”
“Maybe we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen then?”
“What do you mean?” You looked up at him in confusion.
“I could teach you? I may not look it but I’m pretty decent. As I said, I work here.”
Heat rose to your cheeks despite the cold air. “Uh, I don’t think I can afford a private lesson…”
“Then what if it’s not?”
“If it was a date— would that work?” His smile looked a little more timid, as if he was nervous to ask this.
“Are you for real?”
“Only if you say yes.”
You nodded slowly. “Yeah, yes. A date would be perfect actually.”
Changgu’s eyes lit up at your words. “Perfect.” He stood up and held out his hand for you to take. “How about we start right now?”
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year
Christmas Tree
Summary: The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. 
Fluff, Best Friends to Lovers au 
Word Count: 1,253
Changgu (Yeo One) X Reader
Requested: The 12 days of winter thing is so cute omg!! 🥺 Maybe #7 for Changgu or Kiki? I think it'd fit well for either of them so whichever you prefer<3
Prompt: 7. “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine”
[A/n: I really hope you like this 🥺💖 it's not my best work. But I still hope you're able to enjoy it; it may be a little cheesy tho. Thank you so much for requesting, Kebbi 🥺😭💖]
You’re leaving work after a boring shift when you hear your phone ring; you dig it out from the depths of your pockets and see it’s Changgu. Your best friend, who you have slight feelings for, you excitedly answer, “Hey, Changgu! What’s up?” You can almost hear his grin as he goes, “Us right now!” You roll your eyes as he continues, “I was wondering if you’d like to watch the Christmas tree lighting with me?” You grin, “Yeah, I would love to!” He goes, “Alright, I’ll pick you up in an hour, okay?” You nod before realizing he couldn’t see you, “Okay, that works for me! See you later, Ggu!” “See you later, (N/n)!” And with that, he hangs up, and you make it the rest of the way home.
You change out of your work clothes and into something warm and cozy. Before relaxing in front of the TV, the Christmas specials serving as background noise to your phone scrolling. You catch the time and see it’s about to turn to the next hour and pull on your winter coat and shoes. As you hear your front door ring, you grin, “One second!” You hear his muffled agreement before you walk out of the door and see him and ask, “Are you ready to see the tree all lit up?” He grins, “I am! Are you?” You nod happily and follow him out to his car.
He holds the door open for you, all gentlemanly-like, and you shake your head with a smile before sitting in the seat. You click your seatbelt in as he shuts your door, you smirk and reach over and pop his door open, and he shakes his head as you push it out. He catches the door with a sigh and slides into his seat as you slide back into yours. He clicks his seatbelt on before turning over the car and turning on the heat. You immediately put your hands on the vents to warm them up. His music softly plays through the speakers, and you can’t help but feel more at peace as you watch him drive.
Within less than fifteen minutes, you guys arrive and find a parking spot, “Oh, look, the crowd is starting to gather now!” You say with excitement as he reverses into a parallel space and pulls in. “Oh wow, look at how huge the tree is!” He cheers, filled with excitement too. You grin before getting out of the car and waiting for him on the sidewalk, “Let’s find a nice spot to view it!” He nods, and you two walk beside each other. And you ask, “So, anything exciting at work or home?” He hums, “It’s been peaceful, almost too peaceful…” You grin, “Do you think someone is up to something, then?” He shakes his head, “Yes, but no. Shinwon is always up to something, so that’s nothing new. But the others? They’re hiding presents from each other. So, it's leading to more sneaking around and suspicion. It's amusing to see their prying eyes every time someone comes home.” You nod, “Oh~ Where are you hiding yours then?” He grins, “My car. I sleep with my keys for a reason.” You shake your head at him, “Weird but not out of a reason.” He laughs, “What about you?” You shrug, “It’s been boring with the holidays right around the corner. Everything has come to a lull, it seems.” He nods, “But that’s nice, though. Isn’t it?” You smile, “Only if there is something fun to do afterward.” He smiles, “Does this count?” You grin, “Absolutely!” He nods, and you guys spot a place on the side where you can see the tree without being blocked by others and quickly head over to it.
He looks down at his watch, “Twenty minutes until the lights come on!” The two of you sway to the carolers singing in front of the tree and softly sing along. When it’s five minutes til the carolers clear out and join the crowd. And everyone gathers in closer to watch the lights, and to keep you close, Changgu places his hand on your waist, “You okay?” You nod, “You?” He nods as everyone grows silent and begins to brim with anticipation.
When the first stage, the lowest branches on the tree light up, everyone ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’. And the lights continue turning on until it reaches the very top. The golden star glows brightly and shines so beautifully in the night. You gasp as cheers break out in the crowd and turn towards Changgu, “Woah! Isn’t that the brightest thing you’ve ever seen?!” And he shakes his head with a soft smile, “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine.” If your cheeks weren’t already red from the cold, they certainly were now. You gasp and look down at your shoes before telling him a small thank you, “I mean it. I think your beauty shines inside and out. You make me so happy.” He pauses momentarily, staring into your eyes, “I was wondering if you would want to be mine?” You hold his stare, and without skipping a beat, you say, “Yes, of course. I’d love to be yours if you would be mine as well.” He grins, lifts your chin with his mitted hand, and kisses you softly, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
You pull back for a minute and stare into his eyes before pulling him into another kiss, and he dips you back a bit. You grin as you hold onto him tighter, and when the two of you pull away, you giggle, “I can’t believe this is real.” You tell him softly, and he agrees, “I’m so glad it is.” You can’t help but laugh harder and kiss his cheek, “Do you want to get some warm apple cider?” He grins and sees the stand not far from where you two stand, “I’d love to.”
You carefully reach out your mitted hands for his, and he happily wraps his hand around yours. You swing your arms together as you wait in line. You ask him, “When did you know you liked me more than a friend?” He smiles, “I think I noticed I liked you last Christmas when you snuck us both a cookie from Hongseok’s freshly baked sheet. And you gave me a cute cheeky wink before we both had to hide from him.” He shakes his head with a laugh before continuing, “I think I always knew I liked you, but I didn’t realize it until then. When did you notice?” You think for a few minutes, maybe it was when he kissed your cheek on New Year's Eve, or maybe, it was the Halloween before that. Where you two wore peanut butter and jelly couple costumes that you realized you had more than friendly feelings for him. “I realized I had more than platonic feelings for you last year on Halloween, but I think it really hit me when you kissed my cheek when the clock turned twelve this year.” You smile as you see his cheeks turn red, and he scratches the back of his neck, “You remember that?” You nod, “I don’t think I could ever forget it. Maybe this time, you can do it for real?” He grins, and you pay for the warm cider and walk back to his car, mitten in mitten. And glasses in the other, enjoying your first evening as a couple.
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momijizukamori · 3 months
Gu Yun Week Day 3 - Fathers & Sons
As much as I would like to write some real fucked up changgu fic based on the idea of filial cannibalism, I have already written more this week than I think I did like, all of last year, so instead I'm just gonna thought-dump about Gu Yun and Gu Shen. Not really meta, as I don't think this is anything the text doesn't already cover, but just. Thoughts. Mostly that it's interesting that through most of the novel we only see Gu Shen through the distortion of the public's perception of him, or Gu Yun's memories, which are distorted in other ways. And neither of these are particularly kind to Gu Shen. In public opinion, he's a skilled military leader, but also absolutely heartless. To Gu Yun, he is the memory of childhood trauma, of one of the hardest periods in his life.
And then we get to the 'Gu Shen' extra. This is the first time we actually see Gu Shen first-hand, rather than filtered through another person. While the narrative presents the possibility that what we're seeing is a dream Gu Yun is having, I'd argue that the long sections without Gu Yun present and the 'present day' evidence of the box of toys means that Gu Yun's dream is just a transition device - we as readers are getting the full view of a memory that Gu Yun remembers just the tail end of as part of his dream. The first-hand view we get of Gu Shen is far more nuanced - he's still imposing in command, but also seems to love his wife deeply, and flirts with her with the same sort of charm Gu Yun later uses on Changgeng. And with Gu Yun, we see a man who has had access to zero parenting books and who is perhaps out of his depth with his troublemaker son, but who still cares and wants him to prosper.
And that view makes me think that the Black Iron camp incident was a trauma that affected more than just Gu Yun, even though he's the focal character. To Gu Shen and the First Princess, their hopes of their son having an easier, brighter life them are shattered. And I think that's what we see in the secondhand story in the Qingming extra - Gu Shen seems to be angry with Gu Yun, but it's an anger born of fear, that if he can't make Gu Yun stronger, the world would destroy him. And this is something that even Gu Yun acknowledges to himself in the 'Gu Shen' extra - that looking back on it from an adult's perspective, less clouded by his own feelings, he can understand why his father acted the way he did. And understanding isn't forgiveness, but it definitely gives their relationship more depth.
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diverseinsertknet · 1 year
Navigation by K-pop Group Names N-S
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Look for the reader insert fic you want at DiverseInsertKNet with links organized by Group Names N through S below. This list will regularly add groups and idols as more stories are reblogged to the network. Entries without a link are currently in the queue and waiting to be published. Desktop/web browser users- the original version of this post on DiverseInsertKNet will always be the most up to date.
Our navigation page has links to groups with other names listed alphabetically as well as fanfic labeled by Gender and other kinds of diversity.
K-pop Group Names N-S
NCT- Dong Sicheng, Huang Renjun, Jeong Jaehyun, Jung Sungchan, Kim Dongyoung, Kim Jungwoo, Lee Donghyuck, Lee Jeno, Mark Lee, Lee Taeyong, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, Liu Yangyang, Moon Taeil, Na Jaemin, Nakamoto Yuta, Osaki Shotaro, Park Jisung, Qian Kun, Johnny Suh, Wong Kunhang, Xiao Dejun, Zhong Chenle
NewJeans- Danielle Marsh
ONEUS- Kim Gunhak, Lee Keonhee, Lee Seoho, Yeo Hwanwoong
ONEWE- Kanghyun Gu, Jin Yonghoon, Ju Harin, Lee Giuk, Son Dongmyeong
P1Harmony- Choi Jiung, Yoon Keeho
Pentagon- Adachi Yuto, Go Shinwon, Jo Jinho, Jung Wooseok, Kang Hyunggu, Kim Hyojong, Lee Hoetaek, Yan An, Yang Hongseok, Yeo Changgu
Red Velvet- Bae Juhyun
RIIZE- Hong Seunghan, Jung Sungchan, Lee Chanyoung, Lee Sohee, Osaki Shotaro, Park Wonbin, Song Eunseok
Seventeen- Boo Seungkwan, Choi Seungcheol, Hansol Vernon Chwe, Jeon Wonwoo, Joshua Hong, Kim Mingyu, Kwon Soonyoung, Lee Chan, Lee Jihoon, Lee Seokmin, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Yoon Jeonghan
SF9- Baek Juho, Kim Inseong, Kim Seokwoo, Kim Youngkyun, Lee Jaeyoon, Yoo Taeyang
SHINee- Choi Minho, Kim Kibum, Lee Taemin
Stray Kids- Bang Chan, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Kim Seungmin, Lee Felix, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Yang Jeongin
Super Junior- Park Jeongsu
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Mido's fic writing exercise: Flash Fic Friday
This is both to get me more active on Tumblr and an exercise for my current writer's block.
Send me a ship + a random object in your room so I can write a silly little drabble on it.
Fandoms & ships:
Mo Dao Zu Shi (main): XianCheng (OTP, no switch); ChengQingXian (OT3); LingYi, XuanLi, NieYao (comfy ships); ChengQing, XianQing, WangYu (willing to try).
Priest ships: YiYuan (QiYe); RuChun (Liu Yao); ChangGu (SPL); WenZhou (TYK, novel only)
Nu Carnival: EiEd (no switch); KuEiEd (switch Eiden & Kuya, yes. Fixed Edmond); QuinYa, Aster/Morvay (fixed d/s)
Others: MafuKana (prsk) ; MEIKO/Luka (prsk Empty Sekai ver); KaeLuc (only recently began genshin but I wanna try)
Will write first three.
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cheshiretears · 2 years
[Podfic] Pack it Up and Start Again
 by Auber_Gine_Dreams
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Fandom: Pentagon, Triple H
Rating: E
Relationships: Kim Hyojong | Dawn/Lee Hwitaek | Hui, Kim Hyojong | Dawn/Kim Hyuna/Lee Hwitaek | Hui, Lee Hwitaek | Hui/Yang Hongseok/Yeo Changgu | Yeo One, Yang Hongseok/Yeo Changgu | Yeo One
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, idolverse, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Polyamory Negotiations, Break Up, Smoking, Threesome- M/M/M, Threesome- F/M/M, Implied Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, Side Honggu, POV Alternating, Podfic, Podfic Length: 45-60 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3
Summary: It mirrors their music video by the end. Except here, Hyojong is in the middle, Hui staring wide eyed across his body at Hyuna.
“We should do this again sometime,” she says, running her fingers through her hair. She glances between the two of them and grins. “Definitely. We definitely have to do this again.”
It doesn’t feel real to be offered everything you could possibly want. It feels like the universe is covering his eyes with gauze. Hui settles into bed, fitting himself against Hyojong’s side. He makes the leap. It’s a long, long way before he has to worry about hitting the ground.
Hyojong leaves. Hongseok and Changgu help Hui live with it.
Chapter 1: Drive | Archive (24:06 min | 26.8 MB)
Chapter 2: Drive | Archive (34:30 min | 37.8 MB)
Full Fic: AO3 | Archive (58:36 min | 64.6 MB)
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shinehyuk · 2 years
current fixation : pentagon 😭
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julyarchives · 3 years
Lovers In The Night || (M)
Dating an idol is already hard, and when you debut it gets even harder, but your boyfriend Changgu knows just how to make up for all the time spent apart 
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→ Pairing: Yeo One x Female Reader 
→ Genre: Smut; just a little bit of angst in the beginning 
→ Words:  2.2K
→ Contains: established relationship (sort of); first time; cute soft smut
→ A/n: Finally, here is the story of our birthday boy of the week! Thank you so much 🌻anon, for your request! This can be read as a one-shot, or as a follow up of So Bad, it’s up to you!
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Your debut has finally happened and because of it, your relationship was riskier than ever. Changgu and you started dating when you were still a trainee, fully aware of the consequences that come with his fame, and one day possibly yours'. And now that it's arrived, there was hardly any dating during the day, or dating at all when the schedule was packed with promotion activities.
This particular morning, Pentagon and your group had an appearance together in a TV show and it was really tough for you to act like you weren't even close. He was just perfect as an entertainer, so he always stood out on variety shows. The hardest part was backstage when you thought it could be your chance to sneak some time together, but since the other members didn't know you were together there was no chance to do so.
Acting like you were strangers really hurt you. While the other girls celebrated the success of your appearances, you just sat quietly in the corner and texted him.
"I miss you." You quickly typed.
"I miss you too, you look so beautiful today." He didn't take long to answer
"You too! I wish I could say that in-person :( "
"I'm sorry :("
You've been together for a couple of months, so this wasn't how you expect to spend the honeymoon phase, and texting somehow made you miss him more. 
After the promotions were over for the day, you figured you could try and meet your boyfriend, but as soon as he texted back that he was still busy with a photoshoot you simply crumbled. It was a tiring day and all you need was some kisses and your boyfriend's embrace, but acting like strangers was all you got, and now you decided to let yourself feel sad. You couldn't vent to anyone because you had to keep it a secret, so your resolution was to just lay in bed and allow a few tears to come out. You knew what you signed up for when you confessed to him, and he warned you that this might happen, but you just could not help but feel sad for not being able to enjoy your relationship like a normal person.
You ended up falling asleep, and It was a little past midnight when the sound of your phone ringing woke you up.
"Changgu?" You answered the phone, not expecting this call
"Hey, sugar!" his tone was cheerful "I just left our last schedule, I'll be there in 10."
"What do you mean, Changgu? It's late, you need to rest!" You protested, genuinely concerned for his well-being.
"You better be ready when I arrive." You could hear the smirk in his voice before he hung up.
10 minutes later and you were properly dressed, hiding your face with a bucket hat and a mask. As soon as his car parked, you wasted no time getting in and releasing yourself from your disguise. Changgu drove off smoothly.
"Hello" you said shyly.
"Hey, sugar" he stole a glance "you look stunning as always"
"You look yourself" you replied "what's up with the sudden call? I thought you would be tired of working so late."
"Nah" His hand sneaked to your thigh, squeezing gently, and you thought he never looked so cool before. "I will always have time for my girl"
You giggled quietly, a little surprised at the sudden possessive pronoun. It makes you feel special, you are his.
You drove off of the city, taking a highway, just quietly enjoying the wind coming from the opened windows and the song quietly serenading you. You didn't bother asking where he was taking you, you trusted him completely, and knowing that it was a place more secluded like that was a nice bonus. 
You finally arrived at the top of a hill where the hill offered a beautiful view of the city with all the privacy you two need. 
"Wait just a second" he pecked your lips quickly and left the car after grabbing something from the backseat. 
you watched him open a big cozy blanket he took out of a picnic basket on the ground and place candles carefully, lighting them up to create a romantic atmosphere for you two. 
"You can come now" he opened the car door for you, reaching his hand, which you gladly took.
The date was the calm and peace you needed. You had pizza and drank wine, and now you were just quietly sitting with your back against his chest, basking in his presence.
"I'm sorry we can't have many dates, y/n," he said "I know you miss it.'
"I do" you admitted defeat. "But I understand, we've both been so busy. I just miss being your girlfriend, that's all." 
He planted delicate kisses here and there, at the top of your head, neck, and shoulders.
"I'll make it up for you, sugar." He whispered in your ear, his warm breath ticklish against your skin.
You look at him, who had the most charming smile across his lips, and suddenly all you wanted was to feel it against your own. You turned to face him and hooked your hand around his neck, gently pulling him closer.
He kissed you slowly and sensually, exploring every inch of your mouth. You breathed in his scent and felt glad to be in his arms, having the privilege of being the one he kisses this passionately. You relaxed your body and laid with your back on the blanket, pulling him together so he stayed on top of you, not breaking the contact for one second.
You kissed him and kissed him, and really kissed him. You could never get tired of his touches. The way his hands caressed your sides, your arms, your cheeks, your hair His chest flushed against yours, and your whole bodies together, connected like it was meant to be. But the more you had him, the more you wanted him
"Changgu" you called him in between kisses "I want you"
"You have me, y/n" he looked deeply into your eyes, breath already heavy.
"No." You replied "I want you."
"Oh" he looked surprised "y/n, are you sure? I mean, we've never gone past this point, and don't you think it's too soon? I don't want you to feel pressured or…"
You lingered a peck in his lips to stop him.
 "I don't think I can wait anymore, Changgu, I want you so bad." 
As you pulled him for another kiss, you took the opportunity to remove his jacket. He started kissing you harder, touches now more desperate like he allowed himself to do as he pleased freely, not holding back or planning to stop any time soon. Your hands explored inside his shirt, grazing your nails along the lines of his toned chest and abs. 
You two sat up for you to take his shirt off, but this time when lying down, you decided to be on top. You straddled him, and one of his hands grabbed behind your neck, intertwining fingers in your hair and tugging in to guide the kiss, while the other went to your thigh, squeezing its way up your dress. 
He, then, grabbed your ass and guided you to grind against the growing bulge in his jeans. He never touched you like that, and feeling in his actions how much he wanted you only got you fueled. His gasps and small sounds that you wouldn’t quite catch if you weren’t this close to him. 
Both of his hands went to your ass before climbing up and taking your dress out of you, leaving you wearing only your underwear. He looked at you in awe, admiring every curve of yours and caressing it gently, like he was engraving your body in his fingertips.
“y/n” he called you again, but already had your full attention “are you sure that’s what you want? You already said you miss being my girlfriend, and after this things might change between us. And if we don’t have time to meet up again so soon, I don’t want you to feel that way when things get more serious.”
“I don’t need any labels to know what I want, Changgu.” you simply answered “and I don’t think I can go back in this. All I want is for you to have me. All of me. We can worry about what that means later.”
“Okay, then” he nodded and firmly kissed you again.
You reached your hand in between you two and dared to go inside his pants after u. You felt his hard member against your palm and risked a light squeezed, which earned a hiss out of him, and a small curse to drop from his lips. 
“Is this good?” you asked 
“Fuck, yes” he muttered under his breath “just move slowly, please”
You followed his command, carefully watching his reactions to see if you were doing correctly. You moved your hand up and down, flicking our wrist the slightest, just wanting to make him feel good. To return the pleasure, Changgu cupped your breasts, his big hands massaging it in its whole, pinching your nipples through your lacy bra, the jolts of pleasure running through your whole body as he knew exactly where you liked to be touched, and the wetness pooling in between your legs helped his case.
“I need more, Changgu” you pleaded, lewd voice almost out of control. “Did you bring a condom?”
He nodded and dig a hand in his pocket.
You backed away and watched as he opened the wrapping and unrolled it around his dick after discarding his lasts pieces of clothing as you did to yours. ‘This is it’, you thought to yourself ‘no going back now.’.
He held your hips and aligned it with his’. He gave you a small reassurance nod and eased him into you. He was big, so you stood still for a few seconds, adjusting to his size with eyes close. You felt his gentle hand caress your face and whisper how good you were taking. 
When the stinging pain from being stretched eased, you started rocking your hips. He guided your hips again in a slow movement, you two enjoying the sensation of being the closest you’ve ever been. You leaned down to kiss him again, nibbling his plush bottom lip sensually.
He jerked his hips up to meet yours and hit just the right spot that made you let out a loud moan involuntarily, leaning back up and throwing your head back in pleasure. You rested your hands on his strong pecs, balancing yourself to thrust against him harder.
“You look so beautiful, sugar” his voice came out breathy, which only made him sound sexier to you.
The pleasure was building up and your legs started shaking, the effort in your thighs also getting too much, all caused you to slow down. Changgu, always so thoughtful and attentive, sat up and held you close for a deep kiss.
“Lay down, baby” he whispered in your ear “let me make it good for you.”
With his hand supporting your back, he laid you down gently and positioned himself on top of you, not wasting any time in pushing himself into you again. 
He thrust faster this time, a few strands of hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, and he never broke eye contact, watching your every move like he was hypnotized, and you felt just the same, not being able to take his eyes out of his intense gaze. You embraced him, and it was the best feeling to have his whole body flushed against yours, skin to skin warmness in the chilly evening. It all felt straight out of a dream.
He adjusted the angle for him, and now he was hitting just the right spot inside of you, your mouth hanging open with just incoherent sounds leaving it, seemingly something close to Changgu’s name.
“I’m gonna…” you managed to put these words together and Changgu understood it really quickly.
“Let go, Sugar, let me see how good you feel.”
You reached your hand and massaged your clit just to intensify your climax, and you allowed yourself to call his name like a prayer. Your walls tightened around him, and your noises drove him to his edge. He grunted and kissed you sloppily, riding off both of your orgasms.
He collapsed by your side, chest rising up and down fast, tied the condom, and tossed it aside before pulling you in to lay on his chest. His arm wrapped around you, holding you securely against him and his hand caressed along your spine while your fingers followed the muscle lines on his stomach.
“That was amazing,” he said and kissed the top of your head “You’re always amazing.”
You looked up and kissed his lips.
“You’re not so bad yourself, mister” you smirked. “I’m glad I did this with you.”
“Me too” he answered and kissed you passionately like you knew only he could do it.
The drive back was quiet, both of you dreading to get back to real life, but enjoying each other nevertheless. He was more touchy than before like he just couldn’t just keep his hands to himself anymore now that he knew he could touch you however he wanted.
He parked in the alley next to your dorm, even though the streets were empty this late at night, but better safe than sorry.
“So, I guess that’s it” He sighed, turning to face you and cup your cheek, thumb gently stroking your face
“I guess” you smile half-heartedly “We have a schedule together tomorrow, though.”
“We do. See you tomorrow, then?” 
“See you tomorrow, stranger.”
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littleshopofk-pop · 3 years
## pentagon masterlist
S — smut F — fluff A — angst C — crack
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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› roommates kinktober '21 day 8 [S]
full masterlist
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milkybonya · 2 years
been well over 24hrs but i'm still not over that mafia!changgu work of yours i can't even peacefully close your eyes for a nap without thinking about changgu YES I'M GOING THROUGH A CHANGGU BRAINROT GOODBYE THIS MIGHT BE MY FAVORITE WORK ON THIS HELLSITE I'M GONNA SCREAM ABOUT THIS TILL MY LAST BREATH
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low quality gif of a high quality man 😌💅 ok now i'm off to read corner store again hope you have a great day milky 🥺🥰
stOP LOKI AHHHHHH IM SOBBINGGG ILYSM 😭😭😭 honestly Changgu is to blame for all this sigh like he really do be the most high quality man on the planeT
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LIKE LOOK wow this is very mafia! vibes like mafia!Changgu is living in my head rent free now TOO AHH
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tantai-jin · 4 months
fic writer meme!
thank u rachel @fruitdaze for the tag!!! <3333333
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
23 since 2016 lmao,, i don't remember exactly how many i posted on lj from 2012-2015 but it wasn't a ton, probably 10-15 that were like 50k altogether
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it's been all over the place since 2020 lol but p much only chinese media like danmei novels, movies, cdramas. used to write kpop rpf but prob won't return to that even tho i still like and follow many groups
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
给你给你 (yunfei)
换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself (canglan)
not-that-small talk (tell me honestly) (bts yoonkook LOL)
새벽 rush hour (yellow light, slow) (bts taegi LOL)
捡一个梦; reach for a dream (canglan)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i usually do, although i'm often quite late LOL i have a couple fics where i didn't reply to all the comments after a certain point and then i just stopped 😭 or if they are a guest user or only leave emojis as a comment then i don't reply? but ofc i see every comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhh i feel like the only thing i wrote that is complete and has an angsty ending is 捡一个梦; reach for a dream bc it was a missing scene from an angsty arc of the show. or lol jk same scenario applies to 余光 (remnants of light) bc it takes place before the end of yuwu and not in one of the happier moments
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
either 给你给你 or 换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself bc they're both disgustingly sweet and affectionate at the end
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! either i am writing for tiny ass fandoms or like, my fics don't get enough traction to attract haters LMAO
9. Do you write smut?
not a lot... the incomplete bingqiu au i posted has the most explicit scenes so far but i am still too shy writing it. i have to practice so that i can write more than 3 sentences of sex in a single day and actually finish the wips i started 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
i have before! nothing crazy tho bc it was just kpop rpf and it would be like, two idols from the same company that have interacted multiple times! lmao. sometimes i think abt crossovers for cdramas that are relatively tame such as: two actors that have been in the same drama multiple times are reincaranted and those 2+ dramas are their different lives... but it's so niche in eng speaking fandom and i haven't fully written one out yet. also does it count as a crossover if u put characters from story A into the setting/setup for story B bc i do that a lot but i think that is fairly common at least for ppl to imagine
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so... again, my fics do not get a lot of traction so i don't think it's likely lmaooo
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think there was an exo one translated into russian a long time ago but i don't even remember which one lolllll it might have been on my livejournal
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not a whole fic yet but ive brainrotted a plethora of aus with friends before such as but not limited to mingqian actors au with lianzi (very intricate with multiple variations) and a Bunch of cdrama and yuwu stuff with another friend :')
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i cannotttttt pick only one but ummm in the last yr-ish it's been a rotation of tantai jin/li susu + mingye/sang jiu from cyjm, mingqian from liu yao, xilian from yuwu (🤪)..... bingqiu from sv (always).... i should stop for now that's Tew Many. but i think once i finish spl, changgu will also be up there
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i feel like i'm cursing myself by typing this out but perhaps the bingqiu i posted one chapter of..... even if i could write all the p With p parts that i wanted to include, i was also a little stuck on the ending and idk if i would be able to write it in a way that doesn't feel like a cop out or just weak in general 😢 but i do like that au and i think my writing for it so far was p decent... so who knows...!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i am pretty good at dialogue that sounds 1. natural and 2. true to the characters! i try really hard to make imagery sound original(ish) and evocative, and to make a character's Yearning palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
intricate plot, action, sex (takes me forever to write and haven't done it in as much detail as i would like to tbh)
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i love it! i did it a little in my yunfei fic and instead of directly translating the line of chinese right there i just included the meaning in the next line of dialogue, like "what do you mean [thing they just said]" + i did it like that bc the tone of it just felt so much more natural to me in mandarin for that specific convo. not that it was something untranslatable (it wasn't) but it just felt comfier to me. i also like the thing ppl do where you can hover over the text and it will show the translation but idk how that html works HAHA someday i would like to give it a go
19. First fandom you wrote for?
exo.......... lmao
20. Favorite fic you have written?
overall i think it would be typhoon season (my incomplete but not abandoned cisswap girls ximang in hk) ! i had it fermenting in my brain for like 8 months before i wrote it, which meant i had figured a lot of the stuff for the beginning out and it was much easier to write than normal since i was not deliberating so much in the moment. i think the pacing for it was good and the reveals of backstory were placed well, and i think i adapted the characters well too even if it's only a first chapter and they haven't done a lot yet. i wanna write them again but it's been rly hard for me to think abt that specific au for many months lol. i also think my recent yzy gegedidi fic had a lot of yummy scenes even if i see some flaws in some parts of the fic's progression... but i spent enough time on it already so i will not go and fix it anymore 😌 peace
i think all my writer friends were tagged already...... this tagline (like a bloodline) will end with me
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jinkoh · 1 year
my toxic trait is always making y/n's close friends be changgu and/or shinwon in pretty much every ptg fic i write lol
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
Summary: While it isn’t the first time you’ve made dinner for all of your boyfriend’s members. It’s the first Christmas dinner Changgu and you have made for them in your new house.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 4,289
Changgu (Yeo One) X Reader
[Features! The rest of OT9]
Requested: not to be that person who requests twice (pls feel free to prioritize other requests!!) but maybe 6. for Changgu? 👀 You know, in celebration of someone becoming someone's ult 👀
Prompt: 6. Cooking Christmas dinner together for your friends
[A.n: Pls don’t worry about requesting 2x- I love double/multiple requests~ And also I just do the request in the order I get them unless I have to skip to not have the same member in a row. I’d say I don’t know how this fic got to 4k but uh see above point ^ (I named it dishwasher and hopefully you’ll understand the significance)]
It was finally your turn to make Christmas dinner for your big friend group, “You sure this is going to feed eight other people?” He nods, “Yeah, I’m sure. If not, there is always the restaurant down the road.” “Ggu!” He laughs, “I’m just teasing, I promise. We got this!” You shake your head, “I know. I guess I’m just a little worried.” He grabs your hand, “It’s going to be okay. I promise. We make a great team. Our food will be even better.” You search his eyes, and he squeezes your hand, and all you find is reassurance. You interlock your fingers, “Okay.” He nods and pulls your hand to push the cart with his to the checkout lanes. You finish up and shove the groceries in his car. You return the cart and see him waiting for you to get in. He opens the door from the inside, the heat pouring out from the vents, and you hop in. 
“We’ll let the ham defrost overnight in cold water, and then we’ll be all set.” He agrees as you both put the groceries away. He finds the pre-packaged cookies and goes, “Want one?” You ask, “Shouldn’t we wait for our guests?” He shrugs as you come over, waiting for him to open the box. “Maybe.” You both grab one and eat it, “Yeah, this is way easier than making them.” You both resist eating another to save them for tomorrow's guests. You set them on a platter and the cake you bought onto a cake stand.
You wake up to Changgu ruffling the covers to get out of bed. You look at him with half-opened eyes, “Is it time?” You watch him shake his head no. He comes over, kisses your forehead, and tells you, “I was just going to make us some coffee before we started cooking.” You hum, opening your eyes, “Let’s do that together.” He smiles as he waits for you to roll out of bed. You slip on your slippers, and with a yawn, you follow him into the kitchen. He fills a kettle with water before putting it on the burner and turning it on. You grab your mugs and set them on the counter, and he finishes making the coffee. You lean against the counter, still trying to wake up as you sip your first bit of coffee, “Warm…” He hums before he takes a sip of his and shares the same sentiment. 
You start, “So, the ham.” You both look over at it, hoping it’d grow legs dress itself for the occasion and throw itself into the oven. He laughs before you both sigh, “Shinwon was not kidding when he said, ‘Good luck next year’. After they both made that dinner…” You shake your head and agree, “This is going to be a lot of work…” After setting your coffee down on the counter, you look for a piece of paper and a pen. “How do we want to go about this?” “Well, we cleaned the roasting pan two days ago, so all we have to do is line it with foil.” You write: ‘Foil the pan, make sure the ham is defrosted. Bag the ham, and then dress it with pineapples and cherries.’ You ask, “Did we get 7up?” He nods, “Yeah, I put it in the cart last minute. We almost forgot it.” You sigh in relief as you write the 7up part and add brown sugar to the list of things going on with the ham. 
You list the things you bought, and he goes, “Peel and chop the potatoes?” you write that down, “Are we making sweet potatoes?” He nods, and you take another sip of coffee before writing that. “Corn, green beans?” Changgu softly reminds you about the ‘peas’. And you finish that bit, “Oh, bread, which kind?” He goes, “Biscuits and croissants?” “Perfect.” “Am I missing anything else?” You both think for a minute before you go, “Oh, cranberry sauce, the most important part!” He laughs, “For you, dear.” You roll your eyes, “You love it just as much as me.” He shakes his head, “No, not as much as I love you.” You roll your eyes, “I love you more than I love cranberry sauce.” He gasps, “I’m honored.” You shake your head as you smile at him.
You finish your coffee while looking out at the snow. Watching it gently coming down. “I’m glad this time it’s not a snowstorm.” He laughs, “It was a nightmare getting to Hongseok’s house that year!” You laugh even harder, “We don’t even live more than a street away from him!” You two cackle before catching your breath. He adds, “At least we have snow this year, though!” You shake your head, “We even have photos of Hoetaek pouting about it!” You both giggle before catching your breath. You put your two mugs in your new dishwasher. You grin, “I can’t wait for this thing to have its first big holiday.” He smiles in excitement, “It’s going to do the work of ten men!” You both laugh before washing your hands away from the ham and start working on preparing it. 
Thankfully, it thawed, and everything went swimmingly even putting the brown sugar and 7up on it was easy. You open the pineapples as Changgu digs for the toothpicks, “Didn’t we buy a pack?” “Yeah, I think they’re up in the cabinet by the other knife set we don’t use.” He hums and says a little ‘aha!’ when he finds them there. You separate the pineapples from the ones you’re using for the ham and the two for the two of you. After you finish sticking the pineapples in with toothpicks, he sticks the cherries in the center. When he pins the last one, and you both have washed your hands and put the ham into the oven, “One pineapple for you, one for me?” 
He pulls out a maraschino cherry for both of you to eat, and you happily eat the unused toppings before cleaning your hands again. You sigh, “Those were so good.” He agrees, hands you a towel to dry your hands with, and says, “What’s next?” You look back at the list and go, “The potatoes.” He nods and gets them out, and you ask, “How many potatoes do you think Shinwon can eat alone?” He laughs, “Probably the whole bag.” You shrug, “Guess that’s how much we’re doing so everyone can have at least a bite.” He agrees, and you get out your peeler and the chopping board while he fills a bowl with water.
You shave them as he patiently waits to chop them up. He cuts the last potatoes up and puts them back in the bowl. You drain them and transfer half to a pot of water. As you do, he says, “I’ll start shaving the sweet potatoes.” You agree and put the soup mix into the cleaned bowl before pouring the other half of the potatoes in and combining them. You flip them onto a foiled pan and wash off your hands. You come back over to see him sharpening a knife, “Having a hard time with the sweet potatoes?” He nods, and you smile, “It’s more about the pressure and force than the sharpness.” He hums, “But it’d help.” He cleans it off before he returns with more vigor to chop them into small pieces. 
He lets out a yell as he smacks it, and you giggle as you watch him, “You want me to do it?” He pouts, “But I have more muscle than you. This should be easy…” You smile as you tell him, “Watch this.” You scoot him away, and with the knife still lodged into the sweet potato, you lift it and slam it back onto the board. And it separates into two, “Didn’t you ever watch your mom make them?” He shakes his head, “No, she always makes the ones you just gotta poke and put in the oven with foil on them.” You nod, “Those are so good! Do you want to save two so we can have that tomorrow?” He grins, “Oh heck yeah!” He saves two and puts them in the pantry while you finish chopping up the first one. He gets the hang of it on the second one, “Isn’t there a less noisy way?” You shake your head, “Not that I’ve ever figured out.” He shrugs and continues while you make the brown sugar mix for them, “I’m excited for these.” He hums, “Me too.” 
You do the same with sweet potatoes, draining them before mixing them and putting them onto another foiled pan. You set them out and clean off your hands. As you dry off your hands, Changgu checks the oven, “Ohh, look!” You look, “Still there.” He shakes his head, “No, it’s starting to look more cooked.” You laugh, “I know.” You pull back, and he says, “And we still have three hours and twenty minutes to get it all done. I say that calls for a break.” You agree, and you both head into the living room and kick back on the couch together. “What kind of Christmas special do you wanna watch?” You hum, “What about a hallmark movie?” He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head, “Preferably something that doesn’t make me cry today.” You nod, “Okay, the Charlie Brown special before we head back and make the rest?” He agrees, and you put your legs over his lap while he puts his legs on the ottoman. He puts his arm around your back, and you watch the Peanuts. 
When the movie ends, you both get changed into your dinner clothes before heading into the kitchen. You look at the list when it hits you, “Oh, we almost forgot to add a butter stick tray for everyone!” He nods, quickly pulls out the butter, and puts it on the designated dish. “Done and done!” You grin and grab the canned corn, peas, and green beans. You open them up while he gets the pots out. You fill all three up as he works on making two foiled pans for biscuits and croissants. You both work on rolling up the crescent and making them nicely shaped before putting the other premade biscuits onto a pan to bake. “Do you want to open the cranberry sauce now or later?” He hums, “Probably later, so it stays cooler.” You agree and look over at the timer on the ham, “Two hours and fifteen minutes…” He sighs, “Looks like it’s making the table time.” 
You nod and stand on either side of your small kitchen table, “On the count of three, I’ll pull my end. You’ll pull yours.” You nod, and he counts, “Okay, and one, two, three!” You both pull out the table to make it longer to fit ten people. After pulling it out, you huff, “I’m glad our table expands twice.” He sighs, “Me too.” You pick up one side of the leaf while he picks up the other before setting it in and doing the same with the next. 
When it’s all clicked in and properly fitted, he goes, “Alright, tablecloth next?” You nod, and he gets it from the cabinet, “The pretty green one?” He nods and pulls the one that has mistletoe berries lining the edges. You both cover the table before getting the dishes out. You hand them over to him, and he sets them out while you grab the knives, “Do the knives go on the right side or the left?” He goes, “Wherever you want them.” You laugh as you put it on the left side before lining the left with other utensils. He asks, “Napkin towels and paper ones?” You agree, and he gets out two napkin holders and puts one on each side. You fill them with paper napkins while he gets the towels and puts them in front of the plates.
“If we don’t get the 1865 wine out, Hyunggu will be whiny.” You laugh, “I don’t think he’ll whine, but he will pout.” He laughs as he agrees, and you open a bottle for him, letting it aerate, “What do you say after thirty minutes,... We have our glass?” He smiles, “I’d like that.” You nod, and you get an assortment of glasses for each person. You finish up before looking over the table. You feel him come over beside you and wrap his arm around your waist, “Look at us. We’re doing a nice job so far.” You look at him and say, “Don’t jinx it.” He laughs, “Not intending to!” He knocks on the table regardless as you both lean against each other. “But you’re right, it looks nice.” 
You smile and wrap your arm around his waist, “Who do you think will arrive first?” He hums, “Probably Hoetaek and whoever he’s bringing, he got that whole integrity saying about five minutes early is on time.” You laugh as you agree, “And who’s last?” He hums, “It’s a tie, depending on who’s driving.” You wait for him to continue, and he says, “If Wooseok is driving, they’re going to be like ten minutes late, but if it’s anyone else, I’d say they’d be right about time.” “Why’s that?” “Wooseok is very careful.” 
You laugh, “I believe it. But you're the only one I trust to drive me around whenever I don't want to drive.” “Baby, you’re so cute.” You laugh, “I’m telling the truth. I get to be the relaxed passenger. And I don’t even have to be the GPS. Cause you know where you’re going.” He laughs, “Yeah, I like having you as my passenger. You make all of my worries go away. Not even someone who drives fifteen under can make me mad with you by my side.” “Are you sure? Following that tractor for like two miles about killed you.” He groans, “Don't Remind me.” And you move from your relaxed position, getting close to his lips, “Don’t worry, it irritated me too.” You pull him in for a kiss, and when you pull away, you ask, “Better?” He sighs, “Always.”
The ham comes out about an hour later, and you pop the beefy onion and sweet potatoes into the oven. And turn the flame under the potatoes on the stove on as the doorbell rings, “I got it, baby.” You nod, and he kisses your cheek before heading over. And as he had predicted, Hoetaek was five minutes early with Shinwon and Jinho. Jinho asks, “What’s cooking?” You smile, “Potatoes.” You hear a gasp, and Changgu says, “You’ll have to wait until it’s on the table.” You hear the pout in Shinwon’s voice as he says, “Okay…” The four of you laugh as he answers. Changgu comes over and joins you. You turn the burners underneath the canned veggie pots on while he cuts open the bag. Hoetaek asks, “Do you guys want any help? Or?” You look at Changgu and shake your head, “No, we got it here.” The doorbell rings, “However, if you could get that.” He smiles, “Sure.” 
You hear four more voices and shoes hitting the floor as you stir the potatoes around. You both turn and look as they come to the table and find their spots. Changgu asks, “Where’s Wooseok?” Yanan goes, “He was asleep last time I checked.” And before you can look at Changgu like, ‘Do we need to get him?’ the doorbell rings. You both sigh in relief as Yuto gets the door, “Sorry, I wanted five more minutes of rest!” Hoetaek chides, “You need to leave your studio sooner so you can be on time!” He whines, and you don’t hear the rest as the potatoes boil. And you mash them with butter and milk. 
You put them into a serving bowl as Changgu transfers the ham onto a platter before bringing it to the table. He brings everything to the table as you pour them into bowls and place serving spoons in each. The bell rings again, and you both pull out the pans of potatoes and place them onto platters before he sets them down in front of them. You open a can of cranberry sauce before bringing that over, too.
Changgu puts the bread into the oven before you both sit down. He sits in front of the ham, and you sit beside him as he looks at everyone. He cheers, “Alright, who’s ready to eat?” You all cheer back, “I am!” And he happily serves it to everyone, ensuring everyone has a big piece before serving his last. “Let’s dig in!” Before you can get up, he goes, “I got it, honey.” You smile, and he gets up, turns off the oven, and puts the freshly done bread into two separate baskets. He returns, “Croissants on which side?” Hyunggu and Hongseok cheer for them the loudest, and he places them down in front of them while your side gets the biscuits. 
With all the food out, the conversations only get louder, especially, with Changgu turning on the Bluetooth speakers to play soft Christmas music to set the mood. You gasp, “No way!” as Hyunggu talks about the Christmas play he saw, “Yeah, way! The lights started shining and out popped another new Santa Claus. This musical just kept getting more hysterical as they did it!” You all laugh at Hyunggu's stories, and Yanan talks about the Christmas lights he went and visited. Wooseok goes, “Do you guys remember when we performed in Daegu?” They all hum, and you nod, having seen their performances rather than being there, “It was so cold, but it was perfect like tonight.” You smile and thank him, and everyone agrees.
As everyone finishes their last plate, everyone talks about the plans they’ve made and gifts they’ve gotten for their families. And when there’s a lull of silence, you ask, “Who’s ready for dessert?” They all cheer, “I am!” And you happily get up, grabbing the platter of cookies, and Changgu comes in, getting the cake from the fridge. As you come back, Yuto asks, “What kind?” You smile, “We got a big assortment of cookies, including chocolate chip, plus chocolate cake!” You hear Changgu rustle in the fridge as he yells, “Oh, don’t forget the fruitcake!” And everyone lets out, “Really!?” And he turns around with the cake stand and goes, “Nah, just kidding.” You both laugh as you gesture for them to follow you, “Let’s have dessert in the living room.” 
Everyone follows the two of you, pushing in their chairs as they sprawl out onto the couches and chairs. You set the platter of cookies down and head back and get everyone some napkins and plates. Everyone picks out their favorite cookies and serves themselves a piece of cake. And you sit on the arm of the couch and lean against Changgu, who is happily chatting about his recent concert, “I know, I was there!” You laugh, “Hey, but we weren’t!” Yanan protests softly, and you encourage him to go on, which he happily does and would have, anyway. You finish your slice of cake and set your empty plate on the side table beside you, which leads to everyone putting their plate on top of yours. 
Hongseok goes, “We can help you clean up if you like.” You both shake your head, “No, you’re our guests tonight.” They nod, and you continue, “We just got a new dishwasher, so we want to make the most of it.” They all laugh, and Hongseok tells you, “That makes sense.” Changgu goes, “Do we look like new dishwasher owners?” He nods, “Yeah.” You laugh, “I guess we have it stamped on our foreheads.” “Yeah, basically.” And Yanan goes, “Yeah, you wouldn’t believe how excited he was about buying your first appliance together.” You laugh, “Really?” You watch as Changgu’s cheeks turn more and more red, “Yeah, he called all of us up telling us all about it.” You grin and tell them, “I told all my friends, too.” You look over at Changgu with a big smile, “We’re all getting old.” He grins and grabs your hand, “You age like fine wine.” You roll your eyes before pulling his hand up and kissing it. You smile at him, “So do you.” 
As the night becomes darker and the time grows later, you let out a yawn. And so does Changgu, which makes Hui look at his clock, “I’d hate to be making us leave first, but I have a schedule in the morning.” You all whine, “The day after Christmas?” He shrugs, “Well, I’m preparing for my album...” You nod, and Shinwon and Jinho get up, too. You follow them to the door as they gather their things. Jinho is the first to thank you both for the meal. And you tell him it was fun having him and the rest of the members over. Changgu opens his arms, which Jinho reluctantly accepts before accepting your hug too. 
Shinwon follows, hugging you both and telling you, “See, I told you it wasn’t going to be too hard.” You both roll your eyes at him, and Changgu tells him, “Yeah, you were right, but I’m glad it’s Yanan’s turn next year.” Shinwon laughs, “I was glad to pass the torch on to you guys.” You shake your head, “Take care of yourself.” He nods, “I will.” Hoetaek grabs one of your hands and one of Changgu’s. “You guys did so wonderfully. It was such a good dinner.” You grin and thank him, and he says, “No, seriously, you guys did an excellent job.” He brings you both in for a hug at the same time. He lets go of your hands before telling you guys to take care. You bid the three of them goodbye and wish them a Merry Christmas before watching them leave. 
You return to the living room, where Yuto talks about his latest solo projects. And you all listen intently, as he does as it grows later. Hongseok gathers him, Yanan, and Hyunggu. Hongseok gingerly tells you both goodbye, giving you both a strong hug after telling you what he liked most. Hyunggu smiles as he puts his hat back on, “I didn’t expect any less from you guys. It was excellent.” You nod, and he hugs you both, and you can’t help but grin. Yanan thanks you both for the delicious dinner, pulling his scarf tighter around his neck before squeezing the both of you into a hug. And Yuto smiles, “Thanks guys, that was a wonderful meal and dessert.” You smile, “It’s no problem.” He hugs you both before exiting and following the three out the door. You both realize you forgot to wish them a Merry Christmas, so you both shout it as they enter the vehicle. And they shout it right back. You both laugh as you shut the door.
You watch them drive off before settling across from the last guest. “Wooseok!” He smiles, “I know you both probably want your alone time now.” You look over at Changgu and shrug. You tell him, “We could always watch a Christmas special or something with you.” And Changgu continues, “You couldn’t bother us with your presence.” Wooseok smiles before looking at the clock, “I know, but I can always come over later in the week.” You both agree, and he gets up, “I just wanted to say goodbye last.” You laugh at that, and you all head to the door for the last time. You go, “I can’t believe they let you drive all by yourself! You best be careful!” He laughs, “I will, don’t worry.” You both nod and hug him before he leaves. He thanks you both for the delicious meal and says, “Merry Christmas.” And you both repeat it back, “Merry Christmas.” 
He exits out into the cold air. You watch him take off and leave your window. Just to turn back and see that you’re left with a mess of things to clean up. You sigh, “Glad we have that new dishwasher…” He smiles, “Did you really tell all of your friends?” You smile as you nod, and he kisses your forehead before you kiss his. He looks back at the mess ahead of him and shakes his head, “We’ll still have to clean up the rest of it, though.” You sigh even louder, “We got a lot to do.” You look around at the mess for a while longer, “You want to leave it for later?” He sighs in relief, “Oh yeah, let’s get cleaned up and go to bed.” You smile, and you both head up to the bathroom and change into your pajamas. 
After you return from the bathroom, you both collapse in your bed, “We’ll do the dishes tomorrow.” He laughs and pulls you into his arms, “Yeah, tomorrow.” You curl into his chest, “We did a good job.” “Yeah.” “I’m glad it’s over.” He hums, “Me too. Good luck to Yanan next year.” You laugh, “Yeah, good luck, Yanan.” You pull the covers over the both of you, “I love you. Good night.” “Good night, I love you more.” “Ggu…” He pouts, and you go, “I love you most.” He giggles as he says, “I love you mostest.” You roll your eyes, “I love you the most mostest.” “Nuh-uh.” “Yeah-huh.” “Nuh-uh.” “Yeah-huh. Good night, Ggu.” “Nuh-uh, I love you even more. Good night, my love.” You groan and whisper, “I love you even more than that.” Before drifting off to sleep, he says softly before falling asleep, “I love you two round trips to the moon and back, baby.”
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mocimori · 4 years
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Makes 600 aus out of Changgu
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astralsweetness · 4 years
Floriography (m) || Pentagon/Reader
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❀ Short little reader insert snippets for each of the Pentagon boys based on the meaning of the flower(s) they were holding in the first set of concept photos for the WE:TH album. Some (not all) are rated m, individual warnings can be found in their description. Each was written in >10 minutes. No gender for the reader is specified for any of them.
❀ There’s a surprise one (two?) thrown in here - one isn’t a reader insert, but he’s our resident daisy boy and the title track for this album is literally “Daisy”, I wasn’t going to just leave him out. Also the mobile app fucks up the italics and bolded stuff, so... nothing I can do about it, it looks fine on desktop
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❧ Hui/Reader | Lily (white): Sympathy, rebirth, commitment
Hui nuzzles his nose into your neck, arms around your waist – he’s basically completely on top of you, and also half asleep. It’s absolutely adorable and you stroke your fingers through his hair lovingly as he fights to stay awake.
“I wanted to spend time with you..” There’s a very distinctive whine to his voice, and an underlying current of regret, like he genuinely believed he was letting you down by falling asleep. It makes your heart ache.
“You are, sweetheart. You have no idea how happy it makes me seeing you sleep – sometimes I think you’ve literally forgotten how.” You punctuate your words with a kiss to his temple and he grumbles something unintelligible and lifts his head to look at you, eyes narrowed. He is so cute, and you lean forward to quickly press a kiss to his lips.
“Stop that –“ He tries to act upset but there’s a sweet little laugh towards the end that he can’t hide. “I’ve cancelled on you so many times already, and now I’m falling asleep. That doesn’t upset you at all?”
“Not at all.” You reassure him with a smile, and he regards you for a moment longer before he lets his head rest back on your chest.
It was true that he cancelled plans with you often – he was insanely busy even on his slow days, and on the days he was free he liked to keep working regardless. (You remember the last time the two of you had been together, and he’d suddenly got an idea on how to fix a track he’d been working on. He’d been so apologetic, but you’d just thought it was funny and sort of endearing.)
“I really don’t mind, Hwitaek.” He hums softly in acknowledgment and you cup the back of his neck in response, tension draining from his shoulders at the warmth. “Go to sleep.”
Those words are the same as an I love you to him, and you can feel his sleepy smile on your collarbone as he drifts into dreams.
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❧ Hongseok/Reader | Spray Roses (red): Love, passion, desire [Warnings: handjob, footjob if you reaaally squint, very minor degradation]
He thinks there’s something thrilling about this, about how he is physically so much stronger than you and how you still pin him to the wall regardless – he’s not sure what it is, but he knows there is literally no way he could fight back against you even if he tried.
Your hand around his cock tightens and he lets out a breathless whimper into your mouth, hand groping behind him for the handle of his bedroom door that you’d pushed him against the instant you both had entered. He needs something, anything, to stabilize himself with.
He doesn’t find it in time, sinks to the floor after you bite his neck once, harsh – you’re laughing at him and it makes the fire burning him away from the inside even brighter, even hotter.
“You’re so cute.” Your voice is a soft coo and he hears it like he’s far away, gazes up at you in a mess of lust and want. He is so hard, and when you tauntingly brush against him with the side of your foot he lets his head fall back against the door with a painful thud.
“Oh, honey, don’t do that – are you okay?” He doesn’t actually feel any of the pain he knows must be there, leans into your fingers that brush through his hair tenderly and tilts his head up for a kiss. You’ve knelt down in front of him and his eyes slide shut when you grant him his request, pressing your lips against his again.
A sweet moan is torn from his throat when you reach down to grasp him, his breath coming in short, fevered pants. You smile lovingly at him and he feels like you are consuming him – he gives himself over willingly with another soft sound of pleasure, completely lost, completely in love.
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❧ Shinwon/Reader | Sweet Autumn Clematis: Ingenuity, mental strength, respect [Warnings: slight angst, referenced OT9 but you can view it as platonic]
It’s a few days later than you meant for it to be, but you corner Shinwon in his room one night, ignoring his soft laughter and confused repeated questions of “what?”. You don’t bother bringing back-up – sometimes it helped, but you felt like today it would just make it harder for Shinwon to respond the way you wanted.
“Nothing, baby. I just wanted to talk to you.” Already he’s scrunching his nose up at you – that particular term of endearment makes him feel all squirmy inside, and you know this, and he knows that you know. “Is that okay?”
You’re giving him a convenient out, and he glances once at the door like it was physically the bridge between having whatever conversation this was or not. When he rests his gaze back on you, you know he’s made his choice.
You don’t bother telling him what prompted this conversation – if he knew that you could read him so easily then you were afraid he’d keep a tighter grasp on his emotions around you next time.
As it was, you gently coax secret fears and hidden feelings from him under the soft glow of his bedside lamp, yellowing the room around you even as it shifts from night to dark night, the gradual lessening of the gap between the two of you as his voice gets more serious, quieter. He doesn’t cry, and that worries you most of all – so many of your soft-hearted boys had toughened up over the last year, had gone through so much that they’d learned crying never got them anywhere, and it hurt your heart so much.
“Will you stay tonight? With me?” He speaks after a silence that has stretched on for about fifteen minutes, his head resting on your shoulder, your arms around him and his around you. There’s a tender, somber atmosphere that surrounds the two of you, and your soft ‘of course’ doesn’t cause it to dissipate. It lingers as the two of you change into sleeping clothes, wreathing around you both like a dense fog as you crawl under the covers, facing each other. The two of you gaze at each other quietly for some time after, his eyes the color of the dark night outside the window, impossibly soft.
Neither of you say a word, quiet and reverent, and when he shuffles closer to press his forehead against yours and closes his eyes you breath out a soft sigh that he mimics.
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❧ Changgu/Reader | Sunflower: Loyalty, longevity, devotion [Warnings: bondage, blindfold, breathplay]
He is a vision for you on his knees, impossibly dark eyes tracking your every movement with so much adoration that it’s almost suffocating. Even with his arms bound securely behind him, rope crisscrossing his bare torso, he keeps a soft smile on his face the entire time, like he genuinely believes each thing you do to him is a gift that should be treasured.
Even as you slide a blindfold over his eyes with the whisper of silk on skin he’s still smiling, murmurs a soft baritone of a ‘thank you’ like he actually appreciates his vision being taken from him. It makes your heart clench with so much love, completely honored with the amount of trust he has in you, how he gives every piece of himself up to you every single time.
“Do you have any idea how much I love you, Changgu?” You keep your words as quiet and reverent as his demeanor, slide your fingers feather-light across his throat. He tilts his head back for you at the feeling, always so good, still smiling.
“I love you too.” His voice is a soft rasp as your fingers press down slightly – a bit heavier and he gasps, smile disappearing to be replaced with the same shocked, open-mouthed expression that he always gets whenever you start a session. It’s like he never quite expects you to give something like this to him, something he so desperately craves and seeks out.
“I know you do, love. I can see it in the way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you react to anything I do to you –“ You’re cutting off his airflow a decent amount now and his head is swimming pleasurably, your words registering but far away and fuzzy. “And I could never thank you more for those gifts that you’ve given to me.”
The feeling of air rushing back into his lungs when you let go is just as dizzying as the lack of it had been, but your fingers trace his jaw lightly and in the darkness that was his current environment thanks to the blindfold he is attuned to only you, can only think of you.
There’s blood rushing in his ears but he leans into your touch anyway, once again smiling.
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❧ Yanan/Reader | Statice: Sympathy, fond memories, reunions
Yanan breathes out a soft sigh, shifting on the bed – your arms encircle his waist tightly, holds him like you’re afraid of losing him again. It’s because of that sentiment that he says nothing.
‘I missed you’ and ‘I love you’ has blurred into one meaning at this point, so you’ve instead begun leaving kisses on his jawline whenever you feel the urge to tell him again slipping onto the tip of your tongue. Four hundred plus days was a lifetime to be without someone you thought of as your other half.
“It was nice of Changgu to clear out of your room for a few hours.” You keep your voice quiet and Yanan hums at the sound, eyes slipping shut as he relaxes more. Your head is tucked in against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It pounds out a comforting rhythm of I’m here, I’m here, I’m here.
“You mean after he sulked for half an hour?” His voice is soft but there’s clear amusement laced through it, and affection as well. You knew that no matter how much he complained about the other members, they were still his family.
“Love you.” It still slips out sometimes, like your brain is afraid that you’re going to lose the chance to say it to him in person – Yanan’s chest shakes beneath your ear in a quiet laugh, one of his hands slipping down your arm to hold your hand in his.
“I love you too.” He repeats it back, like he does every single time, and the beat of his heart underneath your cheek has shifted into I’m home.
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❧ Yuto/Reader | Wax Flower (yellow): Riches, luck, enduring love
[Warnings: edging]
Yuto is hot when he sleeps – so often you wake up because the arm he’s slung over you is burning your skin off (or something similar… it was easy to be dramatic when you were half awake).
He’s absolutely feverish now, dark eyes molten in their intensity – the room is lit only by the glow of the dim nightlight he uses, sends dark shadows creeping across the slopes of his tanned skin. He writhes under your touch, stares at you pleadingly, makes soft noises in his throat that go both high pitched and into his low bass, on two completely opposing sides of the spectrum and yet meaning the same thing.
“Please –“ It’s hissed out from between his teeth, raspy because of the way he tries to keep quiet. A similar sound is released when you rake your nails down the front of his chest, leaving red in their wake.
“I’m just taking my time, Yuto – it feels good, right?” You wait until he nods, dark strands of his hair falling over his eyes like feathered ink which you gently brush away. “So what were you asking for?”
His cock is a deep red, flushed and leaving a mess of pre-cum on his lower stomach – you think it’s such a pretty sight, even as he squirms and tries to get your attention. His hands remain firmly grasping the pillow underneath his head (he was nothing if not obedient).
“Please.” He repeats, and then he says it again and again until it’s turned into one single sentence of the same word, and you think at one point he had shifted into Japanese before falling back into Korean.
“Hmm.” You pretend to think about it and can see the exact moment he realizes what you’re doing, what you’re planning – he whines, high in his chest, and it cracks his deep voice when he tries to protest. Your hand slides over his mouth nonchalantly, leaving him to beg you with that liquid gaze instead. “If it feels good then I think you should be able to endure it a little longer, hmm?”
He doesn’t say anything – can’t say anything – instead pressing a kiss to your palm in lieu of speaking. A burst of pure love slams into his chest when he sees you smile, and the overwhelming burning want that had been consuming him for so long settles into a low simmer.
Yes, he could endure it a little longer.
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❧ Hyunggu/Reader | Larkspur (light blue) & Lisianthus (white): Open-heartedness, grace, appreciation [Warnings: MY BRAIN STALLED ON THIS AND THEN I REMEMBERED I HAD A TEN MINUTE TIMER GOING AND I PANICKED AND JUST FROZE so this is awful hyunggu i am sORRY]
The way Hyunggu moves when he dances is captivating – anyone who’s seen him perform could vouch for that, would fawn over the graceful lines of his body or the passionate expressions or the sheer joy that exuded off of him.
Dating him made you no less immune to this affect – if anything, you were more susceptible to it. Whenever he’d practice the choreography in front of you, getting sweaty and out of breath but smiling so damn brightly it blinded you, at the way he’d bound over to you, still smiling, pointing to his cheek because he expected a kiss for doing well, your heart would threaten to completely leave your body at the sight.
His startled laugh at you turning his head back to kiss him on the lips is a sound that makes your heart soar. Seeing him so happy, so carefree, was all you really ever wanted.
The way he interlaced his fingers with yours when he was happy, or bumped his shoulder into yours when he was trying to get your attention, or would send you cute texts about literally nothing with ninety different flower emojis – all of it added to the unending reservoir of things you loved about him, things that made you happy because they made him happy.
“Do you have any idea how happy you make me?” Your question floats through his studio as he plays some old song softly as background music, the rhythmic clicking of his mouse stopping as he turns to look at you. You’re laid out over his couch, peering at him curiously.
“Where’s this coming from?” He answers your question with another question, chasing it with a soft laugh. “I could ask the same of you, you know.”
There’s a long silence where the two of you just look at one another – it’s not uncomfortable at all, and you get the sense that the two of you are somehow communicating wordlessly.
“I think you make me happier than anything else ever has or ever will, Hyunggu.” He contemplates your sincere and heavy words for a long moment before standing and walking over to you, sitting down on the couch at your hip. He’s smiling mischievously at you and you raise an eyebrow at it, wary.
“You could have just said you loved me, you know –“ You swat at his arm indignantly but he continues speaking, completely undeterred. “I love you too.”
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❧ Wooseok/Reader | Carnation (blue): Peace, truth, trust
There’s something indescribably ethereal about seeing Wooseok the first thing in the morning when you wake up – him sliding from the bed must have roused you, because when you blink your eyes open you can see him stretching, fingers ruffling chaotically through his recently dyed hair. The early morning light is still cold, not yet a warm yellow, and it makes him look paler than usual against the darkness of his hair and the deep red of his old t-shirt. You wonder if the shorts he’s wearing are Yuto’s because they ride just a bit high up his leg. You wish he was comfortable enough to sleep shirtless around you like he did when he was with just the boys. (But you were different, and outside of certain things he still got shy showing that much skin around you.)
He must feel your gaze on him because he throws a glance over his shoulder – sleep clings to his gaze, dark eyes hazy, smile that appears equally as sluggish as the rest of him. He is all long limbs and lazy energy, passionate to a fault, his lips landing just a bit too hard on yours as he collapses back to the bed, bracing himself on his forearms. His hair tickles your cheek, long and fried by the constant dyeing but still beautiful, and you tug on the offending strand lovingly.
“Ow.” His remark is purely for show, no emotion behind it at all, and then he’s leaning back down to press his lips to yours again, fingers catching at yours that caress his jaw, interlacing and bringing it to the hem of his shirt, and then under it.
You laugh against his lips, feel his own stretch into an embarrassed but contented smile. Your fingertips burn brands into the skin over his ribs, grounding him and electrifying him all at once. An interesting, flighty feeling in his chest makes it feel like his heart is threatening to beat out of his body, and all he can do in the wake of it is smile adoringly at you.
He is so infinitely happy here, in this little slice of time the two of you had carved out in the early morning, tranquil and calm.
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❧ Jinho/Reader | Heather (white): Protection, good luck, wishes coming true [Warnings: referenced smut, hairpulling]
“- and Shinwonnie likes to pretend everything is fine until he cracks, so don’t –“
“I know babe.” The pet name catches him off guard long enough that you can press your lips to his twice, murmuring another ‘I know’ between them. “Stop worrying, you’re the one going off alone.”
Jinho just smiles crookedly at you, gently takes the shirt of his you’d been clutching from your hands to refold before packing it. You feel like he’s packing a piece of your heart with it.
“I’m not going to be alone alone, you know.” He doesn’t seem worried about anything except the well-being of the people he’s leaving, and you try to feel the same but can’t quite manage it. You watch his profile as he continues packing, chewing on your lip.
“I know. It’s just hard and –“ You wince, blinking back sudden tears. “- fuck this, I don’t want to cry if you’re still here.”
“You’re doing better than Hui.” Jinho points out, perhaps a bit insensitively, but when had he ever pulled punches when it came to this sort of thing? Still, he watches out of the corner of his eye, smiles brighter when you successfully blink them away.
“I love you, Jinho.”
“Gross.” He makes a face at you, probably an attempted grimace, but he’s still smiling so it doesn’t quite work. You’re so used to his sense of humor that you don’t even react past a small smile of your own – you never got as worked up as some of the other boys did at things like that – so he reaches for your hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. When he doesn’t let go, just curls his fingers around your own and tries to finish packing with one hand, your heart threatens to burst. Jinho didn’t do handholding.
“Just tell me you love me and you can have your hand back.”
“Gross.” He repeats, laughing at the noise of disgust you make at him. You both know he’s the one still holding on, the one who initiated, but neither of you acknowledge that. “You’re trying to blackmail me. I think you’ve spent too much time around Shinwon.”
“Clearly I haven’t, since the blackmail isn’t working.” He laughs openly at that, and you join him, imprinting how happy he looks in your mind’s eye. When you tug him towards you he goes willingly with zero resistance. When you say ‘kiss’ he does so without complaint, and one kiss turns to four, to fourteen, and then you lose count, his fingers pressing into your waist and yours against the tender skin at the base of his neck.
“You’ll all look out for each other while I’m gone, right?” He asks, your head on his bare chest, gaze on the ceiling as his thumb traces nonsense patterns on your shoulder. His hair is ruffled and beautiful, and you’re mourning the loss of it already, trace the line of marks you left across his collarbone. At least those wouldn’t be gotten rid of so easily.
“Of course we will.”
“Mmn.” He seems satisfied with that, glances down at you and smiles the type of smile that makes his eyes look like they’re glowing. You want to kiss him all over again. You do.
“Forget leaving for the army, you’re never going to let me leave this bed.” He says on a laugh, and you answer with a serious ‘yep’ that makes him laugh even harder, even as your fingers interlace in his hair and pull, taut.
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❧ Hyojong | Daisy: Innocence, purity of the heart, new beginnings
The controlled chaos of being backstage was something he’d found he had missed – there was a sort of calm in being a part of all that organized disorder, in knowing what you were supposed to do. The stylist flits around him in bursts of controlled energy, darkening the eyeliner at his eyes, sharpening his cheekbones. An electric tripwire is live underneath his skin, anxious excitement tempered only by the warm smiles Hyuna sends him when they lock eyes in the mirror.
His phone buzzes moments before he leaves the waiting room – he glances at it and warmth blooms in his ribcage, like the text he sees had been the sun his heart was waiting for. (It’s short and simple, sweet and to the point – but Jinho had always been like that.)
It’s easy to melt into the flow of idols and backstage staff heading towards and away from the main stage – a few people glance at him, but most people are too busy to pay him much mind. He figures that’s why he feels a solid weight hit him in the side, like they weren’t in danger of being seen by Pentagon’s cameras.
Hui’s arms are tight around him and Hyojong would laugh if he could, but he can already hear the stagehands calling for him – Hwitaek’s smile is blinding, eyes glassy, and Hyojong is affectionately reminded of just how stupid the elder could be sometimes.
“Good luck hyung!” Wooseok doesn’t even bother trying to be quiet, and suddenly Hyojong’s being bracketed in by eight other bodies – he grasps Yanan’s hand quickly because it’s been so long – as they all give him their own versions of well-wishes and love.
The flower tattoo above his thumb burns from where someone’s fingers traced it briefly and he’s laughing as he pulls away from them to head towards the stage, feeling a bit like he’s crying - but he knows there’s no tears, knows he’s glowing instead.
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❀ I used this bcs I am not a florist and they are lol (and yet the flower meanings are my own, so if there’s a mistake there.. whoops) so 100% all credit for identifying these flowers goes to that brilliant person.
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