#chapter 19 of 21
jtl-fics · 3 months
TBD please and thank you I’m in love - @neilimfinejosten
6/19/24 WIP Wednesday (OPEN) | TBD
He doesn’t comment on that, letting Josten sit in silence. He follows behind Smith and it is the singular most painful experience in his entire life as a car owner to go behind the person who drives 5 under the speed limit.
“He’s a very careful driver.” Josten says with a bit of a laugh.
“He’s acting like he’s driving the expensive car.” Andrew watches as Smith comes to a total and complete stop at the sign. He can almost see his teammate looking both ways through the back window but it’s just his imagination.
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bebebisous33 · 2 months
Jinx: Reluctant Moving 🚗🦽
#Jinx #Choiheesung #Jinxspecialepisode2 #Hwangyoongu #징크스 The essay "Reluctant Moving 🚗🦽" is finished. I included #Jinxspecialepisode2 Yet, #joojaekyung #kimdan are in the center. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks. Feel free to comment. Have fun!
Please support the authors by reading the Manhwas on the official websites. This is where you can read the manhwa: Jinx But be aware that the Manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find the table of contents of analyzed Manhwas. Here are the links, if you are…
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stromuprisahat · 3 months
Ravkan trivia
Siege and Storm- Chapter 15
Royal hunts
The formal Ravkan hunt forbade the use of firearms, but I noticed that several of the servants had rifles on their backs, just in case the animals proved to be too much for their noble masters.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 16
Royal Chapel
The chapel was the only remaining building of a monastery that had once stood atop Os Alta, and it was said to be where the first Kings of Ravka had been crowned. Compared to the other structures on the palace grounds, it was a humble building, with whitewashed walls and a single bright blue dome. It was empty and looked like it could use a good cleaning. The pews were covered in dust, and there were pigeons roosting in the eaves. ... We didn’t waste much time in the vestry. The few books on its shelves were a disappointment, just a bunch of old hymnals with crumbling, yellowed pages. The only thing of real interest in the chapel was the massive triptych behind the altar. A riot of color, its three huge panels showed thirteen saints with benevolent faces. I recognized some of them from the Istorii Sankt’ya: Lizabeta with her bloody roses, Petyr with his still-burning arrows. And there was Sankt Ilya with his collar and fetters and broken chains. “No animals,” Mal observed. “From what I’ve seen, he’s never pictured with the amplifiers, just with the chains. Except in the Istorii Sankt’ya.” I just didn’t know why. Most of the triptych was in fairly good condition, but Ilya’s panel had sustained bad water damage. The Saints’ faces were barely visible under the mold, and the damp smell of mildew was nearly overpowering.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 17
Ravkan-Fjerdan wars
“We took back most of this territory in the last campaign,” he said, pointing to Ravka’s northern border with Fjerda. “It’s dense forest, almost impossible to cross when the rivers aren’t frozen, and all the access roads have been blockaded.”
Os Alta
The city had an ancient system of warning bells to alert the palace when an enemy was in sight.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 18
upper town of Os Alta
The Gritski mansion was in the canal district, considered the least fashionable part of the upper town because of its proximity to the bridge and the rabble across it. It was a lavish little building, bordered by a war memorial on one side and the gardens of the Convent of Sankta Lizabeta on the other.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 19
the festival of Belyanoch in Saint Petersburg Os Alta
The days grew longer. The sun stayed close beneath the horizon, and the festival of Belyanoch began in Os Alta. Even at midnight, the skies were never truly dark, and despite the fear of war and the looming threat of the Fold, the city celebrated the endless hours of twilight. In the upper town, the evenings were crowded with operas, masques, and lavish ballets. Over the bridge, raucous horse races and outdoor dances shook the streets of the lower town. An endless stream of pleasure boats bobbed through the canal, and beneath the glimmering dusk, the slow-moving water circled the capital like a jeweled bangle, alight with lanterns hung from a thousand prows. The heat had relented slightly.
Os Alta from above
I gathered my courage and looked down. The rolling grounds of the Grand Palace stretched out below us, crosscut by white gravel paths. I saw the roof of the Grisha greenhouse, the perfect circle of the double eagle fountain, the golden glint of the palace gates. Then we were soaring over the mansions and long, straight boulevards of the upper town. The streets were full of people celebrating Belyanoch. I saw jugglers and stiltwalkers on Gersky Prospect, dancers twirling on a lit stage in one of the parks. Music floated up from the boats on the canal.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 21
Os Alta's lower town
I crossed the canal, the little boats bobbing in the water below. From somewhere beneath the bridge, I heard the wheeze of an accordion. I floated past the guard gate and into the narrow streets and clutter of the market town. It seemed even more crowded than it had before. People hung off stoops and overflowed from porches. Some played cards on makeshift tables made of boxes. Others slept propped up against each other. A couple swayed slowly on a tavern porch to music only they could hear. When I came to the city walls ...
the tent city of Sun Saint's fanatics by dawn
The tent city had grown. There were hundreds of people camped outside the walls, maybe thousands. The pilgrims weren’t hard to find—I was surprised to see how their numbers had increased. They crowded near a large white tent, all facing east, awaiting the early sunrise. The sound began as a swell of rustling whispers that fluttered on the air like the wings of birds and grew to a low hum as the sun peered over the horizon and lit the sky pale blue. Only then did I begin to make out the words. Sankta. Sankta Alina. Sankta. Sankta Alina. The pilgrims watched the growing dawn, and I watched them, unable to look away from their hope, their expectation. Their faces were exultant, and as the first rays of sun broke over them, some began to weep. The hum rose and multiplied, cresting and falling, building to a wail that raised the hair on my arms. It was a creek overflowing its banks, a hive of bees shaken from a tree. Sankta. Sankta Alina. Daughter of Ravka.
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okiala · 9 months
I'm in love with this artstyle
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aturinfortheworse · 17 days
it may have taken me 15 years but i have finally learned to make sure each draft of a book contains a note right at the start saying "Here's when I started this draft and why and how it relates to the other twenty-seven-and-a-half drafts with titles like 'The Remaining Gods 2018 (Older) Unabridged Edited.'"
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Chapter 22, page 7
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orcelito · 4 months
God I rly went hard with ITNL chapter 16 huh. All the action heavy chapters are so fun omfg. Makes me excited for the coming chapters for Sure
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Puppet History is a really weird background experience for cranking out the high school AU, but it somehow really works.
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teruthecreator · 9 months
oh yeah im officially halfway done w tfs 👍
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jtl-fics · 7 months
pretty boy <3
WIP Wednesday 2/21/24 (CLOSED) | Pretty Boy
They sit in silence there parked in their secluded spot. He can almost hear Neil's brain working at a million miles a minute, somehow running faster than he can physically run. Even if he can almost heart it, he's sure that it would be an incomprehensible mess.
Finally the silence breaks, "Do you agree with what they say?" Neil asks finally.
Andrew pauses and thinks about all of the things that he has heard people say about Neil. About his eyes, about his dimples, about his hair, and about his ass. He thinks about what it would cost him to admit that he does agree.
"I do." Andrew says but doesn't look at Neil, it feels too vulnerable.
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bebebisous33 · 26 days
Jinx: Passions in Purple 💜: Jealousy and 😄Joy in Jinx - Part 2 💜💦
#Jinx #Jinxmanhwa #Choiheesung #hwangyoongu #Joojaekyung #Kimdan @_MinGwa #징크스 #jinxspecialepisode2 The essay " Passions in Purple💜: Jealousy and Joy 😄in Jinx - part 2" is finally finished. I hope you'll like it. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks.
Please support the authors by reading the Manhwas on the official websites. This is where you can read the manhwa: Jinx But be aware that the Manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find the table of contents of analyzed Manhwas. Here are the links, if you are…
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stromuprisahat · 2 months
Martin, a man in his late twenties, joined my abuser group while also seeing an individual therapist. He told me the first day that he was confused about whether he had a problem or not, but that his long-time girlfriend Ginny was preparing to break up with him because she considered him abusive. He went on to describe incidents of insulting or ignoring Ginny and of deliberately causing her emotional pain “to show her how it feels when she hurts me.” He also admitted to times of humiliating her in front of other people, being flirtatious with women when he was mad at her, and ruining a couple of recent important events in her life by causing big scenes. He justified all of these behaviors because of ways he felt hurt by her.
Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men- Chapter 1: The Mystery (Lundy Bancroft)
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suddencolds · 9 months
some recent asks! (going to respond to these all in one in an attempt to not crowd everyone's dashboards haha)
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Thank you, anon!! Sometimes I feel like I've cemented the impression of myself as someone who will jump at every chance to write contagion, which is usually true, but... probably not this time, sorry to disappoint 🙇‍♀️
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You guys are so ruthless omg! I'm taking note ✍️ (I was a little worried that I was being too mean to him already haha, but seeing that people feel otherwise...)
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I don't think I can give a concrete estimate, but I promise the next chapter is in the works! I am a very slow writer (each installment takes me probably like... 15-30 hours of writing/editing 💔) + work has been very busy, so it'll probably take awhile... 😭
In the meantime, I'm happy to answer any asks about these two if there's anything you want to know!
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
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ganurath · 11 months
Multi-Chapter Chum Binge
Long story short, taking the time to actually write out my thoughts as I read has been slowing me down in terms of actually reading Chum, so I'm going to cut things down to afterthoughts.
18. Decent technique for the most part, although I prefer using the momentum of pulling back the previous punch to counterbalance the new punch, rather than pushing off a specific leg. Almost, the secondhand embarrassment was intense.
19. Rampart has Grue-tier social skills, Dad Rock probably would've hit me like a truck if I'd listened to any of those bands, I'm confused as to why Gale got a dollar twelve change when she paid with (a ten and) multiple ones, and HOLY SHIT PUP.
20. Jordan continues to be an influence on Sam, for both better and worse. They're definitely right about Puppeteer's mental health not being Sam's responsibility. Not keen on stopping this binge on a cliffhanger. Therefore!
21. Aaron's a horrific sociopath, and I'm amazed that he wasn't already on the radar of someone just from the sheer violence he inflicts. Also, Jordan continues to remain morally neutral by ping-ponging between good and bad. Heroes will probably be quicker to take note of the biting and link it to Sam, I suspect.
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starmagnets · 2 years
this guy will literally fist fight his probably definitely sister, almost implode from a weird magic connection, have his ship speak to him for the first time (or perhaps it's just the first time he's heard her), find out the thing he believed to be destroyed was NOT destroyed and that he's likely going to be stuck with this painful magical pull forever, and then just act like everything's fine while his entire worldview collapses in on itself
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